Test 8A

NAME: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………………

CLASS: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK: ______


(Time: 50 minutes)


A. Underline the correct item.

e.g. I have a terrible mind/memory. I can never remember important information.

1 You look anxious, Jill. What's on your brain/mind?

2 That milk is giving off/out a horrible smell.

3 Oh no! It completely crossed/slipped my mind to tell Abbie about the party.

4 Kelly lost/changed her mind and bought the green dress instead of the red one.

5 Alan is trying to give away/up smoking.

6 Can you remind/remember me to return the DVD tomorrow?

7 That shop is giving off/away CDs to customers.

8 Please, give me up/back my MP3 player.

9 Why don't we go out? It will take/bring your mind off work.

10 She helped me give out/back the worksheets.

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Β. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

e.g. Your description of the party was very funny. (describe)

11 The experts could give no ………………… (explain) of the crash.

12 The government is planning to take ………………… (act) to deal with the problem.

13 I'd like some ………………… (inform) on space technology.

14 Rome has many famous tourist ………………… (attract).

15 Of course it's not a ghost. It's just your ………………… (imagine).

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C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

e.g. If I had left (leave) the house earlier, I would have missed the phone call.

16 If I lie out in the sun, I usually
………………… (get) sunburned.

17 If my neighbour (play)
loud music, I would ask him to turn it down.

18 If only I
(not/lose) my favourite CD!

19 If I had studied more, I
(do) better in my exams.

20 If I were you, I (go)
to the doctor about that headache.

21 If he watches that horror film, he
(have) nightmares.

22 I wish I (have)
more time to prepare for the exams.

23 If only I (be)
more careful.

24 I wish the school holidays
………………… (be) longer.

25 If I (enter) the
Mastermind quiz show, I would have won.

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D. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.

e.g. I don't think it's a good idea to keep those old books.

If I were you, I wouldn't keep those old books.

26 I didn't like the film we watched on TV.

I wish a better film on TV.

27 If you don't hurry up, you'll be late for work.

You'll be late for work up.

28 I didn't call you because I didn't know you were home.

If I had known you were home, I
………………………….. you.

29 I can't believe it's raining again.

I wish it raining.

30 It's a pity I missed your birthday party.

I wish missed
your birthday party.

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English in Use

E. Fill in the correct phrase.

there's a good chance I'm not sure that They can't I predict seems that He's certain

e.g. A: What are those masked men doing?

B: It seems that they are trying to rob the bank.

27 A: The weather forecast said that ……………………………… of rain.

B: Oh dear. We had better cancel the picnic, then.

32 A: ……………………………… be very happy with the situation.

B: Well, I wouldn't be, if I were in their shoes.

33 A: ……………………………… that computers will one day be more powerful than humans.

B: That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!

34 A: ……………………………… to pass his driving test.

B: Yeah. He's a great driver.

35 A: Do you want to come and see the new science fiction film with me?

B: To tell you the truth, ……………………… I am that interested in seeing it.

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F. Read the story and, for each question, choose A, B, C or D.

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e.g. The writer spent the evening

A babysitting her sister.

B babysitting her sister's child.

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C babysitting her friend's sister.

D babysitting her friend's child.

36 On her way home, the writer

A heard a noise and saw something strange.

B saw something strange.

C heard something strange.

D felt something strange.

37 When the writer saw the `ghost'

A she ran away.

B she screamed for help.

C she couldn't scream for help.

D she knew it wasn't real.

38 The `ghost'

A hurt the writer.

B puzzled the writer.

C took the writer away.

D scared the writer.

39 The writer had seen

A a ghost.

B an animal.

C a car.

D a man.

40 At the end of the story, the writer felt

A frightened.

B strange.

C excited.

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D silly.


G. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Sandy, and a boy, Pat, about noise. Decide if each sentence is T (true) or F (false).

41 Sandy thinks it's natural for parties to be noisy. …………..

42 Pat loves going to discos. …………..

43 Pat thinks that it is OK to listen to loud music. …………..

44 Sandy can't hear what Pat said. …………..

45 Sandy promises to play her iPod more quietly. …………..

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H. Write a story entitled An Experience to Remember for your school magazine about a frightening encounter. (120-180 words) Include:

background information (setting and characters) what happened and why it frightened you

how you responded and felt

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© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

TEST 8 A (Module 8)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

TEST 1 A (Module 1)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

TEST 18 A (Module 18)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

A pale, yellow moon was rising as I was walking home from my friend's house. We had spent the evening babysitting her younger sister and had watched two really frightening horror films on TV.

Imagine my shock when, suddenly, from the distance I heard a loud cry and saw a strange white form flying towards me at top speed through the air. My mouth opened but no sound came out. The terror I felt stopped me from screaming for help. I fell to the ground to escape as I was certain it was a ghost. I kept my eyes tightly shut, in case I would end up staring into the eyes of a terrible monster.

After a couple of minutes, when I realised that I hadn't been hurt, I carefully opened my eyes and looked around. It was then that I heard the hooting coming from a nearby tree. I looked up and saw a large, white owl sitting on a branch, watching me with what seemed to be a puzzled expression on its face.

I could have kicked myself for being so stupid. It's strange how the mind can play tricks on you. I promised myself that that was the last time I would go wandering around late at night after watching horror films!

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