The Safekeeper by Jandco

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The Safekeeper by Jandaco

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


AU All human ExB JxA EmxR Edward has 21 days to convince Bella and the rest to let him go. He
can't reveal his reason. Edwards only option? Hurt them to save them.

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Experts say it takes 21 days to kick a habit. What they fail to elaborate on are the particulars.
What if the subject is particularly stubborn? What if it is practically a lifelong habit? Will it make a

difference if the habit is fatal? What if the habit in question is me?

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Chapter 1.


The ringing woke me with a jolt, then a groan. I kicked my leg around on the bed, hoping to make
contact with the cordless phone. No luck, but it didn‟t matter; I knew who it was and what she
wanted. I rolled over on to my side and my face was met with Bella‟s dark, knotted, slept on hair.
It smelled like strawberry shampoo, like it always does. The familiarity didn‟t make it any less
appealing. I slipped my hand up the front of her shirt and worked my way slowly up her hot,

smooth skin.

“Hey,” she said, sleep still in her throat.

“Hey,” I answered. “That was Alice, I‟m sure. We‟re late,” I mumbled into her hair, my hand still
probing under her shirt. Bella let out a groan.

“I‟m tired. I‟m not going. I always lose, anyway,” she sulked.

“Right,” I answered. She gasped when my hand found its target.

“Tell her…tell her I‟m not coming tonight,” Bella said, her breath coming faster. I changed direction

and moved my hand south.

“Bella, I love you, but I will not endure the wrath of Alice so you can skip out of Thursday night




She pressed the back of her body into mine and began tugging at her sweat pants. After a few
seconds of her struggling, impatience got the best of me and I swiftly removed her pants in one
long sweeping motion. Once free, Bella quickly rolled on top of me. I lay flat on the bed, my hands
roaming over her thighs, her stomach, her breasts before finally settling on her hips. I smiled up at
her crookedly. Her full lips parted into a wide, beautiful smile. My breath caught in my throat.
When she smiled at me like that, I could see it all. My past, always entangled happily with hers. My
present, my very perfect now, Bella on me, in me, integrated in every part of my life, so closely I
could barely tell her emotions from my own. My future – our future- a marriage, careers, babies, I

wanted it all. All with her.


I lowered myself onto Edward and moaned as I felt him fill me up. Not a bad way to wake up I
thought to myself as I marveled at his gorgeous face. A lock of his bronze hair flopped on his
forehead as he quickened our pace. I stared, still, after all this time, amazed he was mine. I let my
fingers graze lazily across his square jaw line, feeling the rough stubble on my fingers. Briefly, I
recalled his more youthful face; still beautiful, but smoother, hairless. Rounder, somehow, not as

masculine as now.

I felt his grip tighten on my hips. He suddenly sat up, still inside of me.

“I want to feel all of you,” he growled, his forehead pressed to mine. My fingernails dug into his
broad shoulders and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed himself even closer to me,
my skin sliding off of his, our sweat intermingling. Abruptly, he crushed his open mouth to mine
and a moan escaped my lips as I felt him spill into me. I let my body sag onto his as we let our

breathing slow.

He sighed and leaned back on his elbows, allowing me full view of his muscular chest as I was still

straddling him.

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“We are officially late,” he said.

“We‟ve been officially late every Thursday or the past four years,” I retorted.

“True, but Alice doesn‟t like it.”

“Why are you so scared of her?” I teased.

“Uh, because she‟s scary?”

I couldn‟t argue with that. A few true facts about my best friend Alice Brandon: she is tiny,
gorgeous, sassy, bossy, fiercely loyal and extremely hot tempered, though she prefers the term
passionate. One more thing crucial to Alice‟s personal profile: she is connected at the hip to
Edward‟s best friend Jasper Hale. They‟ve lived together since graduation, four years ago, which is
also when she insisted the six of us have Thursday night poker tournaments. “This way, we‟ll
ensure our group bond!
“, she beamed at the time. I, personally, was hesitant to commit to weekly
plans indefinitely. “You‟re doing it,” she had said with finality. And that was that. Really, though,
she had a point. After graduation our lives were hectic, we were no longer safely cocooned
together at school. The wide world awaited us, and if we were to stick together, it would indeed

take commitment.

Emmett and Rosalie had no problem pledging to show up every Thursday, they always won. Of
course, they always cheated, too. Emmett had yet to actually admit to the cheating accusations,
but his big, stupid grin gave him away. That, and Edward claimed his brother has been cheating at
cards ever since their first game of Go Fish. Blonde, beautiful Rosalie never ceased to amaze me.
Her ability to „handle‟ Emmett was unparalleled, not only could she put up with him, she enjoyed

him. I can‟t count how many times she‟s sighed, shrugged her shoulders and uttered „love is blind‟.

Edward untangled himself from my legs.

“I‟ve got to shower and get to my parents. They‟re having my dad‟s partner over for dinner, I gotta
stop in to grab some papers about the internship at the hospital.” Edward was following in his

father‟s footsteps to become a doctor. A brilliant one, if I do say so myself.

“Do you want me to come with?” I asked tentatively. He chuckled, knowing I hated to make idle

conversation with people I don‟t know.

“No…use your get out of jail free card. I‟ll meet you at Alice‟s soon.” He kissed my forehead and
hopped out of the bed. I watched him head out of the door gracefully confident in every move he
made. I felt blessed to belong to him. Had I‟d known what his little side trip would lead to, I
would‟ve pulled him back to the bed and held him tightly under the covers. I would‟ve clung to him

with all of my might. But I didn‟t.

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Chapter 2.


I opened the door to Jasper and Alice‟s house warily.

“Well, well, well, look who loves us after all,” Alice said, looking up from her cards.

“Love nothing. I was worried about my safety if I didn‟t show. It‟s nothing more than self

preservation,” I deadpanned. Alice glared at me.

“Where‟s your boy toy?” Jasper asked.

“He‟s not here yet?” I asked, mildly surprised. I took my time getting ready, thinking we‟d meet up
at the same time.

“Edward isn‟t with you?” Alice asked suspiciously. I slowly shook my head, preparing myself for
what was coming.

“Don‟t tell me – does he have gasp OTHER PLANS?! ON THURSDAY?!” Alice shouted incredulously.

“No, just a quick stop to make,” I said, fighting a smile. Alice was kind of funny when she was

pissed. Her delicate face turned into a scowl as Jasper ruffled her short black hair.

“Don‟t worry, baby,” he joked. “I‟m sure Edward won‟t forget about us.”

“You joke, but this is serious! I mean, it starts with being late, then he cancels a few times, the
next thing you know we‟re a fond, distant memory of his and our group is broken forever… If he

goes, Bella‟s out with him, next is Emmett who takes Rosalie –“

“You might be overreacting. He‟s a few minutes late. It‟s not like he got amnesia and moved to

Tahiti,” Jasper laughed.

“Really, Alice, he had to tie up some loose ends regarding his internship. Carlisle‟s partner had
some stuff for him. It couldn‟t wait, the guy is going out of town until the end of the month,” I
explained on Edwards behalf. Just then, kitchen door swung open and Emmett and Rosalie
staggered out, each with a drink in tow.

“Ooooh, are we discussing the creepy Dr. James Laurent?” Emmett asked, his eyes wide. I finally

plunked down in an empty seat at the round table.

“We sure are,” Jasper said. Emmett shuddered.

“That guy freaks me out.” I smiled. It was funny to think of anything freaking brawny Emmett out.

“We know, baby, we know,” Rosalie said, sitting next to me. I picked up her drink.

“What are we drinking?” I asked, taking a sip.

“It‟s an Emmett Special,” she replied laughing. I gagged when the drink hit my throat.

“What the - what the hell is in that?” I choked out.

“Oh, a little bit of everything,” Emmett replied, casually.

“Literally,” Rosalie said. “If it has alcohol in it, it‟s in there.”

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“What are you, five?” Alice asked Emmett.

“Nope, just creative,” he said proudly. “Anyway, back to creepy Dr. Laurent.”

“Em, he‟s been your father‟s partner for, like, ever. How are you still creeped out by him? He‟s a bit

quiet, but we all can‟t be as verbal as you,” I said.

“I am telling you, there is something shady about him. No one listens to me…”

“Right,” said Jasper. “Like in high school, when you were sure Ms. Cope was trying to seduce you.”

“She was!” Emmett exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, exasperated.

“Or when you were sure the mailman was withholding your college acceptance letters,” Alice tossed

“I still haven‟t heard back from Harvard,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “It‟s been six years,” he

“Keep waiting, baby,” Rosalie said, rubbing his back.

“You realize you encourage this?” I asked her.

“He has a healthy imagination,” Rose said protectively, as if he were her child. Emmett gave me a

smug look.

Soon the cards were forgotten, as they always were and we were laughing, talking and enjoying
the easy fun companionship. When I glanced up at the clock, I was shocked at how much time had

passed… and still no Edward.

“What the hell is taking him so long?” I wondered aloud.

“You know Esme… blah, blah, blah,” Emmett said, waving his hand around.

“Maybe he stayed for dinner,” Rose offered.

“Maybe,” I said, but I was sure he would‟ve called if that was the case.

“Maybe he‟s sick of us,” Jasper said, just to agitate Alice. She smacked the back of his blonde

“Or maybe just you,” she said. I whipped out my cell phone and dialed his number. Voicemail. I
briefly thought of calling his parents home, but didn‟t want to interrupt if they were in the middle of
something important. After a while, Emmett and Rose started pawing at each other, and we all
knew that signaled the end of our night. I kissed each of my friends on the cheek and made my

way to my car, all the while trying to shake the nagging feeling that something wasn‟t right.

At home, I sat curled on the couch, my cell phone clutched tightly in my hands. I had called
Edwards phone a dozen times in the past hour and a half; since I pulled into our driveway and saw
it empty. I called Esme and Carlisle, who didn‟t answer. I would‟ve started to completely panic, but
I‟m well aware the Cullens turn their ringer off at 9:oo pm sharp every night. Esme once said their
lives were so hectic, the hours right before bed were the only quiet ones they had, and they
cherished them. Besides, Carlisle could be reached on his cell phone, meant for patient
emergencies. I‟d decided if Edward wasn‟t home in 10 minutes I was declaring emergency and
calling the damn phone. Edward had never done anything like this before. It sounds so cliché, but

it‟s so true. I flipped open my phone and dialed Alice.

“What?” she mumbled. I‟d woken her.

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“He‟s not home,” I blurted out, louder than I intended to.


“Edward – he‟s not here.”


“Put Jasper on the phone,” I ordered. I heard the shifting of blankets and quiet murmers.

“What?” Jasper asked. They were killing me.

“Edward‟s not -” I cut myself off as the front door slowly creaked open. I clicked my phone shut. I
stared at my hands as relief flooded through me. I only just now noticed they were shaking. Then I
realized why… I was angry. I sensed him standing in front of me, but I kept my head down,
wanting to get my emotions together before I let loose all the things I wanted to say. He stepped

closer to me and now I could see his shoes and the hem of his pants. They were filthy.

My head shot up and I let out a small squeak when I saw his beautiful face. His right eye was deep

purple, there was a row of four stitches at the end of his eyebrow. He looked tired, sad… terrified.

I leaped to my feet and hurled myself at him. He caught me, like I knew he would. I took his face

in both of my hands.

“What happened to you?” I cried, hot tears pricking at my eyes. How could anyone hurt him? With

my anger completely resolved, I held him to me tightly. I would get answers, but not tonight.


Okay. It was wrong. Looking back now, I still can‟t justify it… but I needed her. I had to have her
one last time. Though I knew it would only make it harder tomorrow, I couldn‟t help myself. I lifted
her and felt her legs wrap around my waist. She softly kissed my bruised and busted eye, I held
back a wince. I carried her to our bedroom and slowly laid her down, could just make out her face
in the moonlight. I quickly leaned over to the end table and turned the lamp on, I had to see her
clearly. Agonizingly slow, I took her clothes off. I carefully l lifted her head to remove her shirt.
When I lay her head back on the pillow, I stared at her beautiful, puzzled face. Of course she was
filled with questions I couldn‟t answer. I could feel my heart aching as I silently thanked her for not
asking just yet. So, I did the only thing I could do. I slowly and softly loved her. I memorized every
curve of her body, every mark on her pale skin. I grazed over every scar, knowing the story behind
each one. I breathed in her warm scent, burning it into my mind. I basked in every stroke her
fingers made on my skin. When I was sure I‟d kissed every part of her, I slid my hands under her
arms and lifted her to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and began to moan. I didn‟t
want this time with her to ever end, but I knew her body well enough to know she was close. I
suddenly changed the mood of our act, hoping she wouldn‟t sense my urgency. I poured all of my
emotion into my final thrusts. All of the love I had for her, all of the sadness and hurt for our lost
future. There was rage, too. Rage, because we were being pulled apart and there was nothing I
could do. Guilt, because I promised her my life and I was about to take it from her, to shatter her.

And I knew it.

I felt her body relax, I buried my face in her neck and a small, choked sob escaped from my throat.

I silently prayed she didn‟t catch it.

“Edward, I -”

“I love you Bella,” I cut her off.

“I love you,” she whispered. I could tell she was frightened. I wrapped my arms tighter around her,

offering the only comfort I could.

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“You‟re kind of freaking me out here,” she laughed, timidly.

“It‟s okay, Bella, you‟re okay… I‟m tired, so… please?” I knew she‟d let it go until the morning. She

trusted me.

“Okay,” she answered warily. “Just… are you okay? Should I call my dad?” The last thing I needed

was Chief Swan on the case.

“Uh, no… please, let me just hang on to you. We‟ll work it out in the morning,” I mumbled, my face

still pressed in her neck. If she looked at me, she would know I was lying.


I stared at the red glowing lights on the alarm clock. 3:17 am. I flipped to my side to gaze at
Edward, who lay on his stomach, breathing heavily. He began to doze about an hour ago, but he
was unusually restless in his sleep. I took in his face, beautiful even damaged. Lightly, I stroked his
messy hair and felt a sharp pang in my gut when I thought of someone hurting him. The questions
flooded my mind again. Was he in an accident? Who did this? Was it random? Why didn‟t he report
anything? My mind buzzed and I knew sleeping was impossible. I briefly thought of waking him for
answers, but obviously he‟d been through an ordeal and needed to sleep, even if it wasn‟t a

peaceful sleep.

I couldn‟t take just laying there so I got out of our bed and padded down the hall into the living
room. I found Edwards keys on the carpet, where he‟d let them drop earlier. I headed to his Volvo,
where I‟d left the book I‟d been reading, hoping for a distraction. I opened the passenger door and
the dome light instantly clicked on. I looked down and gasped in disbelief. The entire contents of
the glovebox was on the floor, but more concerning was what was on the seat. My sewing kit,
normally tucked away in the glovebox, was strewn about. I picked up the needle and my stomach

dropped. It was stained with blood. He had stitched his own wound.

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Chapter 3.


When I felt the sun warm my face, I bolted upright from where I lay on the bed. I attempted to
open my eyes, but was only half successful. My right eye was swollen shut. I felt the stabbing pain
in my eye at the same time the events from last night came flooding to my mind. I softly grazed
the stitches on my face with my fingertips and grimaced as I recalled the rushed hack job I

performed in my car.

I snapped open the glovebox with shaking, quick hands and whipped the entire contents to the
floor. I sifted through the mess – old maps, napkins, matches, loose change, Bella‟s long forgotten
lip gloss- finally the sewing kit she shoved in there last year, despite my protests. „You‟ll thank me

one day,‟ she insisted at the time. Bless her heart.

I proceeded to use the rearview mirror to inspect the damage. I saw my hands in the mirror and
cringed; they were crusted with blood and dirt. Though I knew it was petty at a time like this, the
med student in me, the doctor‟s son, gave a passing thought to hygiene. Okay, I could do this. I
was being trained to do this. I had to do this. It was almost impossible with shaking hands, but

somehow I threaded the needle. I took a deep breath and did what I had to do.

I sat in the bed and tried to calm my heart, my racing mind. Okay, it‟s morning, things always
seem better in the morning. I had to piece this all together. Logically. I had to figure out a way to
fix this, to keep us together. I looked at the clock. 9:18 am. Friday. Bella? Bella would be having
breakfast with her father, Chief of Police Charlie Swan, as she did every Friday. Surely, she would

be spilling every detail about last night. Shit. Shitshsitshitshit.

The phone rang, making me jump. Once, twice, over and over again until the answering machine

picked up.

“Did you call me last night Bella?” It was Alice. She continued. “I was sleeping. Everything alright?
Hey, Edward, if you are hearing this you should know I am pissed. Four years! Four years NOBODY
misses a single Thursday, then you go and fuck it all up! If you think you‟re getting out -” I

reached over and yanked the cord from the wall, harder than I should have.

I leaned forward and rested my head in my hands, trying to ignore my throbbing and probably
infected eye. I took a deep breath and replayed last night in my mind, desperately searching for a

way out.

I walked through my parents front door. Kissed mom hello in the kitchen. “Your father and Dr.
Laurent are in the living room, go ahead,” she winked, knowing it was Thursday… I had plans.
Quick hellos and pleasantries. Dr. Laurent opened his brief case, handed me a file with my

paperwork and I was out the door… except I thought to myself „Who brings a brief case to dinner?‟

I was so quick at my parents house, I thought Bella would still be at home getting ready. I decided
to swing by to pick her up, but her car wasn‟t in the drive. I decided to run the file inside and grab
the case of beer I owed Emmett he “won” at last weeks poker game. I tossed the file on the coffee
table, as I walked by the cover flopped open and I glanced at the top paper. I did a double take.
There were three columns: the first, a list of blood types. The second, a list of vital organs-kidney,
heart, liver-the third made my heart stop. Dollar amounts. I sank to my knees in front of the file.
No. No, this couldn‟t be right. I flipped through the rest of the papers, they only confirmed my sick

suspicion. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I came back to the file and flipped to the third page…a list of names. Beside each name, the cause
of death. All of them, each one, death by lethal injection. All the same drug. This was the work of

someone who had access to such medicine, a doctor.

I shoved the papers back into the file and ran straight to the door. I would go directly to my father.

Now. As soon as I opened the door, I was face to face with Dr. James Laurent.

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“I believe you have something that belongs to me,” he said politely.

“I believe it‟s actually police property,” I said, pushing past him.

“So much like your father… wholesome must be in the genes.” I kept walking. “You know, Edward,
you‟ll be a great doctor some day. I could always make room for you in my private, private

practice, it pays well.”

“This is disgusting,” I said, holding the file up.

“Clearly, you‟re not willing to work with me, here,” he said. I opened my car door.

“Edward? Edward, I don‟t work alone. I have a rather extensive team. If you manage to turn me in,
there‟s no way you‟ll get everyone. My colleagues include other doctors, law enforcement, judges…
it‟s actually quite intricate. You wouldn‟t believe the amount of power it takes to make a business

like this run smoothly, and quietly.”

“What‟s your point?”

“Let‟s say you actually get someone to believe you, which in itself is a long shot, but for the sake of
argument we‟ll go with it and take it a step further. Let‟s say I go to prison. That would make you,
Edward, the person responsible for party exposing a multi million dollar project headed by very
powerful, ruthless people. I say partly, because, with or without me this project isn‟t ending. If you

turn me in, you still aren‟t a hero. You aren‟t saving any lives.”

“I‟ll risk it,” I shot back.

“Oh? All of it? Because my colleagues won‟t be after just you. What was that pretty girlfriends
name? Ah, Bella. Does Bella still go jogging? Running keeps the heart healthy. Why, I could buy

myself a new Mercedes with the money I could get from one young, healthy heart.”

My stomach heaved and I lunged at him. All I saw was a silver flash coming at me, then I felt
something cold and steel make contact with my face. Everything went black. The bastard was

It must‟ve been only minutes later when I came to. I was now in our backyard, more specifically in
the garden Bella had just started. I thought to myself
I‟m crushing Bella‟s irises, she‟ll kill me. Then
snapped back to reality. I figured in order to avoid a bigger scene, he dragged me around to the

back. Suddenly, he was bent over, in my face.

I leave tonight to… take care of some business. I‟ll be back on the 27th. I suggest you quietly

disappear before then, for good. I don‟t need you hanging around, buzzing in Carlisle‟s ear.”

I‟m not just leaving…” I mumbled, still weak.

Yes, yes you are, Hero. Keep your mouth shut and disappear… and I‟ll leave your Bella alone. If I
see your face, deal‟s off.”

The date! I snapped my head up. What was today‟s date! Think, Edward, think… the 6th. Today
was the 6th. Okay, when did he say he‟d be back… the 27th. The end of the month. What did that
give me... 21 days. 21 days. 21 days to lose everything. All of them. Bella. No, no. There had to be
another way… but I could think of none. For the life of me, for the life of her, I couldn‟t think of a

damn thing.

Wait, I could just leave. Screw the 21 days. Leave now, keep them all safe… but they‟d follow.
She‟d never stop looking for me; this I know, because if the situation were reversed, I‟d never give
up on her. Esme and Carlisle would be heartbroken… and tenacious. It would make no sense to any
of my family or friends if I disappeared, it was against my character. They‟d try to help me, they‟d

be in danger.

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I had 21 days to convince them I am not happy here. 21 days to hurt them, piss them off, break
their hearts, make them let me go. 21 days starting today.


As I drove home from the diner, I felt better after talking to Charlie, but I was still anxious for
answers. When I told Charlie about the black eye, he proceeded to go into cop mode and ask the
appropriate questions, none of which I could answer. At the end of our conversation Charlie didn‟t

seem too concerned.

“Look, Bella, he got a black eye. Shit like this happens. I book angry drunks all the time on battery
charges,” he shrugged.

“Okay, but to do his own stitches?” I challenged.

“His father works at the hospital, he probably didn‟t want a big deal made out of this. You know, it
doesn‟t exactly stroke a man‟s ego to get sucker punched in the face. Plus, he knew what he was
doing. The kid‟s in med school,” Charlie reminded me. With the facts laid out like that, I had to

admit it didn‟t seem too bad. But my gut instinct was screaming otherwise.

When I got home I went straight to our bedroom. Edward was in the shower. I decided to check
our messages while I waited. Plopping on the bed, I leaned over to press the button, but there was
no green blinking light. Upon further inspection, I found the cord had been pulled from the socket.
As I was plugging it back in, Edward sauntered into the room, a towel hanging low on his waist. His

eye looked worse this morning.

“You okay?” I asked, standing to go to him.

“Fine,” he said, putting a hand up to block my open armed gesture.

“Let me look at it. It looks a little re -”

“I said it‟s fine.”

“Maybe Carlisle should -”

“Would you stop?” he interrupted sharply. Wow. Something was definitely not right. I sat back

down on the bed, my legs dangling over the side. He stepped around me to get to the dresser.

“Can we talk about what happened?”

He was silent.

“I was worried, you‟ve never just disappeared on me before.” I saw his shoulders tense at my

comment. More silence. I recalled what Charlie said. “Look, if you‟re embarrassed or something -”

“I‟m not embarrassed, Bella. Don‟t be ridiculous,” he said sourly, his back still to me. Ok, I could be

sympathetic and all, but I was nobody‟s punching bag. Not even Edwards.

“Yeah, well, I‟m not the one who busted your eye, so you can stop being an asshole now,” I said
acidly. I immediately regretted it. In all of our years together, I had never resorted to name calling.
We‟d had our share of arguments, but this was a first. I told myself it was just the stress of the

situation. He didn‟t seem phased.

“Thanks for the permission,” he said flatly, pulling a T-shirt over his wet hair. This was wrong. All

wrong. This wasn‟t us.

“I‟m sorry… I shouldn‟t have said that,” I apologized.

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“It‟s fine.”

“What happened?” I blurted out.

“I don‟t know.”

“What do you mean „you don‟t know‟?”

“I mean I. Don‟t. Know.”

“You stitched your eye yourself.”

“Yes… were you in my car?”



“That handy work of yours is going to leave a pretty gruesome scar.”

“I guess my modeling career is over,” Edward said dryly. He fumbled with his watch and avoided

looking at me.

“I‟ll love you anyway,” I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

“Don‟t you have to work today?” He sounded annoyed.

“Long weekend. Are you trying to hurt my feelings?”



“Where were you? When it happened?”

“Shit, Bella! Let it go already!”

I felt like I‟d been punched in the stomach. I was still clutching my keys and felt them dig into my
palm. I stood up and brushed past him, then paused in the doorway. I looked over my shoulder
and saw him leaning against the dresser. For a brief second he lifted his head and looked at me. I

could‟ve sworn I saw a tear on his cheek.

I used my emergency key to Alice‟s house to unlock the door. She would still be at work, but I had
nowhere else to go. I was surprised to see Jasper sitting on the couch, an Xbox controller in his


“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I live here,” he said, not looking up from the tv.

“I mean, no work today?”

“Ah, the wonder of the internet. I can work from home on Fridays.”

“Looks like you‟re working hard.”

“Definitely,” he grinned, finally looking up at me. “Are you okay?” He‟d noticed my puffy eyes.

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“Something‟s wrong with Edward.”

“You mean other than the obvious?” Jasper joked. Even though Edward wasn‟t here, he couldn‟t

resist ripping on his best friend.

“Seriously, Jasper.” He put the controller down.

“What? Is he okay?”

I divulged the entire tale, leaving nothing out. Jasper listened intently while I rambled.

“Shit,” he exhaled when I finished.


“I‟m going over there,” he said.

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Chapter 4.


I was in the backyard, trying unsuccessfully to fix up Bella‟s crushed irises. It seemed so ridiculous
and small, but it was all I could do for her now, so, dammit, I was gonna do it. I heard a car door
slam in the driveway and felt a pang in my heart. I wish she‟d just stay away. It was killing me to
treat her badly.

The gate swung open and I was surprised to see Jasper, though I shouldn‟t have been. Of course

she went to Alice. Jasper let out a low whistle.

“What does the other guy look like?” he asked.

“Do you need something?” I was giving him the same treatment I gave Bella.

“Are you kidding?”

I was silent.

“Bella wasn‟t exaggerating. Dude, what the hell is going on?”

“Nothing,” I shrugged, messing with a crumpled flower.

“Nothing. Your face has been pulverized, you‟re being more of a prick than usual and you‟ve

suddenly taken up gardening.”

“Do you have a problem with gardening?”

“Cut the shit.”

“Fuck off.” When I said it, I saw Jasper flinch out of the corner of my eye.

“Watch it.”


“Look, if you need some kind of help or something… I won‟t tell Bella if you ask me not to.”

I briefly considered what he said. It was true, he wouldn‟t breathe a word if I told him not to. He‟s
been my best friend since kindergarten. Plus, Jasper was clever… If he could help… figure this out…
No. No. Everyone who knew would be in danger. I wouldn‟t do that to Jasper, to Alice. The lower

the numbers, the better. Only me.

“I don‟t need help. I need to be left the hell alone.”

Jasper leaned down, straightened up a sad looking flower and left.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off of my jeans and took a deep breath. Alice would be next.

Sure enough at 12:15 pm Alice‟s car pulled into the drive. I sat on the couch and watched the front

door fly open.

“I‟m on my lunch hour, so let‟s be quick,” she said, standing over me, her hands on her hips. I

opened my mouth to tell her to leave, but she put her hand up.

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“You‟ve hurt the two people I love most in this world; from what I understand you‟re having some
kind of breakdown or something, so I won‟t deck you in the other eye. Do you want to tell me what

the problem is, exactly?” she asked, not expecting an answer.


“Fine. But Edward? Whatever it is, fix it. Now,” she demanded, poking her tiny finger in my chest.

I almost snorted. Fix it. I wish.

“Or you could mind your own business,” I said icily.

“Look, you can say nasty things to me and give me dirty looks all you want,” she began, kneeling
down to meet my eyes. Her stare was cold. “You won‟t hurt Bella. Got it? I don‟t care what you

have to do, just make it better. I‟m not fucking around Edward.”

“Neither am I Alice. So leave.”

She walked to the door, paused and looked over her shoulder.

“Clean up your eye. You look like hell.”

The door slammed shut. I laid my head on the couch and waited for Emmett.

6:00 pm on the dot. I was still on the couch, listening to Emmett rummage through the fridge.

“Don‟t you people shop?” he shouted from the kitchen.

I played with the hem of my shirt silently. He emerged with a sandwich and a beer and plopped
down on the couch next to me. He didn‟t seem too worried. He ate without saying a word. When he

was done, he looked at me and pointed his bottle of beer at my eye.

“It‟s infected,” he said.

“I know.”

“I‟m supposed to be smacking some sense into you.”

“Do you do everything Rosalie tells you to do?”

“Yep,” he grinned. “Anyway, who‟d ya piss off?”

“Go back to Alice‟s and declare defeat.”

“You are being completely un-Edward. Something really got you…” his eyes narrowed. “Okay, I
talked to you on Thursday morning. You were fine,” he was talking more to himself than to me.
“You didn‟t show that night, Alice was PISSED… The black eye… You went to mom and dad‟s to

meet creepy Dr. Laurent -”

I tensed and froze.

Emmett noticed.

“Wait, creepy Dr. Laurent punched you!” a smile threatened to escape his lips. “I knew it!”

If the situation weren‟t so tense, I‟d be insulted at his triumphant tone.

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“I knew he was a jerk-off! I called this years ago! What the hell happened?” he asked, giddy he
broke the case. “Geez, Edward, couldn‟t you take him…?”

He continued to ramble, not noticing the panic taking over my body. Never, in a million years,
would I have guessed Emmett would be the one to come remotely close to the truth. I‟d
underestimated him. I wouldn‟t doubt his judgments of character again. I would, however, be sure

to steer clear of Ms. Cope if I ever saw her again.

“Creepy Dr. Laurent didn‟t punch me,” I lied.

“Oh,” said Emmett, subdued. “Who did?”

“I don‟t know.” I was sticking to my pathetic story.

“Yeah, I heard that already over at Alice‟s from Team Save Edward. I thought I‟d like the truth


“I‟m going to lay down.”

“Later,” said Emmett. I didn‟t like the tone of satisfaction in his voice.


Our group was convened at Alice and Jasper‟s. All except for one.

“I‟m telling you creepy Dr. Laurent has something to do with this,” Emmett declared.

Jasper rolled his eyes, Alice groaned, Rosalie patted his arm.

“He‟s a doctor, Carlisle‟s partner for 20 years. He‟s not some psycho creep so get over it already. I

think this is serious,” Jasper said.

“You should‟ve seen Edward when I said his name. Cool, calm Edward panicked. Big time.”

“I don‟t know -” I began.

“I do,” Emmett cut me off. “Look, I‟ve cried wolf a lot, I admit it. This is different.” He looked

convinced, determined.

“Well, then why? I mean, what could the big problem with the creepy doctor be?” Alice asked.

Emmett shrugged. This was getting us nowhere. But, I knew a good place to start.

“Let‟s go to Carlisle.”

In the end, it was only Emmett and I to go. We didn‟t want to rush into their house as a mob and
blow things out of proportion if it wasn‟t necessary. In Emmett‟s jeep on the way there we
rehashed the situation again. Nothing new.

“Oh, Emmett, not this again,” Carlisle said when Emmett relayed our story. “James is one of the
most ethical people I know, not to mention my friend.”

Esme poured us each a cup of coffee. She looked worried.

“What‟s this about a black eye?” she asked.

“He has one,” Emmett responded.

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“Why? How?”

“He doesn‟t know,” I answered.

“That‟s bullshit,” Emmett said. Esme raised and eyebrow at her son.

“Well, it is.”

“Edward is responsible. He can handle himself,” Carlisle assured Esme.

“Oh yeah? Cause his eye is a festering, infected mess,” Emmett said smugly.

This caught Carlisle‟s attention.


“He did it himself,” I said.

“Did what himself, dear?” Esme asked.

“The stitches.”

“And they got infected?” Carlisle asked, disappointed.

“Carlisle! I think that‟s beside the point! He did them himself. It‟s not Edward to be so haphazard,”

Esme admonished. “I don‟t think now is the time to be worrying about his stitching skills.”

“Of course not,” Carlisle said, a bit ashamed. “I‟ll be over in the morning. I‟ll look at his eye and

we‟ll get this mess straightened out,” Carlisle told me.

I felt a bit better.

As promised, Carlisle was at our home the following morning. I was grateful for the distraction,

Edward barely said two words to me since I got home the night before.

“Wonderful,” I heard him mutter when he saw his father‟s car in the driveway.

Carlisle tapped on our door and walked in. I gave him a look of warning before he greeted Edward.

“Well, it‟s definitely infected,” was all he said before digging in his black medical bag. Edward said

nothing. Carlisle went to work on his face.

“You‟ve got a lot of people very worried about you, kid.”

Edward shot a look at me.

“I told him what I know, which isn‟t much,” I said defiantly.

“Are you in trouble?” Carlisle asked calmly.


“Are you okay?”


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“Should I be worried?”


“You realize your mother will kill me if I come home with no answers?”

Edward smiled for the first time since Thursday afternoon. I hadn‟t realized how much I missed it.

“Look, Edward, I‟m proud of you. You are a responsible, intelligent man. If you say don‟t worry, I
won‟t. I trust you. But, if you ever need anything at all, you can come to me. You know that,


Edward nodded but didn‟t meet his father‟s eyes.

When the door shut Edward spun around to me.

“Spreading the word all over town, eh?” he asked.

“It‟s not like you left me a choice.”

“Well, thanks for calling my daddy for me,” he said sarcastically. “He really saved the day.”

“I don‟t know why you‟re doing this, why you want to hurt me, but it‟s working. Happy now?”

“No,” he said, and I knew he meant it.

“Well, that was cryptic.”

“I don‟t want to hurt you…”

“Yet you do it anyway. In the last two days you‟ve said nothing but hurtful things to me. To be
honest, I didn‟t even know you had it in you. I‟ve seen you mad, scared, sad before, you‟ve never

been like this.”

“Maybe you don‟t know me as well as you thought.”

I narrowed my eyes, refusing to believe that was a possibility.

“You have a reason to do this, to treat me like this. The thing is, I trust you. I trust you to always
love me and do what is best for me, so let me clarify something for you: this isn‟t what is best for

me. You once promised to never hurt me. Do you remember?”

He nodded once. I continued.

“You never break your promises… I get you don‟t trust me enough to tell me… I want to help… Just
please, don‟t be mean anymore,” I finished, not really knowing what else to say. He sucked in a

deep breath, put his hands in his hair and walked out the door.

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Chapter 5.


I sat in my car, racked with emotion. Anger, sadness, guilt. I was nauseous and tired. I balled up
my fist and punched the dashboard. Once, twice, three times. There was a considerable sized dent

when I was done, not to mention two bloody knuckles. Great.

Part of me wished I didn‟t have this trustworthy, responsible, good guy reputation. If I‟d always
been reckless and unreliable nobody would give much thought to any of this, even at the end when

I disappeared forever.

I sighed and thought of what Bella had said before I walked out on her. I hurt her. Badly. I
shouldn‟t have been, but a small, selfish part of me was glad she recognized I had a reason. Glad
she knew I was doing this for her, not because of her. A bigger part of me, however, was terrified
for the same reason. If she even suspected my new attitude was actually for her benefit, she‟d
keep digging. Digging for the truth without ever realizing she was digging her own grave. I knew
better than anyone how stubborn Bella could be. It was actually one of my favorite qualities of
hers. I almost laughed at the irony. The very thing I so admired about Bella was now the one thing

I wished I could change about her.

My cell phone rang, interrupting my disturbing thoughts. I glanced at the caller ID screen. I didn‟t

recognize the number, so like a fool, I answered it.


“Tsk, tsk. You need to work on your telephone etiquette, Edward.”

The sound of his voice turned my stomach.

Dr. Laurent.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, I thought I‟d be considerate and give you a heads up, but if you‟re going to be rude…”

“Tell me.”

“I‟m sure you‟ve heard your mother going on and on about planning Carlisle‟s annual hospital
charity soiree for months now. I have to say, I‟m delighted Esme‟s agreed to host it in their home

this year. Aren‟t you? I mean, it makes the whole thing much more intimate, don‟t you think?”

He wanted an answer.


He laughed.

“I suppose you wouldn‟t. Anyway, the little party is this Saturday! Imagine my embarrassment
when I realized I had booked my trip the same time as my business partner and dear friend
Carlisle‟s annual to do! I thought maybe I‟d have to miss this year, but, being the stand up guy I
am, I reconsidered. I mean, I have to be there to support the hospital. Strictly between you and
me, I have to keep up appearances, bothersome as they may be. Plus, I already RSVP‟d. I wouldn‟t
want to mess up Esme‟s seating arrangements… but don‟t worry, Edward, I spoke to your mother

and she assured me a seat right next to yours. You know, so we can talk shop!”

He sounded delighted.

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“But you said the 27th,” I sputtered. “You can‟t… you can‟t change the rules -”

“I can. But I won‟t, so relax, Hero. Our original deal is intact. What do you take me for, some kind

of monster?” he mocked.

I exhaled sharply.

“I‟m a doctor, Edward. Fair and ethical. I like you, too. In some ways, I think of you as a son. I‟ve
known you since you were in diapers! That‟s why it‟s so unfortunate we find ourselves in this


“I changed my mind,” I said quickly.

“Come again?”

“I won‟t say anything.” It was true, I wouldn‟t.

“Yes you would… eventually.”

“No. Not a word to anyone. Ever.”

“You might mean that now, Edward, but it would change. What happens when the little lady
decides to run off with someone else? Or when that squeaky clean conscience just can‟t take it
anymore? It‟s just too risky, son. Plus, I rather enjoy the leverage I have now. Bella is so pretty,

who knows if she‟ll be around for future blackmailing?”

I cringed at hearing her name on his lips. I decided to go a different route.

I‟d beg.

“Please. I am beg-”

“Don‟t. That‟s just pathetic. Because we‟ve shared so much already, I‟ll confide something else to
you. I made the mistake. I handed you that file. You have no idea the power or destruction those
papers hold. Right now, this is between only you and I. Believe it or not, I am protecting you by

not sharing our little pickle with my colleagues. I am being generous.”

“Wait. You‟re protecting yourself,” I said as his words clicked in my head. “They‟d kill you if they

knew what you did,” I said slowly, trying to find a way to use this to my advantage.

“They‟d kill you, too,” he said, but his voice held the slightest tremor.

I‟d found the chink in his armor.

“True, but I won‟t say anything,” I reminded him. “No one has to know you gave me that file.”

“We‟ve been over this. You‟re a risk. I‟m getting bored of you. I look forward to seeing you


He hung up.

I pressed my phone to my lips and tried to figure out what this newly acquired information meant.
He was just as terrified as I was. I held more power than I originally was aware of. Our cards were
now on the table, and they were practically identical. I felt oddly empowered, as though we were

now on even ground.

Yet it meant nothing.

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The creepy doctor had unintentionally dragged me into this mess, now we were stuck in it
together. The only thing I was certain of was Bella could not go to that party on Saturday.

I had to step up my game.


After he left I crawled back into bed and lay my head on his pillow. I missed him, though he‟d been

right here. I had a few things to reconcile in my mind, I wanted to comb over every possibility.

I knew Edward so well, his thought processes, his emotions; I knew him as well as I knew myself.
So I was certain something was forcing him to behave this way. I saw it on his face. Despite his
harsh, hurtful words, he was in pain. His eyes gave him away. Although it may not be obvious to

anyone else, I knew those eyes and I knew the hurt and conflict behind them.

If he wouldn‟t tell me, however, I could do nothing. It was painful to think he didn‟t trust me with
whatever this was. God knows I trusted him with everything that I am. Did he think I wouldn‟t
understand? That I wouldn‟t help? Didn‟t he know that nothing could tear me from him? Nothing

could make me leave his side.

I would have to prove it to him.

I resolved right then and there to make him see. To let him say his hurtful remarks, to keep
coming back at him stronger each time he pushed me away. Hurtful as he may be, I knew he
didn‟t mean it, therefore I could take it. I would be strong and stubborn and stick to him no matter
what, because, whatever this was, he needed me. Whether he admitted it or not, he needed me


I would be there.

I‟d do anything for him.

I was certain of one thing: I wouldn‟t let him push me away. I had to come at him stronger.

I had to step up my game.

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Chapter 6.


I was at the sink scrubbing my coffee mug when Edward walked back in the door, just as silently

as when he left.


He didn‟t have to speak. I would.

I turned to him, my jaw set.

“Now what?” he sighed, folding his arms across his chest.

“I want to know,” I demanded, copying his stance.

“There‟s nothing to know.”

“Don‟t lie to me.”

“Whatever, Bella,” he rolled his eyes.

“Don‟t try to act nonchalant. I know something is going on, so you can skip the mean guy act.”

He tried to walk past me.

I grabbed the back of his shirt and gave a sharp yank. He turned to stare at me, his eyes wide.

“I‟m done messing around. No more walking away.”

“Say what you want then,” he said, sounding bored.

I turned back to the sink and started scrubbing the poor mug again.

“I‟m waiting for answers. Still.”

“You want answers. Fine. Ya know, you never stopped to think that maybe I‟m just sick of this. All

of this,” he ranted, waving his hands at his surroundings.

“Excuse me?” I asked, whipping my head around to look at him.

“I want change.”


“I want to leave, to get away. Do something different.”

“Well, I‟d have to get time off from work -”

“I don‟t mean a vacation, Bella,” his tone was icy.

“Oh? What did you mean Edward?” I shot back, just as cold.

“Something more permanent.”

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“I can‟t just pick up and leave because you‟re bored, Edward.”

“I didn‟t ask you to come with me.”

My insides clenched, but I kept my face stone.

He was right.

I never thought about us being apart.

I still didn‟t. He was bluffing. I called him on it.

“Do you still love me?”

“I want different things. I want to be on my own… this just isn‟t the future I want anymore.”

I listened closely to his words, trying not to let them cut too deeply.

He‟s lying He‟s lying He‟s lying I chanted over and over in my head.

I realized he didn‟t answer my question. He couldn‟t say he didn‟t love me.

Edward moved to walk away again.

I slammed my hand on the counter, still holding the mug. It shattered.

“You‟re not leaving! You‟re not walking away from me!” I yelled, using both of my hands to push

on his chest. To keep him in place.

When my hands slid down his white shirt, I saw a thick streak of blood where my hand had been.

The damn mug cut my hand when it shattered.

“Dammit,” I whispered, closing my fist and bringing it to my chest.

Edward reached out and gently took my wounded hand. He uncurled my fist with his fingers and
bought it up to his eyes for closer inspection. Without a word he turned me back to the sink and

held my hand under the running faucet. I stared at his expressionless face. He stared at my hand.

Next, he turned the water off, grabbed a clean dish towel and placed my hand on it, palm up. He
leaned down to examine the cut closer. I wanted to touch his face, but I held back, not wanting to

ruin this moment, this flash of my true Edward.

“It doesn‟t need stitches,” he declared, straightening himself up.

“Thank God for that. We both know that‟s not exactly your specialty,” I tried to joke, and hesitantly
raised my fingers to his re-stitched wound. He jerked his head away from my touch. I watched him
walk away, then quickly return with a Band Aid and some antiseptic. He set them on the counter

next to my hand.

This was ridiculous.

“Would you please -”

“Yeah,” he said softly.

With gentle, slow hands he cleaned and bandaged me.

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Then he walked away, my blood still bright and fresh on his shirt.

That evening, I lounged on our couch flanked by Alice and Rosalie on either side of me. I filled

them in on all of the most recent, strange exchanges I‟d had with Edward.

“Where is he now?” Alice asked looking around, ready for a fight.

“Relax, Killer. He‟s not here. I don‟t know where he is. I never know where he is anymore,” I said


Rosalie rubbed my back.

“We‟ll figure it out,” she soothed.

“I‟m not so sure anymore,” I said.

Rosalie suddenly jumped up and plunked her wine glass on the coffee table.

“Wait! We‟ve been going about this all wrong!” she said excitedly.

“What?” asked Alice.

“Sex,” said Rose, triumphantly.

“Pardon me?” I asked.

“Sex,” Rose repeated. “Use what you‟ve got, seduce the truth right out of him. It works on Emmett

all the time!”

“He‟s not Emmett,” I said doubtfully.

“No. But he is a man, Bella.”

“She may have a point,” Alice chimed in, catching Rosalie‟s excitement.

“That‟s insane.”

“No. It‟s what makes men tick. I‟m telling you, get him hot, bring him to his knees with lust. You‟ll

get your answers,” Rosalie assured me.

Well, it was worth a shot. I was desperate and it was the only thing I had left.

Besides, at this point, what did I have to lose?


I stayed away until late, until I was sure she‟d be asleep when I got home.

I shouldn‟t have helped when she cut her hand. It gave her hope. But how could I not?

I walked through the door, the place was dark. I breathed a sigh of relief. Bella was sleeping.

I stopped in the kitchen to splash water on my face, I didn‟t dare go near our bedroom to get to

the bathroom. I wouldn‟t risk waking her, only to torture her with my words.

I took off my blood stained shirt and tossed it on the kitchen table. I headed to the living room to

sleep on the couch.

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Oh no.


She wouldn‟t.

She did.

The living room was dimly lit by two candles. A bottle of wine and two glasses were on the coffee

table. A very scantily clad Bella sat on the couch.

Oh, she was good.

Hopefully, not too good.

I rubbed my forehead with one hand and stared at the floor.

“Welcome home,” she said smoothly.

I saw the bra she‟d been wearing land at her feet.

Dear God.

“I‟ve been waiting for you.”

“You shouldn‟t have.”

She walked closer. I felt her breath on my neck.

“Yes, I‟m glad I did. Because I miss you, I miss how you touch me, how you make my body feel.”

She picked up my hand and brought it to her neck.

I swear I could not make myself move. So I didn‟t.

She pressed her bare chest to mine and my body instantly reacted. With my hand still on her neck,
I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, trying to stay focused.

I felt her lips on my collarbone.


My body was betraying my mind. She exhaled happily when she felt me hard against her. I felt her

tongue replace her lips.

Before I could form a single rational thought, instinct took over and I ran my hands up and down
her body. She became more confident and started tugging at the button of my jeans. Her fingers
dipped below my waistband and I shivered. I felt my own hands start tugging off what little, last bit

of clothing she was wearing.

“Kiss me,” she panted.

I opened my eyes and looked into hers. They were full of love, desire…trust.

I couldn‟t kiss her.

I took a step back and buttoned my jeans.

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“No,” she moaned.


“No.” She came at me again, reaching for my pants. I caught her wrists.

“Why was that wrong?! What is it?! I am begging now because this is killing me!” she cried, tears

spilling down her cheeks.




What was the matter with me? How could I let this happen? Now she was hurting even more. All

because I am an ass.

I firmly put her hands at her sides. I had no idea what to say.

“Is there someone else?”

I did NOT see that coming.

I wanted to shake her. To yell at her for even thinking it. Never. There would never be anyone

else. Only Bella. How could she not know that?

But I couldn‟t say any of that.

So, I was silent and let her mind draw its own awful conclusions.

“I‟m going to be sick,” she said, and ran to the bathroom.

I stood exactly where she left me, aching to go to her.

When she was done in the bathroom, I heard her go into the bedroom. I stood there and listened

to her cry harsh, choked sobs. I‟ve never heard such pain.

This was much worse than I anticipated it would be. I wasn‟t used to not being in control, not sure
of my next move. Things were spinning out of control and I wasn‟t sure I was doing the right thing


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Chapter 7.


“What do you mean he stopped you?” Rose asked, incredulous.

“It was going well, really well, then I don‟t know. He just stopped,” I said, embarrassed I had been


The five of us were at Emmett and Rose‟s house. We were supposed to be having dinner, but

nobody had an appetite.

Jasper looked around uncomfortably. How on earth do you soothe your girlfriends best friend after

your own best friend sexually rejected her?

Talk about awkward.

Alice seethed quietly. She looked like she was plotting.

Emmett stared at me, his mouth hanging open.

“What are you looking at?” I snapped, feeling exposed.

“I didn‟t know you had it in ya, Swan,” he said, patting my head.

“Well, apparently, I don‟t.”

“Of course you do,” Rose said . “Something is holding him back. But what? What is more powerful

than sex?”

“Nothing,” Emmett said.

What was with these two? I made a mental note to ask Rose exactly what goes on behind closed
doors in this house.

“I think the question is more „who‟ than „what‟,” I said quietly.

I was apprehensive about telling them the final words exchanged between Edward and I.

“Bella, I don‟t -” Jasper began.

“I asked him if he was seeing someone else.”


They stared at me.

“He is.”

Alice jumped from her chair with such force it fell backwards.

“Where is he?” she demanded.

“What are you gonna do? Pixie dust him to death?” Emmett asked her.

“No. I‟m going to claw his one good eye out,” Alice said matter of factly.

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“Sit down, Alice,” I sighed.

She perched herself on Jaspers lap, eager to be whatever comfort she could.

“What did he say exactly?” Jasper asked.

“Well, he said… nothing.”

I hadn‟t yet realized he never said the words.

“How do you know then?” Jasper asked patiently.

“Well, I asked and he didn‟t deny it. But, come on! I was naked! Rubbing myself on him -”

“Ew! I could do without the visual imagery!” Emmett boomed.

“Bella, I know Edward pretty well, too. He loves you. Completely. Believe me when I tell you there

is nobody else,” Jasper told me confidently.

I saw Alice‟s fingers intertwine with his and my heart hurt.

I missed Edward.

“It‟s just… the only thing that makes sense,” I said.

“Actually, it makes zero sense,” Rose spoke up. “I mean, what about the black eye? Do you think
his new lover beat him up, too?” she asked dryly.

“Hmmm,” Emmett said, rubbing his chin. “If we know Dr. Laurent gave him the shiner… and now
we think the new lover and the assailant are the same person… Edward is having an abusive,
sexual relationship with Creepy Dr. Laurent.”

“Shut up, Emmett. Just shut up,” I said. Could he take nothing seriously?

“Look Bella, my point was there is no way he‟s doing someone else. He‟s my brother, I just know

that isn‟t it.”

“How?” I wanted facts.

Emmett took a deep breath and spoke quickly.

“In the 7th grade Mike Newton was going to steal your little training bra from your gym locker,
bring it home and… I don‟t know, sniff it or something. He told a bunch of guys about his plan.
Remember Jasper? Anyway, Edward stopped him. They got in a fight… Edward got him pretty
good, too… but he also got a black eye. The point is, Bella, you‟re the only thing he‟s ever fought


“Wow, Emmett… I never knew that.”

I vaguely remembered the black eye in 7th grade, I had no idea it was about me.

“He didn‟t want you to know. He was protecting you, just like he is now.”

I was touched.

I was also willing to open my mind to the fact that Emmett just might be more than meets the eye.

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“Okay, Em, tell me what else you got.”

“Finally! Someone who‟ll listen! My theory, and it‟s basic, it this: Edward wouldn‟t be fighting this
hard for anything but you. Now, nobody hit me, but I think we can all agree this whole mess
started with the meeting with Creepy Dr. Laurent.”

We stared at him expectantly.

“And you guys call me thick… Look, we have Creepy Doc and Bella… if we find the link between

them, we have our answer,” Emmett shrugged as if it were obvious.

“But I don‟t know that guy, I only met him a few times.”

“Doesn‟t matter. That‟s what it is. I know it.”

“Wait,” Jasper interjected. “That theory only works if the evil doctor is actually evil. Just because

you have a thing about him, Emmett -”

“Whatever. I‟m not wasting my time trying to convince you,” Emmett said, getting agitated.

It was unsettling to see Emmett upset, it rarely happened.

He got up and walked upstairs. Rose stood up and shot Jasper a sneer then ran after Emmett.

“He‟s being ridiculous!” Alice said.

“I agree, we can‟t let his crazy ideas sidetrack us from figuring this out,” Jasper said.

I was quiet.

Emmett was right, somewhere deep down I knew it.

“Bella, you don‟t actually think -” Alice began.

“I don‟t, I mean maybe… Look, he could be right.”

“Not you, too. I know you‟re searching for anything at this point -”

“I can hear you from up here! I have 20/20 hearing, you know!” Emmett shouted from the top of

the stairs.

“20/20 hearing? Really? You‟re going to go with the theory from the kid who just said 20/20

hearing?” Alice asked.

“He does make sense…”

“Thank you Bella! You were always my favorite!” Emmett shouted.

“This is stupid,” Jasper muttered.

Emmett came bounding down the stairs, Rose on his heels.

“Did you just call me stupid?”

Jasper stood and faced Emmett.

“Did you hear me with your 20/20 hearing?” Jasper asked, taking a step toward Emmett.

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The room was thick with tension.

“Get out,” Emmett said.

“Gladly,” Alice said, stepping between them.

She grabbed Jaspers hand.

Rosalie linked her arm through Emmetts.

Lines had been drawn.

Alice and Jasper left without another word.

Emmett and Rosalie retreated upstairs.

I sat there alone.

This was tearing us all apart.

I never thought anything would come between us, pit us against each other.

Whatever this thing was, it was bigger than us… and I knew we‟d never be the same.

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Chapter 8.


I dropped a framed picture of Bella and I into the box I was packing. The photo was one of Bella‟s
favorites. It was taken just a few months ago, outside of my parent‟s house. It had been raining,
Bella was standing on the second porch step, under the eave, trying to stay dry. I was in front of
her, in the rain, getting soaked. I remembered trying to coax her to come play with me out in the
rain. I was pulling on her hands, she pulled back on mine, trying to get me out of the rain. We
were laughing like five year olds. Esme snapped the picture just as Bella was pushing my wet hair

from my forehead. I remember thinking right here, right now, my life is perfect.

Even though Bella would miss the picture, I took it as a reminder that it was possible for life to be

good. Maybe not ever again for me, but at one point it was; I hoped it was enough for forever.

I heard her key in the lock and cringed. I‟d never get used to hurting her.

Bella didn‟t look at me when she walked past. I eyed her, noting the fresh resolve in her


She was ready for another confrontation.

Bella fingered the hospital charity invitation tacked on the refrigerator.

“Well, this should be interesting, given our current situation,” she said.


She was still planning to go?


“You‟re not going.”

“Yes I am.”

“I‟m not bringing you,” I told her. She already thought I was seeing someone else… it was all I had

to work with, though I hated even implying it.

She wasn‟t disturbed.

I was shocked. Something had changed.

“Well, as much as I would like to go as your date, because you‟ve been so sweet to me lately, I
don‟t need to. My name is on the invitation. So, darling, with or without you, I‟m going to that



“Can‟t you just leave me alone?”

“Nope… anyway, I spoke to Emmett today,” she said casually. “He seems to think Dr. Laurent has
something to do with your new attitude… and your makeover.” She gestured at my eye.

Not Emmett again. Bella sure was picking a fine time to start listening to him.

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“I think he‟s right,” she said, watching me closely, looking for some kind of reaction. I gave her

“You don‟t know shit,” I said flatly.

“I know you love me. I know you‟re scared of something. I know you‟re planning to leave me.”

She kicked the box I was packing. “I know I will follow wherever you go.”

I stared at her, speechless.

She stared back, smirking.

This woman did not give up, and so help me God, I loved her even more for it.

Bella got bored with our staring match and peered into the box.

“Hey, my picture!” She scooped it from the box.

“That‟s mine,” I said, grabbing for it.

“No,” she said like a spoiled child.

“Put it back.”

“Why do you want this?”

I said nothing. What could I say?

“It seems to me, if you wanted to leave me, you wouldn‟t bring my picture with you.”

“Just stop it! Please just be quiet!” I yelled, frustrated with her tenacity.

Her face crumpled. She bit her lower lip, no doubt to keep from crying out.

What was I doing? This was sick.

“Keep the damn picture,” I muttered, and turned from her.


I did.

“You should know I won‟t give up on you. Whatever is going on, you‟ve made your plans around
me backing off, on me giving up. You shouldn‟t have counted on that, because I‟m not going

anywhere. I‟ll never stop. Plan on that.”

I believed her. I would‟ve left that very night, that very moment, but Laurent demanded that I

show up Saturday, I couldn‟t risk pissing him off. If Bella went without me and he was there…

A knock on the door took me from my morbid thoughts. I quickly went to it, relieved to take a

break from the torturous task of breaking Bella‟s heart.

Rosalie stood in the doorway wearing a small, sad smile.

“I‟ll get Bella,” I said, not returning her smile.

“I‟m not here to see Bella.”

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“I‟m not surprised. You‟re the only one who hasn‟t staged a one man intervention yet.”

“I‟ve been busy,” she shrugged.

“Don‟t waste your time, Rose.”

“Come on, come with me,” she nodded toward her car.

“I‟m not going anywhere with you, Rosalie.”

I sensed Bella standing behind me.

“You can get in my car, or I can call my rather large boyfriend over and he‟ll put you in my car,”

she said, whipping out her cell phone.

“Oh, please, Rosalie,” I said, rolling my eyes. I could still feel Bella behind me.

If I stayed here, it meant hurting her more. I decided to take my chances with Rose. Without a

parting glance back, I walked to Rosalie‟s red BMW.

I sat splayed out in the passenger seat, my legs too long in her tiny car. I wondered how Emmett
ever managed to fit in this thing. My seat was partially reclined, my head back, my eyes closed.
Rose drove for what seemed like a long time without saying a word. It was oddly comforting;
sitting with someone familiar, not having to say anything at all.

The car came to a smooth stop. I opened my eyes and instantly recognized our destination. First
Beach. The six of us spent countless summers here, splashing in the water, walking the shore,
playing in the sand. This place held many memories for us. Rosalie knew what she was doing.

“I‟m not taking a trip down memory lane,” I said, closing my eyes again.

“Two years ago Bella thought she was pregnant.”

I opened my eyes to look at her, she was staring out the windshield.

“It was… well… awful. You know… late period, crying, mixed emotions, fear, the whole nine yards.
Alice and I tried to get her to tell you. For 13 days, God, they were long days, we tried to convince
her. We told her „Edward wouldn‟t leave‟ and „he loves you‟ and everything else you‟re supposed to
say in times like that. Do you know what Bella said? She said „I know he wouldn‟t leave me, I know
he loves me. I just don‟t want him to have to feel this way too‟. She was protecting you. Pretty
stupid, huh?”

My mind was spinning. I had no idea. How could she not tell me? She was protecting me? I can‟t
believe she went through that without me… then I saw the point Rosalie was trying to make. It‟s
foolish not to depend on each other. But my situation was different. I was trying to save her life,

not trying to save her from a few sleepless nights.

“Rosalie -”

“Emmett‟s a mess. I‟ve never seen him like this before. Frankly, I don‟t think he‟s ever been like
this before. He‟s convinced you are not going to be okay, and he doesn‟t even know why!” She
gave a short, bitter laugh and kept gazing out the window, speaking slowly. “He loves you. In case
you‟ve never heard it, or didn‟t know, he loves you. I don‟t know if Bella told you, but things are
falling apart. Emmett and Jasper were ready to kill each other earlier. Alice can barely even look at

me. Bella was kind of caught in the middle, alone.”

I was destroying so much. The fighting, the heartache was all because of me. And then there was

Bella, the unknowing focus of all of this, stuck right smack in the middle of this nightmare.

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“Please take me home,” I whispered, my eyes closed again.

Rose started the car.

“She won‟t be alright if you leave her.”

True, but she had a better chance if I did.

We drove home in silence, my mind reeling with everything Rosalie confided. When we were in the

driveway, I opened the door to get out and Rosalie put a hand on my arm.

“We won‟t survive this, will we?”

It took me a moment to realize she didn‟t literally mean death. She was referring to our group; her
relationship with Emmett. I got out of the car. Funny; Rosalie was the only one who didn‟t ask,
who didn‟t pry, yet the most came out of my time with her. For the first time it dawned on me that
I hadn‟t given a thought to what would happen to them once I was gone. I was trying to protect

them, but I was leaving them in a wake of destruction.

Either way, they lose.

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Chapter 9.


Very early Saturday morning I was on my knees in the corner of my struggling garden. I wasn‟t
good at it, but I enjoyed the peacefulness of it, especially now. The sun had just begun to rise,
though I‟d been awake for hours. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the quiet. Nothing had woken
yet, all was calm and it was easy to pretend things were normal out here, in my own quiet world.

I gently set down a sad, shriveling tomato and turned my attention to my irises.

I gasped.

They‟d been… destroyed. I know I am no green thumb, but this was ridiculous!

Wait. I hadn‟t done this.

But I could guess who did.

This was just plain mean! I threw my hand shovel down and tossed my gardening gloves on the
dead flowers. I marched directly to the door and barreled through it. I recklessly stepped over and
around the boxes Edward had been packing all week, despite my warnings not to. He was asleep

on the couch, where he‟d been sleeping every night since he‟d rejected my sexual advances.

“Wake up,” I demanded, giving his feet a rough shake. His eyes fluttered open, he tried to focus
on me, still disoriented from sleep. His first reaction was to smile at me, as he used to every

morning when he opened his eyes and saw me. I glared back and he quickly remembered his act.


“Go away, I‟m sleeping,” I mumbled, and turned over. The smile was a big mistake I made in my

sleepy confusion, though it didn‟t seem to matter.

Bella was ticked.

I wondered why, but didn‟t dare ask. That would only imply I cared.

“Not anymore you‟re not,” she said.

She grabbed my chin and sharply turned my face to her. Though she hadn‟t intended me to, I
enjoyed the touching. At this point, I enjoyed any physical contact with her, despite the intention.
So, I let her keep her hand there for a brief moment before a jutted my chin and slipped out of her


“You killed my flowers.”

“No, I didn‟t.”

“Yes you did! And it was just… mean! I know it was small and crappy and I‟m not good at it, but

it‟s mine and it means a lot to me and you know it!” she ranted.

I put a hand up from where I lay on the couch, signaling for her to stop talking.

She slapped it down.

“Why? Tell me why you did it. Why are you so determined to ruin every single part of me?”

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“I didn‟t touch your damn irises.”

“Yes you – wait… I never said irises.”


“I said flowers. I have three different types of flowers growing out there. None of them trampled

except the irises. Why‟d you do it?”

“I didn‟t.”

“Gah! Just admit it! You knew specifically it was the irises. If you‟re going to be a jerk, at least own

up to it!”

“Go away, Bella, you‟re being absurd. Go fix your flowers or something.”

She was starting to make me nervous.

“Why would you have no problem walking around tearing me apart like it‟s nothing; then not fess
up to ruining a few lousy flowers? It makes no sense… unless…” she trailed off. I watched her
carefully, her eyes darting around. Everything was perfectly silent, then I practically heard the click

in her mind. Her eyes lit up as they focused back on me.

This was not good.


The filthy shoes, the stained pants. How did I miss this? I vividly remembered scrubbing the soil
stains on his jeans. I‟d thought to myself It‟s dark…and damp. Almost like potting soil. I didn‟t

think about it again, it was just a passing thought.

Yet, clearly it meant something.

When I thought about it, I couldn‟t actually imagine Edward just stomping around on my flowers.
He was being cruel, but not petty. Even if he did do it, why stop at the irises? Why not destroy the

whole damn thing?

“Our house… my garden… that‟s where this started,” I said, thrilled to finally have at least one
question answered. I knew he planned to leave tonight, after the party. It didn‟t give me long to

figure out the rest. At least I had a start.

In my adrenaline rush I stumbled and landed directly on top of Edward.


I caught her instinctively, as I had so many times before. Our faces were an inch apart.

I‟ve never wanted to kiss her more than I wanted to in that moment.

She worked her arms around me and clung to me tightly.

“Don‟t let me go,” she whispered.

I let my arms fall to my sides and turned my head.

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I lay flat on the couch, silently willing her to get up before I couldn‟t control myself any longer.
Bella sat up and was now straddling me, I was pinned. Despite my panic over her garden

revelation, my body reacted.

“Well, at least we know one part of you still likes me,” she said, feeling me underneath her. She

started to rock back and forth.

Oh no.

I grabbed her hips to hold them still. I could feel her pushing against my restraining hands, but her

strength was no match for mine. Her body stilled.

“Get off,” I said.

“I‟m trying,” she said dryly.

“You know what I mean. Move.”

“But I like it here.” Her tone was coy.

She leaned down to kiss me and I quickly took advantage. I flipped us so that she was under me,

then I abruptly stood up.

“I‟m starting to feel like a leper,” she muttered, looking sad.


I don‟t know why I tried. I knew it wouldn‟t work, but I couldn‟t help myself. I just missed him so


I straightened myself up with the little pride I had left and went to the shower to think about what

I had just figured out. What it meant, and what do I do from here?

In the end I could come up with nothing, but I had other pressing issues on my mind, too. My four
feuding friends would be here soon. I‟d invited each couple separately, aware they still hadn‟t
spoken to each other. I had both Rose and Alice under the impression I needed help getting ready
for the party tonight. Predictably, they both jumped at the chance for a Bella makeover, not
realizing I‟d invited both of them. Jasper would come with Alice; Emmett with Rosalie, to have

another go at Edward, who was also unaware of my plan.

I had several reasons for my deceit. The first and most selfish, I wanted us all under the same roof

again. I missed it more than I thought I would, and I was tired of missing the people I love.

I also needed them to end this silliness. I needed everyone to band together, so we could deal with
this as a whole, united. But, most importantly, I wanted Edward to witness first hand what this was
doing to everybody, not just me. I thought that maybe, if he could see all of the anger and the

disconnect, something might change.

I was foolish to think so.


I was stepping out of my cold shower when I heard them bickering.

“He called my boyfriend stupid!” I heard Rose shriek.

“He is!” Alice yelled back.

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“No, he‟s not.” That was Bella. She spoke calmly. “He‟s your friend.”

I stood still in the bathroom, straining to hear, but not really sure I wanted to.

Was. Was her friend.” That was Emmett.

“Got that right,” Alice said, venom in her voice.

“Don‟t look at her like that,” Jasper snapped.

“I‟ll do what I damn well please,” Emmett boomed back.

They sounded awful. We‟ve never argued like this. If I could have, I would have walked out there

and smacked some sense into each one of them.

“Stop.” Ahh, Bella would straighten them out. “We love each other. Remember that.”

“You‟ve got some nerve, Swan, with your shady little get together plan,” Jasper said.

My fists clenched. I didn‟t like the way he spoke to her.

“I need nerve,” she said, her voice strong and clear. “I need all of you right now. More than ever, I
need the support of my best friends… and look at us! As soon as things go south, we fall apart! I
am asking you all to pull it together. For me. If I can‟t stop him… if he leaves me…”, her voice


“It won‟t happen.” That was Alice.

“If… if it does, I‟ll need you guys. I need to know that even if he goes, we‟ll stick together.”

For the first time I realized she actually entertained the idea that there was a possibility we
wouldn‟t be together. It should have made me better, to know that it was finally sinking in her

head, but it didn‟t. It hurt like hell.

It was quiet for a long moment before Bella spoke again.

“Come on, girls, let‟s see what we can do with this hair,” she said with a forced brightness.

I let out a sigh and walked out into our bedroom to get dressed, staying as quiet as possible, trying
not to draw attention to myself.

No such luck.

The door burst open and Emmett and Jasper plowed in.

“I‟m getting dressed,” I said.

“Oh, we don‟t mind, cutie,” Emmett said and winked at me. He headed for my closet. Jasper

flopped on the bed.

“Get out.”

“Nope… where‟s the remote?” Jasper asked. He reached to the end table and grabbed it. The TV
clicked on. I went back to the bathroom to put my clothes on. When I emerged, Emmett was in my


“I need a black bow tie.”

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I stared at him.

“I can‟t find one in your closet. Get me one.”

I went to the closet and began digging for the stupid tie. The sooner he got it, the sooner he‟d get


“I hate bow ties,” Emmett said, watching me go through my clothes.

“You just hate them because you don‟t know how to tie them,” Jasper said, not looking away from

the television.

“Yeah, but I always feel like their choking me.”

“Why wear it then?” Jasper asked.

Emmett looked at me and I reflexively looked back. He put on his best Esme face and cleared his
throat. His voice came out high pitched and he continued to look at me while he spoke.

“A bow tie is timeless, boys, no tuxedo or gentleman is complete without one.” His Esme
impression was dead on, though it should be by now, we‟ve been hearing that all our lives.

Emmett and I stared at each other.

“That‟s why,” Emmett told Jasper, finally breaking the silence. “So, I hope you have a bow tie for

tonight, otherwise Esme might just have a stroke.”

“Are you kidding? I live with Alice. I own a bow tie in every color of the rainbow.”

“Dude, that‟s kind of-I mean, even, like yellow?”

“I didn‟t say I wear them, I just own them.”

I tossed Emmett the tie.


The rest of the day passed without incident, I spoke to no one, they didn‟t try to speak to me. I
heard them talk and laugh, but they didn‟t seem complete. They were now five, and I longed to go
to them, to where I belonged.

After what seemed like a long time, they piled in their cars, Bella included, and drove to my
parents house. I slowly put my tuxedo on as my heart started thumping faster. I absently ran a
hand through my already tousled hair and stared at my face in the mirror, trying to convince
myself to do what I had to do. My muscles were tense, my stomach sick. One way or another, this

was ending tonight.

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Chapter 10.


The five of us sat at a round table for eight in Carlisle and Esme‟s huge grande room. I hadn‟t been
in this part of the house many times in the years I‟ve been with Edward. Esme had this huge,
banquet hall style room added on for the sole purpose of entertaining. As a pillar of the
community, she hosted large events often, but also enjoyed her privacy. This addition to their
home allowed her to be able to close off the rest of the house while still being a gracious host.

Edward had always thought it was pretentious.

I stuck out like a sore thumb in the white strapless dress Alice and Rosalie insisted I wear.

“I knew I‟d be the only one in white,” I mumbled across the table to them.

“You look beautiful,” Alice said.

“I wonder who the other three seats are,” Jasper said.

“Let‟ find out, shall we?” Emmett asked, reaching over to grab the name cards at the empty seats

surrounding me.

“Hmmm, Edward Cullen, of course. He oughtta be fun at a party these days,” Emmett said, tossing

the card on the table. “And lucky number two is… oh hell no!”

“Let me see that,” Rose said, yanking the card from Emmett. “Do not embarrass me,” she told him

after she read the name on the card.

“What? Who is it?” Jasper asked, looking over Rosalie‟s shoulder.

“Well?” Alice asked.

“Dr. James Laurent,” Jasper said.

I closed my eyes

“Well, what are the odds of that? There has to be 200 people here,” Alice said.

“I don‟t think it was much of a gamble,” Emmett said.

“How do you mean?” Jasper asked.

“I mean, there is no way my mom would sit him at a table with me, she knows he creeps me out.
She knows I have a big, honest mouth. She wouldn‟t risk the embarrassment… unless someone

made a specific request.”

Just then a radiant Esme briskly walked up to our table. She looked directly at Emmett.

“Best behavior,” she said.

“Why did you put him here?” Emmett asked curiously.

“He asked, darling,” Esme said, leaning down to straighten Emmett‟s bow tie. “He wanted to sit
next to Edward, introduce him to board members, go over the internship and such. Where‟s

Edward? He cannot be late!”

“Who‟s the third?” Emmett asked.

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“Who else is sitting here? The card is blank.”

“Oh, reserved in case Dr. Laurent decided to bring a date, after all. He didn‟t,” she said absently,
her eyes roaming the room for Edward. I wanted to tell her she might as well give up. Without

saying anything else she left our table. Emmett raised his eyebrows at us.

“Still think I‟m crazy?”

“Okay, that was odd,” Jasper relented.

“Well, I don‟t want him sitting here! Now he‟s gonna creep me out, too!” Alice said, snuggling
closer to Jasper. I was starting to feel like the fifth wheel. Two couples and their abandoned friend.

It was humiliating.

“No, it‟s a good thing,” Emmett said slowly, nodding his head.

“I‟m starting to think you‟re crazy again,” Jasper said.

Emmett ignored him.

“If we can watch them both interact, if we pay close attention and ask the right questions we can
figure this out… and if we loosen the evil doctor up, he might let something slip.”

“How do you suggest we do that?” I asked, forgetting I was dealing with Emmett. Of course he had
a way. He half stood up from his chair and partly opened his tux jacket. In each inside pocket was
a wide, silver flask.

“With a few Emmett Specials,” he winked and sat back down.

Well, if nothing else, it would be an interesting night.


I stood in the doorway of Esme‟s overly done grande room. I was dizzy and sick with adrenaline;
dreading seeing Laurent again. My eyes scanned the sea of black tuxedos and gaudy evening
gowns until they fell on a white glow in the back of the room. The air rushed from my chest when I
saw Bella. She looked like an angel among humans and the tiny bit of indecision I felt about
leaving tonight grew ten fold. I stared at her, taking her in and I noticed she looked so small and
sad… abandoned. As my indecision grew, so did my anger. James Laurent had made a mistake and

my Bella was paying the price. It wasn‟t right.

I finally peeled my eyes from her and appraised the rest of the table. Em, Rose, Alice, Jasper…

and… who was that speaking to Bella… in the chair, right next to hers?


My eyes zeroed in on him and my gut twisted. Without another moments hesitation I barreled
straight for that table, dodging familiar faces on the way. At one point, I heard my mother calling

my name, but I didn‟t turn my head, I wouldn‟t take my eyes off of them for a second.

It felt like I‟d walked miles when I finally reached my destination. I stood behind the empty seat
next to Bella. They all stared up at me. I wordlessly pulled out the chair and sat, so Bella was

sandwiched between me and Dr. Laurent. Talk about symbolic.

“Ah, the young prodigy decides to join us!” Dr. Laurent said, delighted. “I was just telling your
friends how much I‟m looking forward to working with you, Edward. I had just said how I saw

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something special in you ever since you were a little boy… you‟re certainly a source of pride for
your family.”

“We‟re so proud of Edward,” Emmett mocked. “Anyway, you have, indeed , taken a special
interest in our Edward, here, Dr. Laurent. Why would that be?”

“Now, Emmett, let‟s not be envious. I‟m sure you‟re brilliant at… whatever it is you do,” Laurent
said, not bothering to look at Emmett.

Emmett laughed. Loudly.

“No date tonight, Doc?”

“No, Emmett, my work keeps me busy.”

I grimaced at the word work.

“But, I‟m sure you gentlemen wouldn‟t mind if I borrowed your dates for a dance or two,” he


Over my dead body.

“I can‟t dance,” Alice quickly lied.

“You‟re not dancing with my girl,” Emmett said flatly. Rosalie looked relieved.

Oh boy.

Please, Emmett do not piss him off.

“Well, I guess that leaves Bella,” he said pleased. “You look stunning, by the way, young lady.”

“Cough, creepy,” Emmett hacked.

Someone kicked him under the table.

Thank you Jasper.

“You‟re awfully tight lipped tonight, Edward. It‟s a party, son, lighten up!” Laurent said, looking at

me meaningfully.

I saw a quick glance between Emmett and Jasper. They were watching, looking for something.

Bella locked eyes with Alice, then turned toward Dr. Laurent.

“You know,” she said, “Edward just hasn‟t been himself lately at all! It all started… hmm, geez, I‟d
say around the time his internship paper work was due,” she said, wide eyed and innocent. Too

innocent. They were going to blow this out of the water.

“Really?! Medical school is extraordinarily stressful, Bella, be patient with him before you kick him

out,” he laughed.

“Oh, not a problem, Dr. Laurent. He won‟t ever get too far from me,” she winked.

This was bad.

“Never?” Laurent asked, he was looking at me now.

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“Never,” she said, more serious than she should have.

“Tell me, Bella, I remember you‟re a bit of a runner. Do you still jog?” he asked, his tone light and


“Everyday,” she answered. “Wow, I‟m surprised you remembered that.”

“Oh, I have a good memory. As a doctor I have to tell you how great running is for your heart! Any

doctor will tell you the key to a long life is a strong, healthy heart!”

It was too much.

My hand intentionally flicked out and knocked a glass over, sending ice water everywhere.

“Geez, Edward!” Alice yelped, jumping up. “This is silk!”

“I‟ll go get something to clean up this mess, Edward, why don‟t you come give me a hand?” Dr.
Laurent asked, but we both knew it was a demand.


Once they were out of ear shot, Jasper whipped his head to Emmett.

“You were right.”

“I‟ll gloat later. Give me his drink.”

I slid it across the table. I watched as Emmett gulped half of the doctors‟ drink and quickly filled it

back up using his flask.

“What is in there,” Alice asked.

“You don‟t want to know,” Rosalie said.

“He‟s gonna notice,” I said, worried.

“So what if he does? Anyway, if I recall correctly, Dr. Laurent was never one to turn down a stiff

drink. Trust me.”

I did. He‟d been right so far.

“You have to dance with him,” Emmett said.

“What?!” I trusted him and all, but come on! I failed to see how it would help.

“Bella, you have to,” Jasper agreed.

“Since when did you jump on the bandwagon?” I asked.

“Since I saw all of that go down,” Jasper said, gesturing to the vacated seats.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because it‟ll give us time to work on Edward, but, more importantly, did you see the way he

freaked out when Laurent just spoke to you? I‟m sure if you dance with him, Edward will crack.”

“Okay, I‟ll do it. But you better look out for me!”

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“A little credit, please.”

“Look at that,” Rosalie said, pointing across the room.

Edward and Dr. Laurent were standing very close to each other. The doctor wore a menacing smile,

Edward was ferocious with emotion. It scared me.


After his threats back at the table the mood had changed. They were no longer observant, they
were assured, confident. I had no idea what they discovered, but I was certain they were on to
something. Time passed and the conversation flowed lightly without me, despite Emmett‟s
provoking remarks to Laurent. Any other time I would have found all of this highly amusing,

tonight it was nerve racking.

I noticed Laurent starting to sag in his chair. His normally eloquent speech was becoming a bit


Then I saw why.

As he looked away to wave to a colleague, I saw Alice tip a flask in to his glass with lightning
speed. Just as he turned back around, her hands disappeared under the table. Emmett gave her a

thumbs up. She crinkled her nose and giggled.

They were getting him drunk!

They had no idea the game they were playing.

They were going to get us killed.

I shot Jasper an incredulous look. Surely sensible Jasper would do something.


He looked at me and shrugged.

They had a plan.

“Well Bella, how „bout that dance?” Laurent suddenly asked.

I wasn‟t worried. She‟d say no. He couldn‟t very well make her dance with him.

“Sure,” she said, standing up.

I jerked my head up to glare at her. To send her some type of warning.

She didn‟t respond.

They walked to the dance floor.

I could hear my heart beat and nothing else. I felt my hands close in tight fists as I watched him

put his sick, homicidal hands on her. She looked ill.

“You alright?” Alice asked. I could barely hear her.

“Edward?” That was Jasper.

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“Dude, you‟re leaving tonight. You can‟t really decide to be possessive now,” Emmett said.

Possessive had nothing to do with it. I was scared for her life.

“Do me a favor,” I said, not taking my eyes from the dance floor.

“A favor? You treat me like shit for -”

“I don‟t have time,” I said desperately, seriously, drilling into my brothers eyes with my own.

“Anything,” he said.

“Distract Dr. Laurent. Do not let him leave this room.” I had no idea what I was going to do, but I

knew I‟d need a head start.

“Okay,” Emmett said simply, without even a questioning look.

I stood up.

“Go get her,” Alice said, giddy, clapping her hands.

Rosalie let out a whistle and leaned into Emmett.

As I walked away, I heard Emmett‟s voice. “Told ya he‟d crack”

I brushed past waltzing couples on the floor and made my way to the center, where they were.

Her back was to me, Laurents eyes on mine.

He was romancing her with transplant talk, but I knew he was only speaking for my ears now.

“For example, Bella, your blood type is O negative, the most rare, and best really, because it‟s

compatible with…” I let my thoughts drown him out. I‟d heard enough.


Fuck it.

It‟s over.

I grabbed her arm and spun her out of his slimy grasp. She looked up at me surprised, perplexed.

“What are you -”

I put my hands on either side of her face, took a deep breath and crushed my lips to hers.

Bella‟s arms wrapped around my neck and held me tighter than they ever have before. Her body
began to quake against mine. I broke our kiss and took a step back, my hands still on her face.

She was crying.

“You‟re back,” she whispered.

“I am.”

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Chapter 11.


Her knees buckled as her body instantly released the fear and anxiety she‟d been harboring since
this started. I supported her by grabbing her elbows, and as soon as I was sure she was steady I

moved my hands to grip her face.

“No, baby, stay with me here,” I whispered to her, trying to relate the danger with my eyes. I felt a
twinge at denying her the reunion I knew she wanted. “Take my hand and do not say a word,” I


Bella blinked and tightly grasped my hand, still on her face.

She still trusted me.

Just as Laurent was approaching us, Emmett and Alice strode up coolly.

“Doctor,” Emmett said, putting his arm around Laurent. “My good friend Alice here noticed you are
wearing an Armani suit. She thought you‟d be interested in the history of Armani, you know, from

the very beginning.”

In his drunken haze, the doctor couldn‟t move fast enough. Alice pounced.

“Oh, the history of the Armani empire is fascinating,” she said, excitedly, linking her arm through
his. Laurent looked around the dance floor. He was literally surrounded by his unknowing peers. I

noticed my parents dancing, watching our little group intently. Laurent noticed, too. He was stuck.

As Alice prattled on, I made my escape, dragging Bella behind me. We charged through the sea of
people, stopping for nothing. I felt her nails dig into my hand and tightened mine around hers.
Once out of the room I didn‟t change my pace. I quickly considered taking her to my car so we
could just leave, but ruled it out for two reasons. Laurent would be expecting me to leave the
house, but more importantly, I couldn‟t leave my friends and family here, in my confusing and
dangerous mess. I couldn‟t abandon them any more than I already had.

I walked through the unlit hallways and rooms I knew so well, silently towing Bella through the
maze of my parents‟ home. Finally, we reached the main staircase and we bounded up the stairs. I
took her into the first room at the top of the stairs, my childhood bedroom. I slammed the door

shut and flicked on the light. I turned to face Bella.

I spoke rushed.

“I can‟t explain right now, but I promise I -”

She shoved me up against the wall. Her lips were all over my face.

“Wait,” I said, in between her kisses.

“Please don‟t stop me,” she pleaded into my neck.

“It‟s not that,” I said, gently pushing her away. “We‟re in -”

“No,” she came at me again, her face fierce. “I don‟t care what it is right now… just… please…” she

said, tugging at my tie. I caught her hands.

“Listen to me -”

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“If we‟re in trouble, if this is as bad as it seems, I want to be with you one more time, before
everything changes,” she said, her voice strong and calm.

How could I deny her that?

With one hand I untied my tie, leaving it hanging limp around my collar. With the other hand I
spun her around so she was now against the wall. Her breathing became louder as she realized I
had given in to her.

I leaned down and lifted the hem of her dress to her waist, then lifted her so she was pressed
between my body and the wall, her legs twined around me. Bella‟s hands and lips were
everywhere, in my hair, my face, my arms, my chest. She helped me shrug out of my jacket and
went for the button on my pants. Her face was flushed and beautiful and I wondered how I almost
walked away from her. I kissed up and down her neck quickly, one hand gently pulling on her hair,
the other pressed to the wall, just above her head, for leverage. I pushed my body against hers

and just as we were about to finally come together, she stopped me.

If Laurent didn‟t kill me, this might.

“Are you…?” she whispered, her eyes questioning, wondering how I would treat her afterwards.

“I am right here. I am wherever you are, forever,” I said, ashamed she even had to ask.

She smiled and I pushed into her.

Bella let out a moan and pressed her face into my shoulder. I could feel her hot breath ragged
through my shirt. She held me tightly, and I could feel her tears sliding down my neck, through my

She suddenly bit down hard on my shoulder and I drove myself into her harder until I felt her
sudden, violent spasms around me. Bella brought her face to mine and watched me closely as I

continued. I focused on her eyes.

“I am… so… in love… with you,” I said breathlessly as I spilled into her.


“Okay, Cullen, start talking,” I said after I‟d gotten what I wanted. It may have been foolish, but I
needed him. I needed to feel connected to him, to feel him love me again. He took a breath, his

arms still wrapped around me tightly.

“Okay, Bella, just listen and… don‟t be scared, because I‟ve got you, okay?”

I was terrified, but refused to show it. He was finally letting me in, I didn‟t want to do anything to

change his mind.

“No freaking out. Got it,” I said. He gave me a sad smile.

Suddenly, what sounded like a stampede came racing down the hall, we heard it getting louder.
Edward‟s eyes opened wide and he shoved me behind himself. The door burst open and Edward‟s

stance relaxed.

“He‟s coming… he‟s looking for you,” Emmett said, gasping for breath.

I stepped out form around Edward and saw our four friends, all panting from running. Edward

collapsed on his old bed and raked his hands through his hair.

“Shit! Shit!” He kicked the desk that was near the bed. I jumped.

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“What‟s going on?” Jasper demanded. “It‟s time to tell the truth.”

“What happened downstairs? I need to know every detail.”

“I held him off as long as I could,” Alice said, her palms facing up. “He didn‟t make much sense…

then he just slipped into the crowd…” she sounded apologetic.

“I saw him when he was walking by,” Rosalie picked up. “He was asking people if they‟d seen you…

he knows you didn‟t leave, he checked… we followed him.”

“He‟s still in the house?” Edward asked.

“What the hell is going on?” Jasper yelled, his patience wearing thin. Edward shrugged his

shoulders and slowly exhaled.

“He… he… kills people… for parts, organs… then he uses them to perform transplants for money. A

lot of money,” Edward said. He looked aware of the fact that his story sounded insane.

I couldn‟t wrap my mind around the words. They wouldn‟t sink in right.

“Wait. What?” I asked.

“Black market organs, Bella,” Jasper said bluntly.

Rosalie gasped and put her hands over her mouth. Alice took a breath and stared at the ceiling. I

went to Edward. He put a finger under my chin and we stared at each other.

“How?” I asked. He knew what I meant.

“He accidently gave me the wrong papers… I figured it out…”

“We have to turn him in! Now!” Rosalie cried.

“Can‟t,” Edward said, our eyes still locked. He sounded resigned. “He „works‟ with lots of people.

They‟re powerful… they‟d come after… well, all of us now.”

“What were you going to do?” I asked, trying to piece it all together.

“He told me to leave, disappear. He said if I told… if I didn‟t leave it alone… he‟d… he was going
to…” Edward trailed off and gently touched my face.


“He was going to kill me.”

Edward winced and I knew I was right.

My body was numb. I thought about that the whole time… death being threatened… and my mind

when numb as well. Nobody moved.

The silence was broken by Rosalie‟s cry. Emmett folded her into him and whispered words I

couldn‟t make out.

“We have to figure this out,” Jasper said, standing protectively close to Alice.

“There‟s no way out,” Edward said flatly. He took his gaze from mine and looked at our friends.

“Welcome to my nightmare.”

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“We can -” Jasper began.

“You‟re not listening!” Edward suddenly shouted, breaking his stoic tone. “Why do you think I was
going to leave? Why do you think I was doing any of that? There is no other way out! I was
protecting you, all of you, and I failed! Now we‟re all in this. We‟re all dead.”

“We can run,” Alice said.

“What? Together? They‟d find us. Even separately, it wouldn‟t work. It‟s like… a network or

something. They‟d find us.”

My mind was starting to work slowly. Something was nagging at me, but I couldn‟t quite put my

finger on it.

“What were you thinking?” Emmett asked. He sounded mad. “You‟d just treat us like shit and then

leave? Did you think that would work?”

That was it. My nagging feeling. I was mad.

“I was thinking I wanted you to be alive,” Edward said.

“Bullshit,” I said quietly finding my voice. “I don‟t need protection. I just need you.”

“I couldn‟t risk you,” he said. “Even now… this is my biggest fear come true. All of you in danger
after I tried so hard… none of us even stand a chance! Do you guys get that?” he asked,


“Hey,” Alice yelled at him. “As soon as you were in trouble, we all were. We‟re a group package.

Mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Do you get that?”

“This is life or death, Alice, not a school yard fight.”

“I understand that, Edward. Do not doubt our loyalty.”

“Likewise,” he shot back.

Just then the door knob jiggled. Six pairs of eyes zeroed in on it.

Edward yanked my hand so I was sitting on the bed as he stood and stepped in front of me.

The door opened a crack, then swung wide open.

Dr. Laurent stood there, looking triumphant and reeking of booze.

“Well, all of my dinner companions disappeared! I simply had to come find out what was so terribly

interesting as to make my whole table up and leave! Or is it me? Do I offend?”

This guy was too much. He looked genuinely hurt.

“Hmmm, beside the point, now… I found you.”

Emmett stuck out his chest and approached him.

“Don‟t,” Edward said to Emmett. “It‟ll make it worse.” Edward looked so tired. It struck me that he
already knew the rules; he didn‟t wear the same mask of shock as the rest of us, this was a hell he

knew intimately. It broke my heart.

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“Listen to your brother, Emmett, he‟s always been smarter than you,” Laurent sneered.

Completely unexpected and out of nowhere, Rosalie lunged forward.

“You sick bastard!” she screamed, jumping at him. Emmett quickly grabbed her by the waist with

one arm and pulled her back.

“Your lady is as classy as you, Emmett,” Dr. Laurent said. “But I grow tired of exchanging insults.
I‟m ashu-ah… asssssuming Edward has let you all in our predicalement,” he slurred. I noticed he

was swaying a bit.

“I didn‟t say anything,” Edward lied.

I knew what he was doing.

I wouldn‟t lose him again.

I‟d rather die.

“He did,” I said loudly, getting up from the bed. Edward closed his eyes and slowly turned to me.
His face was white. “He told me. So whatever you have planned for him, plan the same for me as


“Well, this is just romantic,” he spat, then retreated to the hallway, pulling out his cell phone.

Edward raced out to the hall, the rest of us following.

“What are you doing?” Edward asked.

“You tell your friends, I tell mine,” Laurent answered. “I warned you my friends aren‟t as nice as

yours.” He hiccupped.

Rosalie started to sob, Emmett looked helpless.

“Lemme break it down for Blondie, over there,” Laurent said, enjoying her tears. “Hero, over here,
spilled the beans. Now, I‟m sure in a battle of wits I could take you all… but physically, six against
one is just not realistic. So… now you all get a chance to be a hero, turn me in and wait for my
friends to find you. Or, you are cowards, let me walk away and wait for my friends to find you.
Either way… it won‟t end well for your little… club.” He was slurring and my mind was foggy… but

one thing was crystal clear: somehow, some way, he intended to separate Edward and I.

I wouldn‟t let him do it.

He started to dial his phone.

I looked at the horrified, helpless faces I love so much.

Dr. Laurent lifted his phone to his ear and turned his back to us, facing the stairs.

Then I had the very simple answer that would end all of this.

I took three steps forward, put my arms out and pushed him.

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Chapter 12.


I yanked her back, but I was too late. His body tumbled and rolled, his head smacking on Esme‟s

white marble staircase, making a sickening, repeating thud sound.

“Don‟t look,” I said to Bella and turned her around. She turned back to watch, her face blank.

Rosalie suddenly went hysterical, screaming and crying.

Alice buried her face in Jaspers chest, whose arms just hung limply at his sides.

Bella just stared at the limp body at the bottom of the staircase.

“Get Rose in the other room and shut the door,” I hissed at Emmett.

He picked Rosalie up and took her down the hall, her screams becoming faint.

“Don‟t move,” I said needlessly to Bella, she was paralyzed where she stood.

I looked at Jasper. He whispered something to Alice, who was shaking violently, then followed me
down the stairs. Halfway down the steps I could already see that he was dead; his neck had been

broken. Badly.

“Fuck,” Jasper breathed.

Apparently, he saw it, too.

We stopped. Jasper sat right there, in the middle of the stairs, he looked green. I looked over my

shoulder, up at Bella. She hadn‟t moved an inch. Her face was still blank.

“He‟s dead,” I said.

Her expression didn‟t waver, but she opened her mouth.

“I know. I killed him,” she said, matter of factly.

“No, Bella, it was an accident,” I said, hoping I could convince her, and myself, it was true.

“No. I meant to push him. I was trying to kill him.”

“You have to stop saying that,” I whispered, starting to panic.

Behind Bella, Alice cried out for Jasper. He slowly stood, but before he turned around we heard the
distinct sound of my mothers heels clicking on the marble floor. Her arm was linked through my

fathers. She noticed us on the stairs first.

“Well, there you -”

“Dear God, what in the hell happened!” Carlisle yelled.

My mother screamed.

My father dropped to his knees, checking for a pulse he already knew he wouldn‟t find.

“Esme, call 911,” he said calmly, stepping in to doctor mode.

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He looked up at us.

“He‟s dead,” he said.

We said nothing. I prayed Bella would keep her confession quiet.

“Get the girls in the other room,” Carlisle said.

Jasper and I walked up the stairs, gathered Bella and Alice and went in search of Emmett and
Rosalie. We found them in the bathroom connecting to Emmetts old room. Emmett was sitting on

the side of the tub, his head in his hands. Rosalie was on her knees, bent over the toilet.

“He‟s dead,” Jasper said.

Rosalie heaved in to the toilet.

“Jesus,” Emmett gasped, not looking up.

Alice steadied herself on the counter.

“Carlisle and Esme are down there with him, we said nothing to them. They know nothing and we

have to keep it that way. Let‟s not… bring anyone else into this. Please,” I said.

“Of course. Of course,” Alice said.

“The police will be here any minute,” Jasper said, looking at me.

“I know.”

“We have to get all of this straight, they‟re gonna want to talk to us.”

“Just me,” Bella said quietly, partly coming out of her trance. “I pushed him. I killed him.”

“Stop saying that!” I yelled, shaking her shoulders. There was no way she was going to pay for

this. “We all had a hand in this! We all played a part!”

“Look,” Emmett cut in, his head still in his hands. “We came up here, to get away from the stuffy
party… it won‟t seem odd, this whole damn town knows we stick together… the doctor came
looking for us to… tell us dinner was about to be served… he wanted to make a private call, walked
into the hallway alone and in his drunken stupor, fell down the stairs. Trust me, his blood alcohol

level is through the roof.”

I thought I detected a trace of guilt in his last sentence.

“How did you -” Jasper began.

“I‟ve had time to think in here, okay?” Emmett said defensively.

“There‟s too many holes, it‟s a death, they‟ll question us separately,” Jasper said.

“No,” said Bella. “They won‟t. It‟ll be my father, or someone who works closely with him. They‟ll

buy it… because they‟ll want to.” She was staring in the mirror, her voice void of any emotion.

“A perk of living in a small town,” Emmett whispered absently. He stood and straightened Rosalie
up. He wiped her mouth with his sleeve and picked her up. She was too docile. “I‟m taking her to

lay down.”

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Alice stalked out next and Jasper followed her. They huddled together in the hallway and spoke

“Bella,” I stood behind her and our eyes locked in the reflection in the mirror. “You cannot say you
pushed him, whatever you do -”

Jasper poked his head in the door.

“They‟re here.”

Bella took a deep breath and took my hand. She led me out of the bathroom and down the stairs.


In the end, she was right. Charlie was there, along with half of the police department, which still
didn‟t add up to much. Rosalie and Alice were so shaken up, the police only asked the necessary
questions, then ordered us to take the girls home. This time, I was glad for my studious reputation,
it had worked in our favor. It just wasn‟t conceivable that Edward Cullen could be less than perfect.
Charlie said he‟d be in touch if there were any more questions, though he didn‟t seem to think

there would be.

On our way out, stepping around bright yellow caution tape, I heard a group of party goers talking.

“I‟m surprised he even made it up the stairs!”

“Intoxicated? He was obliviated!”

I kept walking, my arm tightly around Bella‟s waist, and silently thanked Emmett and Alice.

It was over.


There isn‟t too much else to say about that sleepless night. Bittersweet is the word that comes to
mind when I think back on it. There was relief, but also a new sense of dread. There was reunion,
familiarity, but at the same time we also knew we weren‟t the same. There was love, and also
anger, but there was no regret on my part. What I did, I didn‟t do for myself, or even for Edward. I

did it for both of us; for all of us. I was protecting, just as I was protected.

I am not a murderer.

I am not a hero.

I am a lover.

I am a friend.

I am a safekeeper.

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I‟d like to say things wrapped up in a nice, tidy package, but I‟d be lying.

The aftermath was messy, as life so often is.

Carlisle had his suspicions, I still see them in his eyes, but he never asked. We‟ve never spoken of
that night, and it‟s a conversation I never intend to have. I doubt he‟s ever spoken his concerns to
Esme, who goes on playing doctor‟s wife and doting mother. But… every now and then, I see a

flash of… something in her eyes and I have to wonder.

There had been so much damage to all of us, even now, we are forever changed. There used to be
a certain innocence about us before that I wasn‟t even aware existed, but it‟s gone now. Alice is
now careful what she wishes for, for now we are all bonded together for life. We are forever tied to
each other with the unbreakable chains of our secret. We are careful and cautious toward anyone
on the outside of our secret, closed off from everyone but each other.

Emmett struggles with the guilt the most. For a while, we really weren‟t sure what to do. He
became withdrawn and depressed and for some time, none of us saw him. Rosalie was frightened
and felt alone, living with someone who was only a ghost of what he once was. I would‟ve helped
him, talked to him, but I didn‟t know how. Eventually Alice showed up one night and requested to
see him alone. To this day, I don‟t know what she said, or threatened, but since then Emmett had
been slowly coming back to life. His big turning point was the birth of his daughter. I remember
simply asking why, shortly after my niece was born. “Because now I can see, really see, that the

world is better for her without him in it.” He still doesn‟t drink anymore… or play bartender.

Oddly enough, Bella struggled the least with guilt. A long time ago, I asked her if she regretted it.
“Never. I couldn‟t live without you. Don‟t you see, he killed himself as soon as he tried to take you
from me.”
She believes the words she spoke.

I live my life in awe of her, for she didn‟t give up on us long after I had. She kept us together, as

we should be.

We‟re married now and my goal of practicing medicine has long been reached.

Still, every day I live with it.

Every day I walk around bearing all of their anguish, all of their love; they saved me.

I owe them my life, that is why every times I save a life, every time I heal the sick and the

wounded, I am hoping for redemption. For all of us.


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