Buteyko Breathing CONTROL PAUSE test ang

Welcome to the Buteyko Breathing Centre

On this website you will find information on Buteyko, our Skype and face-to-face courses and Childrens' Weekend Workshops and what we can do for you.

In the 1950s, Russian medical scientist Dr Konstantin Buteyko identified over 150 disorders which can be resolved by normalising the breathing and over the next 30 years developed a series of breathing exercises and strategies to do this.

Clinical trials here AND
Dr. Buteyko's results with asthmatic Russian children here

How is your breathing? How is your health? Check for yourself

TAKE THE Control Pause Breathing Test

Professor Buteyko developed a test to measure your depth of breathing and consequent retention of carbon dioxide, resultant oxygenation and health. He named it the "Control Pause" breathing test. This acts as a natural peak flow meter and is far more useful.

You can try this for yourself - find a clock or stop watch then -
1 .........Sitting down, close your mouth and breathe normally in and out through the nose for 2/3 minutes.
2 ..........After a normal out breath, gently close your nose with thumb and forefinger, glance at a a clock face or time with a stop watch.
3 ..........When you feel the FIRST need to breathe, release the nose and take a breath in through the nose. remembering to keep the mouth closed at this point.
4...........Note the number of seconds that have passed before breathing in.

The number of seconds that has passed is your Control Pause.
If you managed
less than 10 seconds .....you have health problems
less than 25 seconds..... your health needs attention
.........................................30-40 is satisfactory
.........................................60+ seconds is excellent

AND NOW you can check your health with our symptom checklist - DOWNLOAD HERE

LEARN BUTEYKO with us. We empower you by teaching you a proven programme of exercises and stratgegies to normalise the breathing and relieve the symptoms arising from the 150 'diseases of deep breathing' identified' by Dr. Buteyko. These conditions which can be resolved by correcting the breathing the Buteyko way, include -

The Buteyko Method of breathing re-training has now been taught in the West for the past 22 years as a highly effective drug-free education process to enable asthma sufferers to improve their breathing and reduce or in some cases, cease, the need for asthma medication. The Method has been clinically trialled to show amazing results for Bronchial Asthmabut normalising the breathing the Buteyko way has also been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of many more common disorders. Using the Buteyko Method can create improved quality of lfe and enhanced ability to exercise, in people with no disease symptoms.
By learning the Method you can experience the medical benefits already found by thousands of people worldwide - up to 70% less coughing, breathlessness and wheezing,and other symptoms, reduction of need for medication and improvement in quality of life, sleeping, with enhanced ability to exercise.

We have been continually working for the past 12 years to ensure your best results from learning the Buteyko Method. Let us, safely and effectively teach you to normalise your breathing patterns and increase your oxygen levels to improve your health.

We are the oldest established Buteyko practice in the UK. Our Buteyko Breathing Method practitioners are -

People often ask - Do we teach Buteyko just for Asthma?
No, Buteyko can be practised to gain relief from many health disorders.

As an asthma sufferer from childhood who has got her life back, Linda Meads is passionate about empowering adult and particularly, child asthmatics, to get relief from the debilitating symptoms of asthma and to be able to safely use as little medication as possible.

Carole Justice Gray recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome over 2 years, by using Buteyko. This inspired her to take the Buteyko Institute training course and to use this with clients in her practice. She has joined the Buteyko Breathing Centre to further her teaching of the 5 Lesson course and to spread the Buteyko Method far and wide.

Please note - Buteyko works fast, you will experience benefits from Day 1 of the course. However, it is not a quick fix! It takes time and commitment to change your breathing pattern - the results are well worth it...

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Click here to find out -

How do I go about learning Buteyko? Small group, or one-2-one learning? Whch is best for you?

Linda Meads training was initially in the Classical Buteyko method taught by Alexandra Stalmatski. She then qualified in the Buteyko Institute Method in 2004, and has, over the past 12 years, expanded her knowledge of normalising the breathing by further training with experienced Buteyko senior practitioners, and a course of Pranayama Yoga with Swami Ram Dev.

"Allow yourself the opportunity to improve the quality of your life, in the way that many thousands of people worldwide have, including the practitioners of the Buteyko Breathing Centre.

We hope you can join us on a Buteyko4Asthma Workshop or a One2One Skype course soon. In the meantime you may have some questions, in which case please don't hesitate to call us to clarify anything or to book a phone consultation or a place on a course."

We look forward to hearing from you.

Linda Meads
Buteyko Breathing Centre UK
October 2016


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