Anthology Toy Box Leather

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Torquere Press

Copyright ©2008 by Torquere Press

First published in, 2008

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Table of Contents

Definition and Etymology

Hell Bent for Leather by BA Tortuga

Little Leather Book by Megan Rose

On Display by Sean Michael

Contributors’ Bios

Definition: Leather is a material created through the tanning of hides and skins of animals, primarily

cattlehide. The tanning process converts the putrescible skin into a durable, long-lasting and versatile

natural material for various uses.

Leather fetishism is the name popularly used to describe a fetishistic attraction to people wearing leather,

or in certain cases, to the garments themselves. The word leather itself came to be used as synonymous

with sado-masochism in the 1980s, after achieving that status in homosexual jargon in the 1970s.

Source: Wikipedia and

Etymology: O.E. leðer (in compounds only) “hide, skin, leather,” from P.Gmc. *lethran (cf. O.N. leðr,

O.Fris. lether, M.Du. leder, O.H.G. ledar, Ger. leder), from PIE *letrom (cf. O.Ir. lethar, Welsh lledr,

Breton lezr). The word became synonymous with “sado-masochism” 1980s, having achieved that status

in homosexual jargon in the 1970s. Leatherneck “U.S. Marine” is Navy slang first recorded 1914, from

the leather collars of their early uniforms; earlier in British use (1890) as a sailor's term for a soldier.

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

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Hell Bent for Leather

By BA Tortuga

Three Buds. Four Jacks and Coke. Two Coronas with lime. Check.

He pulled a Miller Lite and added a bucket of Coors for Jackie. Check.

Check the keg. Check.

Garrett nodded at a couple of guys—big, burly bastards that were drowning their sorrows—at the

corner, sliding a couple of longnecks down and adding them to the running tab.

"Okay, man. That's my cue. I get a smoke break.” Jackie laughed, slapped his beer-damp ass with a bar

towel and sent him on his way. It was perfect fucking timing, too. That motherfucking band that sounded

like the in-heat love child of a tom cat and a possum was warming up. Christ.

The alley smelled foul as all get out and he could still hear the band in the office, so Garrett headed up to

the roof—up to fresh air, moonlight, a nice toke and a beer. Heaven.

The roar of a big bike had him peering down over the alley, staring down at the guy who pulled right in

like he owned the place. Long legs. leather jacket, boots. Riding chaps.


Garrett chuckled at himself, drooling over the guy like he was the Leader of the Pack (vroom vroom,

just like that old song, Christ).

Of course, it wasn't often that they got someone in who looked like that. The man walked like he knew

what he was carrying.

"Pretty fucking fine.” He muttered the words around the mouth of the bottle, letting himself ogle. It wasn't

like tall, dark and studly knew he was up there. Except that just about the time he thought that, the guy

stopped, staring up into the darkness, seeming to see right through to him.

"Damn.” He stepped back, one hand sliding down to rub his increasingly interested cock.

The light of a cigarette lighter glowed briefly, just giving him a glimpse of high cheekbones and a strong


He lit up himself and found a spot on the ledge where he could watch. Damn, it was like some

porno-stroke mag fantasy—long legs in denim and leather, heavy boots, thick belt, the promise of a

lickable belly.


The guy would be fuzzy, he could tell. Hot. That ass would be tight, the cock nice and heavy. Damn.

Man, if the world was a fair place, instead of smoke rings, he'd be blowing little smoke cocks, right now.

So hot. Maybe it was time to go on back down and see what long, tall and hot was drinking. He was

done smoking, tossing the butt out. A guy could dream, that was for fucking sure. Gar finished his beer

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and boogied down the stairs, taking a wide berth at the landing where Scott was blowing some cowboy.

The band was howling and hooting when he slid back behind the bar and started pouring again. Hell, he
hadn't even had the chance to look for Mr. Chaps. Then again, maybe he didn't have to look very far. A

twenty landed on the bar, the man in black leather grinning at him. “Tequila."

"Rotgut or the good stuff and do you want it dressed?” Jesus, the son of a bitch was tall . Fine and tall.

"Salt and lime, and make it the good stuff.” Those eyes were dark as pitch, hot as a brand, looking him


"No prob.” He poured out the Cuervo Gold, took the twenty and handed back two fives and three

ones. “Enjoy, man."

"Thanks.” The way that tanned throat worked when the guy swallowed that shot ... Well, it was poetry

in motion.

He caught himself just staring—staring like he wasn't in the busiest, rowdiest bar around, like he didn't

have enough to fucking do .

"I'll take another if you've got time, honey.” The rest of the money slid back across the bar. “Keep the


"I got time. Thanks.” He poured again—glug glug glug—and damned if his palms weren't a little sweaty.


"Thanks. You're just what this old boy needed tonight, honey.” Okay, his knees were getting melty.

"A man with a nearly full bottle of Cuervo?"

"That, too.” The guy winked, reaching out to stroke his fingers where they still gripped the bottle. “But I

was thinking more of the pretty."

Oh, man.

His cock did its own personal version of the hootchie-cootchie, dancing and wiggling in his jeans.

“Warm hands."

"Talented, too. What's your name, honey?” Lord, that man's voice was like a drug, making him sway

toward the bar, like he was ready to crawl over it.

"Gar...” Someone slammed a beer glass down beside his hand, spraying him liberally and shattering over

him, the fine biker, the bar. “God DAMN it!"

He turned on the asshole. “What the fuck are you thinking?"

"Fuck you and your cheap-assed glasses!"

He grabbed a towel, grinning as Jackie came across the bar, bellering. Jackie didn't take to people

bad-mouthing his bar.

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"Gar?” The big guy grabbed another towel and started wiping down. “Does it have another syllable?"

"Garrett. Sorry. Watch your head.” Jackie could get ... enthusiastic.

"I'm faster than I look.” Grinning, the guy ducked, grabbing his drink. “I'm Dominic. Nice to meet you,

honey. How do you feel about Harleys?"

"I think they're sexy as fuck.” He caught an empty longneck as it slid down the bar, sending another full

one back down.

"Yeah? Cool. How about a ride when you get off work?” Dark eyes stared into his, Dominic holding

every bit of his attention for a moment.

"I can ride.” His cock jerked, agreeing one hundred and ten percent. He was all about the riding.

"Come get me when you're ready. I'll have another tequila and maybe a smoke, huh?” Winking, Dominic

slid another twenty across the bar, letting him pour one more shot before leaving him to his work.

Frank came up, grinned at him. “Damn, baby. That man was eating you alive!"

"You think?” He wasn't sharing, damn it. Not before he got a chance to play on that jungle gym himself.

"I fucking know."

Hell, he could still feel those eyes on him, and they sure weren't straying to Frank.

"You want to bug out early, man? I could use the tip money and I'm fixin’ to be off.” Oh, Frank was a

sweet, sweet man. Too blonde for his own good and incredibly slutty and always broke, but sweet.

"Oh, dude. Yeah? For real?"

"Unless you want me to take your place on the chaps..."

"I don't fucking think so.” He clapped Frank on the shoulder, went to make sure his hair hadn't come

loose from its long braid and wipe down some. Damn, he smelled like a brewery.

It took maybe two seconds after he ducked out from behind the bar for Dominic to nod at him and head

out the door that led to the alley.

His cock led the way. True north. Due north. What the fuck ever.

The alley still smelled like death, but at least he had a good reason to be out here, right? He grabbed a

smoke, lit up, looking around.

Another lighter flared to life, and hard, warm hand landing on his ass. “Hey, there."

"Hey.” His hips pushed back, welcoming that touch like he needed it. “Got a break and got off early."

"No kidding?” Dominic squeezed his ass, humming a little. “Well, then. How about that ride?"

"I can handle that. Where do you want to go?” Damn, that hum made him go up on tiptoe.

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"I know a great place. It's got beer, a big screen TV, some snacks and a bed ... And a garage for this

monster.” Well, it didn't get any more blunt than that.

"Sounds like a hell of a friendly spot.” He reached out, traced the edge of those chaps with his fingers.

Fuck him raw.

"You know it. It's homey, even.” Those jeans were paper thin under the leather, held together by luck,

he'd bet. “Come on."

"Right behind you.” Except he wasn't. He was right in front of Dominic. Right there, hard as a rock,

rubbing that heavy shaft through those tissue-paper jeans.

Moaning, Dominic pressed against his hand, legs spread wide to balance as those hips started rocking.

One hand kept working Dominic's cock, the other slid down, touching the chaps, jonesing on the leather.

"Mmm. Fuck, you're a hot one. Don't make me come yet, honey. Want to feel you against me while I

drive.” That tanned neck was bared for him, though, Dominic's head falling back as the man humped his


"Oh, look at you.” He stepped closer and went up on tiptoes, lips just barely touching the throbbing vein

in Dominic's neck.

"Uh-huh. Let's go.” That mouth crashed down on his, taking a kiss that left him breathless and wheezing.

Then Dominic turned and got on the bike, leaving him room to hop on behind.

His cock fit just fine against that tight ass, rubbing good and hard, their jeans making a scratching noise.

His hands landed on those lean hips, and the leather gave him something to hold on to, something to

stroke with his fingers. The bike roared to life, the vibrations almost sending him into orbit.

"Oh, damn.” His fingers started moving, petting nice and easy as his balls got so tight they ached.

"Uhn.” Garrett barely heard the noise Dominic made, but he could swear he felt it, just like the engine of

the bike.

They took off and he damn near creamed his jeans, just from the mixture of that solid heat in front of him

to the vibrations crawling up his inner thighs.

Wherever Dominic lived, it was just far enough away for them to take a few turns and zoom down a few

streets, then spend a good bit of time on the highway. Garrett didn't stress it. He just rode, eyes slitted,

hands on that hot body. Whatever was up, he was ready. Or his cock was ready. Maybe both.

Every so often, that hot ass would push back at him, and God save him when there was a red light. Then

he got the full bump and grind. At one light, he got his palm pressed flat against Dominic's cock, rubbing

and rolling as hard as he could.

"Oh, honey. Yeah. Like that,” Dominic murmured, bracing so the bike didn't tilt right over.

He nodded, cheek on Dominic's back, hand just rolling over that hard prick.

"Fuck. Soon. Almost home.” They took off as soon as the light turned green, his hand jerking over to

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land on one leather covered thigh.

Garrett breathed in deep, the leather and sweat and hint of early-autumn night smelling like the promise

of sex.

They pulled in to a long drive finally, and the bike coasted to a stop, Garret pushing the kickstand down

and standing. Only to turn and sit down facing him.

"Hey.” Damn. Look at those eyes. Just look at them.

"Hey, honey. I think I'm gonna have to start out here. Don't get anything sticky on my leathers, huh?”

Long fingers unzipped Garrett's jeans, Dominic easing his cock right out, right there.

"Nothing sticky.” Jesus, they were going to get arrested. He was so fucking hard.

He got Dominic's jeans unzipped, fished that heavy prick out.

"No ... Oh. Fuck it. It'll clean.” Dominic stroked him, all the way from base to tip, calluses proving that

the big, strong muscles came from hard work.

"Damn...” He almost forgot to touch, head thrown back as pleasure slammed right up his spine. Oh. Oh,

Goddamn. Yes.

"That's it, honey. Oh, fuck, I knew you'd be hot as a firecracker.” Thumb working the head of his cock,

Dominic pulled him up with the other hand, right up against those leather covered legs.

"That's ... Don't fucking stop.” His thighs burned as he spread, jerking up into that touch.

"Hell, no. I want to see you, too. Inside. Want to spread you out. This will do for now, though.” God, no

one had ever gotten to him so fast, so easy.

He nodded, grabbed for Dominic's cock and started tugging, trying to give as good as he was getting.

"Fuck.” The man had double jointed hips or something. It was amazing, how he could move, up and

down, back and forth.

"Yeah. Yeah, man.” He couldn't stop watching, couldn't stop moving.

"Come on, honey. Come on.” Dominic's eyes glinted, staring right into his, demanding that he giving it


He shot so hard his feet left the ground, his cry just barely swallowed back.

"Oh...” Dominic's sound was softer, deeper, a long, drawn-out moan, then the man was coming for him,

hard and fast.

He breathed it in deep, the smell of heat and musk and leather. Damn. Yeah. “Fine."

Dominic stroked his cheek with the hand that wasn't still holding his cock. “Come inside with me?"

"You know it.” He caught his breath, grabbed a handkerchief out of his pocket and cleaned Dominic up.

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"Good. I can't wait to see you out of those clothes.” They stood, both of them staggering a little, but

moving on up the drive to the house, which was a sweet little two-story, looming a little in the dark.

His hands were attracted to that ass like a magnet to iron, the muscles under there fascinating. And of

course, framed by the heavy black leather, they were even better. Fucking A. The way Dominic's cheeks

flexed when the man walked up the front stairs had him ready to get going again.

"Do you know how hot those chaps are , man?"

"Huh?” The light popped on, making him blink, making it hard to see Dominic's face. The smile came

through bright and clear, though. “That what made you come home with me?"

"Nope.” It'd been why he stared at first, though. It had been that look, up through the fucking lights, like

Dominic had seen him.

"So what was it?” They stumbled in the front door, and he had a confused image of wood floors and

mismatched plaid furniture before Dominic was kissing him.

He got his hand wrapped around Dominic's neck, tugged him in close-close. Damn. Damn, he could

taste the tequila and lime. Salt. Need. It was hot as hell, and Garrett wanted more. Now. The kiss went

deep, their teeth clicking together, the tinge of blood proving somebody's lip split.

Hands cupping his ass, Dominic lifted him up, rubbing him all up along that hard body. Arms muscles

bulged, Dominic's belly like a board. Fuck. So tall, so strong. He could just climb and swing like a

monkey at the zoo.

He wrapped his legs around Dominic's waist, hips rocking, nice and steady, his cock filling, coming back

to life.

"Christ. I could eat you up.” Teeth stung his neck, not hard, just enough to feel. “Want you naked."

"Yeah. Yeah, do it again.” He stripped off his shirt, holding onto that broad shoulder with one hand.

"Uh-huh.” Biting down, Dominic shifted to hold him up with one arm, the other hand coming around to

pinch his nipple.

His chest went all goosepimply, belly tensing as he groaned. “So fucking hot.” His back hit the wall, and

Dominic let him slide to his feet just long enough to get him out of his jeans and undies. Then one of those

leather-clad legs slid between his.

"Oh.” His eyes rolled back in his head as that leather nudged his balls, tugged at them, made him ache.

"You like that, huh? Like how naughty it is?” Someone else liked it, too, that voice going deep and rough

before Dominic sucked up a mark on his neck.

"Pulls, deep inside, yeah?” Made him feel like his was fucking flying.

"Mmm. I like.” The leather rubbed harder against him, Dominic's thigh pushing against his cock, his balls.

His cock was filling again, trying to leak and he tried to pull away a little. “I ... It'll get on you, man."

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"So? Shit, honey. I said before it would clean. This is too fucking good to stop.” Those fingers twisted

his nipple, pulling good and hard.

"Fuck, yeah.” He had been good, warned the man. Now he was going to get what he needed, rolling

hard against that smooth, heavy leather.

He could feel Dominic against his hip, the denim soft, the hot skin he'd never covered back up even

hotter. The chaps, though ... God. They were like heaven. Those fingers kept pinching, kept tugging good

and hard, keeping him focused, keeping him right fucking there. Dominic's mouth never stopped moving,

either. Hot kisses, hard bites and filthy words sent him flying, made him want to scream.

"Gonna. Gonna, man. Oh, fuck.” He shifted a little, the slick tip of his cock nudging against the leather,

making it sting, just enough.

"Now.” It was like the guy had everything planned. Fingers pinched, that thigh pushed up, and Dominic

bit him hard enough that he cried out, all at the same time.

Spunk shot out of him, belly gone tight as a rock.

"Oh, Christ.” He could hear it in Dominic's voice, could hear the man about to crack. Then more hot

come joined his, Dominic shooting hard for him. Again.

"Oh. Oh, fuck yeah. You're something special, man.” His thighs rolled against those chaps again, his

cock giving a weak jerk.

"That mean you're staying the night, baby?"

Oh, dude, he'd been upgraded from honey to baby. This was serious.

"If you got room for me on your bed, man."

"Oh, you have no idea how much room I can find for you. I have a king sized bed.” Winking, Dominic

hoisted him up a little higher and started carrying him upstairs.

That sounded damned fine. He wasn't sure it could get much better, either, until Dominic chuckled, low

and deep and dirty. “I have a few other things, too. Did I tell you I got chaps for riding horses, too?"

"Oh, praise Jesus.” Garrett held on, grinning like a fool. “I mentioned I had a thing for a man who knows

how to ride, yeah?"

His cock bumped against Dominic with each step.

"You did say you liked riding, yeah.” The man whisked him into the bedroom, where there was a

damned leather armchair.

Looked like it was going to be a long damned night. Maybe one of the best of his life.

Sometimes working at the busiest, rowdiest bar in town was worth it.

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Little Leather Book

By Megan Rose

"Thank you Mrs. Henderson.” Claire smiled as the elderly housekeeper placed her morning coffee on

the desk.

Climbing wearily down from the ladder, she placed the pile of books that she had been gathering onto

the floor before brushing her hair back from her face. Despite the fact that she usually wore her brunette

locks in a ponytail, there was always an air of dishevelment about her. Her father had once remarked that

she was typical bookworm with her eyes suffering from too much reading and her appearance always

seemingly thrown together.

She eyed the tea tray thankfully. Her morning coffee was quickly becoming a welcome relief from her

day's activities. Sipping the hot liquid as she stood, she marveled at the work that she had been able to

accomplish in such a short space of time. Had it really only been a month since her graduation from


The library at Harlestone Castle was a drop in the ocean compared to the grandeur of the Bodleian, but

the atmosphere and the history were, to Claire, just as magnificent. Moreover, with the antiques and

artwork that surrounded her on a daily basis, she could almost imagine herself back in the Ashmolean. It

was almost as if she had never left the rich history of Oxford at all. Sighing, she smiled again. Yes, fortune

had indeed been kind to her when she had been accepted for this job.

"Knock, knock,” called a female voice, shaking Claire from her memories of Oxford.

"Good morning Rachel. Please come in. Mrs. Henderson has just brought coffee. Shall I call her back?”

After spending all morning with the books, she suddenly felt eager for human company. Nibbling on her

lower lip, she told herself that it was nothing at all to do with the fact that Rachel was an extremely

attractive woman.

Rachel shook her russet curls and smiled, her charm and good breeding positively dripping from every

pore. “Much as I'd enjoy spending the time here, I'm afraid that there are several difficulties needing my

attention this morning. And you know what they say. No rest for the wicked.” She winked playfully.

Nevertheless, she entered the library and placed her clipboard down next to another pile of books. “I

just wanted to make sure that you're settling in okay. What with Lord and Lady Cottingford being away,

I do realize that you've been thrown in at the deep end. But I also want you to know that you're doing a

terrific job."

Claire couldn't help but smile back. Since the moment that she had first met Rachel Smithfield, Lady

Cottingford's personal assistant, Claire had liked her. In fact, it had been Rachel who had interviewed her

for this particular job, rather than the lady of the house. Claire had been surprised, but had merely

assumed that such an important person as Lady Cottingford saw no reason to involve herself with lowly

members of staff, such as herself.

Though it had been Claire's first job interview and she had been as nervous as hell, Rachel had somehow

succeeded in putting her at ease. In her early thirties, Rachel had been professional and to the point. Yet

something in her manner had relaxed Claire and let her speak more easily than she had ever thought she

would have with a stranger.

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"Your words are appreciated Rachel, but I'm quite happy to be ‘thrown in at the deep end,’ as you say.

This is my dream job. Being surrounded by these beautiful books all day and cataloguing them ... well, it's

a pleasure that I never dreamed of. Books have always been a passion of mine"

Claire noted how Rachel's brown eyes darkened, yet she continued to smile. “Indeed? And are you

happy out of your work as well as in it?"

"Well, it has only been four weeks. I do realize how lucky I was to get this job before my graduation,

but rushing from university to here, has meant I've had very little time to socialize. Aside from eating and

sleeping, there isn't much of a life for me outside of this library."

"That's no life for a girl like you Claire. You should get out more. Meet people. You may be here for

quite some time.” Picking up her clipboard Rachel walked back toward the door, but turned swiftly, as

though a thought had suddenly occurred to her. “Do you have anything planned for this evening? I could

give you a formal tour of the castle if you like."

"Don't you have plans yourself? It is Friday evening, after all,” Claire said.

"I'm as free as a bird. Besides, it would be a pleasure to show the castle to you. I've been a poor

hostess in my employer's absence. And I insist on making that up to you this evening."

Claire smiled. “Then I accept. Thank you."

"Excellent. I'll drop by the gatehouse at about seven thirty."

As Rachel's feet beat a swift retreat down the hall, Claire couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation.

So far, her encounters with the attractive assistant had been work related. However, tonight, she hoped

that things would be placed on a more personal level. Even in this short period of time, Claire had noticed

the lingering looks that Rachel sometimes bestowed upon her, as well as the times that their fingers had

met for just a little too long, in their polite handshakes

Frowning she returned to her slowly cooling drink. Now why on earth should a woman like Rachel be

interested in a mere girl like herself? She shook her head. Swallowing the last of the coffee, she returned

to her ladder and the books that would keep her busy long into the afternoon and early evening.

* * * *

Claire pulled the blanket closer to her chin and tucked her feet underneath her bottom, trying to snuggle

further into the small area of heat that she'd created for herself on the chair. The desk lamp softly lit up

the pages before her as she squinted at the book in her hands. She really must remember to bring her

glasses up to the castle with her in future, she berated herself.

"I've been waiting at the gatehouse for you,” murmured a voice.

Physically jumping, she stared aghast at Rachel who stood on the other side of the room. “Oh goodness,

I had no idea that it was so late. Forgive me. I was so engrossed in this book. I just didn't realize the


Rachel strode purposefully toward her, drawing her attention to Rachel's shapely legs. Claire was used

to seeing her in formal trouser suits that tried hard to hide her figure, but somehow never succeeded. The

dark skirt she wore tonight was cut just above her knees, flaring slightly and adding a more casual air to

her usually reserved appearance. It suited her much better than the smart business attire that Claire was

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used to seeing her in. Added to the skirt was a cream cashmere sweater that clung tantalizingly to her

breasts and hips. Yes, she looked very good indeed.

"You're not paid nearly enough to be staying here so late Claire. And I have to tell you that I'm not a

woman to be kept waiting.” Rachel spoke sternly, but the amusement in her eyes told a different story.

"Well, I'll just have to make up my tardiness to you in some way Rachel. How about I cook you a light

supper? Or have you already eaten?” Claire asked.

Rachel swiftly produced a picnic basket from behind her back and grinned. “I was hoping to save this

for later. However, since your last meal was at lunchtime, I think we may as well open it now. How

about you get the things set out over there and I'll get the fire started? You know, Claire,” Rachel said,

walking to the fireplace. “You really should let Mrs. Henderson light the fire here for you in the

afternoons. This place can get very draughty. Especially at this time of year."

Claire cleared a space amongst the piles of books, spreading her blanket on the carpet and opening the

picnic basket. She noted that wine glasses, an excellent bottle of Chardonnay and small boxes of fruit

seemed to be the order of the day. If she didn't know any better, she'd think that this was a meal

intended for seduction. She placed the grapes and strawberries on plates, noting the lack of cutlery.

Turning toward Rachel, Claire observed her bending down to attend to the fire. The opportunity to

watch her unobserved was far too good to miss. Claire watched thoughtfully as the material of Rachel's
skirt tightened itself across her ass. Not a visible panty line in sight, she thought hungrily. What if Rachel

were naked beneath the skirt? What if Claire wanted to reach out and discover that fact for herself?

What if the thoughts she had held in check for so long were about to unleash themselves tonight? Pulling

her eyes away, Claire tried in vain to redirect her thoughts elsewhere.

However, watching Rachel's hands work briskly at the fireplace, she soon found her mind wandering to
the succulent pieces of fruit, picturing them in Rachel's hands, Rachel placing them gently into her mouth.

She blushed at the thought. She was being ridiculous. Perhaps the romance novel that she was reading in

the evenings was suddenly going to her head. Rachel was merely being friendly and Claire was indulging

in too much wishful thinking.

The object of her attention now turned away from the fire and made her way toward Claire, seating
herself on the opposite side of the picnic. “Do you drink, Claire?” Rachel asked, holding out a glass.

Claire nodded and watched as Rachel uncorked the bottle and poured two glasses of the refreshing

alcohol. “This is wonderful Rachel. And just what I needed.” She sipped at the wine, raising her eyes to

Rachel's as she did so. She was surprised to see the other woman watching her intently.

"You told me today that books are your passion Claire. Do you have any other passions in life?"

"You mean hobbies? Well, I..."

Rachel reached for a strawberry, leaned forward and placed it between Claire's lips. “No. I mean

passions. What sends your pulse racing? Your heart pounding? What excites you, Claire?” Her lowered

tone gave the question a deeply sexual air and Claire found herself momentarily stunned.

Right now, she could only focus on the excitement that she was feeling from Rachel's personal attention.

So the attraction was mutual, was it? It gave her an inner glow of satisfaction and an immediate reaction

in her pussy. Slowly she bit into the fruit, the juice flowing onto her lips, her eyes never wavering from

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Rachel's. Swallowing, she felt almost naked, having the distinct feeling that Rachel was looking into her

very soul and would somehow be able to tell instantly if she was lying. “I have many interests..."

Rachel's eyes darkened and she began to look impatient. “That's not what I was asking, Claire.” With

confidence and grace, she moved closer across the carpet toward Claire, until they were only inches

apart. Stroking her thumb across Claire's lips, Rachel removed the fruit juice, transferring it to her own

mouth with one swift lick of her tongue. It was a simple enough act, but its intimacy left Claire's body

reeling. “Let me help you. My passions are this castle, its people, its history. Being here is so much more

than my job. It has become my life."

Claire swallowed. “That sounds more like an obsession to me."

Rachel smiled. “Sometimes there is a fine line between obsessions and passions. Take you for instance.

You enjoy the books here in the library, don't you?” Claire nodded and sipped at her drink. “Yet, you

were so busy with what you were doing today, that you forget our arrangement. Now, wouldn't you say

that borders on obsession?"

Rachel fed her a second strawberry, giving Claire the opportunity to search the brown eyes once more.

With the light flickering in the chocolaty orbs, she couldn't help but think of a devil's eyes, dancing with

mischief. “I'm not the obsessive type,” Claire defended. “I simply become immersed in what I'm doing."

"So do I, Claire,” Rachel whispered. “Why don't we come back to this later?” She rose from the floor

and extended her hand toward Claire. “I'd like to begin our tour and perhaps help you understand a little

more about why I chose you for this particular job."

Claire reluctantly accepted Rachel's hand as she stood. She wondered if she had merely imagined the

sexual chemistry that had been building between them. Rachel's actions had been intimate enough to her,

but Claire was still somewhat of a novice when it came to relationships. Perhaps she had misread the

signals after all. “I was under the impression that Lady Cottingford had chosen me,” she commented, as

she let Rachel's hand go.

"Her ladyship trusts my judgment on all matters. I did speak with her about you. However, in the end, it

was my decision to have you here with us. Despite your words, Claire, I can tell that you are indeed a

very passionate woman. You care deeply for your books and for your work. But these, I think are not

your passions.” When Rachel took hold of her hand this time, Claire didn't let go. “You have great

passions, Claire. And I'm very, very certain that we can uncover them here."

Rachel guided Claire over to one of the many bookcases in the room. “Your interest and enthusiasm for

your work was very obvious to me when we first met, Claire. I'm sure you have heard of those books

that tell the story of murderous men and women. You know, too, that there are such books, bound with

the skins of these villains."

Claire nodded. “Yes, I've even seen some. I didn't realize that Harlestone Castle housed such books."

Rachel smiled and reached for a blue book, the size of a usual paperback novel. Its cover shone in the

light of the fire and Claire noted how Rachel's eyes danced with mischief as she passed it to her. “It

doesn't. What it does house however, is a marvelous collection of leather bound books. Each with its

own secrets to tell."

"Leather bound isn't really so unusual you know, Rachel.” Claire smiled. “Unless of course, these books

are first editions."

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"Take a look inside, Claire. Tell me what you see."

Claire turned the first page and was surprised to find it blank. She turned more pages and more, until she

realized that the book was empty. “Old leather, but blank pages? Was this some sort of diary that never

got used?” She asked.

Rachel shook her head. “Not at all. The leather is old, but the pages are white and crisp. This is a very

special book. If you smell it you will possibly detect something familiar about it."

Claire raised the book to her nose. Though leather bound, the scent was certainly not leather related.

Claire frowned, trying hard to place the scent that was indeed somehow familiar to her. “I do know it.

I've smelled it before, but..."

"You can't quite put your finger on it?” suggested Rachel.

"No, I'm sorry I can't. Are you going to tell me?"

Rachel smiled and took the book from her, placing it back on the shelf. “All in good time. First, we need

to begin your tour.

* * * *

Taking her hand again, Rachel led Claire out into the dimly lit corridor. “Our tour will begin in the Blue

Bed Chamber. Like all good castles, Harlestone has entertained its fair share of wealthy guests and even

members of the royal family. Even to this day this particular room is reserved for only the most honored

of visitors."

"You seem so knowledgeable about the castle and its contents,” commented Claire. “Have you worked

here long?"

"Yes, ten years. Although I have known the Cottingford family for much longer. My family has always

been involved with theirs in one way or another. It was rather a natural progression that I come here to

work. And as I've already told you, this place is rather a passion of mine. My own family history lies here

within these walls."

"Ah, so you're a heritage buff?” Claire asked.

Rachel's laughter was like music to her ears. “No, Claire. I'm more of a traditionalist. Let's just say that I

believe in continuing the work that my ancestors began."

As they walked toward the wide staircase Claire couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the erotic

sensations of another woman taking her to a bedroom. Even if it was for just a tour of the castle, the fact

that they were still holding hands gave Claire a certain feeling of expectation and excitement. She began

to wonder how it would feel if Rachel really were taking her to bed. Her own bed.

At the top of the stairs, they turned to the left and walked toward the west wing of the castle. Claire had
never really explored her place of work before, a fact, which she was now beginning to regret. The walls

were adorned with a mixture of rich tapestries and beautiful artwork. None of which she had time to look

at right now; her whole awareness was concentrated on her body and Rachel's.

As they walked, she was conscious of Rachel stroking her thumb reassuringly across the skin of Claire's

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hand. She heard the soft swish of Rachel's skirt and was once again reminded of the earlier visual by the

fireside. Her mind effortlessly returned to thoughts of Rachel's naked ass. Stealing a side ways glance at

her companion, Claire was startled to see Rachel openly watching her as they walked.

"We're nearly there now Claire,” Rachel told her. “You know, one of my ancestors actually waited on

the ladies who stayed in this room. She would tend to their needs each evening and each morning.

Dressing and undressing, bathing, too. Don't you think it would be wonderful to be taken care of like


Claire smiled shyly, her throat feeling dry with expectation. “Yes, I do."

They stopped at a door and Rachel paused to push it open. “This is the room I wanted you to see,

Claire. To see and to experience."

To say that the room was not what Claire had expected to see was an understatement. She had visited

stately homes before and seen the bedrooms of the wealthy on many a school trip. But this went beyond

everything she had ever seen, or ever imagined.

Candles lit the room, a fire blazed in the hearth, and a traditional four-poster bed dominated the space.

However, Claire was more than surprised to see that instead of soft, luxurious blankets, a blue

shimmering fabric lay on the mattress of the bed. The walls too seemed to glow in the candlelight and

almost with out thinking she reached out to touch the surface nearest to her. She gasped in surprise as

she recognized the texture instantly. “Leather,” she murmured.

Rachel closed the door softly behind them and led Claire further into the bedroom. “Yes, it's a little less

traditional than wallpaper, but the lady who designed this room had a certain affiliation to the product,”

Rachel explained. “Come and sit on the bed and let me tell you a little of the history."

They walked slowly over to the bed where Claire perched herself gingerly on the edge.

"Relax,” Rachel whispered. “Imagine that you are the lady of the house, Claire. Your day has been long

and tiring. Now you are in your own sanctuary, with your maid. Let her tend to all your needs this


Claire watched as Rachel reached over to the bedside table for a hairbrush. Pulling herself further onto

the bed she felt herself tremble a little as Rachel climbed behind her, releasing her hair from its ponytail

before applying the brush to her hair. Almost instantly, she felt a quiver of excitement deep within her. It

was an innocent enough act, but she couldn't help but be turned on by Rachel's gentle touch to her hair.
With long strokes, from top to bottom, Rachel tended to her in way that seemed to reach deep into her


"The woman who decorated this room was named Imogen,” explained Rachel, as she continued to

brush Claire's hair. “She married into the family at a young age, hardly knowing anything about the world

around her. Her husband was an honorable man who adored her, but Imogen always felt as though life

were passing her by here at the castle."

Claire listened intently, trying to distract herself from the light touch of the brush. But with each stroke

that Rachel applied, Claire felt herself becoming more and more responsive. Almost without noticing it,

she felt Rachel caressing her back with one hand, the other still brushing her hair.

"In her twenty fourth year, Imogen's husband left Harlestone Castle for several months. She was free to

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do as she wished for the first time in her life,” continued Rachel. “That was when she made the

acquaintance of Mary, a local girl from the village. Because of the difference in their social status, the

women kept their friendship a secret. It wasn't long before they both realized that their friendship was

becoming something more substantial."

Rachel paused for a moment and placed the brush down. “You have very beautiful hair, Claire. I

wonder what it would look like flowing down your bare back,” she mused. “Would you indulge me and

allow me to see?"

Claire felt her breath catch in her throat as she realized that she would like nothing more. Nodding

briefly, she stilled as Rachel's hands came from behind her, lifting her sweater over her head. “You have

beautiful skin,” Rachel murmured as she bent to kiss Claire's shoulder. It was lightest of sensations but

Claire felt as though a bolt of electricity had just passed through her body. Each and every nerve ending

seemed to be set on fire.

"Mary's father was the local tanner,” continued Rachel. “Late at night the two young women would meet

in his work shop among the animal hides. It was their only chance to meet in private. Such love was

taboo in those times. The tannery became the only place where they could make love in relative safety.”

As Rachel explained this to her, Claire felt Rachel's hands release the clasp on the back of her bra,

before slowly easing the straps down her arms. Her own hands reached out to help but Rachel stopped

her. “No, let me do it for you, Claire. I want you to feel as though you are the most important woman in

the world tonight. I want you to feel cherished and honored.” She slipped the bra down Claire's arms and

allowed it to fall onto the floor, before returning her hands to Claire's back. As Rachel continued to trace

the contours of her spine, Claire once again felt Rachel's lips upon her skin.

"The leather on the bed?” Claire asked. “Is this the leather that Imogen and Mary would have made love


Rachel pulled her mouth away from Claire's body and began to run her fingers slowly across Claire's

stomach. “Yes, that's right. After Imogen's husband returned, she was unable to meet with her lover

again. Instead, she requested that the leather from Mary's father's workshop be brought to the castle,

where she used it to decorate the walls and this bed. It's a very sensual reminder of their love."

Rachel kissed her lightly on the shoulder before leaving the bed and going to kneel in front of her on the

carpeted floor. “Let me undress you properly, Claire. Allow yourself to feel the supple texture of the

leather beneath your skin. Allow its delicate fragrance to wrap itself around you. Let the love that has

been expressed on this leather allow you to gain a deeper insight into the history of this castle.” Her hands

ran gently across Claire's thighs, easing them open so she could run her fingers subtly across Claire's

mound. “Allow me to fuck you tonight, Claire,” she whispered. “Here, in this room, on this bed."

Feeling as though words were not needed, Claire instead bent her head towards Rachel's face, capturing

Rachel's mouth in a soft and exquisite kiss. She noted how the older woman's lips tasted faintly of the
fruity wine she had drunk earlier and, as the kiss deepened, she felt the sharp tang of the strawberries

return to her mouth. Rachel's hands came up to capture her face as Claire's kiss of acceptance turned

quickly into an overwhelming kiss of passion and longing. It wasn't until this moment came that Claire

realized how much she actually wanted Rachel.

Pulling away, Rachel leaned back on her knees and watched Claire carefully before starting to remove

her shoes. “You kiss like an angel,” Rachel told her smiling.

"I wonder if Mary ever thought that of Imogen,” Claire replied. She wriggled slightly as Rachel's hands

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moved to the waistband of her trousers.

"I'm sure that with a bed of leather beneath them, they could both conjure up a little devilment,” Rachel

grinned. “Lift up for me. I'm suddenly hungry to see all of you."

Claire did as she was instructed, raising her ass and allowing Rachel to remove both her trousers and

panties in one swift movement. She giggled as the cold of the leather touched her skin.

Rachel stood up before her and smiled in understanding. “I know it can be cold at first. How about I

warm you up?"

Claire smiled at the hint of suggestiveness in Rachel's voice. “I'd like that very much,” she replied.

Moving further up the bed and resting on her elbows, she watched, enraptured, as Rachel carelessly

slipped off her shoes. Her removal of the cashmere sweater was swift but rewarding. Rachel's body was

shown off to perfection in the light of the fire and candles. Claire marveled at how her skin seemed to

glow, and her curves seemed more luscious than ever now that her body was more exposed.

"You're beautiful Rachel,” Claire whispered, almost as if she were talking to herself, rather than the

woman before her.

Smiling, Rachel reached behind, undoing her bra and exposing even more of her body to Claire's gaze.

Claire found herself responding instantly to the exposure of Rachel's breasts. They were high and firm,

with large dark nipples that had Claire transfixed. She had been with only a handful of women in her short

life, but even she knew that Rachel's body was made for pleasure. She smiled, as her fingers twitched

responsively. How she ached to reach out to Rachel.

As Rachel pulled down the zipper on her skirt, Claire was once again reminded of her earlier thoughts

and she licked her lips in anticipation of what she was about to see. Her sharp intake of breath was most

likely a giveaway to her lack of experience, but she had never seen a more beautiful naked woman in her

life. Rising up from the bed, she held out her hands to Rachel. “Come to me Rachel,” she murmured,

wondering if the woman who had decorated this bedroom, had made the same request of her lowborn

lover. Rachel stepped out of the skirt and moved toward the bed.

"Whatever my lady desires,” she said, with a smile. “Now don't you think that perhaps the history of this

castle could be one of your passions?"

Claire nodded, speechless, as she allowed her hands to roam freely over Rachel's hips and ass cheeks.

Rachel's skin was so smooth and warm, a gentle contrast to the cool roughness of the leather. Yet each

texture in its own way was just as erotic. The leather upon the bed seemed to hold her skin in its folds,

while the exquisite woman before her provided a wondrous feast for her hands. She never realized that

such joy could be derived from such a simple gesture with her hands.

Moving her head forward, Claire began to place a delicate trail of kisses upon Rachel's stomach. It was
a simple exploration with her tongue and yet it sated so many of her immediate requirements: the need to

feel Rachel, the need to breathe her in. Claire could smell Rachel's desire as well as a subtle perfume that

adorned her skin. The combination of both provided Claire with an intoxicating mixture of fragrances that

heightened her own desire tenfold. With each lick and kiss that she placed on the Rachel's skin, she could

feel herself grow wetter and more aroused.

The idea that other female lovers had enjoyed each other in such a way, on this very leather, gave Claire

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much to think on. She imagined wanting someone so much that she would lie down with her on animal

hide in a musty old workshop. She imagined the yearning and longing that the women must have endured.

She imagined the loss and grief that they must have experienced. To live without such a love after

knowing such passion would indeed be painful. But what joy they must have found in each other when

they were finally alone together.

Bringing Rachel's body closer to her own, she allowed her fingers to slowly explore her lover's pussy.

The wetness that she found made her bite softly into Rachel's upper thigh, making the other woman moan

aloud into the silence. Rachel wanted her as much as she wanted Rachel. The thought was empowering,

to say the least. She slowly allowed her index finger to work steadily at Rachel's clit, bringing it to a

hardened nub within just a few short moments. As Rachel spread her legs to allow Claire better access,

she placed her hand on Rachel's ass, steadying her and bringing them even closer together in one swift


Claire felt her own wetness seeping onto the bed, but was too entranced by Rachel to even think of

requesting her own release. That would come soon enough, she told herself. For the moment, all she

could think about, all she wanted to think about, was providing Rachel with the delicious reward of

orgasm. Rachel tentatively lowered her body onto Claire's finger, allowing their intimacy to reach new

levels. “Can you take my weight?” she asked.

"Yes, “Claire replied huskily, before once again claiming Rachel's mouth with her own. The feeling of this

beautiful woman at her fingertips, at her mouth and across her thighs, was something akin to sensory

overload. Her skin had been brought to the very brink of excitement, simply by touching Rachel. Her

pussy had been quivering with anticipation ever since they had begun to undress and now her mind was

about to explode at the very thought of bringing Rachel to orgasm.

As Rachel began to grind herself against Claire's finger, Claire quickened the pace, moving in and out

with a confidence and rhythm that surprised her. She knew she was no expert at such things, but being

with Rachel in this beautiful room, in these leather bound surroundings, was giving her a new boldness

and confidence that she had never thought to experience before. She felt graceful, she felt sensual, and

she felt wanted. Moreover, as these new and exciting thoughts began to merge in her mind, she felt the

first tremblings of Rachel's orgasm at the tip of her finger.

With her newfound confidence, Claire began to work harder and faster in and out of Rachel's willing

body. Feeling her lover grind herself down and writhe on her thighs seemed to be just as powerful as

experiencing her very own orgasm. It was a mutual exchange of passions that Claire was more than

happy to be a part of. She felt Rachel grip her shoulders tightly as her body became tenser with each

trust from Claire. She felt her nipples harden as she pressed their bodies even closer together, feeling as

though they were actually becoming one being on this strange and beautiful bed. And when enough
became enough, Rachel finally let go and Claire watched as her head fell back and her whole body

seemed wracked with the pulsating rhythm of her release.

As Rachel's tremors subsided, Claire felt her legs finally give in to the weight of Rachel's body and they

both fell back against the cool relief of the leather.

"I never knew that it could be so good,” Claire acknowledged out loud.

Rachel rolled onto her side and gently stroked the hair away from Claire's brow. “Then I'm glad that I

was the one to show you,” she murmured, before kissing Claire softly on the cheek. “Have we

discovered your passion tonight do you think?” she asked, moving her hand slowly down Claire's body.

“Or shall we explore further?” Her teasing smile told Claire that no answer was needed. Instead, Claire

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simply allowed her body to relax even further into the cool of the leather beneath her back.

Within moments, Rachel had kissed her way down Claire's breast, stomach and thighs. It was an act that

seemed to spark off tiny bolts of electricity in every pore of her body. As she lay there, she marveled that

she had become so deeply affected by the sensations that this woman could provide, in such a short

space of time. Her evening had transformed into a mystical and sensual tour of mind and body, which she

knew was not over by a long shot.

Lifting her head, she watched, as Rachel moved onto the carpet, once again kneeling at her feet. “Relax

and enjoy,” Rachel instructed, before placing herself between Claire's thighs. As she felt the gentle

whisper of Rachel's breath on her pussy, Claire relaxed back onto the bed and wondered at all the things

she had experienced and was about to experience. She would never question how she had arrived at

such bliss, she told herself. She would simply accept it and enjoy it.

Smiling to herself, she felt Rachel's soft hands beneath her ass, lifting her slightly up off the leather. For

the first time in her life, she felt truly cherished. Reveling in the feelings of emotional fulfillment, Claire gave

her body over to the physical feelings that Rachel was gently conjuring between her legs. Rachel's tongue

and fingers seemed to be working as one powerful unit, stoking Claire's desire and need all at the same

time. Claire marveled that after so short an acquaintance, Rachel could anticipate her every sexual desire.

There was no need for instruction here, she thought with satisfaction. There was only the need that she

could feel building deep within her body. And Rachel appeared to be taking very firm control of that.

As Claire stretched her body, feline-like across the leather, Rachel plunged her fingers deeper into

Claire's body, causing her to writhe in an ecstasy that she had never before imagined. To have this

beautiful woman so deep inside her was, to Claire, like a dream come true. As Rachel worked her pussy

hungrily, Claire could only marvel at the sensations that she was experiencing. Her body was on fire with

a heat and passion that she had never known; her very being throbbed with want.

The more that Rachel plundered her body, the more Claire wanted to give in to the sweet sensations,

until at last she felt the knots of tension in her thighs and stomach release themselves and bring her the

most delicious orgasm that she had ever experienced. Squeezing her eyes tight, she tried to hold onto the

feeling for as long as she could, never wanting the moment to come to an end. Panting heavily she clung

to the leather cover that had somehow become balled in her fists. The sensation of the leather, and of

Rachel had both brought her such delightful pleasure.

* * * *

Two Months Later

Claire pondered the next set of books tiredly and removed her glasses. It had been a long day and

perhaps it was time that she returned to the gatehouse for some much-needed rest. As her eyes searched

the shelves, her attention was suddenly caught by the blue leather bound book that Rachel had shown her

two months earlier. She had no need to return to the book, since its pages were empty, but something

inside of her was suddenly calling her to open it.

Leaving her desk, she walked over to the bookcase and picked up the small volume. Instinctively she

held it to her nose and frowned in puzzlement. She did know that scent. It was her own. Her own

arousal. Opening the pages, she noted the neat print that now seemed to adorn a large portion of the

book. Chapter One, Rachel , it read. Beneath the heading lay an intimate account of her evening in the

bedroom with Rachel. Her words, her actions and even her thoughts were displayed upon the page.

Claire felt her mouth drop open with shock. How had this happened? Recalling the words that Rachel

had spoken in the library that evening, Claire thought back to her description of the books that had “their

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own secrets to tell". Was it possible that this was such a book?

She looked carefully at the blue outer covering of the book and was reminded instantly of the leather

bedcover that she and Rachel had spent the night on. Returning her gaze to the inner pages of the book,

she thumbed through until she had reached the end of the first chapter. With her heart almost in her

mouth, Claire slowly turned the page to see, Chapter Two, Melanie . Now who on earth was Melanie,

she thought with a smile.

On Display

By Sean Michael

Ben took his time shaving, the steam from the shower filling the room and keeping him warm.

He was tempted to step in and join Gabe, but then they would be late and it was Gabe's showing after

all. With a last glance at the shower, Gabe's form just barely visible in the steamed up glass, Ben made

his way out to the bedroom.

He didn't usually wear leather, but for the showing he was wearing a pair of leather pants Gabe had

bought him, topped by a beautiful leather vest his Angel had hand-tooled. It was stunning. Like Gabe


"Does it fit?” Gabe peeked out of the bathroom door, still dripping. “You're going to look like walking


Ben chuckled, standing a little straighter so Gabe could see how he looked, feeling every inch a stud. “It

fits. It's amazing, Angel."

Gabe's cheeks pinked, the look so pleased, so incredibly hot. “Let me finish shaving and I'll be right


"Don't be long—you're temptation itself.” He watched, groaning softly as Gabe turned, the wings

tattooed on his back exquisite, sexy. His leather pants were suddenly far too tight.

"Well, that depends on what I shave, doesn't it?"

Ben froze, eyes flying back to the bathroom doorway, but Gabe had already disappeared back into the

steam-filled room, the sound of the shower coming back on clear.

"Angel...” He groaned, drawn to his Gabe like a moth to a flame.

"Yes, Ben.” He couldn't see, from the steam, but Gabe's body was moving, shifting in and out.

"What are you doing?” he demanded, not wanting to get the leather wet, but...

"Shaving.” Gabe sounded like he was moaning.

"You don't make noises like that when you shave your face.” He took off the vest and tossed it on the

bed before taking a step into the damp room.

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"I don't? Are you sure?” Gabe hadn't ever done that for him in person. Never shaved where he could


"Gabe ... don't tease.” Ben waved at the steam.

"I'm not.” He could just barely see Gabe's hand, pulling down on his balls, the razor sliding over the thin


It was the hottest thing he'd seen in a long time. And given he lived with the sexiest man on earth, that

was saying a lot. His prick throbbed and he rubbed at it through the leather, groaning and trying to each

the sudden ache.

Gabe leaned back against the tile for him, spread, the razor sliding up, removing the slick, black hairs.

“You're so fine, Ben. I ... So fine."

"I have to be to keep up with you, Angel.” He swallowed hard and started undoing the tight button fly.

No way was he creaming inside these—it would be too damned uncomfortable. Ben shifted, thighs

spreading. He could see everything—Gabe's half-hard cock, that golden-brown skin, slowly appearing

under the razor. “I wish everyone could see you like this.” They'd be blown away. Just like he was.

"This is only for you."

"I know.” Some things they shared, some were private. He started stroking his prick, licking his lips as

he watched Gabe shave.

"This always makes me feel ... I don't know. Kind of wicked."

"It is wicked, Gabe. You in here, all by yourself, getting ready for me. Shaving for me.” He stroked as

he spoke, his cock so hard.

"Needing you.” Gabe shaved around the base of his cock, baring it.

"You'll have me, too. Soon as you're done with the sharp part.” He was going to have that ass, and then

go and show off his well-fucked angel.

"Yeah?” The swipes of the razor got slower, Gabe performing off for him. “Swear it?"

"Oh, fuck. Gabe.” He grabbed for his balls, pressing them against his body. “I swear. Gonna fuck you

so hard."

"Uh-huh.” He could see Gabe's lips parting, knew that Gabe needed his cock.

"Take your time,” he murmured, swallowing, eager.

"Uh-huh.” Gabe soaped up the bare skin, sudsing it and rinsing off, then went to get the hairs he missed.

Ben groaned. “I was kidding ."

He got another wicked, naughty grin. “Are you sure, love?"

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"You are a wicked tonight.” He stroked his cock a little harder, not wanting to go off, but wanting to

tease back.

"I'm excited.” Yeah, he could see that. Gabe was hard, throbbing for him.

"Me, too, Angel. I want your ass. I want to stroke that bare skin as I take you."

Gabe started lathering up again, that pretty cock hard as nails, bare balls tight. He could see his Angel

shaking, reaching for him. He took a step, grabbing the lube and slicking himself up, his eyes glued to

Gabe. Gabe turned toward the water, the soap bubbles sliding away. That was all he needed.

Ben growled, reaching in and tugging Gabe, pulling him out of the shower stall. “Need you."

"Yeah. Yeah, Ben.” Gabe turned and spread, bending over the vanity sink. “Now."

"Yes.” He lined up, rubbed the head of his prick against Gabe and then pushed in.

Gabe pressed back, the tattoo on his back beginning to move, his angel beginning to fly. He slid his
hands around Gabe's waist, holding on as he began to thrust. Gabe took him in easily, body rippling

around him.

"Angel. So fucking beautiful.” His voice was rough, his need shining through every syllable.

"Yours. Touch me?"

"I will, but not your cock. Not yet.” He slid one hand around, moaning as he felt that smooth,

freshly-shaved skin.

"Evil...” Gabe whimpered, ass shuddered around him.

"It's your own fault.” He cupped Gabe's bare balls, rolling them in the smooth sacs.

"Yes. Yes.” Ben should keep Gabe smooth, have those balls ready for his touch.

He licked Gabe's spine, right between the wings, fingers continuing to play, to drive them both crazy. He

could feel it around his cock, every lick, every touch, everything. Groaning, he shifted, turning his hand to

take Gabe's prick in his hand. He was almost ready to come and he wanted Gabe right there with him.

"Ben!” Gabe went fist-tight, going up on his toes.

"Come for me now, Angel. Take me to heaven.” He thrust harder, tugging Gabe hard and quick.

"Yeah. Yeah. Ben. Fuck.” Gabe shot, face desperate, needy, reflected in the mirror for him.

"Perfect.” His own orgasm shot through him as he spoke, his toes curling as his balls pumped his spunk

into Gabe's ass.

Gabe nodded, shuddering, slumping down on the counter. He gave Gabe's cock one last squeeze,

fingers lingering on bare skin as his hand slid away.

"Love you, huh?"

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"I know.” He waited until he'd slid out of Gabe's body and turned his debauched Angel in his arms.

“And I love you."

"I know.” Gabe leaned into him. “I'm nervous, Ben. What if it's a flop?"

"It's not going to be a flop—you're a brilliant leatherworker."

"You swear?"

"I do.” He gave Gabe a kiss. “It's going to be great."

"We could just stay home...” His dear, shy Angel.

"Oh no. I want to show you off."

"They'll be looking at you. I'll be looking at you.” Gabe smiled, took a long kiss.

He moaned as their lips parted. “Only because I'm one of the exhibits. They'll all want to meet the artist

and I'll stand by your side, the proudest man there."

"I hope they don't want to meet me. Maybe they'll all just drink and mill.” Gabe grinned, cheeks hot.

"Of course they're going to want to meet you! And you're going to charm each and every one of them

with that shy duck of your head, with the way your hair slides over your shoulders and back."

"I'm going to wear the heavy white silk shirt and my jeans.” And his hair down. That was necessary.

"Mmm ... everyone who sees you will want you.” He led Gabe out of the bathroom. “They can't have

you, though. Not unless I get to watch. And direct.” Nobody touched Gabe without his say so.

"No. I'm yours.” Gabe held up his hand with its heavy ring that matched his own.

He held his own hand up against Gabe's, the rings clicking softly.

"Come on, Angel. If you don't hurry we're going to be more than fashionably late and I am not letting

you distract me into not going.” No matter how tempting Gabe was.

"Okay. Put your vest on, love.” Gabe headed to the closet. “Oh. My hair. I need to braid it..."

"No, it stays loose. I'll brush it for you now and I'll do it again when we get back.” He shrugged the vest

back on.

Gabe looked at him for a second, and then slid on the thinnest, tightest pair of jeans on earth. Good lord.

He swallowed hard. He was going to be hard the entire night. Grabbing the brush, he slapped it against

the back of his hand a few times to distract himself. Except then he imagined using the brush on Gabe's

ass. It didn't help that Gabe's ass cheeks clenched at the sound and he groaned, cock throbbing.

"Sit,” he growled.

"Love...” Gabe blushed, sitting on the bed.

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He sat behind Gabe. “I'm glad you don't have your shirt on yet.” He pulled all of Gabe's hair behind his

back. The wings on Gabe's back peeked at him through the long hair. The ends of the long curls landed

in his lap, still damp, so heavy. Gabe leaned forward, let him brush all the way to the ends.

"I love your hair.” He leaned in, burying his face in the long length.

"I love you.” The scent of pine and soap and Gabe flooded him.

"Mmm...” He slid his arms around Gabe's waist and hugged him tight.

"We could just stay home ... I'll love on you."

"You can love on me after we celebrate your showing.” He kissed one shoulder and then stood, hand

tugging Gabe up. “Get your shirt on and let's go."

Gabe nodded, slipped on the heavy silk, the fabric clinging to the heavy muscles, the fine-grained skin.
He couldn't wait to unwrap the beautiful package. But he would. He would because Gabe deserved to

have his night. To shine for everyone.

"This is your night, Angel. You ready to go greet your public?"

"As ready as I'm going to be, Ben."

"Just relax and enjoy it, Gabe. I'll be right there with you the whole time."

"Okay, Ben. Okay.” Gabe grabbed his wallet, strapped on the thick, leather-banded watch and smiled

over. “Let's go."


He put his hand on Gabe's ass and led him out.

* * * *

The gallery was packed.

There were three leatherwork artists in the gallery showing, and in Ben's opinion, Gabe's work outshone

the rest. It wasn't only his opinion, either. Gabe's work was where the people gathered, Gabe was who

everyone wanted to see. His beautiful, shy Angel was the center of attention.

Ben grabbed a couple of beers, some fancy shit and headed in to rescue Gabe from his admirers. There
were lines around Gabe's mouth, his Angel beginning to get stressed, get worried. Gabe loved company,

loved their friends and entertaining, but random strangers? Damn. Ben had hoped Gabe would enjoy

having his work praised, that he'd appreciate the accolades he so richly deserved. But an evening ending

in misery was not on the menu. He pushed through the crowd and handed Gabe one of the bottles.

Gabe offered him a relieved smile. “Thank you. Y'all? This is my partner, Ben. He's my inspiration."

Ben chuckled. “I might be his inspiration, but the talent is all Gabriel's.” He slid his arm around Gabe's

waist, holding on possessively. The long hair brushed his arm as Gabe leaned toward him, sucking down

the cold beer.

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A sweet little twink looked at them, eyes heated. “You two are fine."

"Thank you. Gabe has that effect on most people.” He let his hand drop, squeezed Gabe's ass.

"He's cute, but you? In the leather? Damn."

"Gabe isn't cute , he's stunning.” Ben was going to start growling soon. Silly little twink didn't know a

good thing when he saw it.

The cool blue eyes stared Gabe up and down, then returned to him, the kid handing him a card. “If you

say so. If you want a change of pace, you call me."

"He won't need to.” Gabe chuckled, took the card and tossed it into a nearby trashcan. “Enjoy the

show, man."

Fuck, that was sexy. Gabe's confidence was hot, arousing.

Gabe smiled at him, shook his head, and finished the beer. “Have you seen anyone buying?"

"I've seen everyone buying—there was an argument between three gentlemen in the far corner. I thought

they were going to come to blows.” He couldn't be prouder.

"Yeah?” Gabe bounced a little, eyes happy. “The saddle piece?"

"Yes. The star of the show.” He added quietly. “I might have put a bid in on that one myself. I could just

picture you bent over it, being fucked."

Gabe blushed dark and leaned in. “I'll make you one, custom."

"Make sure you put cuffs on it then."

"Oh...” He could smell Gabe's need, sharp and sudden.

Ben took Gabe's hand and brought it to his lips. “Come home with me, Angel?"

He'd thought they might find someone to play with, someone for him to watch making his Angel fly, but

he found that after an evening of sharing his lover with such a large audience, he wanted Gabe all to


"Yes, please. I'm so ready."

"I can tell. I can smell you. It's making me hard."

"Take me home, then.” Gabe tossed the beer bottle away, took his arm.

He left his own bottle on a table and led his beautiful Angel from the gallery. He could feel eyes on them.

Many eyes. Gabe never even noticed, just staring at him.

Ben led his Angel to the car, the seats filling the air with the scent of leather. Gabe slid in, humming

happily, all smiles now that the show was over.

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"That went well,” he noted as he started the car, eyes on his lover.

"You think so? People seemed to be buying."

"If you aren't completely sold out by the end of the first week, I'll buy the rest of the pieces myself.” He

slid his hand over to Gabe's thigh and squeezed. “You're a success—though we already knew that."

"I'm happy with it. It works.” Gabe's fingers twined with his and squeezed.

"Good.” He took his eyes off the road long enough to smile at Gabe. “You were beautiful tonight."

"Thank you. You were drawing eyes.” Gabe smiled at him, chuckling. “You still have it, Ben."

"Yeah? Still the only stud you have eyes for?"

"That's an easy question. You've been it from the beginning."

He knew that, but it was still good to hear it. “All's right with the world, then."

"It is.” Gabe leaned against him, resting on his arm. “It so is."

"I have a private celebration organized for you when we get home."

Gabe looked over at him, eyes surprised, shocked. “Really?"

"Of course. This is a big deal for you, Gabe. I wanted to make sure the night was special.” His voice

became throaty. “It will be very special."

Oh, that smile made his balls ache, his hand drawn over to Gabe's hard cock, the bare skin hidden by

those jeans.

He squeezed Gabe's prick through the thin material. “Hold that thought, Angel.” He pulled into the

driveway, Gabe vibrating against him, just a little. He loved how quickly Gabe was ready and wanting.

He tilted his lover's head up and kissed Gabe thoroughly. “Come on, before I forget myself and do you

right here in the car."

"The neighbors hate when we do that.” Gabe slid out, heading for their front door.

Laughing, he followed, making sure he locked the car up tight before chasing his favorite ass up the front

stairs. That ass was wiggling for him, Gabe's hair just hiding it.

"You know you're teasing the bear, right?"

"I do. You make it worthwhile."

He laughed, hand coming down to swat Gabe's ass.

Gabe gasped, hips jerking a little. “Ben."

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"Yes, Angel?"

"Nothing.” Gabe opened the door, let them in.

He stopped Gabe from turning on the light. “Let's just go straight up to the bedroom."

"Okay, love.” Gabe took his hand, led him upstairs, easy as pie.

Once there, he slipped into their room ahead of Gabe and took the candles out of the closet, quickly

lighting them and spreading them around the room. Then he pulled back the covers, revealing silk sheets

on the bed.

He tugged his big chair close to the foot of the bed. “You can come in now."

"Oh...” Gabe smiled and took a deep breath, inhaling the sandalwood scents. “Very nice."

"Thank you. I want you to kneel on the bed, facing me, and strip. Just your shirt to start with.” He knew

he was in the shadows—Gabe could see him, but not clearly.

"Just my shirt?” Gabe toed his shoes off, knelt on the bed, eyes searching for him.

"To start with.” He had a plan and it began with watching Gabe writhe around the bed in nothing but

those painted on jeans.

The heavy silk was unbuttoned, pulled up over Gabe's head, the long hair falling everywhere.

"Mmm ... you're beautiful, my Angel. So lovely."

Gabe blushed for him, hands pulling his hair back.

"Leave it.” He loved the way it moved, flowing over Gabe's skin. “Now kneel in the middle of the bed,

facing me and touch yourself."

Gabe went pink, head ducking. “You want me to jack off?"

"First I want you to touch all that bare skin.” They'd get to the jacking off soon enough.

Gabe's hands slid over the thick, broad, muscled chest, nipples going hard.

Ben licked his lips, his own nipples tightening at the sight. “Pinch them,” he murmured.

"Mmm.” Gabe moaned, eyes closing.

"Tease yourself, Gabe, slide your hands down along your belly and push the tips into your jeans.” His

own hands itched— itched—to be doing what he was guiding Gabe through.

"Ben.” Gabe played with his nipples a while longer, then the hands slid down.

"Love your abs, Angel. So hard, the skin over them like silk."

"Come touch me...” Gabe's hands slid down, cupping those bare balls.

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"I didn't say you could touch those!” He growled a little. “Undo your jeans first. Then you can touch

your cock and balls."

Gabe arched at his words, lips parting.

"Slowly, Angel. We have all night."

"All night? You'll make me crazy."

"You love it.” Every single second of it.

"I love you. This is a bonus."

"Yes.” He licked his lips and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the bed, letting Gabe see his face. “I

love you, too."

Gabe smiled, reached out and cupped his cheek, callused thumb brushing his lips. His lips parted tugging

Gabe's thumb in, sucking on it. Gabe's moan was sweet, low, those dark eyes staring at him.

Then he slowly let Gabe's thumb go and sat back. “Now take off those sinfully tight jeans for me."

"I'm not sure I can. My cock's keeping them pretty tight."

"I could cut them off. The jeans, I mean."

"No. I love how you look at me when I wear them."

"Then you'd better get them off on your own, Angel."

Gabe laughed, wiggling and wriggling dramatically, cock flopping as the jeans came off. Ben tried to hold

back his laughter, but he couldn't, finally chuckling. They look at each other, laughing hard. God, Gabe

was ... His. He reached over, tugging the jeans down the rest of the way, baring Gabe completely. Bare

and smooth and hard—Gabe was a vision. Their laughter faded away, Gabe reaching for him.

He backed off, though, making them both wait. “Touch yourself first.” His voice was rough with desire.

“Cup your balls and stroke your cock. Let me see you with your own hands where mine want to be."

"Ben, need you, huh?” Gabe sat up, fingers sliding over the bare skin, one hand rolling and tugging the

heavy balls.

"I know. But this...” He swallowed as his own prick throbbed inside his leather pants. “We need this,


The tip of Gabe's prick glistened, drawing his attention. “Touch the tip, Gabe. Taste yourself."

"Mmm.” Gabe hummed, fingers pressing into the slit of his prick, touching and gathering the slick

pre-come. Shit, that was sexy.

Ben groaned, his leathers far too tight. He couldn't help but open them and release his aching cock, his

fingers wrapping around the length and stroking as he watched his Angel. Then Gabe licked his finger

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clean. With a shout, he shot off his chair and onto the bed, tumbling Gabe below him and taking a long,

hard kiss.

Gabe laughed, fingers shoving down the leather, tongue pushing into his lips, over and over. Moaning, he

pressed against Gabe, the leather vest in the way of their chests rubbing skin on skin. He kicked off the

leather pants once Gabe had them down far enough and broke the kiss long enough to bark out, “Vest!"

"Uh-huh.” Gabe's fingers were so smart, so clever, stripping him down easily.

That gave them skin to skin, better than silk, better than leather any day of the week. Their pricks met

and slid together, making him shudder. They rolled, Gabe straddling him, hair falling all around him, ass

rubbing against his cock.

"You gonna ride me, Gabe? Gonna give me an angel sitting on my cock?” He slid his hands through

Gabe's hair, tangling his fingers in the silken strands.

"Nope. No angels. Just me.” Gabe smiled at him, shifting those lean hips so his cock head nudged the

tight hole.

It had him groaning, shifting restlessly. “Slick?"

"Uh-huh.” Gabe reached, stretched for it.

Ben took advantage of the move, fingers sliding over Gabe's taut belly.

"Mmm. Do that again.” Sensual man.

"This?” He slid his fingers up along Gabe's belly again, all the way to those hard little nipples this time.

He tweaked one, and then the other, just to watch Gabe jerk.

"Uh-huh. That.” Those nipples were hard as rocks.

Ben stroked again, tweaked one nipple, and then the other, pinching. Watching his Angel's face.

"Harder. More, love. Please."

He pinched harder, fingers of one hand moving to tug on Gabe's balls. “Slick yourself up."

"Yeah.” Gabe squirted lube on two fingers, reaching back, pushing into that tight body.

"Oh, Angel. Fuck.” He moaned, hips bucking.

"Yeah. Deep and hard."

He nodded. “Come on. You're stretched enough.” He pulled Gabe's hand away, rubbing his cock along

the hot crack.

Gabe nodded and bore down, riding immediately, riding hard.

"Yes! That's it, Angel.” He grabbed hold of Gabe's waist, adding force every time Gabe came down.

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Gabe's cock slapped against his belly with every bounce, every stroke. He grabbed hold of it, jacking

Gabe loosely, not ready yet for this to be over. That smooth skin brushed his knuckles with each stroke.

Gabe's hair moved, swung as Gabe rode him. “Angel. My beautiful Angel.” He felt his balls start to draw

up, so he sped his hand.

"Yours. Ben. Fuck, yeah.” Gabe bounced, ass squeezing him tight, eyes rolling.

"Come for me, Gabe!” He shouted Gabe's name, giving it up and filling his lover with his spunk.

Seed sprayed, splashing over his belly, his name ringing out into the bedroom. His hips kept thrusting a

few more moments, and then he tugged Gabe down, taking a long, slow kiss.

"Mmm.” Gabe hummed, sighed softly as they relaxed together.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, love. For everything."

"It was all you, Angel. Every bit of it."

"No. No, nothing's been just either one of us, not for years."

"Mmm ... joined at the hip.” He winked pushing up deeper into Gabe.

"Uh. That's not my hip, Ben, honey."

He laughed, fingers sliding along Gabe's spine. “Close enough."

"Yeah. Yeah.” Gabe moaned for him, eyelids heavy. “It's been a hell of a day."

"A good day, hmm?"

"Yeah. A very good day."

"I'm rather fond of how it's ended.” He grinned, pushing Gabe's hair back off his face.

"Mmm.” Gabe nodded, settling down for a long snuggle. “I think we should have midnight French toast

after a nap."

"Oh, I like the way you think. And I've an idea or two for the syrup, too..."


Sean Michael

Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of

“Maurice,” Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and

fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While

collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between

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dropping the f-bomb and persuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and

singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.” Check out Sean's webpage at

Megan Rose

Megan Rose lives in England, somewhere between the peaceful countryside and a bustling town. Since

discovering erotic fiction her life has changed dramatically. By day, she is a mild mannered librarian. But

as darkness falls she sits at her computer and delves deeply into the passions and seductions of the many

characters that she writes about. In her spare time, Megan also reviews romance books and interviews

authors, for two prominent romance sites. When she's not writing, Megan enjoys nothing more than a

quiet night at home, watching a romantic comedy and enjoying a good bottle of wine.

BA Tortuga

BA Tortuga enjoys indulging in the shallow side of life, with hobbies that include collecting margarita

recipes, hot tub dips, and ogling hot guys at the beach. A connoisseur of the perverse and esoteric, BA's

days are spent among dusty tomes of ancient knowledge, or, conversely, surfing porn sites in the name of

research. Mixing the natural born southern propensity for sarcasm and the environmental western

straight-shooting sensibility, BA manages to produce mainstream fiction, literary erotica, and fine works

of pure, unadulterated smut. Visit BA at

M. Rode

M. Rode loves winter, being a canuck and watching boys of all sorts rub together. M. has edited various

anthologies for Torquere Press.

Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.

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Fictionwise Publications

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