Hi, i'm Manuel and thank your for sale this project.
so...let start!
Putting your contents in the three scenes and the logo of project is very simple:
• Open the project's file.
• You have four precomp visible, and the other layers hidden (because you don't need to modify them).
• The comps: "YOUR SCENE 1", "YOURE SCENE 2" and "YOUR SCENE 3 " only need to replace the layer
named "Replace it with your layer", with yours (video, photo or what do you want).
• The comp: "FINAL LOGO OR WEBSITE" is also simpler. You can delete my layer, and put in it what do you want,
with any dimension or colors, because all the properties are applied to the precomp layer.
So, if you have other questions about it, contact me to manupalma2007@hotmail.it
i hope you enjoy :)