081126 NR 645 Slovakian defense minister visits Uruzgan doc

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081126-NR-645-Slovakian defense minister visits Uruzgan

International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan

Committed to the security, reconstruction and extension of governance in Afghanistan


Slovakian defense minister visits Uruzgan

KABUL, Afghanistan (November 26) — Slovakian Defence Minister Jaroslav Baška travelled to Uruzgan province Nov. 24 to meet the Slovakian troops deployed in the region.

The Slovakian troops are responsible for the security of the Dutch, Australians, French and other nationalities based in Tarin Kowt, the capital of Uruzgan. There are also Slovakian officers working within ISAF's provincial reconstruction team there.

Whilst visiting different projects in Tarin Kowt, Jaroslav Baška was briefed on the progress of the development and reconstruction with the region.

“I'm very impressed by the developments achieved so far,” Baška said.


URUZGAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan — Slovakian Defence Minister Jaroslav Baška talks with Slovakian troops here Nov. 24. (ISAF photo)

Notes for Editors:

1. More information on the International Security Assistance Force can be found here <http://www.nato.int/isaf>

2. The latest broadcast quality video imagery of ISAF operations can be downloaded here <http://www.dvidshub.net/?script=general/general_search.php&table=video&query=isaf&type=>

3. The latest High Resolution stills can be downloaded for news purposes here <http://www.flickr.com/photos/29456680@N06/>

Issued by Headquarters ISAF Public Affairs Office ◦ E-mail: pressoffice@hq.isaf.nato.int

Telephone: 00 93 (0) 799 51 1155 ◦ Mobile: 00 93 (0) 799 55 8291


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