Farah Setton, Brazil
Punctuation - Put the film title in "inverted commas".
Verb tense - We would probably use the present continuous tense in this context, i.e. 'is suffering'
Poor word choice - Try something like: 'has a short life expectancy' or, less formally, 'isn't expected to live for very long'.
You can refer to a 'womaniser' or a 'womanising man'. Good choice of vocabulary!
Poor word choice - Do you mean 'relationship'? A 'date' usually means one night only!
This sounds a bit awkward. What about describing her as 'a lovely girl who is full of joy who, despite her disease, strongly believes in life and welcomes it with open arms'.
Spelling - 'the strength'
Good choice of vocabulary
Delight (8)
Choose another word instead of repeating 'delight'. How about 'thrill' or 'please us greatly'?
Well-constructed phrase or sentence
Of (9)
Wrong or misused preposition - `for' sounds better
Word order - 'the real value of life is'
This last sentence is a bit of an anticlimax! Your review would be fine without it OR perhaps add a bit more by saying something like:
'You will enjoy watching this film but bring a box of tissues!'