Anthology Toy Box Latex

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2010 by Torquere Press

First published in, 2010

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black



Contributors' Bios

* * * *

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


Toy Box: Latex
Edited by M. Rode

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


Definition: n. pl. la.ti.ces (la'ti-scz', lat'?-) or
The colorless or milky sap of certain plants, such as the

poinsettia or milkweed, that coagulates on exposure to air.

2.An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used

in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products.

3.Latex paint.
: 1662, "body fluid," from L. latex (gen. laticis)

"liquid, fluid," probably from Gk. latax "dregs," from PIE base
*lat- "wet" (cf. M.Ir. laith "beer," Welsh llaid "mud, mire,"
Lith. latakas "pool, puddle," O.N. lepja "filth"). Used 1835 to
mean "milky liquid from plants." Meaning "water-dispersed
polymer particles" (used in rubber goods, paints, etc.) is from


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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black



by Mychael Black

* * * *

"Xun naut yutsu." Do not return
The shimmering barrier separating the tunnels from the

world outside molded into solid rock, sealing the way home

The dream jolted Kor'inth awake and he sat up quickly,

banging his head on the low ceiling of the recess. The rest of
the cave remained dark, but he was awake now. He fell back
onto the roll of deer hide that served as a pillow and drew his
hands down his face. Two years had passed since he'd
entered into exile and the dreams still haunted him, night
after night. And what did he have to show for two years? A
hole in a cave wall.

In reality, a life of freedom, even if it was in a cave,

seemed preferable to the life he'd once led. Unlike many
other males of his kind, he went against the grain, shunning a
lifetime of servitude... to the females, anyway. Then again,
his taste for men was what had landed him here. Women
were allowed to indulge themselves with other women, but
between men, such things were punishable by death in his
society. Being the Queen's son was the only reason he'd been

Groaning and shaking the haze of sleep from his mind,

Kor'inth sat up, slowly this time, and slid out of the recess.

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


The cave floor felt cool and a light breeze blew against the
tattered cloth covering the cave entrance. It wasn't quite
summer, but the nights were growing warmer and drier. If
anything, Kor'inth greatly missed the cool dampness of the
earth. He glanced around and took a quick stock of supplies.
Everything he had was handmade, using skills he had
acquired while under the rule of the Qu'ellar d'Z'ress—the
House of Dominance. He had never given much thought to
the skills of survival before, but now, he had little choice.
Satisfied with the inventory, he lifted the door flap and
stepped out into the early dawn.

The first rays of the sun were already starting to shine

through the green canopy of the forest. The nocturnal
denizens were settling down and, as he stretched, Kor'inth
watched the early morning stirrings of the world around him.
It had taken nearly five full moons for him to get used to the
brightness of the outside world, but now he found that he
enjoyed it. He loved his morning swims in the pool near his
cave, and the moments of basking on a rock in the afternoon
sun were enough to keep him above ground for a lifetime. But
none of those pleasures could wash away the ache of
loneliness he felt in the pit of his stomach, the marrow of his

When Serod had been put to death, it was all Kor'inth

could do to keep from following his lover into the Eternal
Abyss. As the others drank Serod's blood in the time-honored
tradition, Kor'inth had been denied even that much. Now he
had nothing. Nothing but his memories, and those too were
now slipping away from him with the passing of time. He

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


needed someone—a man—to hold him and keep him, a man
to serve for the remainder of his days, a man he could love
and who would love him.

* * * *

Kor'inth didn't leave his safe haven in the forest until

nightfall. Having been stripped of his magic, his only
advantage in the outside world was the color of his skin. His
kind weren't unknown, but as a general rule, they tended to
remain secluded and secretive. A female dark elf might
venture outside, but a male one rarely ever did. Kor'inth,
however, couldn't wait any longer.

With a dark cowl over his head to cover his hair, he

nestled into the shadows, his ebony skin providing the perfect
camouflage. From there, he waited and watched as people
went by. The building in front of him had shown promise
when he saw several young men led by others by way of
chains attached to collars. Longing stirred within him, longing
to be one of those young men.

Kor'inth closed his eyes for a moment to rein in his

thoughts and desires. He needed to get in there, but he had
no money and, although many patrons wore little in the way
of clothing, he doubted an unclothed dark elf would be
welcome. As he opened his eyes, he became aware of
someone watching him. His first instinct was to run. In two
years, he'd had no contact at all, save for the creatures of the
wild. But now? He felt as if he were on display. He looked
around and shrank further into the blackness. Perhaps it was
only his imagination.

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"I've seen many females of your kind, but never a male."
Kor'inth froze and every inch of his flesh prickled with

sudden heat. He hadn't planned on getting caught. He
watched, not daring to even breathe, as a figure stepped
closer. He could see the outline of a masculine body, but the
man's face remained hidden by the shadows. Nervousness
skittered up Kor'inth's spine when he realized this man had
been watching him. He could almost feel the man's gaze
caress every bare inch of his body.

"You want to go in there."
Kor'inth nodded slowly.
"You want to be one of them, to serve."
"Yes," Kor'inth whispered.
A hand extended, reaching down to him. "Come," the man

commanded softly. "I have some extra clothes in my car. You
will dress and then we will go inside."

Kor'inth hesitated for a moment before taking the man's

hand. The grip was firm and strong, and a fleeting thought of
that hand wrapped around his cock pulled a low groan from
Kor'inth's throat. He put forth no resistance when the man
reached up and pulled the hood off. Hair as white as newly-
fallen snow spilled over Kor'inth's shoulders and down to his
waist. Out of instinct, he lowered his gaze and kept his head
bowed. A single finger under his chin, however, lifted his
head. When his own red gaze met a dark blue one, his heart
nearly stopped.

The man stood much taller, nearly six feet to Kor'inth's

five-foot-eight. The man's shoulders were broad and square,
his torso lean and firm. He wore an open vest, and Kor'inth

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


fought the urge to reach out and run his fingers through the
sparse patch of black hair on the muscled chest. The hair
tapered down the man's belly and disappeared beneath the
waistband of his pants. Kor'inth ached to touch the muscular,
leather-encased legs, to kneel at the black-booted feet.

"Do you agree to follow my commands this evening?

Without question?"

"I do," Kor'inth answered quietly.
The man smiled and Kor'inth's breath caught in his throat.

Two impossibly sharp teeth reflected the scant sliver of light
as the full moon emerged from behind the clouds. A vampire.
Kor'inth remembered the stories of such creatures, but had
never expected to meet one.

"Do I frighten you?"
Kor'inth shook his head slowly. When he managed to find

his voice, he whispered, "No, Sir."

"You have never seen a vampire."
"Only in pictures and through stories."
Kor'inth took in the sight before him. He wasn't even

aware of his own arousal until the vampire's gaze shifted
down and a predatory smile framed those teeth.

"What is your name?"
"Kor'inth Rothe, Sir," Kor'inth said without hesitation. The

vampire nodded and seemed to expect more. "Of Qu'ellar
d'Z'ress, the House of Dominance." Those dark blue eyes
sparkled with something unreadable in their depths.

"Very good." The man wrapped an arm around Kor'inth's

shoulders and smiled down at him when a shudder slid up
Kor'inth's spine. "I am Soren Winters. But to you," he said, "I

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by Mychael Black


am Sir. If, during our time together this evening, I do
something you genuinely do not wish me to do, it is your
right to stop me. If you truly wish for me to stop, say 'apple.'
Any questions?"

Kor'inth thought for a moment as they walked along,

keeping to the shadows as much as possible. "No, Sir."

They neared a dark blue car and Soren pulled a set of keys

from his pocket and pressed a button. Kor'inth jumped when
lights flashed and a horn sounded. Soren gave him an
apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. I forgot you would not be used to such things."

He led Kor'inth to the back of the car and opened it. As he
rummaged through a black bag, he glanced at Kor'inth over
his shoulder. "Now, is there anything you do not wish me to
do, under any circumstances?"

Kor'inth had no idea how to answer. All dark elves learned

about the human world, but when it came to choices, males
were not encouraged to make their own in a female-dominant
society. At forty-two years, he was still considered young by
his own kind, and in all that time, never once had he been
asked such a thing. He studied Soren, watched the muscles
flex and move beneath smooth, pale skin. He thought back to
times when he had not wanted what was done, and they were
few in number.

"No wastes."
Soren chuckled and straightened, something dull and black

in his hand. "You have no worries there. As a vampire, I
produce none. Blood is completely absorbed. Anything else?"

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by Mychael Black


"No, Sir." Kor'inth shook his head. His gaze, however,

remained locked on the material Soren held.

"Have you seen anything like this before?"
"Only in pictures, Sir."
Soren looked Kor'inth up and down. "Yes, I believe it will

fit nicely." He stepped closer and Kor'inth's breath caught.
The man smelled like the deep earth, the forest, musk. He
smelled nothing like Kor'inth often thought a human male

"Are you afraid?" Soren whispered near Kor'inth's parched


Kor'inth wanted to shake his head, say no, anything to

hide the actual fear he felt. Soren's lips quirked in a slight
grin. Kor'inth had the distinct feeling that the man saw right
through him.

"There is no need to fear me." Soren caressed the backs of

his fingers down Kor'inth's left cheek, a faint trail of heat
following in their wake. "I will not harm you out of cruelty or

"I know, Sir." Kor'inth swallowed. "I am afraid... but I want

to join you."

"Good." Soren held up what Kor'inth realized was actually

a garment. "While I do enjoy showing off my playthings, for
tonight, you will wear this. Have you worn anything like this

"No, Sir. I've seen things like it, but never worn any."

Kor'inth took the garment and held it up before him. It
seemed too tiny to fit even his petite frame, but when he
pulled, the rubber-like material stretched. "What is it?"

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"Latex. Once it's on you, I have something I'll polish it

with, to make it shine beautifully."

Kor'inth glanced around, then at Soren. "Put it on now?"
Soren nodded, arms crossing over his chest. It took a

moment, but Kor'inth managed to figure the garment out. He
stepped into the leg holes and pulled the rest up. His eyes
widened when he felt a strap wedging between his buttocks,
while the front cradled his cock and balls. With Soren's help,
he crossed the straps in front over his chest, and slipped his
arms through the sides, the garment forming an 'x' over his
chest and torso.

Soren walked around him, as if inspecting. "Nice." He

traced a fingertip down Kor'inth's spine, then between his ass
cheeks. "Very nice."

Unable to bite back the soft moan, Kor'inth went up on his

toes, body moving of its accord to push back into the touch.
Soren's finger quested lower and Kor'inth closed his eyes.
Never had anyone touched him with such tenderness.

"Tell me," Soren murmured. "What experience do you

have in this?"

Kor'inth whimpered when Soren tapped the latex strap

over his entrance. "Only... oral, Sir."

Behind him, Soren let out a low growl. "Do you object to


"No, Sir." Kor'inth shuddered and spread his thighs more.

Shielded by the bulk of Soren's body, Kor'inth cared little for
what others might see and bent forward over the back of
Soren's car. "Sir... Please..."

"Spread 'em."

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by Mychael Black


Kor'inth did as instructed and moaned when a slick finger

circled over the latex strap. He started to reach back and
move the offending material, but Soren seized his wrist and
pinned it to the cool metal of the car. With his other hand
trapped between his torso and the vehicle, Kor'inth had no
choice but to submit to the man's will. The touch ghosted
over bare, puckered flesh, then moved back over latex.
Kor'inth's cock hardened and the rubbery material grew
tighter against his body.

"Like that, do you?" Soren pressed in the tip of his finger

and Kor'inth whimpered. "That's it," the vampire purred. "Let
me in."

His breath caught in his throat, Kor'inth felt himself give

way to the welcome intrusion. No one—not even his one lover
before—had done such a thing. Despite his natural
subservient station in life, his status as a prince kept him
virginal until his fate was decided amongst the others. Now,
he held it in his own hands...

The finger plunged inside him and rubbed lightly over

something deep within that made Kor'inth's knees buckle and
his insides twist into pleasurable knots.

"You're thinking too hard," Soren whispered. "Let it go,

Kor'inth. They no longer control you..."

Kor'inth gasped as one finger became two, stretching him

deliciously, if a bit painfully.

"But I do."
"Sir." Kor'inth moaned and pushed back while Soren

stroked in and out. Every withdrawal and re-entry took his
breath away. "Sir, please," he begged. "I can't..."

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"You will."
The fingers disappeared completely, but before he could

mourn their loss, something harder and much thicker
replaced them. Kor'inth rose onto his toes, forearm and
forehead pressing onto the cold metal as his body engulfed
the unforgiving thing. Then the burn subsided and nothing
but fullness remained. The contraption lodged inside him kept
his pulse racing and his cock hard as diamond. A sizeable
hand gripped him through the latex pouch and squeezed.
Kor'inth hissed, hips jerking. The movement made his
sphincter seize, which sent the most incredible sensations
straight through his body.

"By the time I'm ready, you'll be begging to come."
Kor'inth nodded frantically. He'd beg now if he could get

the words out. Talking, however, seemed beyond him. Soren
drew him up to stand straight and the thing inside shifted.
Kor'inth's eyes rolled back and he slumped against Soren's
bulk, shaking from head to toe. Soren chuckled.

"I see you've never had your ass plugged either, hm?"
"N-no, Sir," Kor'inth panted. Plugged. What an apt term for

the situation. He'd shaken his fair share of bottled ales with
their corks in. He knew what happened when the cork was
removed. Now he knew how those bottles felt. Every tiny
movement built up more need, more intense desire than he'd
ever known. He almost feared the removal later.

Soren slipped a finger beneath Kor'inth's chin and tipped

his head back. Dark eyes met his for a brief moment, then
the world tilted on its axis when Soren's lips touched his own.
Kor'inth didn't need the coaxing, but even the slight swipe of

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by Mychael Black


the vampire's tongue made him shiver. When he opened,
Soren delved inside, licking every inch. Without thinking,
Kor'inth flicked his tongue over the point of one fang. Soren's
deep growl filled Kor'inth's mouth and the kiss turned into
something stronger, darker.

A large hand fisted in Kor'inth's hair and jerked his head

back, breaking the kiss abruptly. Wild eyes stared at him,
predatory in nature. Gone was the Master in leather. Kor'inth
didn't know what boundary he'd crossed, but the second the
bite came, the answer no longer mattered. Kor'inth jerked in
Soren's arms and held onto the man's shoulders, not trusting
his own legs.

He cried out and Soren bit harder. Then one hand dropped

down and, with a deftness that surprised Kor'inth, Soren had
his cock free. Thick fingers wrapped around his length and
pumped him, from base to tip, with long, fast strokes.
Panting, shaking, Kor'inth clung to his Master and shuddered,
body spasming around the plug while he coated Soren's hand
in his release.

Soren licked the wounds closed. "Home," he grunted. "I'll

be damned if anyone else sees this. It's mine."

* * * *

Kor'inth barely remembered the way or the ride 'home.'

Soren lived in a nondescript brick house, the only evidence of
his true nature being the black curtains in the windows. Soren
turned off the car in the garage and Kor'inth followed him
obediently into the house. Overall, it seemed like any other
dwelling Kor'inth had seen pictures of throughout his life.

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by Mychael Black


"Where do you live?"
The question snapped Kor'inth from his musings. "The

forest, Sir. In a cave."

One eyebrow rose. "I assume, then, that you no longer live

beneath the surface like your brethren?"

"No, Sir. I was... exiled, for relations with another male."
Soren sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry. Rest assured,

you won't find such intolerance within these walls. In the
outside world, it's unavoidable, but here..." Soren gestured
around the large living space with its masculine decor. "The
only thing I don't tolerate is dishonesty."

"Yes, Sir."
"Very good. Now that we have the basics covered..." Soren

sat on the couch and crooked a finger. "Come here and show
me how much you know."

Kor'inth didn't need anymore convincing. He went over and

knelt between Soren's splayed thighs. Beneath the leather, he
imagined thick muscles covered in dark hair. He bent down
and nuzzled Soren's crotch. The scent of pure male—of
masculine power—filled his senses.

"Pull it out."
He unfastened Soren's pants and a thick cock pushed free

of the confines. Kor'inth licked his lips, glanced up at Soren's
face, then leaned down. He drew his tongue up the hard yet
soft length, and once he reached the tip, he sucked it into his
mouth. Soren groaned, one big hand resting on the back of
Kor'inth's head.

"That's it... suck it."

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by Mychael Black


His own cock hardening rapidly, Kor'inth sucked and licked,

moaning around the silken steel between his lips. Soren's
other hand joined the first and Kor'inth shuddered when his
Master thrust into his mouth. Despite the aching need
building deep inside, Kor'inth held onto Soren, encouraging,
silently begging. When the moment came, he dug his fingers
into Soren's hips as he drank every salty drop. He licked the
last bit from the tip, then rested his forehead against Soren's
thigh. Soren petted his head.

"Rest, pet. There's much more to learn, and endless time

to learn it."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black



By Jay Lygon

* * * *

"We gotta game! Whoo-hoo!" Mike called out from the

dorm hallway. He pumped his fist in the air until his glance
settled on Carl. From across the room, Kevin watched the
smile dim on his face. "Oh, it's you." He recovered quickly
though and flashed his white-toothed smile again. "Good
morning, Carl."

Albert, the mascot of the University of Florida, grinned

down from Mike's cowboy hat.

Carl grunted. "Let me guess. You're a double major.

Surfing and cow tipping."

"Actually, I'm—"
"Don't care, hayseed." Carl backed away from the door

and flopped into his desk chair.

Left standing in the doorway, Mike walked into Kevin and

Carl's dorm room and shut the door behind him. He gave the
popped collar on Carl's polo shirt a dubious glance and shook
his head at the madras shorts.

"Go, Gators!" Kevin called out from the far end the room.
Mike's sunny smile, which had faded at the sight of Carl,

cranked back to high voltage. For Kevin, it was as if the whole
room brightened when Mike walked in. Then again, maybe
Mike grinned like that because Kevin sprawled on his bed
wearing only a white towel that contrasted with his deep tan.

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by Mychael Black


His brown hair was sun-streaked from a summer working as a
lifeguard. The wisps of his treasure trail, which began just
above the little bump of an outie belly button, was darker.

Kevin gripped his cock through the towel just long enough

to let Mike know how cute he was in that hat. He loved the
way Mike's basketball shorts rode low enough on his hipbones
to show off that chiseled Adonis belt and a hint of pale skin
below Mike's tan line. As they'd worked together through the
summer at the beach, Kevin got to watch the contrast above
and below that line grow deeper. It had to be his favorite part
of Mike to lick. The boy was tasty. No doubt about it.

Mike set a small box on the sink near the door and

bounded over to Kevin's bed. "Move." He slapped Kevin's feet
and sat on the end of the bed on the wrinkled sheets. "I was
just over at the stadium. Dad's got the smoker going. I told
them we'd be there in a couple hours for lunch." He turned to
Carl. "Dude, you're invited, too."

Kevin was always amazed at how nice Mike was to Carl,

considering how rude Carl could be. It was that famous
southern hospitality, he supposed. All he knew was that he
cringed every time Carl opened his mouth, as if he were
responsible somehow for what his stupid roommate said. It
wasn't just Mike, though. Carl treated all the guys in their
floor as if they were idiots.

Carl peered closer at his computer screen. "I don't have a

ticket to the game."

"You... What?" Mike turned his brown eyes on Kevin. His

thick brows furrowed. "Is he serious?"

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"I've only been living with him for a week, so I don't know.

Could be." Kevin pushed his toes against Mike's groin. The
slinky fabric of Mike's shorts was as good as lube as his foot
slid over Mike's cock.

Carl sighed so hard that his boney shoulders heaved. He

didn't turn from his computer. "I have work to do for my
organic chemistry class. Some of us are serious about our
studies. And as difficult as it is for you muscle-heads to
comprehend, not everyone goes to football games."

"I think he just insulted us." Mike leaned on his elbow and

brought Kevin's foot to his mouth. The dimples of his grin
deepened as he sucked on Kevin's big toe.

Kevin jerked back. As Mike reached for the gap in his

towel, Kevin nodded toward Carl and mouthed, "Later,
Gator," to Mike. But he flashed Mike before covering his groin.

"Carl, you can come to our tailgate party and not go to the

game. Trust me. Once you've had our hot, succulent meat in
your mouth, you'll be begging for more," Mike said.

Kevin grabbed his pillow and put it over his face as he

snorted. His eyes watered from the effort to hold back his
laughter as he looked over Mike's head to see how Carl
reacted. Carl didn't seem to have heard. Kevin swung his
pillow at Mike. They tussled over it until Kevin ripped it away
and stuffed it behind his back.

Carl sighed again and turned away from his computer.

"Your parents tailgate?"

"I thought I said that. Didn't I just say it was a tailgate

party?" Mike asked Kevin.

"So your football-addled brain is hereditary."

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"My parents are members of the boosters club, and my

grandparents, too. They're all alumni."

"I suspected inbreeding had something to do with it."
"Carl!" Kevin was about to light into Carl, but with one look

from Mike, he fell silent. If Mike wanted to handle it, he was
welcome to. Still, after the game, he was going to have a long
talk with Carl.

Mike rose from the bed. "Carl, I tried to get along with you

since you're Kevin's roommate, and we'll be seeing a lot of
each other this year, but, dude, I'm over you."

Kevin got up, too. He dropped his towel on his unmade

bed, grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor, and pulled them
on. "Let's go to your room, Mike. We can get ready for the
game there."

Mike picked up the box he'd left by the door. He went out

into the hallway.

Kevin shoved his keys and wallet into his pockets. "Nice

going there, Carl. No wonder you're a junior and still don't
have any friends." He walked out of the room and shut the
door behind him.

"Sorry about him," Kevin told Mike.
"You're the one who has to live with him."
They headed down the long corridor. It was still early in

the school year, so the cream walls weren't covered with
flyers yet. Some doors were open, and they greeted guys as
they walked to Mike's room at the end of the hall.

"Is your roommate still asleep?" Kevin asked.

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"No. He already left for work. Poor guy. He's so bummed

he's missing the game. I'm going to have Mom make him a
care package." Mike unlocked his door.

Kevin squeezed Mike's arm. "You're such a nice guy."
Mike's dorm room was laid out like Kevin's. Next to the

door was a small sink with a mirror over it and a small shelf
for brushes and razors. Side by side desks sat opposite two
closets. But where Kevin and Carl had their twins beds at the
end of the long, narrow room, Greg and Mike had theirs set
up as bunk beds. A thick throw rug and a tiny couch covered
by pillows sat across from the beds. It made their space look
comfortable, and bigger.

As soon as the door was closed, Kevin pulled Mike close for

a kiss. He slipped his hands down the back of Mike's shorts
and squeezed muscular buns.

Mike dropped his box into the sink and wrapped his arms

around Kevin. "Well, good morning to you, too."

"You're so cute in that cowboy hat. Makes me want to play


Mike nuzzled against Kevin's neck. "Mmm. Tempting, but

we have to start on our game gear." He pulled away and
hung his hat on a hook on the door.

"So how does this liquid latex work?" Kevin asked. It had

taken a few days for Mike to talk him into it. Strangely
enough, Carl had made him say yes. Mike was talking about
painting on jerseys for the first game of the season when Carl
made some a nasty remark about the stupidity of football
fans. What could Kevin do but stick up for his boyfriend? So
he told Mike he'd do it.

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"Liquid latex is like paint. We'll do a couple layers to get a

smooth coat, and we need to let each layer dry before we put
on the next one, so we should probably get started. It can get
messy, so you'll want to take off those jeans."

"Any excuse to get me naked."
"You know it." Mike took off his shorts and tossed them

onto his bed. As he stood naked in front of Kevin, he took a
small bottle from the box and poured a little clear liquid onto
the palm of his hand. "I'll do you first, then you can do me.
Oh, man! You should see the look on your face. Such a dirty

"Me? Who was sucking my toe earlier?"
"You were the one giving me a foot job." Mike slid his hand

over Kevin's chest. "This is lotion. It'll make peeling the latex
off a lot easier."

"I need more on my nipples."
"Like this?" Mike wiggled the hardening nub with his finger.

He looked down at Kevin's hard on. "Yes, you do."

Kevin reached for Mike.
Mike twisted away. "Try to keep focused."
"I am."
"On the latex. Turn around."
"Are we doing our backs, too?"
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right." Mike pulled

blue, orange, and white jars out of the box, as well as a
couple foam brushes. "Now, hold still." He shook the blue jar
and opened it.

Kevin wrinkled his nose. "What's that smell?"

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"The latex smells a little like ammonia, but not too strong.

It goes away quick. I promise."

Kevin tensed as the applicator slid down his back. Other

than that, he didn't feel anything on his skin. "Is that it?" He
relaxed as the strokes covered his shoulder blades and
travelled down to his waist. As promised, the smell faded.

"You'll feel it a little more when it dries, but not much. It's

like being naked, almost. When you put it on me, be careful.
It's really thin and runs easily."

"I'm not very artistic."
"Don't worry. We're just doing solid colors on our backs.

I'll take care of the design in front. It takes some practice to
get good with this stuff. Okay. Turn around," Mike said.

"Yep. But remember, that's just the first coat." Mike

dipped a brush into the white paint. "You have to hold very
still while I do this. One movement, and the design will be
ruined. Got it?"

Kevin sucked in a breath as the brush touched his hard


"I'm serious, dude. No moving."
"Okay. I'm sorry." Kevin hoped that didn't mean his cock,

because there was no way to stop it from hardening. He
didn't like rough nipple play, but he swore he could feel those
light touches in his groin.

Leaning forward, Mike blew softly on Kevin's nipple.
It was weird. Kevin could feel the warmth of Mike's breath,

but where the latex covered his skin, he couldn't feel the air.

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It made his other nipple feel even more exposed and

"Wow." By then, his cock stood out straight.
"Right, huh? Now, shut up and let me finish." Mike painted

the number one from Kevin's pecs to his abs on the right
side. He used a damp cloth to clean up the drips that slid
below that. The tip of his tongue rested on his bottom lip as
he concentrated on the zero he painted on the left side.
"Arms out straight."

Kevin put his arms out. Mike painted two bands around

Kevin's biceps.

"Keep those arms out until it dries," Mike said as he

outlined a collar for the shirt. He squinted as he checked his
work. "Do you see how it's puckering over your nipple? That
means it's drying."

"That's quick. Can I put my arms down now?"
"No." Mike sank down to his knees. "Now I'm going to do

the hem of the jersey. Whatever I do, don't move."

"My arms are killing me."
"Tough." Mike carefully drew a line across Kevin's

stomach. "Stop moving! You messed up my line." Mike wiped
it away and started again.

The brush passed over Kevin's most ticklish spot. If it had

been a quick jab, he could have controlled his laughter, but
Mike's light strokes were too much to bear.

Mike sat back on his heels and glared up at Kevin.
"I'm sorry. I really am."
Mike's head suddenly darted forward. His lips loosely

wrapped round just the head of Kevin's cock. He talked

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around his mouthful. "If you move, I'll let go. If you hold
still..." His tongue swirled around.

Kevin was too mesmerized by the tongue work on the

head of his cock to laugh at Mike's slightly crossed eyes. How
Mike painted the line across his stomach while that being that
close was a miracle, but he did it.

Mike slid his mouth down Kevin's shaft before sitting back.

"There. All done."

"Are you sure?"
"Slut. And you can put your arms down now." Mike rose

from the floor. "I'm going to do some detail in orange before I
do the blue."

"You know how to make me hold still."
Mike ignored him while he filled between the white lines on

Kevin's arms with the orange and outlined around the
numbers. Then he painted the rest of Kevin's chest and his
upper arms with the blue. He stood back. "It looks good.
Check it out in the mirror."

Kevin looked at his reflection. "Nice."
"Now paint my back blue. Be careful of the drips."
While Mike's lean back was golden-brown from a summer

stint as a lifeguard, right below the two dimples at the small
of his back, the tan line stopped. The curve of his butt cheeks
over his thighs made Kevin want to run his tongue over that
pale, smooth flesh. He settled for kissing Mike's shoulder.

Before long, Mike's back was blue. It wasn't as neat as

Mike's paint job, but it was good enough.

"Turn around so I can do your chest," Kevin said.
"No way. I'm doing it myself."

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"Come on." Kevin swiped the brush at Mike's stomach, but

Mike jumped back.

Mike clamped his hand around Kevin's wrist so the brush

couldn't touch him. They laughed while grappling for control.
Kevin grabbed the brush with his free hand and swiped it
across Mike's cheek.

Mike spun to face the mirror. He wiped away the paint.

"You're ruining my plans."

Mike looked so upset that Kevin reached out caress him.
"Psych!" Mike grabbed the blue brush away. His eyes

glinted. "Now go sit down over there while I do my chest.
Don't rub against anything." He took the white brush and
painted a number on his chest as he watched his reflection in
the mirror.

"Don't rub anything? Not even this?" Kevin stood behind

Mike. He reached around to stroke Mike's cock.

"Well, maybe some of that."
Kevin noticed that Mike's lines were a bit wobbly. "Where's

the lube?"

"No way. You're not giving me a hand job."
Kevin got on his knees. He put his hands on Mike's hips

and gently urged him to turn to his side. He took just the
head of Mike's cock into his mouth. When Mike pushed
forward, Kevin leaned away. "You only get what you gave.
Finish your chest." He put his lips around Mike's cock again.

Mike quickly covered his chest in blue, skipping the orange

highlights. "Done."

Kevin slid his mouth down Mike's cock until his nose was

against Mike's skin. He sucked slightly as he brought his

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mouth up toward the head. As he reached up to stroke Mike's
balls, Mike pulled out of his mouth.

"Stop! We have to do your next coat."
"You're so bossy."
By the time Mike finished the fourth and final coat of latex,

Kevin was groaning. Each time, they spent a little longer
sucking and teasing.

"Please tell me we're done." Kevin gently gripped his cock,

because if he did much more than that, he knew he'd come.

"We have to wipe on the finishing coat. It will make the

latex shine, and stop it from sticking to things." Mike sprayed
the coating onto a clean hand towel and rubbed it over
Kevin's chest.

While Kevin could feel the heat of Mike's hand, the latex

kept him from feeling the texture of the towel. Other than
that, it almost felt as if his chest were still bare. As the latex
dried, it shrank a bit and puckered, but the top coat
smoothed that out.

"How does that feel?" Mike asked. He spread the final

coating over his chest.

"Like, weird, like the world's thinnest armor. But it's a little


"It's going to get warmer as we sit in the sun at the game.

Speaking of which, my parents are going to wonder where we
are. We need to get moving."

Kevin wrapped his arm around Mike's waist. "You're not

going anywhere." He pulled Mike down onto the small couch.

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They kissed. Finally free to touch, they ran their hands

over their latex jerseys. Mike wound his fingers into Kevin's
hair as he leaned back against the couch.

Kevin got on his knees on the floor.
Mike spread his thighs. Kevin licked his balls. He drew his

knees up, exposing his ass.

Kevin spit on his fingers and played with Mike's hole as he

kept licking Mike's balls. Then, as he plunged his fingers into
Mike, he bobbed his head up and down Mike's cock. Mike's
ass tightened around his thrusting fingers.

Mike grabbed Kevin's head as he bucked into Kevin's

mouth. As he came, he pulled out and shot his come on
Kevin's lips. Before Kevin could lick the warm spunk away,
Mike leaned forward and kissed him. They traded the come
between their mouths until it seemed to dissolve away.

Kevin stood up. He grinned down at Mike as he rubbed his

cockhead over Mike's lips. "Open up." His hand rested on
Mike's head as he slowly fucked Mike's hot, wet mouth. He
wanted to hold back as long as possible.

He pulled out of Mike's mouth. "Make your lips tight." He

loved the resistance as he pushed into Mike's mouth. Those
lips almost had to be forced to part for his cock. Mike knew
how to keep them tight all the way down his shaft. He pulled
out again. Kevin gripped his cock as he pushed against Mike's
mouth. "Damn. It feels so good I don't want to come." He
took deep breaths. Mike held still. Kevin looked down at
Mike's cute face. The sight of his cock in Mike's mouth sent
him over the edge. He pounded hard as Mike's hands gripped
his ass.

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"I love football," Kevin said as he plopped down on the

couch next to Mike.

"Best game, ever."
Their kisses lingered as they cuddled.
Mike finally rose from the couch and extended his hand.

"We really do have to go."

Kevin took Mike's hand and let him pull him up from the

couch. They wrapped their arms around each other for one
last, long kiss before they dressed.

"Oh, man, I left my shoes back in my room."
"We can stop by on our way to the elevators," Mike said.
"I hope Carl is gone. Sorry he's such a dick. Hopefully, he'll

mellow out as the year goes on."

Mike put on a pair of jeans and his cowboy hat. "The way I

feel right now, nothing he says will bother me. Besides, it
worked out really well that we were alone."

As Mike and Kevin walked down the hallway, several guys

high-fived them for their painted-on Gator jerseys. Carl was
one of the few students on the floor not headed to the game.

When Kevin unlocked his dorm room, Carl was still at his


"I thought you guys left."
"We are right now." Kevin slipped on his shoes.
Carl turned off his computer. "That paint turned out better

than I imagined."

Mike's eyebrows rose as he glanced at Kevin. "Thanks."
"Listen, if I have to live with you, I guess I should try to

put up with your football obsession. It's just that I was trying

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to study for my organic chemistry class, and you kept making
noise, which I find disruptive. However, I went down to the
cafeteria and found out that it's already closed. So I've
decided that I'll go to your parents' little cookout."

If that was an apology, it had to be the worst one Kevin

had ever heard. Just the tone of Carl's voice made him want
to punch the guy. He spread his hands, meaning he was
leaving it up to Mike.

Mike shrugged. "Sure. Glad to have you."
Kevin couldn't believe that Carl didn't even thank Mike. He

just followed them out of the room.

In the elevator, Kevin grabbed Mike's hand and gave it a

squeeze. "You're the nicest guy on earth," he whispered.

As they walked across campus to the stadium, they passed

students and alumni decked out in blue and orange pants,
hats, and shirts, but everyone stopped them to compliment
their body paint.

"You boys are true Gator spirit!" an old man called out.

"Was that hard?"

"It was for a while, but we took care of that," Kevin said.
Mike elbowed Kevin as he snickered. If Carl understood

what Kevin meant, he showed no sign of it.

Near the stadium, the smell of hundreds of tailgate picnics

filled the air.

Carl sniffed. His lip curled up as they went past picnicking

groups eating hot dogs and coleslaw. "White trash cuisine at
its finest. Maybe it's not too late to order pizza."

"At least give Dad's cooking a try before you knock it. He's

won awards around the country at tailgate competitions."

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"People compete in tailgating?" Carl shuddered.
"Dude. Yes."
Since Mike knew where they were headed, he took the

lead. They wound through RVs in the parking lot. The crowd
was mostly older people, but a few students tossed a tiny
rubber football back and forth in one of the few open spaces
left. People sat in chairs and sipped beers. Everyone seemed
to be talking about the upcoming game. The smell of
barbeque was almost overwhelming.

Carl pursed his lips at the RV crowd. "Well, it takes all

kinds, I suppose. Is your father also a NASCAR fan?"

Mike stopped at a huge blue and orange RV. Albert the

Alligator, with a checkered bib around his neck and a
drumstick in his claw, grinned down from the side. A smoker,
painted to look like an alligator, puffed fragrant smoke out of
the gator's mouth.

A camp table was set in the shade cast by the RV. A

casserole of baked beans, corn on the cob, and other dishes
were already on the table.

"Mike!" A petite blond woman jumped up from her lawn

chair and threw her arms around him. Her gator jersey hung
almost to her knees, and she'd rolled up the sleeves. A blue
and orange hair band kept her pageboy haircut out of her
eyes. Kevin could see where Mike got his brown eyes and
friendly smile.

"Hey, Mom." Mike kissed the top of his mom's head as he

returned the hug.

Kevin stood back, waiting for an introduction. Carl eyed

the table spread with a sneer.

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A lanky, gray-haired man backed stepped out of the RV.
"Hank! Look who finally showed up," Mike's mom said.
Carl's mouth dropped open as he pointed at Mike's father.

"You're Hank Thompson! No way!"

Hank seemed a little taken aback by the shout-out.
"You're my hero! You won the Nobel Prize in chemistry."

Carl was so excited that he spit as he talked.

Hank hugged his wife to his side. "Jen and I won it,


Carl swept past her and grabbed Hank's hand to shake it.

He didn't seem to notice that Hank's smile was gone. "I have
a million questions for you, sir, if you don't mind. Organic
chemistry is my life!"

Mike strolled over to the cooler and pulled out a soda.

"Want one?" he asked Kevin. When Kevin nodded, he handed
Kevin his and got another one for himself. "We're starving."

"We just took the pork out of the smoker. As soon as it

cools, I'll pull it and we can make sandwiches for you boys.
Mike, honey, can you put the dressing on the slaw?"

"Sure." Mike picked up a bottle of the vinegary Carolina

sauce and shook in into the slaw.

Mike's mother walked over to Kevin. "Since my son seems

to have forgotten his manners, I guess we'll have to do the
introductions. Please tell me that you're Kevin."

"Yes, ma'am, I am." Kevin grinned at her.
"Oh, thank goodness." She shot Carl a nasty look before

bestowing a sunny smile on Kevin. Then she stood back and
admired Kevin's latex jersey. "I can see Mike's handiwork in

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this. I'll bet you boys worked up quite an appetite getting
ready for the game." She winked.

Before Kevin could stammer out a reply, Carl butted in.

"Dr. Thompson told me that you're the person to ask about
my organic chemistry class," he said to Mike's mom. From the
tone of his voice, it was clear he didn't think she could tell
him anything.

If Kevin had learned one thing working with Mike through

the summer, it was when the charm was genuine, and when
it was forced. Mike's mom was still smiling, but she didn't
mean it. She tilted her head, as if figuring out the politest
way to go tell Carl to fuck himself, bless his heart.

"And you are?" she asked.
Even Carl should have felt the ice in her voice, but as

usual, he had no idea. "I'm Carl Jenkins, Mrs. Thompson."

"That's Dr. Thompson. So you're the Carl Mike told us so

much about." All the warmth was gone from her eyes. "I
should have guessed."

Kevin knew two things. He already adored his boyfriend's

mother, and he never, ever want to be on her bad side. It
was fun, but a little embarrassing, watching Carl dig himself
deeper every time he opened his mouth, so he sat at the
table and helped Mike pull roasted ears of corn out of the
husks. From the way Mike smiled as he worked, he hadn't
missed a single word.

Carl trotted after Mike's mom. "So you can help me with

my class?"

Mike's mom turned her back on him and started shredding

the meat from a glossy smoked pork butt. "I probably could,

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Carl, since I wrote the textbook you're using, but now that
I'm retired, I rather talk about fun stuff like barbeque and
football. Of course, you could always beg Mike to tutor you if
you're having problems understanding the basics."

Carl frowned. "Mike?"
Mike's father patted Mike's shoulder. "Sure. He aced the

class last year. Highest grade ever." He beamed with pride at
his son.

"Must be the inbreeding," Mike said.
While Carl seemed too stunned to do anything but sputter

stupidly, Kevin leaned over the table to kiss Mike's cheek.
"Your family rocks, dude. And so do you."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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By BA Tortuga
Shane finished wiping down the counters of the bait shop,

turned the sign to 'Gone Fishin' before he looked down at the
box that had come in from UPS this morning.

A gift, the note had said, "Happy Pride, Buster. Jack and


He chuckled. Jesus. Him and the boys used to get all wild

for the big Pride parade—feather, glitter, ball slings. That was
a long time ago, though. Way before Galen. Well, if way was
immediately. Still, it was absolutely a pre-Galen shindig. Jack
and Pat, though, they'd never given it up. Hell, they'd never
given up on him having a wild side. He missed them, some.

Jack and Pat had headed down to the Big Easy, what? A

year ago? Two? They had some weird-assed store down there
that catered to shit that made even Galen's eyes wide, and
they sent weird boxes for him. Course, he sent weirdness
back. Marshmallows, once, to feed the gators. A case of lube.
Fun shit.

This, though... There was a whole box of jars. A rainbow of

liquid latex—red, green, blue, yellow, purple, white. A fucking
gallon of black. A gallon.

If Galen saw this, he'd be in for a day with the razor and a

night with those strap deals.

Shane looked over the black, pondered. Of course, if he

didn't let on that he had it and did the shaving on his own,

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then Galen might would come up with a game that was even
wilder. They hadn't done wild in a little while.

Shane chuckled, called Galen's phone, not worried at all

about bothering the important trip to the Barnes and Nobles
for some damn money magazine deal. "Len? You wanna meet
for an early supper? Maybe over to the club?"

* * * *

Galen waited for Shane up at the bar. He'd found a

bartender he mostly trusted after Shane had quit, so he had a
whiskey from a new bottle, and a beer to chase it. He'd been
in town, so he was a little early. The damned store hadn't had
his magazine, the coffee chick at the place had done
something and his coffee tasted funny, and he'd gotten
himself a parking ticket. Assholes. He growled at the universe
at large. So maybe he was a little grumpy. The prospect of
taking Shane to dinner, though, that was making him smile.
Maybe they'd go to that new tapas place and get the shrimp

"Galen, man! How're you, man!" Some of the guys waved,

but they left him be. Everyone knew this back corner was off-
limits when he was back... Oh, Jesus fuck.

Shane walked in—no. No, Shane fucking sauntered in,

wearing a pair of tissue-paper jeans that had sections only
held together with a whisper and a smile. The rest of that
ripped little body was covered in something shiny and black
that moved with every step and...


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Shit. He remembered that from Halloween a few years

back. That thin, skin-like layer of latex that hid that pretty
flesh from him. He'd had dreams about it, in fact. His hand
clenched so hard around the shot glass that he heard it creak.

The bar went wild, but Shane never even looked around.

That hard body headed straight for him, eyes damn near
burning under the brim of the black hat. "Hey, Len." Then
Shane's chin lifted and he could see the heavy leather collar,
fastened around the man's neck.

"Hey, darlin. Lord, look at you." Was that his voice, all

rough and harsh?

"You hungry?" He could fucking see Shane's abs ripple.
"Am I hungry?" He pondered that, for at least a

millisecond. He threw back his shot, slapping the glass down
on the bar. "Yeah. Yeah, I would say I am, darlin'."

"Excellent." Shane turned without another word, headed

toward the door. That let him see that one whole pocket of
those jeans were gone, the taut asscheek covered in shiny
black. Galen's body went tight, hot, his skin prickling all over.
He threw an extra twenty on the bar. That would keep anyone
from following. Then he headed out after that ass.

When he caught up, Shane turned, looked over his

shoulder. "So, what are you interested in, Len?"

God, that was a loaded fucking question.
"A little of this, a little of that." He caught up with Shane at

the truck, just like one very memorable time before.

"Mmmhmm? Pizza? Burgers?" Shane was spread wide.
Galen moved right in, looming a little, but not touching.

"Are you on the menu?"

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"I sure fucking hope so."
"Me, too." He finally let himself touch, his fingers finding a

nipple ring beneath the layer of latex, rubbing but good.
Shane's eyes crossed a little at the touch, that tiny nipple
going tight.

"God, darlin'. You make me crazy." He pushed in tighter,

let his thigh slide between Shane's and Shane stepped in,
face lifted up for a kiss.

"Crazy is good. Want you to tear my ass up."
"Here?" He said it against Shane's mouth. He would. Right

there in the lot.

"No. Home. You'll want to explore. I pulled out the toy

box, for after."

Oh, fuck. Galen's hips bucked, his breath coming in sharp

gasps for a moment. Christ. Jesus, when his darlin' played...

Shane licked his lips, the kiss light, teasing. "You driving?"
"Uh-huh." They had this deal. Had ever since the first

night. When they had to get home in a hurry, they left
Shane's vehicle and took Galen's truck. "Now."

Shane nodded, hips swaying back and forth, sashaying on

the way to the passenger's side. Galen almost went after him,
but decided he'd be better off waiting. A quick fuck couldn't
hold up to a thorough exploration of a Shane who wanted to

They got settled, Shane right there across the cab, sex on

the hoof. Galen drove, his hands itching to touch, to explore.
God, that— Shane smelled like heat and sex.

"You're being awful quiet..." Shane's hand slid up his thigh.

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"I'm just trying to keep us on the road." His leg flexed, and

the truck lurched a little.

"That's good. I like that." Shane shifted closer, close

enough the man's breath teased his earlobe. "I promise not
to offer to blow you on the road."

"Oh, fuck, Shane." He wanted to pull over and let Shane

do just that, but they were on the swamp road, now, and
there was nowhere to go.

"I'll let you do that, too." Jesus, his man was... pure sex

kitten somehow.

Galen cleared his throat. "Where'd you get the latex?"
Shane chuckled. "Jack and Pat sent a case."
"A case?" Oh, he was in big trouble. He'd have to send

them a thank you note. A big one.

"Mmmhmm. All colors. I liked black for tonight, though."
"Me, too." The tires squealed a little on the last curve,

which was sharper now than it had been when he and Shane
had met. They'd had to rebuild part of the road after the big

"Nice turn." Shane leaned back, grinning big enough he

could see teeth.

"Thanks." They skidded to a stop that had the dogs

barking their heads off.

The stillness was sudden, made him a little dizzy. Then

Shane's hand was on his wrist. "Inside, Galen. Make me
scream for you."

Then that hot body was moving, heading for the house.
He must have been a very, very good boy. Of course, he

wasn't gonna sit and ponder his good fortune when he could

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be chasing it. Galen high-tailed it into the house after Shane,
hunting. Shane was making a beeline for the bedroom,
tossing the pups each a chew on the way. The blankets were
stripped off the bed, new sheets put on. Lube on the bedside
table, along with their toy box.

Hot damn. Someone was ready for a night of play. Galen

sometimes wondered why he ever left home with this waiting
for him. "Leave the jeans on for a bit," he ordered when
Shane would have shucked them.

Shane chuckled, toed off his boots. "You got it."
That barely there fabric was playing peek-a-boo, and

Galen stepped up to put his hands on Shane's hips, pulling
the man close. They'd dance a little.

Shane's smile was immediate, those arms coming to his

shoulders. "Galen."

"Hey, darlin'." Bending, he took a kiss that he figured told

Shane everything he was feeling. Mostly, hell yeah.

Shane pressed right into him, hips moving in slow, lazy

rolls. He put his hand under Shane's butt, on the side covered
with denim, and pushed up. Oh, yeah. That got them rubbing

His fingers slipped over, the latex catching them and... Oh,

fuck him raw. Plugged. Shane had put in a motherfucking
plug. His hips jerked, his body threatening to betray him as
he damned near lost it. Then he ripped at Shane's jeans. Fuck
leaving them on.

"Len..." Shane bucked for him, thighs parting as the man

braced himself.

"God, darlin'. You. Smokin' hot."

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"Wanted to catch your eye."
"You did." He finally got the jeans off, got Shane turned

around and bent over. That one patch of latex was... wow.

"G...good." Jesus, how much had Shane shaved?
"You better believe it." He slapped the uncovered cheek,

just enough to sting.

"Uhn." Shane groaned, stepped forward, hands landing on

the bed.

"That's it. Bend and spread for me, darlin'." He jostled that

plug, just a little. Shane went up on tiptoe, then he shook it,
just for Galen, muscled ass going back and forth. Galen
moaned, his knees hitting the floor. He bit one of Shane's
thighs, right where it met the asscheek.

"Fuck. Fuck." No one bruised like his darlin'.
"Look at you." Smell him, too. Shane was so ready for


"Want you. Been planning this all afternoon."
"You have, I can tell. Here I was innocently shopping for

books..." He licked at Shane's balls.

"Sh...shit. Nothing innocent about you."
"No?" No, he guessed not. He licked again, moving the

whole sac with his tongue.

"No. Oh, fuck, that's hot." Shane spread wider, hips

canting back so those heavy balls bumped against his chin.

"Mmmhmm." He didn't waste any more time talking. He

went to town, licking, sucking each heavy ball into his mouth.
He licked at the base of the plug, too, and bless him, Shane
had used the flavored, water-based lube. His hands kept

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exploring the man's chest, back. His fingertips caught on the
latex every so often, tearing it, tugging it.

He worked his way up to lick at the small of Shane's back

so he could find the nipple rings. Galen tugged hard, knowing
it would make his lover crazy, the pull, the slick from the

Sure enough, Shane jerked, ass bumping hard against

him. "Oh. Oh, fuck. Len."

"Darlin', you have to be patient. We're getting there." He

slid one hand down to move the plug back and forth again.

"Uh-huh. Patient. Like... Was Job the patient one?"
"That's it." He couldn't help but laugh. Pushy Shane was

damned cute.

"Go me!" He could hear the smile in Shane's voice.
"Mmm. Go you for thinking of this." He pushed the plug

again and again.

He let his thumb drop down, rub that tiny ring embedded

in the flesh behind Shane's balls.

"This was something, huh? When we got it?" It was like

the best kind of trip down memory lane. It was amazing how
a little latex could do that.

"All I 'member is you. Your face, when you got a ring for


His nipple ached all of a sudden, reminding him that Shane

wasn't the only one who was pierced. Damn. Galen stood,
opening his jeans so his cock could push against Shane's ass.

"Mmm." Shane's muscles rippled, jerked under all that

shiny black.

"Uh-huh. Hotter than a two dollar pistol, darlin'. I want."

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"I'm yours."
He reached out, tore the latex covering Shane's shoulder,

fingers tracing the ink there, their joined initials. Galen bent
and kissed that spot, then rubbed it with his bristly chin,
knowing it would make Shane gasp.

Shane's hot little ass pushed against him, rocking hard,

rubbing his prick, plugged hole teasing him. He wanted to
play some more. To leave a few more love marks. Galen
wasn't sure he could, though. He tugged at the plug, knowing
he had to get inside. He heard the eager little moan, Shane's
body fighting him a second, holding the plug in before it
popped out. He couldn't resist pushing it back in halfway,
holding Shane open at the widest part and watching that
hungry, stretched little hole squeeze. Finally it was too much,
though, and he needed in more than he needed to play.

Galen moaned, too, letting the plug drop to the floor.

"Christ, darlin'. You make me crazy." He'd do Shane right
there, just like that, bent over the bed.

"Good. I wanted you, so fucking bad." Shane was moving,

rocking slow and easy. "I shaved, slicked myself all up, put
the plug in. Didn't come."

"So proud of you, huh?" He bent down again, sucking up a

mark on up on Shane's neck and Shane's head dropped
forward, those muscles going tight.

Christ. He moved back just enough to get rid of the patch

latex on Shane's ass, because that might cause some issues.
Then he pushed right back up behind that fine ass, his cock
lining up with the slick hole.

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"Please. Oh, fuck. Len." Shane surged back, his cock

popping into that tight ass so quick Galen's eyes crossed.

"Shane..." He bit down on Shane's skin again, needing to

feel like he had an anchor. His whole fucking world was

"Uhn. Uh-huh. Uh-huh." Shane nodded, moving against


"Fuck." He humped a little, moving in deep, his body

starting to rock. "Love you." What the hell else could a man
say to this?

"I know." Shane's ass squeezed him, the latex splitting a

little more as they started moving faster.

Galen groaned, just hanging on and letting his body do

what it wanted. He reached down and around for Shane's
cock, needing to feel that heat, too. His eyes rolled as he
found latex at the shaft, over the bare balls, above where
Shane had shaved.

Fuck, yeah.
His breath came fast, his hips moving with more speed,

more force. He tugged at the base, right there where the
latex was, listening for Shane's sounds.

"Len. Len." Shane's head fell forward, hands fisted on the

bed. "Only way... way it could be better, if it was storming."

"Oh. Next time there's a big one, we'll go to the beach,

huh?" His stormy weather man. God, he loved the taste of
Shane and lightning all mixed together.

"Mmmhmm. Like always. So good. Har... Oh!" Shane's

body clamped down hard, holding him, squeezing him like a
fist. "There!"

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"Shane!" That was it. His hands wrapped tight around on

Shane's hips, and he slammed in again, hitting that same
spot. Shane was milking him so tight that it damned near
killed him to move. Damned near, but not quite, thank God.
Shane was babbling for him—random bullshit words that
meant don't fucking stop and love you and yours and more.

Like he could stop now when he was just a few strokes

from heaven. There was no slowing this train. Not one bit.
He'd burn alive if he quit now.

Shane pushed up, shoulders straining as the angle

slammed them together harder. "Close."

"I can feel it." He could. Shane's balls were drawing up,

the heavy prick quivering in Galen's hand. The muscles
surrounding his cock were fluttering around him, jerking and
working him. His eyes tried to roll, but he was gonna watch
this if it killed him. He leaned in, bit right at the base of
Shane's neck and shoulder. "Now, darlin'."

"Now." The single word was a tiny little whisper, but inside

Shane's body it felt like a scream. Heat sprayed over his
fingers, wet and thick, slick as fuck.

Galen hummed. He didn't have enough breath to do

anything else. Then he started to move again, his cock
pushing deep, held in the most perfect ass on earth. When he
came he saw stars, his vision going all sparkly.

Shane held them both up, muscles shaking just a little bit

as they lowered to the mattress.

Sticky. It was all a little sticky, now, but that was okay.

Sex got dirty. If it didn't, you weren't doing it right. "You
okay, darlin'?"

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


"Uh-huh. Gonna need you to peel me like a grape at some


"Mmm. I like grapes." Man, he was gettin' silly.
"Uh-huh. I got us food, too, 'cause I knew there wasn't

gonna be restauranting."

"What'd you get us?" He grinned against Shane's back

before reaching for those little leather straps and oh-so-
casually wrapping them around Shane's wrists.

"All sorts of goofy-assed finger foods. They're supposed to

be sexy and shit." Shane chuckled. "I figure, if they're nasty,
we can toss them to the pups and play catch."

"Chicken nuggets go to Vic." He still teased Shane about

their mostly absent alligator neighbor. Besides, finger foods
were best when he could feed them to his lover one bite at a
time. "Thanks, darlin'. This was a hell of a good idea."

Shane nodded. "We should go to the Easy, Len. Thank the

boys in person."

Oh, that sounded fun. Wasn't like they had a whole lot of

schedule these days. "We should. We could take the pups,
rent a place for a couple weeks." Hit the sex shops.

"Fuck yeah. We could go check Momma's house, too. Make

sure it's still there."

"Yeah." They could do that, too. Go stay at Momma's old

place for a bit, see if anything needed to be fixed, for when
she came down to visit.

Shane stretched, tugging playfully at the straps, humping

idly against his cock. It was going to be a busy evening,
Galen could tell.

"Not tonight, though. I'd stick to the truck seats."

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by Mychael Black


The sound of his hand connecting with Shane's ass was

loud enough to set the dogs to barking, even as they both
burst out laughing.

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


Contributors' Bios

Mychael Black
What do World of Warcraft, Spongebob, cooking, writing,

and an unnatural addiction to Mountain Dew all have in

Not a damn thing, which is what makes Mychael Black an

interesting bird indeed.

Born in north Alabama, Mychael now resides in north

Mississippi. Having run the gamut of labels in regard to
gender and sexuality, Mychael now shuns society's views on
normality and embraces a poly-everything attitude. Call
Mychael her or him; it doesn't matter. Just keep reading the

Jay Lygon
Winner of the 2008 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival's short story

competition, Jay Lygon has published over 60 short stories in
anthologies such as Inside Him, Toy Box: Floggers, Toy Box:
Quiches, and Torqued Tales. His novels Chaos Magic, Love
Runes, and Personal Demons (Torquere Press) have been
praised as, "Magical realism, unlike any other BDSM novel
ever written." Jay lives in Los Angeles, on the 405 freeway.

BA Tortuga
BA Tortuga enjoys indulging in the shallow side of life, with

hobbies that include collecting margarita recipes, hot tub
dips, and ogling hot guys at the beach. A connoisseur of the
perverse and esoteric, BA's days are spent among dusty
tomes of ancient knowledge, or, conversely, surfing porn sites

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Toy Box: Latex

by Mychael Black


in the name of research. Mixing the natural-born southern
propensity for sarcasm and the environmental western,
straight-shooting sensibility, BA manages to produce
mainstream fiction, literary erotica, and fine works of pure,
unadulterated smut. With characters ranging from
supernatural demons to modern-day cowboys, alternative
illustrated men to Victorian dandies, the addiction to history
and atmosphere is ever-present, and laced through with
sensual pleasure.


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