generation gap

Generation gap is a very common phenomenon in our life. There are many reasons for generation gap. Young, growing up people want to be more independent but adults prohibit them doing many things: they don't let them go out late, wear the clothes they like, they give too little money and make their children learn. These things are very often causes of quarrels between adults and the young. Young don't want to be still under control - adults make choices for them, solve their problems, buy clothes and force political opinions to upon them.

Firstly youth often think that elderly have obsolete opinions, notwithstanding they consider that young people doesn't have enough life experience. Moreover mature people doesn't like changes, in contrast of youth who are very open to enforce some improvements. Furthermore are very often resent because of promotion only young, beautiful and health people In the media.

Another thing is that sometimes teenagers can't choose a career path themselves - they have to do what their parents want, because they have money and pay for them. Young people, who are over 18 often still haven't got any job, flat or a car. As a result teenagers fight for their rights and sometimes escape for home.

Finally there are many elder people who know that they live through them youthfulness and now they understand that it's time for doing different things that in the past.
In conclusion I think that relations between generations are dependent on us. If we take care about good relation with our parents, grandparents and children everything gone to be all right.


Advantages of e-mails:
¬ You don't need to find a pen, paper or envelope.
¬ You don't need to buy a stamps.
¬ You don't need to go to the post office.
¬ You can post multimedia files
¬ You can post animated postcards
¬ you can take part in many competitions
¬ you can register on many services
¬ you can send e-mails to every place in the world
¬ you can be sure that only receiver will read your e-mail
¬ you can send e-mails any time of day and night
¬ e-mails are really faster than traditional post
¬ Registering on e-mail post is free - you don't need to pay anything to log on.
Disadvantages of e-mails:
¬ You can catch a computer virus
¬ You can get unwanted e-mails
¬ You have to have a computer, which is connected to the internet
¬ There is a chance that somebody will use your e-mail address
¬ If you send e-mails the postmen might eventually turn into the red tape, be unemployed
¬ E-mails can make you lazy, because you don't need to go to the post office and you may get weak muscular

In my opinion money is the most powerful thing existing in modern world. It really rules everything and nothing can be done without money. It can affect real human's feelings such as a friendship or love. In my opinion possessing a big amount of money can really make you enemies.
People who you regard as friends can easily turn into enemies as you get rich. They can become jealous because of your wealth. Jealousy can really change your friends' attitude to you and it is quite easy to notice. You can see that your friends treat you in a hostile way. However, when you ask your friend about reasons for such a behavior he would answer that everything is ok, but both of you would know that it's not true.
Moreover, when you have much money most of people you know want to get closer o you. They pretend to be your real friends even when they aren't at all. Reason for this is that they want you to socialize with them, make use of your generosity and get as much from your as possible. Fake friends are the true enemies.

For ages money has been a significant factor showing the amount of success in human's life and his position in society. The more money one has the higher on the social ladder he is situated. Many have devoted their lifes to gain as much as they only can, but has it brought happiness in their lifes?

Furthermore money has an inexplicable influence on people. It has power to make our drawbacks less important or even erase them. Almost no one will pay attention to it provided that our wallet is full of notes and credit cards.
Consequently money as also lack of it generates many complicated situations leading to stress, marriage break up or even death. It shapes our view on the world around us and affects us so strongly that we are able to reveal the most immoral and evil features of our character only to get it.

When you are rich you can also helps other people, who needs your help. You can open your own charity foundation, which will be helping kids, or blind people, people who have cancer, homeless people or everyone.
Other very important reason of having money is that when you have got money you have got an influence in politics, in government or in economics. You can also force politics officers. But that can make corruption.

All in all, I think that money can make real enemies and only fake friends who are in fact enemies as well. You cannot buy a friendship. That's why money can't make friends. When you get rich, you have a great opportunity to check who is your real friend.

It is completely obvious that we should fight crime; the question is - in what way? Although we claim that violence and brutality are definitely negative, we recently started to have weird thoughts of treating criminals the same way they treat our community. As a matter of fact, it is quite a possible option because only in this atypical way outlaws may understand what kind of harm they have caused.

It is completely obvious that we should fight crime; the question is - in what way? Although we claim that violence and brutality are definitely negative, we recently started to have weird thoughts of treating criminals the same way they treat our community. As a matter of fact, it is quite a possible option because only in this atypical way outlaws may understand what kind of harm they have caused.

Summing up, violence and what connects with it - breaking the law, is doubtless the worst expression of anger, disagreement, vengeance and so on. People should try to control their temper and avoid acting out of spite. Otherwise, the rule `Eye for the eye, tooth for the tooth' can be applied in our lives and this will not bring anything pleasant - but there can be no way out.

As a tribute to the greatest civil engineering achievements of the 20th century, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has chosen the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

The international wonders demonstrate modern society's ability to achieve unachievable feats, reach unreachable heights, and scorn the notion "it can't be done."

ASCE honored the following civil engineering marvels:

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Channel Tunnel (England & France)

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CN Tower (Toronto)

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Empire State Building (New York)

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Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)

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Itaipu Dam (Brazil/Paraguay)

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Netherlands North Sea Protection Works (Netherlands)

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Panama Canal (Panama)

The Society sought nominations from civil engineering societies and distinguished engineering experts from around the world. From their consensus emerged the Seven Wonders, which were judged on factors such as pioneering of design and construction, contributions to humanity, and engineering challenges that were overcome.

The list evokes the storied seven wonders of the ancient world, which first illustrated humanity's fascination with engineering works that seemingly defied the limits of nature. While only a few of the original wonders remain, the modern wonders represent civil engineering's legacy to the 20th century.

It is registered with the charity commission, number 1078353. It seeks to help the less fortunate, young and old in those parts of the world where poverty and local conditions adversely affect them.

Is to obey God's command to love our neighbour as ourselves, to heal the sick and care for the weak and poor of this world.

We seek to do this by providing money for hospital and clinic infrastructure, by supplying medical equipment and funding medical aid to those unable to afford hospitalisation or treatment in Zambia and India. Self-help we consider is important for the dignity of the recipients, and where possible we ensure that this plays a part.

Projects funded

The funds of the Trust may be awarded for the following purposes:
1) To carry out, promote, foster and encourage any events, schemes or celebrations related to maintenance and dissemination of culture, music, literature and education of Polish origin or related to Poland either directly or indirectly.
2) To lead, advance or gift money and negotiable loans of all kinds, whether secured or not to any person who is through either side of parents or grandparents or great grandparents of Polish extraction.
3) To support by non-repayable grants to any student defined in clause 2 hereof towards fees or purchase of books as requested by any tertiary education institution in New Zealand, provided that lower levels of education may be considered at Trustees' sole discretion.
4) To do all such other things as may be incidental, conducive or necessary to the attainments of the objects of this Trust.

The moment you step out of the house and are on the road you can actually see the air getting polluted; a cloud of smoke from the exhaust of a bus, car, or a scooter; smoke billowing from a factory chimney, fly ash generated by thermal power plants, and speeding cars causing dust to rise from the roads. Natural phenomena such as the eruption of a volcano and even someone smoking a cigarette can also cause air pollution.

Air pollution is aggravated because of four developments: increasing traffic, growing cities, rapid economic development, and industrialization. The Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th century saw the beginning of air pollution as we know it today, which has gradually become a global problem.
Smog forms when heat and sunlight react with these gases. Smog can affect outlying suburbs and rural areas as well as big cities. Its occurrences are often linked to heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds. During the winter, wind speeds are low and cause the smoke and fog to stagnate; hence pollution levels can increase near ground level. This keeps the pollution close to the ground, right where people are breathing. It hampers visibility and harms the environment. In fact, in the early part of the 20th century, heavy smog in some parts of Europe resulted in a decrease in the production of natural vitamin D leading to a rise in the cases of rickets.

On the World there are a lot of cars. Now only in Britian there are twenty five million cars. In the last ten years the number of cars on British roads have gone up by thirty percents.
Everybody knows that cars are bad for us, so why we still use them so often? When we travel by cars to our work or school, we spent a lot of time in traffic jams and then we are tired, stressed and angry.
Besides, cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide (in London that is ninety nine percents of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere), so cars aren't good for our enviroment.
Traffic produces ozone which can reach dangerous levels in summer, so traffic is one of the major causes of global warning and climate change.
Cars and air pollution (which are the results of using cars) cause our different illnesses. One in seven children in Britain suffers from asthma. Some types of cancer are related to traffic pollution. Twenty five thousand deaths per year are caused by air pollution and over three thousand people die every year (in Britain) in road accidents.
I think we should take care of our enviroment. We should use our cars, only when that is necessary.
We should use public transport. That is very good, because we can relax on the bus, train or tram, read a book or talk to someone.
If you don't like public transports, use your legs. Then you can save a lot of money. In a city travelling by bike is faster then travelling by car, so then we have got a lot of free time and we don't have to be angry.

Millions people every year immigrate to another country. The reasons are different: Job, family, new life, adventure or other more personal affairs.

The United States is the best example of a multicultural country. Christopher Columbus discovered this country in 1492 year. The first immigrants had a lot of work because this land was wild and impervious. Dense forests made expansion difficult. But the forests gave food, fuel and building materials. The immigrants from Europe had to bare the different climate. Summer was sweltering hot and humid. Winter was long and frosty. A lot of people immigrated because they want to get rich. They want to establish businesslike factories. Fertile soil gave good crops of tobacco. Forest gave furs, and mines for digging up costly metals. Every one of these things was big demand in Europe.

Immigrations began came to America a fast pace. In 1790 the population United States count about 3 929 214. In 1990, only two hundred years later population grew to 248 709 873.

I am one of these immigrants that came to America. I came to live with my uncle and his family. I came here from Poland. I came here because I want to learn English, to get an education and later go to college. I live in New Jersey. And I want visit to this beautiful country.

For the immigrants who don't know English language, it is very difficult. School and life is different here in America. In Poland there is a different education system. The testing is different here because here there are multiple choices on most tests. Polish tests have essays, and short answer sentences. Life is different because I must learn very much and study English all the time. In Poland I have more time to spend with my friends.

I'm very happy that I came here, and changed my life. I hope my family will come here soon to join me.

People emigrate because of:
Find better job and life;
Conflicts, politics matter;
Religion matter;
Find land available for farming ;
Cheap workforce brought to work as slaves.

One day computers will rule the world

Now, in year 2001 computers are present everywhere. They seem to be indispensable in our lives. Since they were invented in 1948, they has revolutionized millions of people work, study, conduct business transactions or making research. At now they are even in cars, in our houses or in our toys.

The first computers were as big as huge cabinets, and they could calculate so fast like today`s simple watches or calculators. Computers are having a big impact on today`s science and technology. They could be used for making complicated mathematical calculations, and perform them in few minutes. Also data gathering, testing and analysis have been improved by computer use. Computers have many applications in factories, where they are used for controlling and analyzing many industrial processes. However, they are not only using to manufacture certain products. As I said, they are incorporated into the products, such as cars, trains ships, weapons, cash registers or machine tools.

Computers are also using in medicine. They are very helpful in medical diagnosis, patient monitoring and general hospital administration. In the banking and finance systems they have replaced paper for nearly all accounting. Such areas as architecture, engineering or machinery are also dependent on computer design. Moreover, computers are revolutionizing such fields as advertising or marketing new products. Majority of today`s advertising are making on computers, nobody is making a manual design now.
There is a widespread impact of computers in education. Education institutions use them for various purposes. First of all, they perform administrative functions, such as data recording or book-keeping. Second, they play an important role in teaching. More and more secondary schools offer classes in computer science to educate young people how to use them. This trend is increasing as we are all on the brink of computerized future and an understanding of computers is especially to the young generation.
In spite all of this; we should notice that computers have a lot of advantages, and some of disadvantages. I try to compare them.
ADVANTAGES computers:
1. Computers can save a lot of storage place. Some documents and any others important papers must be stored somewhere. Most of them are keeping in large cabinets, cases, drawers or in other places like that. But these documents easily could be stored in the computers. That will save a lot of storage place, because several cabinets could be easily converted to text in computer, and saved on hard disk, or on CD`s. If we can`t write well on computer`s keyboard we could use scanner, and scan our documents converting them to computer form. We could also use a special computer program, which recognizes our voice, and simply dictate texts our computer. By the way, I`ve heard that some newspapers publish annals on CD`s - all of the articles, texts, photos and drawings - all of this from one year is stored only on one CD. I think that`s great, because it isn`t occupying so much place as newspapers, and we could fast find what we need.
2. Computers are faster. Yes, that`s true. Like I said, computers can make calculations much faster than people, and they don`t make mistakes. Frequently we hear that again computer has made a mistake. That`s impossible, because computer couldn`t make error by his self! It could be fault of error in program, and then it is a human, which wrote this program, guilt, not computers.
1. Computers can damage health. Formerly, the monitors were really damaging our sight. But today`s screens are very good, and they really don`t damage our eyes. If we are going to buy new computer, buy screen with label "TCO 95" or "TCO 99" on it. This sign guarantee, that this screen don`t emit injurious rays. If we buy one of them we can be sure that this screen is safe for our eyes.


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