Stephani Hecht Somebody's Been a Bad Little Wolf

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Sometimes, just as you’ve given up all hope, your
true love comes into your life and turns
everything upside down.

A dollar short and a day too late, if that wasn’t the
story of Levine’s life. Every time the Omega falls
for another Wolf, he only manages to lose him to
another man. Finally, Levine has given up all hope
until a new Wolf, Colt, joins the pack. Levine finds
himself instantly attracted to the man and is
determined to catch him, no matter what it takes.

Colt is just trying to get used to his new pack.

The last thing he needs is some crazy Omega, who
is obviously off his rocker, bugging him all the
time. Try as he might, though, he can’t make
Levine go away. To make things worse, Colt is
actually starting to find himself attracted to the

Will Levine finally get his man? Or is he

destined to be alone forever?

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Somebody’s Been a Bad Little Wolf

Copyright © 2014 Stephani Hecht

ISBN: 978-1-77111-949-8

Cover art by Martine Jardin

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Somebody’s Been a Bad Little


Wayne County Wolves Book 12


Stephani Hecht

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Chapter One

evine sat in one of the window seats of the
pack dwelling. It was a good place to hide out.

Not many looked there, so Levine could people-
watch all day without anybody noticing him. Not
that anybody ever paid attention to him anyway.
At least not since his parents had died two years
ago and he was left to fend for himself.

Sure, the pack clothed him, fed him and gave

him a roof over his head. For which he repaid
them by working as a mechanic on the soldier’s
SUVs and vans. That was expected on both sides.
It was how pack worked. Everybody took care of
each other.

That still didn’t stop Levine from feeling alone.

Which was the most ironic thing of all. Here he
was surrounded by hundreds of pack members,
yet he felt like belting out the tune One is the
Loneliest Number.
Okay, maybe he was being a tad
melodramatic, but he had no friends, he had no
mate and he had no family. The only thing he had
was the small beta fish back in his living quarters,
and even Bubbles barely gave him the time of day.


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Tate and his new mate, Walsh, walked by. They

were holding hands and looking like they were
straight out of a commercial for Hallmark. That
was if the card company ever aired a gay ad.

Levine turned his head away. It wasn’t that he

disliked Tate, or even Walsh for that matter. It was
just that Levine’s last crush had been on Tate, and
it still hurt to see him with somebody else. But that
was the story of Levine’s life. He would fall hard
for some guy, admire him from afar, yet never
approach him. Then Levine would have to watch
as his crush was snatched by another Wolf.

“I may as well get some doilies and fifty cats

and get it over with now,” Levine muttered to

“Since you’re a Wolf, wouldn’t it be more

appropriate that you get fifty puppies instead?” a
voice asked.

Shocked that he wasn’t as alone as he’d thought

he was, Levine spun around and saw that Toby
was sitting in the window seat behind him. As
soon as Levine noted that it was Toby, his surprise
faded away. Toby was one of the best assassins
out there. He could sneak up on a fly and kill it
before the creature even noticed the incoming
threat. After all, that was how Toby made his
living, sliding up behind his victims and offing
them before they even had a chance to fight back.

“Are you here to kill me?” Levine asked, as he

rolled through the event calendar in his mind,

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trying to figure out what he might have done to
warrant a death sentence.

Toby gave him a bored stare. Or at least that’s

what Levine thought he did. Since Toby was
wearing his all black cape and had the cloak up,
most of his face was covered, and it was hard to

“If I was here to eliminate you, you wouldn’t be

breathing now. When I do one of my assignments,
I get in and out as fast as possible. I sure as hell
don’t start a conversation with my mark,” Toby

“I guess that makes sense,” Levine replied as a

wave of relief came over him.

Since Levine was an Omega, there was no way

in the world that he could take on a huge-ass
Leopard like Toby. That was even if Toby gave
Levine the time to shift. Toby would more likely
kill Levine before he could take another breath.

“What would make you think I’m here to kill

you? All you do is sit here or in your room. You’re
more reclusive than a teenager who has an
addiction to video games. So how in the hell
would you cause any trouble?”

“I do work, you know.” Levine felt compelled

to point out.

“Yeah, and you never talk to the guys there,

either. The only friend you have there is Savan
and that’s because she never lets anybody hide
behind their shields.”

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Levine had to admit that Toby had a point

there. While the rest of the mechanics had pretty
much ignored him, Savan had been different. She
had chipped away and chipped away until Levine
finally started to open up to her. But when their
shift was over, she always went her way while
Levine went down his usual lonely path.

Levine gave a half shrug. “So what? I’m not the

type who has to surround myself with friends. I
like being alone better. Is that so wrong?”

“It is when it makes you so miserable. The only

misery I like to see is the kind I cause.”

“You’re so sentimental. Have you ever thought

about getting into therapy of something?”

“I tried that once, but the cloak always scares

them off.”

Levine gave a slow nod. “I can see where that

could be a problem. You have to admit that when
you have it on it sends out a pretty big heebie-
jeebie, pee-in-your-pants vibe.”

Toby tilted his head to the side. “I never

thought about it that way. Then again, assassins
aren’t known to be the friendly type. We’re
supposed to scare the crap out of everybody who
crosses our paths.”

Levine tried hard to hold it in, but a small laugh

still managed to slip past his lips. “But you’re
being nice to me now. Doesn’t that go against your
code of ethics or something?”

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“Only if I were about to kill you, or if I thought

I might have to kill you in the future.” Toby
narrowed his eyes. “That’s not ever going to
happen, is it? You’re not spying for Rand, dealing
in the black market, the slave trade, or dealing

Just the thought of somebody thinking that

Levine was involved in any of those activities
made him jump in shock. He held his hands up
and began to shake his head.

“There is no way in hell I could do any of those

things. For one, it goes against everything I believe
in. Secondly, I wouldn’t even know who or where
to go to even if I wanted to do those actives. It’s
not like there’s big-time weapons or drug dealers
wandering around screaming, I’m a drug dealer,
and I need somebody to work for me. Hey, you! Yeah,

the little Omega over there. You’re just so cute that I
want to give that job to you.”

A slow smile spread over Toby’s face. “I think

I’m going to like you. You have a little fire in you
after all. Here I thought all this time that you were
just a little wallflower who didn’t have a

Levine wanted to fire off a gee, thanks, but he

figured that he’d already pushed his luck as far as
Toby went. While the Leopard might be acting
friendly enough, that could change with the snap
of his fingers. Levine had seen some of the Wolves
who’d fallen victim to Toby’s rage. That had been

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more than enough to scare Levine into respecting

Tate and Walsh walked by again. Levine tried

to hold it back this time, knowing he had an
audience, but he still couldn’t help but cringe.
Damn, if he didn’t know better, he would have
sworn they were walking back and forth just to
rub lemon juice in his wounds.

Levine knew that wasn’t the case, though. For

one thing, Tate had never been aware of Levine’s
crush on him. That was something Levine had
kept close to his chest, only letting slip out to one
person. Also it wasn’t Tate’s and Walsh’s style to
be mean like that. Every encounter that Levine
had with them, they were nice and so open.

“I’ve got it now,” Toby said.
Levine whipped his head around. “What do

you mean?”

“You had yourself a little crush on Tate, but I’m

willing to bet that you were too shy to ever make a
move on him—hell, you probably never got the
guts up to talk to him. Then when Walsh came
back home, he snatched Tate out from under you.
I’m willing to bet that this isn’t the first time
something like that has happened to you. How
many Wolves have you had the hots for, but lost
them because you were too shy to even make eye
contact with them, let alone work up the courage
to talk to them?”

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Levine thought back and winced. The number

was in the double digits. There was no way that he
could share that with Toby. The feline already
thought that Levine was one sad, puppy dog.

His face must have given him away, though,

because Toby gave him a knowing look. “That’s
what I thought. You need to get yourself a pair of
balls, or you’re never going to get your hands on
somebody else’s balls.”

That comment made Levine blink a few times.

“Did you really just say what I think you did?”

“Sure. What’s so bad about it?”
“Well, it’s a bit clichéd,” Levine said, hoping

that saying as much wouldn’t piss Toby off.

Toby rubbed his chin. It was then that Levine

realized how young the assassin looked. Damn, he
could have passed for a teenager if he’d wanted
to. Yet Levine was terrified of him, and rightly so.
It was funny how things worked out in life

“I guess you do have a point there,” Toby

finally admitted. “But I’m right. If you don’t get
the guts to go up and talk to one of your crushes,
then you’ll never stand a chance of landing a guy
of your own.”

“What if he still doesn’t notice me?” Levine


“Then you have to make him notice. Do

anything it takes to get his attention. No matter
what extremes you have to go to. You’re smart.

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I’m sure you can figure out some pretty good

Levine’s head was spinning. His chest grew

tight just at the thought of having to talk to a hot
guy. Yet Toby expected Levine to do something
outrageous to draw the man’s attention his way?
Oh God! Levine began to look around for the
nearest garbage can so he could vomit into it.

“I don’t know if I can do that.” Levine


Toby shrugged. “Then stay by yourself for the

rest of your life. It’s no fur off my back.”

Levine hated to admit it, but Toby was right.

Until Levine came out of his shell and really put
himself out there, nobody was ever going to notice
that he existed. But just thinking about doing what
Toby suggested made Levine’s stomach do The


He briefly closed his eyes. Why did it have to be

this hard? Why couldn’t he be like all the other
Omegas, who thought nothing about flirting and
making nice with the Betas?

Just as Levine was opening his eyes, as if on

cue, a new Wolf walked in the front door. Levine’s
mouth dropped open, and he could feel a flush
come over his face—in other words, he was
making a grand spectacle of himself. But how
could he not? This had to be the best looking Wolf
he’d ever seen.

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The man had hair that was so dark it looked

blue in certain places when the light hit it just
right. It was cut short, but somebody had done a
sloppy job of it, almost as if they had used a knife
to hack it off. It still didn’t distract from the beauty
of his hair, though.

The Wolf’s shimmery, predatory, dark gaze

scanned the room. Levine had a sneaking
suspicion that the man didn’t miss a thing. Even if
there was the tiniest of flies in the room, that Wolf
was probably well aware of its presence. Levine
wasn’t the only one who noticed that, either,
because Toby let out a low growl. It was obvious
the assassin didn’t like being scoped out one little

“Who in the hell is that?” Levine asked.
“I don’t know, but I do know I don’t like him.”
Levine turned to give Toby a sour stare. “How

can you be so sure? You haven’t even met him

“His attitude sucks. That’s enough for me.”
Levine dismissed Toby so he could return his

attention to the new Wolf. Why waste time
looking at an already mated assassin when Levine
could devour another hopefully single man?

Damn, whoever put this guy together sure had

known what they were doing. His body was
perfect—and by that, Levine meant there was not
a flaw anywhere on his body. Levine scoped out
the Wolf hard, too, making sure he didn’t miss one

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inch of the Wolf’s fine body. It helped that the
newcomer had worn a tight black T-shirt and
jeans. So Levine had a perfect view of the man’s
impressive pecs, abs, thighs and biceps. The Wolf
was so dayam good looking that Levine was
willing to roll on his back in a show of submission.
Anything, just to get his attention.

“Sooooooo, I take it from the look of awe and

wonder on your face that this newbie hasyou’re
your gears running,” Toby drawled.

Before he could stop himself, Levine nodded.

All the while, he never took his eyes off the new

“I just wish I knew what his name was and why

he’s here,” Levine said.

Toby gave Levine a pat on the back. “Give me a

few secs and I’ll find out all the deets for you.”

Levine waited for just under five minutes

before Toby came back and reclaimed his seat.
“Rumor has it that his name is Colt. It seems Rand
attacked his pack a couple of days ago. They must
have been easier pickings than us. Colt was the
only survivor.”

“That’s horrible,” Levine gasped. “Do you think

that means Rand will leave us alone now?”

Toby gave a harsh laugh. “Are you kidding?

Rand now has a vendetta against us. We made
him look weak, so he’s going to do anything in his
power to bring down Chris and our pack. If
anything, things are going to get worse.”

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Levine’s stomach dropped. Just what they

needed, more death and destruction in their lives.
As if they hadn’t had enough already. Levine let
out a sigh. It really sucked being a Wolf

“Why is Colt here?” Levine asked.
Toby gave a savage grin. “Now that’s the fun

part. I heard from the gossip mill that he’s here to
ask Chris if he can join the pack. You and I both
know that Chris will welcome him. So now you
have your chance. You like this guy, now you just
have to make sure that he doesn’t slip through
your fingers like all the others have.”

Levine took in a shaky breath. He hated to

admit it, but Toby was right. As scary as it might
be, he was going to have to take the first step on
this one. It was going to be a huge step, too.

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Chapter Two

olt looked around the common room of what
he hoped would be his new home. In turn, all

the Wolves that were present stared back at him.
Not that he blamed him. From what he’d heard,
Rand, the rotten bastard, had been giving them
hell for a long time. So they had every right to be
suspicious of a newcomer.

He noted that one Wolf in particular was really

giving him the onceover. It was an Omega. If his
short, white-blond hair and sweet blue eyes didn’t
have given him away, then his small stature sure
as hell would. But with this Omega, there was
something different, something that set him apart
from all the rest.

Colt paused to study the Omega closer. Maybe

it was the way the Omega’s cheekbones were
rounded, giving him a softer look. Or it could be
that his lashes were so long. It might even be that
the Omega’s lips were so plump and soft looking
that they almost begged to be kissed. Whatever


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the reason, as soon as Colt saw the Wolf, he
wanted him.

Colt gave an internal shake of his head. The last

thing he needed right then was to get involved in
a relationship. He’d just lost his family and
everything he’d ever known and had in his life.
Colt wasn’t in the state of mind to own a damned
goldfish, let alone have a man by his side.

Colt was just about to flick his gaze away, when

the Omega got up and began to walk his way.
Shit! That could only mean one thing—he was
actually going to have to talk to the little brat. Just
when he thought that things couldn’t get any
worse in his life, too.

The Omega drew close enough for Colt to

smell. Oh, hell. Things were going to be harder
than he’d first imagined. The Omega smelled good
enough to eat. It was a mixture on honeysuckle
and pine. Colt drew his hands into fists as he told
his body to maintain control. The last thing he
wanted was to embarrass himself in front of one of
the first pack members he met.

“Hi, I’m Levine. How can I help you?” the

Omega asked.

There were so many ways that Colt wanted to

answer that question, most of which were
probably illegal in some countries. But Colt knew
he couldn’t utter even one of them.

So he just went with, “I need to speak with your

Alpha, please.”

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Levine smiled, showing off one dimple. Just

one, not two, showing another way that he was
unique. “I’ll be happy to bring you to him. Just
follow me.”

As soon of Levine turned and revealed his fine

ass, Colt realized he would follow the Omega
anywhere, even off a cliff. Levine paused to wave
at somebody. An assassin, going by the cloak and
hood the shifter was wearing. Colt wondered if
they were a pair. For some odd reason, that made
a bolt of white hot anger shoot through him.
Which he had no right to feel. It’s not like Levine
was his mate or anything. Hell, the two had only
known each other for a few moments for cripes

“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Colt still

asked, call him cray-cray, but he just couldn’t
control himself sometimes.

Levine gave a slight shake of his head. “Naw,

I’m not with anybody. In fact, I was just telling
Toby today that I may as well give it up and admit
that I’m going to grow old and become a

Colt almost tripped when he heard that

statement. Levine, a spinster? Was he high or
something? There was no way in hell that
somebody that good looking didn’t have guys
throwing themselves at him all the time. Unless he
was a serial killer, wet the bed, or was guilty of
some other heinous deed.

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“Why is that? I would think you would have

guys throwing themselves at your feet?” Colt
asked, his confusion growing.

Levine gave a slight shrug. “I don’t know. Guys

just don’t want me. Every time I see one that I like,
he gets snatched out from under me by somebody

Colt was cut off when Levine knocked on a

door. After a few moments, a deep voice called,
“Come on in. Unless you’re Toby. I’ve had way
too much of his mouth today. I swear that
Leopard is going to drive me crazy. I should just
ship him back to the feline coalition where he
belongs. Let him and Shane fight it out a while.”

Levine flashed Colt a smile before he opened

the door. “No, Alpha. It’s just me.”

The Alpha was cut from good stock, just like

most Alphas were. Tall and all muscles, with
brown hair and eyes, the Wolf was somebody that
Colt would never want to get on the bad side of.
Which said a lot since Colt had fought a lot of
fights and he hadn’t lost one. Well, except the
battle to save his pack, but they had all failed on
that one.

The Alpha smiled at Levine, and it was a warm,

caring one. At that moment, Colt knew he’d made
the right choice to come to this pack. It was
obvious that the rumors were right and that Chris

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cared for his members. He wasn’t at all like Colt’s
last Alpha who had…

Colt gave a shudder. No, he wouldn’t think

about that now. Lord knows he would be seeing
the flashbacks in his nightmares. That was more
than enough for him. That was the only thing Colt
didn’t regret over the whole Rand thing, the fact
that they had killed Colt’s old Alpha and his
closest Betas. Those men had been rotten to the
core. Colt had the scars on his back to prove it.

“What brings you in here, Levine? You never

come to my office. In fact, I don’t think you ever
leave your room or that seat in the wall unless
you’re going to chow or work,” Chris said.

A slight blush came over Levine’s cheeks. “This

Wolf came here asking to speak to you I told him
that I would bring him to you.”

Chris turned all of his attention to Colt. “What’s

your name?”

“I’m Colt, from the Ambrose pack. Or rather

from what was once the Ambrose pack. We were
attacked a couple days ago by Rand and his
group. They wiped us out. We fought as hard as
we could, but they showed no mercy. They even
went after our women and children. I was the only
one who survived.”

Chris leaned forward on his desk. “And why is

that? Did you run away from the battle instead of
staying to fight?”

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Colt felt a burst of panic mixed with insult.

“No, I would never desert my duties as a Beta. I
took a blow to the head and was out for a while.
I’m not for sure how long. It could have been a
few hours or days. When I woke up, all of my
pack were dead. Rand and his men were burning
the bodies. They hadn’t gotten to me yet, so I
waited until they were distracted, shifted and ran
this way as fast as I could. I’d always heard that
you were a good and fair Alpha, so I thought that
maybe you could find a place for me in your

“It would seem that Rand finally found a pack

that he could take down, so he could claim their
lands of their own,” Chris mused.

“No disrespect to my old Alpha, but we were

easy pickings for Rand. The Alpha never bothered
to put out guards or properly train his Betas. We
never stood a chance against Rand and his men.”

Colt hoped that talking ill about his former

Alpha didn’t hurt his chances of being welcomed
into Chris’ pack. It was just that Colt felt that Chris
should know that Rand hadn’t fought a huge
battle to take control of the lands. He didn’t want
to give Rand credit that he didn’t deserve.

“I hate to agree with you, but I’ve met your

former Alpha, and you’re right. He wasn’t meant
to lead. He was more comfortable sitting back and
letting others do all the work. I’m not surprised
that Rand defeated him. In fact, I’m shocked that

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Rand didn’t go directly after you guys, instead of
attacking us first.”

A heat came over Colt’s face as he darted a

sideways glance at Levine. For some reason, he
didn’t want the Omega to hear what he was about
to admit. It was both humiliating and

“Our lands and dwelling had fallen into

disarray, since the Alpha was too lazy to assign
Wolves to oversee the jobs. Rand must have
known that and was trying to avoid a fixer-
upper,” Colt admitted.

Actually, they had fallen into more than just

disarray. His former home had slowly, over the
years, turned into a hell hole. Colt couldn’t
remember the last time the cleaning staff had gone
through and given the place a good scrubbing.
They were all too busy taking the drug called Tar
to worry about something as silly as that.

As for the soldiers, their training had fallen to

the wayside a long time ago. Colt had been the
only one in the pack that’d made use of the
facilities. He was no fool. He’d known that it was
only a matter of time before they were going to be
attacked by another pack. Colt wanted to be ready
for when that time came, and it finally had.

But Colt had been the only true soldier left at

that time and hadn’t been able to fight off all of
Rand’s men. They’d ganged up on him once
they’d realized that Colt was a threat, and taken

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him out. Colt had been damn lucky that he’d been
taken out by a blow to the head and not been
stabbed or shot outright.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about having a

fool for an Alpha anymore, because you’re
welcome to this pack,” Chris said. “We’ll even let
you join the ranks of soldiers once they’ve tested
you and seen your skills to make sure that you’re
up to par.”

It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off of

Colt’s chest. He wasn’t alone in the world
anymore. He had a place to call home. More
importantly he had a pack, which, for a Wolf, was
the most important thing of all. While there were
cases of rogue Wolves, Colt never wanted to be
one of them. They very often grew crazy from
loneliness and would go on rampages. Then it
would be the duty of the nearest pack to bring the
rogue down before they harmed innocents.

Chris reached into a drawer in his desk and

fished out a key. He then tossed it to Levine.
“Here is the key to his new living quarters. It has
his room number engraved on it. Why don’t you
give him a tour of the place, get him some food,
and then show him where he’ll be living from now
on. Colt, we’ll have some clothes ready for you
back at your quarters when you get there.”

Levine nodded his head to the Alpha. “I’ll do as

you wish, Alpha.”

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Colt nodded as well. “Thank you for taking me


Chris smiled at both of them. “No problem, in

fact why don’t we have Levine lead you around
for the next few days? While you’re at training, he
can work at his own job. But otherwise, I want you
two stuck together like glue.”

Colt swallowed his gasp of shock. How in the

hell was he going to spend the next few days with
Levine without the Omega finding out how Colt
really felt about him? Damn, damn, damn, this
whole situation just had drama with a capital D
written all over it.

Levine appeared to be just as horrified at the

suggestion as Colt. Great! The Omega probably
thought that Colt was some loser or something.
No doubt he thought that Colt’s story about being
hit on the head was all a lie and Colt had deserted
his pack when they needed him the most. Never
before had Colt felt so dirty and disgusting.

Finally, Levine gave a short nod of his head.

“As you wish, Alpha.”

Chris gave Levine a narrow-eyed stare. “Why

are you so surprised by this request?”

“I thought that you would find a Beta more

suitable for the job. After all, I’m just an Omega
and a weak one at that.”

Chris shook his head. “You’re a lot stronger

than you think you are. You’ve always
underestimated yourself. I should have done

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something like this a long time ago. Maybe then
you wouldn’t have drawn up so deeply in that
shell of yours.”

Colt hid a smile. Levine? Shy? He sure as hell

hadn’t seen that since he’d arrived at the pack. It
made Colt all the more determined to get to know
about Levine.

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Chapter Three

hit! Now, like it or not, Levine was going to
have to spend a lot of time with Colt. There

was no way that he could retreat to his cubbyhole
in the window or hide under the covers on his
bed. He had to interact with Colt, no matter how
hard it was on Levine. The Alpha had given him
an order, and Levine knew that he couldn’t
disobey it.

Chris cocked a brow but otherwise didn’t

remark on Levine’s odd behavior. Just a day ago,
Levine would have never approached a strange
Wolf, let alone agree to guide him anywhere.
Levine let out a sigh of relief. His Alpha was
nothing if not discreet, and for that, Levine would
forever be grateful. Chris might have his quirks,
but he would never purposely humiliate one of his
pack members. He cared too much for them to do
“I’ll get started right away, Alpha. That way you
can get back to the work you were doing before
we interrupted you.”


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Wow! Levine couldn’t believe that was his

voice. It sounded so high-pitched and tight. The
last time it had been that way was when Becky,
who was a Beta of course, had kneed him in the
balls. That had been in third grade and one of the
many things that had woken Levine up to the fact
that he would always be the weakest one in the

“You may leave, but don’t ever hesitate coming

to my office, thinking that you’re bothering me. I
always have time for my pack. You guys always
come before anything else,” Chris said.

Colt looked so shock by that statement that it

made Levine sad. He’d heard stories about Colt’s
former Alpha. After all, Wolves liked to gossip
more than a group of ladies at a bridge club. So
Levine knew how bad Colt’s former Alpha had
been. The worst thing Levine learned about was
the public whippings. A shiver went through him
as he thought about that happening to Colt. He
was such a strong and proud Wolf. It would have
been painful in more ways than one.

They left the office. Levine’s mind still whirling

with all the possibilities of what could have
happened to Colt back at his previous pack. Just
the thought of that dirty Alpha putting his hands
on Colt made Levine see red. Which said a lot
since it took quite a bit to make Levine angry.

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As soon as the door to Chris’ office was closed

behind them, Levine asked, “Did your old Alpha
ever whip you?”

Colt gave him a strange look. “Why would you


“I don’t know why, I just do.”
Colt ran his hand through his dark hair. “Yeah,

it happened to me on a few occasions.”

Levine still wasn’t satisfied. “What did you do

to earn them?”

“Are you always this full of questions?”
“No, you’re just a special case.”
“Lucky me,” Colt drawled.
“Just answer my damn question and stop trying

to dodge it.”

“The infractions were all different. Like one

time, they caught me eating food from the

Shock coursed through Levine. “What’s so

wrong with that? We all swipe food from the
pantry. It’s no biggie.”

“It is if you lived with my former pack. My

Alpha liked to control us in all ways. That
included monitoring every bite that went into our
mouths. I was just so hungry that day. I’d been
working out, and he was keeping us on starvation
rations. I’d managed to get away with it for a
month before they caught me.”

“How old were you?”
“I was eighteen.”

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“That’s the age I am now,” Levine said sadly.

“You said that was only one of the reasons they
whipped you. What else did you get into trouble

“One time, we were attacked by a Spider

shifter. I was able to defeat and kill it.”

Levine pulled back in confusion. “What in the

hell is wrong with that? You saved the pack. You
should have been called a hero.”

Colt held up one finger. “Ah, but when I did

that, I showed that I was more powerful than my
Alpha and his closest Betas. They didn’t like that
at all.”

Levine let out a low curse. “The only ones to

blame were themselves. Instead of sitting around
all day, getting fat, they should have been
training. You managed to do it. Which is why you
were able to take down the Spider and they

“They didn’t quite see it that way.”
“Did they ever whip you for anything else?”

Levine asked in a small voice.

He prayed silently that Colt would say no.

Levine didn’t think he could hear another story of
injustice being committed against Colt. Each one
that Levine heard hit him like a punch to the gut.

“Yeah, there was one more time,” Colt said,

shattering all of Levine’s hopes.

“What was it?” Levine asked, his throat dry.

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“A few weeks before the attack, I made the

mistake of approaching my Alpha. I told him that
our lands weren’t fortified enough. That we were
just asking to be attacked. I begged him to put
guards around the perimeter, to get some
floodlights around our dwelling. The Alpha got so
angry at me. He said I was challenging his
authority. That I had no right to question his
decisions or how he ruled the pack.”

Levine felt his heart break just a little more with

each word that Colt spoke. For Colt had been
right. Maybe if the Alpha had taken his advice,
then Rand wouldn’t have attacked. But, then
again, Rand probably had been scoping out the
place for a while and knew the Wolves there had
grown lax in their training and would be easy

“It seems to me that you should have been the

Alpha all along,” Levine said.

Colt laughed as he shook his head. “I’m not

Alpha material. I much prefer fighting and taking
orders. That’s when I’m the happiest.”

“Well then, you’re in the right place. Chris

usually makes the best decisions. It doesn’t hurt
that he runs them by his mate, Cassie, first. She’s a
Jaguar shifter from the coalition in Flint, and she’s
wicked smart. She’d not shy about slapping Chris
in the back of the head when he’s being a
lunkhead either.”

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“They sound like they work perfectly together.

Do they have any children?”

“They have two little babies, and Chris guards

them fiercely. They each have their own assassin

Levine didn’t even want to think about how

spoiled the twins were. With two doting parents at
the dwelling and a bunch of uncles at the
coalition, their babies probably never went
without anything. But it wasn’t like Levine could
blame them, he’d seen the babies before, and they
were damn cute.

They arrived at the cafeteria. Levine grabbed a

tray, handed it to Colt, then grabbed another one
for himself. Levine began to move through the
buffet style setup that was filled with various
types of food. He was just about to scoop some
mashed potatoes onto his plate when he noticed
that Colt wasn’t with him.

Levine turned and saw that Colt was standing

where Levine left him. Colt had an expression of
awe on his face, as if somebody had just walked
by and slapped him for no reason at all. Levine
stopped what he was doing and walked back to
the Wolf.

“The thing about lunch is you have to pick out

what you want and put in on a plate. Otherwise,
you’re never going to able to eat it,” Levine said.

“I can just take anything I want?” Colt asked.

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Levine sucked in a breath as he recalled how

Colt had been whipped just for taking a little bit of
food at his former pack. Damn! Levine wanted to
kick himself in his own ass for being so stupid. Of
course, Colt was going to have some issues with
coming in and simply being able to take what he
wanted. Levine should have anticipated that.

“Yes, you can take as much as you want, and

you can come here whenever you want, even if it’s
fifteen times a day. The cafeteria is open twenty-
four hours a day. Nobody is going to be angry
with you for eating too much. I promise you. Chris
wants his pack well-fed in case there’s an attack.
That way we’re all ready to fight if we have to.”

Colt looked at Levine as if he were speaking a

different language. “Doesn’t Chris keep the good
food for himself and his closest allies?”

Levine offered up a tiny smile. “No, we’re all

equal. From the strongest Beta to the weakest
Omega. Chris never plays favorites. He cares for
all of us the same. We’re all important to him.”

Colt looked down at his tray. “I’ve never been

full after a meal, ever. I’ve always had some
hunger pains that lingered. I don’t even know
where to start.”

Levine carefully grabbed his tray with one

hand, then used the other to interlace his fingers
with Colt’s. “Come on. I’ll show you. It’s not so
hard once you get used to it. I’m not so sure, but I
think they have brownies for dessert. They’re my

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favorite. You’re going to love them, too, they’re
better than sex.”

Colt gave Levine the look, the one that made him

feel all warm inside. “Obviously, you have been
having sex with the wrong men, because there is
nothing that can be better than sex. I could show
you a trick or two that would have your head

Levine almost tucked his head and blushed, but

then he recalled what Toby had said to him. So
Levine dug up every ounce of courage he had in

He put a hand on his hip, gazed up at Colt and

replied, “You better be careful. I may take you up
on that offer.”

To Levine’s surprise, Colt didn’t pull away in

revulsion. The Wolf just gave a small chuckle and
said, “And you better be careful, because I’d be a
crazy man to pass up on an opportunity like that.”

It took everything that Levine had to hold back

the shocked expression that wanted to fight its
way onto his face. Levine finally managed to toss
off what he hoped was a playful grin.

“How about we get some food?” Levine


“Okay, I’m starved.”
Holding hands once again, Levine led Colt to

the food. When they had to let go of each other to
load up the plates, Levine felt a sense of loss.
Crap! It hadn’t even been one day, and he’d

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already fallen hard for Colt. When the Beta found
another guy and moved on, it was going to hurt
Levine badly.

At first, Colt seemed to hold back on what he

put on his tray. Then as some other Betas came in
the cafeteria and heaped large portions onto their
plates, Colt caught on. He began to put a ton of
food on his tray. Levine released a small breath of
relief. Now he didn’t have to worry that Colt was
going to hold back and not eat enough.

Once they were finished filling their plates, they

found a table and sat down. Levine was highly
aware of the curious stares that were coming their
way. He didn’t know if it was because he was
actually taking a meal outside of his room, or it
could be that there was a new pack member and
they were curious about Colt. Hell, it could be
both. Whatever the reason, Levine felt as if a great
big spotlight were on them.

“Are they always this way?” Colt asked as he

glanced around the room.

“Yeah, but don’t worry. Soon, they’ll find

somebody else to gossip about, and then they’ll
forget about us. The pack members here can be a
bit gossipy. You’d be amazed at how many of
them have subscriptions to US Weekly.”

Colt let out a loud laugh. “That’s a good one. I

think we’re going to get along perfectly.”

Levine slowly smiled back. “Yeah, I think it was

perfect that Chris paired us together.”

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“Are you always this forward?” Colt asked.
“No, usually I’m unbelievably shy.”
“Then what made you change your attitude?”
“I saw somebody that I wanted, and I was

determined that I wasn’t going to lose him.”

“And what if that somebody isn’t ready for a

relationship right away? After all, they just lost
everything they’ve ever known. Their relatives,
their home, all their belongings and their pack.”

Levine felt like a heel. Colt was right. It wasn’t a

good time for Colt to be jumping into a new
relationship. Not when he was still spinning from
having the rug pulled out from under his feet.

“I can be patient,” Levine said. “Take all the

time you need. Just promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”
Levine swallowed past the huge lump that had

formed in his throat. “Don’t fall for some other
man like all my other past crushes have. Or at
least if you do, give me a warning. I don’t know
how I’d react if I saw you walking around with
somebody else.”

“Has that happened to you before,” Colt asked,

his eyes full of concern.

“So many times I’ve lost count.”
Levine blinked his eyes. He would not cry. Not

ever. That was a pact he’d made the day his
parents had been killed, and Levine was damned
if he was going to break it now. While Levine
might be a bit of a recluse, he wasn’t a weepy one.

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He wasn’t about to go all emo and dress in black
and talk about how depressing the world was and
how there was no hope for humanity. It was just
not going to happen.

“I don’t see how anybody could hold a candle

to you. But if by some crazy miracle I do find
somebody else, I promise I will come and tell you
first thing,” Colt said.

Levine looked down at his plate. “God, you

must think that I’m some kind of pathetic fool or
something. I sound like some teenage girl. I may
as well give it up now and join Bad Girls Club,
although I don’t think I could ever pop a bitch, I
could be throwing all kinds of shade.”

“What is a bad girl?” Colt asked.
“How do you not know about them? It’s a

reality show on TV.”

“Our pack never had a television.”
Levine made no attempt to hide his shock and

horror. “Dear God! We have so much catching up
to do. It’s a good thing that I have a Netflix
account. That way we can start with season one
and binge-watch the hell out of that show.”

Colt moaned. “What have I gotten myself


“A bunch of full-grown women who like to

drink too much, fight, wear next to nothing and
yell at each other.”

“Why would a gay man like you be interested

in a show like that?”

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Levine grinned. “I don’t know. It’s just

addictive. Once I started watching, I couldn’t stop

Levine knew for a fact that he was going to get

Colt hooked, too. Which would be a great thing
for Levine, because that meant that they could
spend more time together. Which was exactly
what Levine was hoping for.

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Chapter Four

s much as Colt couldn’t believe it, slowly over
the next few weeks, he found out that Levine

had been right. It was a standing joke among the
pack that Levine always developed huge crushes
on men only to lose them to somebody else. They
had even nicknamed him Levine the Lamented

Colt wanted to punch whatever Wolf uttered

those horrible words. But as a newcomer, Colt
didn’t feel that he had the right to speak up yet.
After all, there was nothing to say that they
couldn’t punish him or show him the door.

On the other hand, Colt always felt like a

coward each time he didn’t speak up in defense of
the Omega. Despite his best efforts, Colt’s
attraction to Levine had grown with each passing
day. It had grown to the point where Levine was
all Colt could think about and he yearned to spend
time with him. Colt had even grown an addiction
to Bad Girls Club, just so he could spend a few
extra hours with Levine. They would sit together


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on Levine’s bed every night and watch a few
episodes. It had become the highlight of Colt’s

Colt was currently training in the hand-to-hand

combat section of the gym. He was going against a
Wolf who was much bigger than he was, but Colt
was still getting the best of him. It was mainly
because the Wolf in question was getting
frustrated and letting his emotions get the better of

“Will you stand still so I can get at you?” the

Wolf asked as he swiped at Colt with his practice

“Do you think your enemies will slow down

and take it easy on you?” Colt countered.

The Wolf let out a roar and made another jab

with his blade. Colt easily dodged it and made a
swipe with his dulled blade. Had it been a regular
dagger, it would have ripped the other Wolf’s
belly open and killed him.

Colt sighed. Just the kind of enemy that he

hated going up against, dumb and stupid. That
was never a good combination. They usually
ended up getting your team into trouble, or they
ended up getting killed within the first five
minutes of the fights. In other words, they were
useless for the pack.

“I win,” Colt said blandly.
The Wolf let out another roar before he lunged

at Colt. Grabbing Colt by the waist, the Wolf

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brought Colt down to the ground. Colt let out a
grunt of pain. While the floors had mats on them,
they were thin and did little to protect him from
the hard concrete that was underneath it.

Colt had the wind knocked out of him, but he

only paused a second before he retaliated. Rolling
over, Colt made it so he was now on top. Bringing
back his fist, he gave the Wolf one hard punch in
the center of his face.

The Wolf howled and brought his hands to his

nose. When blood began to pour between the
Wolf’s fingers, Colt let out a sigh of regret. Not
because the bastard didn’t deserve it, but because
there was no way he was going to avoid being
punished for this.

Sure enough, as soon as Colt looked up, Chris

was standing there, and he didn’t look happy at
all. The Alpha’s eyes were bright with anger, and
he had his hands on his hips. A vein popped at
one of his temples, and he looked like he was
ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

Colt instantly rolled off the Wolf and went

down on one knee in front of Chris. He waited for
the other Wolf to do the same thing, but he
continued to just lay there and not move, still
intent on the damage done on his nose.

“I’m sorry, Alpha, please excuse me for

fighting,” Colt said. “I should have never let my
temper get the better of me.”

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“You’re okay. I saw the whole thing go down

from across the room,” Chris replied. “Moose
started it. There isn’t a week that goes by where he
doesn’t start a fight.”

Moose? Well, the name seemed fitting since the

guy was as big as one of those creatures and about
as smart as them, too. Colt’s body was still sore
from the slam-down he’d taken. He knew that
he’d be sporting all kinds of bruises, thanks to ol’

“Get up. We don’t do the whole bowing thing

here. Even if you do mess up, we’ll have a talk
about it, then we’ll figure out a way to make it
better. I’m not going to beat you like your last
Alpha did.”

Suddenly feeling foolish, Colt got up on his

feet. Chris shot Moose a filthy look, and it was
then that Colt realized that it was Moose that
Chris was angry with, not Colt. Colt let out a sigh
of relief when he realized that he wasn’t in

“So how does it feel to be on the losing end of a

fight for once in your life?” Chris asked the bloody
Wolf. “Maybe this will make you think twice
before you start picking on somebody.”

Moose gave Chris an expression that was full of

attitude. “It’s not my fault that I’m bigger and
stronger than most of your other soldiers.”

Chris cocked his head to the side. “That may

have been true until you came across one of my

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soldiers who was able to take advantage of your
weaknesses and finally take you down.”

Colt’s heart pounded when it looked like

Moose was actually going to make a move on
Chris. Colt didn’t even have to think twice. He
quickly moved so his body was in front of Chris so
his Alpha was protected. Nobody was going to
hurt his Alpha. At least not while Colt still drew

“You want me to give you another wound that

will make you bleed all over the mats?” Colt asked
as he curled his hands into fists.

Moose spit some blood into Colt’s face. “The

first time you were just lucky. You won’t get
another punch in on me again.”

“Please, you fight like shit.”
“Then how come I never lost a battle before?”

Moose challenged.

“Because you used your strength and height to

scare off whoever you fought. But I’m not like
them. I’ve already faced off a lot worse than you
and lived to face another miserable day.”

What Colt didn’t add was that it was before he

came to this pack. Now, he got to see Levine every
day. Which had become the world to Colt. He
woke up every morning to meet Levine for
breakfast, with the hope of seeing that one-
dimpled smile before the day began.

Moose turned out to be as stupid as Colt had

pegged him to be. He made a lunge, this time at

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Chris. Since Colt was already between the two
Wolves, he easily intercepted Moose’s attack. This
time, Colt didn’t hold back.

He brought back his hand, then delivered

another blow to the Wolf’s already injured nose.
At the same time, Colt brought up his knee and
slammed it into Moose’s nuts. Was that fighting
dirty? Sure, but Colt had his Alpha to think about
at the moment, and he would do whatever it took
to protect him. Moose was in trouble, too, because
Colt knew everything there was about dirty
fighting, after all he’d, grown up in one of the
worst packs in history.

Moose let out a grunt of pain, but still kept

coming. Damn it! The idiot was working on
adrenaline, which meant that Colt was going to
have to work double time to take his ass down. Oh
well, he had eaten eggs for breakfast that morning
so he had plenty of protein in him. Might as well
use it.

“Moose! Are you fucking crazy? You don’t go

after our Alpha like that?” a voice shouted.

“Yeah, you better back down,” another warned.
Colt wanted to tell them that if they were so

worried, then why in the hell didn’t they come
over and help out a little bit. After all, Chris was
their Alpha, too. As such, he shouldn’t be the only
one fighting to protect Chris.

Moose pulled out a dagger, and this time it was

a real one, not one of the ones they used in

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training. So if Moose got in a swipe, he would be
leaving behind some serious damage. Colt took a
deep breath as he refocused on the battle. One
dagger was no problem. He’d fought off a lot
worse. While he still might carry some scars from
those times, he managed to live through them.

Two dark gray Wolves and a Leopard leapt

over Colt. They landed on Moose. Moose might
have tried to transform into his Wolf form as well,
but he didn’t have time. The Wolves and Leopard
began to attack him without mercy.

One went for Moose’s throat, another one at his

belly, while the Leopard went for his face. At first,
Moose screamed, but his cries soon fell silent.
After a few moments, the Wolves and Leopard
walked back, and Colt winced at the carnage
they’d left behind.

All that were left were itty, bitty Moose pieces.

Everywhere that Colt looked there were pieces of
flesh, muscle, blood and bone fragments. The
Wolves and Leopard took a step backward and
transformed into their human selves. Colt wasn’t
surprised that they all wore the black cloaks that
marked them as assassins.

Colt shook his head. He’d heard before how

brutal assassins could be, but he’d never seen it for
himself. They hadn’t just killed Moose, they had
mutilated him. He couldn’t contain the shiver of
dread that went down his spine. What if that
happened to him one day?

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“They did it because they were protecting me,”

Chris said. “We usually don’t automatically give
somebody the death sentence. If they do
something really bad, we just exile them from the

“Why would Moose be so stupid?” Colt asked.
“Moose had been wanted to be the Alpha of

this pack for a long time. He was just using this
situation as an excuse to attack me.”

Colt made a face. “There is no way that Moose

could have ever been any kind of Alpha. He was
way too quick-tempered and dumb as dirt. I’d be
surprised if he could even spell his own name.”

Chris gave a sad shake of his head. “He was a

bit on the slow side. It didn’t make things any
better that his family refused to ever send him to
school. You were right, he couldn’t write his own
name, because he couldn’t read or write. He just
used to leave an X as his signature. His parents
weren’t much better.”

“What happened to them?” Colt asked.
“One night, they went out into the city.”
“How is that so bad?”
“They were in their Wolf forms.”
Colt winced. “Ouch, that wasn’t a smart plan.”
“It wasn’t. They got picked up by animal


“Why didn’t they just shift into their human

forms and let themselves out of their cages?” Colt

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“That’s what I asked myself a thousand times

since the incident. But for some reason, they
stayed in their Wolf forms and were euthanized
the next day.”

Colt frowned. “That’s such a sad story. All they

had to do was shift, and they would have been
free. It was so senseless that they had to die that

“Yeah, it was. Moose never got over it. Not

because they didn’t shift, that never seemed to
bother him. It was the fact that humans killed his
parents. After that, he became a few cupcakes
short of a princess party.”

One of the assassins, a friend of Levine’s named

Toby, came over to Chris. “Just so you know, I’m
not going to clean up that mess. I don’t think you
should make Colt do it, either. He was doing his
damn best to protect you.”

Colt couldn’t help it. The compliment made

him feel a couple of inches taller. Until just
recently, he’d never received one, and they had
become very special to him.

“Don’t worry. We have a cleanup crew for that.

So you won’t get your pretty fingers dirty,” Chris

“Hey, it’s bad enough that I have Moose taste in

my mouth.” Toby stuck out his tongue and made
a gagging sound. “That guy was so heavy I can
feel my arteries growing hard as we speak.”

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Chris laughed. “You know damn well the guy

was heavy because he was a mass of muscles not
because he was fat.”

“Maybe you’re right, but that doesn’t stop the

fact that I have Moose breath right now. I’m going
to have to floss, brush my teeth and gargle with
bleach to get rid of that stench.”

Chris gave Toby a droll stare. “I’m sure you’ve

had worse things in your mouth before.”

“Now I’m just offended. I’m outta here,” Toby

said before he turned and walked away.

“Do you think he’s really angry at you?” Colt


He sure as hoped not. The last thing he wanted

to do was go against an assassin in order to
protect his Alpha. Not that Colt wouldn’t give it
the old college try, but he knew he wouldn’t stand
a chance against Toby. While the Leopard might
be smaller and shorter than Colt, Toby had been
training since he could walk. That wasn’t a joke
either. Toby had been sold to a master who had
raised him to do one thing and one thing only—

“No, he’s always mouthy, but he respects me

and the pack too much to ever try to harm any of
us. In fact, if it came right down to it, Toby would
die protecting the pack.”

Colt raised a brow. “But he’s not even a Wolf.”
“That doesn’t matter to us, and it sure as hell

doesn’t matter to him. Once he swore his

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allegiance to us, he considered himself part of the
pack. Don’t tell him that I said this, but I think he
relishes finally having a family that accepts him
for who he is and doesn’t want to just use him for
his skills.”

“So you trust him?”
“Yes, I do. So much so, that he’s one of the

guards that protect my children when Cassie or
one of the other Betas aren’t there to give him a

Wow! That said a lot about Toby. If Colt knew

one thing, it was that Chris was seriously
protective of his twins. To the point that they had
more security measures around them than the
frigging President.

Levine came running into the room. He was

wearing his green coveralls from work, and there
was a smudge of grease on his cheek. He had on a
set of heavy boots that looked like they weighed
more than the Omega himself. Colt couldn’t help
but smile. Never before had Levine looked more

“I heard there was a huge fight that involved

you, and somebody was killed,” Levine said. “Are
you okay?”

Colt opened his arms, and Levine threw himself

into them. Colt gave Levine a strong hug, not
caring who saw the exchange of emotion. Finally,
after a few moments, Colt pulled back and placed
a soft kiss on Levine’s forehead.

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“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me,”

Colt said.

Levine looked up with those sweet blue eyes of

his. “Don’t you get it? I’ll always be worried about
you, no matter what.”

It was at that moment that Colt knew he was in

trouble. He was no longer just attracted to Levine.
He’d gone and fallen for the Omega. Now, all Colt
had to do was decide how he was going to handle
the situation.

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Chapter Five

t had been a couple of weeks since the kiss on
the forehead incident, and Colt had yet to even

bring it up, let alone take it a step further. Levine
was boiling over with frustration. If he woke up
with one more wet dream, the laundry crew were
going to beat him. They’d already been
questioning why he’d been bringing down his
sheets every single frigging day. Already, some of
them were getting suspicious, because they would
give a knowing look every time they saw Levine

After completing his usual morning of

humiliation, Levine went up to find Colt. It was a
habit that they ate together, even though Colt had
long become accustomed to the new pack. Now
they just took their meals together out of routine.

As Levine rounded the corner to the hall

leading to the cafeteria, he smiled. There stood
Colt, just as always, waiting for Levine. For a brief,
crazy second, Levine wondered how Colt would


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act if Levine stood on his tiptoes and kissed the
Wolf on his cheek.

Then Levine stopped wondering and decided

to do just that. As soon as he was within reach of
Colt, Levine reached up and placed a brief kiss on
Colt’s cheek. Oh, how his skin tasted. It was salty,
yet sweet at the same time. Levine could have
gone on nibbling, kissing and licking Colt forever.

But Levine was no sadist. He knew that Colt

would never go for anything more than that
simple kiss, so he pulled back and grinned up at
Colt. Colt had a somewhat stunned look on his
face, but otherwise, he didn’t look angry.

“What was that for?” Colt asked with a smile of

his own.

“I just felt like doing it. I hope I wasn’t pushing


Levine’s heart pounded as he waited to hear the

answer. The last thing he wanted was to lose his
friendship with Colt. While it might not be much,
it was all Levine had at the moment, so he would
take it.

“It was nice,” Colt said.
Nice?” Levine echoed. “It rocked your day,

and you know it. So quit trying to deny it, bub.”

Levine then walked into the cafeteria before

Colt could reply to that, but Levine did hear a
chuckle from behind him. He only hoped that was
because Colt was laughing with him and not at

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Their meal went on as usual. They both simply

talked about what the day held for them. As usual,
the entire room seemed to stare at them, but
Levine had long become accustomed to that. He
didn’t even pay any attention to the lookie-loos
anymore. If they wanted to watch him eat, well
then let them. His grandmother had taught him
good table manners, so he had nothing to hide.

As normal, Colt finished his food off in record

time. He then began to steal bites off of Levine’s
tray. Not that Levine minded. He’d learned a
while ago to put some extra food on his plate just
for that reason.

“So when do they think that you’re going to be

ready to go out into the field?” Levine asked,
trying his best to sound casual.

Actually, he was terrified of Colt going out into

battle. Just the thought of him getting hurt made
Levine sick to his stomach. As for him getting
killed, Levine couldn’t even think about that

“I’m going out on the next mission,” Colt

answered as he reached over with his fork and
stabbed a piece of melon off Levine’s tray.

“So that could be as soon as today,” Levine

replied dully.

Colt gave him a smile. “Don’t worry. I’ve faced

some pretty froggy situations in my life, and I
managed to survive them. I’m not about to let

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some Raven or Snake take me down now. Not
when my life is just getting good.”

“How about if I promise to greet you in nothing

but a pair of tight boy shorts if you come back
unharmed?” Levine teased.

Wow, flirting was turning out to be much easier

than he’d thought. In fact, it was, dare he say, fun.
Now that Levine had started, he didn’t see himself
stopping any time soon.

“Only if they’re bright, sparkly and pink,” Colt

shot back with a laugh.

“Now, even I wouldn’t go that far. Don’t ask for

white, either. We both know how see-through
those things are. I’m not showing the whole pack
my junk.”

“Okay, how about black?”
Levine wrinkled up his nose. “You don’t think

that people will think that’s a little kinky.”

“Of course, that’s why I picked that color.”
“Okay, I’ll do it, but I’m wearing my clothes

over it until we get back to one of our living
quarters. After all, there will be children present.”

Levine licked his lips as he pretended to think it

over. In the meantime, he wondered where in the
hell he was going to buy a pair of super-tight boy
shorts. All he owned were boxer briefs, and all of
those were white. That wasn’t sexy at all. Wearing
those would make him look like a bigger goober
than ever before.

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Then Levine realized he could go to Caley, a

Dove shifter who worked as a tailor at the pack.
Caley would be sure to whip up something that
was sexy, and better yet, he could do it quickly.
Levine let out a maniacal laugh inside his head.
Colt would never see this one coming.

After they finished eating, Levine and Colt

parted ways so they could go to work. Only
instead of heading directly to his own job, Levine
took a little detour to Caley’s shop.

As usual, Levine found the Dove up to his neck

in work. Not only was he the pack’s tailor, he also
mended the soldiers’ uniforms whenever they got
damaged in battle. For others, the work would be
daunting and boring, but Caley loved what he did
and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Caley looked up from the machine as soon as

Levine walked into the room. “Hey, they said that
you’d crawled out from under your rock, but I
didn’t believe it. Now I see that it’s true.”

Levine ducked his head. “Yeah, my shell has

officially been cracked.”

“What can I do for you today?”
Levine took in a few of breaths to steady

himself before he finally blurted, “I need you to
make me a tight pair of black boy shorts.”

For a moment, the room fell completely silent.

Feeling like a fool, Levine began to look around
for a hole that he could jump into, so he could get
away from the embarrassment. But, alas, the floor

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was totally intact. So Levine was stuck where he
was and had to face the music.

“I can do that for you. You naughty, little

Wolf,” Caley finally said teasingly. “How soon
would you need them?”

“How quick could you make them?” Levine


“I could have them done for you in a couple of


“Wow, that’s quick.”
“I’m very good at making slut gear,” Caley


“Then I can see why you’re always so busy.”
“Yeah, you’d be shocked at some of the

requests I get. It would curl that little virgin hair of

Levine frowned. “How do you know that I’m a


“Because the entire time we’ve been having this

conversation, you’ve been blushing like a damsel
in distress.”

“Would it help if I clutched my pearls and

fanned my face?” Levine shot back.

“As interesting as that would be to see, I think

I’ll pass on that one for now. Get out of here so I
can get to work.”

“Don’t you need to measure me or something?”

Levine asked.

Caley gave a dismissive wave of his hands. “I

already sized you up and know how big to make

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your panties. Plus I have your measurements on
file from when you came in to get your work

All righty then. Message heard loud and clear.

Levine muttered a thank you and left the room.
He didn’t want to bother Caley any more than he
already had. If Levine did, then knowing his luck,
Caley would throw in a set of pasties with the
shorts and insist that Levine twirl them around.

Levine rushed out of the room and literally ran

smack dab into Alger, a Rabbit shifter who was
mated to one of the pack members. Alger was so
small that Levine had to reach out to steady the
other man.

“Sorry,” Levine said with a cringe.
When would he ever get this damn social thing

down? Half of the time when he was out, he was
either doing something embarrassing or finding
some other way to make a fool out of himself.
Levine realized that he still had his hands on
Alger and quickly dropped them. Alger’s mate
was huge, and Levine didn’t want to give off the
wrong message.

Alger gave Levine a small smile. “That’s okay.

I’m so small it happens all the time. I’m used to it
by now.”

“Yeah, but I should have been looking where I

was going. I was so caught up in my thoughts that
I wasn’t paying any attention.”

“Anything you want to share?”

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A heat came over Levine’s cheeks. It had been

enough having to ask Caley to make the boy
shorts. Telling Alger about the situation was quite
another thing. There was only so much sharing
that Levine could do in one day.

“No, I’m fine,” Levine said.
He then ducked his head and practically ran to

the garage. It was huge and held several SUVs,
cars, vans and trucks—most of which had been
painted black. Levine got into his work outfit. He
never wore it home because it was so stained with
grease and dirt. Once he was finished dressing, he
looked on the wall to see what his assignment for
the day was. When he saw it, Levine let out a loud

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
He had been the lucky shmuck who’d gotten

assigned the duty of having to clean one of the
trucks that had gone out on battle the night before.
Usually, that wasn’t a big deal; he would have to
wash a little bit of dirt and blood here and there.

Unfortunately for him, the soldiers hadn’t

fought Ravens last night. No, they had to go out
and tangle with Snakes. When one killed a Snake,
they left behind a huge, bloody mess of skin,
scales, blood and other body parts. Which meant
that for the rest of the day Levine would be
scrapping gore out of the cracks and crevices of
the truck.

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Damn, what a way to start a day. By the time he

was finished, Levine was sure to be tired, angry
and unable to eat for weeks. Levine was sure of
this because it hadn’t been the first time he’d been
assigned this chore.

Knowing that stalling wasn’t going to make the

job go away, Levine grabbed some gloves and
walked into the main area of the garage. As soon
as he did, the acrid stench of burning flesh hit him.
Which made sense since the easiest way to kill a
Snake shifter was to burn him alive. It still didn’t
make it any easier for Levine to keep from
shuddering at the scent. He didn’t think he’d ever
get used to it.

Grabbing a bucket, he began to walk toward the

truck. It must have been his imagination, but he
could have sworn that he was given the worst one
to work on. The damn thing was so covered with
so much blood that it didn’t even look black
anymore. Levine sighed. He was going to be sore
after this one for sure. He hadn’t even started, and
he was already looking forward to a hot shower.

Levine started off by hosing the shit out of the

truck. Red water trickled from the vehicle and
streamed into the many drains that were in the
floor. While Levine managed to get rid of a lot of
the blood, it still didn’t make the truck look any
better. Which meant that Levine was going to
have to do most of the work by hand. Fuck it all!
Why couldn’t he have chosen a different

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profession like the armory or something? But,
noooooo…he had to be gifted in engines and other
vehicle repair. So here his ass was, getting ready to
see some of the grossest shit in his life.

“What did they do? Blow the Snake up while it

was trying to drive away in the truck?” Levine
asked himself.

“Now that would be interesting since Snakes

have no arms and couldn’t use the steering
wheel,” one of his coworkers shot back.

Shocked that somebody was really talking to

him, Levine turned to see who it was. He was
furthered surprised to see that it was an Omega
named Dirk. Not only was Dirk one of the most
popular members of the pack, but he’d never said
a word to Levine before.

“He could have used his tongue,” Levine


Dirk tilted his head to the side, making his

blond bangs fall into his face. “Hmm…I never
thought of it that way, but you do have a point

“That would never work,” another Omega cut

in, this one Levine didn’t even know the name of.
“The Snake’s tongue would get too dry after a
while, and he’d have to take a break to get some
water. Then we’d be able to catch up to him.”

Another Omega let out a snort of laughter. “The

whole idea is stupid. There is no way a big-ass
snake could fit into the truck in the first place. I’ve

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seen one of those things before, and they are huge.
They make the snake from Anaconda look like a

Levine shivered. “That’s just plain gross. Now

I’m glad they blow those creepy things up. I don’t
want to think about what would happen if they
were to keep breeding. They could take over the
city, and there would be nothing we could do to
stop them.”

Looking back at the truck, all of the sudden,

Levine didn’t feel so bad about having to clean it
up. It meant that there was one less Snake running
around, and for Levine, that was a damn good

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Chapter Six

hen Levine didn’t show up at their usual
meeting place for lunch, Colt began to get

concerned. Usually, he wouldn’t be such a worry
wart if somebody was a few minutes late, but
Levine was always so punctual. One could even
set their watch by that guy.

Colt waited a few moments before he couldn’t

stand waiting anymore. He decided that if Levine
wasn’t going to come to him, then Colt would go
to the little brat. Then he would show Levine what
happened to Wolves who stood him up. Maybe a
little spanking would do. Although knowing
Levine, he would probably like it.

With a heavy sigh, Colt made his way to the

garage. It was completely deserted. Colt was
about to get really worried until he heard Levine
let out a small curse, followed by a gagging sound.

Following the noise, Colt found Levine on the

other side of a truck that was covered in Snake
gore. Levine was using a flat-headed screw driver
to dig some guts from between the grooves of one


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of the tires. There was a large patch of the truck
that was already clean, showing that Levine had
been working hard. Next to Levine was a garbage
can that had a hazmat bag in it. Colt was shocked
to see that it was already filled up.

“I was waiting for you,” Colt said.
Levine jerked his head up. “Colt? Oh shit! It’s

lunchtime, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it has been for about fifteen minutes.”
A guilty look came over Levine’s face. “I am so

sorry. I just got so caught up in this work that I
lost track of time.”

“Don’t worry about it. In the condition you’re

in, I doubt they’ll even let you in the cafeteria.
Even if you take off your coveralls, you have
blood and all kinds of crap on your face and in
your hair. Why don’t I get you a sandwich and
bring it back for you?”

Levine shook his head. “Thanks for asking, but

I kinda lost my appetite.”

Giving the truck another look, Colt had to agree

with Levine. It had to be one of the grossest things
that Colt had ever seen. It looked as if three
hundred Snakes had blown up on the truck.
Everywhere Colt looked, there was something
grosser than the last spot.

“You sure you don’t want to take a break or

something?” Colt asked. “You and I could just sit
and talk for a while.”

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Levine shook his head. “Thanks, but I just want

to get this over with.”

Levine then grew silent as he started back to

work again. Colt’s heart went out for his Omega.
There was no way that he could leave him alone to
work out this mess all by himself. Sure, Colt
would have to go back to work after lunch, but
Chris was generous with lunch breaks. As such,
that meant he could spend at least a half of an
hour helping Levine and still have time to change
and take a shower.

Colt knelt down next to Levine, picked up a

screw driver, then got to work. It wasn’t a pleasant
task at all, either. The blood had congealed,
making everything sticky, and every time they
pulled something free, there was a sickening
sucking sound.

Levine stopped what he was doing so he could

give Colt a surprised look. “What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m helping you out.”
“You should go to lunch. You need the calories

after how hard you’ve been working,” Levine

Colt pulled out a bit of Snake brain matter. “No

offense, but I’m really not hungry right now. Plus,
I’d rather spend the time with you.”

“You better watch it. People will start to think

that we’re a couple or something.” Levine gave
Colt an impish grin.

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For some reason, the thought of that didn’t

upset Colt anymore. In fact, it left him with a
warm, pleasant sensation in his stomach. While
Levine might not be aware of it, when the Omega
walked through the dwelling, he caught more
than one admiring stare. A selfish part of Colt
wanted to scoop up Levine, let out a snarl and say,
“Mine!” every time he saw it happening, too.
Which confused him since he’d never felt that way
over any other male before.

“Well, let them think it.”
Levine blinked innocently at him. Which Colt

knew was fake as hell.

“So it wouldn’t bother you that others thought

we were the newest, hot item of the pack? What
about you not wanting to get involved with
anybody for a while?”

Colt had to wrestle with his brain to come up

with an answer to that one. Did he really want a
relationship with Levine? While his dick said Yes!
Yes! Yes!,
his brain told him Are you fucking kidding


“I don’t care what the others say,” Colt finally

said. “All I care about is you.”

“Well then, I guess I can spend more time with

you,” Levine replied, his voice laced with sarcasm.

They were silent for a few more moments as

they continued to work. Colt was appalled that
Levine had to work under these kinds of

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conditions. No shifter should have to put up with
having to dig away at body parts for a whole day.

“Why are they making you do this anyway?

They should just scrap the truck and call it the
day,” Colt asked.

“Don’t be silly, it’s still working perfectly. It just

needs a good cleaning. This is part of my job.”

“I thought you told me you loved your job?”

Colt asked.

“I do.”
Colt wondered to himself how anybody who

was half sane could love this. To him, it seemed
like a lot of gross, monotonous work. He was
much happier being a soldier. Sure, it might be
dangerous from time to time. But at least Colt got
to see some action and every day wasn’t the same.

“Why?” Colt couldn’t keep the exasperation

from his voice.

Levine shrugged. “It’s what I’m good at.

There’s nothing like taking something that wasn’t
working before and making it purr like it’s brand

Colt was thinking about how he’d rather make

Levine purr from pleasure. Which was stupid
since Wolf shifters didn’t ever frigging purr. But
that wouldn’t stop Colt from trying. He would
start by making Levine lie face down, then Colt
would start by running a finger down Levine’s
spine and work his way around until he had

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Levine quivering with need and begging Colt to
take him.

“Colt? Hello? Is anybody there?” Levine’s voice

cut into Colt’s dirty thoughts.

Colt shook his head to clear his thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“What were you thinking about?” Levine asked


“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Levine reached down and brushed one finger

against Colt’s hard cock. “I think this gives me a
little clue as to what you were been daydreaming

“You know, when I finally do get around to

fucking you, I’m going to give it to you so hard
that you won’t be able to walk for a week,” Colt
promised in a harsh voice.

A shiver went through Levine, but Colt knew it

wasn’t from fear. He could smell the arousal that
was pouring from the Omega. Oh yeah, Levine
liked the sound of that. He liked it a lot.

“When will that be?” Levine asked, his voice

trembling just a tiny bit.

“That’s the best thing about it. I’m not going to

tell you when. That way, you’ll be anticipating
every moment, every second of every day until it
finally happens. Then the sex will be even more

Although, in truth, Colt didn’t think it would

be that long. Colt wanted to pin Levine down,

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claim him, make sure that some other Wolf didn’t
come and snatch Levine away from him. More
than that, Colt just plain wanted Levine. The
Omega made Colt happy for the first time ever in
his miserable life. He’d become the one person
Colt knew that he could always rely on, no matter
how shitty life got. Most of all, Levine would
never desert him and leave him behind.

“You better get going, or you’ll be late,” Levine

replied in a rough voice, his blue eyes dark with

It was the hardest thing that Colt ever did,

getting up and leaving that room. But he knew
that Levine was right. If he didn’t get moving, he
wouldn’t have time to shower and change. Just
one look at his uniform said both were a huge

Colt did notice one thing—Levine didn’t have

any gore on his mouth.

“Hey, do I have anything on my mouth?” Colt


“No, why?”
“Because I wanted to do this before I left”
Before Levine could ask what that was, Colt

grabbed the Omega and kissed him. Once again,
Colt swore that he meant it to be a quick little
number, but once he got a taste of his sweet Wolf,
Colt lost all control.

Sweeping his tongue inside of Levine’s mouth,

Colt let out a moan. He’d never imagined how

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wonderful that Levine would taste. Damn, it was
worth a missed lunch to be able to have another
sample of this. Levine grabbed the front of Colt’s
shirt and brought him closer. Sure, Colt’s clothes
were covered in muck, but Levine had gloves on
so it didn’t matter.

Then Levine began to explore with his tongue,

too. At first, it was tentative, almost like he was
afraid that he would get it wrong. When Colt
didn’t protest, Levine grew surer of himself. He
thrust his tongue into Colt’s mouth. Levine must
have liked what he found there because Levine let
out the softest of moans.

Although it was the last thing he wanted to do,

Colt broke away. “Sorry, I wish we could do this
all day, but I do need to get back to work. Plus
your coworkers are going to return. They might
notice a couple of guys making out in the middle
of the garage.”

“Yeah, they’re pretty sharp-eyed,” Levine


Colt didn’t dare tell Levine that it looked like

the Omega had been kissed hard and long. His
lips were swollen, and he had a dreamy look in his
eyes that somebody gets only when they’ve gotten
a taste of action.

“You look so perfect,” Colt whispered.
Levine let out a chuckle. “You must need your

eyes checked. I’m covered head-to-toe in blood,

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and the overalls we have to wear aren’t the sexiest
things to begin with.”

“You’ll always be sexy to me.”
“You’re crazy. You know that, right?”
“So I’ve been told on more than one occasion,”

Colt said.

After giving Levine one last brief kiss, Colt ran

out of the garage and rushed to his living quarters.
Once there, he took the fastest shower of his life
and got into a clean uniform. He wrapped the
dirty one in one of the hazmat bags that were in
every soldier’s room.

He made it to training just in time. It was so

close that he was the last soldier to make it to
lineup. He got a few curious stares, but Colt just
ignored them. Let the others think what they
wanted. Most of what they said was actually true
anyhow. He and Levine were close, and they
would soon be sleeping together if Colt had
anything to say about it.

His leader, Zaid, gave him a knowing smile, but

otherwise didn’t say anything. After a moment of
talking to the entire group, Zaid then divided the
soldiers into different groups so they could work
at the numerous stations.

Colt was assigned to the most dreaded station

of all. It was made of numerous bars, slides,
moving tires and net bridges. Everybody hated
that stupid thing because they rarely made it

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through the machine without falling down into a
pit of square foam.

While Colt would never say it aloud, he was

actually happy to get the station first thing in the
afternoon. Not because he was in love with the
damn thing, he hated it just as much as the others.
But he knew it would make the rest of his day go
better if he got the station over and done with.

Finally, it was Colt’s turn. There was one part

where they had to navigate a thin plank. Colt
started to lose his balance, his arms swinging
around as he fought to regain his balance. By
sheer luck, Colt managed to get his footing back.
He let out a sigh and took a moment to regain
himself before moving on.

It seemed to take forever, but he finally made it

to the end, all without falling. Colt let out a little
whoop. He’d never done that before. Every other
time, Colt had fallen. It was to the point where he
and the foam blocks were almost on a first name

The other soldiers around him let out a loud

cheer. Colt was stunned. Never before had his
fellow Betas supported him, much less pushed
him to get better. It was at that moment that Colt
realized what a true pack really was. They didn’t
try to tear you down; they had your back and
always encouraged you.

Colt realized that he would never be alone. The

whole time, his new pack had been watching over

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him and caring for him. The thought of that was
so overwhelming that Colt couldn’t even speak, so
he just raised his hand as a way of saying thanks.

He didn’t even have time to relish his

accomplishment before a siren sounded with an
automated voice. “Code Red. Code Red. All teams
need to scramble.”

Colt’s heart sank. A Code Red meant that

something big was going down. It must be really,
really bad because they were calling for all the
soldiers to scramble.

A shot of adrenaline went through Colt’s body

as he ran to the armory with the rest of the
soldiers. This was it. His first official weapon. He
just hoped he didn’t do something and fuck it up.

Grabbing his weapons, one of which was a

flamethrower…not a good sign, Colt made his
way to one of the waiting vans. Just as he was
about to climb into the back, he spotted Levine.
The Omega’s face was pale, and even from across
the room, Colt could tell that he was shaking.

I promise I’ll come back, Colt mouthed to


Colt just hoped he was telling the truth.

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Chapter Seven

he back of the van was packed as the soldiers
were sitting elbow-to-elbow. Which sucked

big time for Colt. Not because he didn’t like the
guys. They were all nice and quick to help him out
when he needed it. No, it was because Colt was a
severe claustrophobic. It didn’t help matters that
he was dressed in a heavy bullet proof vest and all
his weapons, too.

Within a few minutes of the trip, Colt began to

sweat and feel like a heavy weight was all over his
body. Every time one of the soldiers near him
moved. He wanted to yell at them and tell them to
stay the hell still.

Colt pulled at the collar of his vest. It was so

tight and stiff, he couldn’t get it to move much,
but he did manage to get some air in. If they
weren’t on their way to a mission, Colt would be
half tempted to strip down naked and lie down on
the cool ground.

Somehow, though, he didn’t think that would

fly with Zaid and the rest of his team. Even more


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so, Colt didn’t want to be known as the solider
who ripped off all his clothes and collapsed on the
ground. That was not the reputation he was going

Colt looked out the window. Which he had

found out did not open, those damn bastards.
After a few moments he began to see a trail of
smoke off in the distance. Soon, Colt began to
smell it, too. It was so strong that it made him
choke a few times. Whatever was burning down
had a lot of plastic in it, Colt was certain of that.

They turned the corner and Colt saw that it was

a Dollar store of some kind that was burning
down. There were a mixture of Scorpions in
human form, throwing gas on the flames. They
were surrounded by Scorpions in their animal
form, who were refusing to let firemen to get close
enough to fight the flames.

The vans came to a stop and the soldiers

jumped out of the back. They rushed passed the
fireman. Colt could hear one say, “Great! Just
what we need. More shifters to make this
clusterfuck situation even worse.”

Colt flipped off the asshole and continued on

his way. He refused to give humans the
satisfaction of bringing him down. They didn’t
like him. Oh, well. He didn’t like them either. So,
that made them even in Colt’s book.

“What’s the best way to kill these guys?” Colt

asked Zaid.

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Zaid pulled out his flamethrower. “We blow

the fuckers up.”

Thinking back to the truck that Levine had to

clean up, Colt replied, “Can’t we just shoot them,

“Nah, shooting them only pissing them off. You

have to go right for the flame. If you hesitate for
even a second, they’ll get you before you can get

Just as soon as Zaid said that a Scorpion

jumped at Zaid and Colt. Now, Colt was no
coward, but he jumped so high that it was a
wonder that he didn’t end up straddling Zaid’s

Colt quickly got himself together and managed

to grab the hose for flamethrower. If his hands
happened to shake like hell while he was doing
the task, Zaid didn’t make any comment. The
leader just got his own weapon and aimed it at the

“Now,” Zaid commanded.
As one, Zaid and Colt let loose with their

flamethrowers. To Colt’s horror it didn’t seem to
be working at first. The Scorpion continued to
move closer and closer all the while swinging its
tail around. There was more than one time where
Colt had to dive to the side to avoid from being
impaled from the giant sucker.

Then just as Colt thought that they were done

for sure, the Scorpion stopped moving and let out

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a shrieking sound as its body began to shudder. It
wobbled one way and then the other, before he
blew up—and by that, Colt meant the thing
frigging went up into a million pieces.

Even though he was wearing a helmet, Colt still

covered his head as tiny pieces of Scorpion rained
down on him. Ack! He would much rather fight a
Raven any day. With them, all Colt had to do was
worry about getting a little blood on him. That he
was used to. This Scorpion matter was a whole
new level for him.

Before Colt could even catch his breath another

Scorpion attacked. Letting out a sigh, Colt raised
his hose and got ready to do some more damage.

* * * *

Levine sat in his cubbyhole by the window as he
chewed nervously on his nails. In the meantime,
he kept looking at the main door, with hopes that
it would open and he’s see Colt walking through.
So far, Levine had seen nada. If something didn’t
happened soon he was going to start pounding his
head against the wall.

Alger came over and joined Levine. “Hey, how

are you doing?”

“Oh, just dandy. I’m just frigging terrified that

Colt won’t come back and to make matters even
worse they’ve been gone forever. I know it was a
big battle, too, because it was a Code Red and they

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called out all the teams. This is Colt’s first mission,

Alger gave Levine an understanding smile. “It’s

always the waiting for them to come home part
that sucks the most. There have been times were
I’ve thought for sure I was going to go crazy while
waiting for my mate.”

“You’re waiting for him now, too, aren’t you?”

Levine asked, his heart filling with sympathy for
the other man.

“Yeah.” Alger let out a sigh. “I wish I could say

that it gets easier over time, but it doesn’t. It’s still
as hard on me as it was the first time my mate
went on his first mission.”

“What do you do to pass the time while you’re

waiting? I pretty much demolished my fingernails,
so I can’t keep doing that.” Levine showed up his
hands as proof.

Alger leaned in so he could study them closer.

“Good Lord, you’re bleeding in areas. You need to
pick up knitting or something.”

“Do you honestly see me knitting?”
Alger gave a cheeky grin. “Not really. Now that

you’ve come out of your shell, you’re never
standing still. Oh, and I saw you pull the old
pencil trick on Colt the other day.”

Busted! But Levine still played the innocent

card. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The oopsie, I dropped my pencil and now I

must bend over at the waist to pick it up. Did I

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point my ass in your direction while I did that?
I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice I was doing that,”
Alger said in a dramatic voice.

“I only did that once…okay four times. But,

that was only because Colt told me what a great
ass I had. So, who was I to deny him the pleasure
of seeing it?”

Alger made a humming noise as he crossed his

arms over his chest. “Then what about the time
you pretended that you twisted your ankle, just so
Colt had to help you walk to the cafeteria.”

Levine looked Alger right in the eye. “We all

know how clumsy I can be at times.”

Alger threw his hands up into the air. “That’s

just it, we don’t know anything about you. It
wasn’t until Colt came here that you even came
out of your room. Then all of the sudden you pull
an one-eighty and turn into the pack flirt.”

“I only flirt with Colt. I ignore all the other

guys,” Levine felt compelled to point out.

“That may be true, but at the same time, you’re

getting a lot of other guy’s noticing you and they
really like what they see. If you don’t watch it
you’re going to start a riot in this place.”

Levine pointed a finger at his own chest. “Me?

Are you kidding? I’m just some scrawny Omega.”

“No, you’re a very good looking Omega and

that’s something all Betas want, whether or not
they’d like to admit it. You may not have noticed

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it, but you have at least half a dozen of them
drooling over you.”

“But, I don’t want them. I want Colt,” Levine


“You better make sure that fact is clear and you

better do it quick before one of the Betas tries to
make a move on you.”

Levine tried to take in all of what Alger had

said to him. Surely, he must be kidding. There was
no way in hell that so many Betas could be
interested in him. Not when Levine had his heart
broken so many times before. But then again, I
didn’t even approach them to start a conversation, let

alone flirt with them. So, how where they to know that I
was even interested in them in the first place?

“They wouldn’t do that. Colt and I spend all

our time together, so they should be able to figure
out that we’re more than a bit friendly,” Levine

“That only makes things worse. Since neither

one of you have made a move on each other and
act more like friends, that still makes you fair

“He kissed me today in the garage and he made

no secret that we were an item while we were
doing it,” Levine pointed out.

“Did anybody see it?”
Levine tilted his head to the side as he thought

that one over really hard. “Now that you mention
it, I don’t think so.”

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“Which means that one naughty Omega is still

up for grabs.”

“Well they’ll just have to keep their paws off

me, because it’s Colt that I want and nobody else,
and that’s never going to change,” Levine said

Alger’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Are you

trying to say that he’s your mate?”

Levine began to fiddle with his fingers. “Well,

I’m not exactly sure of that, since we haven’t made
love or anything, but I have this really strong
feeling that he may be.”

Or at least Levine hoped that they were,

because at this point he cared so much for Colt
that if they weren’t mates it would crush Levine. It
had come to the point that Levine lived for the
moments they could spend together. Colt had
come to mean everything to Levine. He’d thought
he’d fallen hard for all those other Wolves in the
past, but it just wasn’t true. The feelings he had for
Colt didn’t even come close to what he’d felt for
those other men. It was like comparing a hill to a

The front doors of the dwelling opened and

soldiers began to appear. When the seconds began
to tick off and Levine didn’t see Colt, panic began
to set in. Where was he? He’d promised that he’d
come back. Levine was even wearing the stupid
pair of black boy pants as his part of the bargain. It

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hadn’t been easy either, because the thing kept
ridding up his ass and giving his a mega wedgie.

“I don’t see Colt,” Levine said to Alger.
“I don’t see Nico, either. Let me go and ask


Alger was gone for only about five minutes, but

it seemed like the longest five minutes of his life.
Just as he was about to jump out of skin, Alger
come back. Levine studied the Rabbit’s face
closely, but there were no signs of distress on it.

“They had to go directly to decom.”
“What’s decom?” Levine asked.
“They got too dirty and had to get the crap off

of them before they could go back into the
dwelling. Come on and I’ll show you the way. We
can meet then there.” Alger grabbed Levine by the
wrist and ran down a hallway.

Levine learned a few things, one was that

Rabbits got excited very easily, another was that
they were fast as snot and the other was they
didn’t slow down for anybody. By the time they
arrived at the lower level of the dwelling, Levine
was panting and fighting to catch his breath.
Alger, on the other hand, looked as if he’d just
trotted up one small set of stairs.

Once Levine regained his breath, he began to

look around. The room looked like a sterile room
that had a set of showers off to one side. The staff
all wore those paper white uniforms and they had
goggles, plus masks on. The only coloring in the

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room were the rows of orange hazmat bags that
lined one side of the room.

“This place doesn’t look fun at all,” Levine


“It isn’t. Nico told me the soap they make him

use stings like crap and it smells awful. I can tell
you the latter is true myself. I can smell the stank
on him for days after he’s been decomed.”

Two of the shower curtains opened up and Colt

walked out of one of the stalls while another man
came out of the other. They both were gorgeous
and had only white towels around their waists,
but Levine had eyes for only one of them—Colt.

“Nico,” Alger said as he rushed toward to the

other man.

Colt gave Levine a crooked smile. “Why am I

not surprised to find you here?”

“Don’t blame me. Alger brought me down

here,” Levine replied.

“Why do I have a feeling you would have

found your way down here, Alger or not?”

“Probably because I would have,” Levine


Colt opened his arms and Levine didn’t pause

for one moment. He ran across the room and
threw himself into Colt’s embrace. Even though
Colt was still wet, it was the warmest and best hug
that Levine had ever felt in his life.

“I was so worried about you,” Levine admitted.
“I promised that I’d come back.”

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“I know, but sometimes things happen and we

can’t stop them.”

“Are you going to be this way every time I have

to go out on a mission?”

“Yes, although if you want to feel better I can

deny it and say no,” Levine said as he rubbed his
cheek over Colt’s chest.

Colt leaned forward and whispered into

Levine’s ear. “Did you hold up on your side of the

Levine could help but let out a small laugh. “I

picked them up as soon as you went out on your
mission. Of course, Caley had to give me all kinds
of suggestions on sex. I would tell you about them,
but I would die from embarrassment.”

“That’s okay. You can show me later.”
“How much later?” Levine asked.
“About as long as it takes me to get dressed.”
Levine looked up in surprised. “Do you really

mean that?”

“Do I ever. I’m sick of waiting. I want you now

and nothing is going to stop me.”

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Chapter Eight

olt rushed to get into a clean uniform. He was
so anxious to get at Levine that he would have

just gone through the dwelling while still wearing
his towel. Somehow, though, he didn’t think that
the rest of the pack would appreciate that. So Colt
decided that he would act civil, at least this one
time, and not go the nude route.

So, he got dressed, although he was pretty sure

he didn’t button up his shirt properly. But who
had time to care about silly stuff like that when it
came to having sex? All he was going to do was go
from one room to another before he took the damn
thing back off again.

He came out of the dressing room to find that

Levine was the only one standing there. “What
happened to Alger?”

Levine hooked a thumb at the door. “You just

missed it. Nico came out of the dressing room,
threw the little guy over his shoulder and ran like
heck out of here.”


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Colt gave a small chuckle. “I can see Nico doing

something like that.”

Levine held out his hand. “Are you ready to


“Oh, so I don’t get to carry you out of here all

caveman style?”

Levine cocked a brow at him. “We both know

that is never going to fly with me.”

Colt smiled. That’s one of the things he loved

about Levine. When Colt had first come to the
pack, Levine had been so shy and insecure. Now,
he’d grown into a strong, independent Wolf who
wasn’t afraid to go out and grab what he wanted.

Colt took Levine’s hand. “Your room or mine?”
“Ahhh…my room. No offense, but you’re a

little bit of a pig.”

“I am not.” Colt protested.
Even as he said that, he recalled that he hadn’t

washed the dishes from his late night snack, or
that he hadn’t made his bed, or vacuumed
recently, or taken out the trash lately—dear God,
Levine was right. Colt was a slob when it came to
cleaning. But then again, how was he supposed to
know anything about cleaning when his old pack
dwelling looked like something out of a hoarders

Colt ducked his head. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to do


“Don’t worry. You are improving. At least you

keep your clothes and sheets clean.”

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“Do you know that was the first real bed that I

ever slept on?” Colt asked.

Levine’s plump lips turned down into a frown.

“Then where did you go to at night?”

“I usually just slept on the floor with all the

other un-favored Betas.”

“That’s so inhumane!” Levine exclaimed, his

face growing red with anger.

“It’s okay. I grew up sleeping on the floor, so I

was used to it. In fact, it took me a few days to get
used to sleeping on a bed when I first came here.”

They reached Levine’s living quarters. Levine

opened the door, gestured Colt to go in, before
going in himself. As always, whenever Colt
entered Levine’s living quarters, he felt a sense of
peace. Which was odd. The layout of the
apartment was almost exactly the same as Colt’s,
the walls were painted the same color, they even
had the same curtains and carpet. There was just
something special about Levine’s home. It was
almost like it was throwing off calming, soothing
vibes and Colt’s body just drank them up.

“Your place is so nice,” Colt said.
“That’s because I know where a garbage can

is,” Levine shot back.

“Ha! Ha! You’re so funny.”
“I know I am. You should check me out at the

local comedy club. I’m there every Friday at

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Colt finally had enough conversation. Turning

on his heel, he pinned Levine to against the wall,
so they were facing each other. Levine let out a
gasp at first, but Colt soon smelled the lovely scent
of arousal pouring from the Omega.

“When’s the last time that you made love?”

Colt asked before he leaned down to nibble on
Levine’s neck.

Levine tilted his head to the side, moaned, then

said, “Never, this is going to be my first time.”

Colt jerked his head up. “Are you telling me

that you’re a virgin?”

Levine nipped at his bottom lip. “Yeah, is that

going to be a problem with you?”

“Are you kidding? I like hearing that. It just

means that we’re going have to be a little more
careful, that’s all.”

Levine gave him a timid smile. “I taught you

about the pack, now you can teach me about sex.
It seems like a fair exchange to me.”

“How about you start by leading the way to the

bedroom?” Colt suggested.

Colt moved out of the way then grabbed

Levine’s hand. Colt had long ago figured that
Levine liked to be touching Colt at all times,
almost as if he let go of Colt, he would disappear
or something. Colt vowed that if it took his entire
life, he would make Levine understand that he
was never going to leave his Omega.

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When they entered Levine’s room, Colt wasn’t

surprised to find that it was as neat as a pin. The
white bedspread was pulled up tight and tidy and
the pillows were plumped out and set against the
headboard. It made Colt feel bad that they were
about to mess it up—well, almost feel bad.

“Do you have any lube on you? I left mine in

my room.” Colt asked.

Levine reached into his dresser drawer and

pulled out a full bottle. Colt let out a sigh of relief.
He would have shot his left foot had he gotten this
close to finally getting Levine, only to spoil it
because there was no lube handy. Plus, there was
no way he would try to fuck Levine without it.
Not since it was Levine’s first time. Colt wanted to
make sure he was good and slicked up, so Levine
didn’t feel any more pain then was necessary.

Colt let go of Levine’s had and began to strip.

When Levine began to do the same thing, Colt put
a hand on the Omega’s arm. “Don’t. Leave your
clothes on for now.”

Levine frowned. “I may be new at this, but I’m

pretty sure that we both need to be naked for it to

Colt leaned down and whispered into Levine’s

ear, “Just trust me.”

He then gave the lobe a tiny love bite before he

pulled back and finished stripping. The entire time
he could feel Levine’s eyes practically devouring
him. That, in turn, only made Colt harder and

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turned on than ever before. He wanted to reach
down and rub himself through his uniform pants,
but Colt held back, wanting to show Levine that
he had some restraint.

Once Colt was nude, he laid down on his back

on the bed and stared up at Levine. “Now, I want
you to strip.”

When Levine began to scramble to get his

clothing off, Colt said, “No.I want you to do it
slowly. I’ve been waiting to see you naked for a
long time, so I’ll be damned if I miss one inch of
your body now.”

Just as Colt expected, a blush appeared on

Levine’s face. But, he did as ordered. First, he
shimmied out of his t-shirt. Colt licked his lips in
appreciation. While Levine was on the thin side,
he wasn’t scrawny by any means. His pecs and
abs were perfectly formed. It made Colt wonder
just how many heavy engines Levine had to lift
ever day at work.

Levine paused a bit, then kicked off his shoes

before slipping off his socks. He moved his hands
to the fly of his pants. Slowly, undoing it, Levine
began to lower them. Colt’s only complaint was
that Levine did it while facing him. So, Colt had
no way of seeing Levine’s fine ass.

One thing that Colt did notice was that Levine

was wearing a pair of black boy shorts, just as
promised. Colt fisted his hands into the comforter
to stop himself from lunging at the Omega and

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devouring him then and there. Levine was just so
damn sexy. The way the black fabric contrasted
with Levine’s white skin was the most beautiful
thing ever. It didn’t hurt that whoever had made
them had made it so they were nothing more than
a few scraps of fabric stitched together.

Levine was just about to take those off, too,

when Colt said, “Keep them on and come into bed
with me.”

Levine obeyed, making his way to the bed and

climbing onto it. Colt was powerless to stop
himself from reaching out to pull Levine up so he
was laying on top of Colt. The skin-on-skin
making Colt hiss in pleasure. Damn, this was so
much better in person instead of a dream.

They made out for several moments. Colt

running his hands up and down Levine’s back.
Sometimes he would allow his fingers to slide into
the shorts, so he could caress Levine’s globes. The
entire time, Levine let out a string of moans that
only grew louder as they went on. Colt smiled to
himself, he always loved it when he had a vocal
partner and it looked as if Levine was going to be
just that in spades.

Without breaking away from their kiss, Colt

reached out and grabbed the bottle of lube.
Opening it, Colt somehow managed to squirt
some of the liquid onto his hand. Once he had his
fingers slicked he reached down under Levine’s
shorts, only this time he didn’t pull his hand out.

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Seeking out Levine’s hole, Colt thrust his finger

in. Damn! Levine was so tight. It was obvious he’d
been telling the truth when he said he was a
virgin. So, Colt took things slowly, working the
one finger in and out for a long time, waiting until
he felt Levine’s body relax against him.

As soon as Levine did, Colt added a second

finger. Levine let out a small hiss, but otherwise he
seemed to take the added girth just fine. Even
though Colt was ready to burst, he still took his
time, setting a slow, but steady rhythm. Soon,
Levine was moaning again.

“There you go, babe, just relax and ride it out,”

Colt encouraged.

“Add another finger. I’m ready,” Levine said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please. I need it.”
So Colt added a third finger. This time he made

sure to hit Levine’s sweet spot. Levine reared up
and would have fallen off the bed had Colt not
grabbed him by the waist to hold Levine in place.
Still keeping his hand on Levine, Colt continued to
thrust the third finger in and out, each time
making sure he hit that same spot.

Finally, once he was positive that Levine was

ready, Colt pulled out his fingers and ripped off
the boy shorts. Levine frowned at him. “Why did
you stop?”

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“Because, we’re about to get to the good stuff.

Now get on your hands and knees and get ready
to be fucked.”

Levine’s eyes grew dark with desire as he

moved into position. Once he was in place, just as
Colt wanted him, Colt added some more slick to
his cock. He then lined the head of his cock to
Levine’s opening. Taking a deep breath and
reminding himself one more time that he needed
to keep control of himself, Colt slowly began to
press inside Levine.

Levine let out a small sound as he arched his

back. Colt used one free hand to run it down
Levine’s spine. He thought about all the stupid
Betas that had come before him and what they had
passed up. If they could only see Levine now they
would be kicking their own asses.

It took a long time, but Colt was finally fully

inside of Levine. Colt had to take another deep
breath. Damn, Levine was so tight, he was like a
vice around Colt’s cock. Colt’s Wolf screamed at
him to pin Levine down and fuck him senseless.
To claim the Omega. However, Colt’s human side
remained stronger and he was able to stop himself
from doing that.

He paused for several moments to give Levine

time to get adjusted to having something inside of
him. Finally, when Levine began to thrust back
against him, Colt got the message and started to
slowly make love to the Omega.

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Strangely, Colt found that moving at a leisurely

pace was far more intimate than a slam, bam,
thank you ma’am. This allowed Colt the
enjoyment of being able to run his fingers over
Levine’s back. He traced every line, crease and

Soon, they both became covered in sweat and

things got a little slippery. That made it impossible
for Colt to do anymore exploring since he had to
use both hands to hold onto Levine, so he didn’t
lose him.

“Faster,” Levine pleaded.
Since Colt felt himself coming to the brink, at

that point he was more than happy to oblige.
Grabbing Levine by the hips, Colt began to pound
into Levine. Levine wasn’t satisfied, though, he
called out, “More. I need more.”

It was then that Colt realized that Levine’s Wolf

was out of its cage, too. So, Colt finally let his
animal loose, too. He began to fuck Levine with no
mercy. He knew then that this was more than a
simple screwing. His Wolf was claiming Levine.
After this moment, things would never be the
same again.

Levine let out a howl that was so loud the entire

dwelling probably heard it as he came, his cock
pumping out long streams of cum. Marring his
once perfectly clean comforter. Colt would have
given him some snark for that, but his own
orgasm had slammed into him. He let out his own

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howl, which was probably as loud as Levine’s,
before he came, his semen filling Levine’s ass.

Once Colt was able to think coherently again,

he pulled out and rolled over to the side so he
didn’t crush the smaller Wolf. Levine just
collapsed. Apparently, he didn’t care about lying
in the wet spot, or he was just then finding out
how uncomfortable they could be.

“That was amazing. Is it always that good?”

Levine asked.

Colt reached over and brushed back Levine’s

hair. “No, it’s only that good when you do it with
your mate.”

Levine’s eyes grew large. “What are you trying

to say?”

“We’re mates. I’ve suspected it for a while, but

this just confirmed it. Do you have a problem with

“No, do you?”
The raw vulnerability in Levine’s eyes was

enough to make Colt’s heart shatter into a million
pieces. “No, I love you and that’s never going to

“I love you, too.”
Colt pulled Levine close to him. For the first

time in his life, he didn’t feel alone.

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Chapter Nine

he next morning Levine was feeling really
groggy when they got up and made their way

down to the cafeteria for breakfast. He shot Colt a
dirty look. It was thanks to him that Levine had
been up all night.

“Stop giving me those looks. You enjoyed it as

much as I did,” Colt said.

“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say. You’re not the

one with the sore ass.”

“I told you that we shouldn’t have gone for that

last round, but you insisted.”

“It’s still all your fault,” Levine protested.
“How so?”
“Because you looked so good in bed that I

couldn’t resist you.”

Colt brought Levine in for a kiss. This time

there was no way anybody could miss it since Colt
did it in the middle of the common room. There
were plenty of whistles and catcalls to let Levine
know that they’d been seen, too.


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Somebody’s been a Bad Little Wolf


“And I couldn’t resist you all the other times,”

Colt replied.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sit properly for a


“Ah, but you loved getting to that point.
“Yes, I did,” Levine conceded, grumpily.
“Now, let’s get some food in your belly. That

way you won’t be grouchy all day. We both don’t
have to work. So, we can spend all our time with
each other.”

Levine liked the sounds of that. He would be

able to have Colt all to himself. That was if the
hostile shifters were all good little boys and
behaved themselves. That way Colt wouldn’t have
to go out and fight them.

“So, what does a Scorpion shifter look like?”

Levine asked.

“They look like normal Scorpions, but about a

hundred times bigger and grosser. Their tails were
no joke, either.”

Levine let out a shiver of disgust. “I hate the

idea of you even being close to one of those

“And I hate you having to clean up the vehicles

that get covered in all the gore.”

Levine looked at Colt in shock. “But, that’s part

of my job.”

“And so is me going out on missions. What I’m

trying to say is that we have to take the cons with

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Stephani Hecht


the pros in our jobs. It know it sucks, but it’s
something we’ll have to get used to.”

Levine let out a sigh. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop

worrying about you whenever you leave for a

They stopped and Colt cupped Levine’s face.

“It’s okay to worry about me. I’d be worried about
you if the situation was reversed. But, I’m a
soldier. It’s what I do. It’s what I’ve always
wanted to do. There’s no way I could give it up.”

“I would never ask you, to” Levine replied.
“I know you wouldn’t. You love me too much

to do that. All I can promise you is that I’ll be
careful, watch my back and try to come home to
you every time.”

“And I’ll always be waiting for you. Although, I

won’t be able to do it in those boy shorts, since
you ripped them off me and destroyed them. I
don’t have the courage to go to Caley and ask him
to make me another pair, either.”

They began to walk again. Levine didn’t know

about Colt, but he was starved. Sex must work up
a huge appetite, because Levine couldn’t recall the
last time he was this famished. He was so hungry
that if they didn’t get to the cafeteria soon, Levine
was seriously thinking about eating his own left

Once they filled their trays, they started to

make their way to their normal table. That was

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Somebody’s been a Bad Little Wolf


until Levine heard somebody shouting his name.
He looked over to see that it was Alger.

“Come sit with us,” Alger invited.
Levine looked at the table, it was packed. Toby,

Alger, Tate, Walsh, Caley and their mates were
just a few of the shifters sitting there.

“Are you sure there’s room for us?” Levine


“There is always room for more,” Hale


Levine recognized him as the Beagle who liked

to run with the Wolves. He had always seemed
like a nice enough guy. Levine turned to Colt. Colt
just gave a shrug and a look that clearly said it’s up

to you.

Okay, Levine could do this. It may be his

biggest participation in a social situation, but he
already knew half of the guys. He turned around
and walked towards the packed table.

It took some scooting, but they managed to

make room for Levine and Colt. Once he got
settled in Levine looked over at Colt. The Wolf
had shared that he was claustrophobic with
Levine. That made Levine worry how the Beta
was going to handle being in such a large group.

Colt smiled at him and mouthed, I’m okay. How

about you?

I’m fine, Levine replied back
Levine meant it, too. It was nice sitting at a

table that held some of the most respected shifters

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in the pack. What’s more, not even one of them
had protested when Alger had called them over.
So, that meant that all of them wanted Levine and
Colt there.

“So, I heard that one of your targets get away

from you,” Nico drawled at Toby.

“Fuck you.” Toby held up his middle finger.

“You know it’s just a matter of time before I catch
up with him and finish him off. Once I have a
target in my sight, he’s as good as dead.”

“But, this one is a Weasel shifter. You know

how sneaky they can be,” Nico said.

Toby rolled his eyes. “This isn’t my first time to

the rodeo. I know how to draw out Weasel shifters
and better yet, I know how to kill them. Don’t
worry, the little fucker will be dead by the end of
the night.”

Somehow, Levine didn’t have any trouble

believing him. Toby was quickly becoming a
friend, yet Levine still had a healthy respect of fear
for the assassin. After all, the guy’s career was
killing people.

Soon enough, Levine found himself relaxing

and he even started to trade some jokes. Much to
Levine’s delight, so did Colt.

It was at that moment that Levine realized he’d

never been alone. He’d always had his pack to
back him up. He just had been too stupid to see it.
What was even better was that he now had Colt,

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Somebody’s been a Bad Little Wolf


In the span of a few weeks, Levine had gone

from being depressed and introverted to being the
happiest Omega in history. Levine wouldn’t trade
his life for anything, either.

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About the Author

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of
two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all
things about the state, from the frigid winters to
the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings!
You can usually find her snuggled up to her
laptop, creating her next book.

Contact her at: Email Address: Twitter: FaceBook:

Document Outline


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