Przedstawianie kolejnych argumentów:
1. To begin with - na początek - To begin with, you have to remember that…
2. First of all/ firstly/ secondly - przede wszystkim/ po pierwsze/ po drugie - Firstly, it's not true that…
3. As for - co do - As for functions, there are all of them.
4. As regards - co się tyczy - As regards the introduced options, they are very useful.
5. Then - poza tym, następnie - I agree and then there is another aspect.
6. Besides - zresztą, oprócz tego - It's too long and besides I don't like the author's style.
7. What is more - co więcej - His attitude is wrong and what's more, he seems to be a layman.
8. Further - co więcej - Further, the author has to reconsider his claims.
9. Furthermore - ponadto - Furthermore, I neglect such a view.
10. Moreover - ponadto - The idea is not reasonable and moreover it's unreal.
11. Thus - tak więc - Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented.
12. Thereby - tym samym - He broke all the rules and thereby, he was expelled.
13. Therefore - dlatego (też) - Profits, therefore, were down last time.
14. Because - ponieważ - I argue with you because you are completely wrong.
15. Since - ponieważ - I decided to write it since I was asked to do so.
16. As - gdyż -As you always come too late, I decided not to wait for you.
17. Accordingly - z tego powodu, w związku z tym - He won the election and accordingly he became a chairman.
18. In consequence - w konsekwencji - He did it and in consequence he was on time.
19. Hence - stąd, w związku z tym, dlatego też - He had credentials and hence they employed him.
Wyrażanie opinii:
20. I would say that - powiedziałbym, że - I would say that such a view is unacceptable.
21. It seems to me that - wydaje mi się, że - It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove.
22. In my opinion - moim zdaniem - In my opinion, it is not worth its price.
23. I am of the opinion that - jestem zdania, że - I am of the opinion that it is impossible.
24. I am of the view that - uważam, że - I am of the view that it is very probable.
25. As for - co do, jeśli chodzi o - As for me, I would have done it.
26. To my mind - według mnie - To my mind, it is nonsense.
27. As far as I know - Z tego, co wiem - As far as I know it works in a different way.
28. As far as I am concerned - jeśli o mnie chodzi - As far as I am concerned they can do what they want.
29. According to (sb) - według (kogoś innego niż ja) - According to the author…
30. I reckon (that) - uważam, że - I reckon these allegations are unjustified.
31. I opine (that) - uważam, że - I opine that such a statement is ridiculous.
32. I hold the view that - reprezentuję pogląd/zdanie, że -I hold the view that it cannot be correct.
33. From sb's standpoint - z czyjegoś punktu widzenia - Try to think of it from my standpoint.
34. I think (that) - uważam, że - I think the authors exaggerate.
35. I have every reason to believe that - mam wszelkie powody, by sądzić, że -I have every reason to believe that it could not happen for real.
36. Judging from/by - sądząc po - Judging from the facts it is possible.
37. I suppose (that) - sądzę, że - I suppose he did not consider the elementary rules.
38. I guess (that) - zgaduję, że - I guess he wrote it himself.
39. I claim (that) - twierdzę/utrzymuję, że - He claims he followed the instructions.
40. I assert that - twierdzę/zapewniam, że - I assert that the thesis is to be substantiated.
41. I maintain (that) - upieram się/obstaję przy tym, że - He maintained his innocence.
42. I consider sb (to be) - uważam kogoś za - I consider the author (to be) a great novelist.
43. I believe (that) - sądzić, uważać, przypuszczać - I believe (that) this conclusion is legitimate.
44. I am convinced that - jestem przekonany, że - I am convinced that it may happen.
Zgadzanie się:
45. I agree - zgadzam się - I agree with you.
46. I accept - akceptuję - I accept these arguments.
47. Be correct - zgadzać się, być prawidłowym - Your thinking is correct.
48. Tally with - zgadzać się z - It tallies with my calculations.
49. Be positive - być przekonanym - He is positive that they did it.
50. Confirm - potwierdzać - I confirm his arguments.
51. Approve of - aprobować - I approve of his conclusions.
52. Support - popierać - I support the solution he suggested.
53. I am in sympathy with sb - popieram kogoś - I am in sympathy with the author.
54. I sympathise with - sympatyzuję z - I sympathise with his opinion.
Niezgadzanie się:
55. I disagree - nie zgadzam się - I disagree with you.
56. I protest against - protestuję przeciwko - I protest against such behaviour.
57. Reject - odrzucać, nie akceptować - I reject this ideology.
58. I negate - neguję - I negate such thinking.
59. Disapprove of - nie pochwalać, potępiać - I disapprove of such thinking.
60. Oppose - sprzeciwiać się - I had to openly oppose him because he was completely wrong.
61. Object - sprzeciwiać się - I object to be called in such a way.
62. I differ with sb - nie zgadzam się z kimś - I differ with him on this issue.
Precyzowanie danej myśli:
63. What I mean is that - chcę powiedzieć, że - What I mean is that it is not going to be easy.
64. I mean (to say) - to znaczy - His approach is inappropriate, I mean (to say) it lacks theoretical basis.
65. What I am getting at is (that) - chodzi mi o to, że - What I am getting at is (that) you are not being realistic.
66. The point is (that) - chodzi o to, że - The point is (that) I just cannot agree.
67. In other words - inaczej mówiąc- In other word, the software is full of bugs.
68. That is to say - to znaczy, czyli - Sociolinguistics, that is to say the study of a language in a society is often underestimated.
69. Make oneself clear - wyrażać się jasno - I will make myself clear.
70. I will put it this way - ujmę to w ten sposób - I will put it this way, If you want to succeed you have to concentrate on your goals.
Wyrażanie różnic:
71. Actually - faktycznie, w rzeczywistości - It is a well known fact, actually.
72. In fact - faktycznie, de facto - In fact, I am completely against your suggestion.
73. In a way - w pewnym sensie - I know your thinking is not correct, but in a way, I can understand such reasoning.
74. To a certain extent - do pewnego stopnia - I agree with the author to a certain extent, but…
75. Anyway - w każdym razie, tak czy inaczej - anyway, I think that…
76. As a rule - z reguły - As a rule, he is never wrong.
77. On the one hand - z jednej strony - On the one hand, it is what I need.
78. On the other hand - z drugiej strony - On the other hand, it is too complicated.
79. Still - jednak - The novel is hard to read; still, it is interesting.
80. Yet - jednak, mimo to - She is not a mathematician and yet her skills are amusing.
81. However - jednak(że) - I usually drink coffee. Today, however, I am having a cup of tea.
82. On the contrary - przeciwnie - He is not tall, on the contrary, he is really short.
83. In spite of - (po)mimo - In spite of evidence, they did not believe him.
84. Nevertheless - pomimo to, niemniej jednak - Nevertheless, it is still valued by scholars.
85. Nonetheless - pomimo to, niemniej jednak - Nonetheless, it is important to him.
86. Notwithstanding - jednakże, mimo wszystko, mimo to - He is a decent man, notwithstanding I do not like him.
87. In contrast to/with - w odróznieniu od - In contrast to his father he is very famous.
88. But - (a) mimo to, (a) jednak - The story is strange but true.
89. But then (again) - ale z drugiej strony, ale przecież - But then such methods are practical.
90. Finally - wreszcie, w końcu - Finally, I would like to concentrate on the main issue.
91. In short - krótko mówiąć - In short, it was outrageous.
92. All things considered - w sumie - All things considered, he is a happy man.
93. To sum up - podsumowując - To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages.
94. To recap - podsumowując - To recap, it can be accepted.
95. To conclude - na zakończenie - To conclude, the translator domesticated the story.
96. In conclusion - kończąc - I would like to say in conclusion, that I admire them.
97. As a conclusion - kończąc - As a conclusion we may quote the poet…
98. Generally speaking - ogólnie rzecz biorąc - Generally speaking, it is not a problem.
99. On the whole - ogólnie rzecz biorąc - On the whole, it is a quite good idea.
100. Lastly - wreszcie, w końcu - …and lastly it is the most popular programme.