It Happened One Night

It Happened One Night

By Melissa D.

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Beginning, Section II

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Chapter 1

Posted on Tuesday, 27 June 2000, at 3 : 32 p.m.


Andrew Bennet was used to life in the lap of luxury. Even in the middle of the depression, he had always had every happiness that money could buy plus a few others. His daughter Elizabeth was one happiness that money could not buy but brought him the most joy. She was the light of his life. Born shortly before her mother's death there was never a brother or sister for her so she had become the center of his world. Andrew Bennet knew that finding the love he had had with his wife would never come again, so he threw himself into his business ventures and raising his daughter. Providing for and protecting his daughter was more important to him than all of his money and on this day with his daughter things were not so wonderful.

"Hunger strike? What do you mean? Have you been taking food to her?" Mr. Bennet bellows at the captain of his yacht anchored in the exclusive harbor.

"Yes sir. But she sends every tray back." Replies the quaking captain.

"Well, cram it down her throat." Mr. Bennet says as a little vein begins to protrude from his forehead.

"Sir, it is not as simple as all that."

"We'll see about that. I am going down to see her. Send a tray directly." Mr. Bennet barks as he makes his way below deck. "First I have to drag her away from that scoundrel Wickham and now she won't eat. What next?" He mutters as he makes his way to her room. He knocks on the door only to be met with silence. Finally after several minutes of silence he calls out to her. "Ellie, it's your father." No answer. "I am coming in." He says as he enters the luxurious cabin.

She is a beautiful young woman with ivory skin and dark curling tresses. Dressed in a designer white silk dressing gown and lounging on a couch, she stares longingly out the window at the sky with lovely eyes. There is a sadness about her that all of the possessions surrounding her can not take away.

"Elizabeth Bennet! I insist that you eat at this instant."

" I am not going to eat a thing until you let me off this boat." She says as she turns her smoldering eyes on her father.

"Come now Ellie, you know I will have my way." Andrew pleads with his stubborn daughter as he moves toward the couch.

"Not this time you won't. I'm already married to him." She says rising and advancing on her father.

"But, you're never going to live under the same roof with him. I'll see to that."

"Can't you get it through your head that King Wickham and I are married? Definitely, legally, actually married, and there is nothing you can do about it. I'm over 21 and so is he." Ellie says as her voice begins to rise.

"Well, it might interest you to know that while you have been onboard I have been making arrangements to have your married annulled."

"Annulled! I'll have something to say about that and so will King."

"I expect him too." A knock sounds on the door and a crewman enters. "Ah, the food."

"I thought I told you not to bring any food in here." Ellie says with a menacing look that begins to send the man out of the door.

"That's not for you, sit it over here." The crewman sets the tray down and hurries out of the room under Ellie's glare, and Andrew sits down and begins to cut his food.

"You think you're pretty smart, so subtle, but that little trick won't work. I refuse to eat until you let me off this boat." Ellie sneers at her father.

"Strategy my dear, strategy."

"I suppose it was strategy sending your goons to drag me away from that Justice of the Peace. Your idea of strategy is to use a lead pipe."

" I have won a lot of arguments with a lead pipe."

"Outside of the fact that you don't like him, what have you got against King?" Ellie says trying a new strategy. Maybe I can distract him.

"He's a fake Ellie. He is only after your money."

"He doesn't need my money, he's one of the best flyers in the country. He had money of his own." Her face was flaming with fury.

"But how long will his flying charade fool people? He needs you for security. He's no good and you know it. You married him only because I told you not to," he says as his temper rises.

"You've been telling me what not to do ever since I can remember."

"That's because you have always been a stubborn idiot," he yells.

"I come from a long line of stubborn idiots," Ellie yells back at him.

"You'd better keep your voice down or you might work up an appetite," he says quietly.

"I'll shout if I want to. I'll scream if I want to," Ellie shouts.

"All right scream!" Mr. Bennet shouts back.

"If you don't let me off this boat I'll break every piece of furniture in this room," says she as she grabs a vase full of flowers and hold it over her head.

"Now, here have a nice piece of steak. You don't have to eat it. Just smell it; it's a poem." He says as he holds out a fork full of food toward her.

Ellie smashes the vase on the floor, smacks the fork out of her father's hand and overturns the tray with the food. Her father's hand zings across her face. For a moment they both stand shock still with her hand to her now flaming cheek, then she bolts from the room.

"Ellie" Mr. Bennet cries. " Ellie! Please I am sorry. "

Before any of the crew are aware of what has happened Ellie races past them.

Where do I go? Ellie runs to the end of the corridor and runs into the railing. The only thing separating her from the water. Well if this is the only way away from my father, than this is the only way. Ellie takes a deep breath, gathers her skirt, dives into the water, and begins to swim away.

"After her! Lower the boats!!!! Hurry she is getting away!!" Andrew Bennet yells at his startled crew as he runs to the spot where Ellie jumped from the ship. The white vision swims nimbly away from the yacht.
The crew scrambles to lower the boats, to recapture her but to no avail. Ellie has flown from her gilded cage.

"Call the Linden detective agency, get agents along the entire eastern seaboard. I want her found tonight!" Andrew Bennet yells as he moves to one of the small boats moored next to his yacht and heads for shore.

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Chapter 2

A bus station in Miami

Two frumpy guys are snooping around the bus depot checking every passenger at the ticket window as if they are looking for a pot of gold.

"We're wasting our time. Can you imagine Elizabeth Bennet on a bus?" The private detective says to his partner, as he disinterestedly watches a little old lady make her way to the ticket counter. "Come on let's go, we're not going to find her here."

"One ticket to New York please." The little old lady says to the ticket man. Then she hurries away to a smartly dressed young woman whose face is obscured by a newspaper. "Here you go miss."

"Thank you." Ellie Bennet says as she watches the private dicks leave the bus station. She gives the lady a handsome tip, furtively looks around and heads out to her bus passing a large crowd of men. Hah, does my father really think I would allow myself to be caught a second time by his goons. I am going to make it to New York and the man I love, and there is nothing he can do to stop me.

As Ellie makes her way to the bus, she passes a phone booth with several men crowded around it.

"Hey! I'd like to use the phone." A man says to the crowd around the phone booth.

"Quiet! This is history in the making." A drunken man slurs as the first man looks about him and begins to lean in.

"There's a man biting a dog in there, now you run along." Another man says as he pushes the man away, the man turns looks at the men and then wonders off the find another telephone.

"In a pigs eye you will. Hey, listen monkey face when you fired me you fired the best newsman you ever had." Says the handsome, if somewhat tipsy newspaper reporter yelling into a telephone. The man on the phone is Will Darcy. William Darcy is a handsome young man with a regal bearing, obviously from money but currently in a state of lesser fortunes, as so many gentlemen were in the middle of the depression. The full rich voice was not as impeded by the drink as much as his common sense.

"Hey listen you wouldn't know a newspaper story if it reached up and kicked you in the pants." Will yells into the phone.
"Sure I got your copy! Why didn't you tell me you were going to write it all in Greek? I would've started a new department." Says Charles Bingley the man on the other end of the line who is getting exasperated at his friend and employee. He loves William Darcy like a brother but there was only so much a man could take. He was at the end of a very short rope when it came to his friend.

"It was written in free verse you gashouse palooka." William slurs back at him.

"What in the heck was so free about it? It cost this paper a gob of dough. And I am here to tell you it's not going to cost us anymore." Charles temper rises another degree at Will's insult.

Charlotte Lucas his diligent secretary interrupts. "Mr. Bingley, did you know he reversed the charges?"

"What? Why you!!!!! When you get back to New York, you keep far away from this office. You don't work here anymore and you never will." Bingley yells into the phone as he hangs up on the man.

For a moment, William stares at the phone. Then he continues his dialogue with dead air. " Oh! So you're changing you tune are you? Well you're a little late for that I wouldn't come back to work for you if you begged me on your hands and knees. I hope this will be a lesson to you." He slams down the telephone to the cheers from his drunken companions. Then he turns to face the crowd with a wide triumphant smile. "I guess he knows now how I feel about his job. Gentlemen! Is my chariot ready?"

"Your chariot awaiteth withouth oh mighty king." The drunken men reply.

As the procession proceeds out to the bus the men all cry, "Make way for the king, Long live the king." They tear up bits of newspaper for his ticker tape parade with William walking regally in their wake.

"Thanks boys." He says as the climbs onto the bus he sees the only available seat is filled with newspapers.

"Hey driver, if you will be kind enough to move these news papers I'll take a seat." The driver ignores him so he throws the paper out the window.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" The driver cries out as he boards the bus and advances on Will.

"What?" William feigns innocently.

"Those papers! What do you think you are doing throwing them out onto the street?" The upset driver yells.

"Well, it's a long story my friend. You see I never did like sitting on newspapers I did it once and all the headlines came off on my white pants. On the level, it actually happened." He says to the driver's impervious face as a smile graces his face. "Nobody read the paper that day, they just followed me around and read the headlines off the seat of my pants." Will says as his smile becomes a mocking one on his handsome face.

"Ah! A fresh guy, what you need is a sock in the nose." The driver says with a menacing look at Will. As the two men converse, Ellie stealthily moves past them and into the seat.

"Now, listen partner you may not like my nose but I do. I always wear it out in the open where if anyone want to take a sock at it they can."

"Oh yeah!" The bus driver sneers.

"Now that's a brilliant answer. You should have said that before, our conversation could have been over a long time ago."

"Oh yeah!"

"If you keep that up we're not going to get anywhere."

"Oh yeah!"

"Ya got me! Yeah!" Will replies as the other passenger's laugh. He moves to his seat and sees Ellie in his seat. Pretty little thing but if she thinks I am going to give up the seat that I just fought for she has another thing coming. He leans over the talk with her. "Excuse me lady, but that upon which you sit is mine."

"I beg your pardon?" Ellie looks up, takes in his disheveled appearance and seems to look right through him.

"I put up a pretty good fight for this seat. So if it's all the same to you, scram!" He says as he makes a shooing motion with his hat.

"Driver are these seats reserved?" Ellie asks the driver haughtily.

"No first come first serve." The driver says with a smile for Ellie and a sneer for Will.

"Thank you." Ellie says with a superior grin.

"Hey, driver these seats accommodate two don't they?"

"Well, maybe they do and maybe they don't." He says uncomfortably as he moves to the drivers seat.

William moves to the seat. "Move over lady, this is one of those maybe they do situations." Will hands Ellie her suitcase and sits down. He watches as Ellie rises and tries to put her bag in the overhead bin and fails. "If you were to ask me real nice I might put that bag up above for you." Will says while admiring the view of her form stretching to place her bag above her.

"No thank you!" Ellie says haughtily. After several tries she finally manages to put her bag away herself but the jerking of the departing bus throws her back into the Will's arms.

"Next time you drop in bring your folks." William says with a smile as he gazes into the eyes of the young woman in his arms. Ellie quickly removes herself from his arms and turns away with a little huff.

"Well I never."

"No, I bet you haven't." Will says with a cocky smile.

Ellie turns her head away and concentrates on the seat in front of her. Of all the rude obnoxious people in the world I would get stuck next to this one. Who does he think he is Clark Gable? It will be okay in a few days I will be with King and this will all be a bad dream.

Will studies her face and simply laughs at her. I didn't know they let princesses ride buses with the commoners. Once again he smiles in Ellie's direction and crosses his arms as he settles in for an interesting ride.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Thursday, 29 June 2000, at 12 : 40 a.m.

The bus rattles on through the night. William has plenty of time to think for himself. As he watches Ellie's sweet, vulnerable face in her sleep, he slips away. While looking at Ellie he seems to stop seeing her. Instead, the image of his sister Georgiana comes to mind. His sister who is barely out of her teens who now lives with his aunt, is the only way he survived his parents' deaths. Her love and devotion helped him to stay above water. He had to be strong to help her. Her adoration made him feel less alone in the world.

When the bottom fell out of the market his fortune went with it. The once tremendously wealthy man was now destitute. Yet, rather than take the cowards way out and leave Georgiana alone in the world, William Darcy decided to go out and work for a living. He had a college degree and for the first time in his life, he was going to use it. His good friend from college, Charles Bingley, was the editor of the New York Times and William went to him for a job. He sent Georgiana to live with his Aunt Catherine, a kind lady with all of her finances still intact. William could have remained with her, living the life of the idle rich, but he chose to make his own way in the world. Although he wanted to depend on no man or woman for his livelihood, he would not let Georgiana live in his new world. He would make and honest living and then bring her back to live with him. It was hard though to only see her when he could get the money together to visit. But letters were relatively inexpensive so most of their communication was done through letters.

Free from his responsibilities of Georgiana, Will behaved more like the young man he never got to be than a grown man. Will wrote many wonderful articles with a few bad ones mixed in. He had a bad habit of writing stories after spending the evening in a bar; therefore, many of his articles were unintelligible thus leading to the loss of his job. But he was not worried, Charles was an old friend who had fired him many times before and after a brief cooling off period Charles would forgive and forget. Will would come back to work and write another fantastic story. The voice of the bus driver breaks into his thoughts.

"Rest stop for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes only." The bus driver shouts.
Ellie is startled out of her sleep, she rearranges her hair and rises with an icy glance at William, grabs her bag from the rack, and leaves the bus. Will simply smiles at her and makes his way off the bus.
William watches Ellie as she stands beside the bus with her bag. She is a vision of loveliness petulantly staring off into the distance lost in her thoughts. She is unaware of the world around her. After a few moments she becomes aware of William's stare, and with a glare of her own, she glances away. What does he mean staring at me? What wrong with him hasn't he ever seen a woman before? As he watches her, he sees a man sneak up behind her and steal her bag. Ellie is lost in her thoughts so William runs toward Ellie, after the thief. As he runs toward her, Ellie shrinks back against the bus and then looks almost disappointed when he runs past her. What is the matter with that man? Has he finally gone mad? And why did he stop. Stop that Ellie! You are married and he is simply a no class arrogant rogue. Ellie thinks as she watches William run off into the brush.

William chases the man into the woods, What am I doing running into the woods after her suitcase. She is probably to dizzy to even notice it is gone. Will looks up and realizes he is alone in the woods. Well so much for my job as a hero. He thinks as he trudges back out of the woods to the bus. After a few minutes he returns and approaches Ellie.

"Well, he got away. I chased him into the woods and then I suddenly found myself alone in the brush without a sign of the scrum." Will says out of breath as he brushes off his clothing.

Ellie looks at him oblivious to what has happened to her. "Young man, I don't know what you're ranting about and further more I'm not interested."

For a moment he just stares in stunned silence. Of all of the nerve. Just who in the world does she think she is. His anger flashes clearly in his eyes, "Well, maybe you'd be interested to know that your bag is gone." Wills says as he parts his jacket and places his fists on his hips.

"Oh my heavens it's gone!" Ellie exclaims as she looks around.

I knew she was dizzy but this is ridiculous. "I knew you'd catch on eventually." William says with a chuckle.

"What am I going to do now?" Ellis says with the panic written clearly on her face.
"Don't tell me your ticket was in there?"

"No, I have it right here." She says holding up her purse. "But all of my money was in there. All I have here is four dollars."

"Don't worry you can wire home for more money when we get to Jacksonville."

Ellie glances nervously around. "Yes. Thank you, I will."

"Well, I'll tell the driver about your bag."

"No!" Ellie shouts. If I report the theft they will have to have my name, and then my father will find me. Just ask as if you don't care that you have no money or belongings. For a moment Ellie grows disheartened but then she regains control of herself. "No, thank you I'd rather not." She says recovering somewhat and putting on her best regal voice.

"Come on now don't be a fool. The bus company ought to have some responsibility. They may be able to give you some of you money back."

"I don't want it reported." Ellie practically shouts at him.

"But don't you see the company should do something for you." Will says trying to get his point across.

"I don't want it reported! Don't you understand English? Would you please keep out of my affairs. I want to be left alone." Ellie finally shouts and turns away.

"Why you ungrateful brat!" He spits out and then turns and walks away trying to calm his temper. First she is concerned because she has lost her bag and then a moment later she is all defensive and acts as if she couldn't care less. Women! I hope Georgie never grows up to be that confusing.

As they board the bus, Ellie looks at the seat she shared with Will and at the remaining seats on the bus. She spies an empty one next to a rather large man and with a withering glance at Will moves to another seat. Will simply smiles at her and makes himself comfortable in the backseat and falls asleep as the bus rattles away.
Will I ever get away from men who try to run my life? I think I know when I want my bag reported stolen and when I do not. Ellie's seat partner soon falls asleep and begins snoring and falling onto her arm. She quickly grows tired of fighting with him. She looks around and sees the only seat available is the one next to William. The snoring handsey wonder or the arrogant, cocky, if somewhat handsome man? After only a few moments reflection and another look at her seatmate, you can see it on her face that she thinks it is better to sit next to Will than her current seatmate, so she squares her shoulders and goes back to her seat with William.

Will is very aware of her struggles with her seatmate. So the little brat can't play with the big boys. Poor little princess having to mingle with the lower classes. Will decides to have a little fun with her and places his hand palm up, across the seat. She eyes his hand Oh horrid men, can't the keep their bodies parts to themselves, first the snoring man and now him! Gingerly she picks up his hand as if it will biter her, moves his hand back onto his lap and then squashes herself as small as possible in the far corner of the seat and closes her eyes. Will glances at her, through one squinted eye, trying to sleep with her head against the wall, gives her a triumphant smile and pretends to sleep.

Several Hours Later

"Jacksonville, only thirty minutes for breakfast that's all." The bus driver's voice booms to the crowd as the passengers' climb off the bus.

We see Will and Ellie quite cozy in the back seat with Will leaning against the window and Ellie on his arm, with his coat around her. Ellie snuggles closer and then as if realizing what she is doing awakens to find herself nestled against Williams's arm.

"I'm so sorry, silly isn't it?" She says blushing prettily and straightening at her clothes. "Where'd everybody go? Oh thank you very much," She says as she unwinds his coat from around her shoulders. "We're in Jacksonville aren't we?" Why am I having so much trouble with this blasted coat? He is just an insignificant man. Why can't I stop talking and give him back his coat?

"Yes." Will says smiling at her blush and quick words.

"That was foolish of me, why didn't you shove me away?" Ellie says blushing.

"Oh, I hated to wake you up, you look kind of pretty asleep. How about some breakfast?" Will smiles down on her.

"No, thank you. I 'm going to the Windsor hotel." Ellie says while trying to clean up her hair.
"But you'll never make it in time! We leave in half an hour."

"Oh no! No, they'll wait for me." Ellie says as she rises and makes her way to the front of the bus. "Driver, I'm going to be a few minutes late, be sure and wait for me."

"Oh yeah!!"

"Yeah!" She says and without a backward glance, she hurries away.

William sits on the bus and stares at her retreating figure, dumbfounded at Ellie's nerve.

Chapter 4

Forty five minutes later

Ellie makes her way nonchalantly through the bus station and out the door. It is only then that she realizes her bus is no longer there. She looks around helplessly.

"Where did the bus from New York go?" She asks a nearby porter in a panicky voice.

"It left about 20 minutes ago."

"But that's impossible. I was on that bus. I told them to wait for me." She pleads with the unsympathetic porter who just shrugs his shoulders.

"Good morning! Remember me? I'm the fellow you slept on last night." William says with a smile as he appears from behind a newspaper. He has been enjoying watching Ellie squirm.

"It seems to me I've already thanked you for that." She says with a sneer and Will. "What time is the next bus?" She asks the porter.

"Eight o'clock miss."

"Eight o'clock, that's twelve hours."

"What's the matter? Wouldn't the old meanies wait for you?" William says in his best nursery school teacher voice.

"What do you have to be so smug about? It seems to me that you missed it too?" Ellie snaps back.

"Yeah, I missed it too." Will says with a pointed look at Ellie.

"Don't tell me you did it on my account. I hope you haven't any ideas about what happened last night." Her face blushing uncontrollably. How can a perfect stranger irritate me so? Listen young man you needn't concern yourself about me. I can take care of myself." She says as she squares her shoulders at William.

"You're doing a pretty sloppy job of it." He says as he pulls her ticket from his pocket.

"My ticket?"

"I found it on the seat."

"Thank you! It must have fallen out of my purse." Ellie says sheepishly as she reaches out and reclaims her ticket from his hand, secures it in her purse and begins to walk away.

"You'll never get away with it, Miss Bennet." Will says quietly.

She stops a few feet away and tries to keep the rising panic out of her voice, "What are you talking about?"

"I said you'll never get away with it. Your father will stop you before you get halfway to New York."

"You must have me confused with someone else." Her voice quaking. Don't tell me he is working for my father. Did they let me get this far just to tease me?

"Quit kidding yourself. It's all over the papers." He hands her the paper with the headline. Elizabeth Bennet Escapes Father.

"Now, I always wondered what kind of a girl would be fool enough to marry King Wickham. Take my advice and get on the first bus back to Miami. That guy is a phony." Williams spits out as he gets up to leave Ellie.

"I didn't ask for your advice." Ellie retorts recovering some of her dignity.

"That's right you didn't." Will says as he turns and walks away from him.

"Wait, you're not going to notify my father?" Ellie says as she desperately clutches at his arm. "You probably could get some money out of this. If you promise not to say anything I'll pay you. I'll pay you as much as you want. You won't gain anything by giving me away, as long I'm willing to make it worth your while. I've got to get to New York right away. It's terribly important. But if you'll give me your address I'll get in touch with you the minute I get to New York. I would pay you now but the only thing I had when I jumped off the yacht was a watch I had to pawn it to get these clothes."

"Never mind. You know I had you pegged right from the start. Just a spoiled brat of a rich father. The only way you get anything is to buy it, isn't it? You're in a jam and all you can think of is your money. It never fails does it? Ever hear of the word humility? No, of course you haven't. I guess it would never occur to you to just say, 'Please mister, I'm in trouble, will you help me?' No, that would bring you down off your high horse for a minute. Well, let me tell you something, maybe it will take a load off your mind. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not interested in your money or your problem. You, King Wickham, your father. You're all a lot of hooey to me! " And with that said William stalks away. If she wants to fall for a phony like Wickham then I won't stand in her way.
Ellie stands stunned at his exit and slowly sinks onto a bench staring at the paper in her hands. Just who does he think he is? I can make it without money. How dare he pass judgment on my after meeting me once! What does everyone have against King? Why does everyone keep calling him a phony? First my father and now a perfect stranger. Oh that man! If I never see him again it will be too soon!
Will heads to the Western Union office to telegraph his editor Charles Bingley.

Am I laughing? The biggest scoop of the year just dropped in my lap. I know where Elizabeth Bennet is. STOP. How would you like to have the story, you big tub of mush. STOP. Will try and get it. What I said about never writing another line for you still goes. STOP. Are you burning? STOP. William Darcy.

"That will be two dollars sir?" The teller crisply says.
"Send it collect." Will says with his best charming smile.

"Collect?" The teller replies dubiously.
"Yes, collect." He says as he shoves his hat on his head and flashes a quick smile to the girl before he exits the room.
Twelve Hours Later
Will boards the bus, makes his way down the aisle of the bus and passes Ellie on his way to a seat. They don't speak as he deliberately looks at her and then makes his way to a seat away from her. Ellie ends up next to a fast talking salesman.
"Hi sister!! It's going to be a long trip, so we might as well get acquainted. Shapeley's the name - and that's the way I like 'em! What's the matter sister you ain't saying much." He says in an obnoxious way.
"Seems to me that you're doing excellently without any assistance." Ellie says trying to get him to stop talking.
"Ha ha! Seems to me that you're doing excellently without any assistance." He says in his best imitation of Ellie. "Well, shut my big nasty mouth. It looks like you're one up on me. You know there's nothing I like better than to meet a high-class mama that can snap 'em back at ya. 'Cause the colder they are, the hotter they get.' That's what I always say. Yes sir, when a cold mama gets hot, boy how she sizzles. Ha, ha, ha." He nudges her with his elbow. "You're just my type. Believe me sister, I could go for you in a big way. 'Fun-on-the-side' Shapeley they call me, with accent on the fun believe you me."
"Believe you me you bore me to distraction." Ellie says trying to end the conversation with Shapely. William overhears the entire conversation and finally rises from his seat to rescue Ellie.
"There's a seat over there for you." Will says in a cold no argument voice.


"I'd like to sit next to my wife." William says with ice in his voice and a glare that cannot be refused.

"Sorry, ya, I was just making conversation... trying to entertain the lady see. Sorry." He says as he scurries away from them to Will's old seat.
"If you promise not to bit my head off, I would like to thank you." Ellie says quietly.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for me. That guy was getting on my nerves." Will says still somewhat coolly. Then he softens, "What did you do all day?"
"I ran in and out of door ways trying to keep out of the rain." Replies Ellie with her arms wrapped around her body.

"You're all wet. Here." He says tying a scarf around her neck. "You're as helpless as a baby."
"Thank you." Ellie says with a small smile.
A man moves down the aisle selling cigars, pillows and chocolates.
"Here boy, a box of chocolates please." Ellie says.
"Move along boy." William growls.
"But the lady said." The boy stutters.
"Yes, I want some chocolates." Ellie whines.
"I said move along." William says as the boy moves away. "How much money do you have." William says as he grabs her purse. "$1.67, you had four dollars this morning. What did you do with your money? How do you expect to get to New York at the rate you're going? From now on you're on a budget."
"But I..."

"Aw shut up!"
Ellie starts to argue but she sees the set of Will's jaw and realizes it is useless.

Chapter 5

The bus moves on through the night slowly and steadily. Ellie and Will sit in somewhat companionable silence. With Ellie staring out of the window as the landscape rolls by and Will tries to keep his eyes forward.

Of all of the women in the world I had to run into this one. She is just like the society ladies who used to throw themselves at you. You hated them remember. So why does this one get under your skin? It's not just her pretty face. You can still get plenty of pretty faces to look at you. Perhaps it is because however misguided her mission, at least she has the guts, if not the brains, to try and attain her goal. King Wickham, how did that phony ever get into her life? Thank God I was there to keep that vulture from Georgie, he got in the house one time. One time of seeing him appraise everything of value and I knew where is intentions lay. Georgie had me and it looks like Ellie has plenty of people looking out for her, so how did this happen? I wonder if Wickham realizes how lucky he is. Not one woman in a hundred would spend days on a bus to get to a man, especially a spoiled rich brat. Well you surprise me Elizabeth Bennet, if only you weren't running to King Wickham, I could truly admire you.

Ellie's thoughts were in as much turmoil as Will's. How did I get here? I am on a bus running away to be with my husband and yet all the while the man next me keeps invading my thoughts. That he was at one time well bred it evident, it not well hidden by his arrogant attitude. I wonder how he ended up like this? If he were truly as flip as he acts he would have left me in Jacksonville. Why are men so troublesome? He is a royal pain but he has already saved me several times, I don't think I would have gotten this far without him. But the real question would I have wanted to go anywhere without him. Ellie colors at this last thought and shifts in her seat bumping Will's arm. She smiles sheepishly up at him, "Sorry." He simply smiles down at her.

Both Ellie and Will are slightly stunned at the force of one touch. Their arms feel as if they are on fire and their faces almost reflect the same heat. The braking bus is a welcome distraction.

They are forced to stop for a man in the middle of the road waving a lantern.

"Bridge is washed out. You can't go any further. There's a motor inn up the road for the passengers to stay the night." The man shouts to the bus driver, as the driver turns the bus around.

"Wait here a minute brat, I'll go and find out what is going on." William jumps off the bus and goes into the motor inn.

Ellie looks around the bus and begins to feel uncomfortable with out Will's presence. She decides it would be better to wait outside in the fresh air than with all of these people around her. She wraps Will's coat around her, grabs his suitcase and jumps off the bus. For a moment she stands in the rain off of the buses last step before she spies an over hanging near the motor inn. While Ellie waits under the overhang, Will appears at the door of the caretaker's house and notices Ellie at the under the overhang, he begins motioning to her.

"Come on!!" William yells.

"What?" Ellie says trying to be refined while shouting.

"Come on!" Will repeats while motioning with his arm for her to follow him.

Ellie pulls Will's coat over her head and runs to join him while in pursuit she nearly runs over the owner.

Ellie stands still with shock, his coat falling from her head, until Will's voice jolts her to the present.

"I said come on. Do you want to stand there all night?"

Ellie runs into the room and stands in the doorway staring at the twin beds and Will stringing a rope across the rooms.

"I just had the unpleasant sensation of having you referred to as my husband." She says with an icy voice.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you I registered us as Mr. and Mrs." Will says nonchalantly.

"Oh! What am I supposed to do leap for joy?" Ellie says still standing in the doorway.

"Well, you might say thank you." Will retorts with his hands going to his hips in his now familiar 'frustrated with Ellie stance.'

"Your ego is absolutely colossal."

"Yeah, yeah, not bad, how's yours?" As he pushes past her, then shuts and locks the door.

"You know, compared to you, my friend Shapely is an amateur. Just whatever gave you any idea I'd stand for this?"

"Hey now, wait a minute. Let's get this straightened out right now. If you're nursing any silly notion that I'm interested in you, forget it. You're just a headline to me."

"A headline? You're not a newspaper man are you?" Ellie says as her knees go weak from shock and she reaches to grab the table for support. He locked door. Has he called my father? Are they on their way to get me? Why won't my legs work?

"Chalk up one for your side. Now listen you want to get to Wickham don't you?" Ellie shakes her head, her face white with fear. "Well, I am here to help you. I want an exclusive all about your mad flight to happiness. Just between you and me, I've go to have it." The desperation sneaking its way into his voice.

Ellie breaths a sigh of relief before his words hit home. "Well isn't that just too cute. There is a brain behind that face of yours, isn't there? You've got everything nicely figured out for yourself. Including this." She says as she gestures around the room.

"This? Well, that is a matter of simple mathematics. These cabins cost two bucks a night, I am sorry to break it to you wifey dear but the family purse won't stand for us having separate sleeping arrangements." He says as he begins to unpack his suitcase.

"Thank you very much you have been very kind." Ellie says as she begins to head out into the storm.

"Fine, go on, but I'll follow you, and if you get tough I'll just have to turn you over to your old man." Will says to Ellie's shocked face. "Right now. That's my whole plot in a nutshell. A simple story for simple people. If you behave yourself, I'll see that you get to King Wickham. If not, I'll just have to spill the beans to Papa. Now which of these beds do you prefer?" He rolls down the covers of the bed away from the door, takes a blanket, and places it over the rope.

"That, I suppose, makes everything quite all right." Ellie says as she gestures to the blanket.

"This?" He says and gestures to the blanket. "Well, I like privacy when I retire. Yes, I'm very delicate in that respect. Prying eyes annoy me. Behold the walls of Jericho! Uh, maybe not as thick as the ones that Joshua blew down with his trumpet, but a lot safer. As you see, uh, I have no trumpet." He says as he pats his shirtfront. "Now just to show you my hearts in the right place I'll give you my best pair of pajamas." He says as he throws the clothes at her and she clumsily catches them. "Now if you wouldn't mind joining the Israelites?" As he motions her to her bed. "You don't want to join the Israelites?" He says to the frozen Ellie. "All right. Perhaps you are interested in how a man undresses. Quite an interesting thing that, you could make a study in psychology on that, every man does it differently. I once knew a man who kept his hat on the entire time. Came out he wore a toupee." William says with a conspirator's whisper. "I have a method all my own. If you notice, the coat came first, then the tie, and then the shirt."

Who would have thought that scoundrel could look that good without his shirt. Stop it Ellie!! You are a married woman and he is nothing but a con artist. Still there is something to be said for his chest. Will's voice jolts her back to the present.

"Now, uh, according to Hoyle, after that, the, uh, pants should be next. Here's where I'm different, I go for the shoes, first the right one then the left." Displaying none of the nervousness he feels at standing in a room partially dressed with Ellie staring at his chest. Then he grabs his belt. "After that, it's every man for himself."

At the sight of him reaching for his belt Ellie bolt to her side of the room pajamas clutched to her chest. She sits on the bed and raises the window shade and looks out into the pouring rain with despair.

"Still with me brat." Says Will perplexed by Ellie's sudden quiet behavior. "Don't worry, a good night's rest will do you a lot of good. Besides, you got nothing to worry about: the walls of Jericho will protect you from the big bad wolf." Will says as he gets into bed "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf, She's afraid of the big bad wolf tralalala." He sings to Ellie with a wide grin on his face.

"Could you please turn out the light?" Will's mocking voice draws her out of her introspection.


Ellie begins to hurriedly undress; she throws her undergarments onto the blanket.

"Would you please take those things of the walls of Jericho?" William says tensely as he tries to avoid looking at the undergarments and her silhouette.

"Oh, excuse me." She then settles into bed. There are a few more moments of silence when Ellie suddenly speaks, "By the way, what's your name?"

"What's that?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm the whippoorwill that cries in the night. I'm the soft morning breeze that caresses your lovely face." Comes Will's melodramatic voice.

"You've got a name haven't' you?" Comes her exasperated reply.

"Yeah, I've got a name. William Darcy." He says the last part quietly hoping she won't recognize his name from the old society pages.

"William Darcy." Ellie considers, " Hmm...I don't like it."

"Don't worry you're giving it back to me in the morning."

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Darcy."

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Darcy."

Silence descends on the cabin. Ellie settles down and quickly falls asleep. William lies in his bed thinking for a while. Trying to understand why this spoiled brat disconcerts him so, slowly he falls asleep while listening to Ellie's regular breathing.

Meanwhile in the air over the Atlantic coast

Her father is intensifying his search for her through private detectives, and flying to New York to look for her. He is growing increasingly worried. He knows his daughter to well to believe that she could survive on her own in the world. He says a silent prayer for her safety as he pushes the plane as fast as it will go. The plane flies right over the cabin and awakens Ellie.

"Hello, hey mister." Ellie says as she peeks around the blanket. She looks scared for a moment and then William enters." Hello!" Ellie says with a smile.

"Are you not up yet? Here!" He says as he tosses a package at Ellie.

Ellie smiles unwrapping the package as if it were a Christmas present. "A toothbrush thanks," then she spies her dress hanging on a nail on the wall, "Oh and my dress, you had it pressed thank you."

"Well come on its 8:00. Now come on if you're not out of bed by the time I count to ten I'm coming over there and taking you out." William begins counting as Ellie argues with him.

"Now who do you think..." He has reached 6 and is advancing on her, "I'm out, I'm out." She says as she jumps out of the bed with the sheet wrapped around her pajamas, and he turns back to the stove.

"There are showers outside around the second cottage."


"Of course, all the best homes have them outside." Comes Will's voice in an elitist tone.

"I can't go out like this" she gestures to her clothes.

"Here you can use my robe. Now come on and make it snappy." He says as helps her on with it. "You know your hair looks cute like that. You should never comb it."

Ellie blushes and leave the cabin for the showers. Once she reaches the building she pays no attention to the people outside of it and goes to the head of the line. She opens the door on another woman. The women around her laugh as a scream comes from the shower. Ellie then notices the line and move to the back of it in embarrassment. After her shower she runs into Shapely who tries to apologize to her, but Ellie simply hurries away from the man and practically runs into the cabin.

"About time you got back." Will says tightly, as he has seen Shapely talking to Ellie.

"Oh! I met some very interesting people, we got to chatting you know."

"Well, come on, get dressed." She rushes to get dressed behind the wall of Jericho and Will tries to keep his eyes facing the opposite direction.

"Oh eggs!"

"Egg, one doughnut and coffee, that's your ration till lunch, any problems."

"No, no problems. You'll never know what all this means to me." Ellie says with a smile.

"What makes you so disgustingly cheerful?"

"Oh! It must be the spring."

"I thought ol' Mister believe you me got a hold of you and told you one of his stories." Will says somewhat jealously with a glance out the window to where he last saw Ellie talking to Shapely.

"Oh no, he apologized for last night and said he didn't know we were married."

"Just shows you how wrong a guy can be."

"You must think this is awfully silly. This running away and everything."

"Oh no, it makes to good of a story."

"Yes, you do. You think I'm a fool and a spoiled brat. Well, perhaps I am, although I don't see how I can be. People who are spoiled are accustomed to having their own way. I never have. On the contrary, I've always been told what to do, and how to do it, and when, and with whom. Would you believe it? This is the first time I've ever been alone with a man! It's a wonder I'm not panic-stricken...Nurses, governess', chaperones, even bodyguards. Oh, it's been a lot of fun."

"One thing you can never get lonesome." Will responds quietly.

"It has it's moments, it has become a game to outwit my fathers detectives. Once I went shopping alone, it was wonderful, I felt absolutely immoral. They caught up with me and I was so mad, I ran out of the store and jumped into the first car I saw. Guess who was in it?"

"Santa Claus."

"King Wickham."

"Is that how you met him?"

"Yes, we rode around all afternoon. Father was frantic. He had all the rivers dragged." Ellie smiles as she dunks her doughnut into he coffee.

"Hey, where'd you learn to dunk? In finishing school?"

"Aw, now don't you start telling me I shouldn't dunk. " Her eyes beginning to turn into small slits.

"Of course you shouldn't - you don't know how to do it. Dunking's an art. Don't let it soak so long. A dip and then plop, into your mouth. Let it hang there too long it'll get soft and fall off. It's all a matter of timing. Aw, I ought to write a book about it".

"Thanks professor." Ellie laughs.

"Just goes to show you - forty million, and you don't know how to dunk." Will says in disbelief.

"Oh, I'd change places with a plumber's daughter any day." Truly believing her statement.

Their pleasant conversation is interrupted by a noise outside. Will motions for her to be quiet. They hear two detectives arguing with the motor inn owner.

"I tell you there is no girl here by that name." The inn owner shouts at the detectives.

William runs to the window and looks back at Ellie.

"Oh! Will those are my father's men! What should I do? Jump out the window?" Says Ellie as she prepares to jump.

"No, sit down, mess up your hair pull it over your eyes." He says as he pulls at her hair and unbuttons the top of her dress. Trying to ignore his fumbling fingers and rising color. He begins talking as the men knock on the door and enter the room without waiting for an answer. "I got a letter from Aunt Bella and she said that we had better stop off there on our way through. The baby is due next month. I hope she has a boy." Will keeps on talking, facing the mirror straightening his tie, ignoring the men who are staring at them.

"A man here to see you sweetheart." Drawls Ellie in a terribly fake southern accent.

"Who, me?" Will turns to the men. "You wanna see me?"

"What's your name?" Snarls the largest detective at Ellie.

"Are you addressin' me?" Ellie says in her new affected voice.

"Yeah, what's your name?"

"Hey, wait a minute! That's my wife you're talkin' to. What do you mean comin' in here? What do you want anyway?" Pushing the men away from Ellie.

"We're lookin' for somebody."

"Yeah. Well, look your head off but don't come bustin' in here. This isn't the public park I got an urge to take a sock at you."

"Now don't get so excited William. The man just asked you a simple question."

"Ohh. Is that so? Say, how many times have I told you to stop buttin' in -when I'm having an argument?" Will yells at Ellie.

"Well, you don't have to lose your temper." Ellie whines.

"'You don't have to lose your temper.'" Will says in his best Ellie southern belle accent. "That's what you said the other time too, every time I try to protect ya. The other night at the Elks Dance when that big Swede made a pass at ya."

"He didn't make a pass at me. I told you a million times." Ellie begins to yell back.

"Oh no. I saw him. Kept pawin' you all over the dance floor." Will yells right back ignoring the men who stare open mouthed at the spectacle before them.

"He didn't. You were drunk."

"Aw nuts. You're just like your old man. Once a plumber's daughter, always a plumber's daughter. There's not an ounce of brains in your whole family."

"Oh William Darcy, you've gone far enough. I won't sit here and..." Ellie barely gets out the words before her affected wails begin.

"Aw, shut up! Quit bawlin'! Quit bawlin'!" Will says getting up in her face.

"We're sorry Mr. Darcy but we have to check everyone. We're looking for Elizabeth Bennet the daughter of that banker."

"Well, just get on out of here can't you see you've upset my wife."

After the men leave, they begin to laugh at their little play.

"Hey you know, you weren't bad jumping in like that. You've got a brain, haven't you?" He says as he fixes her dress, freezing for a moment and catching his breath as he looks up into her brilliant laughing eyes. He backs away quickly and let's her put her dress in order.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself." Ellie smiles oblivious to Will's discomposure.

"You know, we could start a two-people stock company. If things get tough, we'll play the small-town auditoriums."

"What about Cinderella or a real hot love story?" Says Ellie wistfully.

"Oh no, no, no. That's too mushy."

"Oh, I like mushy stuff."

A knock on the door sends Ellie wailing again.

"Quit bawlin'! Quit bawlin!" William yells.

"Bus leaves in five minutes." The inn owner says as he pokes his head in the door.

"Holy smokes we're not even packed yet." Will and Ellie begin to rush around the room getting ready to go and head out the door running for the bus.

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Chapter 6

Posted on Thursday, 13 July 2000, at 4 : 09 p.m.

Will's telegram arrives as Bingley is berating his staff for their lack of stories. As he dismisses them, he reads the telegram. When he sees the author, he looks up at a retreating Charlotte.

"Charlotte, how did this telegram arrive?" Charles hisses at a cowering Charlotte.

"Collect." Charlotte somehow stammers.

"If you ever accept a telegram from that man again I'll... I don't know. Just don't ever accept one from him again." Bingley bellows as Charlotte scurries out of his office. Bingley simply hangs his head and tries to make sense of the telegram.

Mr. Bennet's New York office

Mr. Bennet is pacing his office staring out of the window. He is clearly worried. Finally, he pauses at his desk and presses the intercom. "Mrs. Long please call the Linden detective agency. Tell them to double their number of agents. And Mrs. Long contact all of the papers. Have them advertise a $10,000 reward for information leading to Ellie's return." He depresses the button and once again moves to the window, "Please Ellie, let me find you." He says in prayer.

Meanwhile back on the bus

Shapely watches as Will and Ellie make their way back to their seats. He averts his eyes and sits back and opens the newspaper.


His eyes open wider as reads the front page; he glances at Ellie and back at the paper. A slow smile crosses his face as the truth hits him. So our little princess is a real one after all. No wonder that guy wanted to keep her to himself. He is after the reward well two can play at that game.

The bus rattles on through the night and a band begins to play. Everyone on the bus begins to smile and sway as they listen to the band play. The whole bus begins to sing along as the band strikes up, The Man on Flying Trapeze.

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease,
That daring young man on the flying trapeze.
His actions are graceful
The girls he does please
That daring young man on the flying trapeze.

Ellie and Will join in the singing and smile with the rest of the crowd. Everyone is so interested in singing that the bus driver forgets to pay attention to the road. The next thing they know the bus is in a ditch. Ellie ends up on the floor.

"Are you all right?" Will says with a look of concern.

"Thank the kind man for me, Will! This is the first comfortable position I've been in all night." Ellie laughs and smiles up at him with dancing eyes.

He helps her up, "She flies through the with the greatest of ease..." They stop their revelry when the screams of a young boy pierces the air.

"Mother! Mother wake up! Someone please help! What is wrong with my mother." The young boy says as the tears stream down his face.

Will helps the woman up and they lay her down. He pulls the crying young man into his lap as Ellie tries to wake the mother.

"What happened to your mother?" Will asks.

"We ain't ate nothing since yesterday. We spent all our money on the tickets, we didn't know it would be so much."

The boy cries. "My uncle said there was a job waiting for her in New York and if we didn't go she might lose it."

The boy breaks down in tears again as Ellie moves to Will's side and hears the end the tale. Will has pulled some money out of his pocket.

"She'll be all right once she gets something to eat. Here honey, at the next town we come to you get something to eat." She says as she takes the money Will has pulled from his pocket and hands it to the young boy.

"I shouldn't take this, Ma'll get mad."

"Well don't tell her." Say Ellie sternly and the boy looks up at Will for assurance.

"Naw, I got millions." And the boy smiles and moves away.

Will leaves the bus to ask the driver what is going on. "So how long will we be here?"

"This bus isn't going anywhere; we are stuck in mud." The driver says shaking his head. "We'll have to wait for someone to come along and help us out.

Shapely follows Will off the bus and confronts him when he steps away from the bus, "Listen here bub, I know who your wife is."

"Oh you do!"

"Yes, I've got her picture right here." He shows Will the paper.

Will tries not to look shocked, "Oh really, so now you want in on it? Come on let's go somewhere and talk."

"In on what?" Shapely asks confused.

"Lucky me I could use a man like you?" Talking fast trying to trip him up. He leads Shapely into a wooded area away from the bus. Drawing the fast talker in with his mysterious looks and lowered voice.

"You can count on me."

"I got a couple of machine guns in my suitcase. I'll let you have one of 'em. May have a little trouble up North. Have to shoot it out with the cops. If you come through all right, those five G's are as good as in the bank, maybe more. I'll have a talk with the Killer, see that he takes care of ya."

"Killer?" Shapely says somewhat shakily.

"Yeah the big boy, the boss of the outfit."

"You ain't kidnapping her are ya?

"Well, what else stupid?" Shapely makes a faint gesture to the newspaper. "That reward, chicken feed, we're holding that dame for a million smackers."

"I didn't know it was anything like that. Listen, I got kids." Shapely squeaks

"Pipe down! You're in and you're staying in! I got a notion to plug you." He says as he holds his hand inside his jacket pocket like a gun.

"You can trust me mister, I'll keep my mouth shut."

"You got a couple of kids do ya? Well if you want them to see school then you had better keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" Shapely shakes his head quickly. "Good, now beat it."

Shapely runs off into the woods scared for his life. Will heads back to the bus, collects Ellie, and he drags her off into the woods.

"What's the matter why'd we have to leave the bus?"

"Come on don't ask so many questions." Will says as he pulls her through the underbrush. They run through the woods for a long time in silence. When they reach a stream, he lets them stop for a breath. "That guy Shapely knows who you are. I scared him off for now, but pretty soon when he settles down he is going to realize that he was had. Your father is offering a $10,000 reward for your return. Your picture is all over the papers." Will paces away from her, then turns toward her, "You know the next time we reach a town you had better wire your father." He says as he begins to remove his shoes and socks.

"What's the matter? Are you weakening?" Ellie says looking down on him.

"No, I'm thinking of you, a starvation diet may not suit you." He says as he rises and levels her with a look.

"Did you give that child all your money?"

"I didn't give him anything. You were the big hearted one."

"No sir, I started out for New York and I will get there if I have to starve all the way." Ellie says petulantly.

"Fine whatever you say. But what is this strange power that Wickham has over you women?" How does that phony always manage to draw women in, and this one isn't one of the normal naďve ones. Will shakes his head and looks away from her. "Here take my shoes and get up on that log." She complies and he throws her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. She begins to laugh.

"You know this is the first time in years I've ridden piggy-back." Ellie says gleefully.

"This isn't piggy-back." Will says shaking his head.

"Of course it is." She says as she tries to maneuver her body to look at Will.
"You're crazy."

"I remember distinctly my father taking me for a piggy-back ride."

"And he carried you like this I suppose."


"Your father didn't know beans about piggy-back riding."

"My uncle, mother's brother, has four children and I've seen them ride piggy-back."

"I'll bet there isn't a good piggy-back rider in your whole family."

"You're prejudiced."

"You show me a good piggy-backer and I'll show you a real human. Now you take Abraham Lincoln for instance. A natural born piggy-backer. Where do you get all of the stuffed-shirts in that family of yours?" He says stopping in the middle of the stream.

"My father was a great piggy-backer." She says in her most regal voice.

"Here hold this!" He hands her his suitcase and slaps her behind, then continues across the stream despite her cries.

"What was that for?" Ellie says under her breath, rubbing her behind.

Will simply smiles, I enjoyed that too much.

They make their way down the road and find a pasture filled with haystacks.

"This looks like a good spot."

"We're not going to sleep out here are we?" Ellie whines.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to give an awfully good imitation of it."

After a few minutes of silence, "Will, I'm awfully hungry." Ellie says quietly while Will pulls hay out of the stack.

"Oh, that's just your imagination." He says trying to put her off.

"I'm hungry and scared."

"You can't be hungry and scared at the same time."

"Well, I am." Her voice growing indignant.

"When you're scared it scares the hunger right out of you."

"I'm more hungry than scared." She says stubbornly.

He tries to make a bed out the hay he has pulled from a haystack.

"Holy Smoke! Why did I ever get mixed up with you? If I had any sense, I'd be in New York by this time." Letting his frustration show through.

"What about your story?

"Taking a married woman back to her husband." To King Wickham no less. "Hmmm, mmm. I turned out to be the prize sucker. All right your bed's ready."

"I'll get my clothes all wrinkled."

"Well take them off."


"Well don't take them off. Just shut up about it." Will shouts and walks away.

"You're becoming awful disagreeable lately." Ellie tries to make a bed. "You just snap my head off every time I open my mouth. If being with me is so distasteful to you, you can leave. You can leave anytime you see fit. Nobody's holding you here. I can get along." Ellie says all this then looks around for Will. "Will, Will, WILL" She begins to run around and cry until he comes into view. She throws her arms around him.
"What's the matter with you? I was only gone for a minute. I found you something to eat." He says as he pulls away and shows her the raw carrots.

"I don't want it any more."

"I thought you said you were hungry."

"I was, but..."

"But what?"

"I got so scared it took the hunger right out of me."

"Suffering catfish, you would drive a guy crazy." He stomps off to make his bed.

Ellie watches him make his bed. Her eyes follow him as he moves toward her, he leans down and covers her with his coat. For a moment he stare into her eyes he almost gives in to his desire to kiss her, then he realizes what he is about to do and moves away. He lies down on his bed a few feet away and turns his back to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Ellie says with tears in her eyes.

"By strange coincidence, I was thinking of you. I was wondering what makes dames like you so dizzy?"
She rolls over and looks at his back facing her and a tear slips out of her eye and slowly rolls down her cheek.

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Chapter 6

Will and Ellie spend a rough night sleeping in the field. Both are so thoroughly confused about their reactions to one another that their sleep was troubled. Ellie can't stop thinking about the way she felt when he leaned down to cover her and how he looked into her eyes. I don't think I have ever seen eyes like that before. It's as if he could see right down into my soul. What is the matter with him? One minute he is yelling at me and calling me a brat and the next he is digging up carrots and covering me with his coat while he sleeps in the cold. Why am I thinking about him. I am almost home, I will be with King in two days time if all goes well. I should be thinking about him not this gruff outspoken man. Fighting these thoughts she falls into a troubled sleep.

Several feet away Will is having the same trouble sleeping. What did I almost do? I have never gone for dames like her. Especially ones so dizzy as to fall for, worse to marry, King Wickham. There is nothing so special about her. So her eyes shine in the moonlight lots of girls have eyes like that. And so her smile makes me feel like I could fly, I bet there are a hundred dames who could do that. I need to block her out of my mind and begin concentrating on the angle of my story.

The next morning finds the two of them in terrible spirits as they walk along the road. Ellie is barely limping along in her heels, as Will tries not to leave her behind.

"What did you say we were supposed to be doing?" Ellie asks.

"Hitchhiking." Will says flatly.

"Oh, I've seen a good example of the hiking where does the hitching come in?" Ellie grumbles.

"It's early yet no cars out."

"Well, I'm just going to sit down here for a minute until one comes along." She says as she limps to the fence railing and climbs on and begins messing with her mouth unconsciously mesmerizing Will. "Will do you have a toothpick?"

"No," Will says as her voice causes him to jump. "Why?"

"I think I have hay in my teeth." Ellie says fighting with the hay in her mouth.


"I think I have hay in my teeth." Ellie says slowly.

"Here let me." Will says as he pulls out a penknife and touches her face. "Open your mouth." Comes his ragged command. His hand feels like it is on fire and he has trouble concentrating on the task at hand instead of her mouth. Ellie is in a similar predicament, frozen by his touch, she tries not to breathe so as not to break the spell that has been cast between the two of them.

"There!" Will says as he hands her the hay.

"Thank you." Ellis flings the offensive piece of hay onto the ground.

"You should have kept that, it looks like it could have been breakfast." Will says to her and pulls a carrot out of his pocket.

"Hey, what are you eating?" Ellie cries.



"Yeah, you want one?" Will says as he holds out a carrot.

"NO!" Replies a horrified Ellie.

"I forgot. The idea of offering a raw carrot to a Bennet. Hey, you don't think I am going to go around panhandling for you, do ya? You'd better have one of these. The best thing in the world for you - carrots."

"I hate hard things."

As they talk, a car passes by. "I wish you wouldn't talk so much we let a car get away."

"Suppose one doesn't stop for us." Ellie says a little depressed.

"They'll stop. It's all a matter of knowing how to handle them."

"You're an expert I suppose?" Comes the sardonic reply.

"Expert! I 'm going to write a book about it! I'll call it the hitchhikers guide by William Darcy."

"There's no end to your accomplishments, is there?"

"It's all in that the thumb, you see? Your thumb never fails. But, it's all a matter of how you do it though." Will moves to stand in front of Ellie. "Now you take number one, for instance. That's a short, jerky movement like this - that shows independence, you don't care whether they stop or not. You've got money in your pocket, see"

Ellie responds, "Clever!"

"But number two, that's a little wider movement - a smile goes with this one, like this," Will says demonstrating the move. "That means you've got a brand new story to tell about the farmer's daughter."

"Hmm, mmm. You figured that out all by yourself!" Ellie murmurs under her breath as she moves to stretch out on the fence.

"Number three, that's the pits. Yeah, that's a pitiful one you know. When you're broke and hungry and everything looks black. It's a long sweeping movement like this, but you've got to follow through though."

"Oh, that's amazing."

"It's no good though, if you haven't got a long face to go with it." He moves out to the road. "Keep your eye on that thumb, baby, and see what happens,"

She watches as he tries all the methods as a line of cars speed by.

"I still got my eye on the thumb."

"Something must have gone wrong." Will moves back out to the road to try again as more cars race by him.

"When you get to 100, wake me up."

"I don't think I'll write that book after all." A dejected Will moves to the fence post to sit beside Ellie.

"Here let me try." Ellie says as she hops off the fence post.

"You? Don't make me laugh."

"Oh, you think you are so smart. Nobody knows anything but you. I'll stop a car and I won't use my thumb." And with that said she flips her hair at him and starts for the road.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's a system all my own." She raises up her skirt and exposes her leg. Will tries hard to keep his eyes in his head at the sight of her leg exposed up to mid thigh.

A car screeches to a halt in front of her in a matter of seconds.

Ellie motions to Will and he grudgingly joins her in the back seat. As they sit in the car, Will pouts.

"Aren't you going to give me a little credit?" Ellie says somewhat exasperated.

"What for?" Will says sulking.

"Well, I proved once and for all that the limb is mightier than the thumb."

"Why didn't you take off all your clothes? You could have stopped forty cars."

"Oh, I'll remember that when we need forty cars." Ellie sarcastically retorts.

"Ah newlyweds!!!" The driver smiles. "You know if I was newlywed, I would do just what you two are doing, spend it hitchhiking." The driver then begins to sing very loudly. "HITCHIKING, DOWN THE HIGHWAY OF LOVE ON A HONEYMOOOOONNN!!!! DOWN THE HIGHWAY."

Ellie and Will laugh and whisper to themselves but soon the musical scales of the driver force them to interrupt.

"Hey, buddy, aren't' you afraid you'll blow a tonsil."


"All right that's fine buddy." Will says trying to stop the horrid sounds coming from the driver's mouth. The driver makes a face and continues to drive as Ellie tries to suppress her giggles.

"How about a bite to eat?" The drivers says as he pulls into a roadside diner.

"That would be lovely!" Ellie says as she moves to get out of the car.

"No, thank you! We're not hungry." Ellie and Will say at the same time, as Will puts a restraining hand on her arm.

"Oh I see young people in love are never hungry. YOUNG PEOPLE IN LOVE ARE NEVER HUNGRY, ARE NEVER HUNGRY!!!!!!!" The man sing/screams as he walks into the restaurant.

"Were going to gold dig that guy for a meal?" Will growls at Ellie. Ashamed that he is not able to provide Ellie with a meal. For the first time in a long time he regrets the loss of his money. With his money again perhaps...

"Sure I was. I'm hungry." Ellie admits sheepishly.

"Eat a carrot!!"

"No, I'm going in now."

"If you do, I'll break your neck." He grabs her arm to keep her in the car. They stare into each other eyes and Will breaks when he realizes what he is doing. He looks around and sees a bench under a tree. "Come on let's go stretch our legs."

As the stand by a bench he reaches out and puts a hand on her arm. "Listen, I'm sorry about that back there."

"Oh! That's alright."

As they stand in this intimate pose, the man runs out to the car, which still contains Will's suitcase and takes off. For a moment Will and Ellie just stare, then Will takes off down the road after the car. Ellie waits for a while pacing up and down the drive looking for Will. After a while Will pulls up driving the car alone and she runs out to greet him.

"What happened?" Cries Ellie.

"Get in, get in!" Will hurriedly shouts.

"You're cut! Where's the driver?" Ellie says as she examines his face her voice rising in concern.

"Get in! Oh, he's just a thief who picks up hitchhikers and then steals their things."

"How'd you get the car?"

"I gave him a black eye for it. I had to tie him up to a tree." They take off down the road. She reaches out with her handkerchief and begins to doctor his cut as she tenderly brushes his hair back.

"We're going to need gas soon. We've got to start promoting some. You had better take the things out of that coat. That ought to be good for ten gallons."

She begins to remove the objects from the pockets and finds the carrots. Despairingly Ellie begins to eat the carrot.

Will glances over at Ellie slowly eating the carrot. A wave of despair washes over his face as he turns his attention back to the road.

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In New York

"I haven't changed my mind Wickham. I don't like you. Never have, never will." Mr. Bennet growls at Wickham from across the desk.

"You made that quite clear in your request for an annulment. But there is not going to be an annulment. Ellie loves me. I think she has made it quite clear that she wants to be with me." Wickham says with a triumphant smile at Ellie's mad dash across the country and the forty million he would now be a part of. Not that he didn't have his own money, but after all one could never have too much money.

"I see you've got hold of good thing and you aren't going to let go of it. Okay, you win. I guess I am going to have to get used to you. I will admit it when I'm licked." Mr. Bennet sits resignedly and then as he gets angry at Wickham again, "But it's only because I'm worried. If I don't find her soon, I'll go crazy."

"I might have been able to help if it weren't for you. But I have been watched so closely." Comes Wickham's slimy reply.

"I know, I know. If she returns, I will not interfere with your marriage. I have a roomful of reporters ready to take your statement. You go in there and tell her to come home and I will withdraw my objections." Bennet scowls at the man across from him.

"BENNET WITHDRAWS OBJECTION. Banker and Aviator Reconciled - 'Everything All Right. Come Home, Darling,' Says Wickham."

Chapter 8

Posted on Tuesday, 18 July 2000

The headline dominates the paper. 'Everything All Right. Come Home, Darling,' Says Wickham."

Ellie's eyes freeze as she opens the paper, her heart sinks. Her father and Wickham have reconciled. With a shout, she could bring Will and this would all be over, she could go home to her husband. Husband, how can this man I barely know be my husband. Honestly I know Will better than I know my husband. Funny I can't remember why I married him now. I should be ecstatic and shouting for Will, but why won't my voice work, why can't I call to him and end this whole mad dash? Somehow Wickham, the reason she had endured this awful trip, was no longer foremost in her thoughts. Oh what is wrong with me? Wickham is my husband. I should be jumping out of this car and running for a phone. But why won't my legs move? Then William appears in the doorway of the motor inn and her heart jumps in her chest. That is why! Will begins walking toward the car. Ellie quickly stuffs the newspaper under her seat.

"All right brat." Says Will with little enthusiasm

"Any luck." Ellie says hopefully.

"He finally agreed to let us have a cabin."

"What about the money?"

"I told them we would be staying a whole week. We'll have to think of something before morning."

"That's swell."

"Yeah, well I'm glad you think so. If you ask me, I say it's foolish. There's no sense in us staying here. We could be in New York in three hours. I thought you were in such a hurry to get back."

"Well...who ever heard of getting in at three in the morning? Everybody will be asleep." I just want to have one more night with him. One night to figure out the rest of my life. I can't go home until I figure out what I am going to do.

"Okay cabin 6." Will motions to Ellie as she gets out of the car and walks to the cabin, Will follows behind with the car.

"There you go trusting people again." Screeches the inn owner's wife.

"But he looked like a nice trusting young fellow, Ma!" Cowers the inn owner.

They make their way to the cabin, both quiet and unhappy. Will starts putting up the walls of Jericho. This time instead of throwing the pajamas to her, he hands them to her nicely.

"Well we're on the last lap. Tomorrow morning, you'll be in the arms of your husband." Will spits out as if the words were painful to him.

"Yeah and you'll have a great story won't you?" Ellie says staring out the window.

"Yeah." Is all the reply he can manage. "Well, you certainly outsmarted your father. I guess you ought to be happy."

As they undress on their separate sides.

"Am I going to see you in New York?" Ellie asks hopefully with the tears threatening to invade her voice.


"Why not?" She asks sadly.

"I don't make it a policy to run around with married women." Especially those married to King Wickham.

"There is no harm in your coming to see me."

"Not interested." Will gruffly replies.

"Will I ever see you again?" Ellie almost cries.

"What do you want to see me for? I've served my purpose. I brought you back to King Wickham didn't I? That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Will snaps.

There are several moments of silence in the cabin before Ellie gets the courage to speak.

"Have you ever been in love Will?" Ellie says as she sits on the bed in his pajamas.


"Yes. Haven't you ever thought about it at all? Seems to me you, you could make some girl wonderfully happy."

You could make me wonderfully happy.

"Sure I've thought about it. Who hasn't? If I ever meet the right sort of girl. But, where are you going find her? Somebody that's real. Somebody that's alive. They don't come that way anymore. I've thought about it. I've even been sucker enough to make plans. I saw an island in the Pacific once. I've never been able to forget it. That's where I'd like to take her. She'd have to be the sort of a girl who'd jump in the surf with me and love it as much as I did." Will smiles up at the ceiling imagining whom he would be with in that perfect world. "Nights when you and the moon and the water all become one. You feel you're part of something big and marvelous. That's the only place to live. The stars are so close over your head you feel you could reach up and stir them around. Yeah, I've been thinking about it. Boy, if I could ever find a girl who was hungry for those things." He trails off as Ellie appears around the blanket.

"Take me with you Will. Take me to your island." She throws herself across Will's chest crying. "I want to do all those things you talked about."

"You'd better go back to your bed." Will says trying not to let his emotions through, trying to keep his arms at his sides, trying to stop himself from taking her into his arms.

"I love you. Nothing else matters. We can run away. Everything will take care of itself. Please Will, I can't let you out of my life now." Ellie clutches at his chest burying her head there. "I couldn't live without you." She weeps and cries in his arms, totally submissive to him. He relents and holds her for a moment.

But the moment is all he will allow if she stays there a moment longer he won't be able to let her go. "You'd better go back to your bed." Will says coldly.

Ellie looks up and sees the coldness in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Returning to her bed, she throws herself on the bed and cries herself to sleep on her pillow.

After listening to her tears for a few minutes, aching to go to her, Will breaks the silence.

"Hey brat. Did you mean that? Would you really go?" His voice filled with hope and excitement. When she doesn't respond, he peers over the top of the blanket and sees her asleep.

She looks so peaceful, so beautiful when she is asleep. I could go to New York, write the story and get some money. Then I can come back and get her and we can go to that island. But I have to hurry I have to get back here before she awakens. He quietly dresses and leaves so he can go to New York. He stops for a moment and stares down at her sleeping form. He kisses his fingertips and places them on her lips, she stirs and smiles in her sleep. Full of hope at this sign he leaves the room.

As he drives down the road he realizes he will need some gas if he wants to get to New York. He has no money so he is forced to haggle with the gas attendant.

"Listen buddy, this suitcase is worth at least twenty dollars. All I want for it is a full tank of gas."

"I've already got a suitcase. But I haven't got a hat. If you give me that hat I'll give you your gas." The attendant slowly says.

"Well filler up man." Will cries as he slaps the hat onto the man's head.

He goes to his favorite bar and closes himself in the backroom to write the story of how a struggling newspaperman and an oil heiress fell in love on her mad flight across the country to see her husband.

"Hello Charlotte." He says as he breezes into the newsroom and rushes toward Bingley's door.

"Don't go in there. He'll shoot you on sight." Charlotte cries.

"Don't worry I haven't been shot at in a week." Will says as he bursts into the room.

"Get out, Get out." Charles says as he rushes toward Will.

"Now Charles."

"Don't Now Charles me."

"Now listen you know I've always done you right anytime I got a good story I always passed it on to you. Well, I've got one now. That wire I sent you was on the level. It's the biggest scoop of the year."

"You mean about that Bennet kid?" Charles's eyes begin to gleam.

"Here it is all ready to go. All I want is a thousand bucks."

"A thousand bucks, get out of here."

"Now listen. I need a thousand dollars and I need it quick."

"What's the thousand bucks for?" Charles says skeptically as he peruses the story.

"To tear down the walls of Jericho." Will replies cryptically.


"Never mind. What if I was to tell you that Ellie Bennet was going to have her marriage annulled...and she's going to marry somebody you think a story like that would be worth a thousand bucks to you...I've got it Charles.

"Who's the guy she's gonna marry?"

"I am Charles."

"Your drunk. I'm going home." Charles says as he rises to get his hat.

"Come on Charles, you know me. This is on the level. I met her on a bus coming from Miami. I've been with her every minute. I'm in love with her Joe...You have got to get me this money now. Quick. Minutes count. She's waiting for me in an autocamp, just outside Philadelphia. I've got get right back, you see, she doesn't even know I'm gone. You know, a guy can't propose to a gal without a cent in the world, can he?"

Charles looks at Will and the story in his hand then walks to his desk. "City desk please."

Will looks at him and smiles. In a few minutes Charles hands him the money and Will is back on the road to Ellie.

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At the auto camp

"Zeke! What did I tell you he's gone." The inn owner's wife screeches at the sleeping man.

"Who?" Zeke sleepily queries.

"That young man. He left and took the car. Come on." The storm into the room and find Ellie alone.

"Young woman where is your husband?" The woman bellows at her.

"Isn't he here?" Ellie asks growing frightened. He left me?

"NO!! I suggest you be on your way now. We run a respectable establishment here."

Ellie get up and rushes around to get dressed. She comes out of the cabin dressed and dejected. "Could I use your phone please?"

"You can use the one at the sheriffs office. You ain't sticking me for a phone call."

Ellie walks away slowly and sadly. I guess I scared him off. He really wasn't' talking about me when he was talking about that island. This was his kind way of telling me he doesn't care for me. There is nothing to do now but go home and face to music. I married King Wickham and put on this grand show for him, Will is right I am a brat and now it is time to reap the crop I have sewn. It is time to go back and be his wife.

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New York

As Charles prepares to put the paper to bed two men storm in.

"Mr. Bingley, it has happened. Ellie Bennet called her father. He and King Wickham are going out to pick her up together. She is in some small town in Pennsylvania."

"Charlotte!" Charles screams as Charlotte rushes to the door. "Charlotte, call the doctor, I think I am having a heart attack. On second thought call the police because when I find Will Darcy I am going to kill him." He says as he sinks into his chair.

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On the road to Pennsylvania

Will is driving down the road thinking of Ellie singing to the birds when a police procession leading a limousine passes him on the opposite side. He looks inside the car and at first does not comprehend. It takes a few moments before he realizes that it is Ellie with King Wickham's arm around her. Will's world goes from sunny to dark in a matter of seconds. He pulls over to the side of the road and rests his head on the steering wheel.

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Chapter 9

Posted on Tuesday, 18 July 2000

The next day the headlines screamed:


At the reading of the last headline Will throws the paper in the trash as he tries to pull himself together to go in to the newsroom. She is just a dame and they are a dime a dozen. If she is going to marry that fake than I never really cared about. Will tries to convince himself that all of these statements are true but he knows in his heart that his heart and life were touched by Ellie's magic eyes and beautifully smile.

As Will makes his way to through the newspaper office he looks terrible and is obviously drunk. He hands the money back to Charlotte.

"Tell him I was just kidding." Wills somehow stammers out.

Charles hears Will's voice in the outer office and chases him down.

"Will wait!" Charles shouts.

"I'm sorry. It was just a little gag of mine. I thought I'd have some fun with wouldn't have made a bad story though would it?" Wills heart clearly on his sleeve.

"It would have made a great story. Come back in when you sober up and we'll talk." Charles says as he slips some money in Wills pocket.

"Thanks, Charles." Will says somberly as he clasps Charles hand.

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The Bennet Estate

Mr. Bennet knocks on Ellie's door when there is no answer he enters and finds her lounging on a settee, staring into space. "Ellie?" Mr. Bennet asks in a worried voice.

"Hello Dad." Comes Ellie's depressed listless voice.

"I knocked several times."

"I'm sorry I must have been daydreaming."

"Well everything's set. Creating quite a frenzy. Great stunt King's going to pull."

"What stunt?"

"Landing on the lawn in that auto gyro thing."

"Oh yes. Yes, I heard." Ellie replies disinterested.

"Yes, I think it's silly too. You are beautiful dear. Are you pleased with the gown?"

"Oh, the gown. Yes it's lovely. Thank you dad." She moves to the bed and sits down sadly.

"What's the matter Ellie?"


"You haven't changed your mind have you?" Mr. Bennet says hopefully.

"Oh no!"

"You know it's not too late. You know how I feel about him but you gave me such a scare when I couldn't find you. You know the old ticker isn't what it used to be. I just didn't know what I would do if I lost you." Her father says as he puts his arm around her.

"I'm so sorry father. You know I wouldn't hurt you for anything."

"What's the matter child? Aren't' you happy?" Ellie bursts into tears. "There, there, I knew there was something on your mind. You haven't fallen in love with someone else have you? I haven't seen you cry since you were a little girl. This must be serious. Where did you meet him?" He says as he pulls her away from him and pulls her chin up to look him in the eye.

"On the road." Ellie sobs.

"Now don't tell me you fell in love with the bus driver. Who is he?"

"I don't know very much about him. Just that I love him."

"Well, if it's as serious as all that, we'll move heaven and earth to get you to him."

"No, it's no use. He despises me." Ellie says as the sobs grow once again.

"Oh, come now."

"Yes he does. He despises everything about me. He says that I'm spoiled and selfish and pampered, and totally insincere."

"Oh that's ridiculous. Who could think that of you?"

"He doesn't think so much of you either...he blames you for everything that's wrong with me. He says you raised me stupidly. That you spoiled me."

"Now that's a fine man to fall in love with." Mr. Bennet says with a smile. I like this man already.

"Oh, he's marvelous!" Ellie says with a far away smile.

"Well what are we going to do about it? Where is he? I would like to have a talk with him."

"It wouldn't do any good. I practically threw myself at him, and he made it perfectly clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. That I was just a story to him."

"Well don't you think we should call things off?"

"I don't want to stir up any more trouble. I've done it all my life. I've made your life miserable and mine too. I'm tired Father. I'm tired of running around in circles. He's right that's what I have been doing my whole life. I've got to settle down. It doesn't matter how or where or with whom. I can't walk out on King now - that would make us all look ridiculous. What difference does it make? What difference does it make who I marry, I'll never see Will again."


"William Darcy."

"William Darcy." Mr. Bennet says in a voice of recognition.

"You haven't you heard from him have you?" Ellie says a light suffusing her face her finger clutching at his jacket. "Oh no, oh please tell me what you have heard."

"Well." She pries open his pocket and reads the letter.

Dear Sir:

I would like to have a talk with you about a financial matter concerning your daughter.

William Darcy

"Well I guess that was his only interest. The reward. Are you going to see him?" Her face falling, her hopes dashed into the dust. I never thought Will would turn out like all of the rest.

"I suppose so."

"Pay him off. He did an excellent job. It will be worth every penny he kept me thoroughly entertained." Ellie says squaring her shoulders and retreating back into her ice princess shell. There is a knock on the door and Wickham enters.

"I'll be going." Mr. Bennet leaves.

"You're just in time King. A toast to us. We are starting on a merry-go-round of life. Never a dull moment. Promise me we'll never get off, darling. Never." Ellie says as the grasps him tightly her words tumbling over themselves as she tries to convince herself she will be happy with King.

"Of course, darling! Whatever you say. Our lives will be non-stop excitement from here on out."

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Will's apartment

Will is sitting in his apartment with a bottle and the papers. The one on his lap has a picture of Ellie smiling up at him. He stares at the face and would have gone on staring were it not for the ringing of the phone. "Hello, yeah, who? Why can't I see you at your office? But I don't like the idea of cutting in on you little party. On second thought, I'd like to get a load of that three-ring circus you're pulling. I want to see what love looks like when it's triumphant." Will hangs up and begins preparations to go out.

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The Bennet Estate

Will is astounded by the activity of the house. The bravado he professed on the phone is wearing thin. I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can be in this house so close to her and not be able to see her. I don't know if I can stand silent while she ruins her life.

Will paces the floor of Mr. Bennet study momentarily pausing to look out the windows.

"Mr. Darcy?" Mr. Bennet says as he looks at the man pacing in his office.


"Please sit down." Mr. Bennet gestures as he makes his way to his desk.

"Thanks." Will warily sits down his every nerve singing as he is in her house.

"I was surprised to get your note. My daughter hadn't told me anything about you, about your helping her." Mr. Bennet eyes Will, liking what he sees.

"That's typical of your daughter. Take those things for granted. Why did you think I lugged her all the way from Miami - for the love of it?"

"She thinks you're entitled to anything you can get."

"Oh she does? Now isn't that sweet of her. You don't, I suppose."

"I don't know. I'll have to see on what you base your claim. I presume you feel justified." Mr. Bennet says trying to draw Will out.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be here." He pulls a list from his pocket. "I've got it all itemized."

Reading the list aloud " 'Cash outlay, $8.60; topcoat, $15; suitcase, $7.50; hat, $4; three shirts, $4.50. Total, $39.60. All the above items had to be sold to buy gasoline." Mr. Bennet's eyes pursue the list and the man in front of him impressed at his honesty.

"And I sold some shorts and socks too. I'm throwing those in." Will says gesturing to the list.

"Yes, I know."

"What's the matter? Isn't it cheap enough? A trip like that would cost you a thousand dollars. Maybe more!"

"Now let me get this straight. You want $39.60 in addition to the $10,000?" Mr. Bennet asks incredulously.

"What $10,000?"

"The reward."

"Who said anything about a reward?" Will's anger rising. Who do they think I am King Wickham, I don't do things for money, I did it for her!

"I'm afraid I'm a little bit confused. I assumed that you -"

Will rises and begins pacing, he is too annoyed to sit. "Look, look, look, all I want is $39.60. And if you give me a check for it, I'll get out of this joint. It gives me the jitters."

"You're a peculiar chap." Mr. Bennet says smiling and writing the check.

"Yeah, well, we'll go into that some other time." Will says as he begins to pace even faster.

"The average man would go after the reward. All you seem to -"

"Listen, did anybody ever make a sucker out of you? This is a matter of principle. Something you probably wouldn't understand. But when anybody takes me for a buggy ride, I don't like the idea of having to pay for the privilege."

"Were you taken for a buggy ride?"

"Yes. With all the trimmings. So how about the check? Do I get it?"



"Here you are." Mr. Bennet says as he hands him the check.

"Thank you." Mr. Bennet says, as Will starts to head for the door.

"Oh, ah, do you mind if I ask you a question frankly? Do you love my daughter?"

"Any guy that'd fall in love with your daughter ought to have his head examined."

"That's an evasion."

"She picked herself a perfect running mate: King Wickham! The pill of the century! That guy is so phony that a child could see through him. What she needs is a guy that'd take a sock at her once a day - whether it's coming to her or not. If you had half the brains you're supposed to have, you'd have done it yourself long ago." Will voice rises a little.

"Do you love her?" Mr. Bennet says his voice rising to match Will's.

"A normal human being couldn't live under the same roof with her without going nutty. She's my idea of nothing!"

"I asked you a simple question! Do you love her?"

"Yes, I love her! But don't hold that against me. I'm a little screwy myself." Will says as he leaves the room and slams the door coming face to face with Ellie.

"Well, here's to the merry go round." Says Ellie toasting a group of stylish people on the stairs.

"Perfect. Now you look natural." Will says as he sees Ellie.

Ellie looks shocked to see Will but sees the check in his hand and grows angry as she walks toward him. "I hope you got your money"

"You bet I did."

"Congratulations." Ellie says half-heartedly.

"Thanks, same to you." Will says sarcastically.

"Stay around and watch the fun. You'll enjoy it immensely." Ellie says trying her best to sound patronizing and uncivil.

"I would, but I've got a weak stomach." And he storms out of the house.

"I just had a long talk with him." Mr. Bennet says as he comes up and puts his arm around Ellie.

"I'm not interested." Ellie says as she tries to walk away.

"Now, Ellie"

"I don't want to hear another word about him." She storms away.

King lands in his plane on the lawn and the crowds rush toward him. He laps up the attention and smiles his little fake smile and the wedding begins.

As Mr. Bennet walks Ellie down the aisle, he tells her, "You're a sucker to go through with this. That guy Darcy is OK. He didn't want the reward. All he asked for was $39.60, what he spent on you. Said it was a matter of principle. You took him for a ride. He loves you Ellie. He told me so. You don't want to be married to a phony like Wickham. I can buy him off for a pot of gold, and you can make an old man happy and you won't do so badly for yourself. If you change your mind, your car's waiting back at the gate." He kisses her on the cheek and lets her go to Wickham.

What am I doing here? Can I really live with this man for the rest of my life. Will was so close can I just let leave my life forever?

The ceremony begins and she stares in shock at Wickham.

"If anyone here knows any reason why these two should not be joined let him speak now or forever hold their piece." No one speaks.

"Do you King Wickham vow to love honor and cherish this woman?"

"I do."

"Do you Elizabeth Bennet vow to love, honor and cherish this man?"

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Chapter 10 ~ Conclusion

Posted on Wednesday, 19 July 2000

Ellie looks at King and then Will's face flashes into her mind.

"Ellie" King hisses as he elbows her.

King's elbow awakens Ellie and she stares at Wickham for a moment, then she looks around the crowd of faces staring at her. Her resolve almost weakens and then she remembers Will's smile, Ellie flashes King a smile and she runs for her car.

King stares after her for a moment and then begins chasing after her. My forty million is getting away I have to catch it. But she has a head start on him. By the time he gets to the road there is just a trail of dust. After she is gone King returns to Mr. Bennet.

"What happened?" King forces out between breaths.

"I haven't the slightest idea!" He says with a smile.

Ellie sits in the car for a few moments stunned at her decision.

The driver breaks her from her reverie. "Ms. Bennet."

"Oh I am so sorry Andrews, I don't know where I am going." Ellie says as she begins to look about the car for the answer.

"Ms. Bennet, this is from you father." He says as he hands her an envelope.

Ellie breathlessly tears the letter open.

I am so proud of you my girl. I have told Andrews where to take you. Just tell him what is in your heart and he will be a lost man. I will miss you but I am proud of you for finally thinking like a Bennet and reaching out for life and grabbing it with both hands. I wish you both the best of luck and don't worry about King Wickham it will be my pleasure to have your marriage annulled as soon as legally possible.
All my love,


The tears begin to course down her cheeks as she finishes the letter. She had finally grown up in her father's eyes. Before she has a moment to worry they are at Will's apartment building. Well, I had just better go straight up, if I stay out here I won't be able to say anything. Ellie takes a deep breath and runs up to the building, and finds Will's apartment number near the buzzer but before she can ring the bell another tenant comes out and Ellie nearly knocks him over in her rush to get in the building.

"Thank you!" Ellie cries to the shocked man who isn't sure he really saw the vision in white that just flew past him.

Ellie reaches the door and attempts to compose herself. She bangs on the door.

Will hears the knock at the door and tries to ignore it as he packs his bags, he doesn't know where he is going but he has to get away from her face. The banging simply will not go away.

"I'm coming!" He bellows as he flings open the door and sees Ellie glowing like and angel.

"Will," is the only word she can strangle out as the sobs overtake and she flings herself into his arms. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

Unconsciously his arms go around her, "What for darling?" He says as he cradles her in his arms and strokes her hair and kisses the top of her head.

"For almost losing you, please tell me that there is a small chance that you care for me."

"Small, Elizabeth Bennet, there aren't words in the world to tell you how I feel for you."

"Oh Will!" Ellie pulls away and looks into his eyes. She sees reflected there the feelings of her heart and there is no need for words.

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A Few Days Later

"Mr. Bennet, it's Mr. Wickham." The secretary's voice comes over the speaker

"Put him on. Hello, my would-be-ex son-in-law. I sent you a check for $100,000 King, quite smart of you to sign those annulment papers. Well, I'm not complaining. Oh no, not complaining. It was dirt-cheap. Better luck next time!" Mr. Bennet laughs as he hangs up the telephone.

"Mr. Bennet there's a telegram from Will. They are in Glen Falls Michigan."

"What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke? The walls of Jericho are a-toppling." Mr. Bennet reads aloud. "Send them a telegram right away. Just say, 'Let 'em topple.'" Mr. Bennet says as he pours himself a drink and makes a toast to Will and Ellie.

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Glen Falls Michigan

"Funny couple, ain't they?"


"If you ask me, I don't believe they're married."

"They're married all right. I just seen the license."

"They made me get them a rope and a blanket on a night like this. What do you reckon that's for?"

"Blamed if I know. I just brought 'em a trumpet."

"A trumpet?" The puzzled woman replies.

"Yeah, one of them toy things. They sent me to the store to get it."

"But what in the world do they want a trumpet for?"

"I don't know!"

The last thing we hear as we leave is the sound of a trumpet blaring and the lights dimming in the cabin.

The End.


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