Michalski 1 06 10 11

Michalski 1 - 06.10.11

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For Anglo-Saxon most important virtues were:




Christians were the first ppl to write down oral legends

elegy – tell the sadness of exile or separation from one's lord or community, it's about passing the time

rood – cross

'The dream of the rood'

1 sb may have a vision of a cross

2 sb desires the cross

'The Wanderer'

It's an elegy

He's life is not in his hands, there's a faith which is fully fixed

2 speakers – narrator and the wanderer

gnosis = knowledge

gnomic line – the lines which provide some knowledge 'words of wisdom'

Ubi sunt? - where are they?

Source of a sorrow – he lost his friends

'The whale's roaet',

'the life-house'=body

find it and bring the text


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