2006 03 31 praca domowa zajecia 5


Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place below.

beneficial misleading blatant brainwash implicit catchy jingles exploit ubiquitous bombard watchdog subtle informative

Modern advertisements contain hidden messages, (a) ____ in the advertisement showing the pretty girl in the new car or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, we also achieve success and happiness. It is a (b) ____ approach since it seeks to (c) ____ our secret dreams, and it is inescapable since advertising is (d) ____. Giant street hoardings and (e) ____ on television (f) ____ us from all sides. They (g) ____ us into believing that we can realise our ambitions quickly and easily. On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is (h) ____. Advertising is (i) ____. Advertisements tell us about useful new products. They brighten our lives with colour and music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down. Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of (j) ____ body, appointed by the government or by the advertising industry itself, is necessary to maintain standards of honesty and to discourage the more (k) ____ types of (1) ____ advertisements.


Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place below.

moral standards perverted banned masquerading unscrupulous excessive degrades safeguards counter-productive infringes corrupting gratuitous

The amount of offensive material we are exposed to in films nowadays is surely (a) ____. Most people accept that scenes of sex and violence are sometimes necessary to tell a story, but all too often these scenes are (b) ____; they are unnecessary and simply inserted in the film to appeal to the baser human instincts. Censorship is necessary, especially to protect children from the (c) ____ influence of such scenes, often (d) ____ as art, in our cinemas. There should also be censorship of pornographic magazines produced by (e) ____ people willing to cater to the (f) ____ tastes of a small minority. Such material destroys the innocence of the young and (g) ____ all who read it. On the other hand, there are those who say that something which is (h) ____ becomes desirable so censorship is (i) ____, and that censorship (j) ____ on our freedom of choice. However freedom is not merely freedom to do what we want but freedom from attempts to destroy society's (k) ____. Censorship provides the (1) ____ by which society protects itself.


Coins, notes and banks

1. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below.

numismatist standing order currency expenditure counterfoil counterfeit statement bounce legal tender

(a) You can change your ____ at any bank or large hotel.

(b) She held the note up to the light to make sure it wasn't ____.

(c) He collects coins and banknotes. He's a ____.

(d) I always fill in the ____ when I write out a cheque. Otherwise I would lose track of my ____.

(e) I don't trust him. I'm sure his cheque will ____.

(f) I pay my rent by ____. It saves me having to write a cheque every month.

(g) The bank sends me a detailed ____ every month.

(h) Don't worry. Scottish banknotes are ____ in England too.

Personal spending

2. Instructions as above.

broke quid hire purchase make ends meet mortgage I.O.U. chickenfeed instalments

(a) I'm afraid I have no money at all. I'm completely ____.

(b) She finds London very expensive. She says she can't ____ on less than £100 a week.

(c) To a multi-millionaire £100 is ____.

(d) Can you lend me a couple of ____?

(e) I managed to get a ____ to buy a house. I'll be paying it back for the next 20 years.

(f) He lent me the money but he didn't trust me completely and asked me to give him an ____.

(g) I couldn't really afford the car so I got it on ____ and paid monthly ____ until it was finally mine.

3. Use at least five of the words at the top of the above exercise and any you like from Exercise 1 to describe, in a short paragraph, someone's terrible financial situation.


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