0x08 graphic

Steps or behaviors used by lg learners to enhance:

  1. METACOGNITIVE - all techniques used for organizing environment, paying attention, finding out about lg learning, self- monitoring and evaluating.

  1. AFFECTIVE - for handling emotions and attitudes, making positive statements, using a check list, etc.

  1. SOCIAL - for cooperation, asking for correction, help, explanation, cooperation with native speakers, knowing more about the culture, etc.

  1. COGNITIVE - linking new info with existing knowledge, analyzing, classifying, doing exercises, note- taking, using resources, summarizing.

  1. MEMORY - for entering new info into memory & retrieving it when necessary, association, imagination, repeating, visual aids, semantic maping, etc.

  1. COMPENSATION - to overcome difficulties & gaps in knowledge, avoiding communication, gestures, mimes, using L1, selecting the topic, circumlocuting, simplifying messages, etc.


by Spada ( OUP)


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