Step 15

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Step 15: The Backlink Blueprint

Now the baseline is set. You Have Begun Building the Foundation for Your site and Remember,
this is just the Foundation. Rome wasn’t Built in a Day, so don’t expect your blog to be
either. This Natural Progression Technique has been working for me and has been bringing me
in the Most Traffic and Profits I have seen in a long time. Slow is smooth and smooth is Fast.

Its as simple as that.

*Now that you are full into Posting Mode on your Auto Blog, it is time to turn up the heat and
work our Full Backlink Plan into action.

Step 3: Week 4 and Beyond


The Blueprint

In May 2009, I was surfing the Web looking for the best way to create this new thing called a
Link Wheel. I was asking a few people in a Black Hat Forum about it and a guy sent me a PM
about this Weird Link Backlinking Plan that had a weird Algorithm to it.

When I found it, it sounded good, but like anything else, what sounds good on Paper doesn’t
always translate to success. In this case, I have found that this Template for Building Backlinks,
that I call a Link Tree (doesn’t look like a tree at all) works better than any Link Wheel. The Link
Tree Does more than Build Backlinks, it Builds Authority.

The original Post with this Technique outlined with this Backlink Plan is here:

Blog Farm Link

Strategy Diagram

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First: Either Print this diagram out, or pull it up into PowerPoint or some other kind of Editor
that will allow you to write over the Green, Blue, and Gray boxes. There are a total of 24 Boxes
available and you will need to fill in each Box with a High PR Property that you can add an
Article to and then be able to link back to each site that is required. Not all sites (like
Hubpages) will let you do that.

While the Green, Blue, and Gray Boxes are Sites that you are going to submit to, the Arrows are
the Linking structure that you will be required to complete. So it is best to Map it all out before
you get started. It is important that everyone’s Link Tree is different to keep the Randomization
factor High. In doing this Backlink Plan, you are actually completing to Random Link Networks
for your Blog.

*What the Link Tree Outline Represents:

Green Buttons are the backbone. They receive links from everywhere and are interlinked in a
way that is virtually undetectable by algorithms. It’s called a Hamiltonian Path which is an NP-
Complete problem
. An NP-Complete problem is a problem that there’s no known exact
algorithm to compute it, only approximates can be used. Keep in mind that because of some
links going from the Green buttons into Blue ones, it kinda breaks the perfect Hamiltonian path,
but if we weren’t to do that we would be left without further diversification and the benefits
that the Blue (and Gray) buttons give us.

Blue buttons are secondary sites which further strengthen the Green network, as well as link to
inner pages of our main website.

Gray buttons are fillers that are not linked from anywhere in the network (although they can
be). They provide some more strength for the entire network and act as some kind of
distraction, since they’re neutral (not linked from anywhere).

Yellow arrows represent the links between the Green network.

Blue arrows represent the Hamiltonian Path which carefully directs the juice into the upper
Green button, which should be the strongest site in your network. This website then links to
your Main website.

Red arrows are links to your main website or pages from your main website. (In your case,
these are links to your designated Money Pages. The Posts you want to Rank the Highest.)

Pink arrows randomly interlink your entire network.


The Auto Blog Blueprint 2.0 Version of this Strategy

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1. Fill in the Outline with 24 High PR “DoFollow” sites that will allow you to link this
aggressively. Choose from this list here:

High PR Submission Sites

2. Identify the 5 Main “Money Pages” you are using for Run #1 of this Technique and add
them to your Outline. *Note the Star is your Site’s Sitemap, you won’t be doing anything
with the Star.

3. Either write 4 Articles or have 4 Articles written that all focus on your site’s Primary
Keyword, yet also include 2-3 of your Niche’s Related Keywords. Use a Spinner like, The Best
Spinner or Magic Article Rewriter to Spin your Articles to at least 70% Uniqueness. The
articles need to be at least 400 Words long.

*Note: Make sure you Submit your Four 100% Unique Articles to sites in the Green Boxes as
the Green Network is the Backbone of the Strategy.

4. Take your 24 Articles and Identify where each Article is going to be submitted and use the
Process Map below to build Your Tree. You will complete each link requirement to each site
using the Primary and Related Keywords that you made sure were included in your 24
Articles. *Remember Step 9b: Money Pages and the SEO Plan of Action.

5. While you are submitting each Article, ensure you get the URL of the site and copy it
down. If the site has an RSS Feed with your account on it, copy it and create a running list of
your Articles RSS Feeds. *Due to the Algorithm used here, you can do this in one day without

6. Once your linking is complete, you will take the RSS Feeds and input them into the Mixer

and create a single RSS Feed of all of your Articles. You can also use Yahoo

Pipes for this for advanced usage.

7. Now you will go to and Ping the RSS Feed. Do this once every two days during
the first week after your initial submission and then once per week after that. This has now
become the backbone of your Auto Blog’s Linking Power. You can also use a tool Like the
Indexing Plugin, Backlink Energizer, or the PingBack Optimizer for use with this Technique.

8. Go through this process as much as you can with each site as it will continue to strengthen
your Targeted Money Pages with Link Authority. I like to have at least 2 per Blog by Month 3.

*By this time you should be seeing the results of your first link building effort. Link Trees are
built to Build Authority for Your Blog, not Links. Much Like a Link Wheel, but undetectable as
a Process.

**The Backlink Blueprint Process Map:

Download Here


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Link Building Randomization

The Plan above may be too ambitious for some of you, but realistically you can outsource the
Plan above very easily by copying and pasting it into an outsourcing requirement at or I have had this done for me for as little as $20-$30 on and there are Members in the Member to Member Section of the ABB Forum who
will also do this Service for as low as $15. The linking hasn’t always been perfect, so you have
to make sure you follow up on your outsource workers. Use the Process Map above and Mix up
Your Web 2.0 Properties when building for more Diversity.

It is still quite easy to continue to build backlinks without a sophisticated Plan. The main thing
to focus on is identifying your Money Pages and continue to work the Backlinks to them. If they
hold a Number #1 spot in Google, they will only hold it as long as you have Backlink superiority
and SEO superiority over your competition.

Remember, after building your base links with Your Top Tier Keywords, Randomize by using
Multiple Keywords for Each Money Page. Also, by this time You should start to use you
Analytics to Identify any other Posts on Your site built with Automated Content which may be
producing significant traffic and Ranking. When You see successful Posts which are not part of
your initial Money Page Construction, take advantage of this and start Building Link Trees and
build in Link Randomization as well like described below.

Adding Linking Randomization Past the Link Tree Phase:

You can start working your Way through the list of High PR Submission sites that I provided for
the Backlink Blueprint and continue to use your Primary and Related Keywords in your Articles
that you submit. Spread the Keywords you use around and try to focus the right Keywords to
the right Posts on your Auto Blog.

Continually focus on saving the links for your sites and mixing the RSS Feeds and then Pinging
them on a routine Schedule. This will ensure that the Articles you submit will get indexed, thus
giving value to the Backlinks you are creating. Try not to link directly to your home page very
often outside of Directory Submissions once every couple of Months to keep building
backlinks. Pinging Backlinks and using Social Bookmarking to Bookmark Your Backlinks helps to
ensure they get Indexed. When a Content Page you have a Backlink on gets Indexed it carries
twice as much weight as it would without being Indexed.

*I can do this entire process with


. Not just submissions, but SENuke will save all of

the RSS Feeds and URLs from my submissions. Then I can easily combine my RSS Feeds
through SENuke, them I can Ping both the RSS Feeds individually, the mixed RSS Feed I
created, and the Individual Submission URL’s as well with SENuke’s built in Pinger.


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Backlink Automation:

My Personal plan of action for using advanced software tools to build quality links to my sites
and random links to build bulk backlinks after the Link Tree Phase has Been Completed.

1. I normally do the same thing for each promotion job, and I do exactly as was said before, I
take 4 Articles I would have written for me with a Keyword Density of 2-3% per article. I would
ensure that all of my Primary and Related keywords were focused on the exact Posts/ Pages
that I need those particular Keywords to Rank my listing in Google. My Articles will be at least
500 words long.

2. I take these 4 Articles and spin them in

The Best Spinner

. I auto spin to at least 50% or

more. I do not submit the Spun Articles to GoArticles and EZineArticles. I submit the original
Articles to GoArticles and EZineArticles before I submit anywhere else. Then after 1 day, I begin
submitting to 6-10 High PR sites using


each day. This way all of my links are not built

the same day. I do mass submissions, but I will work on 5-6 different Auto Blog promotions in
one sitting. I create a new profile in SENuke for every Niche I submit to. I also save the RSS
Feed and Submission URLs that SENuke Automatically saves for me. I combine the RSS Feeds
into a single RSS Feed using the tool in SENuke, then I Ping the RSS Feed I created to aid in the
Indexing process of the Articles I submitted.

3. Simultaneously, I have 2 Articles written for me in the format required for the

Unique Article


. The UAW will take your UAW formated articles (because you write a couple versions

to get 1 Article submission. A lot of times I use the UAW friendly MyArticleExpress and have my
articles written for $20 each. You don’t have to write a lot of articles for the UAW because one
article will get sent out to over 900 Sites with your chose keywords linking back to whatever
URL you select. So 1 Article per Auto Blog is not a bad practice each month if you can afford it
as a supplement to your normal Backlink plan.

4. I now continue to keep my Blog Posts active by posting them to Social Bookmarking sites on a
Random Schedule using the New Advanced

SocialPig Plugin

by BlogPig. It is the most Advanced

Social Bookmarking tool on the web and You don’t even have to create any Social Bookmarking
Accounts to use it. Social Bookmarking is a great way to show Google Your site is actively being
engaged by users and it is interesting to them. SocialPig submits using thousands of new and
constantly updating accounts with different IP addresses, thus Your Bookmarking is always form
different “users”. Plus, the Bookmarks for each posts are scheduled so randomly that you may
have some bookmarks for a post not get published for 3 months after the initial posting.

This and occasional testing and random submissions keep my Auto Blogs actively engaged. As
you keep identifying Money Pages on your site as time goes on, you need to continue to
promote. It is not a daily thing, but with 100 Auto Blogs and no software tools, it would
be. You have to spend money to make money, that is for sure.

Other Sources for Adding Random High PR Backlinks:

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1. Video Marketing. Posting Videos to YouTube and other High PR Video sites along with a
backlink to Your Blog is a great way to build Authority. An even better way is to Add Your Video
Back to Your Blog in the Post Article itself. This increases Views and Backlink Authority. I have
used the Article Video Robot for this in the Past strictly as an enhancer for Visitors who wanted
to hear the Blog Post read to them with a Visual Aid. Article Video Robot Posts to several Video
Sites Automatically. *You can Get a 50% Discount on the

Article Video Robot

Service with

Coupon Code: ABB50OFF

*Note: You can create Your Own Videos for just $15 a Year with


2. Article Marketing. Submit Articles to sites like EZineArticles outside the Link Tree Process
and other Article Directories with Unique Content Articles. Build Backlinks to Your Money
Pages using the Author’s Resource Box to do so. I have been using the

Article Marketing Robot

along with the UAW as described above to do this. Make sure this is randomized and do not
submit on Overload.

3. High PR Blog and Forum Comments. Find High PR Blogs and Forums in Your Blog’s Niche and
Post relevant Comments that are built to last with Your Target URL. Be smart and Post Your
Name or Blog Name to keep from having Your Comments deleted as SPAM. Sometimes the link
is worth getting without the Anchor Text.

4. Link Networks. There are a lot of Link Networks out there like SEO Linkvine and
Linkvana. Linx Boss is another one. I have had mild success with these Networks and have
actually had better luck with the Backlink Blueprint submission network from Steve Clayton and
Tim Godfrey. You can check it out below.


Other Tools to Make These Processes Easy


. It has a built in ability to create Link Wheels of even Link Tree and then show you

the Link Diagram when you are done your submissions. It claims to have a 100% Submission
Rate and so far in my Testing I would have to say I agree. Submissions are submitted and
processed on the SERPAssist Server. I was recently introduced to this Product by an Auto Blog
Blueprint member and after talking to the creator of the software, he agreed to give Auto Blog
Blueprint 2.0 Members a $20 discount for purchasing through the Link here. Also, the creator
has recently added a 3 Click Automator which has really increased its capability.

PingBack Optimizer

. This great Plugin automates some of the tasks I outlined before. It

Backlinks your Backlinks and ensures that your Article Submissions get Indexed and much much
more from a really unique Plugin.


. Indexing tool is another WordPress Plugin focused on getting your backlinks

indexed. It does this by RSS Feeds of your Un-Indexed content and cycles it through your blog

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posts until each link is indexed in Google. As soon as its Indexed the link automatically stops
getting rotated on your site.

Backlink Blueprint

. I have been a member here with the Guys from Commission Blueprint and

IMEYE since the original Commission Blueprint was released. I was a top affiliate for them and
they gave me this Membership for free and man has it grown. You can literally sit and build
backlinks all day long every day with this service if you want to and you get 3 different places to
build links. Outstanding for Just $67 per month.

*That’s it for the Backlink Blueprint. Next we will be talking about maximizing social networks
for our Auto Blogs.


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