2006 03 31 handout 2

Making your point

Match the two parts of these sentences containing expressions for making your point in a discussion.

1. I believe that building the refinery

A. the local economy to develop.

2. Personally, I think that the refinery

B. underestimated local will help opposition to the plan.

3. As I see it, we must choose between tourism and heavy industry

C. influence than they realise.

4. It looks to me as if the ministry has

D. we can't have both.

5. In my opinion, hotel owners here have more

E. than environmental organisations, but this is changing.

6. It's clear to me that the government have not thought

F. tanker accident and the beaches will be polluted.

7. Obviously, governments have more power

G. about the long-term effects of the plan.

8. Of course, one day there will be a

H. here will be a disaster.

Developing your point:

Match the two parts of these extracts containing expressions for developing your point in a discussion.

1. The rioting has not only caused a lot of damage to buildings,

A. and on the other hand, they talk about the benefits of this refinery. It's not logical.

2. Using the police damages the popularity of the government.

B. but also it has damaged the image of the protesters.

3. On (the) one hand, the government wants the money from tourism,

C. And another thing: using the Police encourages people to use violent methods of protest

4. The refinery will help open up the west coast.

D. apart from that, an economy based on fishing and farming is just not a realistic possibility in a global economy.

5. This is the only place where the water is deep enough.

E. However, I don't agree with damaging property

6. We can't go back to living on fishing and farming: it means going back to poverty and ignorance. And

F. Besides that, the site on land is perfect for a development like this

7. Occupying the site prevents it from being developed.

G. In addition, it will help the economy develop as a whole

8. I sympathise with people who occupy the site.

H. What's more, it provides good pictures on television.

Imagine you are one of the people below. Use the expressions in bold above to put their point of view.


Industry minister. Refinery necessary for economic development -environmental protesters are enemies of development and higher living standards - government will not give way to "environmental terrorism".

Oil industry spokesperson. No other site on the island has deep enough water for large tankers - danger to the environment overestimated - strict controls on tankers' movements, loading and unloading - refinery will have highest environmental standards.

Mayor of Puerto Escondido. Refinery will help open up west of island -tourism should not be the only industry - Hermosan economy currently too centred on east coast - will increase number of jobs in the area - increased prosperity.


Resident of Puerto Escondido. Strange place to put a refinery - very near beaches - tourism very important economically, more important than heavy industry - support peaceful protest and "sympathise" with protesters who have occupied site of refinery but not violent demonstrators.

Head of environmental group Green Action. Environmental controls always break down sooner or later - growth not the goal but quality of life - support peaceful protest and "understand" those who have occupied the site of refinery - don't support violent protest.

Member of extremist environmental group. People accuse us of being extremist - government and industry are the extremists, damaging the environment - soon whole of Hermosa covered in concrete and industry - all actions to stop this justified - must go back to simpler lifestyle of farming and fishing.

Resident of Puerto Escondido. Strange place to put a refinery - very near beaches - tourism very important economically, more important than heavy industry - support peaceful protest and "sympathise" with protesters who have occupied site of refinery but not violent demonstrators

Head of environmental group Green Action. Environmental controls always break down sooner or later - growth not the goal but quality of life - support peaceful protest and "understand" those who have occupied the site of refinery - don't support violent protest

Member of extremist environmental group. People accuse us of being extremist - government and industry are the extremists, damaging the environment - soon whole of Hermosa covered in concrete and industry - all actions to stop this justified - must go back to simpler lifestyle of farming and fishing


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