Melody Lane Black Moon Rising [EC Spectrum MM] (pdf)

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Black Moon Rising

Melody Lane

Steve enjoys his day job as a shapeshifting bounty hunter—but his personal life is a

mess. Nightmares of his father’s death and fantasies of a lost love torment him each
night. Until he responds to a bail bondsman’s request to pick up a bail jumper and gets
the shock of his life—the presumed murderer is Herman, his long-lost love.

Muscular firefighter Herman never expected to see the man he shared unbelievably

hot chemistry with ever again. After all, he’d ditched their relationship and his lifestyle
for a chance to reconcile with his estranged father. Could Steve possibly forgive that?

When the Merlotti crime family—all vicious, remorseless werewolves—get a sniff

of Herman, the situation becomes desperate. What do they know about Lawrence
Fleming’s death, and can Steve save the only man he’s ever loved before it’s too late?

A Romantica® GBLT male/male paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

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Melody Lane

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Chapter One

“No shots were fired, Mrs. Fleming. Apologies for anything we did that may have

alarmed you. Beck Recovery is a fugitive recapture firm and as the owner I give you my

word that we are trained and licensed professionals. Your safety is of utmost

importance to us. We received a tip that Herman was here and every tip must be taken

seriously.” Joni Beck spoke softly. “Don’t think I’ve heard that name in a long time,

especially on a young man.”

“He was named after Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick.” Barbara Fleming

dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “Lawrence obsessed about anything related to that

damned book. Naming his only child Herman confirmed how important it was to him.”

As Steve listened to his mother talk to Mrs. Fleming, he took in all the sights and

smells around him, fiddling with the silver earring in his right ear. Only a few moments

earlier he, his mother and brother Eric had surrounded the house, prepared to take the

bail jumper Herman Fleming into custody if he were to be found on the premises.

His nose twitched. The impeccably dressed middle-aged woman sitting across from

them had sprayed perfume on herself within the last hour. Too strong. He preferred the

natural scent of a person. As the sudden aroma of meat cooking hit his nostrils, he

turned his head toward what might be the direction of the kitchen. Definitely pot roast.

And definitely too overcooked for his tastes.

He glanced around the room, filled with the finest leather furniture, marble end

tables and other creature comforts of the rich, and his eyes settled on a picture shoved

into a corner bookcase. He rose from his seat and picked it up. The man standing in the

picture couldn’t be any hotter. That certainly wasn’t the recently deceased Lawrence

Fleming, a man bound to his wheelchair for most of his waking hours due to an above-

the-knee amputation from a lifetime of diabetes.

Could this picture possibly be Herman? What struck him first was the sexy-as-hell

face. A perfect smile with full, sensuous lips he’d love to part with his tongue and finish

with his cock. Sunglasses hid his eyes. Too bad. He loved to look into them. You could

see a person’s intentions there. That was why animals always looked to the eyes first.

Something about this man seemed familiar though. He stared at the lips and let out a

deep breath.

The man reminded Steve of the guy he had fallen in love with at the gym in

Boystown years ago. One of his continual dreams. What had started out as months of

anonymous sex in the shower and private rooms had turned into something else.

Something beautiful.

Steve felt pain grip his heart as he thought back to those happy days. What that

man’s lips did to him was mind-blowing. That electrifying mouth would kiss Steve

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deep and hungry, with each twist of his tongue making Steve’s rod grow harder. He

had never been so turned on by kissing before than with that lover.

After a few encounters, the man could sense the perfect time to move to Steve’s

dick. He’d close in over the head and let it slowly slide in and out of his mouth, while

Steve moaned with crazy desire as he watched. Once Steve couldn’t take it anymore, the

man would suck hard as Steve came and milk every drop with his gorgeous mouth as if

it were the sweetest nectar on earth.

Remembering those days made Steve’s shaft hard right now. He’d never had a

relationship like that one. It had definitely messed up his mind when it abruptly ended.

His brain felt twisted like a corkscrew every time he reminisced. All he wanted was to

have a healthy, happy relationship and he wondered if it would ever happen for him.

“I just want Herman caught.“ Barbara shuddered. “I can’t believe he even made

bail after sticking that awful knife into his father’s back. Please turn over that disgusting

picture. I can’t believe I missed throwing it out.”

Steve jolted back into reality and turned over the picture as requested. “I know

you’re upset, Mrs. Fleming, but you have to remember that all suspects are innocent

until proven guilty in a court of law.”

“He cleaned out the safe too. Money, bonds, jewelry.” Barbara frowned. “What

about that?”

“Let me help you understand the law better,” offered Steve’s brother Eric, another

important member of Beck Recovery. “When Herman’s fingerprints were found on the

weapon, the charge was attempted murder because your husband was still alive. I

know he was already in bad shape when he reached the hospital and went to surgery.

Herman received bail because he didn’t have a criminal record and wasn’t deemed a

flight risk. Once he vanished, we received the case from the bondsman with the charge

changed to unlawful flight to avoid prosecution for attempted murder and robbery.

That has changed again since your husband passed away in the hospital.”

Barbara nodded. “I understand but it doesn’t make me any happier about this


Steve glanced up at the wall that held knives and implements of all sizes. “I’ve

never seen anything like this.”

“Those harpoons were for whales. The knives were the other tools used to process

the whale afterward. There are boarding, mincing and leaning knives up there. Goes

along with that crazy Moby Dick obsession Lawrence had. He was killed by what’s

called a leaning knife, which is similar to a butcher knife. Listen to me talk.” Barbara

shook her head. ”I’ve learned so much about them over the years I can tell which is

which.” She dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

Eric whistled. “Quite a collection.”
“Does Herman have any friends in the area or out of state that we can contact?” Joni


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“I really have no idea.” Barbara shrugged. “Herman and I aren’t close. He certainly

would have never confided in me. Not even for one moment.”

Joni stood from the couch. “Thanks again for talking to me and my sons. Our

warrant is active and Beck Recovery will continue searching for him. If you should hear

any word about where he might be, contact the police right away.”

“Oh, you can be sure of that.” Barbara’s mouth turned down.
“We’re sorry for your loss,” Steve added quietly.
The Beck family walked out of the house and surveyed their plush surroundings.

Impeccable lawns and stately homes. Murders might happen in classy places every day

of the week. Just not often in the affluent suburbs of the North Shore.

“I didn’t tell her that Herman’s cell phone had a call placed to a number in

Boystown right here in Chicago immediately after he made bail.” Joni opened the car

doors and they got in. Eric in the front with his mom, Steve in the back. “Nothing since,

so he’s wise not to be using it now. The name that goes with the phone number is Mike

Sullivan but the address for Mike is listed as a bakery on Halsted.”

“So what’s the plan?” Steve asked.
“There are other leads to follow too,” Joni said. “He has a lot of firefighter friends

that we need to speak with.”

“I’ve always heard they’re a tight community,” muttered Eric. “And closed-mouth

about each other.”

Joni let out a breath. “I can’t help but feel the Boystown call was significant. I’ve

been in the business long enough to trust my gut.” She glanced at Steve in the rear-view

mirror. “You still hang out there?”

Steve shrugged. “From time to time. Not like I used to but I’ll offer to go.” He ran

his fingers through his short blond hair.

“Even though you’re trying, you don’t look like me with that blond hair,” teased

Eric. “It doesn’t look good on you. Doesn’t match your coloring.”

“Thanks, Eric. Always appreciate your support.” Steve had needed a change in his

life and his short blond hair made him look and feel like a different person.

His older brother glanced at Steve in the back seat. “Herman was attractive. I’ll give

you that.”

Steve undid the Velcro from his bulletproof vest and threw the vest on the seat.

“Yep.” His brother was close to admitting he was gay, but still holding back. Steve

understood. It had taken him a while too.

“I wonder if Herman really did it,” Eric mused.
“We’ve done a background check and he’s never been in trouble but he was caught

in the act with the whale knife,” said Joni.

“Only according to the stepmother.” Eric shrugged. “You know things aren’t

always like they seem. Like when Dad was killed. Steve saw the werewolf—he was

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right there. But the police insisted it wasn’t anything supernatural. He was ripped apart

by a knife from a gang member instead.”

Steve glared at his brother. “Why the hell are you bringing that up? You know I still

have nightmares.”

“Okay, you two,” grumbled Joni. “It’s better we don’t talk about that night. That

was fifteen years ago. Paranormals weren’t even out in society yet. Everyone was

hidden, whether they were a shifter, were or vamp.”

“Yeah, just like gays.” Steve frowned. “They were forced to hide in the closet too.”
Steve crossed his arms in anger and his face flushed. When his brother became

uncomfortable he liked to put Steve on the spot. The pain crept in again after all these

years, just like it always did. Therapy had helped some but it was easy to remember

that life had seemed perfect until that fateful night.

His tough shapeshifting father was killed protecting twelve-year-old Steve, who

didn’t even know he was a shapeshifter yet. He was in his human form and they were

walking home after getting off a city bus. His killer was never caught. And although the

family and police thought it might be related to a case they had worked on in the past,

there wasn’t enough evidence to pursue anyone in particular. A dead-end in more ways

than one. Too bad Steve had been so young. If he had been older, perhaps he would

have been more observant about clues.

He stared out the window at the darkening sky and tried to let his mind go blank.

Sometimes it helped him to relax when he was upset.

* * * * *

Steve covered his hair with a cap and walked the six blocks from the bus to the

bakery and cafe that had been called from Herman’s cell phone. It looked like a hip

place when he looked through the windows. Bright pastry and cupcake paintings in hot

pink, purple and lime-green adorned the walls. A young crowd sat at the tables and

conversed while they ate. Chefs in white hats and black aprons worked their magic in a

glass-walled kitchen.

He looked through the selection of cookies and settled on one. The oatmeal with a

touch of banana and dried cranberry.

“May I help you?” asked a young woman with tattooed arms and short black hair.
“That one right there.” Steve smiled and pointed.
The woman took the cookie out of the case with a napkin and placed it in a small

paper bag. “Anything else?”

“Nope.” He couldn’t help but stick his nose inside the bag and sniff the cookie. It

smelled sweet, like a freshly peeled banana, and his mouth watered.

“That’s two-fifty.”
Steve paid the girl. “Is Mike working tonight?”

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“Yeah. He’s in the back.”
“Do you know how late he’ll be?”
The women looked at a dry-erase board on the wall to her right. “Looks like ’til

nine. Fifteen minutes. Probably hanging up his chef’s cap right about now.” She

squinted. “You want me to get him?”

“Oh no. I’ll catch up with him later.” Steve started to leave and then turned back. “I

haven’t seen him in a long time. Did he get those curls cut off?”

“Curls?” The young woman rolled her eyes. “I’ve never known him to have curls. If

my hair were as straight as his, I wouldn’t need any hair products or a flatiron. He has

new glasses too. Huge brown frames from Europe.” She smiled. “They’re nice.”

Steve laughed. “Thanks. Have a good evening.” He started eating the cookie as

soon as he left. Certainly not the best dinner but all he could do for now. At least it was

some nourishment to keep his stomach from growling. Two storefronts down from the

bakery would be as far as he would venture. He didn’t want to miss Mike.

It didn’t take long. He wasn’t hard to recognize with his straight brown hair pulled

back into a ponytail and dark-framed glasses. Steve turned toward the storefront until

Mike passed by and then followed him.

He walked down the main well-lit avenue for blocks before going down a darkened

side street full of row houses and old apartment buildings. He turned up the walkway

to the second apartment building and pulled keys from his front pocket. After opening

the door, he disappeared in a flash.

Steve stood to the side of the building away from the road. He tried to see which

apartment might be Mike’s within these five stories. No new lights went on within the

next few minutes from what he could tell. Once he saw the fire escape, his decision was

made. Time for a little shapeshifting.

He looked closely at the dark building next door and across the street. There

appeared to be nothing going on in the small front yards. Moving in between the

apartment and the building next door, he sat his messenger bag on the ground. As he

peered through a first-floor window, there was no indication that anyone was home.

No lights in the room, the hallway or beyond. He quickly undressed and placed his

clothes inside the top of his bag, pushing it under a bush with his foot.

Steve was a shapeshifting member of the domestic dog family. All he had to do was

concentrate and visualize what type of pooch he wanted to be and things happened

quickly. It always started with his eyes. This time they became almond-shaped and

dark-brown with a bright and cheerful expression.

Falling to the ground on all fours, he shifted quickly, muscles and bones changing

throughout his body. His body shrank, bones popped and white fur with tan markings

appeared. The first sound Steve uttered was a high-pitched, yappy bark that needed to

be reined in immediately, as he now carried the temperament and abilities of the dog he

wanted to be. In this case he padded on four paws as an energetic Jack Russell Terrier.

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He glanced around him, but saw nothing to put him on alert. Definitely no large

dogs on the loose looking for trouble or cats with an attitude. His nose tilted upward to

breathe in the fresh, cool night air. A dog howled in the distance, but was far enough

away that it didn’t matter.

As he jumped with one fluid movement onto the first fire escape platform, he

stayed still for a moment to make sure safety wasn’t an issue. There was noise inside the

second-story apartment. He peered through the slats of the blinds on the large, double-

hung window. A woman and child could be seen watching television in the

neighboring room but there was no sign that Chef Mike lived here. Steve moved up the

stairs to the third and fourth floors without any luck. Once he made it to the fifth-floor

platform, he hit the jackpot.

Not only did he see Mike, but possibly the fugitive Herman Fleming as they

conversed in the living room. A drop of drool ran down his chin. If this was Herman, he

was even more handsome than his picture. Thick, wavy dark hair and muscular

shoulders and arms. Just as he’d picture the firefighter of his dreams.

He would be a hard man to resist and Steve didn’t think he could if given the

chance. Normally, attractive fugitives didn’t bother him but there was something

different about Herman. Something familiar. Was it his furrowed brow and way he

paced that reminded him of someone? Herman wasn’t angry but appeared to be

frustrated. Steve listened but could barely make out what they were saying.

“Stay as long as you want,” affirmed Mike. “We don’t care.”
“I hate that the police already came to talk to you at work. I should have never used

my cell phone to call you.”

Mike put his head down. “They’ve already been here too, Herman. I told them you

said goodbye. You didn’t tell me where you were going.”

“I’m sorry to bring you into this. I appreciate your faith in me but I can’t hide

forever.” Herman shook his head. “I don’t know what to do. How can I prove I’m

innocent when I’m hiding?”

“But you can’t find the killer if you’re in jail.”
“I know.” Herman fell into a chair and placed his hands on his cheeks. “I’m such a

lousy son. I didn’t even go to his memorial service.”

“You’d have been there in shackles. You did the right thing. I’m sure your dad

would forgive you.”

A small brown cat sauntered into the room and immediately looked toward the

window with questioning eyes.

Instead of a confession, Steve heard the opposite. But it wasn’t his job to believe or

not. His job was to bring Herman in. While he debated what to do next, one of his hind

legs slipped on the fire escape’s steel grating. A screech involuntarily shot from his


“What was that?” Herman looked alarmed as he glanced toward the window.

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The cat in the house loudly hissed.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Mike shrugged. “Just my cat acting out at every little

noise. Don’t freak out on me, dude. Amelia will be home soon and she’s in a whole

different place, being pregnant.”

As the men resumed their conversation and moved to another room, Steve decided

to keep a low profile until he thought things through. It might take him all night to

figure out what to do. The words he heard definitely bothered him.

Steve jumped to the highest level of the building, a tarred flat roof. He immediately

loved the view from the top. The lights of downtown Chicago’s tallest buildings glowed

brightly against the dark sky. What a beautiful sight. Too bad he couldn’t sit still long

enough to enjoy it. He felt the need to get to the ground quickly and dig a hole.

After getting home, Steve tried to rest, but it was one of those nights where sleep

never came. It started with the dad dream. His father lying on the sidewalk, guts

spilling to the ground after an attack of claws left him helpless. He stood there as a boy,

watching a horrific scene, a scene that no one should ever have to watch.

Kneeling by his dying father, all he could do was look into his eyes. A hand took

his. The shaky voice murmured, “I’m sorry. Remember that I’ll always love you.” As

Steve watched the boy, he and the boy became one. The screams were his own as he

woke up choking and trying to catch his breath.

Later on that night, he dreamed about the ex-lover. That lover had fallen for Steve

too. He was sure of it. Steve could tell by the gentle kisses and soft caresses as they met

up again after being apart. Their time together was passionate, tender and all-

encompassing. Each sexual encounter seemed more important than the last. Neither

preferred to be a bottom or top and that was fine by Steve. Being inside that man was

heaven and Steve thought they had connected on a level even deeper than their fucking.

But the lover refused to share details. Wanted things to stay anonymous, even

though Steve knew they were close to having a breakthrough in their relationship.

Unfortunately, he never found out. One day his lover didn’t come back for a

scheduled hook-up. Steve searched for him to no avail, wondering if there was

something he’d said or done that last night. He’d used all the tricks at this disposal to

find him. The tears poured down Steve’s face in his dream and now in real life as he

woke up.

It was either the nightmare about his father dying or the dream of his lost love.

Sometimes both in the same night like tonight. It seemed he tossed and turned and

never slept well whether he had the dreams or not.

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Chapter Two

Herman bounded down the five flights of stairs and out the front door to the street.

It was an easy start to his cardiovascular workout with those steep stairs—no elevators

in old apartment buildings like this one. He stood on the wood porch and took a couple

of deep breaths as he glanced down the deserted residential street. Barely any parked

cars or people out. A workday for most.

Even with a warrant out for his arrest, he refused to turn himself in to the police. He

knew he was taking a huge chance leaving the apartment but it was in his character to

take chances. As a firefighter, he faced danger and took risks every day. His job was all

about self-sacrifice and putting his life on the line.

That’s what he was still doing. He was determined to figure a way out of this

horrible situation and catch the real killer. He lived by the mantra that a firefighter

never gave up until there wasn’t any hope left.

And Herman still had hope.
His dad was gone and that couldn’t be changed. Thinking about it put a lump in his

throat. They had finally been on good terms and then the unthinkable had happened.

He ran his hand over the top of his head as he hopped down the wooden steps to

the sidewalk. After Amelia had gotten home, she’d insisted on cutting his hair short to

help with his disguise. It felt strange to have it this way. Growing a beard was

something he hadn’t done in years either but he had to do what was necessary. It now

had seven days’ growth and he no longer looked like himself.

Seven days since this madness started. He shuddered as a chill permeated his body.

Was it from the cool afternoon breeze of this sunny February day or from his

predicament? He pulled the zipper on his jacket higher as he started to run.

It didn’t take long to get to the private men’s gym and bathhouse, which was only

about a half-mile away from Mike and Amelia’s apartment. This place was one of

Herman’s old haunts during the days when he was estranged from his father. It was

familiar, brought back warm memories, and was what he needed today. Didn’t look

like it had changed much. A nondescript brown building with half-moon windows at

the top for natural light and located on a quiet corner.

Herman hadn’t been here in years. Not since he had fallen in love with a man

whom he had unceremoniously dumped. It had always troubled him, as that lover

definitely didn’t deserve to be treated that way.

What had happened was his dad had suddenly wanted him back in his life. He

asked for forgiveness after admitting he had missed out on years with his son because

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he couldn’t accept that Herman was gay. He didn’t want the remaining period of his

life to be without him.

Herman had valued their time together, even though much of it involved doctor

visits and hospitalizations that never seemed to end. His dad’s wife, Barbara, wasn’t

much help, as she always had some kind of excuse once Herman was back in the

picture. Between the time spent with his father and the rest of his life devoted to a crazy

work schedule, it wasn’t long until those omitted gym days sadly turned into weeks,

which turned into embarrassment and sadness at not considering someone else’s

feelings. He hadn’t meant it to happen, but time slipped away.

He let out a breath as he thought about those happy few months with his lover

before he stopped going to the gym. Their hook-ups were exclusive but anonymous.

The man always greeted Herman with a warm smile, excited to see him at each tryst.

Each time they made love, they became closer. Whether it was a hand that stayed longer

than it needed to on a thigh or an extra kiss on the earlobe, they’d seemed so connected

after sex. Sometimes they massaged each other or held hands and talked about items as

mundane as the weather and it was enjoyable.

It wasn’t just a sex hook-up. They were comfortable together. Their time alone was

a respite from the outside world and Herman thought something more was happening.

He had wanted to tell the man his name and was close to it a couple of times but he was

scared. Not afraid of the man, but anxious at admitting out loud that he was a gay man

in love. His dad gave him a reason to run away, and he did.

Wouldn’t it have been great to go out in public as a couple? It was easily done in

this neighborhood. Gay men were everywhere, holding hands, kissing, living. Freedom

was here if it was desired and he had missed out. His own fault.

The walls of this gym held Herman’s emotions as tightly as his lover’s arms.

Herman felt guilt, remorse and the feeling that he had lost his one chance for

everlasting happiness. There might have been a happily ever after but he would never

know. If his father hadn’t reached out to mend their torn relationship, Herman’s gym

liaison might have turned out differently, but he could have missed out on the

relationship with his father. Forcing the pain out of his mind, he entered the building.

The gym offered a daily rate of ten dollars and all you had to do was fill out a fake

name, address and gym release form.

Herman filled out the forms and smiled at the heavily tattooed man behind the

counter. “Thanks. Haven’t been here in a while. Still two bucks for a towel?”

“Three,” said the man as he handed one to Herman.
Herman pulled the cash from his jacket. A small sign on the wall stated that the

gym was clean, safe and discreet. Just the way a Boystown gym should be. As he

glanced around, he noticed the place had had a facelift since he had been there last. It

now had a massive array of cardio and strength equipment in the fitness room.


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He jumped on the treadmill. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a handsome blond

man enter the gym. He had an impressive-looking physique in baggy shorts and a tank

top. Shoulders as broad as a barn door and full of muscle. Was it his imagination, or

was the hunk looking at Herman in the mirrored wall?

If he hadn’t been on the run from the law, he might have been interested. It had

been too long since he had dated, much less had sex. But it could be too dangerous,

even having anonymous sex like he used to love to do at this club. He frowned. It was

definitely too dangerous. He tried to put the thoughts out of his mind.

There were more important things he needed to concentrate on. Such as what was

he going to do with his life going forward as a fugitive? He wasn’t even sure how to

find the real killer. He needed help but he didn’t know where to turn. Who could

possibly help him? He looked up at the television and watched the local news to take

his mind off his problems. Hopefully he wouldn’t be on it.

“Hey there,” a voice called out.
Herman looked down from the treadmill as he continued to run. It was the cute

blond guy he had been admiring earlier. “Hi.”

“Sorry to bother you.” The man continued to do biceps curls. “Do you happen to

know if there’s a place for a Caesar salad around here? One where I can get a nice piece

of grilled salmon on top.”

He slowed down the treadmill, breathing heavily as he talked. “There used to be a

place around the corner to the left. It’s a bar but has decent food. Don’t know if it’s still

there. I haven’t been to this gym in a while.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll check it out. Been craving salmon for days.” The man grinned.

“That sounded ridiculous. I really don’t crave salmon.”

Herman smiled back. Hazel eyes, short blond hair. When he laughed those hazel

eyes turned up at the corners. Why did they look familiar? “Hey, sometimes I crave

salmon if I happen to be eating fish that week.”

“Ha ha. Me too. Seems I go from pescetarian to vegetarian to vegan and back

again.” The man laughed again. “Sometimes all in the same week. By the way, I’m


“Nice to meet you, Gerry. I don’t mean to sound unfriendly but I don’t give out my


“Okay by me.” Gerry shrugged and walked back to the mirror.
Herman watched as he lifted weights. That man knew where he wanted to go with

his circuit training. It was funny, but he felt like Gerry kept looking at him out of the

corner of his eye. They were both strong, fit men. Definitely a turn-on for Herman to

hear the groans of working hard and see the exhilaration in someone’s eyes brought on

by the natural high of an endorphin release. He liked them handsome and he liked

them strong.

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He couldn’t help but stare at Gerry, with his muscular body, strong jaw and a

handsome face with a five o’clock shadow that suited him. A slightly crooked nose,

which might have been broken in the past, showed Herman that Steve was probably a

tough guy and also made him look even more rugged and sexy. He admired the broad

shoulders that dipped down to a small waist. Lean hips and muscular legs. Gerry was a

few inches shorter than Herman’s six-foot-two frame.

Herman smiled, something he hadn’t done in days. Finally something to take his

mind off his troubles. He was experiencing the pleasure of just looking at a male. It had

been too long since lust had taken over his body. With everything he’d been through

over the last week, damn if he didn’t deserve it.

His cock pushed hard against his briefs and he felt his own endorphin release. His

sweat increased, along with his heart rate. Whether it was from his treadmill run or the

hot man in front of him he wasn’t sure. What he was sure of was that he could drop his

pants to have his dick sucked or bend himself over the sloped preacher’s curl bench and

be taken from behind. Wouldn’t it be great to have a finger slip into his ass to stretch

him and follow it up with a thick shaft? He couldn’t help but grin. The brain was as

powerful a tool as a stiff cock.

Herman wanted to tell the man behind the front desk to turn the ceiling fans on

high and prop the front door open for some cool air. Gerry was making Herman sweat.

He wasn’t sure what to do next. Gerry seemed friendly and accepted that Herman

didn’t give out his name. Anonymous sex. He used to like it. Liked it until he fell for

Steve. There. He finally said the name of his old lover. Couldn’t say the last name

because he never knew it. Here he was thinking about Steve again and he hadn’t even

been at the gym an hour.

Herman frowned. Gerry looked a little like Steve. No. Maybe not. Steve wasn’t as

strong as Gerry, and Steve had brown shoulder-length hair. At least he did all those

years ago. But one thing was for sure—Steve would never be a vegetarian. He’d always

told Herman his favorite meal was a filet mignon and a baked potato with two pats of

butter, not one.

Herman turned off the treadmill and Gerry was suddenly in front of him. Herman

stepped down and they circled one another. The air in the room felt thick and Herman’s

breathing became heavier. He inhaled the masculine sweat that permeated the air and it

made him feel weak.

“I saw you looking at me.”
Herman shook his head. “I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“I didn’t see anything rude about it. You’re a handsome man.”
“Likewise.” Herman needed to move the conversation away from the attraction he

felt. He wasn’t ready to take action.

Time to change the subject.
“I couldn’t help but notice how you worked on your circuit training. Really


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“I’m into strength and endurance. Doing a pretty good job of it too. I’ve put on

quite a bit of muscle the last few years.”

“It’s obvious you’re strong. You don’t even appear out of breath.”
“Oh, I’m out of breath.” Gerry smiled.
Herman saw those hazel eyes turn up at the corners again. Was he the reason that

Gerry was breathless? The temptation was back full force and his cock twitched.

“The strong, silent type? Oh, come on. With that hard body? You must have many


Herman tried to smile. “I work out regularly.”
“Next question. Boyfriend?”
“Then I feel free to say that I’m incredibly attracted to you.” Gerry placed a hand on

Herman’s waist and let it wander slowly down his thigh. “Watching your body move

on that treadmill gave me serious wood.”

Herman shuddered at the touch. “That feels good.”
“Can I interest you in a shower, Mr. Anonymous? I’d like to know you a little better

in a more private location.”

Herman hesitated. This wasn’t what he’d expected to happen the first time back at

this gym. He wasn’t ready for a sexual encounter, although it was nice to think about

one with this cut man whom he was equally attracted to. A blowjob? A fuck? It had

been so long. “I’m sorry. Not today.”

Gerry threw his hand up in the air. “You were throwing out the signs. I thought I’d

read them correctly.”

The atmosphere in the room became chilly, like the air conditioner had been turned

on high. “Again, I apologize. I’ve been going through a bad time.”

They looked into each other’s eyes. Gerry seemed to stare, as if trying to see into

Herman’s soul. It made Herman incredibly uncomfortable. Damn, those eyes looked

familiar! He felt like he had gazed into them a million times, a million years ago. His

heart pounded. Could this man possibly be Steve? His Steve? Herman couldn’t even

fathom the idea right now. It was too much for his brain to handle.

“Will you be here tomorrow?” Gerry broke the stare and glanced down to the floor.
“I don’t know,” murmured Herman, unsure of what to say next. “I’m kind of in

transit right now.”

“Okay.” Gerry shrugged. “Understood. I’ll be here around ten in the morning. If I

see you, maybe we can talk again.” He turned and left the fitness room.

Herman was shocked by the abrupt nature of the exit but it was just as well. He

needed his blood pressure and breathing to return to normal. The whole encounter had

left him shocked and unclear about what was going on.

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Steve. Even the name caused pain in his heart. But if Herman had any balls, he

would be here tomorrow.

* * * * *

Steve had been ecstatic when he’d started talking to Herman, but angry by the time

he left the gym. The experience was everything he had hoped for and all the memories

came rushing back. It was him. The man he had fallen in love with so many years ago

was a handsome firefighter named Herman Fleming. Fuck. He finally knew his name

and the emotions overwhelmed him.

He didn’t even know why he had offered sex so quickly. Maybe because he hadn’t a

clue what else to say. It was good to know that Herman didn’t rush into fucking a

stranger. Somehow that thought soothed Steve a bit. Although Steve definitely would

have fucked Herman or sucked his cock or done anything else that Herman would have

wanted, just to make him happy.

What a mess he had gotten himself into. He was irritated at himself and Herman.

How the hell could this be handled the right way? He was sweating and he felt anxious.

Maybe even a little short of breath.

A horn suddenly blared. Steve had walked right into the street without checking

the light. He moved to the sidewalk and took three deep breaths to calm down.

But none of this took into consideration that Steve was a shapeshifter and a bounty

hunter looking for Herman the fugitive. And what about Herman? Had he been going

to the gym all these years? Had Steve left the gym too soon years ago after Herman

didn’t come back? Maybe Herman had wanted to talk to him but Steve had never


The only bright spot was he’d heard Herman say he wasn’t a murderer when he

had eavesdropped on him at his friend’s apartment. Being a recovery agent, it wasn’t

Steve’s business to believe guilt or innocence. His job was to bring Herman in. What

was he going to do about that? When he told Herman that he wasn’t Gerry, would the

lying hurt any chance they might have for a future relationship? Herman would be

upset when he heard the truth and might run. If that happened, Steve would have to

chase him down and handcuff him, like any other bail jumper. That would be an awful

ending and cause unnecessary pain on both sides.

Did Steve even want a relationship with someone who’d hurt him so badly? He

thought back to those painful months after Herman had disappeared. His heart had

been broken into a million little pieces, wondering what had gone wrong. He’d gone to

therapy for depression, didn’t eat well for months and drank too much alcohol to numb

the pain. The nightmares still hadn’t stopped.

It was obvious today that they still had an attraction to one another after all this

time. A major attraction that they both sensed.

As Steve walked toward home, he felt the need to shift and get some of his anxiety

out. Not as an aggressive dog, although his emotions waffled between anger and

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despair at his situation. He headed down a side street and into an alley. A Dalmatian.

Something that a fireman might want, he thought wryly as a lump formed in his throat.

He took off his jacket and gym clothes and placed them next to a dumpster. Maybe

someone else could find use for them. He lost a lot of clothes this way but had learned

over the years that it happened from time to time. If he cared enough about certain

clothes, he’d hide them and with any luck they might be there later when he returned to

pick them up.

He visualized a Dalmatian. His muscles and bones shifted throughout his body as

he became a midsized, muscular white dog weighing approximately fifty pounds and

standing twenty inches tall. Black spots appeared all over his body. He was on all fours

and ready to run.

Steve ran for blocks, down side streets of quiet apartment buildings and elementary

schools with children out on playgrounds for recess. He was careful when he crossed

roads and remained on the lookout for other dogs that might present a problem.

Once he reached his street, he turned into the alley behind it and into the small

backyard. He was out of breath and tired. At least his head was clear from the fresh,

cool air. It was time for a rest and then decisions needed to be made.

His landlord never did much to the yard of the three-apartment home where he

lived. And although he had neighbors in houses on both sides, everyone minded their

own business. He kept an apartment key inside a fake rock under a shrub near the

garage. As he shifted back to a naked man, he quickly pulled his key out of its hiding


“What do we have here?” cooed a female voice. “Is this my neighbor from the first

floor? My neighbor who is obviously a shifter.”

“Obviously.” Steve stood, but covered his genitals with his hands. The woman had

long, braided black hair, wore a brown overcoat and carried a small bag of groceries.

“Yes, ah, I recognize you as the woman who lives above me. I’m Steve.”

“Nahla.” She smiled. “Nice to meet you, shifter. Although we have a chilly day for

a walk, it must be even chillier to be naked.”

“Thank goodness we have no snow. My feet would be even colder.” He laughed

nervously. “Please excuse me. As you can see I’m freezing and should get inside.”

“I planned to brew some ginseng tea once I made it home. If you’d like some to

help you warm up, I can bring you a cup.”

He shook his head yes, although he just wanted to leave. “That is very kind of you.


They walked into the landing of the house together. She took the stairs to the

second floor, while Steve opened the door to his apartment on the first.

Instead of plopping into bed like he wanted to, he threw on a pair of sweatpants

and a sweatshirt. He picked up yesterday’s shirt and socks from the living room and

put them in the dirty-clothes pile on his bedroom floor. The unwashed dishes on the

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coffee table were thrown in with the others in the kitchen sink. He knew he was messy

but so what. Rarely did he ever have company.

He wasn’t sure if Nahla meant what she said. Taking his phone to the couch, he

checked to see if there were any messages from work. There were.

His mom had requested some kind of update today on how the search for Herman

was going. He let out a breath. Not sure what to say about that one. I met him, Mom.

Followed him from where he’s hiding to that gay gym I used to like in Boystown. Turns out

Herman is the love of my life. I offered sex but he turned me down.

Not sure that was what his mom wanted to hear.
Nahla was true to her word. He heard her tap on the door moments later. After

opening it, he took the warm cup of tea from her hands.

“Thank you.” He took a sip of the fragrant beverage and it warmed his throat all

the way down. “Tasty.”

She stood in the doorway and he wasn’t sure what to do next.
“Thank you again. I’ll bring the cup up later after I wash it.”
She smiled. “I have what many people call a sixth sense. You see, I’m a witch. A

rather good one too.”

“Oh,” Steve stammered. He hadn’t asked for any information, but she obviously

had other plans.

“I have the power of premonition. I’m also able to sometimes sense and tap into

other people’s emotions.” She breezed into his apartment and sat down on the couch.

He nodded but felt irritated at the nerve she had to invite herself into his apartment.

“Please make yourself comfortable.”

“I’m not here to annoy you. Promise.”
Steve sat down. It was as if she’d read his mind.
“I’ve been on the landing right after you’ve entered your apartment. I’ve touched

the mailbox after you’ve picked up your mail. I’ve felt your aura many times from

living in the same building. I know you have issues.”

“Then tell me. What will happen tomorrow?”
She stared at him for a space of a heartbeat. “Tomorrow will be a day you will

always remember.”

He couldn’t help but laugh out loud. ”That could mean a lot of things. I’ve already

had a bad day, so I guess I’ll hope for a good one.”

Nahla stood and walked to the door. “If you ever feel like there is some way I can

help you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We have something in common. We’re

different from others in normal society. I’m a witch, you’re a shifter. There are even

witches who are shifters, you know.”

“I’ve heard of that in Native American history, but never in modern Chicago”

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“Hmm. Seems like someone needs to keep an open mind.” She left his apartment

and started up the stairs. “Just remember what I said.”

“Hey, Nahla,” he hollered, “is there a cost?”
“Of course. There is always a cost.”
Steve closed his door and continued to drink his tea. Always a cost. Monetary? Who

knew with a witch? But he would keep her advice in mind.

Next thing on the agenda was to call his mom. He touched the number on his

phone and waited for the connection.

“Hey, Steve.”
“What’s up, Ma?”
“Checking in. Any news on Herman?”
He hated like hell to lie. His mom had always been there for him. Not only after his

dad had been killed, but also when puberty brought on shapeshifting and after Steve

came out as gay. He was fortunate in that his mom had been there every fucking day of

his life.

So many people couldn’t say that. Families are torn apart by life events like death,

divorce or a son admitting he’s gay. What a lucky guy he was to have a strong,

supportive mother. She had even pushed the therapy after Herman left because she was

concerned for his mental health.

He wouldn’t lie but he couldn’t tell her everything.
“Steve? You there?”
“Yeah. How’s it going on your side?”
“Herman took a large amount of money out of the bank right after his dad died. It

looks as if he knew he wouldn’t be able to access his account for a while. Eric and I

checked out the fire station where Herman worked. We talked to his boss and

numerous co-workers. They all said the same thing. He’s a great person and firefighter.

No complaints, nothing out of the ordinary with his behavior. He was supposed to

cover for a co-worker on the night of his dad’s death but the co-worker changed his

mind and came to work instead.”

“Another thing. One of his buddies mentioned that Herman thought his stepmother

might be having an affair.”

“That would be a motive.”
“Yep. I think I’ll have Eric look into that one more. If he needs help, he’ll give you a

ring. And make sure you stop by the office and finish your work from last week—I

don’t want it lapsing. We have new cases coming in and your sister likes to get the old

things archived quickly. You’ll need to take on a couple more cases too.”

“That’s fine, Mom. I’ll get in this afternoon and finish the cases for Suzy.”

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“Oh, yeah. Someone mentioned Herman was gay. Maybe that explains the phone

number that originated from Boystown.”

“You’re right. Herman is gay. I found out he’s been to the gym I used to frequent a

few years ago.”

“How did you get that information?”
“I stopped in for a visit.” Steve bit his lip. He still wasn’t lying to his mother.
“You going back?”
“Yep. Tomorrow. Talk to you soon.”
“Good luck. Bye.”
Steve hung up the phone. After a quick nap, he’d get to the office and be a good

employee for the rest of the afternoon. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. If Herman

showed up to the gym, Steve was going to confront him with their history.

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Chapter Three

Depressed. That was the way Herman felt today. He’d stayed up late with Mike

and had a few beers, hoping they would help him sleep. Wrong. His brain and body

had decided that sleep wasn’t happening. All he did was think about Gerry from the


By morning, he leaned toward the fact that Gerry might be Steve, and thought

about their affair so many years ago. Their lovemaking had been passionate and

powerful but Herman had messed things up. Had Steve continued to frequent the gym

after all those years?

He remembered about a scar on the upper left side of Steve’s butt that Steve had

explained away as being from a camping accident as a kid. It was about two inches long

and uneven. Herman was going to the gym today at the time Gerry said he would be

there. If Gerry was there, Herman planned to look for that scar.

As he ran to the gym, he was on the lookout for police cars. How quickly his life

had changed. Just over a week ago, he was happy with work and his relationship with

his dad. The only thing missing was a love life. Today he was in hiding and he felt as

though he was going through the motions of life. The only thing to look forward to

today was seeing if Gerry might be the Steve of long ago.

It was rough not talking to any of his friends from work but he couldn’t take any

chances. The ones he cared about would understand once this mess was all straightened

out. Those guys knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t have considered hurting

his father.

Some of the others were strictly co-workers, without the closeness of actual

friendship. Those were the people who would have no trouble giving out personal

information. Throw him under the bus—or the fire engine, in his case. After all, he was

a wanted fugitive. He supposed he couldn’t blame them if they did.

He had no idea what to do next. Should he turn himself in? Maybe hire a good

lawyer and hope for the best? He wasn’t going to find the real killer. He couldn’t even

go to his dad’s house and look for clues.

After arriving at the gym, he started on weights, moving his feet shoulder-width

apart, knees slightly bent. There were only a few men in the gym. Two were obviously

together and ready to head for the showers and the others were concentrating on their


As soon as he finished the chest press, he saw Gerry coming through the door,

pulling off his coat to reveal a tight tank top and baggy shorts. His well-shaped biceps

and triceps were tantalizing. He’d love to lick their muscular definition and taste

Gerry’s salty sweat all at once.

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“Morning,” murmured Herman as Gerry walked over to him.
“Hello to you.”
“How was your evening?”
Gerry hesitated. “Not so good.”
“Sorry to hear that. I had a difficult night too.”
“I’m glad you’re here.” Gerry looked away for a moment and then back into

Herman’s eyes. “I hoped to see you today.”

Every time they glanced into each other’s eyes, Herman felt a connection.
“I thought I was going to work out, but don’t feel like it now.” Gerry shrugged.

“I’m not myself today.”

Herman nodded. “I understand. I’m feeling a little out of sorts too.”
“I’ll be in the shower. Feel free to join me.” Gerry gave Herman a piercing stare

before he left the fitness room.

Herman sat down on a weight bench and pondered his options. Was he up to a

confrontation? That had been the plan for today. He forced himself to stand and start

walking toward the showers. His heart was heavy and he felt sick to his stomach.

Herman moved through the jungle-themed lounge, where two men watched a

movie. He passed the closed green door that held the twelve-man whirlpool. By the

time he walked through the locker room and over to the showers, he felt stronger. He

could do this.

There were three showers running at full force in the sizable shower area. All the

curtains were closed.

“Gerry,” he called out.
The second shower curtain opened. “Down here.”
Herman made the few steps. He let out a deep breath as he turned to face him.
The water cascaded over Gerry’s body like a waterfall, powerful and beautiful.

Herman was instantly mesmerized and unable to turn away. Gerry’s blond hair lay

plastered wet against his handsome face. The defined muscles on his arms and chest

glistened from the water and ceiling lights like stars in the sky. Herman stared at the

firm six-pack of his abdominal muscles and followed the happy trail at his bellybutton

down to Gerry’s hard cock, which bobbed back and forth in front of him as he moved.

Herman felt sweat running down his chest and back. He didn’t know if it was from

the steam of the water or his sexual arousal. All he could do was stare at the handsome

man in front of him.

“You like?” asked Gerry. His hand skimmed down the front of his chest to his dick.

He took it in hand and slid it through.

Instead of looking at Gerry’s shaft, Herman focused on the next step. “Turn


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Gerry slowly turned around. The solid muscles in his calves and thighs. The curve

of his luscious butt.

The moment of truth.
Herman looked at the upper left side of his butt and saw it. The scar had faded even

more over the years but it was there. This man was Steve, his lost love. Part of him felt

anger at the deception but Herman knew he shouldn’t judge, as he’d been dishonest


“How you been, Steve? I’ve missed you.”
Steve didn’t flinch, but turned off the water. “Guess it wasn’t difficult for either one

of us to recognize the other, even though we’ve changed physically.”

“Even with your blond hair and increased muscle tone, I thought you might be

Steve. I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night. It made me remember our time


“Five years ago. Next question. Why did you leave me without an explanation? I

didn’t even know your name. Was I dumped for someone else?”

“Not at all.” Herman shook his head. “There wasn’t anybody. I had family issues.”
“Family issues?”
“Yeah. It had nothing to do with us. It was all about my relationship with my dad.

We hadn’t talked in a long time and he wanted to patch up things at the same time me

and you were meeting. He was ill and needed care and I couldn’t say no. Did you still

come here regularly after all these years?” Herman couldn’t help but leave out an

important part. The part about him being scared. He wasn’t ready to go there with


“No. After about a month of visiting the gym and constantly looking for you, I gave

up. Having a few anonymous hookups with those fleeting moments of happiness didn’t

help. I only wanted you.”

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be that way.”
“It tore me up.” Steve shrugged. “I didn’t know if you were living or dead or just

were tired of fucking me. Between dreaming of you and having a recurring nightmare

about another problem of mine, I’m surprised I ever get any sleep.”

“Again, I apologize for my behavior. I didn’t mean for it to be that way.” Herman

hated not telling Steve the complete truth.

Steve nodded. “I’ll think about what you said.” He stroked his dick.
“Don’t do that, please.”
“Why?” Steve’s eyes widened. “Do I still excite you?”
“You know you do.”
Steve tilted his head but didn’t smile. “Then watch this.”
“No. Don’t.” But Herman couldn’t move. His feet felt like they were stuck in


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Steve lathered his hands with soap and closed one hand around his shaft. He slid

his rod up and down inside his fist, from base to hilt, slowly at first. Herman stared at

the wonder of how Steve’s muscles moved as he handled himself. The biceps of his arm

bulged, his abdominals retracted, his pelvis pulsed back and forth to an imaginary beat.

The cock head would disappear and suddenly reappear from his fist, driving Herman

wild with desire.

As Steve increased the pace, Herman couldn’t turn away. He stared at the

curvature, the thickness, the beauty of this man’s hard-on as he fucked his fist. It took

all Herman’s resolve not to drop to his knees and take Steve’s dick into his mouth. He

wanted to make love to it with every bit of his being. Steve moved his hand faster and

every time Herman glanced into his eyes, Steve stared back at him. It took only

moments before Steve shouted as he came. He moaned loudly as his cock pulsated with

his orgasm, his hand not leaving it until he milked every drop of his come onto the

shower floor.

Herman could barely stand. He felt weak and exhausted by the emotion of what

had happened. “I have to go.”

Steve let out a breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. It wasn’t nice.”
Herman wiped the sweat from his forehead. “It was actually very nice.”
“As you can see, I still want you.”
“I’ll be here tomorrow. Same time if you can make it.”
Steve nodded.
As Herman turned and forced himself to leave, he heard the water turn back on.

There was no way he could run to the apartment. He could barely walk.

* * * * *

The next day they threw their clothes into a locker the minute they got to the gym

and in moments they were in a private hot shower together. Muscular chests and hard

cocks pressed against each other as the water rained down. It was glorious and Herman

felt his dick twitch with excitement. Rough hands slid over wet skin, exploring the

strength underneath. Fingers touched nipples and skimmed stiff erections as they

became familiar with each other’s bodies once again.

Herman bent his head to Steve. Everything changed when they started kissing.

Steve traced Herman’s lips with his luscious tongue, glided it around his chin and then

back up again. As Steve’s tongue slid into Herman’s mouth, the kissing became almost

ferocious, as tongues dueled. It was tough coming up for air.

The water poured down on them, adding to the insanely arousing encounter. Cock

against cock, tongues madly exploring each other’s mouths. Herman’s breath came

quicker as his wet, stiff shaft pushed harder against Steve’s. Sensations he had all but

forgotten roared through him. The physical strength of this masculine body pressing

against him was overpowering to his brain. He wanted more.

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Another man peeked inside the shower. “Looking for a threesome?”
“No,” they hissed in unison and he quickly retreated.
Herman gripped Steve’s hand and placed it on his dick. Steve wrapped his large

hand around the girth and slowly stroked. The feel of his hand as he caressed Herman’s

skin caused Herman to shut his eyes in bliss. Steve taking it into his mouth would

mirror one of Herman’s dreams last night.

As if reading Herman’s mind, Steve moved to his knees, putting his mouth level

with Herman’s cock. He placed his hands on Herman’s thighs and pushed his legs

apart. One hand went back to caressing his shaft, while his mouth moved in and sucked

first on one ball then the other.

Herman groaned as Steve’s other hand slid underneath Herman’s perineum and up

between his ass cheeks. One finger found his asshole and pushed gently past the tight

ring of muscles, causing Herman to inhale with pleasure. Steve pushed slowly in and

out of Herman’s ass as he continued stroking his erection and sucking his balls.

“Ah.” Herman groaned a heavy sigh. This was ecstasy and he could barely stand.

He hadn’t allowed himself this type of joy in such a long time and didn’t know why.

Herman lost himself in the wondrous feelings going through his body. He focused on

one thing at a time that Steve was doing and then each thing at once. It wouldn’t take

much longer and he would erupt.

Herman blinked and realized everything was a blur in front of him. The hot water

coming down was almost like an afterthought. He barely knew where he was anymore.

Steve looked up at him. “I want to suck this big, hard cock of yours.” He squeezed


Herman moaned in reply. His heart raced and his breath was shallow.
“If you say no, I’m going to do it anyway. I’m too far gone.”
“Suck it.” Herman’s breath caught in his throat.
Steve flicked his tongue against the crown of Herman’s dick before he took it into

his mouth. Herman wanted to see it disappear completely and watched as Steve

swallowed every inch. He couldn’t help but smile. Steve wrapped one hand around the

base as he sucked and played with Herman’s balls with the other. He moved his lips up

and down the shaft, sliding it along the velvet skin. Steve used to say he could never get

enough of Herman and he acted like it this morning.

Herman watched as Steve’s hand moved to his own hard cock and alternated

between stroking and holding it tight. Herman wished that his own hand or mouth

could be there giving that gorgeous rod pleasure. He’d love to stroke the thick flesh and

suck every drop of come inside.

Steve moaned words around Herman’s shaft that Herman couldn’t hear over the

noise of the shower. The vibrations coming from Steve’s mouth made him want to smile

and hiss with delight at the same time. Herman was going to come and he wished it

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wasn’t happening so quickly. It was his own fault for not having had sex for so long

except by his own hand.

As he cried out, his dick pumped its release into Steve’s waiting mouth. Steve

sucked hard as Herman came, pulling every last dribble. It was apparent by the groans

coming from his partner that his own release happened seconds later by his own hand.

Herman was sorry he wasn’t on his knees in front of that cock to help Steve out.
Once Steve stood, his mouth went to Herman’s and they kissed slowly and deeply.

Herman could taste himself inside Steve’s delectable mouth. It was a warm and

wonderful feeling to have a kiss like this. So close, so tender.

He was glad to have forgotten his troubles for a short while. The encounter had

been amazing and something he hadn’t experienced in a long time. The fact that it was

with an old lover made it even more special. An old lover who should have never been


“I’m not ready to leave you.” Steve raised his eyebrows. “How about a private


Herman nodded. “I’m game.”
They wrapped towels around themselves as they walked to the front desk and paid

for the room.

The small space looked like a sparse hotel room with a double bed and a bathroom.

A wicker basket containing packages of lube and condoms sat on the bedside table. As

soon as Steve closed the door, Herman put his arms around him and they gazed into

each other’s eyes. Steve stared at him, ready for whatever happened next. As Steve

parted his lips, ready for the kiss, Herman settled his mouth over Steve’s and slipped

his tongue into his waiting cavern. Steve met him with equal urgency with soft lips and

a mouth warm and inviting.

Herman melted into the arms of this man and his eyes closed. The arms held him

tight, making it hard to breathe. With chests and dicks crushed together, maddening

desire rushed through him. It was as if they had gone back in time five years.

“What are you doing to me?” Herman breathed out once their kiss ended. He ran

his fingers through Steve’s short blond hair and looked into his hazel eyes with longing.

“I could say the same thing. It makes me wonder what your mouth would feel like

on my cock.” Steve arched a brow.

“Oh really?” Herman smiled. “Let’s start making use of the bed we’ve paid for.”
They dropped their towels and Herman stared at Steve’s cock. He went to his knees

to see it better. A drop of pre-come clung to the smooth head and Herman bent over to

capture it with his tongue. It was a warm, slippery wetness that he hadn’t tasted in so


They both groaned, climbing on the bed and facing each other. Steve moved one of

his legs over Herman’s and grinned.

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Herman felt the friction as their hairy legs touched. He leaned forward to Steve’s

mouth and the kissing became passionate immediately. Their tongues wrapped tightly

around one another, caressing and stroking.

“Your cock was as sweet today as it was the first time I tasted it.” Steve rubbed

Herman’s cheek.

Herman smiled. “How did you find me after all this time? Strange you came here

when I did. The stars must have finally aligned or something.”

Steve cleared his throat and glanced away. “I, ah, was looking for you.”
“What do you mean?” Herman frowned.
“I was looking for Herman Fleming.”
Herman pushed him away, immediately fearful. “What the fuck are you talking


Steve put his hands up. “Calm down! I’m not going to turn you in.”
“Oh fuck.” Herman froze. “You’re a cop?”
“No! Not a cop. A fugitive recovery agent. A bounty hunter. I work with my family

at Beck Recovery. We do jobs for bail bondsmen when someone jumps bail.”

“Great.” Herman turned over on his back and crossed his arms. “Fucking great.”
“You really didn’t kill him?”
“No, of course I didn’t kill him. I loved my dad.”
Steve’s eyebrows rose. “Then tell me more.”
“All right, Mr. Fugitive Recovery Agent.” Herman let out a short but labored breath

as he gathered his thoughts. This certainly wasn’t what he had expected to happen

today. “Let me give you a little history that you’ve never heard. My mom died when I

was young. It was only me and my dad for many years. My father was an astute

businessman and I was his only child. Being a firefighter wasn’t the job he envisioned

for me. He was always disappointed with the path I chose. He wanted me to take over

the business world, like him. Follow in his footsteps. But that wasn’t me. Never could


“Poor little rich boys are difficult to feel sorry for.”
“I know.” Herman bitterly chuckled. “Once I told him I was gay, that was it. I was

disowned and that was really rough. He was my only family. I ended up being

depressed and seeing a counselor. It was during that time I met you at the gym.”

“Lucky me.” Steve’s sarcasm was evident. “Why couldn’t you tell me your name?”
“I was ashamed of who I was. My own father couldn’t accept me. Why should

anyone else accept Herman Fleming as a gay man? It seemed better to stay


Steve propped himself up on one arm.
“You were a bright spot in my life.” He stared into Steve’s eyes. “One of the only

things I did right. I couldn’t wait to see you and have our trysts.”

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“That’s nice to hear.”
Herman touched Steve’s arm and rubbed it. “Like I said earlier, my dad was one of

the reasons I never came back to see you. We had started talking again and were getting

along great. He had health issues and wanted me with him. He accepted who I was

finally and we spent quality time together. With him getting older, I didn’t want to lose

any more of that time.”

Steve looked down to the bed.
“I know that isn’t any consolation now. I was wrong for not saying something to


“I’m trying to understand but it’s difficult,” Steve muttered. “Yes, you were wrong.

You tore me up.”

“I can barely look at you now when I think of my actions.” Tears burned in

Herman’s eyes at the pain he knew he had inflicted on Steve. “That last night we were

together, I planned to tell you my name and was going to ask if you wanted to go out as

a couple in public. But I couldn’t do it. I chickened out and never came back. Feeling the

way I did about you scared me. My father became the most important person in my life

and I tried to forget about you and what we had going on. Even though my dad

accepted me as a gay man, I guess I still hadn’t fully accepted myself as one.” Herman

could hardly choke out the last sentence.

Steve nodded and drew in a deep breath.
“You were my first real relationship, even though that relationship never moved

out of this gym. I casually dated a couple of guys before, but with you it was different. I

know we had something special. I felt awful about what I did to you, what you must

have gone through. I am ashamed of the way I treated you. I’m sorry, Steve.”

Steve pursed his lips. “Hmm. It was rough. I’ll give you that. I never got over you.

But it is nice to know you never got over me either.“

“Not by a long shot.” Herman shook his head.
“I’ll think about forgiving you but it will take time.”
“I guess that’s all I can ask.” Herman offered a weak smile. “Is there any way you

can help me with this fugitive thing?”

“Let me think about that awhile too.”
“I’m a mess.”
“A hot mess.” Steve took one hand and rubbed it over Herman’s chest and down

his torso to his cock. “Look at this. Spectacular chest and abs. Beautiful cock. So ripped.

You must start more fires than you could possibly put out.”

Herman gave him an amused glance.
“Any gay men at the station that you shower with?”
“There are a couple, but we’re just friends. We have a group shower, but no sex

goes on there. It’s like a locker room.” Herman smiled. “And we’re at work.”

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“Well, this place is almost like a hotel room and we’re alone right now.” Steve

blinked. “The problem is that nasty clock ticking away. I want to be fucked by that

sweet dick of yours before our time runs out.”

As Steve’s face came closer, Herman closed his eyes. He concentrated on the

sensation of their deep kissing and nothing else. It was pure joy being together. He

didn’t want to come up for air and have this wonderful feeling end. The pleasure shot

down his body, filling his heart with warmth and his cock with desire. They broke apart

and Herman leaned over him, flitting his tongue down Steve’s muscular chest to his flat


As Steve opened his legs, Herman moved his lips and tongue fleetingly over his

shaft and balls to drive him crazy. It did. Herman couldn’t help but let out a moan of

excitement himself.

Steve stiffened and smiled. “More.”
Herman licked the silky head of his erection and Steve groaned in approval. All

thoughts melted away except for the sensation of giving this man pleasure. He took

Steve’s rod deep into his mouth and started a masterful suck as he worked up and

down the shaft.

Steve’s hips came off the bed and he rolled his eyes, apparently with pleasure.


“You like that?” Herman’s mouth vibrated against Steve’s dick as he spoke.
“Oh, yeah. You’re amazing.”
Herman sank his mouth over Steve, withdrew and pulled him in again. He twirled

his tongue around Steve’s thick shaft. His body tingled as he glanced up into Steve’s

eyes, which were glazed with arousal.

He loved knowing that his mouth was the reason for that arousal. After all these

years, it was wonderful being with him again. Herman sucked harder. Steve’s rod

throbbed with heat as Herman continued to let it slide in and out of his mouth. Steve

moved his pelvis faster, pushed his dick deeper. He could feel Steve’s release upon him.

Suddenly, Steve cried out as he exploded. Hot bursts of come filled Herman’s mouth

and he didn’t lose a drop.

They lay in each other’s arms, wrapped in a warm embrace for close to a half hour.

Herman thought he had even dozed off for a few minutes, he felt so relaxed. The sweat

from Steve’s body coated Herman’s chest and he loved the closeness. Nothing seemed

as wonderful as being with Steve. All those years melted away and they were in each

other’s arms again. He felt alive for the first time in years and enjoyed every second of


Steve slid his arm around Herman’s neck and leaned into his ear to whisper, “I

want your fireman’s pole to disappear in my ass.” He turned over on his side, facing

away from Herman, and moved his upper leg at an angle, bending his knee so his ass

was better exposed to Herman.

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“Do you now?” Herman rubbed a hand over Steve’s beautiful, firm butt and

greedily enjoyed the view. This man was hot no matter which way he turned. Herman

lifted up one cheek to expose Steve’s taut hole and felt his cock pulse at the sight. He

grabbed some lube from the basket next to the bed and squirted some onto his index

finger. He slipped it between Steve’s cheeks and into Steve to stretch him.

The finger pushed deeper into the warmth and a few moments later, Herman

added another. “You’re so tight.” He moved the fingers in and out of Steve with a slow

rhythm. All he could think of was how much he enjoyed being with this man. The

desire was overwhelming and he trembled.

Steve moaned as he lifted his ass for more attention.
After Herman took a condom from the basket, he rolled it over his rod and

slathered it with lube. He couldn’t wait to feel the pleasure of being inside Steve again.

“That ass is about to get a lot of attention.”

“Give it, baby.”
He eased his cock into Steve’s asshole. Taking his time, he slowly began to fuck

him. In and out. Pushing deeper, he added a little more force with each stroke until he

was balls-deep.

“Harder,” breathed Steve. “Fuck me hard.”
Herman pumped harder and Steve groaned at every stroke. Damn if he didn’t look

gorgeous when his face turned back to Herman in the thralls of passion. Fucking him

was overwhelming, just as it had been years ago. Like riding the swell of the sea in a

perfect storm. He slammed into Steve’s ass with more force and knew he was close.

They both came seconds later with grunts and groans and sounds of pleasure.

As they held each other, Herman felt his body quiver a few more times as he

recovered. He bent over and kissed Steve’s damp forehead. He placed a hand around

Steve’s dick and pulled it closer to his body. They nuzzled into each other’s necks and

sighed in contentment. Euphoria seemed to buzz all around them.

“I don’t like your hair blond.”
“I don’t like yours short. And I detest that beard you’re trying to grow. It’s ugly.”
“I’m trying to hide my identity. Can you make it tomorrow?”
“I don’t know. I have to work.”
“Tell me what time to be here. My schedule is open.”
“Ha ha, Mr. Bail Jumper. That’s real funny.”
“Can we stay here and forget the world for a few more minutes?” Herman tilted his

head back and gazed into Steve’s eyes. The corners of his gorgeous lips were upturned.

Herman knew his safety wasn’t in jeopardy, because Steve enjoyed their time together

as much as Herman. “I’ll be ready whenever you want me. It won’t be like last time. I’m

not going to leave. Promise.”

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Chapter Four

“We’re finally getting somewhere with the case on our end. Eric called earlier that

he had information. He should be here shortly.” Joni’s voice trailed off as a commotion

brewed outside her office. A dog barked and Steve’s sister, Suzy, screamed.

Steve and Joni jumped from their seats and opened Joni’s office door. They

encountered a tense scene. Steve’s brother pulled on a pair of blue jeans as he argued

with Suzy, who stood on the desk, hands over her ears.

“Come on, Eric.” Steve crossed his arms. “Not a German shepherd again. You know

you shouldn’t shift into that hundred-pounder unless you’re in danger.”

Suzy hopped down from the desk and over to her brother. She pointed a finger into

his face and burst, “Don’t you ever do that again, Eric! You scared me half to death. All

I did was open the door to go out and I saw a huge dog right in front of me. Why did

you start barking so loud?”

Eric put up his hands in resignation. “Sorry. You opened the door when I arrived

and startled me too.”

Suzy huffed. “I need to get out of here for a while and get some lunch. Mom, I’ll

make the bank deposit too.”

“Okay, dear. Thanks.” Joni waved as Suzy left the office.
“I didn’t mean to scare her.” Eric frowned. “I was in the mood for something big

and mean when I shifted.”

“Why?” asked Joni.
“Because I felt a little intimidated today and needed a mood change.” He shrugged.

“I have news with the Fleming case.”

Steve’s heart pounded. “What’s the news?”
Eric pulled a shirt and socks from the closet nearby. He buttoned the shirt and sat

down on a chair to put on the socks. “The stepmother has been going to the local

country club for years. It seems as if the club has become her primary source of

entertainment. She used to go out with girlfriends to movies and shopping, but that has


“Maybe her friends go to the club now,” offered Steve.
“Go on,” prodded Joni.
“I followed her there today and waited in my car. She came out about two hours

later and left. Since I didn’t know what she was doing when she was inside, I came up

with an idea. I went to the local florist and bought some fresh flowers in a nice

arrangement. Had the florist write a quick note and put it into the envelope. Then on

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into the country club, and let me tell you, that place is sweet. Very plush. Marble floors,

fancy furniture. I could see through the lobby across to the back, where the floor-to-

ceiling windows show what’s outside. Great-looking in-ground pool, fountains with

what appeared to be expensive cement work around it.“

“What happened with the flowers?” Steve questioned.
“I went up to the front desk and told the man the flowers were for Barbara Fleming.

He told me she had already left, so I asked if she had a friend currently in the club who

could pick them up for her or the club could keep them until she visited next.”

Eric smiled. “The man didn’t know if she would be in the next day and didn’t want

the flowers to sit. He said he could call her but she was probably already home and

might not want to come back out. He picked up the house phone and made a quick call.

I couldn’t hear what he said, but it only took seconds before a man with coat and gloves

came from the outside area to the front desk. I could smell him a mile away. A


Steve frowned. “At that club?”
“It took them years to let paranormals in,” Joni said. “The club used to have a strict

policy that no paranormals could be members, even if they were recommended and met

the income requirement. Once paranormals became accepted in society, the club figured

it’d better get with the times and not be so restrictive.”

“I had no idea.” Eric slipped into sneakers. “Unfortunately, the wolf sniffed me out

too. I could feel the rumblings of a growl coming from his gut. He stared me down for a

minute. You know those stares—the ones that are trying to see into your brain and take

their slimy fingers to go through the files up there. I stayed as blank as I could, just in

case he had powers going on that weren’t apparent. I don’t think he was able to read

anything. For all he knew I was the shapeshifter delivery boy from the florist, and that

was the story I stuck to. He looked at the card on the flowers and said thanks. That was


“Wow.” Steve gasped.
“But I haven’t even told you the best part.” Eric crossed his arms and offered a

Cheshire-cat grin.

“What?” Steve and Joni bellowed in unison.
“As he left with the flowers, someone shouted to him from down the hallway.” Eric

shook his head. “They called him by name. I couldn’t fucking believe it when I heard.”

“I’m going to smack you if you don’t spill it right now!” hollered Steve.
“His name was Merlotti.”
Steve and his mother both dropped their mouths open in shock. They hadn’t heard

that name in quite a while, although the Merlotti family name was one they knew well.

Beck Recovery had been instrumental in getting a member of that crime family put in

jail many years ago for murder, racketeering and assorted other charges. The most

important member of the family too. The alpha.

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“That’s exactly what I wanted to do.” Eric shook his head “But I couldn’t.”
Joni frowned. “The Merlotti wolves. They’ve been quiet since Johnny was put in

jail. I’ve often wondered what was going on with them. No big arrests within the higher

echelon of the Merlotti pack, only the smaller thugs. I had heard that one of the family

members was trying to legitimize a sector of the business. Trying to break away from

the family. Wonder if that’s true and if it might be this Merlotti.”

“I don’t know, Mom.” Eric shook his head. “Didn’t seem that way to me. There was

something about him that freaked me out. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but I can

almost guarantee he’s not the good wolf you’re referring to. This dude had no

respectable vibes. He’s a big, bad wolf all the way.”

“Well, hopefully he’s just an acquaintance of Barbara Fleming and doesn’t have

anything to do with the actual case.”

“I thought of something I forgot to mention earlier.” Eric put up a finger. “There’s

something strange going on with his left eye. It’s like the pupil is blown or something.

Right eye looks normal, left one doesn’t. There’s also a vertical two-to-three-inch scar

above and below that eye.”

“Good work.” Joni let out a breath. “I want you two working together on this. See

what kind of information you can get and what this has to do with Barbara Fleming.

Maybe Merlotti is the club manager or something. Who knows? Just get moving.”

Steve shivered and he had no idea why.

* * * * *

Herman kept a low profile as he sat in the dark corner booth of the bar waiting for

Steve. It didn’t feel dangerous here, but comforting. The people who sat at the bar

talked and laughed as if they’d been friends for years. The gas fireplace gave off that

extra bit of heat he craved on a chilly February day. This was one of those warm and

inviting kinds of places that so many strive for but few achieve. No pretenses.

They had decided to go to lunch together rather than meet at the gym. A first step

out in public. A Caesar salad with salmon strengthened the offer. Herman knew that

Steve needed more information about the case and he wanted to help. Best to do this in

a neutral area, rather than in the throes of passion in bed.

He saw Steve coming through the door and stood to wave. Steve came over his way

and bent down. They kissed. It was firm and warm, almost possessive.

“How are you doing today?”
“Actually, I’m feeling more hopeful about my situation. I have no idea why, unless

it’s all because of you.”

Steve picked up the menu and grinned. “I liked hearing that, but don’t know if you

should be any less nervous about your problem. We have nothing concrete and you’re

still the main suspect. That was why we needed to meet and go through some details.”

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Herman looked at the table. “I try not to think that I could go to jail. That would be

my worst nightmare and not just because I’m innocent. I’m afraid of what the other

inmates would do to me once they figure out I’m gay.”

“I’m going to do everything I can to help.”
“Thank you. You’re a great recovery agent.”
Steve shook his head. “Not really. If I were, you’d be in police custody now, no

questions asked.”

“Are you going to get in trouble?”
“If the bail-bonding company finds out I’m helping you they wouldn’t use Beck

Recovery anymore. We have a good reputation for making a fast and clean arrest and

this could hurt us.”

“I’m sorry.”
“As a side job, we try to help prisoners who were wrongly accused. So I guess we’re

doing it in advance this time.”

Herman ordered a Boddingtons Pub Ale and Steve a Guinness. A salmon Caesar for

both. It wasn’t long until the waiter returned with their drinks.

“I was thinking about how my dad loved Moby Dick.” Herman took a sip from his

pint glass. “I was even named after the author. How would you like to have been

named Herman as a kid?”

Steve wrinkled his nose. “Rough one?”
“Yep. Bullied to hell and back. That was the reason why I started lifting weights in

high school. After I became strong, nobody messed with me anymore.”

“It was a long time ago.” Herman’s eyebrows rose. “Do you know the story?”
“What the book was about? Not really.” Steve shrugged. “I know Moby Dick was a

big white whale. That’s about it.”

“Captain Ahab was out for revenge to kill Moby Dick, due to the whale maiming

him on a previous voyage. Dad was obsessed with Captain Ahab. He used to say they

had something in common, once Dad lost his leg.”

“Nice.” Steve smiled.
“He tried to make me like the book but it never happened. Don’t get me wrong. I

tried to like it.” Herman laughed. “It was a difficult one to read. I did have a few pages I

enjoyed. Glued them to a small table in my room and painted shellac over the top of

them when I was about fourteen. It’s still upstairs somewhere, unless the evil

stepmother got rid of it.” His face darkened. All he had now were memories and some

of those weren’t good.

Steve grabbed his hand and squeezed it. That small act of support meant a lot to

Herman. It made him feel like he wasn’t alone.

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“Dad had books about old whaling ships that he read over and over again. The

knife that killed him wasn’t the only one he had. He had a wall of them.”

“I saw the knives at the house.”
“Barbara never touched them, as far as I know. She thought they were primitive

and gross.”

Steve put a finger up. “But she knew specifics about them. You don’t think she

could have done it?”

Herman shook his head. “No. I don’t. I always thought she was a gold-digger but

they seemed to get along fairly well. Why wouldn’t they? She could spend all the

money she wanted and do whatever she pleased. She never seemed like a violent


“Where did they meet?”
“The country club. Once Dad lost his leg, he didn’t go out much, but Barbara

continued to go to the club often. According to my dad, she was there more than she

used to be.”

“My mom and brother interviewed a few of your co-workers.”
Herman looked questionably at him. “Why?”
“Sorry,” confessed Steve. “That’s what we do. One of them said that you thought

Barbara was having an affair.”

“My dad mentioned it. I didn’t see her enough to have any idea.”
“Why did he think so?”
“Just little things here and there, like he thought she dressed up for somebody else.”
“We’ll check her phone records again. From what I heard, there were a lot of calls to

and from the club.”

Herman nodded.
“Let’s think about this for a minute. You already said you thought she was a gold-

digger. With your dad out of the way, she’d still have to split things with you from your

dad’s estate.” Steve paused. “Do you know where I’m going with this?”

Herman’s eyes widened. “If Barbara did have anything to do with this, she would

want to get rid of me. You think I might be in danger?”

“It’s always something to consider. Barbara would get everything, unless there

were other stipulations in the will.”

“Except for a few charity items and a couple of relatives, I already know that

Barbara and I get the bulk of the estate. Dad trusted me with that information.”

“That’s another reason we need to clear your name. You shouldn’t have to be in

hiding. You’re entitled to part of a large estate right now. All of that is being held up

due to you jumping bail.”

Herman let out a breath. “It’s a good thing she doesn’t know I have the book. It’s

just another thing she could try and take from me.”

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“Dad gave me a first-edition hardcover of Moby Dick a few weeks ago. He told me

to never tell Barbara. He said the book was rare and worth a lot of money.”

“Did you know he had the book?”
“Nope, and neither did Barbara. I was shocked when he gave it to me but he was

adamant that I accept it as a gift. No matter what happens to his whaling collection at

the house, Moby Dick will be my reminder of Dad’s devotion to the giant whale and his

love for me.” Herman’s voice cracked with emotion.

“Where’s the book now?”
“At Mike and Amelia’s, under my bed.”
“We need to get it to a safe today. Sounds like it’s too valuable to be under a bed.”
“All right.”
“If you don’t mind, we have a safe at Beck Recovery.”
“I’m sorry to make you go through this but I need to hear about the night of the


Herman sighed. The waiter brought their salads but neither man picked up a fork.
“It was an accident that I was even there. I was supposed to be covering for a co-

worker who had taken the day off for his sister’s surgery. The surgery was canceled so

he came into work. Since I now had an unexpected day off, I called up Dad to see if he

wanted to go out to lunch. He did.” Herman stopped talking, feeling as though he

could cry.

“Go on,” Steve coaxed.
“I was supposed to go over there at one. Barbara was at the country club, where she

spends many a day and evening, so I knew Dad and I would be alone. As soon as I

entered the house, I heard him moaning. I raced into the living room where he usually

spends his waking hours in front of the television. That was the room where all the

whaling tools were displayed. But one of the leaning knives had been stabbed into his

back.” Herman’s words caught in his throat, causing him to break down. He sobbed


Steve went to Herman’s side of the booth and held him. “I’m so sorry, Herman.

That’s something no one should have to see.”

It took a few minutes before Herman stopped crying and wiped his tears on a

napkin. He looked into Steve’s eyes and they kissed with a gentleness Herman hadn’t

thought possible. This loss of control was something Herman needed to accept his dad’s

death and move forward. He was relieved to get it all out. “Thank you. I think I’m

ready to continue.”

“We can stop.”

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“No. Let me go on.” Herman let out a breath. “Being a firefighter, I know basic

emergency medical treatment. When you have an object impaled in someone, it

shouldn’t be removed until the person is at the hospital in surgery. Instead of helping

the patient, more damage can be done. The knife was heavy and hanging out of his

back at an odd angle, pulling down on whatever it compromised. I knew it was

probably a mortal wound but I had to try. All I did was hold it stable with one hand so

it couldn’t move farther. I told him I was there right before he passed out. I hope he

realized it was me because I wouldn’t have wanted him to think he was alone.”

“I’m sure he knew you were there.”
“I pulled my phone from my pocket with my other hand. I was ready to dial 911

when Barbara came in and started screaming bloody murder. I tried to talk to her, to

help her understand what I was doing but she wouldn’t listen. She called 911 instead of

me.” Herman clenched his fists. “Looks bad, doesn’t it?”

Steve nodded. “Yep. I’m sorry, but it does.”
“My fingerprints are all over that knife. Even as a child, I was allowed to hold all

the tools.”

“Your childhood fingerprints would have been gone a long time ago. They don’t

stay on an object, due to the oils. The fingerprints will only be your adult fingerprints

and the murderer’s.”

“What if the murderer wore gloves?”
“Then it looks even worse for you. We need to find out what really happened.”
“I didn’t get to go to his funeral.” Herman’s stomach tightened. “I’m such a bad


“No!” Steve fired back. “You are not a bad son. This was a situation beyond your

control. We need to fix it.”

They both looked down at their salads but neither felt like eating.
“I have an idea,” Steve put up a finger. “Let’s finish our drinks and take our salads

to go. We’ll go pick up the book.”

Herman nodded.
They walked the blocks in silence until they reached Mike and Amelia’s home.

Herman opened the door and their cat ran out from a bedroom. It stopped short at

seeing Steve and rapidly retreated.

“What’s up with the cat?” asked Herman. “Never saw him do that before.”
“That can be a story for another day.” Steve smiled. “Let’s just say that cats don’t

like me.”

Herman eyebrows rose. “Oh.” He grabbed the book from his bedroom and brought

it to Steve. “It’s stored in this custom clamshell case to help preserve it. Dad told me the

book was the publisher’s blue-cloth edition and first binding. It has a little wear and

tear but I guess that’s to be expected from something this old.”

Steve opened the case and glanced at the book. “You sure you trust me with this?”

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Steve sat the case down on the table. “Do you trust me enough to move into my

place for safety? Your friends might be in danger with you living here.”

Steve nodded. “There is a warrant out for your arrest. Not only are you a target for

recovery agents and the police, but the real murderer is still out there.”

“I wouldn’t want any trouble for them. They were here for me with no questions

asked. Plus Amelia is pregnant.”

“Then you definitely need to leave.”
“I guess I could.” Herman glanced at Steve. “You’d be willing to put me up?”
“I thought about this last night and all morning. I even confessed everything to my

mother. She thought it was a safer idea for you to do that, rather than stay where you


Herman moved closer. “You’ve been wonderful to me.”
“My place is a mess though. I’m not a good housekeeper.” Steve shrugged. “I

barely cook and rarely clean.”

“I’m not worried about that. I’m more upset about not deserving your trust with

the way I treated you in the past.”

“The past is over.” Steve put a hand on Herman’s cheek. “This can be a new

beginning if you want it to be. Think about it. You don’t need to give me an answer

now. We can take it slow.”

He put his arms around Steve’s neck and they kissed gently. The closeness they felt

from talking about Herman’s problems was apparent in their touch. All of the fearful

emotions that had haunted Herman suddenly faded. He was thrilled that Steve had

enough forgiveness in his heart to try to make this work, to take a chance on him after

what he had done.

By the time they reached Steve’s apartment they were more than ready to have sex.

It had been difficult keeping their hands to themselves on the bus ride over. The smiles

as they looked and lusted on the public bus without touching made Herman’s heart

pound. The walk from the bus stop to Steve’s apartment made Herman dizzy with

desire as he thought about what the next hour would hold. The kissing started in

earnest as soon as they closed the door. Steve’s lips covered Herman’s with firm

pressure that spiraled out of control. As their arms wrapped tightly around one another

in a clutch they suddenly lost their footing and stumbled over a pile of shoes in the

middle of the floor.

“Don’t worry about the mess. That’s not why you’re here.” Steve smiled.
He pulled Herman into the bedroom, where they abandoned their clothes to

another pile on the floor. Steve crawled on top of Herman and they kissed long and

deep and passionately. Their dicks pushed against one another, hardening with each

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touch of skin on skin. Steve straddled him and they ground their cocks against each

other, both groaning with need.

“Your rod is something else,” Steve breathed out as he ground into Herman again.

“It’s big and hard and beautiful, just like the rest of you. You’re my kind of man. Sexy

and strong and smart. You know that, don’t you?”

“I’m getting the picture.” Herman smiled. Steve was attracted to him and the

feeling was definitely mutual. He’d never felt so wanted.

Steve kissed Herman’s lips and neck and moved down his chest slowly, devouring

every inch of his body with his lips and tongue. Herman shivered from the excitement

and couldn’t help but grin. When Steve’s face reached his shaft, Herman opened his

thighs and it bobbed over to the right, hard and curved against his flat abdomen. Steve

looked up to Herman’s face and smiled.

“Hottest fucking fireman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And what do you know?

He’s in my bed.” Steve chuckled. “I’m gonna suck his dick and pummel his ass. You’re

mine, lover.”

Steve squeezed Herman’s cock tightly and dipped his head down to capture the

drop of pre-come that escaped from the slit. His mouth covered the head as he sucked

and licked and acted like he couldn’t get enough. He looked up to Herman for


“Oh, yes, baby,” Herman purred. “Don’t stop now.”
Herman moaned as Steve twirled his tongue around the girth, pulling each ball into

his mouth one at a time and sucking gently. He lifted up Herman’s thighs and pushed

them against his chest. Steve teased his anus with his tongue and Herman almost came

off the bed with desire. Herman felt more pleasure these last couple of days than he had

known for years. He moved his ass rhythmically, wanting more. He needed to feel

Steve inside him.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” moaned Steve as he raised his head.
Herman wet his dry lips with his tongue. “You said I’m yours. That means I’m not

going to say no. Take me any way you want.”

Steve flipped Herman over on his side. After grabbing a condom and lube from his

bedside table, he slipped on the condom and covered his erection with the lube. He

nudged at the entrance to Herman’s muscled ass and sank his dick in slowly, inch by

inch. Herman moaned with delight as each movement opened him more. Finally

moving deep within his body, Steve gradually pumped harder with Herman meeting

every thrust. They found their pace and the fucking intensified.

Herman put a hand on his own shaft and started stroking. His grip was slow and

leisurely. He wanted this encounter with Steve to last as long as it could.

“Jerk off for me while I fuck you,” murmured Steve as he watched over his

shoulder. He squeezed some lube onto Herman’s hand.

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Herman rubbed it over his rod. He stroked and played and enjoyed knowing that

Steve was watching him fuck his fist. He loosened his hand a little, so that Steve could

see his dick better. Then he’d hold tight, so that his cock head poked out of his hand

and drove Steve wild.

“Love it,” moaned Steve.
The sounds of slick flesh being manhandled added to the heat between the two of

them. It didn’t take long until Herman’s body tightened with desire as the rod in his

hand and the one in his ass took him to the edge of reason. He suddenly couldn’t think

anymore. He wouldn’t last much longer and the speed on his shaft increased.

“You’re so hot,” groaned Steve as he continued to stroke inside Herman. “Come for

me. Aim it toward my mouth.”

Herman felt his release upon him. He slowed down on his stroking, to make his

orgasm hit hard. Moments later, it tore through him. It was so powerful that he was

unable to focus on anything but the pleasure. His aim was off with his come as it shot in

spurts passed Steve’s open mouth, but it didn’t matter. They both enjoyed it. Seconds

later, Steve stiffened and came with a shout inside Herman.

They held each other as their heart rates slowed down. Arms touched, fingers

intertwined. Steve stayed inside, filling him and causing overwhelming feelings.

“You’re incredible,” Steve breathed. He put his head next to Herman’s and sighed.

“I think I need a nap.”

Herman thought that he and Steve fit together like a puzzle piece that had found

where it belonged. Their time together since reconnecting had been wonderful. He

closed his eyes. He loved every second spent with Steve, every kiss, every caress, every

thrust of his cock. Having Steve inside him was something he didn’t want to ever end.

Muffled noises later on, in the dead of night, startled Herman enough to wake him.

It was obvious that Steve having a nightmare. He whimpered in his sleep, thrashed

around the bed from side to side.

Herman shook him roughly. “Steve, wake up!”
Steve didn’t, just mumbled incoherently. Herman’s throat ached as he held back the

tears from watching him. How horrible for Steve. His arms held Steve in the dark until

the dream passed and all became quiet again.

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Chapter Five

Steve checked his phone. Eleven thirty. He and his brother were in the parking lot

of the country club. Barbara had been going there every day this week and today was

no different. They had followed her BMW from home into the lot a few minutes ago.

Stakeouts could be boring if nothing went on. The first few hours this morning

were tedious as the brothers waited down the street from Barbara’s home for some

movement on her part. Since Herman was no longer a suspect, Beck Recovery had

decided to focus on Barbara.

“So Herman is at your place?”
“You two an item?”
Steve turned to Eric. “Don’t be telling anyone outside our family.”
“Gotcha.” Eric made a motion of pulling a zipper over his lips.
Barbara talked on her phone and laughed as she exited her car. She went into the

club through the main entrance and was lost from sight.

Once they found out that Roberto — one of the famous Merlotti wolves — was a

member of the club, everything changed. Roberto was evil and manipulative — at least

that was what two former employees and one ex-girlfriend had told the Becks, who had

no personal knowledge of the man. He had been off the radar for quite a while. He’d

lain low, not getting into any trouble, since his brother had been put in jail fifteen years


The brothers glanced around the parking lot.
“Wanna shift and do some nosing around?” asked Eric.
“You sure there aren’t wolves patrolling the grounds? I bet they’d love a tasty


“I didn’t see any of them yesterday. Besides, they wouldn’t be out patrolling during

the day. Wolves don’t own this place. Merlotti is only a member.”

“Are you sure about that?”
“Not completely, but we should know soon.”
“Wonder if he’s here. Do you know what kind of car he drives?”
“No car registered to him and the last known address is actually an old apartment

that he’d never live in. Too shabby for a Merlotti family member.”

“How about we shift to a couple of cute little nondescript dogs? We’re getting

nowhere here. At least we can sneak a look through the back windows of the club and

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see what’s going on.” Steve put his passenger-side window down and unbuttoned his


A few minutes later, two small dogs peeked out of the open window and jumped

from the car. One was a beagle mix and the other looked more like a terrier of some

sort. They moved stealthily between the cars to the back of the club, hiding in the

bushes by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A door opened and an older man walked outside with Barbara. They strolled along

the concrete walkway away from the building as the dogs glanced at each other. Once

the couple made it farther out onto the grounds, the pooches followed quietly at a


“Barbara, we’d love to place a stone or plant a tree in one of our gardens to

commemorate your husband. Since he became ill, many people around here had missed

seeing him. We were shocked by his death at the hands of his own son.”

“Thank you for your kind words.” Barbara smiled. “I know Lawrence would love

to be remembered that way.” She put her hands inside her coat pockets. “It’s chillier

than I thought it would be today.”

They came to an area of rock and stone garden beds full of tall grasses, spiraeas and

low-growing evergreen shrubs. Barbara sat down on a wooden bench. The dogs inched

between the shrubs nearby to listen.

“Thank you, Cyrus. Please let me know when it’s time to pick something out.”
“Will do.” He nodded. “Here comes Roberto.” Cyrus turned to the handsome man

with salt-and-pepper hair. He had on a dark overcoat and black leather gloves.

“Cyrus, thank you for keeping Barbara company for me.”
Cyrus bowed. “See you two inside.” He started walking back to the building.
Roberto sat down next to her. “Any news about Herman?”
“No. I’m afraid not.”
“I’m tired of waiting for the police or recovery agents to pick him up.” He crossed

his legs. “Some of my own people are looking for him. Don’t fret. We’ll get that


The dogs turned to each other. Steve couldn’t help but whimper at the news.
“I feel guilty seeing you so soon in public.”
“Public, private. What does it matter? We can finally be together. After a reasonable

time period, we’ll marry.”

“Please, Roberto.” She shook her head. “I can’t think about anything like that right


“In due time.” He took her hand and held it inside his gloved hands. “You’re


“I forgot my gloves today.” She smiled.

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He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s go inside and have lunch. I

have a business meeting later.”

When they stood, Roberto saw Steve and Eric in the shrubs. He stared a moment

and the expression on his face darkened. He picked up a handful of small stones from

the garden and started throwing them at the dogs. As they ran, his aim became better.

“What are you doing?” Barbara asked, frowning. “They’re so little. You’re going to

hurt them.”

“Hurting them is the objective. They’re not supposed to be on the premises.”

Roberto picked up more stones. He continued to bombard the dogs, hitting his marks

numerous times as they hurried away. A last stone hit the beagle mix squarely on its left

hip, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

“Oh dear.” Barbara gasped, putting a hand to her mouth.
“Leave it for the wolves,” Roberto hissed as he turned away.
“Wolves? Here?”
He laughed. “I’m joking, Barbara. Quit taking everything I say so literally.” He took

her arm with his gloved hand. “Let’s go.”

Roberto and Barbara started for the club and moved out of sight just in time. Steve

and Eric had shifted back into human form on the ground.

“Steve, Steve.” Eric shook him. “Wake up.”
Steve opened his eyes, but then closed them again. “Are they gone?”
“I hurt all over,” Steve said.
“Me too. That bastard.”
“He knew we were shifters.”
“I’m sure of it.”
“Those two obviously have something going on. I didn’t like what he said about his

people looking for Herman.”

Eric let out a breath. “Scary. But they didn’t actually say anything about killing the

elder Mr. Fleming. He just acted like Herman did it.”

“Right. They didn’t admit it this time. I need to rest a few minutes but I won’t be

able to shift again. You’ll have to go to the car and get our clothes.”

Eric glanced around them. “Looks like nobody’s out here. Damn cold, though.” He

crossed his arms and rubbed them together.

“He hurt my leg and my arm.” He moved his right side and grimaced in pain.
“I’m already feeling sore too. We’re sure to have bruises later.”
“I saw that blown pupil you were talking about. It certainly stands out. Could have

been from a previous traumatic eye injury.”

“Yeah, I thought so too.” Eric stood. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

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Steve closed his eyes and let his body rest. He hoped he would be able to get up by

the time Eric returned.

* * * * *

Herman was shocked at Steve’s appearance when he entered the apartment. His

right eye looked bruised and his cheeks were swollen. “What happened? Tell me!” He

jumped up from the couch.

“There’s something we need to discuss first. Sit back down.”
He fell to the couch. “What’s going on?”
“I’m a shapeshifter.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Herman croaked. “That’s kind of an

important piece of information.”

“I’m sorry, Herman. We’ve had enough issues with your problems that I hadn’t

thought about telling you mine. Eric is one and so was my dad. Suzy and my mom


“What do you shift to?”
“My family can only be domestic dogs.” Steve shrugged. “I was told that a hundred

years ago my ancestors could shift into any animal they chose. But living in this city,

even all those years ago, it wasn’t normal to see a tiger or bear. A dog always blends in.

I don’t know whether it was by choice or necessity but it happened and stayed with


He shook his head. “Unfuckingbelievable. It’s one thing after another with you.

Since we haven’t known each other very long, I guess I’m on a need-to-know basis. Is

there anything else you’re not telling me? Any other issues that will shock me when I’m

least expecting it?”

Steve cocked an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same question.”
“Really?” Herman snorted. “Is that the best you can do? No, Steve, I have no other

secrets. I’m just a boring, gay human firefighter who is on the run from the law for a

murder he didn’t commit. The bounty hunter out for my arrest hid me in his apartment,

where we have hot-blooded sex that I hope will never end. End of my fucking story.”

Herman went into the bedroom, slammed the door and threw himself on the bed.

Not only was he in hiding for a crime he didn’t commit, he’d fallen for a guy with his

own issues. His life was a mess. He didn’t know if this whole romance thing was a good

idea or not. But damn, why was their private time together so passionate? Why did

things feel so right? Why was he already in love?

Steve knocked on the door. He opened it and peeked around the corner. “I’m sorry.

Can I come in?”

Maybe Herman should go with the flow. Throw caution to the wind. Live and let

live. All the clichés. He let out a breath. “Yeah. Why not? It’s your place. Your messy


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“You now know all my secrets, Herman. One, I still have nightmares about my

dad’s death. Two, I had anxiety about why you left me. Three, I’m a shapeshifter. Four,

I’m gay. That’s it.”

“All right.” Herman shrugged. “Whatever. You shouldn’t have anxiety about me

anymore because we’re both gay and we spend a lot of time naked together. Two of

your issues are gone. I do know a little about paranormals. We have a couple at the fire

station. There’s a shifter who is a firefighter, and a vamp who works a desk job since he

can’t get near fire. I’m comfortable with them, but wasn’t expecting this from you.”

“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I truly didn’t mean to keep this from


Herman put up a hand. “Let me finish. I’ve never had a paranormal as a lover and

have no complaints so far. I guess you’ll have to let me know when something comes

up that is unfamiliar to me. Keep me in the loop and let me learn. We’ll see how it


Steve smiled. “I will.”
“Now three of your issues are gone. I don’t know what we’re going to do about the

dad nightmares. Something to work on.” Herman’s eyebrows rose. “Are you ever going

to shapeshift during sex?”

“No.” Steve leaned over the bed and gave Herman a quick kiss.
“How about when there’s a full moon?”
Steve froze. “Yes. We are compelled to shift during a full moon.” He pulled his

phone from a pocket and opened the calendar. “That reminds me. This is February and

there are two dark cycles of the moon this month. Guess you’re safe.” He pinched

Herman’s arm.

Herman let out a breath. “Now tell me why you look beat up.”
Steve explained what had happened to him and Eric at the club. “I’m sure that

Merlotti and Barbara have something going on. There have been many calls to and from

the club on her phone.”

“I’m not surprised.” He shook his head in dismay. “My dad was good to her, too.”
“We still have no proof of anyone killing him.”
“What about that Merlotti guy?”
“There was nothing to indicate forced entry into the house. We studied the police

report and checked everything out the day we were there looking for you.”

“Maybe Barbara gave him a key.”
“Possible.” Steve nodded. He winced as he pulled off his shirt. Bruised areas were

starting to show up on his arms and chest.

“That looks painful.” Herman glanced at his injured lover’s body.
“A little.”

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“Let me help you get cleaned up. You’ll take some anti-inflammatories and rest


They moved to the bathroom, where Herman tugged off Steve’s pants. There were

areas on his legs where bruises showed. As he pulled down Steve’s briefs, he moved to

his knees on the floor and kissed each perfectly protruding hipbone. He felt horrible

that Steve was hurt.

He moved to Steve’s cock and pulled it fully into his mouth. His lips sucked and his

tongue twirled as Steve’s rod grew larger. He only wanted for Steve to feel better. He

kissed the velvety head gently.

“This will make me forget my bad day.” Steve tried to smile but lost his balance and

stumbled to one side. “Oops. Almost fell.”

Herman stood. He refused to let Steve get hurt further today. “Let me turn on the

water and you can sit on the shower seat. It’s less dangerous than you standing.” An

elderly woman had lived in the apartment before Steve, and had left a shower seat

intact inside the tub. It was perfect for relaxation and, hopefully, the sex that hadn’t yet

been attempted.

As soon as the water was hot, Steve sat down on the thick plastic seat and closed his

eyes. The water rushed down and quickly steamed up the bathroom. Herman removed

his own clothes and climbed in. He went to his knees in front of Steve and spread his

legs. He caressed his dick and balls with wet fingers and pressed his mouth to Steve’s

inner thighs with quick licks and kisses.

Herman looked up. “If you’re able to scoot your butt to the end of the seat, I can

suck your cock and finger your ass at the same time.”

“Mmm.” Steve grinned and did what he was told.
Herman moved his mouth to Steve’s shaft and swirled his tongue around the

beautiful head. He took it completely into his mouth, and savored the slickness in the

back of his throat. His finger slid over Steve’s balls and into his tight ass. Steve moaned

as Herman’s slippery finger moved back and forth through the thick ring of muscles, so

he added another. The only thing that mattered right now was for Steve to feel better.

Herman moved a finger up farther until he found the spot he wanted to be. As he

touched Steve’s prostate, Steve arched his back in ecstasy. It wasn’t long before Steve

cried out, his release pumping into Herman’s ready mouth as he sucked every drop.

The water rained over them and Herman closed his eyes while Steve’s glorious dick

was still in his mouth. He didn’t want to let it go. It gave him a sense of peace knowing

he had made his lover come. His tongue spun around the shrinking rod until he kissed

it goodbye.

He savored each sensation with this handsome man. He already loved bringing this

man pleasure—he knew he was in love. It hadn’t taken long. Thirty minutes ago he’d

felt anger at Steve for hiding that he was a shapeshifter. Now he would give him the

world on a platter if he could.

Herman lifted his head. “What happens to your beautiful muscles when you shift?”

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“I become the size of whatever dog I’ve shifted to.”
Herman took soap and lathered Steve’s body. There were already too many bruises

to count. The bruising made him ill and he had to stop thinking about it. He turned the

showerhead at the correct angle and rinsed off Steve’s strong arms and legs, his

muscular chest and abs. Steve was every man’s fantasy. A wonderful lover and

overwhelming in bed.

“You’re a gorgeous man and exactly the kind of man I’m attracted to. You’re strong

and you’re smart. Perfect. I love sucking your cock and fucking your ass.”

Steve smiled. “You do a great job of both.”
Herman turned off the water and they stepped out of the shower. They dried the

dripping water off each other and fiercely kissed until they couldn’t breathe. Leaning

against one another in a clutch, no words were spoken. Their bodies were already

warmed from being in the water and the bathroom had steamed up. They held each

other close, keeping their eyes locked. Their dicks hardened as they touched each other.

“Yum,” sighed Steve. He wrapped his hands around their rods and held them

together. He slid the hard lengths through his hands and smiled.

“That feels wonderful.” Herman closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensation

of their cocks bound together in Steve’s hands.

“Let’s move to the bedroom,” Steve whispered into Herman’s ear. “I’ve started to

sweat in his hot bathroom. It’s my turn to take the lead and I can’t wait to fuck that tight

ass of yours long and hard.”

Herman opened his eyes wide. “You just came and you’re ready again?”
“A perk of being a shifter is a fast recovery. Some days are faster than others, so

don’t automatically think this will happen every time.”

“Color me happy.” Herman grinned. He didn’t need to be asked twice. “Guess I

have the right boyfriend.”

“You do.”
“I’d be unable to resist you even if I wanted to. I want that shaft deep inside me as

soon as possible.” He leaned over and kissed Steve. “I can almost feel it sliding in.”

“Oh, you’re going to feel it.” Steve grinned. “Right now.” He pulled Herman to the

bedroom and pushed him onto his stomach on the bed. He took a condom from the

nightstand and put it on. He slathered lube over his already-hard cock.

Herman felt a tickling and couldn’t help but smile as Steve brushed his dick down

the seam of his butt. “Like that.”

“There will be more to like shortly.”
As Steve teased his tight opening with his rod, Herman reared up, trying to shove

himself against Steve. He couldn’t have him as quickly as his body wanted. The cock

head disappeared inside Herman and he moaned as it entered. He wanted that shaft

deeper inside him and the sooner the better.

“You don’t have to be gentle right now,” hissed Herman. “I want you.”

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Steve inched into his ass and Herman let himself be carried away with emotion and

need. It only took moments until Steve slammed into him, filling him completely.

Steve’s dick inside his ass was pure ecstasy. The intense pleasure shot through his body

and made him shiver.

Herman moaned with pleasure as the fucking intensified. Steve wrapped an arm

around Herman for support as they grunted and panted and groaned. His shaft

pushed, deeper and harder. Every inch was buried inside Herman. Steve was in control,

the lover who Herman had always wanted in his life. He didn’t want this to end.

When arousal caused Herman’s eyes to close, Steve’s cock jerked inside him.

Herman shuddered and Steve shouted as he came.

Collapsing on his back, Steve let out a deep breath. “That was fucking great.” His

hand cupped Herman’s ass cheeks and squeezed. “I hate to tell you this but you’re not

going to be able to leave the apartment anymore.”

“What?” Herman turned over and sat up. “Are you a crazy Dom or something?”
“No. Not at all.”
“I will tell you that I’m not against handcuffs. I assume you have a pair.”
“I do.” Steve smiled. “I’ll remember that for another day.”
“Okay. Getting back to your original thought, why can’t I leave the apartment? Is

there another secret that you’ve decided I’m allowed to know?”

“It’s for your safety.”
Herman crossed his arms. “What the fuck am I supposed to do here every day?”
“Easy, boy.” Steve put a hand on Herman’s chest and let it glide down to his dick.

He wrapped his hand around it and fingered the head. “You wait for me to come home

from work, maybe have a little dinner ready, and then you can suck my rod while I

relax in front of the television after a hard day. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like I’m a house husband. I have to get back to the station, Steve. I have a

job. They’re short of help without me. I’m needed. Seriously.”

“I respect that but I need you too.”
Herman stared into his eyes. “Do you?” His heart throbbed fast and he felt afraid of

what Steve might say next.

“Yeah, I do. Our time together has meant everything to me but we have to clear

your name and keep you safe.” He pulled Herman’s face to his. “Don’t worry. We’ll get

this figured out soon. In the meantime, you can fuck me with your big axe anytime you


Herman stiffened. “I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but that isn’t

enough. I’m worried about you too. You were hurt today because of me.”

“Herman, this is my job. It isn’t the first and it certainly won’t be the last time I’m

hurt. If you’re going to be with me you have to get used to it.”

“Get used to it? It seems like me worrying about you will be my life.”

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“Hello Mr. Fireman. Did you forget what your job entails? Going into burning

buildings where things are collapsing all around you? Come on, Herman. Don’t you

think I’ll worry about you too?”

Herman swallowed hard.
Steve gently pressed the head of Herman’s cock until a drop of arousal gathered at

the slit. He gave a squeeze and the drop became larger. “Damn, I’d love to see you in

your gear. I’ll bet you’re the hottest firefighter around.” He bent down his head and

licked across the wet slit.

“That feels great.” Herman exhaled. “I haven’t had many lovers, but you’re the

most exciting one I’ve ever had. I don’t know if this is the right time to say it, Steve, but

I think I’m falling for you.”

Steve moved up to Herman’s mouth. The kisses were tender, passionate and deep.
“I already know I’ve fallen for you.” Steve broke off the kissing and touched

Herman’s chin. “Herman Fleming, I love you, and I’ve never said that to anyone

before.” He kissed Herman’s neck and ran his tongue down his chest, stopping to

gently kiss each nipple.

“I was afraid to say it.” Herman rolled his eyes. “Ha! Listen to me. Afraid again.”
Steve glanced up at him. “You don’t have to be afraid around me.”
Herman smiled. “I won’t be afraid any longer. Yes, I already love you too.”
Steve moved his mouth down to Herman’s shaft and kissed the head. “I crave this

gorgeous dick slipping in and out of my mouth as I suck it and pounding in and out of

my ass as it fucks me. I want it like I’ve never wanted anything else.” He slid his mouth

over the head and twirled his tongue. “I want it forever.”

Pleasure spiraled up and down Herman’s spine as Steve started a gentle suction.
It wasn’t long before they were intertwined together in the throes of passion once

again. The rest of the world disappeared as they surrendered everything to one another.

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Chapter Six

Steve walked into his apartment after work and saw Nahla drinking tea with

Herman. “What’s going on here?”

“Since I’m not allowed to leave the apartment, I can see who comes and goes in the

building. I saw Nahla the other day and we talked in the foyer. We ran into each other

again this morning, so she offered to make me tea.” Herman held up his cup. “This is an

organic herbal tea blend.”

Nahla smiled. “Hello, Steve. Nice to see you again.”
Steve let out a breath. “I think I’ll skip the tea and go right for a beer.” He went into

the kitchen and took a beer from the refrigerator, smelling a strong aroma of cleaning

supplies. He sniffed and glanced around him. The kitchen had been cleaned to

perfection and so had everything else in the apartment. Guzzling half of the beer, he

walked back into the living room.

Herman stood and hugged Steve. “Rough day?”
“I paid a motel clerk a hundred dollars to call me when a fugitive showed up. I

waited for two hours and got the call. Took him down in the lobby with thirty people

watching.” He finished his beer. “Then I fell down five steps while chasing someone

this afternoon and lost my mace down a sidewalk grate.”

“Oh no!”
“But since I’m already sore, I guess none of it matters. I have bruises on top of my

bruises. Goes along with the job. My eye will look worse before it looks better.”

Nahla stared. “I’m sorry that your incident yesterday was no accident.”
“I had shifted to a little dog to eavesdrop on a werewolf in human form. He threw

rocks at me and my brother.” Steve glanced at Herman. “Don’t worry. She knows I’m a


Herman’s eyes widened.
“Did she tell you she was a witch?”
“She told me she might be able to give you advice on what to do about your bad

dreams. Perhaps stop them.” Herman turned his head to Nahla. “The ‘witch’ word

never came up.”

Nahla nodded. “That’s right.” She put a hand over Herman’s. “But I wasn’t being

evasive. It isn’t within my nature.”

Herman looked up at Steve. “I hate seeing you so upset when you have a

nightmare. I want you to be able to sleep. Will you be open about her trying to help?”

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“She told me things aren’t without a price the day I met her. Did you ask how much

it costs?”

“Of course I did,” confirmed Herman. “All she wants is a job. Maybe as an

occasional contractor at Beck Recovery. She might be able to help find the bad guys.”

“We’ve done fine on our own up until now.” Steve looked over to Nahla.
She lifted her long braids and let them fall behind her shoulders. “What Herman

says is correct. I work at a shop in Logan Square that sells teas, oils, herbs and spices. It

doesn’t pay much and I’m always looking to add another job. Why not use my skills to

help others and pay my bills at the same time? I’m looking for harmony in my life.”

“All right. I understand where you’re coming from.” His nostrils flared but he

wasn’t angry. It was time to let things out. Maybe Nahla could help. “Here you go. I

could have been put on prescription drugs years ago and the nightmares might have

gone away, but I didn’t want that. I wanted to feel things.” He let out a breath. “I’m

tired some days from not sleeping. Other days, I know I’ve had them but I’m so used to

it, nothing seems to matter anymore.”

Nahla nodded.
“How would you get rid of my nightmares?”
“Sometimes they’re the mind trying to fill in the missing pieces. They can express

anxiety about something that happened.”

“That’s for sure. I’ve been to therapy. It helped some but the nightmares never

completely went away.”

“You’re re-experiencing a stressful event of the past.”
“My father’s death. I saw it.” Steve took a sip of beer. “I was twelve.”
Nahla stared into his eyes. “There is a spell we can use to stop the dreams.”
Steve let out a breath. “For real? After all these years?”
She nodded. “But first, you’ll need to trust me.”
“Come on, Steve,” prodded Herman. “At least give it a try.”
Steve hesitated. “What do we need to do?”
“I’m busy this evening but can come back tomorrow after work. If you have the

nightmare tonight, write it down.”

“It’s always the same. I know it by heart.” Steve shrugged.
“Turn on the lights. Wake up Herman. Put any kind of pieces together that you

haven’t before. There are things missing that you need to know. That is one reason why

you have continued to have the dream all these years. Let Herman ask any questions

and you give the answers the best you can. Providing clarity can get rid of the

nightmare. Meditate and try to clear it out of your head. It will help provide mental

flexibility and the strength to move forward. You’ll reach another spiritual level.

Remember there is nothing to be afraid of. Your heart wants to live in the present. Your

home is a safe place.”

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“We can do that.” Herman nodded.
“I wasn’t encouraged to talk about the details of the dream during therapy. It

consisted of trying to accept my father’s death and move on.”

“Therapists all have different ways of healing.” Nahla smiled. “This is the natural

way. For tomorrow night, get three white candles, a yard of a silver ribbon and a piece

of silver that you don’t usually wear. I’ll be over after work. Around ten.” She stood.

“You’re lucky. Tomorrow night will be the perfect time in the month to cast a spell. The

black moon is rising tonight. Tomorrow will be the second of the three nights.”

“The black moon?” Steve frowned. “Shifters don’t think of the black moon like

witches do.”

“It is a powerful force for us. The black moon rises only once a year and three

nights are all we get. Any magic worked during this time can be very potent.” She

smiled. “After I leave you tonight and tomorrow evening, I’ll spend time with my own

kind developing the powers of the mind. We will be up until the black moon has passed

and bestowed more power upon us. Every year we get stronger because of it. It’s all a

part of my spiritual evolution and enlightenment.”

Herman embraced her. “Thank you for coming over. I enjoyed our visit and look

forward to tomorrow night.”

“I’ll do as you say.” Steve swallowed hard. “I’m open to it. Thank you.”
After Nahla left, Herman moved in front of Steve. He put his arms around him. “I

gave Nahla your phone number since I can’t use my phone. Hope that’s okay.”

“I guess.”
“How are you really?”
“It was a difficult day for me, but I see you’ve kept busy sprucing up the place.”

Steve glanced around the living room.

Herman gave a weak smile. “Couldn’t help it. Sorry.”
“It’s all right, if it makes you happy.”
“I found your box of toys in the bedroom closet.”
“Sex toys?” Steve winked.
“No. Dog toys.”
Steve chuckled. “I wondered when you’d find those. I may as well tell you that I

love going to the park and playing fetch.”

“Okay,” Herman said slowly. “I’ll have to remember that for the future.”
Steve looked up and became lost in Herman’s chestnut-colored eyes. “How do you

always look so gorgeous without even trying?”

Herman met his gaze. “Want to talk about what’s troubling you?”
Steve shook his head. Herman was such a protective man and that was one of the

things that Steve already loved about him. It would be nice for Herman to hold him and

kiss him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But everything wasn’t okay.

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Things were getting scarier, and he didn’t know whether or not he should tell Herman

that Merlotti was looking for him. “I’m sorry, but not right now.”

“You look miserable.”
Right now he needed Herman. He didn’t have to tell him everything but he could

love him. As Steve moved his hands up Herman’s strong forearms, he put his hands to

his face and kissed him. His cock rose and pushed against his tight jeans.

“I’m ready to help you relieve the tension. Say the word.”
Steve smiled. Being with Herman gave him a sense of solace from the world.

“Word.” He unzipped his pants and pulled them off.

After Herman sank to his knees, Steve fed him his aching shaft. His rod pulsed with

need as Herman sucked. Steve sighed as he looked at Herman’s beautiful mouth

working over him, each sensation causing him to grow larger. How did he get so damn

lucky? Their meeting had been accidental, but felt oh so right this time. He touched

Herman’s full, wet lips as they moved softly along his dick. What a gorgeous man and

he was all Steve’s. Herman stuck out his tongue at Steve and licked around his own

lips, and then around the tip of Steve’s cock.

Steve laughed. “You’re driving me crazy.” He moved his pelvis slowly at first and

then increased the speed as he began to fuck Herman’s mouth. Herman kept up with

the sucking, not letting go, so Steve pumped faster.

“Oh Herman.” Steve groaned, barely able to stand. “I’m coming.”
He began to lose control as the heat spread from his pelvis to every point in his

body. Everything was about his orgasm.

Suddenly he reached the boiling point and the pleasure began to tear through him.

It was only moments later that Steve exploded into Herman’s throat, unable to hold out

any longer. Herman never left Steve’s shaft, taking in every drop as he continued to

make love with his mouth to the man in front of him. As the orgasm slowly began to

fade away, Steve put his hands into Herman’s short hair to let him know he could stop.

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Herman lifted his head and Steve helped him to stand. “Hope you feel better now.”
Steve groaned. “You bet I do. You’re fantastic but we’re not finished. I want to fuck

that hot ass of yours.”

“Before or after dinner?”
“You made dinner?” Steve glanced toward the kitchen and twitched his nose.

“Wow! A perk I wasn’t expecting.”

“A little casserole. It’s on a timer. Probably another fifteen minutes or so.”
“I do smell something good.”
“Yep, of course you do. That’s because I’m a house husband.” Herman put his

hands on his hips. “Remember?”

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Steve chuckled. “But you didn’t want to be one. You complained about it only

yesterday, if I’m remembering correctly.”

“I’m making the best of a temporary situation.” His eyes widened. “Did you hear

me? I said temporary. Once this entire mess is over, we need to reevaluate our roles in

this relationship. No more house husband. I like my job. I’m for being equal in this

relationship. We can cook sometimes and go out to eat sometimes.” He tilted his head.

“Or we can pick up carry-out.”

“All right. No argument from me.” Steve narrowed his eyes as he looked into

Herman’s. “Now show it to me.”

“What are you talking about?” Herman threw up his hands. “I have no idea.”
“That ass.”
Herman’s mouth turned upward into a smile. He slowly removed his pants and his

cock poked through his briefs. He thrust out his pelvis. “Like it?”

“Yeah.” Steve pointed toward the hallway. “Thataway.”
They moved to the bedroom and the bed. Steve pulled off Herman’s briefs and

flipped him onto his stomach.

“Get up on your knees and show me yourself.”
Herman did as he was told. “You like my ass, boyfriend? I want you to know it’s

for your eyes and your dick only.” He shook it from side to side.

“Yes, I like it.” Steve stared at the round, tight cheeks. Herman was strong and

muscular even here. Steve placed a hand on Herman’s ass and let it glide over each


“You’re not messing with me?”
“It’s absolutely magnificent.” Steve sighed. He bent over and kissed each cheek and

then spread them as he looked at Herman’s firm hole. “I want nobody but you.”

“Did you mean what you said last night?”
“That I love you?”
“That would be the words.”
“I do.”
“You do what?” Herman turned his head to look back at Steve. “Say it.”
Steve stared back into those gorgeous brown eyes. “I love you, Herman.”
For a space of a few heartbeats, neither said anything. They stared into each other’s

eyes until Steve broke the spell. He changed his focus to the sight in front of him. It was

the entry to Herman’s ass and he was already getting hard just looking at it. Heat

traveled throughout his body and centered in his shaft. He bent his head and licked

over the ridges of his lover’s anus. If all was truthful, he could lick Herman this way for

quite a while.

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Herman closed his eyes and threw his head back. “I could almost come when you

do that.”

He pressed inside with the point of his tongue and Herman shuddered. All Steve

could think about was fucking Herman and hearing him cry out in delight.

“Fuck me with your hard, hot cock,” murmured Herman. “I want to feel the heat

between us.”

Steve moved back from Herman and took his rod into his own hands. He rubbed it

over Herman’s butt cheeks and then in-between them. He shuddered in happiness at

being naked near Herman’s entrance and Herman seemed to do the same. Steve’s dick

became hard in seconds.

It was all he could do not to take Herman right then, before he even applied the

condom. But he stopped himself. Perhaps in the future that would be something they

could consider as a couple. He shouldn’t do it right now without Herman’s consent. It

was important to him to be respectful to this man that he loved.

He covered his shaft with the condom and greased it up with a handful of lube,

applying some to Herman’s beautiful ass. As he placed his rod at the opening, he


Herman let out a breath. “What the hell are you waiting for?” he asked impatiently.
“I want you to tell me how you want it. Slow and easy or hard and fast.”
“Start of off slow like we have all night and you’ll be able to last. After a few

strokes, surprise me and slam into me hard.”

Steve gently slid his cock head just past the ring of muscles. “How does that feel?”
“Like heaven.” Herman sighed as he pushed back against Steve.
“More,” cried Herman. “Don’t make me beg.”
“But I want you to beg.”
“Please fuck me with that big, beautiful dick,” Herman pleaded. “Now! I want all of


Steve moved slowly inside him, inch by inch. It was hard not to thrust right away

and give it his all because the sensation of being inside Herman was so great. This was

the man he wanted to be with. As Herman groaned in pleasure, Steve pushed deeper

and harder. He soon fucked with powerful strokes. His legs quivered and he was ready

again, ready to come inside this beautiful man.

His man.
He saw Herman working his own shaft into the sheets. The muscles in his biceps

flexed as he moved his hand up and down.

“Herman.” Steve moaned. “Your ass is so hot.”

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It wasn’t long until Herman groaned. They both shouted shortly thereafter as wave

after wave of powerful orgasms rocked through them, like water flooding over a broken


After they relaxed minutes later, Herman pulled Steve close and closed his eyes.

“You said you loved me. I’m not letting you go when this is all over. I hope you know


“Then hold me. I’m yours now.”
“I was yours five years ago, you brute.”
They held each other tight until the stove timer went off and it was time to eat


* * * * *

Herman awoke to Steve’s cries—which had nothing to do with sex. The sobbing

started and then the muffled scream came from his throat. It was Steve having the

dream about his father again. Herman sat up and turned on the bedside light.

Steve tossed from side to side, the bedsheets already pulled from the mattress. His

hair was wet with sweat and his face contorted.

“Steve, Steve, wake up,” Herman begged as he shook him. “You’re home and

everything is okay.”

As Steve opened his eyes, tears streamed down his face. “No. Not again.” He

suddenly became coherent and looked around the room. “Herman?”

Herman placed a hand on his chest and spoke softly. “I’m here. Wake up, darling.

Everything is all right. Do you remember what Nahla said earlier?”

“My head is cloudy.” He shook his head from side to side. “Remind me.”
“We’re supposed to write everything down about your dream.” Herman kissed his

forehead. “Let me do that for you. You’ve never told me all the details and I want to

hear them. I’m trying to help in any way I can.” He took a pad of paper and pen from

the nightstand.

Steve was ready to talk. His eyes narrowed and he frowned. “My father and I had

gotten off the bus on Chicago Avenue and were walking north. He hadn’t worked that

day. It was a late fall evening. Wednesday. Dark outside—but early, around six. You

know, dinnertime. We had picked up groceries at the market and my mom planned to

cook spaghetti and garlic bread when we got home. I was happy.“

Herman wrote as quickly as he could. “Keep talking.”
“I think we were about four blocks off Chicago Avenue. It was near our home. The

lights weren’t so bright anymore and there are no longer any businesses. Just residential

buildings. This was an area where the trees were thick and made it hard to even see the

sky. I felt a gust of cool wind. Leaves started to blow around us. I suddenly noticed that

there weren’t any people walking by.” Steve glanced around the room like he wasn’t

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there anymore. His eyes appeared to look right through Herman. “It seemed like we

were all alone.”

“Go on.”
“But we weren’t alone.” Steve inhaled deeply. “My dad grabbed my arm like he

knew something was about to happen.”

“How could he know?”
“Shifters can sense and smell things that humans can’t.”
Herman nodded. “You weren’t a shifter then?”
“No. It happens at puberty.”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m sorry, babe. Please continue. Your dad grabbed

your arm.”

Steve grimaced. “Suddenly a werewolf blocked our path on the sidewalk. I’d seen

werewolves before. They’re the strongest of shifters, with some being violent-tempered.

They go from wolf to human and back again as they please. Not like me who can shift

to any kind of domestic dog, but then needs a break for recovery time. This werewolf

was big and gray. It had black pupils with yellow eyes that glowed in the dark. He

snarled and growled and was horribly scary.”

Herman shook his head in shock.
“My dad whispered for me to run as fast as I could. I knew this was something I

shouldn’t question and ran.” He put a hand over his eyes.

“What happened next?”
“When I heard my dad scream, I stopped and turned around. He had shifted into a

menacing Doberman, who stood on muscular hind legs as he fought the werewolf to

protect his son. But the werewolf was agile and faster than my dad. The werewolf’s

claws sliced him open.“ He swallowed hard. “All the way down his chest.”

Herman dropped the notebook in which he wrote.
Steve talked faster. “He fell to the ground and I ran to him. I didn’t care about the

werewolf anymore. I wasn’t afraid. I wanted my dad. He shifted back to human form

once I reached him. I knelt and looked into his eyes. He took my hand.” Tears streamed

down his face. “He said he was sorry, that he would always love me and the rest of our

family but he wasn’t going to make it through this. He could barely breathe and I knew

he was going to die.”

Herman wrapped his arms around Steve. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”
“What I had to see was horrible. His body was opened up.”
Herman held him tighter.
“Wait a minute.” Steve withdrew from Herman’s arms. “There’s something else

that I hadn’t remembered until now. I looked at the werewolf. He hadn’t left because he

was hurt. Dad must have torn into him with his teeth. There was a jagged wound that

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went above and below the werewolf’s left eye. He rubbed it and I saw the blood

glistening in the dark. That eye wasn’t yellow anymore. It was mostly black.”

“Yeah. Black. There was something wrong with his front paw too.” Steve frowned.

“Left paw. Instead of five toes, he had fewer. Maybe three?”

“Sounds like your dad hurt him pretty bad.”
“Not like he did to Dad.” Steve shook his head and let out a breath. “It was over

and I started screaming. The werewolf vanished before I turned around.”

“Wow! No wonder you’ve had nightmares all these years. What a horrific thing for

a child to witness. I’m so sorry.”

Steve didn’t appear to be listening. “Fifteen years. Oh my God! Could it be?”
“What?” Herman gave him a questioning look.
Steve furrowed his brow. “I need to know what’s under Merlotti’s glove.”

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Chapter Seven

Steve awoke with a yawn. Herman had helped him meditate after the nightmare as

Nahla had suggested, and he was finally able to sleep about two hours in a row without

tossing and turning. The sleep brought on a nice dream about being in Cancun on

vacation. Fun in the sun with his man. He glanced over at Herman sleeping peacefully

next to him.

Herman turned to him with drowsy, sexy eyes. “What?”
“Wake up.”
“I’m awake.” Herman blinked at him.
“I want you to shut your eyes.”
“You just told me to open them.”
“Shut them.” Steve smiled.
Herman groaned and closed his eyes.
Steve leaned in close. He whispered, “I want you to imagine a place with powdery-

white beaches, warm turquoise water and palm trees that sway in the breeze.”

“Sounds beautiful. Where is it and when are we going?”
“It’s Cancun and we’re going after we clear your name and put this mess behind


“It sounds like some kind of fairy tale to me.” Herman opened his eyes and

propped up on an elbow. “What brought this on?”

“I dreamed about being there.”
“Have you ever?”
“Oh yeah. Loved it. Seafood, sand, sun and tequila.” Steve wrinkled his nose.


“Well, you’ll have to remind me to go clothes shopping when you’re ready. I

haven’t a thing to wear.”

“You won’t need many clothes.” Steve grinned. “Nothing will be fine.”
“Well, boyfriend, nothing is only for you. I don’t think the other tourists or locals

would want me in nothing. What brought all this on?”

“I had a restful night. Turn over.”
Herman turned to his side.
Steve snuggled behind him. “I’m excited about the additional details my nightmare

brought with your help. Thanks.”

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“You never explained what those details meant.”
“I don’t want to explain anything yet. Sorry. Might jinx it.” Steve’s cock hardened

as he pushed against Herman. He took it in his hand and rubbed it against Herman’s

ass. “Feel that?”

“A hard dick rubbing against me again. I’m never going to get any rest living with


“Complaining already?”
“Of course not. I’ve never had so much sex before. I think I could get used to this

day in and day out.”

Steve leaned over and whispered into Herman’s ear. “You’re like a drug to me. A

drug so good it should be illegal. I’m always horny for you.”

“Ha ha. Real funny. That’s probably because I’m always available.”
Steve laughed. “Well, it doesn’t hurt that you’re laying here naked with nowhere to

go. I think that ass is looking for action.” He slapped Herman’s butt.

Steve grabbed a condom and lube and squirted it on his shaft and Herman’s

beautiful ass, taking care to open Herman up with his fingers first.

Herman gasped as Steve’s rod slowly joined their warm bodies together. Steve

thrust deeply inside him and they both moaned with joy.

“It’s just you and me.” Steve pulled him close. “Forever.” It didn’t take long before

the pleasure shot from his body into Herman’s.

* * * * *

While on the city bus, Steve received a text from his mom to be extra-vigilant about

his surroundings. She said she’d explain more once Steve made it to the office.

Once he arrived, the mood there was somber.
Eric and Suzy sat in front of Joni’s desk. Eric had bruising on his cheek, and a finger

on his right hand was swollen from the fiasco at the country club. He glanced up at

Steve with a frown.

“What’s going on?” Steve asked.
Joni let out a breath. “We had a visitor earlier. A Merlotti wolf. A beta sent by their


“There are two?” asked Steve.
“Yep, I said alphas. Plural. As you know, we put the old alpha in jail, where he

remains. Looks like he still helps run things. I’m not naive enough to believe otherwise.

And as it turns out, Roberto Merlotti is also an alpha.”

Steve’s face drained of color. “What?”

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“Roberto didn’t like the little visit that you and Eric paid to his club the other day,

or Eric’s visit the day before that.”

“It’s his club?”
“He’s the owner. Turns out the old owner mysteriously drowned off the coast of

South Africa a few months ago. Go figure. His widow put the place up for sale and

since Merlotti had already been a member of the club and was interested, he had the

first chance to purchase it.”

“So is he legit, like we heard?”
“Not a chance. That must have been the propaganda the family spewed. I checked

with my contacts at the DA’s office. They’re sure he’s into money laundering and who

knows what else. They just haven’t been able to bring any charges yet. He’s also bought

a couple of other businesses in Chicago. He seems to like shoe stores these days but

they’re rarely open. Go figure.”

“How did he know Eric and I were there?”
“Cameras all over the place. Some of the pack members recognized you two.”
“Guess we didn’t think that a country club would be spying on their members.”
“But it isn’t a normal country club.” Joni stood from his desk. “It’s the pack’s new


Steve rolled his eyes. “Great.”
“Eric told us about the conversation with Barbara and Merlotti.”
“It’s obvious they’re a couple,” confirmed Steve. “But with this new information,

I’m wondering if Barbara was involved in the murder. Maybe it was only Merlotti.”

“Once they marry, he’ll be even richer and have an estate close to the club,” added


Eric raised his eyebrows. “Maybe Merlotti isn’t finished killing yet?”
“You mean Barbara?” asked Joni.
Eric nodded. “And Herman.”
Steve’s heart thudded in his chest.
“How can we clear Herman and keep him safe?” asked Suzy. “This is so


“We need someone to confess. I don’t know how that will happen.” Joni shook her


“They need to slip up somehow,” offered Suzy. “Too bad we have no evidence.

Nothing on that whale knife except Herman’s fingerprints.”

“Every time I’ve seen Merlotti, he’s wearing gloves,” offered Eric.
Steve bit his lip. Now was not the time to bring up the new information he’d

gleaned from his nightmare. He couldn’t be sure of anything until he saw what was

underneath Merlotti’s gloves. The rest of his family certainly didn’t need to think of

Dad’s death right now.

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“Okay everyone, keep thinking caps on for that one. Time for the next agenda

item.” Joni let out a breath as she shuffled papers on her desk. “We have a lead on the

Butler fugitive and we need to be in Wrigleyville at noon. He’s supposed to meet with a

former associate and Steve and Eric will be there to greet him instead. But in the

meantime, I need updates on everything else going on.”

So much for Steve’s day starting off so gloriously.

* * * * *

Herman was excited about Nahla coming over. He had Steve pick up a few things

from the corner market before he went to work and followed a recipe to make an

artichoke-cheese dip that he planned to serve with crackers and fresh bread.

He couldn’t help but smile. Being forced to stay in Steve’s apartment could be

stifling at times but he found things to do. He was happy that cleaning the apartment

hadn’t upset Steve after all. But if he didn’t start lifting some heavy-duty weights on a

regular basis, the muscles that helped define him would wither away. He flexed his

biceps and tried to think positive. A fireman needed to be strong, and Herman had

every intention of going back to work in the future.

Steve was somewhat quiet once home from work, but after a nap and dinner things

were better.

“Any further updates from Nahla?”
Herman shook his head. “I assume we’re still on. You okay?”
He nodded. “Another busy day, but nothing I can’t handle. I’m feeling pretty good

about tonight.”

“As you should. The power of positive thinking and all that.” Herman gave him a

hug. “We’ll get through this.”

Nahla arrived shortly before ten. She smiled. “The apartment has an aroma of

cheese and garlic. I love it.”

Herman set the still-bubbling appetizer down on the coffee table. “Thought we all

might like a little snack before we get down to business.”

After a short time of casual conversation, the team readied to work on Steve’s


They went into the bedroom and Nahla tied a silver ribbon around a white candle.

Herman lit it and placed the candle on the bedside stand. He put a silver earring of

Steve’s on the windowsill. Steve sat on the bed as Nahla turned the lights down.

“Watch the flame burn,” purred Nahla. “Imagine that you have the peace and

happiness that you’ve always wanted. Restful sleep comes easy and dreams follow.”

“Herman is trying to help me with that.”
Herman grinned. What a sweet thing for Steve to say.

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“Focus, Steve,” coaxed Nahla. “Close your eyes. Meditate on peace and happiness.

It’s a powerful spiritual tool. Once you’re completely relaxed, go to the window with

the candle.”

The room became quiet as Steve did as he was told. A few minutes later he stood

and walked with the candle to the window.

“Like I said yesterday, we have a black moon this month,” Nahla murmured.

“There are two dark moon cycles, with the second cycle being what we are in right now.

It holds great power in the spiritual world. That power is yours to unleash if you

believe. Now focus on the moon, even though you can’t see it. The moon will help if

called upon.”

“All right,” declared Steve. “I’m ready.”
“Say this chant five times and focus with every word. ‘Banish evil dreams from my

sight. I’m looking for peaceful nights’.”

Steve spoke the words five times.
“Blow out the candle, take off the ribbon and put it around your wrist ’til the

morning comes.” Nahla folded her hands in front of her. “The candle and earring will

remain on the windowsill. Repeat this tomorrow night with a new candle and ribbon to

take advantage of the black moon’s special power. I’m confident that your nightmares

will be gone.”

Herman tied the ribbon around Steve’s wrist and tucked him into bed. Nahla

followed him out of the bedroom back out to the living room.

“Thank you,” Herman gushed. “I think I’ll sleep out here on the couch as to not

disturb him tonight. I’m hoping this will help.”

“It will,” Nahla confirmed. “No worries. The black moon never fails.”
“I found your black moon specifics quite interesting. I never heard about that

phenomenon before.”

“This is truly a special time.” Nahla picked up her purse from the couch.
Herman thought hard and deep. “If something came up and we needed further

assistance from the black moon, something unrelated to the nightmares, would you be

able to help?”

“Of course.” She hugged Herman. “Count me as a friend.”
As Herman shut the door he couldn’t help but think about the black moon.

Wouldn’t it be nice to look out the window and ask the black moon to show them who

killed his dad? Too bad it would never be that easy.

Or could it?

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Chapter Eight

Steve hadn’t dreamed at all during the night. He actually felt rested when he looked

at the clock. Eight a.m. He’d slept all night for the first time in years. He was no longer

having the lost-love dream about Herman and he didn’t have the dad dream. After

realizing that Herman hadn’t slept with him, he rose and went into the living room.

Herman took a sip of his coffee and smiled. “You slept well last night. Sawing logs

and all that jazz. I could have never lasted in that room.”

“So if I actually do start sleeping all night, you won’t be able to sleep with me? Is

that what you’re saying?”

Herman tilted his head. “Something tells me I had better pass on that question for

now. Did I mention the coffee is on? Get it while it’s hot.”

Steve grinned as went he went through the motions of getting ready for work. He

had the boring job of sitting at a stakeout that morning.

An hour later, as Steve sat in a rented car outside a fugitive’s frequent haunt, all he

could think of was Merlotti. How would they prove he was the murderer instead of

Herman? Steve was sure he did it. He almost felt like going by Barbara’s home again

and finding some way of asking about Merlotti. Maybe he could use the female factor

and take his sister to do the questioning. Every woman loved talking to Suzy. She was

cute and personable.

Brainstorm! That was it.
His phone rang and he looked at the caller. Nahla. He frowned. Why would she be

calling him? “Hello?”

“Steve, this is Nahla. Something awful has happened.”
Steve sat up higher in his seat. Goose bumps popped. He dreaded hearing her next


“I suddenly had a strange feeling that something was going on with Herman. As I

opened my door, I heard commotion in your apartment. By the time I ran downstairs,

two men had dragged Herman out to their car. They were werewolves. After throwing

him in the trunk, they sped off. I’m sorry my premonition didn’t come sooner. I’ve been

too involved with myself this week. I’m sickened by it.”

Steve’s heart thudded in his throat. Herman had been kidnapped! His gut feeling

was that Merlotti was behind it. Wonderful Herman, the man he had given his heart to,

was in the hands of the person Steve was sure had killed his father and Herman’s father.

Would it be the same fate for his love? That was his worst nightmare. He wanted to


“Steve? Are you there?”

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He could barely speak. “Yes.”
“I’m enraged that someone would do that to Herman. I want to help.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“We have extra power tonight with the black moon. Remember that. I am the link.

Let me know once there is a plan.”

“Will do.” He ended the call.
It was time for action. Steve forced himself to leave the bleak moment he was in and

take the leap forward. His next call was to his mother. He touched her number on his

phone and waited.

“Hey, Steve,” she answered.
“Merlotti’s thugs took Herman from my apartment.”
“Oh no! Where are you?”
“Right where I’m supposed to be this morning.” He swallowed hard. “I’m going to

the country club and storming the place.”

“You absolutely can’t do that and you know it.”
Steve let out a deep breath. It was important to think logically.
“Leave the stakeout now. Get over here so we can come up with a plan.”

* * * * *

“I agree that Merlotti probably took Herman,” Joni said once Steve had arrived at

the office. “The good news is that Herman is probably somewhere inside that country

club. But we have no proof of anything. If Merlotti wanted to kill Herman, he is already

dead. You know that, Steve. I don’t need to pour any sugar on this. We have to work

from the angle that Herman is alive and a prisoner.”

Steve hung his head. What his mom said was true. “I want to talk to Barbara to see

if she knows anything about this. Suzy, will you go with me?”

She nodded and rose from her chair. “Sure. Let’s go.”
Forty-five minutes later they sat in the living room of the Fleming estate.
“Mrs. Fleming, we’re here to ask a couple of questions,” explained Steve. “This is

my sister, Suzy. She works with us too.”

“Nice to meet you, Suzy.” Barbara smiled. “What an odd job for such a beautiful

young lady.”

“It’s a family thing.” Suzy rolled her eyes. “I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”
“Do you have any news on Herman?” asked Barbara. “It’s been a week since he’s

been gone.”

“We were hoping that you may have some additional information,” said Suzy.
“Me?” Barbara put a hand on her chest. “He would never contact me.”

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“Leads usually come from family members, friends, old business acquaintances,

lovers,” Suzy offered. “Did Herman ever go to the club with you?”

Barbara blushed. “No. I, ah, I’d never let him go there with me.”
“Which reminds me.” Suzy snapped her fingers. “We had a rather unusual call

earlier that I wanted to mention. It was from a man at the club. A Roberto something-

or-another. He thought he saw Herman in the parking lot.”

“What? Roberto said that?” Barbara wrinkled up her nose. “They don’t know each

other at all. Roberto has never seen him in person. I wouldn’t think Herman would ever

go there.”

“Oh, you know Roberto?” Suzy looked at Barbara with widened eyes of innocence.
Barbara appeared distressed. She wrung her hands and her eyes darted around the

room. “Yes, I know him. Roberto owns the club.”

“For the record, may we ask what your relationship is with him?” asked Steve.
She crossed her arms and let out a breath. “We’re friends. I’ve been going to the

club for years. Once he took over, I offered to update the policies and procedures

manual, which hadn’t been done in a long time. He appreciated my knowledge of the

club’s history.”

“So that’s why you were going more frequently to the club?” Suzy pulled a folded

set of papers from her purse.

“Of course.”
Suzy handed the papers to Barbara. “If you were going to the club so much, why

were so many phone calls between you and Roberto necessary?”

Steve looked her in the eyes. “As we work to locate Herman, any information can

be important. We need you to be upfront with us.”

Barbara glanced through the phone records and shook her head. “Okay, I will

admit it. We are having an affair. The excitement I have with Roberto makes me feel

alive again. It’s something I hadn’t experienced in a long time living with an invalid.

Roberto is handsome, sexy and charming.”

Charming like a rabid dog, Steve thought.
“You have to understand that Lawrence and I had nothing left anymore. We were

housemates. The affair hasn’t been going on long.”

“We don’t judge,” Suzy said. “That’s your personal business.”
“But the affair had nothing to do with my husband’s death. People have affairs

every day of the week. I never wanted anything to happen to Lawrence. I felt fine with

the way things were.”

“How about Roberto?” asked Suzy. “Was he fine with it?”
Barbara threw up a hand. “Oh my goodness! I know what you’re implying. He

didn’t kill Lawrence. He’d never hurt a fly.” She put her hand down suddenly and sat


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Steve thought she remembered how Merlotti had attacked him and his brother

when they were dogs at the club. Never hurt a fly, huh? How about a couple of cute little


Suzy prodded. “Do you know where Roberto was that day?”
“I hadn’t seen him. He was supposed to be in the city. I had been at the club in the

morning for cards, but they ended early and I went home just in time to see Herman

sticking the knife into Lawrence’s back.”

“What if Herman found Mr. Fleming that way and was holding the knife stable

until 911 could get there?” Steve raised his eyebrows.

“That’s what Herman told me.” Barbara looked down. “I didn’t believe him.”
“What would be Herman’s motive for killing his father?” asked Steve. “Was he

looking for an early inheritance?”

Barbara didn’t answer.
Suzy spoke softly. “Does Roberto have a key to your home?”
Barbara nodded. “One day I had locked myself out of the house and Lawrence had

gone to the doctor’s office with Herman. I wanted Roberto to have one in case it

happened again.”

“I’m sorry we’re asking so many questions,” Suzy said. “We must always be on the

alert for new information.”

“What do you think about what Roberto mentioned about Herman being in the

parking lot at the club?” asked Barbara. “That’s new information. Are you going to

check it out?”

“Yes,” confirmed Steve. “We check out all leads. Will you be talking to Roberto or

seeing him today?”

“He called earlier to tell me he was busy with business in the city. I’ll see him

tonight. There’s a big party at the club. A grand reopening, since Roberto took the

helm.” She glanced at her watch. “I need to get going to my hair appointment. You’ll

have to excuse me.”

Steve and Suzy stood.
“One last thing, Mrs. Fleming.” Steve looked her in the eyes. “Does Roberto always

wear gloves?”

“Why would you ask that?” Barbara appeared distracted, as if she was in deep

thought. “Yes, yes. He had an accident many years ago and lost a couple of fingers.

Wearing gloves makes him feel better about the injury. The missing fingers are hidden.”

The rage inside Steve built and he needed to get it under control. He bit the side of

his mouth until he tasted blood.

“Thank you.” Suzy shook Barbara’s hand. “We’ll be in touch.” She grabbed Steve

by the arm and pulled him toward the door.

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As they drove back to the office, no words were needed. Steve was now sure that

Roberto had killed their father. It was obvious Roberto had killed Lawrence Fleming

and that Roberto had kidnapped Herman. But until they knew otherwise, he would

force himself to believe that Herman was still alive and well at the club. What remained

to be seen, however, was how the Beck family would get into the club and end this.

* * * * *

Suzy’s youthful good looks and style turned the head of every man sitting in the

lobby of the club as she entered, and the two tiny Chihuahuas sticking out of her large

Burberry bag drew further attention. One lady ran up to her right away.

“What darling dogs!” The woman smiled. “And their tan coats match your

Burberry stripes perfectly.”

“Thank you,” gushed Suzy. “They love to travel with me.”
The woman’s nose twitched. “Do they have on cologne?”
“Yes,” Suzy affirmed as she glanced around the lobby. “That way I get no


“How interesting. I should consider that with my Shih Tzu.”
The woman petted Steve’s head. He hated the smell of that cologne but it disguised

him and Eric from being revealed as shifters to any wolves they came in contact with.

“Is there someone I can speak with about joining the club?” Suzy inquired.
“That man right over there at the desk,” said the woman, pointing to a man with

long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. “We’ve changed ownership and I know

they’d love to bring in some younger people.”

“Thanks again.” Suzy winked.
She walked over to the desk as the man hung up the phone.
“Good afternoon. May I help you?” He glanced at the dogs and then to Suzy’s face.
“I’m interested in joining the club and getting information about the requirements,”

Suzy explained.

“The manager is out today and we’re setting up for a party tonight.” He flashed a

grin. “Is it possible to come back tomorrow?”

“I was in the area and thought I would run in.” She wrinkled her nose. “Could I

walk around a little to see the place? I’ll only be a few minutes. Promise.”

“I’d love to show you around but I can’t leave the desk. We’re too busy right now

getting everything ready.” He glanced around him and then spoke softly. “If you can be

quick, walk around the first floor. Feel free to look inside the ballroom, check out the

fitness center. Go outside and peek at the golf course and pool. The basement is off-

limits to members and guests.” He handed her a brochure as the front desk phone rang


“Will do.” Suzy shoved the brochure into her bag.

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“Please don’t let the dogs out of your bag. We will not be responsible if anything

happens to them.” He picked up the phone.

“Thank you.”
He gazed at her. “I hope to see you another day.”
She walked to her left, down the hallway with the most doors. The dogs peeked out

of her bag, taking in everything around them. Suzy encountered the large open doors of

the ballroom first. It took up most of the left side of the building. Workers were setting

up tables and decorating the walls. Suzy and the dogs briefly glanced into the room and

moved on. They looked into the fitness center on the opposite side of the hallway and

saw people working out. The locker rooms were next, followed by a locked door. They

had reached the end of the hallway.

A large oil painting with an opulent frame hung there. It was a painting of a den of

wolves, with three cubs poking their heads out from a cleft between rocks in a dense


“Pretty picture,” cooed Suzy. She gave a knowing chuckle.
The locked door next to her suddenly opened and a man came through. He barely

gave her a glance as he hurried away. Before the door closed, she grabbed the

doorknob. The three peered down a dark set of stairs leading to the basement.

“I don’t hear anything,” she whispered to the dogs. “Guess this is your chance to

have a look down there.” She sat her bag on the floor and they hopped out. Suzy pulled

off one of her shoes and propped it in the door to hold it open. “I’ll stand here as long as

I can. You both know the signals to tell me what you need. Hurry.”

The dogs ran down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they stopped and

listened before running to their left. The basement was partially finished with rooms

built but no doors attached to them.

Steve stopped short at the second doorway, like a car braking at an intersection. He

thought he heard moaning coming from the inside. He entered slowly, with Eric right

behind him. In the corner of the room on the floor sat Herman in his robe, a locked

metal collar around his neck. That was chained to the wall. He looked up when he saw


Steve whimpered as he went over to Herman. He could barely stand to see him this

way without getting choked up. His face, legs and feet were dirty and there was a

bloody scratch down his left calf. His robe was untied and he was naked underneath.

“Steve, is that you?” Herman looked with widened eyes as Steve shifted to a man.
“Oh baby, I thought I had lost you.” Steve let out a breath. “Are you okay? What

did those monsters do?” He put his hands to each side of Herman’s face and kissed his

cheeks, his forehead and then his lips.

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“Nothing yet. I haven’t even seen Merlotti.” Herman shrugged. “He’ll be here later

to talk to me. All his underlings did was rough me up and throw me down here after

they grabbed me from your apartment. I’m okay.”

“Glad to hear that.”
“You have to be careful. Wolves patrol the grounds at night. I heard them say if you

and Eric showed up, you wouldn’t have a chance. They’d kill you.”

“I think they’re being a little sure of themselves. They don’t give us enough credit

for our experience. That last incident at this club was a one-time thing. No more than


Steve turned to Eric, who was still a Chihuahua. “We may need everything in that

dog backpack that Suzy has. If you go upstairs and get it, I’ll stay with Herman.”

Eric took off toward the stairs. Steve checked the chain, but was unable to set

Herman free. It was only moments before Eric returned. He had on a backpack with

small saddlebags on each side. Steve pulled it off.

Eric shifted to a man and flashed a grin. “We’re prepared this time. No worries.”
Steve grabbed the phone from the backpack and texted Suzy to get out of the

building fast. His next text was to Nahla. The potential Plan B they had discussed was


“Guess we’ll have to wait on this.” Eric folded his arms. “No easy way out.”
Steve took another object out of the backpack. It was no bigger than a finger. “This

is a wireless video and audio recorder with an FM wireless transmitter. It easily

captures conversations. My mom will pick up the signal and will be able to listen. If

Merlotti says anything to implicate himself, we’ll have it. I’m sorry baby, but you need

to get information out of him any way you can. Make him talk.”

“What will happen then?”
“My mom will have the police on standby to help arrest a murderer whose name is

not Herman Fleming.” Steve tried to smile. “Be tough.”

“I can be tough.” Herman frowned. “No worries there. Remember that I run into

fires to save people and property.”

“I know you do.” Steve kissed him, but worried anyway.
“How about setting the transmitter on those rows of stacked boxes in the corner. “

Eric walked that way. “It can point towards Herman and, hopefully, Merlotti.”

“Good idea.” Steve followed and positioned the recorder until he was satisfied.
Steve and Eric moved the boxes enough that they could hide behind them. Now it

was time to do something they knew well from their jobs.


* * * * *

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Hours later they heard voices and people coming down the steps. Steve saw

Merlotti. He entered the room like an approaching storm, dark and looming. He was

dressed in a tuxedo and the two men next to him were in street clothes.

“Well, what do we have here in chains? My future stepson?”
“Never!” barked a defiant Herman.
Merlotti laughed. “I’m afraid you’re correct. You won’t live to be my stepson. All

loose ends must be eliminated.”

“You monster! You killed my father!”
“Correct, but the sequence of events didn’t turn out the way I intended that day. I

thought that Barbara would pull the knife out of him when she came home.”

Herman frowned. “You planned on framing her?”
“Once she was arrested, I would be her loyal supporter and use all my resources to

get her released and find the real killer. I’d pin the murder on an unlucky bastard I hate,

who happened to be found with a key to the house, cash, bonds and jewelry and a

criminal record that included safecracking. When that happened, she would marry me

without thinking twice.” Merlotti put a finger to his lips and looked away. “I still need

to get rid of that guy.”

“How did you get the combination to the safe?”
“Barbara kept it on her phone.” He laughed. “I had no idea you would show up

that day and change the plan. You’ve actually made things easier because I can get rid

of you earlier than intended. You were a fugitive who broke into my club tonight. I’ll

call the police in the morning but you will already be dead.”

“What would have been my motive for stealing from the safe?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Merlotti shrugged. “Those questions will never be asked because

you’ll be dead. Perhaps you and your father had a fight that day. Perhaps you were

scared after you killed him and planned on running away, which is what you did.”

Herman looked down to the floor.
Merlotti sighed. “I don’t want you to have any part of the estate either. That home

is perfect for me and so close to my new den.” He put a gloved finger to his lip and

tapped it. “I actually don’t want to split the estate with anyone, but that story continues

another day.”

Steve took that to mean that not only was Merlotti going to kill Herman, but also

Barbara, once they were married. He would then be the sole heir to the estate. Bastard!

He glanced at the recorder. It appeared to be working, and hopefully his mom and the

police were listening and on their way.

One of the men with Merlotti twitched his nose. “What’s that smell? Is it cologne or

something else?”

Merlotti sniffed the air with a perplexed look on his face. “It could be a couple of

things, Jimmy. I’m not sure which one right now.”

“It’s my cologne, you idiots,” snapped Herman. “Hope it repels you.”

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“Pretty cocky for a chained man.” Merlotti chuckled.
“I think I like the smell,” muttered Jimmy, staring at Herman. “You are quite a

looker, aren’t you? Tall, dark and especially freaking handsome.”

Merlotti laughed. “My gamma here was excited to be one of the chosen wolves to

tear you apart. Once I told him you were gay too, he requested to take a few liberties

before he did the deed.” He shrugged. “I don’t care one way or another what he does to

you. He’s all yours, Jimmy.”

Jimmy walked closer to Herman and eyed him up and down. “I think I’d like that

pretty mouth to suck me before I shift and eat you.” He pulled Herman’s robe open and

stared. “Damn. Look at this hard body. I might need a day or two with him, boss. He’s

too fine to kill right away.”

“Fuck off!” cried Herman, his chest heaving in rage.
“I bet you’ve got a nice ass, too.” Jimmy licked his lips. “I like his spirit and a whole

lot more.”

“Sorry, not in the plan.” Merlotti shook his head. “This ends tonight.”
Jimmy unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down in front of Herman’s face. He

jiggled his hardening shaft and grinned. “Time to get moving with those lips, lover boy.

Feel free to suck as hard as your anger makes you. I can take it. Don’t think otherwise.”

Merlotti turned to leave the group.
Steve seethed. This wasn’t going to happen. He glanced at his phone. Not time yet.

Damn! Nahla needed a few more minutes for maximum black-moon effectiveness, but

he couldn’t wait any longer. Herman would not be sucking anyone’s dick. He burst

from behind the boxes. “Get away from him, you fucking wolf!”

Merlotti and his underlings quickly turned to Steve with surprised looks.
“What’s this?” Merlotti crossed his arms. “A naked shapeshifter. So that’s what the

cologne hid. I wondered if anything was up.” He laughed. “And by the looks of him, I

believe this one is Steven Beck.”

“Yeah, I’m Steven Beck.”
“You actually helped me find Herman, so I owe you a bit of thanks. Really had no

idea you had him holed up in your own bed.” His eyebrows rose. “Color me


“Not only did you kill Lawrence Fleming, you killed my father fifteen years ago,”

Steve spouted as he pointed a finger. “I saw you! He’s the one who hurt your eye,

caused your facial scars and took your fingers.”

“Hmm.” Merlotti frowned. “That’s right. I forgot you were there. How sad for a

young boy to see all of that mess.” He pulled off a glove and held the hand with the

missing fingers up high. “Look familiar? Your father put my brother in jail and that is

where he still sits today. He received just desserts. But I do give him credit for being a

great fighter.”

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“When my dad was killed, I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I wasn’t strong

enough.” Steve suddenly felt a power come over him unlike anything he had ever

known before. It was a rushed tingling from his head, down his torso to his arms and

legs. He felt blood traveling throughout his body, could almost see it as his muscles

filled with strength.

Nahla’s intoxicating voice entered his brain. “The power of the black moon is upon

you! Shift, shapeshifters, shift!”

He glared at Merlotti. “Well asshole, I’m strong enough now!”
Eric rushed from behind the boxes in the same power mode as Steve. Not one but

two forces to be reckoned with. As they stared at each other their minds synchronized

and the beasts within them rose.

They swiftly shifted into massive dogs, Steve into a Rottweiler, Eric a mastiff —

with teeth triple the size they would normally be. Saliva fell from their mouths in

copious amounts. Their barks were deep, loud and downright scary. The foundation of

the basement shook and the windows rattled from the forcefulness of the noise.

The three werewolves shifted and attacked but it was too late. The dogs were

already upon them with a superpower that took the werewolves by surprise. The

gamma with the revolting interest in Herman was immediately castrated, his balls

yanked from their sac and thrown against the wall. He screamed in pain. Heads were

kicked. Spines dislocated and crushed. Throats squeezed until breath was gone. It

wasn’t hard for the commanding dogs.

The wolves didn’t stand a chance.
More wolves ran down the basement stairs in startling numbers to help, but came

to a standstill at the horror they encountered. Many retreated but others joined the

fight. Once Steve’s sharp teeth pulled Merlotti’s heart from his chest, all movement in

the room ceased. Every wolf’s eye was upon him. The super-powered Rottweiler

dangled the still-beating, bloody heart on his lower left canine tooth and looked into his

victim’s barely alive eyes. There was no remorse there for sins of the past.

A flick of his head and the heart was thrown into Eric’s waiting mouth.

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Chapter Nine

“I love your hair now that it’s back to brown. Sexy.” Herman bent over and kissed

Steve. “Thanks for doing that for me. Blond hair did not go with your coloring or a

brown five o’clock shadow.”

“Yeah, yeah. You sound like my brother. I expect yours to be growing longer on top

anytime now. I can’t wait to see it tousled when you throw your head back in ecstasy

from something I did to you.” Steve beamed.

“I do like my hair longer. No problem there, babe.”
“Thanks for shaving for me. I like that smooth face.” His fingers fluttered down

Herman’s soft cheek.

“You might want to start wearing sunglasses more. All that squinting you do is

putting lines between your eyes. I want my man to stay young-looking.”

Steve chuckled. He looked up into the clear blue sky and squinted. “All right. I see

your point.”

It had been a long day in the hot Cancun sun and Herman looked good enough to

eat in his clinging black trunks. No other tourists were close by as they lay on towels in

the sand sunbathing. Paradise.

Steve had trouble keeping erotic thoughts tucked away about what he’d like to do

to that beautiful dick hiding underneath the trunks. Imagining it in his mouth gave him

a hard-on. He had plenty of those since being with Herman.

They waved to Eric, who walked down the beach with a man he’d met at the

neighboring hotel. Looked like he finally came out.

They glanced at Suzy, who sipped rum drinks at the pool bar with her boyfriend. A

nice family vacation. Too bad their mom couldn’t join them this time but someone had

to run Beck Recovery. Mom would be getting a well-deserved vacation in sunny Hawaii

soon with Aunt Lisa.

He wrapped his arms around Herman. “I love you.”
Herman sighed. “I love you too.”
“When I think that I might have lost you, might not never have seen your eyes or

touched your body again, it makes it hard not to cry.”

“But it didn’t happen.” Herman shook his head. “Everything is perfect.”
“Just looking at you makes my cock hard.”
Steve grinned. “I want to fuck that beautiful ass of yours and eat you alive.”

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“Eww.” Herman stiffened and pushed him away. “Fucking my ass is fine but after

that spectacle I saw at the country club, I don’t think I want words like eating me alive

used anymore, even in jest. You scared me half to death.”

“I know that must have been rough.” Steve kissed him gently. “I’m sorry but it had

to be done. At least it was over quickly. I didn’t plan to kill the wolves but they weren’t

going to let us go. I had no doubt that my mom would get there with the police after

they heard Merlotti confess to everything. And I had the chance to cover my baby

before anyone else got an eyeful of his hotness.” He placed a hand on Herman’s shaft

and gently squeezed.

“’Here comes my hero.’ That’s exactly what I thought when you finally shifted back

to a man and came over to me. But I have to tell you that when you and Eric became

those scary dogs, I was terrified.” Herman shuddered.

Steve clenched his teeth. “Sorry that you saw me shift into something frightening.

Remember that I can be a cute dog too.”

“Like the Chihuahua.” Herman grinned.
“Or any other lovable dog.” Steve put a hand up. “Knot your fingers through mine.

I want to hold hands.”

Herman intertwined his fingers with Steve’s and squeezed. “Since we can’t decide

if we should move into your apartment or mine, maybe we should look into a condo. A

big one, so we can have parties. I have extra money and I don’t have a problem keeping

the place clean.”

“I’m sad for the way you got the money.”
“But I’m lucky to have had so much time with him. I’m sorry that you didn’t have

that kind of time with your father.”

“Everyone has their memories and nightmares. Some more than others.”
Herman shrugged. “Time to move forward. For both of us.”
“I’m crazy in love with you, baby. I need you to know that. All I want is in your

gorgeous eyes.”

“We’ll do it all together.” Herman grinned. “Everything.”
“I don’t ever want this feeling to go away. You’re the perfect partner.” He stared at

Herman. Handsome, muscular, hard-bodied. And a fireman? This was what dreams

were made of. “I can’t wait to see you in your work clothes. Or somewhat in them. Hat

on. Shirt off. Holding an ax. Pants partly unbuttoned, so I can dream about what’s in

them. I’m imagining it now.”

“I was in a fireman calendar once. Almost that exact pose.”
Steve sat up. “What? I have to see it! You better have a copy!”
“I do, I do. You’ll see it when we get home.” Herman laughed.
They smiled at each other and kissed.
“So are you giving Nahla some kind of job?”

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“After I check all her references.” Steve lifted his eyebrows. “I’m going to check one

of them right now.” As he slipped his hand inside Herman’s trunks, his breath caught

in his throat. His mouth went dry as he looked at Herman. The joy he felt every time he

touched this man made him shiver.

Herman laughed as he leaned back on his elbows. “I’m glad I give good reference.”
Steve played with Herman’s dick, touching the head and rubbing the pre-come

around the tip. It was all he could do not to dip his head down to Herman’s trunks and

take that hardening rod into his mouth right here on the beach. Wouldn’t that be a sight

for all the tourists?

Herman closed his eyes and sighed. “I can’t believe after everything that happened

that we remembered to do your black-moon nightmare chant once we finally made it


“Happy to say it worked, although I’m not sure if it worked because Merlotti

confessed to killing our fathers or because of the chant.”

“Maybe both.” Herman shrugged. “You had the power of the black moon two

different ways that night.”

“I want you two different ways right now.” Steve smirked as he removed his hand

from Herman’s trunks. “Pack your beach bag, lover. We’re going to the room.”

“Oh. Is there a monster hard-on coming my way?”
“You’d better believe it.”
Once they made it to the elevator they kissed liked teenagers, excited to be together

and barely coming up for air. Herman threw his arms around Steve’s neck and pulled

him close. Steve grabbed Herman’s biceps and squeezed. Herman cupped Steve’s face

between his hands and swept his thumbs over Steve’s cheekbones. Their kisses were

deep and passionate.

“You’re such a good kisser,” murmured Herman.
Steve broke free once the elevator door opened and ran to their hotel room ahead of

Herman. When Herman finally made it to the room, Steve was already naked and lying

on his side on top of the bed. He had a red rose dangling from his mouth.

“Where’s my phone?” asked Herman. “That looks like a perfect picture for my

computer screensaver.”

Steve grinned.
Herman laughed out loud as he plopped on the bed and Steve removed his

swimming trunks.

Steve kissed Herman’s mouth, his chest, his stomach. “I lost you before but I don’t

want us to ever have regrets over the past.”

“Everything happens for a reason. It was my failure. We lost each other through my


Steve put a finger to Herman’s lip. “Don’t say that. We need to let the past go.”

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“I believe in you. We can do that.”
“Then we’ll move on. Let me taste that gorgeous cock of yours.” Steve licked his

lips and did the same to Herman’s shaft. He pulled his thighs apart and sucked his

balls, one lovingly after the other. After he applied lube to a finger, he skimmed the rim

of Herman’s ass and slid it in past the tight ring of muscles. “Does my baby like?”

“Oh!” Herman cried out as he moved his hips. “Yeah. You better believe it.”
Steve pulled Herman’s dick in and out of his mouth. Herman lifted his hips and fed

the whole thing to Steve. Steve licked and sucked and smiled at him whenever he

could. It was obvious that Herman enjoyed receiving as much as Steve enjoyed giving.

Herman’s grin beamed like lights on an airfield. Those lights were telling Steve that

the plane ride wasn’t over, it was just beginning.

He loved Herman so much. They would never lose each other again. It wasn’t long

before Herman moaned and pumped his passion into Steve’s waiting mouth. They lay

intertwined together minutes later, eyes closed, the sheet barely covering their legs.

“Huh?” Herman opened his eyes.
“I’m not finished with you. I didn’t come yet.” After applying the condom and lube,

Steve pushed Herman flat on his back and crawled on top of him. His hands moved

over Herman’s thighs, lifting them up and pushing them against his chest. After

stretching him with his fingers, Steve slid his rod slowly into Herman’s ass.

Herman let out a deep breath.
“I want you to look into my eyes as we fuck. I want to know you’re mine and that

we’ll always be together.” Steve stared into Herman’s eyes. It reminded him of the first

time he’d seen Herman’s picture at his father’s house, but was unable to see his eyes

because sunglasses covered them.

He’d always thought that you could see a person’s intentions in their eyes.

Herman’s beautiful chestnut-colored eyes had the look of love as they stared back at

Steve. The perfect intention.

“I’m yours, all right.” Herman moaned. “Nobody else’s.”
“You’re the love of my life.”
Herman smiled. “Are you happy now?”
“Happier than I’ve ever been.”
“I want to be with you forever, Steve. I want to spend every night lying in bed with

you and sucking on that big gorgeous cock of yours.”

“Same here.” Steve grinned. “I know now that it’s always been yours. Fate had to

bring us together again.”

Herman had brought him back to life. He’d never felt this type of happiness before.

He had never thought he would hear the word “forever” in a sentence that concerned

him with somebody else.

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Melody Lane


Herman’s eyes went wide as the pace increased and they reached their boiling

point. They both came seconds later. As they slowly recovered from their lovemaking,

Herman stroked Steve’s chest. Steve wrapped Herman in his arms and held him close.

Nothing had ever felt more physically or emotionally perfect. This was what love

did to you. It made you never want to let go. They had been through so much together

already. But now they had the future. Their future. And it would be filled with love and

joy and excitement and passion.

Everything seemed bright and sunny with Herman in his life. Herman was the light

that Steve had been searching for.

The end

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About Melody Lane

Melody Lane has been a registered nurse for many years, working in a variety of

settings. An avid rock music fan, she has been going to concerts since she was a

teenager with a preference for being as close to the stage as possible. Traveling is

another passion of Melody's and she prefers to write about places, she has visited.

London, England, and New York City are two of her favorite vacation spots and to

which she is always prepared to return.

Melody publishes contemporary romantic suspense and paranormal romantic

suspense genres under a different pen name. A daily writer, she is currently at work on

her next novel.

Melody welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

addresses on her

author bio page



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Also by

Melody Lane

Rock Me

Print books by Melody Lane

Rock Me

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing

Black Moon Rising

ISBN 9781419944635


Black Moon Rising Copyright © 2014 Melody Lane

Edited by Julie Naughton

Cover design by Fiona Jayde

Cover photography by vishstudio, juliya strekoza, fztommy/

Electronic book publication February 2014

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