Anthology Toy Box Body Paint

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Table of Contents

Definition - 2

Painted Wings by Misa Izanaki - 3

The Art of Seduction by Andy Slayde & Ali Wilde - 15

Hot and Pink: A Jarheads Story by Sean Michael - 34

Contributors' Bios - 44

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Definition: Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art, considered by
some as the most ancient form of art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is
temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or at most (in the case
of Mehndi or "henna tattoo") a couple of weeks. Body painting that is limited to the face is
known as face painting. Body painting is also referred to as (a form of) temporary tattoos; large
scale or full-body painting is more commonly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more
detailed work is generally referred to as temporary tattoos.
Source: Wikipedia:

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Painted Wings

by Misa Izanaki

Max pulled his needle through the soft leather puddled in his lap. Leather was a bitch to sew by
hand, but he’d rather do it that way than tear it up with his sewing machine. There wasn’t much
left to do anyway, just a few inches to sew and the rest would be taken care of with a bit of
Velcro and leather glue.

“It’s not exactly ‘period’ but I’m sure Aoi won’t mind.” Max knotted the thread he was working
with and snipped the excess off with his teeth. Not that Aoi or any of the other dancers ever
complained about his work. In fact, they all loved the costumes Max came up with and were
constantly pestering him for new outfits. After all, how many strip clubs had their own costume

It was a good arrangement for Max. Kale, the owner of the club, gave him a great work/living
space in the basement of the club and bought him what ever he needed. On top of that, he got
paid pretty well, too. Kale always said that it was compensation for putting up with all the crazy
demands the dancers made. It wasn’t necessary, as far as Max was concerned. Most of the design
requests he’d been given were pretty reasonable and it was always nice to see his creations on
such gorgeous guys.

Max blew a bit of pale brown hair out of his eyes and spread the leather on his work table. The
only tricky part about making costumes for strippers was that they had to come off easily, but
Max had figured out a few ways around that. He squeezed a line of leather glue on what would
be the outer seam of a pair of leather pants and patted down a strip of Velcro.

That would have to set over night so Max set the pants aside and pulled out the brocade pirate
coat that went with them. Damn thing had over thirty buttons on it and Max really needed to get
started on those. One by one, Max stitched ornate metal buttons onto the cuffs and front of the
coat. It was tedious, but well worth it. The coat was going to be gorgeous when he was done.

“Max? You down there?”

“Yeah.” Max glanced up from his work with a smile. He knew that voice. “Hi, Ravi.”

“Hello, love.” Ravi stepped carefully through the cluttered workspace and up to Max’s chair. “I
still don’t understand how you can work, let alone live in this mess. That boss of yours could at
least let you have one of the apartments above the club.”

“Kale offered me one, but I’d rather be down here. I like being close to my work.” Max closed
his eyes and leaned back. Ravi’s warm hands rubbed his shoulders and dug into the knots in his
muscles. Oh, that felt good.

“Such an artist.” Ravi spun Max’s chair around so they were facing each other. “I’m surprised I
could find you under all this.”

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“Like you can talk. How many times have I found you covered in paint or worse?” Max brushed
his fingers through the black silk of Ravi’s hair.

“True, I do get rather involved when I paint.” Ravi smiled brightly and kissed Max’s fingers. Oh,
he was a handsome one. Ravi was broad shouldered and sleekly muscled with long legs and
smooth olive skin, all accented by a gorgeous face and startling ice-blue eyes. No wonder Max
was always so distracted when Ravi was around. “It’s a good thing I’m not as messy when I
tattoo people. The shop would be a disaster area.”

“I’m sure your boss is happy about that, too.” Max patted Ravi on the cheek. “Speaking of
which, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be working tonight.”

“Nope, it’s been slow so the boss man gave me a few days off. It all works out, though, since I
have a new project to work on.”

Ravi worked at the tattoo shop down the street and could do the most amazing things with ink
and skin. He would rather have been a more traditional artist, but that didn’t pay nearly as well as
the tattooing did. Either way, Ravi was an amazing artist and the sweetest person Max had ever
met. He had a knack for making everyone around him smile and Max loved him for it.

“Oh, did you get a commission? What are you painting?”

“It’s not a painting.” Ravi leaned closer and nipped at Max’s bottom lip. “A friend of mine is
putting out a photo book in a few months and one of the photographers bailed on her at the last
minute. Some how, I got shanghaied into helping out.”


“Yup. It should be fun. I do have one problem, though.”

Max gave Ravi a curious look. “Anything I can help with?”

“I was hoping you’d ask me that.” Ravi gave him a mischievous grin. “The pics are supposed to
be of a pretty angel or demon boy and, well, I need a model.”

“I can always ask one of the guys for you.” Max set the pirate coat aside. He wasn’t getting any
more work done, not with Ravi around. “Dante might be a good choice for a demon boy since he
has all those body mods.”

“Actually, I’d like you to do it.”


“Why not? You’d make a beautiful angel.”

“I just figured that you’d want someone who wasn’t so... plain.”

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“Love, you’re gorgeous and I’m not the only one who thinks so.” Ravi grabbed Max’s hand and
pulled him toward the full length mirror that stood against the far wall. “Look for yourself.”

“I’m not seeing it.” Max looked in the mirror. All he saw was a pale boy, brown-haired and
brown-eyed and as plain as could be.

“You are beautiful, Max.” Ravi nudged Max’s chin up. “And I should know. I am an artist, after

“I guess.”

“Max, don’t be like that.”

“I just don’t get what you see in me.” Max sat himself on his bed with a sigh. “I’m happy that
you love me, but sometimes I don’t understand why.”

“Well, besides the fact that you are thoughtful, considerate, and fun to be around, you have a
pretty face, a sweet body that I love to touch.” Ravi tugged the rubber band from Max’s hair and
fingered the silky strands. “And all this gorgeous caramel-colored hair.” He leaned closer and
kissed Max’s cheek. “I’m really happy that you kept it long, by the way.”

“Thanks.” A warm blush colored Max’s cheeks. Ravi always did that to him.

“So will you model for me?” Those amazing blue eyes glanced at Max hopefully. Damn, Max
never could resist when Ravi made sad puppy eyes at him. “Please.”

“All right, I’ll do it.” Max stood up and kissed Ravi on the nose. “But only because I love you.”

“Great!” Ravi picked Max up and hugged him tightly. “When can you come over?”

“I have a few things I need to finish up here, but I could be at your place in an hour or so.” Max
tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Is that good?”

“Perfect.” Ravi set Max down and turned toward the stairs. “I’m going home to get things
ready.” He waved at Max as he headed up. “See you soon!”

“See ya.” Max sprawled back onto his bed with a sigh. What did I just get myself into?


“Damn it!”

Max winced in pain and stuck his forefinger in his mouth to stop the bleeding. That was the
fourth time he’d stabbed himself already, trying to get the buttons on that pirate coat. Max set the

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coat down on his work table. He was too distracted to work and had to stop before he ruined
everything by getting blood on the brocade.

It shouldn’t have bothered him, but Max couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about Ravi’s
project. Max glanced at the clock on the far wall with a sigh. He still had a good half hour before
he needed to head to Ravi’s place. Ravi won’t mind if I’m early. Hell, I can help set up or
That settled things in Max’s mind, at least.

He grabbed his jacket and was about to head up when he heard footsteps on the metal stairs.

“Hey, Max.” Aoi, one of the dancers peeked into Max’s workspace. He must have just finished a
set as he was basically naked. Max didn’t really consider the ‘barely-there’ g-string and the pair
of house slippers Aoi was wearing to be clothing.

“What’s up, Aoi?” Max kept his eyes on the pink bunnies staring up at him from Aoi’s slippers.
He always felt guilty ogling at the guys, especially since he had Ravi.

“Nothing, I just came to check on you.” Aoi ruffled Max’s hair. “You know, I wouldn’t have to
do this if you’d actually leave your work room sometimes.”

“I’m good, really.” Max held up the pirate coat for Aoi to see. “And I’m almost done with your
pirate outfit.”

“Oh, that’s beautiful.” Aoi fingered the thick fabric. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“Thanks.” The compliment made Max smile. “I’ll finish everything up when I get back from
Ravi’s place. I’m too distracted to work right now.”

“Ah, so he did get you to pose for that project of his.” Aoi looked proud of himself. “I told him
you’d do it if he asked nicely enough.”

“Wait, how did you know about that?”

“We talked for a bit before he came down to see you. He seemed really excited.”

“I’m just worried that I’ll disappoint him.” Max set the pirate coat back down, smoothing the
brocade with his fingers.

“I doubt you’d do that. You two have been together for what? Three years now?”


“Well, then he’s probably seen you naked and first thing in the morning an--”

“What’s your point, Aoi?”

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“Just that I don’t think you can disappoint Ravi, at least in this case.” Aoi shrugged. “I mean he
wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t think you were hot, right?”

“That’s true.” Max sighed and followed Aoi upstairs. He felt better. Aoi was good at that, even if
he was kind of clueless sometimes. “Thanks, Aoi.”

“No prob.” Aoi grinned. “Now go on, I’m sure you don’t want to keep Ravi waiting.”

Max headed into the parking garage and hopped into his car. He zipped through the evening
traffic until Ravi’s building came into sight. He pulled into the parking garage and parked in his
usual spot near the elevator. Ravi’s loft was on the top floor and that gave Max more than
enough time to start feeling nervous again. Max took a deep breath as he rode the elevator up to
his lover’s floor.

Ravi was almost bouncing when he met Max at the door.

“I’m a little early. I-I hope that’s okay.” Max forced a smile. He shouldn’t have been nervous,
but he couldn’t help it.

“It’s fine, love.” Ravi took Max’s hand and led him inside. “Come on, I have everything ready.”

“What do you need me to do?” Max followed Ravi into the spacious loft.

“First things first,” Ravi pushed the door shut and slid his hands under Max’s shirt. “I need you

“I can do that.” Max tugged off his shirt and set it on the couch. His jeans were a little more
complicated. Max finally managed to wiggle out of those and his boxer despite his shaking

Ravi stepped closer and rubbed Max’s shoulder. “Relax, love, it’s just me.”

“I know.” Max leaned into Ravi’s touch. “It’s just weird being naked while you still have all
your clothes on.”

Ravi unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off with a grin. “Is that better?”

“I think so.” Max slid one hand over his lover’s chest. Damn, Ravi was sexy. “I’d be even more
comfortable if you lost the pants, too.”

“Oh, that is tempting.” Ravi slipped those strong arms around Max’s waist and pulled him close.
“But I do need to get some work done today.”

“Right, work.” Max nodded. He could feel the nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach, but
he was trying not to let them bother him. “W-we should get started then, right?”

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“Right.” Ravi pulled Max into the sectioned off space that he used as a studio.

Most of the paints and canvases had been cleared out and one of the partitions had been draped
with dark fabric. Ravi had also dragged the futon mattress that he used as a guest bed into the
space and covered it with plastic. What the hell was Ravi planning?

“Lie down for me.” Ravi pushed Max’s chin up and kissed him on the lips. “I need to get my

“Paints? I thought this was a photo thing.” The plastic crinkled as Max sat himself on the

“It is, but I want to paint you before I take the pictures.”

“Ravi, I don’t know if I can sit still enough to pose for both.”

“I’m not going to paint a picture of you, love, I’m going to paint on you.” Ravi grabbed a tray of
paint jars and a few brushes. “Lie on your stomach for me. I want to do your wings first.”

“You’re painting wings on me?” Max sprawled on his stomach and rested his head on his

“You are my angel after all.” Ravi brushed Max’s hair over one shoulder. “My muse.”


“I mean it. I may have to give you black wings, though.” Ravi’s fingers trailed down Max’s
spine. Oh, Max loved it when his lover touched him like that. “They’ll stand out better since your
skin is so pale.”

“That would look cool.”

“I think so.” Ravi stood and grabbed a rag and a paper cup filled with water. He knelt down
again and grabbed one of his brushes. “You ready for me?”

“Yeah.” Max took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. It was hard to lie still with Ravi so
close, but he tried his best.

Ravi settled next to him and drew the paint brush over Max’s back in long precise strokes. Max
gasped, but tried to keep still. The paint was a little cold, but the wet caress of the brush felt so
good against his skin. Ravi had teased him with a dry paint brush once, trailing those soft bristles
over his nipples and other sensitive areas. That had been nice, but the paint added another level
to the sensation.

The brush strokes changed slightly. Ravi was using shorter, dabbing movements, probably to do
the feathers on his new wings. The inky, painted feathers trailed from Max’s shoulders to the top

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of his ass and he felt every press of Ravi’s brush. That was followed by a puff of cool air that
made Max’s whole back tingle.

“Okay, roll over for me.”

“I-is that a good idea?” Max glanced over his shoulder and gave Ravi a cautious look. “I don’t
want to ruin your work.”

“It’ll be fine. There’s a bit of alcohol mixed in with the pigment to help it dry faster. The mix is
more like ink than paint, really. I find that it sticks to the skin better, so we won’t have worry
about your wings rubbing off while I add a few touches to your front.” Ravi rubbed Max’s
shoulder gently. Oh, that wasn’t helping. Max would never hear the end of it if Ravi knew how
hard he was. “Come on, love, no need to be shy around me.”

“Okay.” Max rolled over and lay on his back. His cock was rock hard and straining against his

“Ooh, what this?” Ravi trailed a finger over Max’s hard length. “I didn’t realize you were
enjoying yourself so much.”

“You always do this to me, Ravi.” Max tangled his fingers in Ravi’s dark hair and pulled his
lover in for a kiss. “You know that.”

“Me and a little paint, anyway.” Ravi flicked his tongue over Max’s lips and gave him a teasing
grin. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Anything you want.” Max cupped his hands around his lover’s handsome face and kissed Ravi
again. “Well, as long it involves you touching me some more.”

“I can do that.” Ravi grabbed a jar of dark red paint and shook it lightly. He opened the jar and
dipped a clean brush into it. “I could paint you all day.”


“I can’t help it, love, your skin makes such a nice canvas.” Ravi dragged his brush over Max’s
chest in a tribal sort of swirl. He blew on the fresh paint, sending a shiver straight to Max’s cock.
“So smooth and pale. I didn’t even have to shave you.”

Max bit back a moan and clenched his hands in the plastic sheet. Ravi’s brush trailed over Max’s
belly, followed by another warm breath. His cock twitched every time that paintbrush touched
his skin. Ravi was having way too much fun with this. Max could tell by the wicked little smile
that would show up every time his body reacted to Ravi’s touch.

“Ravi, stop teasing me already.” Max gave his lover a pleading look. His breathing was ragged
and he was about to pull his lover down with him, wet paint or no. Max needed Ravi to stop or

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fuck him. He would have preferred the latter, but knowing his lover, Ravi probably had other
plans. “Please.”

“All right, love, no more teasing.” Ravi stood, wiping his brush. He set that down and picked up
a camera from one of the shelves. “But I do still need my photos.” Ravi gave Max another sad
puppy look. “I’d hate to think that I did all that work for nothing.”

“I-- all right.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.”

“I hope so.” Max pushed himself to his feet and stood beside his lover. “If not, it’ll be your fault
if I explode all over your stuff.”

“I’d never let that happen, love.” Ravi blew on a damp bit of paint and grinned at him. “You
know that.”

“Where do you want me?” Max’s knees went to jelly as Ravi’s breath danced across his skin. He
grabbed onto Ravi’s shoulders to steady himself. He wasn’t going to make it through the photos
at this rate.

“Stand there, with your back toward me.” Ravi pushed Max toward the makeshift wall of his
studio area.

Max folded his arms against the dark fabric and leaned his head against them. He heard the soft
clicking as Ravi shot a few pictures.

“Okay, baby, glance over your shoulder, just a peek.”

Max peeked over his shoulder and hoped that he didn’t look too scared. “Like this?”

That got a grin from Ravi. “Perfect!”

Ravi repositioned him two more times, shooting maybe a half dozen pictures between each

pose. With each pose, Ravi would purr compliments at him. It was still weird for Max, even after
all this time. He was used to people complimenting his work, not him.

“Now, turn around for me.”

Max turned around and leaned back against the wall. He could feel a warm blush creeping into
his cheeks. It was hard not to be a little embarrassed considering how hard his cock was. It had
been easier with his back to the camera. Something about actually seeing Ravi, camera in hand,
made the butterflies start up in his stomach again.

“Don’t look so scared, baby. You’re doing fine.” Ravi gave him an approving smile. “Focus on
me and not the camera.”

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“I-I can do that.” Max nodded and forced himself to relax. “I think.”

“That’s it.” Ravi gave Max a hungry look and took a few more shots before setting the camera
down. “You’re so beautiful, Max.” He wrapped his arms around Max’s waist and pulled him
close. “My wanton little angel.”

“You’re going to make me blush, if you keep saying stuff like that. Then I’ll be your wanton
little tomato.”

“I only said it because it’s true. You were a perfect model. Those pictures are going to be
amazing.” Ravi nuzzled Max’s cheek. “I loved the needy look in your eyes when I was shooting
you, too.” Ravi guided Max’s hand to the hard bulge in his jeans. “See what you do to me?”

“Ooh, do you want me to take care of that?” Max gave his lover a hopeful look. All he wanted
was to taste that thick cock or, better yet, feel it sliding into him. “I cou-- mmph!”

Ravi leaned in and kissed Max hard. Max moaned and clung to his lover’s shoulders as Ravi’s
tongue plundered his mouth. Ravi pulled back just enough to let Max catch his breath and nipped
teasingly at his bottom lip. “I’d rather drag you to bed and fuck that sweet ass of yours.”

“That works, too.”

Without another word, Ravi scooped Max up and carried him to bed. Ravi’s bed was a large, soft
mattress set in the corner of the loft. It wasn’t fancy, but it was comfortable, and that was all that
mattered, at least to Max. Ravi lay Max down and crawled between his legs, trailing velvety
kisses over his pale, painted skin.

“Mmm, love you.” Max arched into Ravi’s touch with a moan.

“Love you, too.” Ravi flicked his tongue over the slick tip of Max’s cock. “Want you.”

Hot calloused fingers slid over Max’s length and stroked him gently. Max whimpered and lifted
his hips, rubbing eagerly against Ravi’s hand. He pushed himself up on his elbows and glanced
hungrily at Ravi. “Y-you’re teasing again.”

“It’s called foreplay, love.” Ravi gave Max another squeeze and dropped a soft kiss on his thigh.
“We’re not cavemen, you know.”

“Ravi!” Max yelped as Ravi’s warm wet tongue swabbed over his balls. Between that and the
slow pulls on his cock, Max was having a hard time thinking straight. “Please.”

“All right, love.” Ravi stood and stripped out of his jeans and boxers. He grabbed the bottle of E-
Z Glide off the bedside table and settled next to Max. “Roll over for me.”

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Max shifted onto his hands and knees, his fingers clenching in the soft sheets. A sharp breath
hissed through his teeth as something cold and wet splashed against his ass. Then Ravi’s hands
were on him again. One was stroking his cock while the other rubbed lazily between his cheeks.
Max bit back a groan as two of those slick, teasing fingers pushed into his ass. Oh, that warmed
him right up.

“Mmm, you’re so tight.” Ravi eased his fingers in and out slowly. “I can’t wait to feel you
around my cock.”

Before Max could respond to that, Ravi pushed his fingers deep, dragging them across Max’s
sweet spot. Oh, damn! Max bit back a moan and rocked his hips, fucking himself on Ravi’s long
fingers. Ravi always knew where to touch him, and Max wanted more.

Ravi must have gotten the hint. He pulled his fingers free and knelt up, rubbing his long, thick
cock against Max’s hole. “Is this what you want, love?” Ravi kissed his way up Max’s spine.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”

Max glanced over his shoulder and nodded eagerly. He hoped that was enough. His brain was
too distracted to focus on language at the moment. Ravi’s arms wrapped around Max’s chest and
pulled him close. With one slow thrust, Ravi’s prick pushed into him. Oh, that was good. Max
leaned back until he felt Ravi’s lean hips press against his ass.

“My wicked angel.” Ravi purred in Max’s ear. “You’re so needy today.”

“Your fault.” Max reached behind him and pulled Ravi’s head closer for another kiss.

There was more to say, but Max couldn't find the words. It felt like Ravi was touching him
everywhere. He could feel one of his lover’s hands teasing his nipples while the other stroked his
cock, and hot, nipping kisses trailed over his neck and shoulder. All that, combined with the lazy
push of Ravi’s hips, brought Max to the edge and kept him there. He could feel the tension
building in his gut, begging for release. He wanted to come so badly it hurt.

“Ravi, more, please!”

Ravi picked up his pace. He pulled back and slammed his hips forward, sending a jolt of pure
pleasure straight to Max’s brain. It all felt so good. Max moved with Ravi, rocking his hips back
to meet each of his lover’s thrusts and forward to fuck Ravi’s slick hand.

“So pretty.” Ravi nipped at Max’s ear, adding another sensation to the mix. “Come for me, love.
I want to see it and feel you spurt all over my fingers.”

That was more than enough to push Max over the edge. He tossed his head against Ravi’s
shoulder and splattered his lover’s hand with come. Max slumped forward, panting softly. The
only things holding him up were Ravi’s strong arms. Max would have been sprawled on the
mattress, still trying to catch his breath, without them.

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“Mmm, I love it when you come hard.” Ravi flopped onto his back and pulled Max down with
him. He smiled and licked the remnants of Max’s orgasm from his fingers. “It feels so good.”

“Are you okay? I mean... you know.” Max snuggled against Ravi’s shoulder. He was more than
willing to take care of things if Ravi was still wanting.

“Don’t worry about me, love.” Ravi said with a kiss. “I came just after you did. How could I not,
with you squeezing me like that?”

“It was pretty intense. Then again it’s always like that with you.” Max smiled and sucked on
Ravi’s fingers. They were still sticky, but Max didn’t mind. Besides, it was better than Ravi
wiping his hand on the sheets.

“You’re going to make me hard again if you keep doing that.” Ravi gave Max a hungry look.
“You know how much I like it when you suck on my fingers.”

“I’d rather suck on something else.” Max slid his hand down over his lover’s sleek chest.

“I’m sure that can be arranged.” Ravi tugged on a bit of Max’s hair teasingly. “But only if I can
fuck you again.”

Max was not about to say no to that.


Ravi was hovering around the bed, camera in hand, when Max woke up the next morning. He
blinked sleepily at his lover. “Hey, Ravi.”

“Good morning, I hope I didn’t wake you.” Ravi gave him a sheepish look. “I couldn’t resist
taking a few more pictures. You’re so cute when you sleep.”

“Can I see?”

“Of course.” Ravi pushed something on his camera and a picture of Max popped up on the back
screen. Max was lying on his side, sound asleep, with the sheets barely covering his hips. “I
never realized how photogenic you are. You know, a lot of artists who would kill to have a
model as pretty as you.”


“I mean it, Max.” Ravi cupped Max’s cheek in his hand and gave him a serious look. “Not that
I’d share. You’re my muse and no one else's.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Max smiled at his handsome lover and kissed him on
the nose. “I love the wings, by the way.”

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“I could tattoo them onto your back.” Ravi traced his finger down Max’s back. “If you wanted, I

“Oh, that would be cool.” Max glanced over his shoulder, trying to get a better look at the pretty
dark wings on his back. He had been wanting a tattoo from Ravi for a while now. He just hadn’t
been able to decide exactly what he wanted until he saw those wings. They were perfect.

“Really?” Ravi looked surprised. “You never struck me as a tattoo sort of guy.”

“I’ve wanted one for a while, especially one of yours.” Max slipped his arms around his lover’s
neck and snuggled close. “It would be like having a bit of you with me all the time, and I’d like
that a lot.”

“You know, you could just move in with me.” Ravi nuzzled Max’s cheek. “It would be easier
and a lot less painful.”

“Yes, but you’d never get any work done if I was here.” Max brushed a bit of hair out of Ravi’s
eyes. “We’d be having sex all day”

“You do have a point. As fun as that would be, I do need to work... sometimes.” Ravi scooped
Max up and headed into the kitchen. “Okay, tattoo it is. I’ll take you down to the shop after

“Sounds good to me.” Max smiled and kissed Ravi on the cheek. It was going to be a good day.
Ravi was going to tattoo him and that excited Max to no end.

“I can’t wait to get you in my chair.” Ravi grinned as he set Max down on a chair. “Oh, and if
you’re good, I’ll paint you again. I know how much you enjoyed yourself last night.”

Max perked at that. “Ooh, promise?”

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The Art of Seduction

by Andy Slayde & Ali Wilde

“Think Alex... Think,” Alex scolded himself as he threatened to wear a hole in the living room
carpet from his pacing. It was Saturday night and he still didn't have a clue what he was going to
turn in for his art project. Running his fingers through his dark hair in frustration -- again -- he
scowled. Stupid professor: he couldn't have made it something simple -- a landscape, a bowl of
fruit. No... it had to be different. A project that utilized and complimented the medium and, under
no circumstances, could it be canvas or any relative thereof.

Alex sunk down on the couch, elbows on his knees, resting his head in his hands and sighed.
“I'm so screwed.”

“You could be if you'd let me.” Zed kicked the front door closed, dropped his backpack on the
floor for Alex to trip over later and placed his laptop carefully on the table. “You have a

“Duh!” Alex glared, wishing he could shoot laser beams out of his eyes and shut his so-called
best friend up. “And I'm not in the mood for your jokes. I need to create something spectacular.”

Zed shrugged out of his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair, turning in front of Alex.
“Here is spectacular. Use it. You know you've been dying to paint me.”

“So modest.” Alex rolled his eyes and reached for his drink. He knew Zed would volunteer his
beautiful self but... “I can't paint you. I have...” An idea was slowly taking form. “No, I couldn't.
But it would fit the requirements...” Tilting his head, he contemplated his muse. “It's perfect.
Thanks, Zed, knew you were my friend for a reason.”

Flipping open his cell phone, Alex scrolled through his address book. Girls would be fun, but the
obvious choice. He entered a number and waited, getting directed to voice mail -- it seemed
some people were out bar hopping. “Eric, it's Alex. I was wondering if you'd be interested in
helping me out with the art project. Call me.”

“Eric?” Zed raised an eyebrow. “Who is Eric and I offered me.”

“I know but I'm thinking...” Alex shrugged, being deliberately vague. “Eric would be better.”
Alex refilled his glass with Scotch, wondering if he could just refuse to answer Zed's question.
He didn't want an argument, but, then again, he knew Zed too well. “And Eric is a guy in my

Zed's dark eyes widened. “You know I'm better,” he protested.

“I'm sure your harem would agree. However, I'm thinking nudity, so I can't use you.”

“But you can use this Eric?” Zed's voice rose. “What is he to you? Nudity? Have you...? No! Has
he fucked you?” Zed took a deep breath and Alex prayed there was nothing -- heavy, anyway --

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for him to throw. “Why can't you use me? You did two weeks ago! Fuck you, Alex!” Zed
grabbed his jacket and left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Suddenly exhausted after Zed’s unexpected but not unreasonable anger, Alex sank into the soft
leather of the couch. “Fuck!” And this was why Alex never should have done anything with Zed.
Should have left his -- nicely-hidden-thank-you -- sexuality for someone else to un-closet. But
no; he had to be an ass, get drunk and stumble into Zed's room for relief. He wouldn't have even
done that if he and Zed hadn't had that amazing encounter a few weeks beforehand. Although,
that had opened his eyes -- and his inner gay man's closet -- and made him curious... well, more
curious. After the head Zed had bestowed upon his drunken and extremely obnoxious self the
other week, he thought it was a miracle that Zed was even talking to him, let alone still living in
the apartment. He drained his glass and vowed to apologize as soon as Zed came back. Or in the
morning, if Eric came over.


“Catch ya later.” Alex flipped his cell phone closed and tossed it on the nearby chair. Eric
couldn't help due to being tied up with his own project -- literally. Zed had volunteered, but
given his outburst a couple of hours ago, would the offer still stand? Alex sighed and knew that
he knew the answer to that. And it didn’t really help...

“Goddamnit!” Alex grabbed his drink and stormed over to the computer, ignoring the sloshing of
his glass' contents. He'd finally agreed to 'date' Eric in hopes that he'd eliminate the attraction he
had to Zed. But, despite his involvement with Eric, that wasn't happening.

He began surfing the web for body painting ideas. After three pages of looking at beautiful,
naked girls painted up in mysterious and exotic ways, he switched over to searching for porn.
Might as well get something good out of the venture. Halfway through some kinky girl-on-girl
bondage -- there were still ways to deny one’s struggling-to-emerge-bisexuality -- Alex heard a
key in the lock and mentally steeled himself for another confrontation with Zed. It was always
hard to tell what frame of mind or state of inebriation his friend would be in when he returned
after one of their arguments.

After closing the front door quietly, Zed walked over to Alex and glanced at the computer
monitor. “Call me when you lose the girls...” he mumbled and drained Alex's drink before falling
on the couch and stretching out.

“I'm gonna fail,” Alex mumbled, eyes glued to the computer screen. “Decided ta drown my
sorrows in porn.”

“Not gonna fail...” Zed mumbled from the couch. “You know you always have your second
favorite gay guy at your disposal. Even when you're being a dick-head, you know I'll do anything
for you.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Alex gave up watching the activities on the screen in favor
of watching Zed. “But I can't ask you; it wouldn't be right.”

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“Why can’t you ask me? I remember the word nudity.” Zed unfastened his jeans. “That sounds
like something I’d be into.”

Alex took a deep breath and, against his better judgment, asked, “Can I paint you -- on you?”

“Hell, yeah.” A slow smile lit Zed's face. “Paint or chocolate?”

Alex studied Zed. All he could think of was painting his best friend with chocolate and licking it
all off again. He shook his head. No, that wouldn't do, he'd get no marks for that kind of art.

Zed laughed and rolled off the couch, landing flat on the floor. “Where, when, how?”

“Here... now.” It seemed as good a time as any. And while he was not one-hundred-percent sober
seemed the better option, too.

“Now?” Zed let his jacket drop onto the floor and pulled his T-shirt over his head. “Shouldn't we
get to know each other a little better first?” He winked and sashayed over to Alex, straddling his

“We've known each other for twenty-something years, fool.” Alex ghosted his lips across Zed's
and laughed at the surprised look on his friend's face.

“Hmm...” Zed ran his thumb across Alex's lips. “Seems Eric made quite an impression. Wish I
knew him.”

“You wouldn't like him,” Alex mumbled.

“No?” Zed questioned. “But we have so much in common.”

“Like what?”

“You and all the wicked things we want to do to you.”

“Eric doesn't want to do anything to me,” Alex lied. They'd jerked each other off and, as far as
Alex was concerned, that was it. Of course, Eric wanted to fuck him. Alex just didn't want to be
fucked yet, that was all. Hell, rediscovering his sexuality at twenty-two was daunting enough.

“He's a moron then. How could anyone not want as much of you as they could get?” Zed kissed
Alex, a quick press of lips and invasion of tongue that was over before Alex had realized it was
happening. But it definitely left him wanting more...

“Zed... We can't.” A hint of regret laced Alex's words. “We agreed our friendship means more
than a fuck.”

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“That doesn't sound like something I'd do.”

Alex sighed. “Maybe I should find a different project.”

“Why Eric?”

Alex rolled his eyes and sighed. As usual, Zed completely ignored anything of importance that
he had to say, focusing instead on whatever Zed thought had to do with him. “He's hot.”

“If he was hot, I'd know him.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “You don't know everyone.” Resting his hands on Zed's thighs, he
continued. “He's in one of my classes. We kinda clicked and he asked me out for a drink... And I
thought it might be... fun to date him.”

“Yeah, 'cause I'm so straight?” Zed's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Alex’s thumbs absently traced patterns on Zed's legs. “If you weren't my best friend, I'd date you
in a heartbeat.” He met Zed's eyes and smiled crookedly.

“Surely that would only make it better.”

Alex sighed, exasperated. “Go, grab a sheet.”

“Just come to bed with me.”

“Not unless you want me to paint you there. And that could get messy.” Alex was beginning to
think this was a bad idea of immense proportions.

“Messy is good. Eric not the messy type?” Zed slid off Alex's lap. “Pour me a drink.” He
disappeared into his room.

Alex poured two glasses of Scotch and shoved the couch out of the way, trying to picture what
art would best represent his friend. He watched Zed walk towards him, reading a jar of
something -- something he kept in his bedroom; Alex almost didn't want to know -- and trailing
what looked like an expensive white sheet behind him.

Zed walked with grace... a smooth saunter completely without purpose, almost as if he didn't
care whether or not he reached wherever it was he was going. His unfastened jeans clung
precariously to his slim hips, threatening to slip a few inches as those hips swung lazily, a
tempting shadow of dark hair revealed.

Alex licked his lips. Dangerous. That was just one word that came to mind when Zed was in this
sort of mood. And dark... dark eyes, dark hair. There was something dark about Zed. Alex was
going to paint him, going to tell him what to do, but Zed was still the predator. “A tiger...
panther...” he mused to himself.

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“Here?” Zed spread the sheet on the carpet and threw the jar to Alex. “Maybe you can discover
I'm more fun than Eric.”

Hesitantly, Alex looked at the jar. Chocolate body paint -- he should have known Zed would
have some. “I already think you are. Be right back.”

Shaking his head, he walked down the hall. Once in his room, Alex grabbed a few brushes of
various shapes and sizes, a palette and, most importantly, the collection of body paints he'd
amassed from numerous girlfriends. Why every girl thought body paint made the perfect gift was
beyond him. If they were so eager to get him naked, well, he could think of several other less
messy ways to do that. Laughing to himself, he thought it was safe to say he’d never thought he'd
be using them on Zed.

Still debating which predator best suited his friend, Alex entered the living room only to be
greeted by a naked Zed. He shouldn't have been surprised; it was unheard of for Zed to remain
clothed when he could be naked.

“So... what are you going to paint on me?”

“Not sure.” Alex circled Zed, no longer seeing evenly tanned skin. Instead, he saw a blank
canvas for him to create wonders on. “Something predatory. Not a tiger or a panther...” The
jagged scars on Zed's wrists captured his attention. His stomach lurched at the memories of that
night, but the raised scars meant something, a testament to everything Zed had overcome. They
looked like... “Claws.” But claws of what? Something fierce and dangerous, yet beautiful and
mesmerizing. A juxtaposition of traits. “I've got it! Just hope I have enough black and red.”

“What?” Zed caught Alex's hand as Alex circled him for the second time. “I think you should be
naked, too.”

“And why's that?” Alex asked reaching for his drink.

Zed tangled his fingers with Alex's long slim ones. “It's bound to get messy... you know me.”

“Just the shirt.” Alex gently released his fingers and pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossing it on
the couch. “Don't want you ruining it.” He shook a bottle of red body paint and squeezed a small
amount on to the palette. “Ready?”


Dipping his brush into the paint, Alex contemplated where to start. Deciding on the legs, he
swept a line along a hairy calf, causing a shiver to course through Zed's body. “Stand still and
spread your legs more. I need to be able to paint around them.”

“Decided what you’re doing yet?”

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“Yep. You can see it when I'm done.” Alex bit his lip to keep from laughing. No way in Hell
would Zed be able to wait. He was as impatient as a five-year-old.

Zed shivered again as the brush painted a line of red around the inside of his thigh. “This could
be hard... er, I could be...”

“I'm a big boy, I think I can handle you getting hard.” Alex smirked. “I should be able to paint it
in either state and have the desired effect.” Alex continued to paint, focusing on the muscles of
Zed's leg and how to transform them into those of a dragon.

“Maybe I should have worn some sort of underwear...”

Alex laughed. “Now there's something I never thought I'd hear you say. Besides, you don't have

“Good point.”

Alex laughed and ran the brush up the inside of Zed's thigh again, then scowled. He rubbed at the
paint with the Zed's T-shirt, the first thing that had come to hand. “Fuck! That's no fucking good.
Stay here.” He grabbed a wet cloth from the kitchen.

“Where would I go?” Zed called after him. “Although I probably wouldn't have to go too far,
like this, before someone picked me up...”

“No doubt.” Alex mumbled under his breath. Zed was never at a loss for male companionship.
He'd witnessed the revolving door policy his friend had with his boyfriends too many times.
“Hold still,” he said, kneeling in front of his friend and wiping the paint with the wet cloth.

“The guy downstairs... whaddya think? You know, the straight-looking one,” Zed asked, his
fingers automatically straightening a lock of Alex's hair.

“He's one-hundred-percent straight.” Did Zed have to chase every guy in the upstate area? “And
you’re shameless.”

Zed grinned and nodded, denying nothing. “Shame. He goes out every morning in that suit and
tie; makes me wanna convince him to take a day off so I can mess him up. He's too tidy for a
straight guy. Are you sure?” Zed shifted his foot. “Sorry, it's going to sleep.”

“Fine, don't believe me,” Alex snapped, unwilling to pursue this line of conversation. “Take a
minute, walk it off. I need to fiddle with these paints a bit.” If he managed to accomplish his
vision, it would be a miracle. Zed wasn't the best of subjects, naturally antsy and easily

Zed wiggled his toes and rose to the balls of his feet, then walked around in a careful circle.
“Maybe you should have had me sedated,” he observed. “Forgot I couldn't stand still for long,
didn't you?”

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“I keep praying you'll finally grow up.” Alex said, stirring the paints. “Damn, it’s drying too
quick.” Reaching for his drink, Alex took a hearty sip. Too lazy to get up and get some water, he
poured some scotch into the paints. “Ready to try again?”

“Sure.” Zed stood still, feet slightly apart. “It feels good y'know. Kinda erotic... and having you
down there, too...”

“I'm not surprised. You're one big hard-on,” Alex quipped.

“Not yet. But you never know your luck.” Zed laughed. “This is a bit like one of my fantasies.”

“Christ, Zed.” Alex's hand trembled, sending the paintbrush off its mark. “Are you trying to
make this har... difficult?” At this rate, his masterpiece of dueling dragons would never be

“Just making conversation.” Zed's voice sounded matter-of-fact, so Alex looked up to check
whether he was, indeed, trying to be a smart-ass, to see Zed looking innocently down at him.
“Like... tell me about Eric.”

“Fine.” Alex sighed, resigned to playing Twenty Questions. If it kept Zed still, he'd put up with
it. “What do you want to know?”

“Did you suck him off?”

“No.” Alex took a deep breath and focused on painting the red dragon's leg.

“No? But he gave you head?”

“No, he didn't.” The brush danced along Zed's inner thigh transforming the skin into scales.

“Did you do anything? Kiss him?”

“Yes, kissing and we jerked each other off. Happy now?”

“Not really. If that's all he's into, I'm glad I don't know him.” Alex could hear the disappointment
in Zed's voice. “Hell, we’ve done more.”

“Eric wants more -- you’d have a ball with him.” Grabbing his glass, Alex downed the rest of his
Scotch in hopes of erasing the sudden mental vision of Zed and Eric fucking.

“Nah, not if he's so easily dominated.” Zed shivered as Alex painted higher on the inside of his
thigh. “I like a challenge.”

“Of course you do.” Alex snorted. “Eric isn't pushing me, knows it's my first time.”

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"Isn't? You mean you're still um... actually together?”

“Kinda?” Alex stopped painting and shrugged his shoulders. “We're not dating per-se. He's
willing to help satisfy my curiosities.”

“I gave you head last week. And you liked it. How curious could you be?”

“We've been through this already.” Painting Zed was definitely turning out to be a bad idea.

“I've wanted you for years,” Zed said simply.

“And what happens after you get bored with me? I see all the guys you go through.”

“They're not you. None of them are even close.” Zed stroked Alex's hair and twisted his finger in
a lock. “I'd never get bored.”

“You say that now.” Alex shook his head free from Zed's touch. Adding more paint to the
palette, he moved behind Zed, anxious to bring this project to completion. “Can we talk about
this later?”


From the first touch of the paintbrush on his leg, the cold thick paint against his skin, Zed knew
he'd not come out of this experience unscathed. Just watching Alex kneeling at his feet aroused
the few dominant traits he had. But having Alex tell him what to do had been just as much of a
turn-on. Never mind his cock twitching just a couple of inches from Alex's lips. No one was
more surprised than him that he wasn't as hard as a rock and ready to come. Must have been all
that chat about Eric.

And what was going on there anyway? What sort of moron was Eric to not want Alex's cock in
his mouth, to not want to fuck him?

He was secretly -- okay, maybe not so secretly -- pleased that he'd done what Eric hadn't.
Because Eric wasn't allowed to or because he was too submissive to take the initiative? And Zed
knew that Alex wouldn't waste too much time with such a submissive wimp. Zed would push
boundaries -- just a bit. Wouldn't do as he was told -- not totally. He knew that he and Alex
would be good together.

“Can we talk about this later?”

That boded well, Zed thought. For one thing, Alex wanted to talk about it. And for another... he
was finding it very difficult to keep his mind on the topic of dating Alex and not just throwing
him face down on the bed/floor/couch/table and fucking him.

Zed exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he'd been holding as the paintbrush literally passed so
close to his balls he felt a breeze. His dreaming shelved for now, he dragged himself back to

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being the subject of Alex's art assignment. The chill of the paint felt awesome on his ass as a line
was painted across one cheek.

“Will we talk about it later?” he managed to ask.

“Sure, when I'm done.”

Another sweep of the brush up his back made Zed shiver. He squirmed and felt his cock take an
interest. Was it his fault his back had always been one of those erogenous zones? Some of the
best fucks he'd ever received had started with a simple, tension-easing back and shoulder
massage. Wonderful. Thinking about fucking wasn't helping his semi-erect cock return to its
non-erect state. Still, Alex hadn't seemed too bothered about it when Zed had warned him earlier.

“So... where is Eric? And won't he be annoyed...” Perversely, Zed hoped he would be, “...that
you're playing with me?”

“He's working on his own project.” Alex reached over and dipped one finger of his left hand into
the black paint and a finger of his right into the red. “I'm sure he'll be sorry he missed seeing you
naked and on display.”

“If he was here, I wouldn't be.” The coated fingers swept along Zed's spine, causing another
shiver. “Are you using your fingers? Fuck, that's hot.” Zed bit his lip and gave up the battle
against his erection. “The hands-on approach works well with my cock, too.”

“I'll be using a brush for your cock.” Alex laughed, seemingly undisturbed by the reaction he'd
caused. “Don't worry, I can camouflage it so no one will notice your hard-on.”

A brush? Fuck! The feel of the brush hairs on his legs had been fine. The coarse bristles along
his inner thighs hadn't been so easy. By the time Alex was up to 'camouflaging' his hard-on, he'd
be one breath away from coming. Maybe he should try to ensure Alex was as well. He hadn't
tried nearly hard enough to get his friend naked. “You don't want to touch me? I thought you said
you were curious.”

“I am.” Alex answered, switching back to the brushes. “And if you weren't my best friend...
Well, I'd be much more hands-on.”

And that annoyed Zed more than he'd ever be able to articulate. They were back to 'Can we talk
about this later?' “Like with Eric?” Just the sound of that name was making him feel like lashing
out. Never -- not even with any of Alex's girlfriends -- had he felt like this about someone Alex
was 'friends' with. Jealousy sucked!

“Maybe.” The sable hairs tickled as Alex, ever the professional, continued to paint. “Eric's a nice
guy; hot, too.”

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“So you've said,” Zed grumbled.

“How 'bout them Mets?” Not the smoothest of segues. “This is going to look fucking great.”

“Fuck the Mets!” Zed’s mood wasn’t improved by Alex’s attempted subject change. “That
should clear up any curiosity you still have, at least.” Zed couldn't resist a laugh. What with
having a hard-on that wasn't going to see relief anytime soon, every nerve ending under his skin
fighting for attention, and his best friend knowingly causing both, there was nothing else he
could do. Under any other circumstances, he'd be loving every second.

“I'm not into group sex.” Alex concentrated on the small of Zed's back. “I prefer one on one.”
The brush slid lower, its tip sliding into the crevice of his ass.

“Me, too. Especially if that 'one' is someone I care about. I know you have trouble believing

Zed was well aware that Alex couldn't understand why he seemed to have a new boyfriend on a
weekly basis or why he occasionally had more than one boyfriend at a time. He also guessed that
was just another reason why Alex wanted nothing to do with him as a potential boyfriend. It
wasn't his fault he'd had a crush on Alex since sixth grade that had only grown and actually
overflowed on more than one occasion. To the point of Alex not only knowing about it, but, as
was the case a couple of weeks previously, taking advantage of it by coming home drunk and
horny and all but asking Zed for a blowjob. Sure, he hadn't asked, but he also hadn't put up too
much of a fight when Zed offered.

Zed wished he could focus on that, focus on the disappointment he'd felt, the hurt, the feeling
that he was convenient, available if there were nothing female offering. But he couldn't. And the
next morning, Alex had apologized. Sincerely, terrified -- he’d said -- in case Zed hated him,
wanted to move out. Promises that it would never happen again, that he'd never treat Zed like
that again had followed and Zed knew he meant it. And now he was cursing his friend's excellent
moral ethics because Alex had found another boy to 'play' with and Zed received nothing.

Feeling like he'd been standing forever so Alex could paint what could only be his rendition of
the Sistine Chapel, Zed felt the brush flick upwards and leave his paint saturated back.

“Wow,” Alex said stepping away from Zed. “Your back looks fuckin' amazing.” He walked over
to the bar and filled two glasses. “Here.” After handing Zed some Scotch, Alex stretched. “Take

Zed moved carefully. “Can I sit?”

“No!” Alex said, horrified. “You'll smear the paint on your ass! Just walk around, stretch... No!
Don't do that.”

“Don't do what?”

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“Stretch, sit, or otherwise do anything to mess up my work.” Alex looked sheepish, worrying his
bottom lip. "I'll try to paint faster. Want to see it?”

Zed gave an exaggerated sigh and walked around in a small circle to stretch his calves and feet.
“Of course.”

“I'll be right back.” Alex ran out of the room, returning shortly with his digital camera. He
snapped a couple of photos and then hooked the camera up to the computer in order to give Zed
a detailed view of the mystery painting.

“Brilliant,” Zed observed. “Dragons.” His finger traced the dragons on the screen and he tried to
envision them on his back. He could feel where the tail of the red one curled around his thigh and
calf and where their claws came down low on his back and spread over his ass. Their wings
came up high across his shoulder and the back of his neck. “Where're their heads going to be?”

“The red dragon's will start on your right shoulder and the black will be on your left breast
looking up at the red.” Alex finished off his drink and started mixing more paints. “Do you really
like it? Fighting dragons remind me of you.”

“Fighting dragons, huh? Plural? Am I that psychotic?” Zed threw his drink back, uncertain if he
really wanted to know what was coming.

“No.” Alex studied the floor. “Just reminds me of... everything you've been through and

“I'm not sure I have overcome it...” Zed started off trying to make light of the blurred time of his
adolescence to which Alex was referring. It hadn't been an easy time -- he refrained from looking
at his scarred wrists -- but he had overcome it. With help. Lots of help and understanding,
especially from Alex. Zed thought that his suicide attempt had possibly affected his best friend
more than it had affected himself and wondered, not for the first time, why Alex had never
received counseling. He'd never dreamed Alex would be the one to find him and save his life.

“You have.” Alex's eyes met his.

“Maybe I'm over-compensating now, huh?”

“Your confidence has improved. You're not scared of men now.” Alex laughed and picked up his
brushes and paints. “Ready for round two?”

Nodding, Zed wiggled his toes before bracing himself to stay still for another hour and decided
to flirt to kill time. “So, you've noticed my confidence. I know you laugh at my jokes...”

“I've always laughed at your jokes. But now you finally see in yourself what I always knew was
there.” Using his finger, Alex slowly traced the red dragon's head, sweeping across Zed's nipple.

Zed shivered and continued what he'd been saying, trying to ignore the feelings Alex evoked.

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“And I know you know I'm hot... So, tell Eric bye-bye and sleep with me.”


“Then stop teasing.”

“I'll try to finish as fast as I can.”

“You know you're the only one I ever wanted,” Zed mumbled.

“I...” Alex didn't finish, instead focusing on painting. His brush flittered across Zed's chest,
bringing to life the fighting dragons' heads.

Zed looked down, but only saw a skewed version of the painting. The top of Alex's head,
however, was far more interesting as he was once again on his knees in front of Zed to continue
painting. “You're teasing again.”

Alex looked up, frowning. “Don't look down.” The paintbrush floated tenderly along Zed's
stomach, dipping into his belly button.

“But you look so hot down there. I've had a weakness for men on their knees for a while now.”

“Are you making this difficult on purpose? Look away.” Loading his brush, Alex painted lower
and lower, the sable tip brushing against the base of Zed's cock.

Zed caught his breath, exhaling slowly and well aware that his cock was hard and that it wasn't
going away anytime soon. Well, not by thought power anyway. “Now who's making things

“You are,” Alex said, using his finger to shade the line. “Think about Mr. Lowell naked.” He
laughed, his breath hot against Zed's groin.

“Like that'll work against what you're doing.” Zed heard the quiver in his voice as he tried -- he
really did -- to concentrate on anything but the feel of Alex's fingers stroking. “Are you sure this
body painting idea isn't just a scheme to get your hands on me? You coulda just asked.”

Alex nodded. “Uh-huh... We wouldn't last.”

“I should be flattered that you want me in your life that much but...” Zed shrugged. “I'm annoyed
that you don't even want to try. Do you think our friendship is that frail? Or am I just not your

The silence was palpable. Alex wiped a spot of red paint with his finger, accidentally smearing it
along a line of black in his distraction. He uttered a mumbled curse and wiped ineffectually at the
mess with the damp cloth, then tried to fix it with the brush. Anything, it seemed to Zed, to avoid
answering the question.

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“You know you are.” Alex whispered, his lips almost touching Zed's belly.

Oh fuck... Zed carded his fingers through Alex's hair and trailed them down his cheek and under
his jaw, forcing him to look up. Zed could feel the invisible wall keeping them apart becoming
weaker just as the invisible thread drawing them together was strengthening. “Kiss me,” he

Alex moved his chin from Zed's hold and leaned forward, pressing his lips against the soft skin
of Zed's stomach. Zed felt the touch of Alex's tongue and knew that this was the most erotic kiss
he'd ever received. He groaned as his cock bumped Alex's neck.

“Touch me... please...”

Alex bit his lip and shook his head. “No... I...” He looked up at Zed. “Not this time.”

Not this time? The breath caught in Zed's throat. “Okay...” he managed to say and, wanting to be
level with Alex, fell gently to his knees. His cock crushed against the worn denim of Alex's jeans
as Zed pulled Alex closer and took his face between his hands, kissing him softly. “Take a
chance,” he whispered.

“I am.” Alex mumbled into the kiss. His arms wrapped around Zed, pressing their bodies
together. Then, as if some switch had been flipped, Alex was all hands and tongue. The kiss
deepened as his fingers glided through the paint, exploring every inch of Zed's sculpted back.

“You're smudging me,” Zed murmured as their lips parted for the briefest of seconds.

“So?” Alex's fingers slid through the paint like it was wet silk on his back. Zed had never
realized paint was so smooth. Almost like massage lotion... lube...

Alex's fingers slipped downward, tracing murky lines down Zed's ass crack and across the tails
of the dragons. Zed thrust against him, fingers fumbling with the button and zip on Alex’s jeans,
pulling them and his silk boxers down and wrapping awkwardly around both of their cocks.

“Fuck.” Alex moaned, letting his head fall back, breaking the kiss.

Zed licked Alex's throat. “If that's what you want...”

“No...” Alex murmured, his breathing labored. He looked at Zed and Zed could see the
indecision in his friend’s eyes. It wouldn’t take too much to make Alex change his mind.

“Are you sure?” Zed let go of their cocks to run both hands down Alex’s arms.

“Yes... no...”

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Zed raised an eyebrow, hardly daring to breathe. “No?”

Alex leaned his forehead against Zed’s and closed his eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Well, let me convince you.” Zed kissed Alex gently. “I won’t hurt you... I promise.”

Two heartbeats... three... “Yes...” Alex breathed.

Suddenly, Zed was getting everything he'd ever wanted. Stunned, he managed to nod and kiss
Alex again, their tongues twisting together. “We’ll definitely mess up your artwork.”

“Don’t care.” Alex kissed Zed like his life depended on it, his fingers sliding across Zed’s skin,
creating an eerie red and black landscape. “I want you.”

“Not as much as I want you...” Zed ran his knuckles down Alex’s cheek and contemplated the
beautiful face of his friend. Lover? “Lube...” he mused, returning to reality. “We need it.”

“You have got some?” Alex asked.

“Not on me.” Zed smiled and stood a little stiffly. “Wait right here, I'll get some.”

“Don't forget condoms,” Alex shouted after Zed.

Wasting no time, Zed grabbed a handful of condoms -- who knew what the night would bring? --
and his tube of lube, returning to find Alex sitting on the sheet, his jeans and boxers discarded,
and stroking his cock with black and red fingers. “Waiting for something?” he questioned, an
eyebrow raised.

“You.” Grinning, Alex stretched out on the sheet, patting the spot next to him. “Got everything?”

Zed dropped the condoms, one at a time, on Alex's belly and the lube on the floor. “I think so.”

“Seven... eight.” Raised on his elbows, Alex looked up at Zed. “Wishful thinking maybe?”

“Perhaps, but you never know...” Zed sat next to him. “One seemed inadequate.”

Laughing, Alex shoved the condoms onto the floor. “Let's see how it goes.”

Zed opened the jar of chocolate body paint, dipped his finger in and touched it to Alex's nipple.
The small nub hardened under the attention as Zed's finger smoothed the chocolate around it.
Alex moaned softly and Zed smeared the rest of the chocolate over his friend's lips, pushing his
finger between them when they parted. “Good?”

Alex sucked Zed's finger, winding his tongue around it in such a way that Zed wished it were his
cock enveloped by the moist warmth. He reminded himself to go slowly, that this was just the

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beginning, that Alex was his now. He’d defy anyone to dispute it. When they woke together,
Alex would stay and not scuttle off to his own bed in embarrassment, obviously wishing the
encounter had never taken place.

Zed leaned down and licked Alex's nipple, his tongue lapping at the chocolate. Alex exhaled
sharply and Zed withdrew his finger. He picked up Alex's discarded paintbrush. “My turn now. I
think I should write my name on you... just in case Eric gets anymore ideas.”

“Eric will want to get into bed with us both.”

“Not a chance.” Zed painted the 'Z' of his name in very thick red paint in the middle of Alex's
chest. “He's too late.” An 'E' was painted under the 'Z.' “I don’t want anyone else.” Zed painted
the 'D.' “Think that's obvious or should I write 'Property of Zdenek Tyler Roxbury' with a little
arrow pointing to your cock?”

Laughing, Alex reached over and traced the small tattoo of a name that adorned Zed's groin. “Do
I have to stake my claim as well?”

Zed grinned. He liked the way that sounded. Proprietary, possessive. He was Alex's; Alex was
his. He was floating on an adrenalized cloud of endorphins. “Love, you can do anything to me
that you want.” He, too, traced his first boyfriend’s name. Scott. He’d meant as much to Zed then
as Alex did now. “I'll get your name tattooed there, sure. Notice that it's not a list.”

“You're lucky.” Alex's hand slid through the slick paint, down Zed's thigh. “I don't think I'd like

“Nobody else was important enough,” Zed simply stated, shivering at Alex's touch. He leaned
down and kissed Alex, careful not to smudge his name. His hand went straight to Alex's paint-
smeared cock and it filtered briefly through his mind that he was going to have to make sure that
cock was very clean. It'd receive a lot of attention in the shower.

“Oh, God...” Alex moaned bucking into Zed's hand. “Don't stop.”

“I have to... I'm going to fuck you...” Zed whispered. He grabbed the lube, kneeled between
Alex's thighs and squished some of the clear gel onto his fingers. Their eyes met and Zed smiled.
“I won't hurt you... trust me.”

“Always have.” Alex took a deep breath to prepare himself.

“Roll over, love. First time is easier that way...” Zed remembered back to when he'd first had sex
with Scott and hoped he'd be as sensitive to Alex. He'd never been anyone's 'first' before and was
suddenly struck by an uncharacteristic bout of nervousness. “Are you absolutely sure about

Alex answered by rolling over -- and then laughing. “I'm stuck to the sheet."

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“Not too bad I hope. It's definitely better if you can move...” Zed licked his lips and, using two
fingers, smeared lube down Alex's ass crack, circling and gently pushing in when he reached
Alex's entrance. One finger breached the tight ring of muscle and Zed felt Alex tense... heard the
quick intake of breath. Zed bit his lip and forced himself to push the finger deeper. He placed
light kisses along Alex's spine and murmured comforting words into his skin until he felt Alex
relax. “I'm going to add another finger...”

“Fuck! How many you got in there already?”

“Just one. Get your knees under you and jerk off. That helps.” Zed withdrew his finger and
squeezed another dollop of lube while Alex complied, breathing a sigh of relief. Whether it was
because the intrusion was gone or because his cock was finally receiving some much-desired
attention, Zed couldn't tell. He rubbed Alex's lower back and reintroduced the one finger, then
the next, easing them in together, gently, biting his lip again to force himself to go slow.

Alex hissed and shuddered. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” he chanted under his breath, his hand
moving steadily on his cock.

Wishing Alex was drunk -- like he'd been -- Zed stilled his fingers. He thought he heard Alex
whimper. “Okay, love?” he forced himself to ask.

Alex took several deep breaths, his hand moving along his cock, fingers dipping to caress his
balls. “I'm fine.” Another breath and Alex slowly pushed back. “It doesn't hurt as much as it
kinda... burns. This is supposed to feel good?” he asked, sounding disappointed.

“It will get better...” Zed moved his fingers, pushing as Alex pushed back. Without thinking, he
bent his fingers slightly and brushed the prostate.

“Oh!” Alex gasped. “What the fuck was that?”

“My fingers, your prostate.” Zed was relieved... and Alex had relaxed a bit more. “Imagine my
cock, your prostate... over and over and over...”

“Fuck...” Alex moaned, stroking his cock faster. “More.”

Zed placed his hand on Alex's, slowing him. “Don't come yet... soon.” With another stroke
across Alex's prostate, Zed withdrew his fingers and picked up one of the condoms, tearing it
open and rolling it on to his cock. He quickly spread lube over the condom.

Alex rolled over, displaying his rock hard cock -- just begging to come -- and Zed's name blurred
down his torso. “Like this,” he said. “I want to watch you fuck me... I want you to watch me. I
want to touch you.”

Zed didn't argue. This suited him fine; he'd just thought it'd be easier the other way. He lifted
Alex's legs and pushed them back, leaning between them briefly to kiss his boyfriend. “Relax...

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it's all good.” Holding his breath and positioning himself, he pushed against the muscle that
wanted to keep him out, breaching it carefully, his cockhead sitting just inside.

Alex released his breath with a hiss and Zed could see his lips moving as he swore softly.

“It's good...” Zed murmured. “Perfect.” He jerked his hips, gaining an inch. “Fuck, you're tight...
feels so fucking awesome.”


Stop? What?? “Huh?” It was the last thing Zed wanted to do, but he stilled, taking a deep breath.
Hurting Alex -- or rather not hurting Alex -- was uppermost in his mind. He took one last
moment to relish the feel of the silky heat before he slowly started to withdraw.

“Wait.” Alex grabbed Zed's arms. “I want this... you.” One hand dropped and curled around his
cock, slowly moving along its length. “It's... Just give me a minute...” He reached up with his
other hand, tracing Zed's lower lip with his thumb.

Nodding, Zed kissed Alex's thumb. As great as it felt being inside Alex, he knew it could feel so
much better. This was a phenomenal test of his self control. The desire to thrust, bury himself
deep inside the man he'd loved for as long as he could remember, was overwhelming.

“I want you,” Alex said, starting to push against Zed.

Still maintaining a small shred of his self control, Zed managed not to thrust quickly. He let Alex
set the pace as his hands mapped Alex's body, fingertips tracing the muscles as they moved
under the cool, paint-smeared skin. Their eyes met as Zed was finally seated inside Alex. Zed
could see the love and total adoration he felt for Alex reflected in Alex's clear blue gaze, though
he knew his boyfriend -- fuck, that sounded beyond great -- wouldn’t admit it. Not yet, anyway.
But he had no such qualms. “I love you...” he whispered.

Alex closed his eyes and nodded. “I know...” Wrapping his legs around Zed's hips, Alex pulled
him closer, groaning as Zed's cock shifted inside him.

Zed moaned. Being totally wrapped in Alex felt amazing. He moved his hips, thrusting slowly:
short, shallow stabs... gradually increasing. “Fuck... you're...” Zed panted with the effort of not
pounding into Alex. “Just... fuck...” Zed gave up thinking, it was overrated anyway.

And how could he think with Alex moving underneath him? All hands, busy exploring every bit
of Zed that was within reach. One hand leaving a sultry wake as it slid down Zed's chest, making
its way to the hand gripping Alex's hip, covering it.

That was all Zed had been waiting for. Some sign from Alex that it was okay. He pulled out and
pushed home. Hearing Alex's muffled gasp, he opened his eyes, but one look at Alex let him
know his lover was fine. A slight flush to his fair skin, Alex had his head thrown back, his lips
temptingly parted, as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

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Again and again Zed repeated the move... thrust, retreat, in, out. Zed and Alex. No one else,
nothing more. Alex arched beneath him, pushing against his thrusts, panting, whimpering,
moaning. His... all his. He shifted subtly and changed his angle, hoping he'd nail Alex's prostate.

“Fuck! Yes!”

Zed laughed. Seemed luck was with him today. He angled again, ensuring he hit that spot over
and over.

Alex's hand pumped his cock frantically. “Ohfuckohfuckohfuck... I'm gonna come...”

“Good.” Zed could see the edges of his orgasm, feel it. It was sudden and so fucking close.
Buried deep in Alex, he doubted he'd hold on for much longer.

Alex tensed under Zed, his breathing becoming more erratic, panting loudly. “Fuck! Zed,
yes...” he called as his come fell in ropey trails across his stomach and chest.

The pulses of Alex's orgasm around Zed's cock tipped him over the edge. He thrust a couple
more times, quick and hard and felt his balls draw up, the tingling start at the base of his spine.
The muscles in his legs quivered as he, too, tensed and came, finally collapsing on Alex and
covering his lover's throat in nips and kisses. He laughed tiredly. “I'm keeping you.”

“I'm non-returnable.” Alex mumbled, exposing more of his neck to Zed's kisses.

Zed's softening cock slipped from Alex. He removed the condom, tied it off, and threw it the
short distance to the trash can. Alex was still lying in the same position, eyes closed and looking
totally fucked and satisfied. Paint and come smeared his torso and Zed thought Alex had never
looked more beautiful. Clichéd, sure, but it was the truth. His finger ran through the congealing
mess on Alex and he smiled lazily. “Want a shower? You'll need help getting all this off.”

“Yeah.” Alex opened one eye and gave a lethargic, lop-sided smile. “Don't want to wake up
stuck together.”

“Who said anything about sleep?”

“I did. My ass will still be there in the morning.”

Zed lay over Alex again and kissed him slowly. “It's not just your ass, it's you. I don't want to
sleep in case this isn't real.”

“It's real.”

Grabbing the still-damp cloth, Zed wiped the come and paint from them both as best he could.
“Maybe I should get that in writing...”

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Pushing Zed onto his back, Alex picked up a nearby paintbrush and dipped it in the chocolate
paint. Below Zed's right hip, he wrote 'mine' and signed his name under it. “How's that?”

“Small.” Zed peered at the chocolate words and laughed. “And perfect.” He looked up at Alex
and wondered briefly if one of them would turn out more dominant than the other. He looked
forward to finding out. There wasn't much he didn't know about Alex, but his preferences in a
gay relationship were one of them. He doubted Alex even knew... “But what about your
assignment? You'll never get it finished in time.”

Alex shook his head and grinned lasciviously. “Guess we'll have to start again... plenty of time...
it's due next week.”

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Hot and Pink: A Jarheads Story

by Sean Michael

Jesus, he was hot.

Rig looked up at the July sun, considered it for a minute.


Up there.


Burning ball of gas.

Pretty damn cool.

He settled his sunglasses tighter over his face and flipped over on the lounger, letting the sun
beat down on his back. He could feel it baking into his skin. Felt damn good, actually.

Eventually, he'd train one of the dogs to fetch and open beer. Now that would be the life.

Speaking of the dogs, they all suddenly started barking and headed out around to the front of the
house. Could be he was about to have something better than the dogs to fetch and open his beer
for him.

Sure enough, a few minutes later the dogs were back, along with Dick, his Pretty looking tanned
and healthy, happy. The dogs circled for a moment longer and then found their spots on the deck,
settling back in to pant and enjoy the sun.

"Hey, you." Rig grinned, too baked to do much more than waggle his fingers.

Dick smiled back and crouched down next to him. "Hey, Rig. You're looking very comfy."

"Uh-huh. Baking my bones." He leaned a little, stole a kiss.

"Mmm..." Dick shifted right onto his knees and deepened the kiss, tongue slipping between Rig's

"Mmm." He managed to reach out, wrap his hand around Dick's neck and pull his Pretty closer.

Dick's hand moved over his back, then followed his spine down to his ass. It was fine hello and
howdy. He was sweaty, slick, and Dick's hand moved easily, sliding along his skin.

His Pretty's fingertips pushed beneath his waistband, but not much farther, and Dick chuckled.
"Your shorts are too tight."

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"Are you saying I'm getting fat, now?" He hid his grin in his arm.

"What? You, fat?" Dick snorted and swatted his ass. "I'm saying you wear your cut-offs so tight,
I can't get to your bare ass with them on. Now, usually the tightness isn't a complaint."

"I like these for yard work."

So did Rock, actually.

A lot.

"Yard work. Right." Dick laughed and kissed him again, hand splayed out on his ass over top of
the denim. One finger rubbed the seam along his crack.

He spread a little -- not too much, because it was too damn hot, but a little. Dick pushed against
his hole, and then fondled his balls.

"Mmm. Did I mention it was hot?"

"Yeah, you did. Hot enough you oughta actually be naked." Dick was always a big fan of naked.

"That would require moving."

"If Rock were here, he'd just tear them right off you." Dick kept playing, stroking his balls and
pushing the seam of the cut-offs against his hole.

"And I'd bitch; besides, I love these shorts."

"Then let's just roll you over." Dick's hands slid beneath him and suddenly he found himself
lying on his back, Dick already attacking his zipper.

His prick was bare -- Rock'd been playing 'shave the redneck' the night before, for shits and
giggles -- and it was starting to respond.

"Oh, I'd forgotten Rock'd done this." As if. Dick gave him a wink, eyes twinkling, though he
supposed that could have been the sun reflecting in them. Dick didn't bother taking the shorts
right off; he just opened them up, pulled the material to the sides, and bent to lick all around his
prick, tongue sliding on his bare skin and tracing the tattoo around Rig's cock.

"He was... damn focused."

"Uh-huh." Dick continued to ignore his prick in favor of the tattoo and the rest of his bare skin.
Even his balls got loving. Dick pulled one into his mouth and rolled it in its sac, mouth hotter
than the sun. Then Dick went back to licking, taking his time and exploring thoroughly.

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Rig was sweating, aching a little at the soft, hot touches.

Finally, Dick turned to his prick and worked it with those same tiny licks.

"Fuck. Fuck, what's got you all... happy, Pretty?"

"Are you kidding? I come home to you almost naked and shining in the sun? That's a no-
brainer." Dick smiled up at him and then licked the tip of his cock, long and slow.

His entire body arched, just a little, in response.

"Shit, you still taste so good." Dick's mouth wrapped around the head of his cock, began sucking.
He could feel Dick's tongue teasing over his slit, pointing and pushing in the tiniest bit, just like
he'd taught Dick to do all those years ago.

"Uh-huh." Wait? What was he agreeing to? Did it matter?

Dick's head began to bob slowly, lips moving down all the way, then back up again. It left his
cock shining.

"Pretty..." He arched, feet falling off the chair and digging into the deck.

He felt Dick try to smile around his cock, and then the suction increased and Dick's head bobbed

It was good, to be here, in the sun, fucking that hungry mouth. Then Dick's fingers slid over his
balls, playing with them, and it was even better.

"More. Just a little harder, Pretty."

Tongue slapping the head of his cock, Dick pushed behind his balls and tapped hard.

"Fuck!" He sat up, knees drawing up.

Dick moved with him, cheeks hollowed out as he didn't miss a beat. It was too damn good to
last, even on a hot, lazy day like today.

Rig shot hard enough that his teeth rattled, and he just poured himself into Dick's mouth. Dick
took him all in, the sucking slowing and then stopping as Dick pulled off.

Whoa. He blinked up, just a little dizzy, the sun and orgasm making him dazed. Dick licked his
lips, looking like the cat that got the cream. One warm hand rested on Rig's belly as his cock was
tucked in, his zip done carefully back up.

He hummed, eyes falling shut.

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"You look like all you need's a cold beer." Satisfaction and pleasure deepened Dick's voice.

"Uh-huh." Possibly a shower.

"I'll be back in a minute then."

Another kiss landed on his lips, this one soft, almost not there.

He probably answered.


Either that or he dreamed it. Maybe he'd dreamed the whole thing, the sun making the daydreams
seem real.

He wasn't dreaming the cold drips of water hitting his belly, though. No, sir.

"I've got your beer, get it while it's still cold."

"Huh?" He blinked awake, still half sleeping.

Dick flopped down on the deck next to him, waving a beer at him. More drops dripped onto his
heated skin. It felt like they should sizzle, though they didn't.

"Thanks." He reached over, sucked the beer down. Oh. Cold. Good.

"Rock should be home soon. It was his week to do the paperwork and he kept putting it off, so
now he's stuck there 'til it's finished."

"Oh, man." He should offer to go help. He should, but he was really comfortable.

Dick chugged back half his beer. "I left him a present in his in-box."

He opened one eye, looked over. "Yeah?" This could be good.

"One of the guys gave me this gag gift. I passed it on." Dick looked impish and for a second like
the baby green Marine Rock had brought home. That could only mean his Pretty was up to no

"Oh, lord... Edible panties?"

Dick giggled, but shook his head. "It is edible, though."

"No fruity lube. That makes him bitchy."

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"Nah. That would have gone directly into the garbage. It's edible body paint. The thing that made
me laugh, though, was the big 'to enhance your sex life' written across the thing."

Rig chuckled. "Oh, lord. You best put the old sheets on the bed..."

He could hear Rock's truck rumbling up the driveway.

The dogs all started barking again and tore around to the front of the house like bats out of hell,
Trouble and Mutt falling over each other to be first.

Dick shook his head. "I just thought it would be funny to pass them on to him. I don't expect he'll
want to use them. He'll tease the shit out me for it, though." Dick grinned, the prospect obviously
not in the least bit daunting.

Rig shrugged, chuckled. "You never know with the Rocketman."

"Never know what with me?" Rock asked, coming around the corner, dogs all but tripping him

"What you'll do from day to day. How was the gym?"

"It was the gym. I had to do paperwork." Rock shot a mock glare at Dick and shooed the dogs

"It was your turn," Dick noted.

"I know. We need to hire someone to get that shit done. Of course if we did that, we'd have to
make sure we didn't leave our sex crap hanging around." Rock shot a package at Dick, who
caught it, laughing.

"Sex crap? That sounds... nasty." Trust Rock to phrase it like that.

"Edible paints." Rock rolled his eyes. "You getting bored, kid? Surfing the 'net again?"

Dick snorted. "As if."

Rig turned over again, listening to the banter with half an ear.

"So you're not bored -- you just want to paint Rig's ass? You think it needs a target?"

Dick laughed outright this time. "I think we both know exactly where Rig's ass is without a target
painted on it. This came from a friend. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. Maybe bring out your
artistic side." Dick tossed the package back to Rock, who caught it easily.

Ah, boys. Rig grinned, watched the pissing contest commence.

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"A kick out of it, huh?" A smug smile pulled up the corners of Rock's mouth. "I know exactly
what I need to do to get a kick out of it."

Dick's eyes narrowed, obviously smelling trouble brewing. Smart kid. "What exactly did you
have in mind?"

Rig stayed perfectly still, hoping to avoid attention. Sometimes it was better not to be noticed.

Rock pulled open the container, most of the little tubes of paint falling to the ground. One didn't,
though, and Rock opened it up, squirted some of it into his hand and then flung it at Dick. The
blue landed on Dick's neck with a splat.

Dick blinked, staring at Rock like he couldn't believe what had just happened.

Oh, man.

He was going to have to get the hose. Rig calculated the distance and how quick he'd have to be
not to get noticed before he got there.

Rock splurted out another glob of paint and got Dick in the cheek this time. Dick pounced on the
other bottles and grabbed a couple, opening them as Rock pelted him a few more times. Rig sure
hoped the paint was washable as well as edible -- that was Dick's favorite T-shirt.

Rig slowly slipped off the chair and stayed low, keeping the chair between him and the nutcases.

Dick's first shot got Rock in the cheek with bright yellow, but the second missed and sailed right
at Rig, managing to catch his shoulder.

His Pretty was laughing like a loon.



He was going to get them both.

Rig sprinted for the hose, knowing he was faster than either one of them.

"Shit! Get him!" Out of the corner of his eye he could see Rock picking up another paint tube
and sprinting after Dick who was already headed toward him, lobbing globs of paint at him.

He twirled the nozzle and sprayed, the cold water spreading out in a wide spray. Dick squealed
and veered away, but Rock kept on coming and wrestled with him for the hose. He managed to
shove the nozzle in the back of Rock's sweats, deep.

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"Fuck!" Rock roared and reached back with one hand, getting the hose out of his sweats. Quick
as anything, Rock picked him up, putting him over one shoulder and hauling him back over to
the middle of the deck where Dick began to paint both of them, hands warm as they spread the
thick liquid.

"Hey! I was an innocent bystander!"

Rock snorted. "My ass is soaked, Mr. Innocent Bystander."

Dick just laughed and kept spreading the paint, the touches turning sensual.

"Jim, he's rubbing..." Rig craned his head and looked. "Pink paint on my back."

Rock laughed. "You let me put you down and we can return the favor in orange and blue."

"Pink. I think I'm offended." He nodded and grabbed the green as soon as his feet hit the ground,
squirting Dick square in the chest.

Rock laughed, getting him in the chest with the orange, and then getting Dick as well.

The dogs started jumping around them, licking and barking, the entire deck covered in paw
prints and foot prints and Rock's tennis shoe prints. When they ran out of paint in the tubes, Rock
and Dick started rubbing on each other, on him, smearing the paint between the three of them.

"Oh, guys. Sticky!" Oh, gross.

Dick was laughing and laughing, Rock's low chuckles sounding as well. Rig swatted somebody's
ass, heading for the hose.

"Oh, no! Not that again!" Rock grabbed the back of his cut-offs and dragged him back up against
that solid body.

"Rock!" He hooted, fighting Rock hard.

Rock's arms went around him, spreading the paint all over.

"Fuck!" God, they all hadn't laughed together so hard in too damn long.

Dick came over and slipped on some of the paint on the deck, his feet going out from under him.
Dick went down hard onto his ass.

"Oh, Jesus." He hurried over. "You okay? Anything hurt?"

Still chuckling, Dick shook his head. "Just my dignity."

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Rock snorted at that.

Dick stuck out his tongue held his hands up. When Rig took them, his Pretty tugged him down.

They slapped together, chest to chest. "Hey."

Dick grinned up at him, face covered in orange and blue and green paint. "Hey."

Jesus, they were something. Rig wasn't sure what exactly, but they were something.

Rock came down on top of him, strong arms keeping him from being crushed as he became the
filling in a very colorful sandwich. Rock rubbed against him, no doubt sharing loads of paint.

Dick started laughing again.

He grinned, leaned down and stole a kiss. "Guys. We're starting to stick."

"And not for the reason why we usually do." Dick winked, laughed as Rock groaned.

"I'll get the hose." Rock got up and grabbed it.

Rig braced himself for the cold water, gritting his teeth as it splashed against his skin.



"Shit, that's cold!" Dick laughed and rolled them both over, protecting him from the worst of it.

"It is." He chuckled and snuck in another kiss before slipping out from beneath Dick. He jogged
out to the shore, to the ocean.

Rock and Dick soon caught up with him, Rock picking him up and continuing toward the water.

"Rock!" Jesus, he was not a sack of potatoes. Though he did appreciate Rock's studly qualities.

His Blue just laughed, running into the water and finally setting him down in it -- about waist
deep. "I thought you wanted to get clean?"

"I do." He chuckled, then headed out, swimming hard, letting the ocean pull at him.

His marines flanked him, the three of them swimming together, the sun shining on the water as
the waves danced. It was almost romantic.

Jesus, he loved his life.

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Every bit of it.

Dick swam under the water, getting the worst of the paint off his face.

"Time to head back," murmured Rock.

"Already?" He did it, though, because he trusted Rock, knew his Blue had their backs.

"You've still got paint on your face," Dick pointed out, splashing lightly.

Growling, Rock splashed back, the two of them laughing and making the water spray up. He
reached up, holding one of Rock's shoulders, and wiped Rock's cheeks clean.

Rock and Dick returned the favor, wiping him clean as well. In fact, as they stumbled out of the
water, his marines' hands were all over him.

"Better." They were sandy now, salty, but not sticky.

"We need a shower. And then a good fuck." Rock always had a plan.

"And then pizza." He could handle a night of pizza and beer and movies.

"Yes, pizza." Rock looked pleased.

"Yeah, foreplay's already taken care of." Dick grinned.

"You know it." He chuckled, shook his head, then reached out, goosed Rock's fine ass.

Rock jumped and turned, eyes narrowing. His Blue growled. "Someone is cruising."

Looking over, he went for his best, wide-eyed expression. "Hmm?"

Rock snorted and reached out, wiping a finger along his nose and holding it up to him. "Pink."

"You noticed. I blame you."

"Me?" Rock looked shocked. "Me?"

"You threw the first volley, Marine."

"But the kid..."

Dick shook his head. "I didn't buy 'em, I didn't bring them home, I didn't throw the first gloop."

"All right. What are you two going to do about it?"

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"We could beat you." Rig couldn't fight his grin, so he didn't try.

"If, by that, you mean suck me off -- I'm all for it."

"Wait... when did 'beat' become a euphemism for blowjob?"

Dick came and stood behind him, arms wrapping around his middle. "I think it's a Rocketman

He leaned back, nodded. "Yeah? I think he looks surprisingly good in bright purple."

"Those muscles would look good in anything." Dick nodded, cock hard against his ass, hot
through their wet shorts.

Rock puffed up for them, showing off.

Rig nodded. "Jeans. BDUs. Sweats. Leather."

"Random sex paint."

"Random, weird sex paint." He tilted his head. "I wonder how he'd do with those paint-on plastic

Rock growled, the flexing and showing off ending in a frown. "I think it's time to derail this little
conversation. I'm taking a shower. Me. Naked. Water."

Oh, now. That was better than paints or plastic or any such shit. That was pure, fucking

Dick grabbed his hand and they headed after their stud together.

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Contributors' Bios

Misa Izanaki
Originally from Hawaii, Misa has been writing since she was twelve. She has a fondness for
cats, squirrels, and anime. Most of her stories come from her muses, the constantly evolving
group of pretty anime-style men who live in her head, and she is constantly poking at them for
new ideas. When she's not writing, Misa can be found painting war game miniatures or trying in
vain to catch up with her backlog of comics and books.

Sean Michael
Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker
of "Maurice," Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd
collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by
horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean
whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling
the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago." Check
out Sean’s webpage at

Andy Slayde & Ali Wilde
Andy lives in rural upstate New York with her zoo; Ali lives half a world away in not-so-rural
suburban Adelaide, Australia with hers. Due to lack of money they haven’t met and spend days
and nights talking and plotting over MSN messenger. They have been writing together for three
years because they have nothing better they want to do. As a result Andy doesn’t know what
time zone she is in or whether to say ‘trash can’ or ‘rubbish bin’. Ali does because usually it's
hers, so nyah!
It has been muttered that they both need to get out more.
Ali loves Pringles, emo/alternative/punk/rock, Hugh Jackman, diamonds, coffee and Torchwood.
Andy loves Banana splits (minus the cherry), moongazing, Halloween, House M.D, magicians,
ice tea and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (can’t resist those eyes).
They can be found over on Live Journal
And individually at:


And have recently become Twitter addicts.

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Toy Box: Body Paint

Painted Wings © 2009 by Misa Izanaki
Hot and Pink: A Jarheads Story © 2009 by Sean Michael
The Art of Seduction © 2009 by Andy Slayde and Ali Wilde

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60370-784-8
ISBN-10: 1-60370-784-0

Torquere Press, Inc.: Taste Test electronic edition / August 2009

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

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