Dahlia Rose Velvet, Leather, and Roses

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Amira Press


Copyright ©

First published in 2007, 2007

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Velvet, Leather and Roses

All rights reserved.
Copyright © September 2007 Dahlia Rose
Cover Art Copyright © September 2007 Missy Lyons
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events

portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All
rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or
portions thereof, in any form.

Amira Press, LLC
Baltimore, MD

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose



This book is dedicated to Robert, who put me back on the

path to my dreams. Even the naughty ones (smile). You are

my best friend and the love of my life. And as I promised you

from the very beginning, I will love you until eternity ends

and then beyond that.

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Chapter One

Cooper Jasper looked around the dimly lit club. This was

the third night in a row he showed up. It was not even his
type of place. It was called Leather and Lace, and it was for
an alternative kind of play. Themed rooms that had paddles
and whips hanging from the walls, chairs and beds that you
could be strapped into. He had come here with a friend to a
bachelor's party, and that was when he saw her. Now with
the music pumping in his ears, he looked around the room for
the familiar face. He sat at the bar with a glass in his hands.
The scene around him fascinated him—a man in a mask being
led around on a leash, a woman sitting on a leather sofa while
her submissive licked the heel of her boot. He had to find out
who she was. He declined the various sexual offers from the
ladies that passed and saw him sitting there alone. He was
here for one reason only, and that was to see her and maybe
talk to her.

His eyes caught a glimpse of a figure crossing the back

end of the club. It's her! His excitement built as she came
closer. Tonight, she was dressed in a short black body
stocking with tiny roses all over it. The thigh-high stockings
and stiletto heels made his mouth water. The creamy
chocolate color of her skin was clearly visible beneath the
mesh of black netting. Two roses covered her nipples, and he
could imagine how they looked under those roses. They would
be darker than her skin color, with big silver dollar areolas.
She had her coppery bronze hair up in a ponytail this time,

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by Dahlia Rose


with a few tendrils escaping on the side. He knew her hair
was colored, but it suited her magnificently. Cooper felt his
cock thicken in response to his thoughts. Her eyes caught his,
and she walked over to him, taking her time. Her movements
reminded him of a sleek cat, every step making her hips sway

"Hello," she said.
Her voice was like honey, thick and syrupy with an accent

that sent his temperature up a few notches.

"Hello," Cooper said.
"I'm Velvet."
"I'm sure that was not the name your parents gave you,"

he said, amused.

She smiled. "No it isn't, but that's what I'm called anyway.

And you are?"

"I'm Cooper—well, Coop to my friends."
"Nice to meet you, Cooper. So, I've seen you in here a few

nights, and you never take part in any of the activities. Why
is that?"

"I have been waiting for you."
"I've been around. You could have asked for me."
"I wanted you to come to me," Cooper replied.
"Buy me a rose," Velvet said.
She called over one of the girls walking around with a

small basket of roses. "Buy me a rose, and then we'll go into
a VIP room. I can't talk to you here for a long time."

Cooper nodded, and when the girl came with the roses, he

paid her ten dollars for one. Velvet nodded to the bouncer in

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by Dahlia Rose


the corner, and she took his hand and led him to one of the
VIP rooms in the back. He sat in the red leather chair and
watched as she turned the little stereo onto a slow, seductive

"What's your pleasure, Cooper?" she asked softly. "Do you

like to be spanked or domineered?"

"I prefer to do the spanking," he said softly. He watched as

her body moved to the beat of the music. She was raising his
blood pressure with her seductive movements. "Uh, can you
sit and talk?"

"If you want to talk, Cooper, you came to the wrong place.

There are cameras in here. If I don't look like I am doing my
job, my boss gets very unhappy. Tell you what—I'll dance,
and we'll talk that way." She crawled onto Cooper's lap and
started to grind her hips, pressing into his groin. "Feels to me
like you want to do more than talk."

Cooper could not deny it. He was hard as a rock. "Should I

not want to fuck you? Because I do."

She arched her back, and her breasts invited him to taste.

"We can't do that here. Have you ever been tied up, Cooper?
Have you ever been made to beg for pleasure?"

Even though the invitation was appealing, her voice had

gone flat. Cooper knew she was looking at him as just
another man who wanted to use her body, but it was more
than that. Something about her captivated him. He played
along with the game, willing to see where it led. "No, I have
not been tied up or made to beg. Usually it is the lady that
does the begging." Her body moving on his was driving him
crazy. She smelled like exotic spices. With her lower body still

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by Dahlia Rose


pressed against his crotch, she leaned back and laid against
the cool marble coffee table. She flipped her legs in the air so
he could see her pussy. He almost lost his load right there.

"Really?" she said with an arched eyebrow when they were

face to face once again. "Would you like me to tie you up so
you can see what it's like?"

"I'm game. What am I being tied up with?"
"I'll do something special for you." She slid off his lap, sat

down on the table and lifted one long, slim leg. She ran her
fingers down the smooth leg and slipped off her stiletto
heeled shoes before taking off the stockings, one at a time.
Velvet straddled him once more and lifted his arms in the air.
She kept her gaze fixed on his eyes as she tied his hands with
one stocking to a hook that was fixed to the wall.

"I didn't notice that there," Cooper murmured. He was

looking at her full mouth that was so close to his he could
flick his tongue out and lick her lips. He wondered what she
tasted like, what every part of her tasted like. "I guess I was
too busy looking at other things."

Velvet gave him a small slap across the mouth. "Silence!

You are now mine. You speak when spoken to. Understood?"

Cooper raised an eyebrow, smiled and nodded. That

earned him another small swat from Velvet.

"I asked if you understood. I did not hear you say 'yes,


"Yes, Mistress," he said.
She took the other stocking and rubbed it against his

cheek. Cooper could smell her on the thin black material. She
raised it to his face and tied it around his eyes. He closed his

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by Dahlia Rose


eyes automatically, his cock throbbing and pressing against
the material of his slacks. He felt her body move and push
against him. Her hands ran up and down his chest, and soon
her fingers found his nipples and squeezed them. Cooper
gasped at the sensation.

She leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Did you like

that? Do you want me to slip my hand under your shirt and
play with them?"

He nodded and Velvet said, "I won't until you say it."
"Yes," Cooper answered.
"Yes what, Cooper? Say it right or you will not receive


"Yes, Mistress, play with my nipples."
"Good boy," she whispered and slipped her hands under

his shirt. Her fingers tangled into the mat of soft hair on his
chest. Velvet licked and nipped at his neck while her fingers
found the sensitive nubs. She grazed them lightly with her
nails, and Cooper shuddered in response. He felt her smile
against his neck, and then she pinched his nipples.

"I bet you wish I would go down your body and unzip your

pants right now, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress," he whispered. The way her hands felt on

him was more than he imagined. The way she ground her
hips, pressing against the bulge in his pants was driving him
crazy. Cooper wanted to tear his hands down from the sheer
stocking that held them, free his cock and spread her wide to
fuck her right there.

"You wish my mouth was wrapped around your cock, don't

you, baby?" Velvet asked.

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by Dahlia Rose


Her voice blended in with the other sensations cocooning

him in a sensual haze. "Yes, Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress, what?" She took her hand from under his

shirt and slapped him again. This time it stung. "You answer
correctly or you will be punished."

"Yes, Mistress, I wish my cock was in your mouth." Cooper

groaned the words out. He could see those luscious lips
wrapped around his thick flesh, sucking on him while he held
her hand and moved his cock in and out of her mouth.

"Time's up!" The deep male voice ruined the mood and

snapped Cooper out of his pleasure-filled haze.

Velvet slid off of him and untied his hands. He ripped the

stocking from around his eyes and looked at the closing door
in irritation. He sighed, knowing that this was not the place he
wanted her, not in this setting. He wanted her in his bed,
where they would not be interrupted.

"Have dinner with me?" Cooper asked.
"I don't date the club members. It makes for a sticky

situation when the wives find out," she said.

"I am not married, and I am not a member. I am using my

friend's membership. Come on, Velvet. What will one dinner
hurt?" he asked.

"Ask the last girl that dated someone from the club. She

ended up in the hospital with a few broken ribs from where he
smacked her around." She bent over to slip her heels back

"I have never beaten a woman in my life. I could tell you

where to meet me. It will be a public place. I want to know
more about you," Cooper coaxed.

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Her eyes searched his as if looking for any bad intentions

in his gaze. "That will be one hundred dollars for the dance.
Fifty for me, fifty for the house. Tips are appreciated."

Cooper pulled out his wallet and took a hundred and fifty

dollars out. He handed it to her and she turned to walk to the
door. She looked back at him still sitting there. "Meet me
tomorrow night at Jollies Bar on West Fourth and Houston
Street, seven p.m. Oh, and my name is Billie—Billie Carlton."
The house music flooded the room when she opened the door
and walked through it.

"Hey, you forgot your stockings," Cooper called out.
"Keep them."
He saw her again, talking to another man as he left. He

wanted to go over and pull her out with him, but it was not
his place. The New York night was cool, and Cooper hailed a
cab with Velvet on his mind and a throbbing cock. He would
have his taste of her soon enough.

* * * *

In his apartment, Cooper lay in bed and looked at the TV

without seeing any of the images that played across its
screen. His thoughts were on Billie and the dance she gave
him at the club. When she was spread open in front of him
and he could smell the light musk of her pussy, he wanted to
bury his face into the sweet mound and lick her until she
came. He had slipped both of her thigh-high stockings into his
pocket before he left, and now he lifted them to his nose,
inhaling the exotic smell. Was it her lotion that made her
smell so enticing, or was it just her? The thought alone made

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by Dahlia Rose


him groan, knowing that he would not be satisfied until he
found out for himself.

He pressed his hand against his groin, hoping to ease the

ache that had settled there. God, he wanted her. After
watching her for days and then being so close to her, he
wanted to bury his cock inside her and feel her body milk him
dry. He started to stroke his hard cock, and his eyes closed as
images of Billie dressed in a body stocking filled his head. She
would offer her breasts to him, and he would bite and lick on
her nipples. He could hear her sultry voice whispering dirty
words and begging him to fuck her. Cooper could see himself
laying her back and watching his cock slide into her body. It
would be wet and glistening with her juices. Her pussy would
wrap around him like a hot, silky glove.

A low moan escaped his lips as he stroked his cock faster.

Damn, he wanted her. She had whispered in his ear about
sucking his cock. She would do so much more than taking
him into her mouth. He would make her squeeze his balls
while she sucked him. Then she would lick them for him
because it pleased him. Cooper felt his body tighten, and his
hot seed spilled onto his hands. He lay there for a moment
trying to catch his breath before he climbed out of bed to
clean himself up. Under the covers once again, he knew he
would have to have her soon. He had only dulled the ache in
his body to a mild throb. He would not be pleased until he
had Billie under him moaning in ecstasy. She may work as a
dominatrix, but she would be his submissive when he took

* * * *

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Back in the club, Billie was getting her things from her

locker and getting ready to go home.

"Where do you think you are going, miss?"
Billie saw her boss's face in the mirror. It was a face she

had learned to despise. Billie pasted a fake smile on her face.
"I'm going home, Jade. I have a class in the morning, early. I
told you about it last night."

"Plans change. I need you to work late tonight." Jade took

a drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly.

"But, Jade, can't I..." Billie began to protest.
"No. I need to you be hostess tonight. You complain, I

might make you the girl in the middle instead."

Billie sighed and nodded, knowing she was getting off easy

playing hostess. The other girl would not be so lucky.

"Who was that guy you were talking to tonight in the VIP?"

Jade asked the question as Billie started past her.

"Nobody. Just another customer." Billie gasped as Jade

caught her around the hand and let her fingernails dig into
her skin.

"He'd better be no one, Billie. Remember, you belong to


Billie knew as soon as she got her degree she would be

gone, and she would go so far, no one would be able to find

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


Chapter Two

The next night could not get there fast enough for Cooper

to see Billie again. By seven forty-five, she was still not there,
and he began to wonder if she would even show up. It was a
warm night in May, and he sat outside at one of the tables.
New Yorkers, he thought with a smile. As soon as it gets a
couple degrees warmer, they are out in throngs.
disappointment grew until he caught a glimpse of her coming
through the crowd. He felt a surge of excitement when her
eyes caught his, and a small smile crossed her face. Her hair
was up in a ponytail, the late evening sun catching the bronze
highlights, the tight jeans emphasizing her generous curves.
The white top she had on was almost see-through, and the
piercings in her nipples pressed against the thin material.
Cooper stood when she approached the table, and he held out
his hand to help her into her seat.

"I thought you were going to stand me up," Cooper said as

she sat down while he sat across from her.

She smiled shyly. "Sorry I'm late. That's a little quirk of

mine. I should have said between seven and eight."

"Don't worry. I think you are worth the wait."
"Do you now? And why would that be?"
"I have a good sense about these things."
Her raised eyebrow made him smile as he waved the

waiter over. He ordered a beer, and when Billie ordered a
cape cod he was mildly surprised. He expected her to order

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by Dahlia Rose


one of those girlie drinks with all the colors. He could not wait
to find out what other secrets she held.

He took a sip of his beer. "Okay, so I hear the accent.

Which island are you from?"

"Um, Jamaica?"
"Why does every person hear a Caribbean accent and

assume we are all from Jamaica?" Billie asked.

"Because that is the one we all hear about. Well, was I

right?" he grinned as he said it. Sitting across from her made
him almost giddy with excitement.

"Close enough."
"Are you ever going to tell me?"
"Maybe I will," she said with a sexy smile. "But then

maybe I won't."

Cooper laughed, "So a girl of mystery. I like that."
Her eyes turned serious. "Why did you want to meet me

outside of the club?"

"I don't know. You just.... Damn." He blew out a frustrated

breath. "I'm a lawyer, and I only came to the club because of
the bachelor's party. But when I saw you ... Let me put it this
way—you have been in my dreams since then."

"You are very direct. So it's about sex, then?" she asked.
He saw the empty look in her eyes once again, and he

hated to see that. "No, it's not just about sex. I am not saying
that is not part of it, because all you have to do is walk by,
and I get hard. But I want to know you, Billie—your life, your
desires, your dreams. You fascinate me."

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by Dahlia Rose


"I don't see how I could. You don't know me," she said

simply and took a sip of her drink.

"I want to know you. Is that so bad?"
"It's something I don't hear often, to tell you the truth."
"How about this? Meet me again for dinner ... just dinner,"

he added hastily. "And we'll go from there."

"I'll let you know when I am ready to leave."
"Fair enough," Cooper agreed. "Can I ask you a favor?"
"What?" A wary look came into her eyes. Her defenses

were up, ready to block off any advances.

"Say my name?" he asked softly.
"Cooper." The way she said it sent a shiver down his back

as if her tongue had touched him. "I'm from Trinidad."

The smile on her face traveled to her eyes, and Cooper

smiled in return. He had taken the first step in gaining her
trust. He spent the rest of the evening reveling in her
company, learning her likes and dislikes, and finding out that
they had many things in common. She loved books and
dancing and was an English major working on her thesis.
Being a dominatrix in a club paid the bills until she could
pursue her true love, which was poetry and writing. She was
intelligent and fascinating, and Cooper found himself being
drawn more to her than he thought possible. From the first
time he saw her in the club, the attraction was there. Now he
felt like a moth being drawn to a flame. He was a man who
knew what he wanted and was accustomed to getting it. Billie
was going to be his.

She did not live far from Houston Street. In fact, just a few

blocks over. By the time he walked her to her building, it was

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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


well after ten o'clock. She opened the heavy apartment door
to the vestibule, and he insisted on taking her to her
apartment, which was on the sixth floor.

She turned to him on the elevator ride up. "I had a very

nice time, Cooper."

"So does that mean I get my dinner date?"
She laughed and teased, "I think I could manage sitting

across from you for a few hours."

The door of the elevator opened, and he gave her a small

shoulder nudge. "Gee, thanks."

"Well this is my place. Thank you for bringing me up."
"Going to invite me in?" he asked hopefully.
"No, I think not." She turned and unlocked her door.
"A kiss then?"
Billie looked as if she was considering it and smiled. "Fine.

One kiss, but that's it."

How wrong she was. Because as soon as their lips

touched, heat exploded between them. His tongue burrowed
into her mouth, tasting her. She was so sweet and
responsive. Cooper groaned low in his throat and pulled her
into his tight embrace to deepen the kiss. He invited her
tongue to play with tantalizing little swirls and forays into her
mouth with his own. When her tongue slipped sweetly inside
accepting his offer, Cooper sighed with the sheer bliss of it.
Neither of them noticed when they stepped into the
apartment and the door closed with a tiny click.

Billie pulled her mouth from his. "We should stop," she


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by Dahlia Rose


He heard the words, but her refusal did not carry to her

tone. She was just as affected as he was. He pressed tiny
kisses to her neck, and she made a little sound of pleasure,
arching so he could have better access to the sensitive skin.
His fingers made tiny circles on her lower back, and he felt
her shiver from his touch.

"Just ... one ... more ... taste," he whispered before taking

her lips in another passionate kiss.

She did not protest, only molded her body into his. His

hands were big and slowly traveled up her sides to cup her
breasts. Her nipples were already hard under the thin
material, and he felt the smooth, hooped rings that adorned
each of them. His thumb flicked them gently. Billie pressed
herself more into his hands. He took the smooth globes in his
palms and rubbed them with firm pressure.

"God, you feel so good," he said against her lips. "I need

to touch you just a little, Billie."

"No ... no ... it's not a...."
"Shhhh, baby. I won't hurt you. I promise. I just want to

touch you."

She looked at him and nodded slowly. Cooper kissed each

corner of her lips. "Close your eyes."

He twined his fingers with hers and slowly lifted her hands

above her head. He held her by the wrists with one hand and
massaged her swollen globe with the other. Her lips parted
with a breathless sigh when his lips touched her neck once
again. Cooper flicked his tongue out to the skin and then
sucked the spot gently. He wanted to feel her hot and wet

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by Dahlia Rose


under his touch. He deftly unsnapped her jeans and slipped
his hand inside her pants.

"Spread your legs for me, baby." When she obeyed, and

his hand slipped further between her legs, he whispered his
approval. "Ah, yes, that's it. You shaved. Your pussy is so
smooth and tempting. You like that, don't you? I can tell you
are hot and wet already."

Billie's tiny moans were fueling his desire. He stared at her

as her head slowly rolled from side to side on the wall. With
her arms pinned above her head and her hips undulating
against his fingers, there was nothing more sexy and
beautiful than she was at that moment.

His finger rubbed her clit, and she made a little cry of

pleasure. "You are so responsive. I can feel your body trying
to get my fingers inside you. Do you want me to slip my
fingers in?"

"Yes," she panted.
"Yes, what, Billie? Say my name when you ask." He used

her tactics from the night before and turned the tables. "One
finger or two? I'll let you choose."

"Yes, Cooper! I want your fingers inside me," she pleaded.

"Two. Fill me up, please!"

Cooper rewarded her by giving her what she wanted,

deftly pushing both fingers inside her at once. "Oh, yes. You
are so tight. I can feel your pussy pulling at my fingers. Do
you know what you made me do last night, Billie? You made
me stroke my cock last night thinking about you—how your
pussy looked and how your hands felt on my skin in the club."
As he whispered to her, he pushed his digits deeper inside

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by Dahlia Rose


her. Her legs were spread even wider. With each movement
of his fingers, she made a low purr in her throat. "Now you
are going to cum for me, aren't you, baby?"

"Oh yes, Cooper," Billie whispered. "God, I'm going to


"Say it's me that is making you feel this way," he

whispered harshly against her ear. "Say my name when you

"Oh yes, oh yes, Cooper, it's you!" On her last words, her

cry of release filled his ears, and he felt her warm wetness
flow down his fingers to coat his hand. Her body shook.
Cooper let her hands down, and she automatically hugged
him. He held her to him until she could catch her breath.

"What about you? I should take care of you now." Her

voice was muffled against his chest. "I want you to know that
I don't invite guys into my apartment, and this never
happens.... especially after meeting for drinks on the first
night," she added hastily.

"I know that." Oh, the temptation was so sweet to have

her suck him or give him a hand job. His need for release was
raging, and his cock was so hard it was almost painful. But
that was for another time. This was not about him right now.
He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. "I'm fine,
Billie. I wanted to please you. We have all the time in the

"If you are sure," she said doubtfully.
Cooper kissed her softly. "I'm sure. Are you going to sleep

well tonight?"

She smiled. "Yes, I'll sleep well tonight."

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"Will you dream of me?"
"Do you want me to dream of you, Cooper?"
He loved when she used his name. "Yes, I want you to

dream of me, Billie."

"Then I will."
They exchanged a soft kiss, and he slipped out her door

with her soft goodnight in his ears. Besides his raging hard-
on, Cooper felt like clicking his heels. He exited her building
and stood in front of it. He hailed a cab, and as he sat in the
backseat, he knew he would have to go home and rub one
out again to take the edge off his need. It was worth it
because when he had Billie in his bed, she would trust him
and the pleasure would be greater than any discomfort that
he was feeling now. Oh, it will be worth it, he thought as the
cab turned the corner and her apartment building went out of

* * * *

The call came as Billie was falling into a light sleep. Her

body was relaxed from Cooper's touch. With his fingers inside
her, she had come apart and now she lay languidly in bed.
With a soft "hello," she answered the phone and heard
Cooper on the line.

"Are you dreaming of me yet?" His deep voice sent shivers

through her.

"I was about to, but you woke me up."
"Oh, well, I'll let you go then...."

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Billie could hear the boyish pout in his tone, and it made

her smile. "You don't have to hang up yet. We can talk for a
little bit."

"What are you wearing right now?" he asked.
"Panties. I like to sleep with as little as possible on."
Cooper groaned. "You're killing me."
"You asked, and I answered. That's your fault," she

teased. "What are you wearing, Cooper?"

"Boxers and a t-shirt."
"Is your cock hard?"
"As soon as I heard your voice, it sprung to life," he said


"Stroke it for me," Billie purred. "Picture me there with you

and my tongue slowly tasting the tip before I let it all slip into
my mouth. Wouldn't that feel good, Cooper?"

"Yes. Yes, it would."
"Are you stroking yourself, baby?"
Cooper groaned his reply, and Billie smiled at the sound. "I

know you want to sink that hard cock deep inside me, don't

"God, yes, I want to!"
"But I'll take you, Cooper. I'll let your cock slide out of my

mouth, and I'll straddle you and let the tip play with my wet
pussy. You want to be inside me, but I won't let you unless
you beg me to. Beg me to let you in."

"Billie, let me fuck you, baby, please!" Cooper was in the

midst of the fantasy she created as he stroked his cock. Billie
could hear the slight slapping sound that his hand made as he
rubbed his hard length. Just talking to him had made her hot

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and wet once again. She turned on her back and let her
fingers glide between the wet folds of her pussy, gently
rubbing her clit. Her hips lifted as the sensation went through

"Would it excite you to know I'm playing with my pussy

right now?" she asked.

Cooper gasped. "You are? Damn, I wish I was there to

taste you!"

"I'd let you taste. I think I might like your tongue on me

and inside me. Then I would let you fuck me, after you made
me cum with your tongue."

"Ah Christ, you don't know how badly I want you. I want

you under me with my hands on your hips, pounding myself
inside you!"

Billie buried her finger inside her wet mound and gave a

little cry of pleasure. It drove her to her orgasm instantly.
That sound sent Cooper over the edge. His low groan echoed
over the telephone as he milked his cock with thoughts of her
in his head. Neither said anything for a few minutes until
Cooper broke the silence.

"You know I am still aching for you, right?"
Billie's laugh was low, husky and slightly breathless.

"That's good to know. By the way, when you do sleep with
me, no t-shirt. I want to feel your chest against my back.
Goodnight, Cooper."

She waited for the click from his phone before she hung

hers back onto its cradle. She hopped out of bed and walked
into the bathroom for a quick clean up and a fresh pair of

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undies. She had seen him twice—once in the club and once
socially—and already Cooper had taken her to dizzying
heights. She felt a shiver of anticipation when she thought
about them finally naked and in each other's arms as she
climbed back into bed. Cooper has no idea what he is in for,
she thought with a smile. She turned out the light next to her
bed and settled beneath the blankets, letting sleep claim her.

The phone ringing woke her up only an hour later. She

looked at the clock and groaned. Who could be calling her

"Hello?" Her voice was sleepy as she answered the phone.
"Get your ass out of bed, and get in here, now!"
"Jade, I was already asleep ... Can't someone else do it

tonight?" Billie hated offering up one of the other girls to her
fate, but God, she had a good night for once in her life.

"I need every one of you tonight. Big after-party coming

in, so get your ass in here. You were requested personally."
Her nasty laugh made Billie's skin crawl.

"I'm on my way," Billie said sullenly.
"You got five minutes, girlie. Bruno is downstairs in the


The phone went dead, and Billie got out of bed quickly, in

a hurry to get dressed. She was downstairs five minutes later
and in the van with Bruno going back to Leather and Lace.
When she got there, she saw Kitty, her friend, already there
and dressed in her candy striper outfit. She was another girl
that worked there, with a problem just as big as Billie's. Kitty
had to be about eighteen even though she claimed she was
twenty-one. Her big round innocent eyes belied her claim of

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age, but tonight they were heavily made up with way too
much mascara. Her tiny body was wearing a little pink dress
with white stripes, and her blond hair was in ponytails. She
was dressed like a little girl, but her face was made up like a
grown woman. Billie hated to see what Jade was doing to
Kitty because she was so young and easily manipulated. Now
the girl had no way out.

The look on her face was one of pure fear, and she rushed

into Billie's arms.

"They have me center stage tonight, Billie. Oh God, I'm so

scared!" Kitty sobbed. "Three nights of me in the center ... I

"Shhhh, baby. I'll go in your place," Billie comforted. "Now

wipe your face. Don't ruin your makeup. I'm going to talk to
Jade, okay? Don't worry. Don't let her see you crying either."

Kitty nodded and walked away. Billie watched her go and

felt her heart break for the young girl. She was caught in this
and when Billie left, she was going to take Kitty with her.
There was no way she was leaving her behind. She walked to
Jade's office, and when she heard the sharp order to come in,
Billie stepped in and closed the door. One of the men that
frequented the party was there, lounging on the leather couch
Jade kept in her office.

"What do you want, Billie?"
Billie looked at her. "I want center for this one, Jade."
"We have Kitty for that. Go get ready," was her curt

response, but Billie was not about to give up.

"She is nowhere near ready for this, Jade, and you know

it. Give me center."

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Jade looked at her, tapping her pen against her chin.

"Well, the guys were going to break her in—get her

Billie worked her magic. She sent a sidelong look at the

man on the sofa and licked her lips. She bent over the desk
and got close to Jade so she could look at her cleavage. Billie
knew Jade liked women a lot more than she liked men. She
craved a woman's touch. She liked Billie most of all. From
past experiences, Billie knew she liked to take part in her own
parties. "If you want a show, Jade, I'll give you a show."

When Billie looked at the man, he nodded, and she looked

directly back at Jade, who nodded as well. "You got center,
babe! Make momma proud."

Billie smiled and kept it in place until the office door closed

behind her. She had saved Kitty, but now she had to deal
with the consequences. Her stomach heaved at the thought.
Her feet moved quickly for the bathroom, where she pushed
open one of the stalls. She dropped to her knees to bring up
whatever was left in her stomach.

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Chapter Three

It had been four days since Cooper last heard from Billie.

He called her cell phone and only got her voicemail. He called
her apartment, even went by and pressed the buzzer, but
there was no response. He began to feel she blew him off, but
then his instincts made him worry. After the talk they had,
she would not just leave him to twist in the breeze.

"Hey buddy, what's got you looking off into the distance?"
Cooper looked away from his window view of the New York

skyline to the man who had walked into his office. "Hey, Jeff,
what brings you away from tax law?"

"I had a meeting with one of the partners. Some big wig

hasn't been paying his taxes," Jeff said as he sat in the chair
opposite Cooper's desk. "I was up here and decided to ask if
you wanted to buy me lunch. Some big case you working on
giving you problems?"

Cooper smiled. "No cases pending. The life of a defense

attorney is boring at the moment. You should be buying me
lunch. If this keeps up, I'll be poor."

"Sure, you will," Jeff retorted. "So if no big cases, why the

look? You didn't even hear me walk in. Let me guess—the
models from last month?"

"No models, someone ... well something different." Cooper

looked at his friend. He was the closest thing to a confidant
he had. He had known Jeff for more than five years. They
started at the law firm at the same time and worked up the

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ranks together. They went out for a few drinks and socialized

"Well, are you going to tell me, or are you just going to sit

there staring off into the great nothingness?"

"What...? Oh sorry."
"Okay, now you have to tell me. Spice up my life, dude.

Tax numbers are killing me!" Jeff pleaded, sitting forward.

"Remember a few weeks ago when we went to that club

for John Casey's bachelor party?" Cooper asked.

"The place near the bridge with all the chains and stuff?"
Cooper nodded. "Yup. Remember the girl that had on the

leather dress with the rose cutouts on the back and sides?"

"Vaguely," Jeff affirmed and grinned. "I was kinda

bombed. That whole night is a pleasurable haze of beer and
boobs. And I woke up with a sore fanny in the morning."

"That's because you let some chick spank you with a


Jeff looked surprised. "Really? I thought I was just

dreaming ... anyway, back to the girl with the rose dress."

"Her name is Billie, and I have been seeing her. Well, kind

of, anyway. We had drinks about three days ago, and I have
not heard from her since," Cooper explained.

"Well, that type is fickle. You know how the club scene is—

just girls who are looking for quick money and quick fun."

"Not her. She is working through college to get her degree.

She has goals and dreams. We talked for hours at dinner and
on the telephone. We made this connection, and I have not
talked to her in days."

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"Are you sure you made the connection, or did your little

guy there make it for you?" Jeff inquired with a raised

"We didn't sleep together, Jeff. I know the difference."
"Okay, well, look at it this way—maybe it is for the best.

Would she have fit into your life? You know ... could you take
her out to dinner with the boys in the corner offices?"

"I am one of the boys in the corner offices, Jeff. My door

says senior partner as well. Plus, when did I ever care who fit
in where? She would, but what would I care even if she

Jeff held up his hands. "Whoa there, buddy. You know

me—I love anyone and everyone, sometimes twice if they let
me. I am just putting the question on the table for you to
shoot down."

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to jump down your throat. I'm

just worried about her."

"Well, why in hell are you sitting here? Go find her ... Even

better, we'll find her."

"Thanks, Jeff. You're right. How about meeting me

downstairs later, around six, and we'll go check out the club."

"Hey, women scantily dressed, I'm there." Jeff grinned.
Cooper smiled, but it did not carry to his eyes. He wanted

to find her, even if it was for her to blow him off. He just had
to find her.

* * * *

Billie saw him walk in around seven that night, and her

heart jumped in excitement and fear. He looked so good, and

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she had not talked to him in three days. Hell, she had not
even been home in three days. From the time she saw him,
she ran back to the dressing room and peeked through the
cracked door as he and the guy he was with sat down.

"What's wrong?" A soft voice behind her made her jump.
Billie sighed when she saw it was only Kitty. "That guy

there. He is special, and I can't let him see me."

"Geez, Billie. If Jade finds out, she'll have a fit! You have

to make him leave!"

"Don't you think I know that?" Billie snapped and sighed

again. "I'm sorry, Kitty, but if I go out there he'll want
answers, and I can't give them to him right now." An idea
popped into her head. She went over to one of the lighted
tables and scribbled a note. "Kitty, you walk up to him and
pretend you are inviting him back for a dance, and slip this
into his pocket."

Kitty looked at her, unsure. "I don't know, Billie, if Jade


"She won't, I promise you," Billie said hastily. "Please go.


Kitty nodded and took the note, crumpling it into her

hands. She walked out through the doorway while Billie

"What are you looking at?" The cold voice behind her sent

a chill of disgust down her back.

"Nothing, Jade," Billie replied. "Just seeing what the crowd

is like tonight."

"That's not your problem. You are supposed to be in back

with our guests."

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Billie looked at the woman she despised. Her face was

pretty and her skin smooth, but her eyes were cold and
devoid of any feelings. Billie wondered how she could have
trusted her. Now she lived under her thumb every day, and
she could not take it anymore.

"I'm not going back there anymore. In fact, I'm done with

that, this place, and you," Billie said defiantly. "I have been
here three days straight. I think I worked off the last of my
debts. You can get some of the other girls you can still scare
to work for you. If I have my way, this whole place will be
closed down."

Jade sneered. "You can't close me down, bitch! I have

friends. Just because they aren't in suits and ties don't mean
they don't have power!" Jade waved her hand to the door
behind her. "There are cops in there, and even a few of the
mayor's aides. You think little you can shut me down, you
little shit? You owe me, Billie! That college degree you are
working towards makes me own you. Every dollar in your
pocket for the last few years makes me own you."

"Not anymore. I have worked off more than any debt I

ever owed you."

Jade grabbed her arm and her long nails bit into Billie's

skin cruelly. When she pulled away, Jade snapped her fingers
and one of her big brutes came out of the shadows to hold
onto Billie. "Take her in the back to our guests, and make
sure she doesn't leave." She looked at Billie. "We are going to
have a little more fun with you, my dear."

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Billie looked at her with hate-filled eyes as she was

dragged off to the room by Jade's goon. She hoped that Kitty
could get the note to Cooper without being seen.

* * * *

Cooper and Jeff sat at the bar with the music pounding

around them.

"You see her?" Jeff asked. Even though the words came

out of his mouth, Cooper noticed that Jeff's eyes were
following a redhead in a garter belt that passed by.

Cooper snapped his fingers in front of Jeff's face. "Hey, I'm

over here, and no, I haven't seen her."

"What? Oh, okay," Jeff said, looking around again as the

same girl passed and winked at him.

The bartender walked over with their drinks, and Cooper

leaned over to talk to him. "Hey, is Velvet working tonight?"

"Velvet," Cooper gave her name impatiently once more. He

noticed that the other bartender seemed unable to keep his
eyes from darting around the room. He was nervous about
something. "You know, girl from the island, light accent,
chocolate skin."

"I thought you said her skin was bronze-colored?" Jeff

piped in.

"Jeff," Cooper warned before turning back to the

bartender. "So is she here tonight?"

"Sorry, never heard of her."
Cooper looked at the bartender incredulously. He was

obviously lying. "You're kidding, right? You were standing

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right there the first time I came in here and she talked to

"Listen buddy, pick another girl and don't make trouble or

I'll call the bouncers over," the bartender snapped.

"I'll make more than fucking trouble when I know you're

lying to me!" Cooper's anger infused him, and he stood up
with eyes flashing.

"Hey Cooper, calm down." Jeff tried to reason with Cooper

and eyed the bouncers coming their way.

Just then, a girl dressed in pink with pigtails came over to

the men and threw her arms around Cooper. "Hey, big sexy,
no need to cause a scene. Kitty is here." She giggled lightly.
Cooper felt her hand slip into his pocket and she stood on her
tiptoes to whisper in his ear as she hugged him. "Shhhh, go
... Billie is fine for now." She bit his earlobe gently before she
pulled away and looked at Cooper sexily. "Awww, can't tempt
you? Well, maybe next time, big guy." With that, Kitty walked

"Let's go, Coop." Jeff said, even as his eyes followed Kitty

back to the curtains she walked through.

Cooper let him lead to the door under the constant gaze of

the bouncers and the bartender. He threw one last gaze back
into the club before the door closed behind him. He knew
Billie was in there. And the girl with the pigtails just confirmed
his instinct. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt the
crumpled piece of paper that Kitty slipped into it a few
moments before.

"Whew! Coop, those guys would have clobbered us!"

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Cooper was not even listening to Jeff at that point. He

opened the piece of paper.

"What's that?" Jeff asked. "That Kitty girl was cute, wasn't


"It's a note from Billie," Cooper replied. His focus was so

much on Billie, he didn't respond to Jeff's comment about the
girl in pink. "She said to wait for her at her apartment."

"If she is in there, why would the bartender say she


Cooper looked back at the doors that led to the club. His

mouth set grimly. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

Cooper let his mind wander as they took a cab away from

the club. He had the car drop him off at Billie's apartment
building before it took Jeff home. With Jeff's goodbye and
warning to be safe in his ears, Cooper stood outside until
someone came though the heavy exit so he could wait in the
vestibule of the building. Then he decided to take the elevator
upstairs and wait by her door. That is where he sat and
watched the minutes tick by into hours until Billie came

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Chapter Four

Billie ached. She had run for blocks, and then when she

could run no more and it did not feel like anyone was
following her, she took a cab. Her chest ached and her whole
body throbbed in pain. She did not dare to close her eyes for
fear of falling asleep. Every time the cab stopped, she looked
back to see if the car was being followed. It was after four
o'clock in the morning, and she didn't hold out much hope
that Cooper waited in front of her place that long. Why should
she thought bitterly. He was high class and a gentleman.
She was a dancer in a seedy nightclub. His interest in her was
purely for sex, and soon he would have been tired of her
anyway. Why would a guy like that wait around for a girl like
her? She did not even get to go to class the day before.

The cab pulled up in front of her building, and Billie took a

few crumpled bills from her small purse to pay the driver. Her
body screamed in pain and protest as she unfolded her body
to get out of the cab.

"Hey lady! Here is your change," the cabbie called out in a

thick accent.

Billie was already moving up the sidewalk to the door of

her building and just waved her hand back tiredly to tell him
not to bother. She heard the wheels of the cab pull away but
did not even turn around. She just wanted to get up to her
apartment and crawl into bed. The elevator ride seemed to
take forever, and while the metal box slid upward, she slid to
the floor and placed her head on her knees. Sobs wracked her

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body. With a ding, the elevator doors slid open, but she could
not stop the flow of her tears. She stepped into the hallway
and leaned her head against the wall as sobs wracked her
body. She felt strong arms grab her from behind They caught
up to me!
Billie began to struggle wildly against the arms that
held her, summoning what little strength she had left. She
was not going without a fight.

"Let me go!" She screamed, kicking and lashing out at the

person who held her. "I won't go back. You'll have to kill me
this time!"

Instead of the arms hurting her, they pulled her into a

warm embrace. "Kill you? Oh God, Billie. Stop! It's me,
Cooper. Stop struggling!"

The words registered to Billie finally, and she looked up

with tear-streaked cheeks at Cooper standing there. He
waited for me.

"Yes, honey, it's me," Cooper affirmed. It was only then in

the dim lights of the elevator, that he saw her face, and she
saw his expression change to that of horror. "My God, Billie
what happened to you?"

She opened her mouth to speak, to tell him all she had to

say when she had asked him to wait at her apartment. But
instead, spots swam before her eyes and blackness swirled
into her conscious thoughts. The last thing she saw was his
mouth moving, but she could not hear the words. If it was
relief that she was safe in Cooper's arms or the total body
collapse from her night that let her escape finally into an
unconscious world. Billie could not tell. Her body slumped

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against him. Before she succumbed to the darkness, she felt
Cooper hold her to him tight as he slammed his fist against
the button of the elevator to take them downstairs.

* * * *

Cooper watched her sleep. The day had almost passed,

and she had not awakened even once. On his way down in
the elevator after she collapsed in his arms, he had called Jeff
to come with his car. He had looked at her bruised face and
felt his heart slam into his chest with alarm. Who hurt her like
There was no way to get her into a cab looking the way
she did without questions being asked. So he stood outside in
the cool morning air as the day began, waiting for his ride.
When Jeff finally pulled up, Cooper put her in the back seat,
and amidst questions from Jeff, took her to his loft on the
east side of Manhattan.

There, the total extent of her injuries could be seen. Not

only did she have a split lip and a bruise around her eye, but
when he placed her in bed and undressed her, he saw the red
welts that crisscrossed the backs of her legs and the smooth
skin of her ass.

"Christ, who did that to her?" Jeff asked. He walked in the

bedroom just as Cooper pulled her stretchy jeans down her

"Get out!" Cooper snarled and Jeff beat a hasty retreat. He

finished undressing her with barely controlled fury boiling
inside him. Whoever did that to her is going to pay dearly, he
thought furiously. He walked into the bathroom and came out
with a bowl of warm, soapy water and a washcloth. Even as

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intense anger threatened to erupt and cause him to break
something, he gently washed the red welted skin and dried it
off before slipping one of his big t-shirts over her head and
letting her rest back against the pillows. Throughout all his
ministrations to her body, she never woke up. He left her
sleeping and went out to the kitchen, where Jeff sat at the
counter sipping from a glass.

Jeff looked over as Cooper walked up. "Hey, I made you

one, too. I figured you might need it."

Cooper took the tumbler filed with amber liquid and

downed it in one gulp. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, man."

"No worries," Jeff replied and took another sip. "So what

do you think happened to her?"

"I don't know, but whoever did it, I am going to break

their neck like a twig."

"Coop, I know you like this girl, but maybe this is beyond

your scope of expertise."

Cooper slammed his hand on the marble counter. "What

would you have me do, leave her like that? Take her and
dump her back at her apartment? You saw her skin—she is in
fucking trouble! Hell, when she came home, she could hardly
stand in the goddamned hallway, and she fought me when
she thought it was someone coming to get her!"

"All I'm saying is maybe we should call the cops, man!

Think realistically. Whoever did this is someone we don't want
to mess with," Jeff countered.

"Oh, I'm going to mess with whoever it is, over and over

again," Cooper replied grimly.

"I still think we should call the cops."

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"No, not until she wakes up and I know what the hell is

going on," Cooper said adamantly. "And they shouldn't want
to mess with me. I'm a lawyer with an anger control problem
when someone hits a woman."

Jeff made a grunting sound in the back of his throat that

Cooper could only assume meant he did not agree with him,
but Jeff was his friend and would follow his lead in the matter.
Cooper poured himself another drink and topped off Jeff's
glass. Both men drank silently at the kitchen counter, waiting
for Billie to wake up.

* * * *

Her eyes felt sluggish and heavy as she opened them. She

closed them again for a few minutes, giving them a chance to
work properly. She opened her eyes and this time the bleary
room came into focus. Billie's eyes widened, and she sat up in
the soft bed, looking around wildly. As soon as she did, a
small cry escaped her lips as tender skin and sore muscles
helped her remember the night before. Where am I?

As if to answer the unspoken thought, the bedroom door

opened and Cooper walked in. He looked at her then lowered
his gaze to the ground for a moment. She guessed he saw
the wild look in her eyes, like a frightened animal caught in a
trap and tried to calm her fear. "Don't be afraid, Billie. You
are at my apartment."

She looked at Cooper standing the doorway, and relief

washed over her. She was safe. "How did I get here? How

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"I waited at your apartment like you asked me." He walked

in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "I waited for
hours, and then I heard the elevator. When you stepped out
into the hallway, you almost crumpled on the ground. You
fought me." He looked at her with earnestness in his eyes.
"Then you collapsed in my arms. My God, Billie, what
happened to you? Who did this to you? Your skin, those

A shadow of fear passed over her face. "I wish you could

help ... I thought you could help. That is why I asked you to
wait at my place. But after last night ... You can't help me,
Cooper. These people are ... are..."

"Tell me, and I'll make them pay," he bit out viciously.
"I don't know. They are dangerous, and Jade ... well..."
Cooper sighed and ran his fingers through his chestnut

hair. "Listen, we have to talk about this. I can help you, I
swear. I have a few connections. I'm a lawyer, remember?"

"That's why, Cooper," she said wearily. Billie leaned her

head back against the pillows and closed her eyes. "I don't
want you to get into this, and have it cost you. I don't
deserve your help like that."

He used his fingers to turn her face to his. "Hey, I say who

deserves what from me, and in my book, you do. So you lay
right here, and I'm going to make you something to eat. You
are going to tell me exactly what is going on. Okay?"

Billie nodded because tears clogged her throat from

speaking. She felt Cooper caress her cheek before walking
out of the room. When the door clicked, she let silent tears
fall from between her closed eyelids. She didn't deserve his

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kindness, and after he heard her story, she didn't think he
would want anything to do with her. But she had to tell him.
He had a right to know what he was getting into.

* * * *

She must have dozed off because when he sat on the edge

of the bed, she did not move. "Hey, pretty lady. Open your

Her eyelids lifted slowly, giving him a view of sexy, sleepy

pupils, and they widened when she saw him holding a tray.
On it was a glass of juice and a plate with eggs and a bagel
with cream cheese.

Billie pulled herself into a sitting position with a slight

wince. "You didn't have to do all this, Cooper. It smells

"It's just eggs," Cooper said. But he felt a slight flush burn

his face. "Now eat it before it gets cold."

He placed the tray on her lap and watched her as she

placed the first forkful of the fluffy eggs in her mouth. The
sound of approval she made caused him to smile. Cooper
watched her eat voraciously, cutting through the eggs and the
bagel as if she hadn't eaten in days, and then downing the
juice like she was dying of thirst.

She flushed when she saw him looking at her. "I'm sorry. I

don't usually wolf food down like this."

"Don't worry about it. When is the last time you ate?"
"Ah, I think about two days ago."

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Cooper felt the anger he was trying to hold down rise

again like bile in his throat. "Billie, you have to tell me what's
going on."

Her heavy sigh signaled she was ready to talk. He took the

tray off her lap and placed it on the floor next to the bed. He
turned and faced her, saying nothing and giving her the time
she needed to begin talking.

"When I moved here, I was sixteen. It was a new life for

me and my parents. Everything seemed so fresh and new—
the smells, the huge buildings. It was amazing. It wasn't too
long after that everything went bad. My dad died when I was
eighteen, and my mom went back to the island. She wanted
me to come, but I already had a job and was in school. I
thought I could take care of myself." Billie pulled her legs up
and wrapped her arms around them, resting her chin on her
knees. Cooper stayed silent, waiting for her to go on, knowing
it was hard enough for her to speak about it. "I didn't know
that trying to pay the rent by myself would make me have to
work so many hours, and when I didn't give up school, I fell
behind in rent and other bills. Needless to say, I lost the
apartment and started living from friend to friend while going
to school."

"How does working at the club figure into this?" Cooper


Billie gave a sarcastic laugh, and he hated to hear

bitterness creep into her voice. "I met Jade through someone
I thought was a friend. I could not have been more wrong
about a person in my life. I lost my job, and she took me to
Jade's little slice of hell. At first, she was so sweet and told

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me I could make tons of money just as a hostess. After three
years of bouncing around, I was so excited to be able to get
my own place. Jade even paid my tuition so I could finish
college." Billie smiled sadly, and the light was gone from her
eyes. Cooper sat next to her and pulled her close so her head
was resting on his chest. While she talked, he caressed her
hair to comfort her. "The price of her being nice came a few
weeks after I started working there. There was a party for a
few of her friends. She said she wanted me to come and just
be there to serve drinks. I didn't think anything of it until they
started touching me, and then I was tied up and beaten just
for fun. They like bondage, and they like pain. These are very
bad men. Jade takes her pleasure in it, too, and us girls, well,
we have to work off the debt. She makes sure she lets us
know each time she has one of those parties how much we
owe her."

Cooper tried to control his breathing. He wanted to go find

each and every one of those men and beat the crap out of
them. He wanted to slap Jade senseless. He had to ask the
obvious question, but he did not know if he wanted to hear
the answer, or what he would do when he heard it.

"Did they ever....? I mean did they....?" He could not even

get the words past his lips.

"No, I was never raped. These men, they like the pleasure

of watching us hang there while we are punished. They get
off on watching Jade whip us while they shout out how much
punishment we should get. When you found me, I got away
through the basement window. I couldn't ... I couldn't take it
anymore. I had been there for days, and when I told her I

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was out, that I was going to tell if she didn't let me go, well,
Jade got very angry. I was able to barely get out of the back
room where they were keeping me." Her breath hitched with
unshed tears. "I wanted to take Kitty with me, but she was
not allowed to come near me. Jade knew we were close. Plus
if I had taken her, we would not have even made it to the end
of the block without her guys catching us." Billie looked at
him with pleading eyes, and Cooper could not bear to see the
tears well up in those chocolate brown pools. "God, I hated
leaving her there, but I had no choice. Can you help me, help
us? I mean, there are some cops who go to these parties, and
people higher up. We have to help Kitty especially because
she is the youngest, and one of those guys keeps looking at
her like she is meat on his plate...."

"Billie, I swear to you, you won't have to go back, and we

will shut Jade down!" Cooper was vehement in his statement.
There was no way in hell they would touch Billie or anyone
again. "Lie down and rest some more. I have a few calls to

Billie nodded as he moved away and spoke in a soft voice.

"Cooper ... do you think less of me? If you um ... want me to
go, I'll understand."

He turned to her and lifted her chin so she could look into

his eyes, the swelling around her eye and the purple bruising
making him angry all over again. "I think you are one brave
woman, Billie, so don't ever think different." He kissed her
gently on her lips that were soft and trembling. "But you have
to know, what they did to you was cruel. Bondage is not
meant to hurt or torture, and one of these days when you are

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ready, I'm going to show you what pleasures can come from
it. But only when you are ready."

With that, he turned and left the room. On the other side

of the door, he leaned his head and his hand against the
surface, willing himself not to punch a hole in the wall. He
moved away to sit on his sofa that faced the picturesque view
of the river and picked up his cordless phone. In no time, he
was speaking briskly to two old friends who would know
exactly what to do.

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Chapter Five

Billie spent the rest of the week in bed. The only time

Cooper let her up was to go to the bathroom, and then he
made sure she went right back to bed. He is being so
Billie thought while she lay against the pillows. She
was not accustomed to people helping her unless they wanted
something in return. But Cooper was not like that. When he
looked at her, he saw more than a plaything. He had called
her college and gotten her an extended absence until this was
all straightened out. Her worry increased when his friend Jeff
came by to say that when he went to pick up her clothes, her
apartment was trashed. Cooper told her, and Billie felt her
heart drop. Will they find me here, too? Cooper will be in
But he assured her that even if they did know him,
they could not get into his building. Jeff came into the room
after Cooper with bags and bags of new clothes. He was a
character, and had fun showing each and every piece of
clothing he bought, telling her about each thing in a silly
French voice. She liked him instantly. He tried to make her
smile, which she did at his antics. He left soon after with a pat
on her hand and a jaunty wave to Cooper. From her place in
the bedroom, she saw them exchange a few words at the
door before he left. Cooper's face had darkened, and Billie
could tell that Jeff said something to him that he did not like.
The phone rang soon after, and after talking for a few
minutes, Cooper came into the room. Even though the door
was open, he knocked softly on the gleaming wood.

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"You don't have to knock. It is your apartment." Billie

smiled at him when he walked in.

"It's just rude to walk into a woman's boudoir without

knocking," he teased. "How do you feel about getting up for a

"I would like that since you have held me captive for

days." His eyes darkened when she said this. "I'm sorry,
Cooper. I don't mean it like that. I was teasing you."

"I know, baby girl. I know. The thought of you being held

there ... and I knew you were there. I could feel it! I shouldn't
have let them throw me out.... I should've—"

"And the goons she hired for the front door would have

beaten the hell out of you and Jeff. You did the right thing."
She hated to see him torture himself over her. This was
something that was out of his control and even out of hers
after awhile. God, I shouldn't have let it go on for so long. I
should've gone to the police.

"I have friends coming over to talk to you. I think they can

help. And later, if you want, I'll take you out for dinner," he

"Is it wise to go out? I mean, Jade knows I'm gone, and

her associates will be looking for me. I can expose things and

"Trust me, they won't find you where I am taking you,

okay? Now get dressed. My friends will be here soon."

"I'll take a shower and be out," Billie replied.
She got out of bed wearing only the big t-shirt that he had

put on her when he brought her to his home. As she moved
from beneath the covers, the shirt rode up, exposing the

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smooth curve of her thighs and ass. Cooper made a sound in
his throat that caused Billie to look over at him. His eyes were
filled with desire, and she felt that leap in her belly she felt
that night when he took her home.

"How does your skin feel? Is it still sore?" he asked with a

husky tone in his voice.

Billie felt heat curl inside her body. "Not really, but I don't

think the marks are gone all the way. Could you come look
for me?" What made her give such a tempting invitation, Billie
did not know. She just wanted to feel his hands on her skin.

Cooper moved towards her and sat on the bed. He took

her hand to pull her in front of him. He lifted the hem of the
t-shirt, exposing her skin inch by inch until she lifted it over
her head and let it fall to the floor. His fingers trailed over the
skin of her back down the curve of her spine to the rise of her

"The marks are fading. Is it still tender? His voice was a

sexy growl, and Billie felt goose bumps form on her skin.

"A little, but your hands feel nice. Don't stop," she urged.
His hands traveled up her thighs, and Billie shifted in

pleasure. They went around to the flat surface of her
stomach, where he let his fingers flick at her navel ring. He
massaged her skin in firm circles as they moved upward and
cupped her breasts. A low moan escaped Billie's lips when he
touched her. His fingers plucked and squeezed the nipples
into tight, hard buds.

"You should make me stop now, Billie, because in a few

seconds I won't be able to."

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"Maybe I don't want you to." Her voice was breathless and

turned into a soft cry when his hand slid down her body
again, this time slipping between her legs to rub her moist
clit. His touch made her pussy flow, and she felt her body
react and her wetness run down her thigh. "Cooper, please. I
want you so badly."

"Are you sure? Lord, Billie. Please tell me to stop now."
Her response was to turn and kiss him with all the feeling

and passion building inside her. While their lips were locked in
a feverish kiss, Cooper slipped off the sweat pants and boxer
shorts he was wearing. His cock sprung out of its
confinement, and Billie bent to her knees to taste him, let her
tongue wrap around the smooth tip of his shaft. She heard his
breath hiss from between his lips. When she raised her eyes
to look at him, his neck was arched back as she pleasured
him with her mouth. Billie wanted him inside her, and she
turned her back to him. Cooper rained tiny kisses over the
smooth creamy surface of the curve of her back, then down
to her ass. With one last love bite to her bottom he let his
fingers slip inside her wet crevice. Billie's body shuddered
with pleasure as two of his digits invaded her warm center,
but she wanted more. She wanted to be full of him.

"Give me your cock, baby," she gasped. Billie spread her

legs wider and let her body slip down on his waiting cock.
With her back pressed up against the soft carpet of hair on
his chest, she began to move. Cooper could not hold back a
moan as she continued to move, letting her velvet sex encase

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"Oh God, Cooper, you are so thick." She was full of him

and she felt complete. She wanted even more, and with each
movement of her body, she took his engorged length deeper
into her silky crevice. His fingers gripped her thighs tight and
then moved up to play with her full, smooth breasts.

"Ah, yes, Billie. Fuck me!" The words sounded tortured as

they escaped from his lips. But they sent shivers down her
spine. He pulled her onto his cock and Billie cried out in
pleasure. He controlled their rhythm now, holding her hips
and thrusting into her.

Her body began to shake in ecstasy and she moaned, "Oh

God, I'm going to cum!"

"Yes, baby. Yes!" She could barely hear him through the

haze of her pleasure. She cried out as her orgasm took hold,
and Cooper's harsh cry of pleasure echoed as he came as
well, filling her tight pussy with his warm seed. Their
breathing was the only sound that filled the room. Billie
leaned back against him, causing them both to flop on the

Cooper chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you took advantage of

me like that."

"Hey, you were a willing participant, mister!" Billie tried to

sound outraged, but a giggle escaped her lips. "You don't
think I was too forward do you?"

Cooper kissed the mouth that the small laugh escaped

from. "Honey, be as forward as you want and as many times
as you want."

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"Hmmm, we should move. Your friends will be here soon,"

Billie said with her eyes closed. Her body was languid and
completely relaxed.

"Okay, I'll join you in the shower, because now I feel like a

dirty, dirty boy." He lifted her with what seemed to be no
effort and walked with her in his arms to the bathroom. Billie
felt her spirit soar. Here was one man who did not just see
her as an object, even as he bathed her with a soft wash
cloth. They spoke in intimate voices and exchanged sexy
kisses. His laughter at something she said rang out in the
tiled room, and Billie flushed with the pleasure of knowing it
was all for her.

* * * *

Cooper was in the kitchen making a light snack for himself,

Billie and his friends who were coming to help. She was still in
the shower and getting ready while he had just washed
quickly and went out to the living room in case they arrived
early. As he put cheese and fruit on a platter, his mind went
back to the intimacy they shared only a short time before.
God, she is amazing! he thought to himself. She took his
body from simmer to boil from the time his hands touched
her skin. He grinned. How could she think she had taken
advantage of him? She wasn't nearly as forward as she
believed herself to be. She was so sweet and innocent in a
way, but her body was so easy to stimulate. He was very
eager to find out what levels of pleasure he could introduce
her to. There was more to the feeling stirring inside him than
just sex. Her smile alone made his heart jump. He didn't

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know where it was leading, but damn if he didn't want to find

The buzzer went off at the front door, and he heard his

doorman's voice telling him that his guest had arrived. After
instructing him to let them come up, he opened the door to
the sound of the elevator slowly ascending to his floor. With a
quiet ding, the doors slid open and out stepped Cooper's
friends. If these guys could not help Billie, no one could.

"Well, look at you guys!" Cooper said, grinning to his


The tiny redhead and the hulking man next to her grinned

in return as they walked past Cooper into his spacious
apartment. "Hey, Coop, love what you've done with the place.
Taking out that wall between the kitchen and the living room

"Yeah, well, thank your designer for that," Cooper replied,

closing the door behind them.

"So where is the problem we are supposed to help you

with?" the big man asked.

"She's in the bedroom getting dressed."
The little redhead gave him a look with a raised eyebrow

and Cooper flushed, causing her to laugh. "You still do that
after all these years—a grown man blushing. Too cute!"

"Leave me alone before I sit on your tiny red ass," Cooper

said with a grin and walked towards the bedroom. "I'm going
to go get Billie."

Cooper came back with Billie in tow, holding her hand. She

was dressed in a yellow sundress and barefoot as they
crossed the hardwood floor. Her hair was down around her

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shoulders, and with Billie's head down, it was around her
face. Cooper felt distressed at her body language. She had
nothing to be ashamed of, and he wanted her to know that.

"Billie, these are my friends, Marcus and Juliana."
"Nice to meet you, Billie." Juliana went forward and

embraced the now-shy woman, and her eyes opened wide in
amazement. Marcus echoed her statement, and Cooper
smiled when she was engulfed by the towering man, who
blocked out all light when he hugged her.

"Marcus, you're smothering her" Juliana complained,

slapping at his big hands.

Billie offered a shy smile. "I'm fine. It's like hugging a

teddy bear."

Marcus grinned, exposing pearly white teeth. "See, I'm a

teddy bear."

"I'm sorry. You both are very nice, but I don't see how that

is going to help me," Billie said.

"You are looking at the sister and brother team that even

the cops need for help every now and again," Cooper said
with a wide smile. "They can get into places where the law
has problems getting at times."

"Cooper told us about what is going on over at Leather and

Lace," Juliana explained. "The cops have been casing that
place for awhile, but could never get anything solid. It's been
on our radar as well, and now with you, we have an
opportunity to give the police Jade Chen."

"See, I told you they would know how to help." Cooper

rubbed her shoulders to reassure her. "All we have to do is
come up with a plan and keep you safe all at the same time."

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"Jade runs with some mobsters even the cops don't mess

with. The FBI will be glad to see them all go down," Marcus
said. "Don't worry, Billie, you are safe with us."

She nodded and Cooper still held her hand as he invited

everyone to sit and talk. Cooper looked at her more than
once while she sat next to him, and now there was a light of
hope in her eyes.

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Chapter Six

Marcus and Juliana. Billie mused about the two people she

had met while she freshened up to go to dinner. They were
both so very nice and willing to take on her fight as their own.
It was a simple plan they had come up with. Juliana would try
to infiltrate the club, and Marcus would become one of the
men who took part in the torture play that Jade provided.
They would gather as much information as possible to shut
the place down with the FBI's help, but Cooper was adamant
that Billie not be involved. She was glad that she would not
have to be part of it—only to provide information on Jade and
her people. Her worry was for Kitty. Her friend had been in
her thoughts for days now. She was scared for the young girl
in the midst of that horror. Since Billie ran, she had not dared
to contact Kitty. The less she knew, the safer she was. She
could deny knowing about Billie's plans, and at least that
would keep her safe until they could get her out. She had
explained to the siblings Kitty's importance to her. She had
come into the club at the innocent age of eighteen and Jade
had already had her telling everyone she was twenty. Billie
knew better, and after gaining the girl's trust, discovered her
age and how Jade had given her a home off the streets.
Repaying the debt was much worse, and many times, Kitty
wanted to run back to the streets. Fear of being alone, having
no money, and Jade's men had them all between a rock and
hard place.

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Her mind went back to Juliana—her soft, pixie-like looks

underneath a boy's short haircut. Billie saw her big
personality in such a small stature, and she wondered if
Cooper had formed an attraction to petite women. Billie was
not petite by far. She recalled one time at the club a guy
called her voluptuous. She hoped Cooper liked her body. Now
is a great time for you to start getting self-conscious, Billie,
she chastised herself. Juliana had been watching her a few
times and even raised her eyebrow in Billie's direction. Was
that a little hint for me? Was she wondering about me and
Cooper's relationship? Was it jealousy?
All these questions
flowed through her mind. Billie would have no problem being
alone with her to see what might come of the situation.
Answering every one of Juliana's questions honestly, if there
were any, would be easy. Her thoughts went back to Cooper.
She saw such glorious possibilities when it came to him. He
seemed to be the kind of man who would fulfill all her
fantasies. What would Cooper think of my secret desires?
Billie was still smiling at the thought when Cooper came in the

"What's so funny, cupcake?"
Billie felt heat creep into her cheeks. "Nothing, nothing at

all. And since when am I cupcake?"

"Since I found you are chocolate on the outside and

creamy on the inside." Cooper growled when he pulled her
into his arms.

Billie rested her head against his chest and listened to the

steady rhythm of his heart. "That is so corny, but still very
nice." Standing in his bedroom, held in his arms, felt very

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safe and right. She never had any feelings like that for

"Let's go to dinner. It will be the last time out for awhile

until we get Leather and Lace closed down."

The phone rang just as they were stepping out the door,

and Cooper went to where the cordless sat on the coffee table
to answer it. Billie could tell after a few minutes of him talking
that they were not going to go out after all. She kicked off her
shoes and sat next to him on the couch, tucking her feet
under her.

He gave her an apologetic look as he hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, cupcake, but I have to run to the office. That was
Jeff, and something big came up at the firm. I have to go."

"It's okay. You have to work. I can't expect you to drop

your life and job because of me. I can watch TV until you get

Cooper kissed her on each cheek and then placed a long

lingering kiss on her lips. "I don't want you to be alone. I'll
call Juliana on the way out, and she'll bring over dinner and
stay with you."

"No, you don't have to do that," Billie protested, but she

secretly had doubts at the thought of Juliana coming over and
the two of them in the apartment alone. She never really had
women as friends. She only talked to a few girls at the club.
She didn't even know her that well and did not want to
impose. "I'm sure that she has plans or something that she
has to do tonight."

"I'm going to call and find out, okay?" Cooper said. He

grabbed the phone as he got up and crossed the room,

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heading towards the bedroom. "I gotta grab my briefcase
from the bedroom."

He came back out a few moments later, saying "bye" and

"thanks a lot" into the phone, and then turned it off and set it
back into its cradle. "So it's set, then. Juliana said she was
free, and she'll be here in half an hour with food."

Billie smiled. "Okay, I'll thank her when she gets here."
"You gonna be okay until she arrives?"
"I'll be fine. You go take care of business and say hi to Jeff

for me."

He leaned in and kissed her before walking to the door. He

gave her a longing look before walking out, the door clicking
softly behind him. Billie picked the remote up off the glass
table and started flicking through channels. Cooper's
apartment was amazing compared to her cramped little one-
bedroom. His TV was one of the biggest flat screens she had
ever seen, and the images were so crystal clear. Black metal
and glass shelves made up his bookshelves that lined the
wall, each shelf filled with books. Billie could see herself
curled up with each one of those books, reading it from cover
to cover. In the corner, his contemporary art statues stood
next to the big sliding door and balcony that looked out to the
East River. Who the hell am I kidding? He was a man of class
and she was a little girl from an island who got caught up in
the big city muck. He wouldn't be able to introduce her to his
friends or his business partners or take her to fancy parties.

He was only trying to help her out. When she was safe and

he got tired of her, she'd be back working her way through
college and working some dead-end job to survive. I could

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never fit into his life. She stood, went over to the door and
slid the glass back silently. When she stepped out, she was
buffeted by the wind. The city lights made such a beautiful
contrast against the dark sky. She looked over the rail down
to the street at people and cars passing beneath her,
unaware of her presence. How easy it was to be lost in this
city. She recalled growing up on the island. In her parish,
everyone knew everyone. A person couldn't even get to the
beach without a neighbor asking if her mum knew. If she
didn't, it was guaranteed she would before her feet touched
the sand. Memories of home and her childhood made Billie
smile, but she was pulled from her thoughts by the insistent
buzzing of the intercom. The doorman announced that Juliana
was downstairs, and Billie told him to send her up. She felt
like a fake when she talked to him. It wasn't even her
apartment, and here she was telling the doorman what to do.

"Hey, lady!" Juliana's warm greeting and hug was given

the instant she opened the door. "I just left here and look—
I'm back like a bad rash."

Billie couldn't help but grin at the friendly, redheaded

pixie. "All rashes should be as nice as you."

Juliana laughed at the comment. "I see you have perked

up since we left. I swear it was like pulling teeth to get a word
out of you. I come bearing Chinese food from Little

Billie recognized the name of one of the hottest

restaurants in the city, and her stomach rumbled. "Wow, I
didn't think they did take out."

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Juliana gave her a sly wink. "For me, they do. Get some

plates down from the cupboard, and I'll get some wine out of
the fridge. We can get this party started!"

Her exuberant mood was rubbing off on Billie, and soon

they were working side by side, getting dinner out on the
table. They sat down across from each other, and Juliana
raised her glass.

"Here's to new friends and great Chinese. Let the two

never be far from each other."

"Here, here!" Billie touched the rim of her glass with

Juliana's and the clink it made sealed the new-found

* * * *

It was like talking to an old friend that she'd known

forever. Between sweet and sour pork, broccoli and shrimp
with steamed rice, and house noodles, they talked about
everything. Billie found herself telling Juliana things she had
not even thought about in years and opening up about
Leather and Lace as well. Juliana's sympathy almost undid
her and sent her into tears. For the first time in a long time,
she felt as if she had a true friend. They cleaned up the
leftovers from dinner, set the dishes in the dishwasher and
went over to sit in front of the TV to finish their wine. While
Billie sat on one end, Juliana slipped off her canvas pumps
and rested her feet on Billie's lap.

She looked down at the sexy metallic blue color on the

toes that rested in her lap. "Very nice pedicure," Billie

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Juliana snorted in laughter. "Please! I painted those with

my feet up on the bathroom sink. Stop looking at my bad

Billie grinned. "I have never had a girl so comfortable with

me as to put her feet in my lap, unless she wanted

"No ulterior motive here, Billie. I want to be your friend."
"Thanks for that," Billie said in a soft voice. Tears misted in

her eyes at Juliana's response.

Juliana looked at her. "Hey now, no crying. We are going

to get you out of this mess."

Billie nodded and cast a small smile in Juliana's direction.

"So why were you sending me those looks when you guys
first came over?"

"I was accessing the situation. Cooper is already so

protective of you, and I was seeing if you had any telltale
signs of using him."

"I wouldn't do that to him."
Juliana's grin was wide and she teased, "You'd better not.

He's like my brother. I'd kick your ass if you did. I bitch-
slapped the last ball buster that thought she could use him."

Billie snickered. "That's something I'd pay to see."
They fell into a companionable silence while the TV

flickered and the newscaster talked about what happened in
the city and around the world. Billie let her mind wander idly
and for the first time in along time, she saw light at the end
of the dark tunnel she had been in. Maybe this will work. I
have people in my corner now. Maybe I can get out of this

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Juliana's voice cut into her thoughts. "Do you know we

drank the whole bottle of wine? I'll get another." She bounced
up quickly to go to the fridge, and Billie watched the sway of
her body as she did a little dance to the open kitchen. She
came back and sat next to Billie and poured half a glass of
wine in both glasses, handing one to Billie before sitting back
against the plush cushions of the sofa.

"So let me ask you, Billie—why the looks when we were

talking with the guys?"

"I thought you were jealous, and I was going to fight you

for him." Billie gave a shy laugh. "Honestly, from the time
Cooper came into the club, I wanted to talk to him but I was
too shy to initiate it."

Juliana slid a look at her. "What about the girls at the club?

You should give me a little more insight before I go there."

"Please. Wait until you go there. Those girls are hardcore.

That is the reason why Jade recruits the younger girls like
Kitty and me. Her buddies want fresh meat, and the girls that
work the club are hustlers. Some of them live in that life
because they like it there. The rest of us are just plain scared
and forced to be pawns in Jade's sick game." Billie knew how
those girls operated, and the thought of one of them and
Jade's pinched face made her want to retch. "Jade is like a
rusty bear trap. Once she gets her teeth locked, it's
impossible to get away."

Juliana giggled. "I'm sorry for laughing. I am just picturing

her with metal teeth right now like that old James Bond
movie. I think the wine is getting to me. I'm going to close
my eyes for a bit until Coop comes home, okay?"

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Billie smiled at her new friend. "Ok, I'm going to head to

the bedroom and watch TV in there."

Juliana was already pulling the blanket from over the

couch across her body and settling against one of the throw
pillows. She raised her hand in acknowledgement while Billie
crossed to the bedroom.

Maybe it was the wine, but when Billie got to the room and

closed the door, she trailed her finger down the valley of her
breasts. She felt an instant rush of heat that traveled to her
pussy. Cooper's kisses and his touch flooded into her mind.
She was alone for awhile longer, and this was an opportunity
that could not be passed up. Billie smiled to herself as she
stripped off her clothes easily and laid on the bed. She could
fantasize about all the untold pleasures she was going to
experience with Cooper. "Come on, and I'll show you." She
heard his voice in her head, and felt a shiver of anticipation
when her hand trailed down her stomach.

* * * *

In the bedroom, Billie piled the pillows against the

headboard and laid against them. She closed her eyes and
envisioned Cooper there with her while she made tiny circles
around the areolas of her nipples.

"Kiss me, Billie. Taste my lips." The whispered invitation in

her mind made her moan softly. She began to squeeze her
breasts, and she felt her body shiver. His taste was different
from anyone Billie had ever kissed. She could almost feel his
tongue in her mouth. She kept her fantasy going in her mind

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while her hands moved down her body slowly to press against
the tiny bud of her clit.

He would pull away from the kiss, trailing his tongue down

the soft skin of Billie's neck. "Would you like me to taste your
nipples? They look so good. Such big, sexy tips. I want to pull
one into my mouth. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I'd like that," Billie replied to the empty room. Her

eyes were closed and her head dropped back while she teased
herself with light touches. Her hips lifted in pleasure when she
teased the opening of her pussy.

His hands would go to her shoulders and pull the straps of

her dress down, revealing the full globes. Cooper would kiss
his way down her chest until he took the dark areolas of her
nipples in his mouth. Billie cried out in pleasure when she
slipped her fingers in her pussy, and the sensations shot
through her core. She massaged her other breast in her hand
before capturing that nipple between the tips of her fingers
and pinching them hard. Billie arched her back and let the
heat of her own pleasure manipulate her body. Now in her
mind they were lying on the bed, wrapped in each other's
arms, and their clothes seemed to melt away. Billie caressed
his body. Her legs shifted in excitement when thought of
Cooper's lips trailing kisses down her flat stomach and his
tongue burrowing into her navel. Cooper would kiss the
beginning of her mound right at the apex of her thighs. "Let
me taste you, sexy girl. Mmmmm, you smell so good."

Billie parted her legs willingly, and in her fantasy she felt

the sliver of Cooper's tongue between the folds of her slit. It
was her own fingers sliding in and out of her moist crevice.

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He would moan in pleasure. Billie could hear it, and then he'd
wrap his arms around her creamy thighs and pull her firmly
against his mouth. His tongue would burrow inside her pussy,
tasting the exotic musk that flowed from her.

"Ahh, God, yes!" Billie could not help but cry out as sexual

heat infused her. This was so different than any other time
she masturbated. It was so real. She filled herself with two
fingers inside her slick pussy and began to move in and out,
deeper each time. Combined with the imagination of Cooper's
tongue licking and tasting her, Billie felt her orgasm begin.

"Oh fuck, yes, I'm going to come!" She screamed and let

her hips grind against the fingers that were now mercilessly
driving in and out of her wet flesh. No sooner than the words
were out of her mouth, her juices flowed and the orgasm
shook her, making her breathless.

"Well isn't this a very nice surprise."
Through her haze of ecstasy, Billie heard Cooper's voice.
Billie propped herself up on her elbows and looked to the

doorway where Cooper stood with smoldering eyes and a rigid
cock in his pants. "Want to play, big sexy?" she purred. Her
breath was coming in tiny pants, and she licked her lips.

She watched as Cooper began to strip out of his clothes.

"Don't mind if I do." He crossed the room and climbed into
bed with his woman.

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Chapter Seven

Cooper had just stepped in one of the biggest fantasies of

his life. He was surprised when he came home and found the
TV on with Juliana asleep in front of it. On the coffee table sat
an empty wine bottle and one opened, plus two half-empty
glasses. He wondered where Billie was until he heard the very
sexual noise coming from the bedroom. He opened the door
to a very hot woman masturbating in his bed. She invited him
in on the fun and how could he refuse? This was the kind of
surprise he liked coming home to.

Now he sat next to Billie, watching her lick her lips and

pinch at her nipples while his thick fingers played with the
wetness left on her pussy. Damn, she's wet! he thought as his
finger slipped inside her easily and his thumb worked at her
clit. Billie's body arched off the bed, and she writhed in the
pleasure. He could only imagine what she felt. He was playing
with her moist mound, and her own hands were voraciously
plucking on her nipples. Billie looked like she was in heaven.

"God, two fingers, Cooper! Use two fingers!" Billie cried

out, and he obliged. Her excitement level was past frenzied,
and he felt his cock tighten even more. His fingers brought
her to orgasm again. With every breath, there was a tiny
moan behind it.

"Hmmm, I think you need to be fucked," Cooper


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"Yes, please baby, fuck me!" Billie panted and spread her

legs wider in invitation. "I want you deep inside me hard.
Now, baby, now!"

"I can fix that," Cooper said with a sly grin. He settled

himself between Billie's legs and lifted them up to her chest.
It made an erotic sight, the two of them in a sexual tapestry.
Cooper watched as Billie's tongue flicked out to lick her lips
before he slid his cock into her waiting pussy. He moaned in
pleasure at the feeling of her flesh surrounding his thick
manhood. He heard Billie's low moan and her cry as each of
them succumbed to the sexual pleasure. He moved deeper
inside Billie, pounding her wet, slippery flesh, reveling in the
slapping sounds their bodies made each time he went inside
her. He looked on as Billie's eyes widened and the moans that
escaped her lips were feral in sound. Billie's hands reached up
and plucked at her nipples once more, and Cooper pounded
his cock into her. Oh how he wanted to give into his release,
but he wanted to see Billie come once more before he let
himself go. Their bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat.
Cooper watched his cock glide in and out of his woman. Each
time, it was dripping with her juices. When her hand reached
under and she let her fingers dig into his taunt buttocks, it
was his undoing. He rammed himself inside her, over and
over again, letting her loud moans and whimpers of pleasure
fill his ears. He felt Billie's orgasm take hold, the walls of her
pussy clutching at his cock, and then her body trembled with
the force of her release. She screamed as she reached her
peak just before Cooper let his own orgasm overtake him,
and he spilled his own cum into Billie's warm crevice. They

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laid in tangled limbs, letting the air cool them and their
breathing return to normal.

"That was a surprising homecoming," Cooper murmured.

"I did not expect that."

"I didn't expect you either, dear fellow," Billie said in a

British accent.

He spanked her once on her ass. "Are you making fun of


Billie giggled. "Nuh-uhn, I was experimenting and you

came in and made it better."

"Thank God for experimentation," Cooper said with a grin.

He was glad that Billie was comfortable enough to play with
herself. He wanted her to feel safe. This was her home now
too, and sex was a bonus that they could both enjoy.

There was a knock on the door. "Uh, guys if you're done

screaming and hollering, I am going to head home."

Billie buried her face against Cooper's chest, and her body

shook with laughter. "You don't have to go," Billie called
through the unopened door. "Does she, Cooper?"

"No, she doesn't." Cooper saw the hope and happiness in

Billie's eyes. If she had asked him to pluck the stars from the
sky, he would find a way to do it.

Juliana's muffled voice came back to them. "Aww, thanks,

guys, but with you two boffing like bunnies, I won't get any
sleep. I need my own bed."

"'Night, guys," she called. "I'll make sure the door locks

when I leave."

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Cooper turned and wrapped his arms around Billie, and he

cuddled her to him. "Seems you had a pretty interesting

"It was fun. We ate and talked. There is leftover Chinese in

the fridge, by the way. She is really nice, and I think we could
be good friends."

"I saw the empty wine bottle and glasses," Cooper teased.

"You two are lushes."

"You won't call me a lush when I am wine happy and

dancing on your coffee table."

She squealed when he bit her on the neck and rolled her

over on top of him. His cock was hard, and he reached to slip
it inside her once again.

Her laughter ended on a low moan. "Oh, Cooper, you feel

so good."

"That's right, baby. It's my cock that fucks you so damn

good. Yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes," she chanted as he began to move inside

her, and her hips took up his rhythm. Thought was lost as
instinct took over. Cooper let himself get lost in the sensual
haze they created.

* * * *

"Coop, I um, I need to talk to you, man!" Jeff walked into

his office.

He looked up from the papers on his desk and saw his

friend's worried face. "Sure. Hey, what's wrong?"

"I think there is a problem, and it is directly connected to


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Cooper was instantly alert when Jeff mentioned Billie. He

waited as Jeff closed the office door and sat across from him.
"What problem do you have that is mixed with hers?"

"Um yeah, since the night when I picked up Billie—actually

after that. I went back to see Kitty, the girl who gave you the

"I know who she is, man. How could you go back there?"

Cooper asked harshly.

"I didn't go in, Coop!" Jeff explained in a rush. "I waited at

the corner to see if she would come out, and she did. So I
asked her if she remembered me, and she did. I offered her a
ride, and we started seeing each other." Jeff sighed and
slumped into his seat. "God, Coop, she is freaking amazing!
So shy, sweet, and she had a hard life. I hold her at night and
just let her sleep. I told her I'd help you get her away from
there, and I told her Billie was safe, that we are all trying so
hard to get her out!" Jeff raised tormented eyes to Cooper.
"She's missing, Coop! I haven't seen her in days, and no one
at the club has seen her. I asked some of the girls when they
came out. No one has seen her, man!"

An uneasy feeling went through Cooper. "How many days

has she been gone?"

"More than four. At first, I thought she got tired of me, but

every night I go out to that damned club and watch for her to
come out just to know she is okay. But she never does!" Jeff
swallowed. "God, man, I fell hard for this girl, and I know
something is wrong. I know it!"

Cooper stood and went around his desk to place a

comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "Don't worry, man,

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we'll find her." Even as he spoke the words, dread was
already settling in his stomach. Now he had to go home and
tell Billie her friend was missing.

* * * *

They got into a kind of routine. Cooper would go to work

every day, and Billie would stay at his apartment and study
for when she was finally able to get back to classes. She did
not intend to lose ground when her master's degree was so
close and her dream was within reach. Juliana and her
brother were already working undercover in the club. With
the help of the New York Police Department, Marcus had
gotten a fake record of being a known mobster and pimp. He
took Juliana to Jade, whom he had already met, and
introduced her as one of his girls who needed some more
training on how to be nice to his guests. Jade took one look at
the cute redhead and saw fresh possibilities and dollar signs.
She started the new girl out as a hostess. Juliana had been
working there for three days while Marcus was still waiting to
be invited to one of the underground BDSM parties. They did
not happen daily or weekly; only when Jade planned them,
and then invitations were hand-delivered to the participants
by one of her bodyguards.

Billie was sitting at the table, staring off into nothingness

with her books open in front of her when Cooper stepped in
from work. She smiled in pleasure at seeing him home. She
missed him when he was gone, but was too shy to say it quite
yet. In the time that they had been together, Billie noticed
that Cooper had the uncanny ability to read her every mood.

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It unnerved her sometimes that he could know her so well in
such a short time. But then it filled her with pleasure to know
he cared enough to learn about her and her emotions. Today
it was he who wore a strained smile when she greeted him.

"Hey, cupcake, how was your day?" he asked.
"What's wrong, Cooper?" she asked. He could not even

meet her gaze.

He dropped his briefcase next to the table and knelt beside

her chair. "Honey, Kitty is missing."

Billie felt the blood drain from her face and shook her head

in denial. "No, Juliana is there. She would have said
something. I told her what Kitty looks like. She's probably
just in one of the rooms downstairs ... Or she is at her place
... she isn't..."

"Baby, Jeff has been seeing her since you left the club.

She's been staying with him, and he hasn't seen her in a few

"That doesn't mean she is missing," Billie denied

stubbornly. "She could just be in the back ... Jade does that

"Honey, no one has seen her—not even the girls who work

there. I checked myself—greased a few palms with cash. She
is missing," he said with sadness in his voice.

Billie sobbed and held her head in her hands. Oh, God,

Kitty! Where are you?

"She'll be okay, cupcake," Cooper said softly and rubbed

her shoulders.

Billie turned to him with tears on her cheeks. "No, that's

what's worrying me, Cooper! No one has seen her in how

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long? What if she's hurt, or worse? What if Jade found out she
helped me get a message to you, and she is being punished?"
Billie's words broke off as the thoughts became too much to

He wrapped his arms around her waist and let his head

rest against her lap. "Don't worry, they'll find her; and when
they do, we'll take care of her. I promise, Billie."

"No one can make that promise, Cooper. No one." Billie's

voice shook as she thought of her lost friend.

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Chapter Eight

In the days that followed her discovery that Kitty was

missing, Billie's thoughts were always of trying to find her.
She could not go to the club herself, so she relied on
information from Juliana, who now worked there. Each time
she worked at the club, Billie called her to ask about Kitty.
Each time it was the same. She had not seen Billie's friend or
even been able to get to the back rooms to look for her. The
rooms were always heavily guarded, and with every negative
response, Billie's worry grew for the young girl. Is she hungry
or hurt? Is she alive?
With every thought, images of her
friend lying broken and cold somewhere in one of those
rooms, or dead in a back alley, made Billie's heart break.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll find her soon." Cooper's

voice broke through her thoughts as they lounged in bed. He
had his head against the smooth flat surface of her tummy.
She let her hands caress his hair and the back of his neck. A
small smile crossed her lips as she felt him shiver against her.
"I know, Cooper. Thank you so much for everything you are

"I do it because I care about you, cupcake. I have from the

very beginning." He lifted his head to look at her. "Hey, guess

"What," she replied. She thought the excited boyish

expression he was wearing at that moment was very cute.

"How about a party tonight? It would make up for me not

taking you out. Before you say anything, it is at my law firm.

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One of the partners is retiring, so no one there will know you,
and you'll be safe."

"What if they ask me where I work or what I do?"
"Tell them the truth. You are in college and getting your

master's in English." He kissed her lightly and looked into her
eyes. "Nothing else matters, Billie. That part of your life is

"I don't have anything to wear," she protested weakly.
"Oh, yes, you do. Before we go to the party, we are going

to stop at Carmine's."

Billie's mouth dropped open. "Carmine's, the hottest

designer in New York?"

"The one and only! He is my cousin, and we have a special

appointment for you to pick out something to wear."

"Unbelievable! Your cousin is Carmine? What else don't I

know about you, Cooper Jasper?"

"All in due time, my dear. All in due time. Now get that

fine ass in the bathroom, and get ready to go. We are going
to have dinner at Carmine's loft over his boutique and then
off to the party."

A few hours later, they were heading uptown to Tribecca in

Manhattan. Billie could only walk through this neighborhood
and window shop, with all the contemporary boutiques. She
could never afford to buy any of the outfits or shoes from
even the smallest shop window. They pulled up in front of the
building that had his cousin's name painted down the side in
fabulous graffiti art. Carmine greeted them at the door and
instantly twirled her around, marveling at her curvaceous
figure. Billie shyly thanked him, and they went up to his loft

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to eat with him and his partner, Ramón. Throughout dinner—
she never had so much fun—she discovered that one of the
most prestigious designers in New York had a very wacky
sense of humor with a love of horror flicks and B movies.
Downstairs, he made her try on seven different dresses until
they both fell in love with a champagne-colored dress that fell
a little below her knees in petit four points. It had a high
collar that cuffed around the neck and no back, leaving her
smooth skin exposed. She turned slowly and let Cooper take
a look at their pick. When she saw the smoldering desire in
his eyes, she knew she had made the right choice. She
wanted to please him, and this dress did it.

The twosome bid their host goodbye with promises from

Billie to come back and visit him very soon. It took only a few
minutes to get to Cooper's office building, even in midtown
Manhattan traffic. On the ride up in the elevator, Billie felt
butterflies dance around in her stomach.

Cooper squeezed her hand reassuringly. "It will be fine,

cupcake. You'll see." Billie just smiled, even though her
stomach was doing a topsy-turvy dance. The elevator doors
slid open to reveal a party already in full swing. On the buffet
table sat an ice sculpture of a swan, and it was laden with
food. Everyone was immaculately dressed, and diamonds
hung from ears, necks and adorned cuff links. Billie felt out of
place instantly. She wanted to run back to the elevator and
let it take her back downstairs. This is for Cooper, she kept
repeating in her head, even though each step she took felt

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"Cooper!" Someone called out, and she saw a man

crossing the room to greet them.

Cooper introduced his senior partner and his lovely wife,

Beverly, who had to be twenty years younger than the old
man. She felt the woman's cold stare on her even as they
shook hands. Billie could sense the woman's dislike instantly.

The rest of the evening, Billie talked and laughed with

some genuinely friendly people, and felt the stares and dislike
of others. She excused herself from Cooper and the couple
they were talking to and went to the bathroom. She found it
empty and took a deep breath, the first one all evening,
before she went into a stall. She was not alone for long. The
door opened again and she heard a group of women come in,
talking. The conversation was about her.

"Can you believe he brought her here?" one said.
"What was he thinking, dating a black girl, of all things?

She looks so out of place here. And that dress! You know he
bought it for her."

"Probably the most expensive thing she owns," another

piped in.

"He should have left her home watching the BET channel

instead of mixing with us. Of all the nerve—Cooper Jasper's
lowering his standards." Billie recognized the voice of the
senior partner's wife filled with venom.

Billie's eyes filled with tears at the hurtful words coming

from the women. As they spilled down her cheeks, she pulled
her feet up so no one would know she was there. It was a
mistake for her to come here with Cooper. She was out of
place and always would be.

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She heard a stall door slam and another voice piped into

their conversation while the other voices went silent in
surprise. "You girls should really look under the stalls before
you go talking like that. I wonder if Cooper and the other
partners would like to know that they are in company with
such a bunch of bitches. That girl carries herself better than
some of you whores who are sleeping with the pool boys
while daddy is at work. And you come in here and snivel like
rats. By the way, Beverly, you could never wear that dress on
your skinny behind like she does." The woman walked out,
and Billie never saw the face of her defender. The rest of the
gang walked out, whispering to each other. She had to be
someone important, because none of them spoke up while
she was speaking. Billie swiped the tears from her face. She
could not go back in there. She had to go. It was all too
much—this party and Kitty being missing. She couldn't stay
another second. Cooper would understand. He always did.
She came out of the stall, rushed out of the bathroom and
headed for the elevators quickly. When the doors slid closed
behind her, she silently pleaded for it to hurry down to the
bottom floor. From there, she hailed a cab to get back to the

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Chapter Nine

Cooper was standing with a group of men, including Jeff,

talking when he saw Billie streak from the bathroom straight
for the elevators. He moved quickly, trying to get to her first,
but by the time he got there, the doors had closed and the
elevator had started its descent. He turned back and looked
at the crowd. He met Beverly's hateful smirk and her cohorts
standing with her. They saw Billie leave, but when they met
his gaze, they all tried to pretend they did not notice Billie's
exit. He knew better—they had something to do with it.

He started towards them until Lena Mallory cut him off.

"You should know, Cooper—the bitch crew was in the
bathroom speaking ill of Billie. I read them the riot act, of
course, but none of us knew she was in one of the stalls. I
saw her leave. I am so sorry this happened here."

Cooper kept his eyes on Beverly as she moved next to her

husband, and so did her friends. As if those men could protect
her from his wrath. "What did they say?" He knew Lena was
an upstanding older woman who owned shares in the firm.
None of the senior partners dared go against her. They loved
her money too much.

"The usual bullshit. Made her seem like she was lower than

dirt wearing an expensive dress," Lena responded. But she
was talking to herself. Cooper was already striding towards
Beverly and her husband.

"I suggest you control your wife, John, before I do,"

Cooper bit out.

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"Now, now, Cooper, from what I hear, your chippy started

it," John said, trying to soothe Cooper.

He had said the wrong thing because before the words

were out of his mouth, Cooper had him by the collar. "What
did you say to me?"

"Com ... come on Cooper, you know what they say—you

can dress a girl in silk, but you can't make her a queen. She
is not from our crowd."

Cooper's fist sent him sprawling across the table behind

him, amidst gasps and murmurs from the other guests.

"As opposed to your wife, John, who would fuck a brick if it

made money?" Cooper sneered as the man got to his feet,
rubbing his sore jaw. "Yeah, we all know about Beverly.
Hmm, how many times did you offer it to me in my office with
him right next door, Bev? Saying his dick was the size of a dill
pickle and you needed to be satisfied."

An amused trickle of laughter went through the crowd, but

Cooper was not done, even as Beverly turned beet red with
embarrassment. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. You stopped offering it
to me when the pool boy started putting the hose to you."

"Why you....!" John began and Cooper whirled on him.
"Why, I what, John? I have more shares here than you do.

I think it's time for a little mix-up in the ranks here."

"You don't have enough shares, Cooper," John spat out.

"Even if you tried to drum me out because of your new toy."

"He has my votes and shares to back him," Lena said,

stepping forward. A few others voiced their backing of Cooper
as he stood staring at John.

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A cold smile spread across his face. "It seems I have

enough after all. You'll be cleaning out your desk on Monday.
I'll be taking your chair, and Jeff will be taking mine. I have
had enough of your no-class, pompous attitude. Take your
whore wife and leave before I throw you through a window."

"This isn't over, Jasper. You'll see," John said.
"Oh, but it is. Don't forget who I am." With that threat

hanging in the air, Cooper turned his back on the couple as
they walked, heads down in shame, to the elevator.

"Sorry, folks. Enjoy the rest of the party." Cooper made his

way to the elevators himself, being stopped every step of the
way by people offering him their support. But his mind was
not on that anymore. He wanted to get home to Billie,
because they had a lot to discuss. She didn't know it yet, but
Cooper was mad as hell, and she was going to hear about it.

* * * *

The door to the apartment slammed and Billie looked up in

surprise. She had never heard the door slam in the time she
had been staying there, and one look at Cooper's face told
her he was not a happy man. She hastily wiped the tears
from her face with the tissues she had in her hand and rushed
into his arms.

"Oh, Cooper, it was awful the way they were talking about


He held her and rubbed her back for a little before asking

quietly, "Why did you leave?"

"What do you mean? I couldn't face those people

anymore!" Billie exclaimed, looking at him.

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Cooper stepped away from her and walked over to the

counter. "Why couldn't you face them, Billie? You were with
me. You should have come back and took my hand, holding
your head high."

"You didn't hear, Cooper!" Billie shook her head violently.

"How could I, knowing what I do for a living?"

He walked the few steps to her and shook her a little.

"What you did, Billie, and that was never you! It wasn't them
that made you feel ashamed! You made yourself feel like
nothing! If you had come back and told me, we could have
faced it together, but you ran away like a whipped dog!"

"But I didn't want to make you sorry you brought me..."
"Bullshit, Billie! Don't put this off on me. You let all those

feelings you have, that tell you that you are beneath them,
get in the way. Did I look ashamed when I took you to
Carmine's for that dress? Or when I walked in with you on my
arm? Hell, no! I was proud as hell. Pity you can't see yourself
that way."

Billie listened to Cooper and said quietly, "I'm sorry

Cooper, may ... maybe I should stay with Juliana until this is

"Arrrggghh!" Cooper yelled. "You are so frustrating. Did I

say I wanted you to leave just because we are having a
disagreement? Jesus, Billie, all I am trying to say is that you
could never disappoint me, even if you had walked in that
damned party dressed in red leather and carrying a whip! I
would have thought, hey, nice way to spice up the old boys
tonight." He sighed in resignation. "You do what you want,

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Billie. You're a grown woman, and I can't tell you what to do.
Call Juliana, whatever. Just be proud when you do it."

Billie watched him walk in the bedroom and close the door.

Her mouth opened in shock. He was mad at her for leaving,
for not coming to him? Billie felt guilt wash over her for
running away. She should not have given into the temptation
and run away to hide. She should have faced those bitches
down with Cooper at her side. She was going to walk to the
bedroom and apologize, but the door flew open and Cooper
strode out with an intense look on his face.

"I changed my mind. You can't call Juliana. I am not going

to let you run away from me."

Billie opened her mouth to speak, but he swooped in for a

kiss, filling her mouth with his tongue and lifting her off her
feet. "I'm going to show you exactly what having you in my
life means to me. No holding back this time. I'm going to take
it all. Understand?

She could only nod as he unzipped the back of her dress

and let it pool at her ankles. She reached down to take off the
strapped stiletto heels, and he ordered, "Leave them on." He
stripped off his clothes, and his cock sprang out of his boxers
hard and ready.

He pulled her naked body to him, and the contact of skin

on skin made her gasp in pleasure. "You are worth more to
me than you think, Billie. I hope one day you will see that
enough to believe it."

One day? Does that mean he wants me to stay in his life

after this is over? But all thought was lost when he bent to his
knees and held her voluptuous globes together. Billie bent

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closer so her breasts were near his face. His moan was
muffled between the soft flesh before he began laving her
nipples with his tongue. Billie moaned in pleasure, and he
rewarded her by sucking each of the big nipples deep into his
mouth. He let his hands travel down her body, while his
mouth played at her breasts. Between her legs he found her
pussy already wet for him. Without any pretense, he slid two
fingers deep inside her, and her body shuddered in pleasure.

"I can't stand any more, Cooper. My legs feel like jelly,"

she gasped out.

"You'll stand and you'll take it, understand, Billie?"
"Yes, I understand." Billie moaned as she felt his fingers go

deeper inside her, but still she wanted more. She wanted him
to fill her with his cock, and even though she begged him
through his manipulations of her pussy and clit, he would not
give her what she craved.

"You're going to come for me aren't you, baby?" he

whispered against her belly. "You are going to cum so hard
for me, all over my fingers, right?"

"Yes, Cooper, yes!" she cried out.
He stopped, and still her body undulated on and around his

digits. "That's it, baby, you fuck my fingers inside. You take
them, baby."

Billie cried out as her body convulsed, and she pushed

herself lower onto his fingers. Her body shook as she came,
releasing its sweet juices on his hand. He sat her on the edge
of the sofa and stood in front of her so his cock was right at
her mouth. Billie licked the tip, and she heard his breath hiss
from between his lips.

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He pulled away from her. "No, not yet. Play with my cock


Billie followed his order and wrapped her fingers around

the smooth, hard shaft, letting her hand slowly rub his
manhood. With long, smooth strokes, from the tip to the
base, she jacked him off with slow deliberation. Her other
hand played with the heavy sacks filled with his seed. She
watched his eyes close and his head arch back in pleasure.
Billie wanted to taste him, so she wrapped her lips around his
cock and took it deep into her mouth. His groan was one of
agonized pleasure. She sucked until she felt him swell in her
mouth, but he pulled away, breathing harshly.

"Oh, no, cupcake! I'm going to fuck you, then I'm going to

take that tight ass of yours. Get on your knees on the couch."
Billie followed his commands so her ass was exposed to him.
He moaned his approval. "That's it, little girl, show me that
sweet ass."

She felt him hard against her and could not help the cry of

excitement that escaped her lips. "Fuck me, Cooper, please!"

The tip of his shaft teased the entrance of her pussy but

only for an instant before he slammed himself home between
the waiting lips. Both cried out at the sensation—Billie
because she was filled with his cock, and Cooper because of
the velvet hold her pussy had on him. He thrust into her over
and over again, letting his body slap against hers each time.
His hands grabbed her hips as he pounded himself inside her,
and Billie matched his every move. She felt Cooper's hand
move around to rub her clit, and with gentle pressure, he
caused her to cum once again.

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"Oh, God!" she kept repeating, because he was not done

taking her to the heights of pleasure. She could feel his wet
fingers tease the opening to her ass, the tight barrier where
no one had ever been. Even in the midst of pleasure, she felt
her body tense at this new aspect of sexual play. "I never..."

"No, baby don't tense up. Just feel and relax, love. I won't

hurt you. I promise." His coaxing words filled her ears, and
Billie felt her body relax slowly. He stroked her back as he
fucked her, caressed her breasts and played with her clit,
bringing her past the point of reality before he slipped his
finger into her channel. She did not even realize it until she
felt the movement of his finger matching the thrust of his
cock, slow and deep each time. A moan rose in her throat at
this new kind of pleasure.

"You like that, don't you, baby?" He moaned when she

wiggled and pushed back against him. "Oh, yes, you do."

Cooper's cock slipped from the wet confines of her pussy,

and Billie protested at the loss. But this time he was pressing
himself against her ass. "Don't tense up, baby. That's it,
cupcake." His hand roamed to her clit, rubbing once again,
and her body bucked against his cock, sending him inside just
a little. Inch by torturous inch, he filled her until at last he
was buried inside her.

Billie felt full of him. She had never had a man there in her

life. The new feeling was heady and addictive, and she
wiggled once and begged, "Move, Cooper. Please move."

Behind her his breathing was harsh. "You are so tight,

Billie! God, I want to be gentle."

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She was beyond caring. She wanted to feel where this

would take her. Billie moved her body off him slowly and then
sent her hips back, taking him inside her ass once again. His
low moan told her he enjoyed what she was doing. New to
this experience, she moved again and again until he took the
lead and sank himself to the hilt. Billie cried out as the friction
built. She trembled with each thrust as both bodies were
covered with a sheen of perspiration. Cooper's moans filled
her ears, and she felt a sense of sexual power, knowing it was
her giving him this pleasure. Her body bucked under him as
her orgasm took her by surprise, and she screamed in
ecstasy. He slipped his fingers inside her pussy while he filled
her ass, and she was sent over the edge once again. This
time he followed suit and spilled his hot seed in her ass. He
collapsed against her back before he pulled her down with
him and they ended up lying naked on the rug.

"Wow," was all Billie could manage to say while trying to

catch her breath.

"Uh-huh, you liked that, did ya?" Cooper replied and took a

deep breath before expelling it slowly.

Billie looked over and saw the grin on his face even though

his eyes were closed. She rolled and smacked a kiss on his
lips. "Don't look so smug, mister. I'll have you know since
that was my first time doing that I might need some more
instruction on the technical aspects of it."

"Really," he drawled.
Billie nodded. "Yup."
She got up, and he tried to grab her legs, but Billie evaded

his grasp and ran squealing into the bedroom with him hot on

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her heels. The argument and the events of the night were
forgotten for now, while Billie was taught.

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Chapter Ten

A few nights later, the telephone rang, jarring both Billie

and Cooper out of their sleep. He reached over her and
covered half of her body with his own, trying to get at the
phone, kissing her neck along the way. She giggled sleepily
as he picked up the cordless.

"Hello?" his voice was rough with sleep, and Billie ran her

fingers through his hair while he lay on her chest.

He sat up instantly. "We'll be right there."
Alarm bells triggered in Billie's head when his tone

changed. "What's wrong, Cooper? What happened?"

He looked at her, and she could see the sadness in his

eyes. It was almost like a punch to the stomach to Billie. She
shook her head in denial, knowing what he was going to say
even before he said it.

He held her face in his hands and wiped away the tears

that had started to run down her cheeks. "Marcus thinks he
found Kitty."

"I don't want to hear. I don't..." Her words caught on a


"Honey, he thinks they found her in the morgue. She has

no one else. We have to go down to identify her. I have to
call Jeff to meet us. He'll want to be there."

Billie was sobbing uncontrollably. Kitty is dead! She had

promised the young girl she would take care of her. She had
failed, and now she was gone, even before she had a chance
to live.

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She dressed as if in auto mode, barely hearing as Cooper

asked her if she was okay. She was not okay. So far from it,
but the concern in his eyes made her nod in response. She
had to keep it together.

The drive from the east side of Manhattan to the morgue

in a Brooklyn hospital went quickly. The streets were empty
of traffic at three in the morning, and they were going over
the Washington Bridge in no time. Marcus and Juliana were
waiting for them when they stepped into the fluorescent-
lighted emergency room.

"Hey, guys." Juliana greeted them softly. She hugged

Cooper and then wrapped her arms around Billie, rocking her
gently. Soon after, a haggard-looking Jeff walked in through
the sliding doors. His face was pale and gaunt, and Billie
could see he had been crying. He was feeling exactly like her,
and had loved Kitty too. Billie reached out and pulled him
next to her, taking his hand in support.

"How did you find her?" Cooper directed his question to


"I had a few ears to the ground in the police stations. They

found her yesterday dumped in an overgrown lot off Nostrand
Avenue. But my guy didn't hear about it until tonight.
Obvious dump job. I took a look at the autopsy report." He
stopped and looked over at Billie, who was still being held by
his sister.

"It's okay, Marcus. How did she die?" Billie did not want to

know, but she had to hear it. What did Kitty have to go
through before she slipped away into oblivion?

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"She has restraint marks around her wrists, ankles, and

across her abdomen. They said it looked like chains." Marcus
spoke low. Cooper took Billie and wrapped her into his arms
as silent tears ran down her cheeks. "She was beaten badly
with belt marks across her body. But someone hit her hard
with a fist or something else because it ruptured her spleen
and she bled to death internally."

"Would she have been in pain?" Billie asked.
"Billie, I don't think you..." Cooper began, but she cut him


"No, I need to know if she was in pain. If they saw her and

knew she was hurt and did nothing!" she said with
vehemence in her voice and fire flashing in her eyes through
her tears. "Tell me!"

Marcus looked at her with sad eyes and nodded. "She

would have been in a lot of pain, and they would have noticed
if they had paid attention. She would have had trouble
breathing. We have to go down to identify the body."

"Okay," Billie replied, and they walked over to the


The morgue was in the bowels of the hospital, buried in

the basement with the noise of the boilers and other
machinery breaking the silence of death. The lights blinked
eerily along the corridors, which were painted a slimy green.
Billie felt her stomach heave in revulsion. It smelled of mold
and the sickening scent of disinfectant. She swallowed the
retch that was building in her throat and kept her eyes fixed
straight ahead. I'm going to get through this for Kitty. I'm
going to get through this.
She kept repeating the words as

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the door with MORGUE written in big black letters came into
view. They stopped outside it, and she felt Juliana grab one of
her hands and squeeze it in reassurance. On the other side,
Cooper grabbed her other hand. Between the two of them,
she felt safe.

Marcus led the way through the door, spoke quietly to the

medical examiner working there, and the man looked over to
Billie before nodding and walking through another door.

"He is going to take the body to a viewing room, and then

we can go in and see if it is Kitty, okay?" Marcus explained

She watched as the man wheeled a stainless steel table

into another room with a body covered in a green sheet. Billie
felt her heart jump in her chest, and she wanted to run from
the room.

"You can go in now." The deep voice of the medical

examiner broke the silence.

"Will you go with me, Cooper?" she asked. She heard the

pleading in her own voice, but she didn't think she could go in
there alone.

"I wasn't going to let you go in alone, baby."
Billie looked at Jeff. "You should come, too." He could only

nod in response.

The three of them walked into the room together. It was

stark white compared to the ugly green of the hallway and
the outer rooms. It was cold, and Billie found herself thinking
that Kitty would need something warm to wear in here. What
am I thinking? She's dead. She can't feel any more,
chastised herself.

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The examiner walked in behind them. "Whenever you are

ready, miss."

She nodded. "I'm ready."
He pulled back the sheet, and Billie heard a low, grieving

moan escape her lips. It was her friend, the girl she had tried
to protect. It was Kitty. Her face was so white and peaceful.
Were it not for the purple bruises on it, she would have
looked like a porcelain doll. She barely heard Cooper confirm
it was Kitty. Next to her, Jeff reached out a trembling hand
and caressed Kitty's lifeless cheek before turning on his heel
and striding swiftly out the door. She could only stare at the
lifeless body.

"Do you know her real name, sweetheart?"
"It was Lana. She said she would tell me her last name

when we got away from Jade," Billie said softly. She let her
hand play with the blond curls that framed Kitty's face. "Oh,
baby, I'm so sorry. I should've protected you more." Sobs
wracked her body as she touched Kitty's cold cheeks. "She
had no one, Cooper. I can't let her be buried without

"She won't be," Cooper assured her.
"What name should we put on the death certificate?" the

medical examiner asked.

"Give her my last name, please," Billie said swiping the

tears from her cheeks. She scribbled the name on the death
certificate. She leaned down and whispered something into
Kitty's ear as if somehow it would be taken to the soul that
had long left the broken body. "I'll make them pay for what
they did to you, pretty girl. I promise." When she

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straightened, her eyes carried a new determination for what
must be done.

Outside the viewing room, Marcus was busy restraining a

livid Jeff.

"Let me go, man! I said fucking let me go!" Jeff struggled

against the big man. "I'm going to kill them!"

"He wants to go down to Leather and Lace and bust

heads—his words not mine," Marcus explained calmly. To
Billie, it seemed as if he was not even struggling to hold Jeff.

"Jeff." Billie placed her hand on his back and rubbed it

gently. He turned to her with tears on his cheeks. Billie felt
hers start to flow once again at his look of agony.

"They don't understand, Billie. I loved her! I was going to

marry her and take care of her. They took her from me. I
have to make them pay!" It was as if the strength left his legs
as he sunk to the floor, wracked in sobs.

Billie sank with him as her tears ran freely down her

cheeks. "We'll make them pay, Jeff, for Kitty. We'll burn them

The next afternoon they laid Lana to rest. Cooper had

made the arrangements for her funeral quickly, and she was
laid to rest in a small plot next to the Catholic Church. The
grave marker carried the name "Lana Carlton—Sister and
Beloved Friend." Billie thought it only fitting since she thought
of the young girl as a sister. She was going to take care of
her and help her get back into school when they were free of
Leather and Lace. Jeff laid a big bouquet of pink orchids next
to her grave. She loved the thought of pink orchids even
though she had never seen any in her life, he had explained.

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He was going to buy her some when he proposed. But
instead, he laid them on the dirt that covered her casket.
What Jeff had said to her friend and what Billie knew she said
to Kitty now seemed like distant promises to give the poor girl
hope. Billie wondered if she hated her when she died, thought
she had forgotten about her and left her to bear the horror
alone. That thought was too much to bear, because she never
forgot the lovely girl with pigtails and a quick smile. She
would make them regret what they did to her friend. She
would find justice for Lana.

* * * *

There seemed to be more of a fire in Billie, Cooper noticed.

She walked around with more confidence and bravery
radiating from her than he had seen before. She refused to
stay in the apartment anymore in the days after the funeral,
and that alone made him a little nervous. She wanted to go
out and live her life again. It was as if she was living for
herself and for Kitty. Cooper wondered if she was trying to
live the life that that young girl had lost so needlessly to the
hands of the club owner.

On Sunday morning, there were fresh croissants on the

glass table, along with juice, coffee, and jelly. The TV showed
the Sunday morning news on the local channels, and Billie
and Cooper ate their breakfast on the sofa.

"I'm going back to school tomorrow," Billie announced


Cooper put his juice on the table when she spoke up.

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"What? That's not a good idea, Billie. I mean we can't

protect you there. Too much open space for one of those guys
to snatch you."

"It's not up for debate, Cooper. I am done hiding out, and

I refuse to push my classes back anymore. I want to get my
thesis done."

"Honey, I know you are upset about Kitty—" he began.
Billie cut him off, and he saw anger flash in her eyes. "No!

You don't understand. They took everything from me over
those last few years. Used me as some kind of plaything and
gave me just enough to make me feel I was living! But I
never was. I was always under Jade's thumb!" She stood, her
chest heaving with every breath and tears of anger burning
down her cheeks. "Not anymore! I won't let her take any
more from me. She took Kitty, and I couldn't save her. I can't
let her ... I just can't!"

He stood quickly and took her in his arms. She wrapped

her arms around his waist. Her voice was muffled against his
chest. "Please, just let me do this, Cooper. I need to do this."

"Okay, baby, okay. We'll figure something out," he

murmured. He wanted her to be happy, but how could he
protect her if she wanted to be out in the open? "Let's do
something fun today. Let's go have a picnic in Central Park."

"That sounds great. I'll make some food to take with us.

Do you have a basket?" she asked with a smile.

"In the lower cupboards by the stove. I'll go get a blanket

and pull the car out of the garage."

"You have a car?" The surprise was evident in her voice.

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Cooper laughed out loud. "Yes, sweetness, I own a car. It

just seems silly to drive it all over the place when I can take a
cab or the subway. The building has parking in the lower
decks. I keep it there. Get the food ready, and I'll be back

An hour later they were on their way to Central Park. In

the weeks that Billie had been with him, mid-Summer turned
into the beginning of fall. It was already September. The air
was still warm, but there was a hint of a chill in the air. The
leaves had begun to make their change to wonderful colors of
the season, and as the wind blew through the branches, they
fell to the ground lightly.

"Nice! A black Mercedes with grey leather seats. I'm

impressed, Cooper."

"You like my car, I take it?"
Billie grinned, "Can I drive it?"
"Um, sure, when we are going back to the apartment. I

didn't know you could drive."

"Yeah, you are going to have to teach me how. I can't

drive a golf cart let alone a car." She started to laugh.

"Okay, I just walked right into that one," Cooper replied,


He pulled the car into an empty parking space right next to

the east side entrance of the park. The pair walked hand in
hand across the grass, now covered with fallen leaves, and
spread the blanket under a big tree with wide branches.

"I used to love climbing trees when I was growing up," she

said wistfully as she lay back against the plaid cloth. "Things
seemed so much easier back then. I could climb a tree, pick

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its fruit, and sit up there and eat it." Her laugh was sad to
Cooper's ears. "Now I am in hiding from a woman and a
bunch of assholes who like to beat women for sport."

"It's not your fault, Billie." Cooper lay next to her and

watched as a breeze blew leaves gently to the ground around
and on them.

"So you and everyone keep saying. But it would not have

happened if I had gone back home with my mother."

"Something else would not have happened if you'd gone

back home with your mother." Cooper turned his face to hers,
and she, in turn, looked into his eyes.

"What?" she asked softly.
"I would never have met you." Her hands reached out and

caressed his face. He closed his eyes and pressed kisses to
each finger as they passed his lips. Billie giggled, and the
sound made him grin. "I love you. Do you know that?"

"No, I didn't know that." Her eyes were cast down all of a


"From the time I met you, I couldn't get you out of my

head. After living with you and going through all this with
you, how could I not fall in love with you?"

"All I've done ... I ... I never had anyone in my life that

loved me except my parents, Cooper, and I'm not sure if it's
me you love or the thought of it."

"Damn it, Billie, I know my mind! I know my heart!" He sat

up on his elbows and stared at her. "Forget the damned club
and you not thinking you are worthy of anything good! I love
you. Jesus, it feels like my heart was searching for you all my
life. All that is left to ask is how you feel about me."

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It felt as if time stopped for a moment along with his heart

as he looked at her, waiting for an answer. He knew his
heart, and she was in it all the way.

"I love you, too, Cooper. I really, really do!" She threw her

arms around him and pulled him to her on the blanket. "I do
not know what I believe anymore, but I do know that you
were sent to show me what love really is. I love you, my
darling Cooper."

A grin spread across his face, and he rolled her on top,

hearing her squeal of excitement and his laugher blend with
hers. She loves me! Cooper was ecstatic. Under the tree with
leaves falling around them, they found love in each other's

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Chapter Eleven

Billie walked off the New York University campus with a

spring in her step. She had been going for a week straight
without incident, and each day kept getting better. She was in
love with the greatest guy in the world, in her opinion. Her
thesis was coming along great, and her English professor had
offered her a job as her assistant on her second novel. Of
course she had accepted, and now, for the first time in a long
time, she had a real job doing something she loved.

"Well, you are looking perky, Ms. Billie." A voice that sent

a chill to her very core greeted her as she walked past some
parked cars. She whirled and saw Jade leaning against a
black SUV, idly looking at her perfectly manicured nails. Next
to her stood her bulldogs, wearing suits.

"You try to take me here, Jade, and the cops will be on you

faster than you think."

"Billie." Jade's tone was soothing, but the menace behind it

was evident. "We are just a few old friends talking. How is life
treating you?"

"Life is treating me fine. How's Kitty? Oh, yeah, she's

dead, but I guess you already knew that, didn't you?"
Bitterness crept into Billie's voice, and she had the urge to
charge at Jade and let loose on her for what happened to her

Jade's eyes never lost their cold edge. "Kitty left us right

after you, Billie. Sorry she died, but sometimes it's better to

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tell people what you know instead of having it beaten out of

"You bitch!" Billie whispered angrily.
"It was this bitch that kept you off the street for all those

years, Billie, and don't you forget it!"

"You used me, Jade. Don't you forget it. And one of these

days, you are going to pay for it all." Billie was seeing red at
that point, and she pointed her finger right in Jade's face.

"Brave words, but if you go to the cops, I'll know about it

even before the report is filed. You know where your place is,
and you better get your ass back there before the boys here
have to mess up that pretty boy you been living with lately."

Jade's words left her cold. They knew about Cooper. "You

leave him out of this."

"He was in it from the time he made a stink at the club,

dear heart. You want him safe, you come back and do what
you have to and keep your mouth shut. We don't want you to
end up like Kitty, do we?"

"I'm not coming back. Ever!"
Jade grabbed her by the arm cruelly, a move she

remembered well but refused to accept anymore. Billie could
see the anger flash in her eyes. "You'll come back, little

"Hey, take your hands off of her!" Cooper's voice had a

hard edge, and Billie felt her body flood with relief.

She watched as Cooper grabbed Jade and pulled her away.

Before she could even warn him, one of Jade's goons let loose
with a fist that caught Cooper in the face. He did not fall, to
Billie's amazement. His head went back for an instant before

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he flew at the guy that hit him with his own fist to the
stomach. This was not something that Jade needed. Billie
could see her looking around as the fight started to draw

"Bruno, let's go. Not here, not now!" Jade called out.

Bruno let go of Cooper instantly like a trained dog. The other
one opened her door, but before she got in, Jade said to
Billie, "Remember what I said, little girl, and the

"What is she talking about?" Cooper asked. "What the hell

did she say to you?"

"She threatened you. She said if I didn't come back and

keep my mouth shut that they'd come after you." Billie
rubbed his already swelling face, and he winced. "Oh God,
Cooper your eye is already swelling shut. What are we going
to do? We can't go to the cops. She says she'll know and how
she found out who you were ... I don't know."

"Come on. We'll go home and call Marcus and Juliana. It's

time for a meeting to see what's going on. Somewhere,
someone is talking. It's a good thing I came to pick you up,
baby. They could have grabbed you."

She looked at him as they got into his car. "I'm not

stopping Cooper. This has to end, and I'm not going to stop."

He nodded. "I know, sweetheart, I know."
The two left the parking lot of the university and pulled

into New York City traffic, both knowing things were going to
get worse before they got better.

* * * *

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Marcus and Juliana came over soon after Cooper called

them, and both had news of their own.

"I got an invite to be a hostess at one of the parties,"

Juliana said as she walked in the door.

"And I got an invite to said party," Marcus added as he

followed her inside. "Heck of a shiner, Coop."

"I think it was courtesy of Bruno," Cooper commented.

This was the first break they'd had in weeks since they
started undercover at Leather and Lace. Cooper closed the
door behind them, and everyone got settled in the living
room. Billie was already there. She had showered and
changed into simple jeans and a flowing white blouse. Cooper
sat beside her and rested his hand on her thigh. Her scent
filled his nostrils. It was like peaches and sweet cream. If the
other two were not there, he would have sampled her right
then. But that was for later. Right now, they had a bigger
problem that needed to be solved.

"Well, I guess after she gave you the news, she came by

to harass me at college." Billie took her glass of wine off the
coffee table and took a sip.

"Hmmm, wine at four. You must have had a bad day."

Juliana went to the kitchen, took a glass from the cabinet and
went over to pour herself a glass. She patted Billie on the
curls as she passed by.

"So, she came by the school?" Marcus asked.
"Yup. She met me outside of the school in the parking lot

and basically told me keep to my mouth shut."

"That's where I came in. Jade was grabbing Billie, and I

grabbed Jade, hence the shiner."

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"You gotta admit the bitch has a set of balls on her to

come to you in public," Marcus murmured as if he was deep
in thought.

"Ouch! Sounds like a heck of a day," Juliana said. "What

else did she say, Billie?"

"Essentially, keep my mouth shut, come back to the club,

or Cooper gets my punishment." She worried her bottom lip
between her teeth. "I don't want him to get hurt, you guys. I
wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to him
because of me. I love him too much to see him hurt."

"Nothing's going to happen to me, baby, I promise. I love

you, too." Cooper kissed her temple, and she leaned against
him. He wasn't going to let her go because of some threats by
a bitch who thought she was above the law.

"Did I hear words of love being exchanged?" Juliana joked.
"Leave them alone, sis. You guys deserve it." Marcus

nudged his sister in the arm playfully. "You'd do well to get
yourself hooked up, get married, and have a kid or two."

The redhead didn't respond to that comment but looked

over to Cooper and Billie. "Does that mean you are back to
house restrictions?"

"No way," Billie said firmly. "I'm not going to let her derail

my life anymore. She's not going to try anything in public, on
a busy campus."

"One thing, though—we have to find out who is feeding her

information." Cooper wanted that little detail out of the way.
If they could find out who the person was, they could use that
to their benefit as well. Cooper's mouth formed a grim line as
he thought about what could have happened if Jade and her

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boys had snatched Billie. After seeing how Kitty ended up, the
thought made his stomach churn like he had eaten spoiled

"Who the hell could be connected to both of you and

Jade?" Juliana wondered out loud.

"I don't know, but this person had to be a recent snitch.

It's been weeks, and this is the first time she ever went
looking at the school or even tried to make contact," Billie

"How can we get a look at the guest list? Billie, can you

remember anyone from those parties? A name they let slip
when they were drunk, anything?"

Billie shook her head and worried her bottom lip. "No,

there is no one. The faces were never the same. They were
new people, and then most of the regulars don't come each
time—only when they need to get their rocks off."

"We'll just have to wait until the party to see who shows

up. I'll have a micro camera in my tie pin and try to get as
many faces as I can so we can see who we have."

"When is this party supposed to take place?" Cooper

asked. He was anxious to see who was there and what was
going on. They could not set up a raid with the cops because
as far as they knew, some of them were in on it as well. They
would need hard evidence to take to the authorities, and they
would need faces.

"Saturday," Juliana replied. "Then we'll see what's up."
"Yeah, we'll see." Cooper echoed. Why did he have the

uneasy feeling there was something they were missing?

* * * *

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Cooper was sitting on the sofa watching the game on TV.

Marcus and Juliana had left awhile ago. He played over the
events of the day and everything they knew in his head over
and over again, trying to see what little thing they missed.
Who is feeding Jade information? How deep is her connection
with the police?
All these questions made him wonder if he
should take Billie out of the city until they were all in jail.

Billie's voice broke into his thoughts. "Cooper, could you

come in here for a moment?"

Cooper's eyebrows rose in curiosity wondering what she

needed as he walked back to the open door. He didn't have
long to wait. The curtains to the bedroom were drawn and
she had lit various candles, which gave the room a sexy glow.
She stood next to the bed wearing the body stocking he had
first seen her in, the one with the roses all over the netted
material, and stiletto heels. The sight of her made his blood
pressure shoot up a few notches—even more so when he saw
her holding a handful of colorful scarves.

"So what's all this, cupcake?" he asked. He was already

rock hard in his pants. He pressed his hand against the bulge,
hoping to relieve the aching desire.

"It's me being Velvet tonight." She gave him a sexy smile.
He crossed the room to stand in front of her. "You don't

have to do this, baby. It's your past, and you don't have to be
that for me. I love you the way you are now."

Billie's hands slid up his chest and twined around his neck.

"I love you, too, but tonight I want to be your Velvet." She
pulled his head down for a kiss and let her tongue slip into his

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mouth. Cooper's eyes closed with the sheer pleasure of
having her scent and her body intoxicating him.

She pulled away suddenly and gave him a light push back.

"Undress for me."

It was a simple order, and Cooper gladly obliged, stripping

out of his pants and polo shirt quickly and standing nude in
front of her. His cock jutted forward, proudly standing at
attention as if waiting for her to give it a command.

Billie stooped to give the tip a gentle lick, and that one

touch caused his cock to jerk reflexively. "My, my, aren't you
eager? But you must be patient." She laughed softly—a low,
sexy sound that wrapped around him. He felt the urge to
bend her over and rip the crotch of her body stocking just to
get at her pussy. He could almost taste her sweet juices
against his lips. The first slap against his ass brought him out
of his wayward thoughts.

"There are bad things going through that dirty mind of

yours, Cooper," she said softly. She slapped him again,
causing the skin of his ass to tingle under her palm. She
squeezed the firm flesh of his buttocks. "I want you on the
bed, on your stomach now."

Cooper did not mind playing along with this game. It was

new and exciting, so he did as he was told. When he was
laying on the bed, his cock pressing against the soft pillow top
of the mattress, she sat next to him. Her fingers traced gently
over his skin, along his spine and over his ass.

"Have you ever been spanked, Cooper?"
"Hmm, I think you asked me that question once before,"

he murmured, his face resting against the pillow.

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Her hand hit his rear. "That was not the question. What

was my question, Cooper?"

This game enticed him, and he flexed the muscles of his

ass in pleasure. "The question was, have I ever been

"And what is your answer?"
"No, not until you."
"Do you like it?" Her hand came down against his skin

once more, and his breath hissed out.

"Yes. Yes, I do." He could not deny it. The mixture of pain

and pleasure was something he liked.

She placed soft kisses where her hand had just touched,

her lips soothing his skin. "What were you thinking of just

A moan left his lips before he could answer her. Lord, what

was she doing? She was trying to make him crazy with want.
"I was thinking about your taste."

"Dirty thoughts, Cooper. You are going to have to be

punished a bit for that." Her hand came down on his ass in
two quick successions. "Ask me for more, Cooper."

"More," he said through gritted teeth. Her other hand was

now between his legs, under him, holding his cock and
stroking softly while his skin stung from her punishment. He
flexed and his cock pushed between her grasp just as she
spanked him once again.

She finally ceased her torture. "Turn over, Cooper."
He rolled, and when he was on his back, she straddled

him. He could feel the warm wetness of her pussy against his
belly. Cooper watched her through heavy lids, and she tied

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his hands to the bedpost with the scarves she had laid on the

"God, you're wet already. I can feel it. I want to be inside

you so bad," Cooper moaned the words out. "Take off that
body stocking before..."

"I don't have to, baby. They are crotchless," she said with

a smile on her face. With his hands tied, she bent in for a
deep kiss before she began to play with his body.

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Chapter Twelve

He was at her mercy. Billie felt a thrill at seeing him tied

up under her. He kissed her passionately, even though she
had him tied to the bed. Their tongues dueled from one
mouth to the other, but it was she who was in control. Billie
heard his harsh breathing as she left his lips to trail kisses
down his neck and chest. When she took his cock in her
mouth, his groan filled the air. She let her tongue lick at his
shaft as she filled her mouth with his manhood. Each time her
lips enveloped him, his body moved, trying to go deeper
between her lips.

"Jesus, Billie! You're killing me! I want to feel you, touch


She let her gaze travel up his body and saw his neck

arched in pleasure. She saw his tied hands make fists over
and over again while she sucked on his cock. She let her
tongue trail one last time along his hard rod before slipping
back up his body.

"Look at me," Billie said, and she felt her own body

tremble when his hungry gaze met hers.

She took his cock in her hand and let it slip into her hot,

satin sex, taking each inch of him, slowly, until he filled her
body. Billie bit her lip as ecstasy infused her, and she tried to
control the urge to just let herself go. Their gaze never
wavered as their bodies connected.

"Damn, Billie, you feel like heaven!"

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Billie began to move slowly, letting her body slide up and

down on his cock. "I'm going to fuck you slowly, Cooper." She
let her body take all of him inside her once more, and he
shuddered. "You can't move. You can just feel."

"I don't think I can, baby." His words were harsh as his

breathing increased.

"Yes, you can, my love." She kissed him and let her

tongue trail across his lips. "Just feel me."

She began her sensual rhythm, and each time she moved,

Cooper made a sound in the back of his throat. Billie let his
cock slip from her body almost to the tip and then sank back
onto him over and over again.

"Billie, please, I can't hold back much longer." He

whispered the words. "Make me cum."

She couldn't stand it any longer herself. She could feel the

ache inside her building in urgency, and she let her pace

She grabbed his hair. "Look at me, baby. God, I love you

so much."

Flesh met flesh now in a heated rush to completion. She

could feel his body straining against hers. Each nerve ending
screamed for release until her body bucked on his in earnest.
"I'm going to cum, Cooper. Please be there with me when I

"Yes, baby, yes!" His body was taut under hers.
Billie let herself go and screamed as her orgasm took hold.

Her body clenched around his cock and took him over the
plunge into bliss with her. She collapsed against him and
listened to his heartbeat race against her ears.

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"Um, honey, I have no feeling in my arms," he said. Billie

could hear the smile in his voice.

"Maybe I'll just leave you tied up for a few days," she said,

looking into his laughing eyes. "Use you at my will."

"Honey, you just have to give me a look and I'm yours,"

Cooper said and pressed a kiss on her chin.

Billie untied him, and as soon as his arms were free, they

enclosed her in a warm embrace. She felt his body around
hers, how he caressed her skin as he held her, and Billie felt
as if the world just fixed itself all over again.

"You know I love you, Cooper ... right?" She felt as if she

had to remind him of her love. "Not for anything you did for
me, but because of who you are."

"I know, cupcake. I love you, too."
"Hungry?" she asked. "I can go fix you something."
"I feel like dessert," Cooper said wistfully.
"I think there is cheesecake left in the fridge, and ice

cream, too," Billie said with a grin. She got up, still clad in her
body stocking, and headed out the bedroom door.

"Hey, bring the whipped cream when you come back," he

called out after her.

Billie popped her head back around the door. "Why do we

need the whole can of whipped cream? I can put some on the
ice cream."

"It's for after dessert, woman. Now get me sustenance!"

He threw a scarf at her that went nowhere and waggled his

Billie laughed at his antics and went to get their dessert.

She could not be any happier than she was now.

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* * * *

Juliana sat on the stool as the music pulsed around. The

Saturday night crowd filled the floor of Leather and Lace. She
shook her head, not knowing how Billie could have stood
working there for so long. All these men wanting to get their
rocks off in various ways, their greasy looks and the way they
looked at each woman made her skin crawl. Juliana had no
problem with alternative kinds of play, but when it came
down to hurting the women that were supposed to fulfill a
fantasy, it pissed her off. She cared for Billie. From the time
they met, she had felt a kinship to her. She was going to help
her out of this mess. She kept a close eye on who came in
and went out of the club, especially when they went straight
back through the curtains that led to the other area. Her
brother had gone by a few minutes earlier and went straight
to the back. He had given her a wink as he passed, and that
made her feel better. He would be there to watch out for her,
just in case. Not that she could not defend herself, but having
the brawny size of her brother backing her up settled her

"Hey, are you stuck in that seat or what? Get to the back."
The order came from her new boss, Jade. Juliana felt the

urge to slam her fist into the face of the pinch-nosed bitch.
Instead, she bit the inside of her lip as she passed her. Her
punishment would be coming soon—behind the bars of a jail
cell and hopefully at the hands of some big woman. Julian
grinned at the thought as she passed through the curtains,

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and the door to the back was opened by one of Jade's
bodyguard thugs.

"Thanks, guy." She purred the words out, keeping up her

character. The guy with no neck smiled at her approvingly
when she walked into the room, and he closed the door
behind her. Marcus was already there, lounging against the
bar and listening to some guy talk. The lights were changing
from red to blue, and the music was more seductive and slow.
The girls walked around, talking to the various men lounging
around the room and smoking Cohiba cigars. One girl was
dancing in the middle of the room, and right next to her was
some kind of restraint contraption that looked like a saw
horse covered in leather. Chains hung from the ceiling, hard
leather cuffs at the end. Juliana felt her stomach turn when
she saw three girls against the walls, chained so tightly they
could hardly move. The chains crisscrossed over tender skin,
right up to the neck. She remembered the pictures from
Kitty's autopsy. How long did they have her in these chains,
she wondered. Four, five days of torture and beating before
they finally let her body crumple somewhere to die slowly?
was a new addition because Billie had told them about the
room, and there was nothing there like that when she ran
away. They must have used Kitty as a test subject and to
punish her, she assumed. The girls on the wall did not look
happy. She could see the fear in one's eyes and the seething
anger in another as she passed by them to stand at her post.
She hoped Marcus was getting good pictures of these
bastards because she wanted to see every one of them go

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"What the hell," she muttered under her breath. Her eyes

caught a familiar face standing alone in the corner and
scowling. Juliana cast a glance behind her to make sure no
one was watching before walking over to the solitary figure.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed the words between

her teeth angrily. She looked over her shoulder once again.
Thank God no one was paying them any attention.

"I can't sit on my hands and do nothing! I have to help. I

have to see what she went through."

"Jeff, that won't do any good. We have it handled. Stop

torturing yourself," Juliana implored. Having him there could
jeopardize everything they had been doing for weeks. Marcus
caught her eye, and when he saw who she was standing with,
his face carried the same question she asked a few moments
earlier. She gave her brother an irritated glare to let him
know she was trying to take care of it, before turning her
heated gaze back to Jeff.

"Okay, you need to get out of here before things start,

because we can't interfere and we sure as hell can't save you
when you can't deal with it."

"I'll be fine," Jeff said coldly. "You guys don't have to save

me from anything."

"I think we have to save you from your damned self,"

Juliana responded. "How did you get in here anyway?"

"You would be surprised how a thousand dollars in the

pocket of a bouncer gets you into places," he said with a

No warmth carried to his eyes, Juliana noted. They were

cold and dead, like a light had gone out inside of him. He did

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not need to be there. To see anything that went on in that
room would destroy him.

She had to get him out, one way or another. She looked

up at him. "Jeff, meet us tomorrow at Coop's apartment when
we go through the pictures. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Why are you sorry?" His eyes narrowed as he said it.

"Juliana don't fucking do..."

He had no chance to finish his words before she took his

hand and put it on her breast. He tried to pull his hand away,
but she was holding it tight. Juliana knew that from their
vantage point, the bouncers would think he was getting too
grabby, and Jade would not have that—not yet, anyway.

"Hey, man, stop touching me! Stop it!" She yelled for

emphasis. She saw the alarm in Jeff's eyes and then his
anger. She felt sorry about what she was doing, but she had
to get him out of there before he got hurt. She grabbed him
by his shirt and pulled him close before the bouncer that was
striding towards them got any closer. "I'm so sorry, Jeff.
Remember, tomorrow at Coop's apartment."

The bouncer dragged Jeff back by the collar and almost

lifted him off the floor as he dragged him to the doors. Juliana
watched as he sent her a glare before the door leading to the
front of the club closed.

"Way to go, sis," Marcus said from the corner of his mouth

as she passed him to take her position as hostess. He was
now alone, and barely hid his grin, Juliana noted.

"Don't you start," she muttered. She stood at the door to

greet the rest of Jade's exclusive guests as they started to
come in. Each one that passed and gave her a grin with a pat

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on her ass, made her grit her teeth and pray for strength not
to break one of their hands for touching her. The night only
got worse from there as she watched what the girls had to go
through. Each of them was used to suit the special guests'
needs. Some were particularly sadistic, while some were just
partial to watching with cocks bulged, straining against their
pants until they could no longer stand it and picked a girl to
go to one of the private rooms.

The newer girls were scared, and Jade took pleasure in

manipulating that fear. Juliana could tell that with each slap
of a hard paddle or when she used the whip on her victim's
skin, she got as much pleasure as the men who came to take
part in her torture games. Money flowed freely. In a matter of
hours, she could tell that hundreds of thousands had passed
hands—not only for Jade's girls, but from drug deals and the
buying and selling of flesh. It was a prostitution ring, a drug
house, and a slave-trading market. It seemed that Jade and
her clientele had their hands in every dirty, underhanded
deed that went on in New York City.

The cold look in her brother's eyes made a chill run

through Juliana. She had seen that look in his eyes only a few
times in her life. When she was in college and some guy
decided that her being on a date with him meant he was free
to paw her. She had to beg Marcus to stop punching the guy,
even though her shirt was torn and he had broken the strap
of her bra. Even through her fear of being raped, she had
recognized that if she did not stop him, her brother would
have been in jail for murder.

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She had seen that look when they had to deal with the

slimiest part of their jobs—child molesters and men who beat
their women so badly they could not be recognized. Those
were the ones who put that look in his eyes. He had to punch
a wall until his fist bled. Now she saw it again as he watched
Jade and her rich cronies use these women as if they were
born just to be treated like playthings by them. He could only
stand by and watch, taking pictures of the faces of these
bastards. His knuckles are going to be sore tomorrow, she
thought sadly and pasted a fake smile on her face while
another deviant passed through the doors.

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Chapter Thirteen

Sunday dawned bright and crisp, and through the open

window, the breeze smelled of the fall season. Billie rolled
over in bed and let her sleepy gaze drift to the window, where
she could see the blue sky. They were too high up in the
building to see the trees, but she could swear she heard the
rustling of the dry leaves on the branches. Billie turned to the
man next to her who was sleeping on his back, a small snore
escaping his lips. She rolled to her side to watch him sleep
and let her hands trail across the hair on his chest and down
to his stomach. Cooper muttered something unintelligible and
slapped at her hand. She grinned and began to tickle his nose
gently, with one finger, until he slapped at his face. She
moved her hand quickly, and he ended up hitting himself,
causing him to wake up. This time, she could not stop the
laugh that escaped her lips.

"Have some mercy, woman. You kept me up till three a.m.

doing bad things to my body," he grumbled good-naturedly.
Sleep made his voice husky, and Billie thought he sounded
gloriously sexy.

"I don't recall you complaining at the time, Mr. Jasper. In

fact, I recall you taking part and taking over a few times,"
Billie said in her best prim and proper voice. "Well, I guess I
shall have to rethink giving you all these special treats." She
made a move to get out of bed, and Cooper caught her
around the waist.

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"Now, now. Let's not be hasty," he said, and pressed

kisses against her back.

"Oh, do I hear you backpedaling, Mr. Jasper?"
"In reverse, as fast as I can."
Billie laughed out loud and pulled her man to her. Cooper

laid his head against her chest, and she let her fingers run
through his hair. Over their time together, she came to find
that Cooper loved to be petted and caressed. She could rub
his back and his neck or even just trail her fingers over his
skin while he worked on contracts in bed next to her. She
would see his body relax, lying against her while she ran her
fingers through his hair and let her nails scrape gently against
his scalp and the nape of his neck. This was his favorite, she
knew. He would purr in his throat, and his body would simply
melt against hers like it was doing now. She could spend all
day lying there with him, caressing him and be completely
satisfied in the peaceful silence of loving him.

"What time is it?" he finally mumbled drowsily.
Billie turned her head to look at the digital clock on the

bedside table. "It's almost eleven. We should get up and get
dressed. The others will be here soon."

"I know, I know, but this feels so perfect right now. I don't

want to move."

She kissed his head gently. "Me either, but we have to, my


Laughter rumbled from his chest as he lifted his head to

look at her. "Your sack full of what?"

"My sack-full-of-yummy, that's what you are."

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"Okay. I have never been referred to as a sack full of

anything, but I guess I can live with it."

Billie smacked him on the ass as he rolled out of bed, and

she followed him into the bathroom. "Well, you better live
with it. You are my sack-full-of-yummy, my big sexy,
hmmmm ... sugar tush, foofanu."

"Stop! Stop, you're killing me with the cutesy nicknames,"

he teased.

"Well, there are tons more I could think of," she replied

with a grin while the bathroom door closed on their morning

* * * *

An hour later, they were still at it in the kitchen, laughing

and talking while making coffee and getting a light brunch
together for their friends. The buzzer went off, and Billie went
over to open the door.

"Hey, Jeff, what are you doing here?" Billie asked with

surprise in her voice. She reached up to give him a quick kiss
on his cheek, and he held her for a minute with a loose hand.
They stepped into the room, and Billie closed the door.

"Juliana said to meet you guys here today." His tone was

sullen. Billie could see he was still broken up about Kitty's
death. She knew how he felt. Every time her young friend
came into her thoughts, she felt like sobbing in grief.

"Not to say you aren't welcome, Jeff my man, but when

did you see Juliana for her to tell you to come here?" Cooper

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"Well, let's see, probably when I had to have him thrown

out of Leather and Lace before he got us all caught." Juliana's
voice cut into the conversation. Billie had not locked the door,
and the brother and sister duo knew they could come in
without invitation.

All eyes turned to Jeff, who was busy looking down at his

shoes. "What the hell were you doing there, man?" Cooper's
anger laced his voice. "You could've messed everything up!"

"Just because your girl is safe and mine is dead—does that

mean I have less of a stake in this?" he shot back to all of
them. "You should have let me stay! God, none of you
understand how it is to know that she suffered before she
died. It's eating me up inside. I thought if I went, and I

"You don't want to know, Jeff. Trust me," Marcus's quiet

voice entered the conversation.

"My God, Marcus, your hands! What happened?" Billie

walked over to the gentle, brawny man and took his big
hands in hers, tenderly. The skin was torn across the
knuckles, and they were bruised, ugly and red.

"I went a round or two with a brick wall," he responded


"But why?" she asked.
"That's his way of not breaking someone's face when he

gets too upset," Juliana explained. "Last night was bad, and
he couldn't stand it. Neither could I just standing there,
watching them brutalize those poor girls. I don't know how
you managed to survive there, Billie. I really don't."

"I almost didn't."

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"I got lots of pictures, lots of faces and even more of the

scene. I already compiled a little package for a few friends at
the FBI. They are planning a raid for the next time around."
Marcus shrugged out of his coat and threw it over the chair
that sat in the small hallway. Everyone else began to move
towards the living room while Billie brought over plates with
croissants and different kinds of spreads. Cooper carried the
coffee pot and a set of mugs on a tray.

"What about the people there? Any faces that you can put

a name to yet?" Cooper asked, sitting down.

"Oh, yeah, I have been on it all night." Marcus took a

croissant and spread a little butter on it. "So far, I put two
mayoral aides there, the guy that runs the Fulton Street Fish
Market and docks, two lieutenants from the NYPD who came
together and are lovers, some higher-ups in the mob, and a
few drug cartels. Let's just put it this way—when I went to my
FBI buddies last night with this, they were practically drooling
at the pictures and rubbing their hands with glee." Marcus
shot them a crooked grin. "I swear one of the guys was going
to smack me one right on the lips. Here are the ones we could
not identify."

Marcus handed Cooper a packet of pictures in a manila

envelope. He divided them into a few stacks and handed a set
to Billie and some to Jeff. "If you see anyone you know, just
say the word."

Silence settled over the groups as each of them looked

through the stack of photos in their hands. Billie looked up at
Juliana, who was sipping her coffee. She had felt the eyes of

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her friend on her from the time she started looking at the

"Was Jade there?" Billie asked.
"Oh, yeah, she was there having the time of her life,"

Juliana said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"You're wondering how I got by having to do half the stuff

the other girls in there had to do," Billie stated matter-of-
factly. "I know all of you must be wondering it, even you,

"Honey, you don't have to tell us anything," Cooper said in

a gentle tone.

Billie cut off his words. "No, baby, I do have to, because

when this all hits the fan, I will have to testify as to what I
took part in. I know that. All of you who came together to
help me and became my friends should know before anyone
else does." Billie took a breath before meeting each of their
gazes. "I got away from lots of it because Jade thought I was
her pet. I'd rub her shoulders, talk to her all sweet and nice
to get out of stuff and to save Kitty. I'd let the other girls, the
ones who were harder, go up to be center or be prostituted so
I could get away." Billie looked at Cooper. "The night when
you found me, I had been there for days. Jade wanted Kitty
to be the girl in the middle, and I convinced her to let me do
it, to save Kitty. She was so young, and I didn't want her to
ever have to do that. I thought I would get her out before
Jade could touch her." She turned her gaze to Jeff, who stood
listening silently. "Kitty never had to let anyone touch her,
Jeff. I swear it. But that night, after you guys came, I decided
to say enough is enough. That's when I got to be the girl in

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the center for real. Jade made sure that I felt every hit, every
slap just for spite, hate and revenge, because I let her know
that this was not going to ever happen again. And when they
left me alone, I ran." She placed her hand over Cooper's, and
he reached over and pulled her into his arms. "That's when
you found me and brought me here. You saved me, and I
didn't save Kitty."

"I need to hit something again," Marcus growled.
"Can I join you?" Jeff asked.
Cooper kissed Billie before turning to all of them. "Let's hit

them where it hurts. We are going to watch that place fall and
everyone involved go to jail."

"I think I found out who has been leaking information

about where Billie is and about you, Cooper." Jeff had gone
back to flipping through the photos and stopped when he saw
a familiar face. He let the picture drop on the glass table for
all to see.

"That son of a bitch!" The words were hissed out between

Cooper's lips. He was looking at the face of an ex-partner of
the firm, the same man he had ousted at the party. It was
the face of John Morris.

"Have you ever seen him at any of the parties, Billie, and

didn't tell me?" Cooper demanded to know.

"No! I would never keep something like that from you. He

had to have started going recently because I never saw him

"We have to talk to him ASAP and find out what he told

them about you, Coop," Marcus pointed out. "You could be in
a whole lot of danger staying here. With the guys I saw last

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night, they would have no problem getting in here, even if
Jade couldn't."

"I think you guys should leave the apartment for awhile,"

Juliana said firmly. "Where could you go?"

"I have a cabin upstate. No one knows about it. It

belonged to my mom and dad."

"Yeah, we need to get you guys there within a few days."

Marcus took out a small notebook from his pocket. "Gimme
the address, and I'll make sure it is stocked, a four wheel
drive is available, and other necessities. I'm putting a gun
down on the list. You still know how to use one, Coop?"

"I still go monthly to the range. But I'm not leaving until

we talk to John face to face."

"Me and Billie could go do a bit of shopping later in the

week for the cabin—blankets, stuff like that. How's that
sound, Billie?" Juliana chimed in.

"Works for me." Billie pasted a smile on her face, but

inside she felt her anger simmering. She bit the inside of her
lip to keep it under control.

"Jeff, I didn't keep track. Do you know what John's been

up to since I got him voted out?" Cooper asked.

"I'll put my ears to the ground tomorrow and see what I

hear," Jeff said. "And on that note, I am going to go. Not that
your company is not great and all, people, but I have a date
with my mom for an early dinner."

"Man, we've been here three hours already. We gotta go,

too," Juliana said. "I have kickboxing and some other things
to get done before tomorrow."

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"I've got to head back over to FBI headquarters and see

what's going on there. We don't want to be out of the loop,"
Marcus added.

Cooper stood up. "Jeff, tell the others I will not be in

tomorrow ... well, tell them I won't be coming in

"What? You're a senior partner, Coop," Jeff exclaimed.
"I've been thinking about it for awhile, and I'm tired of

dealing with the crap and hell from the pompous jerks we call
clients. It's time for a change."

"Good for you," Juliana said as she passed and kissed his

cheek. "Time to fight for the people who really need help.
'Bye, Billie. See you tomorrow."

"We got your back." Marcus clapped him on the shoulder

as he passed and headed for the door.

Jeff kissed Billie on the cheek before looking at Cooper.

"You sure, man?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Cooper replied with a small smile.
Billie sat and listened silently without saying a word. She

smiled when each of their friends told her goodbye. Finally
when the door closed, Cooper came back over and stood next
to the chair she was sitting in.

"What do you think of my announcement?" His soft

question did nothing to abate the simmering anger that was
building inside her.

"What do you care about what I think, Cooper. You

thought I lied to you about everything else!" She stood,
walked past him and went to the bedroom. She let the door

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slam, not even caring about the shocked expression on his
face as she passed him.

"What are you mad about?" he asked as he walked

through the door she had just slammed.

"Oh. You should be able to figure it out, Mr. Lawyer man!"

Billie sat on the bed shaking her foot and angrily turning the
pages of a magazine.

"You're mad because I said I was quitting my job?" he

asked. "Don't worry, baby, we won't be strapped for cash. I
am pretty wealthy...."

Billie stared at him incredulously before throwing the thick

magazine at him. It hit him straight in the chest, and he
stopped talking to look at her. "Could you be that dense? You
think I am worried about your money situation? Oh, you
really don't know me at all then, Cooper Jasper!" Billie swung
her feet off the bed and stalked across the room before
whirling around to face him once again. "I don't keep things
from you—not since you took me at the elevator and brought
me here. From that time forward, I have been up front with
you. Then, when you find out that John character was at the
party, you look at me like I was lying! No, let me rephrase
that. You demanded to know why I didn't tell you the truth.
Oh, and now you think I am worried about your money."

"Is that what this is all about?" he asked. Getting up to go

to her, he reached out to hold her only to have his hands
slapped away. "Baby, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just
surprised, that's all." His soothing tone did nothing to calm
her sizzling anger.

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"Yeah, so surprised that the first thing you can do is

accuse me of holding things back."

"Okay, I understand, and I'm sorry, baby. Sometimes I get

a case of foot-in-the-mouth disease. I know you don't care
about my money. Baby, I swear I don't distrust you. Now can
you please accept my apology?"

"Why should I accept your apology? The first thing from

your mouth is 'oh, don't worry. I am pretty wealthy.' As if I
am one of those rich bitches that frequent your office parties.
Maybe they are right. You can put me in a pretty dress, but
you still think the same." Billie made a disgusted sound in her
throat and went to open the door. She couldn't believe he
could think of her that way.

With her hand on the doorknob, he twisted her to him, and

this time he did not let her pull away from him. They stood
nose to nose, her eyes shooting fire at him, and this time she
could see the beginning of anger in his blue eyes. "Listen to
me, Billie. I'm sorry, okay, but all this shit you are saying
right now is ridiculous. I'm sorry I said those things. But some
of the women I dated before—well, let's just say a trip to
Tiffany's got them more horny than my hands on their skin."

"Yeah, well, I'm not them, so if you and I are going to

make this work, you need to remember that."

Cooper made a sound like a cat, and it made her smile just

a bit. "Why, Ms. Carlton, are those cat claws I see? I like it!"

"I'm kinda upset, that's all. You better hope you never get

me really angry," Billie replied. "And I'm still a little pissed."

"Can I make the recommendation that we continue this

argument and negotiate on the bed without clothes on?"

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Billie grinned this time and jumped into his arms, wrapping

her legs around his waist. "Why wait for the bed and that silly
thing called undressing. Feel free to rip something off."

"I love how you think, babe!" Cooper's lips met hers in a

kiss that took all thought of the argument from both of their

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Chapter Fourteen

It took only a day or two for Jeff to come through with

information for them on where to find John. It seemed since
his removal from the law firm that his life took a bit of a
downward spiral. The wife that he was so vocal for at the
party left him soon after for bigger, better prospects. He
would not have any more dinner parties or places for her see
him act pompous and for her to wear diamonds. Hell, there
would be no more diamonds since the new job he took would
not even consider offering him partner status for years. He
was essentially starting over from the bottom rung of the
ladder, which made the wife not willing to climb with him.

Cooper felt no remorse when Jeff gave him the scoop on

John's fall from glory. He had worked with the man for years
and hated the slimy way he laughed or got clients off for the
things they all knew they were guilty of. It was another
reason why he liked the idea of leaving the firm. He was sick
of defending the rich and the guilty. Now he was parked with
Marcus in front of a prominent cigar club, waiting for John
Morris to come outside. The streets were wet since it had
rained earlier in the afternoon. The streetlights that
illuminated the city blocks reflected off the wet asphalt. As
cars passed, the sound of wet tires could be heard even
though the windows were closed against the mist and the
chilled night air.

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"Fall's here, big time," Marcus commented. He took a sip

of his coffee from a Styrofoam cup and grimaced. "Coffee's
gone cold."

"Billie is loving the weather. She has pulled out boots with

fur on the ends and is talking about buying tights and girlie
stuff I don't even know about," Cooper replied. "For a woman
from the Caribbean, she sure loves the cold."

Marcus gave a small laugh. "I've learned never to try to

understand women and their fashion sense. I had one
girlfriend who wanted me to wear a shirt with pirate ruffles to
a club. If that isn't an open call for a beating, I don't know
what is."

"You scared of a beating, Marcus?"
"Nah, I was scared for the other guys."
Both men laughed at his comment until Cooper nudged his

companion. "That's him coming out. Let's go."

They watched as the staggering man got into the cab he

hailed, before pulling out to follow the yellow car.

"Thank God he wasn't driving. He's so drunk he could have

killed someone or himself," Marcus commented as he steered
the black SUV.

"John does drive, but he prefers to be driven," Cooper

explained. "I guess he's not staying at his house anymore."

The cab put him out in front of one of the exclusive hotels

in Manhattan, and John stumbled through the glass doors.
Marcus parked on the next street, and the twosome crossed
in between slow traffic and went into the hotel. It was easy
enough for them to get his room number. Marcus was big,
brawny and tough, but he was also a charmer. So while

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Cooper waited for him next to the elevator doors, he got the
number from the girl at the desk, even throwing her a sexy
grin while he crossed the foyer.

"You are such a Don Juan," Cooper teased.
"Hey, what can I say? The girls love me."
The elevator dinged for the fourth floor and the men

walked down the hall to John's room. They could not hear
anything from behind the door while Marcus deftly picked the
lock. It made an almost inaudible click when the door opened.
Knowing how drunk he seemed when he went into the hotel,
they were not worried about him hearing it. Cooper crossed
the room while Marcus made sure the door was locked behind
him. Both men soon stood over the man who had fallen
across the bed still in his suit and was snoring loudly. Even
from their positions over his prone body, they could smell the
whiskey and cigar smoke wafting off of him.

"Time to wake sleeping beauty," Cooper murmured with a

grin. He went to the bathroom and filled the ice bucket with
cold water and came back.

With a grin at his partner, he threw the water in John's

face. The man came up sputtering and coughing. Cooper
grabbed him by the collar of his suit and threw him into the

"How are you doing, John? Fancy meeting you here."
"Jasper! What the fuck? Haven't you caused me enough

trouble?" John blinked at the two men standing in front of

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"We came to talk. How's life? How is the wife? Tell us

about your new party friends at Leather and Lace," Cooper

"Oh, so that's what this is about—your little stripper bitch,"

John sneered.

Cooper bent over and let his hand wrap around the other

man's neck. "Careful, John, or I might forget the law for a
minute and beat the crap out of you."

The menace in his voice was clear, and fear flickered in

John's eyes. "You cost me everything, Jasper—my job, my
wife—yeah, I told them how to find your woman. They paid
me very well when they knew I had information."

"How did they know, John? And remember, lying to me will

cause my very large friend here to forget his manners."

John looked over to where Marcus stood and swallowed. "I

went there one night after Bev left. I guess I got a little
drunk, and I started talking. Before I knew it, I was in Jade's
office and they were pouring coffee in me. Treating me nice
and offering me money, and all I had to do was give them
some info on the girl and who she was with."

When Cooper met his gaze, he could see the hatred and

malice in John's eyes. He had made an enemy in this man,
and now he knew it for certain. "So what else did you feed
them, John? What little tidbits did you give them about me?
Even more, do you know who you are dealing with at that

"My kind of people, it seems. I met a whole lot of new

clientele. I think I might just start a new practice." John's
smile was nasty.

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"Hmmm, well, if you end up somewhere in cement boots

we'll know why," Marcus commented dryly.

"Like any of you give a damn about me! Oh, Cooper, they

know where you live, where you like to take your bitch on
dates, every juicy detail I could remember about you. I would
have done it for free, really, just to see you go down." The
nasty way John spat out the words made Cooper want to
smash his face in. But he held back, knowing that his fate
would be sealed with the people he chose to associate with

"John, you're lower than slime, so whatever you get now,

you deserve. Enjoy it while you can—it won't last long."
Cooper turned to leave when John's voice called out to him.

"I'm a VIP member now, Jasper. Maybe at the next party I

will be able to get a piece of that bitch you have warming
your bed. You know, she might like what I do to her."

Cooper moved quickly, and in a flash his fist connected

with John's face. With a snarl, he spoke. "Never think you can
touch her, Morris! I will break every damned bone in your
body if I even think you have the thought in your head
again." He emphasized his words with another connection to
John's face. He knew he broke his nose by the crunching
sound. They left him there holding his bleeding, broken nose
and went back out without even bothering to close the door.

"Feel better now?" Marcus asked as they left the room.
"A little," Cooper responded. But he would not feel better

until Billie was safe.

* * * *

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"I didn't think we bought so much stuff," Billie commented.

She and Juliana had spent all day in Manhattan buying
sheets, comforters, and other miscellaneous items for the trip
to the cabin. After Cooper and Marcus had come back from
talking to John, he had upped their schedule to leaving in two
days. So they had to scramble to get everything together.
Billie did not know what was said at John's hotel, but Cooper
came back with a bruised fist and dark anger in his eyes. He
had walked straight over to her and pulled her into his arms.
A fine mist of rain was on his coat, but Billie did not care. She
had rested her head against him. "Are you okay?" But her
question was never answered. He just held onto her and
pressed kisses in her hair.

That night, he made love to her like he was possessed. His

hands and lips were everywhere, touching and tasting like a
man dying of thirst. Even in the aftermath, when her body
hummed with sexual release, he still pulled her close under
him, holding onto her tight, as if he thought she would
disappear if he did not keep her in his arms. Billie didn't
question him. She just knew instinctively that he needed the
closeness. She whispered to him and caressed him while he
held her until his breathing changed when he fell asleep. And
that is how they slept. In the morning he was back to himself.
He gave her his credit card to go shopping.

"Are you still worrying about Cooper and last night?"

Juliana's voice broke through her thoughts.

"I guess I am a little. He was just so different. It's all so

new, but I can feel when he's upset, or like last night, when
he just needed me. I feel like it is my fault that he is going

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through all this." They had made their way to the kitchen and
let the packages fall to the floor.

"Listen to me—if there's one thing about Cooper Jasper,

it's that no one makes him do anything he doesn't want to
do." Juliana stopped pouring herself a drink from the fridge to
stare at Billie. "He fell hard and fast for you, and for Cooper,
that isn't the norm. Don't feel guilty, babe. He came into your
life for a reason and you in his."

Billie grinned. "Okay, you have made me feel better with

your Zen words. Thanks."

"No problem." Juliana took a sip from her glass.
"We bought a whole lot of stuff." Billie looked at all the

packages that littered the floor.

"Do you know how cold it gets upstate?"
"I have never been upstate, so that would be a no."
"Oh it's gorgeous, especially now that it's fall," she gushed.

"The leaves will be dazzling. You can take walks and sit by a
fire and make s'mores."

"I think we are supposed to be in hiding, not vacationing,"

Billie said with dry humor. The conversation had moved to the
couch, and both women lounged back with their feet up on
the table.

"Hey, why not enjoy the scenery while you're there? Plus,

no one knows where you'll be except us. May I suggest you
guys do it like they do on the Discovery channel?" Juliana

"How do they do it on the Discovery channel?" The

conversation was laced with silly banter. Between them
shopping and talking away over lunch before they came

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home, Billie had never had so much fun chatting with a
girlfriend. She'd had few over the years, so she was enjoying
herself immensely.

"Hey, that's my way of saying 'fuck like bunnies in the


With that comment, both women cracked up laughing. "I'm

going to miss you when you go incognito," Juliana said with a
smile on her face. "I hope you won't have to be gone long.
It's been great being able to pop over here and chat with you.
I swear, if you and Cooper were not in love, I might be
tempted to make you my sister-in-law."

Billie bowed low. "Such a compliment. I'm honored."
"You're a great catch."
Juliana looked at her watch. "Um, what time are Cooper

and Marcus supposed to be back?"

"Pretty soon. I think they have to get a truck for us to

drive upstate and make sure it can't be traced. Why?"

"I have to jet out of here. I have a kinda date or get

together. I' don't know which yet."

"Would it be too nosy to ask with whom?"
Billie saw a blush creep into Juliana's cheeks. "With Jeff. I

know he is still trying to get over Kitty ... I mean Lana. But
Lord, I have been attracted to him from the first time I met
him. So when he asked me to have dinner just as friends, I
said yes and I can only hope for the best. You're not mad are

"Why should I be?" Billie was shocked at the question.
"Because of Lana."

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"Oh honey, Lana was my friend, and God, I wish it didn't

end like that for her. I wish I could go back and push her
through that window first. But I can't change it, and I'll
probably feel guilty for a long time yet." Billie pulled Juliana in
for a hard hug. "But there is one thing I know—she never had
a bad bone in her body, and she would want Jeff to be happy.
I want the both of you to be happy. So go for it. Make his
heart hurt less."

"You are the greatest, babe." Juliana hugged her back

impulsively. "You're sure you don't mind me leaving?"

"I'll be fine. Now go, shoo!"
Juliana went laughing through the door, and as it closed

behind her, Billie felt a bit of melancholy fall over her. She
hoped Lana was happy wherever she was in this great
universe. That she could not remember all the bad that
happened in her short life.

* * * *

It was soon after that Cooper came home, and still feeling

a bit sad she crossed the room and walked straight into his
arms. "I love you."

"I love you too." He rubbed her back as he held her.

"What's got my cupcake looking so sad?"

"Juliana has the hots for Jeff."
"Really?" The surprise in his voice was evident. "I would

never have thought it. So you are sad 'cause she likes Jeff?"

"No, I am happy for her. I wish things had worked out

differently for Lana though."

"We all do, sweetheart. We all do."

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His comforting words and just how he held her made her

feel better. She had a man who loved her, and he ruled her
heart. There was nothing better in the world than that, in her

"So since you spent the day with Ms. Juliana, do you have

some time for your hunk of man flesh?" he asked while lifting
her off her feet.

"For you, I would always make time." Billie let her hands

slip behind his neck, and moved so her legs were wrapped
around his waist, before claiming his lips in a kiss. He walked
across the floor with her wrapped around him and sat at the
dinning room table.

Their tongues met and twined with each other in an open-

mouthed kiss while Billie let her hands slide under Cooper's
shirt. She loved the feel of him. He whipped his shirt off in
one fluid motion to give her more access to his skin. Her
hands moved up his ribcage slowly before tangling into the
soft mat of hair on his chest. He gasped as Billie's fingers
flicked over the tiny nubs on his chest.

"You like when I kiss you, don't you?" Billie asked the

question as she trailed little butterfly kisses down his neck.
She sucked on his earlobe and let Cooper's moan of delight
encourage her. Billie stripped off her sweater, letting hot flesh
from the two meet. Billie felt his large hand explore her back
as he pressed his open mouth against her skin. "I want you
now, baby. I'm aching for you."

He placed her roughly on her feet and began to strip off his

clothes. He couldn't wait and neither could she. Billie took her
cue and undressed quickly before straddling his lap again.

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"Take me inside. Take every inch of me," Cooper begged.
Billie felt a surge of power when she heard her lover's plea.

She let her eyes wander to his face when she took him into
her hot velvet center. Cooper arched his neck in pleasure as
she surrounded his cock with her wet pussy. He pulled Billie's
head closer to his chest. She buried her face in his neck and
kissed the skin there, tasting his aftershave as she rode him.
The cry that came out of Billie's lips was filled with raw
pleasure, and Cooper echoed it when her body glided onto his
shaft and took him to the hilt. The feel of him was delicious.
She kissed him and let her tongue dip into his mouth over
and over again.

Cooper grabbed her hips. His body arched off the chair and

sent his cock deeper inside her. He whispered harshly against
Billie's mouth. "God, this is good, baby—so damn good!"

"Take more, my love. Take all of me," Billie cried out. She

held onto him as if he was the only thing keeping her
anchored from spiraling off into ecstasy.

"Oh God," was all Cooper could say as his body bucked

and shuddered.

Billie watched him spread her legs wider and let her hips

move faster. His breath was harsh in her ear, and she could
feel her body begin that painfully sweet coil to release. Their
rhythm was set, and Cooper matched her pace with a frenzy
that grew.

"I'm going to cum, Cooper. Fall with me, please!" Billie's

body began to tremble in earnest, and she wrapped her arms
around him.

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"Yes, baby, yes! Cum for me!" He groaned out the words

as if in agony. He grabbed her hips and pumped his cock into
her sending them both over the edge and into bliss.

Their bodies cooled from the sensual heat they created,

and soon they were sharing soft kisses while he lifted her in
his arms and took her to the room. Billie fell asleep in the
curve of his arm while he idly caressed her skin. She fell
asleep knowing whatever was to come, she could face it as
long as she had him.

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Chapter Fifteen

Jade sat in her office, drumming her long manicured nails

against the hard wood of her desk. She was nervous, and she
had good reason to be. The men that sat across from her
were not to be messed with. Her whole world was crumbling,
and she could see her cash supply trickling dry. It was all
because of Billie. If she had only remembered her place, Jade
would not be in this mess. If things got out of control, Jade
knew her associates would have no trouble burying her in an
empty lot somewhere in Brooklyn. Just like Kitty.

"What do you propose to do about this, Jade?" one of her

cohorts asked. The cigar smoke puffed out of his mouth in a
gray plume and filled the room with its smell.

"I have people on it. Don't worry. As soon as they get a hit

on where she is, we can go after her and take care of
business." Jade tried to calm their fears, even though on the
inside she felt queasy. This was all a house of cards, and she
could see it falling down around her with one false move.

"Listen, this shit has gone on long enough!" Another

slammed his hand down on the table so hard the ice clinked
against the side of her glass. "I can't go down in this, Jade, so
you better come through quick."

It was one of the mayor's aides, and across from him sat a

lieutenant in the New York Police Department. Jade looked at
him for an iota of help, and he spoke up. "I have people
looking into this Cooper Jasper's holdings. They have gone
into hiding, which means they are working on a 'cash only'

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scenario. All credit card use will stop, but we will find them. I
have a lot at stake in this, too."

Thanks for throwing me the bone, Jade thought. She

watched all the men in the room nodding their approval, and
she sighed in relief. She was not going to go to jail for that
bitch. Nor was she going to go back to being just another
Madame in a two-bit whorehouse in Chinatown. She crawled
her way out of the gutter once, and she did not intend to go
back. Billie and her man were on the run, and before long
they would be dead, life would go back to normal, and her
place would get bigger and better. That was the plan, and
Jade was not about to fail at it.

"Until they are found, business as usual, right boys?" She

poured the amber whiskey on her desk into each of their
glasses. "So how about another party? Who's in?"

* * * *

In the bleak early hours of the morning, they left the city.

The sky was overcast, and even though it was only five in the
morning, Billie could see the rolling, fluffy grey clouds as they
went through the Holland Tunnel to head out of Manhattan.
The big SUV was packed to the brim with everything they
could possibly need, and in the glove compartment sat a nine
millimeter Glock. When she saw Cooper check its clip and put
it in the truck, she felt a shiver of fear. Everything seemed so
very real now and dangerous. Even now, as he drove, he
carried a smaller pistol on his side in a holster provided by
Marcus. They were running for their lives. Marcus and Juliana
drove behind them in their black SUV. They would follow

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them to the cabin to make sure they were all settled before
heading back to Manhattan to continue to keep Leather and
Lace under surveillance. The minute another party was
scheduled, the Feds would descend on the club like an army.
Then the nightmare would be over, or at least Billie hoped it
would—something always went wrong. It was a matter of
Murphy's Law.

The drive to his family's cabin took a little over six hours.

The rustic house was a little way outside of a small town. It
was nestled between a line of trees that ran next to it and a
small creek on the other side. The driveway leading to the
house was no more than a dirt track left by the constant wear
of tires going back and forth. The grass was tall and had
begun to turn yellow and die to its roots as the cold chill that
comes with fall settled on the tender blades. Everything in the
SUV jostled around as they drove up to the house. Billie had
to hold on as they drove, and she caught Cooper's grin when
he caught sight of the house. His face softened, and for a
moment he almost looked boyish. She could only imagine the
happy boyhood memories he had at this cabin with his
parents. One huge tree grew just a little way from the cabin.
From the thick branches, a tree house peeked and a rope
ladder hung down by its thick trunk. The cabin alone was
more like a house, with curtains up to the windows that
gleamed against the afternoon sunlight.

Billie sent a sidelong glance back over to Cooper. "Good


His smile was wistful. "Very good memories."

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The other car came to a stop behind them, and each of the

four got out of their vehicles to stand and look at the cabin.

"Can I play in the tree house?" Marcus asked.
"You can't even fit in the tree house." Cooper's answer had

the foursome laughing loudly and breaking up the contented
silence that had fallen over them. "Let's get this stuff
unloaded and set up so you guys can get back to the city.

Everyone grabbed a bag or a box and headed towards the

steps, with Billie and Cooper bringing up the rear. Billie
couldn't help but stand and stare up at the structure one
more time before going inside.

Cooper placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck when he

came up behind her. "Our kids will play in that tree house

His words thrilled her and sent a shiver through her body

as much as the kiss on her skin did. Our kids, our future, she
thought with a secret smile to herself. He was thinking about
a life with her after this was over. That filled her with more
joy than she had ever known in her life.

In a little over three hours, they had everything put away

and a quick lunch before Marcus and Juliana headed back on
the road to New York City. They had the cell phone in case of
emergencies, enough food and supplies to keep them out of
town for awhile. They were trying to keep out of sight as
much as possible. Walking through town and shopping would
bring questions about the outsiders. Juliana had slipped her a
personal tazer as she left. "Just in case," she had whispered
before giving Billie a quick kiss.

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Cooper wanted to cook dinner, and Billie wandered around

outside. She saw that not only was there a rope ladder, but a
swing that hung from the tree as well. She sat on the wood
gingerly, hoping that it could still hold her weight after sitting
open to the elements for so long. She pushed off slowly, and
though she heard the thick rope rub and creak against the
branch, it held fast. Soon she was swinging high and giggling
in pleasure each time she went higher. As she tried to reach
the sun, she felt that she was throwing off the shackles of her
past, the things that held her down. All the hurt and pain
from throughout the years were falling away, until all that
was left was her love for Cooper.

Her laughter filled the crisp air. She felt free, like her soul

could just float away. When the swing came down, big hands
captured the edges of the wood and spun her to face him.
She looked in Cooper's eyes, filled with happiness, and his
warm smile.

"I could hear you laughing from inside. What's got you so


"I was swinging, and I felt free for the first time in a long

time. It's because of you, you know. You set me free." She
threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around
his waist, pressing kisses against his face. "I love you. I love
you. I love you!"

He spun her around, and she let her head fall back, as his

laughter blended with hers. "I love you too, cupcake."

Her feet slid to the leaf-covered ground, and she looked up

at the man who filled her heart. "Glad to know it. Now give
me a piggyback ride back to the house."

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"No way, lady. Did I mention my bad back?" Cooper

teased, backing away.

Billie followed him step for step. "Hmmm, bad back, huh? I

don't recall that in our many bedroom activities."

"Really? I thought I mentioned it. I feel a twinge coming

on." He held onto his back. "Oh, yeah, there it is."

"You faker!"
Cooper turned on his heels and began to run, but Billie

jumped on his back. He held onto her legs while her arms
wrapped around his neck as he walked back to the house,
with her giggling at his complaints of injury every step of the
way. For the moment, the threats that haunted them were

* * * *

He watched her sleeping later that night. They had a quiet

dinner by candlelight, then watched movies in bed with the
portable DVD player they'd brought with them. Billie fell
asleep in the middle of the show. The night had grown colder
when the sun went down, so they were snuggled up under
the thick down comforter. Her eyes had closed easily as she
settled in next to him. Cooper had heard the change in her
breathing and felt her body relax. Now he watched her sleep
and felt his heart swell with love, but also foreboding. Time
suddenly felt too short, as if all of the things that they were
fighting were closing in at once. Urgency filled him, and he
pulled her close to kiss her gently. Her lips moved under his
sleepily, and then with more passion. Her hands roamed the
sinewy muscles of his back.

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"Don't let me go, baby. Never let me go." He muttered the

words against her ear before his lips moved down to suck at
the smooth skin of her neck.

"Never, Cooper. Never!" Billie gasped. She arched her

neck, giving him more access.

His lips moved down her body in a frenzy, licking at the

curve of her breasts before taking her nipple in his mouth.
Billie's cry of pleasure filled his ears. Her legs wrapped around
his waist. His hard cock that had been pressed against her
thighs was now nestled against the wet flesh of her pussy.

"Oh, I need you, Billie, more than I ever needed anyone,"

he whispered fiercely. The tip of his engorged manhood
slipped inside her before he thrust upwards into her waiting

Her body met his every thrust. It was just lulled by sleep,

now filled with excitement under his touch. He could feel her
wet pussy eagerly accept him and clutch him deep. Cooper
slipped his hands under her to cup at her ass and pulled her
tighter against his body, sending his cock deeper inside her.
Both of them cried out at this new level of pleasure.

Her hands ran down his body and cupped his ass and then

roamed back up to press his head to her breasts. "I love you,

Billie's words of love were chanted in his ear, fueling the

fire of desperation that was scorching his very soul. Her body
began to tremble, and he knew that was a sign of her release.
He pounded his cock furiously inside her, wanting to reach
that crest with her and fall into bliss. Together they reached
the pinnacle of pleasure and held on tightly to each other

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while each wave of ecstasy crashed over their bodies. Without
words, he rolled off of her and pulled her still-trembling body
tightly against him. Their hands caressed each other with soft
intimate touches until they fell asleep, even though one of his
last thoughts before sleep claimed him was the dark unknown
of what if it all goes wrong?

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Chapter Sixteen

It was raining again, one of those cold fall rains that came

down in sheets. It made the bright reds and oranges the
leaves turned before they fell to the earth look like just one
color. Wet, brown paper-bag leaves stuck to everything that
the rain plastered them to. Four days of rain, bleak skies,
upstate New York, and nothing to do. But somehow it did not
affect Cooper and Billie, whether it was books or movies in
front of the fireplace. When they were not immersed in each
other, they found other things to keep their attention.

Night had fallen hours ago, and they sat comfortably in

front of a crackling fire, enjoying the warmth of the flames.
The sound of the rain pelting against the roof made a sweet
melody amidst the silence.

The lights went out suddenly, and Cooper tried to move

with a lazy groan. "Time to find some candles, I guess."

"Why? We have enough light with the fire," Billie made her

voice into a sexy French purr. "Come and lay in my lap. Let
me stroke your hair."

Cooper sat back with a sexy grin. "I put my head in your

lap, and you'll be stroking more than my hair. Come to think
of it, so will I."

The first shot rang out, shattering a window, and Cooper

dove to the floor in front of the sofa, taking Billie with him.

"Oh my God, what was that? Lightning?" Billie cried out.
"Lightning didn't break that glass, baby. Fuck, they found

us!" He swore viciously. "I have to get the gun. Stay down!"

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Another bullet cracked a second window of the cabin while

Cooper crawled across the floor. He laid flat against the
ground and slid his phone across the floor to Billie. "Call
Marcus now!" He looked into her fear-filled eyes and felt
anger surge through him, directed at their unseen attackers.

Cooper heard her talking with a trembling voice into the

phone. He pulled the gun and its holster down from the table
as bullets whizzed around. One hit the lamp on the table next
to the sofa and Billie screamed as it shattered. Cooper
crawled to the window and lifted his head to look out. Two
shadows passed in the darkness, and he fired at them, hoping
like hell he hit one of them. The bullets stopped whizzing
around, and from the silence someone called.

"Come on, Coop, send out the bitch, and we'll let you go."
"Morris, you are with these bastards?" Cooper looked into

the night, trying to get a glimpse of anyone. "When I get a
hold of you, I'm going to rip your head from your fucking
body like the cockroach you are!"

"Why such harsh language, Coop, my man? We have you

pinned down," John chortled. "Let's see you come outside and
try to back up your words."

There, bad mistake, my friend. While Cooper searched the

blackness for the attackers, John Morris made the mistake of
lighting a cigarette. The flame caught his face and Cooper
fired at the tiny flare. John cried out in agony and reared back
as the hot piece of lead hit him. The men with him began to
fire once again with renewed ferocity. Bullets sprayed the
room. Billie cried out as they hit everything around her. There

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was a crash from the back of the cabin, as someone broke
though the door.

Cooper moved, but was not quick enough. "Billie!" But it

was already too late. One of Jade's men—the same one who
had given him the black eye—pulled her up from the floor by
her hair, and his gun was trained on Cooper's head. "Let her

"You know I can't do that." The deep voice refused. Cooper

noticed his gun was turned to the side. Like most gangsters,
he thought it was cool to aim his weapon like a thug on TV.
But little did he know—it was not as accurate as they made it
out to be. Cooper weighed his options in the seconds that
ticked by. If he was not full on, he would not be around to
save Billie. She was struggling against her captor's thick arms
with no success. He made the only decision that could be
made in the situation. Cooper took quick steps forward, and
as Bruno fired, he dodged to one side. Billie's terrified scream
went right alongside the sound of the gun firing. Cooper felt
the bullet graze his temple and its force sent him backwards.

"Cooper, no!" Billie screamed once more. Blackness began

to overtake him as he lay on the floor. He opened his eyes
and saw the hazy scene of Bruno stepping backwards with
Billie still in his clutches while tears streamed down her
cheeks. Billie, was his last thought as blackness enveloped his

* * * *

Cooper jumped up with a start. How long was I out? he

thought. Then everything flooded back in a hurry. The look on

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Billie's face as they took her. She thought he was dead. His
head felt like marching bands were playing inside his brain.
As he sat up, his vision swam in font of him, but he had no
time to stop. He grabbed his gun from the floor and stumbled
out of the cabin into the rain that was soaking the earth
again. Instead of hard ground, everything had turned to mud.
He fell to his knees after the bottom step and was soaked
within a minute. He got to his feet and walked to the truck,
but before he could open the door, headlights made him put a
hand over his eyes. Cooper aimed and was ready to fire.

"Whoa, it's me, Coop. Marcus!"
He let the gun drop from his hand into the mud.
"Jesus Christ! You have blood running down your face."

Juliana's alarm was evident in her voice.

He fell to his knees once again, but this time Marcus was

there to help him up. "They got her. We have to save Billie!"

"After the hospital. You've been shot," Marcus said gently

and began to move to his car.

"Fuck the hospital. She needs us now. I don't know how

much of a head start they have on us," Cooper snarled.
"Fucking Morris led them here. I don't know how he found
this place. I shot him, but he's gonna get much worse." They
pulled out into the rain-soaked night.

"It seems we are heading to Leather and Lace," Marcus


"It's party night after all," Juliana's soft voice added.
"Well, let's go crash their goddamned party." Cooper's

voice held deadly intent.

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Marcus drove like a madman on the rain-slicked roads.

Cooper could hardly keep still in the seat next to him. He
tapped his hands on the door panel and kept checking his
watch over and over again. He looked up at the rearview
mirror and met Juliana's gaze. She was worried about Billie,
too. Cooper could see her try to give him a reassuring smile.
It failed around the edges of her lips as they wavered and
trembled with the urge to cry.

"It's taking too long to get there." Cooper announced

anxiously, looking out the window.

"Don't worry. We're hitting the tunnel now. No traffic. Half

an hour more, tops."

It was as if Murphy's Law hit right at that moment. When

the SUV went through the tunnel, they hit a dead stop in

"Shit!" Cooper swore and started to open the door. "I'm

going to get out here and run if I have to!"

"Cooper, stop." Marcus grabbed at his arm, but he shook it

off viciously.

"Let me go, damn it! Do you think she has time for us to

sit here in traffic?" He swallowed the lump in his throat and
looked at them with an agonized expression. "Do you know ...
um, know what they could be doing with her right now?"

"Coop, get in the car." Coop did with reluctance. Marcus

pulled a police light from under his dash and flipped a switch
to let the sound of the siren fill the tunnel. With a vicious turn
of the wheel and squealing tires, Marcus moved away from
the vehicles that were following the rules and getting out of
his way. By the time they got to Leather and Lace, all seemed

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quiet; too quiet for Cooper's taste. The streets looked normal,
and he saw men going into the club as if it was a normal day.
They came to a screeching halt, and Cooper hopped out of
the truck. The rain was pelting down while he viewed the
empty, wet streets.

"What the fuck! Where are the goddamned cops?"
"They're here—all in unmarked cars. They want to wait

until all the big players are in," Juliana answered.

"Who cares about the big players? Billie is in there! I'm

going in."

"I can't let you do that." One man came over, dressed all

in black and the letters FBI printed across the back of his
bullet-proof vest.

"I'd like to see you try and stop me," Cooper snarled into

his face. His body was tense and ready for a fight. He would
fight anyone, law or not, to save Billie.

The man looked over to Marcus. "Control him or we are

going to detain him in one of the wagons."

Cooper was barely listening as Marcus placed his strong

hands on his shoulders to restrain him and encourage him to
stay there.

He struggled violently against his friend's hold. "I can't just

sit here, knowing what goes on in there, Marcus!" His voice
broke, and he pleaded with his eyes. "Please! I have to go
save her ... If anything happens to her, I won't survive it! I
love her too much ... I can't bear the thought."

Marcus pulled Cooper into a fierce hug. "Nothing is going

to happen to her, Coop. We'll get her out. You just have to
stay quiet for just a little longer."

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A moan of anguish escaped Cooper lips as he turned his

face into Marcus's jacket. He embraced the big man standing
with him in the rain. He needed something to hold onto, just
for a minute. He took a deep breath and willed the panic
aside. "I'm fine," Cooper announced. He straightened his
shoulders and filled his heart with hate—hate for the people
inside who held his lover captive. If she was hurt, there would
be no one to stop him from killing whoever hurt her with his
bare hands.

* * * *

"Not so brave now, are you?" Jade's voice sneered into

Billie's face.

She had only been there for about an hour, but she had

already gotten a taste of some of what she could expect.
Hung in the middle of the room by her wrists, with the pulsing
beat around her, Billie felt as if she was dying inside. Cooper
was gone. The room was already filled with the leering faces
of Jade's party scene. The added face of John Morris made
her want to retch. He had been shot in the shoulder by
Cooper's gun. Instead of going to the hospital, he let them
treat him in Jade's office. Now he sat in a corner, nursing a
drink and letting his eyes roam over her body. He had come
up to her earlier and let her know that Jade promised he
could have a taste of her later. With his stale whiskey breath
in her face, she felt a surge of anger and slapped him before
they could bind her hands. She could see in his eyes that he
loved being able to slap her right back.

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"Nothing to say, Billie?" Jade's voice broke through her


"Eat me, Jade! Oh, that's right—you wanted to already."

Billie felt the sting of Jade's slap across her face and looked at
her coldly. She was not going to let Jade break her. Cooper
not only gave her love, he taught her self-worth and not to
fear the likes of these people. She was not going to break
because of her love for him.

"You are going to pay dearly tonight for all the trouble you

caused me. Then when I am done, whoever wants to dip into
you can have a go."

"Better me than your steel-toothed pussy, huh? Am I right,

guys? You don't want it bitten off?" Billie called out loudly.

Her remark got a lot of laughter from Jade's crowd, which

led to her face going red with embarrassment. This time
instead of Jade slapping her, it was one of the men who
played at the club. Her head swam from the force of his hand
against her face. She tasted her own blood in her mouth and
spat it to the floor. Billie raised her head defiantly and waited
for her punishment to begin. She would think about Cooper
while it was going on. He'd keep her strong. Her eyes filled
with tears when she thought of him up there lying in the cold.
Her love was dead, and if she survived, she would be never
be the same without him.

The door to the room burst open and was flooded with

people shouting and yelling. Girls were screaming, and the
men who once took pleasure from beating the helpless
women now ran around like rats caught on a sinking ship. It
was the FBI raid on the club. Billie felt her hopes soar as she

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struggled against the leather that held her hands. The police
were swarming through the only door that led outside, so all
of the patrons were cornered. The only way out was the door
that led to Jade's office.

"Oh, no, you're coming with us." It was a hiss from John

Morris's lips. In the chaos, he unhooked her from her position
in the center floor and began to shove her forward, while Jade
held open the door to her office.

Billie struggled wildly and screamed for help, knowing full

well that Jade had a way out of her office that no one knew
about. If they got in there, they would be gone and she'd be
dead. She saw a figure from the corner of her eye move
quickly, and before she knew it, John Morris was on the floor.

"Cooper!" It's really him! Behind him, Juliana and Marcus

brought up the rear. Juliana quickly freed her hands and gave
her a quick hug.

"Bastard!" The snarl came from Cooper's curled lips as his

fist connected with John Morris's face over and over again.

"Okay, buddy, let's leave some for the nice policemen."

Marcus dragged Cooper away from the semi-conscious man.
Billie had no doubt that if he hadn't, Cooper would have beat
him to death with his bare fists.

Juliana came back over with Jade, who was struggling to

get away. "Look who I found skulking off like a snake in the

Billie turned her cold eyes to the woman who once

tormented her life. Her fingers curled into her palm and she
did something she had longed to do for years. Jade's head

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reeled back from the hit, and Billie pulled her head back up to
face her. "Have a nice life in prison, bitch!"

"Billie!" Cooper pulled her into his arms, and she held him


"Oh, baby, look at you," she whispered, looking at the

blood trail that went down the side of his face and muddy
clothes. "I thought you were dead. I saw him shoot you! Oh
God, I died inside."

"Don't worry about me, cupcake. I'm hard-headed," he

joked softly. "What about you, cupcake. Did they hurt you?"

"No, baby. I just got a little smacked around—nothing I

couldn't handle. You came in the nick of time." She pulled his
head down for a swift, hard kiss before pressing her cheek
against his. "There's nothing I can't handle as long as I have

"I love you, cupcake. I will always love you, and you have

me." Cooper gazed at her and caressed her face. She could
see the love there and knew hers reflected it back.

"I love you, too, big sexy. You just remember that, or I'll

have to spank you," Billie teased.

"Promises, promises." Cooper's grin lit up his face.
She threw her arms around his neck, and he lifted her off

her feet. In the midst of all the police that swarmed around
and the arrests being made, Billie was home in Cooper's

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The Leather and Lace trial became one of the biggest in

New York State history. The high ranking officials who were
arrested made deals with the FBI so they could get easier jail
sentences. It had a domino effect. The tortured girls spoke
out and testified about what happened to them. The police
and mayoral aides sold out the mobsters and drug dealers,
and so the dominoes fell. One of the key witnesses for the
prosecution was a woman called "Velvet," aka Billie Carlton.
She sat proudly in the witness chair and recounted her story
in days of testimony and cross-examination. Her voice never
wavered, and no matter how much they tried to shake her,
she never let her courage fail, proudly telling the truth. She
faced down Jade's hateful stares and let the world know what
went on behind the closed doors of Leather and Lace. Cooper
sat with her each day, and when her gaze caught his, her
back straightened just a bit more, and her voice became even
stronger. In the end, she came out on top.

Cooper started his own law practice over the passing

months. Jeff became his partner, also choosing to leave the
law firm after they took on clients from the same arrest that
closed Leather and Lace. Together, they worked for people
who needed help and good, honest lawyers.

Cooper and Billie got married in a small chapel in Atlantic

City, New Jersey. In her hand, she held a bouquet of red
roses as she declared her love to Cooper. Marcus, Juliana and
Jeff, the people they called family, stood as their witnesses.

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When the minister announced that he could kiss the bride,
Cooper swooped in for his prized kiss from the woman who
held his heart. Billie took his hand and slipped it under her
simple white satin gown. He traced the pattern of roses on
the intricate body stocking.

"What's that for, cupcake?" he whispered against her ear.
She in turn kissed his cheek and purred, "I'm your Velvet,

baby, and that is for later."


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Velvet, Leather and Roses

by Dahlia Rose


About the Author

Dahlia Rose is the best selling author of contemporary

erotica, suspense and paranormal romance. She was born
and raised on a Caribbean island and now currently lives in
Charlotte, NC with her four kids who she affectionately
nicknamed "The children of the corn," and her biggest
supporter/long time love. She has a love of erotica, dark
fantasy, sci-fi and the things that go bump in the night. Books
and writing are her biggest passion and she hopes to open
your imagination to the unknown between the pages of her

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