REPORTED SPEECH (relacjonowanie wypowiedzi własnej lub innej osoby)

  1. Say &Tell.

1. Direct Speech: Jerry said, `I need some money.'

Reported Speech: Jerry said he needed some money.

2. Direct Speech: Jerry said to me, `I need some money.'

Reported Speech: Jerry said to me he needed some money.

3. Direct Speech: Jerry told me, `I need some money.'

Reported Speech: Jerry told me he needed some money.

  1. Reported Statements.

Zmiany dotyczące czasów i czasowników modalnych (tylko w przypadku jeżeli w zdaniu nadrzędnym występuje czas Past Simple):



Present Simple

`I want to find a better job,' he said.

Past Simple

He said he wanted to find a better job.

Present Continuous

`They are playing table tennis,' he said.

Past Continuous

He said they were playing table tennis.

Present Perfect

`I have ordered a new fridge,' she said.

Past Perfect

She said she had ordered a new fridge.

Past Simple

`Jack left the country,' they said.

Past Perfect

They said Jack had left the country.

Past Continuous

`I was working at four o'clock,' Tim said.

Past Perfect Continuous

Tim said he had been working at four o'clock.

Future (will)

`I will send you a letter,' he told me.

Conditional (would)

He told me he would send me a letter.


`I can speak French,' she said.

Could (w odniesieniu do teraźniejszości)

She said she could speak French.


He said, `We can meet tomorrow.'

Could/Would be able to (w odniesieniu do przyszłości)

He said we could/would be able to meet the next day.


He said, `I may call you.'


He said he might call us.


He said, `What time shall we leave?'

Would (w przypadku pytania o informację)

He asked what time we would leave.


He said, `Where shall I come?'

Should (w przypadku prośby o radę)

He asked where he should come.


He said, `Shall I help you?'

Offer (w przypadku oferty)

He offered to help me.


He said, `You must finish this.'

Must/Had to (wyrażając przymus, obowiązek lub zobowiązanie)

He said I must/had to finish it.


He said, `You must be happy.'

Must (w przypadku logicznych założeń)

He said I must be very happy.


He said, `You needn't hurry.'

Needn't/didn't need to/didn't have to (w odniesieniu do teraźniejszości)

He said I needn't/didn't need to/didn't have to hurry.


He said, `You needn't come to work on Friday.'

Wouldn't have to (w odniesieniu do przyszłości)

He said I wouldn't have to go to work on Friday.

Czasy Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous nie ulegają zmianie.

Jeżeli w zdaniu nadrzędnym występują czas Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect lub Future Simple, czas w zdaniu podrzędnym nie ulega zmianie.

Direct Speech: She says, `I don't like him.'

Reported Speech: She says she doesn't like him.

Past Simple & Past Continuous nie ulegają zmianie w zdaniach czasowych.

Direct Speech: `I left when it was getting dark,' he said.

Reported Speech: He said he left when it was getting dark.

Mówiąc o prawach natury, regułach naukowych, stanach o charakterze stałym, czas w zdaniu podrzędnym może ulec zmianie ale nie musi.

Direct Speech: The teacher said, `Paris is the capital of France.'

Reported Speech: The teacher said that Paris is/was the capital of France.

Przytaczając czyjeś słowa wkrótce po ich wypowiedzeniu, czas w zdaniu podrzędnym może ulec zmianie ale nie musi.

Direct Speech: `The car has broken down again,' my sister said.

Reported Speech My sister said that the car has/had broken again.

Czasowniki would, could, might, should, ought to, used to, mustn't, had better nie ulegają zmianie.

Direct Speech: `I might talk to her,' Tom said.

Reported Speech: Tom said he might talk to her.

Czasy w okresie warunkowym typu 2 i 3 nie ulegają zmianie.

Direct Speech: `If I had more time, I would take up a hobby,' Eric said to me.

Repoted Speech: Eric told to me if he had more time, he would take up a hobby.

Zmiany dotyczące określników i zaimków.



tonight, today,

that night, that day,


then, at that time, at once, immediately

yesterday, last night/week/month/year ...

the day before/the previous day, the previous night/week/month/year ..., the night/week/month/ year ... before

tomorrow, next week/month/year ...

the day after/the following/the next day, the next/ following week/month/year ...

two days/months/years ... ago

two days/months/years ... before

the day before yesterday

two days before

the day after tomorrow

in two days' time





this week/month/year ..., these weeks/months/ years ...

that week/month/year ..., those weeks/months /years ...

this/that/these/those (as adjectives)


this/that (as pronouns)


these/those (as pronouns)


Zaimki i przymiotniki dzierżawcze również ulegają zmianie.

Direct Speech: `I saw you,' she said to George.

Reported Speech: She said to George she had seen him.

  1. Reported Questions (w pytaniach zależnych, poza zmianą czasu, należy również pamiętać o zmianie szyku pytającego na twierdzący; w zdaniu nadrzędnym stosuje się następujące czasowniki: to ask, to want to know, to wonder, to inquire, itp. )

Pytania ogólne.

Direct Speech: `Have you seen this man before?' he asked me.

Reported Speech: He asked me if/whether I had seen the man before.

Pytania szczegółowe.

Direct Speech: `Why are you late?' mother asked me.

Reported Speech: Mother asked me why I was late.

  1. Reported Orders/Instructions/Requests (polecenia, rozkazy i prośby ulegają zmianie na konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe, przy czym są one poprzedzone odpowiednimi czasownikami: to tell, to ask, to order, to beg, itp. ).

Direct Speech: `Give me your money!' he said to me.

Reported Speech: He ordered me to give him my money.

Direct Speech: `Listen to me, please,' Laura said to Bob.

Reported Speech: Laura asked Bob to listen to her.

Direct Speech: `Don't tell anyone about this,' she asked them.

Reported Speech: She asked them not to tell anyone about it.

  1. Introductory Verbs (patrz Enterprise Grammar str.29)


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