Should Shouldn't

We use should to ask for or give advice.

We use should to express an opinion - tell someone what they ought to do.

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___________ I buy a new dress for the party?

Oh yes, you ________ always look your best at parties.

You __________ wear the purple one though, it doesn't suit you.

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Mr Smith has broken his leg. He _______

sit down. He really _________try to inline skate at his age. He ____________ try walking or playing chess instead.

He ___________ try to keep up with the teenagers.

Must Mustn't

We use must to express obligation.

We use mustn't to express prohibition.(not absence of obligation)

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You ________ fight in class or you will get into trouble. You ________

follow the rules. You __________ eat chewing gum in the classroom and you ___________ pay attention to your teacher.

You ______ study hard for the exam.

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You _________ try to eat healthy food. You _________ eat too many hamburgers.

You __________ eat lots of fruit and vegetables if you want to stay healthy.

You _________ touch the oven when it is hot, you might burn your fingers.

Have to/has to / Don't have to / Doesn't have to

We use 'have to' to express what is necessary to do or

what we are obligated to do.

We use don't have to/doesn't have to to express what is not really necessary.

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I ___________ clean my room before I am allowed to go out. But still, if I do it now, Mum ____________ do it later.

Mum is ill so she___________go to the doctors later. Maybe I'll make the dinner for her, then she __________ to do it when she gets back.

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John ____________ read lots of books because he is studying to be a doctor. He __________do much homework because they do it in school. John and his friend Steve __________ stay late at school in order to do extra studying. They _______

do it for much longer. The exam is soon.

Fill in the gaps with should, shouldn't, must, mustn't or has to, have to, doesn't have to:

Sam has got toothache, he really ___________ go to the dentist. Paul has just fallen off his bike. He ____________ go and get an X- ray tomorrow to see if it is broken. Mary can't go to the movies tonight, she _____________ look after her baby brother. Parents ___________always keep sharp knives away from children.

You ___________ lift that heavy crate if you have a back ache. Tony________________ go on a diet, he is far too fat. You ____________ eat those mushrooms, they might be poisonous. Sally is having a party. She ________ make a cake, her brother ___________ set the table and the twins _____________ make the sandwiches before the guests arrive. Her mother ___________ do anything because she is not well. Aunty Josie ________ buy a present before she goes to the party, she hasn't got one yet.

We _________ leave before 8 o'clock if we want to catch the early flight. We _________forget our passports. I ____________ to take my camera because Susi will have hers, but I ___________ remember to take enough cash. I ___________ need much because the holiday is all inclusive. I ____________ take my tummy tablets every day because foreign food does not agree with me.


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