TO: Commanding Officer
FROM: Captain Cendrowski
SUBJECT: Multinational exercise
DATE: 14th May, 2010
The aim of this report is to inform on the state of preparation for the multinational exercise which will be held in Madrid on 25th May,2010.
Forty soldiers from our unit will take part in the exercise. They have been chosen because they successfully passed level 2 English exam. All of them hold NATO security certificates.
All of the equipment has been properly checked. It is really for the exercise and will be transported by air next week. However, soldiers personal kits still incomplete as the first aid kits will be delivered by 10th May.
The shooting training has been completed. All the soldiers have achieved excellent result. However during the communications training, the soldiers experienced radio problems. Map reading practise will be organized on 2nd May.
To sum up the preparations for the event proceed according to the schedule.
I suggest repeating the communications training to avoid any difficulties during the exercise in Spain.