Dahlia Rose WhenSeptemberEnds

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When September Ends

Copyright © July 2011 Dahlia Rose

Cover Art by For the Muses Design

ISBN 978-1-936668-88-5

All rights are reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any

manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief

quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


My sweet Sable,
I finally found a transport off Afghanistan and, baby, I’m heading your

way. Those kisses you promised have filled my every waking thought and
each dream when I close my eyes in this desert hell. I keep imagining how
you will smell, something light and exotic like African Violets. I wonder
how your lips will taste, maybe like some mocha whipped drink that will
make me want to drink from you over and over again.

So in three days, meet me at the Empire State Building on the top floor

viewing deck. I’ll be the guy in uniform with an American flag stuck on his
back pack. By the time you get this email, I’ll be winging my way to you.
But I have something to tell, well, show you too. Something that’s
important and that you need to know before we take this any further.
Something about my life, and I wonder… I just wonder if you will think
differently of me. I sure hope not because if you turn me away… No, I
won’t think like that because I don’t want imagine not having and holding
you. So three days, baby. Look for me and change both our lives forever.

Sable held the last letter from him crumpled because she was holding

it so tightly. She sat in the cab nervously, tapping her foot, heading toward
her destination and Cam White. The man she’d never met but formed a
bond with over the Internet. You are crazy! she heard her own
subconscious say. But she was compelled to do it because the man who
made her heart jump in emails was waiting for her at the Empire State
Building. The traffic was heavy and it seemed like every block, the cab
had to stop at a red light. She sighed impatiently and looked at her watch.
She was nervous, but still wanting to get there.

“You late for something, miss?” The cab driver glanced back at her in

the rearview mirror.

“Not yet. I’m meeting someone really important.” She smiled and

looked out the window, knowing that her words were true.

In six months of corresponding and long distance calls from overseas,

he’d become one of the most important things in her life. Maybe that was

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


why she was so nervous because if things didn’t work out, she would be
completely alone in the world again.

The car started moving again and she thought back to the very first

time that Cam contacted her. She’d found the Adopt A Hero site to be a
pen pal for soldiers who had no one back home. After a few weeks of not
hearing from anyone, she figured that no one would contact her. She came
home from work one night to find an email from Sergeant First Class
Camden White. From the very first letter, he was so charming that she felt
compelled to just kick off her shoes and email him back. Each email after
that was hotter and sexier. She didn’t know one could form something that
felt solid over the Internet. But in each letter, she revealed a little more of
her soul and her past to him, and he did the same. They had both been
alone from the time they were kids. Both were in foster care, only in
different parts of the United States. He made the military his home while
she was kicked out of the system at eighteen and left to fend for herself.

She always felt the like odd duck out. Even in her job she tended to be

quiet and only had a few friends. Meeting Cam changed all that because
even from thousands of miles away, he made her feel like a woman and he
wanted her just for her. Finally, the cab pulled up in front of the Empire
State Building and she felt her stomach lurch. This is it. She pulled out
twenty-five dollars to pay for the fare and stepped out. Staring at the
entrance to the tall building, she took a deep breath and went inside.

* * * *

The wind was only slightly chilled on the top of the most famous

building in New York City. The cold never bothered him much regardless
where he was. He was hot blooded by nature and nature had done
something strange to him long ago, so he learned to go with the flow.

He looked at the digital read out on his LED watch and saw it was

exactly nine o’ clock. She was late, or not coming, he thought, and pushed
that aside vehemently. Fate couldn’t be that cruel to lead him down a path
to meet someone and then take it away so suddenly. In one instant, going

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


through the Adopt A Hero site to find the family of a friend who was lost
to the war, he’d seen her name and her simple message. I’ll be a shoulder
to lean on in the midst of your tour.
It was meant for anyone, but he felt as
if it was only for him. Before he knew it, he was typing this letter and by
some miracle, she answered. She would be there. Someone like Sable
wasn’t into playing games. He’d figured that out really quickly after his
emails became a little more on the dirty side. She asked him plain and
simple if he was looking for some way to while away the time and jack

After he’d finished laughing his ass off at the comment, he’d replied

and said no. For all she’d been through in her life, she still had spunk and
didn’t let the world break her. He liked that about her. He just didn’t know
how she would react when she saw his second nature, the one he wore
under his human skin. She struck him as open minded, but as Casey
pointed out just before he left Kandahar, he’d better tell her the truth
before more feeling became involved. It would be easier to walk away
then as opposed to later on. He knew his boss was right, of course, but
didn’t want the rejection.

He’d seen his boss find love in Nia, and Zane, the second in command

of his unit, in Promyse. He saw Kale come home with a big grin on his
face when April accepted him for what he was, and now Cam wanted to
fine his mate. Being part of the Army Beasts special military until was the
only home he’d known since Casey had seen his true nature. They were all
shifters and it made them a family with each other and a question mark
with those who wanted to see them disbanded and caged away. Now he
wanted to find a place in Sable’s arms. He wanted her love. God knew
he’d fallen for her soft spoken words when they talked and that hint of fire
that could spark when she got mad. He looked at his watch again and
sighed in frustration, hoping his chance had not been just a dream.

Cam was facing the amazing skyline view of New York when he heard

the doors to the elevators ding and knew it was her. He closed his eyes,
lifted his nose to the air, and caught a scent of perfume. It was light and
flowery, just as he’d thought. He’d taken his pack of and it was leaned

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


against the wall, and the small flag he pinned to the strap fluttered in the
breeze. He didn’t turn around; he couldn’t quite yet because…just
because. He swallowed thickly and stood still.

“Cam?” Her voice was soft and to a normal man, it would be carried

away on the wind. But he heard her. He would always hear her.

He turned and saw her standing there. The breeze ruffled the dress she

wore. It was long, down to her ankles, and caressed every curve of her
body up to her neck where it was tied. He knew there would be no back to
it and her creamy dark skin would be exposed. She pushed a stray brown
curl behind her ear and smiled tentatively. Eyes like chocolate that he
could drown in and full lips… Simply beautiful was the only thing he
could think of to describe her.

I have to taste her. He couldn’t help it and strode over, pulled her into

his arms, and took her lips in a kiss. She made a little whimper in her
throat that trailed off into moan. Her mouth opened beneath his and he felt
her fingers clutch at his uniform. He sank his tongue into her mouth and
moaned as pleasure rolled through him. She was his. He felt the urge to
take her, filled his body, and Cam lifted her off her feet while their lips
met in frenzy. More, I need more! The thought ricocheted through his
head. He pulled away, knowing he was losing control. He didn’t want o
scare her. Cam knew he needed to show her before they went any further.
But he couldn’t help but grinning because that had been some lip lock. She
looked at him with wide eyes and her hand trembled as she touched her

“Sorry,” he said. “But you’re so damn beautiful and I’ve wanted to

kiss you for so long.”

“T-that’s okay.” She smiled. “I wanted you too.”
He pulled her into an embrace and inhaled her scent deeply before

looking down at her. “Hey.”

“Hi,” she whispered back.
“Wanna get out of here?” he asked when he noticed her rubbing her

arms from the chilly wind. “I booked us a room at the Radisson.”

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When September Ends

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“You didn’t have to do that. I thought you’d stay with me,” she said,

and she eyed him up and down. “My apartment is not big, but I’m sure
you’ll fit.”

Cam laughed at her double meaning. “You’re being naughty.”
She winked. “Maybe so.”
“I wanted my first night with you to be something you’ll remember for

the rest of your life and tell our grandkids about,” Cam said as he took up
his pack and then took her hand.

Sable laughed. “I’m twenty-nine I think it’s a bit too soon for grand


“I like making long term plans.” Cam smiled.
They took the elevator down and he hailed a cab to take them to the

Radisson. It was a fifteen minute ride and she pointed out different
attractions in New York as they passed. Cam didn’t want to tell her he’d
been there a few times so he listened dutifully while he idly played with
her fingers in his hand. The cab pulled up in front of the hotel with its gold
and marble exterior. Cam knew he looked out of place in his uniform with
all the opulence around him. The clerk at the desk checked them in with a
smile and, in minutes, they were heading up to the seventeenth floor of the

Using the key card, the door opened with a soft beep and a click and

they stepped inside. Sable gasped as she looked around and he had to
admit, it was impressive, from the thick rugs on the floor to huge TV on
the wall. The window graced them with an amazing view of New York at
night, but it was the woman who stood next to him that drew his attention.

He dropped his pack and it made soft thud on the carpet before he

pulled her into his arms and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around
him willingly and her fingers caressed the soft hair at the nape of her neck.

“I can’t seem to keep my hands of you,” he murmured into her neck.
“As you can see, I’m not complaining.” She gave a soft laugh. “It feel

like I’ve been waiting forever for this moment and now that it’s here, it
feels like I’m dreaming.”

Cam kissed her gently. “No dream, just us.”

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When September Ends

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She looked up at him as he set her on her feet. “Now what it is you

wanted to tell me, or show me, that is?”

He pulled away and walked over to the window to look outside.

“There is stuff about me you don’t know, that you need to know,

“Please don’t say mistress, wife, or both because I really couldn’t deal

with that.” He heard a tremor of fear and emotion in her voice.

He closed the blinds, blocking the magnificent view, and faced her.

“Nothing like that. God no, I’m not that kind of guy, and one hundred
percent completely yours if you want me.”

Sable looked at him curiously. “Why wouldn’t I want you, Cam? I’m

trying to understand here.”

Cam sighed and started to unbutton the top of his digical uniform.

“I’m part of a special unit in the military. Based out of Fort Bragg, North
Carolina with others just like me.” He threw off his uniform top and the t-
shirt that was sunder it, exposing his chest, and his hand went to his belt

Sable laughed. “I thought we’d get to that part of the night later. Why

are you undressing?” Her laughter faded away and she gave him a look.
“Wait, you said others like you. How exactly are you all the same?”

“We can go places other soldiers can’t and do what’s need to be done.

We’re extraordinary and get back out without being noticed.” He kicked
off his boots and socks before dropping his pants and boxers and he stood
completely nude in front of her.

“Okay, because you’re specially trained or…” She let her words drop


“Because we’re us, and…” Can looked at her and he knew his gaze

was pleading. “Don’t be afraid okay? I won’t hurt you, but if you don’t
want me after…well, I understand.”

“After what? Cam, you’re scaring me,” she whispered.
Nothing much left to do except show her, he thought, and cleared his

mind and let the change take over. He felt it each and every time, not pain,
but the shifting of muscles and bones to reform into his second nature. He

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When September Ends

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felt his body shorten and lengthen and his hind legs form. He heard a soft
cry as she stepped back and a vase shattered on the table as she backed
into it. When the change was complete, he looked at her though new eyes,
seeing her more sharply that he did as a human, and watching emotions
from shock to pure amazement play across her face.

Her legs seemed to lose all strength and she dropped to the floor, her

hands flat against the carpet, but she never stopped looking at him. Cam
took a chance, padded over to her, and sat, making a low purr in his throat.
It was his way of begging her to see him for more than the animal inside
him, but as the whole being. He butted her head with his head until she
lifted it and ran it along his soft fur. She did it again and cupped his big
head in her hand.

“You’re a leopard, a really big leopard,” she whispered. “How does—

is this really happening? You’re a…”

He shifted easily and she was holding his human face. “A big pussy

cat for you and for my friends. To anyone else, I can be deadly.”

“Did the government do this to you?” she asked.
“No, sweetheart, I’ve always been this way. It happened for the first

time when I was sixteen. I ran away from foster care then and Casey found
me when I was eighteen living on the street. He is my commander and he
said he smelled my second nature and could show me how to use it for the
good of people. I went with him and then I found out there were more like
me. They became my family and when I met you, I fell so hard I had to
tell someone. He told me to show you the truth before we even could get
started.” He turned his head away, not wanting her to see the emotion
inside him. “I can understand if this frightens you too much.”

She cupped his cheeks and brought him around to face her. She

initiated the kiss this time and it was so sweet he moaned.

“Who am I to judge how you were made?” His eyes searched hers for

any untruth, but found none. “The man who made me smile and filled my
heart from so far away is in no way ugly. As a man or a really big cat,
you’re beautiful.”

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


He was rendered speechless because in his life, there had been no one

to make him feel anything but defensive. He had to fight for what he
wanted, and to survive. With Casey and those guys, he’d found a home
and they cared. Nothing could compare to seeing yourself in the eyes of a
woman who saw you as perfect just the way you were made. He cupped
her shoulders and brought her to her feet. He stared at her, memorizing her
features. It took only a minute before they were in each other’s arms, their
lips locked in a fierce kiss.

Sable moaned in pleasure when his tongue delved into her mouth,

taking, tasting, and devouring her. Cam wondered if it would be always
like that when he touched her, a flash heat like the lava erupting from a
volcano burning him from the inside out. Without breaking their kiss, his
hands went to the back of her halter dress and pulled the bow until it
began to untie. It caught in a knot. He growled in frustration at the snag
and she giggled against his lips and helped free the tangled string. Her
fingers ran along the muscles of his shoulders and arms. He wanted to feel
her skin, to touch her entire body. Sable tried to pull away, but he held her
tight, not wanting to let her go for even a second.

“Let me slip out of my dress,” she whispered against his lips.
“No, not letting you go,” he muttered, and kissed her deep once more.

“How fond of this dress are you?”

“Not one of my favorites, but I like how it…”
“I’ll get you a new one three in different colors if necessary.” He cut

her off.

Cam took the edge of the dress at the back and effortlessly ripped it

down the seam. It dropped like a scrap of cloth on to the ground and he
made quick work snapping the scraps of lace that made up her panties,
leaving her completely nude. He lifted her high until her breasts hung over
his mouth and pulled one nipple deeply into his mouth. She cried out. Yes,
he thought, knowing that he was bringing her pleasure.

Cam couldn’t get enough of her. His hands were everywhere, cupping

and molding her naked body to his. Her soft, feminine moans drove him
wild. He lifted her in his arms and moved to the closest thing he could sit

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


on, which was a soft suede bench at the foot of the bed. He ran his hand up
her inner thigh and found her pussy wet to the touch. She trembled in his
arms as he teased the sensitive bud of her clit, and absorbed her cry into
his mouth when he slipped his fingers inside her. She is so damn hot, He
thought. The feeling of her pussy walls clutching at his digit as he
penetrated her made him moan.. It almost sent him over the edge as she
cried out and clutched his hand, insisting silently that he give her more.

“Oh baby, I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered harshly.
“I want to come; it aches so good.” She bit her lip as he moved his

fingers inside her. “I want you, Cam. Don’t hold back.”

He couldn’t resist her plea for release. His fingers pushed deeper

inside her and her body gave up its bounty, coating his hand with her
nectar. “Cam!” she called out, and arched. He wondered how one sound
could drive him so crazy. He groaned as she became frantic in his arms
until she tensed and he felt a shudder run through her body.

“Oh God, Cam, yes!” Sable screamed.
“Oh baby, I have to taste you,” he muttered, and lifted her on to the


He knelt between her legs and his lips pressed against her pussy,

licking between the soft folds and tasting her clit. Her flavor was one that
was imprinted into his memory. Cam lifted her head and their eyes met.
Hers were filled with desire and it was for him. He kept her gaze as he
slipped his finger inside her again. Sable threw her head back and moaned
low in her throat. She was so responsive and vocal about her pleasure. He
could see him taking her in so many ways and he had yet to be inside her.

“Look at me,” he commanded. With parted lips, she whimpered, and

she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. “You like when I fuck you with my
fingers, don’t you, Sable?”

“Oh yes,” she responded. “I like it very much.”
“Only for me. Say it, honey. It’s only for me you’ll come like this.”

With fast movements, he used his digits, touching that spot to make her
cry out.

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When September Ends

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Sable lifted her hips to meet his fingers. “Only you, Cam. I want only


“Good girl,” he crooned softly. “Are you going to come for me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” She cried out, and while her body arched off the bed

and he watched her come, and she glorious to see.

Cam moved over her body. He couldn’t stand another second of not

being inside her. She anticipated him by spreading her legs wider when he
lifted her legs high around his waist and impaled her wet pussy on his
rigid shaft. She press her lips against the corded muscles of his neck and
bit. She unleashed the animal in him and he pumped into her hard,
wringing a scream of ecstasy. He filled her over and over again. His thick
cock pulsated inside her with each thrust.

“More, God, more of you!” His voice sounded harsh and he could hear

the predator in it. He’d never felt anything like this, not with anyone. She
managed to bring out something in him that amazed him.

Cam lifted her knees up to her chest before plunging his cock inside

her again. He watched his shaft move in and out of her slowly, savoring
the scene before him. It turned him on to no end watching their joined
bodies mate. She reached up and caressed his chest, pulling him to her so
she could kiss him. He sank into the kiss and succumbed to the passion
that filled the room. She locked her legs around his waist and their tempo
increased while their mouths fused and their tongues dueled. He felt the
crest of her orgasm begin to build. Her hips lifted frantically, meeting his
every thrust with her own feverish pace. She cried out and her nails
gouged at his back. The pain mixed with the pleasure caused a harsh yell
to come from his lips.

“Come with me, Cam!” she cried out, and held him to her.
“Fuck yes!”
Their orgasm took them over the threshold of reality. Cam thrust into

her over and over again, prolonging the pleasure until they were both
spent. He rolled away, knowing his body would be too heavy if he
collapsed against her. But he pulled her into his arms while they both tried
to catch their breath.

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


“Why do I feel like I should salute my shifter?” she asked, and then

gave a breathless laugh.

“So I’m yours then?” he asked.
“I don’t think I could say no to you if you’d tell me you had two


“But I do…”
He chuckled and rolled to kiss her gently. “You know you’re going to

have to move to North Carolina with me because there is no way I’m
leaving you here.”

“There’s nothing to hold me here and after our last talk, I knew I

wanted to be with you,” she whispered, and looked at him. “If you want
me after you just had your wicked shifter way with me.”

Cam kissed her with all the longing and want he felt for those months

of needing her when he was in Afghanistan. He hoped that answered her
question of he wanted her because he had no intention of letting her go

* * * *

She thought nothing could get better than sitting in the middle of a big

king-size bed and eating room service with the man who rocked her world.
They talked about everything while he fed her pieces of her burger and
fries. She gave him a bite of her salad because in her opinion eating lettuce
on a burger for color not for nutritional value. He thought it was funny but
took a bite of her food just the same.. She was moving to North Carolina.
She couldn’t even believe it when she said it her head. She was going to
have a life with a man who was unlike any other man she’d ever met.
Watching him shift into a cat almost made her faint, but she’d always
known there was more to the world than just black and white. He proved
it, and it was no stranger than hearing about a crocodile that live in the
sewers. She was a New Yorker and she could handle it. He was gorgeous
as a man and as a beast.

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


His blue eyes glittered with happiness and those lips that brought her

so much infinite pleasure in a kiss or on her body, they were curved in a
smile. His face was rugged and he had a little bit of stubble from not
shaving in his trip to see her. His dark hair was tousled from hours of
making love with her in bed. She’d grabbed that hair more than once in
ecstasy and she could see the ends stuck up in the air where her fingers
had been clutched. He looked so charming and devilishly cute. He loved
her like a man and an animal. Sable found she loved both aspects of him.
She always wanted something to happen in her life, something out of the
ordinary, and this was definitely it. She had herself a soldier, a genuine
army beast.

“So how long do you think it would take you to pack up and move

with me?” he asked, and held up a fry for her to take in her mouth. “I
figure I could rent a U-haul and we could drive up.”

She almost choked on the fried potato strip. “I thought you’d want a

few weeks to get home and get settled and then I come up later.”

“Wrong, sweetheart. I’m not leaving you for one second.” He bent

over and kissed her. “Casey gave me the go ahead to take as much time as
I needed.

“Well, I guess we can rent a small U-haul and be packed up in a few

days. But it has to be a long drive from New York to Fort Bragg.”

“Sixteen hours or more depending on how many times we stop. I-85

straight though.” He grinned at her. “I came prepared with a plan.”

“I see that. You’re really serious aren’t you?” Sable asked.
Cam cupped his hand behind her neck and stared into her eyes. She

felt as if she could drown in his deep blue gaze. “I was serious in every
email, every phone call, and I’m sure as hell serious now. Baby, you got
me and all I want is you. We are in between missions right now, probably
be weeks before we get called up again. Plenty of time to get you moved,
for you to meet the gang and their wives, and get you acquainted with
southern life. I’m sure Casey and can find you a civilian job on base.”

The mention of his work made her subdued. “How dangerous is your

work? Are you always in danger?”

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When September Ends

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He moved his plate aside and came close to kiss her knee. She laughed

because it seemed like a funny place to smooch, but his lips kept moving
upward until he lifted his head to kiss her mouth. Sable didn’t complain.

“I will always come home to you. I’m the tech guy, the genius with the

gadgets.” Cam grinned. “I’m not saying that I don’t go into the field, but I
will be safe. I have the guys to back me up and now I have you to come
home to. I’ll hitch a ride on a star if necessary to come back to these
gorgeous arms, I swear it.”

“Oh, Cam,” she whispered, and pulled him close. His sentiment meant

more than he could ever realize.

“How about a shower and let’s get cleaned up?” Cam winked at her.
“Somehow, I don’t think you mean shower in clean way.” Sable


“No, I mean it to be very, very dirty.” He picked her up and she

squealed as he carried her into the bathroom and deposited her into the

He turned on the shower and let the warm water hit his back to save

her from being hit in the face with the jets. His hair was soaked in minutes
and she smiled as he watched her use one lock of hair to twine hers up into
a high pony tail to keep it from getting wet. As soon as her hands dropped,
he pounced on her like the hungry cat inside him and he took control. She
didn’t resist. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. She never
knew arousal could be stoked again so quickly, but with Cam, it burned
hot and fast. His hands roamed down her body feverishly and Sable held
on for dear life.

He took the soap and lathered her, and she tingled with his touch. She

did the same, loving the texture and hard lines of his body. She took his
cock in her hand and stroked it until he groaned in pleasure. He licked at
her neck and she arched to give him more access to her skin.

“My God, you taste so good.”
“Oh, Cam.” She whispered his name as he lifted her high and feasted

on her breasts as if they were grapes hanging from the vine.

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When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


He was so strong. She felt like a woman in his arms. Sable cried out

when pleasure shot through her. His hot mouth laved her nipples, moving
from one to the other quickly, trying to taste them both at the same time.
She wrapped her legs high around his torso and bucked restlessly while he
feasted on her. He growled in his throat and pressed her against the tile.
He cupped both breasts together and took the nipples into his mouth. Oh
my God! The sensations were unimaginable and she wanted more. Sable
wanted to touch him, to feel the granite muscles of his body that she had
dreamed of. He was not going to give her that quite yet. She could sense
this was all about dominance, a man taking his prize in his woman’s

He placed her on her feet again and she looked up to meet his gaze that

was filled with arousal. She swore she could see the animal that lived
inside glint in his eyes for just a moment. Anticipation mingled with just a
tinge of fear inside her at his massive presence. Her eyes never left his and
she reached up to caress the muscles of his chest before her hand ran down
his lean abdomen and wrapped around the thick, erect length of his cock
once more. Her eyes widened as a feral sound came from between his
gritted teeth when she stroked him, feeling his length and size. She wanted
to feel him inside her. It was almost like an addiction.

He lifted her hands and held them pinned above her head with one

hand while he ran a finger down her body with the other hand. He used
one of his thick thighs to spread her legs apart while his hand cupped her

“Touch me, please, Cam,” Sable begged, hoping that the feel of his

finger inside her would assuage some of the intense arousal.

His finger dipped between the folds of flesh of her pussy and the pad

of his thumb rubbed against the sensitive nub of her clit. Her hips rose and
she whimpered. She trembled as frissons of electric pleasure went through
her. She cried out when his finger went lower and dipped into her soaking
wet snatch. He inserted only the first inch of his thick digit and she
moaned in frustration. She wanted it all right then and there. She writhed

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wantonly as he bent lower and while he teased her, he licked at her nipple
and sucked it into his mouth.

“Fuck me with your finger, Cam. Do it hard,” she begged.
Cam gave into her request and sank his finger deep inside her, making

her cry out in pleasure. She undulated as he pressed that sensitive spot
buried inside her over and over again at a feverish pace until she came
with a scream and she coated his finger with her come. He kissed her hard
before turning her around so that her breasts were pressed against the
warm tile. She slipped from his gold easily and went to her knees to take
him into her mouth.

“Goddamn, Sable!” The expletive escaped his lips like a bullet from a

gun and his thighs tensed under her hands as she sucked his cock like a
woman possessed. She wanted to taste him come on her tongue, to have
his essence like he did hers. Under her ministrations, she got her wish
when the taste of salty musk touched her taste buds. He cursed again and
pulled her to her feet. She was again pressed on the wall. But his big hand
pulled her hips backward and she could feel the tip of his engorged cock at
the entrance of her pussy. The muscles of her body clenched with
excitement. He rubbed his cock up and down the full, thick lips and he
moaned as if in agony. He thrust and she cried out as he filled her.

“Jesus, I can’t do this slow.” His voice held a tinge of desperation, as

if he was fighting to hold on to the last vestiges of his control.

“Don’t, I’m aching for you now.”
She wiggled against him, impatient to have more of him inside her.

With a low, harsh cry, he plunged himself inside her so hard she felt her
toes slip. He anchored her and took her with lustful growls and nips to the
back of her neck. She was so deliciously full of him that she got lost in the
haze of their coupling. The feeling of fullness was so intense that it
brought her to another orgasm and coated his cock with more of her
essence. His big hands enveloped her breasts and pulled her back against
him as he pumped inside her. He kneaded the globes of soft flesh and
plucked the tight, beaded nipples.

background image

When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


“I’m going to make you come again and again,” Cam growled against

her ear. He nipped the back of her neck and she felt the light scrape of his
teeth before he soothed it with a kiss.

“Oh, yes!” she screamed.
He grabbed her hips and pounded inside her while her hands were

braced on the shower tile. The sound of slapping flesh was heightened
because of the water pouring off their skin. With each thrust, she moaned
and begged for more while he took her to new heights.

Sable felt her release building. “Oh, I’m going to come. I’m going to

come so hard all over your cock!”

He muttered her name and his pace increased as if her words fueled his

thrusts, and that brought her to her orgasm. With a cry, she came, and it
rolled through her body like waves and left her breathless. Her body
clenched around his cock and sent Cam into his own release. She felt his
hot seed fill her and still he kept thrusting, sending it deep inside her. She
almost slipped to the bottom of the tub her body was so plaint.

Cam held her and washed her carefully while her forehead was pressed

against his chest. By the time he was done, she had enough strength to
climb from the tub while he washed himself before stepping out with her.
He kissed her nose while she toweled off and when he was dry, he lifted
her in his arms and took her into the bedroom. She’d escaped with only
damp ends to her hair and she grabbed a brush out of her purse and a
scrunchie to hold the ponytail in place.

“I think I’m going to love just sitting in bed watching you put your

hair up and doing all those other girly things women do,” he said casually.

Sable laughed and climbed into the bed naked with him. “Uh huh, so

how long do we have this room for?”

“The entire weekend. I think that should be enough time for us to

completely make our brains useless with sex and then go pack up your
place.” He held the blanket back so she could climb under with him. “I say
we stay naked and eat only room service.”

background image

When September Ends

Dahlia Rose


“That’s not going to be a problem since you ripped my dress and my

panties,” Sable said wryly. “You’re going to have to go out and buy me
something to wear when we leave.”

“All semantics.” He nuzzled her neck and then said seriously, “I’m so

glad that you didn’t push me away when I told you the truth. I’ve fallen
hard for you, Sable.”

“I could never push away someone who has become my best friend

and the other half of me,” She replied softly. “You’ve given me a happily
ever after even though we’ve just begun.”

“We began from the first email,” Cam said.
She pulled him close and filled her nose with his scent. He was her

beast in his human or animal skin. Her life had opened up in the blue of
his eyes and she could hardly wait to start her journey and their new life

The End


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