The Unexpected

The Unexpected

By Wende

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Jump to new as of September 22, 1999
Jump to new as of September 30, 1999

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Chapter 1

Posted on Tuesday, 14 September 1999, at 6 : 11 p.m.

He stared, mesmerized at the woman on the stage. The soft velvety tones of her voice felt like they were caressing his cheek, playing with his hair. He had never had such a response to a woman before, and especially not to a voice! Her voice was husky and low, and she was beautiful.

"Well Jack, what do you think of her?" Caroline's voice broke through his thoughts and he felt her hand on his.

Get it together Jack. "She's pretty good, though not talented or pretty enough to tempt me."

Caroline laughed, and snuggled next to him. "Sugar, that my best friend up there. I'm mighty glad you aren't tempted."

Jack didn't hear her. He was far away by then, lost in the spell that the singer was weaving.

It was 1941 and Bennets was one of the most popular club in New York. Tom Bennet and his orchestra played most nights, but it wasn't unusual to go and find special guests playing right along with them: Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington and others coming to join in the fun. I was rapidly becoming a popular singer in my own right, singing on the radio as well as with my father's orchestra. I had a wonderful fiance, George, and life couldn't be sweeter. That's why I had no idea that my best friend Caroline's return to New York would change everything.

I was halfway through my set, trying to nail down the vocals for a new song that my father wanted me to perform. I saw someone come in with mother and thought it was Jane. She was going to meet me for lunch and a bit of shopping before the show tonight. I waved and continued to sing. She started coming toward the stage, and I stopped mid-note as I realized that it was Caroline! Beautiful, blond, cool Caroline. I forgot what I was doing, leaving the orchestra still playing and ran to hug her.

"Caroline! What a surprise!"

"Hi Liz! It's good to see you!" Her accent had gotten even heavier since she had moved back to Georgia.

My father could hear the orchestra playing, but no Betsy Bennet was singing along with them. He came running onstage to investigate. I was going to catch hell for not singing the song the whole way through.

"Lizzie! What on earth! You have to get that song right before tonight!"

"I'm sorry Dad, but Caroline just came and gave me the surprise of my life!"

My father lost some of his 'thundercloud' look and smiled sweetly at Caroline.

"Well, well, and how is the South, Caroline?"

"Beautiful, Tom. It was torture to tear myself away."

"Well, my dear on behalf of New York and its inhabitants I say welcome. One more silly girl won't hurt. Even a southern one."

"Thank you sir. It's good to see you again."

"You too, my dear. " he sighed and turned to me "Well, Lizzie I guess that practice is over right? You better go ahead to lunch. Jane will be waiting for you."

"Thanks Dad. I'll see you tonight."

"Good-bye Tom. I will see you tonight too."

Dad rolled his eyes, and signaled to the orchestra to start again.

Jane was sitting at a window table in Delmonico's. She gave Caroline a huge hug, as delighted to see her as I was. We tried to catch up on as much as possible over antipasto and pasta. It had been a year and a half since we had graduated from Hunter College and had gone our separate ways. I couldn't believe how beautiful Caroline was. She had a cool charm that was very similar to Jane's, but with an added sophistication that made her seem older than both of us. She did most of the listening, while Jane and I caught her up on what was happening in New York.

"I started singing full-time with the band, and got a few jobs on the radio and well, Betsy Bennet was born. I just can't believe that people want to hear me sing."

"Honey, of course they would. You've got one of the most beautiful voices that I've ever heard."

I smiled, though compliments have never been easy for me "Thanks Caroline, but I think that you and Jane are both biased!" I leaned forward

"Now Caroline, you tell us about Georgia and your adorable brother. Did he come with you?"

I glanced in Jane's direction. I knew that Jane had been in love with Charlie Bingley since they met two years ago. She blushed and looked down at her plate.

"Well, let me think. Yes, Charlie did come with me. He couldn't wait to lay eyes on Miss Jane Bennet again!" She took a sip of her drink.

"Well!????" I pressed, suspecting other reasons for coming to New York. "Caroline, you have a very sly look on your face. Tell me what's going on!"

"Hmmmm. I missed y'all?" she said hopefully.

Just then I heard Jane gasp. She pointed at Caroline's hand. I almost fell out of my chair at the sight of a very large and sparkly diamond on her ring finger.

"Caroline! Oh my...!" Caroline laughed at our open mouths and waved her hand around.

" His name is John Fitzwilliam Darcy and we're getting married in a few months. He's rich, from Massachusetts and let's see, what else? Oh, I love him."

Jane smiled, tears in her eyes. "Caroline, that's such wonderful news. Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Janey." She caught my eye and laughed at the look of shock that was still on my face. "Lizzie? Don't tell me I've finally found a way to shut you up?"

I shook my head. "Caroline this is...a shock. I can't believe that you came all the way to New York to tell us! I'm so happy for you....hey, do we get to be bridesmaids?"

Caroline got another sly look on her face "Well, if you behave yourself, then yes!"

It turned out that Caroline had brought Charlie to see Jane and that Jack had business in New York and was in town as well. Jane looked radiant when Caroline told her "I couldn't keep Charlie away for another minute!"

"Oh Caroline, really? He remembers me?"

Caroline shook her head "Sugar, have you lost your sweet mind? My brother talked about you all the way here."

Jane smiled another radiant smile and hugged us both.

Jane and I left shortly after that. Mama made us promise to come for dinner before we left for the club that evening. We had put her off for long enough, and so made our way over to the brownstone house where we had grown up.

I felt the usual twinge of embarrassment at the gaudy outfits my sister would be wearing to the club that evening.

"Lydia! What a dress! Are you sure that you put all of it on?"

"Oh, Lizzie! Don't be elderly. This is what EVERYONE is wearing. I think I look wonderful."

I opened my mouth to protest and make her go put something with a back on when I heard Mama second Lydia's opinion.

" Oh, doesn't my Lydia look wonderful! I had a dress just like that when I was her age. I was the toast of New York!"

She kissed Jane and said irritably,

"Shut the door Lizzie, you give us all pneumonia." We followed her to the dinner table where Mary and Kitty were arguing about where the front to Kitty's dress was located. Dad joined us, and all was silent until Mama remembered who was in town.

"Janey! I saw Caroline today! She's brought that adorable brother with her to New York!"

Jane kept cool. "Yes, Mama I know."

"Well, better wear something low-cut. You don't want him to leave without proposing do you?"

"Mother" I cut in, before Jane could blush or cry, "are you coming to the club tonight?"

Yes, Lizzie. You know I always do."

I feared the worst. I would have to take desperate measures to keep her away from Jane and Charlie.

"Well, I heard from Aunt Mabel that Father Donegal was having a special Bingo night tonight. For the orphanage. I know you love Bingo, so I thought I better tell you."

"Oooh, Bingo! Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to miss one night at Bennets. After all, it's only your father playing."

Dad smiled. "Thank you Lucy. That's the highest compliment you've ever given me."

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Chapter 2

Posted on Tuesday, 21 September 1999, at 10 : 35 p.m.

It was a cold night and Jane and I shivered a bit. She squeezed my hand.

"Thanks, Lizzie! I wouldn't have had a moment's peace if Mama came tonight."

"Don't mention it. I know how excited you are to see Charlie."

"Lizzie, I'm so nervous about that. It's been so long!"

"Just go in there and help him remember what an angel you are." That brought a smile back to her face.

I opened the door and we went in to the back dressing rooms. The party had already started, and I could hear the orchestra finishing their set with "In the Mood".

Jane, I knew would be out in front acting as hostess. She was good at making sure the customers were happy. I saw Lydia and Kitty already eyeing the men, waiting for the music to start. Mary, who was preparing to enter a convent, never came to the club if she could help it. Over the years Bennetts had really become a family organization. We all loved this place, and we were all involved in it somehow. The musicians in the orchestra were like a second family for me. They were the ones that firs encouraged me when I wanted to sing. No other place on earth felt more like home than being onstage at Bennetts with the orchestra backing me up. I knew that I would gladly do it for the rest of my life.

I had just finished my first song when I saw Caroline and Charlie sit down at a table. I saw a tall, handsome man with them and was suddenly glad that I was wearing my favorite red dress. I wanted to be thought beautiful by this stranger. I could hardly concentrate on the music when I caught his gaze.

This impression lasted until I actually met the man.

"Lizzie!" Caroline and I embraced and I sat down.

"Caroline, Charles, welcome to Bennetts. " Bingley smiled, but continued scanning the crowd.

"Jane's over by the coat check." I whispered to him.

He shot up "Uh, if y'all excuse me, I think I need to go check something." Charlie flashed me a grateful smile and walked into the crowd.

Caroline turned to the extremely handsome man sitting next to her.

"Jack Darcy, I would like you to meet my very best friend, Elizabeth Bennett."

"Mr. Darcy, it is my pleasure..."

"Yes, Miss Bennett, I'm sure it is. Nice to meet you too." The man won my dislike by hardly looking at me, before turning to Caroline.

"Excuse me darling, I'll get us some drinks. Champagne?"

"Yes, please Jack. Lizzie?"

"No." I stood up. "Thank you, but I just came down to say hello. I should be getting back onstage."

"Right, dahlin. You'll come sit with us after the show, right?"

"Sure." Jack was looking around, trying to find the bar. What a waste of good looks. For a moment, I took pity on him.

"Shall I send someone to lead you through the crowd of dancing savages to the bar, Mr. Darcy? Or will you be quite all right?"

He looked at me, as if seeing me for the first time, "Thank you Miss Bennett, but I'm sure the savages can be beaten back. Don't worry for MY safety."

What an arrogant snob he was. Caroline, dear though she was to me, could have him!

I saw Jane and Charles dance past me and smiled at the joy on Jane's face. If Charlie knew what was good for him, he'd snap her up and carry her to Georgia. I dedicated my next song to them.

"This one's for Jane and Charlie."

The orchestra started playing "Stardust" soft and low. Charlie pulled Jane even closer. I saw Caroline lead Jack to the floor. They made a handsome couple, she with her cool blond beauty complemented by his tall dark and handsome exterior. When he wasn't speaking Jack Darcy was still an extremely handsome man. I looked away and saw my dear George sitting at a table in the back. "Later." He mouthed. Baby, I can hardly wait.

A few days passed. It was a snowy day and I stood in front of the orchestra again. I had been rehearsing lines at the radio station all morning, and we were practicing for a show tonight. Dad called a break and came up to me.

"Lizzie, join me in a sandwich?"

"Sure, Dad." We walked into his office and he pulled out a bag.

"Have a seat." He picked up some papers from his desk and took a bite of his sandwich.

I shivered slightly then took a bit of warm meatball. I loved the taste of a meatball sandwich.

"Honey, I want to tell you something."

He looked very serious so I knew that it couldn't be that had had decided to divorce Mama like he was always threatening. I put my sandwich down and waited.

"Bob Lucas has decided to sell his share in Bennetts. "

I was astounded. "But why? They love this place as much as we do!"

"He is moving the family to Arizona. The doctor recommended it for Mrs. Lucas. She's gravely ill."

"But...but what about Charlotte? She hasn't finished school!"

Dad continued looking at the paper in front of him. "Oh, she'll remain to finish school.

They're moving her to a smaller apartment near us. She'll still work here and everything."

"Oh." Relieved, I took another bite of my sandwich.

"Now, that isn't the whole reason that I wanted to talk to you Lizzie."

Dad looked so serious that I got a little nervous.

"Well, I already know that you're not going to divorce Mama. You don't want to risk the wrath of Father Donegal! It can't be that bad!" I laughed, but he didn't.

"I've had an offer on Bob Lucas' share in the club."

I sat up. "Well, who is it?"

There was a knock on the door. Dad got up and opened it.

"Hello there. You're right on time."

I turned around and locked eyes with Jack Darcy.

Something tells me this isn't a social call "Mr. Darcy?!!"

"Miss Bennett." He shook hands with Dad and took a seat to my right.

I couldn't believe it! The stuffy, hideous(alright, not hideous)and arrogant Mr. Darcy a part owner in Bennetts?????

Darcy and Dad talked about the contract and I wondered why I had to be here. Dad must have seen the quizzical look on my face, because he turned to me.

"Lizzie, I asked you to come because I am giving my share in the club to you."

Darcy protested even before I did. "Sir, you can't be serious!"

Ooh, where's a gun! "Excuse me?" I glared at him.

He didn't even look at me. "She probably has no experience with business sir, and frankly, she'll probably run this club into the ground. This is no job for a woman!"

I felt my face go hot. I was so angry that the words of protest I was forming stuck in my throat.

Dad looked over his glasses at THAT man.

"Mr. Darcy, I'm perfectly confident in Lizzie's ability to run this old place. She'll have

my accountant and staff to help her. Besides, Lizzie is very intelligent....for a girl."

My own father was turning on me! I still didn't trust myself to speak, and Dad continued,

"Mr. Darcy, this offer is very generous. I think that we can definitely agree to this and begin an amiable partnership. You will of course be meeting with Lizzie in the future." He smiled at the look on my face.

"Don't worry Lizzie. I'll break you in gently. You won't take over full control for a little while yet."

He stood. Mr. Palooka Darcy stood also to shake his hand. "Well sir, despite the sudden news, it will be a pleasure to be partners with you."

"Thank you Mr. Darcy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be returning to rehearsal. Lizzie, shall I escort you back to your microphone?"

I ignored Mr. Darcy and practically ran out of the room.

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Chapter Three

Posted on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 10 : 48 a.m.

"I can't believe that Dad is doing this!" I raged around George's living room, too upset to sit down. I wished that Jack Darcy was there so that I could stomp his face into the carpet.

"George, say something!" He grabbed my hand and made me sit on the couch next to him.

"Lizzie, this is a big deal. I have something to tell you." George looked so serious that I got scared.

"Jack Darcy is trouble," he continued, looking into my eyes. "I've...worked with him before and I've seen the kind of dirty dealing that he does. You sure your father signed a contract with him?"

"Yes. I saw it on the table. We talked about it after rehearsal and he pointed out some important stuff that he wanted me to know." George's hand, which I was holding, tensed.

"Well, then, your father better keep an especially close eye on him. "

"But I don't think that Dad would enter into a crooked deal. He had my uncle Phillips go over the contract. He said that everything was in order."

George rolled his eyes. "Lizzie think about it! A man like Darcy can get lawyers to make things look legit when they're not. I know this man! Bennetts couldn't have a worse partner!"

I started pacing again, going over to the window to look at the fading sky.

"George, what exactly happened?" I didn't turn around, not wanting my curiosity to show too much.

His laugh was bitter. "Where do you want me to start?" He got up and poured himself a drink.
"Jack and I grew up together. We went to the same schools and both of us were hired on as Vice Presidents in old man Darcy's company. Everything would've worked out fine except that Jack got jealous of my success and framed me." He took a sip of his drink. "Embezzlement. I almost did time. Old man Darcy died around the same time, but not before he cleared my name. The last decent thing he ever did. When he died Jack gave me my dishonorable discharge." I heard the clink of ice as George took a drink and then put the glass down. He came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "I never saw Jack or his sister Georgia again. Can't say I relish working with him after all this time."

Jack Darcy you never cease to amaze me. "Poor George!" I put my arms around him.
"Dad's already accepted the offer and I want him to retire without any worries. I'll work with Darcy, see if I can find something incriminating. Get him to back off."

George kissed me. "Lizzie, that's a wonderful idea. Let me know if I can help...uh, behind the scenes! " I nodded and walked over to the couch to gather my things. I was about to leave when I heard George call me back.
"Lizzie?" I opened the door to see him putting on a shirt, a tie strung around his neck.


"I do think though that it would be better if Darcy and I didn't meet for awhile. So don't mention me, got it?"

"Sure George."

I had the misfortune to see Jack Darcy almost every day as he came by to learn the operations aspect of Bennetts. I'd never been so busy, what with my radio show, nightly performances and learning to manage the club. I began to dream about meeting with Dad, lecturing me about overhead and liquor orders and rehearsals. I can't say that the reality differed much from my dreams. Dad really did lecture about all those things. Jack, of course, was like the son that he never had. He could do no wrong, and seemed amused with my efforts to learn the business. If I didn't already have reason to despise and abhor him then his daily ration of condescension would have pushed me over the edge.

He and Caroline came to Bennetts almost every night. I knew that Caroline would be leaving soon to go back home. Jane and I planned a party for the last night that the Bingleys were in New York. We closed the club, and had a big dinner and dancing with family and friends. Dad and I toasted Caroline and Jack and Charlie. I knew that Jane would miss Charlie desperately, but he gave no sign of doing anything about the love they shared. I couldn't help but wondering what the problem was.

"Attention! Attention everyone!" Charlie kept hitting his champagne glass with his knife. He had a huge smile on his face.

"I have an announcement to make," he continued, after he'd gotten everyone's attention. I looked at Jane, knowing from her radiant smile what Charlie was going to say next.
He smiled at the stir his words had caused. "I just have to ask Jane something, and I wanted y'all to be here when I did. But first maybe I should put a question to Mr. Bennett."

Dad tried to look stern, but failed miserably. " Charlie, you have my permission to carry Jane off to Atlanta."

Charlie turned to Jane and got down on one knee. He pulled out a small box and opening it, held it before her. "Well then, Jane Patricia Bennett will you do me the honor?"

Jane wiped a tear away and stood up. "Yes!"
Whatever else she might have said was lost in the huge hug and kiss that Charlie enveloped her in.
I've never been so glad to be wrong about a person in my life!

After the uproar subsided, which mostly consisted of mother jumping up and down and shouting about her nerves, Dad struck up the orchestra, and I once again sang "Stardust" for Jane and Charlie.
And now the purple dust of twilight time
Steals across the meadow of my heart
High up in the sky
The little stars climb...
Always reminding me that we're apart.

You wandered down the lane and far away
Leaving me a song that would not die
Love is now the stardust of yesterday.
The music of the years gone by...

For some reason I kept catching Jack Darcy's eye. I wish I knew what he was starting at! I feel like I've suddenly grown another head. He and Caroline seemed edgy together and I caught her snapping at him.

"For heaven's sake, Jack! Tom Bennett is one of the most honest me I know!"

"I wouldn't be too sure of that Caroline. Turning the club over to a woman! It's the perfect front. If the club starts losing money then it will be blamed on her mismanagement and the fact that he might be skimming money off the profits would never be noticed."

"You, my darlin' fiance are insulting my best friend and her family! I don't want to hear another word! This is preposterous! If I'd have known that this is how you really are, then I might not have...." Caroline stopped, realizing that she had gone too far.

"What, Caroline? Married me and my millions?" He lit a cigarette, and turned to see me standing behind him. I glared at him before turning to Caroline and smiling brightly.

"Caroline, mama asked me to come and fetch you. She wants help talking Jane into planning the biggest wedding that New York has ever seen. Dad's about to go broke as we speak!"

When she had left I turned to Darcy, who was still staring at me in shock.
"Mr. Darcy, if you'll excuse me I have to go see to the mismanagement of this club. Please, help yourself to food and drink. Try to make yourself agreeable...I mean comfortable." The shock turned to shame as I turned on my heel and walked away. I resolved to myself to have as little contact as possible with the disgusting Jack Darcy. I also noticed that Jack and Caroline didn't seem quite so close after their little conversation.

Jane, Caroline and Charlie left for Atlanta the next day. The Lucases were moving soon and Charlotte and I decided to go to Boston. I had been offered a job at a club up there called DeBourgh's. I'd do two nights of shows and we'd see the city. It sounded perfect-a break from learning the ropes at Bennetts, AND Jack Darcy.

Charlotte and I made it to DeBourgh's late on a Friday afternoon. Boston was beautiful with turning leaves and the air was crisp and a little cold. DeBourgh's seemed like a nice joint. It was very tasteful-dark wood and shiny brass. The only thing that seemed to mar the ambience was the dragon of an owner, Catherine! We played twenty questions, more about my morals than my career. When she finally seemed satisfied that I was a singer and not a prostitute, she sniffed, looked at me disdainfully over her glasses and said in a pinched voice,

"Now Miss Bennett, I want you here at six sharp. You will go on at eight. You have from now until then to rehearse with my orchestra. I'm sure you'll find them more than competent."

After a whirlwind afternoon, I sat in front of my mirror, putting the last finishing touches on my hair. I thought that I looked well enough for this Boston crowd, though I was not looking forward to spending more time with Catherine after I was done.

"Lizzie, are you ready?" Charlotte came running back. "Catherine is impatient for you to start."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh honestly!" I was done, but hated to be summoned. "Yes, Charlotte. Tell Lady Catherine that I will on the stage in thirty seconds."

"Sure. Wow, Lizzie, red is certainly your color! You look sensational!"

"Thanks-you're sweet. Having a good time Char?"

"Yes. Catherine was kind enough to introduce me to her office assistant. Billy Collins. He's been very attentive."

"Sounds like a peach. Whoops! Almost forgot this." I put a small gold bracelet around my wrist. It's been my good luck charm since Jane gave it to me the first time I sang at Bennetts.

Charlotte interrupted my thoughts. "Lizzie I'm going back out to the table. Break a leg!"

"Alright Char. I'll see you later."

DeBourgh's was packed. I was a bit nervous as I made my way onstage, but that left as soon as I sang the first two songs. I was well into the third when I noticed Jack Darcy sitting at a table near the front. He was sitting with Catherine, two other gentlemen and Charlotte. Of course he was staring at me again as though I were a singing codfish or something equally as absurd. I was ready to throw my microphone, stand and all right into his handsome face.

I was obliged to go and sit at Catherine's table during the break.

"Betsy Bennett, I would like you to meet my nephews. This is Colonel Franklin Fitzwilliam and Jack Darcy. And this young man," pointing to a greasy, patent-leather monstrosity "is William Collins. He is my personal assistant."

"I'm enchanted to meet all of you." Before Catherine could fire another round of questions and advice at me, Fitzwilliam stepped in.

"Miss Bennett, you have a beautiful voice. Jack here tells me that you sing regularly at a club in New York?"

"Yes, Bennetts. Have you heard of it?"

"Sure. Nice place-your father owns it, I understand."

"That's right." Darcy was staring at me again, though I tried to ignore him and concentrate on his cousin. "If you ever come to New York you should drop by."

Fitzwilliam smiled. "I'm sure I will. Darcy seems very attached to it."
He leaned towards me. "I know about his acquisition of Bob Lucas' share in the club. He also spoke very highly of your talents."
Are you kidding? Jack Darcy speak highly of ME? "Ahh, Mr. Fitzwilliam, don't believe anything he says."

He laughed. I looked around the table wincing at the way Char was submitting to the clumsy fumblings of Mr. Collins. When I glanced at Mr. Darcy, he looked away.

"Well, everyone, it's been stimulating, but my break is over. Excuse me."

I launched into the next set, singing my heart out, determined to forget that Jack Darcy was even there. Whether I had evidence of dirty dealing or not, I was going to Dad with George's suspicions. I couldn't stand being around the man for another minute!

"Thank you, everyone. It's been a wonderful night here at DeBourgh's performing for you. I have one more song to sing," A sudden idea made me smile. "I hope you like it."

The lights went low in the club and I blinked in the light of the spotlight that was shining on me. I could hear the bass, playing a soft slow rhythm that was joined by one of the saxophones. I put my hands on my hips, cocking my head to one side. I looked straight at Jack Darcy and sang:

" must have been a beautiful baby."

Some of the rowdier men at the bar whistled. I swayed slowly down the stage steps, and walked among the tables.

"You must have been a beautiful child."

Catherine's table was just off the aisle. I kept my eyes on Jack, getting a kick out of the fact that he was staring at me in amazement. Well, Mr. Darcy, what do you think of the singing codfish now?

The sax and bass were joined by the mellow tones of the piano, as I continued what I hoped was a seductive walk.

"Why, when you were starting kindergarten,"

Destination Darcy-I was right in front of him. I put my hand on his shoulder as I walked around his chair, feeling the muscles tense where I put my hand. Leaning down to his ear, I sang,

"I bet you drove the little girls wild."

He jumped, and I had to hold in the laughter that was threatening to ruin the song. I was finally making him notice! Wait! That wasn't my intent! I wanted to embarrass this awful man-make him squirm! He would suffer!
I smiled at Fitzwilliam, stepping between them and perching on the table. I arched my eyebrow as I looked down at Darcy.

"And when it came to winning blue ribbons
I'll bet you showed the other kids how"

I slid (gracefully I hope!) from the table onto Darcy's lap. He jumped again and wouldn't look at me as I put my hand under his chin and made his eyes meet mine.

"I can see the judge's eyes
As she handed you the prize
I'll bet you made the cutest bow"

I leaned in close, enough to almost touch his lips with mine. I was getting catcalls from the bar, and everyone else seemed mesmerized by what I was doing. I got up, walking back to the stage while the bass, piano and sax played. I had never performed like this before, and didn't know what the consequences were going to be (too late I remembered Catherine sitting at the table!) but I wasn't finished yet.
I smiled, and again focused on Jack Darcy.

" have been a beautiful baby
'Cause baby, look at you now."

The music drifted softly away, the bass finally the only thing playing, getting softer and softer.

The lights on the stage went dark, and the applause was loud and long. I took a bow.

"Thanks everyone. Have a wonderful evening."

I couldn't help smiling at the look on Jack's face. I don't think I've ever seen anyone blush such a deep red.

I was still laughing in my dressing room as I was getting out of my dress. I wanted to go somewhere else and have a drink. DeBourgh's was reaching my tolerance limit for the night.

Charlotte came bursting through the door. "Lizzie! Are you here?"

"Yes Char. Just getting changed. Want to go someplace and have a drink? I can't stand much more of this joint!"

"Well, that sounds great, but I don't think that we're going to get out of here."

"Oh no! You don't mean that we've received the royal summons from Lady Catherine! I really don't know if I can do that. Ooh! This zipper! That's the only bad thing about this dress. Char, be a love and help me?"

I knew that it wasn't Charlotte who placed one hand on my waist and slid my zipper all the way down.

"What the..." The building could have fallen down and I couldn't be more surprised that I was to find myself looking into Jack Darcy's eyes.

"Do you mind?" I hissed in his face and broke the spell of the moment. It was my turn to blush, and I felt the temperature in the room rise a few notches. I stepped back behind the screen and put my robe on. I suddenly got a picture of mama in my head. "No nice girl lets a boy undress her, Elizabeth Maureen! Sure and I would know if you did!"

"Do you mind if I sit?" Darcy asked, making himself comfortable.

Yes I mind! "Sure, my dressing room is your dressing room." If he noticed the sarcasm, he didn't pay attention.

"Catherine sent me to request your presence. She wanted to talk to you about your performance tomorrow."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to apologize for me. Char and I are going back to the hotel."

"I'm afraid not, Miss Bennett. I wouldn't risk the wrath of my aunt. My cousin also expressed a desire to speak to you again." He lit a cigarette, and exhaling, stood up.

"So it seems that I am to be a captive audience! Very well. If you'll excuse me, Mr. Darcy, I'll need to get re-dressed." I moved back behind the screen.

He went to the door. "I'll leave you then. You won't need my assistance again will you Miss Bennett?"

Hopefully he heard what I was calling him under my breath.

"Oh, one more think." He watched me come flouncing out, wearing the red dress.

I put my hands on my hips. "Well, Mr. Darcy? Astound me."

He looked straight into my eyes. "I request the honor of a dance, Miss Bennett. You are lovely tonight."

What did he say????!!!!!!!!!

The first words out of Catherine's mouth when I joined the table were "Well, Miss Bennett, I hope that we won't see a repeat of your last number tomorrow night. Quite a bit too provocative I would say!" She looked at me over her glasses. "Really, it was almost the burlesque! Fitzwilliam, go get me another drink!"
As Fitzwilliam left, he muttered under his breath, "Courage under fire, Miss Bennett!"

I looked over at Charlotte. She was absorbed in whatever Mr. Collins was saying. "Really the prettiest part of Massachusetts, Miss Lucas. You must come and stay with Mrs. DeBourgh. Though I don't know if Miss Bennett would be invited after the spectacle she made tonight." He looked at me with greasy self-righteousness. The look was so horrible that I almost stuck my tongue out at him.

Catherine continued her lecture. "Miss Bennett, you came very highly recommended, but after tonight's performance...Good heavens child, what are you doing?"

I'd had enough. "Got a light?" I asked the table at large. Darcy's cigarettes had conveniently been thrown on the table. If Catherine was so convinced that I was vixen, then I was determined to be one.

I took a puff, managing to swallow the coughing that resulted. I pointed at Catherine with my cigarette. "Cathy, that last number was something my dear old dad came up with when I was seventeen. Thought I need the firecracker approach. Ya know, light the audience up. Blow 'em to Staten Island."

"Miss Bennett..." Catherine's voice was thick with scandal.

"Call me Betsy. I thought that I should show you what I can really do." Fitzwilliam came up with some drinks. "Aw Fitzie, no gin? Be a brick and go get me one."

"Fitzie?" Darcy and "Fitzie" were staring at me in amazement.

"You heard me, old boy. Gin." He turned to go back to the bar and I hit him on the bottom. "Thanks, pal."

"Now just a minute! Miss Bennett!" Catherine was slowly turning purple.

"It's Betsy, Cathy, I told you. Where was I? Anyway, for my big finish tomorrow night I'm going to wear a few sequins. Just those. Oh it's brilliant, very artistic. Ah Fitzie! Thanks for the drink." I tossed back the gin and nearly fell on the floor. "Anyway, a few sequins. I learned some of the moves from an exotic dancer friend of mine Sheila Shaheen. Famous all over New York for her Coconut dance. Charming gal. So Cathy, I need to make sure that the band plays something slow-you know, kind of..." Even Charlotte was staring at me. The others waited for me to finish. "" The taste of soap was suddenly in my mouth. Again Mama popped up, saying 'such dirty words, Elizabeth Maureen!'

Catherine was plum-colored and shaking.

"Let's dance, Miss Bennett."

"No, I..." Jack Darcy pulled me toward the dance floor. I stuck my cigarette back into my mouth and ran to keep up.

"What's the idea, Mr. Darcy?" I glowered at him, and tried to pull away.

He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. I could feel his breath against my ear as he bent down and whispered, "Shut up Elizabeth. There's no need to act."

Elizabeth? I was stunned at how tight he was holding me. Much as I disliked him, hated him even, I felt safe in his arms. I didn't need to be the hard and callous Betsy Bennett that had just made a spectacle of herself. I could forget who we were for a moment.

The next day that moment was still with me. The feel of his hands caressing my back, the movement of his body against mine. I thought that the world was coming to an end when I felt his lips graze my ear. What in the world was going on?!


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