Jade Imari Pharaoh r(1)

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Imari Jade


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2010 by Imari Jade

E-book ISBN: 1-60601-818-3

First E-book Publication: July 2010

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Letter from Imari Jade

Regarding Ebook Piracy

Dear Readers,

A lot of time, energy and love went into the creation of this book.

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With deep gratitude,

Imari Jade

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To my mother, Willie Mae Bell, who encouraged my love of historical events and ancient cultures.

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Copyright © 2010


Zuri watched with fascination as the funeral procession for Kemosiri I got underway. Kemosiri had died three months ago, and it took a lengthy

mummification period to finally get his body ready for burial. Several servants dressed in long white gowns carried his body out and placed it on a
sledge pulled by a team of oxen. A second sledge followed, carrying the canopic chest containing his, lungs, and other vital organs. Zuri and her
family got in line and followed the procession as it made its way to the first destination, the road where Ra sits and then to the Necropolis in
Thebes. Women cried while bald-headed priests walked solemnly alongside them, burning incense and shaking sistrums. Kemosiri’s son and new
successor Khai Omar Masari or Khai I led the procession, along with the viziers of Upper and Lower Egypt, other dignitaries, and the rest of the
Masari family.

Zuri lifted her eyes to get a better look at him. It had been a long time since she’d seen him at the palace. She had been eight at the time and he

had been ten, and even back then, he was a force to be reckoned with, tall, silent and very handsome. His best friend, Asar, also ten, was the
complete opposite. He used to tease her and pull her hair and try to kiss her. Khai came to her defense every time defending her honor against
Asar. Khai had grown considerably since then. At twenty, he towered over most young men his age, six feet, five inches tall, close to two-hundred
and ten pounds and most of it muscle. She supposed she could consider him handsome, but she was much too far away to tell. He stood erect in
the single horse-drawn chariot wearing his white ceremonial robe. His long boyish locks were shorn short, signifying his advance to manhood.

Asar, Khai’s new vizier, rode in a chariot behind him. He too had grown tall and hard to miss, dressed all in black like a demon of the night. She

hoped he would not see her, fearing that he hadn’t changed and would seek her out just to vex her nerves.

Her older sister, Nafre, nudged her gently. “What are you staring at?”


Nafre pinched her. “Lower your eyes before he catches you staring.”

Zuri lowered her eyes, upset at such a degrading action. By birthright, she was equal to him in station and should be accorded the same amount

of respect. It wasn’t her fault she was born female or that her people lost the war, and besides, there were so many people there, he could not pick
her out in the crowd. Nafre squeezed her hand as if reading her thoughts and tugged her along through the hot sand. The walk to the tomb would be
long and treacherous, but she was bound and determined to make it without complaint. Zuri lifted her head just in time to see Khai order the horse
to move ahead of the procession. His proud bare shoulders looked strained beneath the collar around his neck. He held up one muscular arm to
beckon the others to follow him to the Valley of the Kings.

Hours passed before the procession ended. Khai dismounted the chariot and followed the old priests to the body to perform the Opening of the

Mouth ceremony, a rite believed to restore the dead pharaoh’s senses as well as his use of speech and ability to eat and drink. The servants of the
deceased pharaoh raised the coffin and carried it on the long journey through the newly completed pyramid. She and the other visiting dignitaries
remained outside because only immediate family members and servants were allowed entry to place the body deep into the stone sarcophagus
and to seal the entry. Zuri and her family left the burial site and headed back to the palace.

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Chapter One

“You look bored,” Hathor said to her son as the funeral banquet commenced inside the palace.

“I am. It is not like we have not done this many times before.”

Hathor clucked at him. “A pharaoh is not buried daily. Show some respect.”

Khai was used to this type of conversation with his mother. Unlike his father, he would not be ordered about by her. “Respect has nothing to do

with the way I feel. I prefer to mourn my father in my own way…in private.”

His vizier, Asar, leaned closer to him. “That is about to change. You will no longer have much privacy once you are crowned pharaoh.”

“I know that. You’ve been preparing me for the last three months. I am speaking of all these people eating and enjoying themselves at our


“They are invited guests,” Asar replied. “They are here to pay their last respects to your father, and in return, you are expected to feed them and

talk to them.”

Khai rolled his eyes at Asar who’d grown up in the palace with him and had been his best friend all of his life. “You sound as bad as Bandru.”

Asar had replaced Bandru as vizier.

“I should. He taught me everything I know.”

“I do not know if that is a good thing or not.”

Asar smirked. His warm brown eyes twinkled when he smiled. “Do not forget that conversation you and I had the other day.”

Khai frowned. “Not that again.”

“A pharaoh must have a queen.”

“Where is that written?”

“I do not see what the problem is. You have a kingdom of beautiful women. Choose one.”

Everything seemed so easy for Asar. He did not have trouble meeting women. He had a pleasant personality, was a good scholar, and good at

anything he attempted. Yet he had managed to stay single. Why was it not an option for him? “When do I have time to court?”

Being a prince had kept him pretty busy with all the games, meetings, and teachings. The only spare time he had was taken up by sleeping and

an occasional swim.

“Find time.” Asar swept his hand around the room. “Look at all the beautiful women in attendance.”

Khai squinted. All of their faces were covered from the nose down, and they were too far away to see. “They all look about the same to me.”

“He’s just being difficult,” Hathor said, joining the conversation. “Maybe I should choose a suitable bride for him.”

Khai shuddered. If he let that happen he would be saddled with a wife who would nag him to death. “No thanks. I am old enough to choose for


His mother nodded. “You have until the coronation.”

Khai sighed. That was about three weeks away. How was he going to find a woman to marry by then?

The meal ended, and most of the guests prepared to leave. Chahide Bassey, the king of Upper Nubia and his wife, Samanya, walked up to pay

their respects. Accompanying them were two young women, both pretty from the eyes up. Everything from the nose down hid behind a veil. Asar

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nudged him again. “Huh?”

Khai shrugged, looking both young women over. He sort of remembered them from long ago when they were kids. He and the older sister Nafre

were the same age. She was a little too round of face, and she lowered her eyes the moment she noticed him staring. The younger one, eighteen-
year-old Zuri, stared at him boldly. Her light brown eyes were brilliant with intelligence, and she kept them raised despite what she had been taught.

Hmm… This one has promise

and is just one year younger.

She gave him a curt nod of farewell as her family moved away from the thrones. Her

body moved sensually beneath the tight-fitting linen dress.

“Is something wrong?” Asar asked.

“Not that I can tell,” Khai answered absently.

Asar chuckled. “A Nubian queen? That would send tongues wagging throughout the kingdom.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do not tell me you are not interested in her.”

“No, I am not. Did you see the way she looked at me? She’s an insolent little thing. She kept her eyes glued to mine and refused to lower them in

my presence.”

“Headstrong and self-assured. You could do worse.”

“I am not interested, and you said so yourself that our people may not accept a Nubian queen. We defeated them in battle, and they are

subservient to us.”

“Did you see that body? I would not mind bowing to her at night.”

Hathor shushed them. “Show some respect.”

“We’ll talk later,” Asar told him.

“Do not hold your breath.”

* * * *

His eyes were far more spectacular than she remembered, a startling blue, as blue as a summer sky. His face was handsome with smooth olive

skin and high cheekbones. His thick black hair tapered neatly to his collar. An air of command exuded from him as powerful as the Nile River. She
thought about him all the way to their secondary home in Thebes while talking with Nafre, who spoke not a word of him. Her father thought he would
make a fine pharaoh because the old pharaoh trained him.

“Rumor has it he must choose a wife,” her mother replied as they entered their palace.

Chahide nodded. “She will probably be Egyptian. He will follow tradition.”

Zuri sighed.

The new pharaoh will choose one of his own, probably one with pale white skin and tall like he. They will have beautiful Egyptian

children who will be spoiled and pampered

. She said goodnight to her family and walked off to her room. He wouldn’t give her the time of day with

her thick black hair and oversized rear end. Like her mother and sister, she was blessed with big hips and breasts, but they were flat in the back
while she had so much it shook when she walked. Try as she might she could not get rid of it.

She headed to her bedroom on the east side of the palace. Her servants stood at attention, waiting for her arrival. They escorted her inside her

room and began to prepare her for bed. Two joined her in the sunken tub to wash her while a third waited with a large towel to dry her off and help
her dress. One unwound her hair and brushed it until it fell down in curls on her shoulder. After the nightly ritual, they left her alone with her thoughts.

Zuri climbed into the bed and buried herself beneath the cover. Khai’s face entered her dreams as soon as she closed her eyes. He was upon

his chariot at the races, and he had just defeated his challenger. His rugged body glistened with sweat under the hot sun. Sand covered his arms
and bare chest. He reached for her once the race was over, pulling her against his rock-hard body. Khai lowered his head and kissed her
passionately against the lips. She moaned and opened her eyes in the dark, hot room. She got out of bed, slipped out of her gown, and then
crawled beneath the covers again. The sheets felt cool against her parched skin. Her breath came in shallow pants as she allowed her hands to
roam across her body, around her erect nipples, and down to her vagina. Her fingers dipped, meeting wetness. She closed her eyes again and
conjured up Khai’s face, moving a finger in and out of her hole until her body shook and spasmed. Her heart beat rapidly at first and calmed down
as the orgasm subsided. Zuri removed her finger, sighed contently, and then went back to sleep.

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* * * *

Khai looked out of the window of his palace room and wiped the sweat from his brow. The temperature still soared even though the sun had

long set. He gazed out at the desert to his left. The sight was amazing under the moonlight. The last of the guests had finally gone home after a
week of mourning, and his mother and sisters had retired to their suites, and Asar was in his room, hopefully alone, which did not happen very often.
His younger brother, Dakari, and his army had left for the fields early, and the rest of the family was either scattered throughout the palace or had
returned to their own homes. In a couple of weeks, he would be crowned pharaoh, and he was not sure he could live up to the title. Oh, he had been
taught what to do over the years by viziers and his father, but inside, he did not feel that he was up to the job. A pharaoh had to be brave and strong
and not waver in his duties. Before his father had fallen ill, the two of them used to have long talks about his future, and the old man used to tell the
wildest stories about his growing up. He supposed that is what he was going to miss about him most of all. A lone tear escaped and ran down his
cheek. Khai briskly wiped it away. The time for tears was over. He crawled into his bed. The people did not deserve a weak pharaoh, so there
would be no more tears for him. The mourning period would soon be over, and he would be king.

“Zuri,” he said aloud as he thought about the Nubian princess.

Is Asar correct? Is she the one?

He remembered her laughing and playing with

the other kids in the palace when she visited. Of course, he was much too busy for games at the time, but he found her laughter delightful. That was
so long ago. A Nubian queen? Even the thought frightened him. Such a radical decision could be scandalous and send his kingdom into yet
another war…this one between him and his people. They expected him to follow tradition and choose a bride from his kingdom, better yet, a
relative to keep the blood pure. That idea repelled him. He could not imagine bedding any of his cousins just for the sake of a royal lineage. Maybe
he should broaden his horizons and search for a queen outside of Africa. But, at the moment, he could not think of a princess outside his own
backyard. He supposed Princess Ebe from Alexandria would make a good queen.

She is certainly pretty enough

. Or maybe a Turkish queen.

That certainly would send tongues wagging.

Khai punched his pillow into submission. Why did he have to choose anyway? He had done perfectly well living with his concubines up until now.

Although he knew he could never take any of them as a wife, he was certainly going to miss Mandisa with her sweet mouth and deep throat. If he
could choose from his women, it would be her because at least she knew how to please him sexually and did not complain. Right now she slept on
the floor beside his bed waiting for him to summon her. Khai reached over and gently stroked her hair.

Mandisa awakened, sat up, and peered over at him. She blinked. “Yes, my pharaoh?”

He beckoned her. Khai moved his long legs over to the side of the bed.

Mandisa rose and shucked out of her gown.

Her body is still beautiful after all these years

. His father gave her to him on his sixteenth birthday.

Mandisa went back down on her knees between his legs. Her soft hands gently cupped his manhood, stroking it to life before placing it in her warm

Khai took his frustrations out on her, boldly pushing his penis deep into her throat, nearly choking her. Mandisa accepted his actions without

complaining or fearing that he would smother her. Afterward, she lay beneath him as he thrust inside of her, not uttering a sound as she had been
taught, accepting what was being done to her. Khai shuddered and emptied his seed inside of her. After it was over, he rolled off of her, and
Mandisa returned to her pallet on the floor and went off to sleep. Khai lay awake, looking up at the ceiling. Did he want a wife who just laid there and
allowed him to have his way with her? No, he did not think so. He wanted more than just a warm body. His craved passion and hot blood, not
lukewarm attention. Khai closed his eyes. His search for the perfect woman would begin tomorrow.

* * * *

“What do you have there?” Zuri asked Nafre when she came down to breakfast the next morning.

“A messenger arrived this morning with a verbal invitation from the palace to attend Pharaoh Masari’s coronation, along with this papyrus with a

special message from the Grand Vizier.”

Zuri frowned. “You’ve been invited?”

“Not just me, you ninny, the entire family. It is going to be a formal affair, and father is to bring gifts to show our love for him.”

Zuri sighed. Bringing riches to a man who already had everything did not make sense to her. The Egyptian kingdom thrived, and their economic

system flourished. The grain silos burst at the seams thanks to Khai’s hard work and ingenuity.

“What gift will you be bringing, Zuri?”

A gift? “I don’t know. What does he like?”

“Father said he likes animals. Maybe you can give him one of your pets. You have so many.”

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Nafre was right. “Do you think he would like one of Hebony’s litter?”

Nafre nodded. “It should be old enough to leave its mother.”

“Very well. I shall choose a male, and that is what I will give him. What about you?”

“A bit of ivory, I think. You can’t go wrong with ivory or gold.”

“I suppose we will need something new to wear. It has been a long time since we had something new made.”

“Especially you.” Nafre spun her around. “You have a very large behind. Maybe we should have the grooms exercise you with the dogs.”

Zuri rolled her eyes at her. “I cannot help it if I have a big behind.” Nafre called from the royal seamstress who rapidly went to work sizing her and

Zuri up for some new clothes.

“Put her into something that will tone down the size of her rear,” Nafre ordered. “We do not want it calling attention to itself when we are

presented to the new pharaoh.”

The seamstress giggled and left the two young women alone just as their cousin Furaha sashayed into their suite. Furaha was their father’s

youngest brother’s oldest girl. They ruled lower Nubia. She was spoiled and pampered and had lots of male admirers.

Nafre looked up. “What are you doing here? Mother did not say you were coming.”

“I got bored and decided to come for a short visit and to tell you about being invited to Khai’s coronation.” She giggled. “My dressmaker is busy

getting my wardrobe together, and the new pharaoh is going to fall off his throne when he sees me.”

Nafre chuckled. “Where is your shame?”

“Shame is for people with no self-esteem.” She pointed at Zuri.

Zuri frowned and tossed her hair. “I think I have just been insulted.”

“You should be,” Furaha exclaimed. “What are you going to wear?” She riffled through Zuri’s closet. “You can’t seriously think of wearing any of

these. Your father is a very rich man and a king, but you refuse to dress to impress.”

“What’s wrong with my clothes?”

“I’ve seen you wear the same thing before to two different occasions. A princess should never do that.”

“Why? It is only Khai. We have known him since we were kids.”

Nafre cleared her throat.

Furaha turned to her older cousin. “I’m talking about you too. Your father is king. He can afford to keep you in lovely knew dresses.”

Zuri sniffed indignantly. Furaha did not really mean to hurt their feelings. She was a self-absorbed princess who always said what was on her

mind. Her father spoiled her unmercifully and let her do whatever she wanted.

Nafre spoke up first. “For your information we just had our dressmaker in here. She is making clothes for us as we speak.”

Furaha flopped down on Zuri’s bed. “Good. I would not like to have my relatives looking like common folk at the coronation. You should take a

lesson from your mother. She knows how to dress.”

Zuri agreed. Of course she did. “She is the Queen of Nubia.” Zuri ignored the rest of the conversation between her sister and cousin. Her mind

drifted off to the coronation. She would see Khai again. Maybe this time she might say something to him. Zuri rejoined the conversation as the two
women discussed going down to the pool for a swim. She picked up the parchment and read it aloud. “All young women are required to dance for
Khai at the coronation.” Zuri frowned. “Did either of you read this? He can drop dead if he thinks that I will dance for him.”

Both Furaha and Nafre stopped talking.

“How dare he make such a mockery of women?” She tossed the invitation on the bed.

“What’s wrong with a little harmless dancing?” Nafre asked. “You’re a great dancer.”

Zuri paced the floor of the bedroom. “That does not matter. I will not be put on display for a man, no matter if he is Pharaoh. I have my pride and

my dignity.”

Furaha laughed. “You can keep your pride and your dignity.” She swung her hips to imaginary music. “Why would pharaoh choose someone like

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you when he has me?”

Zuri and Nafre watched Furaha. Furaha was a good dancer, perhaps the best in all of Nubia. She would attend the coronation, not as a dancer

but as a spectator. She’d eat his food and drink his wine, but she would not dance, not even if he begged her to.

Nafre stared at Zuri as if reading her mind. “What happens if he gives you a direct order?”

“Then he’ll have to toss me to the lions.”

The two other women went back to their conversation about swimming.

“Care to join us?” Furaha asked. “I’m hot and sticky and could really use a swim.” She headed toward the door with Nafre close at her heels.

“Maybe later.”

The two dashed off without her, leaving her to ponder what the coronation was going to be like.

* * * *

Khai entered the throne room. Asar waited for him in advance. They were alone, but earlier the royal servants and decorators had been there

polishing the furniture and dusting the statues. Outside the palace, the architects were busy working on his new buildings, and artists were
fashioning busts in his honor. The palace servants were busy with preparations and the palace cooks were busy preparing delicious meals. His
mother and his younger sister, Isis, were getting fitted for their new clothes, leaving him to make small talk with the vizier who was still after him to
pick a bride. “What are you doing here so early?”

“I want to show you something?”


“You have to follow me out to the river.” He rose from the throne.

“Do we really have time for this?”

“Make time. What else do you have to do?”

Khai shrugged and followed him out of the palace. “I should be narrowing in on a wife.”

Asar agreed. “Have you had any luck?”

Khai chuckled. “No, I have not been trying very hard.” He stretched. “Besides, I am tired.”

“Mandisa kept you up all night again?”

“Yes and no.” He paused. “Do you suppose I can keep her after I’m married?”

“If you pick the right wife, you won’t need to. Besides, whatever woman you chose will know that you have a concubine, and if she doesn’t know,

one of the palace women will inform her. That is what they do.”

“It would be easy if I could just make her my wife.”

Asar shook his head. “Easy, but not smart. The people would not accept a servant as a queen.”

“Mandisa is not a servant.”

“Would you prefer the word slave? I do not like that term.”

“No, but she’s not a servant. She is more a friend. We have been together for so long.”

“I will take her off your hands if you want me to.”

Khai punched him on the arm. “That is a very generous offer but no. I suppose I will free her and set her up in a little house nearby.”

Asar stopped walking. “As a convenience to run to when things don’t go your way with the wife or she is pregnant?”

“Now you are making me sound like a lousy bastard. No, I will not run to her to sate my needs. She will be a free woman to do what she pleases.

She deserves it after putting up with me.”

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“You are so weak when it comes to women.”

“Perhaps, but at least I stick to one at a time.”

“Are you calling me a slut?”

“When was the last time you slept alone?”

Asar stopped at the riverbank. “In my cradle.” His new present to Khai bobbed in the water.

“What is that?”

Asar bowed. “Your new boat. I can’t have you sailing down the Nile in an ancient hand-me-down.”

Khai and Asar boarded the finely crafted ship. Several oarsmen awaited his command. “When can we take it out?”

“Right now if you want to. It is ready to sail.”

“Then let us do this.”

Asar gave the order, and the boat moved away from the bank.

It was a beautiful summer morning. The sun was high in the sky, and the water was crystal clear and blue. They sailed up and down the river,

capturing the glances and admiration of the people who fell down to their knees when they saw the pharaoh pass by. Fishermen waved and bowed
from the banks and from their little boats. “This thing is amazing,” Khai said as he stood on the bow. “How fast can it go?”

“It is faster than anything your father or grandfather owned. It is made from light-weight wood. The shipbuilders were very meticulous and wanted

to use only the best for you.”

“I am flattered.”

Asar ordered the men to take them back to the bank. Minutes later, the two men got off the boat and headed back to the palace. “So back to the

problem you have. What type of woman are you looking for?”

Khai groaned. “Can you not give this a rest?”

“The coronation is in a couple of days.”

“I promise I will find a wife.”

“I have taken the liberty of inviting all the royals from nearby kingdoms. Most of them have daughters around our age from which to choose.”

“I figured you would.”

“Just think princesses…tiny, petite, and willing to please.”

“That is all I have been thinking about. I should be out checking on the irrigation system I have invested my time in. I have to make sure that there

is an increase in agricultural output in the regions. ”

“You have time to do that,” Asar assured him. “Believe me, a woman warming your bed every night will take the edge off of you.”

“What edge?” Khai snapped. “I am not edgy.” He bounded up the stairs and headed inside the palace.

The activity inside had increased since he left. The artists were painting some of the walls and floors with scenes of people, birds, water pools,

and etched likenesses of their deities. Musicians moved instruments around the huge hall, filling the palace with music. He found his mother sitting
in the parlor playing Senet with Isis. His mother was still lovely, but his younger sister was turning into quite an alluring beauty.

Isis looked up at their approach, giving a cool glance to Asar.

Khai frowned. “I will kill you myself if you trifle with her.”

Asar laughed. “She is a baby.”

“You say that now. She will be eighteen soon enough.”

“By then you will be a married man and will not care what I do with her.”

They approached the women. “Did you like the boat?” his mother asked.

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“Very much so. It’s a fine ship.”

“Asar was so excited about it. When will I get the chance to see it?”

He kissed his mother on the cheek. “Whenever you want to.”

“What about me?”

He kissed Isis. “You too. I can just see you standing on the bow commanding the oarsmen.”

Isis was already a great horsewoman, and she even indulged her fantasy by entering chariot races.

Asar bowed to her. “I will take you out personally, Princess Isis.”

Isis’s green eyes lit up like emeralds. “Really?”

“Yes, really. All you have to do is say when.”

Isis smiled innocently and went back to her game.

Khai raised a concerned eyebrow.

“We will be properly chaperoned,” Asar assured him.

“She sure will be,” Hathor said, not taking her eye off the game. “By two or four of our biggest guards.”

Asar kissed Hathor on the cheek. “Ouch. You wound me.”

“Yes, and I’d tear your heart out, too, and you know it. She will not be added to your harem.”

Asar rolled his eyes at the ceiling. “I do not have a harem.”

Isis giggled. “The women of the palace all whisper about you. They say you are a great lover.”

“Isis,” Khai and his mother said in unison.

“Such language out of the mouth of a babe,” Khai replied”

“I am not a baby any more, big brother. I am seventeen, and soon I will be old enough to get married.”

“Yes, when you are thirty.”

“Humph. I will be dead by then.”

The three others laughed.

“It is not funny. Why should Khai get to marry and not I?”

Khai ruffled her long black hair. “Dakari is still single.”

“Dakari is married to his army,” Isis said of their brother. “He prefers war to love.”

Hathor agreed. “Your father did, too, in the beginning, but he changed once we had Khai. Dakari will find some nice young woman and settle

down, too, one day.”

Khai sat down on the floor next to them, and Asar joined him. “I am afraid I have to agree with Isis. Dakari was barely here for the funeral, and he

left shortly afterward.”

“The Persians still have an eye on this kingdom,” his mother reminded him. “It is never good to let your guard down. Especially now that

everyone knows of your father’s demise.”

“Maybe I should join Dakari.”

“Not right now. After the coronation and the wedding.”

“I have not found a bride yet.”

“You will find one at the coronation. I am sure of that.” She looked down at Asar. “You have sent out the messengers?”

“Yes, my queen.”

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She patted his cheek. “I knew I could count on you. You will make a good son-in-law one of these days.”

Isis smiled wickedly. Khai did not miss it.

“Remind me to have a long talk with you about men, women, and relationships.”

“Mother already had that talk with me.”

“I am not talking about you. I am talking to Asar.”

Asar frowned. “What can you possibly tell me that I do not already know?”

“You would be surprised what lessons you can learn from the brother of the young woman you might or might not marry one day.”

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Chapter Two

Khai sat quietly as the priest performed the ritual purification ceremony. They shaved and washed his body, and then they dressed him in a plain

white linen robe to signify purity. The lead priest prayed to Ra and recited the ritual over and over again four times before it ended. Later, they took
him out to a field and had him run around the marked track several times to rejuvenate and to build up his endurance. He only rested for a moment,
and then he received his crown with the family, friends, and visiting dignitaries present. Exhaustion ate at him by the time he crawled into bed a
couple of hours later. He slept and then woke, dressed again, and then went down for his coronation celebration.

Delightful music filled the great hall as he entered. Asar arrived and entered first, announcing him, while everyone fell to their knees to bow as he

walked across the floor from the door to his throne. None of this seemed strange to him since he had witnessed this for years during his father’s
reign. The amount of people in attendance surprised him. As he walked, a priest read his numerous accomplishments from a scroll before finally
proclaiming him the new pharaoh of Egypt. His mother, brother, and young sister were already in place on their thrones awaiting his arrival. The
priest continued to name all the pharaohs he had descended from long after he made it to the throne and sat down. The crowd rose, and the
festivities began.

A procession line formed at the door, and then musicians started playing again. Khai was finally allowed to get comfortable with Asar claiming

the seat next to him.

“I bet you never expected so many to come out.”

Khai shook his head. “They are curious.” The music changed, drawing Khai’s eyes to the door.

“Looks like the entertainment has arrived,” Asar replied.

Khai settled back in his seat, not knowing what to expect. Asar had been smiling smugly like a fox since he entered and knowing his friend that

could only mean one thing…debauchery.

“I had this especially arranged for you.” He handed Khai one of the notes that he sent by the messengers.

Khai unrolled the parchment, looked down at it and began to read. He frowned and then passed it back to Asar. “You should have run this pass

me first.”

“You wouldn’t have agreed.”


The musicians struck up a lively tune and female dancers from all the nearby kingdoms entered dressed in skimpy costumes from their

countries and kingdoms, and they were all vying for his attention. A Nubian princess took center floor. Khai peered down. She was beautiful, with
rich caramel-colored skin and long braided hair. Gold earrings dangled from her ears. Her costume was little more than a short skirt made of wood
that barely hid her private parts. She had a pair of curvy legs, trim thighs, and a small waistline. Enchanting, he thought, but not what he had in mind
for the next queen of Egypt.

Beside her danced a petite little Egyptian beauty fully dressed in a long red tunic. He smirked. At least she had the decency to cover up her

assets. “She is very limber.” He watched with fascination as she tumbled and twirled and contorted her body in different positions. She did
everything but smile.

“See anything that you like?”

Khai drew his eyes away from her and put them back on Asar. “You should have told me your plans. I would like to speak to them and learn a

little about them before you try to marry us off.”


“Do you know anything about these women? Who are their families and what can they do to benefit Egypt?”

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Asar sighed. “You are being most difficult, Khai. I went to a lot of trouble to arrange this. You can at least look pleased.”

“You could have at least told me before you arranged it.”

“Then it would not have been a surprise. Anyway, I have all of their names, including their backgrounds, which I planned to provide to you later for

your scrutiny.” He leaned closer. “Did anything catch your fancy?”

“They’re all quite lovely. You did a very nice job of selecting, but the next queen of Egypt has to be more than just a pretty face.”

The dancers left the room to change, and the doors opened again. People began pouring in through the doors dressed in their native fashions

and bringing in gifts to bestow on their new pharaoh. A crier announced each and every representative.

Khai sighed, wondering how long this part of the ceremony was going to take. He was still tired for all the early-morning festivities, and his body

had long forgotten the nap he took. The procession line moved so quickly, he barely remembered the names or the faces. The crier stepped into
the room to announce the next arrivals.

“The King of Upper Nubia and his lovely daughter Najre.”

Khai adjusted his position in his seat as King Bassey and his eldest daughter came forward. Trailing them were about a hundred servants and

dancers bearing gifts from their kingdom. It had been years since he’d seen Najre’s face…not since King Bassey brought his daughters there to
play while the two kings discussed a treaty between the two kingdoms. The late pharaoh and his army had defeated the Nubians in battle, and King
Bassey and his people swore their allegiance to Egypt.

Najre had not changed a lot except her face was rounder and her figure fuller. She was dressed in a pretty linen shift dyed blue from indigo.

Around her neck was a matching blue and purple collar that made her eyes appear larger then they really were. Her face was expertly done. Her
eyes were rimmed, eyebrows were painted, and her lashes were darkened with kohl. Her cheeks were adorned with ochre. Najre had pulled her
hair back from her face and covered it with a beaded band. Upon her feet she wore a pair of sandals, laced from ankle to knees with intricate
beadwork. King Bassey’s daughter was indeed a beauty, but at twenty-five, she was nearing spinsterhood, which made him wonder if she might
have a reason or defect for staying single.

She spoke intelligently and brought joyous salutations on his coronation. Her father spoke next, pledging his undying love and loyalty and

wishing him a successful reign as pharaoh.

“Thank you,” Khai replied once he drew his attention from Najre. “How is your lovely wife?”

“Samanya is fine, sire, and will join us shortly for dinner.”

“Don’t you have another daughter?” He did not want to sound rude to Najre, but he was curious. “I seemed to remember another one.”

“Yes, Princess Zuri will arrive shortly with her gift to you.”

Khai looked at all the gold, ivory, and ebony that already lay at his feet, along with other precious gifts of pelt and furniture. “More gifts? You are

most generous.”

“It is her individual gift to you. She chose it herself.”

“I look forward to seeing her.” He turned back to Najre. “You have grown into a beautiful young woman. Your father should be proud.”

“Thank you, sire.” She bowed and then took her father’s arm and walked toward their table. Their servants followed while Egyptian servants

arrived to quickly scoop up the gifts and take them to the storage rooms.

King Geo Bassey from Lower Nubia arrived next with his daughter. Now he remembered her, Furaha. She was the one who tried to get his

attention with her dancing earlier. She was dressed now in a skintight white linen shift with golden braiding and adornment. She had braided her
long hair back and capped it off with a golden headband. He preferred her better this way, a little less flamboyant and a little more clothed.

“Welcome King Bassey and Princess Furaha.”

Their servants continued to carry in their gifts of appreciation.

“A long and prosperous life, pharaoh,” Furaha replied.

“I just spoke to a female relative of yours.”

“Nafre. Have we grown so big that you have forgotten us?”

“Yes, you have. You are quite lovely, princess, and a very skilled dancer.”

“Thank you, pharaoh.” She walked away, giving him a chance to get a good look at her rear end.

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“She has grown in all the right places,” Asar replied wickedly. “I think I shall add her to the top of your list.”

Khai did not agree or disagree. He just ignored Asar and watched as more people came forth to pay homage. An hour passed, and the gifts

kept on coming.

“Princess Zuri Maryani Bassey,” the crier announced. “Of the Upper Nubian kingdom. Youngest daughter of Chahide and Samanya Bassey.”

Khai looked up toward the door. A vision in gold entered accompanied by a lion cub. She walked forward with the feline obediently at her side.

Khai eyed her and then the lion and then back to the woman again. He leaned toward Asar. “This is not playing fair.”

Asar frowned. “I did not know that she would be so lovely or smart, and she knows of your fondness for animals.”

“The creature is exquisite, and I am not speaking of the cub.” Younger than her sister by a considerable amount of years, Princess Zuri’s body

was nubile and curvy. “When did she grow up?” She had been a little beauty as a child.

She is different than the others


Maybe it has something to

do with the fact that she does not lower her eyes when she looks at me

. She stared straight into his face like an equal. She continued to walk until

she stood at the foot of the platform below the thrones.

“Greetings, Khai I. My name is Zuri Bassey. Please accept this cub as a coronation gift from me to you.” She bowed gracefully, working the

golden shift.

Khai looked down at the delicate brown flower. She looked absolutely ravishing. The skirt reminded him of a sunburst, and the rich golden

shade brought out the color of her light-brown eyes. He stood, left the throne and his family and walked down the stairs. He hesitated only once, not
wanting to startle the lion. It raised its head and purred ferociously. Though young, he could do him much damage. The spectators watched in

Zuri spoke to the cat in her native language. The cat purred again and then reclined to the floor in a prone position next to her.

“Rise,” Khai said to Zuri.

She rose, handing the rein to the cub over to him. “His name is Simba.”

Khai accepted the rein and gently stroked Zuri’s hand with his finger. “Thank you for the gift. How did you know that I liked cats?”

“I make it a point to find out everything I can about my pharaoh. Plus I remembered your fondness for animals on our last visit to the palace.”

“But that was nearly thirteen years ago. I’m flattered.” Her intoxicating scent made him dizzy. “Can he do tricks?”

Zuri gave the cat a couple of commands much to the delight of the pharaoh and the audience.

“Will he listen to me?”

“Of course, you are pharaoh. He’s yours to command.”

Khai gave the cat an order in Egyptian, and the cat performed. The audience clapped. “He understands both languages.”

“Simba is an exceptionally smart animal.” She watched him under heavily lashed eyes as she spoke.

“Why did you not dance for me like your cousin and the other women?”

“I did not come to acquire a husband. I came out of loyalty to both families.”

“You do not wish to marry?”

“I did not say that. I do not feel that I have to flaunt myself in front of a bunch of strangers for your attention. If you want me to dance for you, all you

have to do is ask, but I prefer to do it privately.”

A mummer of concern burst forth from the audience. A rebel in their midst. Khai thought over the situation. Everyone now knew that she had

disobeyed his supposed invitation to dance. “The crowd thinks that you have disobeyed an order.”

“I care not what the crowd thinks.” She bowed again and walked away, leaving him with the lion.

Khai called for someone to take the lion as he watched her walk away and join her family. Khai called for the procession to continue. He walked

back up to his throne and sat down next to Asar. Her scent was still in his nostrils.

“Why do you have that silly frown on your face? Was she not to your liking?”

“Yes, she was very much to my liking, but she may be a problem. A pharaoh should not have a bride who will defy him.”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

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“She did not come to dance like the invitation stated.”

“But you did not send the invitation.”

“She does not know that. What if I had sent it? She is guilty of refusing to comply.”

Asar sighed. “I guess you are right. You have one big problem on your hands.”

* * * *

Maybe she had spoken too quickly. Zuri put her hands against her heart. It still beat fast. Now she owed him a private dance. She looked over

toward the thrones. He was so handsome and muscular. She turned away just as she caught the vizier’s eyes on her. She shuddered, knowing that
look, remembering it back from long ago. It implied an interest she did not expect to find.

Zuri settled back in her seat to enjoy the entertainment that had returned once all the gifts were distributed. The meal arrived shortly afterward,

but she could not concentrate on it. He mind danced with emotion. Two men as different as night and day held her fate in the palm of their hands.

The next morning she and her family left the palace and headed home. She did not get the chance to speak to either of her old friends again,

thankfully. She looked out of the window and cringed. The sight of slaves toiling under the hot sun never failed to disgust her. The people who kept
them that way disgusted her even more.

“They’re erecting statues of Khai I,” her father explained as the entire family joined her at the windows. “They’re working on the statues for the

entryway of the palace, and the vizier is having several busts done in Khai’s image to replace those of his father.”

“All for what?” Zuri asked. “To stroke some vain man’s ego?”

Her mother gasped. “You better watch what you say. Such words can get you into a world of trouble.”

Zuri slouched back into the litter seat. “I have a right to my opinion.”

“Yes, you do,” her father agreed. “But it is unwise to express them so openly. Remember, the walls have ears.”

“I do not believe in slavery in any way, shape, or form.”

Najre interrupted her. “Yet you sit her, enjoying being carried on the shoulders of others. You cannot change everything, Zuri. For your

information, most of the builders are not slaves. They are people like you and me who feel honored to serve the pharaoh.”

“I understand what you are saying, but that does not make it right. Does the pharaoh compensate them for their work? No. Are they provided

adequate food and a rest period? No. Can they walk away when they tire? No. In my book, they too are little more than slaves.”

Najre shook her head. “I do not know the answers to these questions. It has been this way for centuries. You cannot change things, and while

we’re on the subject, what were you trying to prove with that little stunt with Simba? All you had to do was present the cub to pharaoh and walk

Zuri lifted her chin defiantly. “It was not my fault that he stepped down from his throne and talked with me.”

“What did he say that held your attention so long?”

“He wanted to know why I did not join the rest of the young ladies in the dance, and I told him that I did not come to the coronation to be put on

display or to compete for his hand in marriage.”

“What?” Samanya asked. “What are the two of you discussing?”

“A request from the pharaoh.”

“What request?” Chahide asked.

“Khai had requested that all single young women dance for him at his coronation,” Zuri explained.

Samanya gasped. “You two were supposed to dance for pharaoh.” “This is bad for both of you. If the pharaoh said he wanted you to dance, then

you should have danced.”

Najre frowned. “I am too old for such foolishness. I do not like younger men.”

“But he is pharaoh.”

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“I do not care. He is a boy. I want a man.”

“What does age have to do with anything? He is pharaoh. If he wants you to dance, you dance. You can make him into a man. That is no

excuse.” She turned to Zuri. “What about you? You are younger than he is.”

“I refuse to be put on display. I am not one of his concubines. I am a princess of Nubia.”

Samanya fanned herself. “I have raised the two of you to be respectful. What am I going to do with you? One wants to remain single and the

other is a militant.”

Zuri ignored her mother. It was useless to argue. She was glad when the caravan made its turn to the right. Outside the litter window, she

witnessed Egyptian women toiling in the wheat fields, state officials collecting taxes, and more peasants being led away in lines to work on
construction projects. The new pharaoh had been crowned, and life was back to normal in Egypt.

Their entourage passed several mud and brick dwellings. These were not the glamorous structures like the ones her family and the pharaohs

resided in. These were the homes of the common folk and the workers who broke their backs daily just to survive. They were the backbone of
Egyptian society. She had been inside one once. They were built to remain cool during the hottest part of the day. Each home had a little kitchen
with a grindstone for milling flour and a tiny oven for baking. The walls were not painted flamboyantly like those in the palace. They used a simple
white paint and then decorated them with handmade tapestries. Floors were covered with reed mats, not rich carpet. Their meager furniture usually
consisted of a few tables, stools, and beds.

Families played and bathed in the river unconcerned with passersby. Others strolled along the banks in bleached white linen sheets while

children ran around naked, peaceful at play. Part of this scene reminded her of life in Nubia. Most of their people were poor, but they were not

Egyptian soldiers stormed past them on chariots and horseback headed into the opposite direction. Rumor had it that Prince Dakari, the

pharaoh’s younger brother, was deep in negotiations with Assyria. Khai wanted access to some of the country’s natural resources—bronze and
wood—and it was his brother’s job to find out how to get it. Usually that meant going to war and just taking it if the other country would not share.
Khai’s father took over Nubia the same way. Egypt had a bigger army, and they just took over. She supposed it could have turned out differently.
Kemosiri was not a tyrannical leader, and instead of putting her father in prison, he made him an ally. What kind of leader Khai would make was
anyone’s guess. The country of Assyria was a lot bigger than Nubia and had a powerful army too. If Khai wasn’t careful, he could find himself and
his county at war.

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Chapter Three

Asar caressed the thigh of a beautiful Alexandrian female as she reclined next to him poolside. The woman had her eyes closed, but he

doubted if she was asleep. “She outright disobeyed you.”

Khai floated in the pool. “So it appears. My signature is nowhere to be found on the invitation, so how would she know it was from me?”

Asar leaned over and kissed the woman and then sent her away. He turned and put his feet back into the pool. “You are looking for an excuse. It

was implied. Am I or am I not your vizier and legal counsel? I act on your behalf. On some cases, one would say I speak for you.”

“In affairs of state, not in love.”

“Anyway, the audience and invited guests did not know this. To them she and her sister are guilty of not complying with your demand. Their

cousin Furaha is smart. She read the fine print.”

“Good. Then you marry her. The two of you, it seems, have a lot in common when it comes to getting your way.”

Asar chuckled. “She was quite ingenious securing the middle of the floor to draw your attention directly on her.”

“So are you saying I should choose her? I would have to worry all the time if she is plotting some type of strategy behind my back.”

“No, I am not saying that you have to choose her. Have you read over the list I gave you? Is there not one who stands out?”

“I will not say I am not intrigued by a couple of them. They have very impressive resumes. Some stand out more than others. Some will bring big

dowries, while others are from countries that will make strong allies.”

“Is that all you can think about?”

“There is more to life than sex.”

Asar feigned shock. “Blasphemy.”

Khai pushed away from the side of the pool and swam several laps. His guards stood by watching. He returned to Asar who, too, watched. “Sex

is important, but Egypt comes first. I am pharaoh now. I have to put my needs aside for the greater good of my people.”

“I used to be so envious of you. Now I am glad that I am not you. Sex is very important to me. It makes me who I am.”

“You are more than just a phallus.”

Asar cringed. “That was bad even for you. Look, I am serious. You have to choose a wife, and you have to make the Bassey sisters apologize

for smiting you in the eyes of your people.”

“What would you have me do, drag them back here to Egypt in chains and make an example of them?”

“No, you cannot do that. It would be reprehensible. Request that they return for some other reason, and then you deal with them when they get


“What excuse can I use to get them here? The coronation is over, and they should be halfway back to their home in Thebes.”

“I do not know, make up something.”

“I have never been a good liar, and I don’t plan to start now.” He swam around the pool again.

“Your birthday is coming in two weeks. Send the messenger back to Zuri requesting that she dance for you as a present.”

“What makes you think she will come? She has admitted that she will dance for me in private, but I think she said that just so I would leave her

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“Nubian women do not make such promises without keeping them. They are the most honest women in the world, and besides, you are

Pharaoh and your people are subject to your will.”

“What about Najre?”

“Make her dance, too. In fact, make them both dance for us. If one or either of them refuses, then you will do what you have to do.”

“Why do I have the feeling that this is more for your enjoyment than mine?”

Asar laughed. “Oh, it is.”

* * * *

Zuri finished her prayers and rose to her feet, and then she followed her family out of the temple. The sun scorched her skin as soon as she

stepped outside. It was one of the hottest days of the year, and it had been such a long time since they had seen rain. Her father prepared to go to
the mines to check on things, leaving both her and Najre alone with their mother. They followed her into the great hall where an Egyptian messenger

He bowed before them. “I have been sent by the pharaoh to deliver a message to the princesses.”

Samanya bade him to step forward. Their personal guards kept a watchful eye on him. “Speak.”

“The pharaoh said it would please him if both of you dance for him at his birthday party.”

Najre groaned, and Zuri growled.

“Thank you,” she told the messenger. “Tell the pharaoh that they will be there.”

The messenger bowed and left the room. Two of the guards followed him out.

“What are you going to do?” Samanya asked.

“There is nothing much we can do since you’ve already answered for us,” Najre replied. “I guess we’ll have to dance.”

“You can dance,” Zuri said. “I am not going.”

Her mother shook her head. “What do you mean you’re not going? It’s the pharaoh’s birthday.”

“Why do I have to be his present?”

“Your sister is going too.”

“That’s her choice.”

“Why do you have to be so disobedient? You have a beautiful body, and you can dance. It is not like he is asking much. Go to the party, have

fun, and dance. The worse thing that can happen is that you can win the heart of the pharaoh.”

Winning his heart was the last thing she was worried about. There was something wrong with this plan, and it reeked of the grand vizier. “And

what happens if I get there and dance and he wants more?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if he wants to have sex with me? Am I supposed to submit because he is pharaoh?”

Najre answered for their mother. “You would be foolish if you did not. Khai is gorgeous. You could do worse.”

“What about you? What if he asks you?”

“He will not ask me. He does not desire me. I knew that from the first moment that we spoke. I am just being dragged into this mess because he

does not want to show favoritism.”

“I wonder if Furaha got an invitation.”

“I do not think so. He did not seem pleased with her,” Najre replied. “Do you want to do a duo? I think I can make up a dance that we both might

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“I have not agreed yet.”

“What else can you do? It would be rude not to accept, and besides, there is bound to be a lot of eligible men at his party.”

“I thought you are not interested in getting married.”

“I never said that. The right man has not come along.”

Samanya looked at her. “The pharaoh is not the right man?”

Najre shook her head. “Not for me.” She pointed at Zuri.

“Me either. He is too damn arrogant.”

“He loves pets.”

“Are you trying to get me to change my mind?”

“Yes. I would not mind being the sister-in-law of the pharaoh. It would come with many perks.”

“One of them being you can visit the palace any time you please.”


* * * *

She did not know how she allowed herself to be talked into returning to Egypt. Yet here she was two weeks later sitting in a hot litter awaiting

entry through the huge marbled gates. Najre sat next to her a little nervous about being there, also a little excited about finally being from under their
parents’ watchful eyes for the first time in a long time. The palace of the pharaoh was under construction. The huge statues of the former pharaoh
that used to sit on the top of the stairs had been removed and in their place sat two huge lions that faintly resembled Simba. The huge columns that
surrounded the palace were getting a fresh painting, and huge doors were at that very moment getting new gold inlays.

Several guards arrived to greet them. They were dressed in traditional white shentis and blue and white neckpieces. They were not armed, but

they still looked menacing. One came forward to speak to them.

“Welcome, Princess Najre and Princess Zuri of Nubia. The pharaoh has been expecting you.”

The carriers slowly put the litter on the ground and helped both young women out.

“This way, ladies.”

Zuri and Najre followed him up the staircase and into the palace.

The entire palace was alive with activity. Scholars and priests walked together discussing religion, while palace servants cleaned and polished

every room. Wonderful aromas permeated the air. They followed the guard past all the activities and then out the back door. They found the
pharaoh swimming in the pool under the watchful eyes of several young women who talked and giggled but stopped once she and Najre were
announced. Khai took another lap and then climbed out of the water.

Zuri gulped, watching the water as it trickled down his partially nude, muscular frame. Her eyes trailed down, lingering on the white loincloth that

clung to his hips. She slowly lifted her eyes up his magnificent muscled chest to those sky-blue eyes. His eyes studied her with a curious intensity.
Two of the young women ran over and dried his body with towels, while a third helped him into his robe and sandals. She shook her head to clear
the vision. Any strange emotion she might have felt quickly disappeared once his servants began fawning over him. Khai sent them away.

Zuri and Najre knelt before him. “Welcome, princesses. Rise.”

The two young women rose. Najre hung protectively at her side. “Thank you for the invitation, dear pharaoh. Our parents send their warm


“We are sorry to interrupt your swim,” Zuri replied, trying not to look him in the eye.

“It was time for me to get out of the water. I was starting to wrinkle like a prune.” He led them back inside the palace. “As you can see, my mother

is going overboard with the preparations. I think she plans to outdo my coronation.” He signaled for two female servants who hurried over to them.
“Take the princesses to their rooms and see to their every need.”

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“Yes, sire,” both girls replied.

“I will have someone bring your things to your rooms.”

“Thank you,” Zuri replied.

“Tonight you will dine with me at my table, and we will discuss your dance.” His eyes drank her up.

“You will not be disappointed,” Najre replied. “We have been practicing.”

“I am sure I will not be.” He started to walk away. “One other thing. Dinners around here are usually casual. We only dress up for parties and


Both girls bowed as he strode off.

The rooms assigned to her were beautiful and far more glamorous than the ones she had at home in Nubia. Najre’s rooms were just down the

hall. The bedroom did not have much furnishing, just a bed and hooks to hang her clothes and put her toiletries and cosmetics. The view outside
was the best part. Zuri walked over to the opening and looked at the Nile River. The sun was just starting to set and its reflection bounced off the
water. Back home the banks of the river were narrow, which made farming difficult, but the soil of Egypt was rich and fruitful.

Zuri turned away from the river. Khai leaned in the doorway, watching her.

“I thought you might enjoy the view.”

“It is breathtaking,” she replied. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I have the same view from my suite. It is just above yours. I like the water, and I prefer it to looking out at the desert.”

He was fully dressed this time in a black short shenti with matching nemes and arm bands.

“Have you found everything that you need?”

Zuri nodded. “The young woman you assigned to me has put everything away. She has been most kind.”

He straightened his stance in the doorway. “Just let me know if you need anything. Dinner is in an hour.”

“Good,” she replied. “I should like to bathe first and remove the sand from my skin.”

Khai’s smile brightened. “Do you need any assistance? I am very good at bathing.”

Zuri blushed. “No, thank you. I think I can manage.”

“It would not be an imposition.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“I will send Bast in to help.”

Zuri dismissed him. “Thank you again. I will see you at dinner.”

Khai left.

Bast arrived to help her with her bath. She carried with her a tray of scented oil.

“They are to help you relax.”

After her bath, Bast helped her wash and braid her hair, and then she made Zuri lay down on an embroidered cushioned chaise so she could

apply the oil. Zuri closed her eyes. Bast had magical fingers, and the scent she chose was soothing. Bast ended the massage just as she began to
doze off to sleep. Zuri sat up. “I guess I should get dressed.”

“Would you like help with the selection?”

“The king said I should dress casually.”

Bast shook her head. “Men say one thing, but they mean something else.” Bast looked through her things. “To capture pharaoh’s heart you need

to play on his senses.”

“Why would I want to do something like that?”

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“Do you not wish to be queen?”

Zuri shook her head. “Not really.”

“Then you are the only woman who does not.”

“What about you?”

Bast was pretty with short dark hair and green eyes. “Yes, but even I know that it can never be.” She held up her wrists to display her slave


Zuri took her eyes off the offending metal.

“Do you find this offensive?”

“Yes. It is cruel to own another person. Do you like being a slave?”

“It is all I know. I was born into servitude. Both of my parents were slaves and so were my grandparents. We have always worked for pharaoh.”

“Now you can see why I can never be queen. I would beg him to free each and every last one of you, and if he denied me, I would grow to hate


“There is nothing wrong with having those feelings, but realistically most of us would be lost if we were suddenly freed. It is not as bad as you

think. They feed me and provide me with shelter. I am clean, and they provide me with clothes.”

Bast’s explanation sounded reasonable, but it didn’t change her mind on how she felt. The young woman helped her pick out an outfit, and then

she went down to Najre’s room to get her.

* * * *

Khai spotted the princesses just as soon as they arrived. If they were dressed casually, then he was very much underdressed. Najre was a

vision in white in a one-shoulder gown that displayed her curves. Her hair was piled to the top of her head and adorned with beads. She wore three
pairs of gold earrings in her ears and a pair of gold arm bands. Zuri wore blue, an eye-drawing gown that clung to her body like a second skin. Her
matching eye shadow and henna-red lips made his temperature rise a couple of degrees. Asar jumped out of the seat before him.

“Two lovely Nubian princesses have arrived.”

“There could only be one queen,” Khai reminded him.

“Yes, but I get the one you don’t choose.”

Khai smirked.

Always an ulterior motive

. “Just behave yourself. They are princesses.”

“I will be on my best behavior.”

The women walked forward. Khai sat them close to him and Asar. Tonight, the four of them would be dining alone so he would not have to

explain anything to his nosy mother and sister.

“Where is the rest of your family?” Najre asked.

Khai sat down. “They had other plans. They’re at the chariot races.”

“I thought you liked chariot races.”

“I do, but I can miss one event. I would rather spend the evening with you two.”

Najre blushed. She really was not that much older than he, and she was pretty. “Why aren’t you married?”

“I’ve never found the right man. Plenty have asked but I have turned them down.”

Her answer got Asar’s attention. “What’s the right man?”

“Someone who will respect me for my mind, and who will treat me as an equal.”

“I am all for equality.”

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Najre’s eyes lit up. “Are you truly?”

“Truly. I believe a woman is every bit as good as a man when it comes to most things.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Most things?”

“Yes, there a few things that we dominate like lifting heavy objects, but other than that, a woman can do anything a man can do.”

“I like your answer,” she replied shyly.

Khai glanced over at Zuri. “Why so quiet, princess?”

“I am just listening. I find flirting between a man and woman interesting.”

“Do not tell me that a man has never flirted with you?”

“Of course one has, but I never entertain it.”

He leaned closer to her. “Why not?”

“Because I am never sure if he wants me for me or for the fact that I am a princess.”

“A man would be foolish not to want you.”

A warm blush stained her cheeks, but she didn’t shy away. She stared him in his eyes like she was trying to find out what was inside of him.

“Have you ever loved a woman just for her being her?”

“I can admit that I have, but I won’t lie. I have lusted after women just because of what they look like.”

“Honesty. I like that in a person. What would you consider a perfect woman?”

“One with big light-brown eyes, full lips, and a shapely figure.”

Najre giggled.

“That description could fit a lot of women in my country.”

“But only one here.”

“Am I only perfect because of what I look like?”

“No, but it does help. You do not shy away like most women I meet. You also do not lower your eyes when you speak with me.”

“My mother would have my hide if she found that out. She thinks I am a militant just because I say what is on my mind.”

“Your mother may be right. You have my permission to stare me in the eyes any time you please. I find it endearing.”

“Why would I need your permission to do so?”

“Because I am pharaoh.”

“And I’m a princess of Nubia. Up until your father’s death, we were equals and friends. Other than his death, what has changed?”

Asar nearly choked on a fig he was eating. “Should I handle this?”

“No, Zuri has a right to ask me anything that she wishes. Other than a title, nothing has really changed. But, in Egypt, we have rules and laws. I

did not make them, but I do intend to make sure they are enforced.”

“I understand. Do I have to ask your permission to empty my bladder?”

“Zuri!” Najre shouted. “Behave yourself.”

“I am not trying to be rude. I would just like to know what the ground rules are.”

“No, you do not have to ask my permission for that. In order to be queen, you have to allow me to rule as a king.”

“Who said I wanted to be queen?”

This time Asar giggled.

“Is this not what tonight is all about?”

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“No, you invited Najre and I here for your birthday party and told us that we have to dance. I am only here to right a wrong from the coronation.

Once I dance, all obligations are met.”

“I can order you to marry me.”

She wagged her finger under his nose. “Yes, you can, but you will have to drag me to the altar.”

“I am not opposed to using force.”

Zuri rolled her eyes at him, and he smiled. Asar was right. This one was special.

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Chapter Four

A tour of the palace was definitely in order. Khai sent Asar off to entertain Najre so he could be alone with Zuri. Apparently she had some major

issues that needed to be worked out. She had a problem with authority, not a bad one, but it could rear its ugly head at the wrong time. In order to
get to the problem, he needed to get her to talk to him.

“The palace has gone through some major renovations since the last time you were here as a child,” he explained. He took her through several

rooms on the first level. His mother was pretty proud of the kitchen because she had designed it herself. Some of the original walls had been
removed to give it a more open floor plan and to give it an airy feel. There were several rooms to entertain in, a vast library filled with sacred scrolls
and parchments and even a room in which to pray.

“I think this is my favorite room,” Zuri said.

“Prayer is important to you?”

“Yes. I have been to Gebel Barkal many times. I go there to speak to Amon and all of our gods. I feel closer to them there since it is their

birthplace. There are several temples erected there and a couple of palaces.”

Khai knew the place, located in upper Kush, near Karim in northern Sudan. “If you look at the mountain from the west, it looks like a royal

Egyptian uraeus topped with a white crown.”

“I have heard that. I will have to check next time. The pinnacle looks like a phallus to me.”

Khai blushed.

“Did I surprise you?”

He nodded. “We went from talking about religion to sex.”

“Not intentionally, but that is what it appears to be to me.”

Khai took her arm and led her around the rest of the palace, showing her where he and Asar and the other council held meetings. He stepped

through the door of a huge suite. “This is where I lay,” he informed her. Zuri hesitated a bit before following him in. Two or three young women
busied themselves cleaning and dusting.

“Peace be with you,” one of them greeted.

“And upon you be peace,” Zuri told her. The young woman smiled and left the room with the other two in tow. “They certainly are nice.”

“They want to make you feel welcome. Come, let me show you the view.” He walked her over to the wall, and he showed her the Nile.

“One floor up does make a difference. You can actually see the top of the water.” Zuri sighed. “It’s beautiful at night with the waves and tides

coming onto shore.”

“I wish I had the power to widen the Nile for your people. It would help with irrigation and allow you to do a lot of farming.”

“You cannot change what Amon has created. There must have been some reason why he built it the way he did.”

“Or why he gave Nubia such glorious wild animals and mines filled with precious treasure.”

“I figure he did it to give both countries something to talk about. If we both had the same things, life would be boring.”

“You are a philosopher. “

Zuri smiled. “I just speak with what I feel in my heart.”

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If he did that, she would not leave his suite of rooms. “Would you care to see the grounds? It’s a bit dark, but I think we can manage.”

“I’d like that,” she said. She walked away from him and through the door.

* * * *

It was a beautiful night. The stars shone brightly in the sky, and the guards peered down on them from their towers. The palace was impressive

even at night. Tall columns decorated with etchings of scarabs and fish were built around the entire building. Monuments of long dead pharaohs and
huge obelisks and temples stood out in the foreground. There wasn’t much grass, but there was sand as far as the eyes could see.

“I should like to take you to the Great Temple Complex of Karnak. It’s a grand conglomeration of temples, chapels, pylons and other buildings.

It’s not too far away.”

“It’s getting late.”

“Are you tired?”

“No, but you must have something better to do.”

“If I did, I would be doing it.”

“Could we do it tomorrow? It’s been a long journey from Kush.”

“Yes, I apologize. It’s just that I was thinking about your fascination with religion, and I thought you might like to see it.” He escorted her back into

the house. “Is there something else you might want to do before you retire?”

“A swim would be nice.”

“Ah, finally something we have in common.”

He tried hard to make conversation, but she was not being a very good guest. Maybe she should have gone with him to Karnak. She heard it

was a lovely place. She and Najre were only going to be there for a couple of days, and they might as well take in the sights. It might be a long time
before they made it to Thebes again.

“Do you have something to swim in?” he asked.

“Not really but I think I can find something.”

“Just ask Bast. She is knowledgeable of these things.” He quickly pulled her up the stairs, giddy like a child. He deposited her on her floor. “I’ll

meet you at the pool. Bast will show you the way.”

Bast found her a short, sheer, white pleated linen gown that fit perfectly, and then she led her through the palace out to the pool. Khai was there

swimming laps. Bast bowed and hurried back inside the palace, leaving the two of them alone.

“You look beautiful,” Khai replied.

“It’s a little different than I’m used to.” She dove into the water and swam around.” She went under and stayed for a few minutes before surfacing.

Khai was there to greet her.

He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. “You’re a very good swimmer.”

“My father taught me. He said it was a good thing to know. He threw Najre and me into the river when we were babies. My mother used to tell

me the story. She started screaming, and he laughed and dived in after us.”

He chuckled. “That sounds horrifying.”

“I do not remember, but since I am here, I guess I did not drown.” She wiggled out of his arms and swam away. “Would you care to race?”

Khai dove back under and came up spouting water. “I’ll race you to the other side of the pool.”

The two of them swam, and with luck, she beat him to the other side. Zuri laughed and teased him for losing to a girl. Khai swept her up into his

arms and bounced her on the water, splashing both of them. She did not know when she laughed so much. And then he did an unspeakable thing.
He kissed her.

Khai’s lips bore down on hers, covering them completely. His tongue moved slowly inside her mouth. The sensuality of the act startled her. She

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had never been kissed before, and it was strange to her. The blood pounded at her temples, and an unwelcome blush crept up her cheeks. Not
knowing what to do with her arms, she brought them around his massive neck. Khai deepened the kiss, moving his lips against her slowly.
Conflicting emotions ran through her that alternately thrilled and frightened her. His manhood pushed against her stomach. Zuri gasped, and he
broke the kiss. A wave of apprehension swept over her as he looked into her eyes. Zuri backed out of his arms and swam to the safety of the edge
of the pool.

He swam over to her. “What is wrong now? You act as though you have never been kissed before.”

His caustic tone made her flush in shame. “Do not be silly.”

He touched her cheek. “You are blushing.”

Zuri knocked his finger away. “I am not.” The embarrassment quickly turned to annoyance. She tried to swim away again, but he caught her

before she could. He pulled her to him, pressing her heaving breasts against his chest.

“Your first kiss. I am honored.” He lowered his lips to hers again, this time kissing her deeply and passionately.

Zuri swooned in his arms, succumbing to all the emotions roaring through her body. The air around them turned hot, even though they stood up

to their waists in water. Khai’s lips burned a trail down her neck, landing just at the top of her breasts. “You are the loveliest flower ever to grace
Egypt,” he uttered as he reclaimed her lips. “Just ask me and I will give you the world.”

“You cannot give me what I want.”

“I am pharaoh. I can buy you anything.”

“What I want does not cost money,” she said as she swam away.

* * * *

The priest droned on and on. Khai half paid attention but found it hard to concentrate through the prayers and worshiping to their gods. Asar had

gone off to talk to Dakari to find out how negotiations were coming with Assyria, and he had left Najre and Zuri at the palace to get acquainted with
his mother and sister. After seeing Zuri to her room last night, he went to the throne room and had a talk with his mother. Before it was over, she had
made him promise to act like a gentleman with the princess and begged him to give up Mandisa. Funny, he had not thought of her since Zuri
arrived. Come to think about it, he had not seen her in the last couple of nights. Maybe it was just her way of letting him know she understood, or she
was very mad and plotting how to murder him. He shuddered. Either way, it was bad of him to be thinking such thoughts in the sacred temple. How
could he mediate between the realms of the gods and the humans when he could not make a decision on what to do with his life?

The priests shook the sistrums at him. “Pharaoh, all-powerful and omniscient, the controller of both nature and fertility…” Those types of chants

and prayers went on for hours. Usually he liked hearing about all the power that had been invested in him since his father’s demise, but not today.
He only had one thing in mind…his birthday celebration. The priests finally ran out of things to say about him and ended their prayer. Khai walked
out of the temple with them, hopped in his chariot, and rode back to the palace. His guards hurried on foot to keep up with him.

His mother had transformed the hall into a fantasy. The finest woven cloth hung from the ceilings and on priceless statues. Food from all over the

kingdom graced the tables and wine chilled in the streams that ran through the room. The musicians were there entertaining guests who had arrived
early. Asar waved at him from the atrium as he walked in. He was talking to Dakari who had decided to grace them with his presence long enough
to celebrate and wish him good tidings on his birth.

Dakari hurried over with Asar. He grabbed Khai up in a big hug and beat him soundly on the back. “Asar has been filling me in on everything.”

“You do know that my great vizier lies.”

Dakari laughed. “That part I did know. He boasts about holding two beautiful Nubian princesses captive upstairs.” He released him.

“That part is partially the truth. They arrived the other day and have come to dance at my party.”

Dakari was nearly as tall as he now and powerfully built from rigorous training. As captain of the Egyptian army, he held a position almost if not

more powerful than Khai. They shared the same dark hair and coloring, but Dakari’s eyes were green like their mothers instead of blue like he and
their father.

“He tells me that one of them has you strung out like a panther in heat.”

Khai rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I am not strung out. Yes, I am interested in her, but she is not responding to me.”

“She does not like you.”

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“What’s not to like?” Khai asked. “I can give her the world.”

“You cannot buy love,” Dakari said as he sat down in the library.

Khai poured them drinks. “Where did you learn that from?”

“I have been around,” Dakari boasted.

Khai cuffed the side of his head. “You better not be saying what I think you are saying. Are you dallying with fallen women?”

“That depends on what your definition of a fallen woman is? Yes, I have been keeping company with a few women of ill-repute, but what is a

lonely soldier to do?”

“Get a wife,” Asar suggested. “I can fix you up with one. I know this other Nubian princess. She is a really good dancer, and I think she is related

to the ones upstairs.”

“They are cousins.”

“I am not ready to settle down,” Dakari answered. “I have villages to pillage and wars to win.”

“I am going to remind you of that when you are very old and alone.”

“I am never going to age. I am pharaoh’s brother.”

Khai laughed. “Unfortunately, neither you nor I can do anything about that.”

“What time is Bandru arriving?” Dakari asked.

“He should be getting in later this afternoon. Just in time for the party.

Bandru was coming to talk about Assyria and to celebrate Khai’s birthday. Bandru was in semi-retirement now and only called on for the most

important matters.

“We have much to talk about,” Khai replied. “I hope my party does not last too long or we will not get a chance to talk until tomorrow.”

“You think you will be able to talk or hold a decent conversation once Zuri dances?” Asar asked jokingly.

“Who is Zuri?” Dakari asked.

“One of the princesses.”

“You are not talking about little Zuri, King Bassey’s daughter?”

“You remember her?” Asar asked.

“Yes, she used to follow me around like a little lost kitten.”

Asar laughed. “Well, the little kitten has grown into a fierce tigress.”

“I don’t think she would like you referring to her as a feline,” Khai said. “She has a pretty nasty temper.”

Asar scoffed. “Unlike you, pharaoh, I am not afraid of women. I know how put them in their place.”

Khai frowned. “I am not afraid of women. I am just smart enough not to get into arguments with them…especially this one.”

“What are the two of you talking about? Little Zuri barely spoke.”

“She has changed,” Asar insisted. “You will see later on.”

“You make me want to stay just to see my brother bow down to a woman.”

Khai glowered at him. “You better get yourself in the solarium and speak to mother. You know she has been anxiously awaiting your arrival.”

Dakari rose. “I cannot help that I am her favorite.” He strolled out of the room.

Khai grumbled. “He is not the favorite.”

Asar nodded. “Yes he is. Your mother just tolerates you because you are pharaoh.”

“I have not always been pharaoh.”

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Asar disagreed. “You were born to be pharaoh.”

He pouted. “I would rather be the favorite.”

* * * *

Butterflies jumped in the pit of her stomach as she waited for the time to pass. Her mind kept replaying the kiss she shared with Khai last night

and the uncomfortable situation at breakfast earlier when she tried to pretend that nothing changed between them when she talked with his mother
and sister. Of course, Khai did not make it easy on her, looking at her with those big blue eyes when he thought she wasn’t looking. Najre hadn’t
been any help either, talking constantly about the fun time she had with Asar.

As if by magic, Asar appeared in the same spot Khai had stood a couple of days ago. She’d been avoiding this one since her arrival, and it

appeared her luck had run out.

“May I enter?”

“Can I refuse?”

“What a strange sense of humor you have developed.” He entered the sitting area and sat down. He was by far the youngest vizier she knew

and certainly the handsomest. That fact added to the problem. She never forgot the look he gave her at the coronation when he saw her for the first
time in years or that smile.

“Najre told me that she had a lovely time last night.”

“Yes, she’s quite entertaining and lovely. I promised to take her out tomorrow and show her around Luxor if I am not too busy.”

“Like a date?”

He smiled at her. “Are you jealous?”


He crossed his legs and got comfortable, like he planned to stay for a while. She looked him over…smartly dressed in a brown and tan robe

with matching neckpiece and bands. His sandals were crafted of fine leather and complemented his feet. His feet, she noted, were not quite as
long or large as most men. He did not wear much in the way of cosmetics…just a touch to the eyes with kohl to emphasize their size.

“You answered that too quickly.”

“What do you want, Asar? What do you want to discuss with me?”

He smiled. “Straight and to the point.”

She nodded. “Always. I figure that is the best way on how to deal with a person like you.”

He feigned being hurt. “A person like me?”

“One who may or may not have Khai’s best interest in mind.”

“He is my best friend. I always have his best interest in mind. He is looking for a bride. That is why I am here.”

“To proposition me?”

He shook his head. “No, to find out how you feel about Khai.”

Zuri sat down. “I do not know how I feel about him. He is pharaoh and an old friend. So it is safe to say that I like him.”

“But do you love him?”

A good question

. “I do not really know since I have never been in love before.”

“But there is some kind of chemistry going on between the two of you. I felt it at breakfast.”

Zuri blushed.

“So I did not imagine it.”

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“Look, I’ll admit that he desires me, but it is too soon to know if it is love. Anyway, I may never find out since I am leaving in two days.”

“Ah, yes, the dance. I am looking forward to seeing it. Najre tells me that the two of you have been dancing together for years.”

“Dancing is a part of our culture, and I would have gladly danced at the coronation had he not ordered me to do so.”

Asar smiled sheepishly. “About that. Khai didn’t order you. I sent the message. I take full responsibility.”

“Then why am I here making amends for my actions?”

“I am afraid that is my fault, too. Your refusal to dance appeared as an insult to the pharaoh since everyone else thought he sent the invitations,

too. So, in order to make him look good in the eyes of the other guests, you have to dance.”

“Now it is all beginning to make sense. It does clear up the doubt whether Khai is a chauvinist when it comes to women. I should have known

that you were behind this.”

He did not even pretend to be ashamed.

“I will dance for him, show him respect in front of his people, and then go on my merry way.”

“That might not be as easy as you think. I have the feeling that Khai is not ready to let you go.”

“He might be pharaoh, but I have a life to get back to.”

“He is pharaoh. He should come first in your life.”

“Yes, yes, I know all that. So, because he is pharaoh I am supposed to drop all my duties as a princess of Nubia and just hang around Thebes

like one of his concubines?”

“What concubines?”

Zuri rolled her eyes at him. “I am not foolish. I know what goes on with men. A man who looks like Khai does not sleep alone.”

“What about a man like me?”

“You are no different, but at least Khai is discrete. Your exploits are legendary.”

He smiled. “I do not know if I should be glad or insulted.”

Zuri patted him on his knee. “Neither. You should be ashamed.”

Asar rose. “I think it is time for me to leave.”

“I know you are not offended.”

“No. I am just not used to hearing my faults from a woman I might or might not be interested in.”

Zuri opened her mouth to complain but just gave up. Asar smiled and left the room. She was only alone a few minutes before Najre entered and

came over to her.

“Was that Asar I just saw leaving here?”


“What did he want?”

“Just to talk. He wanted to know if anything is going on between Khai and me.”

Najre sat down in the seat Asar vacated. “Is there?”

“No, not that I know of.”

“Would you like there to be?”

“No, not in particular.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

Her sister was a lot of things, and she was not a fool. “I do not know how I feel about Khai. Everyone has been asking me this, but I do not have

an answer.”

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“Why aren’t you dressed? The party will be starting soon.”

“I was just about to get dressed when Asar appeared.”

Najre was already dressed and looked quite fetching.

“It will not take me long.” She got her things and left the room.

* * * *

Khai sat down on his throne. Bandru sat next to him. The festivities had begun, and the place was swarming with male guests. The women were

off in another part of the palace, planning to join them later in time for dinner. Asar was over on the side of the room talking to Dakari. The two of
them looked as thick as thieves. He wondered what they were scheming and plotting. They walked over and joined him up on the throne platform.

“The performance is about to begin,” Asar announced. He clapped his hands, and the musicians changed the tune they were playing.

Khai turned his attention to the door just as Najre entered. She was dressed in one of her tribal costumes. Her hips swayed as she danced to

the middle of the floor. She accompanied the musicians clinging tiny finger cymbals. Around her neck were two chains, topped by two lines of
jewelry. Several round golden earrings hung from her ears. Around her ankle was a silver anklet, and her feet were bare. The tempo of the music
increased, and she spun and danced, continuing to sway her hips to the beat of the music. She used her hands to tell a story while drawing the
audience’s attention away from her feet.

“She’s very good,” Asar said.

“Yes, she is,” Dakari replied. “Is she married?”

“Why are you asking?”

“No reason in particular.”

Najre finished her dance to the applause of the audience. She bowed before the throne platform and then dashed out of the door. Moments

later, the music changed. This time it was a rhythmic, slow tune that featured drums and cymbals. The doors opened, and Zuri entered dressed in a
tribal costume. Khai moved around to get comfortable on his seat.

“Who is that?” Bandru asked.

“Her name is Princess Zuri, grandfather.”

Bandru frowned at him. “Is she the one?”

Asar nodded.

Khai ignored both of them and watched Zuri. Adorned in necklaces, bracelets, earrings, finger rings, and ostrich feathers, Zuri broke into dance.

The long white linen skirt rode low on her hips. Back at her home, she would be naturally bare-breasted but she had decently covered her assets
with a short tunic top that fell just below them.

Asar uttered a sigh, which Khai chose to ignore.

Around her head, Zuri wore a black headband to hold back her luxurious hair. Like Najre, her feet were bare and adorned with a simple single

ankle bracelet.

Her hips swayed sensually to the beat of the drum as she danced, captivating every man in the room. She too used her hands to tell the story,

adding acrobatic moves that brought him dangerously close to the edge of his seat.

Bandru cleared his throat a couple of times, a sign that he was not pleased. The hips of the dancer undulated in his direction. His body stirred

with passion, and before he had a chance to react, the dance ended, and Zuri left the room much to the dismay of every male in the room, except
maybe Bandru who sat there looking flabbergasted.

“Well, are you satisfied?” Asar asked him.

Khai shook his head. “In one aspect. She has danced just as I requested, but suddenly I’m filled with emotions I’ve never experienced before.”

“I call that lust,” Bandru spat out. “Your father would rise from the dead if he knew what you were plotting.”

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“I am not plotting anything. I am just saying that I might be interested in her a little more than any of the other young women who have danced for


“You cannot make her queen of Egypt.”

Khai looked at the ancient vizier. “Why not?”

“Because she is a Nubian. The queen of Egypt should be an Egyptian.”

“Says who?”

“Says history. Most of the great queens were Egyptians.”

“Most but not all. Don’t forget that the Nubians are the world’s oldest civilization. This was their realm before ours.”

“Instead of worrying about a queen, maybe you should put your concentration on something more serious.”

“Like what?”

“Like Assyria. Assyrian power is growing even as we speak. It is surrounded by many powerful groups. The Hittites may invade them from the


“All pure speculations,” Khai replied.

“Not necessarily so,” Dakari said, joining the conversation. “Hittite forces are also growing. You have to prepare yourself for battle. They may get

to Assyria first and all that natural wood we seek might be lost to us. Just think of what we can do with all that cedar and cypress.”

“Do not forget about all the resin,” Asar added. “We need that for mummification.”

“So you are telling me to forget that it was all your idea that I needed to find a bride?”

“No, but I must agree with my grandfather and Dakari. Some things take precedence over others.”

Khai sighed. “I guess you all are right. I’ll put my search for a queen on hold now until our talks with Assyria are over but not a minute more.”

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Chapter Five

He left Thebes without as much as a goodbye. Zuri chastised herself for caring about a man as inconsiderate as Khai. She dressed for the

party her parents were throwing for visiting dignitaries. She really didn’t feel like partying, but it was a perfunctory duty that she and Najre had to
perform. After dressing, she left her suite of rooms and walked down the long hall that led to the palace wing where Najre lived. Their mother
separated them in their early teens when she grew tired of settling arguments between them.

Zuri loved the privacy, and it felt good to have some independence away from her older sister. She knocked on Najre’s door. Her sister opened

it wearing a stunning new dress that the dressmaker just finished. “Furaha is going to die with envy when she sees you in this.”

Najre twirled so she could get the full effect. “Who cares what Furaha thinks? Prince Chitemo will be in attendance, and I want to make a good


Chitemo’s father was an Ethiopian king and must have made a very good impression on Najre for her to react this way. “You like him?”

Najre nodded. “What’s not to like? He is tall and handsome and will be king one day.”

“What about Asar?”

“What about him?”

“I thought the two of you were getting along.”

Najre laughed and let Zuri into her room. “We were in Thebes and he was trying to let you and Khai get to know each other.”

Zuri flopped down on a stool. “A lot of good that did. Khai just marched off to Assyria without giving me a second thought.”

“To be fair, the man is pharaoh, and he has the welfare of an entire nation to be concerned about.”

“I know this. It is just that he left without saying goodbye.”

“He did tell his mother to see that we got back to Kush safely.”

“He would have done that for anyone. It is called protocol.”

“Do not be so hard on him. He is new to all of this, and do not forget that his father just died. Khai now has a lot of responsibility.”

“I know, but he never said if he liked my dance.”

“If he is a man, he did, but let us not put a damper on our evening. Let’s go join our parents and welcome our guests.”

Zuri sighed. Najre was right. Khai could go do his civil duty. She had a party to attend. She rose and followed Najre out of the room and down to

the grand hall. The local tribal musicians were playing for the guests. They joined their parents on the throne platform to greet the other arrivals.
Their uncle, King Gero Bassey, and his queen, Ayomide, arrived with their children, princes Dede and Gero the second. Furaha walked in attached
to Prince Chitemo’s arm.

Najre bristled beside her. “Why that dirty, rotten little snake. Look at her fawning all over him like he was made of gold.”

“You sound jealous.”

Najre folded her arms in front of her. “I am no such thing. She can have him for all I care.”

The entourage approached.

Chahide greeted his brother and his family. Gero introduced Chitemo, who detached himself from Furaha.

“It is a pleasure to be invited to your wonderful kingdom.” Chitemo turned his attention to them. “You two are as lovely as I remember. I look

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forward to dancing with both of you.”

Zuri nodded at him, and Najre beamed.

Chitemo smiled back at her. Furaha stood by fuming.

Gero led his family away. Zuri smirked behind her cousin’s back.

* * * *

Zuri peeked out of the door at her sister who was deep in conversation with Prince Chitemo. He had somehow shaken Furaha from his side

and managed to steal Najre away from her parents long enough to strike up a conversation.

“What are you staring at?”

Zuri turned around quickly. Furaha stood behind her, looking oddly pissed and a bit curious.


Furaha swept her aside and looked out of the door. “What is she doing?”

“Having a conversation with Chitemo.”

“But he has come to see me.” Furaha looked stunning in her pale blue dress and dark blue accessories. .

“Did he invite you or did you just latch on to him when he arrived?”

Furaha backed away from the window, frowning. “What difference does that make?”

“Chitemo and Najre are old friends. Why are you trying to read more into it than what it is?”

“Because I have decided that I want him as a husband.”

“You want to get married?”

“Why is that such a surprise? I am getting older, and I want to have babies before I age.”

Twenty-two did not make her a relic. “Does Chitemo know how you feel about him?”

“I do not think so, but I planned to tell him tonight. I will not stand a chance now that Najre has him.”

“They are just talking.”

Furaha took her arm and led her into the sitting room. Usually the place would be swarming with women but right now they were all dancing and

talking and preparing for dinner. “Come sit down. We have not talked in a long time.”

Zuri smirked. Before Furaha grew into womanhood the two of them used to be very close. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Egypt. I heard you went back to the pharaoh and danced for him.”

Zuri sighed. “Yes, both Najre and I. My parents thought it best. ”

“So you did it to keep the peace?”

“So to speak.”

They sat down, and Zuri called for tea.

“Did the pharaoh ask about me?”

“He did. He sends his warm regards.” Zuri paused. “Are you interested in him, too?”

“You say that like it is wrong to have options.”

“No, I was just wondering.”

“Well, what do you think of him?”

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“He is nice,” Zuri replied. “When he is not being pharaoh.”

“So what happened after you danced for him?”

“Nothing in particular. There was a party. We ate, talked, and then Najre and I went off to bed. The next morning we headed back to Kush.”

Furaha stared at her oddly. “That is all that happened?”

“Pretty much. What did you expect?”

“That he would choose you to be queen.”

Zuri threw her hands up in the air. “Why would he do that? I am not exactly an Egyptian beauty. I do not have scented skin. I am not vain, and I do

not want to be queen of Egypt.”

Furaha raised her cup of tea to her lips and sipped. “Then you are one of the craziest women I know. Khai is powerful, and he has grown into a

very handsome young man.”

“So has Asar.”

“Leave it to you to bring him up. I would not have imagined him growing up to be Khai’s vizier. I would have thought he would have been killed by

some jealous husband a long time ago.”

Zuri giggled. “He used to aggravate me much as a child. He has changed some, but not much I gathered from our conversation.”

“When did you have time to talk to him? I heard he is quite busy.”

“He came to my room before the party.”

Furaha put down her cup. “What did you talk about?”

Her cousin was starved for conversation. “About when we were children. He seems to remember it quite differently than I.”

“What else did you talk about?”

“He did most of the talking. He claims he is interested in Khai’s welfare, but I feel that he has a hidden agenda.”

“Like what?”

“Like me.”

“Did he say something to offend you?”

“No. I just have the feeling that he wants me more than he wants what is best for Khai.”

Furaha gasped. “What did he say?”

“He wanted to know if I was in love with Khai, and he told me that he was interested in me.”

Furaha squealed. “Such intrigue. He is a bad man when it comes to women.”

“I know that.”

“Your father would never agree to him courting you.”

“I do not have to worry about that. I plan to stay as far away from Asar and Egypt as I can.”

“Why did he ask if you were in love with Khai? Did something happen between the two of you?”

“No, nothing. We just went for a swim on the night we arrived. The next day everyone looked at me like they had this secret.”

Furaha looked her over. “Are you sure nothing happened?”

“He kissed me,” Zuri confessed. “That is all that happened.”

Furaha gasped. “The pharaoh kissed you? Why did you not begin the conversation with that? Are you crazy? The pharaoh would not kiss just


“It was a kiss. A very good one but still just a kiss. Do not make a big deal out of it.”

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“Now I see why I have not heard from him, and to think I danced my little heart out for him.”

“I guess I should tell you all of it. Khai had nothing to do with the dance request. It was Asar. He did it without Khai’s knowledge, and Khai did not

learn that the women were dancing for him so he could choose a queen until that very night. Some of the other women took offense when Najre and
I did not dance. They saw it as a direct defiance to the new pharaoh and thought we should be punished. That is why Najre and I went back.”

“I am confused. Is Khai looking or not looking for a queen?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. I think Asar is behind all of this. I think he is pushing Khai into making a decision he may or may not be ready


Furaha polished off her tea. “Dancing is a very stupid way to choose a queen. It reeks of Asar. If Khai is interested in picking a queen, then it

should be done another way. I think he needs to spend some time with each and every last one of us, and then he can make a decision.”

Zuri did not think it was a very good plan. She did not want to compete with other women for Khai’s affection. “How do you plan to get this to


“I will do it the right way. I will go over his head and speak with his mother.”

Zuri shook her head. “How are you planning to do that?”

“I’ll have my mother talk to her. The two of them are good friends.”

“Do not include me in this scheme.” Hopefully Khai’s mother would not go for this either.

“Why not? He kissed you, didn’t he? As I see it, you have the advantage over the rest of us.” She rose and went back to the door. “What can

Chitemo and Najre have to talk about?”

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Chapter Six

Khai trudged into the palace tired and dusty with the sands from too many days of travel. The talks in Assyria went well, and the trip ended

positively. Bandru and Dakari had been right when they said he had to move on it, and after sitting down with the sultan, the two of them agreed to
be allies. Now that the talks were out of the way, he had time to catch up on affairs in Egypt that he had put on hold for the length of his trip.
Everyone was asleep. He wanted to eat, take a bath, and fall into bed.

He walked toward the kitchen. Feminine giggles stopped him in his tracks. He turned. Two gorgeous Egyptian women stood behind him holding

hands like two children. They were dressed in matching pairs of red dresses. “Who are you?”

Both women bowed.

“My name is Fadil, and this is my sister Fenuke.”


The young women giggled. “Yes.”

“What are you doing here?”

The one named Fadil answered. “We were invited here by the queen.”

“My mother?”

Fadil nodded. “Queen Hathor.”


“As possible choices for your bride.” She grabbed Fenuke’s hand, and they ran up the stairs.

Khai rubbed the stubble on his chin. “This is a joke.”

“Not a joke.” Asar entered and stood in the very spot the twins deserted. “The queen has taken matters in her own hands and invited young

women from the kingdom to compete for your hand in marriage.”

“This is crazy. I do not have time to court.”

“It is time that you make a decision since my last attempt to find you a bride failed.”

Khai thought about Zuri. “It did not fail. It just got postponed for the trip to Assyria.”

“Are you speaking of Zuri? The last time I spoke with her, she did not seem too keen on the idea of becoming your queen.”

“When was the last time you spoke to her?”

“Before she danced for you.”

He headed toward the kitchen, and Asar followed. “That would be after the kiss.”

Asar stopped in his tracks. “What kiss?”

“She and I kissed.”


“The night we went for a swim.”

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The two men entered the kitchen. Asar roused the cook who promptly found them some food. They both looked like hell, but the cook ignored

their condition and prepared them a feast fit for a king, and then he went back to bed. The two men sat across from each other at the huge table.

“You kissed Zuri. Why did you not tell me about this? I thought I was your best friend.”

“Because I know my best friend is interested in her, too. I am not such a fool that I cannot see that. You have liked her since we were kids.”

“But I would not cross that boundary if you were interested.”

Khai laughed. “Yes, you would.”

“Well, maybe I would, but you should have told me that the two of you kissed. This certainly changes everything.” He raised his glass of wine in a

salute to Khai.

“Changes what?”

“The rules of the game.”

Hathor entered the kitchen looking very annoyed to see the both of them. “When did you get back?”

“A few minutes ago,” Asar answered.

“Just in time to meet two very beautiful Egyptian women.”

Hathor fixed herself a glass of wine. “Oh you mean Fadil and Fenuke. Their father is a friend of my grandfather. They are nineteen years old and

are highly skilled in the art of dance, massage, and palace protocol.” She sat down next to Asar.

“What are they doing here, Mother?”

“They are possible queen candidates. I told you that I would take matters into my own hands if you did not choose.”

Khai frowned at her. “I am a grown man and pharaoh and capable of choosing a bride.”

“Apparently not. Look at the mess of things you made with Zuri.”

Asar laughed. “Told you.”

“I did not make a mess. Zuri and I were getting along splendidly until Asar and Dakari insisted that I make nice with Assyria.”

“She danced for you from what I was told. A very good dance and you did not make her queen.”

“That is because she does not want to be queen,” Asar threw in to make matters worse.

Khai frowned at him, too. “You stay out of it. This is your fault. You sent me to that place. You knew things were going to turn out this way.”

“I knew nothing of the sort.”

Khai went back to his meal. For some reason, he did not believe Asar.

* * * *

She was curious. That is the only way she could explain being back in Thebes. Her parents had insisted, and she wanted to know if Khai

arranged this little scenario since Asar insisted he had nothing to do with it the last time.

She looked around. He sure had a lot to choose from. Hopefully he’d pick someone this time so she could go home to Kush and remain there.

“I think we have a very good chance,” Furaha said to her. “At least we can communicate with Khai. Most of these girls only speak their own

native tongue.”

Leave it to her cousin to figure that out. “Languages can be taught.”

Furaha shook her head. “That would take too long. How can they speak for Egypt when they don’t know anything about it?”

An Egyptian woman passed them. “What about her?” She was dressed in a one-sleeve long white dress. She wore her long black hair combed

back from her forehead, showing that perfect oval face, large blue eyes, and henna-painted lips.

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“Her name is Akana. She is a distant cousin of Khai.”

“They like marrying their kin to safeguard the dynastic succession.” Several Egyptian girls came in to entertain as the prospective brides

lounged around. They wore next to nothing except a red, blue, and gold band with long tasseled strings around their waists. The tassels hung down
low to their knees like a skirt. Their bare breasts moved enticingly under the matching neckpieces. Around their heads they wore matching bands to
hold back their hair.

Furaha leaned closer to be heard over the music. “Maybe you should have shown a little more skin when you danced. If you had, you could be

warming Khai’s bed tonight instead of her.” She pointed to the young woman in the center of the group.

“What are you talking about?”

“Her name is Mandisa. She is Khai’s concubine.”

Zuri clasped her hand against her mouth to stifle a gasp.

Furaha laughed. “Don’t be so naïve. You knew he had a few of them.”

Zuri removed her hand and stared at the young woman. “How do you know this?”

“Isis told me.”

“Khai’s sister?”

Furaha nodded. “She is a talkative little thing.”

“And she told you this?”

“Of course she did. Not out of spite, of course. I had to pretend to be her friend and then she just told me everything. Mandisa sleeps beside his

bed on a pallet like a dog.”

Zuri watched the pretty, big-breasted Egyptian dance. She could certainly see what Khai liked about her, and she could dance and play the lyre

at the same time.

“Clever,” Furaha whispered.

Zuri shushed her and continued to watch the dancers and Mandisa. “She is nothing special. What does he plan to do with her once he chooses

a queen?”

“Probably keep her. Men do these types of things.”

Not if she was queen. Zuri shook her head. What was she thinking? Why did she care? She did not want to be queen, but if she was chosen,

Mandisa, or whatever her name was, had to go.

* * * *

Khai rubbed his temple. He’d talked so much today that his head hurt. Zuri had not put in an appearance yet, but Furaha had just left, which

added to the pain. He’d been interviewing young women all day, and so far, he had some very good prospects, including Furaha who was not only
funny but shrewd. He supposed he could put up with her as a wife if he had to.

His mother entered the throne room and sat down next to him. “Well, what do you think of the selection?”

“They are all very nice.”

Hathor raised a kohl-shaded eyebrow. “Just nice?”

“Some of them are very nice.”

“But not as nice as the little Nubian?”


“No, not her. Princess Zuri.”

“I never could fool you.”

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“I have been your mother for a very long time.”

“Bandru says that she will not be good for Egypt.”

Hathor shrugged her shoulders. “What does he know? Nubia ran this place a long time before us. Zuri is smart, beautiful, and very active in her

tribe. A man could do worse.”

“But she does not want to be queen.”

“I would not either if I had to compete for a man’s attention.”

“Then why did you go to all this trouble to put this together?”

“For you to know that you have options and for you to come to realize that she is the one for you.”

“She is very opinionated.”

“She has a nice set of breasts, big hips, and a wide behind. She will bear me many grandchildren.”

Khai smiled. “The current queen of Egypt is very smart.”

“Your father knew that instantly.”

Khai leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Where is the little hellfire?”

“Zuri is in the library reading. She wanted to learn a thing or two about us before you talk with her.”

Khai rose.

“It is the longest walk you will ever have to take.”

* * * *

“She is beautiful, and she can read.”

Zuri lifted her head out of the scroll. Asar looked in on her.

“Why aren’t you in the throne room competing for Khai’s attention like the other young women?”

“Because he has not called for me yet. Or maybe he’s already made his selection.”

He walked in. “You’re hiding.”

Zuri closed the book. She shook her head, sending a spray of black curls around her face. “I am not.”

Asar touched her hair. “Khai would be a fool not to choose you.” He pulled her out of the chair and sat her atop the desk. “Look at you, with those

light-brown eyes and gorgeous lips. Just looking at them makes my body hot.” He lowered his eyes.

Zuri quickly closed her legs. “What kind of game are you playing?”

“No game. I told you once before that I would be waiting in the wings should Khai choose someone else.”

Zuri pushed him out of her way and slid off the desk. “What makes you think that I am interested in you?”

“You have not slapped my face yet. That is usually a good sign.”

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure. My life is an open book.”

“How many women have you taken to your bed?”

Asar stopped. “You’re very forward.” He laughed. “More than I can remember, and I have satisfied each and every last one of them. Is that what

you are worrying about? That I will not be man enough for you?”

Zuri waved his arrogance away with her hand. “No. Do you have any concubines?”

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“What about Khai?”

He smirked. “Who have you been talking to?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, it does. You should never listen to palace gossip.”

“Who is Mandisa?”

Asar paled. “Should I know who that is?”

“Let me ask it another way. Does the pharaoh have a concubine named Mandisa who sleeps in his room?”

“I am not at liberty to answer that.”

Zuri sighed. “You just did. It is written all over your face.”

“I am sure he will end it with her as soon as he finds a queen.”

“I hope he will. No woman should be forced to share her husband with anyone.”

* * * *

Khai crept away from the library, angry because his best friend was hitting on the woman he loved and because she now knew of his affair. He

could not face her now. He walked toward his room. How was he going to talk to her after what he had just witnessed—Asar fawning over her like a
lovesick puppy, and she using his lust for her to question him. The look on her face when she asked about Mandisa just broke his heart. Surely he
was not ashamed for having a concubine. Mandisa had been good to him, and most of the time she was the only one who understood him. Maybe
he could explain to Zuri, and she would understand. He just needed some time to sort things out.

Asar called out to him by the time he made it to the stairs. Khai stopped and turned. “What do you want?”

“You have got troubles.”

“Most of them caused by you.”

Asar grabbed his arm as he started to leave, but Khai shook it off. “I am serious. Zuri knows about Mandisa.”

“Then that should make you very happy. Now you might have a chance with Zuri.” He sat down on the stairs.

Asar sat down next to him. “What are you talking about?”

“I saw the two of you in the library.”

Asar laughed. “And?”

“And you were literally trying to screw her on the desk.”

“Oh that. I was just teasing her like I used to do when we were kids.”

“I am not going to fall for that this time. You are in love with her, too.”

“You have this all wrong. You know me. I mess with all women. I was only fooling with Zuri. She does not want me. Hell, she can barely tolerate

me. Her eyes light up whenever I say your name. Believe me, if I thought I had a chance with her, I wouldn’t have invited her to your party.”

Khai shook his head. “I do not know what to believe anymore.” He paused. “How did she find out about Mandisa?”

Asar shrugged his shoulders. “Probably from Isis. She never did like her.”

“My baby sister should mind her own business.”

“She has your best interests at heart. We all do.”

“But only you have a funny way of showing it. What would you have done if Zuri would have accepted your advances back there?”

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“I do not know.”

Khai frowned. “You are horrible.”

“So I have been told. While we are on the subject, if you’re not going to marry the Egyptian twins, can I have them?”

Khai popped him on the top of the head.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

“What are you going to do with two women?”

“The same thing I do with one. Have a real good time.”

“You’re hopeless.”

“Yes, but I never go to bed alone.”

* * * *

Zuri built up the courage to leave her room to face Khai. She searched the entire palace and then finally one of the house servants told her that

he was in his room. Zuri walked up the stairs prepared to knock when she heard him speaking with someone. It was a woman. After a few minutes,
the conversation grew intense and loud. Zuri walked away and hid behind a column out of sight as the door opened. A young woman walked past
her crying. It was Mandisa. Zuri stepped out from behind the column and watched her as she slowly walked away. Had she and Khai had an
argument? Had he asked her to leave? For some reason, she felt sorry for her. Maybe she should not have said anything to Asar. It was so like him
to report back to Khai.

She turned absently and walked straight into Khai.

“What a pleasant surprise.”

Zuri backed up. “I am sorry. I did not see you there.”

“Apparently.” He reached out and captured a curl in his fingers. “But I am very glad to see you.”

Zuri looked up at him. He stared down at the curl. “Are you?”

“Yes, I am.” He backed her toward his room, still toying with her curl. “I was just about to come down to see you, but you have saved me a trip.”

“I came up to talk to you, but I heard you were busy. Then this young woman came out of your room crying so I was about to leave.” She brushed

his fingers out of her hair. Her body reacted to the closeness of his. “What did you do to her?”

Khai chuckled softly. “Me? Nothing. We were just talking. I explained to her that things were going to change around here.”

“Who is she?”

“You already know the answer to that.”

“I do not understand.”

He took her hand. “No, but you will.” He led her to his rooms and closed the door behind them.

“Maybe I should not be here. I do not think it is appropriate.”

“I make all the rules around here. No one ever comes up here unless I invite them, so we should not be disturbed.”

“I don’t know.”

“You are going to be perfectly safe.”

“I do not want to run out of here crying like that young woman.”

Khai laughed again. “You do not have to worry about that. You will not run out of here crying. In a few minutes the only thing you will be doing is

shouting my name.” His eyes grew mysteriously dark like sapphires.

Zuri gulped as he backed her farther into the room, trapping her inside his suite. “I do not understand.”

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Khai swept her up into his arms and carried her over to his bed. He gently sat her on top of it. “You will in a minute.” He stepped away from the

bed, unfastened his robe, and let it drop to his feet. “This is what you do to me.”

Zuri gasped. “What are you doing? You’re nude.”

“I am going to make love to you, and when it is over, you will be the new queen of Egypt.”

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Chapter Seven

Her imagination did not do his body justice. She allowed her eyes to slowly take it all in. His stance emphasized the force of his thighs and the

slimness of his hips. Khai stood tall and straight like a towering spruce. He walked toward her, his powerful, well-muscled body moving with easy
grace. She watched him in silence, savoring the effect.

“Do I please you?”

Zuri nodded and blushed. “I have never seen a more spectacular male body.” Men ran around naked in her kingdom all the time, but none could

compare to him. She looked down a little lower. “Or one so virile.”

He cupped his penis in his hand. “The future of Egypt lies deep inside of this.” He slowly pumped it until it grew thick and meaty.

Zuri stared, transfixed, wondering what it would feel like buried deep inside her womanhood.

Khai climbed on the bed next to her, pulling her into his lap and then kissing her until she felt faint under his seduction. She knew to refuse

pharaoh’s advances would be an insult, and she really did not know if she wanted to. Part of her wanted to run screaming from the room while the
other part wanted so desperately to stay and make love with him.

His hands roamed all over her body, making the decision easier. Now she feared that she would not be good enough for him. What did she

know of intercourse except what she heard in whispered conversations between the married women of her tribe? He was experienced and might
find her lacking.

Khai slowly lowered her on her back without breaking the intensity of his kiss. Moments later, he ripped the top of her dress from her body,

exposing her breasts to him. Khai placed a warm kiss on her throat and continued to work his way down every area he exposed as he expertly slid
the dress lower and lower until it hung at her ankles. In a few seconds, he had her naked without stopping to get a reaction from her. Luckily, she
had no problem with her femininity.

“Your body is exquisite,” he muttered as he cupped one of her breasts in his palm. “Soon they will be engorged with milk to feed our son.”

Zuri smiled. She was by no means blind to his attraction. “You are so sure of yourself.”

“I am pharaoh. I have to be.”

His free hand moved recklessly to her neck, stroking her jugular vein and caressing her shoulder. His fingers were so cool and smooth on her

skin that she trembled. His sexual magnetism made him self-confident. It poured out through his fingers. Every time his gaze met hers, her heart
turned over in response. He stopped touching her long enough to just stare at her, and the look sent shivers of emotions through her. His gaze
dropped from her eyes to her shoulders to her breasts.

“Why aren’t you stopping me?”

She raised her hands and ran them across his chest. “Do you wish me to do so?”

“No, that is the last thing I want you to do.” He kissed her passionately this time.

Zuri seriously considered ending this before anything happened. His penis pushed into her thigh. Her nipples hardened, and her defenses

weakened. There was no backing out now.

* * * *

Asar paced the floor. Zuri had been upstairs for over an hour now, and she had not returned. This could not be good, especially since Mandisa

ran past him a long time ago in tears. He half-heartedly thought about going after her to see what was wrong but decided not to. Khai apparently

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upset her or Zuri. Who was he to interfere?

“What is wrong with you?” Isis asked as she entered the kitchen to get herself something to eat.

“Nothing. I’m just worried about Princess Zuri.”

“Why are you worried about her?”

He almost gave it all away. Isis was the last person he could trust with this much information. “Can I ask you something?”

Isis poured herself a drink. “Sure. What?”

“Did you tell anyone that your brother had a concubine who slept in his room?”

“What if I did? It is common knowledge around here.”

“You know that it is rude to spread gossip or talk about your brother’s private life.”

“I am not proud of saying what I did, but I am not sorry either. Princess Furaha asked me a question, and I answered her. Why?”

“Princess Zuri found out about Mandisa.”


“So, your brother is interested in Princess Zuri.”

Isis’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. “What do you mean interested? You mean romantically?”

“Exactly, and it hurt her to know that he has another woman sleeping in his bed.”

Isis laughed. “She is a grown woman. She should expect such things. If she wants Khai, she has to accept him for what he is and for the things

that he does.”

When did she get so philosophical and so mean

? He made a mental note not to mess with her no matter how cute she appeared. “Yes, I know

all of that, but you should not go around discussing private matters with strangers.”

Isis eyed him curiously. “Why are you concerned? Do you like Zuri too?”

“That does not matter. Right now she is upstairs with Khai, and I am afraid the two of them might be having some kind of confrontation. She was

very angry when she found out about Mandisa. I am afraid that she might have caused a scene and made Khai angry with her. Mandisa ran past me
in tears. I think Zuri confronted her.”

“Good for her,” Isis replied. “Khai needs a strong woman at his side. Personally, I like Princess Zuri and always have. If he must choose a bride,

then she is perfect for him.”

“Maybe I should go up to see if anything is wrong. They have been upstairs in his suite over an hour.”

He rose, and Isis stopped him. “Maybe you should not. If she has been alone in Khai’s suite for over an hour you can bet she is not in trouble.”


“If I know my brother, and I do, he is up there having a good time with Princess Zuri.”

Asar gasped. “Oh. I had not thought of that.”

“Do not go up there and disturb them. If she was in trouble, we would know it by now.”

Asar looked toward the ceiling, hoping Isis was wrong.

Isis stopped talking and left him to his misery. He went back to brooding and worrying, torn between the happiness for his friend and the woman

he could not forget.

* * * *

Khai got to his knees and looked down on the beautiful Nubian. Her slightly parted lips were still swollen from his kisses, the nipples of her

breasts erect and begging him to continue nursing from them. She laid waiting for him to take her, knees raised and slightly rigid. The bud of her

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womanhood peeped at him from beneath a shelter of light brown hair. Khai ran his tongue across his top lip at the tantalizing sight. He had come
too far to stop now. Khai nudged himself between her thighs. Zuri squirmed. Slowly his hands moved downward, skimming either side of her body
to her thighs. He grabbed her hips and slid her forward until sex touched sex, and then he took her. She gasped in sweet agony as he slid into her
wet crevice, ridding her of her maidenhead. The sound filled him with such great joy.

“Oh, Khai.” A moan of ecstasy slipped through her lips. He sensed the awakening flames within her. Passion radiated from the soft core of her

body as she relaxed and matched his movements. Her back arched as he delved deeper. She was so tight and fragile, he was afraid that he would
split her. He watched her eyes roll back and then close. She gnawed at her bottom lip with her teeth.

“How are you doing? Am I hurting you?”

The answer was garbled. “Um, no, ah.”

Khai smiled. It was like riding back and forth on a wave of warm liquid. He could not get enough of her. He wanted to go deeper, but he feared

that if he did, their moment together would be over too soon. He withdrew most of his penis, allowing the head to remain just at her opening. Zuri
wiggled. He growled, raised her hips again and sank back into her.

“Ooh,” Zuri moaned. “You are so thick.”

Khai raised himself and pumped into her.

Zuri opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “Pharaoh is very good at lovemaking.”

Khai chuckled. “Thanks, but you haven’t seen anything yet.” He stopped, withdrew, and flipped her over on her knees. “Pharaoh also knows how

to be bad.”

* * * *

Zuri squealed as he entered her from behind, impaling her so she could not move. “Isis save me,” she moaned.

“Neither my sister nor your goddess is going to save you now,” he teased.

It felt like a branch of a cypress was inside of her. Khai’s penis was powerfully built, both fat and long, and it felt like he was trying to get every

inch of it inside of her. The thought should have frightened her, but instead she waited for it to happen. She rocked back on him trying to encourage
him to go deeper. Khai straddled her buttocks, balancing his weight, and began moving inside of her with quick stokes. “Oh, oh, oh.”

What is

happening to my body?

Khai withdrew again and slammed into her. “Ah!” She lost control, and her body erupted with a passionate flame that zipped through her from

head to toe. She trembled and shook beneath him as he rode her harder.

Khai roared triumphantly behind her, holding her up as she tried to collapse. “Do not die on me yet, little desert flower. The night is still young.”

Zuri smiled weakly. That was easy for him to say. Her body went limp as he continued to ride.

Khai withdrew, changed places and put her atop him. “Do with me what you will, Zuri. I am yours for the taking.”

Zuri looked down at his penis. It was sticky wet with her juices and still fully erect. She moved over it, grabbing it between her fingers tightly. Khai


“Squeeze it tighter. It will not break.”

Going on just gut instinct, Zuri wrapped both hands around the massive phallus and moved it up and down quickly.

“That’s it. Work those hands.”

The pharaoh of Egypt looked like a handsome, tormented demon while he lay there bathed in sweat. His massive chest rose and sank as he

concentrated on what she was doing to him. Zuri rubbed and manipulated the head with the fingers on one hand while squeezing his huge ball sac
with the other. Khai continued to moan, rotating his hips slowly as he made love to her hand. She let her hand slide down the long length. Hard veins
throbbed under the skin. She worked that area for a couple of minutes to see if she could get a reaction from him. His hips buckled beneath him,
and his eyes flew open.

“You have magical fingers, Princess Zuri.”

Zuri smiled.

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“And a lovely mouth.”

She lowered her mouth on the head of his penis.

“Ah!” It was loud enough to wake the entire palace.

Try as she might, she could not take all of it in. Instead, she chose to enjoy what she could. The sweet taste of both of their sexes intermingled in

her mouth. Zuri sucked harder, bringing a strangled reaction from Khai. Her jaws ached, but she did not stop once she learned that this pleased
him. The eye of his penis rewarded her with a liquid as warm as the Nile. She lapped at it with her tongue, taking the essence of pharaoh into her
mouth and swallowing. It was both sticky and nice.

Zuri continued to play with his balls as she sucked. Never in her wildest dreams could she imagine that she would be pleasing a man this way. It

was not dirty. In fact, it was quite comforting to her.

Khai sat up and began playing with her hair. He tugged on it gently. “Your hair is so thick and curly.” He released it from the band, and it

cascaded down her face.

Zuri used it to rub against his lower regions. Khai’s hips moved, and his penis throbbed in her mouth.

“That feels remarkable. I now have new fondness for hair.”

She would have replied sarcastically, but her mouth was too full. Instead she began to nibble around the base of his penis. It quivered and


“You are magnificent. My cock has never been loved so well.”

Zuri released him and lay beside him to rest for a while. Khai lay silent beside her, continuing to stroke her hair. His touch made her feel

wonderful. She could not take any more. Zuri rolled over to face him, and he kissed her on the lips. He moved her hand between his legs. He was
erect again. She had to have him inside of her now. She rose, pushed him down on his back, and then mounted him. “I ache deep inside, my
pharaoh.” She used her hand to slide him inside of her, and then she sat down slowly, taking him in inch by inch. “Khai,” she moaned sweetly. “Take

Khai moved into a seated position with her positioned on his lap. He reached out and touched her breasts. He squeezed both nipples hard

before lowering his hands down to her waist. He used his powerful arm and shoulder muscles to lift her up his penis and then moved her down

Zuri’s head went back. “Is this the way it is always going to be between us?”

“As long as you desire it.” He moved her up and down quickly, his penis rubbing the walls of her vagina with every bounce of her hips. Her thighs

were moist and covered in her juices, making her slide against his thighs when he lowered her. There was no way she could describe how she felt.
Her body begged for release. She could stay there all night doing what they were doing and never leave. Khai’s body strained against hers.

Khai whispered to her. “I think we need to change positions.” He rolled her over on her back, raised her legs up around his waist and sank back

into her vagina. Her crawled up to his knees, grabbed her under her buttocks, and lifted her hips off the bed. “Hold on.”

He moved inside of her. His hips jabbed forward and backward. His huge body pinned her to the bed, making it impossible for her to move.

Khai worked his lower body, rolling his buttocks at first and then pumping his hips rapidly.

“Uh, uh,” he grunted as he lost control.

He kept working himself in deeper and deeper until she could not hold on any longer. “I’m coming,” Zuri screamed. “Harder, Khai.”

He continued to pound inside of her, grunting, muscles straining, sweat pouring. His body shook, and then something warm and wet entered her

cavity. He leaned into her weakly, capturing her lips with his. His heartbeat pulsated against his chest. It slowed as he went limp. Khai lifted himself
and moved beside her on the bed. His breathed hard through his lips. He pulled her over toward him and cradled her lovingly in his arms.

“Thank you, Princess Zuri. You have conquered pharaoh’s beast.” He kissed her gently aside the head.

Zuri snuggled next to him, closing her eyes and relaxing for the first time. Her body ached, she was sweaty and sticky, and for some reason, she

felt safe and loved.

* * * *

Asar crept away from the door, ashamed at what he had done. To spy on his best friend was the ultimate act of betrayal. He hurried down the

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stairs, turned the corner, and ran into his room, closing the door behind him. Echoes of lovemaking played in his ears. He felt hurt and betrayed.
Khai had no right. Zuri was his.

He flopped down on his bed, body quivering with jealousy as he imagined Khai and Zuri together naked and rolling around the big bed upstairs.

He closed his eyes. Just the thought made him queasy. He punched the mattress with his fist. Did he take advantage of her or did she willingly give
in to his advance? He did not want to know the answer. “What am I going to do? I have loved her since she was a baby.”

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Chapter Eight

The look on Khai’s face the next morning told him everything. Asar panicked. It wasn’t a dream. He did not want it to be true. “You have made a

decision, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Khai said as he settled in to enjoy the meal before him. “I have chosen.”

“Need I ask?”

“She is upstairs sleeping soundly in my bed.”

Asar sighed. “How was it?”

“Only a best friend would ask such a question.” He paused. “I think I am in love.”

Asar dropped his fork. “What?”

“You heard me. I think I love her.”

“We are talking about Zuri, aren’t we?”

Khai scowled at him. “Of course we are. You should see her lying up there with all that hair spread out, those sweet lips parted, and she is curled

into a ball hugging a pillow for dear life.”

Asar conjured it up in his mind and whimpered silently. “You still have not answered me. Was she worth it?”

“What do you think? Her mouth was so warm.”

Asar quivered. Had she used her mouth on him?

“I was her first. Do you know what that did to me?”

“A virgin queen?”

“Yes, and she did not cry out when I deflowered her.”

“I think I hate you,” Asar replied honestly.

“Yes, I know.”

Images of Zuri’s naked body beneath Khai’s plagued him throughout their meal. A virgin? He had not expected that. Most young women were

already wed and mothers by their sixteenth birthday. How did she last so long? Damn Khai and his suave ways. “When are you going to make the

What am I going to do now


“I thought I would wait until I talked to Zuri first.”

“My grandfather will not be pleased. He wanted an Egyptian queen on the throne.”

“Your grandfather did not spend the night buried into a soft brown Nubian womb.”

Asar groaned.

It should have been me

. “Do you think she is fertile?”

Khai shrugged his shoulders. “I do not know. Only time will tell. Anyway, you are vizier now. Your grandfather’s reign is over. What do you think?”

“I think I should not have forced you to find a bride. I also think I should have seduced Zuri in the library last night when I had a chance.”

“Nobody likes a sore loser, Asar.”

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Asar sighed. “I know. Now I have to just be grateful that I shall be godfather to your children.”

“That honor goes to my friend, and a definition of a friend is one who will not trifle with a friend’s queen when he is not around.”

“You wound me with your sharp tongue. I would not think of doing such a thing.”

“You have no idea what it feels like. She kept begging for more.”

Asar gasped. “I have seen you undressed. I hope you have not damaged her.”

Khai chuckled. “No, she is fine, but she might be asleep for a while.”

Asar finished off his meal just as the rest of the family entered.

* * * *

Zuri opened her eyes and nearly jumped out of her skin once she realized that she was not in her own bed and she was not dressed. She

crawled out of it, taking the sheet with her. “Ooh, I am in big trouble. Where are my clothes?” She found them flung around the room where Khai had
hastily discarded them. She ran around trying to collect them as quickly as possible to flee to the safety of her assigned room before Khai returned.
How was she going to face him? Zuri got down on her hands and knees to search for her sandals.

“What a spectacular view.”

Zuri looked up quickly. Khai stood in the door, staring down at her with a big smile on his face. She covered up her backside.

“What are you looking for?”

Zuri sat down on the floor. “My sandals.”

Khai got them from the cupboard. “You mean these?” He handed them back to her.

“Thanks.” Zuri put them on hurriedly. The hem of her dress caught in one of them. She slipped and prepared to hit the ground. When she opened

her eyes she found herself safely in Khai’s arms.

How did he move so fast


“Careful now. You could be carrying the future pharaoh.”

Zuri uncurled herself out of his arms. “I doubt that. It was only one night.” She put her hair back up into the band.

“One night is all it takes.”

He watched her intently as she continued to get dressed. “Going somewhere?”

“To my room.”

He moved closer to her. “Any reason in particular?”

“I need to bathe and change my clothes.”

“You can do that here. I will have Bast fetch your clothes.”

“Then she will know that we…” She lowered her head.

Khai lifted her chin with his hand. “She will know that we what?”

Zuri blushed hotly. “Slept together.”

“We did more than that, little desert flower. We made love.”

“That too.”

“Are you embarrassed?”


Khai pulled her into his arms. “Why?”

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“Because it was not supposed to happen that way.”

“Love and sex are supposed to be spontaneous.”

“But I acted so…”

“Perfect. You have nothing to be ashamed of. It was one of the most memorable nights of my life.”

Zuri looked up at him. “Does anyone else know?”


“Oh, no.”

Not him


“He will not say anything. He gave me his word.”

“We are speaking of the same Asar who used to pull my pigtails.”

Khai swept her up into his arms and walked her over to the bed and put her down upon it. He removed his shenti. “Yes, we are talking about the

same Asar.”

Zuri watched him with interest. “What are you doing?”

“About to join my queen in her bath.”

“Oh!” The idea of bathing with a man seemed too intimate.

“Is there a problem?” He removed his collar, exposing that marvelous chest to her.

“No, no problem at all.”

He scooped her back up into his arms and carried her into his bathing room, which overlooked the Nile River.

“The river looks beautiful from here.”

He began undressing her again. “Yes it does.”

Zuri hadn’t realized he was referring to her body until she caught him admiring her naked form. She tried to shield it from him.

“Do not do that. Your body should be worshipped.” He carried her down the marbled steps and placed her into the warm water and gently began

washing her with scented soap. When he finished, he took down her hair and began washing it.

Not to be outdone, Zuri took the soap and loofah and washed pharaoh. The next thing she knew he had her spread out on a chaise lounge with

his head buried between her legs having his way with her. Zuri sighed contently after the throes of the orgasm he gave her. Maybe she could put off
going home to Kush for another day.

* * * *

Khai rubbed his temples. Bandru had been going on and on for nearly an hour about why a Nubian queen would not be good for Egypt. “The

reasons you have given me are fine, but I am sure Zuri can handle it. She is very intelligent.”

“Are you thinking with your mind or with your penis?”

Hathor stifled a cough.

“That has nothing to do with anything. Asar said I must choose a queen, and she is my choice. She satisfies all the criteria, including being of

royal lineage.”

“She is only eighteen years old. I do not think she is mature enough.”

Khai looked over at the wizened vizier. “Is it her age or her race you are having problems with?”

Bandru reddened. “Well, if you must know I am concerned about her race too. Your children’s skin will be dark.”

Khai frowned. “What does that have to do with anything? I am nearly as dark as she is. The only difference is that mine was caused by the sun.

She cannot help having dark skin any more than she can help being Nubian. Personally, I think we will make beautiful babies.”

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His mother agreed. “Nice, perfect little brown babies with the intelligence of both nations in their blood.” She frowned at Bandru. “I had no idea

that you harbored such prejudices. And, as for her age, I was fourteen when I married Kemosiri, and I don’t think I did such a poor job as queen.”

“No, you are an excellent queen. Even at the tender age of fourteen you were exceptional.”

Khai scowled.

Huh, the old coot is infatuated with my mother

. Khai looked over at Asar, noting a look of surprise on his face at his

grandfather’s statement. Khai shook his head negatively, not agreeing with the old man’s choices. “So we agree that age has nothing to do it, which
just leaves race.”

Bandru continued. “And that scandalous dance she did for you on your birthday. She was the talk of the evening the way she shook her hips at


Asar cleared his throat this time. “I found it enchanting.”

Bandru scoffed. “You would. You have your father’s lascivious blood running through your veins. Which brings up another fact. Have you not

noticed that my grandson is also interested in the future queen? How do the two of you plan to handle this situation?”

Khai cast his glance at his vizier again for a denial of the accusation. None came. His love for Zuri was written all over his face.

“There will be no problems,” Asar replied. “Khai has made his decision. I do not plan to interfere.”

Khai frowned. He heard it from Asar’s lips, but he did not believe it. Why didn’t Asar deny that he was in love with Zuri?

* * * *

Zuri crept away from the throne room door embarrassed to be the object of the conversation. She hadn’t wanted this to happen any more than

she wanted to be queen. Huh, she thought.

Asar is in love with me. I never expected that

. She had to leave, and right now while the others were

distracted seemed like as good a time as any. She walked back to her room.

Their home in Thebes was too far away for her to walk to. Her only other option was to find a horse and ride back on her own.

Zuri gathered up her possessions and snuck out of the palace. The stables were on the far side of the compound, and, like everything else, they

were heavily guarded.

“Good morning, Princess Zuri.”

Drat. She had been discovered. Luckily she had hidden her things before approaching. “Good morning.”

“How can I help you?”

“I was wondering if I can borrow a horse. I am in the mood to ride.”

“Would you like for me to send a guard to accompany you?”

“No, thank you. I am not going far.”

The guard nodded to one of the others, and several minutes later, she was presented a horse and assisted up on it. An hour later, she had

passed through the gate and was headed home to Kush.

* * * *

“What do you mean she is gone?”

“She is not in her room, sire,” Bast told Khai. “Or yours. When I went to check on her, I discovered all her things gone.”

Khai stormed out of the throne room and headed up the stairs to search for himself. Maybe she had just wandered off. He entered Zuri’s room. It

was as clean as when she first arrived. He looked around. Bast was right. All of her possessions were gone. He bolted out of the room and went up
another level to check his suite and the bathroom. She was not there either. Furiously, he stormed back down the stairs, shouting orders to his
servants. “Princess Zuri is missing. Find her.” The servants scurried in all directions to search.

Hathor came out of the kitchen. “What is the matter? You are shouting loud enough to wake the dead.”

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Khai paced the foyer. “Zuri is gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean she is gone?”

“She has taken her things and left the palace.”

“But where did she go?”

“The question is not where but why. I thought she was happy here.”

“I thought so, too. What are you going to do?”

“I am going after her.” He left the palace and summoned his guards.

The captain of the guard arrived alone. “Yes, sire.”

“Princess Zuri is gone. I need every able-bodied guard out searching the compound for her. She could not have gone far on foot, and her cousin

left days ago with the litter.”

The guard hesitated. “She has a horse.”

Khai turned on him. “Where did she get a horse?”

“Well, she got one from the stableman. He said she told him she felt like riding.”

“And he just gave her one?”

“What was he supposed to do? He told me she smiled at him. I would not have refused either.”

Khai frowned. Even his guards were smitten with her. He supposed they heard about the dance. “Saddle my horse. I am going after your new


The guard slapped his fist against his armor. “Yes, pharaoh.” He turned on his heels and left before Khai could take out his frustration on him.

The guard arrived with the horse, and Khai mounted.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to accompany you, sire?”

“You would only slow me down. Send some men to search the rest of the compound and then have some follow me later.”

“Where are you headed?”

“Kush. She’s headed back home to her palace.”

* * * *

Zuri climbed down from the horse and let it have its fill of water and feed at the oasis. They would be crossing the desert at the hottest part of the

day, and she wanted to make sure the horse survived. She purchased herself a meal from a roadside vender and enough to carry with her for the
long journey, and then she emptied her bladder and rested for a moment before pulling herself up and re-saddling the horse. At the rate she was
going, she would probably be back home in two or three days. Shorter if she had her way. Khai must have discovered her gone by now and would
be sending the guards behind her to fetch her back. Her plans were to get home and then send a rider back with the horse and a message thanking
him for his hospitality so she would not be accused of being a horse thief.

The desert loomed before her as far as the eye could see. Zuri wiped her brow. She had crossed it numerous times before in a litter. How hard

was it going to be to cross it alone on a horse? She reined the horse forward and began singing a song to keep herself company.

* * * *

“Are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to guess?”

Zuri tried to avoid looking Najre straight in the eyes.

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“Why didn’t you return with Furaha? Mother has been so worried.”

“Why didn’t you wait for me after Khai talked to you? If you had, I might not be in this predicament.”

“I had to get home.”

“What was so important that you could not wait for me?”

“I knew Furaha would make sure you would return safely to Kush.”

“Then I guess that answered your questions. Furaha left me even though she knew I could not leave because Khai had not gotten around to

interviewing me.”

“Do not try to blame this on me. It is not my fault that there were so many other young women there. You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble

by being your usually pushy self and demanding he interview you first.”

Zuri flopped down on her bed and frowned. “I am not pushy.”

Najre sat down next to her. “Well, what happened? Why did you come home unescorted on a horse? Do you realize you could have died of heat

stroke in the desert or been kidnapped?”

“Of course I know that. I had to leave quickly. Things were happening too fast.”

“What sort of things?”

“Things you do not want to know about.”

“What have you done?”

Zuri looked up at the ceiling. She could not say what she felt. “Khai and I finally got a chance to talk.”

“Why do I get the feeling that you two did a lot more than just talk?”

Zuri nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Ah ha. I knew it. The two of you have had another argument.”

Zuri rolled her eyes at Najre. “I have made a mess of things.”

“What did you do? Come on, tell me. It cannot be that bad.”

“I slept with Khai.”

Najre gasped. “No!”

Zuri nodded. “I did not mean to, in fact, it was the furthest thing from my mind. One minute Asar and I are arguing about Khai’s concubine,

Mandisa, and then, next thing I know, I am the new queen of Egypt.”

Najre jumped off the bed. “You are what? You have left out a considerable amount of explanation.”

Zuri pulled her sister back down next to her. “Khai made me his queen.”

“Mother is not going to like this.”

“She won’t if we do not tell her.” Even she knew that it was a secret too big to keep.

Najre moved again. “We cannot keep something like this a secret. He will surely come for you.”

Zuri worried about that, too. “I sort of ran away from him.”

“Why? Was he mean to you? Did he take advantage of you?”

“No. His father’s vizier does not think that I will make a good queen. He gave some pretty good reason, citing my age and inexperience. I

agreed with him up to that part, and then he said something dreadful.”


“That he did not think I would be a good queen because Khai and my babies would be dark skinned.”

“Then he is an asshole.”

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Zuri’s head sprung up at the sound of her mother’s voice. Zuri shook nervously. How much had she heard? Did she hear the part about her

sleeping with Khai?

“What does the color of a person’s skin have to do with anything?” She sashayed into the room and sat down on a stool across from her

daughters. She wagged her finger in their faces. “The color of a person’s skin is inconsequential. Being a queen is a state of mind. It takes
intelligence and patience. You will make a superior queen of Egypt.”

Everything made since to her except her mother’s last statement. “So you are not opposed to this marriage?”

“No, why would I be? I have known Khai since he was a boy. He will make you a good husband.”

“He is so arrogant.”

Samanya laughed. “That is one of the things I admired about your father.”

“There is one other thing I need to explain. I cannot go back to the palace because I also found out that his vizier Asar is in love with me.

Everyone knows, including Khai and Bandru.”

Both her mother and her sister gasped.

“He is an abomination,” her mother replied. “I would never agree to you being with him. He has been fraternizing with harlots and whores since

he was a child.”

Maybe Mother was not the right person to discuss Asar with, she mused. To be fair, she did not think that Asar was that bad. There was no

proof, just speculation and gossip. He did not help matters much by not denying it.

“Stay as far away from him as you possibly can.”

“That will be hard to do if I return to Egypt. He is the vizier. Anyway, you do not have to worry about that. I do not like him in that way. And I have

not said that I will go back to Egypt. I do not want to be queen. I just want to be me, Zuri, and I cannot break up a friendship. I will not be in the middle
of him and Khai’s relationship.”

“Asar is very attractive,” Najre added.

Zuri shook her head at Najre. She was not helping. “I know that, but he is a menace no matter how good he smells or how perfect his smile or

how broad his shoulders are.”

Samanya reached over and shook Zuri by the shoulders. “This is not good.”

“What are you saying??”

“You say you hate Asar, but you have put all his best assets into your memory. I am trying to shake them out of you. I know you think that you hate

him, but I am not convinced that you do.”

“That is preposterous. I do not like him. He is an insufferable lout.”

Najre rose. “She does not sound very convincing, does she, Mother? But I do not have any more time to dedicate to Zuri and this problem.”

Zuri turned on her sister. “What do you mean?”

“I have plans. Prince Chitemo is coming to see me. He and his family are visiting friends nearby. I must get ready.”

Samanya clapped her hands. “Both my daughters will soon be wed and out of this palace.”

“Chitemo is coming back here?” Zuri asked. “Have I missed something? Why is Prince Chitemo coming here, and why is mother sounding like

she is glad to be getting us out of the palace?”

Samanya rose. “Birds have to fly.” She left the room without answering either question, leaving Najre and Zuri to continue their private


“Prince Chitemo wants to marry me. He is arriving today to get my answer. He proposed to me the last time I saw him.”

Zuri hugged her sister. “Is this why you left Egypt so suddenly?”

“Yes, I did not want Khai to choose me. I do not wish to marry him.”

“Like you had a chance,” Zuri teased.

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Najre ignored her and then hugged her.

“I am so excited for you. Furaha is going to be green with envy.”

“I am not worried about her. She will latch herself on to some rich man one day. You never know. I think she and Asar would make a perfect


Zuri agreed.

Najre fell silent. “I am worried about what is to be expected of me on my wedding night.”

“You mean the intercourse?”

“Yes, what if I am not good?”

“I really do not see how you can’t be good. You are beautiful, and you should just let nature take its course.”

“Can I ask you something? How was it when you and Khai coupled?”

Zuri fell back on her bed. “Magical. He was so sweet and gentle.”

“And you ran away from him?”

Zuri sat up. “I was confused, and I did not know what else to do. I still don’t.”

“Do you think you will succumb to Asar’s charms?”

Zuri sighed. “I do not know that either.”

“You will never know unless you go back.”

“I still have time to figure things out. I at least have until Khai arrives.”

“Horses are approaching,” someone shouted from outside.

“Or maybe not,” Asar replied.

* * * *

It was not Khai. Asar stepped down from a horse and marched up to her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “Are you crazy? Why

did you leave Egypt like a thief in the night?”Khai folded his arms around her. “You had me so scared. I thought something might have happened to
you when you did not return to the palace.” He kissed her forehead.

Zuri moved out of his grasp.

“Khai will be furious.”

Zuri looked around. “Where is he? I do not see him. See? He is not concerned.”

“Oh, he will be here. I am just ahead of him, I am sure.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I saw you leave on horseback, and when you did not come back, I came to look for you. It did not take me long to figure out that you were

leaving Egypt and heading back here unescorted. That was a damn fool thing to do. You could have been ambushed. You are the queen of Egypt. It
is not safe for you to travel alone.”

“No one knows that except for a couple of people.”

“You are also a princess of Nubia. You should not be traveling alone.”

“Well, you can go back to Egypt. I have made it home safely.” She walked away from him.

Asar grabbed her by the arm. “Do not dismiss me.” He turned her to face him. “Why did you leave so suddenly? Did Khai do something to

offend you?”

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“No. It was not Khai. It was your grandfather. I overheard your conversation.”

He took his hands off of her. “Our conversation?”

“Yes, the one about me being too dark to rule Egypt.”

Asar shook his head. “My grandfather lives in the past.”

“He can’t. We ruled Egypt in the past.”

“What does it matter what he thinks. I am now vizier.”

“I also heard your little confession about your feelings for me.”


“You do not deny it?”

“No, but I am not proud of it either. I have been in love with you since the first time I saw you.”

Zuri paced. “We were kids. You terrorized me.”

“I had to get your attention some way.”

Zuri rolled her eyes at him. “I do not feel the same way about you.”

“Will you stop pacing? You are making me nervous.”

Zuri stopped. It was a bad thing. He watched her with smoldering brown eyes. “You have to stop doing that.”


“Looking at me that way.”

Asar straightened his stance. “Sorry. I will not do that again.”

“How can I go back to Egypt when I know how you feel about me?”

“You have my word that I will not cross that line. I love Khai like a brother. I would not interfere in his marriage.”

Zuri did not believe him. “How can you be sure? I can’t go there knowing you will be peeping at me while I bathe or trying to live vicariously

listening to me and Khai make love.”

Asar stiffened. “So it is true?”


“You have lain with him?”

Zuri nodded. “Yes.”

He sighed. “I could have made you so happy. I would have worshipped you.”

“You make it sound like this is my fault.”

“In a way it is. If you had not performed that dance, then I might not harbor this desire for you.”

“Why is everyone blaming everything on me? You and Queen Hathor did this.”

“True, but you could have done a simple native dance. But no, you had to do this sexy dance that entranced every man present.”

Zuri rolled her eyes at him. “I danced for pharaoh. I could not help if you were there.”

He pulled her closer to him. “Do you feel this? It will not go away. I have had an erection since you danced.”

“Take a swim in the river. I hear it can cure everything.”

“You are so mean, Princess Zuri.” He lowered his lips to hers.

Her resistance weakened, and she melted in his arms. Sanity returned. Zuri pushed him away. “I am not mean.”

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“I am trying to find a way for this to work.”

“I am now the queen of Egypt even though I do not want to be. This will not work.”

“You do not love Khai. That kiss proved that to me.”

“It proved nothing. Your grandfather’s words do have some merit. I am too young to know what is good for me, let alone good for Egypt.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have caused a ruckus between two friends because I danced. How can I lead a country if I do not have sense enough to know that a little

dance would make me queen?”

Asar chuckled. “You have a point.” The sound of approaching horses ended their little joke. “Oh, oh, pharaoh has arrived, and he does not look

pleased to see either of us.”

Zuri swallowed. “No, it does not look good. His queen and his best friend together without him.”

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Chapter Nine

Khai stared at the scene before him. He spat. He should have known better than to trust Asar. He brought his horse to a stop, climbed down,

and walked toward him. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to bring Zuri back to Egypt.”

He braced up to Asar chest. “That is my job. Why didn’t you alert me to her escape?”

Zuri stepped between the two of them. “I did not escape. I just left.”

Khai lifted her and moved her to the side. “I will deal with you later.” He turned back to Asar. “You grandfather warned me not to trust you.”

Asar smirked. “As usual, you have this all wrong.”

“I do not think so.” He raised his finger and rubbed Zuri’s lip color from Asar’s lips.

Asar slapped Khai’s hand away. “I saw Zuri riding off on a horse, and I followed her because I thought it was not safe for her to be out riding

alone. That is when I discovered that she was not simply out for a ride but in fact leaving unescorted. I did what I thought was best and followed her
to make sure nothing happened to her.”

“A convenient story.”

“He is telling the truth,” Zuri said in Asar’s defense. “He just got here.”

“I thought I asked you to stay out of it. This is between him and me.”

“Asar is innocent.”

He walked over to her. “You are very naïve if you think he followed you out of the goodness of his heart. You know he does not do anything

without an ulterior motive, and as your husband and pharaoh, I can talk to you any way I damn well please.”

The look in her eyes nearly stopped his heart. He had not planned to speak so ill toward her, but she was embarrassing herself by siding with


“Well, this is my home, and if you do not like it, you can go back to your home.” She stormed back into the palace.

Asar chuckled. “You better go behind her.”

“Do not tell me what to do. I can have you executed for what you have done.”

“Yes, you can, but you are going to feel like a big fool once you hang an innocent man.” He walked toward his horse.

“Where are you going?”

“Back to Egypt.” He climbed. “A smart man would go inside and apologize.” He rode off.

Khai grumbled. He would not apologize. He was the one due an apology. A caravan of horses and litters approached. He held his hand over his

eyes to block out the sun so he could see. The lead litter bore the crest of Ethiopian royalty. The caravan grew closer, followed by many armed
guards. He signaled for his guards to be on the alert. One never could be too careful. The caravan stopped behind his guards. The lead camel knelt
so that whoever was inside could dismount. He walked toward it. The guards recognized him and fell to their knees. A long set of legs climbed
down the rope ladder. It was a prince and his entourage. The entourage fell down to their knees once they recognized him. The prince bowed.
“Pharaoh. I am Prince Chitemo of Ethiopia.”

Khai accepted the acknowledgment. “Rise, Prince Chitemo.”

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“I did not know that you would be here. Had I known I would have come bearing gifts.”

“It was a spur of the moment trip. I have come to fetch my bride.”

Prince Chitemo looked at him oddly. “Your bride?”

Khai nodded. “She’s inside sulking.”

“Ah, Princess Zuri.”

“Oh, so you have met her?”

“Many times. I too am here seeking a bride, one who doesn’t sulk.”


Chitemo nodded. “I have asked her to marry me, and I am here for my answer.”

Pharaoh bowed to him. “Good luck. I think you are going to need it.”

Chitemo laughed. “I think both of us are in for a very exciting future with them.”

Samanya and her husband came out of the palace. Samanya seemed very glad to see both of them. Maybe Zuri was not such a coward and

had told her family about their marriage.

“Come,” she said. “We have been expecting both of you. I will have my stableman see to your horses.”

Khai followed her.

Chitemo helped his family out of the litter and then followed them. After greetings and congratulations were passed, they entered the palace.

Khai looked around the place. It had been some time since his last visit, and the Nubian home had changed. Like his mother, Samanya Bassey

had excellent tastes and kept a very clean palace. Servants fell to their knees as he walked through. Chitemo walked regally beside him.

Khai was glad then that he had not chosen Najre. It would have made for bad politics and probably caused a war between their two kingdoms.

“She is a beautiful young woman. She will make you a delightful wife.”

“I can say the same for you, except I find princess Zuri a bit of a handful. She and I are always arguing about everything from food to politics.”

Khai smirked. “That’s Zuri.”

“She is very beautiful though. She would have been my second choice if Najre turned me down.”

Khai stopped and looked at him. One handsome man after his bride was enough.

Chitemo smiled. “I am only kidding.”

The Basseys led them into the formal throne room and offered them their seats. Samanya left to get her daughters, leaving him to entertain their

guests. She returned minutes later with Princess Najre and gave an explanation for Zuri’s not being there. “She has a headache. She is in her room
and will be joining us later.”

Khai frowned. She seemed perfectly all right to him a few minutes ago. He had a good mind to go up to her room and drag her kicking and

screaming back to Egypt but thought better about it. There was no sense in disrespecting the new in-laws so soon.

Prince Chitemo took Najre to another part of the palace to talk, leaving him alone to deal with the two other families. They were just getting

started when Prince Chitemo and Najre entered.

“Najre has agreed to be my wife,” Chitemo announced. “It will be the biggest wedding in all of Nubia.”

Samanya hugged Chitemo’s mother. “We will get started on the preparations today.”

Khai felt bad for not having a traditional Nubian wedding with Zuri. In his country, all he had to do was name her queen and that is it. A Nubian

wedding lasted up to forty days, and he did not want to wait that long to make Zuri his bride. It also had a long series of rituals, and poor Chitemo
would have to present lots of gifts to Najre and her family up until the wedding day.

“Of course you will come, won’t you?” Samanya asked him once she got his attention.

Khai nodded. “Yes. I would not miss it for the world.”

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“You know we can arrange for the two of you to be married here at the same time.”

Khai cringed. “I will discuss it with Zuri later and get back with you.”

Samanya took his hand and escorted him out of the throne room. “We need to talk.”

“Shouldn’t you stay and talk with your daughter’s future in-laws?”

“I have known them all of my life. I can talk with them later, but you I very seldom get to see.”

He kissed her hand. “Always a pleasure.”

She led him to a formal sitting room. She sat down and patted a seat next to her. “Okay, what are you discussing?”

Khai feigned innocence. “Nothing.”

“You were never a good liar.”

Khai frowned. Why did the Bassey women think they knew him? “Zuri and I just had a bit of a misunderstanding.”

“She told me you named her queen of Egypt.”


“Then what is she doing back home?”

The question startled him. “Pardon me?”

“Why is she back? Why is she not in your palace being queen?”

He shrugged. “You know her better than I. I thought everything was fine, and the next thing I know she runs away and I find her here with Asar.”

“Asar? When did he get here?”

“A little while before I did. They were in front of the palace talking when I arrived.”

“Where is he?”

“He left for Egypt after he and I had a talk.”

“An argument.”

“Yes, an argument.”

“You are jealous of his feelings for Zuri.”

“Are there no secrets in this kingdom?”

Samanya chuckled. “I am afraid not. Zuri told me everything, including the conversations you had with Bandru.”

“She overheard?”

Samanya nodded. “He said some very unkind things.”

“Yes, and I corrected him. I do not have a problem with your race. If I had, I would have never made Zuri queen.”

“That is very noble of you.”

“So she came back here because she thought I agreed with Bandru?”


“How can she think that after what we shared?”

Samanya raised an eyebrow. “You have slept with my daughter?”

Khai cleared his throat. “Yes. She is no longer a virgin. Please do not judge her for it.”

Samanya laughed and patted his hand. “I understand these types of feelings. Zuri, I am afraid, is a little old fashioned. She likes to stick to the

traditional ways of our people. I think she might be embarrassed that she slept with you before the two of you were married.”

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“She has no reason to be ashamed. It was the most amazing night of my life. She is a very caring young woman.”

“And she has magical hips. I heard about her dance. News of it reached here before she did.”

Khai blushed. “It was quite exhilarating. I thought Bandru would die from embarrassment.”

“I heard Asar got a kick out of it, too.”

Khai frowned. “Yeah, more than I knew.”

“He is your friend. He will not cross the line.”

“Yes, I know, but I got so upset when I saw him here with her that I said some very unkind things to him for which I will apologize as soon as I get

back to Egypt.”

“Jealousy is not always a bad thing. I think the best way to handle this is to fix him up with a woman. There is another single princess in their



“Not a bad choice for him. They have a lot in common those two.”

Khai laughed. “That they do. I’ll get working on that as soon as I patch up my own relationship.”

“Speaking of which, how are you going to do it?”

Khai sighed. “I guess I have to go to her room and talk to her.”

“A proposal would be nice.”

“You mean a formal wedding, like Najre?”

“Why not? You will not only be bound to Nubia but Ethiopia as well.”

“Oh, I would do anything to make her happy.”

* * * *

Zuri sat in her room pouting.

The nerve of him coming here and talking to me that way

. She punched her mattress. That was one of the

reasons she did not want to be queen. She liked her independence, and she did not like a man talking to her like she was his possession. It was
bad enough she had to take orders from her parents.

Someone knocked at her door. “Come in.

Samanya entered. “You cannot hide from him forever.”

“I am not hiding. I am just refusing to be in his company at the moment for fear that I might say something inappropriate.”

Samanya laughed. “You have a right to be angry but put yourself into his position for a moment. He came riding in like a hero to take you back to

his palace, and when he gets here, he finds you with his best friend, a best friend who is also in love with you.”

Zuri put her hands over her ears. “I do not wish to hear about Asar’s feelings for me. I am not in love with him.” She lowered her hands.

“But you do have feelings for him.”

“I despise him.”

“No, you do not. Those are the type of feelings you have to work out before you reign as queen. You have to make sure that nothing is there. If

not, you might find yourself lusting behind him while you are with Khai. Pharaoh deserves more than that.”

Zuri sighed. “Yes, I know. So what do you suppose I do?”

“I think you should put on something pretty and come down and join the others. You won’t have to face Khai alone right now.”

“What others?”

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“Have you not heard all the shouts? Najre has accepted Chitemo’s proposal. He and his entire family are here, and we are about to have a

celebratory dinner.”

Zuri looked up. “She accepted?”

Her mother nodded.

“I thought she would not go through with it again.”

“Maybe she has matured. Yes, she has accepted, and we have a big wedding to plan.”

Zuri sighed. “Forty days of presents, ceremonies, and being worshipped. My sister is very lucky.”

“You are married to pharaoh. I say you did pretty well, too.”

“Yes, I suppose.” She walked away and fished through some clothes looking for something appropriate.

Samanya headed for the door. “I will expect you in the dining room in thirty minutes.”

“I will be there. I’ll just take a quick bath, and I will come down.”

Samanya left.

She was very glad that her sister had accepted. Najre deserved to be happy. She was marrying the man she loved, and she was going to have

a wonderful life in Ethiopia. She found an outfit and walked to her bathing room. She would go down and talk with the guests, but she would not
forget or forgive Khai for the way he treated her.

There were no girls to wait on her hand and foot when she entered the bathing room, for which she was glad. There were moments, and this was

certainly one, when more than one female in a room was enough. She removed her clothing and stepped into the tub. The waters swirled around
her. She reached for the soap and washed the sands of the Sahara from the body, remembering her last bath in the big tub with her husband
tending to her.

She closed her eyes and conjured up that moment. His body magnificent with muscles in all the right places. Thick dark hair and piercing blue

eyes and a charming smile. She rubbed the soap against her breasts, and the nipples hardened. A chest carved liked stone, a flat stomach and
slim hips. She continued to rub the soap across her breasts while the memory danced in her mind. Long powerful legs with thick thighs. A nice tight
behind and big feet and hands. She allowed her mind to delve down below his waist until she saw it…powerful and long. She gasped as she
lowered the soap between her legs. It had hurt at first, and then it did wonderful things to her insides. Zuri shuddered. The man simply oozed sex.

Something happened. The memory changed. Asar stood before her, dark eyes piercing her soul. Naked too but not as muscular as Khai.

Suddenly his hands were on her body, exploring her lines and then disappearing into the folds of her womanhood, and all the while, he stared at her
with those sexy brown eyes. Zuri shivered. Her heartbeat pounded rapidly in her chest while he made love to her.

Her finger entered her hole, and she imagined it to be him penetrating her. She envisioned him pounding into her, not being gentle like Khai.

She moved her finger faster. It wasn’t enough. She inserted a second one. There, that was it. She dropped the soap into the water and caressed
her breasts with her free hand. Asar lowered his mouth to hers and claimed her as he continued to ride her fiercely. She moved her hand faster and
faster until she shook with desire. Zuri gasped as the orgasm ran through her body, hot and powerful. She clutched her chest as her vagina
throbbed and the feelings subsided. She slowly opened her eyes, thankful to still be alone in the room. Shame hit her the minute her body returned
to normal. Was it true? Did she desire Asar more than Khai? She shook her head. No, it could not be. Asar was a demon. But, even as she thought
it, she did not believe it.

Zuri looked for the soap beneath the water and completed her bath. She walked out of the tub, dried off, and dressed. How could she go down

and face Khai now? She glanced at her image in the mirror as she combed her hair. Her eyes glowed back at her, haunted with what had just
occurred. She braided her hair into one long plait and applied cosmetics to hide the blush. Then she gathered all her strength and left her room.

* * * *

Time stopped for him the moment Zuri entered the room, dressed in a long blue skirt that rode low on her hips. The matching top stopped just

above her navel, allowing him a peek at her delicate brown flesh. Around her neck she wore a gold and blue collar and accented it all with
armbands made of cypress. Even her hair was different. One big plait tossed over her shoulder. Her face was aglow with light. She looked
beautiful. He rose from his seat, ignoring the looks of the others and went to escort his queen to her seat. “We will talk later when we are alone.”

Zuri did not respond or smile. She just held her head high, bowing to the visiting royals, and then she sat down next to him. Her silence worried

him. She was still upset about what happened earlier. He ignored it, refusing to get her to make conversation with him. Once he got her back to

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Thebes, he would show her. He would make love to her so fiercely that she would forget all about Asar.

The food arrived. Roasted goat and sheep cooked in exotic spices were served along with fish fresh from the Nile River. Yams cooked in

honey, greens, and delicately steamed vegetables made the meal ambrosia. Wild rice mixed with almonds and chestnuts, a basic staple of Nubian
diets, was passed around the table like an appetizer. Dessert was a pudding made from figs and plums. He finished up with a couple of glasses of
wine. He had loosened up some and was prepared to sit through another couple of hours of negotiations between the families.

“Why don’t you take Khai out and show him around the place?” Samanya suggested to Zuri.

“He has seen it before.”

“He has not been here since he was a child. Things have changed.”

Khai smiled. Samanya was doing her best to break the ice between him and her daughter.

“Yes, fine.”

She rose. Khai jumped out of his seat to assist. He took her hand and led her out of the dining room.

“Do not make anything of this. My mother is just interfering.”

“Your mother is a very wise woman.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Do you want to take the horses or the camels?”

“A camel,” he replied. “We can share it.”

“Do not flatter yourself, pharaoh. I do not plan to make this easy for you.”

She walked ahead of him, giving him a fantastic view of her hips as they swayed beneath the soft fabric. His body stiffened. Khai cleared his

throat and followed her out of the palace and to the stables. After choosing a camel big enough to accompany both of them, he helped her on and
climbed up behind her. She fit perfectly in the curve of his body. Her big butt pressed comfortingly against his pelvis.

They rode down to the river. From Khai’s perspective, this part of the river was just a tiny pool compared to the part that flowed near his

kingdom. It made it hard for them to farm. When he got back to his palace, he would speak with the agriculturalists and the builders to see if they
could come up with a better irrigation system that might benefit them.

Samanya was right. The place had changed. The village homes were rebuilt with dome tops and stone-and-mortar walls. Farmers toiled in their

small gardens while the women washed their clothes in the river. Cattle were plentiful. Goats and sheep grazed in the fields while women wove
baskets and pounded wheat into grain outside their homes. Kids ran and played games with handmade toys, and babies snuggled at the breasts
of their mothers. The only breasts he seemed interested in were the ones riding high ahead of him.

Zuri had not said one word as they rode. “Are you going to be silent the entire journey?”

“I am trying hard to think of something to say. I am still angry with you.” They passed a couple of pyramids and temples. They were small in

comparison to the ones being erected in Egypt, but they were well made.

“I come here sometimes when I want to get away and pray.”

Khai smirked. At least some conversation was better than none.

They traveled a great distance along the river until they came upon a spot sheltered in trees. Birds flew up in the air, diving into the water and

then flying up again. “This is beautiful.”

Zuri coaxed the camel down near the water. She ordered it down, and the camel complied.

Khai hopped off and assisted her down.

Zuri sat on the ground and removed her sandals and waded out into the water. Khai watched, transfixed. “Sometimes I come down here to fish.

My mother often complains because she feels that women should not have such hobbies.”

“There is nothing wrong with fishing. I like to do it every now and then, myself. It is very relaxing.”

“Would you care for a swim? She unloosened her skirt and slid it down her hips, and then she removed her collar and blouse, tossed them on

the shore, and then she dove into the water.

Khai gulped, wondering what she had in mind. He watched her come to the surface, hair wet and breasts bobbing on the water.

“Come on in. The water is fine.”

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Khai looked down at his clothes. “I am not dressed for swimming.”

“No one will see.”

He did not need much encouragement. He shucked out of his clothes and dived in behind her. His body hardened at the sight of her big brown


What is she up to?

She waited at the water’s edge when he resurfaced. “You are a very good swimmer.”

He swam toward her. “So are you.” He tried to hug her, but she escaped his grasp. “Are you trying to play hard to get, my queen?”

“No. Now we will talk.”

“I can think of several other things I would like to do with you right now.”

Zuri laughed. “Is that all men think of?”


“Well, women don’t. Why did you act like such an ass earlier?”

Khai frowned. “I did not act like an ass.”

She swam away from him. “Are you jealous of Asar?”

“No. Why are we talking about him?”

“Because he seems to be the root of our problems. The sooner we have this conversation the better.”

“Are you in love with Asar?”

“No,” she replied.

He swam toward her. “But you do have feelings for him.”

“Define feelings.”

“You are interested in him.”

“He is a scoundrel.”

“And that excites you?”

“Not particularly.”

She toyed with him. He looked her over. Her nipples budded at the mention of his vizier’s name. She might not admit it, but he could tell that she

had some feelings for him. “Would you like him to join us in bed when we return to Egypt?”

Zuri looked at him oddly. “Are you trying to strike some type of deal to get me back to Egypt?”

“I am just trying to make you happy.”

“So you think it will make me happy to have two men in my bed?”

“Look at it as having the best of both worlds.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“And you would share me with him?”

“I’d even hold you open while he is pounding it into you.”

Zuri shook out of his grasp. “You are a very strange man, Khai.”

“Why? Because I want you so badly right now that I would even share you with my best friend?”


“It is not strange. That is love. I would move heaven and earth for you if you asked me to.”

“But to share me?”

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He touched her breast and squeezed the nipple. “Just imagine two men filling you at the same time.” The nipple hardened. “Flesh pressed up

against flesh. Nice muscular bodies snuggling you from behind and in front.”

“How can both of you fit in one hole at the same time?”

Khai chuckled. “My, but you are naïve. We would not be in the same hole.” He lifted her and locked her legs around her waist. He shoved a

finger into her rectum. Zuri clung to him.

“That is not humanly possible.”

“I could demonstrate if you would like.”

“You are but one man. How can you take the place of two?”

He carried her out of the water and put her down on the ground. His body hardened from their sensual talk. “I will show you.” He lowered himself

to the ground and nudged her knees apart. Then he buried his face between her legs.

Zuri gasped above him as he inserted the finger back into her rectum. “This is not fair, Khai. You are trying to use my curiosity against me.”

“There is no such thing as fairness when it comes to love, Zuri.” He licked the insides of her thighs, running his tongue along the creases until

she was wet and ready for him. He used his finger to extract some of the juices and worked it into her rectum. Zuri moaned and reached for him. “I
am about to show you why I am pharaoh,” he replied breathlessly, “and when it is over, we will go back to Egypt.” He flipped her over on her
stomach raised her buttocks and entered her rectum. He put one of his longest fingers into her vagina and pushed it deep inside of her.

Zuri squealed, trapped beneath him.

“Now close your eyes and think of him while I fuck you.”

* * * *

She had a lot to think about on the way back to the palace. Every part of her body was still tender from Khai’s assault, and it was all her fault. Oh,

the things he had done to her on the bank of the river would be etched in her memory forever. Her butt throbbed. How she was able to sit on the
camel was still a mystery to her. Khai had taken her in every way possible. He’d kissed, sucked, and used his appendages to bring her over the
edge numerous times, and still she felt bad because most of the time, she still had Asar’s face in her mind.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, not really.”

“I am sorry that I was so rough.”

“I am not complaining.”

“I should not have entered you that way.”

“I will survive.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly to give him some comfort. To be truthful, it was not as bad as she imagined.

“Did you think about him while we were making love?”

“Don’t ask such questions.” Why had he teased her so? Was it his way of getting back at her, offering her things he would never give her?

“When do we leave for Egypt?”


“I shall be ready.”

“If I knew that was all it would take, I would have taken you to bed the moment I arrived instead of acting like a jealous husband.”

“It was partially my fault for running away. I am sorry. I should have discussed it with you first.”

“Can we agree that there will be no more secrets between us?”

“Yes. No more secrets.” Even as they spoke the words, she knew neither one of them meant it. She would go back to Egypt with him and

prepare to be queen, but she could not honestly say that she would be unaffected by seeing Asar again.

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“I will keep my promise if that will keep you by my side.”

“Your promise?”

“Do not tell me you have forgotten already. If you feel that you cannot handle it, I will invite Asar into our bed.”

“I will not ask that of you no matter what happens.” Zuri closed her eyes and laid her head against his back. She would be a good wife to Khai if

it meant putting aside her feelings for his best friend, and the best way to do it was to avoid him whenever possible.

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Chapter Ten

Damn Khai and his insufferable jealousy, Asar thought as he stormed into the palace. And also damn him for his bad timing.

He came riding up

just when I had Zuri beginning to trust me

. Had Khai not shown up, he would have expressed his feelings to Zuri and found out what his chances

were with her. Now he would probably never know.

He walked past the servants, who nodded to him as he went by. He nodded back to not appear rude. It was not their fault that he was in a foul

mood. He walked up to his office and sat down. Now what was he going to do? His job as vizier was at stake, and he did not know if Khai was
joking or not about having him executed. They had been friends for years, and he hoped that meant something. He liked his throat almost as much
as he valued their friendship.

Looking back now, he could see that he was the cause of all this friction, but how was he to know that Zuri would have turned into such a little

beauty? Things would be a lot easier if she did not have such a spectacular body or if she would not have danced for them.

“Why such a long face?”

Bandru had entered the room.

“Khai and I had an argument.”

He lifted a decanter of wine from a basket and poured both of them a glass. He handed it to Asar. “What about?’


Bandru sighed as he sat down. “What did you do?”

Asar cast a dark glance at his grandfather. “Why do you assume that I did something? Khai is not an angel.”

“Khai is not my grandson. I know you. You have been causing a ruckus since the day you were born.”

“You do not like me much, do you?”

Bandru sipped his drink. “No. I love you because you are my grandson, but I do not like some of the things that you do.”

“That was a fair answer. Sometimes I do not like myself.”

“So what did you do?”

“I went after Zuri when she fled from the palace.”

“What is wrong with that, and why did she flee?”

“She overheard your conversation about her not being good enough to be queen.”

“And I was right. See? She fled at the first sign of controversy.”

Asar sipped his drink. “Only you would see it that way. Anyway, I went behind her to try to talk her back here, but before I could do it, Khai arrived

and accused us of being lovers.”

“Are you?”

Asar frowned. “No.”

“Would you wish it to be different?”

“Yes, this is why I’m here contemplating my future. The way I see it, I have two choices, try to win Zuri from Khai or put my feelings for her in some

deep dark place and leave them there.”

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“Either way you will be miserable.”

“For a vizier, you are not very helpful.”

Bandru laughed. “That is why I have retired. This new generation does not listen to sound advice.”

“You are wrong about Zuri. She will make a fine queen, and it does not matter to me that her skin is dark.”

“It does not matter to me either, but I was speaking for Egypt. The Nubian kingdom is no longer in control. They had their time to reign and now it

is ours.”

“Let me guess. You have been spurned by a Nubian lover.”

“No, not spurned. In fact, I find their women most enchanting, but enchanting or not, pharaoh should not have to worry if she will embarrass him.”

“You are referring to that dance. That was my fault. I coerced Zuri into performing. She did what she did because she is a strong woman who is

not ashamed of her body or her beauty and who will not knuckle under to the demands of a man.”

“Hmm, if that is the truth, then maybe I was wrong.”

Asar put down his drink. “I am asking you as a grandchild. What should I do?”

“You have to decide what you love most, your job or your penis.”

Asar laughed. “A very hard decision.”

“If Zuri loves you, she will come to you. Men in our family have never had to beg a woman to bed them. If it is love, it will happen.”

“I was wrong. You are wise beyond your years.”

“I know, and the problem is so are you.” He rose and left the room.

Asar contemplated their conversation. Was his penis more important to him than his job? A beautiful young woman stood in the doorway. “What

are you doing here, Furaha?”

“I am visiting Isis. I got bored and decided to return.”

“Would you like a drink?”

“That depends on what will happen once I accept.”

Asar smiled wickedly. “That, my dear, is strictly up to you.”

* * * *

The ride back to Egypt went too quickly for Zuri. They were traveling by litter this time, and Khai sat at her side, staring out the opening and

occasionally looking over at her to make sure that she was still there.

“Why so quiet?”

“No reason. I was just admiring the view,” Zuri replied.

“One that you have seen hundreds of times.”

“That does not mean that it does not change.”

He touched her hand. “Are you regretting your decision to return back to Egypt with me?”

“No. It was one of the wisest decisions that I have made in a long time. I am just sorry that I will not be around to help my mother with the plans for

the wedding.”

“Would you like a formal ceremony? Is that what has you upset?”

Zuri turned to face him. “No, I do not need a formal ceremony. Egypt will accept me as their queen just as soon as you make the formal


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“Which I will do as soon as we get there.”

Zuri settled back in the seat. A formal wedding would have been nice. “Can we have a tiny celebration dinner instead of a big fancy wedding?”

Khai smiled. “Then I was correct. You would have liked to be presented as a bride.”

“What girl doesn’t, but I do not expect or want a big fancy forty-day courtship. I do not think I could wait that long.”

“Wait for what? Our wedding night?”

Zuri blushed. “I think we had that already.”

Khai laughed. “No, that is but a taste of what it would be like.”

Zuri moved around again.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

“Just a little tender.”

“To be honest, I did not think I would fit in such a delicate little hole.”

Zuri’s blush deepened, remembering their time by the river.

“I did not think you would do that.”

“Did you not enjoy it?”

“Yes, I enjoyed it immensely. That is the problem. I do not think I should be enjoying sex so much.”

He ran his finger along the top of her hand. “Yes, you should. I would not like a woman in my bed who could not perform.”

“Was Mandisa a performer?”

Khai moved his hand away. “I was wondering when we would get around to talking about her.”

“Did she really sleep on a pallet on the floor next to your bed?”

“Yes, but she preferred it that way. She did not think she was worthy of sharing a bed with a prince of Egypt.”

“But she had no problem having sex with you?”

“Mandisa and I have a history. She was presented to me by my father on my sixteenth birthday. She and I have been lovers ever since then.”

“Are you still lovers?”

“No. I told her that it is over between us.”

“And she accepted this?”


Zuri did not think so. Yes, she had seen her crying, but that did not mean she accepted that she has been replaced.

“You do not have to worry that I will leave your bed and sneak off in the night to be with her. Mandisa knew sooner or later that our relationship

would come to an end.”

“What is going to happen to her?”

“She is going back to the harem.”

“Just like that?”

“What do you expect me to do? Do you wish for me to put her up in a little house on the compound and see to her every need?”

“I do not know. She deserves something after all these years.” She paused. “Do the two of you have any children?”

He turned to her. “No. Mandisa is sterile.”

“Would you have liked to have babies with her?”

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“Why are you so full of questions? I will not lie. It might have been nice, but it would have been wrong to bring children in the world who could not

reign. Slaves and princes of Egypt cannot keep house or raise families.”

“So she was just a convenience?”

“Yes. Now, can we change the subject?”

“No. I want to know more. What was it like between the two of you? Did you have conversations or was it just intercourse?”

Khai rubbed his temple. She had seen him do that a lot lately. “We had conversations. She always asked me how my day went, and she wanted

to know if anything was troubling me.”

Zuri sighed. “Is she better in bed than I am?”

“You are not going to let this rest, are you?”


“No, she is not better…just different. Mandisa does not complain or get offended when I want to try something new.”

“Like what?”

“Are you asking to be nosy or are you are curious about what else I have in store for you?”


Khai laughed. “Being married to you will not only be a challenge, but it will be most interesting.”

“Do not laugh at me, Khai. A woman is supposed to know about the competition and about her husband’s plans for the future.”

“If you must know, I plan to make love to you as often as I can, and to get and keep you fat with babies.”


“Does that surprise you?”



“Because I did not think you would want to have babies with me.”

“Why would you think something like that?”

“Because our babies would be dark-skinned.”

Khai gently touched her hand. “I do not care what color your skin is or what color our babies will be. I love each and every inch of skin on your

body. In fact, I love the dusky dark nipples on your breasts and the brown folds of your womanhood.” He took her hand and placed it on his thigh.

Zuri gasped. He was erect.

“The only reason I have not taken you now is that I do not want the camels to get scared when they hear your moans of passion.”

“I will not scream.” She gripped his penis through the shenti and stroked it.

“A litter is not a place for a queen of Egypt to have sex.”

Zuri removed her hand. “Any place is a good place to make love.”

Khai chuckled. “This is going to be an interesting trip back home.”

* * * *

“What is this?” Khai asked as he looked out of the litter. The road into Thebes was lined with people as far as the eyes could see. The sounds of

drums echoed in his ears, followed by music and merriment.

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Zuri peeped out of the other side. “Looks like a celebration.”

His name being shouted through the air as they rode indicated that Zuri was correct. “I think you are right.”

“Pharaoh has returned,” someone shouted.

Khai recognized the voice. It was the palace crier. He scanned the crowds until he found the old windbag standing on the steps of the temple.

Alongside of him were clergy, priests, and other dignitaries wearing their formal regalia.

A young woman ran beside the camel and spoke to him. “Welcome home, pharaoh.”

Khai waved at her.

Zuri continued to peer outside. “There are jugglers and musicians, and people are dancing in the streets.”

“Delightful.” He had pulled his head back in the litter and now watched her, animated with excitement.

“Everyone is so excited that you have returned.”

“I did not expect this kind of homecoming.”

Zuri pulled her head back into the litter. “But you are pharaoh. Your people love you.”

Their love was not the one he longed for.

The celebration continued all the way to the steps of his palace. The camel stopped and dropped to its knees. Khai dismounted and then

helped Zuri. They were immediately greeted by the household staff and his family.

His mother hugged both of them. “Welcome home, princess Zuri.”

Zuri kissed his mother on the cheek. “Thank you. I don’t know what to call you now.”


Khai turned to one of the servants. “Get Princess Zuri’s things from the litter and take them up to her rooms.”

The servant bowed and hurried down the stairs to find Zuri’s things. Khai took Zuri’s hand and led her to the top of the stairs. He turned and got

control over the crowd. “Thank you all for this wonderful, joyous welcome home.” The crowd roared with delight. He pulled Zuri to him. “My journey
was a success. May I present to you Zuri Bassey, my new queen.”

The roar was deafening. The crowd went to their knees.

Khai turned to her. “I guess this answers any of your questions about if you would be welcome.” He turned back to the crowd. “Rise and greet the

new queen of Egypt.”

The crowd moved to their feet, applauding and shouting her name.

Khai swooped Zuri up into his arms, kissed her passionately, and then carried her inside the palace as the celebration continued outdoors. He

put her down on the floor once they were safely out of the eye of the public. “Listen to that. They love you.”

Hathor joined them. “We have a delicious meal prepared for your arrival.”

She led them through the marbled halls.

“How did you know I would be returning with Zuri?”

Hathor winked at him. “I would expect no less from pharaoh.”

Isis approached and welcomed Zuri. “I am so glad that you have accepted Khai as your husband. Welcome to the family, Zuri. I have always

wanted a sister.”

Furaha appeared. “Well done, cousin. You have snagged yourself a pharaoh. I am impressed.”

Khai looked down on Furaha. “I did not know that you were here.”

“I am visiting Isis and Asar.”

Khai froze at the mention of his vizier’s name. “Where is my best friend?”

“In his room, resting.” She eyed him up curiously. “What did my cousin do to catch the eye of pharaoh?”

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Zuri stepped between them and hugged Furaha. “Mind your business, cousin dear.”

“I am just curious. The last time I checked you two were at odds.”

“We have kissed and made up.” He squeezed Zuri’s shoulders affectionately. “My new bride is tired from the long journey. I will escort her up to

her rooms, and we shall join everyone later for supper.” He took Zuri’s hand again and led her upstairs to the second floor.

“What is Furaha doing here?”

Khai shrugged. “You heard her. She is visiting.”

The servant entered with Zuri’s things, deposited them, and quickly left.

“The bath for this floor is down the hall. The one to this room is being redecorated and not ready for use. I’ll send Bast to you.”

“I am perfectly capable of taking a bath by myself.”

“If you insist.”

“I am curious. Why are my things here in this room instead of yours?”

“I know from the experience of having a younger sister that women crave privacy.”

“How sweet of you.”

Khai smiled. He knew sarcasm when he heard it. “I will post a guard at your door each night before you go to bed to ensure your safety just in

case you walk in your sleep.”

“I do not walk in my sleep.”

He lifted her chin. “Do not take me for a fool, Zuri. Both you and I know that my grand vizier also sleeps in this palace.”

Zuri’s face stained with embarrassment.

Khai planted a kiss on her forehead and left laughing.

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Chapter Eleven

The people shouted Zuri’s name at the top of their lungs. Their cries reached his ears. Asar sat up in his bed, still nude from his romp with

Furaha. So Khai had succeeded in bringing her back, and soon it would be time for the two of them to face each other. He stepped from the bed.
The sinking sun made the room dark. He had no intention of hiding or pretending that nothing happened. His plan was to take it one step at a time.

Asar threw on his robe, grabbed his clothes, and headed to the bath. He’d wash the stench of his latest conquest from his body, dress, and then

go down. He entered the large room. It was misty from steam from the hot rocks, an indication that it was in use. He was about to turn when he saw
her…Zuri as she emerged from the water. Tiny droplets glistened on a set of breasts he would kill to touch. They were dark and full like succulent
melons, with dark brown nipples big enough to easily suckle a babe.

Zuri looked up, panicked and tried to cover her nakedness.

Asar turned around quickly. “I am sorry. I did not know the bath was occupied.” He heard some rustling of clothes behind him. He turned slowly. “I

did not know that you had returned.”

Zuri could not look him in the eyes. “Yes, we just returned.”

“You do not have to be embarrassed. You have a lovely body.”

“You could at least pretend that you did not notice.”

“It was hard for me not to.”

Zuri tied her robe tightly. “A true gentleman would leave.”

Asar laughed. “Both you and I know that I am not a gentleman, but I will leave.”

“No need to. I have finished with my bath.” She walked past him.

Asar watched, mesmerized by the sway of her generous hips and buttocks. His erection rose. He removed his robe and walked toward the

bath. He turned once more to look at the door. Zuri had turned and stared at him. He followed her eyes down. “Damn.” He covered his penis and
sank down into the water as she ran out.

The entire situation would have been humorous if it had been another female. He swam around the bath, trying to get his mind off of those

breasts. He could imagine burying his face in them late at night. He heard a sound and looked up expectantly. It was Furaha. “Would you like some
company?” She stepped into the bath without his answer and swam over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her body
against his. “Ooh, are you glad to see me?”

She would do. He lifted her legs and secured them around his waist and entered her, carrying her out of the water as he moved. He took her on

the floor, angry that she was not Zuri.

“I like it rough.”

“Shut up.” He ground his mouth into hers and moved his hips until he was buried inside her to the hilt. His body convulsed, and he spilled his

seed inside of her. Frustrated, he pulled out and walked away.

“Where are you going?”

“To my room to think.”

* * * *

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Zuri ran back to her room as fast as her feet could carry her and threw herself upon the bed. Tears poured from her eyes as she recreated what

had just happened in her mind. Why had she looked back? God, he looked wonderful standing in the bath naked and erect. She wiped at her eyes.

You have got to get a grip. He is your husband’s best friend

. Her body shuddered. But she wanted to know what it was like to sleep with the devil.

To be trapped in his arms while he stared down at her with those smoldering dark eyes. Her hands moved down between her legs as she
envisioned them together. Him, thick and throbbing, and her, wet and uninhibited. Zuri jerked her hand away. She would not masturbate or cheat on
Khai. Damn those two. Her life would have been so much easier had she not met them.

Bast entered the room. “I have come to help you dress.”

Zuri rolled over on her side and looked up at the young woman. “Thank you.” She sat up, still rubbing the tears from her eyes.

“Are you ill, princess?”

“Yes, I’m just tired and a bit homesick.”

“Queen Hathor has a wonderful meal prepared. I will help you dress and fix your face so it will not show your sorrow.”

“Thanks.” Zuri sat up on the bed while Bast hung up her things and searched for something for her to wear.

“The master has ordered you some clothes. They should be arriving in a couple of days.”


Bast nodded. “Beautiful things befitting the new queen of Egypt.”

“He is most generous.”

“Yes. He has always been that way. He will make you a fine husband.” She pulled out a dress. “This will be perfect.”

Zuri got of the bed and dropped her robe.

“You have beautiful breasts.” She pointed at the nipples. “Big nipples. I envy you.”


“I am so small chested. I might not be able to suckle a baby.”

Zuri smiled. “You are not small chested, and yes, you will. Don’t let the size deter you.”

She dusted Zuri’s body in powder. “Pharaoh is lucky to have found someone like you. Your body is pleasing to the sight, worthy of a queen.”

Zuri blushed. “The pharaoh will be too busy with politics to even notice.”

Bast laughed. “Oh, he will and has noticed. I saw him watching you once. His eyes were lit with stars. You make him happy.” She helped Zuri into

the dress. It rode low, exposing much of her cleavage. “This one is perfect. You will have him begging at your feet.”

“Do I want that?”

Bast nodded. “Yes, my queen, you want to bring him to his knees and make him beg for the pleasure.”

Zuri laughed, forgetting all about her problems. “You are good for me, Bast.”

“I know. Now, we will do something with all this hair. I will put it up high so he can see those regal cheek bones.”

Zuri sat down, and Bast went to work on her hair. All she had to do was make it through dinner.

* * * *

Zuri’s knees threatened to buckle from beneath her as she walked to the dining room. She did not know if she could spend the entire evening

seated in a room with both of those men. The sounds of laughter and merriment filtered out in the foyer. She inhaled, trying to gain some
composure. Khai’s promise whispered in her ear as she walked. No, the thought was unspeakable. She could not have both of them. She made it
to the door and entered. Khai spotted her and rose. The rest of the men followed suit.

“My queen.” He walked to greet her.

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Zuri scanned the room. Asar was noticeably absent. Good, maybe she could do this.

Khai reached her, took her hand to his mouth, and kissed it. “You look beautiful.” His eyes darted to her cleavage. “And so delicious.”

Zuri blushed as he led her to a comfortable seat. He sat her in a seat next to his. There was an empty seat next to hers.

“He should be joining us shortly.”

Zuri looked away.

Is it that obvious


“That dress is simply lovely,” Isis said. She sat next to her mother and Furaha sat next to her.

“Thank you. My father brought it back to me from Luxor.”

“The neckline is daring. I could not pull that off.”

Zuri blushed as all eyes dipped to her cleavage.

Hathor winked at her. “They will grow larger when the milk comes in.”

“Mother,” Khai warned. “You are embarrassing Zuri.”

Hathor laughed, and the others joined her. “Do not tell me that you are not admiring them as well.”

Khai lowered his eyes. “They are stupendous.”

“Good evening.”

All eyes turned toward the door. Asar had arrived.

“Good evening,” everyone answered as he walked in. He bowed to Zuri. “My queen.”

She nodded. “Vizier.”

He sat down next to her.

“Good, everyone is here.” Hathor called for the meal.

The servants arrived bearing trays of succulent food. Zuri settled back in her chair, glad to have all the attention taken from her. Heat radiated on

her from both sides of her seat. She pulled at the neckline of her dress, hoping to cover up the top of her breasts in the attempt.

They later moved to the sitting room. The men separated themselves and talked of Assyria and the building of a new temple, while the women

busied themselves with games Zuri peered over at her husband. If he was mad at Asar, he did not let it show. The two of them talked and made
nice. Only she knew that it was all a pretense.

“Asar is so handsome,” Furaha said to Isis.

Hathor and the older folks retired for the evening, leaving the three young women alone.

Isis agreed. “Khai has threatened to kill him if he touches me.”

Furaha laughed. “He is just being an overbearing big brother.”

“He does have that certain air of danger about him, but I am still too young to worry about such things.”

“You are nearly eighteen. Now is the perfect time to start worrying.”

Zuri frowned. Furaha pretended to be Isis’s friend, but she knew her cousin well enough to know that she was just baiting the young woman with


“I heard he has had many lovers.”

Isis giggled. “I heard that too. He must be really big.”

Zuri shuddered, remembering.

Furaha nudged her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, why?”

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“You are lost in thought.”

“I think I am tired from the travel.” She looked over at Asar. His black shenti hid his assets perfectly.

“Mmhmm. You cannot keep your eyes off of Khai.”

Zuri turned to her cousin. “He is my husband.”

“What about Khai? Is he big?”

Isis covered her mouth to stifle her giggles.

“We should not be discussing this around his sister.”

“She is not a baby.”

“It is inappropriate for me to discuss his assets.”

Furaha gasped. “You have not slept with him yet.”

Zuri refused to answer.

“This is your wedding night. What are you doing down here? You should be upstairs with him.”

“He is busy, and besides, we have a lifetime to be together.” She yawned. “But you are right. It has been a long day. I am going to retire to my


“You are not sharing a bed with him?”

Zuri ignored her and headed toward the door. She paused to smile at Khai and then left the room.

* * * *

A kiss on the lips awoke her later that night. Zuri opened her eyes. Vivid blue eyes looked down on her. Khai.

“Wake up, my queen.” He kissed her. The smell of liquor was on his breath.

Zuri sat up. “What are you doing here?”

“I have come to visit with the woman that I love.”

“What time is it?”

“Late and the entire palace is asleep.” He scooped her out of the bed.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To my room. I need someone warm to snuggle up to.” Khai carried her out of her room and up the stairs to his suite without a struggle. The

biceps bulged beneath her delicate bottom. Her body woke to his scent. He walked into his suite and placed her on the bed. “Maybe you are right.
Maybe I should move your things in here.”

He walked over to the table and began moving his collar and cuffs.

Zuri watched him.

“Did I tell you how lovely you looked in that dress?”

“I think it was a bit too daring.”

He removed his top, exposing that gorgeous bronzed sculpted chest and abdomen. The shenti fell to the floor. He stood in a loin cloth. “Maybe

you are right about that, too. I did not like the way the others ogled you.”

“I shall have Bast burn it.”

He turned to her and walked toward the bed. His hair was longer. It touched his shoulders. He stood before her. “Rise.”

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Zuri scooted off the bed and stood before him.

Khai went down to his knees and lifted her gown up at the hem and pulled it off over her. He tossed it aside and then he reached up and undid

her hair. It fell down her back in curls. “I think I will burn it myself. I did not fail to notice the look on my vizier’s face when he saw you in it.”

Zuri sighed. “It meant nothing. You should forget about it.”

“My getting over it is not the issue.” He lifted her chin so they could make eye contact. “I am going to say this once. You are mine.” He shoved

her onto the bed and looked down at her.

He walked away from the bed and returned with a tray of oils. He put it down and sat on the bed next to her. He rolled her over on her back and

began rubbing some oil into her skin. It had a lavender base, which made her relax.

“To continue our conversation, you are not to be alone with the vizier.”

“I understand.”

He slapped her soundly on her behind.


“That is not the correct response. It is ‘yes, pharaoh.’”

“Yes, pharaoh.” He massaged the spot he struck with oil and then turned her over and began working the fragrance into her breasts and down

her stomach.

“You should avoid him at all costs.”

“You are making a very big deal of this.”

He cupped her breast and squeezed the nipple. “You are mine. I will make a big deal out of this if I want to.”

Zuri moaned. “Yes, pharaoh. I will avoid the grand vizier.”

He stepped away from her and put the tray away.

Zuri scooted back until she rested against the pillows. Khai turned and took off the loin cloth. His penis sprang forth. He reached for another

bottle and rubbed some oil onto it. He continued to stroke until it pointed in her direction. “Do you see this? Do you know what I am about to do with

Zuri grabbed a pillow and put it in front of her. She nodded.

Khai approached the bed and pulled the pillow from her. “Do not shield yourself from me.”

Zuri nodded again.

“No, my lovely. I do not want you this way.” He crawled on the bed and took her into his arms and kissed her.

She melted in his arms.

What is the matter with me? How come I cannot control myself after how he has talked to me


“He does not love you the way I do. He only wants to use you.”

“What are you talking about, Khai?”

“Asar. Do not let those eyes of his fool you. He is a scandalous demon who likes to manipulate women.” He kissed a path down her neck.

Zuri shuddered at his touch. Her body flamed with passion. “He is your best friend.”

“He wants you. He has admitted it to me. I saw it in his eyes.” He kissed her lips, pushing his tongue inside of her. “I will kill him if he touches

you.” He worked his way down between her legs, nudged them apart, and kissed her mound.

Zuri’s head went back as he entered her with his tongue. She clutched at her breasts. “I do not want him.”

Khai lifted his head. “Liar.” He pulled her down closer and shoved two fingers inside of her. “You are already wet just thinking about him.” He

moved the fingers in and out of her slowly.

Zuri’s eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “I do not want him, Khai.”

He moved his fingers faster.

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Zuri panted. “Mmm.” She closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes, Zuri. Let me see those flames.”

Zuri opened her eyes. Khai stared up at her.

“He has a big phallus. Women boast that it is long.”

Zuri shuddered as the images of Asar’s naked phallus danced in front of her eyes. “I do not care. You are all that I want or need.”

Khai removed his fingers and crawled back up to the top of the bed and mounted her chest. His penis rose in her face. “Prove it.”

Zuri opened her mouth and accepted him. He pushed it in deep, almost taking her breath away. She wrapped her hands around his ass and

moved it back and forth so that the penis moved in and out of her mouth under her control. He was so thick and scented with wild musk oil.

“Your mouth is magical,” he moaned as he moved his hips.

She could not make conversation while she sucked on him. She removed one hand from his ass and cupped his balls.

“Ah! You are a temptress. Squeeze them hard.”

Zuri complied.


The penis grew taut in her mouth. He slid it slowly out and left the head in. Zuri sucked harder and ran her tongue along the base.

“It is so good, but I will not spill my seed down your throat.”

Zuri released him. The penis slid out wet with her saliva.

Khai shuddered. “I must be inside of you.” He moved and opened her thighs. He peered down. “Your femininity is so powerful it has brought

pharaoh to his knees.”

Zuri smiled hesitantly as he looked down on her. “Take me, Khai.”

He growled and entered her.

Zuri gasped. It felt like his balls hit against her bottom. She moaned. “Oh, oh.”

Khai eased out a little, balancing himself on his hands. He rotated his hips slowly, teasing her.

Zuri arched her back to try to get him back in.

“I plan to make this slow and easy.”

“Do not torture me.”

Khai laughed. “I wish you could see what I see. My penis wet with your juices.”

Zuri shut her eyes and tried to conjure up the sight. “Yes.”

“I will get the engineers to fashion mirrors on the ceilings and the walls of this room, and when we couple you will see how beautiful you are in the

throes of passion.”

Damn him with his sweet talk

. Zuri grunted.

He is slowly working my core, teasing it with his stout length, making me so wet


“Are you enjoying what I am doing to you?”

“Yes, pharaoh.”

“Never call me pharaoh when we are in bed.” He ground his pelvis into her.

“Ow. Yes, Khai.”

His body shook when he spoke her name. “You have the voice of a goddess, my beauty.” He touched her breast. “And look at this.” He

squeezed the nipple. “My mother is right. Our babies will have no problems nursing from a nipple this size.”

“Squeeze it harder. It will not break.”

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Khai squeezed hard and then released. “I will not damage it.” He removed his hands and went back to making love to her. He slipped back and

lifted her so that she was on top.

Zuri slipped down on his length. “You are so big.”

“Are you complaining?”

She put both her hands against his chest and began to move her hips and buttocks. “No.”

Khai chuckled deeply. “You are very passionate and know what you want.” He cupped her buttocks as they ground into him. “What a rump.”

Zuri giggled. “It is too big.”

He wiggled a finger between the cheeks. “No, it is just right.” He pushed a finger inside her rectum, and Zuri bucked.


“That is easy for you to say. You are not being impaled on both ends.”

“Ah, but you like it this way.”

“True,” she groaned. She bounced up and down.

“Do not come.”

Zuri stiffened.

What is he up to


Khai rolled her off him gently and turned her over on her knees. He put a pillow under her.

“What are you doing?”

“It is a surprise.”

She felt the bed rise as he stepped off, and then he poured oil all over her buttocks. He massaged some between the cheeks. “What kind of


“It is a little something that I picked up on my trip to Assyria. Close your eyes and think happy thoughts.”

Zuri closed her eyes. Something big and thick entered her rectum. She bit her bottom lip. Wetness formed at her vaginal opening. Khai moved

the foreign object in and out of her rectum. “Ah, what is that?”

“It is a fake phallus. I heard that all the women have them.”

One of his big fingers entered her vagina. He moved it around to get the juices going as he assaulted her behind with the fake penis. Zuri

wiggled. She did not know how long she was going to last with such ministrations to her personal parts. Khai moved the phallus in and out of her.
Zuri shook. “Not yet. Do not come.”

“You are torturing me.”

“Think how I feel. You are enjoying a fake piece of ivory.”

“You are a demon.”

Khai chuckled. “Do you wish that I remove it?”


He eased it out and removed his fingers from her vagina. He poured more oil on her buttocks and mounted her from behind. He eased the head

of his penis into her rectum.

Zuri buckled. His penis was larger in life than a piece of ivory. “Oh, you are in my backside.”

Khai laughed, put his arm beneath her, bringing her body close to his. “I am going to claim this delectable body once and for all.” He bent her

over and mounted her like a dog. He held her in place with his thighs so she could not move. He sank his penis into her and shoved his fingers back
into her vagina.

“Ah!” Zuri screamed as her body trembled.

Khai kept pumping and moving his fingers.

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“Say my name.”


“Louder.” He moved out of her and sank back in deep.

“Khai! Oh, Khai.” Her body shook. “Ah!”

“Damn. I am coming to join you, my queen.” He shot inside of her, claiming her, adding to the pressure of her quivering insides.

“I love you,” he breathed into her ear. “Never leave me.”

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Chapter Twelve

Khai had been called away on business, leaving Zuri at the mercy of her new mother-in-law who immediately went to work trying to teach her

how to be and function as queen.

“What is this place?” Zuri asked Hathor as they walked around the compound.

“The harem.”

It was a collection of mud brick buildings inside a high mud brick wall. The buildings sat in a circle and faced an open courtyard. There was also

a big storage place and a place for them to worship.

She took Zuri inside. “This is where the single household women live.”

That piqued Zuri’s curiosity. Most of the women busied themselves spinning, weaving, and sewing clothes.

“At the moment they are creating the new queen’s wardrobe.”

Zuri watched with fascination as they used various plant dyes to produce yellow, red, and blue thread for weaving.

One woman worked on a daring creation, a white sheath with two straps to hold the dress up. Noticeably missing was the top piece, which

covered the breasts. Though Egyptian women were known for wearing this style of fashion, she had never worn anything so provocative in Egypt.

Hathor chuckled at her concern. “You will wear this only for Khai in the privacy of your marital suite.”

Zuri blushed.

“We are not a modest people. We think the human form is beautiful.”

They left one room and entered another where they found women creating wigs.

Hathor gushed as she admired one of the new products. “I simply love this.” It was long and shiny and full.

The young woman made Hathor sit and tried it on her. The back part fell to her shoulders, but the front was short and rested right above her


Hathor admired herself in the mirror before removing it. “Make sure you send it directly to me when it is finished.”

“Yes, Mother of King,” the young woman replied, using Hathor’s new title.

Hathor walked around Zuri and messed with her hair. “You have so much. Have you not considered cutting it and wearing one of these?”

“No. I prefer my own hair. I’ve tried wigs before and find them hot and binding.”

“Still, choose one. You can use it when you wear that white dress to create an illusion for Khai.”

The next room was a nursery. Babies cried or slept in a large room manned by many young women.

Zuri picked one up out of a basket and cuddled it to her breasts. “What an adorable child.”

A lovely young woman came up and retrieved the baby from her. She was dressed in a simple brown sheath that showcased her big firm

breasts. Zuri recognized her instantly, even though the young woman shied away from her.

Hathor escorted her out of the room and toward the door. “Mandisa is very good with the babies. She cannot have any of her own, but she

showers each and every one of them with love.”

“Whose babies are they?”

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“The women of the palace.”


“Do not worry.”

“How do you know what I am thinking?”

“With age comes wisdom.”

Yes, she was wise enough to quickly get her out of the room and the path of Khai’s concubine.

“How long has Mandisa been working with the babies?”

“Since she was young. Her mother held the job before her.”

“How do you know that she cannot have children?”

Hathor hesitated. “It is common knowledge. She was mated young but never produced a child.”

“Is it safe to say that she is no longer with her mate?”

“Yes, they separated recently. Mandisa returned to the harem shortly after that to wait for a new mate.”

“Maybe her former mate is sterile.”

“That is a possibility. He too has chosen another mate. Only time will tell.”

“How long will Khai be gone?” Zuri asked as they entered the palace.

“Several weeks to a month. One of his duties as pharaoh is to satisfy the god with offerings. This time he is trying to get the land blessed with a

powerful flood to ensure a good harvest.”

“Is it hard? I mean, controlling the weather?”

Hathor laughed. “I do not know. I am not privy to what goes on at this type of ceremony, but whatever the former pharaohs have done has worked

so far.”

Several weeks? Zuri busied her bottom lip with her teeth. What was she going to do with herself until then?

* * * *

All her worries were for naught. Hathor kept her busy with her readings and worship to pass the time away. By the fifth week, she was well

versed in the many gods and goddesses the Egyptians prayed to. She had also begun to assume the duty as queen, talking and listening to the
complaints of the people and passing down judgment, and working with one of the lesser viziers to collect taxes. By the end of the third week, she
was a household name, and then had begun posing for statues of her likeness. Once a week, she had to hold court, dressed in her royal finery,
which she thought, was a bit much. In her hands, she held a crook and a flail. Upon her head sat a golden nemes headdress. The gown chosen for
her by Bast was blue and fit her like a glove from her breasts down to her ankles, which made walking quite difficult.

“You look powerful.”

Zuri opened her eyes and looked down from her throne. Asar knelt before her.

“Rise, grand vizier. Why are you gracing me with your presence?”

“I think it is time for us to talk.”

“Careful, someone might be listening.”

“I am well aware of that. I have lived here a lot longer than you.”

“What do you wish to talk about?”


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“There is no us.”

He walked up and sat down next to her, one of the privileges of the grand vizier. “If saying that helps you make it through the night, then fine.”

“Is that sarcasm?”

“No.” He touched her hand, and she pulled it away.

“I can have you executed for that.”

“Get in line. I have already been threatened.”

“But, unlike Khai, I may actually have it carried out.”

“Why would you kill me?”

Zuri smiled. “Years and years of teasing and torture of my person.”

“We were kids, and it was the only way I knew to get your attention.”

“You have my attention now. Speak.”

“I think I am in love with you.”

Those were not the words she wanted to hear. “It cannot be.”


“Because I am the wife of pharaoh.”

“Do you love him?”




Asar sighed. “I promised my grandfather that I would not make a scene, that I would bow out gracefully if I thought you did not desire me as well.”

“I do not desire you.”


Zuri put down her regalia and stretched the kinks out of her arm. “What do you wish me to say, that I have fantasized about you every night since

I saw you naked in the bath? Or that I wonder what it would be like to have you hold me in your arms?”

Asar gazed at her. “Yes.”

“Women have died from such thoughts. Khai would kill both of us.”

“What does he make of all of this?”

“He offered me you if I would return with him to Thebes.”

Asar looked at her questioningly. “What?”

“He said I could bed both of you if I wished.”

“That is most generous of him. I have never shared a woman before.”

“Nor will you ever. I know my husband. He would say anything to make me happy, even lie.”

“You do not think that he means to keep his promise?”

“He has shown me that he will not. I am his.”

“He does not own you.”

Zuri nodded. “Body and soul.”

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“You have changed. You do not sound like the same little independent princess that I grew up with.”

“I have grown up these last couple of weeks. I have responsibilities. I am queen of Egypt.”

“You are a beautiful, desirable young woman who deserves more.”

“I cannot, no matter if I want to.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Find comfort in my cousin’s arms. I hear she is quite smitten with you.”

“It is not the same. She is not you.” He rose and bowed. “I leave you to your duty.”

Zuri watched him walk proudly out of the throne room, taking with him any chance she had of appeasing her curiosity.

* * * *

Furaha waited for him in the halls as he made his way to his room. “You look down.”

“I am tired.”

“Did my cousin turn you away?”

Asar kept walking. “I do not know what you mean.”

“Did you go to her and throw yourself at her feet, begging her to take you to her bed?”

Asar turned quickly and grabbed Furaha by the throat. “Do not say such things. Khai is my best friend. I would never cross that line.” He released


Furaha rubbed her throat. “Do what you will to me, but it will not change anything between the two of you. You cannot have her. She is a married


“I do not know who has been filling your head with such nonsense.” He entered his rooms, and she followed him.

“I am not blind. I see the way you look at her.”

“I have eyes, and she is a beautiful woman, but that does not mean that I want to take her to my bed.”

“You have been in love with her since she was a child. Zuri is blind and naïve, an innocent, and you are living in a dream world if you think that

she will dishonor her marriage. She is foremost a princess of Nubia. She has her pride.”

Asar backed her up to a wall. “You are also a princess of Nubia, but you show no hesitancy when it comes to what you want.”

“I consider myself more liberal than my cousins. I know what I want, and I go after it.”

He stroked her face. “What do you want, fair princess? Would you like me to woo Zuri away from Khai so that you can have him?”

Furaha laughed and pulled away from him. “No, but the thought has crossed my mind. I do not wish to be queen. I want to be the bride of the

Grand Vizier.”

Asar choked. “You what?”

“Make me your wife, and I will help you forget her.”

Asar looked down on her beautiful face. “What is in it for me?”

“My undying love and admiration.”

He shoved her aside. “I can get that from any woman in the harem.”

“I can give you power, make you a prince of Nubia.”

Asar thought about it. “Now that is tempting, but I do not see how I can be both grand vizier for Egypt and a prince of Nubia.”

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“You can be both, and you will not have to worry about losing your head for dallying with my cousin.”

A simple fix

. If he was married to Furaha, he would not have time to think of Zuri. “I suppose you would want one of those long, drawn-out

courtships. What is it, forty days?”

Furaha shook her head. “That is too long for me to wait. Something simple done here at the palace.”

Asar scratched his chin. “We shall be wed as soon as Khai returns.”

Furaha threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You will not be sorry. I will help you forget her.” She scurried out of the room.

Asar dropped down on his bed. “I doubt that.”

* * * *

“You’re doing what and marrying who?” Zuri asked Furaha the next day when her cousin paid her a visit. The two women sat submerged in a

bath in Khai’s suite.

“Asar has asked me to marry him, and I have accepted.”

Zuri gulped. It sounded like a trick. “When is this to take place?”

“As soon as Khai returns. Asar wants him to be there.”

Zuri swam a lap and came back to her cousin. “I had no idea that things had progressed so swiftly between you and him. Are you sure his

intentions are honest.” She found it all so hard to believe since Asar had just confessed his love for her.

“He is on his way to Nubia to speak to my parents. He left late last night.”

“I am glad for you. He will make you a good husband.”

“And take the heat off of you.”

Zuri’s head sprang up. “Pardon me?”

“I am not blaming you. I know that Asar is in love with you.”

Zuri did not try to deny it. “Yet you have agreed to marry him. Why?”

“Believe it or not, I love him.”

It was hard to believe that her cousin loved anyone but herself. “What do you love about him?”

“He is smart, and witty, and unscrupulous.”

“Almost admirable qualities. He is also a womanizer.”

“He has not taken another woman to his bed since I returned.”

“How can you be sure of this?”

“Because he told me he hasn’t.”

“And you believe him?”

Furaha chuckled. “I do not give him time to stray. I know what it takes to keep him satisfied.” She lifted her breasts. “He loves these.”

Zuri blushed at her cousin’s blatant honesty.

“He is a breast man?”

Furaha nodded and stared at Zuri. “I certainly see why he admires you. Your breasts are huge. I do not remember them being that way.”

“Leave it to you to notice.”


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Zuri shied away.

“Oh my, you are not…”

“About two months. No one knows except me and now you.”


Zuri frowned at her. “Of course.”

Furaha giggled. “Little Zuri is going to have a baby.”

“Promise me that you will not tell anyone. Not even Asar.”

“You do not have to worry about that. It might depress him to know that he has been wrong about you all this time. I am sorry that I have felt ill

toward you because I thought he preferred you to me.”

“How can you think such a thing? The man has been an irritant to me for years.”

“But can you find it in your heart to try to like him? He is going to be my husband.”

Zuri nodded. “I think I can do that.”

“Good. Will you come to visit when he returns?”

Zuri agreed. “Just let me know when.”

Furaha climbed out of the pool, unashamed of her nakedness. “I better get going. I have a wedding to plan.” She donned her robes and hurried

out of the bath.

Zuri swam another lap, not believing what she just heard. “Oh well.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Khai looked down at his bride as she slept peacefully in her bed. He lifted her gently into his arms and carried her up the flight of stairs that led

to his suite. Once there, he put her in his bed and went off to the baths. She looked like a little lamb. He inched into the bed and gently kissed her on
her forehead.

Zuri’s eyes opened slowly. “Khai?”

“Hello, beautiful one.”

She sat up. “When did you return?”

“Not long ago.”

Zuri looked around. “I am not in my room.”

“You walk in your sleep.”

“I do not.”

He chuckled. “No, I carried you up here when I returned. I could not bear having you that far away from me.”

Zuri snuggled against him. “You could have taken me with you.”

“True, but you would have been bored.”

“Not really, as long as I was with you.”

Khai moved her out of his arms. “Why the sudden change?”

“I am in a jovial mood.”

“Any reason in particular?”

“There is to be a wedding.”

“Yes, I know Najre and Chitemo.”

“No. Asar and Furaha.”


“Yes. They are in love and have been waiting for your return so they can have their ceremony.”

Khai stepped back off the bed. “I do not believe it. Asar is plotting something.”

Zuri watched. “I thought so, too, in the beginning, but they are in love.”

He sat back down. “Has he tried anything?”

“No. We had a long talk. I explained to him that I would have him executed if he did.”

“Ouch. The power has gone to your head.”

Zuri stretched. “I took care of the problem. He is out of love with me and in love with my cousin. It is a win-win situation for everyone.”

Khai did not believe it since he knew Asar better than anyone. “When did the two of you have this conversation?”

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“A couple of weeks ago. I was in the throne room, and he walked in. He wanted to talk, so I let him get it off his chest.”

“Did you get it off your chest?”

“Do not mess with the joy I am experiencing upon your return.” She stepped off of the bed and headed toward the window. She looked out. “I am

not in love with Asar. I will not lie to you. I was curious. I think it is the dangerous side of him or the rumors, but that is all it was.”

“Are you sure?”

“Did I make you honor your promise to me?”

Khai smiled smugly. “You are never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“No. I think that is when I really knew that you loved me. Only a man in love would make such an offer.”

He watched her breasts rise and fall in the white gown. He rubbed his eyes. Either he had been gone a long time or her body was changing. It

seemed fuller, rounder in all the right places. He had to see her. “Come to bed, my queen.”

Zuri walked to the bed, climbed on hesitantly and then laid down on the pillow.

Khai lowered his head and kissed her, gently at first, and then with passion. He ran his hand over her breasts. “I have missed you.”

“I have missed you too.”

Khai peeled the gown down her shoulders, revealing her breasts. They looked swollen. He touched one of the nipples, and she flinched. “Is

something wrong?”

“They are just tender.”

“Are you having your womanly cycle?”


He continued to move the gown down, revealing more and more succulent brown flesh. The breadth of her hips was wider than he remembered.

Egyptian food must agree with her

. He removed the gown and tossed it on the floor and then lowered his head to her breasts, gently running his

tongue over the nipple.

Zuri moaned. “It is so sensitive.”

Khai removed his lips. “Your breasts are bigger than I remember, and the nipples are darker.”

“It has been a long time since you’ve seen them.”

Khai cupped one of them in his palm. It filled it and flowed over. There was definitely a difference, not that he was complaining. He traced the

line of hair that ran from her sternum to her pubic area. The fine hair was noticeably darker.

Zuri crossed and uncrossed her legs.

It was evil of him to tease her so. He bent over and kissed her again. “I am ready to service you.”

He crawled down to the bottom of the bed and spread her legs. Her womanhood peeked at him. The color had changed. It was a darker shade

of brown. He licked his lips. He buried his face, inhaling her essence. Clean and perfumed. He put his lips against her, and she moaned. He
inserted his tongue. She tasted womanly.

Moments later, he was buried inside of her, riding her. Zuri clung to him, scratching his back with her long nails. She was wet and giving back as

much as he gave her. “I cannot get enough of you.”

“I am yours.” Her body trembled as she rolled her hips.

His body shuddered. Not yet.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Zuri bucked beneath him.

The pressure was too much for him. He moved his hips faster. “Ah.” His body stiffened, and then he shot deep inside of her. He hadn’t lasted

long. The longing was just too great. He fell against her. “I feel like an immature whelp,” he said once they snuggled in each other’s arms.

“What do you mean?”

“I did not last long once I was inside of you.”

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“I did not notice.”


Zuri giggled. “It does not matter. It is flattering that you missed me so.”

“That does nothing for my manhood.”

She rolled over on her side. “I tell you what. Get some rest and we can pick this up in the morning.”

“Are you dismissing me, my queen?”

“Yes. Rest. You will need all your strength for the next coming days.”

His head hit the pillow. Asar getting married. This he had to see to believe. There would be no marriage until they had a little talk. He closed his

eyes and drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

The two men faced each other the next morning in the grain fields just outside of the compound. Khai felt it was far enough away in case there

was any bloodshed.

Asar bowed to him. “Welcome home, pharaoh.”

Khai nodded. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

Asar got down from his horse and tied it to a nearby tree. “So you have heard the good news?” He walked over to face him.

“Yes, Zuri filled me in last night while we were in bed.” He waited for a response.

“Good. Furaha has been anxiously awaiting your return so we can be married.”

Khai studied his face for some sign of trickery but found none. “What has brought this about?”

“What, the marriage or the relationship?”


“A conversation. I find we have a lot in common, and then one thing led to another, and she proposed to me.”

Khai raised an eyebrow. “She proposed?”

Asar laughed. “Yes, it took me by surprise, too. Of all the things that could have come out of that sharp little mouth, a proposal was the last thing I


“But you accepted.”

“I felt it was the best thing to do under current circumstances.”


“That Zuri is married to you and out of my reach.”

Khai bristled. “Marrying Furaha will not erase the fact that you are in love with another woman. In fact, it is quite selfish of you to lead her on this


He paced. “I knew you would see it this way. Furaha knows all about my feelings for Zuri. Hell, everyone in the palace knows that I desire her, but

I will never act upon it.” He grabbed Khai by the arms. “I have loved you like a brother for years. I would never betray you.” He removed his hands.
“Furaha will make me happy, and she will make me forget.”

“Have you spoken your feelings to Zuri?”

“Yes, and she has told me that under no circumstances will she submit to me. I have accepted this.”

“I offered you to her.”

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Asar cringed. “She told me. You had no right to make such an offer.”

“I have every right. I am pharaoh. I own you. Do not tell me that you are not flattered with the prospect of sleeping with her.”

“Why do you want to subject yourself to such torture? Zuri loves you. She has always loved you, ever since she was a child. I remember her

looking up at you with those big brown eyes that time she fell down and scraped her knee, and you carried her into the palace.”

“You have an excellent memory.”

“While I am on the subject of being honest, we have seen each other naked.”

Khai growled. “When?”

“When you returned with her from Nubia. I’m just telling you so it won’t come up and rear its ugly head one day. She was getting out of the baths.

I did not know it was occupied. It was during the time her bath was under construction.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing. She quickly put on her robe and left the area. We never spoke of it again.” He paused. “You are one lucky fellow.”

“Speaking of my wife’s body. I’ve noticed that she has put on some weight.”

“Maybe she is enjoying the cuisine. Are you complaining?”

“No, I like women with meat on their bones.”

“Are we through with this conversation? I need to get back to my bride-to-be.”

“You have my blessing.”

“Thank you.” Asar walked back to his horse. “That is all that I ask.”

* * * *

Zuri walked down to the bottom floor and turned the corner that led to the rooms Furaha was occupying. Her cousin had invited her to visit, and

she wanted to get it over with before Asar returned from his meeting with Khai.

Zuri stopped just outside the open door. A feminine giggle traveled through the air. “Furaha, are you there?” She received no response. Zuri

entered the room. It was empty. There was another feminine giggle and the sound of splashing water. “She must be in the bath.” Zuri sat down and
waited for a few minutes and then rose. “Maybe I should tell her that I have arrived.” She walked through the bedroom and headed toward the bath.
She stopped dead in her tracks. Her cousin lay on a couch just outside the pool, and she wasn’t alone. Asar was on his knees between her legs
and using his mouth to tease her.

“You are so good at this.”

Asar raised his head. His dark brown hair streamed in front of his face, hindering his view. “That is because you taste so delicious.”

Zuri ducked behind a column fearing she would be seen. Common sense told her to leave, but she stood transfixed. Asar rose. He was naked

and blatantly aroused. Zuri gulped. Not as big as Khai but every bit as long.

Furaha spread her thighs wider. “Come to me, grand vizier.”

Asar crawled between her cousin’s legs and entered her.

Furaha squealed. “You are in so deep.”

“I want to be deeper.” He moved his hips.

Zuri continued to watch, drawn into voyeurism by curiosity.

Asar took her roughly, grinding his pelvis into Furaha, who clawed at his back in a fit of ecstasy. Asar pulled out and slammed back into her.

Furaha squealed again, obviously enjoying the sound of screwing.

A hand clasped over her mouth, and an arm came around her waist. Zuri struggled and tried to get away from whoever had her trapped. She

was dragged through Furaha’s rooms and out of the door and then pushed forcefully in the hall. She looked up. Khai glared down at her.

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“What do you think you are doing?”

“Furaha invited me for a visit.”

“That did not look like she was entertaining you.”

Zuri put her hand on her hips. “Obviously not. How was I to know that your talks would end early? I just happened to walk in on them.”

“A polite person would have turned and left.”

Zuri scowled at him. “When have I ever been considered polite?” She marched away angrily.

Khai caught up with her. “So did you satisfy your curiosity?”

Zuri tried to slap him, but he caught her hand.

“Was he everything you desired? Was his body not fantastic?”

“I have seen his body before. It is impressive.”

Khai grabbed her, slung her over his shoulders, and ran toward the stairs. He took her up to his room and tossed her on the bed.

“Ouch. Careful.”

“You do not deserve my kindness. I knew I could not trust you.”

“Do not ever manhandle me again, pharaoh.”

Khai crawled on the bed and grabbed her chin in his hands. “I can do with you what I wish. My little voyeur.”

“What do you want me to say? I have never seen anyone making love before. It was interesting. Furaha is such a fake. She was screaming like

she was being tortured.”

“Do not try to change the subject.”

“You are such a jealous pharaoh.” She tried to climb off of the bed. “How did you know where to find me anyway? Did you search the palace like

a mad man until you found me?”

“No, I did not have to. A servant told me that she saw you headed that way.”

“They are so loyal. Do you think that I am such a fool that I would go to Asar knowing I would be seen?”

Khai punched the mattress. “No. You are such an infuriating wench.” He pulled her back onto the bed and pinned her down with his body.

“Yes, but you love me anyway.”

“Do not think this is over. You are hereby banned from that part of the palace.”

Zuri tried to push him off of her. “You are smothering me.”

Khai rolled off of her, and she hopped off the bed. He sat up. “Did watching them do anything to you?”

Zuri’s hand went between her legs to demonstrate. “Yes, it set this on fire, and if you hadn’t so rudely interrupted, I would have come and sought

you out to put out the flame.”

Khai reached and ripped the dress from her body.

“Your mother is going to have a fit. She just had that made.”

“I will get you another one. That one is stained with your infidelity.”

“For the hundredth time, I did not do anything with Asar nor do I have intentions on doing anything with him. You are plenty enough man for me

with your jealousy and your gorgeous blue eyes and sexy smile.”

“You body is jiggling in all the right places. Have you put on weight?”

Zuri tried to cover herself. “It is rude to point that out.”

Khai stepped off the bed and walked around her. “Even your ass is thicker.” He reached down and squeezed one of her cheeks.

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Zuri moaned.

“Is that sensitive, too?”

Zuri nodded.

Khai pinched the other cheek, and Zuri backed into him.

“Take me.”

“No. I will not take you with him fresh in your thoughts.”

Zuri stomped away from him. “Oh, you asshole.”

Khai laughed. “Come back here.”

Zuri turned around.

“Your breasts are larger too. Is the food here so good that you have been gorging yourself while I was away?”

“Yes. I am growing fat from food.”

Khai walked up to her and reached for her breast. “If I squeeze them, will they give me milk?”

Zuri blushed. “I do not know.”

Khai raised an eyebrow. “Hmm.” He squeezed it, and the nipple budded to life. “This is most interesting.” He pulled her to him. “I think I shall take

you now.” He carried her to his bed and put her on her knees. “I think you are keeping secrets from me. For this, you must be punished.”

Zuri heard the shenti when it hit the floor. Khai approached the bed and spanked her cheeks until she shuddered. “Do you still desire my best


“No. I want only you.”

He used his finger to tease her rectum. “It has been a long time since I paid this any attention.” He pushed the finger inside.

Zuri yelped. “Please do not torture me so. I have done nothing wrong.”

Khai moved the finger around. “No, but you still think about it.”

Zuri moaned. “I do not lust after another man. I want only you.”


“I am not.”

Khai popped her on the other cheek with his free hand. He removed his finger and rubbed his penis against her bottom. Zuri trembled.

Khai slid it between the cracks and laid it to rest against her vagina.

“Please be gentle.”

He turned her around to face her. “Why? Why should I do it gently?”

“Because I carry your child deep in my womb.”

Khai roared, swept her off her feet and laid her gently on the bed. “You have made me the happiest man in the world.” He lowered his mouth on


Zuri sighed. She had not meant to tell him about the babe in the heat of passion, but she feared that he might carry out one of his threats. She

wrapped her arms around his neck. How was she ever going to convince him that he was the only man she wanted?

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Chapter Fourteen

He did not think Asar would go through with it, but here he stood dressed in his royal attire side by side with Furaha receiving blessings from the

priests on their union. Furaha looked simply lovely in a long white sheath, ceremonial headdress, and bands. Her parents and Zuri’s had arrived
from Nubia and were seated next to Asar’s. Women from all over the kingdom were there, crying in disbelief that he was no longer available. Khai
smirked, surprised that they had shown up, making themselves available for scorn and insult by the new bride.

Zuri sat at his side in her queenly regalia. This was the first time he had seen her with scepter and crown. His body hardened. Her gown fit

snuggly around her waist and growing abdomen. They were keeping that little surprise for a later date until she passed her first period of gestation.
He had banned her from all strenuous activity including riding horses and camels. She had balked but later relented.

Najre sat next to Chitemo, who had come for the wedding. He had brought along wedding gifts for the newlyweds, crates of fine ivory and

cypress, which delighted Furaha to no end. Najre looked ecstatically happy dressed in light blue. In a couple of months, she too would be married
and the Bassey palace would be free of children until the grandchildren arrived. Samanya was giddy with anticipation about it.

Asar and Furaha rose from their knees, and the ceremony ended. The procession made its way out into the streets where crowds of people

waited to congratulate them. Khai decided to remain inside and to wait for them to return for the celebratory dinner and entertainment. Zuri
remained at his side, quiet and reserved. Moments later, the throne room had emptied, and they were alone.

“I really did not think that he would go through with it.”

“I did.” She continued to stroke Simba.

“Why were you so sure?”

“Because he promised. Asar might be a lot of things, but he is not a liar.”

Khai chuckled. She was right. Through all of it, he had not once denied his feelings for Zuri or the fact that he did not yet love his new bride. “Do

you think it will last?”

“Of course. My cousin can be very persuasive. She will have him wrapped around her finger in no time.”

“How do you feel about her moving into the palace?”

“It is a big place, and she is family.”

He would not ask her about her feelings for Asar. It was still a sore subject to her. In his heart, he believed that she was over her curiosity and

now felt regret for her actions. He reached over and rubbed her stomach. “Do you wish for a boy or a girl?”

“It does not matter to me as long as it is healthy.”

“Aren’t you frightened?”

“Yes. Are you? Being a father is a big responsibility.”

“Yes. It terrifies me to know that I will be responsible for a tiny life. Hopefully, he will inherit your temperament and composure.”

Zuri chuckled. “I do not think so. Your arrogant Egyptian blood runs through his veins. He will be a handful.”

He removed his hand from her belly and raised it to stroke her cheek. Motherhood made her skin glow like copper. Her lips were fuller and her

eyes brighter. He allowed his eyes to move down. Her breasts were barely contained in the bodice of her gown. They had nearly doubled in size,
and he wondered how long she could keep her secret. Already his mother eyed her curiously at meals. Zuri’s appetite had increased, and she now
had a passion for fruit other than figs and plums. “Are you happy?”

She looked over at him. “Yes, why?”

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“You are very quiet.”

“It is called being reserved and mature. I am queen of Egypt, which means I have to act like one.”

Khai looked over at Zuri. She looked radiant. “Has my mother been coaching you on palace etiquette?”

Zuri nodded. “She told me be a queen in public and a wildcat in the bedroom.”

Khai laughed. “Maybe I need to separate the two of you for a while.” He continued to watch her, his body growing hard with need. He had not

touched her since that night, fearful that he might be rough with her again. It bothered him so that he could be so jealous. He had been trying not to
react every time a man looked at his wife. Even his guards found her enchanting.

* * * *

Zuri peered over at her husband once he had stopped badgering her with questions. It had been some time since they had lain together. Most

of it, she supposed, was her fault. He still did not trust her and feared that she might one day hold him to his promise to her. He did not have to worry
about that now. Her curiosity had been cured the moment she saw Asar and Furaha coupling. It was hard to fantasize about a man who now
belonged to another. Anyway, Khai was enough man for her. He was pharaoh, and he simply made her happy. The loving bride and groom
returned, followed by their entourage. “Should we adjourn to the dining room?”

Khai rose. They joined the others in the dining room. Najre grabbed her by the hand. “Can I speak with you for a moment?”


Khai went off to his seat.

Zuri took her sister up to her suite. “What is it?”

Najre pointed down to her stomach. “I think I am with child.”

Zuri gasped. “No!”

Najre shook her head. “Chitemo and I were alone in my room making wedding plans one day, and the next thing I knew he was looking at me

with those big brown eyes like he wanted to devour me.”

Zuri smirked. She could understand that.

“Mother is going to kill me.”

Zuri took her sister’s hand. “No, she will not. How far along do you think you are?”

“Maybe three months.”

“You will be married in less than a month. Just try to keep it hidden until then.”

“How am I going to hide it? My breasts are already the size of melons.”

Zuri rose and let down the top of her gown, exposing her breasts and abdomen. “The same way I do.”

Najre gasped and pointed. “You are with child, too.”

Zuri straightened her clothes. “Yes, a secret Khai and I had been keeping for a while.”

“I won’t tell.”

Zuri sat back down on the bed. “I am the happiest I have been in a long time.”

Najre looked her in the eyes. “Are you really? Has Khai given up this insane idea that you are in love with Asar?”

Zuri nodded. “I think so.”

Najre moved in closer. “You can tell me. Did anything happen between you and Asar?”

Zuri shook her head. “No. Once I accepted the fact that Khai was my husband, that ended that possibility. Khai might not believe it, but I love him

with all my heart. My fascination with the grand vizier was just that…a fascination.”

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Najre hugged her. “I am glad. The two of you were made for each other.” She rose. “I think we should be getting back to the party.”

Zuri rose. “Mother is going to be so happy when she finally finds out. The palace will once again be alive with children.”

“I do not know about that. I get the feeling that she is looking forward to getting me out of the house. She and father have been looking at each

other with big, dreamy eyes.”

Zuri giggled. “You do not suppose that they are still making love at their age?”

Najre nodded. “It would not surprise me. She is still a desirable woman.”

* * * *

Khai moved quickly away from Zuri’s door and headed back to the dining room. To think that he, pharaoh, would stoop so low as to eavesdrop

on his bride and her sister. The news that she loved him made him giddy with joy, and he would show her how much later when they were alone in
his bed. He sat down only moments before Zuri and Najre entered. He hopped up once she arrived and helped her into her seat. “Is anything wrong
with Najre?”

“No, she just wanted to talk. She does not have anyone to talk to now that I have moved out and Furaha has moved in here.”

“We will invite her here for a real visit after she and Chitemo are married. Would you like that?”

Zuri nodded. “That would be nice, but it might not be for some time. They will be newlyweds, and you know how that can get.”

“No, I don’t. We did not get that experience. Everything was so hurried.”

Zuri patted his hand. “I do not need formalities. I am very happy with the way things are.”

The servants brought forth the food, ending their conversation.

* * * *

“I never dreamed this day would come,” Asar said as he and Khai sat in the throne room after all the guests had departed and the festivities


“Me neither, but did you have to invite every woman that you slept with?”

Asar laughed. “Not all of them, my friend. That was just a small sampling.” He sighed. “And I will not miss them.”

Khai nearly choked on his wine. “What?”

“It is true. I am in love with Furaha. I do not know when it happened, but I am.”

“She is truly lovely. It is hard not to fall in love with her.”

“It is not just the outside beauty. I have found it beneath the surface. She does have a good side whether you believe it or not. I think she has


“Anything is possible. You, for example, look like a lovesick puppy.”

“She is very shrewd when it comes to business, and she is very good in the bedroom, two things I admire in a woman.”

“Business and sex have always been a good combination.” He sipped his drink. “I am glad that you are happy.”

“Do you think that our friendship will ever be the same?”

“I think so. Zuri made me realize that you have never lied to either of us. It was my own selfish jealousy that has ruined everything.”

“Is that an apology?”

“Yes. I am sorry that I accused you of seducing my wife.”

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Asar chuckled. “I am not without reproach. I would have done so had the opportunity been presented.”

“I know. She is hard to resist.”

“How long do you think the two of you can keep that little secret?”

“What secret?”

“That you are going to be parents.”

“How do you know that? Zuri and I haven’t told anyone except Najre?”

“I am not blind, and I do know a thing or two about the female anatomy. Her breasts are huge.”

Khai nodded. “That they are. I suppose we are going to make the formal announcement soon. I do not think she can hide it much longer. Her ass

grows bigger every day.”

“Are you trying to tempt me?”

“No, just letting you know what you are in for. I happen to know that the Bassey women are very fertile.”



“It would not surprise me if Furaha is already with child.”

“I would like that…a little girl with her eyes.”

“You have turned into a romantic sop.”

“Love has done this to me. I like waking up next to her, and I cherish our nights together.”

“I have been neglecting my wife in that department lately.”


“I was a bit rough with her the last time we were together. I was angry, and I took it out on her.”

Asar gasped. “You did not strike her?”

“No. I took her from behind.”

Asar laughed. “Did she seem upset after you did it?”

Khai thought about it. “No, she did not say a thing. She just went off to sleep.”

“Then you do not have anything to worry about.”

“But it is not normal. I am so big, and she was so tight.”

“Do not give me any visuals.”

“Do you suppose she enjoyed it?”

Asar laughed again. “Oh, I am sure she did.”

Khai sighed. “Women are an oddity to me, especially her. I am still not sure that I did the right thing by making her queen.”

“I think you did. Even Bandru has seen the change in her. He has gotten a lot of favorable reports from the people. They adore her.”

Khai’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Bandru has changed his mind?”

“Yes. He now thinks that she is good for Egypt.”

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Chapter Fifteen

Zuri sweated as the contractions rendered her body helpless. She had been in pain for nearly fifteen hours, and she did not know if she could

last much longer. The midwife, Mandisa, had been providing emotional support and encouragement. The two of them were in the birth house at the
temple, and the young woman had positioned Zuri in the birthing chair and was waiting to catch the baby once its head emerged. Two other young
midwives stood at Zuri’s side holding her hands and arms and providing comfort. The three women spoke to each other as if she was not there.

Mandisa rose and left, returning several minutes later with a dish of hot water. She placed it under the birthing chair. “The steam will help with the


Zuri nodded that she understood. The birthing chair was made from brick and was most uncomfortable. It had been specially made for her with

inscriptions of her and decorated with beautiful pictures of a mother, baby, and the goddess Amon.

Hathor and the other women of the palace were in the outer room praying to the goddess for a safe delivery. Their chanting to Horus filtered into

the structure as she panted.

Mandisa mopped her brow. “It will not be much longer, my queen.”

Zuri eyed the young woman curiously. She was very pretty. Guilt rocked through her with the next pain. She had interfered with her relationship

with Khai. Zuri wondered if the young woman held any resentment. At the moment, she could not see it. Mandisa had been very caring throughout
the entire ordeal, which made it hard for Zuri to relax.

Mandisa sat back down and peered between her legs. “The head is crowning. Please push with the next pain.”

Seconds later, Zuri was hit with an excruciating pain. She pushed, unintentionally shoving her nails into the hands of the other two midwives.

“The baby has a head of dark hair.”

Zuri stopped pushing. One of the young women wiped the sweat from the brow. Another pain came. Zuri pushed. “Ah yee!” It felt like her bottom

was on fire.

Mandisa worked furiously beneath her, turning the baby’s shoulders as it passed through the birth canal. “Keep pushing.”

She was tired and exhausted and hating Khai very much for putting her into such a life-threatening position. She pushed harder. The rest of the

baby exited her body. Zuri stopped pushing.

Mandisa took the baby to the other side of the room while the other two ladies attended her.

Zuri looked over. What was she doing? She heard a smack and then a loud wail.

Mandisa turned to face her. “You have a son. A handsome boy. I will clean him up and then deliver him to you.”

Zuri relaxed while the other two women helped her off of the birthing chair and into a bed. Moments later, Mandisa put the squalling infant at her

breast. He was beautiful with black hair, creamy brown skin, and blue eyes.

Mandisa touched her hair tenderly. “Pharaoh will be proud. The baby looks just like him.”

Zuri was taken aback by the statement. Who else would he look like, except maybe her? Zuri gasped. Had Khai confided in her? Did he think

that there was a possibility that Asar might be the father or had she been the product of gossip since everyone knew that Khai and Asar had nearly
fought over her?

The baby grabbed a hold of her nipple and began to suckle. Zuri smiled. All the evil thoughts disappeared from her thoughts as she watched

young pharaoh at her breast.

Mandisa looked down on her and the baby. “I will send in your mother-in-law and the rest of the women.”

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“Thank you,” Zuri replied.

Mandisa and the two other women left. Hathor entered first, followed by Samanya, Isis, Najre, and Furaha. Hathor removed the baby from her

breast to examine it.

“It is a boy,” she announced.

The other women shouted with delight. “Hail pharaoh.”

Zuri settled back, exhausted, appreciating the rest and allowing the women of the family to fawn over her son.

* * * *

Mandisa walked into the throne room.

Khai looked toward the door. “How is my wife?”

“She is fine, pharaoh. She is resting in the birthing house.”

“And the baby?”

“A healthy son.”

Khai roared. “I have a son.”

Asar walked over and patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations.”

“Can I go to her?”

“In a minute, sire. She is with the women of the palace. They are performing the welcoming ceremony.”

“Are you sure that they are well?”

Mandisa nodded. “They are in excellent condition. I have made sure of it. The boy is fine and healthy with all his fingers and toes. He has a lusty

cry and a ferocious appetite. He latched on the queen’s tit the moment I laid him at her breast.”

Khai beamed. “I am so proud.”

Mandisa bowed and left.

“You did not even watch her as she walked away.”

Khai looked toward Asar. “What?”

“Mandisa. You are over her.”

“You sound surprised.”

“She has been your friend and concubine since you were a teen. Do you feel any remorse?”

“No, and before you can ask, Mandisa bears Zuri no ill-will. If I thought she did, I would not have let her anywhere near Zuri or the child. She is a

good friend and loves me enough to let me go.”

“Shall we go to see your son?”

Khai nodded. “Just think. In a couple of months, it will be me escorting you to the birthing house.”

Asar shuddered. “I know. I can not believe that I am going to be a father. I am very excited. Furaha’s breasts are huge.”

Khai laughed. “Spoken like a true husband.”

The two friends raced out of the palace and headed down the path that led to the birthing house, a structure near the women’s temple. Already a

long line of women waited patiently for their turn to see the new baby and to bestow their blessing on it.

“Move aside,” one of them shouted. “The pharaoh has arrived.”

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The women parted to allow him and Asar to enter.

“Khai’s here,” another said.

The door to the birthing room opened, and Hathor walked out with the infant in her arms. He was swaddled in a cover made from the finest linen,

dark blue with golden thread. She presented the baby to him.

Khai reached for the baby with uncertainty, fearing that he would drop him.

Hathor chuckled. “Just cradle your arm beneath his head.” She put the baby into the crook of his arm and opened the blanket. “A boy.”

Khai looked down. The baby stared at him and burped. Raw emotions came to the surface. “He is perfect.” He kissed the baby on the forehead.

Asar approached and looked down. “He is big and beautiful. Congratulations.”

Hathor took the baby from Khai. “I have to return him to his mother. He needs to feed.”

Khai followed his mother into the birthing room. Zuri’s mother and pregnant sister fussed over her. They both bowed and hurried out of the room

when they saw him. Hathor put the baby at Zuri’s breast and left, too.

“You do know how to empty a room,” Zuri said, watching him approach. The baby pulled at her tit and made sucking noises. “He has a healthy


Khai kissed her on the forehead. “You sound surprised. After all, he is my son.” He lowered his head to the other breast, took the nipple into his

mouth and sucked. He was rewarded with a warm, sweet liquid. He raised his head. “I do not think we will be in need of a wet nurse. Life flows from
your breasts.”

Zuri smirked. “I think there will be enough for both of you.”

Khai watched the baby nurse. “I do not know. He might be a selfish little brute who will not want to share.” He felt his body stir as he watched the

sight. He looked at Zuri. She blushed. “How long will you be indisposed?”

“You cannot be in the mood.”

Khai stiffened. “It has been several weeks.”

“Poor pharaoh. I am afraid you will have to wait at least six more. I need time to heal and for the blood flow to stop.”

Khai sighed. “I can wait.”

“Will you truly?”

Khai looked down at his wife. “What do you mean?”

“Will you truly wait until I heal or will you seek comfort elsewhere?”

“That question does not deserve an answer. No, I will not seek comfort elsewhere.”

“I am sure that Mandisa would not mind.”

“Are you trying to start an argument?”

Zuri smirked. “No. I am just teasing.”

“You are the only woman that I have ever loved or that I will ever need. I will wait six weeks but not one second more.”

Zuri blushed. “You might not have to wait that long. There are other ways I can serve my king.” Zuri ran her tongue over her lips.

Khai blushed this time. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Anything you wish. After all, you are pharaoh.”


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Imari Jade is a member of Romance Writers of America, (Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal) Passionate Ink and EPICON.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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