Opis osoby (postać literacka)

I have already read a great book called `The Hunger Games' by Suzann Collins and I really loved main character. Her name is Katniss Everdeen and she is 16 years old. Katniss comes from District 12, a coal-mining district that is the poorest and least populated district in the dystopian fictional autocratic nation of Panem. The Girl has a lots of nicknames: Catnip, The Girl on Fire and The Mockingjay. I selected her, because she impress me her behavior in difficult situations in which she leaves set.

Judging by Katniss's appearance is typical, although other characters see that The Girl on Fire is a beautiful young woman. She has long dark hair and brown eyes. Her figure is slim and athletic. Catnip like wear comfortable clothes. She is particularly attached to the jacket of her father.

Katniss Everdeen is responsible and caring. Example for this may be situation when die her father and she cared for her younger sister Prim and ailing mother. The Girl on Fire is also very brave and clever. To save Prim-Katniss volunteers to enter the Hunger Games (game of life and death) in her place. The Mockingjay is the best archers and thanks to the ability she wins THG for the first time in history together with another person-Peeta Mellark. This is possible thanks to hers extraordinary intelligence and cleverness.

I really admire her-not only for intelligence, but also for the sensitivity. I regret that I have never met such a person in reality.


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