Steele, Jaxx Vegas Valentine

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Back Cover

A M/M Erotica Short Story by Jaxx Steele

When Hector gets a chance to surprise Chad with a trip to Las Vegas, he imagines a

fabulous little getaway. But when his work seminar threatens to ruin their vacation, he plans a

Valentine's Day Chad will never forget.

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Vegas Valentine © 2012 by Jaxx Steele

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information

storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons,

living or dead, or events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

A MuseItHOT Publication

MuseItUp Publishing

14878 James, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada, H9H 1P5

Cover Art © 2012 by Delilah K. Stephans

Edited by Lea Schizas

Copyedited by Greta Gunselman

Layout and Book Production by Lea Schizas

eBook ISBN: 978-1-927361-87-0

First eBook Edition *February 2012

Production by MuseItUp Publishing

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This is for the established couples who still know how to romance their lovers.

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Vegas Valentine

Jaxx Steele

MuseitHOT, division of

MuseItUp Publishing

ADULT CONTENT: This book contains explicit sex scenes between two men

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Chapter One

Hector and Chad had been in Las Vegas for almost a week, but it was hardly the vacation he

had in mind. Hector and his brother Juan usually took turns attending the seminars they were

invited to, but the Vegas meetings came on Juan’s rotation and not his. Hector mentioned that he

wanted to do something special for Chad for Valentine’s Day and his brother relinquished the

trip to him with no hard feelings. Hector’s mind immediately put together a whirlwind adventure

with Chad: shows, parties, sightseeing, even a side trip to the Hoover Dam. Sharing the whole

Vegas experience with his love would be something they could talk about for years to come.

Chad was extremely excited when he told him of the plans he had. Unfortunately, things had not

gone as Hector wanted.

“Chad!” Hector called out, walking into their hotel room. “Sweetheart, I'm back.”

When his lover appeared from the back room, Hector smiled, but it faded quickly. He could

instantly tell something was upsetting Chad. The melancholy look on his handsome young face

broke his heart. Taking him in his arms, Hector kissed him soundly.

“How was your day?” he asked, pulling him to the couch.

Chad sat next to him and shrugged. “It was alright, same as yesterday, I guess. I walked

around the hotel, up and down the strip, took a few more pictures…” He let out an exasperated

breath. “I mean, don't get me wrong, Vegas is great. I just thought we'd have a chance to do some

stuff together.”

“Yeah, I know, honey. I’m sorry. I didn’t think work would take so much time away from


Chad took his hand. “I understand, Hector, I do, and I’m not blaming you for anything. I

mean, we’re only here because of your job, but you gotta admit this has been the longest three

day seminar ever,” he added in an amused tone.

Hector chuckled. “Yes, it has. I’m starting to think we have a few people in our group

intentionally dragging it out to extend our stay. Here we are at day six and we have not come to a

compromise yet.” He gave Chad's hand a squeeze. “I'm really sorry about all this. I know it

hasn't been as fun as I promised it would be. Had I known it would be this long and boring for

you I wouldn't have brought you at all,” Hector declared with a defeated huff.

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“No! I'm not saying I wanted that,” Chad exclaimed, shaking his loose hand frantically. “If I

was at home I wouldn't be seeing you at all. At least I get to be with you in the evening. We

always have a nice dinner and some quality time together before we go to bed.”

Hector saw a familiar gleam in Chad's eyes. He was forever the optimist. Chad had the

knack of looking on the bright side of things. It was one of his most endearing qualities.

“Well, there is good news. The seminar will finally be concluded. The speaker has said

enough is enough. We must make a decision tomorrow or he will pick what he thinks is best. I

will call as soon as we’re done and get us a flight home.”

“That’s great. I just wish we had the chance to experience Vegas more. Together, I mean.”

“Well then, get dressed. I have a surprise for you. We're going out!”

An excited grin spread across Chad's face. “Really? Where?”

“If I told you, sweetheart, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now go!”

Hector gave Chad’s ass a playful slap as he leaped from the sofa and darted into the

bedroom. The same hand slid down Hector’s face when his head fell back against the couch. He

hoped like hell he could find something to do as soon as they left the hotel. At the moment he

was at a total loss, but this was Las Vegas after all. Something was bound to catch his eye. He

blew a breath out and rose a moment later to follow Chad into the bedroom to change into

something more casual.

A short while later they walked along the strip. Hector discreetly looked about for a function

to catch his eye while trying to detour Chad's conversation away from where they were going or

what they were doing. At the sight of a blinking marquis counting down the time before a magic

show, Hector let out a relieved breath. A quick look at his watch told him they had ten minutes to

get tickets. With a gentle tug he guided Chad in that direction.

To Hector’s surprise he found he was thoroughly impressed with the magic, illusions, and

death-defying stunts of the lead magician, but mostly he loved seeing the look of wonder and

amazement in Chad’s eyes. After the show, they attended the late night buffet in the lobby of

their hotel before taking the slow ride to their suite on the twentieth floor. Hector walked down

the long corridor as Chad chattered excitedly about the show. Hector chuckled and nodded as he

let them into the room.

Chad flashed him one of those beautiful smiles he had grown to love. He watched as his

young lover ran across the suite to the bedroom and bounced playfully on top of the king-sized

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bed, laughing. As his mirth faded, Chad gazed across the room at him. His chestnut eyes

smoldered with undeniable lust. Hector was familiar with the look. It called to his baser need

every time. He instantly caught his second wind at the sight of it and moved to close the distance

between them. Just as he lifted his leg to climb onto the bed, Chad palmed his chest, stopping his

movements. Hector’s brows furrowed as he stared down into Chad’s soft smile. Chad snickered

and caressed his face.

“I have a better idea, Daddy.”

Before Hector could utter a word, Chad pushed lightly, urging him to back up. When Hector

was standing, Chad rummaged through the top draw on the night stand and then took Hector’s

hand to lead him across the room to the sitting area. Chad stopped and his gaze shifted between a

small sofa and two lounge chairs that surrounded the coffee table and a two person dinette set

alongside of them, seemingly lost in indecision. Finally, he pulled Hector past the tiny living

room area to the table and turned to him.

“We have already christened the bed several times since our arrival, I figure it’s time to

break in the rest of the furniture,” Chad explained, loosening his tie. “Don’t you think?” he

added with a wicked grin.

Excitement flooded Hector’s senses. His cock sprang to life. Chad's small hands moved

slowly. The anticipation boiled Hector’s blood. He watched the delicate fingers as they pulled his

tie away from his shirt.

Instead of tossing it to the side, Chad wrapped it around his own neck, making a loose knot

to hold it in place before returning his palms to Hector’s chest. A soft growl left Hector’s throat.

He loved to see Chad in his shirt and ties.

Chad’s knuckles brushed deliberately over Hector’s nipples, instantly changing them to

sensitive pebbles and making his chest hairs stand on end. Hector closed his eyes and let his head

fall back to fully enjoy the erotic shudder that passed over his body. The limber digits of his

lover continued removing the shirt and then pulled the sleeveless white tee from his body to

expose his naked chest. The coolness of the air caused goose bumps to rise on his exposed skin.

Chad discarded both shirts over his shoulder.

Hector’s cock bobbed, begging to be released. He let out a soft gasp when Chad boldly

grabbed the bulge it made inside of his crisply pressed pants. Experienced fingers caressed the

length of his penis and then massaged his balls. A stuttering moan left his mouth. He was still

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amazed at how easily his young lover could manipulate his body and bring it to frenzy.

So preoccupied with the incredible feelings his love treated him to, Hector barely noticed his

pants being lowered until the coolness of the air conditioned room left a slight chill over his legs.

As soon as his brain acknowledged his pants were around his ankles, the searing heat of Chad’s

wet mouth engulfed the firm flesh between his legs.

Chad expertly sucked and pulled on Hector’s ruby mushroom tip until the room filled with

Hector’s pleasurable moans. Hector’s strong fingers laced through the soft curls pressed against

his abdomen. Chad’s own enjoyable noises drifted to Hector’s ears, turning him on even more.

Capable fingers continued to toy with Hector’s sac as the talented tongue within Chad’s sweet

lips licked the sensitive skin around the edge of his swollen head.

“Damn it, Chad! You’re going to make me come!” Hector’s urgent voice warned.

Muffled titters vibrated around Hector’s cock before he pulled away. “That’s the idea,


Chad continued suckling him, bringing him closer and closer to oblivion. Cascades of

euphoria assailed Hector's body. His knees threatened to buckle. He shook his head wildly and

then pushed Chad backward to the floor abruptly.

“No!” He growled, his voice deep with lust. “Now I have an even better plan.”

Chad looked up at him, eyes wide, filled with exhilaration. Hector had seen the look many

times before. He knew Chad loved getting him to the point where he was out of control. Hector

reached down and snatched Chad from the floor. Both breathing hard, barely able to contain their

hunger for one another, they pulled and tugged on Chad’s clothes until he was naked. Hector

grasped Chad’s slender waist, flipped him around, and pushed him over the table. Retrieving the

tube from the floor, Hector squirted a drop on his palm and rubbed it quickly along his shaft.

Tossing it to the side, he entered Chad's ass in one smooth movement.

Like a wild man he pounded into his lover with total abandon. The obvious delight within

Chad’s moans rang off the walls, urging him onward. He held Chad’s narrow hips tight, making

indentions with his fingers as he delved deeper.

“Yes! Fuck me, Daddy!”

Led by Chad’s chants Hector moved faster into his body. The sheer bliss of being inside

Chad made him crazy. Each time they made love he felt invigorated.

Soon Hector felt the distinctive squeezing around his cock that happened when Chad was

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close to coming. Chad’s ass muscles would flex consistently, giving him the heavenly feeling he

now experienced. He could feel Chad's arm moving and knew he was stroking that beautiful staff

of his. Hector leaned forward to grip the other side of the table and pistoned into his lover with

even more zeal, grunting loudly. Chad backed up on his cock, meeting each amorous thrust,

groaning concurrently. Suddenly, Chad’s ass squeezed his cock like a vise and Chad screamed

his joy at the top of his lungs. Hector felt the subtle convulsions of his lover’s dick as it shot its

load. When it was done, Chad’s knees buckled. Hector caught his lover around the waist to slow

his descent to the floor.

Chad's body fell forward, dislodging Hector's rod. He knew his little love was sated, but

Hector was not done with him yet. Their roles seemed to be reversed on this night. Chad was

breathing hard and seemingly exhausted after his orgasm while Hector was filled with unlimited


Positioning Chad’s face and chest flat against the plush blue carpet, Hector raised his butt

high for re-entry. Hector flexed his hips and pushed back into Chad’s waiting hole, burying

himself nuts deep. Sweat ran down his body in rivulets as he drove into him again. He loved the

slapping sound their bodies made and their combined smell. Somewhere in the back of his mind

he knew he may have been holding his lover too tight. He figured there would be marks on his

skin. If Hector had been hurting him, Chad gave no outward signs. All he heard were words of

love, pleasure, encouragement, and hoarse exclamations.

Hector squeezed his eyes shut and emptied his mind, save for the blissful feeling of fucking

his man. Chad rose on his forearms to meet each vibrant thrust. Hector's nuts tightened and he

launched fiercely into a dizzying climax, shouting loudly to the four walls, pushing his rod as

deep as he could inside of Chad’s little ass. When Hector’s body stopped convulsing, he

collapsed onto Chad’s back, leaving exhausted kisses across his lover’s neck and sweaty back.

After a while Hector stood, pulled his love to his feet and they silently walked to the bed.

Hector held him close to his chest until he heard the soft breathing of deep sleep. Running his

fingers lovingly through Chad’s hair he sighed. He felt incredible, better than he’d ever felt. In

the time they had been together the young man had greatly improved his quality of life with only

his presence. Everything else Chad did for him was the sugar on top. He couldn’t help but

wonder from time to time if Chad was just as happy with him? An old man past his prime? Of

course, he never said a word or gave any outward evidence of being anything but thrilled with

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their relationship, but still… Hector yawned wide and sleep conquered his mind before he began

to build a plan.

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Chapter Two

When Hector’s last meeting was over the next day, he didn’t call the airlines to return them

home. Instead Hector paid for the room they were in for three more days. He walked around the

room, shifting and moving things about. Nothing seemed to look right to him. Suddenly he

stopped, chuckled, and ran his hand through his hair as he sat heavily at the table. He and Chad

had celebrated three years together earlier in the month and yet he felt as nervous as a sixteen

year old boy preparing for his first date.

He woke this morning with his mind set on how to make Chad happier. His life could have

turned out a lot different had he not conquered his fears years ago. When he and Chad first met

Hector almost blew the chance for them to be together at all because he hadn’t taken Chad’s

advancements seriously. He was, after all, young enough to be Hector’s son. Lucky for him,

Chad didn’t seem to care about their age difference when he approached him on that faithful day.

* * * *

Hector was co-owner of Benito Technologies with his brother Juan. The company had been

invited to West Lafayette College of Arts &Technology for a seminar. Usually his trips to the

different colleges paid off with a few future employees, but he didn’t think it would happen at

this place. WLCAT was one of Indiana’s smaller state colleges. He was not surprised at the

small turnout. It looked even less significant because they were scattered about the auditorium.

As Hector closed his presentation, he opened the floor to questions. The students crowded

around the stage and the lights brightened. To his delight several hands went up within the small

crowd. Among them was a beautiful young man with curly light brown hair. Hector answered

the questions of the other students first, but always kept the young man in his sight. When it was

his chance to ask his question Hector could look upon him openly. He was stunning. Small in

stature and height compared to himself, sparkling brown eyes when he spoke, and a fair

knowledge of his business.

A few students followed him out as Hector exited the auditorium, excitedly asking more

questions. The young man that caught Hector’s eye was among them, but he was silent. Hector

found the students to be extremely knowledgeable and he was very impressed with them. He

passed his card to each of them and watched as they left before turning his attention to the only

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student who was left.

“Would you like my card as well?” Hector asked, pointing a card his way, but he shook his


“Not unless it has your home number on it,” he answered boldly.

Hector’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“I did not come out here to talk to you about a future job,” he clarified.

“Really, the questions you asked were very insightful. You seemed very interested in the


“Thank you, but those weren’t my questions. My friend didn’t want to raise his hand. I came

to the seminar with him. Now I’m glad I did,” he added with a smile.

“Okay, then why didn’t you leave with your friend if you’re not interested in a job?” Hector

asked, returning the card to his wallet.

“I came out here because I was interested in you.”

Hector’s eyes went wide.

“Specifically to ask you a question in private,” the man continued.

Hector shifted from one foot to the other. “And what might that be?”

Chad stepped closer and whispered even though no one else was around. “I wanted to know

whether or not you had a lover.”

Hector had leaned forward to hear the query and then almost hopped backward when it

reached his ears.

“I-I—How did—” he stammered.

Chad smiled seductively at him. “Are you really surprised? It’s a simple situation of it takes

one to know one, Hector. Can I call you Hector? My name is Chad Long,” the student said,

extending his hand.

Chad’s open brazenness shook him to the core. Hector’s blood heated instantly as he shook

Chad’s hand. His cock responded to his words as he swallowed loudly to wet his suddenly dry

throat. It took him a moment to recover, but he did, deciding the young man’s outward flirtatious

behavior couldn’t be real. He laughed hesitantly and waved away Chad’s comments, figuring he

had been targeted for a prank of some kind.

“Yes, well, nice to meet you. I’m done here so I’m going to get my car and head on home.”

“Do you have to go so soon?” he asked, not letting go of Hector’s hand. “We were just

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getting to know each other.”

Hector pulled his hand away and laughed out loud. When Chad didn’t respond to his

amusement, he sobered quickly. For a long time Hector stared at Chad, undecided on what to do

next. His heart pounded in his chest, not knowing if he should run or stay. He was stunned that

such a young man would approach him so audaciously. Finally, Hector gathered his wits and

they walked to a secluded bench.

After a short conversation based mostly of the twenty questions game and a little playful

banter, Hector finally did leave his card in Chad’s hand with his cell number written on the

back. He really didn’t expect Chad to call, but he hoped he would.

* * * *

Hector chuckled aloud again at the memory. That one trip gave him access to a lover and

two excellent employees for his company in less than a year.

* * * *

Hector knew Chad was struggling to make ends meet being a full-time student and working

only part-time. After knowing him for only eight months Hector asked him to move into his home

in a quid pro quo arrangement. Hector offered him room and board and in return he would not

accept any money from Chad, but he expected him to do all the cooking and cleaning. Hector

held his breath, hoping he would accept.

At first Chad balked at the idea, saying they were moving too fast. Hector then, albeit

reluctantly, promised to keep their relationship on a platonic level if it made Chad more

comfortable about the move. Hector’s whole being went weak with relief when Chad relented,

seeing the value of his offer.

* * * *

Since that time, Chad had branded his name onto Hector’s heart. He had never loved

someone so much. Chad’s eyes captured him when they first met and they continue to warm his

blood today. The combination of his brassy behavior and that gleam of intelligence he saw every

time he looked at him was Hector’s undoing. With those glistening orbs looking up at him,

piercing his soul, Hector found that he could not deny him anything he asked for.

Hector had witnessed Chad dancing around the kitchen often. He adored how Chad’s

slender, lithe body moved when he didn’t know he was being watched. He would sashay around

happily from one pan to another, adding ingredients when needed. It was those same fluid

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movements, but in a much more controlled way, that brought him to ecstasy at night when Chad

would ride Hector’s hard cock. On nights when Chad would turn to face him so Hector could

watch him pull on his impressive cock while he rode him, Hector would explode much too fast

deep in his lover’s ass every time. Chad’s youthful energy kept him feeling young in and out of


He loved running his fingers through Chad’s silky brown locks and it sent an erotic chill

down his back when he gripped a handful of it as Chad sucked on his rigid rod expertly. Just the

thought of his little Chad having his way with him made Hector hard as steel. His hand slithered

to his growing erection to rub his dick as the image formed in his mind’s eye.

Of course, Hector had been in love a time or two during his fifty-one years. He had had

many lovers before Chad, but what he had with Chad was special. He was such an attentive

partner and lover, always giving so much of himself. A soft smile touched Hector’s lips as a

thought entered his mind and he nodded.

“Yes, and it’s high time you were the same, Hector my boy,” he muttered aloud to the empty


A quick glance at his watch made him leave the chair and hasten his pace. The massage he

sent Chad to earlier would be over soon. He wanted everything in place by then.

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Chapter Three

Chad walked in the door and Hector all but pounced on him. He lifted him from the floor

with a hug, swung him around, and then kissed him soundly on the mouth before putting him

down again.

“Wow! Not that I care, but what was that for?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day, sweetheart, remember? That’s all the reason I need.”

Chad’s handsome features transformed from excited to distraught almost instantly.

“Daddy, I’m so sorry. I thought we would be home for Valentine’s since your seminars were

supposed to be over before now. I’m afraid I left your present there,” he confessed sadly.

Hector kissed him again. “It’s okay, baby, the only gift I need is you in my arms.” He saw

the relief in Chad’s face and smiled. “Now come, I made dinner.”

Chad let out a noise of mock shock. “You made dinner? Should I be afraid?” he asked,

letting Hector pull him to the dinette area.

Hector laughed. “No, you shouldn’t. I did manage to feed myself for several years, darling,

before you came into my life, you know.”

“Yes, but as soon as I came into your life you quickly relinquished the job to me,” Chad

reminded him with a soft chuckle.

Hector snickered, but offered no further rebuttal. He sat Chad in one of the chairs at the table

and lifted the silver lid from the plate in front of him with grand fanfare.

“Wow, it looks fantastic.”

Chad quickly sampled the food. Hector stood over him, holding the lid against the table as

he waited.

“Mmm, and it tastes wonderful. This has to be the best chicken parmesan I have ever had,”

he praised.

Hector finally put the lid beside his plate and lifted his own. “Yes, well, it’s just a little

something I threw together,” Hector said humbly, finally taking the chair opposite him. “I just

wanted to make sure dinner was especially good tonight.” He poured Chad a glass of red wine.

Chad lifted the glass and swirled the liquid within. “Oh yes, and it is. Is that why you got it

from Perfecto Italiano?”

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Hector’s jaw bobbed as he tried to speak, but no words came out. Chad’s eyes peered at him

over his glass, sparkling with mirth.

“What? No, what—” He paused to clear his throat. “What makes you say that, Chad?” he

asked, shifting his gaze to avoid making eye contact.

“Well, the fact that you have never made edible chicken parmesan since we’ve been together

was my first clue. You always take me out for chicken parm because you know it’s my favorite

and don’t want to mess it up.”

Hector blinked rapidly and lifted his own drink. “Yes, well—”

Chad held up a finger to stop him. “But the ticket in the lid was a dead giveaway,” he

finished, tilting his finger to point at the lid.

Hector stared at him over his wine for a moment. “The ticket is still in the lid?”

Chad nodded with a grin. “Uh-huh.”

Hector pulled the silver dome to him and looked inside. “Damn. Who does that? You make

the food, cover it, and then throw away the ticket. Not tape it to the inside,” he muttered, shaking

his head.

Chad laughed. “You didn’t really think I’d believe you actually cooked this, did you,

Daddy? You were putting a can of spinach on the eye of the stove to warm it up when we met,”

he reminded him, unable to hold back the chuckles that accompanied his reasoning.

Hector shrugged and sipped his drink. “Yeah, I knew it was going to be a stretch, but I went

for it anyway. I’m still going to take credit for this delicious feast. I picked it out, warmed it up,

and put it on the beautiful china courtesy of the New York-New York Hotel,” he expressed with

a laughing grin, extending his hand across the table. “I did all the work. They just cooked it.”

“And you did a wonderful job. Presentation is a big part of the meal, too. Everything looks

fabulous.” Chad patted his hand.

Hector gave him a raised brow look and they laughed again. “Well now that we are in

agreement, let’s eat.”

A short while later, Chad dropped his fork and finished the last of his wine before sitting

back with a satisfied sigh.

“That was great. You really made a marvelous choice.”

“You are too kind,” Hector said with a slight bow of his head. “I thank you, my love. Now it

is time for dessert!” he announced, jumping to his feet.

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Hector quickly gathered the dishes, dumping them into the sink, and then returned from the

kitchen with a smaller plate covered by a wide, black napkin.

“Did you get the dessert from Perfect Italiano, too?” Chad asked, excitement filling his


“Nope. Some place totally different.”

“Really? Where?”

“This one is all me. Open it.” He leaned forward, offering the tray to him with both hands.

Chad raised an eyebrow before leaning forward and lifting the cloth dramatically from the

lid. A small gasp left his lips as he dropped the top on the floor. Hector smiled, satisfied with the

happy look on Chad’s face. He was a little unsure if Chad would like his gift, but the tears that

welled in Chad’s eyes told him he loved it. Hector kicked the lid out of the way and kneeled

beside him. Resting the tray in Chad’s lap, he lifted the bracelet from the tiny black satin pillow

it rested on. The diamonds on the ends of the platinum ID bracelet twinkled brightly in the

lighting of the room.

“I saw this and thought it would look so much better on your arm than it did on the arm of

the pasty mannequin. Would you like to read the inscription before I put it on you?”

Chad nodded silently and Hector turned the bracelet over. His voice shook as he read from

the words aloud.

To my little love: Chad. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will cherish and love

you always. Hector”

Chad turned glistening eyes to him. Hector clasped the bracelet on Chad’s left arm. He ran

his thumb over the deep etching of their names separated by a small heart on the front side to

erase the smudges.

“Do you like it?”

Chad turned his wrist left and right before leaning forward to give Hector a sound kiss.

“I love it and I love you. Thank you, Daddy.”

“Are you sure you don’t want a slice of pie for dessert instead?” Hector teased.

Chad laughed. “Yeah. I think platinum and diamonds beats pie for dessert any day of the


“Good, now that you’re satisfied with your dessert, I can have mine.”

Hector ignored the puzzled look on his lover’s face as he moved his chair back to gain

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maneuverable room. He bent over to open Chad’s pants. When his half hard cock was exposed,

Hector took it into his mouth without hesitation. Hector loved the feel of Chad’s slender cock on

his tongue. He sucked it with gusto until it was long and hard. Chad moaned and squirmed in his

seat, pressing forward, silently asking for more. He put his hand on the back of Hector’s head to

guide him further, but Hector shook his head negatively and slid off the stiffened member.

“No, no, no, my sweet little Chad. I just wanted you up and ready. I am not going to suck

you off tonight. I just wanted to taste you for my own pleasure. You were my dessert tonight.”

Chad groaned. “Oh, but, Daddy, it feels so good when you do.”

“Yes, sweetheart, I know, but I have something else planned for you. Something special that

will feel so much better,” Hector explained, coming to his feet. Hector led Chad over to the bed

where he automatically lay down and spread his legs. Hector chuckled, pushing his legs closed

and shook his head again. “No, darling, not that either.”

Hector pulled Chad to a sitting position and climbed onto the bed behind him instead. Chad

turned a bewildered look to his daddy dom. Hector smiled and reached over to pull him on top.

Hector saw Chad’s handsome features ease. This was not an unfamiliar position for them. Many

nights Hector put Chad on top of him so his young lover could ride him to completion and he

could watch Chad jerk off at the same time. At the end of those sessions, Chad would stay there

so he could listen to his heartbeat as he fell asleep. Hector loved holding him that way. Chad lay

on top of Hector to rest his head, most likely thinking Hector wanted them to repeat that position,

but he stopped him. That was not his plan tonight.

“No, Chad, you will not just lay on me like usual. While you are in this position you will

make love to me.”

At first Chad looked mystified again, but when comprehension dawned in his golden brown

eyes he shook his head almost furiously.

“No, Daddy, no. I couldn’t. I can’t. That’s not what—”

“It’s what I want, Chad.”

Hector stared into Chad’s eyes. The shine of undisguised desire at the idea of fucking him

was there. Hector grabbed Chad’s cock and maneuvered it between his own cheeks. Finding the

tiny puckered entrance, he moved Chad’s hardness back and forth over it. The friction was

lessened by the tell-tale slickness of a bead of come. Hector could feel Chad’s body shudder as

his eyes closed. He, too, felt a shiver of promised ecstasy that he had not felt for many years.

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Chad’s body slowly rocked back and forth in sync with Hector’s movements. His member

pulsed within Hector’s hand. His voice shook and his fingers trembled when he reached down to

stroke Hector’s face.

“Are you sure you want this, Daddy? I like our relationship the way it is and don’t want it to

change. And I definitely don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do just to please me.”

Hector smiled up at him. Although his words were soft and filled with concern, he could tell

Chad’s resistance was wavering under his rising pleasure. He released Chad’s hard-on and

covered Chad’s hand with his own, pressing it to his cheek.

“Nothing will change, my love, save our relationship will be that much better. I want this,

Chad. Yes, I’m doing this for you, but I’m also doing it for me. I have given you everything you

have asked for except the thing that only I can offer you.” Hector laughed softly as he looked

into Chad’s perplexed look. “Me, Chad. The only thing I can give you that no other man can is

the gift of me. I don’t have the words to describe how good it feels to make love to you,

sweetheart. What kind of lover am I really if I deny you the same feelings?”

Chad took hold of his cock and brushed it along Hector’s tight opening. The soft erotic

noises that Hector loved hearing from him escaped his lips. Chad bit his lip in that cute way

Hector liked, giving him an unsure look.

“Chad, I have not let a man take me like this in over ten years, but I want you to do it. I want

you to make love to me,” he told him, hoping to ease his hesitant behavior.

Hector reached for his own cock and stroked it slowly. He wiped away the pearly pre-cum

that oozed out, smearing it across the soft, firm flesh of his penis head, leaving it shiny. The act

was Chad’s undoing. With a whimper of undeniable desire, Chad repositioned himself on

Hector’s pelvis and then gripped his own penis to match Hector’s movements. Hector looked on

as Chad pumped his stiff flesh with his tight little fist. They had spent plenty of time together

watching each other stroke their cocks to completion side by side. Chad had always made those

moments so much sweeter for him when he called out Hector’s name just as he exploded in bliss.

Hector’s own shaft was hard and ready and he knew Chad was more than ready for him. He

reached out and stopped Chad’s hand.

“Take me, Chad, if only for this one time.”

The look in his lover’s eyes told him no more convincing was needed. “Well, if just for this

one time, Daddy.”

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Hector reached down into the small bag beside the bed. He slowly pulled Chad’s hand away

from his beautiful piece and squeezed a quarter-sized dollop of lube into it. Hector guided the

hand back across Chad’s hard rod where he automatically gripped it and covered it with the slick

substance. When Chad was done covering his member, another one of his sweet moans reached

Hector’s ears. Hector guided Chad’s hand to his ass and pressed his fingers between his cheeks.

Chad’s fingers were small but firm and felt extremely good pressing against Hector’s hidden

hole. Hector removed his guiding hand and let Chad continue to play and push his fingers into

the tunnel to open him further.

Finally, Chad nudged his swollen head into Hector’s now slick entrance over and over until

Hector’s body opened to him. His movements were slow and easy at first. Hector moaned

lustfully at each thrust, one better than the last. Chad’s throbbing cock felt harder than Hector

expected as it spread him open with each push.

Abruptly, Chad sheathed himself balls deep. His cries of pleasure mingled with Hector’s

own. Hector savored the sensation of having a cock buried in his body again. Chad stilled his

movements, seemingly giving him the chance to adjust.

“Oh my God, Daddy. It feels so good. Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes…” was all Hector could muster.

Chad continued moving slowly, but he quickly found his rhythm. He cried out with each

forward thrust. His slender body moved in a smooth fluid motion, bending, grinding, dipping,

and working Hector’s ass with a skill that he had no idea his lover even possessed. Chad pressed

the inside of Hector’s knees to hold them out. The move opened him wider and Chad delved

deeper into him. Suddenly a rush of pleasure unlike anything he felt in a long time shot through

Hector’s body. He gripped his balls, pulling them up.

“Oh shit!” Hector exclaimed on a gasp. “Do it, baby, fuck me!”

The words were out of his mouth before he knew it, but he didn’t care. Chad fucked his ass

with the strength and prowess of a man twice his size. It felt incredible and Hector wanted Chad

to know it!

“I can’t tell you how long I have dreamed of this day,” Chad murmured through his frenzy.

“Me…like this…in you,” he panted and paused to moan his pleasure aloud. “I knew it would be


Chad slowed and visibly shook off a chill. He then moved with deliberate and precise

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Sliding out to the tip and pressing back deep, moving left and right, side to side, he turned

Hector’s body to and fro, bringing optimal pleasure to his lover. Hector’s moans were so loud he

could barely hear Chad’s.

“Stroke that big, pretty dick of yours, Daddy. I want to see you come,” he panted.

Immediately Hector complied and the combination set him on fire from the inside out. He

stroked faster and faster as Chad moved inside him, matching his movements. Hector screamed

in ecstasy and more of the pearly dew formed on the tip of his dick.

“God! You don’t know how bad I want to lick that away, Daddy.”


Damn! My little Chad is amazing! Why the hell did I wait so long to share my body with him

like this?

Hector wished it could go on for hours, but he knew he wouldn’t last another minute if Chad

continued with his pace.

“Come on, Chad baby, come inside my ass. Let me feel it.”

With an animalist growl, Chad gripped Hector’s knees, brought them together and then

shoved them to his chest. He slammed into Hector again and again while Hector pulled furiously

on his cock. The sensation was more than Hector could stand. He shouted an uninhibited cry of

rapture to the ceiling and his load shot in hot, quick spurts onto his stomach just as Chad buried

his seed deep into his ass.

“Oh God, that was unbelievable, Daddy. You are amazing,” Chad panted as he lay on

Hector’s chest a few moments later.

“No, you were the remarkable one,” Hector said, putting a soft kiss on Chad’s head. “I had

no idea,” he admitted in an astonished tone.

Chad’s flaccid penis slipped from Hector’s body and with a sigh he slid off Hector’s chest

and nuzzled against his neck.

“I love you so much, Daddy. Thank you for sharing yourself with me like that.”

“So you’re satisfied with it being this one time, eh?” Hector teased.

Chad’s head popped up. “No! Well, I mean, it was incredible, but— Well, didn’t you like it,

too? I mean, if you just want it to be this one time, I guess—”

Chad's stammering stopped when Hector placed a finger to his lips and chuckled.

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“I’m kidding, sweetheart.” He caressed his face and kissed his lips softly. “Although I do

have a confession to make. I'm afraid something will indeed change with us under the

circumstances,” he added.

Panic welled in Chad's chestnut eyes.

“I had no idea you would be such an outstanding lover. Far better than anyone I ever had

before. I plan on taking full advantage of that fact now that I do know,” Hector told him with an

exhausted chuckle. “You were the remarkable one and I will gladly have you inside my body

again. If you let me get a little sleep I will let you take me again tonight.” Hector snickered and

then reached down and gripped Chad’s penis. It instantly came to life in his hand. Hector gave

him a sly grin. “I know you’ll be up for it.”

Chad fell back on the pillow and sighed in pleasure. “Tonight was the best night of my life.”

Hector laughed. “You’re only twenty-five years old. Your life has really only just begun.”

Chad’s laughter was soft and dreamy as he turned to his side. “You’re the most romantic

man I have ever met. I think in another life you may have taught Cupid about romance. You may

have even been Cupid’s Daddy in that alternate life.”

Hector’s laugh was filled with joy and he turned a smile filled with the love his heart felt

toward him. “No, my little love, I was not. I have only been and will only be daddy to you.”

“I like that thought. This has been the best Valentine’s Day I ever had.”

“Hmm, sounds like I’ll have to take it up a notch next year.”

He leaned down and kissed Chad’s lips with all the passion his soul felt. Sleep and

contentment attacked his consciousness. He laid back and pulled Chad against his chest.

“If this is how vacations are going to be with you, as soon as we get home I am going to

book our next little get away,” Hector mentioned with a soft laugh.

“Ooo, sounds exciting. Do you have some place in mind?”

“What are your thoughts on the Caribbean?”

Chad laughed happily then kissed his chest. “I have nothing but good thoughts on that!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Daddy.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”

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About the Author

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but I escaped and I now live in Indiana. My

dream is to buy a house near the beach and write all day and make enough money to live off of. I

spend most of my time working a nine to five and traveling, when I can, to new and wondrous

places that I can incorporate in my stories (or that will at least spark ideas for me). I do have love

in my life thanks to my life partner, Hou, and our cat, Judo, who graciously lets us live with him

in his house. So, all in all, I have a full and happy life.

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Also Available by Jaxx Steele:

Hosting for the Holidays

Hector had chosen Christmas time for his young lover, Chad, to meet his closest friends.

Christmas Eve dinner went well and Chad felt he had made a group of new friends. But when

they make an impromptu appearance on New Year's Eve will it ruin the surprise Chad has made

for just him and Hector?

Freed from Fear

Leaving New York was the hardest thing Dana Scott had to do. 911 had taken the love of his

life. Although the pain had eased over time he decided to remain single.

Francisco de la Fuenta was a charming, charismatic, social butterfly that men and women

loved to be around. ‘Frank’ had everything a man of his caliber could want: his own business, a

great social life, and true friends. What he didn’t have, he didn’t know he needed until Dana

Scott came into his life.

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