Lizzie Lynn Lee Fever Lust

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Fever Lust

Bound to Me

Lizzie Lynn Lee

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-936950-41-6

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Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Copyright, Lizzie Lynn Lee. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal
Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is
prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
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information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the

Summerhouse Publishing



Marisa Chenery

Cover Artist

P.L. Nunn

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the
author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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Chapter One

I had never understood wine bars. Or people who frequented them. I had always

thought they were nothing but a bunch of snobs, so pretentious. “Hey, I’m so cultured

and hip and I can distinguish between grape juice and a very expensive wine.”

I, myself, couldn’t tell the difference between a chardonnay and merlot. To me,

all wines tasted like sour, fermented grapes. Nevertheless, here I was, sitting by the bar

and having a staring contest with three full glasses of wine. The bartender—or was he

called a sommelier—had asked me if I would be interested in sampling their specials. My

own sampling, a combo of authentic Italian wine for only thirty bucks. What the heck,

since I was already here, I went ahead and ordered. Minutes later, I already regretted

my decision. I did not even like wine. I’d come here because Nadia had said I had no

class, and I couldn’t even pick up the right type of wine to go with red meat. And for

the highlight of our conversation last night, she dumped me.

I knew I shouldn’t be bothered, but this time I really was. Nadia dumped me

every two weeks, but always took me back on account of her big heart. I would be so

lost without her. To top it off, she also happened to be the daughter of the CEO where I

worked. She was beautiful, an ex-teenage pageant queen, and currently contracted by

an esteemed New York modeling agency. Guys in the office always congratulated me

on my luck. Though lately, I had reason to think my luck was actually a curse. I had

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loved Nadia because she had been the first girl I’d dated and slept with, but as of late, I

had come to the realization that I might not even like her.

I had always been one of those gangly, unsightly, awkward kids when I was

growing up. When girls had clamored about how handsome the captain of the football

team was, I had been a jealous dork who’d wished girls had gone gaga over me too.

After I had graduated from high school, I had gotten a job at a telecommunications

company as a customer service specialist. And last year, during a company sponsored

Christmas party was when I had met Nadia Sharp. She had been the one to ask me out,

because I was nothing but a big chicken. In all of the twenty-one years of my life, I had

never asked a girl out on a date. I was a hopeless geek with a taste for only hot girls,

and since most hot chicks dug hot guys, it wasn’t as if they were knocking down my

door, asking me out. When Nadia had showed interest in me, I’d thought I was the

luckiest man alive, under the stars. It was hard to believe a nobody like me could land

such a rich, beautiful girlfriend. What more could a guy want?

I took a sip of the dark purple concoction from the middle wine glass in front of

me and cringed. Dry, strongly fermented, and tasted bitter on my palate. How could

this be enjoyable? Maybe Nadia was right. I had no class or taste in wine. I suppose I

just didn’t like booze like everyone else. I also hated beer; to me, it was a waste of epic

proportion. Not only did it taste horrible, it made me want to run to the bathroom every

five minutes. In my humble opinion, if I needed to get hammered, I would just go with

the hardcore stuff like whiskey and be done with it.

“How was it, sir?” the bartender asked.

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“Excellent,” I lied, “it tastes…” Like horse piss. Grandma’s soaked underwear. A

week-old puddle of rainwater, I thought.

Instead, I quoted from a wine review I’d read in a magazine. “It’s intense, with

an elegant hint of underlying floral and fruits.”

“I’m glad you like it, sir,” the bartender returned, nodding with satisfaction.

“Would you like a glass of water to clean your palate between sampling?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Right away, sir.” The bartender scuttled toward the end of the counter.

“Are you a wine connoisseur?” A warm, buttery voice came from behind me.

I turned my head. My heart did a quick jolt when I saw him. Actually, there were

two of them. Each one flanked me side by side, taking a seat at the bar. They looked like

twins. Probably in their late twenties or early thirties. Both very striking. They were tall,

well-built and wrapped in formal black suits. If it weren’t for their waist-length

platinum hair, I would have guessed they were Feds. But I’ve never heard of federal

employees being allowed to wear their hair long, so I gauged these guys must be

models or something of the like. My guess, the suits they wore weren’t something a

federal employee could afford. Besides, didn’t most models like to go to snooty places

like this to socialize with fellow snobs and elitists?

I realized my face was heated when they sat next to me. What was happening? I

was blushing. Over guys.

Then, I noticed every patron in the bar was checking out the twins. Okay. I wasn’t

weird. They were too gorgeous—enough to even make a guy like me feel funny.

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I swallowed hard. “No. I’m not a wine connoisseur.”

The twin who spoke to me lifted a light-colored eyebrow. “Oh. But you seem

very knowledgeable.”

“I made that up. I know shit about wine.”

He laughed. His brother also gave a light chuckle. “I’m Arael Shaezu. And this is

my brother, Drasen.”

We shook hands. Arael sat on my left. Drasen to my right. The two mirrored one

another. From their faces down to their voices, the length of their hair, and the

impeccably neat and expensive designer suits they wore. Or so a “tasteless” man like

me thought anyway. I bet the whole ensemble must have cost them a few grand, at

least. As I studied closer, I noticed Arael had a tiny, barely visible mole under his lip.

Drasen didn’t. This was how I could distinguish the twins.

“Joshua Smithe. Where are you guys from? I don’t recognize your accent.”

Arael and Drasen traded a gaze. “New York.”

“Really?” My curiosity piqued. “Which part? I’m from New York too. I grew up

in Queens.”

“Brooklyn,” Drasen replied.

“Really? That’s some Brooklyn accent you have. No offense.”

Arael smiled. “None taken. My brother and I have spent most of the time


“Ah, is that so? You guys models or something?”

Drasen shot Arael an unreadable look. “We are entrepreneurs. Importers.”

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“And exporters,” Arael added quickly. “What do you do for a living, Joshua?”

“Me?” Suddenly, I felt I didn’t belong here. Every patron in this fancy place

looked important. Hot shots of society. They were dressed in what I assumed were

designer clothes and expensive shoes, while I was only clad in a simple button-up shirt

I picked up at J.C. Penney, faded Levi’s, and no-one-gives-a-shit brand sneakers. My job

didn’t pay a lot, but I was proud I could make it on my own without being a burden to

my mother. I finally answered, “I’m just in a lowly customer service job.”

“How could it be lowly?” Drasen chided me. “It is an honest job, is it not?”

“I’m at the bottom of the corporate ladder. We’re like cannon fodder. Expendable

and replaceable.”

The twins reflected on my answer as if they had just learned of a fabulous new

secret. The bartender came with my glass of water.

“Sorry about the wait,” he intoned.

“No problem.”

The bartender turned to the twins. “What can I get you gentlemen?”

“We’ll have what he’s having.” Drasen motioned to the nearly full glasses of

wine set in front of me.

“A tour of Italy. Excellent choice.” The bartender stalked off to retrieve the twins’


I grabbed the glass of water and took several drags to wash out the unpleasant

wine taste from my mouth.

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Arael watched me. Both his and his brother’s eyes were icy blue. So light, they

appeared silvery. “You don’t like wine, do you?”

I didn’t answer him. My heart beat harder as he studied me with interest. I

wondered if I had a severe case of bromance. Or maybe it was because I found the twins

to be so cool and I had been a dork all my life. I felt as if I were hanging out with

celebrities. I had never fit in with the popular kids and always got harassed, and being a

member of the chess club didn’t help. After graduating, I’d filled out a bit, had my

braces removed, and switched to contacts. Yet, somehow, I still felt like an uberdork.

“No, not really,” I confessed.

Drasen put his elbow on the counter and leaned in casually.

I became nervous.

“If you don’t like wine, what are you doing in this place?” Drasen’s eyes were

large and fanned with long, golden lashes.

I found myself lost in his gorgeous eyes.

Wait—what was I doing, drooling over another guy’s eyes?

“My girlfriend said I have no class,” I told him, shaking off my wild imagination.

“She said my taste in wine is horrible. I wanted to prove her wrong. It turns out she was


“Girlfriend?” Arael asked. Did my ears deceive me or did he sound

disappointed? “You have a girlfriend?” He asked again, as if seeking confirmation.

“Had,” I corrected, “we broke up last night.” I didn’t want to say Nadia had

dumped me. That would sound pathetic. I wanted to look cool in front of the twins.

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Arael’s smile broadened, revealing perfect white teeth. “Ah. Much better.”

My heart did a quick stir. Was I a real dork, or did these guys have an interest in


That’s absurd!

My cheeks burned. I’m not gay.

As if my body betrayed my mind, when Drasen slapped a hand on my shoulder

to applaud his brother, my cock twitched and hardened under my jeans. I quickly

arranged my sitting position and prayed no one would notice the hard-on I had.

What the hell is going on?

I liked girls, and I’d recently had a girlfriend. I collected Playboys and Hustlers,

and I had a subscription to an Internet porn site, which God as my witness, I had never,

ever, ventured to the gay section.

So why is my cock hardening for the twins?

The bartender returned with the wines. Arael took his and sipped it. “Mmm. Do

tell me,” he asked the bartender, “is this Modus by any chance?”

“How did you guess, sir?”

“I recognize the sweet, herbaceous fragrance.” Arael twirled the glass with the

grace of a true wine lover. He sipped it again. “Delightful.”

“I’m glad you enjoy it, sir,” the bartender noted.

Drasen didn’t touch his order. “So, Josh. What do you do for fun?”

“Umm?” I shrugged. “I don’t really have a life. I read books and build


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“I can’t believe you’re a geek. And what a cute geek. I wonder, do you like


One of Nadia’s hobbies was to harass me into going to her favorite club. I went

occasionally when I couldn’t stand her throwing tantrums. I immensely disliked clubs

in general. They were loud, smoky, and populated with annoyingly pretentious people.

I shrugged again. “Nah. Not really.”

Arael hummed. “I could tell. Josh isn’t into the club crowd.”

“What about cars? Do you like cars?” Drasen asked again.

What was he trying to do? Dangle a stick with a carrot in front of me so I would

bunny hop like Peter Rabbit? “I own a 1995 Saturn. It’s still in good working condition.

Gets me to work. Decent fuel mileage.”

“Ah. A vintage then.” Drasen threw a conspirator’s look at his brother. “We have

a Ferrari Enzo. Care to take a spin?”

Yep, these guys were definitely trying to pick me up. Heat rushed through my

veins in alarmingly fast, galloping pulses. My cock filled up my jeans, making me

uncomfortable. “My mom said not to take rides from strangers.”

“Did your mom say anything about a Ferrari Enzo?”

Smart ass.

“I guess not,” I replied.

“I bet your mom didn’t say anything about a Bugatti Veyron,” added Arael.

I widened my eyes. “You guys own a Veyron?”

“Why, yes, we do. And a Porsche Carrera too,” Drasen noted.

I whistled. “What do you guys do for a living again?”

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“Importer,” Arael said.

“Exporter,” his brother added.

“Bullshit,” I retorted. “You guys are trust fund kids.”

“Maybe. But we like to collect all things shiny and sell them for profit.” Drasen

fished out his keys from his pocket and jingled them in front of me. “Come on. I’ll let

you drive.”

“You’ll let me drive your Ferrari?” I echoed in disbelief. Bugatti, Ferrari, and

Porsche were among the most expensive cars in the world. If the average guy didn’t

have a wet dream about titties and pussies, he’d certainly be jacking off to a sleek kitty

like a Ferrari.

“Sure. We like you.”

“A lot,” Arael finished.

Drasen shoved his keys into my hand. “Let’s go. Did you take care of your tab


“I’ll do it. Don’t worry about that,” Arael said. “Oh, Josh. I need your keys.”

“What for?”

“The Enzo is a two-seater. I’ll drive your car and meet you back at our place.”

I unconsciously slid off my stool. I didn’t know what to do. If I wasn’t into guys,

why on earth was I now so attracted to them? My arousal turned into a raging hard-on

when Drasen casually wound an arm around my shoulders. Up close, he smelled so

nice. It was something expensive, like designer cologne that could easily cost a parent

their first born son. Suddenly, my mouth watered, when I caught a glimpse of his neck,

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between the silvery waterfall of his hair and his stubble-free, perfect jaw. I wondered

how he would taste. Licking that soft skin and perhaps nibbling…

“Your keys, Josh.” Drasen reminded me.

I crammed my hand into my jeans pocket and fished out the contents before my

brain fully registered a thought. Arael snatched the keys.

He winked. “Have fun, kids. Don’t drive too fast. Or you’ll get a ticket.”

I fumbled for words as Drasen herded me to the door. With every fiber of my

being, I felt everybody in the bar watching me. A cold September breeze quickened past

us when we stepped onto the sidewalk. I spotted the twins’ car right away in the

parking lot. The exquisite, gleaming red beauty was actually parked next to my very

own battered sedan.

I was looking where to stick the key to open the door when Drasen made a tiny

motion with his hand. “It’s automatic. Just push the red button.”


I did what he said. The Ferrari Enzo sparked to life. The doors didn’t open in a

conventional way. They glided upward like a hatch on a spaceship. Whoa. My mouth

fell open. Sophisticated red and black Italian leather seats, a glossy dashboard and

luxurious interior awed me. My gaze drifted to the chrome-plated pedals, then down to

my own not-so-clean sneakers.

“I’ve changed my mind,” I told Drasen. “I don’t want to drive.”

“But you still want to take a ride, right?”

I glanced at the doors to the bar. Arael had my keys.

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“Don’t be silly. I won’t bite you.” Drasen pushed me through to the passenger

side, and didn’t stop until I’d completely climbed into the ultra-expensive car. “Buckle

up. It’s the law.”

I had a feeling he wanted to make sure I wouldn’t run.

The doors slowly descended after Drasen settled behind the wheel. He drove out

of the parking lot and into the street. A couple of passersby gawked at us. Or rather, the

Enzo. The traffic was light at this hour, but it didn’t stop Drasen from driving like a

Formula One racer. I gripped the edge of my seat. My horniness dissipated.


Drasen must’ve noticed I was tense and slowed the car. “Sorry,” he said. “I

wanted to show you what this baby can do.”

“I believe you.”

His hand hovered on the gearshift before it landed on my lap. My horniness

slammed back like a hurricane. My cock would have stood in full salute if it weren’t

confined under the restraints of my briefs and jeans. I grabbed his hand. In those

breath-defying, mind-numbing, momentous seconds, I was torn between pushing his

hand away and pressing it on my crotch. He covered my hand with his and squeezed.

His skin felt warm on mine. Soft as I imagined he would be. Dirty thoughts filled my

brain. Though they were a different kind of dirty thoughts than I usually had.

I should have pushed his hand away. For a reason I couldn’t understand, I didn’t

want to. Drasen tightened his grip. His gaze was fixed on the traffic. A smile lingered

on the corner of his lips.

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I cleared my throat. Awkward. “Don’t you need both hands to drive?”

Drasen gave me a quick glance. “I’m an excellent driver. Don’t worry.”

He proceeded to drawl about the features of the car while I battled with my

mind over the new revelation I had. No matter how many times I ran the complicated

calculations in my head, I ended up with three similarly related, mindboggling

conclusions: a) I liked the way he held my hand b) He and his brother made my cock

hard c) I must be gay. Or at the very least, bi. I had a bisexual friend at the office, his

name was Brian Arrow. He was very attractive, if I had to admit it. But the guys

thought he was a tool, because we couldn’t compete with his good looks. I tried to recall

if Brian had ever made me feel “funny,” as the twins did. I frowned. No. Never. My

cock always showed interest in girls. In Nadia, especially.

This was very confusing.

“What’s wrong, Josh?” Drasen must’ve noticed me frowning.

I was startled. “You’re still over the speed limit.”

“All right, Mr. Slow Poke. I’ll obey the law.”

He let go of my hand when he had to use the gearshift. Part of me mourned his

decision. The other part of me was still in denial.

We drove to an affluent neighborhood where each house—mansion—had its

own gate. I wasn’t surprised when Drasen stopped at a particularly big-assed one. The

place resembled a little French château. Manicured lawn. Carefully tended flowerbeds. I

saw my car parked in the driveway. Wait. How did he get here before us? Not that it really

mattered. I just knew it didn’t belong in this grand place. So old and decrepit. Drasen

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went straight to the garage. There were like five hotrods parked in there. They hadn’t

been joking—the two did own a Bugatti and a Porsche.

Arael was in the garage when his brother pulled in. The window on my side

rolled down. Drasen had opened it. Arael leaned into the car, elbows resting on the

window’s ledge. He smiled. My heart gave a quick stir again.

“How was the spin?” he asked.

“He likes it,” Drasen answered for me.

I nodded. I wasn’t paying attention to the ride. I was busy being horny and

confused at the same time. “It was…awesome.”

Arael looked straight into my eyes. His smile widened. “You’re lying. You didn’t

enjoy the ride. In fact, you’re shaking.” He turned sharply to his brother. “What did you

do to him? Were you speeding?”

“I wasn’t!”

Arael narrowed his eyes.

“Just a little,” Drasen confessed. Then he put his hand on my thigh again. “But

you didn’t mind, did you, Joshua?”

I jerked the moment he rested his hand on me. High octane electricity zapped me

like a thunderbolt had struck me. Thankfully, my shirt covered my erection. But I had a

feeling the twins knew about it.

Arael’s face was a mix between amusement and just plain mischievous. His

silver eyes glittered like a supernova. His hair shone like moonbeams. He looked

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so…ethereal. For a moment, I thought a pair of white wings had sprouted behind his

back and majestically spread up. I’d never seen men so angelically beautiful.

I blinked.

Nope, there were no wings. It was only in my imagination.

“Did my brother molest you?” Arael asked, his gaze sliding to my lap.

“N-No, I-I just…”

Drasen snaked his hand farther. This time on my crotch, squeezing my erection.

I jumped, and flustered furiously.

“You mean this?” Drasen asked. His voice sounded devilishly innocent.

On a normal occasion, I would have taken a swing at any man who dared to grab

my junk. But this time, I only blushed like a virgin bride on her wedding night. What

the hell was wrong with me?

“I…” I swallowed hard. “Look, guys. I’m not…I don’t swing that way.”

“Right,” Arael replied in a mock tone. Unexpectedly, he crushed his mouth on

mine and kissed me hard.

I froze.

My heart palpitated, and everything moved around me in slow motion. I

couldn’t breathe. Or think. But the second he pried my mouth open with his tongue, I

was aware of every mind-numbing heartbeat as he kissed me hard and greedily as if it

were going to kill him. Or was he just trying to show me how much control he had over

me? Sheer lust engulfed my being the moment our lips met. The paralyzing effect of his

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kiss seized me in one erotic grip, rendering me docile, leaving me wordless and


I had never been kissed like this.

This…was one hell of a kiss.

Arael parted his lips. I murmured unintelligently.

“Maybe you don’t swing that way, pretty.” His long tapered fingers caressed my

cheek. “But you certainly do swing this way, to us.”

That was logic I couldn’t deny. The twins had turned my world upside down.

The bromance had turned into a gaymance, and I lost my grip on reality.

“Oh shit,” I muttered under my breath.

“No, Josh. It was meant to be.” Arael licked my lips and my thoughts were wiped

blank like a static TV channel.

He kissed me slowly this time, as if savoring every morsel of delight I had to

offer—as if he didn’t want to miss anything. Lulled by Arael’s kiss, I paid little attention

to what Drasen did to my pants. He undid my zipper and shoved my briefs down. I

jerked awake from my dreamy state when I felt his hands on my bare flesh. His touch

singed my every nerve ending. But nothing compared to what happened when he

leaned down and took me in his mouth.

I cursed, wide-eyed. Arael muffled my voice. His kiss turned ravenous—as

passionate as his brother sucked me. I forgot my name for a second as my cock—the

traitorous beast he was—loved Drasen’s attention. He stood in full salute, hard and

rigid as he welcomed Drasen’s intimate kiss, like long lost lovers who had been

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reunited. My balls swelled against the teeth of the zipper, ready to burst. My shaft

quivered as Drasen’s hot, silken mouth enveloped me, sucking up and down, hard and

gentle, slowly making me lose my mind. I had had good blows from Nadia before, but

nothing felt like this. Drasen worshipped me as if I were a sacred offering to the mighty

gods on a white marble tableau. The pleasure was…beyond words.

I grabbed Drasen’s hair and fisted it. His long, silvery strands spilled between

my fingers, silky and soft as I imagined it to be. I broke Arael’s kiss and swallowed a

lungful of air. “Drasen…”

He ignored me and continued sucking me with the skills only a sex aficionado

could’ve mastered. So tender. And loving. He made me burn from the inside out. His

tongue swirled on the ridge of my cockhead, painting me with his saliva. His teeth

nipped me, with each scrape making me want to jump out of my skin, yet it was so

addictive it left me wanting for more.

Arael tugged my face up. His silvery eyes blazed. “My brother is good, isn’t he?”


Drasen squeezed my shaft with both hands and licked me from the balls up. He

dragged his tongue from the base up to my tip, then plunged down until my crown

touched the back of his throat.

He tormented me with deep, passionate sucks that made my soul want to soar

from my own mortal body. The pleasure was a beautiful agony, slowly driving me

toward insanity. Arael kissed me again as my core being hung by a silky spider thread,

hanging on the precipice of rapture. All my nerves screamed in pure agony of Drasen’s

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sweet torture. I couldn’t hold it any longer. My balls were drawn tight. My muscles

went rigid. Somehow, I tried to stave it off, as I didn’t want the pleasure to end. But I

lost the battle. I exploded so hard I saw stars.

My breath was knocked from my lungs. My ears rang. My body quaked.

Drasen made a hungry sound as he sucked me to my last drop. I tore my mouth

from Arael’s and collapsed on the seat.

Drasen released my cock with a loud pop. “Mmm,” he purred. “That is

most…sweet.” He smacked his tongue like a cat having just finished a delectable treat.

Arael looked at his brother with curiosity. He grabbed my limp cock and

collected the remnant of cum with his finger. He brought it to his mouth and sucked it

clean. He agreed with his brother. “Joshua most certainly is.” He pulled back as the car

doors ascended. “Can you walk?” he asked me. “You look as if you could use a drink.

Not wine, of course. But maybe some soda.”

I shoved my cock into my briefs and fixed my jeans. I felt as if I had just been

kicked out involuntarily from the dirtiest wet dream I’d ever had. My hands trembled. I

shook. “Give…give me a minute.”

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Chapter Two

The computer screen in front of me was as blank as my mind. I hadn’t so much

as turned it on since I’d arrived at work two hours ago. My phone blinked continuously

as I ignored the customers waiting in line to speak to me. I wanted to start working, but

all I could think of was Arael and Drasen Shaezu.

“Hey, Smithe!” a voice called from the top of my cubicle. A round face with dark,

curly hair frowned at me. Sharon, my cubicle neighbor, poked me with her fat finger.

“What’s wrong with you? You haven’t taken any calls this morning. I’m swamped,


“Huh?” I sat straight in my seat. “Sorry. What did you just say?”

“Your quota. Take the damn customer calls.”

“Oh yeah. Sorry. I’ll do that.” I hurriedly put on my headset.

“You okay, man?”

“I’m fine, Sharon. Thanks.”

She craned her neck over the partition. “I heard you broke up with Nadia.


I paused. “Who told you that?”

“I overheard Nadia in the lounge room, as usual, complaining to the girls about


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I sighed. Nadia didn’t work for this company, but since her father was the CEO,

she treated the office as if it were her own personal playground. Some company suck-

ups worshipped her like a goddess. They were always orbiting around her when she

came to the office, brownnosing, hanging onto her every word.

“Well?” Sharon pressed.

“Well, what?”

“Is it true?”

“Nadia and I broke up? It’s true.”

“Is it for real, or is it just one of her “dump and take it back” routines?”

My thought went to the Shaezu twins. They’d told me from that moment on, I

was theirs. When I’d let them know of my uncertainty, they’d gone into a lengthy

account of why I should forget about Nadia—and that Arael and his brother could give

me so much more.

“I…I don’t know, Shar.” I felt as if there were a lump in my throat. It was hard to


Sharon’s mouth puckered into a scowl. “You’re a fucking wimp, Smithe. If that

were my girlfriend talking shit behind my back, I’d whoop her good. And because she’s

the CEO’s daughter, she thinks she can just walk all over you.”

“Maybe I am a fucking wimp,” I admitted. “If she tattles to her dad, I could lose

my job.”

Sharon opened up her mouth, as if wanting to argue, but then, she abruptly

closed it, like she’d changed her mind. She could call me anything she wanted, but she

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couldn’t deny the reality. With the economy as shitty as it was, everyone had to hang on

to their jobs. Especially someone like Sharon an me. I didn’t go to college. I had no fancy

degree. This job paid slightly better than flipping burgers or tending the cash register at

a grocery store. Sharon had two kids and an out-of-work husband. As much as the job

sucked, they were just as precious.

“Well. This blows. I hoped she wouldn’t treat you like a turd stuck on her shoe.

You’re a good guy, Smithe. You don’t deserve being treated like that.”

“Oh, you think I’m a good guy, Shar? Would you be with me if you weren’t

already married?”

Sharon blushed. “Oh fuck off, Smithe.” She disappeared into her cubicle.

I wanted to laugh.

The reason I wasn’t sure about Nadia was because of the Shaezu twins. Even if

Nadia took me back, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get back with her. But I also wasn’t

sure if I wanted to go with Arael and Drasen, either. Even though I had experienced the

blow of the century last night, I wasn’t convinced I could swing that way. If I were

bisexual, wouldn’t I be interested in men, the same way I was into girls? Why did only

the twins make me feel this way?

Something must be wrong.

At lunchtime, I decided to see Brian Arrow. I cornered him in the lunchroom. He

was microwaving his sandwich. Brian, a self-proclaimed bisexual, wasn’t shy about

broadcasting it to the world.

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“Hi, Brian,” I said, grinning widely. I quickly imagined him without clothes to

see if my cock would show the same interest it had for the twins.

“Hey, Josh,” Brian said back. “What’s up?”

I stood there for a few minutes working on my erection. Damn. My ole Joe was

as limp as a rubber snake.

“What the hell are you grinning about?” Brian looked irritated. “You’re creeping

me out, man.”

“I’m…umm…hitting on you.”

Brain narrowed his eyes. He didn’t appear to be amused. “Quit mocking me. You

ain’t no queer.”

I blinked. “You sure about that?”

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to pull, but I’m not entertained.” To

prove his point, he smacked me in the head. “Damn rookie.” He left with his sandwich.

I stood there, grimacing. Brian had proven my theory. As I’d thought, I wasn’t

attracted to men, only Arael and Drasen Shaezu.

How the hell did they do that?

This whole thing came about as if the twins had come and swept me off my feet,

casting a gay spell on me. Shazam. Thou dick shall not harden for anyone but us.

Good lord. I was totally messed up.

* * *

After work, I decided to go to my favorite deli to grab an early dinner. The place

was just across the street from my office building. Comfort food always soothed me,

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like my mother’s home cooking. Since she and her new husband lived thousands of

miles from me, I didn’t have the luxury to taste her food anymore. Only on holidays.

And only when I had enough money to buy a plane ticket.

The deli was jam-packed with early birds, so I changed my mind and ordered

stuff to go instead. As I stuck my key into my Saturn, I caught a whiff of a familiar

flowery scent. I would recognize that perfume anywhere. It was Nadia’s favorite

fragrance. I turned around and saw her flounce out of her BMW.

“Hey, Joshie. Where are you going?” She wore a low-cut dress, so her lacy,

creamy bra peeped from the décolletage. Usually, I would have ogled her breasts. Nadia

had a great rack. They were natural too. Firm and flawless, topped with sumptuous,

berry-colored nipples. This time, I wasn’t interested in ogling any part of her body. But

at the last second, I changed my mind and focused on her chest instead of her face. I

waited to see if my cock would wake as it usually did.

Thou dick shall not harden for anyone but us.

Oh god, fucking damn it.

I grumbled and opened the car door. “Home,” I replied.

Nadia slammed it closed before I could get in. “Are you still mad?”

“About what?”

“About us breaking up?”

“Not really.” I yanked the car door open. Nadia pushed it back. “What do you

want, Nadia?”

“Have you learned your lesson?”

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“What lesson?”

Nadia stomped her foot. “Ugh. You’re so irritating.”

“Nadia, I’m hungry. If you want to yell at me, we can do it some other time in

private. You’re making a scene.”

My humble suggestion seemed to make her flare up even more. I knew what she

was up to. She wanted to take me back. She wanted me to shower her with apologies

and be sweet, and lick her ass like her worshippers did in the office. Since my cock had

refused to cooperate, I felt as though I didn’t need to bother. Maybe I was being a dick.

My mom taught me to be thoughtful and respect women in every way, and I took that

lesson as a credo to living my life. My father was a fucking asshole. He had abused my

mom physically and emotionally, until his untimely death when I was still in my teens.

I had grown up witnessing the horror. I swore I wouldn’t do what my father had done.

I had always been courteous and polite to the opposite sex, even still, whenever I was in

a shitty relationship with Nadia. But for the first time, at this very moment, I didn’t

really care.

Nadia jabbed a finger in my chest. “You just don’t know how lucky you are…”

My attention shifted to the incoming car that entered the parking lot. A gleaming

black Porsche purred to a halt behind the bumper of my Saturn. My heart quickened

when I recognized who drove it. They rolled down their windows. The twins wore

casual clothes this time. Simple polos and khakis. And they both looked totally

breathtaking. Arael got out of the Porsche.

“Hey, Josh,” he called cheerily.

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Nadia stopped in mid-sentence, mouth gaped in awe.

Arael casually gave me an affectionate peck on the cheek, and whispered into my

ear, “My brother and I think we should make our relationship more fun.” He slipped

something into my shirt pocket. “Be there at seven tonight.” He then gave Nadia a

haughty sneer and climbed back into the Porsche. Drasen winked at me and drove off.

Nadia shot me the most venomous stare I’d ever seen her bestow on any living,

breathing person in the world. If looks could kill, I would have been another case of

spontaneous human combustion right about now.

What was all that about?” she demanded in a screeching voice.

“That was Arael Shaezu,” I said blandly. “He’s an importer. And exporter.”

“That guy kissed you.”

“So? You broke up with me, remember?”

“And you just happened to run into a guy?”

“They’re twins. His brother is named Drasen. He is also an importer. And


“Fuck it, Josh. I didn’t know you were gay.”

I shrugged. “Hey, I didn’t know it, either.”

“Unbelievable. All this time you preferred to take it in the ass!”

I had just about had enough of her. People in the deli watched our little drama

unfold. “Geez, sweetheart. As I recall, you like to take it in the ass too.” Nadia was an

anal lover. In fact, she was never satisfied until I’d fucked her in the ass, each time we’d

made love. She was the one who had convinced me to go beyond ordinary vanilla sex.

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To have her yelling at me with dozens of prying eyes seemed a bit unfair. “I gotta go.

Save your yelling for someone else. After all, I wasn’t good enough for you, remember?

You dumped me.”

I yanked my car door open and got in. My ex-girlfriend looked taken aback

when I slammed it shut, without saying another word. I had never done that to her

before. I put the key in the ignition and started the engine. As I drove off from the

Nathan’s Deli parking lot, I saw a flabbergasted look displayed on her face. As if she

couldn’t believe what had just happened.

This time, I decided not to give fuck.

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Chapter Three

My watch showed me it was 7:15 P.M. Late. I didn’t know what the hell what I

was doing here, as I rode the elevator to the fiftieth floor. The item that Arael had

slipped into my pocket, during Nadia’s tantrum, turned out to be a keycard to a room

at the Four Seasons. A sticky note scrawled with the room number accompanied it. I

fished the note out of my pocket and double-checked it, making sure I had the room

number right. The elevator bell chimed. The door slid open. Suddenly, I had a change of

heart. I wasn’t sure about this. I blankly stared at the elevator door until the lady who

had ridden the elevator up with me asked, “Fiftieth floor, right?”

I startled. “Y-Yes, ma’am. Sorry. Thank you.”

She gave me a weird look as I stepped out. The elevator door whispered close. I

exhaled a deep breath, clutching the note tightly in my hand. Here I go. Off to see Arael

and Drasen. Arael had said he wanted to make our relationship a bit more fun. Did

getting a blow job from a guy equate to a relationship? After all, we had just met.

I had never been this confused in my life. Nor could I deny what I felt. Each time

I thought about them, my heart did a stir, and my cock leapt with the enthusiasm of a

bloodhound, hot on a bunny trail.

Ah, screw it. Men let their dicks do the thinking most of the time, and I should let

mine do it for me, this time.

I found their room and knocked on the door.

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Arael answered. I guess I didn’t need the keycard, after all. The sight of the man who

had recently haunted my dreams emerged before me. “Hey, Josh. I knew you would


Drasen popped up next to him. “If you hadn’t...” his gaze raked over me from

head to toes, his smile blossoming, “…we would’ve gotten you anyway. Come in.”

I nervously stepped in. The sight of an ultra-modern, luxurious room welcomed

me. The room was splashed with a caramel and gold color scheme throughout,

complimented with silk and velvet draperies, and sleek, contemporary, yet elegant,

furniture. The view from the window was spectacular. It overlooked Central Park. I

thought of my humble apartment with mismatched furnishings and walls that were in

dire need of painting. It must be nice living the high life.

I wound my way into a chair and sank myself in. Arael closed the door as Drasen

padded to the table behind the sofa. A champagne bottle, half-buried in an ice bucket,

was perched on a fancy tabletop. Drasen grabbed a fluted glass and raised it in my


“I know you don’t like champagne, so I’m going to pour you some Coke.” He

filled the glass with ice and snapped open a can of soda. Once filled, Drasen offered it to

me and said, “Here. Just as you fancy.”

“Hear, hear,” I replied.

Arael slipped behind my chair. His hands kneaded my shoulders. It felt so damn

good. I relaxed. He kissed the top of my head while he ran his hands over my chest.

Arael unbuttoned my shirt.

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“What are you doing?” I asked. Seconds later, I realized how stupid my question

was. They invited me here for sex. What made a relationship more fun if it weren’t for

sweaty, hot sex? I had lost my virginity to Nadia on our first date. Suddenly, I felt better

that I hadn’t lost my pants on the first date this time. Wait a minute—that blow job in

the garage—was getting a ride in a fancy car and getting blown considered a first date?

I was such a slut.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Arael asked back. Amusement was in his

tone. “Getting into your pants.”

“Or should we take you to dinner first?” Drasen sounded as amused as his

brother. “That makes it more traditional.”

“I’m not hungry,” I confessed. My cock was more interested in the twins than I

was in food. I put down the glass as I slowly got a hard-on.

“Thought so,” Arael noted.

Drasen knelt before me and helped Arael undress me. He took off my sneakers,

socks, jeans and briefs, while Arael disrobed my shirt and undershirt. Soon, I was naked

under their hungry stares.

“You’re more beautiful than what I had imagined, Josh.” Drasen pulled my

hands away from my crotch. His gaze settled on my erection. “Mind if I say ‘hello’ to

Mr. Hard over here?”

I snorted. He didn’t wait for my approval. Drasen leaned down and gave my

straining erection a long lick. I jerked on my seat. My cock immediately stood in full

salute. Blood rushed to my shaft. My balls tightened. Classic.

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Arael nuzzled behind my ear. His kiss brought an instant jolt straight down my

spine. “It seems Mr. Hard is ready to play,” he observed.

“Oh yeah.” Drasen clasped his hand on my shaft and pumped me several times.


I whimpered. “It’s not fair...”

“Pardon me?” Drasen paused.

“I haven’t got to see either of you naked.”

“Oh.” The devilishly pretty smile returned. Drasen winked. “I was hoping you

could do that yourself.”

He got up and tugged my hand to follow him to the bed. Midway, I snatched his

collar, turned him toward me, and plastered my lips on his. The Shaezu twins were a

head taller than me. I had to go on tiptoe when I kissed him. Drasen moaned in delight

and returned my kiss with the same heat. He broke it to pull me onto the bed. He fell on

his back. I crawled on top of him.

“Have you ever undressed a man, Josh?” Drasen asked.

No.” My answer came as a breathless pant.

“First time for everything, right?”

I laughed. The only person I’d ever undressed intimately was Nadia. I tried to

recall if I had been this giddy whenever I’d gotten my ex naked. Of course, the first time

had been exciting, since she was really pretty, being a model and all. The second and

third time, the excitement had gradually dissipated. I hadn’t a clue as to why. Maybe

because she was so bossy, even with sex.

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But this time, it was different.

As I unbuttoned Drasen’s shirt, I felt as if I were on the verge of euphoria.

Christopher Columbus must have felt the same way as I did now, as he peered into the

spyglass, thinking he had just discovered a new world. Shit. Bet ole Chris had had a

hard-on too. It just wasn’t recorded in any historical book, mind you.

And how could I not feel this way? Drasen was angelically beautiful. I didn’t

often use the words “angelically beautiful” in my vocabulary. Drasen and Arael looked

like a Michelangelo sculptured masterpiece come to life. Drasen’s long, white-blond

hair spread around him like rivers of finely spun silk, highlighting the pristinely white

bed covering. His huge fawn-like eyes, blazed with need. He had a perfectly curved

nose, high cheekbones, and sensual lips that often quirked into a mischievous smile.

Everything about him was so refined and soul-stirring.

I yanked open the last button of his shirt, not caring if I ruined it. Drasen wasn’t

wearing anything underneath. His body was perfectly toned. His muscles were defined.

His pectorals were high, and his nipples looked delicious enough to eat.

Inspired by my own thought, I bent down and sampled one. I licked and sucked

Drasen’s nipple. He made an urging, murmuring sound as his body jerked in small,

shivering thrills. Apparently, his nipples were sensitive. Like mine. I gave the other one

the same loving attention until I heard him become breathless. I trailed wet, sloppy

kisses down his flat, muscle-encased belly. He wore satiny smooth pants that were no

doubt a designer piece. He didn’t wear a belt. His bulge was big, making an impressive

tent at his groin. I unhooked the clasp and unzipped his pants. Funny. Drasen didn’t

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strike me as a commando type of guy, but he was. His cock bobbed obscenely as soon as

I let the beast free. Okay, if Michelangelo had sculpted Drasen like he had done with the

statue of David, he would’ve gotten the size of his cock wrong. Drasen was hung.

My breath hitched a notch. I found myself feeling oddly pleased to discover he

was well-endowed. I always thought only women got excited when they found out

their sex partner were gifted in the lavishly endowed department. Normal guys like me

didn’t, right? Comparing dick sizes would only lead to jealousy, because a son of a

bitch’s cock was bigger than their own. That went with the reason why men with small

dicks usually over-compensated for their smallness by buying fast cars, big houses, and

young trophy wives.

“So you’ve met my Mr. Hard,” Drasen drawled in his buttery voice. “Why don’t

you say ‘hello?’”

“Sure.” I choked back my laugh. Drasen’s cock was as gorgeous as the rest of

him, smooth, like flesh encased in pale satin. His pubic hair was the same color as the

hair on his head, and surprisingly soft to the touch. I grabbed his thick shaft and licked

his enormous crown. Pearly liquid blossomed from his slit. His cream tasted salty, and

dare I say, very creamy. I was surprised to find he tasted like the ocean. I had no idea

men tasted like this, since I was the one who got blown, and not the other way around.

Nadia was pretty skilled. But nothing compared to the way Drasen had blown me. God.

That single image alone sent my cock stiff, to the point of hurting.

I stretched my jaw wide to accommodate his girth, sucking him the way I liked

to be sucked. Tender and unhurried.

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Drasen panted. “Oh, fuck. You’re so good at it. Harder. Don’t worry, you won’t

hurt me.”

So I sucked him harder.

Drasen fidgeted like a fish out of water. “Fuck, Josh. Like that. Yeah. Oh fuck.”

The pleasurable reaction I received from him made me proud. I popped him out

of my mouth after a long, deep suck. Drasen cursed. A good kind of curse.

“Not bad for a newbie?” I preened.

Drasen hauled himself to an upright position and grabbed my hair. He crushed

his mouth on mine in answer. We mauled each other until I heard Arael loudly clear his

throat. “Don’t forget about me,” he said.

I broke Drasen’s kiss and turned to Arael. He had disrobed himself fully naked

and stood at the foot of the bed. My eyes transfixed on his cock. His was a perfect

replica of his brother’s. Arael’s was as hard as mine.

“Hey, my face is over here.” Arael leaned down and gave me a hard kiss. His

tongue plunged into mine, sweeping over the roof of my mouth, branding me with a

hunger he didn’t bother to conceal. He was ravenous.

I panted for air when he gave me a chance to breathe. Drasen finished

undressing, shrugging off his shirt. He kicked off his shoes, then his pants. He scooted

to the middle of the bed with just his socks on. Where most guys would’ve looked

stupid wearing nothing but socks, I found Drasen’s look very sexy. Everything about

the twins was sexy. Drasen and Arael Shaezu reminded me of creatures forged solely

for carnal pleasure.

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I felt woozy when Arael patted the bed.

“Get in here. On all fours. I’ll get you ready,” he said.

My heart skipped a beat. Does this mean…

“Don’t worry, pretty. I’ll make it good.”

We’ll make it good,” added Drasen quickly. “Promise. Scout’s honor.”

I felt as if I were dreaming as I crawled onto the bed. Drasen fixed me in the

position his brother wanted. Head down. Ass thrust upward. Ready for the taking.

I closed my eyes, waiting for what would happen next. My heart pounded

erratically. I half expected Arael to take me this instant, but instead, all he did was

caress me with his smooth palms. From the small of my back, the swell of my ass, the

back of my thighs, to my calves and the balls of my heels.

“This is your first time, right?” Arael asked.

I only nodded, opening my eyes.

“We’ll do it slow.”

What he meant by slow was to part my ass cheeks and brush a finger on my

puckered hole. He murmured to his brother. I heard rustling noises. Like a package

being ripped open. Then, I felt cold, gooey liquid dribbled on my crevice. Lubricant?

I flinched when a finger smoothed the viscous liquid on my anus and perineum.

Then he fingered me. I halted my breath as he buried the finger to his knuckle in

exploratory venture. My sphincter reflexively contracted.

“Relax, Josh. You’re tight and I don’t want to hurt you.”

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I wanted to laugh. That was something I would’ve said to my girlfriend.

Nevertheless, it was sweet

He withdrew his finger, slicking more lubricant into me and inserting a second

finger. I hissed through my teeth. God. The pressure. It was uncomfortable at first, but

when he slid in and out of me, some odd kind of pleasure crept from the base of my

spine. I wasn’t sure if I liked it at first, but then, Arael got into a rhythm, and the only

thing I could concentrate on was the raw pleasure that hammered me—never-ending,

delicious, rippling tingles.

Fuck. The sensation was exquisite.

Unconsciously, I let out a groan. I tried to relax, and only focused on Arael’s


He paused. “I take it you don’t even know where your prostate is?”


Drasen chuckled. “Don’t. You’re going to make him flash in a second, and I am

hungry for some pretty cock.”

“Just a little. A taste.”

“A taste of what?” I asked, bewildered.

“Your secret gland, the male equivalent of a women’s G-spot.”

I snorted. “I heard the G-Spot was only a myth.”

Arael and Drasen laughed hard. “Relax, Josh. If you do, I can easily find yours.”

Arael pushed his finger in again and began exploring. I clawed the sheet and

buried my face into the linen-scented sheet. He rubbed me from the inside, searching

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until he hit a spot that made my body quiver and bones melt. A wicked thrill surged

through my system. My heart pounded into my throat. “Shit!” I said out loud. “Oh,

god. Fuck!”

“There you go!” Drasen exclaimed.

Only gibberish spewed from my mouth. I panted heavily. The harder Arael

rubbed my prostate, the harder my urge to come became. My cock went as hard as a

rock. I would have spurted, had Arael rubbed me a few seconds longer. But he abruptly

stopped and pulled out his finger.

“Why?” I cried. “I almost—”

“You can’t come before I take you,” Arael cruelly cut me off. “That was only a


“You’re evil,” I noted.

“And you’re cute,” he said back.

Drasen laughed.

I grumbled.

Arael playfully spanked my ass. “I think you’re ready. On your back.”

I rolled sideways, on my back, like he asked. My cock swayed heavily. Drasen

noticed and swooped down on it like a vulture. He grabbed the base of my cock and

sucked the tip. I groaned. “You say you don’t want me to come too fast. I’m a goner if

you do that.”

Drasen released me from his mouth. “Sorry. Couldn’t help it.”

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Arael only grinned. He stroked his cock and slathered himself with a generous

dollop of lubrication.

“Condom?” I asked, reminding him.

He shook his head. “Don’t worry. We’re Fallen. We can’t catch diseases.”

“Besides, we need to bond.” Drasen turned to me. His eyes glowed. “You need to

accept our essence.”

What the hell were they talking about? I shook my head in return. “Sorry. No

condom, no go.”

Arael and Drasen traded gazes. Arael threw up his hands. “Pretty wins. We can

bond next time.”

Drasen looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. I didn’t know why, but

guilt surged through me. It bugged the hell out of me, so I kissed him passionately.

Arael vanished to the bathroom and returned with a package of condoms in his

hand. He put one on. “Happy?” he asked me.

“Like a bunny.” I did feel like hopping.

“Cute.” Arael positioned his cock against my ass.

I felt his crown nudge my entrance. The rings of my gate instantly contracted.

“Relax,” Arael told me. “Remember how good it was?”

Yeah, but his cock was much bigger than his fingers. Much. Freaking. Bigger.

With a groan, Arael thrust in.

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I wanted to yell, but bit my lower lip instead. I clawed the bed and threw my

head backward. It stung like hell. Yet it felt oddly good. I gulped a lungful of air as

Arael tugged and pulled, working his way into my ass.

Drasen soothed me with soft, urging murmurs. “Just a bit more...”

I shot him a dirty look. It was easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one being

buggered with an enormous horse-cock.

Nevertheless, Arael successfully sheathed himself all the way. I felt him pulsing

inside me. The pressure was alarming, yet strangely addictive. The pain lingered, but

was soon replaced by a thrilling ecstasy—one that swept my mind blank and took my

breath away. And when he finally moved, fucking me with shallow thrusts, high-

voltage pleasure surged through my nerve endings.

I lay on the bed, wide-eyed. One big mystery of life had just been revealed to me.

I marveled at the thrilling sensation I felt as Arael fucked me.

“You okay?” he asked.

I was too zoned out to produce something intelligible to say. I heard Drasen

chuckle. He scooted down and reached my cock. He pumped my shaft in cadence with

Arael fucking my ass.

The pleasure doubled. Tripled—when Drasen lowered his head and took me

with his mouth.

I ranted enough curses that would make the gods and deities in every religion

blush as I gasped. I groaned. I writhed as the twins claimed my body. They worked in

sync as if they were mastering a dance of perversity. Arael pulled— Drasen sucked,

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when Arael thrust—Drasen released my cock. Soon, I found myself lightheaded. My ass

was on fire. My cock was on fire. I wanted to come so badly, as a thick torrent of ecstasy

spiraled upward to my ultimate rapture.

“Arael… Drasen…”

I didn’t want the pleasure to end. But I couldn’t hold it any longer. I surrendered.

I came so hard I saw fireworks before my eyes. I soared free as I spurted jets of

cum. I was dimly aware of Arael pumping a dozen more strokes into me before he also

ejaculated. His cock shuddered deep in my ass. Mine shuddered in Drasen’s mouth.

Drasen greedily lapped my cream. He sucked me until I had nothing left to empty. I

would have collapsed if I weren’t already lying on my back.

“Drasen…” I pleaded. My flesh was highly sensitive and tingly after the orgasm.

My cock was limp when he released me from his mouth.

Arael pulled out. Chest rising and falling. He slipped off his condom neatly, and

went to the bathroom to discard it.

Drasen licked his lips and grabbed the box of condoms. “Ready for me? I’ll give

you a minute to recover. Arael can suck you in the meantime.”

Holy shit.

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Chapter Four

I knew the day had gone to the toilet when I entered my cubicle and saw a pink

card perched on top of my keyboard. I recognized the scrawled handwriting. It was

Nadia’s. I stared at it until Sharon’s voice startled me.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” she asked.

“I guess I should, shouldn’t I?”

“It’s an invitation for Nadia’s birthday party this weekend.”

I turned to Sharon to question how she had found out about it. She cringed,

looking guilty. “Sorry. I took a peek at it when she dropped by this morning. I was

curious. I had just gotten in when I saw her sneaking into your cubicle.”

“She was here? What was she doing?”

Sharon’s eyes rounded. “I know, right? She was going through your stuff, rifling

through your files, looking into your drawers.”

“She was?”

“Didn’t you guys break up?”

“We did.”

“Did she try to pull her usual stunt?”


“Did you take her back?”


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“That explains her nosing around your desk. Congratulations, man, you do have

a backbone after all.”

“So I’m not a wimp?”

“That depends. Are you still going to let her boss you around?”

My gaze skated to the pink envelope. We’d just broken up. Why was she inviting

me to her birthday party? I turned back to Sharon. She showered me with pitiful stares.

“She’s a bitch, you know that?”

Bitch was a harsh word. One I hated to use. My father had always called my

mother a “bitch this” and a “bitch that,” and then some more “bitches” as he pummeled

her with his fists. It was degrading to women. Nadia, I must admit, was unpleasant,

and had an unsavory personality. But I couldn’t blame her, with her background and

upbringing. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and reared to be a princess.

Sharon shook her head. “You’re a good guy, Smithe. And you ain’t bad looking

at all. You should hook up with a nice girl who respects you.”

A girl who respected me. My thoughts instantly drifted to Arael and Drasen.

God. What a night it had been. My ass hurt in a funny, pleasant way. The twins and I

had practically fucked one another’s brains out throughout the night. They had great

stamina in bed, and I was curiously randy. I restrained my urge to grin. I cleared my

throat. “I’ll try, Shar.”

“If you were my boy, I wouldn’t let you date a skank like her.” Sharon vanished

into her cubicle after saying that, leaving me wondering what I should do with the


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I had known about the planned birthday party for weeks. I had already bought a

present for her. It had cost me three weeks of pay. Now I didn’t know what to do with

it. Return it the store? Give it to her anyway?

I plucked the invitation from my keyboard and shoved it into the depths of my

desk. I didn’t want to make too quick of a decision. I felt the need to sleep on it. If I

declined the invitation, would my job be on the line? My direct supervisor was Nadia’s

number one fan. Charles Dune was a genuine brownnoser, and loved to give his

underlings a hard time. He’d practically left me alone all this time, but only because I

was dating the boss’ daughter.

I mourned my bit of peace and quiet that had been tainted with Nadia’s damn

pink invitation. Suddenly, I hated pink. Why hadn’t I dated a goth girl instead?

My intercom rang. I automatically answered it. A second later, I wanted to

groan. Nadia’s smoky voice filled my ear.

“Hey, Joshie-bear. Did you get the invitation?”

I looked at the Caller ID. She was calling from her father’s office. “Yes, I did,


“You gonna come?”

“Why, do you want me to come? We broke up.”

“That isn’t very nice, Joshie.” She changed her tone, from playful to something

more serious. “We’re friends, aren’t we? We were so close. Of course I want you to


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I hated parties, especially a rich girl’s party. She had talked about having a big

bash at her favorite club downtown. “I have to pass. I’ll just send you the present.”

“I want you to come, Joshua,” she repeated, this time with vehemence. “If you

don’t, I’ll tell everyone in the office about how you like to be taken in the ass by a

couple of blond guys.”

I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. Did she just threaten me?

“Go ahead, sweetheart. I don’t recall being bi as such a big deal in this office.”

A pause.

“Then, I’ll tell Dad. I’ll have him fire you.”

I was speechless. “That’s a low blow. Why are you doing this?”

She didn’t answer. Nadia abruptly hung up the phone with a slam.

Great. Just great.

* * *

I didn’t know why I was doing this, obliging my unreasonably demanding ex-

girlfriend. But here it was, the weekend, and I was dragging myself to Club Fifteen for

her birthday party. She was two years my elder, and hung out with the older crowd—

what I would call “hardcore partiers,” using drugs, abusing alcohol, smoking, and

constantly complaining about how their privileged, rich lives weren’t privileged

enough. Her friends let it be known they didn’t like me, all because I looked normal and

boring, and didn’t have trust funds like they had. Now I couldn’t help but wonder why

Nadia had asked me out in the first place. We had nothing in common. Our worlds

were too different, and I wondered if she’d ever loved me. She’d had a string of

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boyfriends before she settled on me. We had been seeing each other for a little over a

year. On and off, I guess, since she kept dumping me and taking me back the very next


The club’s bouncer let me in for the private party. One of Nadia’s friends,

Sapphire, saw me, and zeroed in on me.

“Hi, Joshua. Looking for Nadia?” Sapphire leered. She had a martini in her hand

and was already inebriated.

I avoided her breath. She smelled like a brewery. “Yeah. Seen her?”

“She’s over there.” Sapphire gestured with her chin toward the back of the room.

“She’s waiting for you.”


Sapphire only laughed. “You’re such a dork. A cute dork.”

I couldn’t wait to get away from her. I stalked toward the booth after murmuring

my thanks. Nadia lounged with her friends in the last booth, chatting animatedly when

she saw me coming. Her eyes lit with triumph. “Joshie!” She theatrically spread her

arms, then added, “You made it.”

Duh. I wanted to roll my eyes. She’d threatened me with the loss of my job in

order to get me to come to this stupid party. I put on my poker face. “Happy Birthday,

Nadia.” I fished her gift from my jacket pocket and gave it to her. It was an overpriced

pendant with a custom engraving of her name.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have.”

No, I shouldn’t have.

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She shrieked like a little girl and tore off the wrapping. She showed my present

to everybody at the table. “Isn’t Joshie adorable?”

God, I hated the nickname she gave me.

Her friends guffawed at it. Maybe because my present didn’t come from a high-

end designer boutique.

“Oh yeah, Josh, I want to introduce you to someone.” Nadia waved at the

douche who sat next to her. “This is Brad, and he’s my boyfriend. Brad, this is Joshua.

We used to be close.”

Suddenly, I understood why Nadia was itching for me to come; she wanted to

get even, because I didn’t take her back. I kept my laughter at bay. I didn’t see the point

to this charade. Why did Nadia think she would make me jealous, by dating this

fucktard, when I was able to get angelic-looking guys like Arael and Drasen?

Or was I really missing the whole point?

I gave Brad a suave nod. “Nice to meet you, Brad.”

Brad didn’t seem happy to see me. He stiffly nodded back. He was the

stereotypical high school bully who didn’t like it when their girlfriend was chummy

another guy. Brad was a full-grown man with a teenager attitude. He was built like a

Mack truck and dressed in all black leather. He probably wanted to look macho, but it

was an epic fail on his part. Instead, he looked like a member of the Village People. I

wondered where Nadia found this asshat. Had she paid him? Or did she just throw

herself at his feet? And why was I asking all these questions? It wasn’t as if I cared,


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“I got to run,” I told Nadia. “I just wanted to give you your present and wish you

Happy Birthday.”

“Why the hurry?” Nadia pouted. Usually, I considered her pout sexy, but now, it

was just plain annoying. “Stay for a while. It’s my birthday.”

I shook my head. “You know I hate parties. Well, see you around.” I walked

away, accompanied by her whining protests.

The night air felt so fresh once I got out of the club. I didn’t know why, but my

heart felt a thousand pounds lighter. It felt like a new beginning for me. Nadia was off

my back and there were the twins to look forward to. Details weren’t important,

because I wouldn’t let Nadia complicate my life from now on. I’d look for a new job if I

had to. And the twins…my cock stirred with interest at the mere thought of them. I

might have fallen for the Shaezus. They weren’t just ethereally gorgeous. They accepted

me for who I was. And the most important thing to me was they respected me. No

crazy demands. No threats. No tantrums. No condescending remarks. And that was


Arael had called me earlier to see if I wanted to hang out at their house. I had

declined, because I was attending Nadia’s party. Arael had been disappointed and had

sounded a bit jealous too. But now that I was free, I just might take him up on his

invitation. I glanced at my watch. It was only 8 P.M.

I had parked at the end of the parking lot, near the exit. As usual, my car was the

crappiest among the clubbers’ Mercedes, BMWs and Audis, but hey, as long as my car

got me from Point A to Point B, it was all that mattered.

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Minutes later, I felt jinxed. The old sedan wouldn’t start. I tried it again and

again. The engine just rumbled as if it were at the end of its life.

I couldn’t believe it.

I saw engine smoke coming from under the hood of my car. I quickly got out to

inspect the damage. An acrid smell ambushed my nose when I opened the hood. A

stench of burning rubber was overwhelming. I coughed. Good thing I had parked

under a streetlight. After the smoke subsided, I saw the reason for my car being out of

commission. Someone had shoved a rubber chicken into the engine. When I’d started

the car, the heat had burned the rubber toy, and also melted the spark plug wires and

everything around it.

I was dismayed. Was this someone’s idea of a joke?

Nadia? Or one of her friends?

I gritted my teeth. A wave of fury crept into my head. I knew they didn’t like me,

but this prank had gone too far. I contemplated going back in to confront Nadia when

she burst out through the club’s front door. Her new boyfriend followed her. They

seemed to be having an argument.

Ah, shit. Why couldn’t they argue after I gave my ex-girlfriend a piece of my


I pulled out my cellphone to call and ask Arael if he could pick me up. There was

no bus line in this area, and even by car, it would still take more than an hour to get

home. I started dialing when I noticed their argument escalating into violence. Nadia

screamed and Brad wailed on her with his fist. I abandoned my call and hurried toward

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them. I didn’t like Nadia, but I couldn’t sit around watching her being assaulted. The

image of my father pummeling my mother flared in my mind. The ghost of my past. I

had been a pip-squeak at that time, and I had been too scared and helpless to rescue my

mom. But now, I was an adult and I could do something for someone in my mom’s


“Hey, dickhead!” I called to Brad. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Brad turned to me and snorted like a bull. Eyes narrowed, his face turned ruddy

with anger. “What the fuck are you doing, faggot? Go back where you belong.”

“You’re the faggot, dickweed. Bet it makes you feel like a big man beating up a

helpless girl, doesn’t it? Have you no shame? You dare call yourself a man?”

Brad’s lips peeled into a snarl. He charged at me like a Pit Bull on steroids. The

rest was rather blurred. He threw punches. I threw punches. I was no match for him,

since he was bigger and stronger, but no matter how many times he knocked me down,

I kept coming and coming again. My nose broke, and there was a thick taste of blood in

my mouth. I thought my ribs had cracked too, but I refused to quit. Nadia screamed like

a demented girl, while the bouncer of the club looked on, seemingly too entertained to

break up our fight.

This time, when Brad lunged at me, I saw an opening. I used my car key and

jammed it in his cheek. The skin ruptured and he howled in pain to the moon. Brad

stumbled, and as he was falling down, I kicked his ribs and gut with all my might. He

doubled over and vomited. I kicked him again and again until the bouncer decided that

was enough. He yanked my collar and pulled me away from my prey.

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“Chill, dude. You win.”

I heaved. My lungs were on fire and I felt pain. The adrenaline rush faded. I

checked on Nadia. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Her lower lip was split,

dripping blood everywhere. Her left eye was badly bruised, and I immediately thought

of my mom, and each time my dad had finished teaching her a lesson. Broken body.

Scared. Helpless. As annoying as Nadia was, no woman deserved to be treated like this.

I pulled Nadia into my arms and soothed her. I patted her back. She sobbed. Her

body shook. She had to be in pain.

“Where’s your car key?” I asked. “Let me drive you to the hospital.”

Her hand trembled when she handed it to me. Her gaze skittered to her

boyfriend, Brad, who struggled to stand. The bouncer helped him to his feet.

Just for my own petty pleasure, I pounced on Brad and gave him one last

kick…in the groin.

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Chapter Five

I didn’t realize the extent of damage Brad had caused me until I lay down on my

bed that night. The ER doc had examined me and announced I had two severely

fractured ribs, a broken nose, a deep laceration on my temple that required stitches, and

numerous bruises and cuts on almost every part of my body. Other than that, I was


Nadia was a little “luckier” than me. She’d suffered a broken lip and black eye.

Since her skin was pale, the bruise looked ugly on her. Her parents had been outraged

when they’d seen her. I’d driven her home from the hospital. They wanted to press

charges on Brad, and sue him to high heaven for what he’d done to their daughter. I’d

wished them good luck. I’d just wanted to get the hell out of there and dive into my

bed. Nadia’s dad, my big boss, had called a taxi for me and I went home.

The doc had given me painkillers earlier, but it had started to wear off. He gave

me a prescription, but I was too beat to go to Walgreens. And besides, my car was still

at the club, with its engine coated with burned rubber chicken, like a melted

marshmallow in a campfire.

I decided to take more Tylenol, strip to my underwear and stagger into my bed.

Skip the shower tonight. Pain pounded my every vein. My body sore and aching, I just

wanted to sleep for twenty-four hours straight.

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Before I could park my butt in a comfortable position, someone rang the


Oh, damn it.

I dragged myself out of bed and shambled to the living room. I peeked through

the peephole and opened the door. Arael and Drasen were instantly outraged when

they saw my condition. “What happened?” Arael snarled and barged into my

apartment. He herded me to the sofa and had me sit.

Drasen slammed the door and took a closer look at my visible cuts and bruises.

Silent anger darkened his face.

“I got into a fight in the club’s parking lot,” I told them.

“With whom?”

“Some jackass. Don’t worry about it. I won.”

“But look at you!” Arael shared the same anger as his brother. “Why didn’t you

call us?”

“I was a bit tied up at the moment.”

“Joshua.” Arael ground his teeth as if with disappointment. “After what we’ve

shared, why didn’t it occur to you to call us, in important matters like this? We would

have come if you just called us.”

I felt guilty. With all of the commotion, it just hadn’t occurred to me. “Sorry. I

don’t want to be a bother.”

My apology made the twins look angrier. Arael and Drasen traded gazes.

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Arael began, “Joshua, there’s something you need to know. You are our bond

mate. Your wellbeing is important to us.”

I had heard them call me that during our explosive sex, but I still didn’t

understand what it meant. Was that a gay thing? Guess I still had a lot to learn about

this alternative lifestyle.

“If you get hurt, we feel it too. How do you think we knew you were in trouble?

You didn’t answer your phone.”

It had been destroyed during the punching match. I lifted my hands. “I

appreciate your concern, but really, I’m fine. I can take care of myself.”

Arael sighed in exasperation. “Silly human.”

“Gullible and reckless,” added Drasen.

I really should have cleaned the earwax out of my ears. Had Arael just called me


Drasen dropped to his knees on the floor, kneeling before me. He grabbed my

hand and examined my cut-laden knuckles. He put his over mine and took a deep

breath. “Once upon a time, when the world was still new, there was a legion of us who

had been cast from Heaven, for disobeying our Father’s order. We were too arrogant to

bow down to His newest creation—humans. After all, we were perfect in every way,

and humans had so many flaws. And because of our disobedience, the Fallen were

stripped from our Grace and left wandering the Earth like lost children, for millennia.”

Arael sat next to me and took my other hand. “Then Gabriel, one of our mighty

brothers, came to find us and told us there was a chance to redeem our mistakes. In

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order to receive the Enlightenment, we had to soul-bond with a human and protect and

cherish them forever.”

“Thus, we would know our arrogance had no merit, because even though

humans are weak and flawed, they are also precious, as are all of our Father’s

creations,” Drasen said.

“You are our bond mate, Joshua,” Arael added.

“We knew when you were hurt.”

“Because we felt it too.”

“But our link is weak. We would have known the moment someone had done a

terrible deed to you, had we properly bonded.”

“But we hadn’t, because you didn’t accepted us.”

I cringed, trying to process the information through the painkiller-induced haze.

It just didn’t make sense. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Both Arael and Drasen sighed. Drasen lifted my hand and pressed his palm on

my battered knuckles. He closed his eyes. Moments later, I felt something warm

creeping out from his hand. It emanated to my flesh, veins and bones. When he lifted

his palm, I saw the cuts and bruises on my hand were healed. Not a trace of evidence

that I had used that fist a few hours ago, to defend my ex-girlfriend.

I was baffled. “How did you do that?”

Drasen only smiled. “We’re the Fallen, Joshua. We have healing powers.”

“What do you mean, the Fallen?

“Fallen angels. We aren’t human, like you.”

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I didn’t believe what he said. He must be joking, right? Right. Fallen angels. If

angels existed, then I had the Brooklyn Bridge to sell them.

“You don’t believe us.” Arael’s voice sounded hurt. “So predictable.”

Drasen turned to his brother. “He’ll believe us in due time. He’s our bond mate.”

Arael placed his palm on my head, right where my stitches were. More warm

sensations came from his palm. Drasen kissed my broken nose. They touched and

kissed each part of my body where it hurt, until I was enveloped by a euphoric feeling

that made me sleepy and contented. My pain gradually vanished, replaced by serenity,

and a sensation I couldn’t really describe. Loved, I guessed. Cherished. Secure.

It was a wonderful feeling.

My eyelids became heavy and everything turned mellow. I watched my new

lovers with wonder. I thought at some point I saw them glowing. Their skin and hair

shone like moonlight. Thought I saw their wings too. Ethereal and magnificent.

This couldn’t be real.

I must be dreaming.

Everything became hazy as my mind drifted away to slumber land.

* * *

I woke up with a start. I was in my own bed with a blanket wrapped around my

body like I was a French pastry. The room was bright, drenched with sunlight, because

I had forgotten to close the shade. I scrambled up and sat.

What had happened last night?

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Had it been real? Or had it been only a figment of my imagination? I had gotten

myself into a fight with a gorilla in a leather jacket, and had gotten beaten pretty badly.

Then the twins had visited and healed me.

They were angels. Not really angels, but the Fallen.

I lifted my hands before me and stared at them for five long minutes.

I had no pain. I had no cuts. No bruises.

Did my mind make all this up, or had it really happened?

I dragged myself out of bed and went into the bathroom. I examined myself in

the mirror. The stitches on my temple. Disappeared. My broken nose. Healed. I

scratched my head and felt creeped out. The Twilight Zone’s theme song played in my


The doorbell rang. I jumped.

Since I had just woken up, I hastily put on the first pair of pants I could find and

a bathrobe. Nadia was at the door, dressed in jeans and a hoodie. A pair of sunglasses

covered her eyes.

“Joshie,” she said. “May I come in?”

I stepped aside. She brushed past me. I closed the door.

When Nadia took off her dark shades, I knew what I had experienced hadn’t

been a mere dream. Her black eyes weren’t as camouflaged with makeup like her

partially swollen lips. She looked at me and frowned. “What happened to your nose?

Didn’t Brad break it?” she asked.

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“It wasn’t as bad as we’d thought. I put ice on it all night and the swelling went

down.” I quickly let my bangs fall forward to cover my temple where the stitches had


“Oh.” Nadia seemed to buy my fib. “Lucky you.”

I changed the subject to distract her suspicion. “Why are you here? I was going to

take a shower.”

Nadia studied me. “I wanted to thank you for standing up for me. I had no idea

you could be so manly.”

I didn’t know if I should feel flattered or insulted. “All this time you didn’t think

I was manly?” My tone was a bit harder than I intended it to be.

Nadia flinched. “That’s not what I meant. I was surprised to see the way you

fought Brad. You were relentless, even as he was beating you to a pulp. I didn’t think

you’d defend me. Especially after what I’d done to you. And the joke to your car. I

thought you’d be furious.”

So the melted rubber chicken was her idea of a joke. Really nice. “Of course I’d

stand up for you. What kind of man would sit and do nothing, and watch a girl being

beaten by a guy?”

She choked on her tears. “Even after what I did to you…”

“I just did what any decent guy would do, Nadia. Not a biggie.”

“You love me.”

“Of course I love you. I always have. I just don’t like you.”

Nadia lifted her gaze. “What do you mean?”

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I shrugged. “I meant it exactly like you just heard. Look, I don’t mean to throw

you out, but I want to take a shower.”

“I love you, Joshie. I thought we should be together again.”

I inhaled a deep breath, shaking my head. “You don’t love me, Nadia. You think

you do, but you never did.”

“You’re wrong.”

“No. You stuck with me, because unlike other guys you’ve dated, I was easy to

control. I granted all your wishes, and I let you walk all over me. But no more, Nadia.

I’ve had enough.”

Shock filled her eyes. Her lips quivered. “Why? Why won’t you take me back?”

“Like I just said, I’ve had enough.”

“I’ll change, I swear. I’ll listen to you and I’ll be nice. I’ll…”

“Save it. It’s over, Nadia.”

Her lips thinned grimly. “It’s because of those blond twins, isn’t it? You like

fucking them.”

“Yeah. I like fucking them. And what’s most important, they respect me. It’s

something you never showed me during our relationship.”

Nadia stomped her foot, slipping into her usual tantrum. “I can’t believe I’ve lost

you to guys. My boyfriend likes fucking men better than fucking me. I don’t even know

you anymore, Josh. You’re fucking embarrassing me…”

She would never change. Nadia would always be Nadia, the spoiled princess.

She ranted for two long minutes when I had had enough.

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“Stop it!” I barked.

She startled.

“This is why I don’t want to be with you anymore. You’re bossy, demanding,

and you treat everybody like crap. You show no respect to anybody, you never have

and never will.”

Nadia blinked, she appeared taken aback.

“Goodbye, Nadia. I would appreciate it if you leave me alone from now on.”

Her surprise turned into rage. Her fists clenched. “I…I will have my dad fire you

if you don’t take me back.”

“That’s one thing I forgot to mention. You always use fear to get what you want.

Maybe it worked in the past, but no more. Flipping burgers ain’t so bad, and it’s better

than living under a constant threat. You might be older than me, but you’ve got a lot of

growing up to do. Tell your dad I quit.” I opened the door and unceremoniously

pushed her out. I locked it and headed to the bathroom.

Nadia kicked my door from outside, yelling every obscenity known to mankind,

as I undressed to take a shower. I didn’t bother with her antics. She’d exhaust herself

eventually, or one of my neighbors would call the cops on her. I turned on the radio and

cranked up the volume. I hit the shower until the hot water turned cold.

* * *

I took a bus to the Shaezu’s mansion that evening, since my car was out of

commission. The bus line didn’t go all the way to the twins’ neighborhood, so I walked

the rest of the way. The air was cool, perfect for a long walk, to clear my head and do a

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lot of thinking about the future. I knew what I wanted to do. Arael and Drasen Shaezu


my future.

I stopped at the gate and pressed the intercom. I hoped the twins were home so

my effort wasn’t wasted. I could have called, but I didn’t want to talk private and

important matters over the phone. I’d rather face them in person.

Thankfully, they were home. Arael’s voice seeped through the speaker and told

me to come in. The gate opened. I walked through the long driveway until I reached the

mansion’s steps. Arael greeted me with his heart-wrenching smile.

“Hi, pretty. We’ve been expecting you.”

“No kidding.”

“After last night?” He rolled his eyes. “Please. I knew you’d come to your

senses.” He slipped a hand on my collar and pulled me in his direction. He kissed me

on the lips until my bones melted like chocolate in the summer. “Come in. Drasen is in

the drawing room.”

I wondered if a drawing room was the same as a living room, or was it a room

filled with drawings? We entered an impressive foyer, walked past a grand staircase

and room after room, until we reached double doors at the end of the hallway. Arael

pushed one open. The sight of ultimate luxury welcomed me. Drasen sat by the

fireplace when we entered. Like his brother, he also greeted me with his stunning smile.

“Joshua.” He rose from his chair to kiss me. “What took you so long? We’ve been

waiting for you since this morning.”

“Had stuff to do. Take care of a few things.”

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“Oh?” Drasen took my hand and ushered me to sit on a plush sofa. “Nadia?

How did she take it?”

“How did you know she came by?”

Arael gave me a look as if he wanted to say, “please.”

I sank on the sofa. “I told her it was over.”

Arael and Drasen beamed.

“I told her I quit her dad’s company too.”

“Good. Then you can move in with us. Shall I show you your new room?”

Drasen asked.

“About that…” I paused, “…did that really happen? Last night?”

“Of course,” Arael answered.

“Are you really angels?”

“Fallen,” Drasen corrected. “We’re not the original Fallen, but descendants of

them. Still, we need to bond with a human if we wish for the Enlightenment.”

“What is the Enlightenment?”

“It’s as simple as it sounds—a blessed state where our souls transcend beyond

suffering and worldly desire. Perfection.” Drasen made a flurry of movements with his

hand. “It’s an angel thing…”

“Most humans can’t understand why it’s so important to us,” Arael added. “But

it is, since Fallen aren’t allowed to enter Heaven. It’s our only substitute. Our soul will

be whole. And in peace.”

“I see. So you aren’t really importers-exporters?”

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Arael smiled broadly. “We’ve roamed this Earth for more than two centuries. We

have to make a living somehow. Being cast from Heaven didn’t come with a worldly


“We deal in antiques. In case you’re curious, we have galleries in New York,

Chicago, Paris and Tokyo. You’re welcome to work with us. If you’re interested,”

added Drasen.

“Ah.” I straightened in my seat. “Can I see your wings?”

Arael was the first to shed his shirt. His face looked solemn as he revealed his

true self. All of a sudden, a pair of majestic white wings spread from his back. His hair

and skin glowed ethereally. He looked so beautiful I forgot to breathe for a moment.

I got up from the sofa. “Can I touch you?”

Arael traded a conspirator’s grin with his brother. “That depends. My wings or

my happy place?”

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About the Author:

Lizzie Lynn Lee was a guitarist, receptionist, executive assistant, tarot reader,

boutique owner and graphic artist before she discovered writing is her dream job. The

advantage is she can do it in her pajamas and socks. She’s an incurable chatterbox,

heavy metal aficionado, book worm, digital enthusiast and a night owl since most of

her stories were done in the wee hours of the morning because of her caffeine-induced

insomnia. These days she still plays her guitar whenever she gets bored, staring at her

computer’s screen or plotting the most elaborate scheme of world domination.

Fortunately, she has a chronically short attention span.

She loves to hear back from her readers, so drop her a line at:


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