12 17 2012

A: Tell me the difference between:

1. exertion / endeavour

2. mockery / self-reproach

3. to peruse / to flick through

4. clip onto a belt/ slip into a pocket

5. to be dubbed/ to be devised

Complete with the missing words/ phrases.

1. Well, obviously I t___________ all the junk mail in the bin. What else shall I do with it?

2. I find it hard to d_______________ weird thoughts caused by anxiety.

3. We are all t________________ into buying costly gadgets which, we believe, will combat the r________________ ballooning w____________________.

4. I truly give no t_________________ to politics. Politicians’ m_______________ effort is to d______________ people and ______________ them into believing that what they do is proper and just. Oh, please, I’d call it a c___________________ gesture towards our nation, what they really do is the fact that either un________________ or not, they make m_____________ and joke of lives, loves and e_______________ of countless people. ( HAHAHAHA, można??? MOZNA!!!!)

5. Yeah, and this w______________ transmitter passes the information to a receiver.

6. The shoes, d______________ MANOLOS, are world’s most expensive shoes ever.

7. I get out of breath with any kind of physical e___________________.

8. It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't w_____________ a great deal of time being spent on it.

Doing my homework regularly and good marks at school w___________ time I could spend outdoors.

9. These kind of activities i_____________ my privacy.

10. I’ll go o_____ o____ my w_____, I’ll do whatever it takes……

B: Tell me the difference between:

1. doing sth unwittingly / doing sth in vain

2. a casual gesture / a contemptuous gesture

3. to trample upon / to dismiss one’s life

4. to tear/ a tear

5. to warrant / to ensure

Complete with the missing words/ phrases.

1. Well, obviously I t___________ all the junk mail in the bin. What else shall I do with it?

2. I find it hard to d_______________ weird thoughts caused by anxiety.

3. We are all t________________ into buying costly gadgets which, we believe, will combat the r________________ ballooning w____________________.

4. I truly give no t_________________ to politics. Politicians’ m_______________ effort is to d______________ people and ______________ them into believing that what they do is proper and just. Oh, please, I’d call it a c___________________ gesture towards our nation, what they really do is the fact that either un________________ or not, they make m_____________ and joke of lives, loves and e_______________ of countless people. ( HAHAHAHA, można??? MOZNA!!!!)

5. Yeah, and this w______________ transmitter passes the information to a receiver.

6. The shoes, d______________ MANOLOS, are world’s most expensive shoes ever.

7. I get out of breath with any kind of physical e___________________.

8. It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't w_____________ a great deal of time being spent on it.

Doing my homework regularly and good marks at school w___________ time I could spend outdoors.

9. These kind of activities i_____________ my privacy.

10. I’ll go o_____ o____ my w_____, I’ll do whatever it takes……


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