czasowniki frazalne użycie przykłady

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

account for


We have to account for every five minutes of lateness.

add in

dodawać, wliczać

Is the VAT added in to the price?

add on


Add on a little bit of salt the make the flavour more fine.

answer back


I wish I hadn't answered my mother back, I know that I really hurt her.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

back down

wycofywać się, rezygnować

The conversation had begun to turn into a quarrel so I preferred to backed down.

back off

odsuwać się ze strachu

Back off! I have a gun and I won't be afraid to use it!

be apart

być osobno

We are apart for over two months since Jim has cheated on me.

blow off

zwiewać, zdmuchiwać

The explosive power was so strong that it blew off all of the buildings within a radius of 35 km.

break down

psuć się

Our car has broken down so we took it to the mechanic.

break into

włamywać się

These locks are so strong that you can be sure nobody willbreak into your house.

break off


Break off a piece of bread and pass it to you neighbour.

break off


It's commonly considered as rude to break off when the other person is talking.

break off


The other company didn't keep an agreement so we had tobreak off the cooperation.

break through

przedzierać się przez

It's so cloudy that the Sun can hardly break through the clouds.

breathe in


Breathe in slowly than you will feel that special odour of iodine.

bring back


You can borrow this notebook providing that you bring itback to Daniel next Monday.

bring down

obalać kogoś ze stanowiska

There's no sense in striking as it won't result in bringingthe government down.

bring forward

przesuwać (na wcześniejszy termin)

The match had to be brought forward from Friday to Monday because of the Pope's visit.

bring in


Since the new system of assessing was brought instudents' results have improved very much.

bring up


Kim was brought up in Easter Europe.

bring up

podejmować temat, problemu do omówienia.

Sam is always bringing up his marital problems.

brush off

odsuwać na bok, ignorować

Although parents were assuring Rick that they love him, he still felt brushed off.

brush up

powtarzać, robić powtórki materiału

Brush up grammar if you want to pass that test.

build up

rozwijać, wzmacniać

The company built up production of matches.

burn up


All evidences burned up in the fire.


Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

call back


He promised he'd call me back, but he never did it.

call off


The investigation was called off because if the lack off evidence.

call round

odwiedzać kogoś, wpadać do kogoś

Call me round on Monday. I took a leave for that day so we'll finally have time to chat.

calm down

uspakajać się

I know that it was very stressful day but try to calmdown and relax.

carry on

kontynuować, prowadzić

I didn't feel up to carry on the negotiation so we postpone it on Friday.

carry through

ukończyć (i uzyskać pozytywny rezultat)

No matter how much effort I'll put in studying those books I won't carry through the course.

catch on

przyjmować się, stawać się popularnym

They put a lot of money and effort into the promotion of the dishwasher but unfortunately it didn't catch on.

catch on

zaczynać rozumieć, załapywać (potocznie)

Although I was very enthusiastic I had huge problems withcatching on the rules of algebra.

catch up

nadrabiać zaległości

Michael was off his English course for tow weeks and now has a lot to catch up.

cave in

załamywać się

Leave the house now! The roof is going to cave in!

check in

meldować się

The first thing you should do, after arriving to the hotel, ischecking in at the reception desk.

check in

zgłaszać sie, przechodzić odprawę

The first thing you have to do at the airport is to check inyour bags.

clean up

porządkować, sprzątać

We should clean up our room, before mother comes back, if we want to play on Play Station later.

climb down

iść na ustępstwa, wycofywać się

It won't be easy to achieve compromise because she's not willing to climb down.

close down


The factory was closed down because it didn't meet sanitary requirements.

close off

zamykać dla ruchu

We'll have to turn right in here, because the next street isclosed off.

colour in

kolorować, wypełniać

Colouring in pictures was his favourite occupation when he was five.

come across

natknąć się

I was walking the dog when I came across my friend July, who I didn't see for three years.

come apart

rozpadać się

Be careful with that box, it may come apart any minute now.

come back


I promise I'll call you once I come back from Rome.

come down

runąć, spadać

Three trees came down during the storm.

come from


Where do you come from? I'm from Spain.

come in


Don't stand there, it's raining! Pleas come in.

come out


We have to complain to the photograph about these photos

come out

wychodzić na jaw

Billy hoped that Julie would forgave him, but when all his lies came out he had no more chance for it.

come round


Come round me tomorrow if you want to check if the project is ready.

come round (ame.)


Come round me tomorrow if you want to check if the project is ready.

come up to

dochodzić do (o godzinie)

It' was coming up to seven when I found out that he won't come.

come up to

spełniać oczekiwania

His project didn't come up to expectations of the company, so he didn't get this job.

count in

uwzględniać, wliczać

We are going on the Madonna concert, do you want to go? Yes, count me in.

cross off

skreślać z listy

If you don't pass that exam you'll be crossed off.

cross out


Our task was to cross out every statement that we thought it was incorrect.

cut down


You have to cut down on consumption of carbohydrates and fat if you want to loose your weight.

cut off


In order to activate the card you have to cut off its corner and out it to the telephone.


Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

date back

sięgać czasem

This chest of drawers dates back to early 80's.

die down

ucichać, uspakajać się

It passed almost four months before the controversy about her illegitimate pregnancy died down and she could freely went to the street.

dress up

stroić się

Don't dress up, we're going to greengrocer, not to the party!

drift apart

powoli się kończyć

My friendship with Thomas drifted apartwhen I moved to Warsaw and he stayed in Krakow.

drive away


Someone had parked his car behind mine and I couldn't drive away.

drop in

wpaść, odwiedzić bez uprzedzenia (w domu)

Pleas drop on me in for a coffee, if you have some free time.

dry up


Some rivers in Africa dry up during droughts.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

ease off


Luckily after two hours the headache eased off.

end up

kończyć na czymś

We wanted to go to France but we run out of money and endedup in Eastern Spain.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

fall apart

rozpadać się, rozlatywać

Glue these pieces with this glue and you can be sure the figurine will never fall apart.

fall back

cofać się, wycofywać

Although the police had surrounded the kidnapper, he didn't fallback and still was threatening that he'd kill the hostage.

fall down


Grandma, you can't stay alone, what if you fall down, who will help you to stand up then?

fall over

przewracać się

She has to use a cane otherwise she would fall over.

fight back

odpowiadać na atak, bronić się

Despite our army was fighting back relentlessly they were defeated by the Celts in the fifth day of warfare.

fight off

odpierać, walczyć z

Although she was a very strong patient she didn't manage tofight the disease off.

fill in


If you want to get that job please fill in the application form and enclose your covering letter.

fill up with


Vase was filled up with water which ran over when I put there flowers.

find out

dowiadywać się, odkrywać

It was a huge shock for her to find out that she was adopted.

fly away


In autumn storks fly away south from Poland.

follow around

chodzić za kimś wszędzie

When I was a child I followed my mum around wherever she went.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

get away


The meeting was dragging on ad infinitum and I was thinking only how to get away from that place.

get away with

uchodzić na sucho

He thought that this misdemeanour would get him away with.

get back


I hadn't expected that getting back my CDs from George would last so long.

get back


After two years of working as a freelancer I got back my old job in Willson&Howard company.

get by

radzić sobie

She got by with bringing up Ruth without anyone's help.

get down

schodzić, siadać

Don't get down on the cold ground if you don't want to catch a cold.

get down


Did you get down everything the profesor said?

get in


Could you just get in to that office, take those papers and we'll finally go home?!

get in


Get in the car, I'll give you a lift to school.

get into

wdawać się

If you hadn't got into that senseless conversation we would be already at home.

get on with

być w dobrych stosunkach

It was almost impossible to get on with her, since she is very nosy and uncompromising.

get on with

kontynuować coś (po przerwie)

After a moment of break we got on with the wallpaper walls.

get over

wychodzić z

After five days Tom finally got over the shock after the car accident.

get rid of

pozbywać się

I need to get rid of the small change.

get through

dodzwaniać się

Hi, it's Helen Nosovsky. Did I get through Mr. Thomson?

get through

uporać się z, przebrnąć przez

I have so much to do today that I don't know if I get throughwith it till 9 p.m.

get together

spotykać się

Let's get together for a drink on Monday.

get up

wstać, budzić się

That day Elle got up much earlier to prepare herself to the interview.

give away


I have loads of old clothes which I want to give them away to poor people.

give away


I swear I won't give your secret away, you can really trust me!

give back


Give back my teddy bear, it's mine!

give in

poddawać się, dawać za wygraną

I couldn't stand her grumbling so finally I gave in and I repaired the tap.

give up

poddawać się, rezygnować, zaprzestać

After few failures Stan gave up trying to reach the top of K2.

go away


Please don't go away, I can't live without you anymore!

go back

sięgać czasem, pamięcią

The film is full of retrospections when we go back to the times of the king George II.

go down

zachodzić, schodzić w dół

Hurry up, we have to arrive there before the Sun goes down.

go on


Please don't let me disturb you, just go on reading the next chapter.

go out


I like watching like the fire in the fireplace is going out.

go out


I've been calling her for two hours but her mother clime that she's gone out.

go out


She is very sociable person how loves to go out every weekend and spend it with friends.

go over


You have to go over the processor to see if it's not broken.

go round

krążyć, obracać się

Fortunately the rumours, about Cathie's love affair, which weregoing round, turned out to be untruth.

go round

odwiedzać kogoś

Right now I'm going round to my mum's, but I'll be back after 6 pm. and then you can call me.

grow up

dorastać, rozwijać się

That year in my garden grew up beautiful roses.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

hand over


Put all of the documents into the envelope and leave them on my desk. I'll hand them over to the boss later.

hand round

częstować wszystkich

Help yourself to cookies and hand them round.

hang about

pałętać się

It's not surprising that the children are hanging about here during the summer

hang around

pałętać się

It's not surprising that the children are hanging around here during the summer

heat up

podgrzewać, rozgrzewać

Gradually climate is heating up.

hurry up

śpieszyć się

Hurry up otherwise we'll miss the train

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

idle away

trwonić czas

During the last summer we were idling away drinking colourful cocktails, dancing till late night hours and sunbathing on the sandy beaches of Corsica.

invite out

zapraszać kogoś w celu wyjścia, np. do restauracji

Tom had invited Jennifer out by leaving her massage on the answering machine.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

join in

włączać się do, przyłączać się

If you don't look like Brad Pit and you suffer from lack of friends, join in the football team.

jump down


He broke his ankle when he jumped down from the tree.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

keep away

trzymać się z dala

Keep away from the oven if you don't want to burn yourself.

keep off

zabraniać wstępu, trzymać się z dala.

Keep off from our estate, or I'll be made to call the police!

keep on


Tell her the truth because she keeps on asking me about that and I don't now what can I tell her.

keep out

trzymać się z daleka

I don't know what to do. I'm in love with Karen but her father told me to keep out of her. Am I such a bad man?

keep up

osiągać poziom

George will have to keep up if he wants to stay in the team.

knock down

burzyć, wyburzać

They made the dinning room bigger by knocking the wall downand joining the room with the kitchen.

knock down

obniżać (cenę)

I was haggling with the salesman for over an hour and finally heknocked down from 100$ to 50$.

knock over


She was walking in the dark knocking over everything what was on her way.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

lead to

prowadzić do

The path leads to the wayside inn “Black Buffalo”.

lead up to

prowadzić do

This road leads straight up to the saint Clara's church.

leave around

rozrzucać coś wszędzie

Why can't you put your things on their place instead of leavingthem around?

leave behind


Let's leave behind all the discords and disputes and start from the beginning.

leave out


If you could see Jenny's face when she found out that she wasleft out of the guest list, I was so commiserate with her.

let down

zawodzić kogoś

Thomas is my best friend

lie abound

poniewierać się

If you're looking for your shoes, check under the couch

lie abount

rozkładać się, rozwalać

Did you do anything useful today, or you were just lying aboutall the time?

lie around

poniewierać się

If you're looking for your shoes, check under the couch

lie around

rozkładać się, rozwalać

Did you do anything useful today, or you were just lyingaround all the time?

lie back

kłaść się na plecach

Lie back and relax a little bit.

listen out for


You'll be listening out for if anybody is coming while I'll be searching for the documents in his office.

live on

pozostawać żywym

Although Rose died twenty years ago the memory of her liveson.

look after

opiekować się

You can go on your holiday and don't worry about you cat, I'lllook after her.

look at

patrzeć na

What are you looking at?

look back

spoglądać wstecz

Looking back on the past I can see how many mistakes I made.

look for


I'd been looking for my glasses everywhere when I finally found them on my nose.

look forward

czekać z niecierpliwością na, cieszyć się na

I'm looking forward to my weeding.

look into

badać, prowadzić dochodzenie

Supervisory board is looking into the person responsible for the delay of the project.

look out


They were told to look out, especially after dark, due to the escape of two serial killers from the local prison.

look over

rozważyć, obejżeć (krytycznie)

I have to get myself organized and look over compositions of my students.

look round

rozglądać się

Look round carefully and tell me if anything has lose.

look up

spoglądać do gory

Once he looked up he noticed she was smiling.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

make for

kierować się do, ku

Where are you making for?

make out

zorientować się, dostrzegać

Only after five hours of looking through these maps and doctor's notes I made out the co

make over

przekazywać (prawnie)

My dear grandfather made me over L100 000 as a wedding gift.

make up

robić makijaż

I'd like to go on some cosmetic course to learn how to make upcorrectly.

make up

wymyślać coś, ubarwniać

I'm not sure if she is credible, she likely to make up unusual stories.

mess abort

obijać się, wygłupiać

Let's spend that day together just messing about.

mess around

obijać się, wygłupiać

Let's spend that day together just messing around.

mess up

paprać, psuć

Judy had a feeling that she messed up that case.

move in


When the soldiers moved in the police could finally leave the place of accident.

move in

wprowadzać się

It took me three months, after we moved in, to get use to the city and new people.

move on

rozpoczynać nową czynność

After two weeks of slack researcher finally moved on.

move over

przesuwać się

Could you move over a little bit, I'd like to sit in here?

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

note down


Note down your address on this sheet of paper and put in on the table, please.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

round off

zakańczać coś w pzyjemny sposób

The conference rounded off with sumptuous banquet at the lake.

rule out


I don't rule out the possibility of introducing some changes, but currently I'd rather to follow the plan.

run away

uciekać (nagle lub potajemnie)

I had to run away from home when I was fifteen, because my father was beating my every day.

run into

wpadać na, napotykać

Yesterday I ran into Carol on my way home.

run out

kończyć się

Someone has to go for the shopping, we ran out of bred, potatoes and butter.

run over

przejechać, potrącić

I wouldn't have run over the deer if it hadn't suddenly jumped out of the forest.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

round off

zakańczać coś w pzyjemny sposób

The conference rounded off with sumptuous banquet at the lake.

rule out


I don't rule out the possibility of introducing some changes, but currently I'd rather to follow the plan.

run away

uciekać (nagle lub potajemnie)

I had to run away from home when I was fifteen, because my father was beating my every day.

run into

wpadać na, napotykać

Yesterday I ran into Carol on my way home.

run out

kończyć się

Someone has to go for the shopping, we ran out of bred, potatoes and butter.

run over

przejechać, potrącić

I wouldn't have run over the deer if it hadn't suddenly jumped out of the forest.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

see through

przeglądać na oczy

I'm grateful you've helped me to see throughotherwise I'd still lie in these fatal relationship.

send back


You can send this mobile phone back if it doesn't meet your expectations.

set apart


It is almost impossible to set them apart because the look so alike.

set in

nadchodzić, zaczynać się (o czymś nieprzyjemnym, długo trwającym)

When I found out that cancer is setting in, I was trying to have fun and use life as never before.

set off

wyruszać, rozpoczynać podróż

Tomorrow we're setting off for our honeymoon to Turkey.

settle down

stać się spokojniejszym

Don't you think that it's high time to get married and finally settle down?

settle for

zadowalać się

Never settle for the things you don't really want.

shop around

rozglądać się wszędzie

I've been shopping around for suitable candidate for wife but unfortunately I didn't find any.

show up

przybywać będąc oczekiwanym

We were waiting for John for 20 minutes but he didn'tshow up.

shut off

zasłaniać, oddcinać

I can see anything because the man in yellow hat isshutting off the view.

sign away

wyrzekać się

The only one way to be free and ensure safety for the family was signing away our own nationality and adoption of German citizenship.

sink in

docierać do

I was in such a shock that I took me a lot of time before it sank in that Merry was dead.

sit about


I wish I could spend some time just sitting aboutand watching TV or drinking beer.

sit around


I wish I could spend some time just sitting aroundand watching TV or drinking beer.

sit back

siadać wygodnie

Sit back comfortably and tell me everything what happened during my absence.

sit down


Please sit down and have a rest, you must be dog

smash up

rujnować, rozwalać

Last Saturday group o hooligans smashed up all bin on the Oxford Street.

smile back

odwzajemniać uśmiech

I think she doesn't like me because she never smileback.

spin around (ame.)

szybko się odwrócić

She spun around when she had heard the shot.

spin round

szybko się odwrócić

She spun round when she had heard the shot.

stamp out


The only way to stamp out that riots was to use water cannons.

stand about

spędziać czas nie robiąc praktycznie nic

We stood around at Carol's waiting for Jim who didn't come at last.

stand around

spędziać czas nie robiąc praktycznie nic

We stood around at Carol's waiting for Jim who didn't come at last.

stand back

cofać się, odsuwać

Stand back that guy has gun!

start off

rozpoczynać działalność

Their charity started off in 1899 and last till the mid

stay out

zostawać poza domem

I'd like to stay out but it's impossible since my father lives with us again.

step down

ustępować ze stanowiska

Mr. Carter was made to step down under threat of killing his relatives.

stick around

kręcić się

I'll stick around in here and I'll look for some present for mum.

stick to

przestrzegać, trzymać się

If you had stuck to the speed limit you wouldn't have got a ticket.

stove off

odpierać, powstrzymywać

The only one way to stave off the attack was to close the main gate.

sum up


I could sum up his behavior in two words: irresponsible and infantile.

swing around (ame.)

szybko się odwrócić

I didn't even have chance to hide the present since sheswung around so quickly.

swing round

szybko się odwrócić

I didn't even have chance to hide the present since sheswung round so quickly.

switch off


Switch off the light when you'll be leaving.

switch off

wyłączać się (przenośnie)

The lecture must have been extremely boring if he hadswitched off and fell asleep.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

take after

przypominać, być podobnym do

When I was younger everybody was keep telling me that I takeafter my mother.

take apart

rozbierać (na części)

The only one way to find out what has broken in the TV set is totake it apart.

take away

wynosić, zabierać

Please take away that tureen, we won't need it anymore.

take back

zabierać w czasy

This photography takes me back to summer 1998 which was really unforgettable.

take down


Although I took down the hour of her arrival I lost it and I had to check it again on the Internet.

take in

przyjmować do wiadomości

We are not willing to take in inconvenient information.

take off

startować, rozpoczynąć lot

It's obligatory to switch off mobile phones when the plane istaking off.

take on


If you want to take that job on you have to be prepared to work overtime, weekends and holidays.

take out

pobierać, uzyskiwać

Report to the boss if you want to take out your salary.

take out


I have such a terrible toothache, I'm afraid that they'll have totake it out.

take out

zapraszać kogoś, wziąć kogoś do jakiegoś miejsca

Lily was so happy when her father took her out to the zoo and showed her all those animal.

take over


Raul Castro is to take over the reign after his brother's death.

take round

pokazywać coś komuś, zwiedzać

The guide took us round the most interesting castles in the region.

take to


What do you think, would you take to live in the countryside?

talk over


Please sit down and let's talk the issue over.

tear apart


After Jennies had broken up with Tom, in anger, he torn apartall her pictures.

tell apart


It was very difficult to tell apart Matt from Marshal when they were disguise as scarecrows.

think back

wracać myślą do czasu

Try to think back to when you met Rupert and tell me what did he say about me?

think of

myśleć o

I can't stop thinking of you my darling.

think over

przemyślać, rozważać

I can't make the decision right now, I have to think it over and discuss it with my family.

throw in


When the sauce is ready throw in a pinch of dill and rosemary and mixes it constantly.

throw out


Don't eat this sandwich, it's moldy, just throw it out!

tidy up

porządkować, sprzątać

We should tidy up our room, before mother comes back, if we want to play on Play Station later.

topple over

przewrócić (coś stabilnego i trwałego)

The storm was so strong that it toppled all the trees in the neighbourhood over.

tow away


My car was towed away on the police car park because I parked it in the wrong place.

try on


Please try that dress on, I think it's made for you!

tuck in


I used to tuck in with candies but now I prefer salty things.

turn around

odwracać się, zawracać

Don't turn around if you don't want Mrs. Johnson to recognize you!

turn away

odsyłać kogoś

We were turned away because we didn't have valid ID cards.

turn back


Turn back you've taken the wrong turn!

turn down


Turn off the radio or at least turn it down! I can't listen to it anymore!

turn into

zmieniać się w

Water turns into steam in one hundred degrees.

turn off


Please turn off the engine and lights, that's the end of exam, you failed.

turn on


If I had turned the light on I wouldn't have stumbled on the sofa and I wouldn't have broken my leg.

turn over

przewracać na drugi bok

She peeked at the clock, made sure that she has two hours left, and turned over being happy that she doesn't have to get up so early.

turn up

podgłaśniać, podkręcać

Would you mind if I turn up the radio? I can hardly listen to this broadcast.

turn up

przybyć będąc nieoczekiwanym

Lily was asleep while Bill turned up in here bedroom.

Czasownik frazalny

Znaczenie w języku polskim

Przykład w języku angielskim

wait in

zostać w domu i czekać na kogoś/coś

Why didn't you leave me any massage that you won't come, I wouldn't wait in for you the whole afternoon.

warm up

podgrzewać, rozgrzewać

Gradually climate is warming up.

wash away


I had to wash my hair once again as I didn't wash away the conditioner precisely.

wash up (ame.)

myć się

Remember to wash up before going to bed

wash up (bre.)

zmywać naczynia

Carmen is washing up after the dinner.

watch out


Watch out! He has a gun!

weak up

budzić się

Today I woke up unusually early, at 7a.m.

wear off

mijać, przechodzić

Although the illness wore off she still doesn't feel fine.

write back


I wrote her almost fifty letters but she didn't write back on any of them.

write down


I wrote down all the definitions from the lecture, but I don't understand them.


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