Anthology Toy Box Vibrators

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Table of Contents

Definition and Etymology

Caught in the Act by Alex Marcus-Jacobs

A Hand from Eros and Venus by S. Blaise

Discreet Packaging by Chris Owen

Contributors’ Bios

Definition and Etymology

Definition:Vibrators are devices intended to vibrate against the body and stimulate the nerves for a
relaxing and pleasurable feeling. Some vibrators are designed to be inserted in a body cavity for erotic

Source: Wikipedia,

Etymology: 1862, "that which vibrates," agent noun of vibrate (q.v.). Attested from 1888 in ref. to
various appliances; specific sense of "small electrical device for sexual stimulation" is recorded from

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary,

Caught in the Act

by Alex Marcus-Jacobs

“Are you sure you can’t come home for the holidays, Thomas? Are you really stuck all the way up there
for three weeks?” the voice on the other end of the line asked, filled with concern.

Tom supposed it was with good reason; he’d be all alone in his dorm for the entirety of the Christmas
holidays. Everyone else would be away, back with family, or off on vacations in sunnier climes. Sure,

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there would be staff at Thunder Bay University, but he was the only student staying on his floor.

“Don’t worry, Mom. I have a big assignment to do, and a chance to be alone. I think it’ll be kind of
refreshing. I’m around people all day, every day. And you know I don’t deal well with Dad’s side of the
family. They think I’m some kind of freak, and they don’t spare any time deriding me for my choice of
relationships,” Tom replied.

What he was telling her wasn’t entirely true. Sure, he had a big assignment due by January first, but he
was mostly done. Truth be told, he just wanted to avoid seeing his father’s family. Ever since it had come
out that he was gay, they had taken every opportunity to tell him how sinful it was, how much against
‘God’s way’ it was. That, and for once, he just wanted to be alone for the first time in twenty-three

Tom’s mother let out an audible sigh, one that he could almost hear right next to him, even though she
was all the way out in Victoria. “All right. Well, we’ll put the money for the ticket in your bank account...
I really wish you’d come home for just a few days. Are you sure?”

“Yes, Mother. I’m sure. I promise I’ll be alright. It just doesn’t make sense for me to go out there. You
know how things went last Christmas. I had another big assignment to do, and with all the distractions, I
just couldn’t do it. I really think the solitude up here will be good for me. And I promise I’ll call you every
day, okay?”

One last sigh from his mother, and then she said, sounding almost hurt, “All right. You’ll come back for
March break, right?” The resignation in her voice was palpable, and Tom almost changed his mind then
and there. What she said next, though, surprised Tom. “Is it because you’ve found someone special out
there? When do I get to meet him?”

“Mo-ther! I don’t have a boyfriend here. Last one was Vic, and you know how that turned out! Now
can I go?” Tom tried to sound scandalized by the question, but in truth it had made him genuinely happy.
Though his parents were certainly not as bad as the rest of his dad’s family, they’d never come out and
said they supported him. That simple question, though, was his mother’s way of saying that she’d finally
accepted that he was, in fact, gay.

Tom’s mother laughed, and then said, “Okay, okay, I love you, little Tommy boy. I’ll see you in March.
I’ll give your love to your father.”

“Okay, Mom... see you then.” Pressing the ‘end’ button on his cell phone, Tom let out a soft sigh of
contentment. Three weeks, all alone, nobody but the staff to deal with. There were a few locals he’d visit
with, and he did have to get his schoolwork done, but he was free for three whole weeks. Now to get on
with what he’d been waiting to do for days.

He looked at the package on his bed. It seemed so innocuous, wrapped in simple brown packing paper.
He’d made sure that the mail department at the dorms didn’t open packages ahead of time before
ordering, but his fears had been unfounded. He’d told the floor don what he was ordering, and though
there’d been some good-natured teasing, the don had instructed the mail room that they weren’t to make
him open it right there.

Tom had never purchased anything like what was in that innocuous-looking package. He’d only really
come to know he was gay in his first year of university, and there weren’t exactly any sex shops in
Thunder Bay. Buying one back in Victoria was even more daunting and, quite frankly, dangerous. So
when his ex-boyfriend, Victor, had pointed him to, he’d been a little nervous. But,

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running on recommendations from Victor, he’d chosen a few select toys from the shockingly large
selection: a vibrating bullet, a bumpy and long vibe, a swirly, corkscrew-shaped one, another that looked
like an overlarge penis (ostensibly molded from a porn-star’s cock), and finally, one that was specifically
shaped to stimulate the prostate.

Tom sighed loudly as he began to unwrap the package. The breakup with Victor had been amiable, and
he still sometimes felt lonely without the younger man’s arms around him as he slept. Victor was from
Florida, one of the farthest places from Victoria that one could live and still be on the same continent.
That distance, and the fact that for all intents and purposes, they were both bottoms, had doomed the
relationship from the start. It had lasted for one wonderful year, but then they’d chosen to part ways and
remain friends, rather than let the relationship crumble and die away when distance separated them for
longer than a couple months.

He pried open the top of the box and pulled out all the packing foam, and there they were: five toys, all
in plastic packaging, and a large bottle of water-based lube. The whole thing had cost him around a
hundred and fifty dollars, with shipping. Taking in the exchange rate from the US distributor, it had come
out to even more than that. A little card that came with the toys said, ‘all toys have been tested and
batteries put in for your convenience.’

He took out the first one, the bumpy vibe, and set it on his desk. After unwrapping them all, they were
arranged in a row on his desk. He stared at them, shivering a little. Already, the sheer thought of using
them had him stiffening a little. He’d never even played with a sex toy... he’d been far too shy and
nervous to try Victor’s, and there’d never been any other chance to use one.

Undoing his pants, he slipped them off along with his underwear, letting them fall to the floor in a rustle of
fabric He glanced at the door, worried for just a moment that someone might come knocking. Shrugging
a little, he dismissed the possibility as a remote one.

Stroking himself gently, he moved to stand in front of the floor-length mirror at his closet. Back in
Victoria, he’d gotten a little pudgy, but TBU had a good gym, and he’d managed to tone himself quite
well, to the point that some of the women in his classes had made it very obvious they’d go out with him
in a heartbeat.

Tom, however, couldn’t see what was so special. He was five and a half feet tall, with highlighted dark
brown hair. His face was clean-shaven, and his eyes were a deep, emerald green. He was constantly
being asked if he wore contacts, but it was his natural color. He didn’t have a washboard stomach or big
muscles, though he was most definitely healthy and fit. His chin was pointed rather than square, his ears
an average size. All in all, he was, for the most part, quite unremarkable.

Well, not exactly, he thought with a grin, as he stroked himself another time. His cock was most
definitely rather large, both in length and girth. That couldn’t be what had the women interested, though.
The only people in Thunder Bay that had seen him naked were the clinic doctors, and Victor.

Shrugging it of as another mystery that he really didn’t care to solve, Tom moved away from the mirror
and sat down at his computer. Pressing a few buttons, he turned on some music, just so that if anyone did
happen to come by, they wouldn’t hear him as he played. After a few moments, gentle, soft rock came
from the speakers on either side of his monitor. It wasn’t his favorite kind of music, but something told
him that trying to play with toys while listening to heavy metal or industrial just wouldn’t feel right.

Taking the corkscrew-shaped toy in hand, he flipped open the bottle of lube and dribbled some of the
slick stuff on the tip. Using his free hand, he distributed it evenly over the surface of the silicone toy, and

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then lay on the bed, on his back, lifting his legs up a bit. It seemed the most comfortable position, and as
he turned the knob at the base and nestled the tip of the toy at the tight ring of his anus, he let out a soft
moan. The thrumming sensation of the vibe in that most intimate of places was divine, making his cock
stiffen even more.

Letting out another soft moan, Tom pushed on the base, the tip of the toy pushing slowly into him. He
went slowly to start with, not wanting to hurt anything. It was the thinnest of the toys, but he’d not had
anything inside him like this ever since he’d broken up with Victor. However, the corkscrew vibe slid in
almost effortlessly, and he realized that he didn’t have anything to worry about. Soon, the base was
nestled against his rump, and he moaned again, even louder this time. It was the most unique feeling he’d
ever experienced... that thrumming was inside him, rather than against him.

Holding the toy in him, he twisted the base even more, increasing the force of the vibrations to the point
that he actually had to bite down on the thumb of his free hand to not let out a very loud moan. His cock
was now at full attention, standing proud and stiff, curving slightly toward his belly. Slowly, despite his
original promise to himself that he wouldn’t begin to stroke himself in earnest, he began to slide a
lube-slicked hand up and down his shaft.

The deep thrumming inside him and the silky feeling of his hand on his cock were so deliciously intense
that within moments he was nearing his climax. He looked regretfully at the rest of the toys arrayed on his
desk, and then smiled, closing his eyes. There would be a chance to play with them all over the holidays.

Just as he was about to come, just as he felt that rush of inevitability, his dorm room swung open, and his
friend Adrian from the next floor up, barreled in. “Hey Tom I was... oh! Oh, my God! Oh, jeez, I’m
sorry! I mean, dude, the door was unlocked!” In that one moment, Tom was so distracted and dismayed
that he felt his whole body jerk and spasm, as if it were angry at him that his orgasm had been
interrupted. Shocked, it took him at least ten seconds before he actually jerked the covers over his lower

Tom just gaped at Adrian, who was standing there with a shocked and completely pole-axed
expression. There was no hiding what he’d been doing, with the toys and lube arrayed in their row on top
of the desk, the tent in the thin sheet over his waist, and the fact that there was a distinct buzzing that
could be heard over the music. Though it was certainly quiet enough that Adrian couldn’t have heard it
from outside Tom’s dorm, at this distance it was much harder to ignore.

Adrian’s face changed color more than once in the first few moments, from a normal fleshy tone to
almost chalk white, and then a bright red of embarrassment. Opening his mouth, he stammered, “Ah...
oh, God, Tom, I’m so sorry. I j-just thought, well, I didn’t know that you were... I just came down to
use the b-bathroom because the one on m-my floor is broken. I heard y-your music and wanted to ask if
you were really going to stay over the break.”

Tom, equally mortified and red-faced, croaked, “Yeah, I am. I, uhh , well, I mean, yeah. I guess my little
s-secret is out.” Calmly, and almost mechanically, he reached under the covers and twisted the base of
the toy to turn it off. His erection was rapidly fading, though deep inside, he was almost happy that of all
the people in the dorm to barrel in on him, it would be Adrian. For weeks, he’d had a crush on the
blond-haired and blue-eyed senior student, made even more intense by the fact that Adrian was from
Vancouver Island, in a town only twenty kilometers out of Victoria.

Adrian murmured softly, “Y-yeah, I guess it has. I, hey, Tom, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to... I really
didn’t. I didn’t even know you were into... that.” He shuffled around on his feet for a few moments, and
then finished lamely, “I mean, it’s not that I couldn’t believe it if someone told me.”

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Despite it all, Tom found himself smiling, though he was still quite red in the face. “It’s... I guess it’s all
right. Just don’t tell anyone, for the love of God. I want to keep it a secret, really.” He threw a towel over
the other toys and then let out a sigh. “Kind of killed the mood though. Thanks for that, Adrian.” There
was a trace of bitterness in his voice. His first experience with the toys was effectively ruined, and he
wasn’t sure if he’d ever work up the nerve to try again.

Adrian shuffled his feet again, seeming to want to say something. After a few more moments, he turned
around and said softly, “I’m really sorry, Tom. I’ll leave you be. Was going to ask if you wanted to go
out to Sal’s Diner with me, but I probably made you mad.” He laid a hand on the doorknob and began
to turn it, preparing to leave.

“Yeah, that would be really good idea. Please,” Tom almost barked, sore that his fun had been rather
rudely ended for the night. He saw Adrian flinch at his tone, which surprised him more than a little. “Wait,
Adrian. I’m sorry. You just really surprised me. It was my first time... doing this. I’ll come, if you want.”

Adrian turned back around, trying to hide the expression on his face, which certainly wasn’t one that
Tom had expected. He actually looked stung by Tom’s words, much more than he had any real reason
to be. “Listen, T-tom,” Adrian said hesitantly, a quaver in his voice, “I... kind of wanted you to go to
Sal’s with me... so I could ask you something. You see, I may not have known you were gay, but well, I
kind of hoped you were.”

Of all the things that Adrian could have said at that point, Tom hadn’t expected that. He just blinked and
opened his mouth a few times, and then said softly, “Go on?”

“Well, I m-mean... I guess this isn’t the best time to say it. Not now. But if I don’t now, I don’t know if I
could,” Adrian continued, his voice getting a bit stronger, a little more confident. “We’ve been close to
being friends for a while, but I didn’t want to get close because I didn’t want to get hurt if you weren’t
interested... but I had to. I really wanted to say it. I’ve had a crush on you since I met you, Tom. I swear
I didn’t know you’d be doing this when I came down. I didn’t come in hoping that you’d be in the middle
of something. I know you probably don’t believe me, but it’s true.”

Tom watched Adrian for a long time, searching his face for any trace of falsehood. Many a night had
passed where he’d day-dreamed, or more, of what it would be like to actually be with his friend. He’d
lost count of the ways that he’d imagined himself asking Adrian out on a date, or vice-versa. He would
be a fool not to take the opportunity, and so he said in a near whisper, “Adrian? Stay. Do you want to...
join me? I’ve got all these toys, and well, maybe it would be better if I had someone to... experience
them with.”

It didn’t take Adrian long to respond; it looked like he’d been hoping that Tom would invite him, as
improbable as that was. “I think I’d... like that, Tom. I guess... maybe I’m not going over to Sal’s, am I?”

Tom chuckled a little, and purposefully flung aside the sheet. The vibrator had slipped out when Adrian
had been talking. He held it up and said softly, “So... you or me, Adrian? I’m done with this, but I
don’t... I mean...”

Grinning broadly, Adrian stepped up to the desk and pulled away the towel, surveying the toys on the
table with an appraising look. “You know... these are all really good ones. Toyzforboiz ?” he asked
curiously, picking up the only one that was realistically penis-shaped. “Yep, Toyzforboiz ... they’re the
only place that has this one.” Adrian turned to Tom with a wicked grin. “And now that we’re alone, and I
don’t have to be afraid...”

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Without a word, Adrian undid his jeans, first the button and then the zipper. He didn’t just drop them,
though, he actually made a show of it, swaying his body with the tempo of the music. The way he moved,
his groin only a few feet away from Tom’s face, made Tom tremble, his erection stiffening anew. When
Adrian’s pants finally fell to the floor and his shirt came off, his own cock was standing proudly at

“Wait... you weren’t wearing underwear?” Tom asked, transfixed by the sight in front of him. Adrian
was, in a word, gorgeous. He, unlike Tom, had a washboard stomach, and an almost perfectly molded
physique. Tom quietly wondered why someone as attractive as Adrian would find him attractive, but he
certainly wasn’t about to complain. “Why weren’t you wearing underwear?”

Bending over and placing a finger over Tom’s lips, Adrian murmured, “I never do. And, hush, you. To
answer your first question... you. Just relax, I’ll show you how to play. These are your toys, and anyway,
I like to clean myself before playing.”

Tom blushed a little, surprised at how quickly Adrian was taking charge. It seemed something
completely out of character, from what Tom knew about the senior student. “Ah... what do you want me
to do, Adrian? I m-mean, well, I’m not sure what I mean.”

Adrian chuckled and said softly, “I want to see your face, Tom. Can you lift your legs and hold them up.
I want to have that nice little hole of yours bared for me.” Flipping the cap off the lube, Adrian drizzled a
great deal over the length of the vibrator.

Despite his nervousness, Tom wriggled down on the bed a little more, and then pulled his legs up and
out so that his still-tight ass was bared and lewdly on display for his friend. “Like this, Adrian?” he asked,
eyes never leaving the vibrator in Adrian’s hand. It was certainly longer and wider than the corkscrew
shaped one.

Catching the look on Tom’s face, Adrian smiled and turned the vibrator on. “Don’t you be worried,
Tom. I’ve wanted to play with you for a long time. I’m not about to hurt you.” Adrian leaned over, his
one slick hand reaching out to stroke at Tom’s cock. At the same time, he pressed the tip of the vibrator
against Tom’s hole and pushed lightly.

Tom moaned loudly as he felt that strong hand circle his shaft and begin to stroke up and down. He was
so caught up in the sensation that he only whimpered the tiniest bit when the thicker tip of the bumpy vibe
slipped into him. As that odd toy pushed deeper into him, he gasped out, “Oh, my God! That feels so

Adrian turned the vibrator off and pulled the toy out so that only the tip was still inside Tom. “Do you
want me to stop, then?” he asked, a trace of mischief in his voice.

With a fake growl of anger, Tom said, “Fuck, no. Harder!” As he met Adrian’s gaze, he realized that for
all Adrian’s bravado, his friend was almost as nervous as he was. Adrian was just a bit more
experienced, and knew what he was doing, and so he was taking charge by default.

A wicked grin was the only response that Adrian gave Tom as he twisted the base of the vibe and drove
the toy in fast. The cry that Tom let out was so loud that, for a moment, they stopped completely,
worried that the sound might have carried far enough that someone would investigate. But their fears
proved unwarranted as there was no quick rush of feet or knocking on the door. After a few more
moments, Adrian resumed fucking Tom with the bumpy vibe.

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Prepared a little better this time, Tom bit down on his lower lip and moaned. The sensation was so
strong, so unique that he almost felt himself wanting to come. Somehow, Adrian knew from the look in
his eye that he was close, and so Adrian didn’t resume stroking, just kept on fucking him with the buzzing
toy. Every second, Adrian sped up a little, until at last Tom cried out, “N-no more! J-just God, it’s t-too
much, too good!”

Almost immediately, Adrian slowed and then stopped, smiling a bit. “You did say harder, Tom,” he
quipped, and leaned down to kiss lightly at Tom’s inner thigh. “Shall we try the cock, hmm?”

His mind a little hazed from the pleasure, Tom didn’t quite understand what his friend was asking.
“M-mean you, Adrian? Th -the condoms are in the d-desk drawer.” He gestured almost aimlessly at the
desk, believing for a moment that Adrian meant to fuck him.

Shaking his head, Adrian said softly, “Maybe another time, For now, I think a fake cock is enough.”
Picking up the penis-shaped vibrator, he showed it to Tom, who flushed in embarrassment. He’d been so
lost in pleasure and need that he’d been ready to just let Adrian fuck him right then and there. Looking a
little chagrined, Tom nodded a bit in response to the question.

Once again, Adrian nestled the tip of that thick vibe against Tom’s hole and gave a gentle push. Tom
groaned, gritting his teeth a little. It was much thicker than the other toys he’d gotten, and as he felt
himself stretch around that thick toy, he groaned. “Big... r-really big. Wow.” He panted as Adrian slowly
pushed inch after inch of the toy into him. “ Nghh... Maybe a little too big, Adrian.”

Adrian grinned and shook his head a little. “I’m not going to fuck you hard with this one, hon. Just want
you to feel it for when you can take it.” He flipped a switch on the base of that toy, and it began to
squirm inside Tom even as two powerful vibes inside it began to buzz, one deep inside him, the other just
inside about half an inch.

“ OhmyGod...” Tom gasped, eyes going wide. He’d not expected that the toy would do that, he’d just
chosen the toys for what they looked like, not by what they did. “Adrian... oh, my God, it's.. dear God
it’s... I feel like I’m going to c-come right now with that thing. Don’t touch my cock, please don’t! I
d-don’t want to before the last one.”

Grinning broadly, Adrian turned the toy on full power, making Tom jerk and buck with the intensity of
the sensations. Before it got too strong and too intense, however, Adrian turned off the toy and slipped it
out. “Now the last two. This, I think, you’ll love,” he murmured.

“Last two?” Tom groaned, wondering how the bullet and the prostate stimulating toy would fit in him.
Still grinning, Adrian just shook his head and laid a finger against Tom’s lips again, fixing him with a look
that said ‘trust me.’ Nodding a little uncertainly, Tom said hoarsely, “G-go ahead.”

Chuckling, Adrian drizzled some lube on the oddly-shaped vibrator. “Hmm, you know, this is one of my
favorite toys. First time I used it, I set my dog howling outside in response. You know, Tom, you might
want to bite your lip again,” Adrian said mysteriously, as he slipped the thin and curved toy in. It glided in
effortlessly, and Adrian said a little sternly, “tell me when you feel something... odd. You’ll know it when
you feel it, believe me.” He moved and twisted the vibrator gently, grinning wickedly when Tom let out a
surprised and confused gasp.

“W-what the hell is that?” Tom asked in wonderment.

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Adrian said nothing, and then turned on the vibe, grabbing the bullet from the desk with his free hand.
Tom bit down hard on his lip, trying not to scream with the sheer intensity of the unique pleasure.

“Oh, we’re not done yet, my dear Tom,” Adrian whispered seductively over the music of Tom’s cries
and the stereo. Laying the bullet against Tom’s cock, just underneath the crown, he turned it on.
Immediately, Tom let out a cry of pure shock at just how powerful the vibration against his shaft was. He
began to squirm and moan, his whole body writhing as it tried to cope with the stimulation.

When finally Tom felt that onrush of near-inevitability that warned of his climax, it was like a tidal wave
that simply built up without release. Ages seemed to pass by as he felt himself come closer and closer to
the peak of his pleasure, until finally, he nearly howled as he came with greater force than he’d ever felt
before. His cock jetted ropy strands of semen across his chest and belly, more than he usually released.
Gasping, twitching and moaning, he let his body spasm with the force of his orgasm.

Adrian watched it all with that same grin, all trace of nervousness gone from his expression. “Tom, you
have no idea how much I just want to get on there and fuck you. You just make such a tempting...

Adrian turned off the last two vibrators and set them on the table. Getting the little towel hanging from
the closet door, he tossed it to Tom and then sighed softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
Watching Tom closely, Adrian asked, “So, what did you think. Want to play with them again?”

It took Tom a long time to respond, but finally, he croaked out a hoarse, “Fuck, yes. With you,
anytime.” Patting his chest and belly down with the towel, he stretched out his legs. “ Mmff, that’s just...
dear fucking God that was... wow.”

Finally able to lie down next to Tom, Adrian nestled himself in between Tom and the wall on the bed.
Sighing softly, he murmured, “That makes me happy. But what if this is all another one of your dreams,
Tom? What if I’m still up in my room and you’re down here, asleep?”

Tom fixed his friend with a withering look, “Then by God, we better do everything, shouldn’t we. If this
is my dream, why don’t you attend to that?” He brushed his hand across Adrian’s still-stiff cock and

Adrian’s eyes widened with surprise at the proposition. “You sure, Tom? I don’t want to go too far on
our first night.”

Shaking his head, Tom leaned in and kissed Adrian, nipping at his lip playfully. “Well, if it’s a dream, I
better enjoy it, right? Then we can go to Sal’s Diner. Together.”

Nodding, Adrian simply murmured, “then lie on your back again, dear... and we’ll make this one to
remember, hmm?”

Tom rolled back onto his back and then opened his arms wide, embracing his new lover. As he leaned
in to kiss Adrian one more time, Tom looked over at door. “Before we do, though, do you think we
should lock the door?”

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A Hand from Eros and Venus

by S. Blaise

Okay, this was fine. It wasn’t like he’d never been in a sex shop before -- granted, that had only really
been stopping by to pick Tina up for lunch or after work and he hadn’t really looked too closely -- but it
was fine. Kieran was only buying something as a joke gift for a friend and it was a fairly tame object,
especially compared to some of the things that graced the walls of this place. He would buy it and get
out, no problem. As soon as an assistant showed themselves to help him, of course. He started to ease
himself away from the entrance and wander around the store, his curiosity getting the better of him.

The area was fairly small and grungy, various... “implements” lined along the walls, some behind glass.
There were outfits fit for all kinds of fantasies, it seemed, hanging on free-standing metal rails in the centre
of the store. There was an entrance to another area of the shop at the far corner of the right wall, covered
with thick black strips. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what was back there. The counter was to the
left, near the back, but was as vacant as the rest of the store, its cash register silent and forlorn. Behind
that was another entranceway gaping open, probably leading to the storeroom.

Kieran found the vibrator section, which was what he wanted, but the selection dazzled and confused
him. He felt way out of his depth, not for the first time. Small, thin ones, ones with extra bits protruding
from them, long, thick ones that no real male anatomical feature it was supposed to resemble could
possibly match up to. He leaned closer, squinting. And what the hell was that?

“Can I help you, sir?”

“Ah!” He jumped, mortified at the yell that had escaped from his mouth at hearing the soft voice beside
him. He turned to face the other man, feeling both embarrassed and, for some strange reason, guilty.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you. My name’s Mack. Do you know what you’re looking for?”

Mack. He’d seen the name on the sign outside, “Proprietor: Mack Phelps”. So this was his store.
Kieran had wondered what sort of person would own a sex shop and hadn’t really known what to
expect, but Mack didn’t seem especially different from anyone else he might pass on the street. Mack
had black hair, not very long but slicked down around his head almost like a helmet, the hair across his
forehead was curved to the side, out of his eyes, which were an olive shade of green. He and Mack were
the same height, but Mack was slimmer, the muscles of his arms and legs toned but not developed, like
rubber bands that had been stretched out rather than bunched up under his creamy skin. He wore a plain,
dark red T-shirt and black jeans with black boots. There was a leather cuff on his left wrist and a leather
thong around his neck, its pendant hidden by his shirt, but that was about it.

“It’s fine, don’t worry,” he managed to say. “I’m Kieran.” They shook hands; he immediately wondered
if it had been a good idea to give his name so easily. Oh, well, too late now. “I was looking for -- one of
these,” he gestured to the display. “It’s for a friend.” He cringed. Probably just about everyone who
came in here said that: “Oh, it’s not for me; it’s for a friend.” Mack was still regarding him patiently. “My
friend’s getting married, you see, and I wanted to get her something as kind of a funny gift, you know,
just a joke. I mean I’ve gotten them a real present, obviously, but thought something like this would get a
laugh, too, she’s got a great sense of humor.”

“And your friend’s future husband won’t mind?”

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He shifted on his feet, glancing away. Should he explain? But anyone running a place like this had to be
pretty open-minded, right? “She’s not, um, marrying a man.”

“Ah, I see,” Mack replied, only a faint flicker of surprise showing in his eyes for a brief second. “But
why not go to Ann Summers or order online, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, well,” he couldn’t help a shy, awkward, smile. “My ex works at Ann Summers; I didn’t really want
to run into her. And ordering online could take too long. The wedding’s next week, this was just kind of
a last-minute idea. Besides, I liked the name of your store, though you’ve gotten it a bit wrong. Eros was
Greek, Venus was Roman.”

“Really?” Kieran resisted the urge to back away as Mack shifted closer, tracing his fingers along
Kieran’s arm for a few seconds. “Ugh, I’m always getting them mixed up. I just thought ‘Eros and
Venus’ had a nice ring to it. I got the idea for the name when I was on holiday in Greece; have you ever

Kieran’s eyes flicked to Mack’s hand, but he made no move to shrug Mack off. “No, I’d love to go
there, though.” His shy smile appeared again. “I’ve always loved reading about myths and legends,
especially ancient Greek ones. I wanted to study history and major in Ancient Civilizations, but my
parents didn’t think there was a future in it.”

“That’s a bit silly saying that,” Mack replied. “After all, if we don’t know our past, we can’t learn from
it, right?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Kieran agreed, his smile easier. “But it wasn’t so bad, I studied Media and
work at a publisher now, plus I met some great people, including my friend Heidi.”

“The one you’re buying the present for?”

Kieran nodded.

“Okay, let’s see,” Mack’s voice trailed off as he considered the various models. “Here, how about
this?” he took down a fairly tame, average-sized one in neon pink. “It’s only for a joke, so you don’t
want to spend too much, right?”

“Right, okay, yeah that’ll do,” Kieran took the plastic packet as though it was radioactive.

Mack gave him a sly smile. “Honestly, anyone would think you’d never seen one of these before. Didn’t
your ex ever bring any of her work home with her?”

“Um, not really,” he muttered. “She...” he trailed off, shrugging.

“Oh, you poor thing.” Mack cooed in sympathy. “Well, if you ever need some personal instructions or a
practical demonstration sometime, you know where I am.”

Kieran froze as Mack leaned in close, his hand on Kieran’s arm again, resting there firmly before he
turned, heading for the register. It took Kieran a second to follow. “Do you always hit on your
customers?” he asked, keeping his tone light.

"Only the incredibly good looking ones that I’m very attracted to,” Mack told him with a frank stare.

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“Why, does it make you uncomfortable?”

He shrugged again, his face still feeling hot. “Not really. I mean, I’ve got gay friends, male and female,
it’s not that. I just -- I’m not -- I mean, I’m pretty average, there are guys better looking than me.”

Mack was staring as though he’d said something unbelievable. “Well, you had a girlfriend, you couldn’t
have been doing too badly,” Mack said at last.

“Yeah, but that wasn’t -- I wasn’t very good at -- stuff,” he muttered, hunching over and looking away,
not sure why he was confessing such shameful things to a virtual stranger.

Kieran felt Mack’s warm hand resting over his on the counter. “Don’t sell yourself short,” he said gently.
“Sometimes it’s a case of being with the right partner; it can make all the difference.”

Kieran’s wide blue eyes fixed on Mack a moment before he looked away again, clearing his throat.

“Well, it wasn’t just that,” Kieran said, still not drawing his hand away. “She and Heidi didn’t get along.
She didn’t really like my, um, friends that are gay or bi too much in general, actually. I’m not going to
date someone who thinks like that.” His voice dropped at that statement, to a darker tone.

“Well, sounds like you’re much better off without her,” Mack told him. He took his hand back slowly
and finished ringing up the order, putting it in a brown paper bag with discreet curved script on the side.
“Like I said, if you need to talk some more -- or anything -- you know where I am.”

Kieran nodded, feeling awkward again at having revealed so much. He took the bag and walked out of
the store.


Mack closed up for the day, making sure everything was locked tight, Kieran still on his mind. He’d
been unable to help smiling when he’d seen the other man walk into the store with his pressed blue jeans
and tucked in grey T-shirt, classic “deer in the headlights” expression on his face. Kieran had neat blond
hair and the build of someone who worked out regularly and Mack had imagined there would be the
loutish behavior to match, but the self-conscious, intelligent creature with gentle blue eyes that had
emerged instead was completely unexpected.

Mack had flirted a little, testing the waters. The results were inconclusive, but it had delighted him to see
Kieran’s cheeks turn the faintest shade of pink. Kieran had been as skittish as a colt when Mack had
tried touching him, but perhaps that had just been shyness. Kieran couldn’t have minded the flirting that
much; if he had gay friends, surely he was used to it. After all, average? Did the man really believe that
about himself?

If Mack was honest though (and he usually was, for better or worse) the way Kieran had talked about
his ex had Mack worried. Mack was good at reading people, especially when it came to sex and
relationships, and this girl sounded like she had been trouble. He could be wrong of course; their sexual
activities hadn’t been the reason why they’d broken up, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t important. If she’d
been the one to tell Kieran he was bad in bed... That seemed a bit harsh to Mack. It took two to tango
after all.

A mischievous grin briefly lit his features. He certainly wouldn’t mind teaching Kieran a thing or two in
that area. He hoped the other man would come back, and soon, to take him up on his fairly blatant offer.

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Mack freely admitted he liked sex. Hell, he loved it. Why did people think there was something so bad
or wrong about it? Nothing could beat sex, as far as he was concerned, as long as those involved were
willing and enjoyed themselves.

Unfortunately, his parents hadn’t quite shared this viewpoint. His father had insisted he get a Business
degree in the hopes that it would “straighten him out.” He was pretty sure the pun hadn’t been intentional,
his parents hadn’t known about his sexuality then. To his surprise, he’d actually enjoyed it and was pretty
good at it. After he’d graduated, his uncle, a property developer, had helped him find and purchase the
store which now housed his modest business. It was hard work with little time off; he still wasn’t at the
point where he could hire extra help yet, but he didn’t care. He was doing something he loved, helping
people in his own small way, and it had the added bonus of annoying his parents even more. Besides, if
things worked out the way he hoped, it could mean a big benefit to his personal life, too.


Kieran heaved a relaxed sigh as he flopped into his comfy lounge chair, dropping his keys and the brown
bag onto the coffee table. It had been an... interesting day. He grinned as he imagined what the
expression on Heidi’s face would be when she opened her “present.” Then he would have to tell her how
he’d gotten the thing; she was sure to tease him mercilessly. He could practically hear her already.

“My little Kieran went into a sex shop? Oh, my poor baby! Was it painful? Are you traumatized for life,
or did you secretly enjoy it?”

He chuckled, his eyes falling on the brown bag and its curlicue writing. Eros and Venus . The words did
have a nice symmetry to them even if the pantheons had been mixed up. Eros was the Greek god of love,
especially love between males, if he remembered correctly. Also, Eros was usually depicted as a more
grown up figure than his Roman counterpart, the chubby-cheeked, adorable baby Cupid. Kieran
wondered if Mack knew that and if it had played a part in the naming of the store.

His thoughts drifted in the direction of the other man. Mack was certainly different. It wasn’t like he’d
never met a gay man before, or even been hit on by one, but even with that Mack was still something
else. He’d seemed to exude this subtle sensuality and his voice had been smooth, practically tailor made
for the bedroom. Kieran could imagine it dipping to seductive levels, tempting an innocent victim, used to
ultimate effectiveness with those green eyes that had seemed to look deep inside of him.

Kieran had never really considered his sexuality before. He liked girls and they seemed to like him, so
he’d dated girls. His gay male friends had told him he was cute, sometimes in very explicit terms, but he’d
always figured they were joking or teasing, trying to make him feel uncomfortable; he’d never really
thought of another man as attractive before.

Not that he was thinking about a man that way now. He didn’t think he was, anyway. He wasn’t sure.
Even if he was, what should he do about it? He felt himself blushing. Mack had made his feelings pretty
clear on the subject. A frown settled on Kieran’s face. Even if, somehow, something did start, he’d
probably just be a disappointment to Mack as well. Tina had made it pretty clear that his skills in the
bedroom department were lacking. He’d been happy to have an excuse to break up with her before she
could leave him. It had even been a valid one; her attitude toward his friends had annoyed and sickened
him. He’d hoped she’d change, discard her prejudices once she got to know everyone better, but it
hadn’t happened. When he’d initiated the break up, she hadn’t been pleased, to say the least. Her
parting shot had rung in his ears as she’d stormed out.

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“Fine, you and your queer friends can all have each other! Now at least I can find a real man instead of
putting up with you!”

Thinking about Tina always depressed him. As a distraction, and because he was hungry, he’d made a
quick dinner, leaving the dishes for later. Unfortunately, there was nothing worth watching on TV to help
matters; he clicked the set off in disgust. His eyes settled on the brown bag once more, still sitting there
on the coffee table. He seemed to be drawn to it somehow. This time, he didn’t look away or even blink,
as if trying to stare it down. The bag, for its part, simply sat there, its contents hidden as it squatted under
his gaze.

Finally he leaned forward, plucked up the bag and withdrew the item inside, letting the brown paper fall
to the floor.

Okay, so it was a vibrator. Big deal. It was bright pink and came in that molded plastic packaging that
was a pain to open and usually needed to be destroyed with scissors or a nice big, sharp knife. It would
need batteries, he noticed. Well of course, it needed something to power it so it could vibrate. It wasn’t
solar powered. He wondered, fleetingly, if there was such a thing as solar-powered vibrators; something
for the environmentally conscious. He’d buy a new pack of batteries to go with it before he gave it to
Heidi, to show he was really being thoughtful. He grinned again.

He turned the package over in his hands, snorting as he read the blurbs of text. Honestly who wrote this
stuff? Did someone actually sit in a room, thinking up these phrases? Did they have a marketing team do
it? Or did they just have a machine they could put the words into and it would spit stuff like this back
out? Apparently, this thing was “deliciously tactile to the touch.” Well, it didn’t look it.

There was only one way to find out. He pried at the casing, trying to get it apart without completely
tearing into it. No such luck. He got up, fetching a knife from the kitchen. There was nothing more
satisfying than slicing into these things and sawing away at them with a big knife. It was probably better
without the packaging anyway. This way he could put it in a box or something, and Heidi wouldn’t be
able to guess straight away what it was.

Finally the vibrator was liberated, his fingers running up and down its surface as he held it in his other
hand. Well, it was certainly smooth, sort of soft, though Kieran still didn’t think he would describe it as
“deliciously tactile.” He was resisting the urge to compare the phallic object to his own equipment. Of
course the thing was longer than him, but he was pretty sure he was thicker.

It had three settings, apparently. What would those be, “bit of a tingle” to “brace yourself, madam!”
perhaps? Did it just feel like an electric toothbrush vibrating or stronger? He grabbed his remote,
removing the two batteries and inserting them into the end of the toy.

Well, this was -- weird. Not bad, really, just... weird. Although this was only the first setting and he was
still just holding it in his hand. It was quiet, thrumming away against his fingers a bit like a very large kitten.
No wonder women liked this sort of thing; it was not only shaped like a cock, but vibrated at different
speeds and could be moved around as they wanted without getting tired or talking back.

He ran the end of it up his arm. It tickled a little. He leaned back, running it this time down his chest and
stomach. He shivered.

Kieran took a deep breath, still not entirely sure why he was doing this. He was curious, right? He
ignored the thought about the well known saying involving curiosity and felines and shifted around, getting
comfortable. He moved from his chair to the couch, lying on his back with the vibrator still in his grip. He

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pulled up his T-shirt, letting the blunt nose of the toy explore his skin. It touched on a nipple, the gentle
vibrations over the more sensitive area making him gasp, the taut flesh wrinkling further. He focused on it
and its twin, his breathing quickening, micro-shocks of pleasure heading straight to his groin. With one
hand, he fumbled with the fastenings of his jeans, pushing them down and adjusting himself.

Had Mack ever done something like this? Tried out some of his own wares?

Kieran remembered the other man’s words about “personal instructions or a practical demonstration”
and gasped again at the spike of pleasure that suddenly hit him. The hand holding the vibrator blazed a
trail lower, reaching the elastic of his briefs. He twisted the other end, moving it up to the next setting.

Oh. That was -- oh. He ran the tip over his shaft, the tickling, tingling feeling through the cloth barrier
almost driving him mad. What would Mack think, seeing him like this? He tried to picture those green
eyes on him, hungry, encouraging, pretended it was Mack holding the toy, which now seemed more like
a torture device, using it to tease his most sensitive areas mercilessly.

His breathing was heavy now, as though he’d run a race, his hair and clothes a mess. His briefs had been
pushed down, his jeans discarded completely as one hand worked his cock, the other gripping the
vibrator just as hard, brushing it against his sac and thighs, then back again. He was so close, in such a
short time. Would Mack let him come so soon? Or would Mack draw out the pleasure, teasing him and
then withdrawing, again and again, until Kieran was begging him to end it and make him come?

His hand slipped, brushing the area just behind his balls, making himself moan. Would Mack penetrate
him with the vibrator, turning it on once it was buried deep inside? His breath caught as he tried to
imagine what that would feel like. He couldn’t do it himself now; he knew about needing some sort of
lubrication and getting up to search for something would ruin the mood. He contented himself with
spreading his legs wider, pressing the blunt rubber head to the entrance of his body.

Stuttering, half choked cries escaped his throat as his other hand tightened around his flesh, hot seed
erupting from him in sticky spurts. He shivered in the aftermath, realizing the vibrator had been pushed
barely past his sphincter and was still sending shockwaves through him. He pulled it out and turned it off,
holding it up for examination. The tip of it had been somewhere he still didn’t want to think about and it
was speckled with droplets of semen that had dribbled down, landing on the pink surface like polka dots.

Well, he definitely couldn’t give this to Heidi now.


Mack leaned against the counter, idly flicking through a tattoo magazine. It was the beginning of the
week and nearly closing time, so he wasn’t expecting any customers. The bell over the door jingled,
however, and he shoved the magazine under the counter, ready to serve whoever had walked in. When
he saw who it was, he grinned. Kieran stood there, same uncertain look on his face, but this time dressed
in a pale grey suit with a blue shirt that brought out the color of his eyes, and a tie of a darker shade of
blue with thin grey stripes. His black shoes gleamed, and he had a black leather messenger bag slung
over his shoulder.

“Wow, and it’s not even my birthday,” Mack murmured as the other man approached. He felt almost
slovenly in his usual black jeans and black T-shirt with a red and white tribal design across the front.

“What?” Kieran asked him.

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Mack shook his head. “Nothing, sorry. I didn’t expect you to be back so soon -- not that I’m
complaining of course.” There was that blush again, he wondered how red he could make Kieran’s face

“I -- need to buy another one. I, um, opened the last one.”


Kieran shrugged. “I was curious,” he mumbled, looking away.

“And you used it?”

Kieran nodded.

Mack stepped out from behind the counter to stand before him. “And are you still curious?” A long
moment passed, but finally there was a hesitant, barely-there nod. Mack let out the breath he’d been
holding, reaching out and easing Kieran’s face to his. “It’s all right; you don’t have to be embarrassed
with me. Will you tell me what you’re curious about?”

Kieran glanced away again, gesturing around the store, his voice barely above a murmur. “This, and
men, I guess -- things between men, I mean.”

“And will you let me try and satisfy your curiosity?” Mack moved even closer, placing his hands flat on
Kieran’s chest.

“You -- you want to?”

“God, yes, but only if you’re sure you do.”

“I don’t -- I mean, I’ve never really thought about guys like that before. To be honest, you’re the first
one I’ve been... attracted to... I don’t know, you’re just not like anyone I’ve met before. Oh, but you’ll
be closing soon.”

“So? I can close the shop and give us some privacy.”

“But won’t you want to get home?”

Mack smiled. “I live in the apartment above here; there’s stairs to it in the back. No need to worry.”

“Okay, then yes, I’m sure,” Kieran breathed, bringing his hands up to Mack’s biceps and leaning in

Mack tilted his head, closing the distance until his lips met Kieran’s, brushing them gently and taking it
slow, giving Kieran plenty of time to pull away if he wished. Kieran was still moving with caution, as if
afraid he was doing it wrong. Mack took charge of the kiss, pressing more firmly and letting his tongue
sneak out to tease at the seam of Kieran’s lips.

The kiss deepened until he was backed against the counter, his fingers clutching Kieran’s jacket,
Kieran’s hands at his waist. He loosened his grip, seeking out and undoing the shirt buttons, resisting the
urge to simply grab the material and pull. Kieran’s hands moved under his T-shirt, grabbing his waist with
strong fingers. He moaned. Kieran pulled back, looking uncertain again.

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“What is it? What’s wrong?” Mack asked.

“I -- sorry -- did I hurt you? I think sometimes I can be too rough, I don’t realize...”

Mack almost groaned out loud. Kieran really had no idea of the effect he had. He took one of Kieran’s
hands in his and moved it to his groin. It was almost comical seeing the blue eyes widen so much, but he
didn’t pull away. Mack had to stop himself thrusting into the warm touch.

“You don’t have to worry about hurting me. Feel what you’ve done to me, how hard you’ve made me.”
His voice was rough, with a wanton edge. He gritted his teeth as he felt the fingers flex against his rigid

“But -- we’ve only been kissing...”

Mack grinned. “Yeah, though to be honest, I’ve been turned on pretty much since you walked in the
door.” He took a deep breath, finally forcing himself to let Kieran’s hand go. “And we’ve barely gotten
started.” He gave Kieran a gentle push toward the entrance covered with thick black plastic strips. “You
go through there; I’ll lock up and... get a few things,” he said with another quick kiss before steering
Kieran more firmly toward the doorway.

Mack hadn’t been sure whether or not it was a good idea to send Kieran into the other room alone and
unprepared, but the man hadn’t run out screaming, so he figured that was a good sign. The other space
was where he kept larger pieces people could special order. Most of the things Kieran definitely
wouldn’t be ready for, but there was one item in there Mack wanted to use.

Walking through himself, he noticed Kieran had placed his bag on the floor, along with his jacket and tie,
and had kept the shirt unbuttoned, Mack was happy to see. He got closer, clearing his throat. Kieran
turned; as expected, the man looked nervous again. Mack smiled to reassure him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be strapping you down or tying you up -- not yet anyway. Come here, sit down
on this.” He brought Kieran over to a piece of furniture that was shaped like two gently curving hills, one
slightly lower than the other. Kieran lowered himself onto the dip in the middle, running his hand over the
fabric. It was soft, but sturdier than it looked.

“What’s in the bag?” Kieran asked, nodding to the brown store bag in Mack’s hand.

Mack just smiled, placing it on the floor and pulling off his shoes and socks, then kneeling and seeing to
Kieran’s. “Lie back,” he said gently. “Relax.”

He waited until Kieran was settled, and then straddled his hips, kissing Kieran again, his hands busily
working at undoing the remaining buttons. He pulled Kieran’s shirt open, leaning back to look down in
admiration. “Wow,” he breathed, licking his lips. He trailed his fingers through the sparse hairs on
Kieran’s chest. He noticed Kieran blushing again, but at least he hadn’t looked away. “You really have
no idea how incredible you look right now?”

Kieran shook his head, biting his lip.

“God damn, what did this ex of yours do to you?”

“She didn’t really do anything,” Kieran protested. “I don’t know, I’ve had other girlfriends, and they

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were nice, and the sex was okay, but it never seemed to be special. I just always thought there should be
more to it, you know? And then I was dating Tina, and she was always saying stuff like ‘Don’t do this’
and ‘I don’t like that’ and ‘Not like that, do it like this’. She said I didn’t have any imagination in bed, but
when I suggested using toys, she didn’t want to do that either. Said ‘I’ve never needed to use toys during
sex before, but if you think you need to, fine.’ I wasn’t about to bring the idea up again in a hurry and we
broke up not long after anyway. We’ve been apart a few months now.”

Seeing the look on Kieran’s face, Mack lunged, kissing him with intense passion until Kieran was
practically whimpering under him. No wonder the poor man was so self-conscious. This “Tina” had
pretty much beaten his sexual confidence to a pulp, criticizing him until he’d felt he couldn’t do anything
right. Mack released Kieran, his eyes boring into blue ones.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now. I want you to disregard anything and everything your ex said to
you, ’cause she’s obviously a cow who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. And I’m glad you broke
up with her because now I get to have you all to myself and show you just what you’ve been missing,” he
finished, his tone sultry as his hands reached for Kieran’s belt. “But first, we need to get these and what’s
under them off.”

Once that was done he reached inside his bag, pulling out a couple of things to get them started. He
smiled at Kieran again. “First off, I think I’ll show you that vibrators aren’t just for girls anymore. But
don’t worry, we’ll take it slowly, and if you don’t like anything, just say so and we’ll stop.”

Kieran nodded, swallowing. He tugged at Mack’s T-shirt. “Can you...” he trailed off, sounding hopeful.

“You want me to show some skin, too?” Mack smiled.

Kieran nodded.

“Say it,” Mack coaxed.

“Take your shirt off?”

His smile widened to a grin as Mack pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, letting Kieran
look at and touch him as well. The fingers stroking his skin were hesitant but curious, brushing over his
stomach and up to his chest. Mack held his breath. He was sensitive there, but didn’t want to push it. He
saw Kieran’s eyes fixing on the already pebbling discs and thought it was safe to offer gentle

“Do it,” he said softly. “Do whatever you want.” He gasped as Kieran sat up, leaning on one hand and
fastening his lips on Mack’s nipple. Another gasp was wrung from him as its twin was pinched between
the thumb and forefinger of Kieran’s other hand, to be rolled and stroked. “Ah. Oh.” His fingers
threaded in Kieran’s hair. “That’s it; that feels good.”

“I didn’t think guys liked this, too,” Kieran murmured against his skin.

“Some don’t. I love it, though; don’t stop. Please.”

Mack’s breathing quickened, his fingers clasping the blond locks tighter as he fought the urge to rock his
hips in search of friction. He gripped Kieran’s shoulder, running his hand down the strong, straight arm.
But, as enjoyable as this was, it had to stop. Using the hand anchored in Kieran’s hair he pulled back
gently, easing Kieran off his chest and back down to the seat, rewarding him with a wet kiss.

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“Ready to do more?” At Kieran’s nod, Mack smiled, standing up and shedding his own jeans and
underwear, finally allowing his erection to jut out proudly. He touched Kieran’s shoulder, liking the way
the man was staring at him. “Stand up a second.” Once the chair was clear, he lay down on the lower
end on his back, his feet flat on the floor, retrieving the items that had fallen from his hands earlier. “Now
you sit on me, facing away from me,” he instructed.

Kieran did as instructed, sitting just above Mack’s pelvis. Mack eyed the strong back and firm butt now
before him, running a finger down the knobs of Kieran’s spine and along the crack, making Kieran
shiver. He took one more thing out of his little bag of tricks, reaching around Kieran’s waist to give it to

“Use that on me, any way you want,” he said.

“A glove?”

Mack grinned. “A very special glove. You’ll see. Now, lean forward a bit, and just relax.”

Mack waited, making sure his fingers were well-slicked before easing one between Kieran’s buttocks to
slide it carefully inside Kieran, bit by bit. He groaned softly at the tightness, knowing he had to be patient.
He especially wanted Kieran to enjoy this, wanted Kieran to want to come back for more. He let
another finger join the first, finding Kieran’s prostate, but not pressing against it.

“Ah!” Mack laughed at Kieran’s surprise when the glove came on; a button hidden in the cuff of the
satiny, soft material activated it.

“So you figured out the glove? There’s small motors in each fingertip, kind of a ‘vibrator in disguise’ I
suppose.” He slowly withdrew his fingers, spreading lube on the object in his hand. It was quite small,
with a soft, curved-over tip and a flared out base for easy handling. He worked it slowly into Kieran’s
puckered opening, switching it to the lowest vibration.

“Oh, fuck!” Kieran hissed. “What -- what is that?”

“Vibrating prostate massager,” Mack told him, smirking. “Have I found it yet?”

“Found wha -- ah!”

Mack shifted the massager a hair, his smile widening when he heard Kieran yell. Yep, that was it.

Kieran wasn’t going to let himself be the only one stimulated, it seemed. Mack groaned as he felt the
tingling touch of the special glove against his balls; Kieran was rolling them and cupping them in his hand,
letting the glove’s fingertips with their devilish little motors inside run over them.

Mack was enjoying driving Kieran crazy, though he wasn’t exactly unaffected himself, as the teasing
touches were alternated with firm stroking grips to his shaft. Kieran was kneeling now, one arm braced
across Mack’s thighs, giving him a clear view of everything that made his already hard erection border on
the painful. He’d had to squeeze his eyes closed to shut it out and stop things ending too soon. He didn’t
think that would be a problem much longer; from the sounds Kieran was making, he’d reach his release
at any moment.

Mack eyed the heavy balls and engorged cock swinging in front of him, wishing he could have a taste,

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but he wasn’t moving now when he was so close himself. He turned the setting on the vibe up and
reached one hand around Kieran’s thigh, his fingertips barely touching the dripping cock head before
white fluid was shooting from it in thick streams. Kieran let out stuttering gasps, as though he could barely
get the breath to yell, his body trembling.

Mack switched the vibrator off immediately, scarcely able to before the sight of it all and Kieran’s hand
reflexively tightening on him had him coming as well. He relaxed, savoring the moment, not caring about
Kieran’s weight on top of him.

Finally Mack stirred, rolling Kieran gently onto the floor, and reaching for his bag again. He took out a
packet of moist toilettes, using one to wipe himself down. His eyes swept over Kieran’s slack body, still
smeared with white. He scooped some up with one finger, putting it in his mouth. He realized Kieran was
watching him and smiled.

“Mmm. I hope I get to taste more of you next time.”

Kieran groaned, his chest still heaving. “I think that’s the hardest I’ve come in my life. I don’t think I can
move any time soon.”

“That’s okay; you’re fine where you are.” Mack rubbed a cloth over Kieran as well, turning off and
removing the glove from his limp hand and easing out the massager, making Kieran groan again. He put
them back in the bag to be cleaned later.

“So, do you offer this kind of personal demonstration to a lot of your customers?” Kieran asked, trying
to sound like he was joking, but Mack could hear the uncertainty and uneasiness in his voice.

Mack crouched down, running his fingers gently through Kieran’s hair. “Only to very, very special
customers,” he replied. “In fact, you’re the first and only one so far, and I think I’d be happy to keep it
that way, if that’s okay with you.”

Kieran’s grin was like sunshine. “Yeah, that’s fine with me, that’s really, really fine.” He tried to look at
his watch, his hand flopping back down to the floor. “It’s probably getting late,” he said reluctantly.

“Well, in that case, I suppose I’d better get you upstairs, bathe and feed you and maybe even see about
giving your clothes a wash. Sound good?”

“Sounds great.” Kieran’s expression became sheepish. “Just as soon as I can move again.”

Mack laughed, sitting down on the floor beside him, not in any particular hurry to get dressed. “Take
your time, but I hope you can build your energy up again for later. Then you can see what other fun toys I
have hidden away.”

Kieran groaned, but didn’t look at all dismayed by the thought. Mack smiled into the blue eyes fixed on
him. He had so much to show Kieran; he couldn’t wait.

Discreet Packaging

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by Chris Owen

Detective Cort Strang got all the way from his car to the front door of his apartment building before he
realized he had a shadow. To be fair, he hadn't had any expectation of being followed and wasn't looking
for anyone to be on his tail. Plus, his arms were full of things, so he was distracted by simply trying to get
home without dropping his supper. Along with the two bags of food from the Turkish deli, he had a
folder with notes about his pet cold case, and a six pack of beer; it was all he could do to walk in a
straight line, let alone keep an eye out for someone following him when he was just trying to get home.

"And you call yourself a detective." The Irish in Gallagher's voice was as light as a feather but just
enough to be an identifier before Cort saw him. He moved ahead and pulled the outer door open. "I've
been behind you since you left the station."

Cortnodded his thanks as Gallagher let him pass into the entryway. "You have a very boring life, if you're
following me around for kicks. One would think that case work would keep you entertained." He
struggled to get his keys from his pocket without dropping anything, the cramped space between the
glass doors and the security doors overly full with two detectives and all Cort's stuff. "Could you...?"

Gallagher took one of the bags and waited patiently while Cort checked his mailbox before letting them
into the building's hallway. He was quiet, not saying anything at all as they walked slowly toward the
elevator while Cort flipped through his mail, and that was what registered with Cort more than anything

"Oh, God, did we have plans?" He stopped, fingers on a parcel claim card, and looked at Gallagher
properly. "I'm sorry. Crap."

"Relax." Gallagher shook his head and smiled slightly. "No, you haven't forgotten anything. I just wanted
to see you. If it's a bad time, I understand."

"You look tired." It was an understatement, and now that Cort was paying attention, he took a longer
look and catalogued all the things that were slightly off of the norm. There were deeper lines at
Gallagher's eyes, his hair was a little too long and lank, and his shoulders had a distinct slump. "You're
back on the perv patrol." Gallagher worked computer crimes and rotated in and out of tracking sexual

Gallagher didn't deny it, merely lifted one shoulder. "I also realized I hadn't seen you in a week, so here I

Cortpushed the elevator button and leaned in to kiss Gallagher's mouth. "I'm glad. Come on, you can
help me eat all this take-out and we'll watch a game or something. Take your mind off it."

They paused on the second floor long enough for Cort to get his parcel from the building manager and
then went up again to his place, Gallagher still following along and radiating his fatigue.

"Has it really been a week?" Cort asked as he let them into his unit. "I've been working about six cases,
it feels like. My internal clock is all messed up." He put the food on the table and dumped his file and the
box on the couch in the living room before heading to the fridge.

"Me, too." Gallagher followed him into the kitchen and put the other bag down. "One after another,

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fraud and sex crimes. It's been a hell of a week." He accepted the beer that Cort held out to him and
returned his toast with a lift of the bottle and a long swallow. "Thanks."

"No problem, enjoy it. Hell, have another." Cort kissed him again and stepped back. "I need to change.
Make yourself at home, see if there's anything on ESPN." Cort took his bottle with him up the stairs to
his room, and left the bedroom door open.

His apartment was oddly shaped compared to the rest of the building, shorter and wider with a second
floor that was included to make up for what was essentially an architectural error. He had four rooms,
with the living room and kitchen being on one floor and the bedroom, bathroom and tiny second
bedroom on the second, and a long narrow strip of windows along his stairway. There was an open area
from the ceiling of the second floor down to the first, letting in more light than expected, and the balcony
wrapped around the building so he had two sets of patio doors. There were only two units like it in the
building and he'd waited on a list for three years to get his.

He heard the TV come on while he stripped off his suit jacket. His weapon and holster were put away
on the dresser; when he spotted the state of his jacket he tossed it negligently on a chair in the corner of
his room where it joined the other three. Cort had one more suit in the closet, almost identical to the rest.
After he found time to get to the drycleaners, he'd start off the next week with all of them neat and tidy in
his closet and he'd have a new-found resolve to treat them better and have to dry-clean less often.

"Hey, Strang ." Gallagher's voice floated up from the living room. "What kind of stuff are you ordering
that comes in discreet packaging?"

"What do you mean?" Cort found clean clothes and started dressing.

"That box you got. It's addressed to you, but the return address is just a P.O. Box, no name. Computer
generated labels, nothing hand written. It practically smells like porn." Gallagher sounded amused.

It wasn't porn. No matter how tired or overworked Cort got, he would remember ordering porn. "No
idea." He pulled on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved knit shirt, glad to be rid of clothes that reeked of
the police station. Maybe Gallagher would like to borrow something, even if Cort's shirt would be too
tight in the shoulders. And the pants too short. Cort revised his thought to "maybe Gallagher would like to
leave a change of clothes here," and then shied away from the whole notion.

"What's the return address?" Beer bottle in hand, he started back down the stairs, more interested in the
take-out than the mystery box. It was probably gear for work or books or something. He remembered
porn, but more than once, he'd signed up for an "item of the month" type thing for the promo offer and
forgot to cancel the rest of the deal. Columbia House absolutely loved him.

Gallagher was still wearing his suit jacket. He had the box in his hands, studying it. "New York.
Manhattan, actually."

"Manhattan's pretty big. Could be anything." Cort went into the kitchen and got out plates and cutlery.
"Come on, help me eat this. Have another beer. Do you have to go back in to work tonight?"

"Nope." Gallagher put the box on the coffee table and took off his jacket. "Can I put my sidearm out of
the way?" He was already taking off his holster.

"Sure, anywhere you want." Cort looked up from dishing out the food. "You can take it up to the
bedroom." There, that was an invitation and Gallagher had never once been shy or coy. They'd fucked

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three times in the first twenty-four hours they'd known each other and had only slowed down since to go
to work and sleep.

True to form, Gallagher didn't hesitate or even comment. He just took his gun upstairs and came back
down without it, without his tie and without his shoes on. Cort just as casually shoved food at him and
they ate at the counter, both of them pausing only long enough to wash the food down with beer.

"Want to talk about it?" Cort asked as he tossed out the empty containers. He always offered, though
Gallagher had yet to take him up on it. They both tried to leave work at the station, which was a pretty
useless endeavor. Half the time, one of them got called out of bed to go to a crime scene. The other half
of the time, they woke up and started messing around,then the pagers would go off.

"Nope." Gallagher was back in the living room, the parcel in his hands as he turned it over and over,
examining it from all angles. "Seriously, it screams discreet and sex. You've been shopping online."

"I shop online all the time." Cort rolled his eyes and found a knife. "Here, go for it. God, there's nothing
more nosy than a cop."

"You like my curiosity. It gets you off in many intriguing ways and places."

Cortcouldn't argue with that. Instead, he leaned on the counter and watched as Gallagher sat down and
placed the box in front of him on the coffee table. Given permission, he seemed to slow right down, as if
unsure he really should be prying into Cort's mail.

It gave Cort a moment or two to really look at him again, post-hot meal. He did look tired, but not as
flat out exhausted as he had before supper. His brown eyes, his best feature, were once more sparkling a
bit instead of muted. He looked a little like he needed sleep, but for the most part, food seemed to have
revived Gallagher to the point where he was able to indulge his admittedly nosy nature and open Cort's

"Get on with it," Cort teased. "It's a box. You've studied the outside so much you can probably tell me
where the cardboard was manufactured."

Gallagher flashed him a look. "Brown corrugated cardboard box, bigger than a shoebox," he said in a
television announcer voice that highlighted his accent. "Addressed to Cortland 'don't joke about my
name' Strang . Who is it from? We don't know. What's in it? We're about to find out. Or Cortland
Strang might find another use for this knife and become an unpleasant statistic."

"I think it's you who'll be the unpleasant statistic." Cort did his best not to laugh, but Gallagher had a way
of being just bizarre enough to tickle him.

"You can say that now, but when you meet your cellmate Big Bobby Bubba Brown you'll change your
tune." Gallagher didn't look up again as he slid the knife along the sides of the box and cut through all the
tape. "Now. Let's see what perversions you've been ordering, shall we?"

Cortsnorted but he couldn't help moving closer. Gallagher's build up had roused his curiosity, and he
leaned over the edge of the couch to see.

"Hey!" Gallagher slapped the lid back down. "You just wait your turn."

"It's my mail!"

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"Oh, right." Sheepishly, Gallagher opened the lid again. "Here, you can have the packing slip."

"Thanks. You're so generous," Cort said dryly as he took the piece of paper. "The Pleasure Chest?"

Gallagher crowed. "You did order sex toys!" Delighted, he started pulling things out of the box. "Boring
dildo, but I'll forgive you. I don't know what this pink thing is. Dude. You ordered sex toys!" He was
thrilled, and possibly even covetous as he pawed through the box.

Bewildered, Cort read the packing slip. Dildo. Check. Two different things that had names he didn't
understand other than the word "vibe" and a hell of a lot of edible oils. "What the fuck?"

"Yeah, I know." Gallagher was ripping open packaging, examining oils and checking the vibes for
battery requirements. "You bought girl shit, beefcake. I need to teach you a thing or two."

"But I didn't order anything!" Cort felt a little queasy when he saw the total at the bottom of the slip.
God, that much on his credit card was not going to make him happy.

"Oh, awesome. You've got triple-As." Gallagher was pillaging the TV remote to get one of the toys
working. "Come on, upstairs."

Cortshook his head. "I didn't order this stuff, though. I mean, are you really going to use sex toys I didn't

Gallagher nodded, already standing. "Uh-huh. And so are you. They have your name on them, so they're
yours." He grabbed Cort's wrist and tugged. "Come on. We have a whole box of fun here, and it's been
a whole entire week."

That part of the argument was actually persuasive, though Cort was reluctant to admit it out loud. A
week was a very long time. By the time he'd come up with a counter argument against using the toys,
however, they were at the bottom of the stairs and heading up. "Remind me to buy Turkish more often,"
he said instead. "You were dead on your feet half an hour ago."

"Food good. Sex better."

"So I'm, what? Easier than therapy and antidepressants?" He wasn't sure if that was flattering or not and
didn't want to look too closely at the matter.

"I'm in therapy anyway, and you're a much, much nicer choice than either getting more sleep or
drinking." Gallagher flashed a smile at him over his shoulder, dragging him up the steps. "Besides, I
missed you. A lot. Phone calls to check in just aren't the same as seeing you."

"Aw." He'd meant to sound casual about the compliment, but his belly was flipping and fluttering. He
wasn't sure what that meant -- what Gallagher was saying, or how he felt about it. "You're going to spill
the box," he pointed out as they hit the second floor.

Gallagher adjusted his grip on the end of the box and stopped the pink thing from rolling out. "Oops.
Okay, got it. You have lube, I'm assuming."

Cortrolled his eyes and they went into his bedroom. "You think I'd go through all my lube in a week of
being alone? Besides, we've been using your place, mostly. My lube is probably older than most of that

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wine you collect."

"Some of that wine is almost ten years old, so that would be a big no." Gallagher tossed the box onto the
bed and the dildo bounced out. It was a beige color and looked nothing like a cock. "We're not using
that thing tonight. Well, not this time." Gallagher already had his trousers undone and was shoving them
off his hips.

"We're not?" Cort stood and watched him strip. Gallagher was nice and hard in all the right places, and
very distracting.

"Nope." Gallagher looked up as he stepped out of his pants, his fingers racing down the buttons on his
shirt. " Strang. Naked. Now."

Cortblinked and peeled off his shirt. "What are we going to use, then?"

He got a wicked grin and Gallagher climbed on the bed, pulling another toy out of the box. "This. And I
need a couple more batteries."

"I don't keep batteries in my bedroom, usually." Cort got undressed and got on the bed while Gallagher
prowled for things to steal batteries from. "Oh, hey. Try the top drawer of my dresser, there's a broken
camera in there that might have a couple double-As." He poked at the box and found another piece of
paper, something with the company logo at the top and yet another list of the contents. It looked like a
shipping invoice to match the packing slip.

"Stop that!" Gallagher plucked the paper from his fingers, dumped the box out on the bed and put both
paper and box on the nightstand, out of the way. "You do enough paperwork at the station. Leave it."

"You're awfully bossy, you know." Cort let himself be pinned to the bed as Gallagher climbed on. "It's
kind of hot."

"I think you're hot." Gallagher leaned over him and they kissed for a while, making up for a week's worth
of missed hellos and goodbyes. "I missed you."

Cortnodded and looked him in the eye. "I missed you, too," he said quietly, and brushed strands of
too-long hair off Gallagher's forehead. "Sorry you're having a bad week."

"It's getting better." Gallagher shifted his hips and showed Cort just how much better he was. "I don't
want to think about my week."

"Okay." Cort wished sometimes that he could be more eloquent when he was distracted -- hell, he
wished he could be more eloquent all the time -- but Gallagher had a way of both melting his brains and
making him do things he usually wouldn't. "Whatever you want."

That earned him a grin, the smile slightly crooked. Gallagher's face lit up as it transformed from
something mostly ordinary into something beautiful; his smile and his eyes were the two features that
endlessly fascinated Cort . Along with his dick, of course.

"I have an idea," Gallagher said, rolling over and sitting up on the bed, his hands full of sex toys again.

"I'm sure you do." Cort looked at the ceiling and gave in. There wasn't anything he could do about it, he
told himself. Gallagher was seeking distraction and he'd found it -- the chances of Cort saying no and

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taking away that smile were somewhere between none and none times infinity.

"It'll be fun." Gallagher darted low and sucked on Cort's cock, as if punctuating his statement.

Cortgasped. "Patrick." His fingers tangled in Gallagher's hair and his hips lifted.

Gallagher laughed, which felt funny, and pulled away. "You never call me that."

"I feel stupid calling you by your last name in bed." Cort rolled his eyes. "Tell me your idea or go back to
doing that, okay?"

Gallagher's soft laugh rolled through the room as he put the oils up out of the way and stashed the dildo
in the drawer of the nightstand while getting out the lube and condoms. "Relax, I'll get back to that in a
minute. The idea is easy to figure out, too." He arranged himself on the bed like a craftsman laying out his

"What is that thing?" Cort asked, finally giving in to curiosity. One of the two vibes looked exactly like
what he'd expected -- long, narrow, tapered at the end into a blunt point and clearly designed for internal
play. But the thing Gallagher had in his hand wasn't like anything Cort had ever seen before, not even

Clearly, it was a girl thing. It had to be. There wasn't any discernible way he could see that the toy would
fit to anything his own body could do. It wasn't long at all, and was bent into small,
almost-but-not-quite-a-C-shape. More of a chubby little boomerang shape. It was fat and awkward
looking, clearly not designed for insertion. He had no idea what itwas designed for. Maybe it really was a
massager and got tossed into the box by mistake.

Gallagher grinned at him. He didn't say a word, just got between Cort's thighs and spread him wide, with
one of Cort's legs hooked over Gallagher's own thigh and the other happily shoved away, to the side.

Cortwasn't sure if that was "bossy" or "really hot," so he decided not to think about it. He was not
thinking about a lot of things.

"So, a box of toys arrives, addressed to you, and you have no idea what to do with any of them?"
Gallagher bent low and licked Cort's cock again. "I'm not sure if the fact that you have mystery sex toys
bothers me more or less than the idea that you don't know what to do with them."

"I could figure it out," Cort protested. He also put a hand on Gallagher's head to keep him there. "I'm a
detective, after all."

Gallagher slid down the bed a little, bending low. "Vanilla." The word was mumbled against his balls, and
followed with a lick. "You've never even played with vibrators, have you?"

"Of course I have." Lying was all right when it came to sexual experience. Besides, he had played a lot
with dildos and a few other things, and that totally counted, even if they didn't buzz and wiggle.

"Don't lie to the police." Gallagher kept shifting around, but what he was doing felt so good that Cort
didn't lift his own head to see what was going on.

"Whatever. God, do that again on the other side." He ran his hands through Gallagher's hair and groaned
as his balls were bathed and then sucked. "Yeah." He'd be happy to just get off like that, warm and

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gentle. "Nice."

Gallagher laughed softly and treated him to a nice slow suck, going from his cock to his balls, back and
forth until Cort was shifting his hips, trying to fuck Gallagher's mouth.

He heard the quiet buzz and stopped moving, abruptly losing his groove. "Hey."

" Shhh." Gallagher's mouth slid over Cort's cock and one hand petted Cort's belly soothingly. "Fun,
okay? Just fun."

Cortcould still hear the buzz, but Gallagher was blowing him again and sliding all the way down the bed
to lie between Cort's thighs. It would take a far stronger man that Cortland Strang to resist that kind of

His head fell back on the bed, his eyes drifting closed as Gallagher moaned around his cock.That kind of
vibration felt good. Surely the other couldn't possibly be bad. A little intensity was a good thing; Cort had
lived his life believing that.

Gallagher lifted his head. "You're thinking too much."

"I can't help it. I can hear that thing buzzing. What are you doing?"

"Warming it up. The vibration is gonna get you going -- I didn't want the cold to make you jump off the
bed." Gallagher laughed softly and kissed the inside of Cort's thigh. "Ready?"

Cortsighed. "Sure. Hit me with it."

"That would be silly. It's not hitting. Although, if you're into that, we can work something out."

Cortlifted his head. "Patrick."

"You know, you say it differently when you're annoyed."


The buzzing thing was pressed against his perineum, just behind his balls.

"Oh, God." His eyes went wide and his legs moved, trying both to come together and part at the same

"Uh-huh." Gallagher sounded smug, but Cort was in no position to call him on it. He was too busy trying
to decide if he needed more or not, and how to get it. "That's it."

"Shut up." One of Cort's feet found traction and he shifted his hips experimentally. His balls responded
by trying to crawl right up inside him, and his cock got even harder. "Jesus."

If it was possible to get a smug blow job, Cort was there. He could almost feel the self-satisfaction in
Gallagher's mouth as he sucked and licked. At the same time, the blunt, warm end of the vibrator pushed
and shifted all along his perineum, nudging at his balls.

Gallagher sucked at the tip of Cort's cock for a moment, long enough that Cort tried to plunge into his

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mouth, every nerve ending feeling like he was on fire. But just before Cort was about to yell, Gallagher
stopped, and took the vibe away, too.

"What?" Cort whined, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Please. Almost."

"I know." The amusement was gone and if lust had a voice it was the one Gallagher was speaking with,
complete with a strengthening Irish lilt. "Hang on, I'll get you off, Cort ." He dipped his head low and
licked over Cort's hole, the sound of a condom wrapper tearing almost lost under Cort's whimper of

"Yes, that," Cort whispered. "Lick me. Fuck me." He was primed, totally ready to go, and he reached
for his spit-slicked cock and gave it a fast tug or three. "God, yes. Fuck me."

"Not yet." Gallagher rimmed him for a few more seconds, then the vibe came back. This time, though,
one blunt end of the boomerang was at the base of Cort's balls and the other was settled right on his slick
hole, ready from Gallagher's tongue.

Cortarched and swore loudly, his eyes squeezed shut. "Patrick!"

"Grab the headboard," Gallagher barked at him, and Cort's hands flew up and curled around the edge of
the wood.

His whole body was quivering and he couldn't move fast enough to get even more sensation. His ass
was flexing, demanding to be fucked, but the nerves were in a flurry of excitement from the vibrations.
His balls felt hot, heavy. "I'm gonna come," he said with a groan that was mostly a grunt of effort to keep
from shooting. " Gimmemore. Suck me off. Something."

"Just this." Gallagher's voice was like thick smoke, harsh and blurred at the same time. "Come like this
and I'll fuck you after. I want to feel you coming, want to get my cock in you while you're still shooting."

"Fuck." Cort let go and shot in a rapid volley of bursts, come streaking up to hit his chest. He barely
registered Gallagher moving until the vibe was gone and a thick cock was filling him up, jamming in
between the flex and release of his orgasm.

"Yes!" Gallagher was just as loud, only pounding into him a handful of times before freezing, his cock
twitching in Cort's ass. " Cort."

Cort'scock throbbed again. He loved the way Gallagher's accent made his name sound. He waited until
Gallagher was done and turned his face, looking for kisses.

Satiated, sticky and still humming slightly from the experience, they lay in the bed for a while, just petting
and kissing, not talking. It wasn't often they just relaxed -- usually one of them had to rush off to work,
and they were both the sort to head almost directly to the shower. For Cort , he was content to hold
Gallagher to him while he contemplated the feeling of a vibrator and wondered when he'd be able to walk
again. He hoped that Gallagher had been adequately distracted from his day, that he'd lost whatever it
was that had driven him to follow Cort home.

Soon enough, though, the urge to be clean moved them and they showered, one at a time. Cort stripped
the bed while Gallagher was taking his turn, and after the clean sheets were on climbed back into the bed
with the TV remote. Gallagher joined him after putting the little boomerang thing safely in the drawer of
the nightstand.

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"Here's your paperwork," he teased, passing Cort the packing slip. "Maybe it says who sent you the

"Maybe." Cort snorted and looked it over. His name, his address. He didn't recognize the credit card
number, thank God. The last name was Strang , though.

His heart skipped a beat and he read faster, down the list of products, down to the bottom of the page.
Then he saw it. A little note just for him, in the comment box.

" Cort--

Hold this stuff for me. Nancy's getting married and we're having a hell of a party for her. I'll come by and
pick these up later in the month -- Jimmy The Man would FA-REAK if I had this in the house and we
couldn't use it. Also, check your voice mail more often!



"Oh, God." He looked up, stunned and a little fa-reaked himself. "This is my sister's stuff!"

Gallagher looked back. "Well. That's awkward. Should we tell her we used it?"

It took Cort a moment to realize Gallagher was kidding. "No," he said, his voice too highly pitched. "But
you just bought me a lot of sex toys. 'Cause we have to replace these things."

"Not the oils." Gallagher kissed him and settled down again. "We didn't open them, and they're icky. We
like nice lube. But okay, I'll replace the toys. And maybe get you a few more things. There's a lot for us
to explore."

Cortwas sure, but he thought that maybe, when the freaking out subsided, he might like that idea.

Contributors Bios

S. Blaise

I am a 26 year old female from Glasgow, Scotland with a BA in Media Studies from the University of
Teesside in Middlesbrough . I enjoyed reading fanfiction for many years, gradually trying to write some of
my own. Recently my focus has shifted to writing original fiction and I have had two stories published by
Dreamspinner Press, one called Hot Property in their Make Me a Match anthology (volume two)
published in November and the other called New Culture, New Year, New Love released in December
as part of their Christmas Dreams Advent Calendar.

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Andrew Marcus-Jacobs

Alex Marcus-Jacobs has many projects in the works right now, and Caught in the Act is his first Toy
Box. He hails from the cold, cold climes of Canada (where, by the way, he absolutely denies there are
only two seasons – winter and Construction). If you want to contact him, he’s always willing to say hello
at, or you can watch what he has in the works on his author LJ,

Chris Owen

A lover of putting words together since the early days of using crayons, Chris Owen has passed that
stage and now uses a computer, which is far less messy. Thankfully, the words go together a little better
now as well. The author of several books, Chris Owen writes mainly about gay characters in many
different genres ranging from modern day tales to historical romance. How one defines one's family is a
common theme in Chris' work, and often the answer is that blood is not as thick as water.

Toy Box: Vibrators

Edited by M. Rode

Caught in the Act© 2009 by Alex Marcus-Jacobs

A Hand from Eros and Venus© 2009 by S. Blaise

Discreet Packaging© 2009 by Chris Owen

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For
information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60370-658-2

ISBN-10: 1-60370-658-5

Torquere Press, Inc.: Toy Chest electronic edition / March 2009

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