Anthology Toy Box Domination

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By Sean Michael

Table of Contents

The Sound of Pleasure, a Found story - 2

The Sound of Love, a Forged story - 19

The Sound of Home, a Bent Story - 39

About the Author - 50

A Torquere Press Toy Box - 1

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The Sound of Pleasure

Billy had tried running.

He really had. He'd gone out with Montana. He'd hired a
personal trainer to encourage him to get out there. He'd
tried just doing it. The fact was, he didn't really get
running. Not just for the sake of running.

Montana enjoyed it and that was fine for him. Billy just
wasn't a runner. He was more a long walks kind of man.

"You want to take a picnic basket down to the beach
tomorrow, love?"

"Sure." Montana nodded, stripped off his T-shirt, breathing
hard. Today's run had been long -- two hours, and his boy
was sheened in sweat.

"That's a plan, then. I think I know what the plan for right
now is." Montana loved the shower.

"Shower?" Those dark eyes smiled at him.

"Got it in one!" He chuckled. "One of these days I'm going
to start a scene right after you get back from running --
sweat and all."

"Ew. No way." Montana rolled his shoulders. "Running's
like having a scene, kinda."

"Only without the tying you up and spanking you."

"Right. Or the coming and neat toys."

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"Yeah..." He chuckled and grabbed Montana's hand,
heading for the bathroom. "So how exactly is it like a

"Well, it's hard sometimes, but I keep going and then I go
beyond all the stuff that I don't want to think about
anymore. There's just peace."

"Interesting. That does sound like a scene."

"Kind of, yeah. I can just go and go." His boy had a serious
addictive bone.

"Scenes are better, though." He turned on the water,
adjusting the taps.

"Are you asking me? Because they are. You're better."

"No, I wasn't asking, actually. I know the scenes are
better." Billy reached out for his name, inked right there on
Montana's belly. "But I'm glad you know it, too."

Montana hummed, prick leaping. He loved that, how just
his words, and his name on his boy could make Montana

"You're smiling." Montana reached up, touched his lips.

"Mmmhmm." He opened his lips and nipped at the tips of
Montana's fingers before sucking two in and pulling on

He loved the soft moans, the way Montana fought the

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submission, just the tiniest bit. As he let his lover's fingers
go, he gave another few bites across the tips.

"I... Come into the water."

He hadn't played with his boy in days. "We'll start there."
But they'd finish in the bedroom.

"Start?" Those dark eyes searched his.

"Yes. Start." He met Montana's gaze and let his boy see the
promise in his eyes.

"Okay." Montana's cock leapt, filled, curving up toward
that lovely belly.

Billy smiled, loving his boy's eager response. "We'll get
wet first." Even if Montana hadn't been hot and sweaty,
he'd have wanted that. His beautiful water lover.

"Mmm. Perfect." Montana moved into the water, arched up
into the spray. The water made his boy slinky, silky.

Billy soaped up his fingers and started touching, letting the
slick bubbles make the way easy and smooth. He needed to
feed Montana more; the man's ribs were evident. He traced
his name written in ink on his boy's belly again.

Then he let his hand drop down to play with the tip of his
boy's cock. "I'm still thinking about the prince Albert."

Montana's eyes rolled. "It would hurt so bad."

"Not forever. Not even for long."

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"You don't think?" That heavy bit of flesh grew, swelled
even more for him.

"No, I think it'll hurt just long enough." Long enough to
make his boy need.

"Does that make sense?"

Billy chuckled. "You like the pain, sometimes. You like the
idea of it. You like the edge." He knew his boy.

Montana moaned, but didn't argue. Didn't lie.

"It would be very sexy. Very... enticing to my fingers."

"You'd find a way to attach it to the cage and make me

He threw his head back and laughed. "I would."

"See? You don't even deny it!" Montana was chuckling.

"You wouldn't believe me if I did."

"Nope." He was given a long, sweet kiss. "Dork."

"That's Master Dork to you."

Montana's eyes were dancing. "Sir Dork."

Oh, God, he could hardly keep his laughter in. "That must
make you my trusty steed."

Their laughter rang out, filling the shower, both of them

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howling with it. He pressed their lips together while they
were still laughing, the taste of it sweet, heady. Montana's
arms wrapped around his neck, held onto him.

His fingers found the scars on Montana's back, tracing
them, slowly moving down toward his boy's sweet ass.
When he hit the small of Montana's back, his boy arched,
cried out for him. He stroked that spot, played it as he
devoured each and every sound. The little hot spot was
guaranteed to leave his boy shaking, desperate, willing to
do anything.

Billy loved it.

He stayed there with one hand, the other sliding along
Montana's crack. It wasn't long before Montana started
writhing, twisting under his touch. He tapped his lover's
hole. The soft, wrinkled bit of muscle jerked for him.

"Gonna keep you filled up."

"Anything." Sweet boy.

"I know." He pushed his finger right into Montana's body.
The soft heat circled his finger, squeezed him. "So tight. So
hot. My boy feels so good."

Montana's cheek rested on his shoulder.

"Gonna make you fly." He made the promise as he slipped
a cockring around his boy's prick.

He loved the way that scarred body rippled for him.

He leaned in and took Montana's nipple into his mouth,

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playing with the barbell as he sucked. All the while, he
explored the bound cock, fingers relearning each and every
bump and vein. He thought the sweet flesh needed a ring,
something to attach to things, something for things to attach
to. Something to drive his boy wild. Something to hook a
sound onto.

He pressed a finger against the slit, rubbed it back and
forth. The response was sweet; Montana's stance widened
as he bucked. He slid his lips up to Montana's neck, finding
a spot to work up a mark.

"Love..." Montana leaned back, stretched and let him have

Moaning, he sucked and bit, loving the flavor of Montana's

"Sir..." Montana needed beautifully, perfectly.

"Boy." The word growled out of him.

Those dark eyes met his, smiled. "Are you sure?" The
challenge was gentle, peaceful.

He grinned, heat in his veins. Nothing wound him up like
his sub. Nothing. "I am. And I know just how I'm going to
prove it." He leaned down to turn off the water and
smacked Montana's ass. "Come on. I want you horizontal."

"You don't want me vertical?"

"Just this bit." He grabbed hold of Montana's cock, stroking
it a few times.

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Montana groaned, cock pushing into his touch. He rubbed
his thumb over the tip, pressing against into the slit. It was
slick with pre-come.

"Stings." That was so not a complaint.

"I know." He dropped suddenly to his knees and took just
the head of Montana's cock into his mouth, sucking hard on
it, pulling in those Montana-flavored drops.

"Master!" Montana's shocked cry made him smile.

He pointed his tongue and pushed the tip into the little hole,
his lips sliding to close over the outside of Montana's slit.
He could imagine the metallic flavor there, the way that the
ring would make Montana need. He let his teeth scrape, just
a bare touch, a hint of what sensations tugging on a ring
might bring.

"Fuck." Montana went up on tiptoe, moved away.

He grabbed hold of his lover's ass and hauled him back in.

"Thought... thought you wanted horizontal."

"We'll get there."

"Make me a little crazy."

"Only a little? I'm going to have to try harder."

Montana's laughter was husky, tinged with need.

He took one last mock-bite from Montana's cock and then

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stood to draw his lover out of the shower. Heavy-lidded
and flushed, his boy was the picture of sex.

He made short work of the drying, picking one of the
rougher towels as he worked Montana's skin. That
deepened the flush, left Montana shivering and moaning.

Humming, he tossed the towel and grabbed Montana's
hand, headed for the bedroom. Montana followed him
easily, fingers curled with his.

"I'm going to use the sound, love. I'm going to play with
your slit. Get you used to being manipulated there."

Montana jerked, muscles going tight and the air was
suddenly electric. "Why?"

His lips twitched. "Because I can?"

"That's not a good answer."

"I didn't think it would fly." Billy's fingers squeezed
Montana's. "Because if you're going to have a PA, you
should know what a lot of penis play feels like."

"I..." Montana looked dizzy, flushed, incredibly aroused.

Billy grinned, pushed Montana toward the bed. Montana
landed on the mattress, legs sprawled.

"Wanton boy." He kept his eyes on Montana as he went to
get the sound from the drawer.

"Wanton." Montana moaned for him, legs moving idly.

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"Very wanton." He found the sound, cleaned it with alcohol
and grabbed the lube, bringing it all over to the bed.

Montana eyes were on the sound, hot, nervous, awake and

"We've done this before. You know it doesn't hurt." Not
exactly, anyway. And Montana had gotten off on it. Billy'd
gotten off on the trust.

"I know. It stings, though."

"And you can't come with it in." He thought maybe that
was the hardest part.

"No. And you can touch everything and it's so hard."

"And even just thinking about it makes you so hard." He
cupped Montana's balls.

Montana's hips came off the mattress, but his boy didn't
deny it.

"Stunning, love." Bending, he pushed the point of his
tongue into Montana's slit again. The flavor was stronger
without the water of the shower washing everything away.

Montana twisted, but didn't pull away.

"Grab onto the headboard, love."

The long, lean arms reached up, fastened onto the

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"Good, boy. Now don't let go."

He jacked Montana's cock a few times, before grabbing the
lube and opening it.

"Am I? Good? Do you believe that?" He could see
Montana's toes curling and relaxing, over and over, a sure
sign his boy was nervous.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it, love."

Montana's eyes closed, squeezed tight.

He bent again to kiss Montana's belly, and then put the tube
over Montana's cock and squeezed a batch of lube into the
little slit. That made Montana jerk, almost -- almost -- pull
away. This was going to be a challenge. He didn't want to
bind his boy, though, he wanted Montana to stay still, to let
him do this simply because he asked it of his boy.

"Sir." Those eyes opened, Montana's breath coming a bit

"I'm right here, love. And I've got you." He pushed some
more of the slick inside Montana.

"I don't like that." Montana's abs went tight. "It's weird."

"It is. This is probably even weirder." He took the sound in
one hand, held Montana's cock in the other.

Montana moaned, shook his head. "I want to fight, but I
don't want to."

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"No fighting when I have a piece of metal in your cock,
boy. I don't want you hurting yourself." He put a note of
command in his voice, made sure Montana understood that
in this, his will won. He met Montana's eyes, waiting a
moment to make sure he'd been absolutely understood.
Then he turned back to what he was doing and fed the tip
of the sound into Montana's slit.

Montana groaned, the sound deep, raw. Rough.

"What does it feel like?" He let it move in a little more.

"It stings. I don't want it in." Montana's knees bent, parted,
trying somehow to make room. Sensitive boy.

"That's not up to you." He pushed it in a little farther. He
was almost at the point where gravity would take over.

"It's my body." Montana watched, fascinated.

"And you're mine. Head to toe and everything in between."
He guided the sound the rest of the way in.

Montana gasped, hands leaving the headboard to grasp the
bent knees.

"Boy." He growled out the single word.

"Fuck. Fuck..." Montana's eyes rolled.

"Headboard," he growled next.

"I know." Montana panted a little bit, then one hand

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"Now, boy."

Montana's eyes met his, challenging him a bit, and he knew
that his boy was unnerved, out of his comfort zone.

He held that gaze. "Trust me."

That earned him a soft, almost gentle smile. "I do." Then
Montana's hands wrapped around the headboard.

Billy smiled back, nodded. "That's my boy."

He held Montana's gaze a moment long before turning his
attention back to the sound inside Montana's prick. He
tugged it out a couple of inches and then very slowly
lowered it back in.

"Don't. Don't touch it."

He chuckled. "Right." He repeated the remove and reinsert

"Fuck. Don't touch it... I can feel that."

"That's the point, love."

"I can feel it inside me."

He nodded, and twisted the sound, turning it inside
Montana's body. A cry tore out of his boy and Montana
arched, heels digging into the mattress.

"Careful, love." He blew across the top of Montana's prick.

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That pretty, filled cock bobbed, the slit holding the metal.
"Mmm. Look at that."

Montana shook his head.

"So pretty. All mine." He blew again.

"Oh, God..." Montana's body started to writhe.

He straddled Montana's thighs, holding his lover down as
he licked from base to tip, tongue teasing the ball of the
sound, moving it back and forth.

"Don't. Don't touch..."

"Shh. Touching." He wrapped his lips around one of
Montana's nuts.

He was going to have this pretty cock pierced, use the ring
to control this wild need, to drive his boy crazy. He took in
the other ball, and then licked his way back up to the tip of
Montana's cock.

Montana's whimper was almost desperate. "Don't. I can't
bear it."

"You can. Let the sensations take you, Montana. Sink into
them." He teased the top of the sound with his tongue.

"It's in my cock, Master."

"Yes, I know." He kissed the head of Montana's cock and
then licked his way back down, his fingers pushing in
between his boy's thighs.

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Those lean legs spread wider. He hummed happily, his
fingers moving to tease the hot little hole. Montana leaned
back onto the mattress, throat working, body stretched for
him. He grabbed the lube and added some to his fingers,
pushed one into Montana's body
Silken soft, he loved how Montana's body grabbed hold of

He pushed his finger deep over and over, groaning each
time Montana tightened around him. He could feel his boy
beginning to relax, to melt into the sheets. Nodding, he
pushed a second finger in and twisted them, searching for
Montana's gland. His boy spread wider, and hummed for
him. Better.

Billy moved his fingers in over and over, hitting Montana's
gland most of the time, and then he twisted the top of the
sound again. Each time he touched the sound, the tension
returned and he eased it back down. The cycle was shorter
the second time, the third, Montana's body trusting him.

He pushed a third finger in with the other two, and started
to lift the sound, to fuck Montana's slit with it.

"Master. Master, I. I..."

"What boy?" He pushed, nailing Montana's gland, hard.

Montana cried out, hands leaving the headboard again.

"Don't make me cuff you."

"Don't snap. I can't fucking think."

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"You don't need to think!" It was a scene, Montana needed
only to obey, and to sink into the sensations.

His boy knew this.

"I..." Montana met his eyes, on the edge, for some reason
Billy wasn't sure of. "Help me. I can't find it."

Leaving cock and ass behind, he surged up and took his
boy's mouth in a serious kiss. Montana's hands landed on
his shoulders and he took them, one at a time, put them
back on the headboard, keeping the kiss going the entire
time. When he felt Montana relax marginally beneath him,
he let go of Montana's lips and kissed his way down toward
the filled cock.

He knew what his boy could take, knew what his boy
needed, and he intended to give it to Montana. He wrapped
his mouth around the head of Montana's cock and began to
tongue the sound. At the same time, he pushed three fingers
back into his boy's ass.

"Master!" He knew the sound was moving, he could feel
Montana's response around his fingers -- that tiny hole
squeezed him tight with every move of his tongue. He kept
it up, intent on blowing his boy's mind.

Montana's soft cries were becoming louder, needier, his
smart boy right there. He used his free hand to get his cock
slick and then he pulled off his boy's cock, pulled his
fingers out of the clinging ass.


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"I'm coming." He moved up, staring down into Montana's
eyes as he slid his cock into his boy's tight heat.

"Oh." Montana's body welcomed him in.

"Perfect." There was no place better. None.

"Love." Montana's hands slid on the wood, but his boy held

"Good boy." He began to thrust, pushing into Montana with
long, slow movements.

"I try to be."

"You are." Nobody worked as hard as Montana did at being
a sub.

Montana's face relaxed. "I want to be."

"You are." He said the words again and picked up the pace,
thrusting harder now, angling to hit Montana's gland with
every push into his boy's hot, grasping body.

"Master. Master." Montana's arms trembled, the muscles

He groaned, nodded, and thrust even harder.

"I need to come..."

"So come." There didn't need to be spunk for Montana to
come -- his boy knew that.

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"Fuck." Montana growled, head beginning to toss.

"Doing that." He rolled Montana's balls, and then grabbed
hold of the long, plugged cock. Montana's eyes went wide,
seeming to almost bug out of the man's head.

He touched the top of the sound with his thumb. Montana's
body clamped down on him, squeezing his cock tight
enough he gasped. He slowly jacked Montana's prick,
waiting for his boy to ease a little.

"Master." Montana groaned, sweat sheening the dark skin.

"Ride it, love. Feel it. Nothing else matters."

"Your will."

"That's right." He pushed in hard, Montana's body so
fucking tight and good around his cock.

The pressure around his prick was maddening -- so tight, so
fierce. He kept thrusting, kept insisting Montana let him
make the full strokes. He watched a dull flush climb up his
boy's belly, painting the lean body in red.

"Go on. Give in to the pleasure, let it take you."


He lived for this -- to see his boy fly, soar higher than
anything else. He kept pushing, fanning the flames, urging
Montana higher and higher. He saw it, when the pleasure
crested inside Montana. His boy's entire body shook, balls
tight as pleasure won over everything.

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Nodding, he stroked the hard balls, thrusts turning into little
pushes of his cock against Montana's gland, making the
pleasure last. Montana was soaring, lost in pleasure, hands
resting above his head, not even grasping the headboard.

It was almost too beautiful to watch and Billy cried out,
cock pushing in deep as he came. His boy held him close,
body caressing his prick. He stayed buried inside Montana,
leaning over to bring their mouths together. It wasn't really
a kiss, more a sharing of air.

Montana's eyes were unfocused, his boy barely awake for

"Love you." He breathed the words into Montana's mouth.

"Master." The single word was imbued with feeling.

"My boy."


"Are you ready to go?" Billy tucked his T-shirt into his
jeans and went into the bathroom to find Montana. "It's

Those dark eyes met his, worried, unsettled. "Do we have
to? I have to run tomorrow. Train."

"Train?" His eyebrow went up.

"Uh-huh. That's what they call it, when you run and run."

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"I imagine you'll have to give it a rest for a few days." He
patted Montana's ass. "Truth or Dare, love?"

"I..." Montana took a deep breath. "Truth." Even as he said
the word, Montana leaned back against him, the familiar
game soothing his boy.

"What's your biggest worry about the PA?"

"I don't want anyone touching my cock."

"It'll be like going to a doctor -- Treat's a professional."

"Still." Montana shook his head. "I don't think I can do it
without freaking out."

Billy thought about that for a moment, about how Montana
had been sure he'd freak out about the nipple piercings,
about the cage. "Well, then, I won't ask you not freak out
and I'll be there to help you if you do."

"Can't you do it? Can't it be you?"

"You're going to have a ring put into your penis, love. It
needs to be done by someone who one hundred percent
knows what they're doing." He held Montana close. "You
know Treat, you know he's all business, respectful. And I'll
be right there the whole time."

Montana shook. "Can't you get me high or drunk or
something first?"

"No. I want you to feel this. I want you to take it all in." He
leaned in and nuzzled Montana. "I'll make you fly after."

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The soft sob vibrated against his shoulder. "I'm scared."

"I know. But I'll be with you the entire time and I'm not
going to let anything bad happen to you. You know I
wouldn't do this if I didn't know it was going to be okay."

"There's not a lot of good in having a man stick a needle in
your cock and ram steel through it after." Humor. Humor
was good.

He chuckled. "You'd be surprised by how many people get
off on it."

"Promise me that it'll be okay and that you'll make it better

"It's going to be just fine, love. And I am going to make
you fly after. I promise."

"Then come on. Hurry before I... Do something." Montana
grabbed his sweater -- even though it wasn't cold. That old,
holey thing was the weirdest damn security blanket on

Billy let him have it, though, and they headed out, his boy's
hand in his.

It didn't take long to make the drive to Treat and Killian's
shop; he knew they'd be ready for him and Montana, he'd
called earlier. Treat loved Montana; hell, Billy privately
thought Treat would have made a pass, if it hadn't been for
Peter. Not that his boy would have accepted a pass from
anyone but him; he knew where his boy's focus was.

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He led Montana in.

"Bill!" Killian smiled at him. "Treat's in the back, ready for
you." Good men. No bullshit. No teasing.

Montana just shuddered.

"Thanks, Killian." He led Montana back toward the
piercer's room.

The lights were warm, the chair covered in a soft blanket.
Treat was washing up, looking back to smile at them. "You
made it."

"We did. Looks like everything here is ready. How do you
need Montana?"

"The stirrups are on there. Just get comfortable. It'll be
easiest with the jeans off. Did you decide on jewelry?"

"Yes, a simple ring. To match his guiche. We'll need a
chain to loop them together, too." He turned to Montana.
"Take off your jeans, love."

Montana stared at the table, eyes just burning.

"Come on, love." He undid Montana's top button.

"Master." Montana's belly drew in, and Treat kept working,
not interfering. How many subs had the man pierced? How
many tears and cries had he heard?

Billy pulled down the zipper, holding Montana's eyes. "It's
going to be amazing."

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"I don't want to watch." No. No, he wanted the only thing
Montana paid attention to was him, his eyes, his will.

"You'll look at me." He pointed to his eyes, to Montana's
eyes. "Right here."

They got Montana's pants off, got him on the chair. Then
Billy climbed up carefully, straddled Montana's chest and
looked down.

"Have I got your attention, love?"

Montana's eyes were wet. "Uh-huh. Please, let's go home."

"We will. Before you know it, we'll be out of here and
going home." He took Montana's hands in his, stretched the
lean body up. He wanted Montana's entire focus. "You're
my boy."

Montana nodded.

"I can decorate you or spank you or fuck you and put your
sweet little prick in a cage and leave it there for days.
Weeks. Months."

Montana's eyes were on his, and he could see it as the fear
lessened, the focus on his voice.

Treat's hand touched his back, warning him that things
were about to start.

"My boy, who loves me more than I ever dreamed. Who is
so strong and beautiful." He tightened his hold on
Montana's wrists.

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Montana's breath started coming faster, but the dark eyes
never looked away.

"Mine." He bent and breathed into Montana's mouth.

"Yours. Master. I."

"That's right. All mine. Top to bottom and everything in

He felt Montana go stiff, a groan caught in his boy's throat.
He pulled Montana's lower lip in between his teeth, biting.
Montana's eyes tried to close and he shook his head,
tugging that lip.

"Look at me." He loved how his will was bigger than
Montana's fear.

He nipped at Montana's lower lip again, tongue sliding
across the hot skin. The soft whimper was enough to make
him moan and he trapped the sound between their lips. He
kissed Montana, pulling every breath, every sound into

There was a tiny moan, then another, ragged cry. Through
it, he held Montana's gaze, kept their mouths fused

One tear escaped the dark eyes, then Treat touched his
back. "He's done, friend. Looks great."

"You hear that, love? You're all done." He licked the tear
away, still holding his lover's gaze.

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"Can we go home? Please, Master?"

"Yes, love. We can." He gave Montana another kiss before
turning and nodding at Treat. "Thank you." When Treat
left, he would look.

"Anytime. Thank you both for sharing with me."

He shook Treat's hand, still holding his boy's wrists with
the other.

The door closed, leaving them alone.

He gave Montana one more kiss and then slowly got off the
table, and Montana, turning to look. That pretty cock was
half-hard, the tip swollen and angry looking, the ring
piercing the slit.

"Oh, love. It's stunning." It made him so hard.

"Is it?" Montana didn't look.

"It's beautiful. You should look." He knew Montana
wouldn't, though, not until they were home and safely
locked in the bathroom. Then his lover would look, perhaps
risk a touch.

Montana shook his head, sat up and dressed quickly.

The sweatpants he'd brought along were the same ones that
Montana had worn home from getting his guiche piercing.
Billy appreciated the symmetry as he slid his arm around
his lover's waist and led him through the shop. Montana
leaned against him, let him be the support.

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"So proud of you, love."

He saluted Treat as he went out, smiled and nodded at Peter
sitting in the only chair in the front part of the shop. Peter
beamed at them, waved. Montana never looked up.

He got Montana settled, buckled in. Once they were safely
on the road, he quietly asked, "Truth or Dare?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Shaky. Like I need you to make me okay again."

"I will. Five minutes and we're home. Truth or Dare?" He
knew if he kept Montana talking, his lover would find the
trip easier.

"I... Truth." Montana's hand crept over toward him.

He reached out, met Montana's hand halfway. "Does it feel
good, too?"

"Not yet. It hurts." Their fingers twined. "It's yours."

He squeezed Montana's hand. "Just like the rest of you."

"Yes. Everything."

"My turn and I choose Truth." Time for his boy to get a
chance to ask a question, open his heart and his mind.

"Did I do okay? You're proud?"

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"I am so fucking proud of you." He smiled over at
Montana. "You didn't scream or have hysterics, you just
trusted me and took it."

"I love you. I... I thought I would, when he touched me. I
thought about it."

"You didn't, though. There was nothing sexual about it."

"No. No, there wasn't. Master Treat is a good man. I just...
That's yours." Montana's voice dropped to the barest
whisper. "Even more than it's mine."

Billy's body went tight, cock painfully, desperately hard.
He squeezed Montana's hand tighter. "Yes," he managed
through a tight throat. "For this one instant, I gave my
permission for someone else to touch it." He glanced over
and met Montana's eyes. "I will never give anyone
permission to touch you in a sexual manner. Ever."


"Never. You're mine and no one gets to touch you like that.
No one."

"Not even me." It wasn't a question.

"Smart boy."

He parked the car and things were still, quiet for a long,
long moment. "I think I need a Tylenol or something."

"I think we can manage that. And some orange juice

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maybe." He squeezed Montana's hand and smiled at his
boy. "I love you."

"I know. I love you, too. Please, I... I can't be cool much
longer, huh?"

He nodded and let go of Montana's hand. "Come on, love.
It'll be safe to freak out as soon as we get up those stairs."

"Yes, Sir." That word sounded like love in Montana's lips.

He got out and went around to collect Montana, leading his
boy up the stairs and into a new chapter in their wonderful

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The Sound of Love

Simon looked through the flyers he'd brought home from
the travel agency. There were several for cruise lines and a
couple for tours of Europe. He and Jeremy could narrow
them down once his lover got home. It was time for a
holiday together. They'd never taken one and he felt it was
high time they did.

He left the flyers on the kitchen table, and began to putter
around, pulling out ingredients to throw together for
supper. The radio was on, and he hummed softly along with
the classic rock station that Jeremy preferred.

He heard the familiar clop-clop-clop of Jeremy on the
stairs, the steps slow, which meant either sore or tired, and
heavy, which meant either mad or frustrated. Tsking, he
grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge, turned the stove
back off, and headed for the front door.

"Home again, home again." Jeremy opened the door as
Simon came into the foyer, then closed it behind him,
leaning hard against the doorframe. "Hey, beautiful. How're

"All the better for seeing you." He went up to his lover,
hands going to rest on the broad shoulders as he leaned up
for a kiss.

Jeremy was dirty, sweaty, but it didn't matter. What
mattered was the way Jeremy kissed him, tasted him,
greeting him.

"Mmm." He loved this man more than anything else in the

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"I'll get you dirty." Jeremy's fingers found one of the beers.
"This one mine?"

"I don't mind getting a little dirty if it means I'm close to
you. And yes, you sounded like you could use one."

"I could. Thanks, beautiful. Good day?" Jeremy twisted off
the top, drank deep, then kissed him again.

He enjoyed the kiss thoroughly, tongue lingering on
Jeremy's lips before he replied. "It was. How about yours?"

"Long." Jeremy smiled at him, winked.

Chuckling, he put an arm around Jeremy's waist. "Kitchen?
I was just putting on supper."

"I'll be in there in two shakes." Ah. Avoidance. Jeremy
didn't want to move.

"I can get your chair." Take the pressure off.

Jeremy's lips tightened. "I said I'll be right there, Simon."

"There's no shame in asking for help, love." That damn
stubborn pride got Jeremy into trouble time and again.

"I just need a second to motivate." He loved that hard set of
chin; it promised hours of entertainment.

"I could find you some motivation."

He could see the temper rising, see the tic in Jeremy's jaw,

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but his lover controlled it, sipped the beer. "Thanks for the
beer, beautiful."

He smiled; it still warmed him through every time Jeremy
called him beautiful. "You're welcome."

"What's for supper?"

"I've got stuff out for a stir fry, but I'm thinking you might
need to unwind first."

"I like stir fries." Stubborn man.

"Come on, then. I've got something for you to see in the
kitchen, anyway."

"Sure." They both stood there.

He stared at his lover. "Well?"

Jeremy's lips pursed, cheeks going red hot. "Are you ever
gonna not push, man? I said I'd be right there."

"No, I'm never gonna not push. If you need help, you ask --
if not, let's move it."

"I don't know if I can."

Ah, there it was. "Would you like the chair, love?"

"No." But Jeremy nodded.

He patted Jeremy's chest. "Don't move."

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At least he knew his lover could obey that particular order.
Jeremy nodded, sucked back the last of his beer.

He went to the closet and pulled out the chair, rolling it up
to his lover.

Jeremy sighed, shook his head. "I didn't want to use the
chair today."

"You never want to use the chair, love. Sometimes you
have to. You've got to listen to your body."

"Sometimes my body should listen to me." Still, Jeremy
eased himself down. A pained grunt sounded as soon as the
pressure came off those stumps.

"Maybe you need to listen to your body more, hmm?"

"I worked the forge for six hours."

"You are a stubborn, stubborn man." He shook his head,
fingers sliding through Jeremy's hair.

"Yeah, yeah." Jeremy leaned forward, and Simon could see
the lines of tension, the way those heavy muscles almost

"I think you need a lesson in listening to your body and
asking for what you need."

"You and your lessons." The words didn't have any heat
behind them.

"Yep." He patted Jeremy's shoulder and drove the chair

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over to the stairs. "Up we go." Would his lover make at
least a cursory protest?

Jeremy groaned, shook his head. "I don't know. Let's have

He smiled and nodded. "Good job."

"Okay." Jeremy sighed, hands on the wheels. "I'll come

"You can come and keep me company, look at my flyers."

"Flyers for what?" Jeremy headed for the kitchen, parked
the chair near the door before going to his feet again and
heading for the cabinets.

"Sit." He snapped the word out.

"Don't snap. I said I'd help." Jeremy's temper was bubbling
just beneath the surface.

"And I told you I just wanted your company. You admitted
you weren't up to the stairs yet -- why can't you just sit and
let yourself rest?"

"Because I want to keep up, damn it. I want to be able to do

"You spent six hours at the forge! And while you were
doing that, I was sitting at a desk. How is it not keeping up
to let me do the cooking?"

Jeremy scowled at him. "Don't be all reasonable and shit.
I'm tired and bitchy."

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"You don't need to take it out on me. Or yourself." He
started working on the vegetables.

Jeremy shook his head, carefully walked over to the table,
eyes on the flyers. His lover sat, silent and still.

First, he was going to feed his lover's body, then he was
going to work on feeding Jeremy's soul.

"Any of those appeal?" Simon asked, slicing up the beef.

"I don't know if I can handle a boat with the legs."

"Those are lines that cater to folks with disabilities."

Jeremy's shoulders hunched, head ducking. "Where sounds
good to you?"

"No, I asked you."

"I was in Afghanistan. I don't want to go there."

"Then we won't go there. It's a vacation, love -- it should be
enjoyable for both of us."

Jeremy nodded, "Absolutely. I have to hit the head. I'll be
back." Jeremy stood and headed toward the little half bath
they'd had installed.

One of Simon's eyebrows shot up and he watched Jeremy's
ass as he headed off.

He kept cutting the vegetables. Simon knew his sub better
than he knew himself. Jeremy was in the bathroom talking

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himself down, trying to talk himself out of the bad mood. It
was dear, how the man hid that temper, forced it down. He
was going to have to give his lover an opportunity to let it
all out, to fight against the ropes tonight.

He could fuck that pretty cock, make Jeremy take the big
dildo. Or the beads, then his cock, then the large plug. Once
he propped those poor, abused legs up, soothed that, then
Jeremy could focus. Feel. Rage and need and come. It was
a plan.

He cut up meat and tossed it into the wok. "Five minutes,"
he called.

"Uh-huh." Jeremy's voice sounded rough, tight. Stubborn
boy. Simon did love the man to distraction.

He set the table and tossed the vegetables into the wok with
the meat, added a quick sauce and tossed the whole thing.
Jeremy came out and grabbed plates, face and neck wet,

"Everything okay?" He turned off the stove and piled
everything into a bowl, set it on the table.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I needed to wash up; I was gross.
Smells great."

Still being stubborn then. Really, Simon would have been
surprised if Jeremy was anything but.

He leaned up and kissed the side of his lover's mouth
before pointing to the table. "Sit, eat. You'll feel better." It
would be a start, anyway.

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Jeremy turned his head, brought their lips together. "Thank
you for supper. You make kick-ass stir fries."

He licked across Jeremy's lips and smiled. "You're very

"You think there's any Advil in here?"

"Sit and I'll get you some." He pushed on Jeremy's

"Thanks." Jeremy grabbed his arm, used him for support on
the trip down.

He spent a moment rubbing Jeremy's shoulder before he
put the bowl of stir fry in front of the man and went to the
cupboard for the little bottle of painkillers. He counted two
out, and slipped the heavier-duty muscle relaxants in his
pocket. If Jeremy needed them after they played, they'd be
close by.

He gave the painkillers to Jeremy and sat next to him,
helping himself to some supper. "Seems there's been a
number of frustrating days for you lately."

Jeremy shrugged, the movement slow. "I've been working

"You might be pushing too hard. Have you considered

Jeremy didn't have to push. Christ, after Watson had been
done with the insurance companies, Jeremy never had to
work again.

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"I like what I do. I need to relearn the balance and
everything. Accidents happen."

"Accidents? What happened?"

Jeremy shrugged again. "I fell."

"Oh, love, are you all right? Did you hurt anything?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "My ego, mostly. I have a couple of
vicious bruises on my thighs and a cut down low enough
that the leg hurts."

"You should have said something, love. I've got salve and I
could have doctored that cut." Simon tried not to growl. he
knew it was a matter of pride for his lover, but honestly.

"I'm okay. Mad at myself. It could've been bad, and... Man,
what if I don't figure my balance? Falling into the forge
would be bad."

"It would be." He ate a few bites of the stir fry. "I think you
need to be patient with yourself."

"Beautiful, I keep telling you, patience isn't my strong suit."

He chuckled. "I know, love. I keep trying to help you with
that... but you're rather stubborn."

"Moi?" Jeremy snorted. "Only the most stubborn ass on

"Yes, exactly." He nodded at Jeremy's plate. "Eat, love. I
have plans to test that patience of yours after dinner."

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Jeremy chuckled, ate more, feeding those heavy muscles.

"We're going to go whole hog tonight. Beads, sounds,
plugs, a rope or two."

Jeremy looked at him, forehead wrinkling. "I'm not in the
most solid mood, beautiful."

He patted Jeremy's arm. "I'll take care of you, love."

"I'm not going to talk you into a lazy night watching Man
vs. Wild, huh?" Jeremy winked.

"Nope. Not a chance."

"Man, some Doms..."

He chuckled. "I know. I'm a real hard-ass."

"Evil bastard." Jeremy was laughing now, smiling at him.

He smiled back, loving that sound, that smile, the look in
his lover's eyes.

"Are we going to play hard? Because if not, I'll eat another
plate. If we are, I'll have more after."

"We're going to play hard, love. Very."

A flush climbed up Jeremy's chest, up his throat.

He patted Jeremy's chest. "You done?"

"Yeah. You want me to do dishes?"

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"No, I'll do them. You're going upstairs and stripping. You
can take the legs off and settle in bed."

"I." Jeremy stopped, took a deep breath. "Sure."

"Good man. You'll feel so much better when we're done.
Trust me."

"I. Can... Fuck." Jeremy sighed, lips pursing. "I might need

"Then the dishes can wait."

"I'm sorry, beautiful."

"Sir." He touched Jeremy's wrist. It was time for them to
get started.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"For needing my help?" He shook his head. "I'm proud of
you for asking."

"It's just so damned far." Jeremy moaned as he stood. "It'll
be better, once I'm up."

"It will be." He slipped his arm around Jeremy's waist and
encouraged his lover to hold onto him. "You'll be better
once we get your poor legs taken care of."

Jeremy didn't answer, just set his lips tight together and
started moving toward the stairs. So stubborn, so
determined -- the man was pale and sweating at the top,
dropping into the waiting wheelchair with a barked out cry.

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Simon bit back his own cry and wheeled his lover into the
bedroom. "One more hard bit, love. Can you lift yourself
into bed?"

"Oh, yeah. Legs off first." Jeremy opened his belt, his
jeans. "Help me?" Those strong arms bulged as Jeremy
lifted himself up so Simon could tug the jeans down.

He did, letting his fingers linger on Jeremy's amazing ass as
he pulled jeans and underwear down to Jeremy's knees.
There were two dark bruises on Jeremy's thighs, then there
was the cut, raw and open and bloody. He was going to
beat Jeremy's ass.

"You should have gone to the hospital." He bent in front of
Jeremy, tugging the jeans the rest of the way off, and then
working to take off the prosthetics.

"I'm fine."

The pressure sock on the left side was a loss, too nasty to
even attempt to save.

"I'll be the judge of that." Beautiful, stubborn, maddening
man. There was no way that Jeremy wouldn't have to take a
couple of days off, let things heal. No way. He'd tie the
man down if he had to. "You stay there. I'll get the

He grabbed two towels -- one wet, one dry -- the ointment,
and a piece of gauze to cover the open wound. He was back
as quickly as possible, eager to get his lover taken care of.

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Jeremy had moved the wheelchair over, had stripped off his

"Can you get up onto the bed? I've got ointment for the
bruises and Polysporin to doctor the cut."

"Yes, Sir." Jeremy moved easily, using his arms and the
swing bar, settling comfortably on the bed. "I'm really

"I'll be the judge of that," he repeated. He climbed up on
the bed, settling next to his studly lover.

Jeremy's hand stroked his side, the touch gentle and warm.
He made a soft noise, giving his lover a smile. Then he
dealt with the bruises first, rubbing on the ointment. It
would help with the pain and would stimulate healing.
"This cut is nasty, love."

"It's sore."

"I'll bet." Taking a cloth, he carefully wiped the blood

"Thought I was going to scream, driving home."

"Why didn't you call me? Or take a taxi? Or any one of
another million things you could have done?"

Jeremy looked at him like he was insane. "My truck was at
the studio."

"And it could have stayed there!" He took a breath and
shook his head. "That's not important right now."

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"I'll put an extra sock on it tomorrow."

Right. Like he was letting Jeremy out of bed.

"We'll see." He slathered on the antibiotic cream and
wrapped the stump in gauze. "There, that's better. Let's get
you more comfortable."

He leaned, grabbing Jeremy's pillows from the side of the
bed. Jeremy grabbed his thighs eagerly, lifted them. Ah,
these pillows were definitely magical, never failing to help
Jeremy relax. He slipped the pillows beneath Jeremy's legs.

Jeremy whimpered softly, relaxing back onto the mattress.
"Oh. Oh, God."

"Better, love?" He rubbed Jeremy's stomach.

The muscles were jerking, jumping. "Fuck, yeah. Yes, Sir.
Thank you."

He slid his hands down, careful to avoid the bruises as he
worked those poor, abused thigh muscles. Why Jeremy had
forced himself to continue working, to drive home, to eat
supper without asking for help, was simply insane. And so
typical of his proud lover.

He kept massaging Jeremy's thighs. "What's hurting the

"The stumps. These cushions are the best money we've ever

"Yeah, they seem to do the job like nothing else, don't

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they?" He moved his massage to the stumps, careful of the

"They let my back relax."

"Good. You need to be comfortable while I'm torturing
you." He gave Jeremy a wink.

"You going to lecture endlessly about not working too
hard?" Jeremy winked back, pushing him.

He put his head back and laughed. "Exactly. Of course I
may let the sound and beads to my talking for me."

Jeremy's hands smoothed down his belly. "Beautiful man."

He smiled at Jeremy, warmth flooding throughout him. He
did love how Jeremy saw him. "Yours," he said softly.

"Yes." Jeremy looked absolutely sure.

He leaned in and brought their mouths together, kissing
Jeremy deeply. Jeremy's muscles rippled and shifted under
his touch, distracting him. He ran his fingers over them,
brushing by Jeremy's nipples with each finger in turn. He
licked the moan off Jeremy's lips.

"We're going to start with the beads. Gonna feed them into
you one at a time."

His size queen moaned, hips lifting off the cushion.

"The first one is small, not even the size of my pinky
finger. The last one... well, we know it'll stretch you good."

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"If it fits. We haven't used the big ones."

"It'll fit."

He smiled and gave Jeremy anther kiss before popping up
and getting the beads. He put the big one at the end in
Jeremy's palm.

Jeremy's hand wrapped around it, held on.

"When that one goes in you'll know you've taken them all."

Jeremy looked at the bead -- large and round, it was enough
to challenge anyone and more than enough to arouse his
man. Indeed, a glance proved that the thick cock was
beginning to fill, to grow.

"It's really big."

"It is." He nodded, still looking at Jeremy's cock.

"You're not paying attention, beautiful."

Simon reached out, casually flicked the tip of that growing

"Sir," Jeremy added.

"I'm paying lots of attention." He flicked Jeremy's cock

Jeremy grunted, knees actually drawing up.

"And I can see you are, too." Bending, he kissed the tip of

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that lovely cock, then he licked his way down, headed for
the little hole.

Jeremy shifted for him, and Simon wasn't sure if he was
pushing closer or pulling away. It didn't matter in the end,
he pushed his tongue deep into Jeremy, wetting and
opening up his lover.

His fingers were playing at the tip of Jeremy's cock, teasing
the slit. Jeremy craved being filled -- the plugs, the beads,
the sounds. He loved the sounds he could hear as he opened
Jeremy, spread that sweet hole. He pressed the tip of his
finger hard against Jeremy's slit and his sub jerked, pulled

He licked at Jeremy's hole, and then back up along the hard
cock. "You can't hide from me." He pushed the tip of his
tongue into Jeremy's slit.

Jeremy offered him this soft sound, head shaking. "I don't."
But Jeremy tried.

"You can't." That was the point. It didn't matter how they
worded it. "Beads first, love."

Jeremy moaned softly, thighs shifting.

"I know, you love it." No matter how much Jeremy felt he
had to protest.

"I do. It fucking turns me on."

He chuckled happily. "Me, too."

"The sounds are..." Jeremy shrugged. "It's almost surreal."

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"Makes everything so much bigger." He grabbed the beads
and slid them across Jeremy's abs.

The muscles jerked and rolled, making the beads fall. He
caught them and pushed lube onto the first one -- it hardly
needed it, it was so little. Jeremy's body opened easily, as
soon as the bead slipped in. "God, you are stunning."

"I'm yours."

"You are. Top to bottom and everything in between." He
pushed the next bead in.

Jeremy nodded and relaxed back, the slow filling familiar
and comforting.

"That's it, love. My glorious stud." He pushed the next bead
in -- they wouldn't really start to stretch 'til the fifth one or

He watched Jeremy's body ripple, watched the heavy
muscles jerk and shift. It made him moan, to watch his
lover react.

Simon slicked up the next bead and, after finding one of
Jeremy's hands with his own, pushed the slick bead in.
Jeremy's fingers -- callused and rough, a working man's
hands -- squeezed his.

He looked up, smiling as he met his lover's eyes. "You look
amazing, love." It made him hard, but more than that, it
filled him with warmth that was unparalleled.

"Would you have thought so, if you met me after?"

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He tilted his head and then nodded. "Yes. You're a stud --
legs or no legs, but it's the way you respond to me, the way
you see me, the way you need that makes you most

Jeremy looked at him, searched his face, then nodded.
"Okay. Okay, I can handle that."

"Good, because it's the truth." He popped the next bead in.

Jeremy's grunt made him smile.

He slicked up the next bead and pushed it in as well. There
were only three more beads, including the very big one.
They hadn't managed the biggest one yet, but they had
time, they had lube, and Jeremy needed to trust in him.

He knew his lover could take the next one easily, so he
lubed and pushed it in, pushing it back and forth a bit as its
widest point was stretching Jeremy. Jeremy moaned, cock
dripping, bobbing above the ripped abs.

"Good job. That's great, love." He rubbed Jeremy's thighs,
keeping those muscles from going painfully tight.

"Full, hmm?" Jeremy rocked into his touch.

"Yeah. Two more. And you've taken the next one before."
Jeremy could do this.

"I don't know if I can take both."

"I bet you can. We've got all night."

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"What do you bet?"

"Huh?" He chuckled. "You want to actually bet?"

"Sure. Sure, why not?"

"I'm not sure we aren't stacking the deck, but okay. What
should we bet?"

Jeremy chuckled, eyes dancing, laughing at him. "We could
bet that I can distract you long enough to let the intensity
back off."

"No, as soon as we settle this, there are two more. I can
focus on that." He rolled Jeremy's balls, proving he was
still paying attention, watching.

Jeremy moaned, hands sliding over the muscled body,
coming dangerously close to that cock. Jeremy was pushing
now. The man knew better.

"Do I need to bind you, love?" Maybe it was what his lover
needed, to surrender completely.

Those eyes looked at him again, suddenly serious. "I... I
need to. Fuck, I don't know. Maybe I need to run around in
circles." Jeremy snorted. "Man, I'm all over the place

"Then I need to bind you so you can fight it." He patted
Jeremy's ass and got up, making short work of grabbing a
couple of short length of silk binding.

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Jeremy watched him, vibrating. His lover had a love-hate
relationship with the ropes; the urge to move away from
them evident. Today, though, Jeremy clearly needed that
extra layer, something to fight and then relax into.

"I don't think I need them."

"Humor me."

"I don't want to think a lot, okay?"

"I don't want you thinking, either. It's your body I'm
pushing." He wrapped one wrist in silk and then tied it to
the headboard. There was something heady about all the
strength, there, held at bay for him. He did the same with
the other arm and then shifted the pillows under Jeremy's
thighs. "Comfortable?"

"I think so. I might have to get up." Jeremy's muscles

"And why is that?"

"I don't fucking know."

"Then you can stay as you are." He cut any protests Jeremy
might have with a kiss, filling his lover's mouth with his

So much fight -- not against him, but against the world,
against everything. And now his lover could pull and jerk
and fight against the ropes as much as he wanted.

"Now where were we?" He reached down, tugging the last
bead partway out.

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Jeremy groaned, lips opening, much like that tight hole.

"Yes, right there." He gave his lover another kiss and then
shifted down to lube up the second to last bead.

Jeremy's body shuddered, arms taut against the ropes.

"Fight them as much as you need, love." He began to push
that second to last bead into Jeremy's body.

"It won't fit. Nothing fits."

"This will fit, and so will the next one. Because you and I,
we fit." He kept pushing, the pressure gentle but sure.

Jeremy fought it -- fought him and the ropes and whatever
demon was riding the man. He kept pushing, knowing
Jeremy needed him to. The bead slowly, but surely
stretched that little hole. It was at the widest point when
Jeremy eased, breathing through his mouth.

His beautiful size queen.

He let the bead sit there for a moment, and then pushed it
the rest of the way in. The sound left Jeremy was like the
best kind of porn.

"Yes." He traced Jeremy's hole, leaned in and kissed the
leaking cock again.

The slit was right there, begging to be touched, stretched,
filled. He pushed his tongue into it, wiggled it around.

Jeremy moaned, arched. "Stings."

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"Mmmhmm." He let the noise vibrate around Jeremy's

"Fuck. Fuck, sir. Sir."

"Yes, love. I'm gonna make you feel so good."

"I want to. I want to feel good."

"You will." He swiped at the tip again, and then slicked up
the last bead. "Nice and easy, love."

"It won't fit."

"It'll fit." He pushed lube into Jeremy's ass, nudging that
second to last bead in a little deeper. Then he slicked the
last bead liberally.

"I'm full. It won't fit." Jeremy tugged against the ropes.

"Have a little faith." He set the bead against Jeremy's hole
and ran it up and down along the wrinkled skin.

Jeremy groaned, shook his head. "It won't fit."

"Hush." He settled the bead back at Jeremy's hole and

Jeremy's body fought him, breath coming quick and light,
panting. He didn't try to force the bead in; he simply
continued to tease it against the little hole, making it stretch
and relax over and over.

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"It won't fit." Jeremy was beginning to sweat, even as his
body began to rock, finding his rhythm.

"It will, love. It's going to slip right in." He worked with
Jeremy's body.

Jeremy shook his head. "There's no room."

But there was.

"There's always more room, love. You'll do it for me." The
first third of the bead was inside, stretching Jeremy's hole

"I can't... I can't. There's hurt inside me. There's no room."

"Let it push the hurt out, love. If you let the hurt out, it'll
fit." He kept pushing, pressing that bead in.

"No. No, I can't..." Jeremy arched, thighs pressed into the

He reached up and stroked Jeremy's abs, pressing against
the muscles there. A deep sobbing sound tore out of his

"Yes. Yes, give it up, Jeremy. Let it go." He kept pushing,
both hands now, the one on Jeremy's muscles and the one
holding the bead.

"I can't..." Another cry interrupted Jeremy's words.

He patted Jeremy's belly, easing up there as he continued to
push that bead into Jeremy.

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"I almost fell." The words were snarled out, torn from

"You did fall." Jeremy had to face it head on, not try to
pretend it hadn't been all that bad. He needed to listen to his
body. "You hurt yourself. Bruises, a nasty cut."

Jeremy shook his head. "No."

He didn't snarl like he wanted to, he took one breath and
then another. And then he began to push some more. "You
told me you fell, love. I can see the injuries. It's okay."

"No, I almost fell in the fire. I almost fell in the fire." Those
eyes stared at him. "I've never fucking been scared to work
before, and that fucking thing WON'T FIT!"

"You're scared, but you can do it. You can take it. We'll
figure something out. We've figured everything out, love.
We aren't going to stop now. And you're going to take the
bead, because you can. Because you are the most stubborn,
strongest, most amazing person I know."

Jeremy threw back his head, screaming in pure frustration,
arms tugging at the ropes hard enough that the headboard

Nodding, he kept pushing the bead in, stretching that little
hole so wide. Jeremy was working it out, painful scream by
painful scream.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I..." Jeremy moaned, hips
shifting as the bead pushed in, settled.

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"What can't you do love?" He asked softly, stroking
Jeremy's hole where it clamped down tight around the end
of the rope the beads were attached to.

"I'm fucking tired." Jeremy panted, calming. "I'm so
fucking tired of learning things over again."

"No one says you have to do it all right away, love." He
slid his fingers up to cup Jeremy's balls, the lovely cock.

Jeremy moaned as Simon started stroking that heavy prick
to full erection.

"Sink into it, love. You're full, but you're going to be
fuller." He wasn't going to tease tonight, to start small and
work his way up. He was going to use a good sized sound
and leave it at that.

"There's no more room inside me..." Jeremy was relaxing,
though, beginning to breathe with him.

"You know there is." He smiled up at Jeremy, putting all
his love in the look.

Simon patted that sweet cock again, and then grabbed the
sound, got it all lubed up. He got a deep groan, but no

He put lube inside the slit of Jeremy's cock, thumb pressing
it in. "Gonna fill you all the way up."

His words made Jeremy whimper.

"Keep breathing for me, love." Eyes steady on Jeremy's

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prick, he took it in hand, squeezing slightly to turn the slit
into an 'o'.

"I don't know if I remember how." Jeremy was trying to
keep it light, so hard.

"You do. You breathe with me." He pushed the tip of the
sound into Jeremy's cock, a soft, low moan tearing from his
own throat.

"Sir." Jeremy grunted, ab muscles so tight they had to be

"I have you." He looked up, met Jeremy's eyes. "I do."

"I'm so fucking tired."

He knew. He knew that Jeremy was holding himself
together, day after day. He nodded. "I'm gonna send you to
oblivion, love." Starting with the sound, which he pushed a
little further in.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. It won't fit. I'm so fucking full."

"Then let go of more pain, love. Let it go so it fits."

"Fucking mind games. We're always tricking ourselves."
Jeremy groaned, the words pouring out.

"Not playing games, love." He was deadly serious.

"Then what are we doing?" Jeremy moaned, trying to

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"We're loving each other, we're working through the bad
stuff and finding the good."

Jeremy hid his face in one arm, throat working.

"I love you, Jeremy."

"I know, and I'm yours, but damn, Sir, this is hard."

"Because I'm making you face yourself?"

"Because I am trying to be calm and not lose my shit!"

"Guess what, love? You don't have to be calm. You're
allowed to lose your shit." He let the sound slide all the
way in.

Jeremy arched, letting him admire the heavy muscles for a
long, breathless moment. He slid his fingers up to the tight
belly, rubbing Jeremy's abs.

"Fuck..." Jeremy shuddered, panting hard. "Stings. Fuck, it
burns." Those hips were moving restlessly now.

"You need something to focus on, love?" He climbed up
and straddled Jeremy's chest, knees tucked up by his lover's
underarms. His prick was hard, wet-tipped and he tapped
Jeremy's lips with it.

Jeremy moaned, but those lips opened without hesitation,
his lover always eager to give him pleasure. He fed his
cock into Jeremy's lips, watching both his cock and
Jeremy's eyes. Jeremy took him, that amazing focus on
him, on his cock, his needs.

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"Love you. Amazing man. Mine." He murmured the words,
praised and loved on Jeremy. He watched Jeremy's cheeks
heat, eyes closing as he spoke. "Look at me, lover." He
started moving slowly, pushing his cock deeper and deeper.

Jeremy moaned, eyelids barely fluttering.

He stilled. "I said look at me."

Another moan and those eyes cracked open.

"That's better. Keep looking into my eyes, love. Let
everything else make a bubble around us."

Jeremy's eyes opened a little wider. Beautiful man.

He started moving again, keeping it slow and easy -- letting
Jeremy do most of the work. Not even the slightest bit
selfish, Jeremy sucked and licked and hummed, searching
for his pleasure. He moved faster, riding Jeremy's mouth; it
felt so good.

Every time Jeremy's eyes tried to close, he shook his head.

He could feel his balls tightening up in their sacs, tight
against his body. It made him groan every time they
nudged Jeremy's skin. Jeremy moaned, throat squeezing
around the tip of his cock, again and again.

"Oh, love! Gonna!" He cried out, hips jerking as he came.

His Jeremy took time, cleaning his cock, adoring it, tongue
sliding over the skin gently enough that shivers raced
through him.

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"So good to me." He finally pulled out and bent to kiss
Jeremy's lips, to taste himself on them.

Opening easily, those heated, swollen lips were an
addiction. He shifted as they kissed, moving to settle
between Jeremy's thighs. He would let his lover come soon,
and then they could rest until they started all over again.

The sweet cock was red-tipped, bobbing, full with the thick
sound and he reached down to touch the tight, pouting little

"You ready to come, love?" He twisted the sound before
Jeremy could answer.

Jeremy bit out a scream, a curse.

"I'd say that was a yes." He bent and kissed the tip of
Jeremy's cock. "You can come when it comes out."

"I don't... I don't think I have a choice, man."

He chuckled, imagining Jeremy was right. "Good thing I
said you could then, hmm?" He grabbed the little ball at the
top of the sound and began to pull it slowly out.

Jeremy tensed, panting, hands pulling at the ropes.

"Relax, my love. Let it happen." He stilled his own
movements, waiting for the tension to dissipate a little.

Jeremy looked at him, stress written on the beloved face.
"Full, huh? Everywhere."

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"I know. Going to be empty in a minute, and you're going
to come so hard."

He grabbed the rope for the beads, pulling just enough that
Jeremy could feel the biggest bead begin to stretch his hole.

Jeremy's eyes rolled. "Fuck. Lube. Lube, please."

"Mmm. Sure, love." He added more lube to Jeremy's hole,
pressing some in.

His lover relaxed, nodded. "Better. Better, that one's big."

"It is. But you took it in. I knew you could." He tugged on
the rope again letting the bead begin to stretch Jeremy's ass.

Jeremy whimpered softly, lips open as he breathed.

"You ready?" He'd pull them out together, sound and beads

Jeremy shook his head. "Fuck, no."

He chuckled and leaned in to kiss Jeremy's belly. "You

"Laughing at me." Jeremy winked at him, tried to smile.

"No, love. You just make me happy."

He made sure he had a good grip of both beads and sound.
He played with the beads, the sound, ramping Jeremy up
again. When the tension was high, when he was sure

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Jeremy was about to scream from it, he nodded once and
pulled both beads and sound out together, in a single
smooth motion.

Jeremy jerked, hips slamming up into the air, spunk arcing
over Jeremy's belly.

He tossed the sound and beads on the other side of the bed
and leaned up to rub the come into Jeremy's belly.

Jeremy curled into him, face in his throat.

"Mmm..." He stroked Jeremy, bringing his lover slowly
back to earth.

"I got scared bad, beautiful. So bad today."

He kept touching. "Now you know, though, that it could be
a problem and you can work on solutions."

"I fucking hope so."

"You will. You're too stubborn to let something like this
hold you back." He raised his head and looked into
Jeremy's eyes. "I'm glad it happened like this, when the
worst that happened was the cut, some bruises and a scare."
It could have been so much worse, and now his lover knew
he needed to find a way to make sure the worse couldn't

"I'm gonna be fucking sore tomorrow."

"I'll massage you again. You should probably stay off the

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legs." He'd call in, keep his lover tied to the bed and love
him into oblivion over and over again.

"Maybe..." Jeremy stayed close, moving against him.

"Stubborn man."


He chuckled and gave Jeremy a hard, happy kiss. "I do love

"I know and I thank God for it, every damn day."

He nodded and settled with his head on the best pillow on
earth -- Jeremy's chest, and let their breathing sync.

No matter what else, life was good -- after all, they had
each other.

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The Sound of Home

Marcus parked the car, grabbed his bags out of the trunk
and made his way to the front door. He didn't run, that
wouldn't have been dignified. He did hurry, though.

Next time he was invited to an out of town leather
convention, he was bringing Jim with him, no matter what
protests his baby came up with. Three days was far, far too
long to go in between spankings.

Letting himself in, he called out. "Baby! I'm home."

"Master?" Jim's voice came from the office. "You're early!
You made it! I was afraid you wouldn't get home until after

He dumped his bags on the floor and headed toward Jim's
office. Again, not running, but hurrying.

His baby's hair was pulled back into a tail, dark circles
under the man's eyes. The smile, though, that was beaming.
He beamed back, braced himself and opened his arms wide.

"Master!" He was tackled, Jim wrapping around him, arms
and legs holding him tight.

He wrapped his own arms around Jim's body, hands
landing on that perfect ass. "Baby. God, I missed you." He
buried his face in Jim's neck, breathing in the scent.

"Missed you. Missed you. How was your thing?" Jim's
fingers were holding him, petting him.

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"My thing was lonely, how was yours?" He winked and
then joined their mouths together.

Jim's mouth tasted like mint and coffee and tears, tongue
pressing into his. It made him growl: someone had missed
him a lot and needed to be reminded that even when the cat
was away, the mouse didn't get caffeine. His growl made
Jim shudder, the muscled body shivering against him.
There was no one who needed like his baby. It was sexy as
hell, seductive.

He turned and walked them toward the stairs. It was time to
remind his lover exactly what being his baby meant.

"Master." Those green eyes were desperate, begging his

He squeezed Jim's ass. "Bedroom. Need you."

"Yours. Yours. I haven't come. I didn't jack off, even to

"Mmm. You deserve a reward for that."

His cock was hard enough to hurt, pushing against his pants
and trying desperately to get to Jim.

Jim cried out softly. "I haven't had your cock in days. Your
hand. You."

"I know. That cuts both ways, baby. I haven't either."

He moved up the stairs like a man on a mission, and carried

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his baby into the bedroom. He was almost stripping even
before he'd dropped Jim onto the mattress.

Jim reached for him, hands shaking, tugging at him.

"Strip, baby. I need you naked."

He tossed his own clothes over his shoulder as he
undressed, his cock soon pointed right at where it wanted to
be. Jim only had pants on, so his baby was naked almost
immediately, lips opened, ready for him. He climbed into
the bed, straddling Jim's shoulders and feeding the tip of his
cock into that beautiful, greedy mouth.

His baby waited for his command, shaking visibly.

"It's yours, baby. Suck."

Jim's cry echoed inside him, then that mouth dropped over
his cock, the suction fierce, wild. He had to remember
sleeping alone in a crappy hotel bed to keep from coming
right away -- Jim deserved him taking as long as he could
before coming.

Jim sucked and pulled, hands rubbing up and down his
sides. He breathed deeply, the pleasure almost more than he
could stand and it wasn't long at all before he was moving,
his hips driving his prick into Jim's mouth. Those beautiful
eyes stared up at him, watching every move. He watched
right back, a noise building up in his chest that matched the
way his balls were drawing up against his skin. His orgasm
was close.

Jim took him to the root, throat working. He touched Jim's

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hollowed cheek and mouthed "I love you." Then he let his
roar out, coming down his baby's throat

Jim took it, every drop.

Every fucking drop.

His hips kept moving, running his cock along that hot, wet
tongue as the waves of pleasure seemed to go on and on.
Jim's sounds vibrated all along his prick, one after another,
over and over.

"Gonna stay hard for you, baby."

"Mmm..." Jim nodded, swallowed, head bobbing.

"That's right. Gonna stay hard and after I've spanked you,
I'm going to take you."

Jim's suction started getting harder again.

"Like the sound of that, baby? Need it?" His answer was
more of that amazing mouth. He rode it a little while
longer, knowing how much Jim loved and craved sucking
him. Then he stopped moving and he slid his hand along
Jim's cheek. "Okay, baby."

Those green eyes blinked up at him, Jim so reluctantly
releasing him.

His cock slowly slid free, shining from his baby's saliva.
"My hand missed you."

"I missed you. It's so weird without you."

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"I know. Next time you can come with me." He settled on
the bed, back comfortably against the covers, his legs out
straight in front of him.

Jim looked so tired, so wired, but so happy to see him. He
patted his legs, knowing what Jim needed. Jim draped
himself over his legs.

"Look how pale your ass is." It was almost shocking. He
hadn't seen Jim's ass like this in a long time.

"I need you. Please, Master. Touch me."

He nodded, fingers sliding on the pale flesh, relearning the
warm globes.

"Missed you. I couldn't sleep. I wanted you to have fun."

"I would have had a lot more fun if I'd brought you with
me. Could have done this every morning." At "this," he
gave Jim his first swat.

Jim didn't argue; his baby snuggled in with a happy, low

He could feel the impact go up along his arm and he
moaned, spanked his lover again. Jim's cock swelled,
dripping against his thigh. He smacked Jim harder, finding
a rhythm. He watched Jim's body respond -- pushing back
into his touch, pushing back toward his hand.

"Love you." The words growled out of him as that beautiful
ass began to pink.

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"Love. Love. More, please. I need."

"I know what you need." And he did. He spread the swats
over Jim's ass, his upper thighs.

"Yes. Yes, Master. I drank coffee. I didn't sleep. I worried
about you."

"Coffee?" He growled and smacked Jim harder.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry. I... I'm sorry."

"You always are. After."

"N...not always. Sometimes I just want you to punish me."

He chuckled. "I know." Bending, he kissed Jim's ass.

The skin was heated, smooth, soft under his lips. Groaning,
he let Jim feel his teeth against the reddening flesh.

"I needed it this time. Needed you."

"I know. God, you feel good, baby. My hands have been
lonely." He smacked Jim's ass a few more times, feeling his
palm heating from the blows.

"Missed you. Master. Master..." Jim's cock was leaking,
dripping against him.

"Don't come, baby. Wait until I tell you." He knew his baby

"I won't. I won't, I promise."

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"I know." He slid his free hand along Jim's spine, the other
continuing, finding a new rhythm.

Jim shuddered, then started fucking his lap, nice and
steady, head hanging down between his shoulders.

"That's it, baby. God, I fucking missed this -- missed you."

"Yes..." Jim's thighs spread, hips canting back.

He smacked the backs of Jim's thighs and over the lovely
crack, near Jim's hole.

"Please..." Sweet baby.

"Soon, baby. I want your ass and thighs good and rosy

"They feel rosy."

He chuckled. "They're getting there, baby, they are."

Jim stretched out, muscles rolling.

He was beginning to pant a little -- out of shape for this
after just three days. He shook his head. "I want you,

"I'm yours. All of me."

"Yes. Every inch. Every hair. Your heart."

Jim nodded. "My soul."

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"Yes. Mine. All mine."

He reached over to the bedside table, finding the lube. Jim
stretched out, legs spread wider, spine tight as a bow. He
slicked up his fingers and slid one into Jim's ass, pushing it
deep inside the silky heat. Jim grunted, pressing back
against his fingers, begging.

"I'm not going to leave you hanging, baby." He fucked Jim
with the single finger for a half dozen strokes before
pushing in a second.

"I know. I know. I just... I need and you're right here and
I'm so fucking tired."

"You need me to take my time with this and make sure you
can feel my cock, my ass, for the rest of the day." He
pushed his fingers in deep, bumping hard against Jim's

Jim's answer was a deep cry.

He kept working that spot, his free hand slicking up his

"I'll come. Fuck." Listen to that mouth.

"No, you will not." Pulling his fingers out, he began to
smack Jim's ass again.

"Master!" Jim shuddered, and Marcus could see the fight
not to pull away, to jerk away.

He laid down a half dozen more swats before he stopped

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and tugged his legs out from under his lover. "So proud of
you, baby."

Jim's soft sob was sweet as fuck to his ears.

He turned his baby and then settled between Jim's legs,
rubbing the abused ass as he moved close enough to nudge
Jim's ass with his cock.

"Master." Jim spread for him, begged for him.

"That's right." He wiggled until his cock was right against
Jim's hole, and then began to push in.

Jim hummed, eyes dropping closed as his baby relaxed. He
growled and kept pushing into the tight heat that was his
baby's body. So fucking good.

"Yours." That smile was peaceful.

"All the way through, baby. All the way through." His
words were little more than growls, his hips stabbing hard
into Jim.

He could feel the heat of that ass against his thighs, making
everything so much better.

"Love." Jim looked like he was completely centered in the
world, at peace. At home.

His baby needed his routine, but they were solid enough
that it had only taken a hint of that routine to have things
begin to fall back into place for his dear sub. He let himself
get lost in it, in how good they were together, how right.

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When he focused back down, Jim was looking at him,
smiling. "So beautiful."

"You are, baby." He ran his hand from Jim's cheek down to
his cock, admiring each and every inch.

Jim was hard, the little PA ring slick against his fingertips.
He rubbed the tip, pushing his thumb in a little. Jim's face
didn't change, but that tight hole gripped him. It made him
groan and he did it again.

"Master." Jim reached for him, hands on his shoulders.

"So beautiful, baby. I should fill you -- both cock and ass."

"Master!" Jim stared at him, ass milking him now, muscles
pulling at his cock and tugging him in deeper.

"Yes. You need an all out submission to make up for the
last few days."

"I. I. Master." Jim moaned, body undulating beneath him
hard enough that he could feel each muscle work.

"Gonna make me come," he growled. That wasn't a bad

Jim nodded, panting, his baby knowing better than to join
him without permission. He wanted to play. He held Jim's
gaze, moaning as he felt his balls tighten up, his cock
getting harder. A moment later he shot, filling Jim with his

Jim bit back a cry, head falling back as he fought the urge

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to come. Marcus could feel the fight, all around him. He
stayed buried deep, holding his baby's eyes, lending the
strength of his belief in his sub.

It took a few moments, but Jim did it, settled, breathing

"Very good, baby. You make me so proud."

"I try."

He knew.

He grabbed hold of a wide, heavy plug and slid carefully
from Jim's ass, pushing the plug in place. Jim twisted, teeth
sinking into that sweet, abused bottom lip. He pushed the
plug right in, not playing with it, not at the moment. His
eyes were on the thick, full cock.

Jim's legs drew up, toes curling, the whispered 'fuck', so

"Big or small?" he asked, rubbing Jim's thighs.

Jim moaned. His baby knew this game, knew it. "B...big. I
need big things."

"Good job." He went over to the drawer and grabbed the
folder holding the sounds. He didn't take the biggest one,
but two down from it. It would fill his baby well.

Jim watched, eyes rolling a little. "I can't come with those
in. They burn all the way down." The words weren't a
complaint, just his baby thinking out loud.

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He nodded. "I know. You'll come when I take it out." After
he'd played with the plug a little, driven his baby wild.

Jim's hands moved over the muscled belly, tracing tattoos.

"Beautiful man."

"Just me." Jim panted, skin sheened with sweat.

"Just beautiful you."

Jim's soft chuckle made Marcus smile, pat the side of that
tight little ass. He grabbed Jim's prick, pushing his thumb
into the slit again. The ring shifted and Jim jerked, pulled
away a little with a moan. So lovely and responsive.

Marcus splurted a bunch of lube on his finger and then
pressed it into that little slit.

"I. I don't like that. It's weird."

"Different is good, baby. Stretches your boundaries." He
pushed some more slick in.

"I like the same..."

"I know, baby. Different is good for you." He grabbed Jim's
cock, pushed the ring out of the way. Jim's legs shook, his
baby's eyes huge. "Here we go, baby." He put the tip of the
sound into the tip of Jim's cock.

Jim reached down, grabbed his wrists and held on, tight. He
looked up at his baby.

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Jim blushed dark. "Sorry." Still, Jim didn't let go.

"It's okay. Squeeze if you need to." He pushed the first half
inch of the sound in.

Jim's fingers squeezed on his wrists, his baby trembling.

"Trust me, baby. I won't hurt you." He let the sound go in a
little farther.

"I do. I trust you." Jim's death grip eased a bit.

"That's it, baby." Just a tiny bit more and he could let
gravity take over.

"Love..." His baby leaned back, fingers sliding away.

"So good, baby. I am so proud." He was. He could burst
from it. His beautiful sub surprised him every day.

"Missed you so bad. I felt silly -- it was only three days."

"Three days feels like forever when it's away from you."
He let the rest of the sound slip right in.

"Master." Jim's eyes rolled back in his head.

"I have you, baby."

"Have me." Jim shook his head. "Burns..."

"Breathe through it." He stroked Jim's belly. Jim nodded,
chewing his bottom lip, eyes closed tight. He bent and took
Jim's lower lip between his own teeth. Those bright green

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eyes popped open. He stared down into them and let go of
Jim's lip, licking it instead. "I'm going to fuck you with the
plug now."

Jim's lips opened for him, eyes already becoming dazed
with pleasure. He kept stroking Jim's lips with his tongue,
his hand creeping down to start playing with the plug. The
plug was thick, spreading and filling that well-spanked ass.

He took the base and twisted. Jim arched, pretty as you
please, body stretching.

"Mmm... let's see what else we can do..." He pulled the
plug partway out and then pushed it back in again, aiming
to hit the sweet little gland inside Jim's body.

"It's so wide..." He didn't hit it, but the stretch had Jim

"You've taken bigger." Granted, not while his cock was
also filled.

He repeated the out and in, changing the angle a little.

"I don't know, it feels huge."

He noticed that Jim didn't say he couldn't take it.

He kept fucking Jim with the plug, searching for that gland,
for that spot that would make his baby go crazy. Jim started
moving, hands sliding up and down the ripped belly. The
fingers of his free hand stroked Jim's balls.

"Oh. Oh, I feel..." Jim shifted and then those green eyes
went wide. "Master!" Oh, there.

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He happily kept on that spot, nailing it over and over. Jim
shifted away, pushed closer, body flushed a sweet pink.

"You want to come, baby?" As if he didn't know.

Jim gasped, grinned for him. "Yeah, but I like the wait, too.
Like the tension."

"I know. You're the perfect submissive. And you make me
so proud, so happy."

"You shouldn't say things like that. I'm just a man."

"My man. And I say what I mean, baby."

"It's like a sin... pride, huh?"

"There's nothing sinful about how I feel about you." He
growled the words out.

"No?" Jim moaned. "You... I love... Oh, Master..."

"That's right." He pushed the plug in harder, knowing he
was pushing Jim hard. His lover would come like a geyser
when he finally pulled the sound out.

"Yes. I need... I." Jim's eyes rolled. "I want on my hands
and knees. There's not enough room like this."

"Not with the sound, baby."

Jim moaned, grabbed his knees and pulled them apart. He
moved faster, making sure to hit that spot every time he
pushed the plug in deep.

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"I... Help me. I need to breathe."

He leaned in, pressing Jim's legs even father back against
his chest, and brought their mouths together. Jim grunted
into his lips, gasping for him. He fucked Jim's mouth with
his tongue, tasting the need there.

The wildness and the need were right there, right under the
surface, and Marcus loved knowing they were his. He bit at
his lover's lips, sucked on Jim's tongue.

"Master. Oh, fuck. Oh, God. So big."

"Good." He pushed Jim a little bit further, working the plug

"Please!" He didn't think knew Jim knew what he was
begging for.

"Patience, baby."

Jim groaned, fighting himself, fighting to obey. He moved
the plug faster, pushing his baby.

"I. I..." Jim jerked, hands reaching for the headboard and
holding on so tight the man's hands were white-knuckled.

So good. His baby was so very good. "That deserved a
reward, baby."

He could see the pleasure, the need, written in every inch of
his sub.

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"It's coming out now, baby, and you can come when it

Jim nodded. "Thank you. Thank you, Sir."

"Here we go, baby." He pushed the plug deep and pulled
the sound out in one quick, smooth motion.

Seed sprayed, pouring between them, Jim's scream filling
the air. He kept fucking Jim with the plug, working to
extend his baby's orgasm. Jim was lost in the sensations,

He finally let the plug go, reseating it in his baby's ass, and
patted the lovely, red skin.

"M...master. Love."

"Mmm. And I love you, baby."

He cleaned Jim up and then settled on the bed, tugging his
lover close.

Jim smiled. "You're home. We can nap."

"We can. We can even do pizza tonight."

"Mmm. Pizza." Jim looked mostly asleep. "Tell me every
wonderful thing that happened?"

"Oh, I will. There was this pair there who were deep into
the lifestyle. I missed you the most when I saw them."

"I had lunch with Tanny." Jim's fingers stroked his belly.

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"Good." His baby and Billy's boy were two peas in a pod.

"It was. It was good. We talked."

"You'll have to tell me all about it. Over pizza."

"Mmmhmm. Tonight. Later."

"Yes. This first."

Jim nodded, long tail coming loose from the band, body
melted and easy against him. He wrapped his arms around
his baby and smiled.

It was good to be home.

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Author Bio

Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of
Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice,"
Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing
his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day
retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by
horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage
gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the
hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama
sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and
singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago." Check out
Sean’s webpage at

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Toy Box: Domination

© 2010 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN: 978-1-60370-988-0

Torquere Press, Inc.: Taste Test electronic edition / May

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

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