Test on Reported Speech

Test on Reported Speech

  1. Grupa przyjaciół poszła wczoraj na koncert. Zrelacjonuj to co mówili.

a) Hania: I'm enjoying the concert.


b) Darek: I don't like the lead singer.


c) Jessica: I think the drummer's great.


d) Lara: I've seen the group before.


e) Rob and Jacek: We'll definitely go to their next concert.


f) Iza: It's getting cold.


g) David: I want to go home.


  1. Poniżej masz pytania zadane pewnemu reżyserowi podczas festiwalu w Cannes. Wywiad prowadziła kobieta, reżyserem był mężczyzna. Zrelacjonuj pytania.

    1. When did you arrive in Cannes?


    1. Will you be staying here long?


    1. Which film are you working on?


    1. Who have you worked with recently?


    1. Are you gong to make a film with Al Pacino?


    1. Do you like coming to Cannes?


  1. Zrelacjonuj rzeczy, które Mark kazał zrobić swojej dziewczynie podczas jej pobytu w Londynie.

a) Don't spend all your money on souvenirs.


b) Send me a postcard of Tower Bridge.


c) Don't take any risks.


d) Ring me every evening.


e) Don't talk to strangers


  1. Wstaw said lub told.

    1. Lisa ............................ me that the weather had been very bad in Scotland the previous winter.

    2. Peter.......................... that he will lose temper with the noise goes on.

    3. Jane ...................... that all her frineds had gone home.

    4. She ...................... that she wanted to see that film.

    5. He ....................... her that all the tickets had been sold.

    6. She ..................... that they could buy tickets for the Kingdom of Heaven.

    7. He ....................... her that he didn't like such movies.

    8. Mike ....................... his producer that he was working on a new album at that moment.

  1. Przepisz dialog używając Reported Speech.

Martin: Would you go to the cinema with me? (2)

Alice: I am sorry but I have a lot of homework to do. (2,5)

Martin: Did you like that movie we saw last time? (2,5)

Alice: I liked it a lot! (2)

Martin: Have you seen Gladiator? (1,5)

Alice: No, I haven't (1,5)

Martin: Go with me, please! (1)

Alice: Don't be too stubborn. (1)

Martin: When will you be free? (1,5)

Alice: Call me on Friday, please. (1)

Martin asked Alice............................................................................................................................................

Alice said ........................................................................................................................................................

Martin asked ....................................................................................................................................................

Alice told...........................................................................................................................................................

Martin asked ....................................................................................................................................................

Alice said .........................................................................................................................................................

Martin asked .....................................................................................................................................................

Alice told ..........................................................................................................................................................

Martin asked .....................................................................................................................................................

Alice asked him ................................................................................................................................................

Przeczytaj fragment artykułu i zamieszczone pod nim zdania. W pierwszej części zadania uzupełnij każdą z luk (1. - 4.) wybierając jedną z liter (A - E), oznaczającą brakujące zdanie. Jedno z podanych zdań nie pasuje do tekstu. W drugiej części zadania (5.), wskaż zdanie zgodne z treścią artykułu, wybierając jedną literę A, B, C lub D.

(...) Hackers were driven to write code, discover the secrets of the new realm of computation and fulfill themselves by making computers do what others claimed could not be done. (...) Now, it's true that some hackers didn't march in precise lockstep with the legal system. But real hackers hew to the famous Bob Dylan line: 1. _____. Yes, they broke into computers sometimes. Yes, they sometimes engaged in callow stunts. Sometimes the stunts would even get out of hand. But they wished no harm on innocent parties, and certainly didn't do those things for profit. Generally, hackers don't want to stop the world; they want the world to run more efficiently.

In the mid-1980s, the media began to indiscriminately apply the term to any kids who broke into computers. True hackers objected, to little avail. 2. _____. Wizards who wrote the software of the past 20 years proudly called themselves hackers, and some made fortunes. And the pure spirit of outlaw hacking still thrives. A former MIT hacker named Richard Stallman believes that intellectual property is an evil concept. 3. _____. He created his own software and gave it away.

(...)Will we continue to see computer fraudsters, vandals and thieves proliferating as the technology penetrates ever deeper into our lives? Of course. And it's not surprising that some of the perps blabber about fighting globalization and dress like extras in "Blade Runner". 4._____. Just because the tools of thievery and extortion are lines of computer code doesn't mean that Internet crooks are hackers.
Adapted from Newsweek, December 2003.

A. But the great traditions continued.
B. To live outside the law you must be honest.
C. The growth of population is inevitable, although it concerns mainly the Third World countries.
D. He is the father of the hacker - driven Open Source movement that Microsoft considers its biggest competitor.
E. But that doesn't make them hackers.
  CZĘŚĆ II - The author's attitude to hackers can be best summarised as:?

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 a)   All hackers are dangerous.
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 b)   Hackers' creativity promotes progress.
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 c)   Most hackers are greedy crooks.
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 d)   Hackers inspire artists.


Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on the 21st June 1982. He is a very popular member of the Royal Family in England. He is the son of Lady Diana and Prince Charles. He has got one younger brother - Prince Harry. William looks a lot like his mother - Princess Diana who was a very beautiful and modern woman. She liked pop music, romantic novels and charity work. English people loved her. Diana was tragically killed in a car crash in Paris. William was very unhappy. He loved her very much. Prince William is a very handsome young man. He is a tall, well built man with a beautiful, charming smile. He is very sensitive and romantic. He likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing, cycling and horse-riding. At the moment he is studying Art History at St. Andrew's University in Scotland. After university Prince William is going to join the army or navy. This is a family tradition. The Prince doesn't want to become King but maybe one day in the future people will call him William III King of England.

Początek formularza

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1)   William is?

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 a)   a prince.
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 b)   a king
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 c)   a pop star

2)   His brother's name is?

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 a)   Philip.
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 b)   Harry
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 c)   Charles

3)   His mother?

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 a)   was a singer.
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 b)   lives in Paris.
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 c)   is dead.

4)   William likes?

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 a)   romantic novels.
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 b)   tennis.
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 c)   boxing.

5)   Now he is studying in?

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 a)   Ireland.
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 b)   England.
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 c)   Scotland

Have you heard of mushers? They are people who drive dog sledges. Every year, on the first Saturday in March, 60 to 75 teams of mushers from around the world start the Iditarod, Alaska's famous sled-dog race. The race goes from Anchorage to the city of Nome.

How did the Iditarod start? In 1925, there was a diphtheria epidemic in Nome. Serum was sent from Anchorage to protect Nome's children. But it was very far. The serum was transported by train as far as possible. But then the train lines stopped. There were still 625 miles to cross in a cold, hostile environment. There was only one solution ... The first dog team left on January 28th, with temperatures of -45°C! Men and their dogs transported the serum, warming it occasionally. On February 2nd, the serum finally arrived in Nome. Hundreds of children were saved.

The Iditarod was started in 1973, to commemorate this. The route is symbolically 1049 miles long: 1000 (a round number) plus 49 (Alaska is the 49th U.S. state). The race starts in Anchorage: a team leaves every two minutes. There are more than twenty checkpoints on the Iditarod, some in Eskimo villages. The mushers' dogs are Huskies, Malamutes and Samoyeds. These dogs love to run, to make their masters happy, and their masters want to come first in the race.

The lead dogs are the ones who best obey the mushers' commands. They are generally the mushers' favorites. When the dogs are not running, they live outside, attached on long chains near a dog house. Many mushers raise their own dogs. Others borrow or rent them. A musher knows all his dogs' names and he sometimes has 150 dogs!

The mushers come from England, Germany, Japan, France, Australia and the U.S. They travel across mountains, the frozen Yukon River, forests and ice fields, all in the horrible cold. With temperatures of -55°C, the mushers have to wear warm clothes. They do it for the love of it, but there are many dangers, too: dangers of being lost, getting stuck in the snow, bad weather, and animals that can attack the dogs. The race is difficult. But to the people who do the Iditarod, the Alaskan silence is the most beautiful sound in the world. They really enjoy it.

Początek formularza

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1) The Iditarod is a race in which 60-75?

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a) people from the area take part.
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b) children from Nome take part.
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c) organised groups take part.
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d) types of dogs take part.

2) The serum to protect the children got to Nome?

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a) by two means of transport.
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b) with the help of dogs only.
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c) by passenger train only.
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d) by medical inland post.

3) The Iditarod teams leave?

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a) all at the same time.
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b) one after another.
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c) two per minute.
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d) two at a time.

4) The mushers?

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a) rarely know their dogs' names.
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b) do not need to have their own dogs.
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c) always borrow their dogs.
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d) always have their own dogs.

5) The people who take part in the Iditarod like?

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a) dealing with difficulties.
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b) the changing weather.
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c) the peace and quiet.
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d) being in danger.

6) Which of these is the best title for the text?

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a) Saving the Children of Nome
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b) Alaskan Hunting Expedition
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c) Lost in the Snow
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d) On Their Way to Win

Dół formularza

Dół formularza

Dół formularza


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