Solid phase microextraction to concentrate volatile products
from thermal degradation of polymers
Janaina H. Bortoluzzi, Eduardo A. Pinheiro, Eduardo Carasek, Valdir Soldi
Chemistry Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Universitario, UFSC, 88040-900 Floriano´polis, SC, Brazil
Received 8 October 2004; received in revised form 14 December 2004; accepted 22 December 2004
Available online 17 February 2005
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) was used to analyse the products evolved in the thermal degradation of polypropylene (PP)
which was used as a model polymer. The degradation was performed under nitrogen at 470
C using polydimethylsiloxane and
carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane as the fibres for the product pre-concentration. The evolved degradation products were identified by
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). More than 30 evolved products associated
with alkenes (61.0%), alkanes (33.0%) and alkadienes (4.3%), were identified. In agreement with the literature, evolved products
such as 2,4-dimethyl-1-heptene, n-pentane, 2-pentene, propylene, 2-methyl-1-pentene, 2,4,6-trimethyl-1-nonene, etc., were detected
from the polypropylene thermal degradation. The results suggest that the SPME technology offers important factors such as, rapid
analysis and great efficiency in the pre-concentration of evolved products from the thermal degradation of polymers.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solid phase microextraction; Volatile products; Thermal degradation; Polymers
1. Introduction
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) has been in-
troduced as a modern alternative to traditional sample
preparation technology. Advantages such as rapid
analysis, total elimination of the use organic solvents
and the possibility to automate the sample preparation
step, have been reported
. Usually, an SPME
technology employs a coated fibre to extract and
concentrate analytes which are then desorbed in the
injection port of a gas chromatograph for analysis
SPME has been applied for analyses in various research
fields, such as environmental chemistry, forensic chem-
istry, and in the pharmaceutical and food industries
Despite the above applications, SPME technology
has not been extensively used to concentrate volatile
products such as those formed in the thermal degrada-
tion of polymers
. In general, systems such as
thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry (TG/MS)
, gas
chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS)
size exclusion chromatography/nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (SEC/NMR) and size exclusion chromatography/
matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation (SEC/MAL-
DI), have been used
. Recently, we analysed the gas
products of thermal degradation of polymers, polysac-
charides and proteins, using a tubular oven connected to
infrared equipment
. The gas products collected
in a cell during the degradation process were analysed
only in terms of the main absorption groups in the
Considering our experience and the impossibility to
use more complex systems such as TG/MS, SEC/NMR
or SEC/MALDI for analysis, in the present work the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C55 48 331 9219; fax: C55 48 331
E-mail address:
(V. Soldi).
0141-3910/$ - see front matter
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Polymer Degradation and Stability 89 (2005) 33e37
feasibility of using a single step enrichment procedure
(SPME technology) for thermal degradation products
from polymeric materials under nitrogen atmosphere to
allow their characterization by FTIR and GCeMS was
investigated. Polypropylene (PP) was chosen as a model
polymer because it is known that the thermal degrada-
tion occurs in a single step between 300 and 500
C by
random scission of the main chain
. At the same
time, PP is a common recycling polymer which has been
studied as a function of its technological applications
. The main idea was to analyse the viability of
using SPME technology to pre-concentrate polymer
evolved products.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Isotactic polypropylene (average M
ca. 250 000 g mol
average M
ca. 67 000 g mol
; density Z 0.900 g cm
melting temperature 160e165
C) was received from
Aldrich Chemical Company (St. Louis, USA).
The thermogravimetric curves for PP (not shown)
present only one stage of mass loss corresponding to
a maximum degradation rate temperature of 470
2.2. SPME procedure
The SPME device and fibres of polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) (100 mm) and PDMS/Carboxen (75 mm) were
obtained from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA). The fibres
were thermally conditioned (300
C) prior to their first
absorption in the hot port of the gas chromatograph
instrument according to the supplier’s instructions.
The thermal degradation of PP was monitored in
a tubular oven (LINDBERG/BLUE) equipped with
a quartz tube for the reaction, connected to a flow
through cell SPME, as shown in
. The carrier gas
was nitrogen (flow rate of 10 cm
) and the
temperature was maintained at 470
C during the pre-
concentration step using SPME technology. According
, a flow through cell made of polytetrafluoro-
ethylene (PTFE)
was connected to the exit of the
oven. The SPME fibre was placed into this cell where the
extraction was performed by simply passing the thermal
degradation products (volatile products) from poly-
propylene around the fibre. After the extraction period
(30 min), the fibre was immediately withdrawn from the
sample and introduced into the GCeMS injector.
Thermal desorption of the degradation products was
carried out in the hot port of the gas chromatograph
instrument for 5 min. After this period no significant
blank values were observed.
2.3. Infrared spectrometry
A FTIR spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, 16-PC) with
a resolution of 4 cm
, was used to characterize the gas
products from the PP thermal degradation. The FTIR
was connected to the tubular oven, in a similar manner
to the SPME device in
. Polypropylene samples
were submitted to different temperatures (range of 400e
C) for thermal degradation. Samples of ca. 150 mg
were heated under nitrogen (50 cm
) at a heating
rate of 10
C min
2.4. Mass spectrometry analysis
The GCeMS investigations were carried out using
a Shimadzu GCeMS QP2000A equipped with a splite
splitless injector. A CPSIL 8B fused silica capillary
column of 50 m ! 0.25 mm ID and with a phase
thickness of 0.25 mm was used for all GC separations.
The temperature program used for the determination of
the degradation products from PP was as follows: the
initial temperature of 30
C was held for 5 min and then
increased to 280
C at 5
C min
. This temperature
was held for 1 min. The run time was 56 min. The
injector and detector temperatures were maintained at
250 and 280
C, respectively. The samples were injected
in the splitless mode and the splitter was opened after
5 min (delay time). The carrier gas used was helium at
1 mL min
. The spectrometer was operated in electron
impact mode (EI) with 70 eV detection volts and scan
range 41e400 m/z.
Fig. 1. Scheme of tubular oven/SPME system: (A) carrier gas
(nitrogen); (B) gas flow controller; (C) tubular oven; (D) SPME fibre;
(E) gas outlet; (F) enlargement of the heating region, and (G)
enlargement of the flow through cell containing SPME fibre.
J.H. Bortoluzzi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 89 (2005) 33e37
3. Results and discussion
Chan and Balke analysed the thermal degradation of
PP using thermogravimetric data to determine kinetic
parameters such as reaction order, frequency factor and
activation energy
. Thermogravimetric curves ob-
tained under inert atmosphere (argon) and under air
showed only one stage of mass loss with a maximum
degradation temperature (T
) in the range of 435e
C, depending on the heating rate. In terms of
activation energy, the authors suggested the existence of
two main regions defined as: (i) region I e which
corresponds to a conversion (percentage of mass loss at
low temperatures) up to 10% and (ii) region II e which
corresponds to a conversion in the range of 10e100%
(high temperatures). Activation energy values (average)
of ca. 98 and 328 kJ mol
were determined for regions I
and II, respectively. The low value in region I was
attributed to the existence of weak points in the polymer
chain, whereas, the high value of region II was
associated with high degrees of random scission of the
main chain.
In this study, we analysed the products evolved from
PP thermal degradation at 470
C (the maximum
degradation rate temperature), which may be associated
with the region II described above. The large number of
volatile products evolved from polypropylene degrada-
tion identified in this work, in general, agrees with the
and may be associate with a mech-
anism of random scission of the polymeric chain.
Experimentally, the PP degradation was first moni-
tored using a tubular oven connected to infrared
spectrometer. The functional groups of the evolved
products produced from the PP degradation were
qualitatively detected and identified by FTIR. In
the absorption bands of the volatile products
evolved from PP degradation in the wave number region
of 3500e2500 cm
are shown. The bands observed at
3085, 3016 and 2970 cm
are related to the CeH
stretching. The band at 3085 cm
suggest the formation
of volatile products related to the ]CH
characteristic of unsaturated structures.
the absorption bands related to the volatile
products in the region 2000e400 cm
are shown. The
main absorption bands were associated with CH
and 1380 cm
), C]C (1660 cm
), CeC (910 cm
and out of the plane CH
(670 cm
). In relation to
the absorption bands described above, two important
aspects must be considered: (i) the maximum band
intensities were observed at 470
C, which was the
maximum degradation rate temperature for PP, and (ii)
volatile products associated with saturated and un-
saturated structures were evolved.
The functional groups identified by FTIR, are in
agreement with the formation of alkenes, alkanes and
alkadienes as products from the thermal degradation of
PP discussed in the literature
. At high temperatures
C), the products are formed by a mechanism
involving first the random scission of carbonecarbon
bonds, followed by intramolecular hydrogen transfer
Using SPME technology (for the pre-concentration
step) and GCeMS (for the analysis) we identified more
than 30 evolved products (up to C
), in the percentages of
61.0% (alkenes), 33.0% (alkanes) and 4.3% (alkadienes).
500 °C
600 °C
550 °C
470 °C
400 °C
Wavenumber (cm
Transmittance (a. u.)
Fig. 2. FTIR spectra for gas products evolved in the PP degradation in
the 3500e2500 cm
400 °C
470 °C
600 °C
550 °C
500 °C
Transmittance (a. u.)
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra for gas products evolved in the PP degradation in
the 2000e400 cm
J.H. Bortoluzzi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 89 (2005) 33e37
The same aliphatic compounds have previously been
identified by Bockhorn et al.
in the percentages of
84.8% (alkenes), 7.6% (alkanes) and 7.6% (alkadienes).
Amorin et al.
identified various compounds with
240 in the pyrolysis of isotactic PP, in the
percentages of 84.5% (alkenes), 9.4% (alkanes) and
1.9% (alkadienes). The same authors identified com-
pounds in the pyrolysis of atactic PP in the percentages of
77.5% (alkenes), 12.0% (alkanes) and 1.0% (alkadienes).
The differences between our results and those described in
the literature are probably associated with experimental
conditions, such as degradation temperature, atmo-
sphere, sample and material (PP) characteristics.
The main evolved products which have been identi-
fied by different authors
include 2,4-di-
2-methyl-1-pentene, 2,4,6-trimethyl-1-nonene, etc. The
amount (percentage) of products evolved was strongly
dependent on the experimental conditions, mainly the
temperature. For example, the percentage of propylene
obtained by Amorin et al.
in a temperature range
C, was ca. 38%. On the other hand, Kiang
et al.
obtained propylene percentages in the range
15%e28%, when the temperature changed from 388 to
C. In this study, despite the differences in the
reaction conditions and methodology, practically the
same above described products (main products) were
identified. In
, the MS spectra of two identified
compounds: 2,4-dimethyl-1-heptene (
A) and
5-ethyl-2-methyl heptane (
B), are shown as
examples. In agreement with the literature, 2,4-dimethyl-
1-heptene was the main product identified in poly-
propylene thermal degradation. Our data indicate an
amount of ca. 45 wt.% for this compound, which is
close to the 42 wt.% determined by Chien and Kiang
and 40 wt.% determined by Kiang et al.
. The
5-ethyl-2-methyl heptane accounted for only 3% of the
total identified volatile products. At high temperatures
C), the appearance of evolved 2,4-dimethyl-1-
heptene must be favoured by the reaction mechanism
associated with the random scission of carbonecarbon
bonds, followed by intramolecular hydrogen transfer
In summary, the above discussed results suggest the
viability of the use of SPME technology for the pre-
concentration of products evolved from the thermal
degradation of polymers. Rapid analysis and the
efficiency of pre-concentration were the most important
factors associated with the PDMS and PDMS/Carboxen
fibres used in the present study. The products evolved in
the thermal degradation of polypropylene (model poly-
mer) identified using FTIR and GCeMS were in full
agreement with the literature, suggesting that SPME
technology may be extensively used in polymer degra-
dation reactions. Although it is known that PDMS
fibres can be used for a wide range of applications, the
results obtained in this study suggested that the PDMS/
Carboxen fibre was more sensitive for volatile com-
pounds than PDMS.
This work was supported by the Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico (CNPq)
and Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
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