Planning Your Strategy

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Planning Your Strategy

Before you get started into the content of the Auto Blog Blueprint, it is important to begin with
a full understanding of the Planning Considerations going in and what has to be accomplished in
the Overall scheme of things. Planning your Overall Strategy will help you pick the right Niches,
Domains, Apply Content, and Build your sites in an organized fashion.

Establish Goals: What Do You Want to Accomplish?

Before you begin you must fully understand what it is you want to achieve. Look at your short
term goals and then look at your long term goals for your Auto Blogging business. Yes,
BUSINESS. You are building a business here and every business needs a Plan.

My recommended Short Term Goal is: Create and establish 10 functional Auto Blogs that meet
all the requirements of the Auto Blog Blueprint in 60 days or less. Ensuring that your first auto
blog is built and running through the basic parameters set by the Blueprint in the first 7-14
days. After the first one is built, everything comes much easier. It is an ambitious Goal, but one
I believe is easy to tackle once you learn everything you need to know.

My recommended Long Term Goal is: Have 25 Auto Blogs running in 4 months or less. This is a
challenge, but with Automation it is very doable. With 25 Auto Blogs as the Target Goal for this
Course, at a minimum you should be able to make well over $3000 per month on auto. If you
do things right, you will be at that Goal long before the 6 Month Target is hit. The only thing
that will make this happen is You. Defining your Goal in words is one thing, your actions will
determine your success. Take Action and Succeed. Once you get going, you will see how very
easy this all is.


Defining Your Strategy: Success in 2011

Once you have your overall Goal figured out, it is time to Map out the actual Strategy for your
Auto Blog Empire. To do this you must have a clear idea as to what your Planning
Considerations are. There are several key things to know before you begin even looking for
Niches. That is why my Recommendation is that before you build your first blog, you go
through this course completely and then go back through it methodically again as you develop
your strategy for creating your Auto Blog Empire.

Key Financial Considerations:

1. Money: Auto Blogs are resource intensive and cost some money to implement into

action. Know the costs and figure out what you need to spend your money on first. Do

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not go and buy a ton of Auto Blogging software before you go through the course. You
May THINK you know what is Recommended or Required, but then you might find out it
is different than expected. Budget your money and Be Smart!

2. Research Tools: There are niche research software tools that can make the process of

finding niches and keywords very easy. If you are going to buy one, then only buy
ONE. Most tools recommended have enough common qualities that you do not need to
waste your money on more.

3. Domains: For 25 Blogs, that is 25 Domains. Understand the cost and adjust your plan

accordingly. If you can only build 2 Blogs at a time and implement the Blueprint, then
that is what you have to do. Do not buy 25 Domains up front. Be smart and buy in a
way that is recommended in Step 2: Domains.

4. Hosting: As I said before, Auto Blogs are resource intensive. Some Advanced Plugins

require website hosting that has more resources available. Understand the cost of
starting out on a Shared Host versus a Reseller/ VPS host or Dedicated Server. Budget
your money accordingly.

5. Content: Whether you pay for Unique Content (articles) or Advanced Auto Blogging

Plugins, there is a cost associated that can be quite high in some cases. If you are on a
tight budget as a Beginner, listen to the Recommendations in the Blueprint and spend
your money wisely. There are a lot of options, that does not mean you need to buy
them all. There are other Auto Blogging products that have Advanced Plugins and cost
$997 to $2000. The Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 has the information Required so you DO
NOT have to spend
that kind of money to get the same or similar results.

6. Backlinks and Website Traffic: All Backlink Building and SEO can be done for Free by

you. The reality is that most of this process is a lot of tedious work. It is not hard, it is
just very time consuming. For 25 Blogs, it can be a challenge. Pick the tools that make
the biggest impact first and go from there. Understand that this is not a cost you have
to incur, but one you may find out that is a necessary evil. Budget accordingly.

Understanding these things going in will help you make the proper decisions when it comes
time to implement your strategy. There are other Key Planning Considerations as well.

Key Planning Considerations:

1. Blog Network Management: As you build your Blogs, it is important to use the Blueprint

here to manage all of your sites methodically. Even after you build your Blogs and set
them to auto post on autopilot, you will need to manage them and keep track of them
statistically to ensure that your monetization strategies are working and that the sites
do not require maintenance. Check on each blog at least once every 2-3 weeks and use
the recommended Analytics programs to keep track of them and their overall progress.

2. Affiliate Networks: Identify the Affiliate Networks that you want to work with and

ensure you meet the criteria for getting into the Networks you want to Join. This is a key
component of success.

3. Hosting: Hosting is a planning consideration as well. Most shared hosts can only handle

10-15 Good auto Blogs on each account due to resources and the potential size of the

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Blogs. Planning for the growth of these sites is key as they can grow quite large over
time. See Step 3: Hosting for more details.


Planning Your Blog Design and Monetization Strategy

When researching Domains and Niches, it is important to develop an Initial Strategy on how
you will go from selecting a Niche to actually creating an Auto Blog for it. Each Niche that
research gives you may look great at first, but you must identify Key Components of Action in
order to create a profitable auto blog.

Key Components of Action:

1. Can the Niche Be Monetized? When you identify a Niche that meets the criteria

outlined in Step 1: Niche Research, the first thing you need to do is answer this
important question. Is the Niche a Product? Is the Niche information oriented like a
Technical Support or Personal Information Niche? Take Dog Training for instance. It is
an information oriented Niche, but it can be service related and Product related as
well. If I monetized a “Dog Training” Niche, I could offer Dog Training Videos (from an
Affiliate Program) and / or I could offer any number of Dog related products. Deciding
on how you can monetize the Niche is an important Step you should take before
purchasing a Domain or attempting to setup a blog for it.

2. Is the Niche Product or Information Oriented or both? When planning how to add

content and monetization strategies to your auto blog, it is important to map out, either
on paper or in your mind, how you plan on setting up your Blog’s theme and widgets,
designing the layout, etc. Understanding where your Blog’s focus is will help you set up
the best possible scheme for your site. Knowing if your focus is Product or Information
oriented will help determine which Plugins and types of content/ content sources you
will need when building the blog.

3. Categories & Keyword Research: When conducting Keyword Research after identifying

your Niche, look deeper at categories for your blog. You need at least 4-5 categories for
each site. Do not create an Auto Blog with one category and 1000 posts, this will end in
bad results with Google. On the same note, manage your categories and ensure that you
don’t have too many either. How many is too many? 30 categories is too many in my
opinion for most sites, but each niche is different and certain niches may have hundreds
of categories. Understand and be able to identify when you need to manage this as you
don’t want your site to look trashy or mismanaged. Categories do not have to be
Keyword Related if they help the blog and the adding of quality content.

4. Value Added Resource: When deciding how you want to implement content into your

blog and categories, my first and only recommendation is to always look at your blog as
a Value Added Resource where you want to add Quality Content the best that you
can. By designing your Blogs as resources, whether they are Review Sites where your

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focus is on Products or if they are an information site where you are trying to provide
content that is valuable. What Does Value Added Mean? It simply means that You
should create a site as a Resource where users can come to find what they are looking
for. Thus, You must build your blog with ease of use in mind and categorize and input
the blog’s articles and other contents in a way that will provide Value to Your
Visitors. Newspapers are Value Added Resources which use other Content then their
own to Provide Value to Users. Build your sites around this model as it is a very Key
Component of your success. DO NOT BUILD JUNK BLOGS!

5. Design and Themes: When you are going through this process, develop 2-3 Courses of

Action for the implementation of your Niche from an idea into a blog. Look at what the
potential outcomes could be as this will also help you decide on what you want your
Theme to Look like and aid you in developing the overall Design and Appearance of your
sites. Once you get into this process and do it several times, you will have the blog
built in your mind and/ or on paper long before it is built.

Put your Plan on Paper or Create a Microsoft Project (or use some other Project Management

A lot of this might not make sense yet, and that is OK. Keeping your ideas organized is Key to
your success. Understand what you want to achieve with each and every Auto Blog you
build. Use all of these Planning Considerations, along with all the information contained in the
Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0, and Plan accordingly. Once complete, implement your Plan of Action
for each blog and watch it grow into Profit. Not every blog will be as profitable as the
other. Some Niches work and others don’t. Move on and create another blog, but understand
that making changes and updating your auto Blogs is a part of the process that will keep them

Execute Your Plan! Let’s Get Started!


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