Generation gap

Generation gap

The generation gap is the inability of both the young and the old to communicate with each other. Young people find their parents overprotective and conservative, while parents regard the young as immature and unreasonable. This is why many fantastic ideas meet with disapproval. This is also why a great many potential works of genius are given up and wasted. And what about all the broken hearts; deeply hurt, deserted and lonely.

Teenagers spend most of their time looking for their identity. Their parents, however too often hinder this search, making an enormous effort to impose their own ideas and models on the young. Unfortunately, these ideas are sometimes controversial though coming from the bottom of the heart. Then the target is missed. This often results in playing truant/ drinking, or even taking dangerous drugs.

How can this problems be solved? What steps should be taken there?

First of all, children and parents should spend more time together in order to understand one another better. If it is to be a game, then there will be no winners. A nice, friendly chat will help to explain what they feel and


Parents should treat their children as partners; not as disobedient, naughty kids. They should not neglect their children's needs, interests, plans and expectations. Parents ought to follow the proverb: "Actions speak louder than words", while children should have respect for the traditions and customs their parents have always cherished. Young people must express their own judgement unless this judgement is an empty show of their independence. Both the old and the young should remember that "a bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit". The family which creates the atmosphere of security and understanding guarantees the development of all its members; mental, physical and spiritual.

Let's do our best to make our families real bastions of friendship, love, tolerance and respect.


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