dahlia rose good ol southern romance

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Good Ol’ Southern Romance

By Dahlia Rose

Copyright © August 2010, Dahlia Rose
Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah © August 2010
ISBN 978-1-936110-88-9

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA

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For those southern boys who drawl the word darlin’

and make us tingle in all the right places.

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Good Ol’ Southern Romance

Dahlia Rose


Chapter One

“I should’ve known, stupid me, I should’ve known,” Carolynn

muttered as she drove down the street.

Trying to find something redeeming in a man who everyone could see

was pond scum was bad enough, but to come home and find him in your
apartment and in your bed with a girl you knew from work…well that was
just plain ignorant! Ned was the guy she was seeing and now she could
call him her ex. When she walked in and saw him in her apartment with
Sharla the girl who worked two cubicles down from her desk, she was

Not only did he not pay any of her bills but when she told him get out

of her place, he had the nerve to try to grab her and slap her face! She
couldn’t believe she thought this guy was cute, tall and dark, not to
mention looked like a basketball player, but she should have known. The
‘touch of thug’ she thought was endearing when he wore a suit and tie hid
the pompous ass he really was. He thought he was God’s gift to women so
one woman would never suffice for a man like that.

Carolynn recalled the scene. When she tried to call the cops and Ned

broke her cell phone against the wall, skanky Sharla left the door open in
her haste to leave. He went to grab her again but luckily her neighbor was
passing by and saw the exchange and promised to call the police. It was
only then he left with fire in his eyes and a promise to be back.

“No one leaves me. I do the leaving and I’m not done with you yet,

bitch,” he said.

She had no doubt if her neighbor hadn’t passed by Ned would have

beat the living crap out of her. She, of course, would have fought back, but
his six-foot-two, power-house body would have overpowered her easily.
Needless to say, she didn’t feel safe staying there that night so she went to
the place that was always a sanctuary, her best friends Jasmine’s
apartment. She was off on a whirlwind honeymoon with her new husband
Ben. The apartment would be empty and she could stay there until she
figured out what to do about Ned. She parked right in front of the building

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and took Jasmine’s keys from the seat where she had thrown them and
went up to the brownstone.

Carolynn opened the door and went inside Jasmine’s homey little

apartment. The little breakfast nook had the two tiny bonsai trees she gave
her friend for her birthday. Even though they were plants, Jasmine had
name them Ozzy and Harriet. Carolynn dropped the keys on the counter
and turned around when she heard a noise from the bedroom. A man
walked out drying his hair with a towel and wearing another towel slung
low around his hips.

He looked up at her and gave her a smooth grin before saying in a

sexy, southern drawl, “Hello, darlin’.”

Carolynn began screamed for all she was worth. She frantically looked

for something to throw and wondered if she could get to the kitchen to
grab a knife. The guy looked at her curiously, as if she had grown two
heads all of a sudden. Carolynn figured she should deflect him so she
grabbed a pillow off the couch which was just past the door of the
breakfast nook and threw it at him then ran for the kitchen counter to grab
a knife.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” The guy held up his hands in defense when she

pulled the big, razor-edged blade from the chopping block.

“Wait for what exactly?” Carolynn shot back. “For you to rape me or

eat my face? No way buddy, I’ve had a hell of a day and you come one
inch closer I’m cutting off the balls—and the bat.”

“Um yeah, I so don’t even want to picture that,” he said with a wince.

“Listen, let me get my coat and show you my credentials. My name is
Jasper Hansen and I work with the girl who owns this apartment.”

“Yeah right!” Carolynn snorted and kept her defensive stance. “I’m

her best friend and she didn’t tell me one of the guys from her unit would
be staying here.”

“Okay lady, why would be here in a towel if I wasn’t meant to be


“Easy answer—you are some kind of freako who likes using women’s

bathing gels or something.”

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“Who likes to eat faces?” he summed up and his lips twitched with a


Carolynn’s eyes narrowed to angry slits. “Don’t make fun of me. I’m

the one holding the knife.”

He moved as quick as lightning, had the knife from her grasp and her

pinned against his naked chest in seconds. Carolynn struggled in vain to
get away but his powerful arms had her captured.

He began to move towards the door, talking casually as he went.

“Now, I’m going to show you my credentials and then we’re going to have
a beer and laugh about this situation.”

“I highly doubt it,” she muttered. “As soon as I can get free, I am

going to kick you in the golden ones. Trust me.”

He tiled her head back and she made a muffled sound of surprise when

he kissed her. He rubbed his lips against hers leisurely and licked at her
lips begging for entry. Carolynn couldn’t help her response. The next
sound she made was a moan of delight and her lips parted for the stranger
who said he was a friend. He held her with one hand and even then, she
could not get free. He reached into the pocket of his jacket which was
thrown over a chair and pulled out his wallet. He pulled away from the
kiss and raised his identification to her eyes. She was almost disappointed
at his ending their lip lock. He flipped the worn leather open and showed
her the same kind of I.D as Jasmine’s, which she had seen numerous

“Fine. So you work with Jasmine. It doesn’t mean you should

manhandle me or kiss me like that,” Carolynn said grudgingly. She leaned
back to put distance between them even though his arm was still wrapped
around her.

He looked at her with amazement. “You had a knife on me accusing

me of being Hannibal Lecter.”

“How was I supposed to know you were in her place?” Carolynn

replied. “She and Ben are in Caracas on the beach somewhere.”

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“Yes, I know this, and I told her yesterday I was going to use her place

for a day or two before I head home to South Carolina.” He looked at her
with a raised eyebrow. “What’s your excuse?”

“I’m her best friend. I don’t need an excuse.” He looked at her with

eyes that seemed to know all her internal turmoil. Unable to resist when he
said nothing but just kept looking at her, she said, “I needed to get away
from my place for a day or two to figure things out.”

“Crazy husband?”
Her laugh was short and sarcastic. “Try crazy boyfriend who happens

to be my supervisor and I just found in my bed with a strumpet from

“Strumpet, huh?” He nodded knowingly. “Yeah, I can see why you

need to get away.”

“You’re still holding me.” She pointed out in a quiet tone.
“I think I like holding you,” he said seriously. He pulled her closer.
Carolynn was keenly aware that her body was pressed up against, from

what she had seen, abs you could wash clothes on. Now, she was pressed
up again his wide chest and holding onto his broad shoulders looking into
amazing blue-green eyes. She could see the stubble against the curve of
his jaw and watch the pulse beat at the base of his neck. He was positively
gorgeous for a man. From the top of his dark brown hair down to the
muscled abs and thighs she saw when he came out of the room earlier.

You can let me go now,” Carolynn ordered. She was uncomfortable

with the signals her body was sending out in response to being too close to

“Okay,” he responded to the simple request. “So, now you know my

name. Care to tell me yours?”

“Carolynn Sims.” She walked over to the breakfast nook to put some

needed distance between him and her and pointed to the plants. “Have you
watered Ozzy and Harriet?”

He gave a shot of laughter. “She named the plants?”

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“Don’t laugh at her!” Carolynn snapped. “You guys made her feel like

she always had to be this tough thing. So she named her plants. So what?
Want to make something of it?”

Jasper held up his hand again. “Damn, girl, I thought it was

cute…don’t be so defensive.”

Carolynn sighed. “I’m sorry. Like I said, it’s been a day.”
“I’ll throw some clothes on. You can share my dinner and I’ll even

make you a drink.”

“I should go home. I mean you’re staying here and I don’t want to


“No,” Jasper said firmly. “You came here for a reason and we’re both

Jasmine’s friends. You are going to stay, too. I slept on the couch anyway,
so you can have the bedroom. Plus, if I sent you back home J.D., would
have my head on a stick. So please…stay.”

His eyes had softened towards her and it was Carolynn’s undoing. She

needed not to be home. Just thinking about Ned and the way he acted
scared her more than she would like to admit.

“Okay, what’s for dinner?” she asked with a smile.
“Spaghetti with garlic bread.”
“Wow, a man who cooks. How come I’ve never met you before?”
“I’m starting to wonder myself, darlin’,” he replied.
The cool, easy grin on his ruggedly handsome face caused Carolynn

smiled in return. Maybe walking in on a man wearing a towel was not so
bad after all.

* * * *

Jasper almost choked on his spaghetti with his laughter. “You’re trying

to tell me after you found them she ran out like a coward? Why didn’t he
run with her?”

He had dished out two plates of his famous pasta dish with the ground

turkey and sausage meat sauce and two of his favorite beers. He wanted to
get to know Carolynn Sims, best friend, social worker and spit fire.

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Good Ol’ Southern Romance

Dahlia Rose


She took a sip from her beer bottle. “Oh, he wanted to stay and

threaten me since he knew I would not fall for his lies. Hence, me being

She said it with a casual ease but Jasper was instantly on alert. He

hated men who cheated and men who cheated then threatened usually
meant they had a penchant for using their hands to get their point across.
That was his trigger. He watched his mother get smacked around and
vowed he would never be the one to do it to any woman. And men who
did hit on the women got his special kind of treatment.

“Has he hit you before?” Jasper asked. “Please don’t lie for him.”
Her eyes widening in alarm. “No-no, he hasn’t really. I mean, there

have been times where I thought he might but he never got to that point.
And if he ever did, I would have been outta there. No man gets to put a
mark on my skin.”

“Good.” Jasper threw her a charming grin. “It’s very fine skin. It looks

like polished ebony.”

“Are you flirting with me, Mr. St. Cloud?”
He could hear the teasing in her voice but after only being around her

for a few hours, sharing a meal and learning more about her. Jasper had a
definite attraction to the lovely Carolynn Sims. So he responded honestly.
“I’m most definitely flirting with you, Carolynn.”

She met his gaze with her own and soon looked away shyly. She rolled

a forkful of pasta onto her fork and placed it in her mouth. He felt heat roll
through his body watching her sucking the pasta into her mouth. He was
amazed at his reaction to her. He wanted this woman from the time he
pulled her against him and blew his mind with that kiss. He could feel the
delicious curve of her body when she was against him.

“You said you were only here for another night. Where are you off to?

Some big secret mission?” she asked, effectively changing the subject.

“I am going home for a three week vacation.”
“Wow, must be nice. I don’t even know how I am going to go to work

on Monday and face this mess.” Carolynn sighed. “I love my job but he is
so not worth going back there right now.”

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He could see her sadness and turmoil but even though she was being

brave, her fear about seeing this guy Ned again showed. Jasper made the
decision quickly and the words flowed from his lips. “Why don’t you
come with me?” It was an easy solution and even though he told himself
he was doing it for her, he could see the possibilities of getting to know
her intimately on the horizon.

She laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”
He shook his head. “Nope. I mean, you’re a friend of Jasmine’s which

means you are now my friend. You are in a bad place and you need time
to think. Why not do it lying on a beach in South Carolina enjoying the
sun and the water?”

“Oh, that sounds so good,” Carolynn sighed wistfully.
“Come on, do it. Take leave from your job. Think of it…three weeks

on in a house right on the water with sand so white and fine it’s amazing.”
Jasper grinned. He could see her caving in. “Do it, darlin’. I’ll even take
you fishing.”

“I’ll do it.” She gave a little squeal of pleasure. “I have vacation time

built up anyway. I’ll take that and opt in for a transfer and go to a different
department or a new site altogether. Would you mind going back to my
house with me so I can pack? I don’t want to go by myself.”

“Of course.” Jasper smiled but his jaw was tense. He hated the fact

that she had to be scared to go back to her own home to pack. He vowed
while they were in South Carolina he would find a way to help her out
with the little problem called Ned.

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Good Ol’ Southern Romance

Dahlia Rose


Chapter Two

Excitement was running through her veins. A three week vacation on

the sunny coast of South Carolina. It was an escape from her problem and
have a little fun was the best thing that could have happened to her. The
man beside her in his car was intriguing. He had such a calm manner but
she could tell there was more beneath the surface. She could see the
restrained anger when he heard about Ned. She couldn’t help but be
thrilled at this new prospect. She’s known for awhile now she was going
through the motions and maybe she was a bit scared of her ex’s outbursts.
Either way, she was out before it got any worse.

They finished dinner over a great conversation. She hadn’t had so

much fun talking with anyone from the opposite sex in a long time. After
that, he jumped up ready to go and soon they were driving down
Kosciusko Avenue and heading to her apartment. Apprehension gnawed at
her stomach when he helped her out of the sleek Navigator in front of her
brownstone. At the broken door of her apartment she could see it was for
good reason. The door was kicked in and she could feel the tension rolling
off Jasper as he became instantly alert.

“Stay behind me,” he ordered. Not even waiting for her to act, he

tucked her behind him and held her there with one strong arm while he
looked inside.

Carolynn made a sound of frustration while she tried to peek around

his large frame. She was not a wilting daffodil that needed protecting.
“How bad is it?” She soon got her question answered when she ducked
under his arm and looked into the devastation that was once her apartment.
Everything she owned had been destroyed and looking at it made her heart
break. She didn’t have much growing up, she worked hard and got
everything she owned through hard work and persistence.

Now it was all ripped apart by a man who could not take no for an

answer. Chairs and pillows were shredded and the soft white material that
filled them was all over the floor. Every picture was broken, every knick
knack shattered, everything she owned in the word was destroyed. The

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Dahlia Rose


bedroom was no better. The clothes were pulled from hangers and bleach
thrown over them. Colors ran and bled into each other. Ned had done it all
in vengeance and she felt tears spring to her eyes.

“How could he?” she whispered as the tears fell. “How could he? I

mean, this is all material possessions but all I have worked for is gone!”

“Honey, how long have you been seeing this guy?” Jasper asked as he

looked around. “Anger like that had to be building for awhile.”

She whirled on him, needing to hurl her anger at someone. “So I

should’ve known this was coming? What gives him the right to break into
my place and do this? Because I wouldn’t play nice and let him fuck
around in my home!”

Japer pulled her into his arms and Carolynn was stiff with anger. “No,

I mean he is a sick guy to do this and I know in cases like this there are
signs. You didn’t deserve this. No one does. I’ll make him regret it. Just
lean on me, darlin’. I’ll make it better.

“No, I’ll handle it,” Carolynn sighed. “I got involved with him. It’s

against policy at work to fraternize and I let him charm me. If I bring this
up or press charges I will lose my job and he gets to keep his since he is
my superior. The way things are going I need to pay the bills so I have to
suck it up and ask for a transfer.”

“Well, that’s a suck ass policy,” Jasper murmured.
He pulled her head against his chest and caressed her hair. Carolynn

had to admit the action eased the tension inside her and the fear. If she had
found this by herself she didn’t know how she would have reacted. Having
him there gave her a feeling of protection.

“Are any of your clothes salvageable?” he asked gently.
“Maybe he left me something I could wear,” she muttered against his

chest. “I don’t know if I can still go, Jasper. I have to get this cleaned up
and try to see if my renter’s insurance will cover this.”

He lifted her chin with the crook of his finger. “Uh-uh, no backing out.

I know some people that can help out and take care of your renter’s
insurance and all that stuff.”

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Dahlia Rose


“Jasper, I just met you—I can’t let you do all this,” Carolynn


“No, you’re Jasmine’s friend and now you’re my friend,” he answered.

“I won’t say I don’t have ulterior motives for wanting to take you to South
Carolina, but even if you had came to me at the office and this was going
on I would do my all to help you. This is wrong, Carolynn. No one should
have to deal with this. This is abuse and treachery at its worst.”

“So, I’m heading to the beach, huh?” she asked in a soft tone and as

she looked into his eyes her breath caught.

“That’s right, darlin’.” He kissed her in the midst of the chaos that was

once her apartment. “Now, let’s see what we can salvage out of this

It was after two in the morning before they got back to Jasmine’s

apartment. Between the two of them, they had boxed up pictures and
whatever they could salvage. She shed more tears, especially when she
found the broken remnants of the only thing she had from her mother, a
trinket box which was now bits and pieces on the floor. He gave her a hug
before she headed into the bedroom and now, as she lay in bed, she
actually felt a sense of relief. She lost everything she had but at least she
was alive. What Ned did was filled with hate and God knows what he
would have done if she would have been there at the time. With the Bob
Marley song Every Little Thing Gonna be Alright flowing through her
head, she put those thoughts from her mind and sank into an exhausted

* * * *

Jasper waited until he heard all movement in the bedroom cease before

he picked up his cell phone. He had two calls to make and he didn’t want
her to hear. The Ned situation would escalate. He knew how things like
this went from small to deadly. Her running away with her tail tucked
between her legs was understandable. She needed her job and her security.
If only it was that easy he would let it go, but the silence would aggravate

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Dahlia Rose


her ex just as much as if she pressed charges. This would get progressively
worse before it got better. Luckily he had three weeks to keep her safe and
to make some headway when it came to Ned.

His first call was to the secure line that Ben had in case of

emergencies. Jasmine and her new husband were well on their way to
building one of the best security firms in D.C.

Ben answered on the second ring. His gruff tone made Jasper grin.

“What’s the crisis and it better be good.”

“Hey Ben, is Jasmine around? I have a little situation here that I need

some input on,” Jasper said. “It’s about her friend, Carolynn. She’s got
some trouble.”

“I can hear you, Jasper. What’s up? Is Carolynn hurt?” Jasmine asked.
“You could’ve told me I was on speaker phone,” Jasper said ruefully.
“Where would the fun be in that?” Ben’s voice held humor.
“Enough small talk, boys. What’s going on with Carolynn?”
“She found that guy in her apartment with some chick,” Jasper

explained. “She told him to leave, he grabbed her and then she came here.
Um, she found me staying here at your place and we had a little chat.”
Jasper decided to forgo mentioning the kiss and his attraction to the
buxom beauty. “We went by her place to get some of her stuff and he
completely destroyed the place and everything in it. She won’t press
charges because of her job but we know how this can get.”

“We’ll be on the next flight home,” Jasmine said. “Ugh, I knew that

guy was a no good ex-basketball player who turns goody two shoes.
Social worker, my ass.”

Jasper grinned. He knew Jasmine’s anger and had no doubt that the ex

would be taken down a peg by her hands if he let her come home. But he
wanted to be Carolynn’s knight in shining armor. “No, don’t ruin your
honeymoon. I was just giving you an update on the situation. I am going to
take her home to Charleston with me. I’ll handle things.”

“I’m coming home. She is my best friend I can’t let anything happen

to her—”

“Jasmine, I got this under control.” Jasper’s voice held determination.

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“Oh really?”
He knew her interest was piqued but said nothing. “Yes, really. I will

call you if anything more happens. Before you go, do you know that guy’s
last name? I’m going to get Hayden to run a trace on him.”

“I think it’s Lazarus. I remember because it was part of his theme

when he played pro ball. Lazarus rising was his stupid slogan. I trust you
with my life so I’m asking you to take care of hers,” Jasmine said softly.
“She’s my family, Jasper.”

“You’ve got my word, darlin’.”
“Don’t call my wife ‘darling’,” Ben interjected.
Jasper heard the laughter as the cell phone went dead then the

disconnected. He gave a small laugh. He had no doubt what caused that
sexy giggle. Jasmine was like his sister so he chose to put that thought out
of his mind. His next call was to Hayden and he asked his friend and
member of their unit to run a line on a Ned Lazarus and see what he could
come up with. He would get the info when he got to South Carolina and
make his plans from there. Before he even had a chance to try to harm
Carolynn, Jasper was going to stop him. He had a contented smile when
he laid back against the couch and put his straw cowboy hat over his eyes.
She was going to be his and Jasper protected what was his.

Morning came almost too soon Jasper thought with a groan. His hat

had long fell of his eyes in the night and he would be still be asleep but
Carolynn was up. How did he know she was up? Because she spread the
blinds in the apartment open wide and was now in the kitchen making
clanking noises and mumbling herself and making coffee. At least the
coffee smells good,
he thought to himself but he would have really loved
to sleep for a few more hours. He looked at the clock. Eight a.m. Jesus H.
Macy, who gets up this early?
He groaned as he sat up.

She looked out through the kitchen door and gave him a bright smile.

“Oh, you’re up! Great. I’ll make you some breakfast to go with the

“Make it stop. The cheerfulness is almost as bright as the sunlight,”

Jasper grumbled. He felt the stubble on his chin and tried to focus.

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Dahlia Rose


Carolynn walked over to him with a steaming cup of coffee and waved

it under his nose “Oh, you’re one of those people who can’t function
without this.”

He took the cup from her and took a grateful sip. The scent and taste of

the hot, caffeinated liquid gave his brain the spark of consciousness he

He sighed gratefully. “Why are you up so early? We went to bed like

four in the morning.”

“No, we went to bed at two and I need very little sleep.” She gave a

little laugh. “Actually, I have this insomniac thing. It’s complicated. So I
figured I would get up and make us some breakfast before we get on the
road. How long is the drive to Charleston?”

“It’s about a day’s ride from here in good ol’ DC,” Jasper answered

easily. “Now what’s for breakfast?”

“Luckily for you, I stock Jasmine’s fridge because half the time she

forgets,” Carolynn said with pride. “We have french toast and bacon.”

“Coffee, meat and sugar,” Jasper grinned. “You warm my heart,


“You are a nut.” She smiled at him. “But you’re a good nut and I want

to thank you for last night and well, for everything.”

“Stop thanking me.” Jasper put his cup down and pulled her onto his

lap on the couch. The terrycloth softness of her pajamas was against his
thighs. He nuzzled her neck and inhaled the scent of her. Even in the
morning she smelled like honeysuckle. She gasped and arched to give him
more access to her skin “I am just happy to be able to wake up to someone
like you making me breakfast,” he said.

“I’m glad to make it for you,” she said huskily.
“Can I ask you for one thing?” Jasper rubbed his thumb against her

lips. The soft skin of her full mouth was tempting and inviting but he
would not take without permission. “Can I have a good morning kiss?”

She nodded and Jasper shook his head. “No darlin’, I need you to say

it. I want to know you want me to kiss you.”

“Kiss me, Jasper. Let me taste you,” she whispered.

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With a groan, he nibbled at her lips teasing gently not only her but

himself from taking what he really wanted. Until it was she who moaned
in frustration and pulled him closer, forcing the kiss to be initiated. She
opened under him and he sank his tongue deep inside her mouth. Jasper
felt a wave of heat run through him and lost all thought except for the
consuming need to have her. He cupped her breast easily through the
spaghetti strapped night shirt she wore. She moaned and shifted in his lap,
rubbing against the rock hard ache of his cock.

Unable to resist, he slipped his hand under the material of her shirt and

cupped the globes of her breasts. Her nipples were pressed against his
hand. Jasper lifted the material barrier and took one of the beaded tips into
his mouth. Carolynn gave a little cry and held his head to her while his
tongue played with her nipple deep in his mouth. She tasted so good.
Desire made his balls tighten. Jasper slipped his hand into the hem of her
pajama bottoms and her panties. He could feel her taking shallow breaths
against the skin of her flat stomach. She didn’t stop him and he delved
deeper into her clothing to the apex of her thighs and then to the slit of her

“Oh, baby girl, you’re already so wet,” he groaned and took her lips in

a swift kiss. He manipulated her clit slowly and reveled in her hips rising
to meet his touch. “Spread your legs a little wider, Carolynn. Let me give
you this.”

She did as he instructed and Jasper slipped his finger into her wet


“Oh, Goddd.” She said the words on a drawn out moan and her body

arched in pleasure.

“You are so responsive. I love how your body trembles under my

touch,” Jasper said gruffly.

He sank his finger inside her deeper and rubbed at her clit, making her

cry out again. The moans and sounds she made were driving him crazy
and when she came, the gush of her juices against his hand made his toes
curl. To hear her pleasure drove need straight to the center of him.

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Dahlia Rose


I shouldn’t be doing this. He vaguely thought of what she went

through and it caused him to pull away. More than anything he wanted to
strip her naked and bury himself inside her. The soft feminine scent of her
was all around him. When he saw her sultry, heavy-lidded gaze he almost
reconsidered. Instead, he sat her next to him on the sofa and then made
sure there was distance between them.

“Why are you sitting all the way over there?” she asked huskily.
“Because darlin’, if I get any closer I am going to do all those dirty

things my mind is telling me to do. You’re not ready for that,” Jasper
admitted with honesty.

“You may be right or I might want you to do all those naughty things.”

She licked her lips like she could still taste him before she winked at him
and got up from the sofa. “I’ll repay you for that later, big boy. Don’t you
doubt it. And those dirty things you are talking about, well, I might have
some thoughts of my own. You’ll have to wait and see. Ready for some

Her sexy words sent another jolt of desire through him. Jasper nodded.

“Um, you go ahead. I have to wait for things to settle before I even think
of moving.”

Carolynn laughed. “I think like having that affect on you.”
He watched the curve of her rear as she walked away. She didn’t know

how much of an affect she did have on him. The thought made him want
to gobble down his breakfast and get on the road. He was going to show
her some good ol’ romance—southern style—and sweep her off her feet.

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Chapter Three

The drive to Charleston started out a bit rocky. By the time they

headed out the door, the sun was hidden between thick dark clouds. The
rain was pouring down and with the humidity of the summer it felt like
they were deep in the Amazon instead of the city streets of Washington
DC. Then they had to content with the slow crawl of traffic from there
straight through Virginia until they took the turn of on to I-85 and headed
south. From there, the skies brightened to a Carolina blue and it was
smooth sailing.

Jasper opened the sunroof of the Navigator and she slipped on her

sunglasses. She had put on a sexy little blue halter dress after breakfast but
when the rain started she chose one of Jasmine’s little white coats to go
over it. She threw it off when they got to the North Carolina border and
the sun filled the luxury car. Now her ebony skin soaked up the warm sun
rays as they laughed and talked. There were stops for gas and for food in
places where country music blared from a old juke box and the guy who
served them fried chicken mashed potatoes and greens was covered in

On the outskirts of a little town called Hendersonville, Jasper pulled

off to show her the view. Green was spread out all around her and
Carolynn fell in love with the South. The thoughts of what he did to her
that very morning came flooding back and it gave her a wicked little
thought in the seclusion around her. Impulsively she turned to him in the
car and kissed him. The heat between them flared to white hot flame
instantly and they were straining to touch each other everywhere at once.
Carolynn knew he wanted to take it slow with her since the incident with
her ex, but being scared didn’t mean she didn’t know what she wanted.

And since she’d met Jasper St. Cloud, it was him she wanted. No man

had ever made her body sing like that with just a touch. She wanted to feel
it all, know it all and he was the one she was going to experience it with.
Her hands went to the bulge in his pants and squeezed. Jasper rose up out
of the seat against her hand and moaned.

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“Now it’s my turn,” Carolynn whispered against his ear. She licked at

his ear and he shivered. Then she trailed little kisses down the side of his
neck. His aftershave was appealing. It had a cool light smell. She looked
down and saw his hand was clutching the door in a death grip. She smiled
because she knew it was what she was doing affected him and he was
trying to hold on to his control. His fierce gaze met hers before she went to
work and deftly undid his wide belt buckle and took care of the zipper on
his pants.

The thick length of him sprang free from the stitched slit of his boxer

shorts. Carolynn didn’t know what she expected but she certainly did not
expect him to be so endowed. His cock already had a small drop of pre-
come at the tip and Carolynn swirled her tongue around the edge before
taking it deep in her mouth.

“Holy hell,” he groaned.
Carolynn worked her mouth down his shaft and then back up again.

She wrapped her fingers around the smooth length of him and as she
sucked, she patterned the motion of her mouth. His body shuddered and he
throbbed in her hand.

Carolynn raised her head and looked at him. “Are you going to come

for me, Jasper St Cloud?”

He swallowed and ordered, “You got that right, darlin’. Take my cock

back in your mouth.”

She obliged him and took him back into her mouth. She used her

tongue and lips and hands to being him to his orgasm. She reached down
and squeezed his balls gently. With a loud harsh groan he spilled his seed
into her mouth. He leaned back against the leather seat heavily and she
could hear his harsh breathing. She reached into the dash and pulled out
one of the small towels he kept there and cleaned them both up. Jasper re-
zipped his pants and fixed his clothes while Carolynn watched smugly.

“I think I have just upped the ante,” she said before taking a sip of her

orange juice that was in the cup holder.

“Oh honey, it is so completely on now.” Jasper grinned and pulled her

across the seat for a kiss.

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“You’re going to make me spill the juice,” Carolynn said with a laugh

when he released her lips.

“We are so lucky a state trooper did not pass by,” Jasper commented

as he started the car. “I can imagine the call to the boss man to get me out
of jail.”

They both laughed as he pulled out of the secluded spot and got back

on the road to their destination. It was around six when they entered into
Charleston. Carolynn looked eagerly out the window to soak up
everything she saw. The golden light of the sunset bathed everything in a
magical glow and the beauty of it made her catch her breath in awe.

“This is so beautiful,” she gasped in delight.
“I know it is,” Jasper agreed. “I work in DC and that’s cool, I like my

job, but nothing keeps me away from home too long.”

“How many times do you get to come home?” Carolynn asked.
“Luckily for me, the job is flexible and sometimes I can leave from my

house and go to Fort Jackson for a convoy plane out to meet up with the
other guys. The boss is pretty flexible so I am here most of the time,”
Jasper explained.

“Oh, I envy you so much,” Carolynn laughed. “I wish I had

somewhere like this to get away to. Jeez, where Jaz and I grew up is so
ghetto and bad. I wonder if our lives would have turned out different if we
had been in a place like this.”

“Your life is what you make it, regardless of where you came from,”

Jasper said quietly. “Trust me, I took some knocks growing up but I still
love my home.” He nudged her with his elbow. “It’s your home too now
whenever you need it to be. Mi casa es su casa.”

Carolynn looked at Jasper and gave him a huge smile. “Thanks, Jasper.

I just might take you up on that.”

She went back to soaking up the scenery around her. A sign

announcing the town came into view. Welcome to Sandpiper Glen. The
trees with thick trunks were immense and lined each side of the street. The
bark looked weather-worn and old and some had moss growing along the
scaly wood. There were long vines hanging down covered in leaves and

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flowers of light pink. The buildings held an old world charm and some of
the streets were made of actual cobblestone.

There were outdoor restaurants with strings of lights mixed in with

vines. She laughed in delight when she heard the music from an outdoor
band playing in the bandstand built in the middle of town. The sea was
right next door Carolynn could see the docks where pristine white boats
were lined up against the sunset. She was sure if they stopped the car right
now that she could hear the surf clearly even with the music wafting
through the air. The rows of little boutiques and restaurants right next to
the dock were painted in pristine white with a decorative patio that was
lined with wrought iron benches. She didn’t have to think twice. She was
in love with the little seaside suburb of Charleston.

“Where do you live?” she asked.
“See the end of the dock there and that little road?” She nodded when

Jasper pointed out in front of them. “I live down there.”

She could see the end of the small gravel road through the trees and to

her it looked like it ended right at the sandy beach.

She looked at him and said doubtfully, “Um Jasper, there is nothing


“Wait and see, darlin’.” There was a hint of mischievousness in his


She looked on while Jasper maneuvered the Navigator onto the

gravely driveway to home. She could see why she thought the road ended
at the sand because it did. But when she saw his house she could see why.
Jasper St. Cloud lived in a house boat and an elaborate one at best. It had
been pulled out of the water and build on a solid foundation in the earth
just before it tapered off to the beach incline. Stone steps led up to the
patio and the front door and a huge two story house adjoined to the
houseboat. The second story of the tan house with brown shutters also had
a balcony that faced the water. There were flowers of bright yellow and
white in the bushes that surrounded the house and a stone fire pit area with
patio furniture off to one side.

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“Oh my god, you live in a pimped out houseboat!” She laughed in


He joined her laughter. “That’s one way to put it. My mom and dead-

beat step-dad bought his property when they had some money. We were
going to live in the houseboat while he built the house on the ridgeline
there. But he was so busy punching her while they were driving home one
night the car was in a head-on collision and they both died. The property
was left to me. When I got old enough, I pulled the houseboat out of the
water and made it part of the house.”

“Oh Jasper, I am so sorry,” she said quietly. She understood now why

he was so upset with her situation and it made her feel so magnificent
knowing he could share that part of his life with her.

He stopped the car and turned to face her. “That’s why I said, it

doesn’t matter where you live but how you live. I did this for my mom. I
built the house of her dreams with the houseboat as part of the memory. I
had good times with her before he came along I wasn’t going to forget

Carolynn was so moved she braced his face in her hands and kissed

him gently. “You shouldn’t forget and I am sure she is so proud of you for
what you have done.”

He leaned his forehead against hers. “I didn’t mean to get all serious

on your trip. You’re here for fun. Come on and see inside then we can
head out. Luckily we can to anything in Sandpiper from here.”

“You didn’t bring me down and I am glad you shared your life with

me. Thank you.”

“Thank you for letting me share,” he replied.
Outside of the vehicle Carolynn took her shoes off immediately and

sank her feet into the warm sand at the end of the road. It felt so good as
she wiggled her toes. She stood there for a few more minutes while Jasper
headed up the step with the bags.

He looked back to her and called, “Hey, are you coming or are you

going to make sand castles?”

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“I’m debating,” she replied, even though she began moving in his


“Sand castles tomorrow. I promise even to furnish a bucket,” he

teased. “Tonight we are going to go have a great dinner and walk on the

They ascended the rest of the steps together and Jasper unlocked the

front door to the boat house. When she walked inside she marveled at all
the lush green plants that hung from pots and on stands. There was a pool
table and bar in the front rooms. He had turned his old home into an
entertainment area of sorts. Through a foyer built on to join both houses
they walked into a family style room.

Cream and whites were his decors and Carolynn wondered if he had a

decorator come in. She quickly realized Jasper St Cloud was a man who
liked to do things for himself. From there, they went upstairs where he
showed her into a bamboo and tropical themed bedroom and he left her to
get dressed for the night. She dressed in an off the shoulder, light floral
dress with a cinched waist and a flirty skirt that just came to her knees.
Carolynn looked at herself in the mirror and fingered the thin silver
necklace at her neck. She felt the excited flutter of butterflies in her
stomach. A first date kind of feeling that made here want to scream with
excitement like a school girl but yet wipe her damp hands against the
material of her skirt.

She descended the stairs just as Jasper was coming in from outside.

Gone were the faded jeans and dusty boots. Now he was dressed in dark
slacks and black striped shirt. His silver belt buckle was shined and so
were the cowboy boots he wore. Of course she had to smile because he
was wearing his same straw cowboy hat but he had changed the bandana
to black. Carolynn thought he looked simply scrumptious—a southern
cowboy with sexy charm and a crooked grin.

“Darlin’, you look like chocolate covered in peaches and cream,” he

said. He took her hand and twirled her around. “Wanna stay home so I can
eat you up?”

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“Oh no,” she admonished him with a laugh. “You promised to show

me this quaint little town and to feed me, but—” she added with a wink,
“—I might let you eat me later.”

He pulled her close and growled before he nipped at her ear.

“Promises, promises.”

“I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” she whispered back.
The air between them was getting thick with the unspoken sexual

tension and Jasper heaved a sigh. “Let’s get out of here before we don’t go
at all.”

The night air had a touch of humidity in it and the smell of lady of the

night blooms and magnolias intoxicated the senses. Carolynn inhaled
deeply, enjoying the rich fragrance that was so unlike the city it made her
a little dizzy. She giggled when she stumbled in the gravel driveway and
he was there to hold her firm and keep her from falling.

“I think the air here is making me woozy,” she said.
“It’s cleaning that bad city gunk out of your lungs,” Jasper replied. She

looked at him skeptically he gave her a solemn nod. “I firmly believe in
the healthy properties of Sandpiper oxygen.”

Carolynn smirked at him. “You are such a nut.”
The conversation lulled to a companionable silence while they walked

holding hands from his house. The harbor was full of people and music.
The smell of fresh seafood being prepared in different delicacies made her
mouth water and tummy growl. Jasper picked a little seaside restaurant
that had tables right on the boardwalk called Harbor Johnny’s. She soon
found out that one of Jasper’s friends owned it and was the head chef.
They were given the best seats in the house looking over the water and by
the time they were seated, an antipasto sea food medley appetizer was
being brought out with a bottle of wine.

“Wow, how are you still single, Jasper?” Carolynn teased. “I would

marry you for this kind of service.”

“Carolynn, I am going to hold you to that.” He grinned. He pulled a

mussel out of its shell and dipped it in butter before holding it to her lips.
“Try this. It’s Johnny’s best mussel dish with a light wine sauce.”

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Carolynn wrapped her lips around the fork dutifully. Her eyes widened

when the succulent meat filled her mouth with flavor. “Oh wow, I think I
just had a foodgasm. It’s fabulous.”

Jasper chortled. “Is that anything like an orgasm?”
Using her best teacher voice, Carolynn explained the term, “It’s a mild

form of the orgasm brought on by food, and especially chocolate.”

They ordered their food and while they waited they talked over a bottle

of wine. Carolynn couldn’t remember having more of a relaxed, fun time
on a date. Even though the need was there and she could see the desire in
his eyes, it didn’t make her feel uncomfortable or nervous…only wanted.
The seafood Portofino and the lobster-stuffed ravioli they ordered came
out not carried by a waiter but by the head chef Johnny.

“I had to come see this vision the waiters are talking about back there,”

Johnny said. He took her hand and raised it to his lips and without taking
his eyes from hers he said, “I can see they are right. I am glad you finally
brought me a gift, Jasper.”

Jasper reached over and took her hand away. “Um no, this girl is mine,

Johnny. Go find your own. Carolynn meet the town slut, Johnny Dale.”

“Well, he is a very charming town slut who is an amazing chef,”

Carolynn replied with a wide smile. “Nice to meet you, Johnny. Your food
is divine.”

“A gorgeous woman, and one with impeccable taste.” Johnny threw

Jasper a glance. “So unlike the trollops you usually bring by.”

“Hmmm, trollops, huh?” Carolynn turned and gave Johnny a sweet

smile. “How many loose moraled women have there been, Johnny?”

“Don’t listen to him, darlin’. He is just jealous I have the prize sitting

across from me,” Jasper cut in.

“Ah, nice save,” Carolynn teased. She was enjoying the banter

between the two men.

“You deserve a special piece of my triple berry cheesecake with fresh

made cream and raspberry topping.”

“I think I love you, Johnny.” Carolynn sighed. “Run away with me?”

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Johnny put his hand over his heart. “Alas, my kitchen is my only


“Oh, so I am left out in the cold for cheesecake?” Jasper faked


“Baby, his fresh cream and cheesecake are grounds for me to

consider,” Carolynn said sweetly.

Johnny laughed out loud and many of the patrons looked around to

their table. “Bring her around more often, Jasper. I like her. Enjoy dinner.
My stove calls.”

Dinner went by and she imprinted it all in her mind. With dessert, two

slices of sublime cheesecake in a see-through container, they headed

At the house, he took the container and said, “Stay right here. We can

walk on the beach and I have something to show you.”

Carolynn nodded and watched him go inside. He came back out with

one of his jackets and threw it over her shoulders against the sea breeze
that held a hint of a chill. She kicked her shoes off at the edge of the sand
and stepped into the soft grains that still held some warmth even though
the sun had set awhile ago. She couldn’t help but run down to the surf and
let the small waves crash over her feet. She squealed in delight. The water
was cold but she still kept her feet right there. The saltwater washed the
sand away and sent her toes deeper into the soaked grains.

“Where are we going?” she turned and called to him. The way he

watched her with such intensity made her breathless.

“Come up here and find out,” he called back to her and held out his


She ran up to him like a little girl. He caught her, lifted her up and then

she wrapped her legs around his waist. Carolynn felt light and free and
every time she thought of him, even though it has only been a few hours,
her heart gave an achy tumble that told her there was more to what she
was feeling. Their lips met in a kiss and she delved her hands in the hair
that peeked out under his bandana.

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He pulled away and set her on her feet. “Come on and see my hidey


“Hidey spot?” she repeated curiously while she trailed behind him.
Through a stand of threes and thick vines he led her across the sand to

a little cave cut out of the rocks next to his house. When they ducked
inside, he had a lantern lit and a blanket spread on the ground. There were
a few rock ledges and he lit candles that were there, giving the cave a soft
glow. He sat down and patted the blanket next to him. While Carolynn sat
down and tucked her feet under her, he parted the vines just a little so they
could see the moonlit surf breaking against the sand. He gave a soft laugh
as if a memory seeped in as he sat back next to her and she waited for him
to speak.

“This is, well, was my hidey spot when I was nine. Burt, my step-dad,

was beating my mom and she yelled at me to run. She didn’t want me to
see it or to hear it, so I ran down the beach,” Jasper explained. “I found
this place that night and soon all my adventures took place here, especially
when they were going at it. I was a pirate or a secret spy. I had a compass
here and a little cooler that I bought with the money I earned mowing
lawns. Then I met Johnny and this was his place, too. He was kinda the
same boat as I was and this was our sanctuary.”

Jasper lay back against the blanket and stared up at the rock ceiling.

Carolynn followed suit and rested her head in the crook of his arm. She
felt for the little boy who watched his mom get abused and then both little
boys who found friendship in each other in a bad situation.

“When we got older, we brought girls here and when my mom and

Burt died, I came here to mourn for her. He was a bastard who took her
way too early but for her, I mourned.” He turned to his side and faced her.
“Somehow it felt right to bring you here, like if you were meant to know
about my hidey spot. I feel something for you already, Carolynn and I…”
He raised his hand and made a wide circle. “Well, this is my hide-away.”

Without a word, Carolynn leaned forward the few inches that

separated them and kissed him gently. He took control and she felt his
warm hand behind her neck and he deepened the kiss. She knew tonight

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would be the night she gave herself to him. She honestly thought it from
the very first night when he captured her in his arms and twisted her
senses with one kiss. Together they would make new memories in his
sanctuary she hoped would last a lifetime.

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Chapter Four

She imprinted the smell of him in her memory—spice mixed with the

sea. Carolynn needed him more than she thought possible and as the kiss
grew in intensity, she lost herself in his taste.

“You smell so good,” she said. Pressing her lips against his neck and

she licked at the skin there.

Jasper groaned. “Honey, you keep that up I won’t be able to take it as

slow as I want. I want to love you long and hard tonight.”

His words enflamed her even as she worked at the buttons of his shirt.

Jasper whipped it off easily and worked at his jeans right after. He
watched her with visible desire as she took off her clothes and revealed
her naked body to him. The taste of the last glass of wine they had still
mingled on their lips. She threw her leg over his hard thigh and his hands
caressed the skin of her legs and roamed up to cup her ass.

With a quick flip, he had her on her back and his mouth traveled down

her body. Carolynn gasped in utter delight at the feel of his lips on her
skin. He licked at her nipples while he massaged the firm globes. His other
hand touched her flat stomach and she spread her legs to give him access
to her pussy.

“Oh Lord,” she whispered when she felt his fingers against the bud of

her clit.

He rubbed it with quick, smooth motions and sent her careening into a

pleasure haze before he thrust two fingers inside her. Her hips rose to the
intrusion of the digits and her back arched in delight of his penetration of
her pussy over and over again.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded. “Remember when you said I could

eat you later? I’m taking you up on that.”

He kissed his way down her stomach and lifted her slightly to bring

her pussy to his lips. His tongue played between the folds and licked at her
clit. Carolynn cried out in rapture at the sensation of his mouth at her core.
He let her hips fall back against the blanket and spread the lips of her
pussy to expose the pink flesh to his mouth sucked on her exposed clit

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before sinking his tongue into her wet passage. The noises of pure
gratification he made as he ate at her pussy fueled her on. Carolynn was
heading towards the pleasure of an orgasm from his mouth alone. He
slipped his finger inside her and fucked her while he licked at her clit. The
sensation of both actions sent her over the edge with a loud cry that
echoed off the walls of the small cave.

Then he took her lips in a kiss. She could taste her own body’s essence

against his lips. Jasper’s cock was hard and she could feel it against her
stomach. Their tongues tangled from his mouth to hers.

“Don’t make me wait. I want you inside me,” she whispered against

his lips. She reached between them to stroke his cock.

Jasper braced himself as he rose above her and sank into her moist

pussy. Carolynn bit her lip but even that couldn’t help the moan that
escaped. He held her mesmerized with his eyes and his cock was buried so
deep inside her that she felt impaled. He rubbed her nipples against one of
his palms and it caused such a pleasurable friction that she arched into his
touch. He lowered his head and gently bit her nipples, making her moan
his name. Soon that was not enough for her and the look on his face was
one of barely tempered control. Her legs were wrapped around him when
he began to move. Her pleasure built with each thrust of his cock into her

Suddenly he pulled away and rolled with her in his arms. “Too soon. I

don’t want this to end yet.”

She could feel the loss of their connection and like him she wanted the

night to last as long as it possibly could.

“I want your cock in my mouth,” she said in a fevered tone.
Carolynn pushed him back and his hand hit the blanket, making a soft

sound against in the cave. She filled her mouth with his cock. Maybe it
was the night or the sweet sultry air, Jasper’s guttural moans stimulated
her on and they became carnal in their lovemaking. His body strained with
every lick of her tongue and he grabbed her hair to push himself deeper
into her mouth. Carolynn took every inch of him, moaning gently as she
loved him with her mouth. She gave a surprised yelp when he lifted her

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across his body and began to lick and lave at her pussy. They were locked
together a tight sixty-nine, rolling and twisting, both driving each other to
higher heights of passion.

“Oh sweet Jesus!” The thought flashed through her mind when she

felt his tongue penetrate her wet pussy. His lips sucked on her clit and his
fingers pressed and spread the soft folds of her flesh before penetrating
her. Carolynn could hardly stand the intense heat coursing through her
body. She moaned and each sound was like her begging for more even
though her mouth was filled with his shaft. He drove her beyond reason
and all she wanted to feel was his cock fucking her.

Everything seemed to fade away…the sea, the sand…all that was left

was Jasper. She moved suddenly, pulling away from him and breaking
their intimate contact and with an easy flip took him into her wet pussy.
Jasper’s hands squeezed her firm ass with hard fingers as she rode him.

“Take me, Jasper. Please take it all!” she cried out in earnest. “Fuck

me hard and make me come!”

“I want to see you come,” Jasper said as he grabbed her waist and

flipped her under him. “Open your eyes!” His voice was a harsh
passionate command and her eyes opened to stare into the vivid depth of
his eyes.

“I’m never going to let you go, darlin’, never!” Jasper said while he

pounded into her body, deeper with every thrust, pushing Carolynn to a
blinding orgasm.

“Oh, I’m yours,” she moaned. “I belong to you, only you, no one


“That’s right, baby,” he growled against her neck. He pushed his hands

under her ass and lifted her hard into his every thrust. “Come for me, baby

His words flow over her like the waves of the sea outside and

Carolynn could not hold back any longer. With his hands tangled in her
hair, their eyes connected. Her body exploded and shattered in ecstasy, so
much so she hardly caught a breath. When she tumbled off that edge,
Jasper pumped inside her before pulling out. With his cock trapped

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between them, he spilled his seed on the flat skin of her tummy with a low
moan against her breast. She listened to her heartbeat in her own ears as
her breathing fell back into a normal rhythm. Jasper moved and grabbed a
towel from a basket perched on a rock ledge and wiped her stomach clean
of his come, before laying back and pulled her against him again.

“I’m glad I took that plunge and came to Sandpiper with you,”

Carolynn said softly.

“I am glad you did, too.” He raised his head and looked at her. “I

meant what I said—I’m not letting you go. There’s something between us,
Carolynn, something I want to last. It feels like it’s meant to happen and I
always go with my gut feeling.”

Carolynn nodded. “Let’s see where it goes then. Jasmine trusts you

and I do, too. I don’t need you to fight my battles but I’m sure going to
hold on tight to you. I think you’re one of a kind.” She kissed him and
teased, “So it’s been less than two days since we met each other. I think
that’s a whirlwind courtship if I ever heard one.”

“We southern boys move quick when we see something we want.”

Jasper grinned.

“I’m glad you do,” she whispered
The night was spent with them loving and laughing. Carolynn felt her

heart lighten with each minute that passed. Jasper St Cloud was one of a
kind and it seemed he was hers. She could see no problem with that.

* * * *

‘You stupid bitch, you think leaving town is going to help. I saw the

people cleaning up your apartment, and I see you have a little white boy
probably courtesy of your bitch friend, Jasmine. You think you can get
away from me that easily? You gotta come back to DC sometime, bitch,
and I’ll take care of you then and if your white boy steps in—him, too. Oh,
and your job might be in jeopardy to if you don’t get back with me.’

Jasper listened to the message on her voicemail again and felt his

temper burn. How dare he think he was going to scare her or threaten her

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job? He slammed the phone onto the kitchen counter. He was fuming from
the time she told him the message was on her phone and when he heard
the snide voice of her ex. He knew something had to be done. Ned was not
going to go away quietly. And obviously he was watching her the whole
time they were there cleaning up her place, and even at Jasmine’s.

“Don’t worry,” she had said. “He is a blow hard. He will quiet down

eventually. Please don’t make waves, Jasper. I need to keep my job.”

How can she ask me to do that? Jasper wondered. He walked out to

the front of the house and looked at her through the window. She was like
a nymph on the beach where she lay out on a blanket, soaking up the sun.
Her ebony skin seemed to glow and shimmer. She stood and stretched,
showing off her full curves in a black and blue bikini. Jasper felt his cock
jump with desire for her which never seemed to be satisfied. They made
love almost every night and talked for hours. Ten days passed since they
came to Sandpiper. In that time, their relationship had grown into
something he never thought he would have in his lifetime. So if he cared
for her like he did, should he do as she asked and let it go away or do
something about it? Jasper decided to follow his gut. He was not a man
who just sat back and waited for the storm to pass. He would fix this his

She poked her head in the door with a huge happy smile on her face.

“Are you coming out or not? You promised to teach me to jet ski and that
guy who runs the air glider says we can go up.”

“I’ll be there in a minute, darlin’. I have one call to make and then I’ll

put on my swim trunks and come play with you.” Jasper smiled even as
the turmoil of anger went on inside him.

She came in, leaving the door open, and wrapped her arms around his

waist. “Are still worried about that message? Don’t let him ruin our time,
what we have, okay, baby? Your call doesn’t have anything to do with that
does it?”

He could feel warmth of the sun on her skin. He closed his eyes and

held onto her tight while the lie came to his lips. “No, baby girl, it has
nothing to do with that. This is just work.”

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She kissed him softly and caressed his cheek. “Okay, come on out

when you are done.” She walked away and turned to wink at him. “Play
with me now and I will play with you later.”

Jasper had to laugh as she smacked her booty and ran out the door

back on to the beach. She would understand when he finally told her what
he did. He couldn’t just let this slide by. Ned was a threat that needed to be
taken care of.

He picked up his cell phone this time and called Fort Jackson. He gave

his credentials and said simply, “I need a transport flight for zero six
hundred this evening and return at twenty one hundred hours.” It wouldn’t
take long for him to do what had to be done. When he got his confirmation
for his extraction flight, Jasper went upstairs and got into his swim trucks
and followed Carolynn outside. She was waiting for him patiently and
held out her hand as he came near to pull him down to the sand next to
her. He adored how she looked at him with such love in her eyes. No one
said the words yet but there was love there. He could see it in her face and
feel it in his heart whenever he was close to her.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “You look worried.”
“I gotta run and do a quick job for the boss this evening,” Jasper

replied. He hated lying but she would try to stop him. Guilt would eat him
alive if he did not take care of the problem and then she ended up hurt or
worse. “Don’t worry, darlin’, I’ll be gone for only a few hours. I already
called Johnny. You are going to eat there and let him entertain you with
stories from our childhood. He might even let you hang out with him in
the kitchen.”

She laughed and fanned herself. “Whew! You’re actually letting me

play with Johnny today, and in his kitchen, no less.”

“Funny girl. Johnny will behave—if not I might have to scalp him.”
Carolynn leaned her head on his shoulder. “He knows I only have eyes

for you. I’ll miss you until you get back.”

“That’s what I like to hear, you missing me even though I’ll only be

gone a short while.” Jasper leaned in for a kiss. “Come on, let’s go ride the

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Jasper threw his hat onto the sand and held her hand while they headed

down to the edge of the water where he had anchored his jet ski. Carolynn
stood in the surf while he pushed into the deeper water. He climbed on and
then called her out into the waist deep water and helped her get on behind
him. She wrapped her arms around him and he felt her skin pressed
against his naked back.

“Hold on tight, baby, this is going to be fast,” he called behind him.
“Okay.” She pressed a few kisses on to his back and he grinned.
He started up the jet ski and soon they were bouncing across the waves

and she was laughing with childish delight. From there, it was up in the air
parasailing and looking down at the small town of Sandpiper, then he
sailed them out on a small sailboat for lunch on the water. They laid in
each other’s arms in the sun and lazily dozed while the boat bobbed gently
on the waves and lazily dozed. Jasper put aside the tumultuous thoughts
and relaxed with his woman. But by the time they headed in back to the
harbor it was well past three in the afternoon and he would have to get on
his way to make his flight out to DC.

“I’ll wait up for you,” she whispered against his lips.
“I won’t be back until around two a.m., baby girl,” Jasper said gently.

“Let’s see, how about I kiss you awake if you fall asleep?”

She smiled and caressed his cheeks in a way that he had become so

very fond of. “That sounds like a plan.”

He watched her standing in the doorway of their home, waving, and as

he drove away one word stuck in his head. Theirs. He considered his home
hers. Jasper grinned as he gunned his car out of the small town and onto
the highway to Fort Jackson. He would go take care of this situation and
then when he got home, he would ask her to consider making Sandpiper
her new home with him.

* * * *

The trip to DC took a little over two hours because of bad weather. He

was already pissed off. Knowing he would get home later than he

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expected did not make his mood any better. He sat outside the apartment
of Ned Lazarus and watch him shuttle one girl out and another in a few
hours later. Jasper rolled his eyes in disgust. The guy thought he still had
the playboy personality of a man who went to the NBA. It was well after
eleven o’ clock at night before the last woman left and he was able to
cross the street to the apartment building. The streets were surprisingly
and Jasper thanked the heavens for his good luck.

While he was heading to the door, he saw Ned leaving and called out,


Ned turned and his eyes widened when he saw Jasper and then went to

small slits just before a nasty smiled curled his lips. He stopped and with a
conceited attitude said, “Well, if it isn’t white boy. I guess Jasmine turned
Carolynn on to the other white meat now, huh?”

“I think if I was purple with pink polka dots Carolynn would of picked

me over you,” Jasper replied.

“You got some nerve coming to my house, big man.”
Jasper spread his arms wide. “I am not at your house. We are on the

sidewalk, talking. And what I have to say will be simple—stay away from
Carolynn. That little incident at her place has been recorded and
documented. The threats on her phone—same thing. You come within a
hair’s breadth of her and you are going down.”

“Look at you, coming with the law. You can’t prove anything.” Ned

laughed. “Typical. You want to protect her, you should come with
something more than threats.”

Jasper’s voice became deadly. “This isn’t a threat. I am saying that I

will beat you to within an inch of life if you come near her. Men like you,
with all the swagger to compensate for lack of depth and you think
banging every pussy that comes your way makes you a man. Well, men
like you end up living in some crappy apartment trying to relive whatever
promise you had in the bottom of a bottle. I know your type. Come try to
hit me, big man, and see where it gets you. She was right to leave you and
all those other women will know what a sorry piece of filth you are. Stay
away, Ned, or I will make you.”

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He could see the anger building in Ned and that was exactly what he

wanted. The tall, black man swung on him and Jasper ducked his attempts
easily and planted his fist in his solar plexus. Ned swung again and he
connected with Jasper’s face as he was turning, glancing him on the jaw.
Jasper moved quickly and kicked him behind the knee, bringing him down
to the cement pavement. He raised his knee and got Ned under the chin
and watched with pleasure as Ned fell back. He was on him in an instant,
giving the man no room for escape, and punched him not once but twice in
the face.

“Now, I will tell you again—take her scent out of your nose or I will

be back,” Jasper said.

“Ned wiped the blood from his lips. “The cops are going to love this.

Beating me up on the sidewalk.”

“What cops? I don’t see anyone around. But I can drive you to the

nearest police station and while you are in there filing out a report, I will
be giving them the pictures of her place, the evidence of your fingerprints
we collected and oh yeah, the recorded voicemails. You can sign a charge
against me while you are sitting in a jail cell.”

He saw it on Ned’s face. He was thinking, weighing his options, and

then saw him back down.

“Yeah, I thought so.” Jasper stepped back easily. “Bye, bye Ned. Now

run home like the good loser you are.”

Without even looking back to see if Ned would try to attack him,

Jasper went back to the car he borrowed and headed back to base. As he
drove away, he saw Ned look around and head back into the apartment
building. He knew that tomorrow Ned’s story would be he got into a fight
and kicked someone’s ass instead of the other way around. But that was of
no concern to Jasper. He did what he needed to do to make sure he
protected Carolynn. Make the bully think there was someone bigger and
badder on the playground and they always back down
, he thought. He was
heading back home to the woman he loved and from there the possibilities
for their live would be endless.

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Chapter Five

Four-fifteen in the morning and Jasper unlocked the door to his house

and stepped inside. Carolynn had left the hallway light on for him and
when he stepped in the kitchen he saw a note on the counter.

I figured you wouldn’t eat so Johnny made you a plate of what we had

for dinner. Mac and cheese, baked chicken, collard greens with apple
vinegar and cornbread with sour cream. Yum, trust me it’s delicious. Oh
peach cobbler in the fridge. One of these days I am going to have to cook
for you. Oh well, I’m rambling. Don’t forget you said you would kiss me
awake. XO Carolynn.

“I love this woman,” Jasper said quietly and took his plate to the

microwave to heat it up. He sat at the kitchen counter and ate with a cold
beer to wash it down with. He was hungrier than he even thought and soon
everything was gone, including the peach cobbler. He cleaned up the
remnants of his dinner and headed upstairs. He expected her to be asleep
but instead the light was low and she was sitting in bed absolutely naked
and wearing his cowboy hat.

Jasper took one look at her and his mouth went dry. “Hello, hello. I

thought you would be sound asleep.”

“I took a little nap and watched a little TV and then I waited for you.”

Her voice was sultry and seductive.

“And what were you going to do when I came home?” Jasper began to

undress, his cock already primed and rock hard ready for her.

“Come over here and find out,” she called him over with the crook of a


He didn’t need any more of an invitation than that. Jasper climbed into

bed and claimed her lips with a smoldering kiss. He pulled her against his
chest and began to nibble the sensitive spot between her ears and neck.

“This is a nice way to come home,” his voice whispered against her

ear. “I would like to come home to this for the rest of my life.”

He felt a shiver to run through her. “I think I might like that.”
“Is that a promise that you’ll always be mine?”

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“Hmm, maybe…” She yelped in surprise when he gave her a sharp nip

and laughed. “Kidding, I can promise you that easily. I’m yours.”

“And don’t you forget it. I’ll have to spank you if you do.” He

reiterated his words with a slap against her ass that excited him all the

“Oh baby, do that again,” she purred.
He gave a low, predatory growl and gave her another smack on the

rear. She lifted her head to look at him and he saw the desire flaming in
the depths of her chocolate brown gaze. Without a doubt he knew his heart
was for her. Jasper would slay dragons for her. The kiss they shared was
long and slow. He nibbled at her bottom lip and kissed each corner of her
mouth before plundering it with his tongue. She tried to pull away so she
could explore his neck with her lips. But Jasper would not be denied his
taste. He grabbed her hair and held her head still so he could devour her

Carolynn met his tongue with every thrust and parry to the duel. He

knew he had won when she moaned in submission he won his prize. His
other hand slid down her body over the soft, satiny texture of her skin. He
knew every curve of her but he still did it as if imprinting her to memory
once again.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he muttered
“Take as much as you want. There will always be more,” she

whispered and arched into his touch.

Their gaze met and what he saw reflecting back at him humbled him in

a way that most only dream about. I must have done something right in
this world to find her.
He pushed aside his guilt about tonight’s events. He
would tell her soon enough. Right now, he would immerse himself in her.
She pulled him in close and held on tight and kissed him. There was so
much passion and love in that one taste that it said more than any words
ever could. His hands squeezed and molded her to him, his tongue tasted
secrets that her mouth had to offer.

His cock was trapped between her thighs close to the wetness of her

pussy. Jasper wanted her so much he could not hold back the flexing of

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hips that slid his cock against her skin. She made him feel invincible and
he reveled in the way his body felt pressing against hers in the bed. Her
scent surrounded him and his kisses were slow and deliberately placed to
worship her body. He knew exactly where to excite and how to make her
respond. Carolynn squirmed beneath him and her hands massaged his
strong back, spurring him on. He placed kisses on her closed eyes, on her
parted lips, then trailed down to her ears and neck where he licked and

“Fuck me, Jasper. Please, take me hard. I want to feel it all,” she

whispered against his ear.

He wanted to make love to her but the sexy words she whispered in his

ear was sending him to the place where carnal sex was his only thought.
Their lovemaking turned hot and steamy. They fought a battle for sexual
control that kept stoking the fire until they were like animals trying to find
release with passion and lust. Jasper’s lips moved from her neck to her
breasts, licking one slowly and teasing the other by just rubbing his hands
lightly over the tip. His lips nibbled around the others edge before taking
as much of the smooth globe of her breast as he could deep into his mouth.
Carolynn gasped in pleasure. Her hand slipped between their bodies and
she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

Jasper moaned. “Oh yeah, stroke me, Carolynn, just like that.”
She moved her hand slowly grasp the tip to the base of his shaft, the

sensation making him shudder. He couldn’t take it anymore and he
grabbed her hands and wrapped them around the bedpost, taking away her
touch from his cock.

“I want to touch you,” she whispered against his lips.
“No not yet, baby girl, this time we are taking it slow. I’m going to

take my time loving you.”

Their touches and kisses were more heated now but still he took his

time. His lips made their way down Carolynn’s body until he reached her
moist pussy. She was already slick with arousal when he slipped his
tongue between the lips of her snatch and tasted her. Her essence made
him growl and he delved deeper to suck at her clit. Her body rose up with

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pleasure and a little cry escaped her lips. Jasper used his tongue to
penetrate her and her body writhed under his ministrations. She screamed,
cried out and begged, trying to push him away but bring him closer. But
Jasper would not stop until he sent her into an orgasm that would make her
lose every conscious thought.

The ache of his cock to be inside her was almost unbearable yet he

took his time to please her. He built her up and then brought her back
down over and over again until finally he let her orgasm take hold of her
and send her rocketing into the abyss of pleasure with a loud keening cry.
He watched her lying there trying to catch her breath. Her body trembled
and shuddered and he felt as if he conquered the world.

“I love your taste,” he whispered.
Her reply was muffled against her hand when Jasper went back to

exploring her body. He used his long fingers to take over where his lips
left off. He watched the ecstasy cross her face as he circled her wet flesh
with his thumb and she tried to press against his fingers silently begging to
have them inside her. Jasper penetrated her pussy with two fingers and
Carolynn cried out his name. He fucked her hard with his fingers,
watching them sink into her soaking wet pussy over and over again until
she screamed as she came.

“Ah fuck!” he exclaimed. He sank his cock inside her and the tremors

of her orgasm caused the walls of her pussy to clench around his rod.

He looked at the lust on her face as he moved inside her. Her lips

parted with every deep thrust and her eyes were glazed with excitement.
She held on to him tightly and brought his head down to her lips and
whispered in his ear, “Don’t hold back. Let go, baby. I need you so

Jasper growled deep in his chest and his control snapped. He

unleashed the hold he put on himself and drove himself deep into her over
and over again. Her neck arched with every thrust. He lifted her legs from
around his waist and pressed them close to her chest, ramming himself in
and out of her with tempered force. It felt like the bliss of heaven and the
heat of hell all at once. He set his gaze on her and he watched as pleasure

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passed across her face. Carolynn’s body bucked and writhed beneath his
and she drew him into the rapture with her. She climaxed over and over
again and Jasper thought he would die from the amount of pleasure
coursing though his body. His balls tightened excruciatingly and his body
tensed as he pumped into her. “Oh God!” His harsh guttural cry heralded
his release and he emptied himself inside her.

In the aftermath, he loved the sexy little sounds she made. He buried

his face against her neck and rolled over taking her with him.

“Don’t go,” she whispered when he got up to go to the bathroom.
He cleaned them both up and they laid facing each other lips almost

touching, the rhythm of their breathing almost in unison. Carolynn reached
up and caressed his face as she always did and his heart did a flip flop. He
wrapped her in his arms and wished time would stand still so he could
hold on to the feeling. As the sun rose they fell asleep holding each other
and the world was still for awhile longer.

* * * *

“You have no job to resign from, Carolynn. You have been

terminated.” The tight voice of Mrs. Shultz, the head of human resources,
came across the telephone line.

“Exactly what do you mean? I put my papers in before I went on

vacation,” Carolynn explained calmly. It was probably just a clerical error.
She had the stamped paperwork with her and could fax them in if she
needed to.

“It’s certainly not because of that,” Mrs. Shultz said. “Having your

friend assault your supervisor because of an inappropriate relationship that
he broke off, well Carolynn, we don’t need that kind of press, so you are

“Whoa, wait, what?” Carolynn exclaimed. “Who got beat up?”
Mrs. Shultz snapped, “Don’t play dense, Carolynn. Ned Lazarus was

accosted outside his building two days ago by one of your friends because
he broke up with you.”

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“Did Mr. Lazarus tell you it was I who broke up with him and he

subsequently destroyed my apartment and left me threatening messages?”

“Don’t make accusations if you don’t have proof just to get back at a

man who obviously thought the relationship was over,” Mrs. Shultz
replied. “Those are serious charges.”

“Well I have the proof to back it up. I did not go to the police because

I was trying to save my job which I still lost anyway for something I don’t
know about!” Carolynn yelled. “If I am losing my job, he should, too. I
will send you my proof, Mrs. Shultz, and for the record I didn’t have
anyone beat him up but—” Realization dawned on Carolynn. “—Oh my

Amidst Mrs. Shultz’s questions, Carolynn hung up the phone and went

looking for Jasper. His trip, that was what his trip was all about and after
I asked him to
… Carolynn couldn’t even finish the thought. All this time
he knew what he did and he never said anything. He smiled when he saw
her come into the boat house he had turned into the sun room. She
watched the smile leave when he saw her face.

“You tell me, Jasper, that you didn’t look at me and lie when you said

you went to work.” Carolynn pointed at him. “Tell me that you didn’t go
to DC and beat the crap out of Ned and then acted as if nothing happened.
If you say you didn’t, I will believe you but we will both know that’s a

“I didn’t beat the crap out of him,” Jasper said quietly. “He hit me


“Are you crazy trying to justify this with a joke?” she shouted. “I

asked you not to!”

Jasper shot out of his char like a cannon. “So what I was supposed to

do—sit and watch like a good little boy while he terrorized you? He
wasn’t going to stop, Carolynn. He would have escalated the situation and
I took care of the problem. When was I supposed to step in? When he
came after you or hurt you? Would that have been a good time?”

“It wasn’t your fight, Jasper. I lost my job!”

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“You were going to resign anyway!” He spread his arms wide and

came towards her but Carolynn stepped back. “Darlin’, please…I was
going to tell you, but—”

“You don’t get it. You don’t need to fight my battles,” she said. “Was

this the big plan—go beat him up and then I would stay here? Control the
situation? Well let me tell you, you are just like him if that was the case.”

“Hell no, I was not thinking that!” Jasper growled in frustration. “I saw

up close and personal what abuse and crazy fucks like Ned can do. Even if
we weren’t together, I would have still gone after him. I am not going to
apologize for wanting to protect you.”

She saw the stubborn look on his face and felt her heart break inside.

He lied and he could not see that because of this, he poisoned their
relationship. She dealt with one dishonest man and that was enough. One
lie, even with the best of intentions, was still a lie.

“I’m going to take a flight to DC and try to rebuild my life there,”

Carolynn said quietly. “You can stay here safe with the knowledge that
you are justified in what you did. Even though it ruined us and what we

“Carolynn, wait—”
She ran upstairs even as he called her name. She couldn’t be around

him. She would get home on her own. She sat on the bed in the guest room
she had dressed in that first night. Well, vacation over, she thought
brokenly. Carolynn did what she always did in a time of crisis—she
picked up the phone and called her best friend who always had a
sympathetic ear.

“Hey, C-Lynn, how is it going?” Jasmine’s cheerful voice greeted her.
“Not so good today.” Carolynn gave a soft tearful laugh. “I am sick of

being lied to.”

Jasmine’s voice went from cheer to worry. “Talk to me, girl, what’s

going on?”

Carolynn went on to relate everything that went on with Ned and how

she met Jasper and where she was now. She explained the bliss of the last
few weeks in Sandpiper and the feeling of betrayal that was inside her and

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Jasper’s lie. By the time she was finished with the whole story, her voice
was hoarse from the tears that had begun to fall. The sympathetic ear of
Jasmine was, as usual, there but she also had some strict words for her as

“I understand where you are coming from, Carolynn,” Jasmine said.

“But you can’t put Jasper in the same category as Ned. I have worked with
him for year and I trust him with my life. He called me when you
apartment got trashed—”

“Wait—he called you?” Carolynn asked, feeling another wave of

betrayal wash over her.

“Ah-ah- ah, let me finish.” Jasmine cut her off. “Yes, he did call me

and I wanted to come home. He told me no because he said he would take
care of you and I believed him. I still do. Honey, he went about it kinda
the wrong way. Jasper is brash and sometimes he doesn’t think, especially
in times like this, especially when it is someone he cares about.

“But he looked me in the face and lied,” Carolynn cried out. “Doesn’t

that mean anything?”

“It means a lot, but are you going to lose someone you obviously love?

Yes, I said ‘love’ because you wouldn’t be crying if you didn’t love him,”
Jasmine said. “I never saw you cry over Ned or anyone else but here you
are tears on the phone, probably all splotchy because you love Jasper St.
Cloud and if you deny it, you are the one who’s lying.”

She didn’t have to lie or even try to deny it. Carolynn knew she loved

Jasper. And it was obvious that others could see it as well.

Jasmine continued, “Now, I’m not going to tell you want to do, if you

decide to go home and not be with him, it’s your choice. I’ll even come
home and eat ice cream with you and trash men. But I’m going to throw
you the advice you gave me when I met Ben back in your face. So follow
it. We all don’t get so lucky to meet the man of our dreams, have a
whirlwind romance and fall in love. Maybe you should rethink your plans,

“I’ll call you back,” Carolynn said.
“Uh-huh, that’s what I thought. I talked some sense into you.”

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“Don’t be smug. It’s not becoming. Love you,” Carolynn said and

hung up the phone.

Before she could step out the door to find Jasper he came rushing in.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she couldn’t think clearly.

“I’m not letting you go, Carolynn. I love you and if I have to follow

you back to DC and spend every day trying to win you back, I will.”

Carolynn opened her mouth to speak and he pushed away from her.

His usual hat and bandana was off, exposing his dark hair. He whirled to
face her again and she could see a look of panic on his face.

“Listen, I know I screwed up okay? I really do but God, Carolynn,

don’t give up what we have for something like this!” He spread his hands
wide. “I was scared, okay, that if I didn’t do something he would come
after you and then if I found you hurt or even…dead then I’d be lost,
darlin’!” he implored her. “Baby girl, please stay with me, let me love you
the right way. Scouts honor, I’ll love you like no other man ever has. My
life is an open book to you. I swear, no more dishonestly.”

“Are you going to let me speak?” Carolynn asked.
“You going to shoot me down?” he asked warily.
“Come here, Jasper St Cloud.” She crooked her finger at him
“Does that mean you forgive me?” he asked.
Carolynn framed his face with her hands and kissed him before saying,

“A good friend to both of us advised me I should think about losing the
man I love or living without him. I can’t see my life without you in it. Not

“Thank, God,” he breathed. “Because my other plan was to buy

diamonds and other forms of apologies including implementing the use of
Jasmine and the team.”

“You were going to pull out all the stops? You must really love me.”

She twined her arms around his neck.

“Darlin’, you don’t even know how much I love you. But I promise to

spend the rest of my life showing you.”

He kissed her then and she felt that familiar passion rise the instant

their lips touched and wondered how she ever thought she could live

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without his love. Ned would get his. She would make sure of it when she
sent those pictures and information along. But he was not worth the loss of
a man who took her to the heights of pleasure and held her close every
night. He looked at her with love in his eyes when the kiss finally ended
and that was the best feeling in the world.

Carolynn gave him a seductive smile. “How about you show me more

of that good ol’ southern romance?”

He swept her up and carried her over to the bed. “Darlin’, you read my


The End

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About the Author


Dahlia Rose is the best-selling author of contemporary and paranormal

romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on a
Caribbean island and now currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina,
with her five kids, who she affectionately nicknamed “The Children of the
Corn,” and her biggest supporter and longtime love. She has a love of
erotica, dark fantasy, sci-fi, and the things that go bump in the night.
Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes to open your
imagination to the unknown between the pages of her books.

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.




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Ankieta good, Prywatne, STUDIA, Metodologia, metodologia
Actitudes en los?olescentes sobre el uso?l preservativo
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U S Budget?ficit Good or?d

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