Believe in Me J Lynn Eng

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IF THERE WAS ever a manual—something like Picking up Girls for
—I could edit slash
ghostwrite that mammoth tome in a nanosecond. Ever since I was twelve years
old, I had a knack for
obtaining company of the feminine kind.
Hell. When I died, my tombstone would read something like: Here lies Oliver
(Ollie) Ryan. He sure
got a lot of play in his charmed life
And I didn’t discriminate.
Cougar. Kitten. Black. White and every shade of skin tone in-between.
Curvalicious and then some
or skinny as a sheet of paper, it didn’t matter. I just loved females and they
loved me.
All except for one girl.
Brittany Simmons had never been a fan of my happy—and quite delectable—
ass. My med school
would be paid for if I had a buck for every time she rolled her eyes at me when
I suggested we get to
know each other better or walked away from me while I was in the middle of
telling her something
extremely important.
Like how great we’d look together in my bed. That hadn’t gone over like I
When I’d said it to her at a party once, she’d looked like she’d been seconds
away from punching me
in my balls. And I liked my balls just the way they were, so I’d moved far, far
away from her that
And if I remembered correctly, I moved on to this cute little brunette who
wanted to do other things
with my balls that didn’t involve pain.
Brit and I had this sort of antagonistic flirt thing going on my whole last year
of undergrad. She was
good friends with my roomie’s girlfriend, so we ran into each quite a bit around
campus and outside.
No conversation we had didn’t involve heavy innuendoes and end with some
sort of insult being flung

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in my direction.
Maybe I needed to buy her a turtle. That seemed to have worked for Cam.
Then again, she’d probably throw the turtle in my face and that wouldn’t be
fun, but she’d look hot
doing it.
Brit . . . well, Brit was a different type of girl than the one I spent time with. As
sexy as any of the
girls with her shoulder-length blond hair and deep brown eyes. And what I’d
seen of her curvy hips
and shapely legs was enough to make me start drooling at any given moment.
But it was more than
that. The girl was smart and didn’t seem scared of shit. With her snappy
comebacks and nuclear level
of resistance when it came to me, she’d always presented the kind of challenge
any guy would go for.
But a month or so back, the night before I’d left for med school, something had
changed in her when
we’d ran into each other in the parking lot of Cam and Avery’s apartment
Dressed in sweats and a plain T-shirt, hair pulled back in a short ponytail, and
without a drop of
makeup on, she’d still managed to pull off sexy like no one else.
I’d grinned as she’d stopped between the two first rows, waiting while I
swaggered up to her. “You
miss me already?”
She’d cocked her hair to the side and raised an eyebrow. “You’re leaving
tomorrow, right? For
“Med school?” When I’d nodded, she’d laughed softly. “You’re going to have to
cut back on the
“Whatever. I’m great at multitasking.”
Brit had stared at me, the skin around her full lips—lips I’d give up all my
fingers to know how they
tasted and felt—pinched. “You are not going to still party like you do now
while in med school.”
I wouldn’t. I’d be stupid to do so, but she hadn’t needed to know that. “Why
Her eyes had rolled. “Because the last time I checked, med school is pretty
“Believe it or not . . .” I’d leaned down, tweaking the tip of her nose. “I’m
smarter than most people
realize. “

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Her nose had scrunched as she’d pulled back. “I know you are.”
The statement had caught me off guard and I’d said nothing as a slight smile
crossed her face.
“That’s the one thing I like about you, Ollie. You’re smart.”
I’d snapped out of it. “The only thing you like about me?”
“It’s not the only thing,” she’d replied. “You have a nice ass.”
A laugh burst from me, and her smile had spread. “I always knew you’d been
checking me out this
whole damn time.”
Brit had shrugged as she shifted her weight.
“And you wait until the night before I leave to tell me? That’s wrong.”
She’d laughed softly, but the smile on her face had quickly slipped away. “Are
you going to behave
To this day I had no idea why I’d said what I had, nor could I have predicted its
effect on me. “Of
course,” I’d said. And the next words had to have climbed out of my ass. “For
She’d drawn in a shallow breath and then stretched up. She’d kissed my cheek,
and fuck if my heart
hadn’t lurched like something crazy in my chest. “Please take care of yourself,”
she’d whispered, her
lips brushing my cheek.
I’d watched her rock back and a small, sad smile filled her pouty lips before
she’d nodded once and
then turned, heading toward the apartment building.
Damn if I hadn’t wanted to chase after her.
That had almost been two months ago, and that chaste, sweet little kiss on my
cheek was the most
action I’d seen in that time.
It was like being a damn virgin again for me.
But I was back in the little speck of the Eastern Panhandle for the weekend. I
was out here, sitting in
my car like one of those weird men who hung out near college parties in vans,
reminiscing about the
good old days.
Scrubbing a hand down my jaw, I then killed the engine and glanced over at
the three-story home.
Light spilled out of the garage. Place wasn’t too packed. Hell, I wasn’t sure
why I came here. Okay.
That was a lie. I’d been planning on coming down for a visit to see my friends,
but I hadn’t planned on
the party. But Cam was going. So was Avery.
And they told me Brit would be here.

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And so here I was. With a purpose that didn’t involve getting shit-faced. At
least right off the bat. I
needed all my functioning brain cells, because I had to talk to Brit. Needed to
know if there was
something between us after a year’s worth of flirting and smack talk. If there
was, then damn if we
didn’t need to act on it, so I could get her the hell out of my head. And if there
wasn’t, then at least I
had my answer and I could get her the hell out of my head.
The whole point of tonight was to get back to normal, and normal for me
wasn’t lusting after any
one girl in particular, especially one who’d only kissed my cheek for shit’s sake.
Yanking the rubber band off my wrist, I pulled my hair back from my face and
reached for the bottle

A knock on the window jarred me and my head swung toward it. My heart
jumped. Not from
surprise either. Surprise would’ve been better.
Brit stared in at me. Those big, beautiful brown eyes of hers were outlined in
black. A grin curled
her lips up at the corners as thick lashes lowered. “Scare ya?”
For a moment, I did nothing but stare at her like a dumbass. God, it had only
been about two months
since I’d last seen her, but I swore I still could feel her lips on my cheek.
“Ollie?” Her smile started to slip.
Snapping out of it, I reached for the door and stepped out. Brit moved back, her
eyes following me as
I straightened to my full height. I was a tall guy, well over six feet, but Brit
wasn’t too much of a
shortie. Her lips lined up with my chin.
“You’ve been waiting out here for me?” I asked, grinning as she rolled her eyes.
“Admit it. You
Wearing one of those sweater dresses, I had a hell of a hard time keeping my
eyes off her pretty legs
as she crossed her arms across her chest. “Actually, I just got here and saw you
sitting in your car. I
was hoping you weren’t passed out already.”
“Come on, you know me better than that. It’s at the end of the night when I’m
usually passed out in
my car.”
“True.” She laughed softly as she glanced at the frat house and then swept her
gaze over me. “You
look . . . you look good.”

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“So do you.”
Her eyes widened just a bit at the sudden deepening of my voice. “Hell, Brit,
you don’t look good,” I
corrected. “You look hot as hell.”
Brit glanced down at herself. “Have you started drinking already?”
“Haven’t drunk a sip of anything other than water.” I stepped forward, and she
bit down on her lower
lip as I was close enough to share the air she was breathing. I swallowed a
groan as a jolt of pure lust
shot through me.
“That’s a first for you.” The hollows of her cheeks deepened under the
streetlamp as her gaze drifted
over me again. “Aren’t you cold?”
Winter, spring or summer, I was always in Nike flip-flops, shorts and a T-shirt.
“Nah, this is perfect
weather for me.”
Brit unfolded her arms slowly. “So how’s WVU?”
“It’s good. As expected.” I paused, and the strangest words came out of my
mouth. “I haven’t been
partying.” Not like I owed her an explanation, but my lips kept on moving.
“Just going to classes and
studying at the apartment I got up there.”
“I didn’t think you’d really kick off med school partying,” she said, propping a
curvy hip against the
side of my car. I liked how she was in no hurry to join the party. Neither was I.
“I’ve never really
believed that you’re a stupid party guy. No matter how much you acted like
I opened my mouth to . . . I don’t know what. Feeling my face heat a little, I
rubbed my palm under
my chin. “How’s classes been for you?”
“Same old. Nothing really exciting to share.” She reached out, tugging on the
hem of my old, worn
university shirt. “You know, I think this is like the second time in forever that
we’ve had a
conversation where we haven’t insulted one another.”
Her small fingers were still wrapped around the hem of my shirt, and as I
angled my body toward
hers, her arm bent, brushing over my hip. “Is that a bad thing?” My heart
kicked like a jackrabbit
when she shook her head. “I didn’t think so either.”
She titled her head back and her eyes met mine. “I kind of like it.”
“Kind of?” I bent my head, and her lips parted on a soft inhale. Her eyes took
on a hooded, dazed

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quality that hit me like a punch to the gut. It was now or never to get this shit
out of my system so I
could go back to normal. “I want to ask you something, Brit. Okay?”
“All right.”
I titled my head to the side and she shivered when my breath danced over her
cheek. “Why hasn’t
there ever been something between us?”
Brit didn’t answer immediately, but her hand remained on my shirt and hadn’t
ended up across my
face. “Maybe . . . maybe is because you’ve never asked.”
Muscles in my lower stomach tightened as I leaned in, placing my hand on the
roof of the car behind
her. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I asked in about every conversation we’ve had.”
“You haven’t asked, Ollie. You’ve insinuated about a hundred different sexual
acts during our
conversations, but you’ve never asked me if there was anything between us.”
I laughed quietly as her point made its way home. “You’re right. I haven’t, but
I am now.”
She let go of my shirt and placed her hand on the center of my chest, searing
through the shirt and
branding my skin. “You also haven’t asked me out on a date,” she continued,
and a small smile
appeared as my eyes widened. “You haven’t asked me to even come over to
your place without
making some kind of innuendo. And you also haven’t even asked me for a kiss.”
“A date?” I got hung up on that. “I wasn’t sure where I could fit in asking you
out in-between you
threatening to kick me in the balls and walking away from me.”
Brit laughed, and the sound did funny things to my chest. “Maybe if you tried
to fit it in, I wouldn’t
threaten to do anything bad with your balls and I wouldn’t walk away.”
“So you’d do nice things with my balls?”
“Don’t be gross—”
I swooped down and kissed her. Yeah, I didn’t ask, but somewhere between her
talking about dating
and talking about my balls, I just stopped thinking. So I kissed her, and the
moment my lips touched
her, adrenaline rocked me. Like scoring a goal at the end of the game or being
near an explosion, my
entire body tensed and then hardened.
Her lips were soft like the finest satin and absolutely perfect. My mind was on
autopilot as I flicked
my tongue along the seam of her lips. When she opened them, a deep sound
rumbled up from my

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chest. I tasted the faint trace of strawberries on her tongue.
She made a small, utterly feminine sound as she leaned into me. Desire arced as
the kiss deepened,
and I dropped my hands to the sides of her face, tilting her head back. I pressed
her against the car and
there was no way she didn’t feel what she was doing to me. My hand trembled
slightly as I slid it to
the nape of her neck, tangling my fingers in the soft edges of her blond hair.
My pulse pounded in all of the major points, but it was more than just a
physical reaction. There was
something about kissing her that felt like it was the first time and sure as hell
wasn’t the first time, but
it felt right in a way that made me want to get away from her as fast as possible
and somehow get even
Her hands slid up my chest, fingers digging into my shoulders as she kissed me
back. Girl gave as
good as she got. But that didn’t surprise me. I always imagined that Brit would
be this way. A
beautifully packaged little firecracker.
Not too distant laughter tugged at the edges of my consciousness. I broke the
kiss, catching her
sweet lower lip as I pulled back before I did something crazy. Like lifted her
skirt and sank into her
softness right here on the side of the road.
“You didn’t ask,” she whispered, breathing heavy.
“I didn’t.” I kissed the corner of her lip and then the other, not sure why. “Can I
kiss you?”
She laughed huskily, causing several parts of my body to tighten to the point of
pain. “You just
kissed me, Ollie.”
“But I want to kiss you again.” I smoothed my thumb over her cheek, surprised
by how true that was.
“I’ve never been big on kissing, Brit. What’s the point in it? But with you, I
could fucking kiss you all
night long. And throughout tomorrow, too.” To prove my point, I lowered my
head and caught her
lips. “I could kiss you all weekend.”
In the dim light, her eyes searched mine as they filled with keen wariness. “And
how many girls
have you’ve said that to?”
I rested my forehead against hers. “None. Hand to God, I’ve never said that to
another girl.”

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Her hands drifted back down to my chest and flattened there. I expected her to
push me away then,
but she didn’t. “Why me?” she asked. “Why now?”
Damn, that was a good question. I closed my eyes, and for a moment, I just
enjoyed the feeling of
her being close to me, of her hands on me, our lips inches apart and breaths
mingling. When I opened
my eyes, I lifted my head.
“I miss you.” Hell. I totally blurted that out. Her eyes widened. Might as well
go with it. “I missed
you more than Cam and Jase. And I don’t really know why. But I miss your
smart mouth. I miss how
you never give into me. I miss looking forward to seeing you. And when I leave
on Sunday, I know
I’m going to miss you even more now that I know how you taste and feel.”
Brit’s chest rose against mine as she studied me. She didn’t respond
immediately, and I could feel
the heat creeping into my cheeks. Perhaps I said too much, because suddenly, I
felt like I’d should be
reading poetry and getting in tune with my sensitive side.
“You’re a romantic at heart, Ollie. I never would’ve guessed that,” she said
finally, and my brain
actually cringed. “I always knew you were smarter than you acted.” Her lashes
lowered as she trailed
her hands to my lower stomach. “I always knew there was more to you than
partying and getting laid.”
That made Brit probably the only person alive, besides my parents and baby
bro, to know that.
“And I’m not saying the partying and the joking around is an act. I know it’s
not,” she said, lifting
her gaze. “You’re just a laid-back guy who wants to have fun. I’ve always liked
that about you, but I . .
My heart was pounding like I was running the bleachers. “But what?”
“But I like this side of you better,” she whispered, her eyes searching mine
again. “I just wish I’d
seen it sooner.”
“Me too,” I admitted, voice oddly thick as I smoothed a strand of hair back
behind her ear. “Is it too
I don’t know what Brit was thinking in that moment as she stared at me in the
silence, but my chest
exploded with her next words. “We have tonight, don’t we?”

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That could mean only one thing—a thing I could so get behind.
It was finally going to happen.
I was like a fifteen-year-old boy about to see boobs for the first time. Hell, to
want something as
badly as I’ve wanted this for so long, it was like taking every Christmas Eve as
a child and rolling
them into one.
So I was rattled.
Off my game.
Brit went inside to say hi to her friends and as I did the same, I watched her
hug Avery and Cam’s
little sister.
“Seeing your sister all grown up and at a frat party makes me feel old,” I told
her brother.
Cam snorted as he took a drink from his bottle. “You and me both.” He
stiffened as he followed my
gaze to where the girls were huddled together and then pinned me with a look
that would’ve shriveled
my balls. “Don’t you be getting any ideas about her.”
I laughed as I folded my arms. “Your sister is hot, but it’s not who I’m looking
Understanding and a bit of relief flashed across his face. “Ah, Brit?”
I didn’t respond, which was strange, because I never had a problem with
talking about the object of
my attention in detail before. Wasn’t because I was embarrassed about her or
any shit like that.
Everything with Brit was different. I’d feel like I’d be insulting her if I starting
talking about all the
things I planned on doing with her to Cam.
“Want a beer?” he asked, motioning over to the fridge in the corner of the
garage that was eternally
stocked with beer.
Cam looked like I’d just told him I was planning on entering priesthood, and a
wry grin twisted my
lips. “I’m not going to be hanging around tonight.”
He glanced back to where Brit stood with his girlfriend and sister and then he
chuckled. “I take it
neither will Brit?”
The back of my neck tingled in an odd way. “Nope.”
“I got ya,” he replied, taking a swig of beer as he picked up a Ping-Pong ball.
“Where’s Jase?” I asked, changing the subject.
Cam shrugged. “No clue. He’s around here somewhere. Steph was looking for
him, so I’m sure she’s

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got him cornered somewhere.”
I was hoping to get cornered with Brit soon. Lingering a couple of more
minutes, I told him I’d
swing by tomorrow afternoon. When I graduated and left for grad school, a lot
of the partying shit had
been left behind. I was ready to get out of here.
Stalking across the garage, I joined Brit. “Hello Avery and Miss Teresa, how
are you doing this fine
Teresa giggled, and upon close inspection, her eyes had that happy, glazed
look. I wondered if Cam
realized his sister was close to being trashed. “We’re doing good.”
“Great.” I captured Brit’s tiny ponytail. “I need to borrow you for a second, si?”
Brit’s eyes went heavenward, but her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink. “I’ll
be right back. Senor
Fucktard can’t want me for that long.”
“It’ll be a while,” I corrected, and her blush traveled down her neck.
Taking her hand, I steered her out of the garage. “They’re watching us, aren’t
they?” she asked.
I glanced over my shoulder. “Yep. They are grinning and whispering.”
“Great,” she moaned.
We stopped midway on the driveway, and I looked at her. “You don’t want
them to know we are . . .
well, whatever it is we’re about to do? If you’ve changed your mind about
this”—please God, tell me
you haven’t changed your mind
—“we don’t have to do this. We can stay here and
chill. That’ll be
cool, too.”
“No. I haven’t changed my mind.” She tugged on my hand as she started down
the driveway again,
and I about dropped to my knees and starting praising Jesus. “And I’m not
embarrassed to be seen
with you. It’s just . . .” She looked away, focusing on the road ahead.
“It’s just what?” I probably should’ve let it go, but I was curious. “I know I
have a reputation, Brit.
And you’ve never seemed shy of saying what’s on your mind.”
She cast a grin over your shoulder. “Okay. I know you’re not into relationships
and all of that and I
don’t want them jumping to conclusions. Like I know they will.”
“What kind of conclusion?”
“Oh, I don’t know. That this one night is going to lead to an epic romance.” She
turned to me,
walking backward. “I know that’s not what you’re really about. And I’m okay
with that. I mean, I’d be

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okay with . . .” Her nose scrunched up the cute way it always did whenever she
was about to say
something she didn’t want to. “Anyway, I’m okay with this. I want to know if
you have a reason to be
so cocky,” she teased.
Oh, I had a reason, but for some asinine purpose, I wanted to ask her why she
didn’t think I was into
relationships. Which was stupid, because my track record showed why. I
shouldn’t care that she
wasn’t going into this expecting anything other than great sex, but I kind of
We stopped by my car, and she slipped her hand free. “We could go back to my
dorm. My
roommate’s gone for the weekend.”
“Works for me.”
She flashed a quick grin. “I’ll lead the way then.”
As she started to pull away, it felt too much like a random hookup that could’ve
been any number of
girls I’d picked up at a party or the bar, and that didn’t settle right in my gut.
Brit was different, and
this was the first time for us, probably the last time.
I tugged her back to me. Caught off guard, she placed her free hand on my
chest to balance herself.
Her chin rose and her lips parted, but I caught whatever she was about to say
with my mouth as I
cupped the nape of her neck with my other hand. I kissed her deeply,
something I would’ve never done
on a hookup, because hell, hookups were kind of like business transactions at
this point.
Brit stiffened for just a tiny second and then relaxed, melding right into me as
her tongue slipped
over mine. When her hand clenched the front of my shirt, I lifted my head and
grinned down at her.
“I’ll be right behind you.”
“Okay. All right.” Cheeks flushed, she backed away, blinking several times.
“You do that.”
I chuckled as she wobbled away, but the amusement quickly vanished once I
was in my car, behind
hers, and I was driving the short distance to campus.
Hell. I was nervous.
I hadn’t been nervous since I lost my virginity and even then I’d just been too
damn excited to get
really anxious. Oh, but I was sweating now. Ridiculous.

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Brit found a parking space close to her dorm, which gave me a little more time
to pull my dumbass
together. She’d waited for me at the entrance, and I draped my arm over her
shoulders, telling myself
to play it cool.
I didn’t need to turn into a fumbling idiot now.
Her dorm room was small—two single beds pushed against opposite walls. A
shared desk and TV in
the corner. It was obvious which side of the room was hers.
One bed was covered with clothes.
“Yours?” I asked, nodding at the bed.
Brit blushed as she hurried over to the bed. “How’d you guess?”
“Ah, you’ve never seemed like the kind to be into neat and orderly.”
“Is that a bad thing?” She scooped an arm full of clothes and headed toward a
small closest.
“Not to me.” I kicked off my flip-flops. “It fits you.”
“It fits me,” she repeated quietly as she used her hip to nudge open the closet
door. I grinned when
she unceremoniously dumped the clothing in the closet. “Would you like
anything to drink? There’s
some stuff in the small fridge under the desk.”
“I’m good.” I moved to help her, but she gathered up the rest of her clothes
before I could interfere.
“Where’s your roomie?”
“With her boyfriend for the weekend.” Tugging her hair down, she turned to
me as she ran her
fingers through the blond locks, working out the kinks. “I can turn on the TV.”
She toed off her flats
and started for the desk. “Or some music. We can—”
I caught her hand, drawing her to a stop. “You’re nervous.”
She opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. “Yeah. Kind of.”
My heart did a weird flip. “So am I.”
Her brows rose. “Really? You?”
I laughed at her question. “Why is that such a surprise?”
“Well, you’re . . . you have a lot of experience at this.” She toed with the edge of
her dress with her
free hand. “Not that I don’t, but you’re always so confident.”
“So are you,” I pointed out, but relieved I wasn’t the only one who felt out of
my element.
She grinned. “This is different though.”
Our gazes collided and held. “Yeah, it is.”
She drew in a deep breath and then bit down on her lip as she slipped her hand
free. I watched her go

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to the desk and bend slightly at the waist. The back of her dress rose, revealing
shapely thighs. She
opened a laptop and after a few seconds, a low hum of music drifted into the
I had no idea what song it was, because I was too focused on her curve of her
backside and the
graceful way in which she straightened and turned to me. She leaned back
against the desk, head tilted
to the side.
And I was already hard.
For a moment, I couldn’t move from where I stood. That stupid-ass saying
floated through my
thoughts. Be careful what you wish for. I had it in front of me and wasn’t sure
what to do with it. Well,
I had a lot of ideas, but none of them seemed good enough. Suddenly I wished
I’d gone about this
differently. Like maybe taken her out to dinner first, because it wasn’t that late.
Or to the movies. Or
we could’ve hung out at the party. Together.
But she was here and so was I.
Her eyes met mine, and I reached down, wrapped my fingers around the hem of
my shirt and lifted it
over my head, letting the material fall wherever it landed.
Pride and a razor-sharp anticipation swelled inside me as her gaze left mine,
and moved slowly over
my chest and down to where the shorts hung low on my hips. It wasn’t the first
time she’d seen me
shirtless, but it was the first time in her room, by her bed.
I wished it were the first of many.
That thought came out of nowhere, and uncomfortable with it, I bitch slapped
it aside as I started
toward her. Brit straightened even more, pushing off the desk. Two pink spots
bloomed on her cheeks
and her chin tilted up as I stopped in front of her.
Circling my hands around her thin wrists, I slid my hands up her arms,
wishing it were bare skin
under my fingers and gently gripped her upper arms. I lifted her up, placing
her bare feet atop mine.
She giggled as she placed her hands on my sides. Air hissed between my teeth
at the feel of her bare
fingers against my skin. “Are we going to dance?”
“Something like that,” I murmured, trailing one hand around her waist to her
lower back. “Did you
go to your high school prom?”

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Another laugh escaped her as her fingers flexed and then rose to my shoulders.
Tilting her head to
the side, she smiled at me. “I did. I was a part of the prom court.”
She shook her head. “Nope. I was a princess.”
“You were ripped off.” I started to move around the small space as I pulled her
against my chest.
“You should’ve been queen.”
“But you didn’t see who was queen. She was the hottest—”
“I don’t care.” I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “She wasn’t hotter than
you. I think we need to
go back to your high school and demand a damn recount, because that’s
Brit laughed. “Let’s do that.”
I kissed her temple. “You’re as beautiful as any queen.”
“Charmer,” she whispered, her fingers squeezing as I trailed a path of kisses
along her jaw. When I
reached the corner of her mouth, she slanted her head toward me. Her tongue
flicked out, and I
“I wasn’t trying to charm you,” I said, running my hand down. I cupped her ass
and lifted her onto
the tips of her toes, so that she pressed against me.
She made a breathy sound. “Well, for not trying, you’re doing a damn good
“Oh, I haven’t even begun to try.” I tasted her lower lip, thrilled when one hand
snaked up, balling
into my hair. When she gave a little pull on my hair, I all but growled.
The kiss started off slow, but quickly spun into something laced with lust and
need that had been
building for far too long. Our tongues twisted and danced and when I lifted her
again, she rose and
wrapped her legs around my waist, hooking her ankles behind my back.
The feel of her . . . damn, the feel of her pressing against me, was enough to
almost cause me to lose
it right then, before I even got my pants off. How awkward would that have
“I want you,” she breathed against my mouth, in between kisses. Her thighs
tightened around me.
“I’ve wanted you for a very long time.”
“It’s like you’re reading my mind.” I walked us over to her bed, my heart
thumping in an insane
way. “Too bad we waited this long.”

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“Should’ve asked.” She grinned as I groaned. “Please tell me you have
“I do.”
“Thank God for latex,” she said.
I chuckled as I placed her on her feet by the foot of the bed. Her whiskey-
colored eyes were dreamy,
unfocused. I skated my hands down her sides, reaching the edge of her dress.
“May I?”
She nodded and then said, “Yes.”
Hesitating just for a moment, I then drew the dress up, revealing her body, and
hell if it wasn’t like
unwrapping the best damn present ever. With the dress off, joining my shirt
somewhere on the floor,
she stood before in me in lacy black panties and a red bra.
“God,” I said, taking a step back. Her breasts were full, straining against the
satiny cups of her red
bra. Her body was rocking curves like a country back road. Hips flared out
sweetly, her belly
concaved, and I already knew how those soft legs felt wrapped around me.
A flush traveled the length of her body as she folded her arms across her
stomach. “What?”
“You’re beautiful,” I said, dragging my gaze back up to her wide eyes. “You’re
fucking beautiful,
Her lips tipped up in a small grin. “You’re already getting laid, Ollie. You don’t
need to flatter me.
I’m already half naked and ready.”
“I’m not trying to flatter you, but glad to hear this is a done deal.” I laughed
when she rolled her
eyes. Taking hold of her arms, I moved them to her sides. “You should never
hide yourself. Not from
me. I could look at you all night.”
She curled her fingers in. “I hope that’s not all you do.”
The throbbing going on in my shorts was also hoping that wasn’t the only
thing I was going to do.
And it wasn’t.
Catching the delicate straps of her bra with my fingers, I slowly slid them
down her arms. She
shivered as my fingertips grazed her sides. I reached around, finding the clasp.
Brit sucked her lower lip between her teeth as the bra slipped to the floor. God,
she was . . . she was
perfect, right down to the rosy tips hardening under my gaze.
She drew in a little breath and her chest rose temptingly. “I . . . I’m surprised.”
It was a damn miracle that I dragged my eyes up. “About what?”

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“I thought you’d be more of a wham-bam kind of guy.” Her cheeks flushed
bright red when I arched
a brow. “I mean, not that it would be bad. I’m sure it would be really great—”
“It will be really fucking awesome.”
“Okay. It will be really fucking awesome, but I’m surprised you’re going slow.”
So was I. It was a change a pace for me. I never took it slow before. “I want to
make this last.” And
that was the truth. I placed my hands on her shoulders. “There’s not a single
part of you I want to
She opened her mouth, but all that came was breathy moan when I cupped her
“Is this okay with you?” I asked, kissing her plump lower lip.
“Yes. Oh, yes.”
I chuckled as I trailed a path of tiny kisses down her throat and over the
delicate collarbone before
tasting the soft skin between her breasts. She drew in a deep breath as the
slight stubble on my jaw
grazed a swell.
Smoothing my thumbs over the tips, I shook at the sound of her moan. My
mouth watered as I
lowered my head, drawing one little nub into my mouth. Her answering cry
sent pressure powering
down my spine. I moved to the other, worshipping her in the way I’d wanted
for so long.
I took my time, licking and nipping my way down as I knelt in front of her.
The scrape of black lace
that remained on her body was probably the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.
Closing my eyes, I placed a kiss against the satiny material, right where I
wanted to be, to spend my
night in.
Brit gasped, her fingers tangling in my hair.
I grinned as I hooked my fingers around the band of her panties. Leaning back,
not wanting to miss a
damn second of this, I slid them down.
Fuck yeah.
At my first look at her completely bare to me, something fluttered in my
stomach. Holy shit, was
that the proverbial butterflies? I’d never believed in them, but something felt
like it was trying to wing
its way out of my stomach.
There was a moment, as I helped her stand out of them, I didn’t know what to
do. My fingers

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trembled as I dropped the panties to the side, my heart became a jackhammer
in my chest, trying to
drill its way out. I’d never, ever felt this way before.
It shook me—she shook me.
And she humbled me with this gift, because this was a gift.
My hands slid up her soft legs, to her curvy hips, and my mouth turned into a
damn heat-seeking
missile. I kissed her there, reveling in the way she jerked and her hands
clenched tighter. I tasted her
and she was the fucking best thing I’d ever tasted. I could spend a lifetime on
my knees before her and
it wouldn’t be enough.
I eased her down so she was sitting on the edge of the bed and it wasn’t long
before she fell back, her
hips moving in a slow, sinuous motion that would linger with me long after
tonight was done.
All of this was to get her out of my system, but deep down, I knew I’d be
fucked if I really believed
this would work, because now her taste, her scent, and her breathy moans
would forever be imbedded
in my system, smacked with a label “mine” and filed away.
Her head kicked back, my name a cry on her lips as she came, and I stayed
there, between her legs,
my head resting on her thigh, my eyes squeezed shut.
I was rattled.
And I was ready. My body throbbed almost painfully, I drew in a deep breath,
but it didn’t help. I
tried to think about something gross—turtles screwing, because seriously,
there was nothing hot about
that, but I was still on the edge and I hadn’t even taken my shorts off.
“Ollie?” she whispered.
Opening my eyes, I drew in another breath. I needed to keep it together. I also
needed to get off my
knees and stop using her thigh as a damn pillow, because that might be weird
for her at this point.
I stood, knees locked and eyes wide. “Damn, Brit . . .”
She bit down on her lip, watching me through thick lashes. Lying like that
before me . . . ?
“I could get used to seeing you like this,” I said before I could stop myself.
Her cheeks flushed. “For real?”
The slight rise in her voice, the cloud of disbelief that passed across her
features, tugged at
something in my chest. “Yeah, for real.”

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She rose up on her elbows, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t have a
problem keeping my eyes
on her face. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“I’m not me when I’m around you.” Yeah, that made absolutely no sense. “I
mean, maybe I am me
when I’m around you.”
A smile pulled at her lips. “Oliver Ryan,” she said, and holy Christ cookies, I
almost came hearing
her same my full name. “I think you might actually like me.”
“I do.”
Surprise flickered across her face. A moment passed. “I like you too,” she
whispered. “I like you a
There was a strange swelling in my chest. As I stared into those warm eyes, I
knew suddenly this
wasn’t just a challenge. Nothing about being her with her was a simple as
getting in and getting off.
There was no getting her out of my system. This wasn’t that. My heart rate
kicked into cardiac
territory. Was I having a heart attack? I had no idea what to do with the
I froze at the unexpected feeling in my chest.
“Ollie,” she breathed, her head cocked to the side. “You still with me?”
“Yeah.” My voice was gruff, thick.
Brit sat up, her gaze traveling down my stomach. Muscles tensed under her
gaze. She reached for the
button on my shorts, flicked them open with a confidence I’d always admired.
She concentrated on the
task, easing the zipper down.
Her eyes popped to mine. “You’re commando?”
I grinned, because I was beyond talking at this point.
She laughed softly as she gripped the sides of my shorts. “I should’ve guessed
as much. You know.”
She eased my pants down, and I stepped out of them. As she checked me out,
her mouth opening
slightly, she appeared to lose her train of thought. “Wow.”
Male pride pecked at me.
Her eyes swept up to mine. “You know,” she repeated, wrapping her hand
around the base of me.
The touch caused my hands to curl into fists. “This doesn’t have to be our only
time.” Her cheeks
flushed a deep, pretty pink. “I mean, if you wanted, we could get together
again. I could come up and
visit you or—”

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My balls tightened like a fist had been wrapped around them. Release powered
down my spine, and
there was no stopping it. My head thrust back as the most powerful orgasm
almost knocked me on my
feet, pulsed through me.
Floored, I swayed back a step, vaguely aware that her hand was still wrapped
around me. It hadn’t
been her touch that had sent me off. Oh, hell, no, it had been her words, her
want to see me again.
What in the hell?
Brit stared up at me with wide eyes. Her hand was covered, so was my lower
Holy fuck, I just came.
This was the first time something like this had ever happened and it had to
happen with her?
“Holy shit,” I groaned, stepping back, easing her hand off me. “I don’t know . .
Her cheeks blossomed with color as she wetted her lower lip. “Uh, it’s not a big
I stared at her. This was a big deal. Usually this was a huge and long deal that
fucking lasted, like I
don’t know, through actual sex, but right now it was an underperforming sad
“Seriously,” she said, standing. For a moment I got hung up on the twitch of
her ass as she walked
over to the dresser and picked up a towel, wiping her hand. She handed it to
me. “I mean it.”
I laughed, the sound harsh to my own ears as I took the towel and cleaned
myself up. “Yeah, you’re
being too sweet.”
“I don’t think so.” She sat on the bed, completely at ease with her nakedness. “It
must’ve been a
while for you.”
“It has been.” I thrust my hands through my hair. “I haven’t been with anyone
since I left for med
Her eyes widened. “Seriously?”
“Yeah.” Might as well get all caring and sharing since I just came all over her
hand. What the fuck
ever. “Not a single person.”
The question of my lifetime it seemed. Screwed up thing was that I knew the
answer. “It’s because
of you.”

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Her delicate brows climbed halfway to her hairline. “Me?”
I nodded and the words just dumped right out of my mouth. “The night before
I left? When you
kissed my cheek and asked me to behave? Well, I . . . I don’t know. I just
haven’t been interested in
anyone, because you’ve gotten under my skin and I thought—fuck, I don’t
know what I thought.”
Brit’s eyes were so wide I wondered if it was painful for her.
“I thought by coming here, getting shot down by you or getting with you,
would get you out of
myself, but that’s not what’s going to happen. I know that. And I wanted this
to be good for you.”
“Wait,” she said. “You really like me.”
I stared at her.
“And it has been great for me so far.” She tucked a short strand of hair back
behind her ear. “So let’s
just get that straight, but back to the other part. You really like me.”
“I do.”
She shook her head. “I don’t understand why.”
“Are you crazy? Wait. Don’t answer that. You are a little crazy, and I like it.
You’re a smartass.
You’re funny as hell. You don’t take shit from anyone, especially me. You’re
smart.” I blew out a
breath. “You’re absolutely beautiful to me and you always saw more than
anyone else when you
looked at me. So yeah, I like you. I really like you. And when you said you
wanted to see me again,
that you didn’t want this to be a one night thing, well, you know how that
affected me. It ended up all
over you hand.”
Brit blinked, and I really needed to find my jeans and get the hell out of here,
because I totally just
unloaded on her like some kind of lovesick sixteen-year-old.
This was a fuck ton awkward.
“You’re right,” she said, stopping me. “I’m pretty damn awesome.”
My lips twitched.
“And you’re pretty damn awesome. I’ve always known you were more than a
stoned-out man
whore,” she said, peeking up at me through thick, dark lashes as she giggled.
“I’ve always believed in
you, Ollie.”
My heart about grew five times its size and I wondered if I’d be dropping off
Christmas presents to

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random houses this year. Standing buck-ass naked in front of her, all I could do
was stare. Thoughts
spun in my head and I was thinking some crazy shit.
Being here with her, both of us naked, suddenly wasn’t about the sex. Hell, it
had never been about
the sex and I was just now realizing that.
This was a first for me, totally uncharted.
I didn’t date.
I didn’t do relationships.
Commitment was a four-letter word to me.
But Brit . . . she was different, always so different, and I wanted to do this
different with her. I had to
do it different.
“Okay. Shit.” Sitting on her the bed beside her, I tugged her into my lap. Her
weight got me stirring
to life all over, but that wasn’t important. I cupped her face, hoping my hands
didn’t start shaking
again. “I like you, Brit, and this . . . this is a first for me, so I’m probably going
to sound pretty
She wrapped her hands around my wrists. “I don’t think you will.”
I sure as hell hoped not. “I want . . . I want to do things right with you. I want
this.” I groaned when
she shifted, pressing that sweet ass down. “I really want this with you, but I
want it to be different. I
want to go out with you—take you on a date, the movies, dinner—anything. I
don’t want us to start
this out hooking up.”
“What is this?” she asked, her thumbs running up and down the insides of my
“I don’t know.” I rested my forehead on hers. “A relationship? Yeah, that
sounds about right. Me.
You. Doing the . . .”
“Boyfriend and girlfriend thing?”
“Yeah, that thing.” My face heated, and I wanted to kick myself.
“You’re blushing!”
“Thanks for pointing that out,” I said dryly.
A slow smile crept over her face, reaching her eyes. “This really is a first time
for you.”
The awe in her voice made me feel a little stupid, but then she closed the
distance between us,
kissing me. “I like that idea, Ollie. A lot.”
Surprise punched into my gut. “You do?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, kissing me again. “I do.”

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“Hot damn,” I murmured, capturing her mouth and taking the kiss to a
different kind of level that
left us both breathless.
I tucked her close, wrapping my arms around her. It was kind of funny, both of
us naked and
entangled together with sex screaming in the back of my brain, but all I
wanted to do was hold her. A
smile was permanently etched on my face, and I knew it was the kind of smile
Cam wore whenever he
was around Avery. I finally got what it meant and why.
Tonight had been a lot of firsts for me, but this—what I was feeling—was the
most important first.
“But you know what?” Brit said, reaching between us and wrapping her hand
around me. I kicked,
throbbed. “This is the twenty-first century. We can do it and then go eat
dinner. Right?”
My smile spread as I leaned back, giving her space to do her thing. I hardened,
and Brit was right,
this was the twenty-first century, so . . . “God, you’re fucking perfect.”
She grinned. “I know.”
My laugh ended in a deep groan, and the last thought before I all but tackled
her ass on the bed was
that this was a first, a start—a new beginning—and I couldn’t wait to take this
And buy her a damn tortoise.



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