Al Bano Speaks Out Against Gay Pride Parades

Wednesday February 4, 2009

Italian Superstar Vocalist Al Bano Speaks Out Against Gay Pride Parades

Adds Voice to Growing Chorus Opposing Homosexualism

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

ROME, February 4, 2009 ( - Italian superstar Al Bano Carrisi is making headlines with his unequivocal denunciation of the homosexual rights movement.

"I'm a practicing Catholic and I say only this to homosexuals: I'm not in favor of ghettos, but don't make such a show, do your things in private. I don't like gay pride demonstrations, where they parade undisguised," said Carrisi, a world-famous singer who has sold tens of millions of albums during his 40-year career.

"To someone like me inoculated against [homosexual rights demonstrations], it might seem funny, unfortunately, but if I were to see it in my little daughter it would brother me. It seems to me to be an exposition of Sodom and Gomorrah."

"Gay Pride" parades, which are now routinely held in Europe, the United States, and other Western countries, often include displays of nudity and lewd behavior, including simulated and actual sex acts in full public view.

In his comments to the press, which were made today, Carrisi also opined that those who suffer from homosexual attractions should seek counseling. "If they question themselves thoroughly and want to be cured from this imperfection, they're doing well."

Carrisi's comments come in the wake of those of Giuseppe Povia, another famous Italian singer, who has composed a song about a homosexual who confronts his problem and is cured. The song, "Luca was Gay" will be performed for the first time at the Sanremo music festival this month.

Carrisi will also be performing at the Sanremo Festival, adding a second voice to the event in favor of sexual morality.


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