Język Angielski

My favourite means of transport

In the past people had only few means of transport to travel – one could ride a horse, drive a stagecoach or a sleigh. Since the engine invention, many things have changed in transport. Nowadays one can choose one means of transportation from many kinds of tools, such as buses, trains, ships and planes. However, my favorite one is flying.

Air travel is exceptionally safe and statistically you have as much chance of crashing as say, being hit by a meteor. It's very quick and comfortable, but in many cases it is quite expensive. Nowadays we have a lot of so-called “cheap flights”, but to tell you the truth - “cheap” doesn't always mean - “at a low price”. If you sum up all costs sometimes it may appear that the final cost of a ticket is not actually “low”... Also, many people have problems with overbooking their tickets, but I guess it's the other part of the story... For me, flying is the most amazing experience ever and I hope it will always be so.


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