LayAtHomeMom In Your Room

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Copyright Page

This book was automatically created by


on June 6th, 2013, based on

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The content in this book is copyrighted by LayAtHomeMom or their authorised
agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.

This story was first published on November 1st, 2012, and was last updated on
April 4th, 2013.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems,
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Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2 - Feelin' Love
3. Chapter 3 - Bump and Grind
4. Chapter 4 - End of the Road
5. Chapter 5 - Goodbye My Lover
6. Chapter 6 - No One Needs to Know
7. Chapter 7 - Confessions
8. Chapter 8 - Bella Notte
9. Chapter 9 - Hot in Herre
10. Chapter 10 - Dance for You
11. Chapter 11 - One and Only
12. Chapter 12 - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
13. Chapter 13 - Insatiable
14. Chapter 14 - Falling Slowly
15. Chapter 15 - Ridin' Dirty
16. Chapter 16 - Lucky
17. Chapter 17 - Have A Little Faith In Me
18. Chapter 18 - Crazy Love
19. Ch 19-I Don't Need to Lose You to Know
20. Chapter 20 - Home
21. Chapter 21 - Kiss With a Fist
22. Chapter 22 - At the Beginning
23. Chapter 23 - Into the Mystic
24. Chapter 24 - Back That Azz Up

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After years of bedroom boredom with Missionary Mike, can Bella find the sexual

salvation she's seeking in the arms of campus hottie, Edward Cullen? Rated M for
Edward's dirty mouth, Bella's inner whore, embarrassing situations and lemons

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Chapter 1

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Song inspiration for this entire fic is In Your Room by the Bangles - yes I

am that old and yes it is still that awesome.

Chapter 1 – Sex on Fire

Ungrateful. Unappreciative. Unappeasable. Undeserving. With each thrust, the

adjectives that could be used to describe me were becoming more unpleasant and
harder to ignore. I slowly opened my eyes to take in the sights and sounds of the
room. My eyes first settle on the ensuing water damage from a burst pipe our
freshman year. Given that I am on my back exactly three times a week on this bed, I
can confidently report that there are 8 tiles that are severely discolored accounting
for 27% of the ceiling damage – yeah, I have that kind of time down here. A Glade
Tropical Mango candle is burning on the mini fridge as always – a clever aphrodisiac
taken from his parents' basement; he is nothing if not thorough. Apparently, he has
chosen Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire as the soundtrack to our afternoon delight. The
music is just quiet enough that I can hear his low moans and the soft sounds of skin
slapping. Oddly, the music is also just loud enough that I feel as though the Followill
brothers are personally mocking me with their tales of wild exploits and smoking hot
sexy times.

I am broken out of my thoughts by a soft groan and a palm gently seizing my left

breast. His eyes meet mine expectantly and I take this as my cue to either
compliment his sexual prowess or make some sort of declaration on how amazing

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our connection is. This isn't my first rodeo, so I go with the standard lip bite
followed by an eye flutter, topped off with a reverent whisper of his name – "Mike".

We were Mike and Bella. We were that couple that you can't help but compare

your relationship to just to see if you and your significant other measure up. High
school sweethearts, we've been together for a little over 2 years. On paper we were
nothing short of perfection. Off paper, Mike is nothing short of perfection. From
nearly any perspective, I suspect that he would be the ideal man, mate, friend,
husband or father. Physically, he is adorable with his all -American boy looks. Dirty
blonde hair, brilliant blue eyes and a smile that makes you feel like it was smiled
only for you. But more than just the dashing good looks – Mike Newton was good
right down to the core.

I am certain there are countless adjectives that I could use to describe how

wonderful he is, but in truth, they would never seem to do him justice. He is the kind
of guy who would rub your feet as you recount your day from hell. He is the type of
person who wakes up every morning thinking of ways to put a smile on your face or
make your day better. He is the kind of man who looks on in awe at you as you come
down the aisle towards him in your wedding dress with a smile that tells you that he
couldn't be more proud that you chose to love him too. He is the guy who kisses you
reverently and expresses how grateful he is that you gave him this most precious
gift as he holds his newborn baby in his arms.

Once again I am snapped out of my haze by a deep groan and Mike gripping my

hips just a little tighter. His thrusts come faster now as he buries his head into the
crook of my neck. He peppers my throat with long, loud kisses and whispers, "Bella
baby, are you close?"

That lets me know that I have T-minus 30 seconds and counting to join him in the

promise land. Given that he has never personally escorted me to said promise land
(or any measurable distance to it) – I decide a little When Harry Met Sally is in
order. Another lip bite, shut eyes tightly, a panted "yes", a breathy moan, three
kegels, a leg tremble and a firm ass grab sinking him deeper inside of me and voila –
the Oscar for Best Simulated Orgasm goes to…Bella Swan.

After about a minute of afterglow, he slides off the bed and puts on his briefs.

"That was amazing" he says, smiling.

"Yeah" I say, trying to match his enthusiasm. I think I miss the mark so I lie and

add, "The best."

Our eyes meet and for a brief second his facial expression is one of suspicion. He

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is quick to mask it with a dazzling smile – the seemingly errant thought forgotten for
which I am grateful. As we dress, we go over what we have going on for the week
and make plans to have lunch after class the following day. I slip on my backpack
and turn to kiss him goodbye.

He catches me off guard when I turn to see his hesitant expression. "Bella is - is

everything alright?" he quietly asks. Then, as he steels himself to meet my eyes he
finishes with, "You seem a little off. Preoccupied or something..."

I suck in a breath and start shaking my head furiously. I try to give him a

reassuring smile, though I am sure it comes out looking like a grimace. While I try to
come up with an excuse for my preoccupation that wouldn't make him want to slit
his wrists, my inner whore condescendingly offers her thoughts. Hmm… Uh, yes,
Michael. I am a little off because my boyfriend is absolutely clueless as to how to
pleasure me in the bedroom. He is blissfully unaware that I am utterly unfulfilled
and doesn't take kindly to hints of foreplay or other positions.How about instead of
telling me how beautiful and amazing I am, you show your appreciation by grazing a
nipple or acknowledging the fact that I have a clitoris.
She's a bit harsh, so I opt to
err on the side of kindness.

"I'm sorry Mike – I guess I am a little out of it. I didn't sleep well last night." I lie

again. "No worries, baby."

Relief washes over his face as he steps forward to place a reverent kiss on my

forehead and rubs his hands up and down my arms reassuringly.

Naturally I lean into his embrace. It's warm and familiar, easy as breathing. It

makes me hate myself more for dwelling on it not being enough. When did I become
so selfish? I need to get out of here before I can work myself further down the
shame spiral. Just as I am about to make my getaway, he tips my head up and places
an eager kiss on my lips. There is something different about this kiss and I can't
seem to put my finger on it. This kiss is fervent, but hesitant – like it is searching for
something. Surely I am overanalyzing this right? I try to match his enthusiasm to
reassure him and myself that this too shall pass. We end the kiss with soft pecks and
loving smiles.

"Alright, I need to get out of here so I can read a chapter before my next class.

Tanya is probably wondering where the hell I am. See you tomorrow for lunch?" I
say while secretly praying that he takes note of my hopeful inflection as opposed to
my awkward exit strategy.

"You have Human Sexuality after this right?" He chuckles and continues, "I'll bet

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Tanya is never late to that class. She could probably teach it." He raises his
eyebrows a couple of times just to make sure I caught on to his subtle, like a rock,
back handed compliment.

I roll my eyes and shake my head and begin, "Mike…"

"I know, I know" holding his hands up in protest "She's one of the best people you

know, good heart, good friend, I get it." he defends himself before I can read him the
riot act.

I draw my lips into a hard line as I pull the door knob letting him know that his

little retort didn't excuse the shitty commentary on my friend.

"Have a good day, Mike" I manage to spit at him in the most biting tone I can

muster as I turn to walk out the door.

Three steps into the hallway, Mike leans his head out of his door way and calls me,


I turn to find him sporting a somewhat more remorseful expression.

"Really, I am sorry. I know she is a good person and I know what she means to

you. I was really just making an awful joke. Forgive me, babe?"

I give him a curt nod, a short wave and a half-assed smile as I make my way down

the hallway of his dorm. Thankfully he drops it. That was another great thing about
Mike - he didn't hover.

A/N… We'll meet Edward next chapter and learn a bit more about Mike's

sexual shortcomings… Poor Bella, there is nothing more sad than a good
guy who's bad in bed.

Fic Recs – Anything written by LovinRob and/or AmandaC3. Between the

two of them, their writing has made me laugh hysterically, cry hysterically,
happy, sad, crazy horny, crazy angry, and last but not least (LovinRob) –
knocked up with twins after agreeing to a vasectomy! Nothing says good fic
like an accidental pregnancy, right?

I plan on posting on Thursday and Sunday evenings so if you're down for

Edward and Bella to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing - please put

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this story on alert.

Thoughts go out to those affected by Hurricane Sandy - hope you are all

safe and well!

Feel free to hit me up with a review if you like! Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 2 - Feelin' Love

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Let's meet Edward and Emmett…

Chapter 2 – Feelin' Love

The fresh air feels so good once I exit his dorm. Normally I am not a fan of the

biting chill my ten-minute walk across the quad brings, but today I welcome it. I was
suffocating in there. In addition to the mounting guilt I had over being dissatisfied –
I am continually becoming overwhelmed with the embarrassment of being shot
down when I try to take our sexual experiences to the next level.

I recall my first attempt to tackle the position change hurdle. I tried to take the

straight approach and straddled his lap in an effort to grind down on his dick all the
while moaning like a whore and seductively begging him to "touch me". He stared at
me blankly with his jaw slack for about 30 seconds before he informed me that he
couldn't get comfortable in this position. And by comfortable, I suspect that was
code for "an erection".

I regrouped from the brutal rebuff and came back at him a week later with

another attempt at non-missionary seduction. I slowly, but confidently walked into
his dorm room and promptly began stripping off my clothes, making eye contact the
entire way. He was sitting at his desk looking at me with a curious expression.
Maybe this should have been my first clue that he wasn't into being seduced. With
my confidence still high, I climbed onto his bed on my hands and knees and crawled

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towards the headboard. I turned my head around to face him, hopeful that he would
find the view enticing. Needless to say, he didn't find the view enticing because
apparently it wasn't sexy – it was hysterical. He furthered my mortification by
questioning what I was doing between barking laughs and tears running down his
face. Horrified, I explained that I was just trying to be sexy for him and I that I
wanted to please him. Once he was able to pull himself together, he further
supplemented my humiliation with his reassurances.

"Jesus Bells, what were you thinking?" he asks incredulously. When his laughter

dies down, he whispers softly while tilting my shame filled eyes to meet his. "That's
not you, baby. You're my love, not my whore. You are perfect to me and I don't want
you to be someone you're not."

Sighing to myself, I snap out of my reverie. I decide to distract myself from the

situation, shuffling through my backpack in search of my iPod. I slip in my ear-buds
and start searching for the perfect playlist to snap me out of this funk. Tanya, Rose
and I have taken to creating situational playlists. For example, we created the
Ladies Night playlist to get us pumped for a fun night out. A PMS playlist for when
we need to unleash the beast within and get all of our rage out. We also made a
couple of Sexy Times playlists. I named mine Sexy Times – Fast and Sexy Times
–Slow, respectively. Even though, who were we kidding – I should have just made
one and named it Bora-bora-boring Sexy Times. I snicker as I consider changing the
playlist name as I collide with a giant, hulking object.

My iPod flies out of my hands and my backpack starts slipping off my shoulder.

Two gigantic hands grab my arms to steady me before I fall backwards onto the

"Bella, baby, you gotta stop throwing yourself at me- my Rosie doesn't share well."

a booming voice chastises me. I smile widely and look up to make eye contact with
the oversized man-child who nearly body checked me to the ground.

I smack both hands on his thick chest, giggle-snort and squeal, "You scared the

shit out of me Emmett! Christ, you almost gave me a heart-attack."

The big oaf chuckles and turns to whoever he is walking with before he looks back

to me. "Bells, I had called your name at least three times before you tried to check
me, Boo." he defends, "Clearly you were too focused on your iPod to acknowledge us
little people, right Edward?"

Immediately regretting my giggle-snort, I turn to face Emmett's silent travel

companion. My inner whore gave herself the sign of the cross and like me began

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staring inappropriately. Edward Cullen. Possibly one of the most beautiful men I
have ever seen though I know very little about him other than he lives with Emmett
and Tanya's boyfriend, Tyler. Today, the Adonis is covering his normally freshly
fucked looking coif with a black beanie. No matter, the better to see his piercing
green eyes and perfectly lickable jaw. Get yourself together, Bella.

He appears to be picking something up off the ground that has him positively

fascinated. He finally looks up and makes direct eye contact. He pulls the right side
of his lips up into a knowing smirk and he begins his approach.

"I think I know what the problem is Em," he replies. "Looks like Bella here was a

little distracted by the number of interesting playlists on her nano." He waves my
iPod around and smiles like the cat that ate the canary.

Emmett leans his head forward to take a closer look at what could have me so

distracted. He chuckles lightly and says, "Oh yeah, this is a good one, Bells. I had
Rosie add a little Nine Inch Nails to her Fuck Fest Playlist – now it's perfect." He
winks for good measure.

I want the ground to swallow me whole. They are looking at my Sexy Times

playlists. For the second time today, I contemplate if one can die of mortification.

Sensing my embarrassment, Emmett decides to throw me a bone and change the

topic. "So Bells, you gonna finally make a cameo at one of our Thursday night
shindigs?" he asks hopefully.

Now that we are in the second semester and football season is over, Emmett and

his roommates have been throwing themed parties every Thursday night. Mike said
he wasn't "into" attending jock thrown parties with themes like "Pimps and Hoes" or
"Heaven and Hell".

"Aww, I don't know Em," I start, "I need to buckle down this semester." I barely

get through my excuse before he huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Come on Bells, I know damn well that you are a down ass chick and that Mike

doesn't like to party." he argues.

Hmm, when did Emmett start working for Miss Cleo? He then switches tactics and

gives me the puppy dog eyes and starts gyrating into some questionable form of a
hula dance, possibly.

"Bellarina, you know you wanna come. This week's theme is

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Come-on-I-wanna-lei-ya. Can't you don a hula skirt and pass the poi, mahalo?"

Edward chuckles softly beside his friend, his eyes still seem transfixed on my

nano. He then abruptly looks up, meets my eyes and slowly speaks.

"You should come. It will be… fun."

Emmett quirks an eyebrow and stares at Edward in confusion. After a few

seconds, he nods his head and turns back to face me.

"We are going to hit the student union before class – we'll catch you later, Bells."

he says with a wave.

Emmett starts walking away and I turn to find Edward merely inches away from

me. He places something in my hand – but I can't be bothered to look down at it
because he is staring so intensely into my eyes. I feel the blush creep up my cheeks.
He leans in slightly and in the most panty dropping low tone I have ever heard, he
advises me, "You really should… come."

He starts to walk away, but before he does he turns his head slightly back to me to

give me this dazzling smile and a short wave. Unconsciously, I lick my lips and
finally am able to remove my eyes from his retreating form. I look down at the object
in my hand. My iPod of course, but as I look closer, I notice that Mr. Cullen has
made a selection. I start to chew my lip as I read Feelin' Love by Paula Cole on the
screen. My inner whore passes out. And I think I just came…

A/N… So, yeah… That's Edward… Don't ya kind of want to dry hump him

already? Up next we'll meet Bella's roommate Tanya. Let's just say Tanya has
a massive
surprise for us.

Side-note: Paula Cole's Feelin Love is by far the hottest song I have ever

heard. Literally (say it like Rob) it makes any woman who hears it want to
work a pole - PUN INTENDED!

And speaking of feelin' love - I am immensley grateful for all the follows,

faves and reviews I received the last chapter. I will post the next update on
Thursday night – so if you haven't already, please put this story on alert.

Feel free to hit me up with a review if you like! Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 3 - Bump and Grind

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Let's meet Tanya and Rose…

Chapter 3 – Bump and Grind

Unable to resist, I slip the ear-buds in and take my time walking back to my dorm

room. With Paula Cole crooning beautiful overtly sexual lyrics in my ears, I
desperately try to process whatever the fuck just happened. Edward and I have run
in the same circles for the past year or so, however, I can't seem to recall any
conversation other than general pleasantries or a head nod in recognition. Surely he
wasn't suggesting that I actually…
I needed to talk this out with a third party who
isn't afraid to call me on my crazy. I need to talk to Tanya.

Tanya and I have been roommates since freshman year. Admittedly, I didn't know

how to take Tanya at first. Physically, she is a knock-out. Strawberry blonde hair
that looks messy in the freshly fucked sense with piercing hazel eyes that perfectly
compliment her flawless facial features. All topped off with a body made for sin. But
for as beautiful as she was on the outside, she was far more gorgeous on the inside.

Every girl should have a friend like Tanya. She was the kind of friend who could

listen to someone spew crazy for hours and not pass a lick of judgment. She would
pick you up if you were down, celebrate your highs, and cry with you during your
lows. She'd also cut a bitch for messing with those she loved – I'd only seen her get
Springer guest one time and that was enough for me to know to never get on her

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bad side.

I call Tanya the chameleon – she fits in anywhere with anyone. In the year and a

half that I have known her, she has lived dozens of lives and had countless
experiences. She is literally interested in seeing everything in life from a different
perspective. Anyone she meets she views as an opportunity to learn something new.
She has this way about her that when she speaks to you, it seems like everything out
of your mouth is the most interesting thing in the world.

As a result of her ability to make powerful, immediate connections, she has been

in several relationships with men (and one woman) from all walks of life. She is a
down for whatever, whenever type of gal. Currently she was dating Tyler Crowley,
the 6'5", 290 lb. offensive lineman. Much like Emmett, he was physically
intimidating, but underneath he was a big old teddy bear.

As I walk up to our door, I hear LSG's My Body, and I laugh because clearly this

playlist we created was the shit. I throw open the door prepared to rehash my entire
morning when I am shocked into stillness by the sight before me. My best-friend,
roommate and overall conscience these days is on her bed, on all fours, being
impaled by the most massive black cock I have ever seen. I swear I willed my body
to move and my hands to shield my eyes, but I could not physically turn away from
the spectacle before me. And then… Tanya started talking.

"Mmmm, go 'head daddy" she moaned.

His immediate response was an ass slap and a slow grind. "Yeah… You like that,

baby?" he asked in a low, Barry White baritone.

I finally get my wits about me, and am able to turn to exit just as the door I had

previously thrown open slammed closed on the side of my head.

"Son of a bitch!" I scream in pain as I try to open the door enough to make a hasty

more stealth exit.

As I made it out to the hall, I hear Tanya screech, "Oh my God, Bella!"

Thankfully I am alone when I plop down on the couch in the common room. I

cannot get the image out of my head. Right now I wish more than anything that
those Men in Black memory flashers were real or that I could go all Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
in this bitch. Ugh, I just want to bleach my brain and
simultaneously gouge my eyes out.

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While assessing my physical injuries, I couldn't help but be disgusted by the crazy

things I was thinking. First and foremost, Tyler Crowley would not be using his
God-given name any longer. Henceforth, he shall be known as Chocolate Thunder.
Yes, you're quite welcome Tyler.

Secondly, I was incredibly impressed and slightly mortified for Tanya's vagina. Did

she ice it afterwards? Was she still able to wear tampons or did she just stick a roll
of Bounty paper towels up there? Inquiring minds want to know.

And finally and perhaps most shamefully, I couldn't contain the immense jealousy

that raged through me. After a mere six months, their connection was so powerful
that they could express their love with such intense and wild abandon. But after a
couple of years, Mike and I couldn't even do oral because it wasn't "necessary". I
went from zero to furious in about 30 seconds. My head was a mess.

"Bella?" whispered Tanya as she came around the corner. Her arms were wrapped

around her torso and her body was swimming in Tyler's huge sweatshirt that came
down to her knees.

"Dear God, Tanya, tell me you are wearing shorts under that" I joke, hoping to

ease the tension of the situation.

She laughs and pulls up the sweatshirt to reveal a hot-pink pair of Hello Kitty

boy-shorts. I let out a huge guffaw and then turn uber-serious on her.

"Speaking of kitties, doll, how is yours holding up?" I ask in my most serious

Barbara Walters voice and we both break out into hysterical laughter. Just then
Tyler comes around the corner, strutting I daresay.

"You okay, Baby B?" he asks with a shit eating smirk on his face.

I was about to inform him of his new nickname when Tanya cuts in, "She'll be fine,

Ty" she reassures him. Hmm, perhaps Mr. Crowley wasn't the proud peacock I
originally pegged him for.

"Good deal. I'm meeting Em at the Union. See you in class, baby girl" he coos at

Tanya, placing a loud smacking kiss on the top of her head. "Later, Bells!"

"Bye baby!" Tanya replies.

"Be easy, Chocolate Thunder!" I yell down the hall causing the giant to stop and

turn in his tracks.

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He turns around and smiles at us nodding his head. "Yeah, I like that" he slowly


Then, much like his brother from another mother, Emmett, he starts provocatively

grinding his hips and smacking an imaginary ass in front of him. The expression on
my face must have been priceless because he immediately stops gyrating.

"What? Too soon for the bump and grind dance?" He questions.

Definitely, too soon.

~~ IYR~~

Tanya fired off a quick text as she and I made our way back to our room. She

slinked onto the bed and assumed the diligent friend listening position, otherwise
known as criss-cross applesauce. She rested her chin on her hands to let me know
that I had her undivided attention. She then gave me her signature Cheshire smirk
and began.

"So… What had you so distracted that you didn't give pause to the Freak Nasty


I raise an eyebrow at her playlist title, but decide against asking if that was her

Sexy Times slow or fast. Given the HBO Real Sex worthy performance I saw today, I
don't think I could handle anymore of her particular brand of kink.

"Well," I begin, "I had an interesting encounter in the quad this afternoon".

Tanya's eyes light up. "Ooh, I love doing it in public places, but that's shockingly

bold for you and Mikey, don't you think? Hell, I don't think I would even do it there
in the daylight. But, what a rush, right? It's so hard to stay quiet. Oh, I am so proud
of you Bells!" she squeals.

Before I can correct her insane assumption, the door to our room is ripped open.

There in all of her blonde, glam-a-zon glory stands Rosalie Hale. Rose and I have
known each other since the third grade when her family moved to Forks from Texas.
I suppose intimidating was a word that could somewhat accurately describe Rose,
however I think most people usually settled on "fucking frightening". She pulled no
punches in her assessment of people and situations. Where Tanya was Miss "Free to
Be You and Me", Rose was Miss "You're an Asshole and here's why". I will admit my
girl has softened quite a bit since hooking up with Emmett last year.

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"Boo! You whores started without me!" Rose shouts taking in the intensity of

Tanya's position and the clearly flummoxed expression on my face.

Before I can get a word in edgewise, Tanya decides to give Rose the down and

dirty summary of my morning. "Bella boned Newt on the quad this morning".

Rose immediately starts jumping up and down and clasps her hands together all

the while shrieking like a Justin Bieber fan girl. In my peripheral I may have caught
Tanya throwing up some spirit fingers as well. Dear God, I must put a stop to this.

As I begin to protest, Rose starts pumping me for details "You are my new whore

hero, sorry T! Where did you guys do it? Behind that stairwell by the library? Or in
the bushes by the science building community gardens? Alice is so not going to
believe this shit" she muses as she starts firing off a text.

Faster than I ever knew I was capable of, I snatch her iPhone from her hands

before she could divulge the dirty deets to our Alice, Sweet Alice. I am pleasantly
surprised that I'm not immediately thrown into a headlock; instead I just receive a
Rosalie Hale bitch-brow special.

"Mike and I didn't have sex on the quad" I inform my oversexed counterparts.

"But you said" Tanya begins.

"No, my exact words were that I had a strange encounter on the quad – you took it

to Mike and me taking the bologna bus to tuna town in a public place." I counter.

Tanya had the decency to look sheepish. Clearly disappointed in my quad fucking

fail, Rose starts picking her nails. "So what was this strange encounter then Bells?"
she inquires in a bored tone.

I recount the incident in great detail, only editing out all parts concerning my

inner whore. Tanya listened with rapt fascination, while Rose seemed equally as

"And then he said "you really should", gave a pregnant pause and finished with

"come". Like the general sentence structure, I totally get, but the way he said it and
the sound of his voice and look in his eyes seemed to be saying something else. What
the fuck does that mean? Am I like a big bag of crazy?" I question in this high
pitched squeaky voice that I only use when I think I am a hop, skip and a jump from
Crazy-town or I have worked myself into a total frenzy. Unable to contain my crazy, I
continue, "Like seriously, did he tell me to come or to cuuuummm?" I stretch the last

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word out and subtly point to my lady-parts as if they needed further clarification on
what I was asking.

With her brow furrowed, Tanya speaks first, very slowly inquiring, "Edward

Cullen? Edward Cullen said you should… come?"

"Yes, however the first time he added it would be fun, the second time I think he

had fun ruining my panties." I hedge.

The girls then look at each other having some silent conversation as if they too

were trying to piece together the cryptic subtext of his comment. Tanya recovers

"Here's the thing, Bells. Edward typically doesn't come out of his room at the


Rose concurs, "Yeah, as a matter of fact Emmett is usually all over his nuts to

come out of his room and stop being all emo and stuff."

Tanya nods and turns back to Rose, "But what about Heidi? Are they still…" she

trails off.

Rose dramatically rolls her eyes at the thought of her sorority sister. "The jury is

still out on that one, it depends on who you ask. Last I heard she and her bitch
brigade were all banging members of Royce King's crew. I think Heidi likes to keep
Edward on the side basically making him off limits to the female population, but
mostly just her nearest and dearest." she reasons.

Instantly deflated, I try to compose myself before they notice my disappointment. I

start packing my book bag with my Human Sexuality textbook and triple checking
that I have enough pens, pencils, protractors – basically anything to avoid making
direct eye contact with my friends. Girls like Heidi Hunter were put on this earth to
make other girls feel bad about themselves as she was nearly impossible to cut up.
Not that I was in direct competition with her or anything. The fact of the matter was
that I had a boyfriend. I was happily attached to a wonderful guy. I don't even know
why I gave a second thought to this encounter. I chuckled awkwardly, feeling
somewhat sheepish for making a big deal out of nothing.

"I mean, obviously I wasn't interested, but I just thought the whole thing was

weird you know?" I try to reason.

As we walk to class, Tanya informed Rosalie of my unwilling participation in her

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afternoon delight. Rosalie was howling with laughter as we approached Emmett and
Tyler near the classroom door. Tanya immediately jumped into Chocolate Thunder's
arms, kissing him all over as if it had been years since she'd seen him last. The
bitter, jealous hag in me wanted to yell "Seriously… He was balls deep in you an
hour ago". I manage to stomp her down by focusing on Rose and Em who have a
whole different level of affection. Rose sauntered up to him as his eyes raked up and
down her body. Totally prepared to divert my eyes for the overt public display of
affection I know will make me want to vomit, I am pleasantly surprised when she
smirks in return and gives him a playful slap on the face. What I'm not prepared for
is the fact that this is clearly foreplay for them. I cast my eyes down trying to rein in
the jealousy again when I feel someone lightly brush past me to open the classroom

I look up to be met by the same green eyes and haughty smirk that had set my

disastrous afternoon in motion. As he opens the door he drops his head close to my
ear and in that same tone that nearly set my panties on fire this morning, he says,
"After you… Bella."

It could be my imagination but I swear he is trying to elicit a reaction from my

lady-parts by drawing my name out more than necessary with his tongue. I can feel
the blush creeping up my cheeks so I immediately cast my eyes down and proceed
through the door praying that I will be able walk across the flat surface and that
there isn't a visible wet spot on my yoga pants. I'd like to believe I muttered a "thank
you", but I can't be sure.

I take my regular seat at the front of the classroom and do everything I can to

avoid looking over at Edward. Thankfully, class begins and I am able to focus
somewhat on the lecture. That is until Tanya begins tapping on her notebook, clearly
trying to get my attention as subtlety is not her strong suit. Slightly annoyed, I look
over wondering what could possibly be so important. She nods her head, directing
me to look at her cell phone. Cautiously, I incline my head so I can get a better look
at what she is so desperate for me to see, all the while praying it wasn't a picture of
Tyler's giant cock. It appears to be a text from Rose. I furrow my brow and lower my
head to get a better look. The text reads Edward Cullen is looking at you again.
Another text follows that reads He's been watching you the entire time. I place my
fingers over my mouth to muffle a gasp. Apparently subtlety isn't my strong suit

I grab Tanya's phone and type out Doesn't matter -I have a boyfriend. I smile

smugly to myself, proud that on the outside I appear to be the dutiful girlfriend. But
on the inside, a quiet fire is lit. And God help me, I love how it burns.

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A/N… True story - in college my sister walked in on her roomie getting

boned by her own version of Chocolate Thunder. From the way my sister
described it, I'd always imagined her petite little roomie was being impaled
by a tree trunk - couldn't resist adding it to the story.

So it seems our Bella has a bit of an admirer... Perhaps it is time to take

care of that pesky boyfriend situation, yes? Who's with me?

Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed, followed or favorited this

fic. I will post the next chapter on Sunday night. If you haven't already,
please be sure to put this story on alert.

Reviews are like an ass slap from Chocolate Thunder – they hurt so good…

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 4 - End of the Road

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

It's about to go DOWN… Time for a little drama…

Chapter 54 – End of the Road

I'd managed to make it through the rest of class without arousing too much

suspicion, though my hasty exit may have tipped Rose and T off that this was not up
for discussion just yet. Tanya and I walked back to our room in relative silence.

I had a pretty productive hour after class. I caught up on some reading and even

had the time to fire an email off to my mom in Florida that was more than a
paragraph long. While I loved my flighty, hare-brained mother – it was often hard for
me to relate to her. Composing an email was like walking through a mine-field.
Where I was grounded and sensible in all things, she flounced through life and
insisted I wasn't "really living". I gritted my teeth and took all of her jabs to my
relationship and life decisions in stride. It's kind of hard for me to take her
"parenting" seriously considering some of the decisions she has made over the
years. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful that my dad, Charlie,
took primary custody of me in the divorce.

Feeling pretty proud of myself I take a look out the window and notice that the

sun has nearly set. I suppose I should run and grab a bite to eat. Other than a
Nutri-Grain bar this morning, a bottle of water and a few sticks of gum, I haven't
really had any sustenance today. I grab my coat intending to make my way down to

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the food court when I hear a quiet knock on the door. I am pleasantly surprised to
find Mike with two steaming covered coffee cups and a Starbucks bag.

"Uh, I figured you probably forgot to eat today so I took a chance." He nervously

mutters then tries to play it off with a sheepish smile that doesn't quite reach his

"You always know just what I need" I acknowledge his thoughtfulness and give

him what I hope is a brilliant, grateful smile as I invite him in.

I gobble the pastries down like I haven't seen food in days, totally unladylike. We

exchange bits and pieces of our day in between bites, but I get the impression that
he has something on his mind, like he is steeling himself to broach a subject.
Something feels off, but I can't quite put my finger on it, he is fidgety and distracted.
I run my fingers along his jaw, trying to encourage him to meet my eyes.

"Baby, what's the matter, you seem… uneasy." I stutter.

He quickly grabs my hand and kisses the tips of my fingers. "Everything is fine

baby," he reassures me, "I just missed you and thought we could maybe talk or

I can see he is getting more flustered by the minute and he begins muttering

something about it being too hot in here, I can barely understand him.

"You wanna get out of here? How about we, um. Let's just go for a walk or

something." He stammers.

His nervousness is reaching a fever pitch and he looks like he is breaking into a

sweat. I grab my coat and give him my most reassuring smile.

"Sure babe that would be great." I say with fake enthusiasm.

Once we get out of the dorm and into the breeze, Mike's anxiety seems to

dissipate infinitesimally. He walks a little ahead of me in the direction of the library.
He seems a bit embarrassed, and turns to me to offer a small smile. We walk in an
uncomfortable silence to a bench near the small dimly lit fountain by the library
entrance. Mike still seems to be gathering his thoughts, so I try to focus on the
beautiful night and take in the picture perfect scenery.

Mike clears his throat and begins, "Bells, you know that I love you more than

anyone or anything in this world, right?"

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My throat closes up and I am instantly terrified of where he is going with this. I

meet his gaze and nod my head minutely. My mind is working overtime trying to
piece together where this conversation is leading. On one hand I am thinking surely
this isn't what I think it is. Surely he wouldn't propose. But a quieter voice in my
head alerts me to the possibility that this is going to be the conversation that I have
been dreading all along.

Mike looks away and continues, "You know, it's just that you have been just really

distant the past month or so. Your behavior has just been, just weird." He trails off.
He licks his lips and picks up again, "Like this afternoon, it was like you were there,
but wanted to be anywhere but."

I begin furiously shaking my head, but he persists, "No, seriously Bella, I think I

caught you counting ceiling tiles…" So quietly, I almost don't hear him, he adds,

I continue to shake my head and scrunch my eyes shut tightly, surely this can't be

happening. I open my mouth to speak, but what can I say?

"And Bells, I know you have so much going on, I mean I get that you have a lot on

your plate and that you are pulled into a thousand different directions – but I need to
know that you are still all in with me. I just. I just can't tell if you are happy
anymore, you know. Tell me what to do, Bells. What do you need from me baby?" He

He is desperately pleading with his eyes for me to tell him what to do to make this

right. I have never seen Mike this distressed and it seriously breaks my heart to
cause him pain. However, this is it. There will be no better opportunity, no better
opening for me to tell him what I need to make this right. The despicable part of me
is praying that his desperation to fix us will force his hand.

I quickly decide on the shit sandwich approach – compliment, shit on him, then

back to compliment to hopefully get the bad taste out of his mouth. I clear my throat
and pray that I can get through this without bawling my face off or hurting him
more. I turn to face him and place my hands on either side of his face.

"Baby" I begin in what I hope is a reassuring tone, "We are fine. I love you so

much – please never ever doubt my feelings for you… ever, okay."

Mike relaxes somewhat, so I continue, "You are such a good man, Michael. I know

exactly how lucky I am to be with you, to be loved by you. You are… home to me,
Mike. Loving you is as easy as breathing".

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I bite my lip as I carefully choose my next words. "I admit that I have been

somewhat distracted lately, and I think it is mainly because I am somewhat…
frustrated in my inability to express… all that I am feeling for you." I stammer.

Mike lets out a barking laugh and grabs my hands to place reverent kisses on each

of my palms. "You sweet girl! Thank you! Jesus, I was going crazy. Forgive me for
freaking out, I know a grown man shouldn't need such assurances, but baby,
everything you just said is all I need." He coos.

While the smile on his face is absolutely blinding, I can't help but notice that he

completely missed the point. Time to redirect.

"Aww babe, I'm so happy to see you smiling again. You know I can't handle it

when you are upset. But still, I want to be able to express my love for you. You
telling me that you don't need my assurances doesn't make me any less eager to find
other ways of showing you what you mean to me." Then I quietly add in a breathy
moan, "ways that both you and I would find mutually… pleasurable".

I manage to get that all out while looking directly into his eyes. It takes a

millisecond for it to register on his face. He can't look away from me fast enough. He
drops my hands and begins rubbing his hands back and forth on his knees. His lips
mold into a hard, defiant line and he begins breathing deeply through his nose in
some sort of effort to suppress his heightened emotions. He chuckles humorlessly,
then turns back to look at me intently, seething.

"So let me get this straight, Bella. You are talking about sex right?"He sneers. He

goes from zero to positively enraged in about 30 seconds. "What the fuck, Bella? Are
you kidding me right now? What are those sluts filling your head with?"

My jaw drops, Mike rarely curses and certainly never at me. Typically it is

directed at the TV during a Seahawks game, but never at me and never with this
intensity behind it. I need to steer this ship back on course.

"Michael!" I sharply chastise.

"No. No. Fuck that, Bella. What the fuck are you talking about with this "mutually

fucking pleasurable" bullshit? Seriously, tell me, what shit are they filling your head
with, huh? What more are they telling you that you need, huh?" He shouts.

I put my hands in front of me in a submissive gesture, hoping he will take it down

a notch. "Mike. I am not saying I am unhappy with our sex life by any means. You're
a great lover, Mike. I just, kind of want to try new things with each other, find new

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and exciting ways to… please each other". I quietly propose as I fight to hold the
tears back.

He appears to be assessing my responses, but is still unable to reign in his

hostility. "Enlighten me, Bells! What are these new fun and exciting ways that we
can please each other? He mocks, "Do tell!"

Feeling less confident by the second and worried that I will set him off further.

"Well," I hedge, "I was thinking maybe we could try some new positions or maybe
even – ".

"Oh sure Bells! Nothing says I love you like me shoving my dick in your mouth,

right? It ain't love unless I am banging you from behind and calling you degrading
names, right? I hear anal is the new promise ring." He is full on screaming now.

I pray that no one is witnessing this or that we haven't drawn an audience. Mike is

completely unhinged. Just when I think he is done, he rises to his feet and starts
gesturing wildly.

"You cum every time, Bella, EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. What more do you need?"

I can't meet his eyes. Perhaps now is not the time for brutal honesty, but

considering what an ungrateful whore I feel like, him knowing I am a liar too is just
too much to bear. Unfortunately for me, Mike isn't distracted enough not to notice
my reluctance to acknowledge his "cum" declaration. He squats down to eye level
with me and repeats himself a lot more quietly and with a lot less confidence.

"Bella, you cum every time. You can't… I can feel it, Bella".

I am full on sobbing at this point. I can barely catch my breath. I can't bring

myself to face him, but I can see his hands are trembling as he tries to rein in his
anger, but more importantly his hurt. After what seems like an eternity, he stands
up and comes to sit close to me on the bench. He clears his throat.

"I um… I can't believe." He stumbles, "I don't understand, Bella. Why aren't I

enough for you, huh? For the past two years, Bell," he swallows thickly and
continues, "I have loved you with every fiber of my being. Worshiped and adored
you. Do you think you know what love is, Bella? Hmm? Do you understand that it is
possible to love someone more than yourself? Hmm? I think you need to think about
what is important and I mean really important."

His demeanor is calm, however I can see that he is gearing up for his finishing

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move, and I deserve every bit of it. "The love I have for you, Bella. You are
everything to me. My love for you is about more than orgasms and sexual fulfillment.
You are enough for me. Getting to just be near you, intimately and otherwise, is
enough for me. I don't need more. And God forgive me for saying this, but for a little
girl who resents her mother so much for running away from a really good man, you
sure seem eager to follow her lead."

And with that, he stands up and hesitantly whispers, "I'm gonna go now. I uh, I

can't do this anymore. I really do love you Bella, but this is just too fucked up. I
don't, uh, I don't want this... Let's just take some time or something."

He turns to walk away and I rise to my feet to bring him back crying, "Wait, Mike,


But he simply waves me off, not even turning to acknowledge my presence. As he

walks past the nearest lamp-post, a slender figure comes out of the shadows. I drop
to my knees and let the sobs take over me. With tears in her eyes, Tanya pulls me
into her embrace and silently cries with me.

I can't tell you how long we sit there like that, but I have never shed more tears in

my entire life. I cried for hurting the man I loved. I cried for the selfish part of me
that still wanted more. I cried for the hurtful comparison to my ungrateful mother.
But mostly, I cried because he was right.

A/N… So, yeah… Thoughts? Are most of you like "good riddance to bad

rubbish"? Or are you in shock that Mike gave her the big boot instead? Talk
about embarrassing, huh? I am pretty sure I would shit a solid gold brick if
someone basically told me I sucked in bed.

On a good note - Bella is single, right? But she is still self-deprecating

Bella so she needs a chapter to mourn the loss of her 2 year relationship -
it's the decent thing to do... But after that - it's party time (*Layathomemom
gyrating and humping the air like Emmett and Chocolate Thunder).

Since this chapter was kind of a buzzkill - how about I rec a few fics with

white-hot lemons, yes?

You Own Me - a WIP by BeeCute82 - dirty lemons with a Mobward. Yes and

yes, me likey!

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Take Me Home or A Dry Heat - by Lovin Rob - smutty times with a heapin'

helping of angst, LovinRob style. Like I always say - if LovinRob is wrong, I
don't wanna be right, dolls!

Hope those take the edge off, pals! I will post the next chapter on

Thursday night... Thanks so much for reading, reviewing, following and

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Chapter 5 - Goodbye My Lover

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

And it's time for the aftermath…

Chapter 5 - Goodbye My Lover

I don't remember walking back to our dorm room. I don't recall emptying the

contents of my stomach repeatedly. I am not positive that I actually overheard Tanya
whispering on the phone to someone, clearly debating the pros and cons of seeking
medical attention for me. After what I guess would be about 4 hours of solid
sobbing, my body finally gives way to sleep.

Waking up is like coming out of a coma from a bad accident –I'm not really sure I

am glad I survived knowing I have to face my new reality. I can't shut down the
memories and thoughts in my head. Every single word he said, the look on his face
when he finally saw what I was capable of, every single ounce of pain I heaped on to
this man – it just isn't possible to hate myself more.

I glance at the nightstand to see how long I have been out. Tanya left me a huge

bottle of water and a couple of Advil. She also left me a little note.

Make sure to take the Advil and to SIP the entire bottle of water over the next few

hours. I don't want you puking all day, I told Ang you were sick and she is going to
bring notes for your Lit class this afternoon since I didn't think you would feel like

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going. Get some rest – Rose and I will be around this evening if you feel up to

Seriously, she is such a good friend. But the huge bitch that has taken ownership

of my body rolls her eyes at the note. Um yeah, you forgot to add the PS that
informed me you had taken the bottle of Advil with you and removed all sharp
objects from the room.

And on that nasty note, I pull the covers over my head and fall into another fitful


A few hours later, I hear a small knock on my door. It is so quiet, the hopeful part

of me secretly thinks that it may be Mike with coffee and pastries and a newfound
willingness to forgive me… then fuck me. As I pass the mirror on my way to answer
it, I take note of my reflection in the mirror. Eyes swollen, haystack hair, and
morning breath that can thin paint – I decide that make-up sex is out of the question.

Slowly I open the door and can't mask my disappointment fast enough. Our friend

Angela Weber stands in my doorway taking in my questionable appearance. For all
intents and purposes, I think I'm pulling off the illness excuse flawlessly.

Angela and I are both English majors. We met in Freshman Comp 101 and have

tried to navigate the English major coursework together. She is a super sweet girl, a
pastor's daughter as a matter of fact. She is like Sandra D from Grease – entirely too
pure to be pink.

"Hey Bells. I brought you the notes from class. You didn't miss much, other than

Lauren Mallory trying to wax intellectual on "the power of female perspective" in
the literary world. And by "power of female perspective", I mean she was flashing
her panties at Professor Banner and his T.A." She snorts.

The miniscule portion of the decent human being in me is able to force my lips to

move into a sad smirk. Clearly perceptive, Ang takes in my expression then gives me
the pity look that you give someone when they are clearly responsible for their own
unhappiness. Surely she couldn't know. T and I have the don't ask, don't tell policy
until the other person is ready to discuss the matter at hand.

Angela follows me into my room as I flop down onto my bed, reassuming my

position since coming home from my literal walk of shame. I steal a glance at Ang,
hoping she will get the hint that I don't really want to have a slumber party and

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braid each other's hair. I can tell she is hemming and hawing as she pulls her notes
out of her bag. Finally, she puts on her brave girl face and squares her shoulders.

"So, how are you doing with the break-up?" She has the sheer balls to ask me.

I narrow my eyes at her at first in anger, but then in confusion. My heart speeds

up and my mind goes into overdrive. We're broken up? Like officially? I thought he
said "he couldn't do this" but he also said he "needed time". WHAT. THE. FUCK? I
can feel my breathing becoming shallow and the urge to purge becoming
increasingly difficult to resist. I try to compose my bitch face.

"Who told you?" I quietly ask.

She bites her lip seemingly deciding to answer slowly to build suspense or she is

debating on how to tell me that I am the talk of the town in a sensitive manner.
Come on Ang, rip the band-aid off… Clearing her throat, it is painfully obvious that
this conversation is uncomfortable at best.

"I read it on Facebook last night. Mike changed his status to Single."

And there it is, not only is it being spread around by word of mouth, surely

speculation running rampant, it is in black and white, no gray, no question. Over.
My hands start to tremble and I bite my lip so hard trying to stop the quivering that
I am sure I draw blood. I clear my throat and look to Ang.

"Um. Have you seen him?" I whisper.

Her eyes never leave mine as she slowly shakes her head no. I know she

desperately wants to ask me what happened that could possibly bring down Mike
and Bella. I am sure there has been an excessive amount of chatter amongst our
peers, everyone offering their own assumptions, creative theories and guesswork on
the cause of our demise. I am certain that there were even secret celebrations that
Mike was back on the market.

I jump up and grab my laptop off the desk and bring it back to my bed. Angela

makes a move to stop me, but clearly the masochistic bag of crazy look I have on my
face stops her in her tracks. She still tries to caution me with her eyes. Pulling up
my homepage, it appears that there are three messages, one notification and one
friend request. I shut my eyes tightly knowing I have to get Angela the fuck out of
here because I was T-minus 30 seconds to being a bawl baby mess. I blow out a
breath I had no idea I was holding.

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"Thanks for bringing the notes for me Ang. I owe you one." I say quietly. "I'm

actually not feeling so hot; can I catch up with you later or something?" I look up at
her, my eyes pleading.

"Sure thing, Bells! Let me know if you are still feeling sick and I will get you the

notes for Thursday's class too." She responds just as quietly, slightly hesitant like
she doesn't really want to leave me to my own devices.

She gives me a small wave, a sympathetic smile and shows herself to the door.

Turning back to face the music, I swallow thickly as I click on the notification. I

knew it. It was advising of Mike's new status and gave me the options to select what
my new status should be. Unfortunately they didn't list "Lying Ingrate" or "Suicide
Watch" as statuses, so I just went with the third most accurate - Single.

Clearly on a roll, I click on the first message. It's a frantic note from Alice telling

me to call her and asking why I wasn't answering my cell phone. I know I will have
to call her this evening. The only thing more frightening than Rosalie is scary pixie
Alice going ape-shit on your ass. Not looking forward to that conversation.

I click on the second message from my mom.


Sweetie, what happened? You sounded so happy in your email yesterday and now

this. Probably for the best that it happened now anyway before you were married
and saddled with a kid or two. Trust me, this is for the best. Now go out and have
some fun. I'll call you this weekend!

I love you!


Aww, thanks Mom, subtle and sensitive as always. Is it possible to want to hug

and punch someone in the face every single time you come into contact with them?
Because that pretty much sums up what I'd like to do to her… repeatedly.

Finally, I move on to the third message. My stomach drops and I run to the

bathroom to dry heave. After a DEFCON 5 level meltdown, I return to my bed to
face the music. The message is from Mike's mom. As if it wasn't possible to hit a new
low, not only have I hurt Mike, I didn't even consider what this would do to his
family. I brace myself as I open the message.

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My heart is breaking for you two right now. Just know that I love you both and I

hope that you can find a way back to each other. I am always here if you need
someone to talk to. Mike Sr. sends his love as well! Take care baby girl and don't be
a stranger.



Loud sobs rack my body as I fall further down the shame spiral. Truly, my

selfishness knows no bounds. I'm confident that I'm going to hell, if I'm not there
already. I rub my eyes, and move on to the friend request. Honestly, I am so sick
with myself I consider ignoring the request giving this unknown person a reprieve
from the pain I am so eagerly inflicting on those I claim to care about.

Edward Cullen would like to be friends. Confirm. Ignore.

Seriously, am I being Punked? Where's Ashton? I feel guilty that I can't fight the

hint of a small smile that plays on my lips as I read the friend request over and over
again. Shrugging my shoulders, I hit the confirm button. If I am already going to
hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.

~~~ IYR ~~~

It had been three days since I got the big boot. Three days of avoiding friends and

family, phone-calls, you know, basically all forms of human contact. I skipped
classes, relying solely on the kindness of others to keep up academic appearances
for me. Last night, Rose enforced a mandatory shower decree. Apparently I smelled
like a foot and I had Nick Nolte DUI mug-shot hair. I fought the good fight, but then
Rose threatened to strip me naked and toss me in the shower like a correctional
officer on OZ. Fact, fighting naked is never okay, unless you are starring in a porn
movie or are Viggo Mortensen. Only then would it be remotely acceptable. Although
it felt good to shower and brush my teeth, I still wasn't prepared to face the world so
I jumped back into my bed, content to watch the Game Show Network until I fell

On the fourth day, I am jolted awake by a slamming door and a very determined

Tanya and Rosalie stalking towards me. They circle me in my fortress of solitude.
Clearly, this is an intervention. All that is missing are the folding chairs, store
bought cookies, and the creepy guy from A&E assuring me that everyone in the

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room loves me very much.

"Bella," Tanya begins, "It's been four days, doll. Rose and I, we just – "

"We want you to cut the shit." Rosalie interrupts, her tone ice cold.

Tanya gives her a stern eyebrow. It appears that she is not aware of Rose's good

cop/bad cop game plan. Naturally, Rose shrugs as tact in sensitive situations is not
her forte. Tanya refocuses her attention back to the matter at hand and continues.

"We just think that it would help you to maybe talk about what happened…"

I stare down at my comforter which is suddenly morbidly fascinating. So quiet, I

almost don't hear myself; I ask her, "How much did you hear?"

Tanya sucks in a short breath and just as quietly answers, "Just enough to know

why you've been beating yourself up for the past few days."

Nodding slowly, I raise my eyes to meet the concerned expressions of my best

friends. For the next hour, I proceed to tell them everything. Every word from the
break-up, every justification in my head for my selfishness, right down to the
damning comparison to my ungrateful mother. They listen with rapt fascination,
clearly understanding that I need to just say these things aloud, kind of talk this out
with myself. At the end of my confession, I can barely breathe, sobbing

And like the night of the break-up, Tanya wraps her arms around me and lets me

cry until I don't have a tear left to shed. Only this time, she coos reassurances that I
am not the monster that I think I am. Assuring me that I deserve to be loved and
fulfilled and that it isn't wrong to voice my needs. Once I am finally able to contain
my emotions, Rosalie stands up and grabs her bag, making a show of unzipping it.

"Alright girls, enough with the heavy," she pulls out her iPod and places it in our

Bose. "I made a new playlist for you Bells."

The beginning chords of Matricia Berg's Back in the Saddle starts to play. Rose

begins singing and dancing along while popping the caps off of some Mike's Hard
Lemonades. I can't help but smile as my friends dance around the room like idiots as
the playlist continues. It surely has to be the drinks that are dulling my instincts to
retreat back to my bed and encourages me to sing and dance along as well.
Rummaging through her Mary Poppins bag, Rose pulls out what appears to be
Hawaiian sarongs. She throws one at me.

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"Alice made these for us. This was her contribution to your intervention. She

wants you to pair it with the candy red tube top she made for you this summer." She
informs matter of factly.

Alice is a majoring in Fashion Design at The Art Institute of Seattle. Her designs

are brilliant, bringing out the inner fashion plate in all of us. The sarong was
gorgeous, vibrant large flowers popping off a black back drop. I'll admit I am totally
into the idea of wearing it until I remember that it is the dead of winter, there are no
tropical destinations within thousands of miles from here and I am as pasty as a
bottle of Elmer's glue.

"Yeah, um, cute. Uh, what's this for again?" I ask perplexed.

"The Come-on-I-wanna-lei-ya party." Rose and Tanya answer in unison.

I shake my head furiously, "No guys, I am SO not ready for prime-time." I resist,

neatly folding Alice's creation and placing it near Rose's bag of tricks.

Rose's eyebrow arches higher than I've ever seen it go. My reluctance is clearly

viewed as an unwelcome challenge to undermine her grand plan. I hold completely
still because right now she's like a T-rex and any sign of movement will surely set
her off. Clearly sensing my hesitation, in an unlikely move, Rosalie goes old-school
on me. So fast I almost don't see it, she stomps her foot and slams her fists against
her hips.

"B-E-L-L-A!" she shrieks, "Cut the shit! You're going! The end. Now get your

thumb out of your ass and get in the shower!"

Cowering slightly like the pussy I am, I look to Tanya for possible back up.

Although her expression is one of understanding, it also silently screams, "Run,
bitch, run

Rolling my eyes, I grab the remainder of my fourth Hard Lemonade and chug it.

As I slam it on my nightstand, I mutter "Fuck it" and grab my shower stuff. I can
hear the girls cheering and high fiving each other, congratulating each other on a
job well done. I have to smile because I knew I couldn't ask for better people in my

The scalding water is just what I need to get myself into the right mindset for this

evening. For the first time, I'm painfully honest with myself. A part of me is terrified
to go out tonight. Is it too soon to allow myself a night off from the near constant
self-deprecation? Will I be judged by a jury of my peers for coming out of seclusion

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only four days post break-up? Will it get back to Mike that I celebrated my new
found freedom by donning a hula outfit, dancing and drinking my ass off?

Mulling over all possible outcomes, I am suddenly fuming. This must be the next

stage of the grief cycle – uncontrollable anger. As I furiously begin shaving my legs,
as all of his hateful words and the names he called my friends came back to me.
Every condescending remark, every single time he told me what was and wasn't
"me". It was all of a sudden abundantly clear to me that my feelings were never
taken into consideration. Didn't I deserve a say in how I felt loved? Shouldn't my
needs be equally as important as his?

At this realization, the weight of the guilt I'd been carrying seemed to lighten. My

heart would always be broken for hurting the boy I loved. I knew it was a distinct
possibility that I would never find another love like the one that Mike and I shared
and that I ran the risk of spending the rest of my life alone. But with a new found
confidence, I know now more than ever that I owe myself the opportunity to find a
more balanced love, a more fulfilling love, and hopefully - a lasting love.

A/N… Wash that guy right out of your hair, Bella! Because you have a hot

and dirty boy waiting to lei ya! Party time, dolls! *LayAtHomeMom sways in
grass skirt and adjusts coconut bra*

Posted this chapter tonight because the hubs surprised me with tickets to

an early screening of BD2... Someone is going to get 50 shades of laid and
his name starts with Mr. and ends with LayAtHomeMom...

Next chapter will post on Sunday as per usual. Just wanted to say thank

you to all of those who have read, reviewed, followed and fav'd this fic. The
response has been really amazing and I am so grateful!

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Chapter 6 - No One Needs to Know

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Party time….

Chapter 6 – No One Needs To Know

An hour and three more Hard Lemonades later, I was dressed, pressed and ready

to let loose. Rose called her sorority appointed designated driver so we didn't freeze
our asses off walking in the dead of winter half-naked. The music coming from the
little blue cottage was loud, the bass shook the windows and could be heard and felt
from a block away, I'm sure.

The three of us walk through the door and abruptly stop. I inwardly chuckle

thinking we might as well have struck a Charlie's Angels pose. Tanya spots
Chocolate Thunder and trots over to jump on him like a spider monkey peppering
kisses all over his face and neck.

Rose spots Emmett as well, however he is surrounded by a gaggle of freshman

girls. Rose leans down to point out the two ringleaders of said groupies. She advises
that she aptly named them "Orangutan Tits" and "Hungry-Hungry Hippo".
Apparently, these girls have become a Thursday night staple and can't seem to
grasp the concept of "not available".

Orangutan Tits is a tall blonde with a very severe blunt bob haircut. Impressed by

Rose's accuracy, I did notice the ape like shape of her breasts as she thought it

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would be a good idea to rock a white tank with no support.

Hungry-Hungry Hippo, or Triple H as I will henceforth refer to her is the polar

opposite. She can't be more than five feet tall and slightly thicker, jet black curly
hair and a slight overbite. Her looks were average at best, but her confidence was
through the roof. You almost had to admire her, she was one of those girls who got
up every morning, looked in the mirror and said "Hot Damn" – impressed by her
reflection like the Pussycat Dolls chorus "Don'cha wish your girlfriend was hot like
me" was playing on a loop in her head as she strutted around.

Rose and I slowly approach. The smile on Em's face as he watches her stalk closer

is blinding. She "accidentally" shoulder checks Orangutan Tits as she pulls on
Emmett's neck to bring him down for a smoldering kiss. Once she is finished pissing
on his leg, she turns her gaze onto the unsuspecting freshmen. Her mouth pulls into
a tight lipped smile, but her eyes blaze with a promising warning. Rosalie Hale did
not share.

The gaggle of Fraggles suddenly remembers that they love doing The Cupid

Shuffle and vacate the area quickly. Em pulls me in for a tight hug and whisper yells
over the loud music in my ear.

"So glad you made it Bells. Sorry to hear about, um… you know."

I nod, smiling solemnly at the sweetness of the giant oaf. I stand on my tip-toes

and reply, "Em, don't feel sorry for me, just get me drunk."

Jake, the fourth roommate and his girlfriend, Leah make their way across the

room to greet us. Emmett informs them of my drunken intentions to which Leah
begins howling, literally howling as she raises the unknown bottle of booze and
begins pouring it down my throat. The next hour is a blur of drinking, laughing and

FloRida's Right Round starts playing and several people start spinning and

gyrating to the beat. It is then that my new nemesis, Triple H becomes woozy from
spinning right round and proceeds to vomit down the front of my shirt and sarong.
Clearly there is nothing that seals the sting of humiliation like the scent of someone
else's vomit radiating from your body.

Unable to move, I am stunned into stillness. Emmett grabs my elbow and begins

yelling for everyone to "Get the fuck out of the way" as he ushers me to the back of
the house. After we make our way through the kitchen, he leads me down a set of
stairs to the basement. We enter a dark room and he tells me that the second door

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leads to the bathroom where I can get myself cleaned up. He assures me he will go
find me some clothes to wear so he can wash my vomit stained outfit.

I thank him and enter the bathroom. Fishing around for the light-switch, I quietly

curse as I knock some shit over in the process. I finally find the light next to the
mirror. The harsh fluorescent lighting floods the room and I stare into the mirror.
My cheeks are flushed and the vomit is seeping through to my skin. I roll my eyes
and huff loudly. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to grab the clothes from
Emmett, but I am startled into silence when I turn to face a smirking Edward Cullen
instead. His eyes roam over my ruined outfit as he steps forward to hand me a shirt
and some shorts. He clears his throat.

"Uh, I thought these would fit you better than any of Emmett's clothes," he says

quietly, "Feel free to use the shower if you need to… you know." He awkwardly

A smile plays on my lips as I quietly stammer, "Um... thank you" waving the

clothes around as if he wasn't sure what I would be expressing gratitude for.

Still smirking, he nods. "Well then I'll leave you to it." He advises nervously

knocking on the door twice before he shuts it. Hmm, Edward Cullen was flustered,
imagine that.

I hurriedly strip down and throw my clothes under the sink faucet to get the

excess vomit off of my outfit. I smell my hair and decide that the majority of the
puke stench is radiating from my torso. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and hop
into the shower. It isn't disgusting like most boy showers are. It is actually clean. No
stray pubes all over or faint smells of semen. I won't lie, my inner whore is basking
in the scent of his shower gel, and I may or may not have contemplated adding it to
my shopping list so I could do the same. Creepy, Bella.

I finally manage to get myself under control, exited the shower and towel off. I run

my hand over his soft gray Port Angeles 3 on 3 basketball tourney t-shirt. Unfolding
it, I can't help but smile when I see his last name across the back. My inner whore is
preparing a matching stencil to permanently mark her with his name across her
back. Possessed, I think I kind of like that. I pull the shorts up and roll them down so
they settle on my hips. One last glance in the mirror and I debate on letting my hair
down since I worked hard to get the soft waves look. Instead, I opted to feign
nonchalance, keeping it in the messy bun. Might as well be me, right?

I grab the clothes and open the door. There he sat in the dark on a short black

futon. His hair is disheveled and sexy. He is wearing a navy thermal henley with

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dark jeans and bare feet. I notice he has a ¾ full bottle of Makers Mark and a double
old fashioned class three fingers full.

"Feel better?" He asks smiling his crooked smirk at me.

I smile back answering, "Much better, thanks to you". Remembering that I have a

towel full of wet, vomit scented clothes, I continue, "Now can I trouble you for a
plastic bag to put these in until I can get them to a washer?"

He stands up, wiggling his index finger beckoning me to follow him into the

laundry room. I place the clothes into the washer and start it up as he adds the
detergent. We walk back to his room in silence, the party above us still going strong.
He motions for me to enter first, closing the door behind us. I am alone with Edward
Cullen wearing his clothes and nothing else.

He sits back down on the futon, picks up his Makers Mark and tops off his glass. I

watch him as I stand gawking by the doorway. He looks up at me and holds the
bottle up, apparently asking if I'd like to join him for a drink. I walk over to the futon
slowly trying to contain my smile at his unspoken offer.

"So… What are we drinking to, Mr. Cullen?" I purr attempting to sound seductive.

His smile grows. "Well, Miss Swan" he drawls slowly, "Do you normally drink


I chuckle lightly and shake my head. "No, not typically" I pause and look directly

into his eyes, "But I'll try almost anything at least once." I bite my lip, praying that I
didn't just sound like a desperate whore.

His body shook with quiet laughter, "Would it be forward of me to inquire what

would not fall into the almost anything category?" He challenges before taking a
large gulp of his drink.

Clearly all the booze I consumed up until that point in the evening decides to

make an appearance at that very moment, completely shutting down my common
sense filter. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Anal. Definitely anal."

Edward spits the whiskey out and immediately begins choking. I rush to his side

and start smacking him on the back as he coughs and sputters and tries to keep the
burning liquid from coming out of his nose. As if I haven't already dazzled him with

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my awkwardness, I thought I would give him a preview of my crazy logic and
rambling skills, loudly.

"Oh my God, Edward – I am so sorry! I swear I might have undiagnosed Tourrettes

syndrome. Idrank a lot tonight and I said the first thing I could think of which
happened to also be my hard limit. SHIT! I didn't mean to say that out loud. Look, I
know I sound like some sexual deviant or something, but I just don't think that I
could ever do anal. I like my b-hymen in-tact, you know what I mean?"

Now Edward is full on choking and laughing as I continue to aggressively smack

his back and spew my crazy.

"Not that there is anything wrong with anal, if that's what you are into. I mean, it's

like a really respectable trade in the porn industry, you know?" I continue to explain.

At this his laughter reaches a fever pitch and he starts gesturing wildly indicating

he needs me to stop talking immediately. I bury my head in my hands, absolutely
mortified at my wordy outburst. After a few minutes, he is able to get his laughter
under control.

"Hey" he says in a comforting way as I feel his hand rubbing my back

reassuringly, "You kind of caught me off guard, but I totally respect your position on
butt sex."

I roll my eyes and giggle, shaking my head at the ridiculous turn our conversation

has taken. "I'm definitely going to need that drink now, Mr. Cullen." I mutter

He stands up and grabs another glass and pours me two fingers of whiskey. eHe

hands me the glass and raises his to propose a toast with his signature panty
dropping smirk.

"How about this," he offers, "how about we drink to new… friends with in-tact

b-hymens?" I let out a huge guffaw and nod my head as we clink our glasses
together. Friends. Sure, that will work for now.

The conversation flowed effortlessly from that point. We shared our general

statistics, both genuinely surprised at how little we knew about each other given
how long we ran in the same circles. Edward was born and bred in Chicago until the
summer before his junior year in high school when he moved to Port Angeles. He is
the adopted only child of the Seattle Children's Hospital Chief of Staff and a
homemaker turned budding interior designer. He is a pre-med major hoping to be a

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surgeon, though he is thoroughly undecided if he should be a general surgeon or if
he should specialize.

As I watched my new found friend discuss the pros and cons of specializing at

length, I found myself reveling in the possibilities of this new friendship. I wanted to
covet my friend. Every insight into his life, every story, every opinion he shared with
me, I felt like it was a gift. Edward Cullen was a beautiful mystery, but he chose to
open up to me. It felt so amazing, yet foreign to me. Could connection really be this

We chatted about our mutual friends and how our friendships came to fruition.

Naturally, with the alcohol induced lack of a filter, I regaled him with the tale of
walking in on Tanya and Tyler the other day and the ensuing nickname. He laughed
hysterically and I admit I was pleasantly surprised that I could say the word "cock"
in front of him without blushing fifty shades of embarrassed.

"So that's the first time you walked in on Tanya banging someone?" He asks

incredulously as if I just told him that I had a dick.

"Yes it was. Believe me, I know it seems far-fetched given my room-mates rumored

voracious sexual appetite," I reply giggling, "But she really is wonderful, and there's
a first time for everything right?"

He nods his head as he tops off our drinks, "Firsts, definitely."

I can't quite read him so I take the bait, "Care to share your firsts, Cullen?" I purr

with a wicked smile.

He smirks and shakes his head as if he is shaking off a filthy thought. Perhaps

more coaxing is in order.

"Come on, I just shared my first black cock sighting, the least you can do is

reciprocate." I whine.

"I see Tyler's cock more than I like, Miss Swan – you forget I live with three jocks

– it's like a locker-room around here." He replies cocking an eyebrow and chuckling
lightly. He let that sink in, but then licks his lips and smiles evilly, "However, since
you are so morbidly curious about my sexual firsts, who am I to deny you?"

"Let me see. First kiss." He continues, "Her name was Charlotte. We were in

seventh grade and we were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. Unfortunately for me,
it was more like Seven Minutes in Hell because she had braces and came at me like

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a Dyson sucking the skin off my lips and the breath out of my lungs."

I can't help but laugh at the thought of the seventh grade man-eater attacking a

young Edward. I also can't help the snort that escapes my nose. He stares at me
smiling and shaking his head.

"I just shared a real nightmare situation with you and you are laughing? I went

Pretty Woman for the next year or two, absolutely no kissing on the mouth, and you
find that hysterical, huh?" He teasingly retorts.

At this I let out a huge guffaw. Feeling slightly guilty for my insensitivity, I feel

inclined to return the favor with an equally humiliating first. "Well my first
"kiss-kiss" was with a boy named Connor in eighth grade." I confess, and then
narrow my eyes suspiciously adding, "To this day, I swear he ate a shit sandwich
before he kissed me. His tongue tasted like a turd and I totally gagged and may or
may not have vomited afterwards."

It is Edward's turn to laugh. "Perhaps you getting puked on tonight was karma

then huh? For puking on poor Connor with the halitosis? Perhaps justice was served,
Swan." He cackles as he celebrates my mortification.

I huff as I fold my arms across my chest and roll my eyes. Ahh yes, the better for

him to see my maturity and my pert rack with.

"Aww, Bella. Do you need a tit for tat humiliation from me to make yourself feel

better?" He cooed reassuringly. I may have nodded slightly.

"Okay love." He says patting my knee. "My junior prom – my first time. My prom

date and I got a hotel room. Let's just say it was the best two minutes of her life
before we both passed out. The next morning, I rolled over to wake her up for round
two only to find that she pissed all over the bed, and me."

Now it is my turn to choke on whiskey. I gag and sputter and laugh hysterically.

Edward rolls his eyes and nods his head; clearly this story elicits this reaction often.
I finally get a hold of myself and give him my most apologetic look.

"I'm sorry I laughed. Must have been quite a pisser, huh?" I try to sound

comforting but I can tell he's not buying it.

Edward rolls his eyes again and huffs looking everywhere but at me. "And here we

go." He mutters.

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"Well. I am happy to report that my first time was… nice"I confess looking down at

my drink. "It was free of golden showers and water-sports, but nice, none the less."
Taking a sip of my drink praying he won't ask me to elaborate, I avoid meeting his

"Hmm. Nice. So less than two minutes, huh?" Edward jokes, sensing my wavering


I laugh humorlessly, "Well, if you must know… I think he too only made it to the

two minute mark. But I had the added bonus of a soundtrack and a glade candle to
set the scene for the romantic interlude."

"Was said song on your Sexy-Times playlist?" He inquires sardonically.

"Uh, no. I think he must have seen the movie The Watchmen one too many times

because he played Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah as if it should evoke some sort of
religious experience." I reply, shaking my head, laughing.

Edward grins, seeming to enjoy my confession immensely. "So, I take it he didn't

make you have a, come to Jesus moment?"

I bite my lip, shaking my head slowly. "Uh, nope," I retort popping the P. "Actually


His stare is intense as he nods slowly. He seems to be deliberating on whether he

should ask me to elaborate. But in his moment of indecision, the alcohol makes its
presence known again and like Harry Potter, I am about to open the Chamber of
Secrets wide open. I reposition my body to face him, wrapping my arms around my
knees ready to spew my sexual frustration all over him.

"I think in order to give your partner the big O; one should recognize that said

partner has erogenous zones." I begin bitterly, "Palming a breast like a grapefruit,
not acceptable unless it is over the clothes. I mean, I am not asking to be milked, but
maybe a nipple graze is in order, right?"

Edward's eyes widen. He pulls both of his lips into his mouth trying not to smirk at

my crazy or burst out laughing.

Clearly on a roll, I continue my acidic rant. "And, yeah, ramming two fingers into a

vag four times should not be considered foreplay; it's a pap-smear. And then him
pulling out K-Y, made me think the pap-smear was premeditated, just sayin'."

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He smiles widely, shakes his head and defends, "Cut the boy some slack, he was

what 17 or 18 at the time, right? Surely he got better, right?"

I can't meet his eyes as I shake my head. All of the bitterness evaporates and I am

left feeling shame. Shame for putting Mike on blast – a new low – even for me. My
throat burns as I gulp the remainder of my whiskey down to avoid the awkwardness
of the moment.

Edward clears his throat, pats my knee and rises to stand. "I'm going to go put

your clothes in the dryer, I'll be right back."

I nod my head, thankful for the moment alone to get myself back together. After a

few deep breaths, eye-rolls and self-deprecating mumbled comments – I suddenly
remember my hand dry only bra and panty set. I stumble up and stagger back to the
laundry room to find my undergarments laid out on top of the washer with Edward
leaning over them, staring at them intently as if they were silently debating
something. I cluck my tongue and shake my head slowly as I enter. His eyes meet
mine and his stare is intense.

"Dirty boy, Cullen" I tease as I cross my arms across my chest and slowly stalk

towards him, stopping only inches away, much like he did on the quad. "I'd say I was
impressed by you knowing not to dry my unmentionables, but then again… I am sure
you have other methods of ruining panties, huh?" I tilt my head, give him a satisfied
smirk and secretly pray that I sounded like a vixen, not a drunken coed from Girls
Gone Wild.

His expression changes from that of intensity to one of pure determination as he

places his hand on the back of my neck and the other on my lower back bringing me
flush against him. My eyes widen and I suck in a breath as he runs his nose up and
down my jaw line, edging its way to my ear.

I place my hands against the strong plains of his chest and will myself not to tear

his shirt to shreds. I try to control my breathing but my body is practically vibrating
with desire. I don't dare move, waiting to see what he will do next. He is breathing
deeply against the side of my face when he begins to harshly whisper.

"Hmm… Bell-a…" He pauses, seemingly to get his thoughts under control. He

skims his nose over my jaw and back to my ear again before quietly growling, "I-I

The hand on my neck inches upwards until it is tangled in my hair, pulling my face

up to meet his. Our eyes meet momentarily before he licks his lips and presses his

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forehead against mine. I feel his other hand on my back run slowly up the side of my
body softly. His fingertips lightly glided over the top of my hip, my ribs, only to
gently graze the side of my breast on its way up to my collarbone. As his hand inches
its way up my neck, I can't help but close my eyes and savor the delicious burn his
touch leaves on my skin.

His palm cups my cheek at the same time his lips tenderly touch mine. Closed and

chaste, he lingers there before pulling away lightly. I can feel him smiling against
my lips. Obviously overcome with the effect that Edward Cullen has over me (and
possibly uninhibited by the sauce), in an uncharacteristic move for me, I run my
hands further up his chest, over his neck and fist my hands into his hair. I tilt my
head for better access and press my lips back to his. Softly at first but building in
intensity as Edward begins moving his lips against mine.

The tip of his tongue sweeps my bottom lip, seemingly begging for access to my

mouth just as the hand on my cheek runs back down the side of my body to tightly
grip my hip pulling me impossibly closer against him. Our tongues touch and our
lips press against each other, attacking roughly. As the intensity of the kiss builds, I
feel the rumble in his chest and hear the deep groan escape his throat. In one fluid
movement, both of his hands slide down and grip my ass, kneading and lifting me
forcefully, swinging me around to place me on top of the dryer.

Evidently in tune with his intentions, I wrap my legs around his waist, locking my

ankles and pulling his lower half as close to me as I can. Between the heat of the
dryer below and the friction generated by my impromptu leg lock, it's my turn to
make embarrassing noises. I tilt my head back trying to catch my breath, moaning,
"God, yes" as he kisses and licks his way down my neck to my collarbone all the
while his erection is pressing against my core tightly.

"More…" I beg.

He returns to kiss my mouth again hungrily. We can't seem to get close enough,

wanting to consume the other over and over again. Once again, he presses his
forehead against mine and we are practically panting into each other's mouths. I
vaguely hear a couple of sets of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Bel-la, where are you, doll?" Tanya inquires with a sing-song voice, "Ty is going to

take us home if you're rea-dy."

I open my eyes wide to meet his. As soon as he heard her voice, he scrunched his

eyes shut tight and he begins lightly shaking his head. He swallows thickly and
whispered fervently "Stay." His tone is commanding, but I can hear the desperation

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behind it. He licks his lips, opens his eyes and softer this time, he pleads, "Please
stay... with me, please."

"Bells?" the inflection of her voice rises slightly with worry, "Bells, you in there?

C'mon we have to go – you have a lab in the morning."

I bite and pull my lip, indecision must have colored my face. His eyes are no

longer lust filled, they are tender, reverent. He gently pulls my lip from my teeth and
rubs the pad of his thumb over it, soothing the sting.

"BELLA!" Tanya shouts as her knocking becomes more incessant.

Sighing, I turn my head to answer her, "Be right there, Tan."

Unlocking my legs from around his waist, Edward steps back and offers his hand

so I can hop off of the dryer. I stare at our hands as his long fingers intertwine with
mine. Once my feet hit the floor he pulls me close again and places a short, chaste
kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be seeing you soon, Bella." He whispers.

I can't tell by his inflection if it is a promise, a query, or a casual good-bye, but I

nod my head uncertainly.

"Goodnight, Edward". I murmur. I turn and amble awkwardly to the door.

I startle Tanya as I approach her from behind. She has her ear to Edward's door;

all she is missing is a glass. At least she has the decency to look embarrassed being
caught red handed.

"Oh. There you are." She stands and crosses her arms over her chest with her,

'you got some explaining to do' look on her face. "And what were you up to in the
laundry room, pray tell?" She asks arching her eyebrow accusingly.

Tyler snickers behind her, "Yeah Bells, looks like you were having loads of fun in

that laundry room."

I can't contain the smile on my face as I shake my head. I can tell my cheeks are

flushed and it won't be hard to guess what was going on in that laundry room, but
for now, I want to keep the details of our friendship and laundry room practices all
to myself.

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A/N… Ugh - damn you Tanya and Chocolate Thunder! How dare you

interrupt our girl getting her groove back on a major appliance! Sorry dolls,
I tried to get her lei'd, er, I mean laid... Honest I tried - but it's a slow burn
and a little UST never killed anyone, right? (*chuckles nervously*)

It's time to get down to the heart of the matter, Don Henley - how crazy

did everyone go at BD2? I lost my mind for about 20 minutes there -
pointing and yelling like a lunatic. My friend dropped an F bomb though - so
thankfully I appeared less crazy (in my mind).

I will post the next update on Thursday morning as I will be taking off for

the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thank you so much for all of the follows, faves, reviews, Facebook shout

outs and recs!

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Chapter 7 - Confessions

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

This update comes early as I have to pack for our three day trip to

Chicago. Utterly amazed by the amount of stuff I have out to take for a
family of six including a set of newborn twins. You would think we're going
on a trip around the world - pure ridiculousness I tell you. So, let's see how
our girl is doing the morning after...

Chapter 7 – Confessions

I woke up at 8:00 AM with what would have been the worst hangover known to

man if my body wasn't still physically vibrating with the memories from last night. I
tried to shower and dress quickly in hopes that I could grab a beverage to help me
keep my eyes open before my lab this morning. No such luck, but with the spare 5
minutes I had before I trudged to class I decided to reacquaint myself with the
outside world via Facebook. Pathetic, only one notification letting me know Rosalie
posted on my wall.

Wall post from Rosalie Hale to Bella Swan

Bells, Tan and I will meet you at the Starbucks in the union at 11:30 ish. NO


Ugh, this has all the signs of an ambush, in my experience with Tanya/Rosalie

information seeking tactics, nonchalance is always the best way to go so I hit that

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comment button.

Bella Swan: Sure thing dolls, I get out of my lab at 11, so I will be there with bells


I quickly scroll down to see what else is going on with my peeps when I notice

Edward had posted a status early this morning.

Wall post – Edward Cullen

Loads of fun – laundry might be my new obsession.

4 people like this

I giggle and click on the comments, almost positive that Tyler would add some

humourous commentary.


Tyler Crowley: Yeah, I'll bet it is.

Heidi Hunter: OMG Eddie... Exactly how drunk were you when you wrote this?

Esme Platt-Cullen: So glad to hear of your new obsession, I take it you won't be

bringing it home for me to do this weekend, then?

I can't help but roll my eyes at Heidi's comment. Apparently in my drunken haze I

forgot about their situation. I feel slightly guilty, but I can't help but feel a little
more confident given the thinly veiled reference to our laundry room tryst being put
on blast. With that thought, I shut my laptop and make my way to class.

Sitting through the lab is painful. I try my hardest to follow along, but my current

condition and four day self-imposed exile proved harmful to academic excellence.
Note to self, hit the books this weekend, Swan!

I make my way to the Starbucks, checking my cell phone to see if the

interrogation is still on. So far, no word from Rose or Tanya, so I guess I'm not off
the hook. I jump in line, inhaling the deliciousness and debating on whether my
stomach is strong enough for hot chocolate and a pastry. After deciding it is, I make
my way to the counter and place my order. The barista swipes my card and hands it
back to me grumbling a thank you. Apparently smiles aren't free today.

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"Mike, over here!" I hear a girlish squeal across the coffee shop.

I glance over and see a petite girl with curly, brown hair waving her arms

enthusiastically. Perhaps I am still heavily intoxicated, but suddenly everything
morphed into slow motion as I see Mike saunter over to her and her steaming cups
of coffee with a great big smile on his face. She stands up and pulls him into a hug.
From my vantage point, it looks as though she is trying to get him into her kung-fu
grip, while Mike is giving her the "church hug". You know, the ass out, two pats on
the back, "God be with you and also with you" hug.

I need to look away, eat the $7.00 cost of a delicious beverage and tasty treat and

make tracks. Unfortunately, Brian the Bitch Barista makes escaping a virtual
impossibility. While he is unable to utter an intelligible "thank you", he makes up for
it in spades by yelling my name across the shop at full volume, making sure to
annunciate each syllable of my name.

Mike's shoulders tense and he slowly looks over his shoulder at me. I'm almost

positive that the shocked expression on my face matches his. Unable to hide my
unease, I nodded my head at the barista.

"That's me." I say.

All of a sudden Bitchy Brian is all smiles, even adding a "Have a great day" as he

hands me my drink and pastry.

I push down the urge to give him the finger, suck in a breath and turn to face

Mike and his new, friend. He is still looking at me, waiting to see if I will approach. I
can't help but notice that the church hug embrace is a bit tighter, a bit more
possessive. I also can't help but notice Curly Sue's smug grin.

"Uh, hey… Bella." Mike stutters nervously, eyeing me like a cheating spouse on

the Jerry Springer Show.

"Hey Mike." I reply feigning nonchalance and failing miserably.

An uncomfortable silence washes over us, so my curly doppelganger decides to


"Hi! I'm Jessica by the way." She blurts, extending her hand.

I go in for the awkward handshake and am not too terribly surprised that the

brunette sprite goes for the power play, gripping my hand a little more firmly than

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necessary with a few too many shakes to punctuate her point. Mike must have
noticed her teeth barring grin morphed into that of Bruce the Shark from Finding
Nemo and decides to intervene.

"Uh, yeah, this is Jess. Jess, this is Bella." He says waving his hand between us.

"Oh," recognition coloring her face and her smug grin returning as she releases

my hand, "so nice to meet you… Bella."

I clear my throat and mumble, "Likewise."

I then turn my gaze back to Mike whose expression is a healthy mix between

mortification and vindication when he suddenly realizes that he has the upper hand
here. He smiles a shit eating grin as Jess intertwines her hand in his.

"Jess and I were just having a coffee date." He explains looking down at her to

smile as if to say thanks for playing along.

More than happy to oblige, Jessica shrugs her shoulders and adds, "Again" in a

sing-song voice that loosely translates to nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo

I nod my head and may have thrown a thumbs up backing away. "Well, I'll let you

two get back to it then." I stammer through my hasty retreat, when suddenly I feel a
hand on my lower back.

"There you are, sorry I am late. Did you already order?" The velvety smooth voice

of my savior inquires, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

I look up to confirm that Edward is in fact beside me and attempting to even the

score so to speak. He has an easy smile on his face, but his green irises are
communicating for me to play along. I nod slowly before getting my wits together. I
smile widely at my friend

"Hey, yeah, I already ordered. Sorry, I couldn't remember your drink entirely and

I didn't want to screw it up."

His lips pull into his crooked smirk, seemingly impressed by my improvisation

skills. He looks over at Mike and Jess and gives them a dazzling smile. He nods his
head at Mike and Jess, apparently this is my cue to introduce him.

"Edward, this is Mike and… Jessica, was it?" I play dumb, nothing like making

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someone feel insignificant to boost your self-esteem right? I could have called her by
the wrong name, but I thought that wouldn't be as subtle.

Edward extends his hand to Jessica first, her wrist noticeably daintier than the

five finger smack down she inflicted on my hand minutes before. Now, I can't be
sure, but I think I audibly hear Jessica's panties soak. Her jaw is slack and she is a
lip lick away from her expression being regarded as a seductive stare.

Edward deftly slides his hand from her grip and focuses his attention on Mike. His

confidence never falters as he extends his hand once again, regarding Mike kindly
with a gentle smile that could have been construed two ways. One, just a genuine
pleasure to meet you or two, I dry humped your ex-girlfriend on a dryer last night
and I am pretty sure if I had two more minutes, she would have come. Mike clearly
took it to mean option two as he forcefully grips Edward's hand, giving him a tight
lipped smile. Growing increasingly uncomfortable, I tug on Edward's coat.

"Hey, let's go place your order and let these two get back to their coffee date." I

suggest noting Jessica's pleasure that I acknowledged Mike was here, with her, on a
date. "I'll see you around Mike," I add sweetly, "so nice to meet you Jessica."

They give us faint waves as I continue tugging a smirking Edward back to the line.

We stand side-by-side in line in silence for a few moments; the desire to take his
hand in mine is overwhelming. I keep my expression passive, wanting to give
nothing away, only a small Mona Lisa smile to keep him guessing.

"So… Are you stalking me, Cullen?" I inquire casually.

He laughs lightly looking down at his feet, replying coyly, "You wish, Swan. Your

whereabouts were all over Facebook this morning."

I nod, quickly countering, "Ah, yes. I did put that out there, much like your

newfound passion for laundry, right?"

He smiles broadly and nods as if to say "Touché, Swan, touché." He places his

order with bi-polar Brian the Barista who appears to have a man-crush on my coffee
. We quickly find a seat as far away from Mike and Jess as humanly possible as
Edward seems to sense my discomfort when he first begins inching towards their
side of the room.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments, prepping our food for

consumption. I can't help but be nervous sitting across from this unbelievably
gorgeous man. Much like they say on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like

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the other. Clearly sensing my discomfort, he scoots his seat up, places his forearms
on the table and folds his hands together. He clears his throat, but his voice still
comes out husky and unsure.

"So, you guys are done, right?"

His eyes are fixated on his hands, not daring to look up at me. I am puzzled; he

gave no indication ever that he was aware of my situation. I am sure he heard things
here and there from Emmett and Tyler, but something about the way he asked the
question makes me think he knows more than he is letting on.

"Uh, yeah, we're done" I admit to him and myself with finality. "It's just still kind

of fresh and awkward and just, you know…" I trail off.

Still starring at his hands, he softly mumbles, "He didn't deserve you."

For some reason I feel the need to come to Mike's defense giving the table a small

rap to get his attention.

"Hey," I warn as he finally looks up at me, "you have no idea what you are talking

about. This was on me."

His jaw tightens and his eyes narrow, his voice drops an octave lower and he leans


"I was there, Bella," he replies slowly, "and I heard every fucking word."

He sits back as if to let it sink in. My expression must show my confusion.

"Who do you think called Tanya, Bella? Didn't you ask yourself how she knew

where to find you?"

I close my eyes, piecing together the puzzle as he answers the questions I never

thought to ask. Mortified that he saw what I was capable of and how pathetic I must
have sounded begging for him to come back after he had cut me down to size. I put
my face in my hands, willing the earth to swallow me whole. I can feel the table shift
and suddenly his hands are on mine, pulling them away from my face. Thankfully I
haven't burst into tears, though I am sure my face is flushed with embarrassment.

He furrows his brow and speaks soothingly, "This wasn't on you, Bella. You aren't

wrong for wanting more than what he was willing to give. He wasn't listening to a
word you said, you know that things would have never changed, right?"

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I nod slightly. "Doesn't matter though, I lied. I lied for years. But I swear I didn't

want to hurt his feelings, I promise, I never ever wanted him to hurt."

My confession is desperate and pleading, gripping his hands hoping my sincerity

would ring true. We are silent for a few moments, hands still intertwined, mine only
trembling slightly. I take a few calming breaths. A piece of hair falls in my eye and I
try to blow it out of my face, not wanting to relinquish the death grip I have on his
hands. He let's go and gently brushes it behind my ear, quickly taking my hand back
in his.

Unable to meet my eyes again, he quietly asks, "Do you still love him?"

I release his hands and wrap my arms around myself. I have been asking myself

this for days. I blow out a deep breath and look out at the bustling quad through the

"Yes and no." I answer softly. "Yes because he has literally been my best friend for

years. I care for him so much. He is such a huge part of my life." With all of these
thoughts and admissions bubbling to the surface, I continue, but somehow it feels as
though I am telling myself, more so than him. "Being with him was easy, you know,
we were kind of each other's biggest fan. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of
that I guess, grew resentful or something, I don't know." I clear my throat and
swallow thickly.

I chose my words carefully as I begin my next explanation. "And no because while

I feel an immense sense of remorse for hurting him, lying to him for so long, I don't
necessarily feel like I need him back to go on, you know? I feel at ease with my
choice in a way. This whole week, I've been struggling, but I am not sure if I was just
overwhelmed with guilt, or if I was doing what everyone else expected of me. I think
the writing has been on the wall for a while now, I guess I just finally came to terms
with it."

Again, we sit in silence. I pick apart my pastry, not wanting to be the first to speak

after my damning confession. The longer the silence draws out, the more uneasy I
become blurting the only thought going through my head at the moment.

"So now you know, right?"

He looks up at me, swallowing down his coffee puzzled. "Now I know what?"

I grab my hot chocolate, rubbing my finger tip over the lid. "What I am capable of.

How cold I can be. Now you know this one was on me, right?"

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I don't know why I am baiting him to tear me to shreds or why I feel the need to

tell him every crazy reasoning for the break-up in my head or why I feel so
comfortable saying these things to him in the first place.

He lightly chuckles again, shaking his head. "Not at all, Swan." He reassures me.

He reaches across the table taking my hands in his once again and pulling me closer
before whispering, "You can't scare me off that easy."

Relieved to be off the hot seat and having the air between us cleared so to speak, I

visibly relax. We talk casually for the next few minutes. Apparently next week is his
birthday, so naturally Emmett decided the theme for Thursday night should be a
good old' fashioned toga party. I mentally make a note to call Alice to thank her for
the outfit, and subtly hint that I need a bed sheet to make me look like a goddess.

Speaking of goddesses, out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of Rose and

Tanya. They loiter near the entrance, watching Edward and I intently. As I wave
them over, Edward looks over his shoulder and gives them his signature smirk and a
short wave. Tanya gives an O.G. style head nod, while Rose opts for the finger wave,
followed by a thumb and pinky phone next to her ear mouthing an exaggerated call
. They turn and exit back out to the union. Rose's hot pink sorority hoody reminds
me of a certain situation I have to clarify with Edward.

As he turns back to me, I lean forward to go all Barbara Walters on him. "So…

What's the deal with you and Heidi?"

His expression gives nothing away, but I notice his body tenses slightly. He tries

to play it off with a snort.

"Heidi. Absolutely nothing." He replies looking directly into my eyes. "We're old


"That's an interesting choice of words there, Cullen. Are you friends with Heidi

like you are friends with me?" I ask, secretly praying that he doesn't make a habit of
fondling that supermodel on his major appliances.

He shakes his head in the negative and I feel instantly relieved. "No. As far as I am

concerned, Heidi and I haven't been friends like that for a while. Our families are
tight. People around here assume or expect us to be… more still."

My relief quickly dissipates. He had in fact been her friend, probably in the

biblical sense. He also indicates that at this point it is one sided, but encouraged by
family and friends. I gnaw at my lip, feeling foolish for thinking I stood a chance

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with him against her.

"I see." I softly reply.

I feel his fingers against my chin, pulling my face up to look at him. "Hey. Don't

read into it. It's not like that." He tries to reassure me.

"Then what's it like?" I counter, my tone a little harsher than necessary.

His jaw tightens, he either clearly doesn't like my line of questioning, or the fact

that there doesn't seem to be a clear cut answer. "It's like I said. As far as I am
," he stipulates once again, "we are just friends."

"Yeah, I got that. But talk to me like I am four, Edward. I know what it is as far as

you are concerned, but how about Heidi. How is it as far as she is concerned?" I bite
back, failing miserably to hide the venom in my voice.

His eyes widen in surprise. Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with me? Before he

can respond, I put my hands up into a submissive gesture.

"Oh my gosh, please forgive me. I am just… tired and hung-over and clearly

minutes away from starting my period or something because I sound like a lunatic.
You don't have to answer. I had no right to demand a relationship status from you.
I'm just so sorry." I stammer incoherently.

The cocky crooked smirk is back as he reaches for my hands again. He seems to

enjoy my vulnerability.

"Bella, stop. You are getting worked up over nothing. There is no me and Heidi in

any other capacity than pals. Our dads play golf together; our moms are in a book
club together. We literally run in the same circles." He reassures me rubbing his
thumb over my hand soothingly. "And besides," he adds seductively, "you know you
are the only one I like to do laundry with."

I can't stop the stupid ass grin that forms on my face at his last statement or the

way my body begins to flush at the memory. We loiter for about twenty minutes
more when he has to leave for his next class. We exchange numbers and each make
promises to chat soon since he will be going home to celebrate his birthday over the
weekend and I am going on house arrest, trying to catch up on my school work, as
well as starting my new part-time gig at the library this weekend.

As I walk back to my dorm, I can't help but think about all of the craziness that the

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week has brought. Every heightened emotion, every instance, every high and low,
every pit and peak, I become more confident that I made the right choice for myself.
For the first time in a long time, I feel really alive and excited for the possibilities. I
hear footsteps behind me coming up quick and someone calling my name. I would
know the voice anywhere and I'm not sure I am ready for this particular awkward

"Bella, hold up." He shouts, winded as he jogs to catch up to me.

I stand awkwardly and paint on the sad smile that I had worn in our previous

uncomfortable meeting this morning.

"Hey Mike." I quietly reply.

He stops about three feet away from me, trying to catch his breath, studying and

playing with the strap of his back-pack nervously.

"Uh, Bells. I just wanted to say that I am," he lets out a deep breath as though he

has rehearsed this conversation a thousand times, "really sorry for how everything
went down the other night." He clears his throat and begins again, "I said some
really shitty stuff to you, most of which I didn't mean, but it's no excuse." He looks
up at me; the sincerity of his next words ring true in his voice and in his eyes. "I am
so sorry."

I let out the deep breath that I've been holding, shaking my head furiously. "Do

not apologize to me, Mike," I state firmly, "I honestly don't deserve your kindness. I
handled the whole thing horribly; I can't even explain how awful I am for hurting
you and you had every right to be angry with me."

He gestures for me to have a seat at a nearby bench. We go back and forth as to

who was the worse one, sliding down the shame spiral together. This is the Mike I
know, the one who got me and I got him. We each owned up to our portion of the

I admitted that I was sure I could have spent the rest of my life with him,

relatively happy because he was that great of a guy, but I had to be true to myself.
He agreed saying the same, but also admitting that the physical intimacy in our
relationship wasn't that important to him. For him it was the companionship, we
were a good team, like his mom and dad. He also opened up about how his dad, who
has been pretty sick for the past few weeks, had been diagnosed with cancer the day
before. They were going to find out the results of the PET scan on Monday and were
hoping for the best. He told me how desperately he wanted to call me, share his

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fears, just to hear my voice telling him that I was there. I told him he could always
call me and that just because we weren't Mike and Bella anymore, didn't mean that
we couldn't still be there for each other. We began to part ways with a tight hug and
promises to chat often.

As I turn to walk away, Mike stops me, "Hey, wait. So, you and Cullen, huh?" He

asks placing his hands in his pockets uneasily.

I smile and shake my head, "Nah, we're just friends."

"Yeah, right, friends," busting out the air quotes as he says friends. "He looks at

you like you are something to eat." He finishes as he quirks his brow and shakes his

I shake my head, smiling widely. "This comes from the guy who had two coffee

dates with Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction?" I ask incredulously making Mike
laugh. "I am so serious Mike. She has your kids names picked out and Mrs. Jessica
Newton written all over her notebook."

"She does have the crazy vibe doesn't she?" Mike agrees.

"Uh, yeah, if you get chopped into a million little pieces, I know she will be behind

it. Seriously, be careful with that one." I warn.

"Will do. And you don't rush into anything either." He advises shaking his finger.

"Guys like Cullen can spot an eager beaver from a mile away."

My jaw drops. "Michael Samuel Newton, Jr. Did you just make a joke with sexual


Walking backwards now, he shrugs with a guilty smile, wagging his eyebrows.

"See you around, pal." He teases.

And just like that, I had one of my best friends back, a clear conscience, and a text

from my newest friend, requesting a follow-up coffee date of my own.

A/N… Oh yeah, did I mention that Mike is involved somewhat significantly

throughout the entire story? Oh, I forgot that detail, did I? *chuckles
awkwardly* No worries though - there will be no love triangle per say, feel
free to put your pitchforks away...

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So this chapter begins the countdown to Togaward. No joke, when we get

to the Toga party in honor of Edward's birthday - shit gets real. Who's with
me? First, how about we let the friends
go on a first date of sorts, yes?

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate the holiday here and

abroad! Be safe if you are traveling today, pals!

And speaking of gratitude, thank you so much to everyone who has read,

reviewed, followed, favorited and pimped this fic on Facebook! I am humbled
by your kindness *bows grandly*

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Chapter 8 - Bella Notte

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Let's get this date over with so we can get our girl to the toga party...

Chapter 8 – Bella Notte

As I expect, I walk into my dorm room only to find an anxious Tanya and an

expectant Rose.

"Well, well, well… Fancy meeting you here." Rose teases, as she quickly dials the

phone and places it on speaker. As the phone begins to ring, Rose looks positively
gleeful getting her interrogation underway.

Alice's voice comes over the line, "It's about time, bitches – is she there yet?"

"Yep, she's back from her coffee date with her new boy toy." Tanya replies with a

smile that screams, "caught ya, you hoe".

"Excellent, let the interrogation begin. Now Bella, we each get five questions – you

get to veto only one for each of us. Agreed?" Alice negotiates.

I shake my head and roll my eyes knowing that I have little choice in the matter as

Alice ups the crazy factor to a solid 10. "Fine, but you each only get three questions
and no follow ups or requests to elaborate." I counter.

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"Ugh! Fine – but you know we live for the specifics so spare no details, agreed?"

The pixie begs.

"Agreed, let's just get this over with – what do you want to know? I submit with a


The girls came at me with both barrels. I divulge the dirty details of our evening

as well as the unexpected events this morning. It is surprisingly therapeutic to put it
all out there, allowing myself to analyze everything for the first time. The girls are
equally puzzled by the weeks' turn of events, especially where Edward is concerned.

Friday and Saturday fly by as I focus solely on academics. That's a lie. Edward and

I also maintain a steady getting to know you text conversation discussing everything
from favorite movies and books to Edward confessing that he did in fact keep up
with the Kardashians. Our banter is silly and fun and illustrated as well. I laugh
hysterically as I open a picture of him pouting by a Jetson's futuristic looking
high-tech washer and dryer which was housed in what appears to be a laundry room
from the Pottery Barn Catalog.

Edward and I chat over the phone on Saturday night to firm up our plans for

Sunday night coffee. I let him know that I will be working at the library until 5:00
pm so I offer to just meet him afterward. He insists on picking me up once my shift
is over so he can walk me to the shop. I agree without hesitation as I knew I would
take any opportunity to spend more time with him.

"So Miss Swan," he purrs, "are you going to wear your hair up and go for the

whole naughty librarian look?

I can't help it, I hum audibly. I swear I try to stop the fantasies of him bending me

over the card catalog or him slamming into me against the shelves, but the images
won't stop. Edwards breathing seems to pick up, making me think that he too was
having similar thoughts.

With a sudden surge of confidence I reply with a breathy moan, "Hmm… Would

you like that Edward?"

After a few moments, possibly wondering if he heard that right, he answers.

"More than you know, Miss Swan."

We are silent for a few moments when I hear his mom call him to let him know

they are leaving soon. Apparently they are heading to dinner at their country club to
celebrate his birthday. He tells me he will be in touch and is looking forward to our

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plans for tomorrow. We say our goodbyes, but I still feel the need to leave him with
a lasting impression.

I pile my hair onto the top of my head and put on Tanya's cat-eyed reading

glasses. I then remove my shirt and pull down my bra straps. I have Tanya snap a
picture of me with my Human Sexuality book open, naked shoulders exposed, biting
my lip, and giving him what I hope looks like bedroom eyes. After approving the
picture, Tanya sends it before I lose my nerve. I receive an immediate text back
thanking me for the early birthday gift. He continues to text me throughout the
evening and the content of his texts become more and more indecent. I love it.

Sunday morning I wake with a start, clearly overly excited about my evening. I

shower and shave thoroughly just in case Edward feels like studying anatomy, my
anatomy to be exact. Having thirty minutes to kill before I have to head over to the
library, I jump on Facebook to distract myself from my thoughts of Edward.
Unfortunately, I can't escape Edward even if I tried. I am immediately bombarded by
images that Heidi tagged him in from the night before. The pictures start fairly
innocent, pictures of Edward with his mom and dad, pictures with Edward, his
parents and another couple. And finally, pictures of Edward and Heidi. And here I
thought Mike and I were good on paper. They were posed like the King and Queen
of the Prom or like an engagement photo you would see in the society pages. The
pictures don't get any better from there. It appears the more he drink the friendlier
they get. Most pictures were of her hanging all over him, or her and her friend
Gianna kissing his cheeks. I couldn't help but agree with Rose that she was marking
her territory with him.

I am determined to not let this get me down. I have to trust him. If he says that

they are just friends, I have no reason not to believe him. Besides, he was texting me
all night, right?

Arriving at the library shortly thereafter, I am given a tour of the facility by a very

enthusiastic guy named Eric Yorkie. He is outwardly friendly in that I'm not trying to
look at your tits kind of way. You can tell that this tour is a major social event for
him, especially since in doing so he is able to ogle the other new hire, Heidi's second
in command, Lieutenant Skank – Lauren Mallory. Eric is going to have spank bank
material for weeks after watching her bending over to load the microfilm or
reaching high to return a book to its shelf with the hem of her shirt rising above her

The day goes by quickly, so quickly in fact that I don't realize that it is almost time

to go, until a certain green eyed friend of mine makes his presence known. I am
sorting books to shelve when he comes up behind me, resting his head on my

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shoulder and his arms around my waist. He turns his head and inhales deeply,
hopefully my hair doesn't smell like sweaty little boy head.

"I hardly recognize you without your glasses and your Human Sexuality book," he

whispers deeply before placing a soft kiss under my ear. "Tell me Miss Swan, do you
plan on wearing that get up to work, or can it be for my eyes only?"

I close my eyes, sigh and lean my head onto his shoulder and… grind my ass back

into the now prominent bulge in his pants. "Gee, I don't know Mr. Cullen. I usually
reserve that outfit for special study sessions. Perhaps you should make an
appointment…" I suggest casually.

His hands move from my waist to my hips, holding them in place as he pushes

forward slowly. "Oh yes, Miss Swan. That could definitely be arranged." He replies
through gritted teeth, letting me know the effect I am having on him.

A throat clears and someone approaches us, stomping loudly enough on the carpet

to make a ruckus.

"Ed-ward" a high pitch voice calls out.

Edward and I turn our heads to the left to find Lauren Mallory standing there with

her arms crossed under her tits pushing them up which partially distracts from the
disbelieving look on her face.

"What are you doing here?"

Unmoving, Edward clears his throat. "Hello Lauren." He sneers.

I drop my eyes back to my job, desperately trying to distract myself from the

situation at hand. Clearly noticing our embrace, Lauren approaches. I can't help but
notice her expression goes from incredulous to predatory. She lowers her voice to a
harsh whisper.

"Does Heidi know that you are banging the bookworm?"

Edward releases my waist and nudges my hip so I find myself standing behind

him. His stance is protective as he towers over her. She smiles seductively, clearly
pleased with her ability to elicit a reaction from him.

With his teeth clenched, Edward responds, "What I do and who I spend time with

is none of Heidi's concern. I am sure she will tell you the same thing when you run

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back to report like the good little minion that you are."

He turns back to me presumably to ask if I am ready to go, however Lauren

decides to try to get the last word in.

"You could have fooled me. It looked pretty clear that you two are far from over

from the pictures she posted on Facebook." She snips, smiling smugly. She leans
over to address me directly, "You seem like a nice girl, bookworm. Wouldn't want
you to get hurt thinking you actually stood a shot…"

"One," he grits his teeth firmly, "Her name is Bella, not bookworm. Two, it was

actually you who didn't stand a shot with me a mere two weeks ago when you snuck
down to my room with every intention to blow me. Your friend Heidi didn't seem to
be a concern to you then."

My eyes widen at the amount of venom in his voice. He turns and quickly grabs

my hand, leading me to the elevators. On one hand I am mortified by how this
situation escalated so quickly. On the other, I am quite sure I am completely turned
on by how quickly Edward took control of the situation. His anger was swift and
dominating, scary and sexy all at once.

We enter the elevator, my hand still firmly grasped in his. His eyes are shut and

he is breathing deeply through his nose, I can tell he is trying to calm down. I am
trying to settle down myself, trying to hold back the urge to throw him against the
elevator doors and drop to my knees showing my appreciation. I begin rubbing small
circles into the back of the hand I am holding. He turns and looks at me slowly. His
green eyes are apologetic, yet feral. Perhaps Mr. Cullen wanted to throw me against
the elevator doors too.

The elevator doors open and I tell him that I need to clock out and grab my coat.

He nods and says he will wait for me near the entrance. I run to the break-room to
clock out and steal a quick look in the mirror. My eyes are wide and my cheeks are
flushed. I dab a little mint lip balm across my lips hoping that in the next hour or
two they will be swollen from a passionate make out session.

Just as I am about to leave, the break-room door swings open. Lauren saunters in

with a haughty smirk. She must not have been aware that I too am fluent in bitch. I
give her my brightest smile and a teasing finger wave.

"Have a great night, Lauren!" I beam as I walk past her. Opening the door

partially, I turn back and with a self-satisfied smirk and a wink I add, "I know I will."

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Confidently, I stroll up to Edward wrapping my arm around his elbow, hugging it

slightly. "Alright Cullen, I am starving. Care to do dinner instead?" I ask quirking my
brow in challenge.

Edward nods, smiling my favorite crooked grin. "You got it, Swan! I know just the


We walk arm in arm through the quad and about three blocks. We are on the

complete opposite side of campus from my dorm and his house, can't say I am
bummed that we will have a long walk home. We make small talk for the most part,
reviewing the early part of our weekend. I told him about how Mike and I talked on
Friday, agreed to still be friends. I couldn't quite read his reaction to my good news,
although his biting tone and bitter retort of "good luck with that" made me think
that he found this turn of events unpleasant or was well versed in the delicate
nuance of being friends with an ex. Like Scarlet O'Hara – I guess I'll think about that
later. Before I realized it we had arrived at a small Italian restaurant. As we walked
in we were loudly welcomed by a portly balding man with a pencil mustache.

"Edward! How are you my boy?" The man grasps Edward's cheeks, greeting him

in a booming voice and a thick Italian accent.

"Doing well, Carlo! Long time no see!" Edward beams, clearly just as happy to see

this guy as well.

"And who," releasing Edward's face, "is this beautiful lady?" Carlo asks as he

grabs both of my hands and places delicate kisses on the backs of each.

I can't help the blush that creeps across my face; this guy is so over the top, yet so

sincere. Edward places his hand on my lower back and smiles at me, reverently.

"Carlo, this is my Isabella. Bella, this is Carlo Russo, the owner of this

establishment and longtime family friend."

Carlo releases my hands and goes in for the double cheek kiss before turning to

Edward, "She is beautiful, Edward! Come, you'd like to eat, yes? I will get you the
room in the back."

He turns quickly, grabs a couple of menus and leads us to a private area in the

back. It is dimly lit and so romantic. Carlo's son Gino is our waiter for the evening,
he is just as friendly as his father, though it doesn't escape Edward's notice how his
eyes roam over my body. Edward quickly places an order for the two of us,
effectively dismissing Gino. I've never had a man chose for me; normally I think I

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would find it presumptuous, offensive even. But when Edward did it, it was sexy as
hell, and just like that, my inner feminist is silenced.

We laugh and chat for hours as Carlo sends over a complimentary bottle of wine,

which leads to us ordering two more once the evening is said and done. Around
10:00 pm, Gino brings Edward the slip to sign for our bill. As Edward is placing his
credit card back in his pocket, Gino wishes us a good evening and thanks us for
dining with them. Walking away though, he abruptly turns around with a slight
smirk on his face.

"Oh and Edward,I spoke with Gianna this evening, she said she is sorry she missed


Edward stiffens slightly before his signature cool comes back, nodding

mechanically at Gino as if he is willing himself not to punch him in the face. We
begin walking back to my dorm. It is chilly, but I can hardly be bothered since his
arm is holding me tightly.

"So… Gianna?" I ask smirking as if I would be able to resist asking about Gino's

cryptic warning.

Edward snickers, clearly expecting my line of questioning. "Gianna, is Gino's sister

and Carlo's daughter." He replies dryly.

I nod, obviously not satisfied with that answer, "Or an old flame, by chance?" I

counter looking up at him.

He smiles again, shaking his head. "No, nothing like that. She is another one of

Heidi's minions." He looks right back at me to gauge my reaction.

Putting two and two together I realize why the name seemed familiar.

"Ahh, Facebook Gianna. Double cheek kissing, drunk friend, Gianna. Got it." I

reply sarcastically. "I am sure she was sorry to miss you since it has been ages since
she's seen you last."

"You saw those, huh." He speculates, rubbing his jaw with his free hand.

I shrug, nodding my head and dropping my eyes to focus on the sidewalk. We fall

into an uncomfortable silence. I don't want our perfect night to end like this and we
are about 200 feet from my dorm. So I remove his arm from my shoulder and grasp
his hands in mine, walking backwards so I can look at him as we walk.

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"So what would you like for your birthday, Cullen?" I ask excitedly, trying to

lighten the mood.

He beams back at me; he seems to be thankful that I'm not going to press him

about his evening with Heidi and Gianna.

"I want lots of things, Miss Swan." He replies playfully.

In an instant, confident Bella is back. I grip his hand tighter and begin rubbing the

back of his other hand slowly.

"I am sure you do," stepping forward to get closer to him and whispering

seductively, "but what would you like from me?"

Our eyes lock and he steps towards me, standing centimeters away. I release his

hand and just like the first time, he pulls me closer, wrapping his fingers in my hair.
I close my eyes and part my lips slightly in anticipation. I can barely control my
breathing; I am desperate for his kiss. He comes closer to my lips, and then at the
last second, he turns my head, placing his lips near my ear. He breathes deeply
through his nose before he begins speaking.

"I want you to stay with me, all night. I want to wake up in the morning, next to

you. We don't have to do anything; I just want you to be by my side. Will you do that
for me, Bella?"

I close my eyes and nod my head. I would do just about anything to be beside him.

And right there, under a lamp-post in the quad, he lifts my chin and places a small
kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, my Bella." He whispers, smiling against my lips.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I grab the back of his head and kiss him

hard. It takes him a split second to catch up, opening his perfect mouth to deepen
the kiss. The kiss is consuming, we are all lips and tongues and gnashing teeth. It is
feral and sloppy, yet intimate and reverent. I am clearly high on his words – in this
moment, I am his Bella. We continue in our enraptured state until I hesitantly
release my hold on his hair and extracted my lips from his, panting into his mouth.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening. I had the best time." I speak softly, hoping he

can hear the sincerity in my voice.

He once again gives me his crooked smile. "It was entirely my pleasure, Bella. I

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can't wait to do it again." He murmurs against my forehead before placing a soft kiss
against it.

"Goodnight, Edward" I reply quietly, walking backwards and giving him a soft


He waves back before sticking his hands in his jean pockets. I turn around and

start briskly walking to my dorm. It takes everything in me to walk through that
door; otherwise I am sure I would have sprinted right back to him and rode him like
the Kentucky Derby on a nearby bench. Just as I am about to place my key in the
lock, I receive a couple of texts. I glance at the screen and smile so big I am sure my
face will hurt.

On Thursday, Bring your iPod with you so we can make a playlist of our own. – E

Best first date EVER! - E

A/N… Now that the first date is out of the way - it's time to let Bella's inner

whore out to play... Who's with me?

Strip your beds, dolls and wrap your sheets securely around your body -

it's time to get down with Togaward! Let me hear ya, everybody now... Toga!
Toga! Toga!

Thanks a bunch to whoever nominated me for Fic of the Week at the

Lemonade Stand. I am beyond humbled. There are some wonderful fics up
this week, including one of my faves, The Life Aquatic by Coldplaywhore.
Here's the link if you would like to vote for the five that move you most,
tehlemonadestand dot net/?zx=a9e70feedaaa6484

Also, thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, favorited,

pimped and lurked this fic. I am so grateful :)

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Chapter 9 - Hot in Herre

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Chapter 9 – Hot in Herre

The week passes relatively quickly. Edward and I keep in constant contact sending

funny texts or emails to one other. We talk on the phone each evening and meet for
a couple of coffee dates between our classes. Regrettably, making out and dry
humping at a booth or a public bench is frowned upon, so I manage to control myself
around him, settling for hand holding and chaste kisses.

We also sit together in our Human Sexuality class. I swear, I never thought

anything could distract me from the topic of BDSM, but my attention is successfully
being diverted by questionable thoughts of Edward.

His hands are massive, adorned with long, thick fingers. I can only imagine how

good they will feel all over me… in me. My eyes rake up his body and settle on his
lips. I already know how good they feel on my mouth and skin but the thought of him
putting his mouth on other parts of my body causes me to audibly shutter and
squeeze my legs together, seeking some sort of imaginary friction. Unfortunately for
me, he hears my reaction, and turns to look at me. I am sure I am leering at him like
some sort of sexual predator. I release my lip from my teeth and lightly run my
tongue over my bottom lip to quell the sting. He gives me a satisfied smirk before
refocusing his attention back on the professor.

Thursday finally arrives. Alice comes through on some amazing togas. Mine is a

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silky cream bodice trimmed in gold. The bottom is long and flowing, save for the two
thigh-high slits on either side of my body leaving very little to the imagination. I
certainly feel like a goddess and given what I have planned for Edward this evening,
I am going to need all of the confidence I can get.

Tanya and Rosalie don't ask me too much about what is going on with Edward and

I, which I find unusual. I wonder if they have just taken the cue from me that I am
going to just see where this all goes, though in my head I am playing it anywhere
but cool. I also secretly worry that they are somehow trying to figure out a way to
tell me that I am going to get hurt.

Rosalie is currently venting about Emmett. Apparently, Triple H and Orangutan

Tits are pursuing him mercilessly; either unfazed or blissfully unaware that Emmett
is not available. Rose doesn't want to seem like the jealous girlfriend, but if twos
company and threes a crowd, then four is a hop, skip and a jump away from an
episode of Sister Wives. Emmett has assured her it is no big deal, but when she
catches Triple H walking arm and arm with him through the quad, it becomes

"I mean, how would he like it if every time he turned around there was some guy

pawing all over me? Looking at me like I am the most interesting person in the
world…" She complains combing her long blonde hair Marcia Brady style.

I quirk an eyebrow at Tanya as if to ask if it is okay for me to respond with an,

"Um, they do flock to you like that", but Tanya shakes me off, clearly not wanting to
encourage the crazy a comment like that can unleash.

Rose continues speaking aloud more to herself than anyone else, "I swear, I

should teach him a lesson. I cannot believe he is so oblivious, at first it was a joke
but now a bitch is about to get beat up."

"Settle down, Manny Pacquiao!" Tanya soothes as she rubs her shoulders. "That

boy would never do anything to jeopardize what you two have."

I nod my head, concurring with Tanya's wise words and somewhat impressed by

the fact she knows who Manny Pacquiao is. My nod catches Rosalie's eye, but when
she notices I am packing a bag, said eyes widen considerably.

"B, what's with the bag, doll?" She quizzes me, clearly amused by my non-ninja

like packing skills, the Cheshire cat smirk growing wider across her face.

I bite my lip to hide my own growing smirk. "Uh, Edward asked me to spend the

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night with him for his birthday."

The hairbrush hits the floor and faster than a bullet, Rose has my bag in her lap

with Tanya inspecting the contents like a TSA officer. I am waiting for one of them
to bust out a wand and perform a cavity search to find out what else I have on my
person. Rose's eyes bug out when she pulls out the sheer bra and panty set I
purchased for the occasion. And Tanya falls out into a full on belly laugh when she
brings out her sexy librarian glasses.

"What are you planning on doing, dirty girl?" Tanya asks incredulously, pulling out

the bottle of Makers Mark as well.

I slump on the bed and blow out a deep breath I don't realize I am holding and

begin fidgeting. Sensing my nervousness, Rose hands me my cold beverage of
choice, a Mike's Hard Lemonade.

"I am not going to sleep with him, if that's what you are asking." I reply a little

more curtly than I intend to. I drop my eyes to the floor and quietly add, "At least I
don't plan to."

The room is quiet as they can tell I want to say something else. I steel myself to

look them in the eyes, praying I can stutter through the next sentence.

"I figured, that, maybe, I would try to, um…" I bite my lip, this is just too


"Spit it out, Swan." Rosalie snaps, crossing her arms over her chest trying to

intimidate me.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I finally muster up the courage to bite back, "I am

going to give him a lap dance, okay? He asked me to bring my iPod so he could get
some of the playlists we've done and as an added bonus, I intend to grind all over his
dick – okay, Hale?"

Their eyes are as wide as saucers. Tanya looks amused, while Rosalie looks

shocked. I am pretty sure if there was a vial of Holy Water nearby, she would have
doused me with it and shouted, "The power of Christ compels you. I cast you out,

Now that I have successfully shocked them, I continue my packing and add, "He

seems to be into the whole naughty librarian thing so I figured why not, right?"

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Tanya nods agreeing whole heartedly with this proud expression on her face like

Trent from Swingers saying her "baby is all growns up". Being the great friend that
she is, she begins giving me some tips that have worked for her in the past. Coming
out of her stupor, Rosalie adds some helpful tips as well. Apparently it is important
that you don't throw your head around too much like those girls in the videos since
you run the risk of head butting your partner. Evidently, Emmett cried like a baby
when Rosalie did a version of the bend and snap too close to his nose.

We arrive around 10 pm and the party is in full swing. I must give mad props to

Alice for our amazing togas, we look like actual goddesses compared to the other
Red Solo Cup carrying commoners. I don't even pretend to want to hang around
making small talk upstairs. I say my hellos to Em, Jake and Chocolate Thunder and
then promptly run down to Edward's room.

I knock lightly, waiting for him to tell me to come in. He opens the door, dressed

in the jeans and grey t-shirt I saw him in this morning. Excitedly, he pulls me into
his room and shuts the door behind me. I take off my bag, discarding it on the floor
and try to hand him the bottle of Makers Mark.

He winds his fingers in my hair, massaging my neck with his palms, and presses

his lips against mine. His kiss is hard and desperate. I find myself backed against
the door as our kiss becomes more frantic. I am pleased with myself for not actually
throwing the liquor to the ground and wrapping my legs around his waist, though, I
won't lie, feeling that massive bulge in his pants hitting against my stomach, I may
have audibly heard my panties soak. He breaks the kiss abruptly, leaning his
forehead against mine, and runs his hands over my body, settling them at the top of
my ass.

"Fuck, you look amazing, Bella!" He compliments as he tries to catch his breath.

"Where's your toga, birthday boy?" I ask teasingly.

I use my free hand to lightly scratch my fingers down his stomach, grabbing a

hold of a belt loop on his jeans, mere centimeters from his erection. Lowering his
hands further on my ass and gripping lightly, he put his mouth to my ear.

"Now that you're here, I don't intend on leaving this room."

I cluck my tongue and shake my head slightly, "Oh no you don't! You have to make

an appearance, this theme is for you. I think Em even bought Ouzo to stay with the
whole Greek thing."

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Looking down like a petulant little boy being scolded, Edward rolls his eyes and

gripes quietly. "If the theme is Ancient Greece, he should serve wine, not Ouzo."

I grab his chin, raising his face to look at me, "How about this?" I speak slowly

before placing my lips softly against the side of his mouth. "How about you take off
your clothes for me? And then I will wrap a sheet around you. And we'll go upstairs
for one hour and drink and dance with our friends." I continue before swiping my
tongue against his bottom lip.

Edward's eyes close and a small groan escapes his lips.

"And when that hour is up, you and I will come downstairs, and I will give you

your real birthday present." I whisper seductively, as I pull his belt loop and
effectively his massive hard on closer to my torso.

He smiles against my lips, "And what present is that, Miss Swan?" He inquires,

pressing his erection further into me.

I hum against his lips before running my palm over the head of his cock.

"A certain naughty librarian wants to try her hand at lap dancing and has

scheduled a private session for you. Would you be willing to participate?" I breathe
out huskily.

He exhales deeply, nodding furiously as his Adams apple bobs nervously up and

down. I hear him swallow right before he asks for clarification with a lazy smirk.

"Is this a fully nude private session, Miss Swan?"

"Hmm, I am not sure that she will be getting fully nude this evening, however I

think she will play it by ear." I grin continuing my ministrations on his still growing
cock. "The good news for you is that this naughty librarian will provide a very
hands-on experience. Is that something you may be interested in, Mr. Cullen?" I
inquire with a quirked brow.

Edward stiffens as I apply a little pressure to the swollen head of his dick with my

thumb and trace down the outline before reaching and cupping his sack gently as if
to punctuate the point of "hands-on". However, the look on his face makes me
question my insistence that we join our friends upstairs. His expression is lustful and
hungry. I can only hope that he will wear the same expression when he takes me…
eventually… repeatedly.

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He doesn't say anything else; he just nods and releases me, stepping backwards to

the middle of the room, his expression unchanged. He removes his shoes and socks
first and then his shirt. He is stunning. The hard plains of his chest do not
disappoint. I can almost imagine how they will look as they stretch and flex while he
fucks me.

I am startled out of my Edward induced trance by the sound of his belt buckle, a

zipper and pants hitting the ground. He steps out of them and kicks them to the
side. The look on his face remains unchanged, as he slowly raises his arms out to the
sides standing only in his boxer briefs that cannot contain his prominent member.
He wants me to dress him.

I slowly walk around him to get to his bed, running my finger nail lightly down his

ribs causing him to shiver. This pleases me, a lot. I grab his sheets and begin
draping and securing the toga around his body taking great care to rub his erection
every chance I get. I don't know what's coming over me but it takes everything in
me not to drop to my knees and shove every inch of him into my mouth greedily like
the wanton whore that is clearly unleashed only in Edward Cullen's presence.

Once I am done dressing him, I take his hand in mine and turn around, escorting

him up the stairs. Imagine my surprise when he jerks my arm back, pulling my back
against his chest roughly. His breathing is harsh. He sounds as if he is trying to rein
it in.

"One hour, Miss Swan," he reminds me, "and then you are all mine until morning."

He places a hot kiss against the top of my collarbone and grabs my hand in his

once again. I close my eyes, swallowing thickly and nod slowly.

"One hour." I promise as I open the door and lead us up to the party.

Once we clear the stairs, Edward takes the lead. He has my hand in a vice grip

and I can't be sure if he is nervous, or if this is another crazy show of possession
that I notice he pulls from time to time.

"Ho-ly shit!" Emmett booms. "Ladies and Gentlemen, guess who decided to join

the party!"

Edward shrugs and grins sheepishly as Jake hands him a beer. Dear God that boy

has the most beautiful smile. Chocolate Thunder and Tanya mosey over, and he and
Edward exchange some sort of intricate handshake. Rose then saunters over as well.

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"Where's your fan club, Emmy?" She teases with a bit of a bite. Apparently the

problem isn't going to go away on its own.

"Relax Rosie, I needed some alone time with my best girl." He reassures her.

He puts his gigantic arms around her waist and slides her up his body only to

plant a searing kiss on her lips. Once the kiss is over, I can tell that Rose's defenses
come crashing down. She is his and he is hers in every sense of the word. Thank
God, if beautiful girls like Rosalie can have an ounce of insecurity, what hope was
there for bland girls like me?

Jake pours us a round of shots before his DJ friend Seth makes an announcement

over the microphone. The entire room is cheering as we all lift our glasses to toast
the birthday boy. I am pretty sure he is embarrassed, but I can't be happier because
in his discomfort, he clings to me like a life preserver. He can't hold me any closer if
he tried and I am relishing it.

We take several pictures and I secretly hope they will make it to Facebook so I

have physical proof that I am at his side, even if it is a fling.

The music kicks on again, and each of the couples become distracted as they

begin moving their bodies to the music. Edward takes another shot before he grabs
my waist, spinning me and pulling me until his chest is pressed against my body and
his hard as a rock penis is against my lower back. He then lifts my arms up and
places them around his neck. His fingers trace down the sides of my body until his
fingertips firmly settle on the junction between my hips and thighs.

I can feel his eyes looking down on us, watching as we slowly grind until we find a

rhythm that satisfies each of us. He begins rubbing his hands up and down my
stomach and thighs; every now and again he "accidentally" scrapes my clit with his

The first time he does it; I suck in my teeth and mutter a quiet "Fuck". I can feel

his lips curl into a smile, clearly pleased with himself. The second time he grazes it; I
fist the back of his hair in my hands and grit my teeth together to stop myself from
moaning like a whore. He snickers out loud and places his lips near my ear.

"So responsive, my Bella." He hums against my ear and continues, "In five

minutes, our hour is up. Then I am going to take you downstairs." His breathing
becomes heavy as he speaks more slowly this time, purposefully. "And when I get
you downstairs, Bella…."

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I imagine he is pausing for effect, but I am certain his next words will make me

cum on the spot, so I turn in his arms and pull his head down for a searing kiss, all
the while shamelessly grinding on his thigh. The kiss is not fit for public viewing but
I don't care. It is desperate and angry. Frantic as we manhandle each other. It's all
consuming and greedy. I've never felt so wanton and I love it. I feel Edward open his
eyes before he breaks the kiss. He gives me a dazzling smile and swipes his thumb
across my swollen lips.

"The hour is up, Miss Swan." He taunts before placing his forehead against mine

and growling, "And now you're mine."

A/N… *LayAtHomeMom laughing like Aro in BD2* Even I can't believe how

hard I just cockblocked you all... It was necessary to break the chapter here
- I swear. Trust me, if I broke it elsewhere - you would've been crazy angry.

The next update will be coming to you on Sunday from the happiest place

on earth... No silly, not Edward's bedroom - Disney World. Yes dolls, that's
right - I will be peddling smut from the Magic Kingdom. I'll even post it
from Fantasyland because it is totally
appropriate and I am kind of a sick
fuck like that...

Okay - no more messing around - next chapter consists of 3,530 words of

Bella letting out 2 years of sexual frustration - the other 594 words are pure

Thank you so much to everyone who has read, reviewed, favorited,

followed and lurked this fic! NOTE: I will try as hard as I can to reply to your
reviews - I will be behind due to my lack of a laptop while on holiday. I
promise I will respond to each review though (eventually) as they are all so
important to me!

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Chapter 10 - Dance for You

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Without further ado, here is Edward's birthday present...

Chapter 10 – Dance For You

Edward grabs my hand, leading me through the crowd and down the stairs. He

opens his door and motions for me to enter first. My entire body is vibrating with
nervousness and excitement. I feel his lips on my neck just seconds after I hear the
door shut and lock behind me.

He gently brushes my hair away from my shoulder and places three kisses down

my shoulder. I feel myself flush as my body instantly reacts to his touch. He runs his
hands down my arms as he skims his nose along my neck before placing a soft kiss
behind my ear.

"Where do you want me, Miss Swan?" He whispers.

A shiver runs through my body and I can feel his excitement growing against my

lower back. Trying to maintain my composure, I close my eyes and answer quietly, "I
need to prepare, but feel free to sit where ever you're comfortable and if you'd like,
you can make the music selection."

He runs his fingers over my upper arms again, lightly grazing the sides of my

breasts as he does. I breathe in quickly as I feel his mouth on my earlobe sucking

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lightly and releasing it with a pop.

"I want you to choose the music, Bella. I can tell you're nervous."

My hands are trembling and I am nervous as fuck. I certainly don't have enough

confidence or alcohol in my system to pull this off. My blazing insecurity is about to
get the best of me when he takes my hands in his and wraps his arms around me

"You don't have to do this, Bella." He says as he nuzzles my neck. "This is enough

for me."

I want this. I want to do this for him and for me. He is like a drug to me and I am

chasing his high. I need a fix. I straighten my back and turn to face him, placing my
hand over his cheek and rub my thumb over his lip.

Giving him my best haughty smirk, I drop my voice an octave, "Make yourself

comfortable, Edward. I'll be out in a minute."

I turn and grab my bag from the floor where I had unceremoniously dropped it

upon my arrival. I can feel his eyes on my every move. I smile as I select a song from
my iPod and place it in his iHome, all queued up and ready to go.

I make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind me. Looking in

the mirror, my face is flushed pink. I remove my toga and nude undergarments and
inspect myself in the mirror again as I know the next set of lingerie I am planning on
wearing leaves little to the imagination.

The bra and panties are black sheer with small corn silk blue embroidery. A bit of

a splurge, but the panties make my ass cheeks look pert and smackable. Although
my breasts are a small C-cup on a good day, the bra pushes the girls up, making
them look like a delectable treat to be feasted on (fingers crossed).

I throw my hair into a messy bun and pile it on top of my head and retouch my

make-up, though I really hope it will be smudged by the end of the evening. I slip a
navy wrap dress on, careful not to button it on the inside so he can just pull the tie
for easy removal. Finally, I slip on a pair of sky high patent heels and pick up my
featured reading recommendation being a naughty librarian and all. I take one last
glance in the mirror just to make sure I look the part. I place my hand on the door
knob and silently tell myself not to be a coward. Taking a deep breath I open the
door and shut off the light. Just like last week, he is sitting on the futon, glass of
Makers Mark in hand, and a smile that sets my body on fire.

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Showtime, Bella. "Good evening, Mr. Cullen." I say as I step towards him, looking

down at him over my glasses with a seductive smirk glued to my face. "So glad we
could arrange this private session. Tell me, have you completed the required

His eyes roam all over my body as I slowly stalk towards him. He leans forward

infinitesimally, licks his lips and shakes his head no.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Cullen. If you don't do the required reading, how will you ever learn

about mutual pleasure?" I ask with an air of annoyance. Pursing my lips to the side
of my face as if I am debating something, I continue, "Perhaps the Human Sexuality
text book was too broad and overwhelming for you. Maybe we should focus on
something more specific. Something that will help you play to your strengths."

I hand him the book and quickly turn around with my hands clasped on my lower

back pacing the length of his room, unable to make eye contact while he reads the
title. After about 30 seconds, I can't stand it and have to peek at his expression. He
is staring at the cover of the book, She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to
Pleasuring A Woman. He is smirking, clearly trying to hold back a laugh.

"Is something funny, Mr. Cullen?" I snap, "Because if you don't intend to read the

assigned literature, I am sure I won't waste my time again with another private
session." I finish crossing my arms under my chest.

His eyes go wide at the tone of my voice and he shakes his head furiously. "I'll do

the required reading, Miss Swan." He replies quietly, his expression changing into a
naughty crooked smirk, "I'd even be happy to do the practical application as well."

"Hmm," I retort tapping my finger to my lips appearing to be deep in thought,

"You don't sound very convincing. I don't think you are taking this very seriously,
Mr. Cullen. Perhaps you need some additional encouragement, yes? A little positive
reinforcement, a little, push?"

He begins nodding his head up and down vigorously, squirming in his seat in


"Very well, then Mr. Cullen. Please set the book down." I sigh indifferently.

I walk over to the iHome and take a deep breath before hitting the play button.

The beginning chords of TLC's Red Light Special begin and I start lightly swaying to
the music with my back facing him. At first I feel awkward, sort of like Jamie Lee
Curtis in True Lies, but then I turn to face him.

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His eyes are wide, lips are parted and he is clearly trying to steady his breathing.

There's seriously nothing more gorgeous to me at this point then seeing Edward
Cullen practically salivating. It is just the confidence boost I need to kick this up a

I continue to sway as I slowly run my hands up over my hips, my stomach and then

gently palm my breasts. My swaying becomes more exaggerated, as I run my fingers
through my hair, pulling out the messy bun and letting my wild mane fall over my
shoulders, all the while, maintaining direct eye contact with him.

I begin to walk towards him slowly, pulling my bottom lip through my teeth to

conceal the moan that is threatening to escape. I stop right in front of his feet and
dip low, grabbing his hands in mine from his knees as I come back up letting his
hands lightly graze my stomach and the tips of my breasts right before I place his
hands behind his head.

I give him a coy smile as he tries unsuccessfully to mask his disappointment. Ah,

ah, ah, patience, lover. I can't help my teasing smirk in response as I lightly slide my
fingernails down the front of his chest and place my hands on his knees, spreading
them slightly as I maneuver them under his toga. I softly run my hands up his
thighs, mere centimeters from where his cock stands erect, desperate for my touch.
I slip my hands back down to his knees and close them tightly, pushing myself up.

Standing over him, I look down and slowly remove my glasses and throw them on

his bed. Smiling, I reach down the hem of my dress and pull it up as I sashay my
hips, giving him a glimpse of my panties for the first time. I then begin to roll my
hips as I turn around, looking at him over my shoulder, making sure he is enjoying
the view from behind as well. Spreading my legs apart and pulling my dress higher,
I sink down and sit on his lap.

His erection is huge and I gasp when I sit on it. He moans deeply, hopefully not in

pain. I grind down on it gently and in time with the music while laying my head on
his shoulder, making sure he gets a good view.

Taking his hands in mine, I place them firmly on my tits as I continue to gyrate on

his lap. I let them linger there momentarily, squeezing his hands and encouraging
him to cop a good feel. After a minute, I lower his left hand to the tie of the wrap
dress. One tug and the goodies will be exposed. Keeping his hand under mine, I
wrap his fingers around the tie and slowly pull his hand while his right hand
continues to stimulate my breast. The wrap dress comes apart, exposing my lingerie
to him. Taking my hands off of his, I move them to the back of his head to run my
fingers through his hair as I continue to rub my crotch all over his dick.

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"Touch me, Edward." I whisper as I turn my head slightly.

Wasting no time taking what he wants, he runs his hands over my body. His right

hand wanders over to my left breast, as if he knows the greedy whore is seeking his
attention. His left hand runs further down my stomach, over my pubic bone, only to
cup my now drenched pussy over my panties. I can't even try to be embarrassed
about the moans that escape my lips, nor the knee jerk reaction I have to seek
friction by moving my hips up and down his body.

I need more, so I grab his hands and return them to the top of his head, and slink

off his lap back onto my feet. I turn to look back at him as I remove the dress from
my arms and let it drop to the floor. I spin around to face him, licking my lips and
running my hands all over my body. I straddle his legs again, this time facing him. I
briefly think about scooting my pelvis up so that I can place his dick directly under
my center, but I figure I will let him take the lead.

"Show me where you want me, birthday boy." I say as I put my lips to his ear,

slipping his earlobe into my mouth.

He releases a shaky breath, grabs my hips and places my entrance right on the

head of his cock.

"Ah, FUCK!" I whisper shout, closing my eyes and throwing my head back.

His hands are on my hips, guiding my movements, using me for his pleasure. I can

hear his breathing pick up between my moans of pleasure. Unable to help myself, I
sneak a peek at Edward. His eyes are focused on where our bodies meet, only
separated by three thin layers. He must feel my gaze on him because he suddenly
looks up to meet my stare. His eyes are dark and full of lust; his expression is one of
pain and pleasure.

"What would please you, Edward?" I breathe out huskily, "Do you want to touch


He nods, licking his lips.

"Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, Bella." He grits out and somehow pulls me down harder on his


His right hand releases the death grip it has on my hip and begins lowering the

straps of my bra, all the while placing kisses all over my collarbone and the tops of
my breasts.

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"Do you want me to take this off, Edward?" I ask seductively as I reach around to

unhook the eyes of my bra.

Again he nods, clearly speaking is becoming difficult for him, especially when I

unlatch the last hook and slowly pull my arms through the straps, exposing my
breasts to him for the first time. His lips part and a deep growl reverberates from
his chest. The minute the bra hits the floor, each of his hands are rubbing my tits.
Squeezing and kneading them, causing my nipples to become impossibly hard. He
sucks one into his mouth clamping down forcefully, and then swipes his tongue over
it to ease the sting.

Since he is no longer steadying me on his dick, I have to grab onto the back of the

futon and grind myself down onto him. I like this because in this position I can set
the pace. For once in my entire sexual life, I feel powerful. It is strange because I am
in control, while still being controlled. It is a high that I am sure I will chase for the
rest of my life.

I don't notice that the song has ended, but Edward is far from through with me. It

is now quiet in the room. All you can hear is our breathing and the frame of the
futon squeaking and shaking from the intensity of our dry humping.

Just when I think it can't get much better than grinding on Edward's cock, he ups

the ante. I feel his hand slip into my panties, pressing two fingers firmly on my clit. I
very nearly jump out of my skin and release this unnatural keening noise. Pleased
with his effect on me, he takes it to the limit one more time and starts the dirty talk.

"So fucking good, Bella. You feel so fucking good!" He is harshly breathing against

the side of my neck, nipping and licking and biting at it between the errant thoughts
that are escaping his lips. "Just wait until I am inside of you. I'm going to make you
cum, my Bella. You're gonna cum so hard, and then you'll be mine."

I don't know if it is the possessiveness of his statement, or the fact that he is

rubbing my clit so expertly, but I decide to up the dirty talk ante myself. I stop
circling over his cock and place his hands back on my waist. For a split second he
looks worried, over what I can't imagine. I lean in and swipe the tip of my tongue
over his bottom lip before kissing him deeply. The kiss is slow and sloppy. I want to
swallow him whole, I can't get enough. I abruptly end the kiss and pull away to look
at him as I gather my tits in my hands, squeezing and rubbing my fingertips over

"I think about it all the time, Edward. Fantasize about it. About you, taking me,

having me," leaning in and pressing my forehead against his for emphasis,

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"…fucking me."

I can feel his entire body react to my last statement, giving me the confidence I

need and the new high I crave.

"It always starts the same, I am naked, on my back, legs spread wide. Desperate

and so fucking ready for you." His breathing picks up again, so I continue, "You are
on your knees, between my legs, looking down at me, slowly stroking your cock,

My words are slow, deliberate, oozing with want.

"I am guessing you are deciding how to take me. You know what I mean, don't

you?" I tilt my head questioning him mockingly. "Are you going to ease it in gently,
Edward? Go slow so you can feel how tight I'll grip you? So I can enjoy every ridge
and vein and feel every inch of you? So you can settle in, buried to the hilt?"

He licks his lips, drawing them into a hard line and I can feel his grip getting

tighter on my hips. Is it sick that I am slightly turned on by the thought of bruising?
That I want any mark of his that I can get? I smile devilishly, relishing the control I
have over him. Alright Swan, take it up a notch. I lean in and kiss him deeply but
abruptly, leaving him panting so I can continue.

"Hmm… Or do you think that you'd prefer to shove it all in with one swift stroke.

Fast and hard, Edward. Wouldn't that feel so good, slamming it in there? Asserting
your power, your… possession."

I run my tongue over his earlobe and grind down hard on his cock. After a few

seconds and a couple of slow circles on his tip, I lean in and pull his bottom lip
between my teeth. Releasing it and raising my voice an octave so I can sound
relatively innocent as I say my next thought aloud.

"Claim my pussy as your own, Edward? Isn't that what you want?"

The groan he releases is strained, and suddenly he begins bucking his hips,

essentially grinding back. The friction is indescribable as my Edward is clearly
unleashing the beast on me. I have to keep going because I cannot be contained. All
those years of holding back are released. Edward has unlocked that door and I never
want to shut it again.

"Are you going to stay on your knees and watch as you fill me, Edward? Hmm? Are

you going to watch your cock slam in and out? Slow or fast? Does it turn you on

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knowing that you are the one in charge? That you're bringing me pleasure? That
every time I moan or scream or beg you to "fuck me harder" that it's all you."

He grits his teeth together, bucking his hips impossibly faster and harder. The

futon frame slamming into the wall, threatening to collapse due to the intensity he is
letting loose on me. I can't get enough, I am so close, and I need to keep him going. I
remove one hand from my breast and put it in my mouth, sucking and moaning
before trailing it down to the top of my panties. I slide it in and start rubbing my clit,
whimpering softly at the contact to my sensitive nub.

I can feel his eyes on me, watching as I touch myself. It thrills me to see the

desperation in his expression with the tight set of his jaw and the hungry lick of his
lips. This is all the encouragement I need to continue.

"From there, the fantasy can go a million different places. So many different

positions, Edward. So many ways to take me. Would you like that Edward? Would it
please you to have me riding your cock? Or do you want to take me from behind?"

I can barely get the words out as the grinding and humping becomes frantic. I

close my eyes and throw my head back letting the mounting pleasure boil over.

"Fuck, Edward. Ahhh. I'm…" I can't get the words out, the intensity is too much. I

intend to tell him I am close, but he interrupts me.

"Look at me, Bella." My eyes open wide, turned on and alarmed by the tone of his

voice. His expression is crazed. "I want to watch you cum."

I nod slowly, our eyes are locked. I speed up the movement on my clit, rolling it in

time with his thrusts. Every muscle in my body tightens, my ears ring, and I can
barely draw a deep breath. My legs shake and my grip on the futon tightens. My
eyes remain locked on his, it's like he knows that I have reached the summit that I
am there and ready.

"Now I want you to CUM. FOR. ME." He demands, punctuating the end of his

statement with rough thrusts.

It is all too much and I come completely undone. A split second and two hard

thrusts later, I feel his body stiffen and his cock explodes, coating my panties with
wetness, marking me. His mouth is on mine, sucking in my screams, taking them for
himself like a trophy. I slump onto his shoulder, sated and exhausted.

He too is trying to catch his breath. I can't be sure how long we stay there, lying

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completely spent. But I eventually feel his light kisses on my shoulder.

"I'm a mess." He admits, chuckling lightly.

"You are a mess – go clean yourself up, Cullen." I joke as I pull myself up to stand

on shaky legs in sky high heels.

He stands up and kisses my temple. "God damn girl, I can't imagine it gets better

than that." He admits, smiling.

"Me neither." I reply quietly with a sheepish smile of my own.

He walks into the bathroom, and I hear the shower start up. It takes everything in

me not to full on sprint into the bathroom to shower with him. Instead I figure it's
probably a good idea to find my bra and put on my pajamas.

As I slip the shirt he let me borrow over my head, his cell phone begins to ring. It

is nearly midnight so I start to worry that it may be an emergency since everyone he
hangs out with is upstairs. But it isn't someone upstairs; it is a picture of him and
Heidi. It must have been Halloween last year. She is rocking a Playboy Bunny
get-up, while he looks fetching as Hef in a smoking jacket. I can't help but feel
inferior – she is so beautiful and he looks crazy happy. She is holding him so tightly
and it looks like his hands are resting on the top of her ass. I stare at the picture
until the call goes to voicemail.

A minute later he receives a text. So help me, I don't want to look at the iPhone,

but when I see that the text is from Heidi, curiosity gets the better of me.

Are you ready for your present birthday boy? I can be there in 10. -H

I feel sick; I am just the opening act. I try to distract myself when another text

comes through. Clearly I am a masochist because I can't stop myself from glancing
at the perfect pair of naked tits that appears on the screen, followed by Heidi's sext.

Your favorite girls miss you Eddie. Have you sent bookworm home yet? –H

My stomach turns. I grab my clothes and coat and get the fuck out of there. On my

way up the stairs, I make the decision to sneak out the back door; hopefully none of
my friends will be out back so I can make a quick escape. Unfortunately, I see
Rosalie propped against the kitchen sink looking murderous. I follow her eyes and
spy Triple H and Orangutan Tits dancing with Emmett between them. Royce King is
standing closely to her, speaking quietly in her ear. Ain't this some shit? I approach

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"You deserve better than that, Rose. You are a fucking goddess compared to those

zoo animals. If you were mine Rose, I wouldn't leave your side. I'd be so proud to
have you on my arm." He coos in her ear. Reaching up and moving her hair behind
her shoulder so he can get his mouth closer to her ear, he seductively adds, "In my

I want to puke in my mouth. "Rose!" I snap, "Can I talk to you real quick?" I ask

pulling her out the back door. I don't miss the sneer that Royce throws my way.

A clear role reversal, Rose seems unsure of what I am going to say. "First of all,

are you alright?"

Her lips form a tight line, masking her sadness for anger. "I just don't get it, B. I

wouldn't let anyone who made Emmett uncomfortable around me. He doesn't take
me seriously. I am literally sick of it¸ it's fucking embarrassing."

"Trust me, I get it, but cozying up to a douche like Royce King – not a good plan." I

firmly advise.

She nods. "Where are you off to?" She asks, clearly the Emmett topic not up for

discussion any longer.

I hate myself for what I am about to do. "I feel a little sick and Edward is passed

out. I have a cab out front so I gotta go." I lie.

Thankfully she is distracted just enough that she doesn't question me, nodding

and telling me she will be over tomorrow for coffee. I set off into the night to do the
walk of shame.

A/N… So... yeah... That just happened...

Don't worry dolls, we will get some answers next chapter... Don't set fire to

your Team Dryhumpward t-shirts just yet... I hope this chapter was like a
Snickers - truly satisfying. I think some of you were getting the shakes from
such a lack of citrus.

The next chapter will post again from the friendly confines of the Walt

Disney World Resort. This time I will post from a clam shell on the Finding

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Nemo ride - again, totally appropriate.

Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, faved or lurked

this fic! You guys are the best!

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Chapter 11 - One and Only

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Ready to find out about Heidi?

Chapter 11 – One and Only

I slam the door to my room, allowing myself to act out for the first time. On the

one hand I feel dirty and used, how could I be so foolish as to act that slutty in front
of a relative stranger? On the other hand, I feel fulfilled and powerful. I got mine, no
strings attached. Doesn't that equal a victory?

I grab my robe and shower kit. Stepping into the shower, I let the scalding water

cascade over my body. True to his word, he did make me cum so hard that I have to
be extra tender to the more sensitive places on my body as I run my loofah over
them. As expected, there are small bruises on my hips and thighs, and a few small
hickeys on my chest and collarbone. The sick part of me is happy they are there,
evidence that it actually happened. That little old bookworm, me – made Edward
Cullen lose his shit. Dear God, Bella. Therapy time, quick.

Emotionally spent, slightly drunk, but wide awake on my Edward induced high – I

make my way back to my room. Turning the corner, my breath catches in my throat.
There, sitting in front of my door with his knees against his chest is Edward.

He looks up at me and moves to stand. Once he is upright, he glances down at me.

His expression is unreadable, though I can't imagine he is pleased. I essentially

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walked out on him. His eyebrows furrow and his lips are set into a hard line. He
roots around in his pocket for a moment and reaches out to hand me something. He
places my iPod in my hand, much like he did that first day on the quad. Looking
down at my iPod, not wanting to meet his eyes, I quietly mutter a thank you. He
seizes my wrist, pulling me to him and tilting my chin up.

"You left." He says emotionlessly, seemingly searching my face for some type of

reasoning. I nod, dropping my eyes to his chest.

"Well why?" He asks incredulously, his voice rising slightly.

Is he fucking kidding me? Suddenly I am incensed, though I know I have no right

to be. I have no claim to him, even though he clearly owns me.

"Because, I didn't want to be there when your next birthday present shows up, you

know, your favorite girls. Let's just call a spade a spade Edward, you got the
bookworm as an appetizer, you certainly didn't expect me to wait around for the filet
minion of tits to show up before I made my hasty exit, did you?" I fume.

His eyes narrow and his jaw clenches, but I am hot so I continue to spew my


"And, for the record, Edward. Your phone lit up at her call with a picture that

screams anything but friends. You have never given me any indication that you
weren't honest and up front. But that picture and those texts spoke volumes about
your status with her. And, for future reference, friends don't typically text a picture
of their tits to friends." I bite sharply.

This fucker has the sheer balls to look hurt. I am overwhelmed with the desire to

kick him in the junk repeatedly. I am done being humiliated for the evening. Feeling
completely defeated, I sigh.

"Thank you for bringing back my iPod. Good night, Edward."

I turn and grab the keys from my robe pocket and curse my lack of coordination as

I fumble to find the right key only to drop it. I am about 30 seconds from bawling my
face off, and I'll be damned if I give the birthday boy the satisfaction of seeing me
cry. He picks up my keys, clutching them tightly. I can't look at him as the tears are
beginning to spill. I push my palms into my eyes –feigning tiredness, but really
trying to wipe the tears away.

Edward clears his throat. "You shouldn't have left. I would have explained. I

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don't… I don't understand why you won't believe me about her." He says looking
down while thumbing through my keys. "I thought I made myself…" He pauses, as
his face strains slightly, "I thought I made my intentions clear to you."

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "You've been attentive, Edward, I'll give you that

much. But no, I have no idea where I stand with you other than as a friend with
benefits. And as much as I enjoy being with you, I am not interested in vying for
your affections or sharing them with your supermodel ex-girlfriend, fuck buddy or
family friend – whatever she is to you this week." I huff as I cross my arms, suddenly
finding the emergency evacuation posting near my door fascinating.

I can feel his eyes on me and I don't want to meet his gaze. We stand in silence for

quite a while, but the weight of his stare proves too much for me to resist. When I
finally muster the nerve to look up at him I can see that he appears frustrated, his
expression hard. He blows out a deep breath.

"I guess I wasn't clear. Let me clarify then. There is nothing more between her

and me other than friendship and there never will be again for me." He starts to

"Hi liar!" I retort in a Nelson from the Simpson's voice as I roll my eyes again.

"That's –"

He grabs my chin lightly and pulls it up so I will look him in the eyes.

"Do not interrupt me again. I am giving you the explanation you want and deserve,

despite how upsetting it is for me to talk about. I've put up with your disappearing
act and assumptions, at least have the decency to let me defend myself." He replies

My eyes widen. His expression and the tone of his voice are scary and

authoritative, the same way he spoke to Lauren in the library. I'm pretty sure I am
slightly terrified and more than turned on. Unable to speak, I nod, hopefully looking
properly abash.

"Like I was saying, for me, Heidi will never be more than a friend. Not since I

found her on her hands and knees taking Royce King's dick up her ass for a bump of
coke." He pauses for a while, I'm not sure if it is for effect so it will sink in or
because this really is difficult for him to talk about.

"As a matter of fact, it was Halloween evening that I got that nice little visual. But

you are right, she is beautiful, so I let it slide, overlooking the alcohol and drug

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induced indiscretion and her addiction. Then she overdosed at my parent's house
Thanksgiving weekend and went to rehab for a month." He continues, growing
angrier by the second.

"She sent me a letter from rehab itemizing every indiscretion, every dick she

sucked, every lie she told – that she could remember. And you know what, I still let
it slide because what kind of person would I be turning my back on her? Hmm,
Bella? That would make me a dick, right?" He asks angrily and hopefully rhetorically
since I am too stunned to speak.

"So I went to pick her up from rehab so she wouldn't have to face her family right

away, but by the time I got there, she was gone. Royce signed her out." He admits
quietly. "A couple of days later, I saw her. Her eyes were blood-shot and she looked
all strung out. I told her I was done. I told her I would always be her friend, even
still hang out with her from time to time so we don't make it awkward for our
parents who are close friends, but as far as she and I were concerned – we were

He runs a frustrated hand through his hair and pulls at the roots. "She seemed to

agree that friendship was the best path for us, she seemed relieved even. But last
weekend, when she heard about you, when she found out my intentions with you,
she lost her shit. I suspect that's why she posted the pictures on Facebook. She
knew you'd be at my birthday party, I am sure that is why she sent those texts. She
must be coked up, out of her mind right now." He muses.

We stand in silence for a few minutes letting the weight of his confession sink in.

"I'll be civil, and I'll be nice to her, Bella. But I will never be more than a friend to

her." He promises as he walks towards me, reaching down to cup my cheek.

"If I wasn't clear before, I want to be clear with you now. I want to be with you. I

want to only be with you." His eyes bore into mine as he admits his intentions.

I am clearly stunned into silence. Edward has completely put himself out there

and the choice is mine to make. As if there is a choice. Rubbing his thumb across my
lip, he lowers his head so we are eye to eye.

"What are you thinking, Bella?" He asks, furrowing his brow.

I clear my throat and close my eyes, wrapping my arms around his waist and

burrowing my head into his chest.

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"I want to be with you too." I whisper.

I can feel his smile against the top of my head, before he whispers reverently, "My


This feeling is indescribable, an all new high. I look up at him smiling with unshed

tears pooling in my eyes. "Your, Bella."

He lowers his mouth onto mine. The kiss would be painful if I wasn't so completely

taken by the moment. It is loud and brash, cementing how crazy we are about each
other. I finally break away from him and fish my keys out of his hand so we can
continue our make-out session in the privacy of my room.

His hands find their way back down to my waist and he kisses up and down my

neck as I unlock the door, roughly pushing it open and turning to grab his shirt,
ushering him inside. Just like before, I find myself pushed up against the door. The
front of my robe slips open slightly as Edward runs his hands down the front of my
body. He tugs the belt and I am completely exposed to him.

His eyes roam up and down my body as Mike's words run through my head. He

looks at you like you are something to eat. My new high spurs my confidence, and I
slip the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor along with my keys. I stand
before Edward Cullen, completely naked with a coy smile on my face. I reach out to
pull his jacket off, but before I know it, he seizes my wrists and pins them over my
head against the door. He runs his tongue over my collarbone and up my neck,
before taking my earlobe in his mouth, pulling it slightly with his teeth. I feel a
shiver go through my entire body.

"I never got a chance to thank you for your birthday present. By far, the best

present I've ever received and the hottest thing I've ever seen." He says while still
nipping and sucking my neck and ear. "It took everything in me not to cum on the
spot when you told me you fantasize about our first time together. It was the sexiest
thing I've ever heard."

I swallow as the intensity of his words and the raw sexuality of the situation

becomes overwhelming. Clearly excited by the effect he has on me he continues.

"I think about it all the time too, Bella. I think about all of the things I want with

you, to do to you." His breathing becomes harsh and uneven, his manhood gets even
harder against my stomach as he grips my wrists a little more firmly.

My inner whore decides to come out to play. "Hmm… What do you want to do to

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me, Edward?" I ask innocently. "Tell me." I beg grinding my crotch against his
thighs, silently cursing our height difference.

He smiles his crooked smile and once again leans in to whisper seductively in my

ear. "I think a better question is what don't I want to do to you, Isabella. But since
you were so forthcoming with some of your scenarios, allow me to return the favor."

"At some point, I plan on kissing or having my mouth on every inch of your body,

in every part of your body. I'll bet every inch of you tastes so good." He accentuates
his point by running his tongue over my shoulder and down my chest.

"I'm going to learn everything that pleases you, Bella. How you like to be

touched," He says slowly as he releases one wrist and runs his long fingers down my
arm before taking my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and rolling it gently.
I can't stop the breathless moan that escapes my lips.

"I'm going to learn what turns you on." He teases as he takes my other nipple into

his mouth, sucking it deeply, releasing it with a pop before swiping the tip with his
tongue and blowing gently.

"Fuck! Yes!" I whimper.

I reach down, grabbing the back of his head and pressing his mouth against my tit

again. He indulges me for a few moments, sucking and swirling his tongue quickly
before he grabs my arm and places it back above my head, securing both my wrists
in his one hand. I may have actually pouted.

"Now, as for what you were saying earlier this evening. When I do take you, Bella

- and I will take you. I will do it every way you described. I will ease it in, so I can
feel every fucking inch of youtaking every fucking inch of me." He grits out
against my stomach.

"And I will shove it in hard, because I will be claiming you in every way

imaginable" He promises as he lowers his head and begins nipping and kissing my
hip bone while parting my knees and legs wider. "You're going to crave my cock,

I already do.

"The same way that I already crave your pussy." And with that, Edward buries his

face into my most sensitive place, spreading my lips so his wide tongue can work it
over with wild abandon.

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I scream in pleasure as he runs his tongue up and down, before sucking my clit

between his teeth. I can barely catch my breath. He goes at it like a starving man. I
always thought oral would make me self-conscious or that I wouldn't be able to
enjoy it because I would be worried that my partner would be grossed out. But the
way he nips and sucks and licks me, it makes me feel powerful and desired. He is
worshipping me; surely this is the pinnacle of ecstasy. And I believe it is, until I feel
his long finger entering and curling inside of me and his teeth scrapping the hood of
my clit.

I grab my hair in frustration, moaning and whisper-shouting obscenities. I start

grinding my pussy into his face. I can hear the sounds of his tongue against me as it
laps and licks and spreads my wetness throughout. I squirm and writhe at the feel of
the contrast between his slippery tongue, his soft lips and the rough stubble
covering his chin. All the tell-tale signs are there. My legs are trembling and I feel
like I am going to collapse from the pleasure. He must feel it too. I am finally brave
enough to look down at him just as he decides to add another finger inside of me,
ramming, curling and circling.

He must feel the weight of my stare because he looks up, his eyes boring into

mine just has he finds my illusive G-spot, pressing his two fingers against it firmly.
He licks my clit again roughly before mouthing the word, COME.

After a few seconds, I'm pretty sure my eyes roll to the back of my head as I

scream and pant. My orgasm approaches and completely overpowers me. Suddenly
my legs won't hold my weight any longer and I find myself slipping down my door.
He stands up and lifts me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me over to
the bed and gently lays me down.

As I try to catch my breath, he begins undressing, right down to his boxers before

he climbs under the covers next to me. My entire body is still shivering and I am still
trying to steady my breathing. He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me hard
before he buries his face into my hair. I can taste myself on him, normally I think I
would want to puke in my mouth, but for some reason, I love it.

Breathing deeply, he kisses my forehead. "Thank you, my Bella. This was the best

birthday ever." He says sincerely.

I snicker. "I think I should be thanking you. That was… unreal. Amazing."

I burrow back into his chest, smiling widely, enjoying his warmth and loving the

fact that I am officially his Bella. Sleep seems to find both of us quickly.

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A/N… See dolls, he's not a player or a douche... Are we all a little relieved?

Thank you to everyone who voted for In Your Room on the TLS Fic of the

Week poll. It feels fan-flipping-tastic to be in the Fab 5! Big love to The
Lemonade Stand for working so hard to find and rec quality fics for the
fandom's reading pleasure. I'd also like to thank A Jasper For Me for rec'ing
my fic for Mount Me Monday on the Dreamin-of-JBone blog. Please make a
point to go check out this blog - it has some fabulous fic recs!

The new TLS poll for Fic of the Week is up. This week it includes one of my

fave fics by one of my favorite authors - By Your Leave by Jonesn353402. As
an honorary card carrying member of The Moms for Edward's Sweet Ass
Club, I highly recommend this fic as it is absolutely wonderful. If you
haven't read it yet, you need to get on that pronto and make sure to vote.
There are some amazing fics on the poll this week!

Thanks so much to everyone who has read, reviewed, faved, followed and

lurked this fic!

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Chapter 12 - Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

This chapter will separate the h00rs from the hussies. Hope you are still

with me after this one - gross out warning...

Chapter 12 – Hit Me With Your Best Shot

I wake up relatively early the next morning to an empty bed. Still somewhat

groggy from my deep sleep, I'm not sure how to feel about Edward leaving without
saying good-bye. Then I remember I went to sleep with wet hair. Between the
Medusa coif and my morning breath, I guess I should be thankful that I don't have to
face his awkward goodbye.

I lay there for a few minutes with the cheekiest smile on my face. I am Edward's

girl – officially. Well, not Facebook official yet, but I am sure we'll get there. A text
comes through on my iPhone and I eagerly whip the covers off my naked body to roll
over and grab it from the desk. On all fours, stretching to reach it, I hear the door
open behind me.

"That's an interesting sleep position, Swan." Teases a very sexy, husky, masculine

voice that I am praying somehow belongs to Tanya after a night of drinking.

I look behind me to confirm that it is indeed Edward who has walked in on the 2

Live Crew "Face Down, Ass Up" video shoot and with two steaming coffee cups, no
less. Could he be more perfect? I grab my phone and then scurry under the covers

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to conceal my embarrassment.

"I thought you left." I admit from beneath the sheets.

"Fat chance, Swan. That was one of the best night sleep I've had in ages." He

replies, locking the door behind him, before putting the coffee down on the
nightstand next to me. "I thought you'd like some hot chocolate."

I peek out from under the covers, watching him remove his jacket and shoes. He

smiles widely when he realizes I am peeking at him. He proceeds to take off his shirt
and starts removing his jeans like he did before we got into bed last night.

My iPhone text reminder sounds again as he hands me my drink, slipping under

the sheets with me. Looking down at my phone, I notice the text is from Mike.

B- Dad got the results back – prostate cancer – stage 3. Going home for the

weekend – didn't know if you planned to see the Chief – could give you a ride. – M

I sit up in bed and audibly whimper. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of

me. I reread the text over and over again, as tears begin to well in my eyes.

"Bella. You okay? What happened? What's wrong?" Edward asks soothingly,

rubbing small circles on my lower back.

I hand him my phone to read for himself, putting it into words makes it real and

I'm not ready for that. I hear Edward blow out a breath behind me. Waiting for him
to reassure me that Mike Sr. will be okay, his silence is deafening.

"What does that mean for him? Uh, stage 3?" I ask, my voice shaking.

Edward clears his throat. "I think it means that the cancer may have spread to

lymph nodes, possibly bones or organs."

I nod and swallow thickly. "Do you think…? Is this a death sentence?" I whisper,

glancing at him over my shoulder causing a tear to fall down my arm.

He seems at a loss for words, I can tell he is looking for a bright side, without

giving me false hope.

"There are a lot of factors that can contribute to the patient's survival. They need

to get him to a good, aggressive oncologist." He answers detachedly, something I am
sure will come in handy throughout his eventual residency and career.

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I nod slowly and take a sip of my hot chocolate.

"You know, I could get him a referral from my dad. He is friends with a couple of

the best oncologists in Washington. I could have him pull some strings, or
something." He offers.

I can't conceal my smile as I straddle his lap. "You'd do that?" I ask excitedly.

He smiles back, "Absolutely."

I give him a big wet kiss on his forehead before hopping off his lap. "I am going to

call Mike's mom real quick. I am sure she will appreciate your offer." I explain as I
dial her number.

It rings twice before she answers, for the first time ever I can't hear the smile that

is usually present in her voice.

"Karen, its Bella."

"Bella, how are you, sweet girl?" She asks kindly.

"I'm doing well. Mike sent me a text about Mike Sr. I'm so worried; I wanted to

give you guys a call."

"We are doing as well as can be expected, you know. We are just going to do what

the doctor says and pray for the best." She replies, her voice trembling slightly.

My heart is breaking for her. "Well, my…" I pause, not wanting to flaunt my new

relationship in her and her families face, "Edward, his dad is the Chief of Staff at
Seattle Children's Hospital. If you'd like, he said that he can pull some strings to get
Senior in to see one of the top oncologists in Washington. Not that you wouldn't
receive excellent care in Forks, I just thought, well I thought you would want to
know that you have options, you know?"

Karen blows out a deep breath, "Bella that would be wonderful! Would he be

willing to do that? I mean, Dr. Gerandy is a good doctor, but I would certainly like to
meet with these doctors if it would give us more of a fighting chance."

"Absolutely, he will call his dad and I will get the information to you once we hear

back." I reply smiling at Edward.

"Bella, thank you so much!" relief floods her voice, "And please, make sure to

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thank your… Edward, for us as well."

"I will, Karen. You tell Senior to take care of himself. I miss you guys so much!" I

say sincerely because they are like a second mom and dad to me.

"We miss you, too sweet girl! Now don't be a stranger! Next time you are in Forks,

you come see us!" She demands kindly in her mothering tone.

"I will. Take care, Karen." I sigh, ending the call while shamelessly eye-fucking my

sexy, shirtless boyfriend.

I am just about to pounce on him when my bladder reminds me that nature is

calling and more than likely, so is my toothbrush. I excuse myself to the restroom,
but not without receiving a nice, loud smack on the ass.

I consider throwing on a shirt, but a lazy, naked morning somehow appeals to me.

Especially when cuddling next to a practically naked Edward. Climbing back into the
bed and sitting against the headboard, I lean my head against his shoulder as he
speaks to his dad.

"Hey Dad, I need a favor. I need you to pull some strings and work your magic."

He says smiling, peeking under the sheets at my naked body.

"Someone important to Bella has just been diagnosed with stage 3 prostate

cancer. I wanted to see if you could get him in with Eleazar or Aro for consult and

"His name is Michael Newton. He is from Forks, but his wife is willing to travel."

"Hold on, let me check." Covering the phone mouthpiece, he asks me, "Do you

know how old he is, Bella?"

"I believe he will be 52 in June. June 2nd." I reply, remembering the annual family

camping trip we took the first week in June to celebrate his birthday.

Nodding, he continues his conversation with his father. "Yeah, he's 51."

"We really appreciate it Dad, just shoot me a text to let me know."

He snickers and runs his finger down my face. "Yes. We are a, we, now."

I desperately wish I could hear what his dad is saying to him. I am sure the smile

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on my face is blinding now that I know he told his dad about me already.

"I'll bring her to meet you guys soon enough if Mom doesn't track her down first."

He smiles as his finger traces down my neck to my collarbone.

"Thanks for your help, Dad!"

"Yep, love you too. Goodbye."

Hitting the end button and throwing his phone onto his jacket on my floor, he

pulls my face towards his for a slow, languid kiss. He pulls away to take a breath
and sets our drinks on my nightstand. I continue kissing down his neck, running my
fingers over his chest and down his torso. My eyes never leaving his as I lightly run
my fingernails down over his ribs.

"I'm feeling quite grateful to you Edward." I whisper seductively. "Perhaps I could

find a way to show my appreciation."

The wanton whore in me is taking over yet again. I smile as I feel his arousal grow

near the valley between my tits. Reveling in my new-found power and his reactions
to my touch I run my tongue around his navel, lightly slipping my fingernails under
his boxer briefs.

"Do you have any suggestions, Edward? Is there any special way I can show you

how much I appreciate your kindness?"

His breathing hitches and his eyes grow dark. I push my tits together a little more,

adding to the pressure around his dick. He licks his lips and his hands come down to
weave through my hair.

"Not so fast, Cullen!" I chastise, grabbing his wrists and placing them behind his

head like he did to me the night before. "You keep those hands up there and let me
handle the rest."

I begin slipping his boxer briefs down his hips, getting an up close and personal

view of his delicious V. Getting onto my knees, I pull the underwear off his legs and
throw them on the ground near his clothes. He lays there before me, gloriously
naked and perfect. I reach down, gripping the base of his cock lightly. Suddenly, I
realize that I have no idea what I am doing, my confidence waning.

"I, uh. I've never done this before." I admit as I worry my lip between my teeth

feeling the need to confess my inexperience. "You have to let me know if I do

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something wrong, okay?"

Edward just nods, closing his eyes, seeming to enjoy the feeling of my hand

gripping him. I lower my upper body towards his erection, studying every nuance.
He is long and thick. His shaft is a beautiful shade of flesh and pink, while his head
is growing more purple by the minute. A small drop of pre-cum forms at his slit and I
involuntarily lick my lips.

I have a firm grip on the base of his cock, while my other hand runs up and down

his length with only feather-light touches from my fingertips. I think back to the
in-depth fellatio tutorial that Rose and Tanya gave me a few months ago when I was
actively training to seduce my longtime boyfriend. I have to stifle a laugh thinking
about the act of licking, sucking and humming around a Cheddarwurst. It seemed
like great practical application at the time. I will say though that the girls are
excellent teachers, providing both the fellatio fundamentals and some advanced
practice techniques.

It's now or never, Swan. Closing my eyes, I flatten my tongue against his shaft

above my hand at the base of his cock and slowly run it up to his head. His penis
twitches slightly and I can hear his breathing deepen. My confidence growing by the
minute, I place my mouth around his head, sucking fiercely before swiping the tip of
my tongue across his slit, tasting him for the first time.

His legs stiffen and I can hear that his breathing hitches slightly. Not being able to

help myself, I open my eyes. His eyes are closed tightly, lips are parted and his long
fingers are tightly gripping his hair. The sight before me causes me to moan like a
whore, as I relax my throat and attempt to take him deeper, up and down, up and
down, swirling and licking all around his head each time I reach the tip. I can't take
my eyes off him. Now I know what Rose and Tanya are talking about, the power I
feel, even though I am on my knees, it is intoxicating. Growing more brazen by the
minute, I tease him by running my fingertips lightly over his hips and thighs,
causing his legs to quiver. Relishing his reaction, I use his line from the night

"Mmm, so responsive." I moan, smiling against his shaft before I take him deeply

down my throat, humming and running the tip of my tongue back and forth over his

His eyes fly open. They are dark and hungry and slightly crazed as they meet

mine. His jaw tightens, as does every muscle in his body. He slams his head back on
the pillow and grabs his hair even harder. A groan escapes his lips, followed by my
favorite explicative to ever roll off his tongue, a loud and long Fuck.

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Feeling bold, I suck his tip even harder, releasing it with a pop. I run my hands

slowly up his chest and grab his wrists, encouraging him to release the tight grip he
has on his hair. Pulling his hands down slowly, I place them on the back of my head,
my eyes never leaving his.

"Show me what you like, Edward." I whisper as I lower my mouth back onto his

dick and raise my ass further in the air.

Tanya and Rose refer to this as the finishing move, allowing them control.

Apparently there are a couple schools of thought on this one though. Tanya prefers
to relinquish total control by placing her hands on or under their ass to encourage
thrusting or as she put it, "a thorough face-fucking". Now Rose, on the other hand,
she wants to maintain some jurisdiction depending on the size of her partner. If he is
large, she prefers to have her hands on his thighs, so she can push back if
necessary. And if he is Emmett size, she opts to place at least one hand at the base
to prevent her from gagging.

Clearly I am not as confident in my gag reflex as Tanya, so I opt to place my hands

on his thighs just in case. Edward runs his long fingers though my hair as I continue
to languidly suck up and down his shaft, humming occasionally. Growing impatient, I
try another Tanya trick and lightly run my teeth along his length. Just then, I feel his
grip tighten in my hair. Bingo.

He growls slightly through clenched teeth and begins gently pushing my head

down his cock. Relaxing my throat, I prepare to take him as far as I can go. Still
showing restraint, he only takes me about half way down before pulling me up a few
times. Apparently, he needs more encouragement, so I reach down and tug lightly
on his balls, all the while keeping my eyes focused on his.

"Ahh. God damn, Bella!" He yells as he pushes my mouth further down his shaft

over and over again until I can feel him near the back of my throat.

Now granted, I'm not going to lie - I find it impressive that I am able to take him

so far. But I think I get a little too Kid Rock cocky when I decide that I can pull a
Tanya and scoot my hands under his ass allowing him full range of motion and all
access to hump my face to his heart's content.

His eyes darken and his entire body tenses, including his grasp on my hair. He

groans loudly as he begins thrusting and pulling my mouth down around his cock
harder. His breathing quickens. He is getting so worked up. I keep my eyes wide
and innocent as I hum around his sensitive head and scrape my teeth along the base
of his cock as he pulls my head up. He is grunting and muttering curses under his

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breath – he is so close. I close my eyes briefly to concentrate on my breathing and
increase my suction. He releases my hair on one side and places his hand on my jaw.

"Un uh, Bella. Keep those eyes open." He grits out as he fists the base of his cock

and begins jacking it slowly. "Keep your eyes and that mouth open".

Lifting my head slightly, he has my mouth hovering over his cock. I am panting

and straining to get my mouth back around him. I desperately want him to finish in
my mouth. I try to swipe his tip with my tongue but to no avail, he pulls my head up
each time I get close.

"You want this, Bella?" He asks as the sound of him working over his cock

becomes louder and faster. His expression is pained and needy.

"Please, Edward" I moan out keeping my eyes wide, looking deeply into his. "Let

me show you how grateful I am."

I barely get the words out before he roughly thrusts his hips up and pushes the

back of my head down.

"Good girl, Bella. That's my good girl. Suck it! Fucking show me." He begins to

mutter and moan as he impales my face with his cock.

His hips continue to piston while I moan all around him. I hear his breathing

become choppy and each thrust is punctuated with a grunt or a curse. His skin is
slapping against mine and then I feel his body tense – Edward is spiraling out of
control. He shuts his eyes tightly and releases a throaty moan before yelling my
name followed by a long series of incoherent muttering.

I feel the first spurt hit the back of my throat and I swallow it down greedily. I

don't want that shit to linger in my mouth. While Edward's jizz may be considered a
delicacy – let's not put a bow on a pig – it's still jizz.

Just as I am preparing myself to handle the next spurt of his baby batter, the door

flies open. An oblivious Tanya walks into the room while pulling her keys out of the
lock followed by a bored looking Rose who as usual is examining her nail beds. What
follows seems to happen in slow motion like we are in The Matrix. I push up off his
dick, but with his hand still firmly placed on the back of my head, I'm not able to get
my face more than an inch or two above his exploding tip.

Tanya steps forward, finally looking up. I can only imagine what we must look like,

both completely naked and in the throes of passion. My ass in the air, back arched,

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with my hands under my naked boyfriends ass and a huge dick in my face. Her eyes
widened as she takes in the scene, frozen in place just like I was the week before.
Edward must be oblivious because he does not release his kung fu grip from my

"What. The. Fuck?" Tanya shrieks just as Edward shoots another stream of semen

– right into my eye.

"MOTHER FUCK!" I scream, as his jizz coats my eye socket. It burns like hell.

Thankfully, Edward who up until that point has been blissfully unaware of his
surroundings, releases his vice-like grip on my hair and scrambles to cover us.

I can hear Rosalie cackling hysterically, while Tanya is apparently rummaging

around in our mini-fridge for a bottled-water and barking out instructions like a
war-time medic. I also hear Edward zipping up his pants. At least he still has his
modesty. I'm pretty sure I want the earth to swallow me whole, as I am flailing
around stark naked, holding my eye.

An hour later, I find myself sitting in my lab. Fully clothed, however, my ego is

wounded and my eye is red and stings like hell. My phone is vibrating like crazy in
my bag. I cringe at the thought that it is probably Edward giving me the big boot for
my mediocre blow job skills and the ensuing disaster.

Exiting the lab, I pull out my phone. The first text is from Edward asking me to

coffee at 11:30 just like we did the week before. I accept on the condition that I may
wear my sunglasses and verifying that he is alright with having coffee with Stevie

The next text is from Rose. She texts me the lyrics to a song we used to sing to my

neighbors one-eyed dog when we were in 5th grade. It read: You're the one-eye,
one-eye, one eye. You're the one-eye, one-eye love.

After that little text gem, I decide to forgo reading the rest of their texts, because

clearly I am never going to hear the end of this.

I meet Edward outside of the union as planned. He has our drinks in hand and

nods to a nearby bench. I tense up with an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. When he
realizes I am not following him he pauses and gives me a reassuring smile as he
walks back to me.

"I just figured you would be more comfortable wearing your glasses outside,


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Relieved that I'm not going to be dumped after our 14 hour relationship status, I

merrily join him on the bench. I hear his iPhone text alert go off. He rolls his eyes
before pulling it out to take a look. Shaking his head, he pushes the phone towards

"Our friends are fucking hysterical."

It is a text from Emmett with a picture of Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore. I

laugh out loud. Quite creative for the man-child.

My phone sounds next with a text from Tanya. It is a picture of Ralphie from A

Christmas Story and a message simply saying "You'll shoot your eye out, kid." I
laugh hysterically as I show Edward.

"We're never going to live this down, are we?" I ask, putting my iPhone back in my


Edward snorts and wraps his arm around me, "Probably not, Swan. Probably not."

A/N… Raise your hand if it has happened to you... Anyone? Anyone?

Bueller? Bueller? Uh, yeah, me neither...

Talk about a memorable first, huh?

I'll see you all on Thursday for a chat with the gals and a little study


Thanks so much to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, faved and

lurked this questionable story of mine...

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Chapter 13 - Insatiable

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Poor Bella... Terrible luck... How about a girls night and a booty call?

Chapter 13 – Insatiable

I have been teasing Edward mercilessly about having a study session on a Friday

night but I bid him farewell after our coffee date, advising him to have a good time
with his fellow nerds as they prepare for Mathlete domination.

Tanya, Rose, Alice and I decide to have a study session of our own as we discuss

our partner's dicks at length. As always, Tanya leads the way down the rabbit hole of
depravity talking about Tyler's cock like it is something you would order out of the J.
Peterman Catalogue off of Seinfeld.

With a faraway expression and an unconscious inappropriate stroking of her

Moscato wine bottle, Tanya muses, "It's like a super-sized chocolate dipped long
john. A rock solid, vein covered, long john. Topped with a big fat mushroom head
and two giant chocolate cake batter truffles below – it's a thing of beauty."

Swallowing down a gulp of her Malibu and Diet Coke, Rose inclines her head

towards me with a raised brow and a devilish smirk, "Do you concur with Tanya's
assessment of Ty's dong, Bella?"

Just as I am about to concur with it being super-size Alice, Sweet Alice, jumps in

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with her review of Jasper's penis.

"Jazzy's got a fat dick. Girth like a chili can and slightly crooked." Alice proudly

reports using her teeny-tiny little hands to illustrate his measurements.

As she continues, I tune out trying my hardest to imagine what that dick would

look like on Jasper. Jasper is about 6'3" and lanky as a fence post. He has big blue
eyes and honey-blonde hair with a slight southern drawl. I imagine him with more of
a cattle prod prick, I guess, you know, long, pointy and shocking.

Alice on the other hand is just two or three inches shy of a spot on Little People,

Big World. She is a teeny-tiny little sprite, like a brunette Tinkerbelle. Needless to
say, the mere logistics of them simply copulating is mind boggling to me, let alone
taking anything inside of her with the girth of a chili can. Color me impressed.

Rose pipes in next, "Emmett is like a big, fat battering ram. You just have to wrap

yourself around him and hold on tight."

Now this one, I believe. I heard Rose and Emmett boning one time when we went

camping and they sounded like two bears going at it, you couldn't tell who was in
charge, like they were battling for dominance. Unfortunately, it was the first and
last time I got Mike to come out with Rose, Tanya and their significant others.
Hearing my best friends getting banged in the tents next to us only seemed to
strengthen Mike's resolve to continue his unspoken missionary only decree.

After a beat of silence, I look up to see three sets of eyes staring at me intently.

"So, Bella – care to share with the class?" Tanya purrs, wagging her eyebrows.

"Are you serious?" I ask incredulously, "You had just as good a view as I did, T!"

Shaking her head, she explains, "No, no, no, Bells. By the time I saw it, it was

already at half-mast. The load had been blown, so to speak."

Rose chimes in next. "I saw it in all its glory. And I saw the shot. It was like the

Kennedy assassination, dolls. Bella was hit and then her head went back and to the

Peals of hysterical laughter follow Rose's commentary. Then Tanya and Rose

decide to reenact the whole incident for Alice, including my stark naked eye holding
writhing. It is absolutely mortifying. Luckily for me, my phone begins ringing. I can't
help the smile that spreads on my face as his name flashes across my screen.

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"Good evening, Edward!" I greet seductively.

"Well hello there!" He replies.

"All finished with your study session? Or are you guys getting your Dungeon and

Dragons tournament underway now that the library is closed?" I joke.

He laughs. "Nope, we have to get ready for our LARP tournament tomorrow

morning so we called it a night."

"Hmm… You know, Edward. It's almost midnight. This isn't a booty call is it?" I

question as my inner whore is on her knees with her rosary beads praying that this
is in fact a booty call.

"Nope, I know how you feel about your b-hymen. Definitely not a booty call." He


Boo, hiss… My inner whore and I may or may not have simultaneously stomped

our feet and pouted.

"However," His voice lowers, velvety and panty ruining, "I was hoping you would

want to come over tonight. Emmett is going to pick up Rosalie in a little bit, he could
give you a ride."

I close my eyes and hold back a moan. "I'll be right over."

I throw together a bag quickly, not wanting to get too carried away. Instead of

sexy lingerie, I go with a spaghetti strap tank-top and boy shorts. That's appropriate
sleeping attire, right? Let's not pretend that my clothes won't be on the floor within
fifteen minutes of entering the premises.

I slip into the bathroom to give myself the proverbial whore's bath since I am

fairly certain this isn't just a social call. I brush my teeth meticulously and lather
myself with lotion. I then give myself a once over in the mirror, making sure that my
appearance is shack-worthy.

I hop into the back of Emmett's car, but not before Em greets me with a, "What

up, One Eye Willy?"

Unfortunately for me it is entirely too cold to walk to Edwards – oh, who am I

kidding, I am entirely too horny to walk to Edwards place. I sit there and take
Emmett and Rose's barbs like I took the jizz to the eye – simply powerless to stop it.

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After what I imagine is the longest 4 minute car ride of my life, I practically sprint
down the stairs to Edward's room. I'm not sure if I should knock or just walk in and
start stripping, but I opt on the side of decency and knock lightly.

"Come in." He calls as I slowly begin opening the door.

And there he is, reading on his bed, shirtless, in black cotton lounge pants and

glasses. My inner whore straps on her riding helmet and takes out her crop in
preparation to ride him like Secretariat.

The light from the desk illuminates the room and it is like seeing it for the first

time. Meticulously neat, he has floor to ceiling shelves lined with CDs, DVDs and
tons of books, including a healthy supply of medical texts. Hmm, paging Dr. Cullen…

Setting down my bag on the futon, I begin stripping off my heavy clothing giving

him a naughty smile as I notice that he is reading the book I gave him the evening of
his birthday party, She Comes First: The Thinking Mans Guide to Pleasuring a

"Interesting reading?"

Sitting up in his bed, he gives me a devilish grin of his own. "I'm just catching up

on the reading assignment you gave me."

I nod my head, standing before him, clad only in my white tank and boy shorts.

"Hmm, I see. So is this a sleepover or a study session?"

"Can't it be both?" He asks, eyeing me up and down. Patting the bed he gives me

his signature crooked smile, "Do you want me to show you what I've learned?"

Yes, please. I climb into bed, giving him a small, chaste kiss before lying down

next to him, with my back against his chest. "Alright, Cullen. Dazzle me."

I can feel him smile against my shoulder as he runs his nose back and forth over

my collarbone, stopping every once in a while to inhale my hair. After several
passes, he begins running his fingertips up and down the length of my torso, arms
and shoulders.

"Dazzle you, hmm?" He asks, sucking my earlobe into his mouth and releasing it

dramatically. "How about I tell you how you dazzle me, Bella?"

Far too focused on his feather-light ministrations, I simply shake my head trying

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to control my breathing and mentally will my ass not to grind up against his junk.
His soft touches make my body instantly flush. I can feel the heat of my blush color
my chest and cheeks.

I hear him quietly chuckle and hum as he pulls one of my straps of my tank-top

down. "There it is." His voice is deep and gravelly as he runs his fingertips down my
neck and across the top of my chest. "I fuckin' love it when you blush for me, Bella."

My inner whore squeals with glee in hopes that Edward's inner dirty boy is

coming out to play. In an instant my heart rate quickens and my breathing
accelerates. His hand wanders down gently palming my breasts, giving each equal
attention for several minutes before he speaks again.

"You like that baby?" He asks, in a whisper as he lowers my tank and pulls one out

running his thumb across the nipple, seeming pleased to watch it respond.

Moving in front of me he pushes me onto my back, and places his mouth over my

nipple, tonguing, nipping and sucking it to his desired hardness. My breathing has
become all but embarrassing at this point. It takes everything in me not to grab his
head and press his face further into my chest. But this is his show, and I can't deny
that I love it when he takes command. He grabs my hand as he continues to place
long kisses against my breasts and guides it down to cup his erection. I can feel his
body shudder a bit when he places my hand on his shaft and I stroke and squeeze it
lightly through his thin cotton pants.

"Ugh, shit! Yeah - that feels so..." He grunts and trails off, as I take a bit of

initiative and slip my hand in his pants for a better feel of him.

He is so hard and I am dying to open my eyes and ogle how thick his dick looks in

my small hand as I stroke him, but I don't since I am entirely too selfish enjoying the
feel of him all over my body. Composing himself, he runs his hand down my
stomach, a mere inches from the promise land. He bunches my tank up and
proceeds to lower his body down my torso. My inner whore pouts and stomps her
foot a little as we are enjoying palming his straining erection, but all of that is
forgotten as soon as he begins kissing around my belly button, pulling my boy shorts
down as he goes, then tossing them to the ground.

Running his hands down my thighs, he grabs my knees, bending them and

spreading my legs wide. I should be embarrassed being as exposed as I am, laid out
before him. But excitement trumps the awkwardness I feel, because the look in his
eyes is enough to set my entire body on fire.

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"Beautiful." He mouths as his eyes meet mine.

At this, he deftly slides two fingers inside of me and I can hear the evidence of my

excitement coating his fingers. Closing my eyes and enjoying the sensations of his
manipulation, I all but jump out of my skin as I feel his cool breath mere inches from
my most sensitive spot.

"Open your eyes, Bella." He commands just before he wraps his mouth around my

swelling clitoris.

His eyes never leave mine as he roughly rolls his tongue all around it,

intermittently sucking it between his teeth. He enjoys this, watching my reactions,
hearing the sounds and silent screams that only his touch can elicit from my body.
He has me panting, my breathing and sounds are bordering on amateur porn star

"Are you dazzled, yet?" He asks, removing his mouth from me and smiling like the

cat that ate the canary.

Unable to form coherent words, I have to nod. I do believe that Edward has a very

thorough grasp of how to dazzle me.

"Hmm. I'm not sure you are there yet." He muses aloud as he places wet kisses

back up my torso. "Let me see what I can do about that."

He redirects his focus to my breasts again. His hands feel huge as he palms and

kneads them while tonguing and sucking them intermittently. The twin whores stand
proudly as he lavishes attention on them. My inner whore smirks and gives a double
middle finger salute to his former favorite girls, AKA Heidi's tits.

"I fucking can't get enough of you." He growls as he moves up to whisper in my

ear before he gently sucks and bites down on my earlobe, causing a shiver to travel
through my entire body.

As he is paying homage to my ears and neck, I feel his straining erection against

my thigh. Reaching down, I gingerly run my fingertips over the head of his cock.
With a breathy moan, I decide that a little reciprocity is in order.

"Edward… Can I try something?" I can tell by the sexy smirk that he loves that I

am playing along. Dirty boy.

"By all means." He replies, rolling both of us onto our sides facing each other. I

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slowly slide my hands into his pants, one over his erection and the other cupping his

Taking full advantage of any opportunity to touch his junk, I go all Mr. Miyagi on

him, working over and massaging his shaft and balls like I am trying to heal him. He
closes his eyes and groans deeply before licking his lips and placing his mouth on
mine hungrily. His kiss is consuming and commanding, hot and hard as I continue to
roughly jack him off.

"OH, GOD!" He exclaims as he realizes that I've dipped into my own honey pot so

to speak for some additional lubrication as I continue to work his cock over.

With a growl, Edward reintroduces two of his long, thick fingers to my vaginal

walls and his fat thumb to my clit. His fingers are pumping in and out quickly,
pressing upward and spreading as they enter me. Without taking his eyes off of
where he is pleasuring me, he resumes his dirty musing.

"I can't wait to be inside of you, Bella. Having you wrapped all around me is going

to -"

"Do it!" I gasp, "Edward, please. Please, I want you to." I all but beg him. His

thumb presses down on my clit, circling, and pinching so hard, the pleasure is
almost painful. I am almost there.

Edward's breathing is labored as he pants into my neck. "Not yet, baby doll." He

grunts as his own orgasm looms. "I want you too, but not yet!"

"Aghh, Edward! FUCK!" I literally scream as he adds a third finger and fishes

around until he finds my g-spot.

My orgasm washes over me from head to toe. I see white behind my eyelids and

my mouth goes dry from the amount of my questionable panting and screaming. My
thighs shake and my toes curl. And my poor clit, I remove my hand from his nuts to
smack his thumb away from her. I feel his dick stiffen and I am not sure if it's from
the impending orgasm, or my death grip on his shaft. Seconds later, he spurts three
huge globs of spunk onto my stomach with a low moan and a series of colorful, sexy

We lie there with our eyes closed, trying to catch our breath and get our bearings

under control. I open my eyes to find him staring at me. I can't quite read the
expression on his face, but if I were a betting woman, I'd wager that I am wearing
the exact same one. This is more than a fling; this is more than sex. It may not be

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true love just yet, but whatever this is, it runs bone deep and is far more intense
than it should be being only two weeks in.

Edward leans in kissing me reverently before placing his forehead against mine.

"I'm never gonna get enough of you." He says closing his eyes and smiling against
my lips.

"I think you've had your fill for this weekend." I reply with a lazy smile and a


"I don't think I have." He pouts.

I snort and roll my eyes. "Yeah. Okay, then wake me up when you are ready to go

again, big guy!"

He quirks his brow at my challenge and he grins evilly. "Oh Miss Swan. You

shouldn't have said that!"

Truth be told, I can't wait to be woken.

A/N… Okay... who's ready for penetration? Show of hands? Oh, all of you?

Oh, alright... I'll see what I can do for the Sunday update...

I am glad so many of you enjoyed the last chapter. I haven't come across

many jizz shots in the fandom, other than those in the BDSM genre. That
being said, the response to the eye-yi-yi-eye shot was epic. I got wind of
another fic who's Bella was a victim of friendly jizz fire to the eye socket as
well. Make sure to go check out the story Loving E, by Dream of Rob10. I
just finished it and it's funny and sweet and sexy as hell! Two enthusiastic
thumbs up - thanks to Dream of Rob10 for putting it on my radar!

Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, favorited and lurked

this fic!

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Chapter 14 - Falling Slowly

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

And here we go...

Chapter 14 – Falling Slowly

Shelving books in the graduate reading room is a new favorite past time of mine.

It's quiet and monotonous and makes the day go by quickly which allows me to
analyze all things Edward. The past month as Edward Cullen's girlfriend – pardon
me – Facebook official girlfriend has been pure, unadulterated bliss. As we cruise
through the getting to know you phase, I find that opening up to and getting to know
Edward is effortless and easy.

Every interaction, whether it is conversations over coffee or the quiet, intimate

confessions during our pillow talk are amazing. I know now more than ever that it
really wouldn't be very difficult to fall in love with Edward Cullen. Sure, sometimes
he is a tad controlling, a smidge stubborn, and a bit of a hot-head. But God help me,
I am so down for his brand of crazy.

Emotionally we are growing closer every day, but our physical relationship has hit

a bit of a speed bump. Apparently I went from Mr. Missionary Mike to Mr. Born
Again Virgin. Edward doesn't seem too interested in sealing the deal. We are caught
on a proverbial oral, grope, dry-hump, make-out hamster wheel with no signs of
getting off in sight.

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I thought my luck changed yesterday when I ran into him in front of the student

health care clinic.

I am mentally berating myself as I rub my throbbing upper arm. I swear, every

single time I get the shot, I always end up using my upper arm to push open the
heavy doors of the health clinic. It hurts like a bitch, just like it did three months
before and three months before that.

"Bella." Edward calls out, jogging slightly to catch up with me. "Are you sick? Did

you hurt yourself?"

He looks so concerned with his narrowed eyes and forehead scrunched. This can

be good, maybe now I can address our lack of penetration in a mature way, instead
of me going on total whore autopilot and begging for him to fuck me. My inner
whore scoffs, as if she would ever stoop to that level. Maybe she wouldn't… but I

"Nope, I'm totally fine, just got my shot." I explain, pointing at my throbbing arm.

"The shot, huh? I guess I pegged you more for a pill and condoms kind of gal."

Aha, Mr. Cullen is fishing for information; you are playing right into my hands sir.

"Psssh," I dramatically roll my eyes. "Cullen, I can barely feed myself regularly,

you really think I could be responsible for my sexual health on a daily basis? Oh

He throws his head back and laughs because it is true. I think I have an eating

attention deficit disorder. But I have his attention, so I continue.

"And condoms, no thanks! Can't stand them actually." I add.

He looks at me seriously. I can see him turning that last bit of information over

and over in his head.

"So, you don't use condoms?" He asks cautiously, as if he is afraid that my vag is

infested with every STD strand known to man.

"No, I used them all the time, I just didn't want to because I don't like them. Being

ribbed for her pleasure never brought me any pleasure. Nope, it only brought me
slightly painful urination, and a nice sterile, latex smelling cooch."

He smirks, but still looks a little wary so I decide to throw up the Hail Mary pass.

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"I mean, as long as my partner and I are clean and monogamous, why not just…

enjoy, you know? I'm covered."

Inwardly I chuckle as realization colors his face. Yes, Mr. Cullen. That is your

invitation to hit it raw, provided you are clean of course.

He nods, and possibly mutters, "Good to know."

I can't be sure because he books it out of there, saying something about being late

to class.

No matter though, tonight he is picking me up and taking me to Carlo's again.

Midterms are coming up so we know we aren't going to see each other much with
studying during the week and such.

Clearly not paying attention as I push the shelving cart down a row of tables, I

gasp at the sound of a large book dropping a few feet in front of me echoing through
the Graduate Reading Room. I am just about to jump around my cart to pick up the
book when I notice the smirking faces of Paul Wolf and Jared something or other, I
usually just call him Bongwater.

Paul from what I know of him is a world class asshole. Not only does he hang with

Royce King, he also does more steroids than the male cast members of the Jersey
Shore. Disgusting doesn't even begin to cover this scumbag. My friend Bree messed
around with him our freshman year. She calls him Turtle-Dick because it took
forever for his tiny dick to get hard; she had to coax it out of its shell like a little
turtle. That's not the worst part though, apparently once he did get going; he flipped
her on her knees and flexed his muscles in the mirror as he fucked her. Um,
Christian Bale from American Psycho called and said he wants his signature move
I won't lie; he's cute with his olive complexion and dark hair. His eyes are
something else too, but he is just too volatile to be remotely attractive. If there is an
award for, Most Likely to be a Wife-beater, this guy would win it – hands down.

Now Bongwater, I mean, Jared on the other hand, he looks like a brunette Shaggy

from Scooby Doo. He also happens to be one of Royce's main slingers. I find this
fascinating since he kind of reminds me of Forest Gump when he takes the rocks to
the back of the head – he is just completely oblivious. Both of them are wearing a
douchy grin on their faces. I am instantly uncomfortable. I jut my chin out
indignantly and level them with a bitch brow.

"Are you going to pick that up?" I ask with annoyance lacing my tone.

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Paul leans back in his chair, placing his arms behind his head with a satisfied

smile on his face. "I can't. Bad back you know." He smirks before continuing, "Why
don't you bend over like a good little girl and pick it up for me."

Bongwater is giggling like Michael Sheen in that vampire movie everyone loves.

Paul appears so pleased with himself; I want to punch him in his face. Perhaps I've
been hanging out with Rosalie too much because I cannot stop the next sentence out
of my mouth. Pouting my lips and making a sad face, I goad him in a baby voice.

"Aw, did someone get frustrated with the book because it didn't have any pictures.

Tell ya what little guy, why don't you hit up the Children's Room at the Seattle
Library on Roosevelt." I taunt as I cross my arms over my chest. I smirk as I whisper
for good measure, "I think that's more your speed."

It only takes a split second for what I am saying to register on his face and in his

posture. This fucker is definitely on steroids because he goes from affronted to
homicidal in two seconds flat. Bongwater stops his snickering and looks almost
afraid for me. Pulling himself up to stand, Paul is practically snarling. I back up and
pull my cart closer. So this is what they mean when they say "ya fuck with the bull
you get the horns". Good to know.

"Paul!" A male voice rings out sharp and chastising. "Sit down!"

I turn slightly and notice their friend approaching us looking cocky and smug. He

must think he's Mr. All American with his brown hair and blue eyes. Bending over,
he picks the book up off the floor and places it gently in my cart.

"Sorry about Paul, he's a bit of an asshole." He grins as he motions to the poster

boy for 'roid rage.

I nod curtly and attempt to push past the axis of arrogance. Stepping in front of

my cart, he extends his hand. Apparently my rescuer wants me to know his name so
I know what to call him as I kiss his ass.

"I'm Alec. You are…" He trails off.

It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes at how impressive this guy finds

himself. Instead I opt for a tight smile, a manly handshake and a curt, "Bella."

Recognition colors his face as his grin grows exceedingly larger. "Yeah, you're

dating Cullen, right?" He asks. I instantly hate the way he says Edward's name, as if
it is some sort of a punch line or something.

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"Yes." I answer harshly unable to mask my annoyance. "Now if you'll excuse me." I

finish trying to push past him.

I am grateful when he steps out of the way, with his self-satisfied smirk still in

place. "I'll be seeing you soon, Bella." Alec promises quietly as I pass him causing his
sketchy crew to laugh menacingly.

Just when I think I am out of the woods, I hear Paul make an ominous promise of

his own. "I'll get you bent over soon enough."

I cannot get out of this room quickly enough. My stomach lurches and my mind

reels trying to process what just happened. Just as I am about to reach the exit into
the main library, I notice Edward leaning against the door. His posture is tense, his
jaw is tight, and his eyes are narrow. In short he looks like he is livid, but there is no
way he could have possibly heard what they were saying to me.

"Hi there." I say softly as I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him, fully

expecting to melt into his embrace. His body goes completely rigid, refusing to
reciprocate any of my affections. Opening my eyes, I notice his expression has
changed only slightly, only now he is looking at me in disgust.

"What's the matter?" I ask, a healthy mix of concern and confusion coloring my


Glaring, he gingerly removes my arms from his body and steps away from me.

"Are you fucking serious right now? I walk in here, you're over there, pushing your
tits up and chatting up three of the douchiest guys on campus." He snarls, pausing
only a moment before he continues my scolding, "Paul is a fuckin' future To Catch a
collar. And Alec, well fuck Bella, he..."

"You have no fucking clue what you are talking about," I speak over him sharply.

"I don't know what you think you saw over there, but it was far from what you are
implying. Those jackasses threw a book in front of my cart and told me to bend over.
The only smiling I did was when I implied that the sex offender is illiterate, to which
he stood up to kick my ass. And Alec, he came over to pick up the book and insult
the fact that I am dating you."

My chest is heaving as I continue my furious, unnecessary explanation. "Perhaps

instead of standing over here like a fucking four year old, making up your own
version of events, you should learn to trust your girlfriend."

And with that, I maneuver around him so I can push my cart toward the backroom

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as angry tears threaten to fall. Unfortunately I am not that coordinated and crash
the wheel against the door frame. The loud screeching of the wheel against the steel
frame causes a huge disturbance as it echoes through the library. Great, now we
have an audience
. I take off like my ass is on fire.

"Bella, wait!" He calls out, trying to catch up with me.

But before he can reach me, I slip into the 'employees only' backroom. I park the

cart near the sorting table and clock out. Anger surges through me as I take a quick
look at myself in the mirror. My mind reels, replaying his words, remembering how
cold he was. Incensed, I barrel through the door and practically sprint to the library
exit, hoping to avoid Edward.

No such luck, the minute I walk out to the quad, he is there, waiting. Oddly, he is

only one bench over from where my last boyfriend gave me my pink slip. He jumps
up and approaches me slowly, like I am some kind of angry hippo poised to charge
him. Rolling my eyes, I take off not wanting to give him the opportunity to insult me

I hear him before I feel him pulling me into his arms from behind. "Please, just.

Just wait, Bella." He pleads as he gently drags me backwards against his body.

He keeps one arm around my waist, anchoring me to him. His other hand strokes

the opposite side of my face as I feel his warm breath against the shell of my ear.
"I'm sorry, baby." He coos soothingly, "I'm so, so sorry."

He turns me around to face him wanting me to see the sincerity on his face, and I

do. He has to know though, that that shit is unacceptable. His hand cups my jaw and
my body betrays me as I involuntarily lean into his palm. He looks at me expectantly
and maybe even a little bit desperately.

"Edward, you should know that you can trust me. To think that you don't trust me,

it just makes me feel…" I trail off trying to articulate my feelings, seeking out the
perfect adjective. Angry. Hurt. Murderous.Sad. But I decide on another route all
together, my voice cracks when I speak softly. "It breaks my heart, Edward."

Closing his eyes, he leans his forehead against mine, shaking it lightly. "I'm so

sorry, Bella. I know you wouldn't do that to me. Not you."

While I know his apology is sincere, I still have no idea why he went from zero to

Crazy-town in a hot second. "I forgive you Edward, but serious, what brought that

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He stands at his full height and begins lolling his head from side to side, trying to

stretch out his neck. "Shit, I don't know, Bella." He answers flustered.

It's seems like it's more like he doesn't want to talk about it. He looks down at me,

his eyes pleading for me to drop it. We stand in silence for a minute or two. He's not
going to elaborate and I just don't feel the need to push.

Blowing out a breath, I whisper, "I forgive you."

I wrap my arms around his waist and burrow into his chest. I can feel him placing

delicate kisses on the top of my head as he hugs me tightly to him and lifts me off
the ground ever so slightly. My stomach growls loudly, effectively ruining our
make-up session. He chuckles against my scalp before he grabs my hand and leads
me down the quad toward the restaurant.

"Come on Swan, let's get you fed."


Entering the restaurant, there is no sign of Carlo or his son Gino. The place is

packed. We are greeted and seated by an adorable old man named Frank. Our
dinner date is going so well. The food and conversation is fantastic as always. And
apart from his "O" face, I find that there is nothing sexier than watching Edward
eating gelato. God help me if he ever orders oysters.

Just as Edward is placing his wallet back in his pocket, he freezes at the sound of

a woman's boisterous laughter. His shoulders are hunched and he looks as if he
wants the floor to swallow him whole. He closes his eyes and his expression is a
mixture of annoyance and… constipation or something. Every single time this
woman giggles, he literally cringes.

I angle my head so I can scout out the offending laugher. I think it is coming from

a booth two rows away from us. There is a couple sitting there in a close embrace.
He is whispering into her neck and she is giggling like a school girl. She has long,
caramel colored hair that cascades down her back in waves. I wish I could see her

My mind shifts into crazy mode. This is obviously a previous conquest for Edward.

Is she current? Or is she someone he fucked and ducked? I stare at him using my
Jedi powers as if to ask him "what the fuck".

"Someone you know?" I ask quietly. Without opening his eyes he nods in the

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affirmative, so I continue. "Someone you know, well?" Again, he nods possibly
confirming my fears. Alright, Swan, it's time to get down to the heart of the matter,
Don Henley style.
"A former lover, perhaps?" I hedge. That sure gets his attention.
His eyes shoot open and he looks as though he might vomit.

"What? Eww, no!! Jesus, Bella!"

"Well what do you expect me to think when you look all crazy every single time

she laughs?" I counter, throwing my napkin on the table.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and starts laughing lightly.

"I am glad I amuse you." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

Standing up, he reaches for my hand with a big smirk on his face. "Uh, do you

want to meet my parents?"

I stare at him for a few seconds as what he asks me sinks in. The lovey-dovey

couple in the corner booth are his parents. Standing, I take his hand as he leads me

The good doctor still has his face in his wife's neck so I can't really get a proper

look at him other than to see that he is a sharp dresser in a light gray dress shirt
and charcoal colored tie. Mrs. Cullen is beyond gorgeous. Her eyes are closed as her
husband lovingly rubs the back of her neck whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
She is head to toe perfection wearing a smart black pant-suit and fabulous black
patent peep-toe shoes. She turns her head slightly as if she senses our stare.
Beaming as she recognizes her son, she shifts in her seat and pats her hands on her
knees twice as if she is beckoning a little lap dog.

"EDWARD!" She squeals at the top of her lungs.

While Esme Cullen may have been the portrait of perfection and sophistication, at

this moment she is also evidently shit-faced. Edward pulls me over to introduce me
to his parents. His mother jumps up and pulls him into a bear hug while rocking him
from left to right. It is hilarious and awkward to see him being manhandled by his
mother. Once she releases him from her kung fu grip, she turns her eyes to me. With
a huge smile she begins clapping and bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly.

"Edward, is this your, Bella?"

Edward turns to gesture towards me as he introduces me to his parents "Uh, yeah,

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Mom, Dad, this is…" but he is abruptly cut off.

"Bella, it's so nice to meet you. Carlisle, look, it's Bella. Edward's Bella," She all

but yells wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug before grabbing my hand and
leading me back to her table. "Bella, this is my husband, Carlisle."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen." I greet, extending my hand to the drop

dead gorgeous doctor.

His features are angled and sharp, in shocking contrast to the softest gray eyes

I've ever seen. The chorus of Dr. Feelgood runs though my head. Bad Bella – stop
lusting after the good doctor!

"Please, call me Carlisle." He replies with a firm handshake. His friendliness

distracts me from my dirty musings.

"And call me Esme, dear." Esme adds with a hiccup and another squeeze around

my shoulders. All of a sudden she begins waving her arms wildly to their server.

"Please bring two more bottles of wine," Esme requests, gesturing to the empty

bottle of wine on the table. "We're celebrating, aren't we Carlie!" She continues,
slapping the good doctor's upper thigh. I swear both Cullen men flinch.

Esme goes on to excitedly explain that she has been selected to help restore a

room in The Shuey House, a historical landmark near campus. Her excitement is
palpable, and apparently, Dr. Cullen's is as well. While speaking, Esme is very
animated, however whenever someone else carries the conversation, her hand
always seems to find itself on her husband's dick. The poor man, she is handling it
like a gear shift. Hmm, it appears someone around here is good at driving a stick. I
can't tell if he is feeling aroused or assaulted. I quietly giggle noticing Edward
pinching the bridge of his nose at his parent's overt sexual brazenness.

We shut the restaurant down and four bottles of wine later, Esme hugs me for like

ten minutes while repeatedly telling me how perfect I am for her Edward and how
happy I make him. She also makes us promise to come over for an early dinner

Carlisle gives Edward his keys and asks him to drive the car out to their house

tomorrow since they are entirely too drunk to drive tonight. After calling a cab, he
then pulls Edward aside, apparently discussing some serious business. Nodding and
smiling, Edward appears to be relieved by whatever his father is telling him. The cab
arrives and Edward tries to extract me from his mothers clutches.

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"Es, the cab is here." Carlisle whispers into his wife's neck as he wraps his arms

around her waist, pulling her back to his chest.

Esme begins bouncing again and grabs her husband's tie leading him to the car. I

am 110% sure Edward wants to stab himself in the eardrums when we hear his
mother squeal, 'Yea, taxi hummer!' Carlisle wags his eyebrows as she pulls him into
the cab. As the car drives away, I am confident I see his mom's head disappear.
Staggering back to Edward's house, my curiosity gets the better of me.

"So what were you and Carlisle whispering about over there?"

With his signature crooked smirk he replies, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I raise an expectant brow and say, "Duh, that's why I asked."

Rubbing the back of his neck, he seems a little embarrassed. "He was letting me

know that my STD test results came back."

"Oh… Oh gosh, Edward. You didn't have to tell me, that's really not my business.

Well, not really. I mean, it's not like we're… you know." I stutter.

"Well no, it does directly affect you, since I am clean and all." He admits quietly,

raising his eyes to meet mine, gauging my reaction.

Biting my lip and nodding my head, I cannot hide my excitement over this new

development. We continue to walk in relative silence. About a block from his house,
the sky opens up and it begins to rain. And it isn't like a misty rain that you can
make out in, I'm talking torrential downpour. Edward and I run down the street
giggling like five year olds. A part of me wants to stay outside, stomp in the puddles
and dance in the rain. That is until the lightning lights up the sky.

Edward and I haul ass into his house and down the stairs to his room, our shoes

squelching the entire way. My teeth are chattering as I begin stripping my wet
clothes off. Suddenly skinny jeans don't seem like such a good idea as I get all
tangled up and fall face first on the floor. Exceptionally smooth, Bella.

Laughing at my clumsiness, Edward picks me up off the floor and sets me on the

bed before extracting my skinny jeans from my legs. Clad only in my bra and
panties, I lean back on my elbows and rake my eyes over his body. Every nerve
ending inside me is standing on end, positively vibrating with anticipation.

Watching me closely, Edward strips down to his boxer briefs, with much more

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grace than I am capable of. He looks beautiful standing there, his wet hair plastered
to his head and dripping all over his body. He swallows thickly before climbing on
top of me. Our kisses are slow and deep, each one is more passionate than the last.
And just like he said he would, he kisses and worships every single inch of my body.

Desire courses through my entire body, as his fingers and mouth work over my

most sensitive area with slow but wild abandon. With three fingers, he stretches me,
preparing me for the ecstasy to come while his other hand kneads my breasts,
making sure to manipulate the hardened peaks until the sensation is painfully
pleasurable. I am a quivering mess by the time Edward kisses his way back up my
body. Kissing me deeply once more and placing his forehead against mine, his eyes
are desperately pleading for permission.

"Please." I whisper, pulling his lips to mine once more.

Pushing off my body, he settles on his knees between my legs. He spreads and lifts

my thighs on top of his, stroking himself twice before he places the head against my
entrance, rubbing it up and down my slit. Licking his lips, he looks to where we are
about to be joined before he slowly and gently begins to push inside of me. The
sensation is unbelievable as I feel myself stretching and molding around him. My
entire body feels like a live wire, I can feel my legs tremble as he settles into me

He pauses to look up at me, his smile is blinding and I can only assume that mine

is just as brilliant. Leaning down, he intertwines my hands in his and places our
joined hands above my head, kissing me hard. He begins to thrust slowly but deeply
and with purpose. I feel full. Complete. For the first time, this feels so right.

No words are exchanged, nor are they necessary. The raging storm outside

provides a hectic and frantic pace for our lovemaking to follow. Our breathing is
uneven and labored as he begins to thrust harder, faster. Edward's body tenses and
I can feel his shaft stiffen slightly inside of me. We're both so close. He pulls out and
pushes off my body. He raises my legs until my ankles are resting on his shoulders,
giving him a delicious new angle to penetrate.

Grunting loudly, he enters me again with a hard, swift thrust. Placing one hand on

my hip and the other on my shoulder, he anchors me in preparation to receive him
again. My body is seeking friction so I place my hands against his headboard,
bracing myself to meet him thrust for thrust. Plunging forward quickly he bottoms
out, only to follow it up with a slow grind. A deep moan escapes my lips and my body
reacts on its own accord. My back arches and I lift my hips so his grind hits 'that'

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He recognizes exactly what I need and with a knowing smile, he begins a steady

rhythm of rough thrusts and deep grinds. It's all too much. Between the flashes of
lightning coming from the window, the sounds of our sweat and rain soaked skin
slapping and the grunts erupting from Edward's clenched jaw, I throw my head back
and close my eyes as I near my release.

His hips piston wildly, the movements are erratic and completely out of control. I

can hear Edward's teeth click audibly as he breathes deeply through his nose and
continues to pound in and out of me. This new punishing pace has me moaning and
writhing beneath him, literally begging him for more.

"Please." I plead. "Edward, pleeeaaasssee!"

Before the entire word is out of my mouth, his fingers are on my clit, pinching and

pulling the sides while his thumb makes rough circles under the hood. My scream
sounds earth shattering even to my ears as my entire body tenses and shutters. I can
feel my walls clamping down around him, pulsating and gripping his entire length.

Two powerful strokes later, Edward's climax takes him. He is buried in me to the

hilt and I can feel him sputtering and twitching deep within. His jaw is taut and the
chords of his throat strain as he releases a silent scream. My God, he is magnificent
when he comes.

Collapsing on top of me, we are both panting, trying to catch our breath. My own

body is still riding out the aftershocks of my Edward Cullen dick induced orgasm. He
lifts his head from my chest and I am slightly taken back by the seriousness of his
expression. He opens his mouth several times to say something but seems to think
better of it, so he just smiles my favorite crooked smile at me before placing a kiss
and then his ear against my heart.

The wine and the fact that I have literally just had the best orgasm of my life

makes me want to say crazy and sappy things to him. Like how I have never been
happier in my life. Or that I want to be with him forever. Or that I am crazy in love
with him… I inwardly debate the pros, cons and consequences of making such a
statement in our afterglow. My inner deliberation is interrupted by Edward's deep
breathing and soft snores. I smile softly at the beautiful boy, lying on my chest and
pull the covers over us. Unable to stop myself, I kiss the top of his head.

"I'll love you forever, Edward Cullen." I quietly whisper, hopeful that one day I will

say it to him when he's conscious.

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A/N… So now that we have their first time out of the way... Let the crazy,

smutty times begin...

Thank you so much to everyone who has read, reviewed, rec'd, followed,

fav'd and/or lurked this fic! See you dolls on Thursday!

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Chapter 15 - Ridin' Dirty

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Special shout out to Twiggalina for being my 1000th review. Important

authors note below - please make sure to read.

So where were we? Ah yes, Edward's room... Let the fun begin...

Chapter 15– Ridin' Dirty

Under normal circumstances, I would expect that the morning after to be

different. Sun filtering in from the window, shy smiles, quiet laughter, longing
glances. I don't know, maybe even birds chirping on the window sill or some shit like
that. But no, the morning after is nothing like that.

I wake up to find a snoring Edward who has totally pinned me down. Well, maybe

it's not so bad, but it's definitely not as sexy as it sounds. His arm lies across my
chest holding one of my breasts captive in his massive hand. Granted, that would be
pleasant if said massive hand was not gripping my boob like a stress ball. And to top
it off his thigh is draped across my midsection pressing heavily on my bladder. Our
previous conversation about his junior prom clued me in to the fact that he is not
into water sports, so pissing on him at this stage in the game would be… bad.
However, on a positive note, I feel the Kraken stiffening against my hip; perhaps he
will unleash the beast again this morning.

On second thought, I can taste my breath and smell the booze sweating out of my

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skin –morning nookie is definitely out of the question. My head is pounding and I
literally do not have the strength to lift it off the bed. Or that could be because
Edwards face is planted in my hair, snoring loudly in my ear. His phone is ringing
again, this caller is fucking relentless. With a deep groan of annoyance, Edward
reaches for the phone. Reading the screen, he huffs and rolls his eyes as he plops
back on the bed.

"Good afternoon, Mother." He answers sarcastically, his voice gravelly and rough.

Ugh, makes me want to lick him.

No longer restrained, I make my escape to the bathroom to empty my bladder and

hopefully run my finger over my teeth with a dab of toothpaste. Note to self, buy a
toothbrush for purse
. After answering Mother Nature's call, I grab the toothpaste
and nearly scare the shit out of myself as I catch a look at not only my reflection, but
Edward's as well.

"What's wrong?" He asks, all concerned, looking crazy sexy naked, with a literally

freshly fucked coif.

"Oh my God, Edward do not look at me!" I screech, covering my mascara and

lipstick smudged face.

"You're being ridiculous." He scoffs pulling up the toilet seat and lining his shaft

up to relieve himself.

And apparently we've reached the critical point in our relationship where we piss

in front of each other? It seems Edward is just as free to be you and me as Tanya. I
swear that girl will pop a squat anywhere. I am trying to decide if we should have a
discussion on bodily functions - farting in bed and Dutch ovens are a hard limit for
me. I'll work up to that conversation, I suppose.

"Edward I look gross. I've got make-up all over my face and a stage 5 case of

milady hair." I whine.

His eyes are closed as he continues to urinate; apparently he is quite cocksure in

his aim. He peeks one eye open at me with a devilish smirk. "Do I want to know what
milady hair is?"

Rolling my eyes I run my fingers through my questionable hairdo. "This happens

sometimes when I don't dry my hair. The top gets all plastered down against my
scalp and the bottom is all curly. It's like, the fourth Musketeer, d'Artagnan bowing
dramatically and saying 'Hello milady', " I explain, bending over to illustrate the

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dramatic bow.

Edward snorts and mumbles something about me being certifiable as he walks

passed me and turns on the shower. I finish finger brushing my teeth while Edward
tests the water. Once the water is hot enough, he opens the curtain, turns to me and

"After you, milady."

"Such a gentleman," I tease as I roll my eyes and hop in the shower.

The hot water feels amazing as I lather my hair up with Edward's shampoo. His

scent is everywhere, and then suddenly his hands are everywhere as well as he
steps in behind me. Slowly he rubs his body wash over my throat, shoulders and
chest; I audibly hum as his hands sink lower and lower. He purposely avoids my
center which is aching to be touched, making close, and teasing passes over my
thighs. Kissing his way up my spine, I feel his lips at my ear.

"Lean forward and put your hands on the wall, Isabella." His voice is low and

gritty yet confident and commanding at the same time.

His hands guide mine to the shower tiles just above my eye level. Once they are

placed where he wants them, he traces his hand over my arms and down my back
where he nudges me forward until my back is appropriately arched. I love that he
doesn't even have to test it; he knows I am ready for him, always ready for him.
Steadying me with one hand on my hip, I can feel his cock against me, poised to
enter. With one thrust he is fully sheathed inside of me.

I close my eyes and take in all of the sensations around me. The steam heat and

the water beading down my front. The sound of his uneven breathing as the pace of
his thrusts quickens. The slapping of our skin and squelching noises coming from my
pussy as it becomes impossibly wetter has me gasping for more. Everything is so
new. I've never been taken this way before and every nerve in my body is on fire.

I chance a glance back at Edward. His eyes are locked on where we were joined;

his lips are pulled tightly together, the chords in his neck and the veins in his
forearms tighten as he delivers each powerful thrust. He is close. He needs this. I
need this. I slide my hands down the tile, bending my body further down. His thrusts
falter for a moment as I bend my knee and raise my foot to the rest on the ledge of
the tub. My body begins to involuntarily shiver, the anticipation palpable.

"Please," I plead desperately.

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He knows. He knows what I want. He knows what I need. But he has needs too.

He needs me to say it. Out loud.

"Please what, Isabella?" He asks in a low voice, before leaning down to place a

soft kiss beneath my ear.

"Please, Edward. Please!" I whine.

"Tell me. Please what?" He commands.

"Please," I beg once more before I summon up the courage to meet his eyes which

have gone from playful to downright feral. "Fuck me."

And with those two words, Edward goes to work. With a renewed vigor and a

complete lack of restraint he fills me over and over again. Deeper. Faster. Harder.
He claims me.

His breathing is ragged, his pace is frantic, and his entire body tenses against my

trembling legs and back-side. I feel his cock stiffen inside of me just as he releases a
rough grunt which sets off my own release. My insides tighten around his shaft as it
shoots; my walls milk every last drop. My face contorts as I silently scream, riding
out my climax. My legs give out from underneath me, allowing me to blissfully

Once our breathing returns to normal and we have fully regained some semblance

of control of our bodies, he gently assists me as I struggle to straighten. Turning me
to face him, he kisses me slowly, sensually, grateful and reverent. So sweet – that is
until he smacks my ass cheek.

"Hurry up, Swan. My mom is expecting us!"


Our hands are intertwined above the console of Carlisle's Mercedes as we speed

over Lake Washington to his parent's home on Mercer Island. Taking in the scenery,
I am a bundle of nerves, chewing my lip.

"You're quiet." He observes, though his eyes never leave the road.

"I'm nervous." I admit quietly.

Edward snickers and shakes his head. "You're being ridiculous, my parents love

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you. Oh, which reminds me, my mom said she sent you a friend request on
Facebook. I need you to accept her request before we get there or I'll never hear the
end of it."

"Already taken care of. Now I am going to need for you to call your parents and

tell them to start hitting the booze again so I will seem as awesome as they

He unleashes a dazzling smile and brings the back of my hand to his lips, placing a

soft kiss there.

"You're wonderful," He murmurs. "And besides, my mom will still be buzzed when

we get there." He adds with a reassuring smirk, "It's always cocktail hour at the
Cullen house."

I arch my eyebrow, silently indicating that I am going to need him to elaborate.

He chuckles before continuing, "My parents are very social, particularly my mom.

It's really her that keeps the vermouth industry in business. I hope you like martini's
because that is their beverage of choice."

I want to add that based on her wine drinking last night that she is Napa Valley's

best customer as well, but I give him a nod and smile instead.

To say the Cullen's house is impressive would be an understatement of massive

proportions. It is elegant and stately, but not ostentatious like some of the other
homes in the neighborhood. Edward opens the car door and extends his hand to help
me out. I smooth down my dress making sure it covers the thigh high hosiery Tanya
convinced me to wear. For easy access you know.

Pulling my body close to his, he whispers in my ear, "What are you wearing, dirty


I can't help the shit eating grin that crosses my face. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I purr as I walk up to the entryway.

Esme rips open the door before I am even able to ring the bell. She greets us

enthusiastically and pulls me into a tight hug. For someone who appears delicate
and slight, she has the strength of a sumo wrestler.

"Be-llllla," She squeals as she rocks me back and forth, "I'm so happy you guys

made it!"

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"Here, let me take your jacket." Carlisle says as he approaches Esme and me with

caution, much like you would approach someone getting mauled by a bear.

"Thank you, Dr. Cullen." I say as he removes my pea-coat from my arms.

"Please, call me Carlisle." He reminds me gently.

Before I can nod or acknowledge his request, Esme interrupts. "Edward, be a dear

and get Bella and I some drinks. I am going to show her around." She instructs over
her shoulder, hooking our elbows together and leading me into another room.

Guiding me through a set of French doors, we enter the great room. I can feel my

eyes widen and my mouth pop open at the room before me. There is floor to ceiling
windows looking out over Lake Washington. The floors are a deep shiny espresso
providing a striking contrast to the cool shade of grey-beige on the walls. There is a
small seating area in the middle of the room with a stylish couch that I am convinced
that no one ever sits in, adorned with perfectly fluffed throw pillows. Tall wing-back
chairs are scattered purposefully around the room, as I am certain that Esme is not
only an interior designer but a Feng Shui expert at that. Resting near the corner of
the room is a magnificent black baby grand piano. I do not have a musical bone in
my body, but for some reason I am inexplicably drawn to it.

Esme immediately notices my fascination and asks, "Do you play?"

"No, but I wish I could," I answer, shaking my head regretfully. I reach out to

press on a few keys and immediately stop myself. Instruments are such personal
things; you never know how someone will react. "May I play it?"

"I wouldn't." Edward warns his expression a healthy mix of caution and… disgust?

I'm not quite sure what to attribute his sudden mood change to, so I quickly place

my hands behind my back. Noticing this, Esme gives a dramatic eye roll and a
pointed glance at Edward, like she is gearing up to give him a dressing-down of her

I quickly intervene before she leans into him. "Do you play, Edward?"

His jaw is still tight looking like he is trying not to vomit, he simply nods as he

hands me my martini with bleu cheese olives.

"Edward is a wonderful piano player." A very proud Esme beams, adding,

"Classically trained."

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Oh, no wonder he is so amazing in the finger fucking department. Of course

boy-wonder is a classically trained pianist, pre-med student, fuck-hot lover and
As if I didn't feel inferior enough, now she throws this shit into the mix? I
look to Edward nodding appreciatively; meanwhile I am fighting down the urge to
brag that in 8th grade I was the runner up in the Washington State spelling bee.

"Edward, you should play for her!" His mom excitedly suggests, bouncing on the

balls of her feet and clapping her hands.

Shaking his head in the negative, Edward looks as though he is choking back bile

as he places his hand on his stomach and swallows thickly. Clearing his throat, he
meets his mother's eyes and mouths the word "no" just as Carlisle calls for Esme to
come assist him.

"Christ Edward, get over it all ready," Esme snaps, as she stomps out of the room

giving Edward a dirty look.

Once Esme is out of ear-shot, I look to Edward like a crazy person and throw my

arms out, whisper yelling, "What the fuck?"

He quietly steps towards me pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.

"It's a long story, Bella. Please just drop it."

I run my teeth over my lip and arch an expectant brow at him to let him know that

I have no intentions of dropping this and then cross my arms over my chest to let
him know that I mean business.

"Fuck! Fine! Okay!" He whispers, begrudgingly. "Before my mom did the whole

interior design thing, she was a stay at home mom who taught piano lessons back in
Chicago. One day, my baseball practice got cancelled so I came home early and
unexpectedly. I came in through the back door and I could hear someone playing, uh
Piano Sonata No. 14, I think it was, either way Moonlight Sonata, really well."

"I think nothing of it and start making myself a sandwich, right." He continues

quickly, "Then all of a sudden I hear my mom giving tempo commands that have no
business being used in that piece. It's supposed to be played mainly in adagio."

I give him a blank look letting him know that I have no freaking clue what adagio


"Yeah, okay, tempo is the pace of the play," He begins to explain as if he is talking

to a 2 year old.

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"I know what tempo is Edward, I just don't know what that specific command

means." I interrupt with a bit of bite.

"Okay, yeah, sorry. Adagio is a relatively slow tempo." He explains before he

begins to hum and conduct with his finger.

"So anyway, she starts saying these different tempo commands randomly. Next

she shouts out 'allegretto' which is a quicker tempo than adagio. Then even louder
she yells 'allegro' which is an even quicker pace. And the pianist is following the
commands, slipping up here and there, but still playing really well so now I am
curious as to who is playing this, right?"

I take a large swig of my drink and nod my head growing more concerned as the

tone of Edward's voice becomes more panicked.

"So I walk up to the great room and before I turn the corner, I hear my mom

screaming, 'Presto, Presto' which is like super fast and just not right for this piece.
So I turn the corner and there's my mom on top of the piano with her legs over my
dad's shoulders while he played…the piano…and her. Ugh, he was just dogging her
out and..."

I start sputtering and choking on my martini. The liquid burning as it comes out

my nose. I somehow manage to cover my mouth before I shower Edward with more
than just my pity.

"Oh, shit! Are you okay?" He asks as he pats my back and hands me a tissue off of

an end table.

My eyes are watering and I am sure I have mascara running down my face. I am

trying so hard to hold back my amusement. My body is literally vibrating with
laughter. As soon as I register his shocked expression, he launches into a whiny

"This is my piano, Bella! They defiled my piano. Ugh, I can't get the image out of

my head, and I can never play it again."

He collapses into a nearby wing chair and commences his nose pinching. Now his

behavior all seems to make sense. Placing my drink on the table, I walk over to him
and run my fingers through his hair as I have found that that seems to calm him.

"I'm sorry I laughed, Edward. But I wasn't prepared for the… visual you

described." I soothe apologetically.

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He leans his head into my stomach and wraps his arms around my middle.

Apparently forgiven, I can't help but ask, "Seriously though, how are you not in

Carlisle snickers from the doorway, "In my defense, I offered."

I smile, but Edward sneers.

Carlisle replies in kind with a cocky little smirk and a swagger in his step, turning

as he exits the room, "Dinner is on the table, you two."


Despite the awkwardness of the piano situation, dinner is very pleasant. Esme and

Carlisle tell me stories of Edward growing up. I feel a little guilty that I am secretly
relieved to learn that Edward was a bit of a nerd early on in high school. Never
missing an opportunity to humiliate, Esme rushes out of the room and prances back
in with a huge photo album. Esme shows me her favorites, including Edward as a
toddler naked with just a cape and a bucket on his head. Carlisle's favorite is a
picture of Edward in grade school. His face is still chubby with baby fat and he is
wearing these thick dark glasses. Carlisle refers to this as Edward's Piggy from Lord
of the Flies phase

The conversation then turns to me and my love of the written word. The Cullen

family is apparently very big on reading. It is fundamental, you know.

"Edward, after dinner, you can show Bella the library and play for her." Esme

suggests to Edward, however her tone indicates it is less of a suggestion and more
of a command.

Seriously, who has a library? Next they are going to tell me is that instead of a

swimming pool, they have a building like Scrooge McDuck that is technically a safe
which occasionally doubles as a swimming pool when they want to swim in all of
their money.

Carlisle is unfortunately is called into work unexpectedly before dessert. We help

Esme clear the table and put away the food before she insists that Edward take me
to the library to play for me. He gives her a salute and grabs my hand, leading me
down the hallway.

Pointing to a door way on my left he informs, "This is my dad's office."

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I sneak a peek into the cozy room. It's warm with rich mahogany furniture and a

huge wall full of medical texts. A smaller wall shows off his notable credentials.
However my favorite wall houses the intricately carved liquor cabinet. Dr. Feelgood,

Edward leads me further down the hallway a few feet before announcing like

Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast, "And this is the library…"

He opens the door to a large room with three large walls that are filled floor to

ceiling with books. Two oversized leather club chairs are nestled with a large
leather ottoman in the corner of the room. A large picture window provides yet
another breathtaking view of Lake Washington. A chaise lounge rests beneath the
window, perfectly positioned to take in the beautiful scenery and the sounds of the
piano situated near the adjoining door to Carlisle's office. I wonder how many pianos
are customary for a place this size. Pulling out the bench, Edward lowers himself
and lifts the lid. Edward looks to me and smirks.

"Any requests, doll face?"

Settling into the chaise lounge, I smile and say, "Moonlight Sonata".

He gives me a bitch brow to which I giggle. "Fine," I say adding, "surprise me."

His fingers begin working over the keys quick and steady, confident and sure. His

expression is that of pure concentration. He is truly magnificent. Esme ambles in,
taking a seat next to me on the chaise lounge. Her smile is brilliant, a mixture of
pride and admiration. Edward's fingers linger over the keys as the piece comes to a
close. Esme and I burst into applause, as does my inner whore who I am certain is
down for Esme and Carlisle's brand of kink.

Esme's cell phone begins sounding and she steps over to the chairs and ottoman

to take the call.

I take the opportunity to walk over to Edward.

"That was seriously amazing." I compliment him as I run my finger down his arm


He nods his thank you and pulls me down on the bench next to him.

"Your father left a chart here. I need to take it over to him at the hospital." Esme

notifies us as she ends her call and tosses the cell phone on the ottoman before

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making her way to the good doctor's home office. Moments later she emerges. "Will
you guys be here when I get back?"

I look to Edward since I am merely along for the ride.

"No, we are probably going to take off, Mom." He advises standing and pulling me

to stand as well.

We thank her and say our goodbyes. Esme informs me that she will be calling me

soon to set up coffee or a lunch since she will be working on campus, all the while
hugging and squeezing the life out of me. Upon her exit, I make my way over to the
bookshelves as Edward resumes playing softly. So many titles, it's such a great
mixture of classics, biographies, and modern fiction. I also spy a shelf of smutty
reads including a couple of titles by Nancy Friday as well as Madonna's Sex book.

"What'cha looking at, Swan?" Edward asks, as he walks over and settles on the

chaise lounge.

Spotting a familiar title, I grab it and bring it over to Edward. "Oh, just looking at

your parent's healthy supply of sexual how-to books." I tease as I wave She Comes
in his face.

"Oh, yes. I've been reading that." He informs me as he grabs the book and tosses

it to the floor before reaching for my waist and pulling me down to straddle his

"Have you now?" I say as I run my fingers down his chest.

He gives me his dirty boy smirk as he runs his hands up under my skirt over my

thigh highs. "Yes I have." He replies.

His hands trail further up my thighs, each settling on an ass-cheek. He gives my

ass a squeeze and pulls me forward up his torso. Lifting my body, he scoots down
the chaise so he can lie completely flat and I can no longer see him as he is under
my skirt. He deftly slides my panties over to one side and spreads my lips apart.

"Let me hear you, Bella." He commands before swiping his tongue over my


Tightly closing my eyes, I gasp and moan loudly as he pulls me down further over

his mouth. My hands roughly grip the edge of the chaise as I try to steady myself.
Involuntarily it seems, my hips buck and roll, allowing for the most delicious

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sensations as his lips and tongue work over my clit.

I want to give this boy's tongue a fucking medal for excellence in the fine art of

oral stimulation. There is no rhyme or reason to his sequence. He varies between
nipping, sucking and swirling his tongue in circles on my clit. It's magical and
maddening. Whimpering as he flicks and crying out as he bites down gently, my
body's reactions are downright embarrassing as I essentially ride his face. So close,
on the brink, every muscle in my body is rigid, tense and ready to explode.

I'm clearly having an out of body experience as I reach between my legs, grab two

fistfuls of his hair and shove his face further into my pussy. My voice is shaky as I
begin borderline chanting, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" louder and louder in each succession.

More determined than ever, Edward ups the ante seizing my ass and pushing his

face in further, impossibly deeper. I'm pretty sure there will be ten small bruises on
my ass tomorrow morning, but I won't deny that I absolutely love it when Edward
Cullen loses his shit. It's just what I need to push me over the edge.

Throwing my head back, I whimper slightly as my climax is upon me, more than

likely ripping Edward's hair out in the process. Blood is pounding through my ears
and behind my eyes drowning out all the sights and sounds of the room, allowing me
to focus solely on my release.

"I forgot my cell phone." I hear Esme say faintly, as the clicks of her heels get

louder, as she approaches the door.

I try to scurry off Edward's face and pull down my skirt, but he has a strong hold

on my ass, like Jaws of Life strong.

"I swear, if my head wasn't screwed on…" She starts to say before walking in the

door, thumbing through her purse. "Aaaggghhh, EDWARD!" She screams as she
gets an eyeful of her son dining at the Y.

Edward practically launches me across the room. All I know is that I am humping

his mug one minute, and nursing carpet burns the next. I give him the stink eye as
he sits up and wipes his mouth trying to look innocent. Esme covers her eyes, turns
and storms out of the room; the click of her retreating heels follows. Relaxing only
for a moment, we hear the hallway door to Carlisle's office rip open.

"We're fucking even, Edward!" She shrieks as she slams the door.

That. Just. Happened.

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A/N… Hope you enjoyed the smutty awkwardness... You know I like to

make it weird...

Okay sooooooo... I am only going to update once a week on Thursdays

from here on out. I am still in the process of writing and tweaking the last
few chapters and I don't want to just rush through it to meet a deadline. I
want you ladies to have quality
smut with a little plot peppered in :)

That being said, I don't want your Sunday nights to be smut free - so here

are some of my personal favorite fic recs featuring some top shelf smut and
a great storyline to boot:

The Slowest Burn by Typokween - Hands down one of the HOTTEST

Edwards in the fandom. Yep - I said it - out loud. I would do sick things with
this Edward... if he weren't a fictional character and in high school...

Insatiable Desires by ItzMegan73 - Each night as I lay my head down, I

silently pray for important things like world peace, the safety of my children,
and that ItzMegan73 finishes this work in progress because it is
FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! I am sure you will add this to your evening prayer as
well upon reading it.

A Man Invincible - A Take Me Home Novella by Lovin Rob - If a Dirty

Daddy C strikes your fancy - then this fic is for you. This Carlisle makes me
wanna say "Edward who?". Not too much hotter than a dirty talkin', Russian
mob connected Daddy C, just sayin...

A special thank you and shout out to one of the fandom's finest -

FictionFreak95. If you aren't reading every word that she has ever written -
you need to hip-hop and hop to what's hip!

Thanks so much to all of you who have read, reviewed, fav'd, followed, and

lurked this fic! Catch you all next Thursday for a fun night with the girls...
Happy Holidays, dolls!

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Chapter 16 - Lucky

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Esme. Tanya. Booze. Banana Hammocks.

Let's do this!

Chapter 16 – Lucky

I am a bundle of nerves as I haul ass across the quad to get to my early dinner

date with Esme. This will be the first time I've seen her since the incident. It will
also be the first time I've seen her since Edward came home from class to find the
chaise lounge we defiled in his room replacing the futon we sullied only a month
earlier. I chuckle when I recall how Carlisle put a post-it-note on it saying how he
knew of a good therapist for Edward and his mother. I feel my phone vibrating in my
pocket and I smile as I notice that it is an incoming text from Edward.

Seriously, I just spent 20 minutes convincing Emmett not to paint himself green

for St. Paddy's Day. He will use any excuse to look like the Hulk.

Snickering, I text a reply. You better let him do it, Edward. You don't want to see

him when he gets angry.

Edward recently came clean about his only vice - the fact that he is a comic book

collector. Upon his confession, I made the mistake of calling him a fanboy, so he
immediately went all Professor Cullen on me explaining the delicate intricacies of

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comic book collecting. He then took it to the next level, inviting me to join him at his
favorite comic book store in Seattle. I still giggle when I think about it.

The store reeks of pimple cream and virginity. It is full of high school boys who

probably LARP regularly or play World of Warcraft for days at a time and pee into
soda bottles so they don't have to pause their games. I'm pretty sure I feel like a
unicorn in here because I doubt they get many female visitors. But holy shit, this is
probably one of my favorite dates ever because watching Edward get his nerd on
totally turns me on.

My phone begins buzzing again as Edward's face fills my screen. He looks

absolutely delicious in his fanboy gear with his glasses and t-shirt that reads I'm

"Well hello there, Mr. Cullen." I purr.

"Baby, you know what it does to me when you talk nerdy to me." He says quietly.

He must still be at the library.

"Ooh baby, I know how you get so revved up, when I say, 'It's clobberin' time'." I

say trying to sound all sultry like.

He snickers lightly before asking, "So, are you nervous?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am nervous. I mean, she was so nice on the phone, I just worry that

she is going to tell me that I am a huge slut and not good for you or something."

"Are you kidding me Bella?" He asks incredulously. "She adores you, asks about

you non-stop. But don't be a pushover. Don't let her talk you into anything."

"I won't, now I have to go. I am at the restaurant." I say with a sigh. "Wish me


"You'll be fine. Call me before you go out tonight."

"Will do. Buh-bye."

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, I enter the restaurant and spot Esme

sitting near a window sipping on a glass of wine. I wonder if she is nervous as well.
Here goes nothing, I mutter to myself as I approach the table.

"Bella! Hi!" She squeals, as she jumps up and pulls me into a big hug.

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"Hi Esme, how are you?" I ask, as I give her three soft pats on the back, AKA

tapping out.

"I am wonderful, dear! You'll have to excuse me; I am drinking my supper today."

She explains as she pours me a glass of wine.

Nodding a thank you, I smile since apparently she is fine not addressing the

elephant in the room. "I like where your head is at – what's the occasion?" I ask
taking a swig of my drink.

"Carlisle is out of town and my friends and I are going to see an all male revue

tonight." She says before smirking, "It's for charity of course."

I cough and sputter and cannot believe my bad luck. Thankfully the wine doesn't

come out of my nose. Once I am able to compose myself, I clarify, "Are you going to
the all male revue at The Dancing Bare?"

"Yes, you heard of the event?" She asks with a wide-eyed smile. She must be on

the committee that organizes it. Damn her charitable, kind heart!

"Yes. I will actually be there this evening. It's my friend Tanya's birthday tonight,

so – yeah." I finish lamely.

Practically vibrating, she gives a big squeal while clapping and bouncing her

knees under the table. "We must go together!" She insists, "I've got a driver tonight;
we can take your friends! It will be so much fun!"

I give her a hesitant smile as I am not sure how comfortable I will be next to my

boyfriend's mother, who, will more than likely jump on stage and ride one of the
strippers around like Seabiscuit. Hell, she may even give Tanya a run for her crazy
ass money.

"Come on, Bell-a!" She whines. "It will be so much fun! I just… I just know how

much you mean to Edward and…" She gives me a pout. Ooh, well played Mrs.
Cullen, well played

I only have one hope of getting out of this. "It does sound like fun. Let me call my

friend and see if driving arrangements have already been made." I say as I pull out
my phone.

Esme makes a show of topping off our glasses, celebrating as if she's already won.

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"Hello?" Tanya's voice filters through the phone.

"Heeeyyy, birthday girl" I say hoping that our Jedi mind shit can work over the


"Listen, I am here with Edward's mom and she is actually going to the male revue

this evening as well. She kindly offered to give us a ride, I just wasn't sure that you
didn't have transportation arranged already." I explain, hoping she will hear my
hidden plea.

Oh she heard it alright. "Oh yeah!" She teases, "We would love to go see strippers

with Edward's moommmyyyy."

I can hear Rose in the background hooting and hollering. They're celebrating my

mortification as Esme looks on expectantly.

"Sounds good, we'll pick you up at…" I trail off hoping Esme will fill in the blank.

No, not that easy with Esme, she holds out her hand for my phone. This just keeps

getting better and better.

Pulling my phone to her ear, she smirks. "Hi, this is Esme Cullen." She greets

Tanya confidently. "Listen, why don't you guys join us for dinner?"

Pausing to listen, she takes a sip of her wine. "That sounds won-derful, we are

over at Carlo's. Just come over whenever you are ready."

Her smile widens victoriously, "Can't wait to meet you either, Tanya!"


Dinner is not nearly as bad as I think it will be. Esme is lovely and charming,

completely down to earth, not to mention completely inebriated. Naturally my
friends are immediately taken with my boyfriend's mom and her brand of crazy.
Conversation flows effortlessly with Esme at the helm. We talk about everything
from school to our relationships and that's when it gets weird.

"Tanya, what do you want to do once you are done wiff college?" Esme slurs


Tanya looks from left to right to make sure no one else is listening to our

conversation and loudly whispers, "I want to create a line of sex toys".

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"Okay…" I all but yell. "I think the car will be here soon, let's get the checks and

get out of here."

Intrigued, Esme places her elbows on the table with the most serious expression

on her face.

"OH MY GOD! I la-la-la-la LOVE sex toys." She sings, yes, sings. "I literally have an

arse," hiccup, "arsenal."

Tanya's smile widens by a mile. "What's your pleasure, Mrs. C? Because I have

some pretty good ideas. Bella here knows books, but I," She pauses, "well, I know

Tanya's arms are across her chest, posing proudly like she just let it slip that she

won The Nobel Peace Prize. I must intervene.

"That's enough, Tanya." I chastise quietly through my clenched teeth before

reminding her, "I'm sure Edward's mother doesn't want to hear about your…

Rose starts giggling and Tanya grins. But it's Esme who levels me with a glare and

an evil smirk. "Bella. I walked in on you riding my son's face. Let's not pretend she's
the only one here with… talents."

"WHAT?" My best friends yell in unison.

Esme then tells them the sordid story in explicit detail as my alleged friends

cackle evilly. Fuck my life.


The ride over to the bar consists of more boozing and waxing intellectual on all

things plastic and pleasuring. I have to admit, Tanya's has some really good ideas.
She also has illustrations. A couple of months ago, I happened upon a notebook of
cock drawings. All I could think of was Jonah Hill from the movie Superbad. Who
knew it was a notebook full of dildo and vibrator prototypes.

My phone vibrates with an incoming text from Edward. Too busy getting a lap

dance from Gunther to call your boyfriend?

Ugh, I fucking wish I was getting a lap dance. I smile as I text him back. Sorry

babe, we are riding in a limo WITH YOUR MOM to see Gunther.

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A split second later he responds. Oh nooooo.

Share the pain sweetie. Oh yes. And she and Tanya have BFF anklets since they

both LUV sex toys.

Three minutes later he responds, he must have had to vomit. Oh God.

Laughing I text him back. Look on the bright side; I know what to get her for her

birthday next month.

My phone vibrates with his response. U R evil. Come over after the show. I miss


I can't help but smile. I'll B there. Miss you too

The bar is packed, fortunately or unfortunately, as Esme has a VIP table reserved

near the stage. Shit is about to get real.

Esme is waving to random society types in the crowd, telling me their names as

she points and tries to get their attention. I smile and nod at them as she points to
me and mouths my name to them. Apparently she does talk about me non-stop. One
particular pair of socialites need more acknowledgement than a wave and head nod
as they make their way over to the table. The elder blond is small and lithe with
brilliant blue eyes and ice blonde hair. The only thing that is slightly out of place on
her is the ginormous set of cans she is sporting. Seriously, her husband must have
picked the amount of CC's strapped to her chest. The only other thing I find
unsettling is that the tall, blonde, statuesque doppelganger following behind her is
none other than Heidi Hunter.

Esme stumbles slightly as she stands up to greet her friend, "Janie, there you are!"

The petite blonde hugs her tightly, "Hi Esme! Heidi and I were hoping to get a

better seat but it looks like your table is full." She hints hopefully. Shut her down,
Esme, shut her down!

Esme nods her head mechanically to Heidi with a tight smile on her face. "Yes,

Bella and I decided to have a girl's night tonight. OH!" She pauses, "Forgive my
manners, allow me introduce everyone."

"Rose, Tanya," She acknowledges each of them with a wave of her hand, "This is

Jane and Heidi Hunter."

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Rose and Tanya give them a smile and a small wave, as do Jane and Heidi.

Apparently neither Rose nor Heidi choose to acknowledge the fact that they are in
the same sorority. Sisterhood indeed.

"And this," Esme says hugging the tops of my forearms smiling genuinely, "is our


For a brief moment, Esme is looking at me the same way she looks at Edward

when he is playing the piano. Proud, immensely proud. I am guessing that it is her
silent way of telling me that she approves. It is also her silent way of telling Heidi
that the party is over.

Looking away from Esme, I smile at Jane and Heidi. "It's so nice to meet you


Jane gives me a soft smile and extends her hand to shake mine. Heidi steps

forward and does the same. Her smile is also gentle which is quite unexpected
based on Lauren's behavior towards me on her behalf.

"It's great to finally meet you, Bella." She says, speaking softly. "Edward talks

about you all the time."

I admit I am immediately suspicious about that statement, trying to decipher if she

is just being kind or if she is hinting that she and Edward are in constant contact.

She steps closer to me, kind smile still in place. "So, have you been to one of these


I smile and nod as everyone takes a seat. Apparently she wants to make small talk

throughout the entire show as I am sandwiched between Heidi and Esme and a
chorus line of banana hammocks. Tanya and Esme are insane smacking the dancers'
ass cheeks and making it rain George Washington's. Rose and Jane bring their own
brand of embarrassment shouting crazy things like "shake that ass" or "let me see
that dick slang". Heidi and I sit back laughing at their lunacy. Is it wrong that I am
disappointed that she isn't a total hag?

After two more rounds of shots and three texts from Edward telling me to come

home, I finally call a cab and say my goodbyes since Esme and the girls are showing
no signs of stopping their drinking, harassing strippers or otherwise. As a matter of
fact, Tanya says her goodbyes and jumps on stage to hose down a sexy fireman.

Esme on the other hand spends a good five minutes holding me and telling me

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how much she adores me and how happy I make Edward. I can't help but notice
Heidi in my periphery. Her expression is even, but off, maybe calculating or possibly
she is constipated. I don't know, I am shit-faced and I can't wait to get home to
Edward's room.

Once Esme releases me, I hug my goodbyes to the rest of the girls, even Heidi

which is surprising since she is stone cold sober. Speaking quietly as she pulls me
close, she tells me again that it is a pleasure to meet me finally.

I am feeling all warm and fuzzy until she finishes with, "Tell Edward I will see him


What the fuck does that mean? I spend the majority of the cab ride mulling it over

and trying not to pass out. By the time the cab pulls up to Edward's, I am no closer
to a conclusion on her cryptic message to Edward. No matter, I am hammered and
horny. I giggle as I send a text to Edward telling him to open the back door for me.

Leaning against the doorway, he gives me his signature crooked smirk as I

drunkenly stagger towards him. Pulling me close, he mouths the word hi before
placing his lips on mine for a steamy kiss. My body reacts in an instant, whore
autopilot sequence commencing in 3, 2, 1.

Seeking the upper-hand I clutch his shirt in my fists and push him back until the

back of his knees hit a kitchen chair. It's my turn to smirk now, Cullen. As he falls
back into the chair, I pounce, straddling him and kissing him senseless. Our kisses
are sloppy on my part and deep and urgent on his. His hands are gripping my
thighs, trying to contain my movements against the bulge in his pants that is
growing more prominent by the second. I feel wild and wanton as I grip the nape of
his neck and fist a handful of his hair.

"Bella," He says between kisses, his voice rough with want, "Bella, hey. Let's take

this to my room."

I release his hair as I run my tongue along his jaw, not quite ready to get off of

him yet. I grab his bottom lip lightly with my teeth and gently shake my head before
sucking it into my mouth and releasing it with a pop. His eyes are pleading with me
to let him take me downstairs as I begin to roll and grind my hips over his erection.
And suddenly in my drunken stupor, I get a brilliant idea.

"Ah, shit. Bella." He moans as I reach down to unbutton his jeans and rub his shaft

through his underwear. "Bella, come on. Let's go, baby."

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I stand up only to slowly drop to my knees as I drag my nails down his chest. My

eyes are on his as I taunt him with lingering stokes under his boxer briefs.

"Seriously Bella," He pants, his voice shaky, "let's go to my room."

I give him a pout and look up at him through my lashes. I can't explain why the

thought of blowing him in the kitchen seems so appealing to me. It could be my
inner whore looking for a cheap thrill or maybe I should just blame it on the alcohol.
I happen to know that the boys all went out for St. Patrick's Day. More than likely
they are getting sloshed on green beer and listening to The Dropkick Murphy's.
Where's your sense of adventure, Cullen.

I am not sure if it is the pout or the fact that I am still stroking him though his

boxer briefs, but he concedes throwing his head back, shutting his eyes and
muttering something about me being such a good girl. I giggle with glee as I pull
back his underwear and watch as his cock springs into action.

"Unleash the Kraken!" My inner Liam Niesen shouts… aloud. Shit, I said that out


Edward looks down at me with a proud, playful smirk. I suppose my pet name for

his manhood pleases him. I mean, who wouldn't want their dick to be likened to a
Norwegian sea monster. But his silent celebration is short lived because we hear a
huge guffaw coming from the refrigerator. There stands Jake eating a sandwich in a
pair of tube socks and tighty whities laughing his ass off.

"The Kraken," He snickers with his mouth full. Gross.

Hoisting myself off the floor, I huff in Jake's direction giving him the stink-eye for

not making his presence known. Practically snarling, I decide that Mr. Black needs a
good dressing down.

"What the fuck, Jacob! Why you gotta cockblock, huh?" I yell throwing my arms

out at my sides like I'm about to step to him.

I must have appeared menacing because I notice that Jake's toothy smile is a little

less cocky and a little more concerned. Yeah, that's right Jakey; put those chicklet
size teeth away.
Not only that, but Edward decides to intervene by picking me up
and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Come on tough nuts, let's get you to bed." He says smacking and grabbing a

handful of my ass.

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Carrying me down the stairs I play his ass cheeks like a set of bongos as we hit

each step. Opening the door, he tosses me onto the chaise lounge with a clear,
concise directive.


Now that's what I'm talking about. I sit up to set a new Olympic record for clothes

removal as I kick off my shoes and peel myself out of my skinny jeans. By the time I
have my shirt over my head, Edward is waiting patiently, completely nude with the
mother of all boners in my face. I swear his dick must have a tractor beam on it
because I immediately pull him forward to wrap my lips around it. Seizing the back
of my head, he resumes his earlier position of throwing his head back and shutting
his eyes. The only difference is that I can hear every word he is saying.

"Fuck, yes!" He growls as I take him all the way to the back of my throat.

He pulls my head back slowly and I make sure to lightly run my teeth up the

length of his shaft. Reaching his tip I swirl my tongue over it and release it with a
pop. Teasing him now, I flatten my tongue and begin running it slowly up and down
his shaft.

He looks down at me, smiling out the side of his mouth. "You teasing me, baby

doll?" He questions me coyly.

I answer with a few quick flicks over his head all while I continue to jack him

slowly. He laughs humorlessly shaking his head slightly.

"You shouldn't have done that." He warns yanking me off the chaise and taking my


He pulls me down to straddle him, positioning himself to enter. He eyes me one

more time mischievously before he thrusts upward, pushing himself deep inside me.
I swear I hear the tip of his cock give a little 'how do you do' to the top of my uterus
and winks at my ovaries.

I let him set the pace since I am not necessarily coordinated or sober enough to

control the movements of my body. Every now and again, I grind down a little
harder or roll my hips, but it's hard to do with him gripping said hips and dictating
my every move. I'm already so close, the only thing that may surely take me over the
edge are the filthy things he's whispering in my ear.

"You like ridin' my cock, baby?" He asks as he watches me sliding up and down

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I'm certain the question is rhetorical, but I can't help but nod. Leaning his head

forward, he presses his face in my cleavage, taking the opportunity to nip and suck
my breasts as they bounce in front of him.

"Fuck you're tight, baby." He grunts as I squeeze and constrict my inner walls

around him. "Get on your knees, beautiful!"

I slide off his lap and climb onto the chaise on my hands and knees. Turning my

head over my shoulder, I give him a dubious smirk and an ass wiggle. He responds
in kind with an ass slap on one cheek and a nip to the tender flesh of the other.
Running his tongue up my spine, he spreads my legs and pulls my hips up to his
desired height. I feel his tip at my opening just as he places his lips near my ear.

"Hold on tight, baby," He warns as I pull myself up on the arm of the chaise.

I only have a split second to process his warning before he is inside of me again.

Every thrust is powerful and swift as he takes instantaneous command of my body.
Closing my eyes, I savor the intense pleasure as I near my release.

Pounding into me frantically, I can feel Edward approaching his climax as well. He

grunts deeply as he wraps my hair in his hands, pulling my top half up and arching
my back almost painfully. I sneak a quick peek behind me to see that his eyes are
watching himself going in and out of my body. He licks his lips and tightens his jaw
as he slams in one last time before I feel him go rigid, releasing inside of me. The
way he throws his head back and moans a loud 'fuck' is all I need to be sent over the
edge. Collapsing onto the chaise below, I try to catch my breath. Edward is
adjusting himself to lie next to me, rubbing his hands over my back side and
grabbing it occasionally. That gets me to thinking.

"Edward," I say trying to get his attention.

"Hmm," He replies absently, his eyes still following his hand on my ass.

"Do you, uh. Do you miss anal or something?" I ask, closing my eyes, half

embarrassed and half praying he won't say yes.

When I finally open my eyes to face him I can tell that he is taken aback by my

question. He looks quite puzzled with his brow furrowed and his jaw tight.

"Where did that come from? I mean, why would you ask me that?"

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Noting that he doesn't answer my question, I instantly regret bringing it up all


"Well. I met Heidi tonight. She was there with her mom and she sat with us." I

reply as if the connection is obvious, but apparently it isn't.

"And…" He prods.

"And I just remember you said that you walked in on her, you know, with, you

know." Jeez Bella, so articulate.

He nods apparently understanding that you know means 'getting fucked in the ass

by Royce'.

Unfortunately he is still looking at me like I have a third nipple. Starting from the

beginning, I tell him about my first impressions of her. Like how she is just like Mary
Poppins – practically perfect in every way. I even admit how I am completely
shocked that she was super nice and chatting with me the entire time. Then I tell
him about her questionable comments and deliver her 'see you soon' message to
him. I am secretly relieved when he rolls his eyes.

"Other than the whole cryptic remark thing, is it wrong that I am a little

disappointed that she isn't the 'see you next Tuesday' I thought she was?" I ask,
while spelling out the word with my fingers that I dare never say. "She's beautiful
and lovely and the fact that she does anal, it just, ugh, makes me crazy." I confess.

Edward is still quiet, looking at me like I have truly lost my mind which at that

point, I do. Sitting up, I wrap my arms around my knees and square my shoulders.

"Like how do I compete with that? Huh? I mean, I'll bet my bottom dollar that she

is always down for 'what, what,' in the butt all the time. Isn't she?" I ask expectantly.

But before he can answer the question, I feel it necessary to clarify my previous

statement. "There are levels, Edward. Okay? There are levels of anal. Like normal
girls who do anal are like 'oh, it's your birthday? Let's do anal.' Or 'oh, you got a
promotion? Let's do anal.' "

Practically snarling now, I continue my rant, "But not girls like her, Edward! No

sir. She is the rare anal unicorn. She's the kind of girl who on a random Tuesday
night you can turn to and say, 'Hey baby, Law and Order: SVU is on commercial,
grab your ankles'."

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I hate that my blazing insecurity gets the best of me. I hate that he can see me so

vulnerable. And I hate that I drank so much because if I would have had a few less
shots, my boyfriend wouldn't be laughing his ass off at me right now.

"Bella, baby," He says as he pulls me into his arms, "You have no reason to worry

about her."

He strokes my cheek reassuringly as angry drunken tears fall down my face. "You

must think I'm crazy." I sputter as I suck the snot back up my nostrils.

Kissing my temple he whispers sweet things in my ear. "You are crazy, Bella. But I

think that I love the fact that you are certifiably insane. You are hilarious although I
think you should talk to someone about the amount of time you attribute to your
anal theories. But aside from that, you are my best friend." He looks at me longingly
before adding, "Which will always be better than butt sex."

He leads me to his bed, pulls the covers over me and snuggles up behind me. I

sigh as I feel the warmth of his body next to mine. About three things, I am
absolutely certain of. One, I will never, ever, ever drink again so long as I live. Two,
that number one is a total lie. And three, I am head over heels in love with Edward
Cullen. Now if only I could find the balls to tell him.

A/N… Aww... Lucky gal - nothing says lovin' like being told you are better

than butt sex...

The comic book store bit was my nod and wink to one of my favorite fics -

Bubble Gum & Spiderman by CullensTwiMistress. She is another one of the
fandom's finest! If you haven't read it yet - hop on the good foot and do the
bad thing - it's good stuff, dolls!

Thanks so much to everyone for all of the love this story is receiving! A

kind curtsey to all who have read, reviewed, followed, faved and lurked this
fic! Happy New Year all - be safe!

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Chapter 17 - Have A Little Faith In Me

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Hmm... Who here likes Edward? *LAHM counts hands*

All of us? Good.

Who here likes when he gets a little possessive and crazy?

I guess we shall see...

Chapter 17 – Have A Little Faith in Me

Tonight is my first late shift at the library. It's 9:30 pm and I only have 30 minutes

left. I am still not entirely comfortable here since my run in with Alec, Paul and
Bongwater awhile back. To say that I am hyperaware of my surroundings would be
an understatement for sure. As I go to place the last book on the shelf, I read the
title and start chuckling a bit. The Analects of Confuciusis the title, however, my
eyes only seem to focus on four letters: a n a l.

Edward is enjoying himself immensely giving me all kinds of hell about my butt

sex hypothesis rant a few nights ago . I remember waking the following morning
after said rant with a massive hangover as he hands me a glass of water, two aspirin
and the name and email address of some doctor. My eyes widen because I am not
sure if he is telling me that I need to seek help for real, like maybe for my drinking
or my undiagnosed Tourrette's syndrome. I raise my brow expectantly, needing an

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explanation. He just laughs and tells me that it is a contact at the Kinsey Institute
for me to submit my anal research findings to. Nerd alert. Thank goodness for my
fondness of Liam Niesen movies, otherwise I would have no clue that he was talking
about a sex research institute and I wouldn't have come up with the amazing name
for his cock. He really should thank me.

Ever since then he is constantly looking for ways to mess with me. Example, my

cell phone. The boy changes my ringtone to a new song about butts just about every
single day. I swear, the man is stealthy, because I never seem to notice him doing it.
So far this week he has set it to Rumpshaker, Bootylicious, and Back That Azz Up.
Yesterday, he set it sometime during our Human Sexuality class. I know this because
while speaking to Dr. Banner about an assignment, Sir Mix A lot interrupts the
conversation to notify all in earshot that 'I like big butts and I cannot lie'. I am
certain that the bitch brow I leveled at him was a solid eleven on a one to ten scale
of scary as fuck.

After placing the book on the appropriate shelf, I raise my arms over my head to

stretch. There are only a few students left lingering around, so I make my way
around the tables to collect the remaining books.

"Hey stranger!" says a familiar voice.

I turn around and find a very exhausted looking Mike. His hair is all over the place

and his eyes look tired. There are books strewn all over the table, it appears he is
trying to play catch up. But his smile, his smile is still as warm as ever and I can't
help but smile back.

"Hey Mike." I say softly, slipping easily into our relaxed and comfortable rapport,

"How goes it?"

"As good as can be expected, I guess." He shrugs and looks down "Dad's getting

good care and my mom is hopeful, so we've got that going for us." He tries for
another dazzling smile but it doesn't reach his eyes.

His father is receiving treatment here in Seattle. I've spoken to his mom on more

than one occasion. As a matter of fact, I am going to have lunch with her tomorrow.
I am looking forward to seeing her. For all intents and purposes, she's really the
only mother figure I've had in years. My mom is, well, she is something else. The
only thing I am not looking forward to is the whole 'hey, I have a new boyfriend,
wanna hear all about him' discussion. Talk about uncomfortable.

I nod and pull my lip between my thumb and forefinger, unsure of what to say.

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"Mom's pretty excited about your little lunch date tomorrow." He says wagging his

eyebrows. "But don't worry; I took the bullet for you. I told her about Jess and
Edward so you don't have to have that awkward conversation with her."

I shake my head and laugh. "Get out of my head, Sookie Stackhouse! How did you

know I was absolutely dreading that conversation?"

He leans back in his chair and places his hands behind his head cockily. "You

forget how well I know you, B. You have three tells." He informs me lifting three
fingers to tick off as he lists them. "One, the lip bite which means you're horny. Two,
the lip pull with your fingers means that you're worrying, and three, the Charlie
Swan chin."

I give him a dramatic eye roll and pull up a chair because I am sure I am going to

need a seat for this bullshit. "Enlighten me, what is the Charlie Swan chin?"

He sits up in his chair rubbing his hands together. "It's this look you get when you

are angry or annoyed. It's like you jut out your chin and purse your lips all
bitchy-like." He says while scrunching his lips and pushing out his neck and chin.
"You like to bust this little gem out when you are being stubborn and refuse to
discuss something. Or when you are mad as hell. I gotta tell ya', B. It used to drive
me crazy and not in a good way."

He looks like a scowling, angry duck. Is that what my mad face looks like? Shit, I'll

need to work on that.

"I do not look like that!" I defend incredulously.

"Yes, you do!" He assures me, while making the face and shimmying his shoulders

with a little more sass than necessary.

We both start quietly cackling, we are in a library after all.

"So you and Jess made it official?" I ask timidly since I am not sure if we have hit

the comfortable point in our friendship that we can openly discuss our new
significant others without it getting awkward.

He nods and smiles. My God, he is blushing.

He leans back once again. "Yeah. We're… She's… She's just awesome, B!" He

gushes, "Seriously, she has really been there for me though all of this. She's great."

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I place my chin in my hands and my elbows on the table. His smile is absolutely

contagious and I can't help but be ecstatic for my deliriously happy friend even
though I think that his new lady love might be a bad day from an episode of Snapped

"How about you and Cullen, huh? I can tell it's going well, it's written all over your

face, girl!"

I sigh dreamily and confirm with a nod of my head that we are a we and a very

good one at that.

"I never got the chance to thank you and/or him for that matter for, uh, you know,

getting Dad in with Dr. Eleazar. That was really decent of him."

"Edward's dad got the consultation for him; they are golf buddies or something." I

shrug as I had nothing to do with this.

"Yeah, I met his dad. Good guy. He stopped in to see my dad while he was getting

his treatment. At that point, I had to spill the beans on Edward, and I figured it was
a good segue into telling the 'rents about Jess as well."

I don't recall Carlisle never mentioning that he looked in on Senior. I may adore

the good doctor even more.

Closing time was approaching, so I tell Mike I have to finish up. Standing up, he

begins collecting the books from the table.

"Let me take care of this. You need to get home and get some sleep." I tell him,

giving him a slap on the back and pushing him toward the door.

Snickering and shaking his head he smiles at me as he gives me a short wave and

pulls his backpack over his shoulder as he heads out the door. Sorting and stacking
his books into my cart, I hear footsteps approaching. Mike must have forgotten
something. As I turn to ask him what he left behind, I notice Alec sauntering
towards me wearing his signature cocky smirk.

"Well, hello there, Bell-a," He says smoothly drawing out my name.

Disgusting. I give him a curt nod as I turn back around and reach for the last of

the reference books on the table, hoping that he will pass.

"Loving the view," He whispers in my ear as I feel his hand ghost across my lower

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I straighten up abruptly and back up into my cart. The smirk on his face is now a

full on leer.

"The library is closing. You need to leave." I say, trying to keep my voice impassive

to match my aloof expression. This causes his grin to widen; perhaps I need to work
on my poker face as well.

He advances ever so slightly and places the book in my cart as he did weeks

before. His eyes rake over my body as he leans in and I simultaneously shrink back
into the cart. This is clearly the reaction he was hoping for. With a creepy wink and
a perverted lick of his lips, he gives me a lazy salute.

"Always good to see you, Bella," He taunts as he retreats, still leering as if he is

seeing me naked or something.

I can feel the bile bubbling up my throat. I want to race to the nearest bathroom

and empty the contents of my stomach. My hands shake slightly as I gather the last
of the books in the area and make my way to the backroom to drop off the cart for
the evening. I back the cart in through the door just as a smirking Lauren is exiting.
Her grin becomes infinitely wider when she notices me coming through the door.

"My-oh-my, you sure are popular with the boys, aren't you bookworm!" She sneers

as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Wouldn't Edward love to know just how
popular you are?"

For the second time this evening, I have difficulty keeping my face from betraying

my emotions, which happen to be all over the place tonight. Everything in my body
is begging me to do something crazy like turnaround and motherfuck her, or throw a
book at her boob and laugh as her implant bursts. But I can't because I was born
without a set of balls, literally and figuratively. So instead, I go all Rosalie Hale on
her. Whipping around, I throw her my best bitch brow and mimic her posture with
my arms folded over my chest.

"Aww, Lauren. What has got ya' in such a sour mood, sweet-pea? Is it the raging

case of the herp the basketball team gave you flaring up again?"

Her eyes widen at the sharpness of my tone, and then narrow considerably as she

realizes what I said to her. I fully expect her to come back with a witty or bitchy
retort. Instead, she throws up a middle finger in my direction as she quietly exits the

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I breathe a sigh of relief that our barb trading didn't turn into a full on altercation

as I grab my coat and clock out. I give a wave to Harry, the security officer who is
beginning his rounds on this floor as I make my way to the elevator.

I am still on edge over the Alec and Lauren encounters. I just need to get the fuck

out of here. The eerie calm and quiet of the library has me jittery and uneasy for
some reason. I quicken my pace as I near the elevator. I am nearly there when I feel
someone's arm wrap around my waist and across my chest as I am pulled into an
adjunct office and the door is shut behind me. I open my mouth to scream and
desperately try to remember the self-defense lessons that my dad insisted Rose and I
take upon our acceptance into U-Dub.

"Ssshhh, baby." Edward coos in my ear as I hear him lock the door behind us.

Sweet relief. "Christ, Edward. You scared the shit out of me!" I cry as I turn

around, nestle into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist.

My heart is beating wildly and I can't stop the trembling in my hands or the

quivering of my lips. I have half a mind to run to the restroom and check my panties
for skid marks because my boyfriend may have literally just scared the shit out of

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asks as he backs me up until I am pinned

between him and the door.

I shake my head against his chest, just as Edward places his hands in my hair and

tugs it slightly to the left so he can nuzzle my neck. He is breathing deeply through
his nose. It sounds like he is getting himself worked up, in both a good way and a
bad way. Just as I am about to open my mouth to ask him what's wrong, I feel his
hand sliding down the front of my leggings and into my panties. I gasp slightly as his
fingers slide my panties over and he roughly rubs them over my center.

"You're not wet, baby." He says with a small crooked smile and just a hint of

surprise coloring his voice. "You wanna know why you aren't wet, Bella?" He asks as
he continues running three fingers along my slit.

He begins rubbing harder, circling quickly and teasing my entrance with his

middle finger. I nod my head absently, although I am curious where he is going with
his line of questioning.

"Because she knows who she belongs to."

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And with that, Edward's mouth quickly covers mine with a fervent kiss. This kiss is

different. It's passionate in every sense of the word, but there is a hint of
desperation lingering there as well. There is a purpose to this kiss. It's meant to
silence. It's meant to control. His words play back through my head. Because she
knows who she belongs to.
He must have run into that bitch, Lauren. She must have
told him about my uncomfortable encounter with Alec.

He continues to kiss me deeply. Even in the confusion of the situation, my body is

unswerving in its allegiance to his command as I can hear his fingers working over
the moisture forming in my core. Abruptly he removes his fingers and firmly picks
me up by my ass to walk me over to the large metal desk and places me on top of it.
I hear the metal pop and whine under my weight. Edward collapses into the rolling
office chair and pulls himself forward between my legs.

"Edward, we…" I stutter as he starts bunching the front of my shirt up. "We can't

do this here. I'll lose my…"

"Please, don't." He says quietly, all authority gone from his voice as he lays his

head on my lap. "Don't deny me this, Bella. You have no idea. No clue as to how
crazy I feel right now. How fucking out of control I feel when it comes to you."

"Edwa…" I try to interrupt, but am immediately silenced as his head snaps up and

I see the crazed look in his eye. With a severe expression on his face he stands
slowly and places his lips against my neck.

"I trust you, Bella. I swear I do." He promises emphatically as he skims my jaw

with his nose. "But standing there, watching you fuckin' laugh and smile and joke
with him. It makes me sick. I fuckin' hate it, Bella." He ends with a snarl before
latching his mouth against my throat, sucking hard.

He slowly pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it to the floor. Flipping my hair

over my opposite shoulder he repeats his previous steps on my throat and

"I can't stand that there is someone out there who might know you better than

me." He admits as he draws my bra strap down and sucks on my shoulder. "It kills
me to think that there may be someone who you care for more than me."

His confession guts me. How could he possibly think that I could ever want

anyone more than him?

I close my eyes and tilt my head back as he runs his scruff and his tongue across

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my chest. I gasp as he lowers my other strap, grazing my breast as he pulls the cup
of my bra down. My face and chest flush scarlet as he sucks my nipple into his

"I want to be the only one who can make you blush like that, Bella." He mutters

into my cleavage as he reaches around to unclasp my bra, letting it fall into my lap.
"The only one you need." He continues.

His voice is rough and gritty with want as his fingertips gently trail down my back.

"You are, Edward!" I pant as I feel his thumbs slip under the waist of my leggings

and panties. "Only you…"

He claims my mouth again, sucking my bottom lip into his before releasing and

running his tongue over it. He rests his forehead against mine with his eyes closed,
breathing deeply.

"Show me, Bella." He commands as he pulls my pants and underwear down my

legs. "Show me that you're mine."

And so I do.

I place my lips against his eagerly. With trembling fingers, I fumble with his belt

buckle, button and zipper. I smile against his lips once I have him freed and slide the
offending articles down his legs. Stomping them off of his feet, he kicks them near
the pile of our clothes.

As he moves to lift his shirt over his head, I lean in to place my tongue on his

chest. I taste and tease and tempt his nipple, while gently running my fingernails
over his abs. I can feel his dick resting near my hip. It's as hard as a rock as it
strains and slowly inches toward my center.

He eases me gently back on the cold metal of the desk. I shiver slightly, but I am

not sure if it is from the surface or the fact that he is reacquainting his fingers with
my vaginal walls. I cannot take my eyes off of him as he stands over me, gloriously
naked and working me over with a fierce and focused expression.

I want him. I want to feel him inside of me. I want to reassure him that he has all

of me, every part of me. Fear holds me back from saying what he probably needs to
hear the most – that I love him. So I will show him how I feel. So he will know
without a shadow of doubt. Leaning forward, I seize the back of his head by his hair
and pull him in for a searing kiss.

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I spread my legs wide as I lay back and scoot to the edge so he can take full

advantage of my offering. He unconsciously licks his lips and rubs his cock a couple
of times before placing it right where I need him the most. His eyes meet mine,
silently letting me know that this won't be gentle. I reassure him gently with the one
word that he needs to hear.


And with that one word, Edward thrusts into me as deeply as he can go. He grabs

the back of my knees to keep me spread wide. The metal of the desk below me is
loud and echoing throughout the room each time he slams into me. I am worried
that someone may hear and come to investigate. But not even the thought of jail
time for performing a lewd and lascivious act can make me ask him to stop. His pace
is frantic. Fast and hard, his hips piston wildly. A strangled groan escapes his lips.

"Touch yourself, baby doll." He orders with a quick jerk of his chin towards my

chest, never slowing his pace even for a second.

And like his good girl, I obey his instruction as I lean up on my elbows and place a

hand over each of my breasts. I let my hands linger there for a few seconds before I
begin to squeeze the flesh. I let my thumbs run over my nipples until they are almost
painfully hard and straining upward. For the first time since he pulled me into this
room to have his way with me, Edward smiles. He smiles my favorite crooked smile.
It lets me know that he loves what I'm doing. He relishes my need to please him, to
reassure him of my feelings for him and my loyalty to him alone.

We both look down to where we are joined and watch as his cock slides in and out

of me. I ache for him to touch me. Feeling brave, I lean up and lick the shell of his
ear before I issue a directive of my own.

"Baby, I want you to go sit in that chair for me." I say as I push gently against his


He closes his eyes, continuing to rapidly penetrate me deeply. Hmm. It seems he

requires more encouragement.

"Baby, I want you to go sit down in that chair." I try again before asking with a

seductive purr, "Come on, Edward. Don't you want me to show you I'm yours?"

He nods and releases my legs as he staggers backwards to the rolling desk chair. I

hop of the desk and position myself over his lap. Using the arms of the chair for
leverage, I push up and slowly lower myself down his shaft.

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I feel his pubic bone against my ass and I know that he is in as far as he can go. I

close my eyes and savor the feeling of fullness I experience in this position. Edward
scoops up each of my breasts and smashes them together, running his tongue back
and forth over my nipples. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning.

I alternate between bouncing and rolling and grinding all over his cock. My arms

are burning from pulling my weight up and down, over and over again. Perhaps
Tanya is on to something with the strength training she does three times a week.
continue to ride him for a few more minutes, until he decides to take over once

"Lean back, baby." He says as he gently eases me backwards.

"Don't worry, I've got you." He reassures me as he must see the panic in my eyes

that I am going to fall backwards.

And so I let him. I let him take what he needs, how he needs it.

His climax is looming. I can feel the slight tremble in his legs beneath me. I can

see the growing tension in his jaw as it approaches. Mine is near as well. We
frantically race towards it together. Our thrusts grow impatient and become jerky. I
grab my hair in my hands tightly at the roots. I don't know why but for some reason
I need the pain to balance the pleasure that is sure to consume us both. I latch my
mouth to his neck as he roughly impales me over his cock once, twice, three times
before he releases inside of me. Moments later my world shatters as my climax
takes me, us.

I shut my eyes tightly as I try to focus on his deep, labored breathing and the

rapid beating of his heart against my hand. The only other sound in the room is the
hum of the fluorescent light above us. After several minutes, I detach myself from
his body and we both quietly dress.

Thank goodness for cold and flu season because the office has a full stock of

Clorox wipes in one of the two-drawer filing cabinets. I make quick work of wiping
off the desk and the faux-leather chair. We exit the room looking all around, hoping
that Harry is still doing his rounds in another area of the library. We opt to take the
stairs, running down them as fast as we can and practically sprint to the exit. Once
our feet hit the pavement of the quad, I know that I have to put my big girl panties
on and address this situation.

"Edward," I start nervously, wrapping my arm around his elbow as we cross the

quad, "I think we need to talk."

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He continues to walk, looking out into the distance, focusing on anything other

than me. "About what?" He asks indifferently.

Is he really going to make me spell it out for him? "What do you mean 'about what'

– you know exactly what we need to discuss." I bristle in annoyance, "What was all
that about back there?"

He rolls his eyes out of sheer aggravation and quickens his stride, essentially

dragging me with no indication that he is going to speak on the matter. I feel
physically hot as anger colors my features. As we approach his house, I crane my
neck to see who is home in the makeshift driveway off of the alley. I don't see any
cars which is unfortunate for Edward because shit is about to get real.

I stomp down his stairs and rip open his door. I happen to catch a glimpse of

myself as I go to perch on his desk with my arms across my chest, the universal sign
for 'I mean business'. I am sad to say that Mike was indeed correct; I do look like an
angry duck. I try to twist my features so I look a little less ridiculous. He strolls in
and gingerly shuts the door before he flops down onto the chaise. He's leaning
forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped tightly. His face is the
mask of utter indifference.

"What brought it on, Edward?" I demand to know, digging right in.

"I thought we covered this at the library." He deflects masterfully.

"No, you told me you had a problem with me being tight with Mike. But this isn't a

one-time thing, Edward. Remember how you lost your shit when you saw me
speaking to those douche nozzles? If you go nuclear over seeing me have a friendly
chat with a friend, you would be positively homicidal if you saw the run-in I had with
Alec this evening." I goad him, admittedly trying to elicit a reaction.

His head snaps up and boy is he angry. Mask of indifference gone. Mission


"Tell me what he said to you." He insists in a low tone of voice that makes me

want to obey immediately, and maybe mount him a little as well.

I shake my head. "I am going to ask you one more time, Edward. Tell me what I

did to set you off."

Rubbing his finger tips over his forehead, he snaps. "Nothing! Okay? It's nothing."

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I slam my hands against the top of his desk and stomp like a 4 year-old to the

door, but he is off his seat and in front of me before I can even reach the handle. I
try to maneuver around him but to no avail.

Trying to grab my hands in his, he pleads with me.

"Just wait a minute, Bella. Just, hold on a second, okay, baby?"

Each time he gets a hold of one hand I rip it from his grasp. "If you aren't going to

fucking acknowledge this, I am out of here!" I snarl and punctuate my point with a
fierce index finger to his sternum.

He grabs said finger and pulls the entire hand to rest on his chest, his eyes are

earnest as he begs, "Please, I don't want to talk about this, it's…"

"Why?" I scream at the top of my lungs and jerk my hand off of his body.

Before the word is completely out of my mouth, Edward explodes, "BECAUSE IT'S


Within seconds, he is on the other side of the room, gripping his hair tightly and

punting his garbage can into his bookshelf. Pacing now, he begins his explanation,
"The entire time, Bella! The entire fucking time I was with her she was cheating.
Now, I do realize that you aren't her, Bella. Really, I do. But she did a fucking
number on me and it's hard sometimes to let that shit go."

I nod my head in understanding and chew on my lip as I get the nerve up to ask

him a question that I am not sure I can handle the answer to. "Do you still care for
her, Edward?"

He shakes his head emphatically in the negative. "No. Fuck no. I just hate that I

can't just switch it off, you know. I hate that I am always instantly suspicious of
everyone and everything. Always feeling like nothing is as it seems. Waiting for the
other shoe to drop and shit"

"And what about Alec? What's the story there?" I ask trying to move away from

the Heidi topic.

He shrugs and flops back down on the chaise. "I don't know. He's just a dickhead.

He has been since high school. We're both pretty competitive with grades and
what-not." He explains, but I can tell he is holding something back.

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"And…" I press, as he rubs his hands over his face in frustration.

"And, the night I found Heidi with Royce, he was coming out of the room zipping

up his fly. The fucker gave me a smile and a wink, Bella. You think I would ever trust
him around you?"

We sit in silence for a few minutes, him calming himself and me trying to wrap my

head around all of this. It makes sense. I get it, I do. I do know a thing or two about
humiliation as well. And speaking of…

"And why all the hostility towards Mike? You heard all of the things he said to me

in the quad. Hell, you had a front row seat to my humiliation. You know I would
never ever go back to him. Ever!" I add to punctuate my point.

"I want to kick his teeth in every time I see him, Bella. That shit he said to you that

night…" He trails off shaking his head.

"If you hate him so much then why did you help him?" I ask out of genuine

curiosity before adding, "I mean, I am so glad you helped his dad, but why?"

He throws his head back against the top of the chaise. "I don't know, Bella.

Because it was the right thing to do. I was in a position to help, and you were all
crying your eyes out." He says before turning to me with a guilty smirk, "Or maybe I
felt a little bad for trying to poach his girlfriend before you guys broke up…"

I smile back and walk toward him as he holds his hand out to me. He pulls me to

him and rests his head on my stomach.

"I swear I won't do that shit anymore, Bella. I trust you completely. I swear it." He

promises sincerely.

He looks up at me abruptly; his expression is serious and determined. "I swear I

wanted to do this a different way. You deserve so much more than this, Bella. You
deserve fucking flowers and candles and Otis or Van playing in the background. You
deserve a grand gesture."

"What do you mean?" I ask, not entirely following where this is going.

"I don't know, like me holding a ghetto-blaster above my head playing that Peter

Gabriel song from that movie you like or something equally cheesy." He clarifies as
he tightens his hold around my waist.

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I smile at the very thought that he actually listens and remembers that Say

Anything is one of my favorite 80's movie of all time. My fingers ache to run through
his hair to soothe and ease his frustration. So I let them. He surprises me though
when he pulls them out of his hair and holds them tightly. He starts placing tender
kisses on each of them. Finally closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against my

"I love you, Bella." He declares quietly.

After a few seconds, he opens his eyes and looks up at me through his lashes to

gauge my reaction. I am pretty sure my body is flushed pink from head to toe as I
can feel his warmth coursing through my veins. I know for a fact that I am smiling
like a lunatic as I grab two fistfuls of his hair and kiss the ever-living shit out of him.

"I love you, too, Edward!" I practically yell excitedly as I straddle his lap. "So

much! I've been dying to tell you, I just thought it was too soon or something."

"Me too." He says smiling my favorite crooked smirk.

He gives a sigh of relief before he attacks my throat and lips with panty ruining

kisses. I close my eyes and silently celebrate our declarations. I wonder how I
couldn't see it before, it just seems so obvious.

"Love you, love you, love you…Bella Swan." He whispers reverently as he nuzzles

my neck while he gently places me down on the chaise.

He hovers over me with the most breathtaking smile on his face. I mouth the

words 'I love you' to him. He mouths them back and places his lips on mine to show
me just how much, effectively ending our talk for the evening.

A/N… Awww... He loves her! He loves her! And now that we have that out

of the way - let's get back to the inappropriate and awkward fun with a
Spring Break road trip...

Tonight's library lemon is my salute to a fan-fiction classic by one of the

fandom's very best. Room 15 by Coldplaywhore. This was one of the very first
fics that I read. It features one of the hottest, dirty mouth Edwards in the
fandom, a super strong and sarcastic Bella and epic banter to boot. If you
haven't read this gem yet, hop on over to an Archive of Our Own and check it

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Many thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, and

lurked this fic! See you all next Thursday!

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Chapter 18 - Crazy Love

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

So… Who's up for a road trip?

Chapter 18 – Crazy Love

In love. Edward and I are blissfully, passionately, and out of our minds, crazy in

love. I can't put my finger on it, but after saying those three words something
between us shifted. The intensity of each touch, each smile, and each kiss is
exponentially elevated. This is the high. It's the highest high. The high I've been
searching for. It's the perfect balance of love, intimacy, and friendship. Surely this is
as good as it gets.

It is physically painful to pull myself out of his arms so I can make my lunch date

with Karen. I am meeting her at a small restaurant near the hospital while Senior
receives treatment. In the meantime, Edward will pick up his parent's Suburban as
it is Spring Break and the guys are magically whisking us ladies away to sunny…

As I pull up my leggings, his arms wrap around my waist and he begins sprinkling

tiny, reverent kisses down my neck and shoulders.

"Babe, I gotta go…" I squeal as his hands slide up to cover my breasts.

Edward hums audibly in my ear, squeezes my jugs once more and then releases

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me with one last loud kiss on the cheek. "Fine. We'll pick you girls up at three

I nod and turn around to give him one last smooch good-bye, which naturally turns

into a 10 minute groping session - not that I have a problem with that.


Although Mike spilled the beans on my new boyfriend, I am still quite nervous to

see Karen. Her being a mother figure to me is no exaggeration. I see her
immediately as I arrive at the restaurant. She is up and has me in her arms within
seconds. There is just something about a mother's embrace. I let her warmth wash
over me as memories flood my mind. She and I drinking hot chocolate at the football
game as we cheer for Mike. Her careful instruction as she teaches me how to sew a
simple hem. Her beaming smile as I receive my diploma and her teary eyes as she
pulls away from dropping us off at college.

We get right down to business, catching up on small town gossip. Evidently, old

Mrs. Cope let the cat out of the bag about the newest town scandal after getting
loaded at the VFW Fish Fry. Mrs. Cope is the President of the Forks Gardening Club,
the treasurer and secretary of the Forks Soroptimists Club, and all around Perez
Hilton of the Pacific-Northwest. Apparently, after a few cans of Vitamin R, the cold
beverage of choice for any self-respecting citizen of Forks, Washington, Mrs. Cope
let it slip that old Dr. Gerandy is playing doctor with a young miss who isn't his
missus. Allegedly, my father, the chief, had to break up a domestic disturbance at
the Gerandy residence. And by disturbance I mean Dr. Gerandy being beaten about
the head and neck with a coffee pot on his front lawn.

She tells me all about the treatment that Senior is receiving and how wonderful

and attentive Dr. Eleazar and Dr. Aro's staff are towards him. Dr. Aro is taking over
his treatment for the next few weeks as Dr. Eleazar is on holiday in Europe. She tells
me again how grateful she is that they are able to work with their practice and with
a quirked brow she sips her iced tea; I know that she's about to poke the elephant in
the room.

"So, Mike tells me that you and Edward are official now." She says as she pulls her

lips into a sly side smile.

I can feel my face flush with happiness and just a hint of unease. I can't help the

smile that crosses my face when I think of him. Since I am not sure it's entirely
appropriate for me to gush all about my new boyfriend to my ex-boyfriend's mom, I
go the less articulate route with a shy head nod.

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She takes another sip of her tea and places it down gently and reassuringly pats

the back of my hand on the table. "I am happy for you, Bella."

"Thanks." I say softly before taking a sip of my water.

"Mike tells me that he is a pre-med student." She prompts encouraging me to

open up.

"He is. He thinks he wants to be a surgeon, but is unsure if he will specialize or

not." I reply.

She must be able to tell that I am ready to burst at the thought of talking about

the boy I love – so I do. I tell her how wonderful and smart and loving he is. I speak
enthusiastically about how much I adore Dr. Cullen and Esme. At the mention of the
good doctor, she wags her eyebrows up and down, making us both bust up in
giggles. I must be smiling like a lunatic because she sits back in her seat and
crosses her arms over her chest smiling at me knowingly.

"Mike is right, it is written all over your face."

And speaking of lunatics… I take the opportunity to get the attention off of my

mad, hot love life and turn the focus to Mike.

"So did you meet Jessica, yet?"

She smiles warmly. "Oh yes, we met Jess. As a matter of fact, she set up a lunch

for us after our initial consult visit. She came armed with goody bags for each of us
with things to keep us occupied during treatments. She won Senior over right away
with a bunch of outdoorsmen books and magazines and a huge supply of girl-scout
cookies. Bella, you know what the man can do to a box of Thin Mints. I swear there
were stars in his eyes at the assortment."

I laugh because the man really can eat his weight in cookies. Well played, Miss

Stanley, well played.

"She's good for Mike." She continues musing aloud. "She's a bit over the top, but

she pushes him in a good way, you know?"

"She makes him crazy happy." I say with a nod and a grin, trying my hardest not

to put an emphasis on the way I say crazy.

And with that, we end our lunch and head over to the hospital for a quick visit

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with Senior.


Senior is in excellent spirits. He is chatting animatedly as we play catch-up and a

heated game of cribbage. He looks a lot thinner than when I saw him at Christmas,
but his smile is still as contagious as ever. I feel kind of bad that I haven't been back
to Forks since I started dating Edward. Maybe I should introduce him to the Chief.
Charlie will be tickled pink to do his whole 'I have a shotgun and a shovel and no
one would miss you' speech again.

I begin to get my stuff together and say my goodbyes since Tanya will be here

shortly to pick me up. I hug Senior first and try not to tear up when I feel just how
much thinner he is. I turn and hug Karen, squeezing her tightly. I guess I am more
like Esme than I thought because I think I make her say 'ow'.

"Now don't be a stranger, sweet girl." She whispers in my ear.

"I won't. I'll come see you guys soon." I promise.

Just as I turn to exit the room, two men walk in. The first, who I assume is Dr. Aro

by his white lab coat and shiny stethoscope, greets us warmly with the creepiest
fucking smile I've ever seen in my life.

"How's my favorite angler feeling today?" He asks Senior without looking up from

his chart.

Oh God, a fisherman. There are five things that Senior loves more than anything

in the world - the Lord, his family, Girl Scout Cookies, Morgan Freeman and all
things pertaining to fishing. Senior's face lights up as he begins to inquire how the
good doctor's fishing trip went and if he used the lures he told him about. The
doctor steps forward to go around to the other side of the bed and as he moves, I am
certain that surprise and an equal amount of disgust color my face as I see Alec
there with a creepy grin to rival Dr. Aro's smile.

"Mike, Karen, this is my son, Alec that I've told you about. He is pre-med over at

the University of Washington." Dr. Aro announces proudly before explaining. "He's
here to take his old man out to lunch."

He rearranges his features to show a more earnest expression and gives a one

shouldered shrug as if to say 'aw shucks'. I don't even try to hide my epic eye roll
and head out the door.

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"Good to see you, Bella!" Alec calls after me like the kiss-ass he is.

Without even turning around, I give him a curt wave as I high-tail it out to the

hallway. I internally chastise myself for not having the balls to just flip him the bird.

As I near the hospital exit, I recognize a familiar face. Emily Uley, my old

babysitter is standing near the hospital registrar's office. She's a nurse and her
husband, Sam, is an EMT here at the hospital. In early January, they adopted a
sweet little boy named Embry. I remember being ecstatic for them and baked a cake
to celebrate his 'Gotcha Day' the day the adoption officially went through. Their
connection to him was instant; still to this day I get goose bumps when I think about
the sparkle in Embry's eyes when he realized he had a 'forever family'. I make a note
to self to find out Edward's adoption date and if his family celebrates his Gotcha day.
Unfortunately, Emily has a patient with her so we are not able to catch up, but I give
her a smile and a wave and mouth the words "call me" to which she nods excitedly.

Ever the punctual ones, Tanya and Rose are waiting patiently at the hospital

entrance. Tanya's little tricked out Civic is vibrating. I smile and start nodding my
head as I remember our Soundtrack songs playlist. Currently, Lustra's Scotty
Doesn't Know
is playing. This makes me laugh because I am pretty sure that
EuroTrip was the very first rated R movie I ever saw in a theater. Rose and I snuck
in at a theater in Port Angeles. What can I say; sometimes it feels good to be bad…

I notice that Tanya is not heading back to the dorms so I throw her a questioning

eyebrow in the rearview mirror. She smiles and crinkles her nose. This can't be

"Where are we headed, T?" I ask nervously.

"We are picking up a few last minute items." She says innocently which

immediately makes me suspicious.

I sit back and watch as the scenery goes by. I am not going to complain – I have

three days and two nights straight with Edward to look forward to.

"We're here." Tanya sing-songs and I believe I hear Rose give a small squeal. I

look out the window and notice we are parked in front of a store called Babeland. I
roll my eyes, how did I not see this coming?

"Um, Edward is picking us up at three – do we really have time to shop for adult

toys, dolls?" I ask looking both ways praying that no one sees me entering this
establishment. Gosh I am such a pussy.

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"Don't worry Bella; I am just picking up a special order. We will be in and out."

Tanya says with a sly grin.

"Maybe you should pick up something for you and Edward." Rose suggests evenly

as she starts eyeing a wall of vibrators. "I am sure he would love a night or two of
kinky hotel sex."

I scoff and give her an eye roll.

"Fine Prudence McPrude, you guys can sit there and hold hands and watch

re-runs of the Golden Girls while Tanya and I blow our men's minds." She says
without taking her eyes off of the two vibrators she has in her hands, carefully
comparing the features like the conscientious consumer she is.

My inner whore looks aghast and swings her gaze to me expectantly as if she's

saying 'I will not stand for this'. Challenge accepted, Rosalie Hale. Game on.

I start perusing the boutique. I will give Tanya credit; she always does it up right.

No seedy adult stores that smell like bleach and incense for us classy ladies. I make
my way back and stop at the S&M section looking at some of the extreme to
downright scary merchandise. I find the whole concept of BDSM absolutely
fascinating, though I don't think I could ever do that in reality. Could I? Hesitantly, I
reach out and grab the little box of kinky fun. I look behind me to see if Tanya and
Rose are watching me. When I see they aren't I scurry over to the counter and pay
for my purchase. I strut over to them with my Babeland Boutique bag proudly
swinging from my arm. Take that, Hale!


With only five minutes until the boys come to get us, Tanya and I are packing

frantically. I swear I don't see an actual item of clothing go into Tanya's suitcase,
only lingerie. I could be wrong, but it is still cold up there, unless they don't plan on
leaving the room, which I wouldn't put past them either.

I receive a text from Edward, letting me know that they are downstairs and asking

if we need help with our luggage. I text him to let him know that we can manage and
we will be down shortly. We do one more check to see that we have everything and
head out.

Edward loads our luggage into the back of the Suburban. His eyebrows rise when

he sees the number of Babeland boutique bags making the trip to Vancouver with
us. Rosalie and Tanya get into the very back of the car, while Chocolate Thunder

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and Emmett take the middle so they can play Halo on the PS3 all the way there.

"Ready?" Edward asks as he takes my hand in his.

He is looking at me so intensely, makes me think that he has a little something in

mind for us tonight as well. I nod and smile and giggle a bit when he places a soft
kiss on the back of my hand before he pulls out into the street.

As Edward merges onto I-5, Tanya clears her throat and pulls out a notebook.

"Boys and girls, we are all friends here correct?" She inquires.

Edward and I nod before he gives me a look that says 'where is this going?' I give

him a shrug because who knows, it's Tanya.

"Good. Then as my friends, I need your help on something. I am going to ask some

questions, I need you to answer as honestly as possible. Some of the questions will
be for the girls and some are for the guys and some are for the couples in general.

I close my eyes in preparation for the most uncomfortable two-hour car ride in the

history of the world. If it was just the girls, I am sure I could answer the questions
easily without stuttering and blushing. But I didn't want Em and Chocolate Thunder
to know all about my sexual proclivities.

"Okay, ladies first. Bella and Rose, please describe your perfect dildo or vibrator

and/or combination." She requests professionally.

Fortunately Rose fields this question first. "I prefer my dildo to be at a minimum 7

to 9 inches long and a good size girth. I like when they are silicone and lifelike
because they are a bit easier to put in, you know. I used to have one that had little
nubs for clitoral stimulation, but I always had to work extra hard to get it directly on
my clit. So I got rid of it."

"Yeah, then she met me and hasn't had to use the plastic peen since." Emmett

brags giving Ty a fist bump and nodding his head.

I don't have to see it, I feel Rose's eye roll from the back of the car. "Anyway, like I

was saying..." She continues.

I tune out, grateful that Rose is so into talking about her sex toy preferences. I

don't know much about my preferences, other than I prefer Edwards to anyone or
anything else. I smile and squeeze his hand a little. He never takes his eyes off the

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road, but somehow I think he knows what I am thinking. He is like a mind-reader

"Okay, Bella. Please describe your perfect dildo or vibrator and/or combination."

She asks as she scribbles some notes into the cock prototype notebook I found
months earlier.

"Um..." I begin nervously, looking to Edward to stop this insanity. He tucks his lips

into his mouth, trying not to smile at my discomfort. Coward.

"I don't know, dick shaped I guess." I answer hoping that this will satisfy her.

She looks up from her notebook and narrows her eyes. "Can you elaborate,


I give her a pleading look, begging with my eyes not to make me discuss this

aloud. Apparently our Jedi mind shit is on the fritz because she huffs in annoyance
and launches into this explanation of sex toy-centric descriptors.

"What is your preference on girth, size, length, and material? Do you like it stiff,

soft, ribbed, veiny, or smooth? Do you like it stationary or do you like it to vibrate? If
you like it to vibrate, about what setting do you go with during your typical
masturbation session? Do you prefer balls on your dildo? Do you enjoy dildos with
any type of clitoral and/or anal stimulation? Do you prefer chopped cock or do you
enjoy a little turtleneck on the knob?"

My eyes go wide and my face is hot. I am pretty sure I don't mean to blurt out

what I do next, but my head and my mouth appear to be disconnected. "People don't
put turtlenecks on their pee-pees..."

As soon as it leaves my mouth, I cover said mouth with my free hand and look

straight ahead. I can feel Edward's hand trembling as I am sure he is dying with
silent laughter.

"No…" Tanya begins gently as if she is talking to a four year old. "Foreskin, Bella.

Do you like for your dildos to have foreskin?"

Oh, of course. "Um, no, I don't think so." I answer quietly. "Hey, can I just fill out a

form or something?"

Suddenly Edward whips his head around to me with a sneaky smile. "But where's

the fun in that?"

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Note to self, junk punch Edward at some point this weekend.

"Oh Edward, I am so glad you are willing to do this. It was your mom's idea and

she helped me put this survey together. She also gave me some great feedback and
quite a bit to think about." Tanya informs Edward gratefully, seemingly oblivious to
the fact that he looks as though he is about to vomit.

I can't help but smile broadly. Note to self, cancel Edward's junk punch. The visual

Tanya just gave him is far more upsetting.

Finally, after the longest 2 hours and 45 minutes of my life, we pull up to the

L'Hermitage Hotel. It's a beautiful boutique style hotel. According to Tanya, it is
very posh and central to a bunch of shopping and entertainment.

Em, Edward and Chocolate Thunder go check us in, while Tanya, Rose and I

lounge with our luggage in the lobby. Tanya confirms our reservations with the hotel
restaurant Q4 'al centro'. We have about an hour and a half to shower and dress
before meeting back up.

Edward and I discuss the plan on our way up to our room. We agree to sleep for

30 minutes before we start getting ready as we are both physically and mentally
exhausted after Tanya's impromptu focus group session.

Edward unlocks and opens the door to the room, ushering me in and grabbing my

luggage. The room is absolutely beautiful. Tanya was right; this place is the height
of elegance and sophistication. Everything in it screams luxury. I am not going to lie,
I could get used to this. I kick off my shoes and I pull back the duvet. As I lay down
on the silky sheets, I hear Edward drop our bags and come up behind me to wrap his
arms around my waist.

"Do you like the room?" He asks as he swipes my hair from my shoulder and

places his lips at the base of my neck.

"Mmm hmm," I sigh as I roll over and place my cheek against his chest.

We sleep soundly for a good hour and then have to scurry to get ready in time for

dinner. Unfortunately there is no time for sexy times during our shower, although
Edward does promise to take me under the rain fall shower head at some point over
the weekend.

Edward steps out of the shower just as I finish blow drying my hair. I am wearing

the wrap dress and heels I wore on his birthday. I can feel his eyes on me as he

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towels off. As I begin to place my hair into a low bun on the back of my neck I feel
Edward come up behind me pulling up my dress.

"Baby, we have reservations." I protest unconvincingly as he spreads my legs with

his knee.

His hands run up my torso and slip under my dress to cup one of my breasts. His

nose is buried in my hair, inhaling as he explores my body.

"Baby, I have plans for us tonight." I try to reason, it sounds weak even to my ears.

I can feel him smile against the shell of my ear and his erection pressing against

my back.

"Plans, huh?" He asks but then leans closer and drops his voice an octave."Are you

gonna be my dirty girl, Bella?"

A shiver runs through my entire body as I watch us in the mirror. Those hands,

that voice, his lips – it's all too much. I reach into my make-up bag and drag my
lipstick across my lips and pucker with a pop, never taking my eyes off of his.

I turn to face him, kiss the side of his mouth and purr, "You have no idea."

I feel pretty bad ass as I walk away, the click of my heels and his uneven

breathing are the only sounds in the room. This dinner cannot get over fast enough.


We are only five minutes late for our reservation but not shockingly are the first

ones to arrive. I glance at Edward and smile. He is gorgeous to say the least and I
swear that his hair is a work of art. It should be since he spent fifteen minutes
creating that intentional perfect disarray of a coif.

Tanya and Tyler mosey in, Tanya of course wearing her signature 'I just hit that'

smile. Rose and Em follow shortly after although their vibe is less 'I just hit that' and
is more 'I'd like to smack the shit out of that' towards each other. Rose is at about a
level 7 on the bitch scale and Emmett looks like his 'give a damn' is busted. The
tension at the table reaches a fever pitch when Rose receives a text and starts
chuckling and smiling.

"Can you tell your friend Royce that you are having dinner with your boyfriend

and can't chat right now?" Emmett asks as he throws down his napkin.

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"Sure thing baby. I will tell him that just as soon as you tell the hippo that you

aren't interested in spotting her with her squat thrusts." Rose replies with a
condescending sneer.

Emmett rolls his eyes in annoyance. "For the fucking millionth time, Rose. Irina,

Chelsea and I are just friends. They aren't interested in me at all."

Tanya, who at this point has had two gin and tonics, leans over to give me the

skinny. "Okay so Irina is Hungry Hungry Hippo and Chelsea is Monkey Boobs."

"Orangutan tits." Chocolate Thunder corrects as he takes a sip of his drink. Tanya

nods a 'thank you' to him and gives Edward and me a 'you're welcome' wink.

"How come I can't have friends, Emmett? You can be friends with girls who have

no respect for boundaries, why can't I?" She volleys crossing her arms over her
chest indignantly.

I think everyone at the table is wearing the same shocked expression when it's

Edward who responds to her inquiry.

"Because Royce is a really fucking bad guy, Rose" He spits angrily.

Rose turns her glare in Edward's direction, but Edward's resolve doesn't diminish

in the least.

"I am serious. Just, don't get caught up with him. Or anyone he is fuckin'

associated with." He warns seriously before downing the rest of his drink.

Thankfully, our food comes and the rest of the meal is relatively quiet. We discuss

plans for tomorrow as each couple is going off on their own and we will all meet up
for dinner and drinks in the evening. Tanya and I opt to each order a couple of
desserts to share. The cannoli trio is absolutely delicious and I can't help but hum
with every mouthful. I feel Edward wrap his arm around me and his other run up my
knee and under my dress.

"Box up the dessert and bring it back to the room." He instructs with his lips at my


I close my eyes and wrap my lips around another piece. In a flash his hand is out

from under my dress and is clasped over my wrist. He takes my hand and places it
directly over his massive erection.

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"Now, Bella." He orders me, quiet but firm.

Check please.

Edward and I say our goodbyes once the check is paid and bid everyone a good

evening. I swear we practically sprint to the elevator. I don't even think the doors
are closed before he is pinning me against the wall, kissing me hard. He fumbles
with the key card as I lick and suck on his throat and rub his shaft through his pants.
Once he gets the door open, Edward ushers me into the room and starts unwrapping
my dress.

"Wait." I breathe, "Baby, wait. I… I got something for us to try."

"Oh yeah?" He asks as he pulls my bra cup down and begins lightly flicking my

straining nipple.

I press and push on his chest lightly. "Baby, I bought some stuff that we can use

on each other, I mean, if you'd like to, that is. I just need to go get ready."

He steps back and nods as I grab my overnight bag and head to the bathroom. I

can hear him rummaging around out there, doing God knows what. I am so nervous,
what if he thinks I am a closet freak. As I position my breasts in my bra, I take the
cowards way out and tell him where he can find the goodies.

"Baby, take a look in the Babeland bag in the closet. I thought it would be fun to

take turns using it on each other."

I take a look at myself in the mirror in the cute little bra and panties set that I

found on sale last weekend on a nightmare six hour long shopping trip with Alice. I
gotta say I look pretty damn good as I inspect myself from every angle.

Knock, knock.


Knock, knock.


Knock, knock.


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"Yes Sheldon?" I reply as I roll my eyes and laugh at his Big Bang Theory bit.

"Can you come out here for a… For a moment?" He stutters nervously.

I wrap myself in a robe, and cautiously open the door as I am not sure where the

hot blooded horny boy I love went. I peek out and Edward is running his hand
through his hair anxiously. He is shirtless, clad only in long black cotton lounge
pants. His bare feet are peeking out from under the pants. He looks fucking
mouthwatering. He's holding the Babeland bag in his hand and eyeing me warily.

"Uh, I'm not into this." He admits timidly.

"Oh…" I say, unable to meet his eyes out of pure embarrassment. "Um. I'm sorry. I

just thought that we would have fun, you know, taking turns or whatever."

After about a minute of silence, I finally look up and notice the confusion that

clouds his face.

"Bella, I am not sure when you got the impression that I would ever be interested

in you using a King Dong Dildo on me." He states matter-of-factly as he pulls out a
gigantic plastic peen.

My eyes widen and I let out a huge guffaw. This thing is massive, at least 15

inches long and 2 or 3 inches wide.

"That's not mine. It's probably Tanya's." I say giggling, topping it off with a sexy


Breathing a sigh of relief, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead

reverently. I bring my arms around his waist and hug him tightly. As I do, I notice
that he has candles all around the room and soft music playing in the background. It
is so romantic and perfect.

"Okay," I say releasing him. "Go knock on their door and ask her to see if she has

my bag. If not, Rose should have it for sure."

He looks at me warily shaking his head in the negative.

"Why not?" I ask incredulously, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What if they are in the middle of something, I think I've had my fair share of

being walked in on. I don't want to even chance seeing… them." He replies, all

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grossed out.

"Edward." I say and cluck my tongue at him. "Your vagina is showing. March down

there and switch the bag, unless you want me to use the King Dong Dildo on you."

"Bell-a," He whines my name as if that is going to lessen my resolve.

When he sees that it's not going to work, he appeals to my fondness for fairness

and a game of chance. "Fine, we will rock, paper, scissors to see who goes."

His eyes are pleading and I really can't resist an opportunity to actually beat

Edward at something, even if it is as insignificant as a game of rock, paper, scissors.

"Alright, let's do this. Ready?" I ask.

He nods as we begin the chant in unison. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"HA!" I yell raising my arms victoriously. "Paper covers rock, now get to steppin'!"

"No, no, no! Best of three." He says, readying his hand again.

This is something that I've come to learn about Edward. He hates to lose. Failure

is just not an option for him. If he has his way, we will be rock, paper, scissoring all
night long, like Lionel Ritchie.

I roll my eyes, grab the bag and storm out the door. Tanya and Ty's room is all the

way down the hall. On the way down I pass Emmett and Rose's room. It sounds like
they are kissing and making up. Or should I say fucking and making up. I hear a
large piece of furniture slamming repeatedly against the wall and Rosalie screaming
'harder Em, harder'. Yep, I think all is forgiven.

As I reach Tanya's room, I can hear the very end chords of Rose Royce's 'I Wanna

Get Next to You'. Cringing, I knock quickly, hoping that I don't interrupt their hot,
lovin' relations.

"Just a second." Tanya says and I am immediately relieved that she doesn't sound

terribly winded and/or in the throes of passion.

I cover my eyes as she opens the door. There are two things Tanya loves more

than anything, cocks and nudity. Fortunately, she is rocking the same robe that I am

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"Um… I think this may belong to you." I say as I hand the bag to her.

She smiles broadly as she inspects the contents of the package. "Oh thank

goodness, we would have missed this. Here, let me go see if we have yours. Wanna
come in?"

Pass. "Uh, no, um… Edward's waiting for me." I manage to stutter out still in

shock over her 'we' would miss this comment.

She glances into a bag as she makes her way back to the door, giggles a little and

gives me a wink. "I am sure he is…"

I wag my eyebrows at her, take my bag and start speed walking back to our room.

As I reach our door, I pause to get my nerves under control. I have to knock since I
ran out of our room without a key. He opens the door smiling and pulls me into the
room. Shutting the door behind me, he places his hand under my hair at the base of
my neck and pulls me close to him, kissing me softly on the forehead.

With his other hand, he gently runs his fingertips down my throat and over my

torso until he reaches the tie to the front of my robe. His eyes meet mine and he
gives me a sexy side smile as he pulls the belt open. I close my eyes as I think back
to the night in my dorm when he worshipped me reverently against the door.

I can feel my heart beat quicken and my cheeks heating. I try to stifle my small

moan by biting my lip, but to no avail. He knows exactly what I am thinking about. I
feel his lips against my ear and his hand gripping the handle of the bag.

"What do you have in mind for tonight, my Bella?" He asks in a low voice that

resonates in every single nerve ending in my body.

I release my hold on the bag as he takes it and begins slowly walking towards the

bed. I close my eyes as he reaches into the bag and pulls out the contents. I can hear
him place the box on the bed. After several seconds I glance up to gauge his
reaction. He has his back to me, but I can see him running a finger over the Kinky
Sex Slave kit. The kit contains four restraints, a blind-fold and a feather. The silence
in the room is drowning out the soft music he has playing. His lack of a reaction is
making me so nervous; I can feel my face flushing again, this time with

After several seconds more, he raises his hand in the air and beckons me over

with a finger. I bite my lip and walk over to him as confidently as I can. I stand a few
inches behind him and stare at the kit as I am still too nervous to meet his eyes as

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he begins to circle me slowly.

Grabbing the robe and gently pulling it down my shoulders; I can feel his warm

breath on my shoulder as it hits the ground in a pile at my feet.

"Hmmm…" He breathes deeply.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. You are always so full of surprises." He muses as he continues

circling. "You never do what I expect."

Standing in front of me now, he lightly places his hand on my neck and leans

forward to kiss me deeply. Our tongues touch and tangle as his mouth claims mine. I
am practically panting as he breaks the kiss and begins circling me once more. He
stops behind me again and gathers my hair into his hands and places it over my left
shoulder. Skimming the right side of my neck with his soft lips, he runs his
fingertips all the way up from my wrists to my bra straps.

"I love that about you, Bella." He whispers as he begins drawing each strap down

my arm, before running his hands across my back to begin undoing the hooks. "You
always keep me guessing."

Turning around me once more he runs his finger from my back, over my bicep,

and to the center of my chest. Pausing to give me a playful smirk, he hooks said
finger onto the front of my bra and pulls it down until it drops to the floor as well. A
shiver runs through me as his eyes and his hands begin to roam over my body. He
thumbs the sides of my panties and pulls them down slowly, peppering small kisses
and swipes of his tongue down my chest and stomach. His eyes never leave mine,
gazing intently as he goes. I can't help myself as I put my hands in his hair as he
makes his way back up my body until we are once again face to face. He places his
thumb on my lower lip pressing it back and forth.

"Are you going to be my good girl tonight, Bella?" He asks, clearly challenging

how serious I am about our little game of role playing.

I suck his thumb into my mouth, biting gently as I slowly shake my head no. His

coy side smirk lets me know that is exactly what he wanted to hear. He leans in and
places his lips against my ear.

"Good." He whispers with a hint of satisfaction and excitement in his voice, just as

he spanks me loudly. "Now lie down on the bed and close your eyes."

I climb into the bed slowly, making a show of being on my hands and knees. Once

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I reach the headboard I turn around and lie down with my hands at my sides and
close my eyes. I can hear him pulling the contents of the box out and the tearing of
the velcro on the restraints. He's moving around the room for some reason. At first I
hear him fiddling with his iPhone, and then I am not 100% sure, but I think I hear
him open the door to the mini fridge. It can't help but open one of my eyes to sneak
a peek. I know I've been caught once I feel him kneel on the bed.

"No peeking, Isabella." He chastises firmly as he slips the blindfold over my eyes.

In an instant my senses heighten. I can hear everything. The flicker of the candles

around us, the rough want in Otis' voice as he sings 'These Arms of Mine', and the
steady breaths that Edward takes to keep himself calm, collected and in total

Straddling my torso, he places the cuffs around each of my wrists and gently

places both of my arms straight up over my head. He secures the restraints to the
bed and then checks to make sure the cuffs aren't too tight against my wrists. Such
a considerate lover…

I can feel his eyes on me as he runs his hands down my arms and back down to my

chest. His cock twitches and stiffens further as it lies in the valley between my
breasts. I can't help myself as I arch my back, silently begging him to do something,
anything to me.

The boy must read minds or is a quick study at the very least because he

immediately bunches my tits together around him and slowly begins to thrust,
gently. I fully intend to write a strongly worded thank you letter to the makers of the
Sony Playstation 3 because his thumbs are working my nipples expertly. I can only
attribute his talent to the numerous hours of playing Madden and Halo and Call of

I am trying desperately to control my breathing and swallowing my moans as the

sensations of his touch and sounds overwhelm me.

"You like that, don't you baby?" He asks, I swear I can hear the naughty smirk in

his voice.

I nod mechanically as I continue to squirm beneath him. He thrusts a few more

times, each faster in succession and then he stops as he climbs off of me and the bed
all together. Getting my ragged breathing under control I struggle to hear what he
is doing. I can feel his eyes on me, like he is circling again. After a few minutes, he
finally kneels next to me on the bed.

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"Open your mouth, Isabella." He orders firmly.

So I do, I open wide, fully expecting his length to fill me, but no. My dirty boy is

full of surprises as I feel his finger on my tongue, covered in chocolate from my

"You drove me fucking crazy tonight eating this." He says as I suck his finger

loudly. "The entire time you were eating this, I thought about what I wanted to do to

Hmm… Methinks he is baiting me… "Tell me." I beg desperately. "Show me."

I feel a slight movement on the bed. I nearly jump out of my skin as I feel him

spread a dollop of chocolate over my nipple. His mouth covers my breast in an
instant providing the most delicious contrast from the warmth of his tongue and the
chilly cold of the filling. Licking and sucking the entire area clean, I have to bite my
lip to silence a scream when he smears another scoop over its twin. He smiles
against my skin as he runs his tongue across my chest to mimic his actions on the
other breast.

I thrash and writhe as he flattens his tongue and takes long sweeping swipes over

my aching nipple. Teasing me now, he begins to alternate drawing each one into his
mouth to suck it roughly and releasing it only to blow on it softly. It's magnificent
and maddening. He pauses briefly and somehow I just know that he is watching me,
relishing it as he brings me to the brink of ecstasy. His cold, creamy finger traces
down my torso as his tongue follows drawing nearer and nearer to my center.

I can feel him hovering just above where I want him most. My legs tremble

slightly in anticipation. I pull against my restraints as I try to sink lower on the bed,
preferably right onto his waiting lips. I hear him reach for something on the floor,
some sort of container with a bag in it maybe. I can't be sure. He lowers his face to
my pussy again and places a small soft kiss against my clit. His lips are chilly and I
wonder for a split second if he had eaten some of the cannoli as well.

I don't have time to get caught up in the thought because I feel Edward open his

lips against me and his icy tongue makes contact with my sensitive nub, sucking it
into his cold waiting mouth.

I audibly suck in a huge breath and exhale with a long and loud moan.

His tongue assaults me as it flicks and swipes and dances all around, leaving me a

quivering mess in its wake. His fingertips rub up and down my thighs, pinning me

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down every once in a while as I arch my spine and press my pelvis into his face in

"Fuck. You're delicious, baby doll." He mutters before diving back in for more.

He continues to wind me up for several minutes with his tongue making several

passes over my entrance. I struggle against my restraints, pleasantly surprised that
I feel the velcro crack open slightly as I pull. I shudder and shiver as he buries his
face further into me. I'm right there – so very close. Its building, the burning deep
inside of me. His hands press harder against my thighs trying to keep my legs from
wrapping around his head. Thank goodness he is strong enough to pin them down; I
surely wouldn't be able to live with myself if I accidentally crushed his skull between
my legs or God forbid suffocated him.

Suddenly, his iPhone starts going off. At first I think it is an incoming call, but

then I realize it's his alarm. All movement below stops. I am surprised as he places a
chaste kiss on my lips and removes my restraints.

"Edward, what are you doing?" I ask breathlessly and albeit confused as he pulls

the blindfold off of my eyes.

"Time is up." He says with a smile. He must notice my baffled expression as he

carefully elaborates for me. "You said you wanted to take turns. It's been twenty
minutes; I figured you would want to take a turn."

Turns? I don't know whether I want to kiss him for being so considerate or punch

him in the throat for cockblocking me.

I quickly decide that I'm game, so I kneel next to him to slip the blindfold over his

head and begin to secure his wrist in the restraints. Once I have him properly
positioned, I climb off of the mattress and begin circling the bed. I notice he has a
teasing, cocky smirk in place. It is as though he is daring me to make a move. Tsk
tsk Edward.

I grab the remaining two restraints from the floor, spread his legs and wrap the

restraints around each of his ankles. I crawl to him on the bed and put my lips to his

"Enjoying yourself, Edward?" I ask seductively.

He smiles wider and licks his lips. "Immensely."

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"You aren't nervous lying here completely naked and vulnerable?" I question,

softly running my fingertip over his Adams apple and down his chest.

He shakes his head in the negative with his smug grin still in place before letting

out a humorless laugh. "Do your worst, baby doll!"

I pull his earlobe into my mouth and suck it briefly before I get on all fours

hovering to the side of him. "I was hoping you would say that."

And with that little retort, I lightly rake my fingernails down his chest and along

his pubic bone causing Edward to wriggle and fidget. Not so confident now are ya'

I notice his pants neatly placed on the arm of the couch with the shiny silver

buckle of the leather belt still attached. I grin evilly as I hop off the bed and scurry
over to grab it. I pick up the pants and watch as he strains to listen and figure out
what I am doing. Making sure he hears the buckle jiggle I notice his brow furrow
slightly and then his mouth pop open slightly as he figures out what's coming next.

I walk back over to the bed slowly as I rattle the belt. I bit my lip to hold back a

laugh. How can he even think I would ever use this on him? But I find it hilarious
how he is subtly trying to work himself out of the restraints.

I resume my previous position, kneeling near him and once again I lean down to

whisper in his ear. "This may hurt a bit."

His struggle becomes a full on thrash as I take the belt in my hands and snap it

together, nowhere near his body, but the sound of the crack of the belt has him

"Aagghhh, fuck! Bella, NO! SAFEWORD! SAFEWORD!" He screams like a girl as

he makes a great effort to get away from little old belt wielding me.

I cackle evilly, clearly drunk off the power. He must realize that I am just messing

with him as he lets out a relieved little chuckle.

"You are a bad girl, aren't you?" He asks shaking his head.

I gently pull the blindfold from his eyes and kiss him fiercely. "I really am,

Edward. Do you wanna watch?" I ask.

He nods excitedly as I lower myself down his body. I run my tongue up and down

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his shaft quickly and cup his balls in my hand tugging and pulling gently. My eyes
never leave his as I take his full length into my hot mouth and down my throat as far
as it will go.

He is squirming and lifting his ass off the bed slightly. His jaw is slack as he

watches me flick my tongue over his head, circling and slurping on the tip.

His whimpers and labored breathing spurs me on as I grip his shaft firmly and

stroke him slowly. Biting his lip, he gives me an appreciative moan. In return, I give
him a cocky smirk and take him deep again.

"Ugh. Yes! Come on, baby! Fuck!" He snarls as he thrusts his hips, filling my

mouth completely.

My man is getting far too worked up and being the selfish lover that I am, I think

it's time for me to get mine. I straddle his hips and rub myself against his length for
a few seconds before I decide I want to try something new for me.

"You know, I've always wanted to try this." I say as I turn around to ride him

reverse cowgirl.

Sliding down his erection I immediately feel full and can't help the moan that

comes out of my mouth. Once I am steady and confident, I close my eyes and begin
moving up and down, painfully slow. I feel him begin to roll his pelvis beneath me,
pushing in deeper.

I get lost in my own pleasure as I begin to ride him faster. My hands

unconsciously run up and down over my breasts, and into my hair. I am not sure
why, but I can feel his eyes on me as I grip my tits in my hands. I hear the strain of
the velcro as he struggles against it. While I can honestly say that I am enjoying this
thoroughly, I miss his hands on me. I ache for his touch and his lips on my skin. I
reach down and release his ankles from the restraints and pull off of him to remove
the cuffs from his wrists as well. He is up and has me in his arms in an instant,
kissing me deeply as I giggle slightly into his mouth.

"What's so funny, baby doll?" He asks with a light laugh as he holds me tightly

against him.

I snort and mimic his voice from earlier, "Do your worst!"

Smiling brilliantly, he throws me down on the bed and makes wild and crazy,

passionate love to me. We laugh and talk and make love well into the early hours of

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the morning. In fact, I can see us barely leaving the hotel room this weekend,
perfectly happy to enjoy our bubble of bliss for as long as we can.

As I watch him sleep, I think about some of the things that Mike said to me and for

the first time, I can see what he was saying. Edward alone is enough for me. He is
more than I could ever want and need. The only difference is that he and I are both
always willing to take it to the next level if that's what the other wants or needs. His
happiness is paramount to me, and mine to him. It's only then that I realize that I
will never willingly leave his side. I'll want him for always. I'll be his forever.

A/N: True facts... The King Dong Dildo does exist - google it. At the tender

age of 21, I went to my first sex toy party. The sex toy consultant looked just
like Mrs. Doubtfire. Now, just imagine Mrs. Doubtfire pulling a 15 inch dildo
out of a bag and talking about how much 'fun' she and the mister have with
the bad beast. You go on with your bad-self Mrs. Doubtfire!

Thanks as always to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, rec'd

and lurked this fic!

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Ch 19-I Don't Need to Lose You to Know

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

So... Where were we? Ah, yes... Young and in love...

Chapter 19 – I Don't Need To Lose You to Know

"Are you awake, Bella?" Edward whispers in my ear as he props himself on his

elbow behind me.

I nod my head as he rubs his finger tips up and down my arm. It appears the

Kraken is waking as well as I feel Edward's lower half press up against me.

Edward and I are no longer speaking tentatively about our relationship. Before the

'I love you's' were spoken, we would make plans no more than a week or so in
advance and never speak on the future and what it might hold. Now our future is all
we can talk about.

I am certain that I have never seen Edward smile as big as he did last night when

I let him know that Rose, Tanya and I signed a lease for an apartment for this
summer and through the school year. I'll admit the thought of spending the summer
in Forks and so many hours away from Edward which was the initial plan, is
terrifying. He as much said the same which made my heart swell so the apartment in
the city is definitely the way to go.

I smile at the thought of more time with Edward, and at the fact that his finger

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that was so lovingly rubbing my arm is now inching my t-shirt up my waist.

"Did you sleep well?" He murmurs against my shoulder as he runs his hand over

my stomach and circles my belly button with his fingers.

I nod again as I begin to gently grind my ass into his erection. I can feel him smile

against me because he knows I am down for a trip to Poundtown. His hand trails up
my stomach and seizes my breast, pinching and pulling at my nipple, causing me to

"You want some Sunday mornin' lovin'?" He asks as he places his tip against my

opening and circling it tightly.

"Mmm" I reply with a smile as he slowly enters me. "But it's only Saturday."

Sunday mornin' lovin' is my new favorite pastime with Edward. Upon our return

from Vancouver a few weeks ago, we started this new morning tradition. It's slow
and sensual, never rushed. My back to his front with each of us on our sides.
Leisurely touching and grazing and groping. Unhurried connection. And the new
mirror on the back of his door makes it infinitely hotter as we can see it all.

My man is on fire today with the long, lingering strokes and the rough deliberate

grinds. I love that. I love that he can read what I need in that moment. He knows
when I need it shallow and fast and hard, and he can sense when I need the drawn
out deep dicking. He is twitching inside of me. I love how he does that too. Always a
strong finisher, I love how he stays inside me until he falls out. Like there is no
where he'd rather be than with me, in me.

Today's Sunday mornin' lovin' session is so good, I turn and kiss him full on the

mouth, morning breath and all. This is a slight breach of etiquette on my part as I
am typically not a morning kisser until after my chompers and tongue are given a
good once over by some minty fresh cavity protection paste.

My intention is to kiss him quickly, but he wants to linger. He's enjoying himself.

The smile in his kiss says so. Breaking the kiss and extracting myself from his
embrace, I run into the bathroom to answer Mother Nature's call.

"You must really love me." He says through the bathroom door.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" I ask like a smart ass as I struggle to

replace the toilet paper on the holder correctly. I swear, the man is going to save
lives one day as a surgeon, yet he refuses to adhere to the more than reasonable

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concept that toilet paper is meant to be pulled down, not up.

"Well," He starts off, cocky and smug. "I get a full on tongue kiss with morning

breath today and you farted in front of me last night. Must be love, baby doll!"

No! I gasp internally. Flatulence is a hard limit for me. I do not pass gas in front of

anyone if I can help it, and I make it a point to help it. I wash my hands and crack
open the door to peek at him to see if he is kidding. That smug mother fucker is still
in bed with his arms behind his head and a victorious smile on his face. I open the
door a smidge more to refute his claim.

"I did not fart in front of you; I would remember something like that."

He nods, arrogant smirk still in place as he responds. "I agree. You would if you

were conscious at the time."

"OH MY GOD," I whine loudly as I slam the door closed.

I hear the springs of the bed and his footsteps as he comes to stand outside of the


"Aw, babe. I swear it was cute. It even smelled like sunshine and baby baths." He

lies easily.

"EDWARD!" I half yell half whine.

"Fine, it smelled like a Chalupa Supreme." He concedes, only to humiliate me

further by adding, "I told you it's never a good idea to make a run for the border at 1

Fucking mortifying.

"Come on, Bella. What's the big deal? My dad says that's how you know you love

someone, if you are comfortable enough to pass gas in front of them."

Rolling my eyes, I hop up off the ground and open the door.

"Edward. Flatulence is a hop, skip and a jump away from taking an open door shit

in front of you. Is that what you want, Edward? Do you want me to take an open
door shit in front of you?" I challenge with my hands on my hips.

He looks like he wants to vomit as he shakes his head profusely. "Ugh, no. We

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discussed this; open door shitting is a hard limit for both of us."

"Exactly. So if I ever do that again consciously or unconsciously, I don't want you

to acknowledge it, agreed?"

He nods with his smile, pulling me against his chest.

I wrap my arms around his waist and burrow into his chest. "But yes. I do really,

really love you Edward." I admit quietly.

His answering kiss to the top of my head lets me know he heard me loud and



As I open the door to my room, I notice Rose lounging across Tanya's bed, reading

a copy of Cosmo. Tanya is at her desk, scrawling some notes into her mock cock

Rose and I acknowledge each other with a smile and a chin nod, while Tanya gives

me an absentminded "Hey doll!"

I go to grab my clothes out of our closet as I am on my way over to the hospital to

see Senior. He is currently suffering from some type of infection and was admitted
to the hospital last week. Ever the positive person, Karen assures me that the
doctors are working hard to contain it.

Rose's phone rings, jarring each of us from our thoughts. She takes one look at

the screen and gives a dramatic eye roll before hitting the ignore button.

"Royce again?" Tanya asks, as she begins scribbling in her binder once again.

"Ugh, yes…" Rose huffs in annoyance. "He clearly can't take a hint. I don't know

how else to say 'beat it geek' other than ignoring his texts and phone calls for 9 days
straight. I mean, really. Have some self-respect."

Tanya nods with her all knowing side smirk. I look down as I feel slightly guilty for

being a bad friend. In the weeks since returning from Spring Break, Edward and I
have sort of been in our own little world. Maybe Edward's harsh warning made her
see the error of her ways. Or maybe Emmett finally told his fan club to hit the
bricks. Rose must sense that I am sliding down the shame spiral for not knowing
why she isn't all buddy-buddy with the douche any longer.

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"Wondering what's going on, B?" She asks as she eyes me, chuckling.

I shrug, smiling sheepishly.

"Well," She launches into her story animatedly flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"T and I were at the gym and we ran into Siobhan, you know, the chick Tanya went
les-be-friends with for a month or so?"

I nod again, remembering Tanya's lady-friend who is an absolute doll. This gets

Tanya's attention as she turns from her faux phalluses folder to join the

"I'll have you know that we have that time I spent with Siobhan to thank for

inspiring my sex toy line. I mean, I am doing it for pussies everywhere – but
especially for the lesbians. Let's be real, dolls. There ain't nothin' like the real thing
baby, but when that isn't an option, that's where I will come in." Tanya says with her
hand over her heart like she is making a passionate promise to unhappy vaginas

Rose rolls her eyes and continues. "She and T were playing catch-up or whatever

and Triple H, I mean, Irina walks by and waves all awkwardly at us. Naturally, I give
her the stink eye and she hauls ass to the shower. Here I am thinking that she must
know that I am onto her, right? But no, apparently she is Siobhan's ex-girlfriend!"

Rose's eyes grow big and she rolls her neck when she says "ex-girlfriend" like she

is saying 'BOOM that just happened'. My eyes widen and my mouth pops open
slightly as I try to process this new bit of intel.

"So, is she a full-time lesbian, or a seasonal one like Tanya?" I ask as I grin evilly

at Tanya to which she laughs and shakes her head.

"Full-time. And in a relationship with Orangut – I mean, Chelsea." Rose answers,

correcting herself as apparently using the nicknames is no longer appropriate.

"Emmett knew, huh? Why didn't he just tell you?" I ask, genuinely both puzzled

and amazed at Em's secret keeping skills.

"It's not public knowledge, Chelsea isn't out per say." She explains letting me

know with her eyes that this doesn't leave the friendly confines of this room.

I put up my pinky, kiss it and cross my heart. Our third grade pinky-promise

apparently still holds up in friendship court as a legally binding non-verbal

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agreement as indicated by Rose's answering nod. I finish dressing and give myself a
quick once-over before I head out the door.

"I am off to see Karen and Senior. You guys doing anything tonight?" I ask,

realizing just how much I miss my friends.

"Em and I are having dinner with his parents." Rose replies with a shrug.

"Ty and I will probably be around." Tanya answers indifferently. "If anything we

will just go over to Felix's house and play cards or something."

"Sounds good – I will check in later. Bye dolls!" I say, shutting the door behind me.


The kindly old hospital volunteer advises me that Senior is in Room 1212 and

hands me a visitor's pass. As I pass the gift shop, I consider picking him up some
cookies or chocolate, but I think better of it. I don't want Jessica to think I am trying
to step on her toes.

I knock gently as the door is only cracked open a little.

"Come in." Karen calls out as I push the door a smidge.

"It's just me." I say as I stick my head out, making sure now is a good time.

She waves me in excitedly, bringing me in for a hug. I notice Senior in my

periphery, his appearance is shocking. His face is pale and gaunt and his body is rail
thin. Pain and weakness are evident in his every movement. I don't know if it is the
disease or the infection that is wreaking havoc on his body, but whatever it is, it
appears to be winning.

Karen releases me and I finally get a look at her. Her smile is genuine, but her

eyes are worried. She looks tired and worn down. She is fighting like hell to appear
strong and positive for Senior and Mike, but I can see the fear there as well.

"So good to see you, sweet girl." She says rubbing my upper arms.

"You too!" I say warmly as I go to greet Senior, though I am very afraid to touch

him because I don't want to hurt him.

"You need to get better big man; my dad says the steelheads are biting." I say to

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Senior, opting to just gently rub his hand.

He tries to smile lightly, but otherwise makes no move to respond. An orderly

knocks twice and walks in with a wheelchair and pulls up to the bed.

"I'm afraid you caught us at a bad time," Karen begins, "We are on our way down

to do a quick test. Are you in a hurry, or can you hang out for a bit?"

"I am completely open today, I'd be happy to wait to catch-up with you guys." I

reply smiling, trying to convey the same level of positivity as Karen.

"Wonderful, there are some books and magazines if you want and the cafeteria is

on the first floor if you want to grab a coffee or something to eat." She says as she
watches the gentleman help Senior into the chair and pushes him away.

I sit and peruse the magazines for all of ten minutes before I get my fill of

baby-bumps, break-ups and all of the other ridiculousness Hollywood has to offer. I
step into the bathroom to relieve myself and as I wash my hands, I take a good look
at my reflection. Naturally, because I am a girl, I get up close to the mirror and
inspect my pores, weighing the pros and cons of my new mineral based powder.

I hear the door open and close abruptly.

"Jess, I've got a really bad feeling. I think my mom isn't telling me something."

Mike says.

It sounds as though he is pacing and then I hear Jess's footsteps and the curtain


"Mike, calm down, there is no use borrowing trouble." She says matter of factly

before instructing, "Sit down."

I can hear him plop down on the chair. I am just about to make my presence

known when I hear his belt buckle being undone and the sound of his zipper. I am
frozen to where I stand with my hand covering my mouth, surely this is not

"Jess, they will be back up here soon. You don't have to do that." He protests


"Michael." She says in a scary ass stern voice. "Just shut up and enjoy it."

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"Oh God, Jess!" Mike bellows as he relents.

I feel like Jenny from Forrest Gump on her knees in the field pleading 'Dear God,

make me a bird, so I can fly far. Far, far away.' This shit is not happening.

I will give her this; the girl has the skills to pay the bills. I can hear the slurping

over his quiet moans and random 'yes' ' or 'oh God's'. As a matter of fact, Mike's
climax arrives fairly quickly with his typical strangled moan and labored breathing. I
can hear him zipping his fly and buckling his belt as I silently begin to pray that
good ol' Jess is a swallower and not going to need the facilities to spit.

After about five minutes of afterglow, and a conversation about 'how much he

loves when she does that' I can safely say that Jessica Stanley swallows.

My hand is still covering my mouth trying my hardest not to giggle aloud at all of

the thoughts of Mike being totally dominated by this chick. Like ball gags and gimp
suits and him screaming 'Thank you Mistress can I have another?'

I hear the door open once again and the curtain slide.

"There you two are." Karen says as she approaches them. "Where's Bella?"

"Bella's here?" Mike asks sounding somewhat surprised, though I am sure that is

more for Jessica's benefit.

Ugh, here we go. "Here I am." I say brightly as I open the bathroom door. "Sorry, I

was washing my hands when they walked in a minute ago."

I give an awkward wave to Mike and Jess who look to be a nice mixture of

horrified and shocked.

Thankfully, the door opens as a nurse wheels Senior into the room, though I am

surprised to see Dr. Aro following behind them with his eyes skimming what appears
to be Senior's chart. The moment he looks up from the chart, I know things are not
good. I look at Karen and see that she too is steeling herself for this discussion.

Dr. Aro clears his throat. "I am going to need to examine Michael, can we have

non-family members exit the room, please?"

I nod and look to Jessica, "Wanna grab some coffee?"

She gives a tight smile and follows me out of the room, shutting the door behind

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her. The elevator ride is quiet as is the walk to the cafeteria. We each grab our
beverage of choice before reconvening at a table near the cafeteria entrance.

"So…" She starts blowing out a breath before finishing with, "That was…


I laugh internally because all I can think of is dick-breath as she exhales loudly. I

am not sure why, but I want to put her at ease. I think about the way Heidi's
off-handed comments made me feel, and I don't have the inclination to do that to
her. More than likely because I don't want my ex back.

"Please. My boyfriend's mom walked in on us. That is mortifying." I say, hoping

that my own humiliation will help break the tension.

Her eyes widen and before she can stop herself she blurts, "She walked in on you

guys getting busy?"

I take a sip of my hot chocolate, playing it off like it was no big deal. "Not exactly,

I was kind of… sitting on his face."

She starts laughing hysterically. I giggle with her, but mostly at her because her

laugh is actually a full on cackle. It sounds funny, but still scary as shit.

We do the whole getting to know you thing. I find out that she is a junior and is

getting her teaching degree. She grew up in Tacoma and initially went to school
there, however after a messy break-up she came to Seattle. I feel a smidge guilty
when I try to guess what she did with the body from her messy break-up. I tell her
all about me and note her interest when I speak of Edward. I don't blame her a bit
though; I know my man is fine. Our conversation turns to Senior. Her mood dims
and she grips her coffee cup a little tighter.

"I don't think he has much time left, Bella" She admits quietly.

I furrow my brow slightly and can instantly feel a small lump in my throat. "What

is the doctor saying?"

"According to Karen they are 'trying to contain it'," She says, using finger quotes.

"But I think she is trying to shield Mike."

I nod in understanding, still unable to speak.

"I mean, he is obviously in so much pain." She says staring out into space. "I just

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think she needs to tell Mike so he isn't completely blindsided, you know?"

I take a sip of my hot chocolate as I am unsure of what to say. For some reason,

Karen's words come back to me.

"You are really, really good for him." I say without thinking. "Karen said that and I

think she's absolutely right."

My words must catch her off-guard because she looks surprised before she smiles


"So it's not weird, right? Like, being friends with him, him being with me, you

being with Edward." She asks, trying to feel me out or something.

"No," I reply looking at her like she is nuts. "Absolutely no weirdness at all."

"Good." She says watching her hands as they fidget with her coffee cup.

Apparently my answer wasn't reassuring enough for her, so I decide to put her at

ease once more.

"You guys are like, perfect together!" I say, hoping that my tone makes this

statement seem as though it is an obvious fact.

"I know, right!" She quickly agrees with a new spring in her step, a flip of her hair

and a huge smile on her face.

Damn I'm good.

We head back up to the room and find the door open. Karen is placing the

magazines and things from around the room into a bag crying silent tears. Mike is in
a chair in the corner with his head and face in his hands. I nudge Jess forward and
motion my head to the waiting room, letting her know that I will be out here if they
need me. Not five minutes later, a crying Jessica comes into the waiting room and
slumps into the chair next to me.

"They are moving him to hospice." She says quietly before she begins sobbing into

her hands.

My face flushes as I can feel hot tears forming in the corners of my eyes as I

awkwardly rub her back. I swallow thickly, trying my hardest not to sob myself as I
think about what this means and what needs to be done.

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I can't be sure if it is the best of Charlie in me, or the worst of Renee, but I am one

of those freakish people who can detach from a sad situation and do what needs to
be done. Well, almost any situation, I didn't exactly handle my break-up well, but
since this isn't happening to me, it is a lot easier to do.

My heart aches for Mike and Karen. I cannot even allow myself to think about it,

so I formulate a plan.

Once Jessica's sobs die down, she looks at me somewhat expectantly as if she is

saying 'what do I do now'. I clear my throat and pray that my voice doesn't betray
my strong exterior with the sadness I feel.

"Jess, there are a lot of things that Karen will need to handle, but we can take care

of these things for her."

She nods and motions for me to continue.

"We need to contact the family and let them know. Their time with him is limited;

she doesn't have a second to spare." I say ticking off a finger as if going through a

"We need to go to the store and pick up anything she needs so she doesn't have to

leave his side. We also need to stop by Mike's room and get some clothes and
toiletries for him to have on hand if he opts to stay at the hospital as well. We should
also get the number to his professors and the Dean's office so he can get a leave for
the rest of the semester. We need to do whatever we can to make this process easier
on them."

"O-okay." She stutters, rising from her seat. I can see that she is back on track

now that a plan is in place; determination colors her face as she heads back into the
hospital room to let them know.


Jessica and I make trip to Target before we stop by Mike's dorm. Apparently Jess

knows exactly where the needed information is in the room as she recently
reorganized it. She also proudly informs me that she got them to repair the water
damage to his ceiling. I have to look away for fear that I will smirk just thinking
about the ceiling tiles I counted while on my back three times a week on his bed. I
opt to stay in the car since I have little desire to revisit his room. My old stomping
grounds so to speak. She seems more than okay with that as well.

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As we drive back to the hospital, I program the necessary family numbers that I

have from my phone into hers. I give her the lowdown on the family. Evidently she
and Mike hadn't made the trek to Forks yet, but were planning to do so after finals.

We hit up a drive thru to get food for Karen and Mike. I almost snort when Jessica

asks if I want to go to Taco Bell, but that would be incredibly inappropriate at a time
like this. By the time we get back to the hospital it is just past nine o'clock.

Jessica enters the room first immediately taking charge of the situation. She

prepares the food and insists that they eat while explaining that she is going to
contact the family and the acting store manager at Newton's Sporting Goods to let
them know what is going on. Handing the clothes and toiletries to Mike and Karen,
she asks if there is anyone else she can contact for her to which Karen shakes her
head no.

My heart aches for Mike as he stares at his food unable to digest it or the events

of the day. But it absolutely breaks when I look at Karen. Her world is crashing
down all around her. I can't help but think about how her lifetime of happiness is
now reduced from years to days, hours, minutes and seconds. Right now I can see
her mind trying to wrap itself around what this means and how different her future
looks without him by her side.

I internally berate myself for thinking about how I would feel if I were in her

shoes. To know that my time with Edward could be cut short or my happily ever
after stolen from me, it makes my chest hurt. The thought of losing him in any
capacity physically causes me pain.

Jess seems to have the situation under control so I decide to head out for the

evening. I hug Karen tightly and tell her to call me if she needs anything. I turn and
give Mike a wave. He mouths 'thank you' to me as he waves goodbye. I meet Jess at
the door and we walk together to a small office where she intends to make the calls
to the family.

"Let me call Edward real quick so he can come pick me up." I say grabbing for the

receiver of the land line since I get zero reception at the hospital. He picks up after
two rings. I can hear the worry in his voice since I should have been home hours

"Hey, it's me. Um." I start as my voice cracks a bit. "Can you come get me?"

He tells me he will be right over. I can tell he wants to ask what's going on, but he

must be able to sense that I am hanging by a thread emotionally, so he thinks better

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of it. I hang up and turn to Jessica who is writing a list of the people she needs to
speak to and noting some of the things I told her.

"I hope you don't mind, but I put my number in your phone if you need help with

anything." I tell her, looking down at my hands.

"Bella." She says before clearing her throat. "Thank you. You've been… You're

really great."

I give her a small smile and push out my hands as if to say 'don't mention it'.

She sucks in her lips and nods effectively ending our pseudo moment for which I

am grateful as I am the most awkward person in the warm and fuzzy department.

I head down to the hospital lobby to wait for Edward. It's drizzling which is pretty

typical for spring in Seattle, well any time of year in Seattle really. I see him walking
up to the main entrance. His hood is up and he is looking down at his feet. It looks
like he is carrying an extra hoodie. Dear God, I love this man. I rush through the
automatic door and practically tackle him to the ground as I wrap my arms around
his middle.

"Hey." He says, hugging me tightly to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

"You alright, baby?"

I press my face against his chest and shake my head 'no' as I can feel the silent

sobs starting to build in my chest.

"Bad prognosis?" He asks quietly with his lips against my hair.

"Yeah." I whisper, not trusting my voice not to break.

He is silent for a moment before he too whispers the word that I can't even utter.


The dam breaks and I openly blubber and weep against him as he rubs my back

reassuringly. We stay this way for several minutes and I can feel the rain saturating
my clothes.

He puts the hoodie over my head and kisses my nose. "You've got a stage 2 case of

milady hair going there." He jokes with a crooked smirk trying to lighten the mood
as we begin the trek to his car.

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Hand in hand, we quietly make our way to the parking garage. The long walk feels

nice, calming in a way. Also it's probably a good thing since I've eaten my weight in
fast food and booze the past couple of days.

The elevator doors ding as they open and Edward ushers me in with his hand on

my lower back. He makes the floor selection and proceeds to pull me to him tightly.
His large hands cup my cheeks, while his thumbs wipe the remaining wetness from
under my eyes. I can't quite gauge his expression. His stare is intense, his eyes
boring into mine, but his jaw is tight.

He bends down and places a cautious chaste kiss on my lips. Again, and then

again once more before I part my lips slightly. He sucks my bottom lip into his
mouth and teases my tongue and teeth with his. The kiss goes from hesitant to
heated in a matter of seconds as he weaves his long fingers into my hair and nudges
me until my back is firmly against the elevator wall. I swear we are practically
panting into each other's mouths, the need to consume each other so great that we
can't seem to be bothered with something as trivial as breathing.

I vaguely hear the elevator door open, though I am not sure if Edward intends on

exiting as his lips have made his way down my throat. The door begins to slide
closed and he suddenly sticks his hand out and leads me out to the top floor of the
parking garage. There are only a few cars parked out here beneath the dimly lit
lamps and rainy night sky. Staring straight ahead we walk arm and arm to the car at
a snail's pace. His expression is serious and focused and making it nearly impossible
for me to read his mood.

"Penny for your thoughts." I say, looking up at him.

"I'm trying to imagine it." He starts, licking his lips and rubbing his hand over his

jaw. "What must be going through his head right now, knowing his time is limited
here on earth. And with the ones that he loves."

Nodding in understanding, I remain silent in hopes that he will continue.

"There is probably so much left that he wanted to do or say. I don't know - it just

kind of puts things in perspective you know." He replies shrugging.

"Yeah. I just can't…" I start but I shake it off as I can feel the lump in my throat

and my eyes stinging with tears again. "I just don't want to consider that I could be
in that same position someday."

He opens the car door for me. I climb in quickly as he shuts it behind me. I pull my

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knees to my chest and lean my head back in the seat.

"Tired baby?" He asks as he starts the car and assumes our driving position of

holding my hand in his.

I shrug. I don't think I am tired per say, maybe just emotionally exhausted.

"Let's get outta here." He says as we pull out of the spot.

The drive is quiet as I stare out the window watching the city go by. Every now

and again he puts my hand to his lips, but still neither one of us speaks. About ten
minutes into the drive I notice that we aren't heading back to campus, and I have no
clue where he is taking me.

"Where are we headed?" I ask as I try to figure out where we are.

"Jake and Ty are entertaining tonight, I just kind of wanted you to myself, you

know." He replies eyeing me out of his periphery.

We pull into Lincoln Park and drive until we hit the beach area overlooking Puget

Sound. I've always wanted to see this place. Granted seeing it in the daylight is
preferable, but I will take it any way I can get it so long as I am with Edward.

He quickly parks, pops the trunk and exits the car. I hop out as well taking in the

salty sea air. It's fairly cool and slightly windy, but this feels like the perfect place to
clear your head. Edward is holding a blanket under one arm and takes my hand in
his as he leads me down to the beach. The rocky beaches are beautiful, albeit a little
slippery. We find a picnic table under a shelter and he hops on top with the blanket
wrapped around his shoulders. I slip in between his legs and he wraps the blanket
around us both. Resting his chin on my shoulder we sit in comfortable silence,
enjoying the sounds of the waves lapping at the rocks.

"You're it for me, Bella." He blurts suddenly, almost like he couldn't stop the

words from coming out of his mouth.

I crane my neck to stare at him slightly taken aback by his words.

"I mean it. I want it all with you." He says, completely serious, his voice growing

more confident and sure by the second. "Marriage, kids… the whole kit and

My expression must be one of total disbelief because he feels the need to clarify.

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"I know that it's really soon to be saying things like that. I mean, we've been

together what four months or so. But I know it. I swear it; I think I knew it even
before we were together." He says sincerely before looking back out into the
distance and shaking his head slightly. "I will never forget the moment I knew you
were the one. It was like a God damn lightning strike."

"When was that?" I ask out of genuine curiosity since I always thought our

moment in the quad was the beginning of his interest in me.

He looks at me a little warily before smiling brightly and shaking his head. "Let's

get you home, baby doll. You're freezing out here."

It's true, as beautiful as the beaches are; the rain and wind were not ideal

conditions to sit in for any extended period of time. Leading me back to the car with
his arm around me, I realize I never told him that I feel the same. As he goes to open
my door for me I place my hands in the pocket of his hoodie and pull him to me with
my eyes on his.

"I want it all too." I say with certainty. "I want it all with you."

His answering smile dazzles me, as does the gentle kiss he places on my forehead.

He goes to open the passenger side door again, but I have other ideas as I pull him
back a few steps

The panty dropping smirk he gives me lets me know that he is game as we slip

into the backseat of the car. His hands are on me in seconds as we start taking off
our clothes. Our kissing is frantic and sloppy. His warm lips burn my icy skin as he
licks his way down to my cleavage and pulls my bra cup down, far too impatient to
wait for me to remove it as I am working diligently to get my pants and underwear

Edward sits back so we can both remove the rest of our damp clothing. We are

naked in no time and he resumes his meal with his favorite party of two. While he
pays homage to the lady lumps, I scratch my fingernails down his stomach and over
his pelvis before fingering the length of his shaft. He groans deeply as I lick my hand
and start working it over his dick. My hands must still be cold because Edward
shivers slightly.

Not one to be outdone, Edward takes two fingers and puts them against my mouth

before I part my lips to suck and tongue them loudly. He removes them quickly only
to shove them inside me once more firmly between my other lips. His mouth is on
mine again kissing and claiming and consuming every single ounce of me.

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His skilled fingers continue to deftly work my pussy over. His lips form a beautiful

'O' shape as he slides them in and out of me, before adding a third. I can't be sure,
but I think I feel his pinky hanging out in no man's land. Not necessarily touching
the restricted area, just casing the joint so to speak.

He slides me down until I am on my back. I spread my legs as wide as they will go,

propping one foot on the rear window and one on the neck rest of the passenger
seat. I place my hands above my head and brace myself against the foggy window.

Edward kneels on the floorboard and positions himself. I am barely able to control

the sharp intake of breath I have in reaction to him roughly rubbing his thumb
against my clit as I was clearly not expecting that. He likes this. He loves what he
does to me. And with that, he shoves his cock inside of me as deep and as hard as he
can go.

I get so lost in everything around me. The look of pure determination on his face

as he pounds so forcefully into me. The way the car rocks with each powerful thrust.
The mixture of the cold and the humidity and the condensation surrounding us.

He is almost there. I can tell because he repositions himself so he can make sure

to hit that spot. His spot. The one that makes me scream his name. He pulls me
down further so my ass is completely off the seat and my pussy is at his mercy. He
gathers my two hands in his large one as he braces all of them against the window

His jaw tighter now be begins plowing into me with powerful thrusts at a frenzied

pace. I close my eyes as I feel the white hot burning of my climax as it courses
through my body. Every single muscle in my body tenses and trembles as I receive
him. The hold my teeth have on my lip is beyond painful, but I have to admit that it
hurts so fucking good. With one last rough thrust and a deep grunt, Edward
explodes inside of me before collapsing and covering my entire body with his.

Short of breath and our chests heaving, Edward and I stare at each other for

awhile. Our bodies are sated and satisfied and our hearts and heads are completely
in sync. We lie in the backseat for a couple more hours. Laughing and talking,
making plans and forming the foundations of our foreseeable future, as well as our

A/N: So a smidge sad, but it certainly puts things into perspective for our

favorite couple... Smitten, smitten, smitten - just how we like them...

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Hmmm... How about an EPOV next chapter - yes? *nods* Good - because it's
time to head to Forks to meet Charles in Charge...

So tonight, I wanted to do something a bit different... Thus far, my

experience as a first time fic author has been awesome! I've received
amazing support and encouragement all around - so I wanted to pay it
forward to a few other first time fic authors. So I give you my Like A Virgin
Fic Rec list - all authors are popping their fic writing cherry - please check
them out and show them some love:

Barefoot in Texas by planetblue - just completed and absolutely fantastic

One Lonely Night by kitchmill - deliciously sweet E/B combination -

lemons aplenty

Second Chances by theinfinitexsadness - has it all - love, loss, and our

favorite 'L' of all - lemons

Tequila Sunrise by 2old4fanfic - laugh out loud funny and holy lemons (PS

- I call dibs on this Emmett, js)

The Bad Things Blog by - I want to do bad things with and to this Edward.


Thanks as always to all who have read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, rec'd and

lurked this fic! See you next week!

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Chapter 20 - Home

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Let's find out what's on our favorite dirty boy's mind…

Chapter 20 – Home


In honor of the fact that finals are over and we are free to do as we damn well

please until summer session begins, Bella and I are doing a little celebrating. And by
celebrating, I mean that my beautiful girl has my cock in her tiny, little hand
stroking it roughly.

"Fuck!" I grunt as I place my arms behind my head and enjoy the hand-job that

will surely end in a happy ending for me.

I close my eyes enjoying the feel of her hand as she jerks and rolls her thumb over

the head. Goddamn she knows just what I need. She catches me off guard though
when she bends down and takes my head into her mouth, sucking the knob hard and
flicking the tip of her tongue over my slit. I swear I just about fuckin' spear her face
with my cock as I jump slightly. My Bella doesn't miss a beat though, working that
cock over. I love her aggressive approach. The only thing hotter than Bella giving it
up is Bella getting hers.

Upping the ante, she climbs on top of my face and continues to suck my dick like a

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boss, albeit from a new angle. In all of our months together, we have yet to
sixty-nine. I imagine this is a first for her since her ex, the fuckin' choir boy,
probably fucked her through a hole in a sheet or something, so oral definitely wasn't
on the menu.

I lap at that pussy like its food for the starving, pulling her further down on my

face. My girl moans a little when the scruff on my chin roughly rubs against her clit.
She probably doesn't even realize that she is rocking back and forth to hit that spot
again. I have other plans for her though as I point and pierce her tight little opening
with my tongue.

Meanwhile, south of the border… Bella is taking my dick as deep as her throat

will allow. Sucking and slurping sloppily as she grips the base of my cock and jerks
it with short swift strokes. After several minutes she decides that play time is over
because she's ready to go.

I whimper at the loss as I watch her crawl forward and turn her body to face me,

lining her pretty little kitty up for a ride on the Kraken. I love her name for me. It's
especially accurate for the monster today because he wants to tear her up. Bella
isn't fucking around either as she sinks down my length until her thighs are resting
flush against my pelvic bone. She throws her head back and lets out a loud moan
with her full lips making a beautiful 'O'.

Motherfucking heaven ladies and gentlemen. I swear on all that is holy that her

little patch of pink heaven was created just for me. I internally fist pump as I look
down between us, because I don't even see a single centimeter of my dick. She
lowers her head with her eyes still closed as she chews that lip again. She begins
rolling her hips, grinding on my base, enjoying my cock inside her.

I grip her thighs to encourage that shit, but ultimately I just end up raising and

lowering her up and down my shaft. This is my favorite part. I love watching my girl
getting all worked up as she reaches up and grabs her hair before bringing them
down to gather her tits in her hands. I have to clench my jaw to hold back some of
the depraved shit I want to say to her. But it's my Bella, so I dial it back a bit and go
with something a little more generic.

"Agghh, fuck yeah!" I rasp before I beg. "Touch yourself for me, baby doll."

Bella gives me a sexy smile as she begins to tweak and pull at her pretty little

nipples and arches her back in offering.

"Like this, Edward?" She asks, her voice is sweet and sugary and goes straight to

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my cock.

I nod appreciatively enjoying the view immensely.

"Or do you want me to do this?" She questions as one of her hands trail down to

pinch and rub her sensitive little nub.

This girl is going to be the death of me. I nod my head profusely because if I talk

right now she is going to realize the crazy levels of depravity that my mind goes to
when it comes to her. Watching intently as she rides me, her eyes snap to mine and
they glimmer with a wicked gleam. She puts her hands on either side of my head
and lowers herself until her mouth is at my ear.

"Can we try something new, baby? She asks in a whisper.

She doesn't wait for me to answer, she just pulls off the bed and walks over to the

tall arm of the chaise, standing and leaning over it with her perfect ass in the air and
that wicked smile looking back at me through her reflection in the mirror.

I must look like a goddamn cartoon character because I jump out of that bed so

fast and am behind her and plunging into her a split second later. I am going to
town on her pussy, just pounding the shit out of it, so imagine my surprise when
Bella starts making some demands.

"FUCK! Harder, Edward!" She yells before elaborating slowly. "Ugh. Harder!"

That's a funny thing about my Bella. When she is like this – she has no idea how

loud she is. My roommates call her Yell-a. They know better than to ever say that
shit to her face, my baby doll would be fuckin' mortified if people knew how she
likes to get down sometimes.

I run my hand up her back and wrap her hair around my fist. I think she expects

me to bring her up so she can arch her back. 'Sorry sweetheart' I think to myself as I
nudge her head forward to rest on the chair so she is just about folded in half and
continue to slam into her.

Her moans and pants and whimpers are spurring me on. I can tell her pussy is

about thirty seconds from locking down on my cock, wrapping tightly around me. I
shorten my strokes, fast and shallow.

I see Bella gripping the cushion with her eyes scrunched tight, biting that lip to

hold back her screams. I swear I start speaking in tongues as she clamps down

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around me. I can feel myself shoot and soak us both in the process as I cover her
body with mine panting.

After a while my dick falls out of her and more than likely counts the seconds until

he can get back in her. My baby doll is exhausted so we head back to the bed to take
a nap before Emmett's Tequila Thursday party starts tonight.

I hop into bed first and open my arms so she can rest her head on my chest. This

girl. She's a perfect fit as she snuggles into my side. Soothing me as she traces her
finger up and down my ribs, I can't help but bury my face in her hair. My girl conks
out instantly, snoring softly. It's nice to see her face soften when she sleeps given all
the craziness and stress going on around her. I fucking love this girl. I smile
thinking about a conversation I had with my dad when we went golfing last week.

Dad is sitting in the cart, smoking a cigar and drinking. I love golfing with my old

man. He has a few then starts waxing intellectual on love and life and finding 'the
one'. If I had a quarter for every time I heard 'You know, your mother and I…' But
really I grew up believing that no couple in the whole wide world was better suited
for each other than my mom and dad. And then I found Bella. I turn towards dad as
he starts talking.

"Son, it's like this" he starts before inhaling his cigar deeply and blowing smoke

circles. "When you find the one, you'll know it immediately. If you're lucky, she'll be
funnier than you 'cause that shit makes a difference in good times and bad, lemme
tell ya'. If you're real lucky, she'll be smarter than you too so you will always have a
challenge, especially if she's a ball buster."

He smiles at that last comment and takes another drag. He exhales deeply and

points to me with his cigar. "And if you are really, really lucky, she will love you back
just as much, if not more."

Teeing up my shot, I think about what he said. There is no way my Bella could

ever love me as much as I love her. It would crush her under its weight.

"Now son, step up and drive the ball like you've got a pair. I want to win the

Father's Day tourney this year. If I have to hear Aro bragging about him and his
prick kid winning it again, I will punch him in his throat."

I try not to laugh as Bella stirs a little and lets out a cute little snort. He's right

though. Nothing compares to this. To her. I kiss her forehead gently as I watch her
sleep and hope she starts talking again. She says the most interesting things when
she sleeps. Last night she told me that my 'feet smell like fritos'. She may be right. I

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chuckle softly at that thought and then snuggle closer to her.

We sleep for about an hour before Bella's phone starts ringing incessantly. It

won't stop so I am guessing that it is my mom calling for another play-date with my
girlfriend. Bella finally grabs it yawning her greeting. She snaps to it real quick,
jumping up and getting dressed all the while assuring the caller that she'll be right
there before ending the call.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up, alarmed.

She is focusing on slipping on her shoes as she says the name that we've avoided

for the past week and a half. Senior.

I offer to drive her to the hospital, but she declines saying that she's not sure

when she will be back so I offer her my keys which she accepts gratefully. My girl is
trying so hard to keep herself together. I go to hold her and she lets me for a
moment before she brushes me off giving me a small peck on the cheek. I walk her
to the car and watch as she drives away. Her little chin is jutting out and her lips are
all scrunched up. I call it her Tough Nuts face. Probably won't mention that
nickname to her either.

I go to head back to bed and catch up on some sleep. Shit's probably going to get

crazy tonight since it is one of the last parties of the year. Emmett's in the kitchen
putting the keg on ice, telling Ty and Felix that he is gonna put the song 'Tequila' on
loop so everyone will shout it in unison all night. He truly is the best kind of idiot.


Several hours later, my phone starts blaring. I made sure to put it across the room

so I'd get my lazy ass up to answer. Sure enough it's a hospital number and my baby
doll sounds heartbroken.

"I need to go to Forks tonight." She says despondently.

"We'll go." I correct, hoping that I am not overstepping my bounds here.

"Really?" She asks, somewhat surprised which puzzles me.

"Yeah. I will pack and jump in the shower. I'll be ready when you get here."

"Thanks Edward." She whispers gratefully.

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I rush up the stairs to find Tanya and Rose so I can let them know what's going on.

The party is in full swing and just as Emmett hoped, all of the drunken partygoers
are screaming "Tequila" in time with the song. Jake, Tyler, Tanya and Jasper are
playing a heated game of beer pong. Alice is wearing a sombrero that is wider than
she is tall. Emmett is pouring tortilla chips in the brim of said sombrero and
instructing her to make the rounds for the guests while Rose giggles incessantly
with her new gal pals Irina and Chelsea.

Rose and Alice are clearly shitfaced, so I pull Tanya aside and let her know what's

going down and to fill the girls in as I need to go shower and pack for the trip to
Forks. She gives me a drunken hug and tells me how good I am for her girl. I turn
around and there's Heidi looking smug, expectant and really strung out. I don't even
acknowledge her presence as I head back down to my room. I lock the door just in
case she gets any ideas.

I pack quickly and hit the bathroom to shower and shave. Meeting Bella's dad is a

big fuckin' deal. Emmett and Ty met him and they say he's cool. But they forget that
he carries a gun, and although I am madly in love with his daughter, the chief
probably won't like that I know her in the biblical sense… a lot. Probably not the
best idea to think about this while shaving.

After a few minutes in the shower, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Bella must

be a fuckin' wreck. I rinse off real quick so I can answer the door. I wrap a towel
around my waist and rush out of the bathroom dripping water everywhere.

"Baby are you o-?" I start but I am stopped dead in my tracks as Heidi leans in

holding the door frame.

She is sniffing and trying to get her balance as she starts to approach.

"What do you want?" I ask, unable to mask the annoyance in my voice.

"Aww, Eddie. Don't be like that." She giggles and starts to try to finger my chest.

"Don't you miss me, sugar?"

"No, I don't." I answer quickly, coldly and honestly as I push her hand away.

"But aren't we friends?" She asks in a baby voice with a pout.

"Not really, now get the fuck out." I tell her as I shut the door in her face.

She pushes back on the door and the sex kitten act is over and here comes the

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"Can't talk to your friends anymore, Eddie? Did the little bookworm bitch forbid


I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. I will never understand what I saw in

this broad. She is a crazy, hot mess. And the fact that she just called my Bella a
bitch makes me want to toss her out on the curb like the trash she is. She's got me
in a bad position here. Me, in a towel, with her advancing. Not a good look for me.

"I am serious, Heidi. Get out!" I shout, making sure to keep my voice indifferent to

hide the growing panic that she is going to try to fuck things up for me with Bella.

She smiles at me, daring me to do something.

"Get the fuck out!" I say as I forcibly remove her hands from the door and nudge

her into the hallway. She latches onto my hands and starts up the psycho talk again.

"So aggressive. I miss that, Eddie." She coos. "I know you miss me too, baby."

"Trust me, he doesn't." Says a voice from the top of the stairs.

There stands my Bella taking in the scene before her. My eyes go wide and I open

my mouth to explain that this isn't what it looks like except Heidi beats me to the

"Well hey there bookworm." She greets her with a condescending smirk as she

leans back against the laundry room door as if I have her pinned there.

"Bella, this isn't what it looks like. She…" I start only to be cut off by Heidi.

"Yes it is." She says with a scary as fuck smile on her face. "This is exactly what it

looks like."

I can't read Bella's face other than the fact that it's angry and calculating and

oddly hot as hell. I hear a slight commotion and realize that Bella is now flanked by
a very drunk sombrero rocking Alice.

Bella crosses her arms across her chest. She hasn't looked at me once; her eyes

are on Heidi who is fucking daring her to make a move with that smug mug of hers.

"Bella, I swear. Nothing happened, she tried to come in while I was in the ..." This

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time it is Bella who silences me with a hand, and addresses the cokehead in the

"You have to the count of five to get the fuck out, before I personally drag you out

by the hair. One." Bella says, cold as ice.

You can cut the tension in the air with a knife. We are about thirty seconds from a

full on girl fight. And here I am, wearing a towel, staring at my fuckhot, angry
girlfriend, and maybe… getting a chubby.

'Please don't get a boner, please don't get a boner' I begin to chant in my head.

After ten seconds of pleading and sporting a semi, I realize I am going to have to
take drastic measures. I pinch the bridge of my nose and think of hard-on killers.
Shaving Emmett's back. Popping the whitehead on the back of Jake's neck. Tyler's
dick slang dance. There we go, semi crisis averted.

Heidi is still unmoving, goading my girl to put her money where her mouth is. She

tilts her head and smiles widely.


"You aren't going to do shit, bookworm!" She challenges walking halfway up the



Suddenly Tanya and Rose are behind a wobbly Alice. Heidi knows now that she is

severely outnumbered in both bodies and pure crazy. She turns to me one last time.

"I'll see you soon, sugar."


She reaches Bella at the top of the stairs and stares her down for a moment before

pushing past the girls to head out the back door.

"Thanks, dolls." Bella says quietly over her shoulder as she makes her way down

to my room.

I shut the door behind us and wrap my arms around her hugging her so fucking


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"You have to believe me, Bella. Nothing happened! I swear, she…" She cuts me off

with two fingers to my lips.

"Stop! I know. You wouldn't. Won't. You would never do that to me." She says

softly, clearing her throat before continuing. "To us."

I need to gently remove my tampon because at that moment I instantly turn into a

chick. My fuckin' heart is swelling with mad love for this girl. I have to beat down
some of the sissy shit that I want to say to her. Just to be sure that I have not grown
a vagina in the past 5 minutes, I reach down to check that I still have a cock and
balls. I am glad to find that they are still there, just hanging - short, shriveled and to
the left.

I still feel the need to explain, but I get a real good look at how sad my baby doll is

and I know that getting her to Forks needs to be my first priority. So I kiss her
forehead and tell her a quiet 'thank you'.


Bella sleeps through the entire drive to Forks. We make pretty good time and

arrive just before midnight. I drive down the main drag and wonder how someone as
amazing as my girl could ever come from some place so simple.

I recognize some of the landmarks that she has mentioned. I drive by the diner

that her dad eats at every single day. Bella alleges that the diner serves the very
best blueberry cobbler in the Pacific-Northwest. We'll see about that.

I also drive by the police station. I laugh as I remember Bella telling me that her

dad is not a fan of her dating. Apparently he lives to scare the shit out of anyone
who has ever taken a romantic interest in her. I remember Bella's story about the
Chief taking her ex into the interrogation room and then driving him around town in
the back of his squad car - priceless. According to Bella, to this day Newton is
terrified of her dad. I am glad for the preparation, I like to know what to expect.

"Baby, wake up. We're here!" I say, nudging her lightly as we pull up to her house.

I gather up the luggage as she stretches and we head up to the house. My girl is

staggering slightly out of pure exhaustion. She practically falls through the front
door. The Chief is up out of his recliner and is hugging Bella and a hot second later
eyeballing me over her head. I swear I see his mustache twitch as he sizes me up.
This isn't going to be fun at all. Bella releases him and I take this as my cue
extending my hand to him.

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"Hello." I pause, trying to find a voice manly enough to impress this guy. "I'm

Edward Cullen."

He gives me a firm handshake as he eyes me shiftily. Bella launches into what she

is doing tomorrow as she and Jessica have a plan in place. For the first time since
our arrival, the Chief smiles. Unfortunately, it ain't one of those warm and fuzzy
smiles, no; I am talking like a scary serial killer smile.

"Great! Edwin and I can get to know each other." He says before looking at me

"Do you like to fish, Edwin?

"Edward, Dad! His name is Edward!" Bella snaps and warns him with a brow.

He rolls his eyes and starts again. "Ya' wanna go fishing, Edward?"

"Sure. What time do you want to head out?" I ask hoping I sound eager and not

like a kiss ass.

"Four AM sharp." He says, pointing to the couch. "You'll sleep there. Bathroom is

over there. And under no circumstances are you to be upstairs at any point during
this visit."

"DAD!" Bella shouts smacking the front of her legs like she is chastising a dog.

"I understand, sir." I reply easily.

He gives me a nod and grunts as he begins walking up the stairs before turning to

speak again.

"Four AM. Bells, you should turn in too."

Bella nods and smiles. "You got it Chief."

His pornstache twists trying to hold back a smile. "It's good to have you home,


The moment is sweet until he looks at me again like Jack Byrnes from Meet the

Parents. There is a 90% possibility that I will be hooked up to a lie detector test
tomorrow, I am almost sure of it. Of course Bella chooses this moment to wrap her
arms around my waist, effectively signing my death warrant. My gal is fragile
tonight, so instead of pulling her further into me, I give her an awkward shoulder
pat. It's like I am saying 'Nice catch, pal' or something equally non-sexual.

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Her dad just grunts and stomps up the stairs. Dare I say I may have scored a point

or two with that move?


Ever feel like you are being watched? I am still a bit groggy, but I feel eyes on me.

I am slightly afraid to open them and find Bella beginning her 'Wednesday Wake-up
Special'. God, I love Wednesdays. This would be really bad though. Last night after
Bella went to bed, the Chief came back down to turn the light on in his ginormous
gun cabinet. Yes, on. I am surprised he didn't call me over to look at them and tell
me the amount of blood spatter and body matter removal each could cause. Sleep
didn't come particularly easy.

I still can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. Opening my eyes, I sit

up and notice the Chief is in his recliner in full fishing gear and serial killer game
face on.

"Good morning, sir." I say, my voice still a little groggy from sleep.

He grunts. I swear, I think Bella's dad is the inspiration for Billy Bob Thornton's

character in Slingblade.

"We're leaving in ten minutes." He says as he gets up and heads out the door.

I hop into his vintage Ford pick-up which is pulling a mid-sized motorized fishing

boat behind it. I remain quiet until he speaks first. We drive a good ways out of town
and I start to wonder if I should activate the GPS on my phone so my mom and dad
can locate my remains.

We finally pull up to a lake and get the boat in the water. Then he proceeds to

park the truck in the parking spot furthest from the dock in a completely empty lot. I
hop out and start to unload the gear.

The Chief gets out and pops a toothpick in his mouth and starts to stretch.

"Would you mind loading up the boat for me, Edwin?" He says as he stretches his

arms over his head. "Bad back and all."

"Sure thing, Chief." I say like the pussy that I am.

I take the tackle box, the rods and the cooler and start the trek to the boat. I

swear there are bricks in the cooler and tackle box. I am fuckin' sweating my ass off

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by the time I reach the boat. I notice the Chief is still there by the truck, so I head
back to see what I missed.

I take a look in the truck bed and don't see any other fishing gear so I look up at

him hopefully. "I think I have it all, you ready to go?"

"We need these too, Edwin." He says cryptically as he removes a tarp covering

two cinder blocks and a large chain with a heavy duty pad lock.

I try not to react and swallow back the urge to scream like a little bitch for

someone, anyone to help me. I look at him and he is smirking. He is smirking my
smirk. I see that and my resolve returns as I pick up the blocks and the chain.

I hear him following me as the gravel kicks up under our feet. We get to the boat

and he has me sit in the seat closest to the bow. The cinder blocks and chains sit in
between us. I wait for him to fire up the motor, but instead he hands me two oars.

"Motor doesn't work." He mutters with a small shrug and that smug ass grin on

his face as he crosses his arms.

I love Bella. I love Bella. I love Bella. I chant this over and over in my head as I

row myself and fuckin' Dexter into the middle of this God-forsaken lake.

We are having a staring contest apparently. I hate to lose. Game on Chuck, game

fucking on!

The Chief begins the interrogation asking about my schooling, grades, home life,

family, any prior arrests, any outstanding warrants and the like. He stops and thanks
me for answering honestly as he's already had a full blown background check run on

"What are your intentions with my daughter, Edwin?" He asks seriously.

"I love your daughter, sir." I say and the sincerity is obvious to even my ears.

He doesn't move, just stares, and the mustache stares at me too. I inhale deeply

through my nose and gently place the oars down securely. I lean my forearms to my
knees so he knows I am about to level with him.

"I love Bella, Chief. I fully intend to have it all with her if she will have me." I say,

noticing he still looks unmoved.

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"How can you be so sure, Edwin?" He asks skeptically, tilting his head.

I shrug because who could explain the crazy connection she and I have.

"She is everything to me, sir. She makes me happier than I ever thought possible."

I say matter of factly.

"It's just… You seem like… A bit of a pussy, Edwin. Are you wearin' panties

underneath those pants, boy?" He goads, daring me to lose my cool.

Oh no, Charles Swan. I don't have a pussy – I have a kraken, or so your daughter

tells me. I snicker at my thought and stare out at the water.

"I get it Chief. There is probably no one on this earth who loves that girl more

than you." I say before turning and looking him straight in the eyes. "Except for me.
I will give her a good life, sir. I will support every dream she has. I will more than
likely come to agree with every bat shit crazy thing she says. Make no mistake, sir,
her happiness is everything to me."

He nods a little so I know I am on the right track. He needs to see a little

backbone from me, so I go with the whole Tommy Boy approach saying something
crazy like, 'I can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking my head up a cow's ass – but
I'd rather take the butcher's word for it', just to show him I mean business.

"I know how much Bella loves you, sir. You are her pedestal person, and I

completely respect that. If you feel it necessary to bust my balls so that I gain your
acceptance – so be it. But, just consider this while you have your fun. Bella will be
my wife one day and that alone guarantees you a father-in-law suite and a private
nurse because she would never send you away to a nursing home. Now, that being
said, keep in mind that the only thing guaranteeing your private nurse being a
pretty young thing and not Kathy Bates from Misery will depend on your ability to
just call me 'Edward'."

I give him a wink as if to say 'chew on that.'

He stares at me for a long time before he lets out a long, low whistle. "Goddamn,

boy! You have balls the size of church bells!" He says with a laugh and reaches out
to shake my hand. "I like that! Edward, call me Charlie!"

We shake hands with a newfound respect for each other. He then turns around

and starts the motor to the boat, shrugging sheepishly when he sees the disbelieving
look on my face.

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"Let's go get some grub!" He says as he steers the boat back to shore.

"Don't you want to fish?" I ask, somewhat confused.

"Hell no, Sue is working this morning, gotta get a seat in her section. If there is

one thing you need to know about Charlie Swan, it's this: Women want me, fish fear

~~ IYR ~~

The diner has about eight tables and all of them are in Sue's section.

"I gotta drain the lizard." Charlie says as he heads back to the restroom.

I hear the bells on the door ring as someone enters the diner. I look up and notice

Mike and Jessica standing in the entryway, staring at me. She sits at the counter
while he makes his way over to the table and extends his hand.

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping to get my dad in with Dr. Aro and Dr.

Eleazar." He says, his voice sounds a bit hoarse.

"No problem. I –a, I'm sorry about your dad, man. Just, so sorry for your loss." I

say awkwardly.

He nods and motions to the seat to ask if he can sit.

"Yeah, sure." I mutter, wondering why on earth he would ever want to sit across

from me.

"Your help bought him a lot of time which we are grateful for. I am serious, I can't

thank you enough."

I nod again, not wanting to slip the proverbial panties back on by having a

moment with Bella's ex.

"I want to let you know about something that I saw the other day. That prick Alec,

he was, I don't even know what to call it. It wasn't even hitting on her, it was more
like harassing her. I walked in and it looked like he was trying to corner her. I told
him to get the fuck out. Bella was a bit shook up, but tried to play it off. You know
how she is – suffer in silence type and all."

As I listen intently to what he is telling me, my thoughts and emotions run the

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gamut. Pissed beyond belief that Bella didn't tell me about this incident. Gratitude
toward her ex for looking out for her and then having the good sense to come tell me
about it. Annoyance that he says the words 'you know how she is'. Murderous as I
think of what I plan to do to Alec the next time I see him.

He is sitting there, waiting for my reaction. I wish I could decide on how to react.

"Thanks for looking out for my girl." I say as I reach out to shake his hand again.

Yeah sure, I pissed on her leg a bit, but he should be grateful I don't punch him in
the face for the shit he said to her on the quad that night. It's his lucky day in that
respect, I guess.

And with that, he rises, gives a head nod to myself and the Chief and goes to sit at

the counter with his girlfriend.

The Chief and I continue to hang out and bond throughout the day. He takes me to

the barbershop, introduces me to all of the guys. The place reminds me of the
barbershop my dad and I went to in Chicago. Lots of sports talk and ball busting.

That night, Bella makes us a fantastic dinner. We all sit around watching the

Mariner's game, drinking Vitamin R. Life with Bella is good, and it just got a little
better with her gun-toting, scary as fuck father and his mustache.

~~ IYR ~~

The funeral is a rather interesting and sad affair. It is clear that Senior was a good

man and adored by his family and this community. I may or may not have had to
clear my throat and look up at the ceiling to prevent tears from shedding during
Mrs. Newton's eulogy. She speaks of love and living in the moment, saying what you
mean, and never forgetting how precious each day with the one you love is. I can't
help but love Bella more when she grips my hand a little tighter during parts of the
eulogy that seem to speak to her.

Charlie's eyes are on our hands as well. He quirks his brow as a silent reminder of

the promise I made to not fornicate with his little girl within his jurisdiction. I give
him a small nod letting him know that I remember.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this funeral is watching Bella with Mrs.

Newton. Bella is typically kind to everyone, but Mrs. Newton is obviously someone
Bella reveres. I can't help but hope that she and Mom will be as close one day. And
neither can my mom for that matter.

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After the burial, we attend a small gathering at the local VFW that goes well into

the evening and from there we say our goodbyes to the Newton family and Charlie.
Mike pulls Bella aside. I can hear him thanking her profusely for all she has done
and how wonderful she is for helping Jessica and his mom with everything. He and I
shake hands as he thanks me again.

"Don't forget to take care of that little problem." He reminds me before he

releases my hand.

I can't say I like the guy, but I can tell that he is genuinely a friend to her. He and

I won't forge an easy friendship, but for her, I'll make it work. Watching Bella say
goodbye to the Chief is almost as heartbreaking as watching her bawl her face off
while hugging Mrs. Newton. We will see him in a couple of weeks for Father's Day.

"Edward," Charlie says as he shakes my hand. "Take care of our girl, son."

"I will, Chief." I say sincerely.

The Chief called me 'son'. This is promising. It's a pretty cool thing to be called

that by Charlie Swan – the man, the myth… the mustache. We aren't even five miles
out of town and my Bella has her hand on my thigh and her lips at my ear.

"There is a meadow about a mile from here I'd like to show you." She says as she

runs her hands dangerously close to the Kraken and her tongue is dancing over the
shell of my ear.

Must. Maintain. Control.

"Can Charlie arrest us there?" I ask praying that this meadow is beyond his reach.

She backs away smiling and nods her head yes.


"I just thought you'd like a little romp in the grass with your girlfriend, but if you

like treating me like your kid sister so much, I guess I can live with that." She baits
me smiling.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." I say as I grab her hand and pull it to my lips. "There will be

nothing sisterly about the way I will touch you when I get you home."

I hear her breath hitch and notice her thighs rub together. We ride in comfortable

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silence for a while, just listening to the iPod. I can feel her eyes on me as I drive.

"What's on your mind, baby doll?"

She fidgets slightly. "I had a weird thing happen at the hospital the other day."

I nod. "Alec?"

I can feel her eyes roll. "Mike already told you?"

"Yes. All he said was that he had you cornered and he told him to leave." I reply

looking to her to corroborate the story.

"Pretty much." She says as she brings her knees to her chest.

"Pretty much?" I give her a reprimanding look.

"Same old shit, Edward. It's like he is trying to get a rise out of me, it's weird. And

don't worry, Mike went ballistic enough for the both of you so I doubt he will be
messing with me anytime soon."

I'm curious about Mike's level of bat shit, but I can tell she wants me to drop it.

She's probably right, hearing about her ex defending her honor kind of makes me

"My old babysitter, Emily used to live in that house right there." She says, clearly

wanting a subject change as she sits up in her seat pointing out the window.

"The one who adopted the little boy?" I ask for clarification.

She looks at me slowly and nods as I recognize my error. I never told her about

the day I decided that I wanted her for my own. The day she unknowingly stole my
heart with her smile and excitement for a little orphaned boy. The kickass cupcakes
helped too.

"The day I knew that you were the one I wanted. It was her little boy's Gotcha

Day." I say quietly.

She nods and clearly wants me to continue so I clear my throat and begin my


"I just got back from my parent's house. I was still in a funk from everything that

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went down over Christmas break. I heard all the guys laughing upstairs so I went to
see what was going on and then I heard your voice. It took me a minute to place it
since we've never really hung out much." I tell her as I glance her way, "But I've
always thought you were just a fuckin' knock-out. So like the stalker I am, I sat at
the top of the stairs and watched you."

I watch her just to make sure my stalker tendencies aren't upsetting her and she

has a little smirk on her face which is good. I'm glad she doesn't think I'm a nutjob.
She turns to me and gives me a little head nod, encouraging me to continue.

"Anyway, you were bouncing around the kitchen, baking up a storm and talking all

about this little boy your friend adopted that day. You were baking for his Gotcha
Day celebration that his new parents were throwing for him that night. I've met very
few people who do a "Gotcha Day" as big as you and my mom. You two are on a
whole 'nother level." I say with a laugh.

Bella smiles and looks down. I think she is remembering that day too.

"You have to understand, as an adopted kid, that day is just amazing and

wonderful and a little bit scary as hell not to mention overwhelming. Normally, I'd
say that you would just have to know how desperately Esme and Carlisle wanted me
to understand where I am coming from. But it's like you knew. You got it. You knew
that this day was going to change all of their lives. And the fact that you wanted to
make it perfect for them, for some kid you never met just made you fuckin' perfect
to me."

For me – I add in my head. I have to check my mirrors and clear my throat so I

don't start crying like a bitch just thinking about my mom and dad and all they went
through before they adopted me.

"And then to hear you shooting the shit with my friends... I had no idea at the time

how fuckin' funny and smart you are. I mean, even Felix was talking. You know that
Felix has only ever talked to me one time in the two years I've known him and that
time was when we first started dating. It was to tell me that I'd better be good to

She nods at this as she knows all about Felix. Felix is Tyler's best friend since just

about birth. He is massive; I mean 6'8" and about 300 lbs of pure fuckin' muscle. He
plays football with Em and Ty, but he didn't get his scholarship for football. He's got
a brilliant mind, some kind of Good Will Hunting shit on the science tip. The only
thing is that he has a paralyzing stutter. He only speaks when absolutely necessary,
or if he is comfortable with the person or the group. He's just a real good guy.

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"Either way, most normal guys would be like I want a girl 'like' her. But not me." I

say shaking my head. "For some reason I got it in my head that it was you and you
alone that I needed. The kicker for me though came when you set aside a plate of
cupcakes for me with a little note after Tyler told you I wasn't feeling well or
something. Covering for my broody ass as usual."

She laughs a little at that. I look at her seriously for a moment.

"Do you remember what you wrote on the note, Bella?" I ask and she immediately

shakes her head no.

I stare straight ahead at the road. "I still have it hanging on my bulletin board in

my room. I'm surprised you haven't seen it. You wrote 'Especially for Edward –
Happy Gotcha Day'. I don't know. I guess I looked at it like it was some kind of sign,
you know."

She's quiet for a bit, but I can feel her staring a hole into the side of my face. She

leans over and places a long sweet kiss on my cheek and holds my hand just a bit
tighter. And so begins the longest hour of my existence because I cannot wait to get
my girl home.

~~ IYR ~~

About five minutes from my house, Bella begins her approach. Running her

fingers through my hair, rubbing her hands over my thigh, kissing my neck. This girl
drives me crazy. We pull up to a full house and I remember receiving a text from Em
that we are having some kind of after hour soirée.

I barely have the key out of the ignition and we are full on running through the

muddy backyard to the door. She's fast, but I catch up and throw her over my
shoulder and hustle down the stairs as she giggles and smacks my ass.

The once blaring music from upstairs becomes muffled as I slam the door behind

us. I make sure to lock it before I put Bella on her feet and back her up to the door.

I kiss the shit out of my girl for the first time in days. I think I hear my baby doll

growl a bit as she pulls my head down to deepen the kiss. I smile as she hungrily
sucks on my lips and tongue before forcing her own in my mouth.

My hands are all over her body, reacquainting themselves with her curves and

softness. I get my hands under that shirt and start running my fingers over her tits,
plucking and working them over like only I know how. Bella moans as I pinch and

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pull on her nipples and responds in kind by shoving her hand down my pants and
gripping my cock.

We taunt and tease each other, trying to work the other up further and further.

She breaks first pulling her shirt off then reaching for my fly. I put my arms above
her and hold myself against the wall, watching as she roughly tries to slip the
clothing from my body. She brings my boxer briefs down to my ankles along with my
pants. And while she's down there, she runs her tongue up my shaft and sucks hard
on my tip. I grab the back of her neck gently and guide that pretty little mouth of
hers back up to my lips.

I kiss her hard for a few moments before I slink down her body to pull her pants

off, much the same as she did mine. She spreads her legs once they are free of her
pants and underwear, begging me to touch her where she wants me the most. On
my way up I run my fingertips up her legs and thighs. One hand continues up to her
ribs, the other hand buries two fingers into her tight little pussy. I hear my Bella
gasp a bit before she starts rolling those hips and grinding down on my fingers until
they hit the spot. She looks sexy as fuck with her eyes closed and biting' that lower
lip. I swipe my tongue over it until she releases it and suck that pretty little thing
into my mouth.

I am knuckle deep in her pussy and I can feel Bella starting to shiver and tremble

a bit as I put my mouth around her nipple.

"Fuck!" She yells as she accidentally slams her head back into the wall in ecstasy.

I can feel her reaching around, wanting to work my cock in her hand, but I have

other plans for my baby doll as I remove my fingers from inside of her and grab the
backs of her thighs to hold her up against the wall.

It's time for my Bella to get a new first I think to myself as I pick her up and line

my cock up with her entrance. I slam into her against the wall and my girl goes
crazy. I can feel her nails digging into my scalp. I stay still for a minute inside of her,
I don't know, basking in her warmth or some shit like that.

My throbbing forearms remind me that I need to get to thrusting, so I do. I damn

near pull out before I thrust back into her and set a hard and fast pace. We try to
kiss, but that's just not working so we are basically just grunting and groaning into
each other's mouths.

Yell-a is in the house tonight.

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I am a pussy because my arms are killing me, so I carry her over to the bed a little

bummed that the wall banging portion of our evening is over. But I still have a ton of
fucking to do so I get to it putting her knees on my shoulders and pinning her arms
above her head.

I drive into her like a goddamn mad man as my girl pants and screams obscenities

beneath me.

"Yes! Fuck! Yes, Edward!" She yells tilting her pelvis up to take more of what I am

giving her. "Fuck me! Ugh!"

I close my eyes and just listen to the sounds she's making and the craziness she is

spewing. My Bella wants to get dirty tonight, so I lean forward and speak directly in
her ear.

"You wanna get fucked, baby doll?" I say, trying to drop my voice a bit. This

usually works on her, I am pretty sure it is one of my signature moves.

I can hear her breathing pick up a bit and she nods and starts blurting out

gibberish, but I think I hear a few 'yes pleases'. Blame it on the fact that I am a sick
fuck and I love it when I can get her to say dirty things out loud so I continue to
whisper in her ear.

"You want this cock, Bella?" I say smiling because she is nodding her head

profusely and her breathing continues to falter. "Say it! Tell me exactly what you
want me to do with this cock!"

I smile as I look down at her, watching as my words make her baser desires kick

in. I am a bit surprised to see her expression is calculating and just a wee bit smug.
She catches me off guard when she grabs the back of my hair and pulls my ear down
to her lips and sucks my earlobe into her mouth.

"You want me to be your dirty girl, Edward? Hmm?" She asks condescendingly.

"You like hearing dirty words out of your good little girl's mouth?"

Completely taken aback, all I can do is nod.

Bella smacks her hand on my ass and pulls me in deeper and holds me there. I can

feel her tightening her pussy around me and I swear my head is going to fucking
explode. Both of them. Bella is firmly in control now; though I am not sure I ever had
control to begin with.

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"Fine, Edward. I'll be your dirty girl." She says in the sexiest fucking baby soft

voice I've ever heard. "I want you to take your cock…"

She pauses and sucks on my earlobe some more. Her breathing gets a little

labored and I am not sure if her confidence is faltering or if what she is going to say
is going to blow my fucking mind and quite possibly, my load.

"Mmm… I want you to take your cock and fuck my pussy like you own it!"

WHO THE FUCK IS UNDERNEATH ME? I ask myself, although I am a bit

surprised that my inner monologue sounded a bit like Chris Rock there.

Bella's seductive smile teases me, but I know she is proud of herself. Fine

sweetheart! You wanna get fucked by the Mayor of Crazytown. Well here he is and
he has a key to your city.

I rear back and grab the corner of the mattress and the top of the headboard and

fuckin' slam into her.

Every crazy thing I've ever wanted to say comes out like word vomit. I don't even

know what the fuck I am saying. I am pretty sure I throw out a few 'take that cock's',
maybe a 'gimme that pussy' here and there. I know for certain I call that pussy
'mine' repeatedly. Hell, I think I even yell at her to tell me that it is mine. I'm a sick
possessive fuck like that.

I am sweating and talking like a pig all over this girl and I'll be goddamned if she

isn't fucking loving it. She is moaning and screaming loudly with her legs wrapped
around my waist. My fuckin' thighs are burning and trembling and I can feel her
tightening around me. After one last thrust I collapse on top of her as my orgasm
takes me. My forehead against hers, each of us with our eyes closed savoring that

I roll off my Bella and pull her to my side. And all is right with the world, until it's


We hear a huge crash upstairs and a collective gasp and a bunch of screaming.

The music that was once blaring above us is silent and all we hear are the shuffling
of feet and raised voices. It's the sound of a shit storm brewing upstairs.

A/N: Couldn't resist the cliffie – sorry dolls… Back to BPOV next week

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when the shit hits the fan…

Special shout out to Robsessed 1123 for the picspiration behind the

lemons this week!

I accidentally left off a name the author of The Bad Things Blog and for

some reason I could not get it to update. The author's name is mercy . jones
(remove the spaces b/c it won't let me update this for some reason either) -
good stuff - not to be missed.

Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, rec'd and

lurked this fic! You guys are the best!

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Chapter 21 - Kiss With a Fist

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets.

Tonight's POVs will alternate between Chocolate Thunder and Bella.

Let's get ready to rumble…

Chapter 21 – Kiss With a Fist


"You want another?" I say to Em as I get off the couch to grab more beer.

"Yeah. Thanks, man," Emmett replies, handing me his 'I Don't Get Drunk, I Get

Awesome' beer stein.

His eyes are on Rosalie as she and T attempt to teach Leah how to Dougie. That

shit is hard for me to watch, because damn, that girl cannot dance, but not Em. Hell,
Rose could be clipping her toe nails with her teeth and that boy would be riveted.

I step into my room and grab a few Heinekens. None of that nasty ass Natural

Light we are serving the masses from the kitchen. I see Edward carrying Bella
through the backyard and running into the house. I chuckle a bit because I know I
am going to be hearing those two tonight. I should probably close the vent while I'm
thinking about it. My room is right above his and those two get loud – mostly just
Bella but he can holler as well. Tanya and I just sit up here and bug sometimes at

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the crazy ass shit we hear coming out of their mouths.

But those two are in their own little world. I have to give Edward credit, he seized

the moment, man. I feel bad for my boy, Felix, though. He's been in love with Bella
since the first semester of freshman year. She was his lab partner. He never said
anything but I just knew. A couple of weeks before she and her boyfriend broke up
she used our oven to make some treats for a party. Felix watched her like a hawk,
even talked to her too. It's a cryin' shame because he never stood a chance once
Cullen set his sights on her.

It was the damndest thing when Edward called me to get Tanya's number the

night Bella and Mike broke up. He came home acting funny. Pissed off, but happy.
Determined even. I remember the first thing he did was snatch Jake's laptop off his
lap and sent that girl a friend request.

Once Felix saw them dancing at Edward's birthday party, he knew that ship had

sailed for him. I've got mad respect for him though because he shook Edward's hand
and told him to be good to her. Hopefully Tanya can come through on setting him up
with her girl Angela. She's cute and quiet, a lot like Bella. Well, maybe not like Bella
in the bedroom, but an all around good girl.

As I come out of my room, I hang back and lean against the doorway for a while,

just people watching. It's what I do. And as always, my eyes find my girl, T. She's
laughing with Rose and Leah. I love it. What you see is what you get with my girl.
She's wild and fun and smart and damn sexy. She'll beat someone down or bury a
body without blinking an eye. She's my down ass chick. Life is fun as fuck with her

She catches me looking and gives me her killer smile. She always catches me.

Nothing gets by my girl. I tip my beer to her and with that she goes back to her
conversation with Leah. Looks like its Rose's turn to fill their girly drinks. Em keeps
bottles of that Mike's Lemonade shit for the chicks in his room. Shit, he'd probably
stock tampons for those girls if his Rosie asked him to. That boy is pussy whipped.

I start to walk back over to Em to give him his beer when I am cut off by Royce

and his boys. We acknowledge each other with a head nod out of courtesy, but I hate
those clowns. Seth is tight with Jared. And by tight I mean he's his dealer. As far as I
know it's just pot and 'shrooms, standard fare, but I know those guys sell the heavy
shit too.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Royce follow Rose into Em's room and shut

the door behind him. That smug motherfucker Alec watches him do it too.

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Something's not right about this. I walk over and try the knob, but it's locked. I start
frantically pushing on the door and jiggling the knob. I turn around and yell for Em's
attention. He walks over a bit too slowly for my liking so I drop the drinks and push
my shoulder into the door.

"What the fuck are you doin', man?" Em yells, putting his palms on either side of

his head like I've lost my damn mind.

"Royce has got your girl in there, man!" I snap back as I throw my full weight

behind my shoulder this time.

When the door breaks, I see he has Rose against a wall and she is yelling for help.

I go to grab that sleazy fucker, but Emmett beats me to him. He's got that son of a
bitch off of her and thrown to the ground in a matter of seconds.

I am standing there a bit in shock because damn, Emmett has stone cold lost his

mind, beatin' this kid like he owes him money or something. I grab Em so he doesn't
kill him just as Jared and Alec run in and pull Royce out of the room. That fucker is
smiling, taunting my boy as he gets dragged out by his crew of bitches. Tan slips in
and pulls a screaming Rose into her arms. Rose is frantic, trying to explain, but Em
knows she would never do that to him.

I can't contain Em, I can't seem to get my arms around him and I am praying that

Jake realizes that Em is about to set it off. Em takes off into the living room, fully
intending on beating the shit out of this guy and probably anyone who gets in his
way. Jake finally catches on and gets in front of him as I try to detain him from
behind. Unfortunately for Jake, Em shrugs him off with a forearm and has Royce in
his vice grip a split second later.

I've never seen Em like this in all the years I've known him. He picks this kid up

and body slams him into Seth's DJ equipment table. As soon as the music goes silent,
the crowd realizes that it's about to get real up in here.


We hear a loud crash and screaming from upstairs. Edward is up in seconds,

pulling on a pair of jeans and the undershirt he wore to the funeral today. I hop up
and immediately regret it as I feel a gush below of Edward's special sauce running
down my leg. Shit.

"Stay here." He orders as he slips on his gym shoes and heads up the stairs.

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Yeah right, Cullen. I make quick work of the mess and grab some of the clothes I

have stashed in his drawer. I hustle up the stairs and turn into the kitchen only to
see Heidi and Lauren in front of me making their way to the action in the living
room as well. That bitch has a huge set of brass balls showing her face here tonight.
They nudge their way through the crowd and I follow, but once they get to the front
I push my way past them.

Edward and Jake are standing in front of Emmett, pushing against his chest

desperately trying to hold him back. Chocolate Thunder has his arms around him
from behind. His face is strained from trying to restrain him. Emmett's face is red,
furious, and fucking scary. His jaw is tight and his eyes are crazy. I can actually see
his chest heaving from here.

I look across the room and notice that Bongwater and Alec are standing in front of

Royce who's got a busted lip that is bleeding down his front. They are smiling and
laughing at the shit Royce is spewing, barely pressing on his chest as he runs off at
the mouth.

"She's been all over my dick for months; you were just too fuckin' stupid to

notice!" He yells, baiting the angry giant further by grabbing his junk.

I swear Emmett growls and shoves forward, causing Jake and Edward's footing to

falter a bit.

I get a sick feeling in my stomach as I hear Lauren and Heidi giggle next to me. In

my periphery, I see Lauren's arm extending with her cell phone poised to take a
picture. I look over to see she is lining up a shot of Emmett's room where the door is
wide open. On the bed, Tanya is holding and consoling a disheveled looking Rose
with mascara and tears running down her face. I take off towards my friends,
grabbing Lauren's phone in the process and throwing it across the room where it
shatters once it collides with the wall.

The blood is rushing to my ears as I hurry to get to Rose and Tanya, I don't even

hear the explicative laced rant Lauren goes into behind me. I am about three feet
from the door when I suddenly feel myself being thrown to the ground – hard. My
knees hit the hardwood and I am barely able to get my hands under me so I don't
smack my face on the floor.

I raise my eyes and see Paul smirking at me, with a laughing Alec, Royce and

Bongwater staring down at me as well. Felix lifts me by the arm and walks me to
Emmett's room and I can literally feel myself trembling. I am shaking with rage and
fear and worry. I can also feel Edward's eyes on me and I know. His resolve is

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unshakable. This is going to happen. So I nod, letting him know I understand.


I notice Bella taking off towards Emmett's room with Lauren Mallory

motherfucking her all the way. I can't believe they snuck into our party. I know
damn well them bitches weren't invited. As Bella goes by, that prick Paul throws her
to the floor as hard as he can. Her knees hit the hardwood and I see every single
muscle in Edward's body tense up.

Now normally I call Edward 'The Gent' because he is just a real smooth, polite

mother fucker. I would never think that he would be capable of getting into a fight,
and if he did it would probably start with him smacking someone across the face
with white gloves and saying "How dare you, sir!"

As I look at him now, I know that's not the case. Not by a long shot.

"Another one of Cullen's girls is down on her knees." That punk, bitch Alec says

loudly as Felix helps Bella up and into the bedroom.

Other than the laughs of Royce and his friends, the room is dead silent. So long as

I live, I will never forget this. I've seen some scary shit in my life, Emmett's frame of
mind right now being one of them. But when I see Edward turn around, I know for a
fact that he is the coldest motherfucker I've ever met. And the next words out of his
mouth are said low, but lethal.

"Fuck 'em up!"

And with that, he steps out of Em's way and slowly stalks over to Alec.

Oh Lawd, we're going to jail tonight I think to myself as I shake my head surveying

the chaos around me.


I hear the fits of laughter from their little crew as Felix releases my upper arm.

Felix stares at me intently, his eyes are on mine and his expression is focused. He is
concentrating so hard, so I know he is going to speak, which is a really big deal for

"Sss-st-stay hhere, Bella. Please." He says slowly, pleading with his eyes for me to


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I nod as I close the door behind him. I can't help but peek out the crack before I

shut it completely. I see Edward release a murderous looking Emmett who
Chocolate Thunder and Jake can no longer restrain alone.

And so it begins…

I shut the broken door as much as I can and lean my back against it. Tanya has

her arms wrapped around Rosalie who is gasping to catch her breath while wiping
the tears from her face. My heart breaks seeing my beautiful friend looking so

"Rose…" I whisper, to get her to look at me.

She begins shaking her head frantically, trying to speak, but it just comes out in

random hysterical pants.

"I didn't… He followed me… Tried to kiss me… I fought him… But Ty… He didn't…

Em thinks…"

"Sssshhhh" Tanya soothes, rubbing her back. "Emmett knows that you wouldn't do

that, Rose."

This brings on a fresh round of hysterics. Rose tries desperately to get her

breathing under control as all hell breaks loose in the next room.

I scrunch my eyes closed tightly and listen to the chaos just on the other side of

the door.

There is a large crash against the wall that makes the pictures in this room rattle

followed by a collective gasp from the onlookers. Feet are shuffling frantically,
probably folks trying to escape the melee, or maybe people rushing to stop it.

I hear the unmistakable sound of fists connecting with flesh. Grunts and growls

and grappling on the floor. It has to be pure fucking bedlam out there because the
sounds from the crowd are a mixture of screaming girls, voices of reason trying to
stop the madness and a handful of idiots egging it on.


Within seconds several things happen at once. Em throws Jared out of the way

and tackles Royce into the drywall. Edward cold-cocks Alec in the face and drops
him to the ground. Jake jumps in front of Paul to keep him from getting anywhere

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near Edward and Emmett.

I can't move because I don't know what to do. Who the fuck needs me the most?

Edward is standing over Alec taunting him, motioning for him to get up. When Alec
does, he tells Edward to 'come on'. I shake my head because he has no clue who he
is fucking with right now. I may even chuckle a bit when Ed pops him in the mouth
and he stumbles back into the crowd. It appears that Edward has things under

Jake and Paul are wrestling around. Truth be told, I am a little concerned that

Jake bit off more than he can chew. Paul is a strong dude. Everyone thinks he is on
steroids because he is so muscular and volatile, but he's not. I see him at the gym
everyday working on his fitness, no 'roids necessary. He's just a fuckin' asshole.

But when I see Emmett hold Royce down by the throat with his fist cocked ready

to strike; I know exactly where I need to go. I rush over and wrap my arms around
his middle again. This must be quite a sight, one giant dude grabbing another giant
dude from behind, trying to heave him backwards – this ain't a good look for me.

As I pull Em back, I check on the boys again. Edward has Alec pushed up against

the wall across from the bedroom door that Felix is guarding. I wish I could get his
attention; I could use his help here. Edward is going to town on Alec, holding him up
and just punching him repeatedly in the stomach and sides.

Heidi is screaming for him to stop, but she has this weird smile on her face. The

crazy bitch is getting off on this. I cannot stand that girl. It's bad enough that she
did my boy so dirty but she's been fuckin' with Bella's head too. She's lucky that
Bella called off Tanya and Alice, because they were ready to beat her down when
she pulled that shit with Edward a few days ago.

I see her try to get in the middle, trying to get her hands on Edward to stop him.

Alec uses this to his advantage and jacks him in the side of the face. He stumbles
back a bit and rubs his cheek and pops his jaw back and forth. Mm, mm, mm… Alec
thinks he knows, but he has no idea. He's looking all smug like George McFly when
he hits Biff, all proud of himself. But once he realizes that Edward's coming toward
him he turns back into the punk bitch that he is. Edward isn't playing and cocks
back and jabs him in the jaw… repeatedly. Alec should fall, but hell, Ed has him
pinned again.

When he finally lets him go, Alec drops to the ground and starts trying to slither

away. But Edward is following him, yelling at him to 'get up'. Damn, man. That dude
is a bad motherfucker for real…

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Leah's frantically crying as Seth holds her back from jumping in the middle of the

melee. Paul has Jake in some kind of wrestling move, with his arm twisted, and
poised to snap.

I see Felix hesitate at the door, trying to decide if he should intervene or continue

to hold the door knob to make sure that the girls don't jump into the mix. I faintly
hear Bella pounding on the door, begging him to help. And with that, he steps over
to Paul and grabs his arm and shoulder and whirls him around, pushing him away
like a fuckin' rag doll.

Paul's no slouch so he gets right up in Felix's face or as close as he can get and

pushes him back.

"Get your fucking hands off me you stutterin' prick motherfu—"

Paul doesn't even get to finish that sentence because Felix knocks that fuck face

out with one punch. He just drops to the ground like he got put to sleep. Nighty
night, beeyach

Felix is in the zone now as he picks him up and smooth walks him to the front

door, tossin' him on the front porch like the cat in The Flintstones. Alec is still trying
to back up, inching his way to the door as well. Edward is just stalking him looking
like a crazy man.

And Em, he is just goin' to town on this cat's face and ribs. I can't even hold his

ass back anymore because he is just dragging me. I'm like a backpack at this point,
but then I see the cavalry coming in the form of one cowboy, Jasper Whitlock.

Jas takes control immediately, wrapping his arms around Emmett and helping me

pull him back. Royce seizes the moment and gets one lucky punch in while we are
pulling Em off of him. That prick is all fucked up looking, but still goading my boy
like he didn't just get his ass handed to him. He must be too coked up to notice his
face is the size of a pumpkin, all swollen eyes and shit. He'll feel it tomorrow.

Jared pulls Royce out front and Emmett drags Jasper and I out as well as we are

both still wrapped around him being yanked unwillingly. Everyone involved in the
fight is outside now. Jake, Jas and I have Em relatively under control at the top of
the stairs on the porch. Not Edward though, he's still got business to handle.

Paul is just now pulling himself up to stand. He is trying to get his balance, with

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his hands on his knees, spitting blood into the mud. Edward gives a sharp, short
whistle to get his attention. As soon as Paul looks up, he wishes he hadn't because
Edward knees him in the face. Paul hits the ground again all sprawled out. Cullen
doesn't stop there as he kneels on Paul's chest and starts pummeling him UFC cage
fighter style.

"Someone should stop him." Jake says making no move to stop him, seeming to

enjoy watching the beating Paul is taking.

Jas, Jake and I can't move otherwise Marcellus Wallace here might get medieval


Felix walks down all cool and calm and grabs Edward like a teddy bear and totes

him back up to the house. It's not easy to look all hard and tough being carried like
that, but Edward manages to pull it off. We walk back into the house and I let Em
go, giving him a pat on the back. He turns and gives me a nod before he stumbles
over to his room to see his Rosie.

And just like that, the shit is over.


"You better put some ice on that pretty boy." I hear Chocolate Thunder say before

there is a soft knock at the door.

I stand up and get out of the way as Emmett makes his way into the room. He has

a large cut above his eye and his clothes are torn and bloody. He staggers directly to
Rosalie who is still sitting on the bed looking up at him, eyes pleading. He gently
kisses her forehead as he kneels in front of her, wrapping his arms around her waist
and placing his head on her lap. The moment is so private, but the soft smile on
Rose's face as she runs her fingers through his hair lets me know that everything is
going to be okay.

Tanya and I head out into the living room, surveying the damage. Seth is on the

ground, trying to salvage what is left of his DJ equipment. I am assuming that was
the first casualty of the fight. There are two large body shaped holes in the drywall,
a lot of the furniture is overturned, and the floor is littered with red solo cups and
spilt beer.

Tyler wraps his arms around Tanya from behind and kisses the top of her head.

He looks slightly disheveled, but other than that, I don't see a scratch on him. I need
to find Edward.

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As I head into the kitchen, I see his reflection in the window. He's sitting at the

kitchen table with his head down and a huge bag of frozen hash browns on the left
side of his face. I panic at the thought that he's been hurt, but that thought is
silenced by an all-consuming level of anger that I didn't know I was capable of. My
eyes widen as I watch Heidi saunter over to him and run her fingers through his
hair, touching him knowingly. Sure, I should feel relieved when he bats her hand a
way and gives her the international sign for beat it, but I don't. The anger won't
subside. I've reached a level of crazy in my head that I can only assume should be
studied by FBI profilers and serial killers alike.

I roll up my sleeves and stomp into that room with purpose. It's about to get

Hustle & Flow up in this bitch, because I'm about to whoop that trick! I can feel my
inner Springer guest emerging. Cracking her knuckles, stretching her neck and
bouncing on her feet left to right like a prize fighter. Because I am planning on
getting bat-shit crazy, I turn my mood ring around so I leave a nice sized dent in her
head when I lay the literal smack down on her. I am within ten feet of my target
when I am suddenly accosted by an angry Lauren and her shattered Android two
inches from my face.

"You owe me a new phone!" The train-wreck screeches, glaring at me menacingly.

As if I am on bad bitch autopilot, I swat the phone out of her hand for the second


"I owe you an ass whooping!" I yell as I shove my finger in her face.

And with that, I am no longer Isabella Swan. I'm Bella from the Block.

Now, I wish I could say that I was sportsmanlike and only threw clean punches

like a professional boxer. Or that I came out all bad ass, whipping out eight different
types of karate moves and the five finger death punch on her like Uma Thurman in
Kill Bill.

But I can't. Because I didn't. Instead, I got gully.

I shove her as hard as I can into the counter, but that doesn't faze her in the least

because she comes right back at me, charging like a bull. I grab a hold of her as she
drives me back into the refrigerator, smacking at the back of her head with my
mood ring free hand while she tears at the back of my shirt.

I wrestle her upright a bit, and then I get enough leverage to throw her off of me.

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But I don't stop there. No, sir. I start waving my arms like a windmill, because like

Samuel L. Jackson, I am going to strike down upon thee with great vengeance. I am
pretty pleased with myself as I lay a few blows to her head and chest.

She comes at me again; doggy paddle style like this is a sissy fight. Girl, please. I

came in here to beat bitches up, so I take it up a notch. I form tackle her and we
land on the kitchen floor with a crash and wrestle around for a bit, scratching and
smacking each other whenever we can. I hear Edward, Tyler and Eric Yorkie finally
running over to break us up. But someone beats them there first.

"Get off of her, psycho!" I hear Heidi shriek as she grabs a fist full of my hair and

starts pulling me back.

A part of me wants to stay and finish the job on Lauren, but a bigger part wants to

issue Heidi the beating of her life. Hmm… Decisions, decisions…

I decide I want a shot at the title, so I go for Heidi, but not without a little

humiliation of Lauren first. I grab the neck of her too tight t-shirt and pull with all of
my might. I hear the ripping sound I am looking for and as an added bonus, unclasp
the front of her bra. So now we all have a ticket to the tig ol' bitties show. To further
her mortification, at that very moment that I let the dogs out, Eric Yorkie wraps his
arms around her to pull her off and gets a nice handful. You're welcome, Eric ya'
dirty perv.

Lauren isn't one to back down as I see her coming back at me, tits bouncing

Baywatch style. That is until I see a whirl of strawberry blonde hair clothesline her
and drag her back into the corner.

"Oh, hell no!" Chocolate Thunder yells as he hustles to stop Tanya from going all

Bad Girls Club on Lauren.

Heidi tugs on the end of my hair again, and I remember that she has an

appointment with my fists, aptly named "Brutus" and "Buster". I turn quickly and
wrap my arms around her middle, wrestling her down to the ground as the bottoms
of her jugs assault the top of my head.

I am pretty sure I am full on growling as I climb on top of her like a spider

monkey. See, Heidi made a tactical error. She grabbed the ends of my hair – not the
scalp. Now I have a full range of motion, and shit is about to get real. I start raining
blows on her head and body. I probably look just like Ralphie beating down Scut
Farkus, the bully in A Christmas Story. I'm not gonna lie, it feels damn good too.

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That's what I get for celebrating.


She lays another one on me right across the face. I feel my entire face get hot and

I clench my teeth as I ball my fists up.

It's. About. To. Go. Down!

I raise my fist, but I feel Edward grab it as he tries to yank me off of her. I am

absolutely wild with rage at this point, so I go in for the only other move I can. I
grab her hair at the scalp and wrap it around twice. I may or may not get hit twice in
the face in the process, but the pained expression on her face when I yank on her
hair makes it totally fucking worth it!

Edward is pulling me one direction and Jasper is pulling Heidi the other. We both

shriek in unison when the boys figure out that we have a death grip on each other's
locks. Edward has me around the middle and off the ground so I do what any
self-respecting brawler would do. I kick her Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style –
solid kicks to the chest in rapid fire succession. In my defense, once Jasper gets her
off the ground, she starts kicking me too.

"Bella, let go, baby!" Edward coos, trying to get me to release her hair from my

kung fu grip.

"Let go!" She screams.

"Fuck you!" I yell back and pull harder.

"Baby doll, stop!"

Seth comes over and does his best to extract her hair from my grip, but not before

I feel like she has a visible bald spot.

'Victory is mine' I shout like Stewie from The Family Guy in my head and/or

possibly aloud, I can't be sure at this point.

As Edward carries me out of the room, I see Chocolate Thunder pleading and

trying to get his arms around Tanya who is shaking the shit out of Lauren by her
hair. Eric Yorkie is of no assistance to Tanya or Tyler, as he is fixated on Lauren's

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exposed chest.

Once Edward has me downstairs, he takes me to the bathroom and gently places

me on the toilet. Then he goes all Dr. Cullen on me.

"Bella" He chastises me as he checks my face, hands and arms for cuts and

scratches. "What were you thinking?"

Oh, no he didn't.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you up there having a tea party?" I ask condescendingly.

His eyes meet mine, expression incredulous. "They had it coming."

"And those psychopathic bitches didn't?" I ask, rolling my eyes at his idiocy.

I am about to continue my smart as remarks, but when I look at him I notice the

damage to the side of his face. He has some bruising along his cheekbone and a
small cut on his lip.

"Baby!" I say as I jump up and start inspecting his body as well.

His jeans are completely covered in mud and his shirt is torn in several places. He

sucks in his teeth when I touch his cheek and it makes my chest hurt to see him in
pain. He lets me clean up his cuts and I turn on the shower for him. As I head out of
the bathroom, he grabs my hand and motions his head, indicating he wants me to
join him. So I do.

With soft touches and chaste kisses, we wash the evidence of this evening off of

our bodies. We are both sorry for our behavior, but not sorry that we've
inadvertently shown each other everything. Naked and completely exposed, we
show each other our blazing insecurities and the level of craziness that we are
willing to go to in order to protect and keep what we hold most dear. I guess that's
just us. Clearly imperfect in every way, but maybe we are perfect for each other.

Edward lays me down on his bed for the second time that evening. This time our

love making is slow and deliberate. Reaffirming all that we feel for one another to
each other. Reassuring each other that nothing and no one will stop this. These
unspoken promises are sealed with each kiss, each touch and each loving stroke.
Slow and deep gives way to fast and hard as our need grows until he finally spills
into me. He rolls off and as we do every night we are together, I nestle into his chest
while he lovingly strokes my back and sides as I run a finger up and down his ribs.

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Yawning, I chose to end our night on a silly note. "Good night, Billy Bad-ass."

And without missing a beat, my Edward responds in kind.

"Mmm. Love you, tough nuts."

A/N: So, all parties were appropriately dealt with – now let's get back to

the smutty fun...

I feel bad there was not a real lemon in this chapter, and much like Tanya,

I view helping the reader get their perve swerve on as my top priority. Given
that tonight's chapter was a collective effort by the group, I thought that
should be the theme for my recs. Groups with E/B as the main show …

Watch by AmandaC3 – um, before you read lay out an extra pair of panties

and smokes if you got 'em. This is a fun little threesome for all of you Jasper
lovers out there…

The Casting Couch by Coldplaywhore – I would like it noted that this was

my very first group fanfic read as I was trying to step out of my comfort zone
– like WAY out. Hot and smutty – I don't regret it for a minute. I recommend
a pillow to catch your jaw because this shit is bananas…

And for you non-group gals who just like a straight up E/B – try Fork My

Life by grrlinterrupted. Cybersex done right!

Thanks so much to all who have read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, tweeted,

rec'd and lurked this fic!

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Chapter 22 - At the Beginning

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Let's start wrapping this up, shall we…

Chapter 22 – At the Beginning

EPOV – 3 years later

10 Charged in Trafficking Operation

A 3-month long investigation by state and local law enforcement has resulted in

the shutdown of a known Seattle to Tacoma drug trafficking operation.

On Thursday, authorities released the names of the 10 people who have been

charged with distributing crack-cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana in a joint effort by
King and Pierce county drug enforcement task forces.

I chuckle before taking a sip of my coffee as I am not remotely surprised to see

some familiar names on that list. Royce, Jared and Paul are looking at some hefty
sentences if convicted. Hope they don't drop the soap. I haven't seen or heard from
those guys in a long time. We didn't throw parties any more after that one. It was
the be all and end all of parties. What can I say; we went out with a bang…

Today is moving day. Bella and I finally put my Grandpa Platt's inheritance to

good use and bought a nice little starter home. Well, I also used it to buy my baby

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doll a ring. I proposed last year on my Gotcha Day about a week after our
graduation. She's the one, plain and simple and I can't wait to marry her. In fact in
just three short weeks, she will become Mrs. Edward Cullen. She will be tied to me
in every way possible and I couldn't be happier if I tried.

This first year of med school is kicking my ass, but after finals next week all

should be well. Dad told me not to worry, that the first couple of years are the worst
because schools tend to weed out the one's not motivated enough to do what's
necessary. I suppose that makes sense but I'll be damned if that's gonna be me.

"Edward." Bella yells from downstairs. "Can you come help me, baby?"


I hustle down the stairs of the basement and slip in to my room, but she is

nowhere to be found.

"Where are you, babe?"

"In here."

And then I see her. She is wearing my Port Angeles 3-on-3 basketball tourney

shirt, the one with my last name written across the back in big block letters. The
same shirt I gave her the night that Emmett led her down to my room like a little
lamb to the lion's den. She is in the laundry room, perched on top of the dryer with
her hair all piled on top of her head in a messy ball.

With a sultry smile she greets me with the exact same words she did that night.

"Dirty boy, Cullen."

Hmm, looks like my baby doll wants to finish what we started all those years ago.

My mouth is on hers in seconds. I am practically bending her backwards with this
kiss, roughly attacking her mouth with mine. But my girl is holding her own against
my lips and stroking my tongue with hers. It's like I am right back there, in that
moment. Feeling her body and lips against me for the first time, and fuck me, it still
feels new. This time though my girl is confident, less hesitant, and down to get hers.

"Are you thinking about that night, Edward?" She asks in a breathy moan against

my mouth as she spreads her legs wider for me.


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I close my eyes as she runs the palm of her hand down my body and curls her

finger tips into the waist band of the basketball shorts I am wearing, tugging ever so
slightly. I step forward and run my hands up her thighs creeping up slowly only to
find that she isn't wearing any panties. I smile against her mouth and she hums
softly at my delight.

"No panties, baby doll?"

She shakes her head as she slowly takes her shirt off and lets her hair down

before leaning back on her elbows atop of the dryer. All she is wearing now is her
fuck me smile and a round, shiny, sparkler on her left hand. She places her heels on
each corner of the dryer, effectively spreading herself wide for me, putting her bare
little pink pussy on display for my pleasure.

Those baby brown eyes are boring into mine as she slips her tiny little hand down

her torso to spread her lips. She trembles a bit before she quietly begs.

"Touch me, Edward."

My muscles tense as I inhale deeply trying to rein in the last shred of fucking

control I have over my body which is lost the split second she opens her mouth to
whisper again.

"Make me cum."

I go from zero to pig in fucking ten seconds flat smacking two fingers against my

girl's clit before plunging them deep into her pussy. Fuck she's wet. I can hear that
shit as I finger fuck her fast and hard. I pull my fingers out and as expected, they are
just glistening.

My baby is sucking in her lips, trying to keep quiet and losing the battle as she

shudders slightly. I grab the back of her neck and pull her up to me because I want
to taste her one more time before I taste her. The irony is not lost on me that my
Bella is not the same timid girl who came alive right before my eyes that night.

I nip and bite and suck on her neck and chest as I make my way down my girl's

body. Her tits are fuckin' perfect, standing at attention and waiting for affection.
Who am I not to oblige? I take her nipple into my mouth, circling it with my tongue
before sucking it hard. Bella trembles a bit before grabbing the back of my head and
holding it there, digging her nails into my scalp. I run my tongue over to the other,
teasing it with just the tip.

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"You like that, baby doll?" I ask her as I roll her little peak between my thumb and

forefinger, twisting and turning and tweaking it until I get her to make a sound. I
know she loves it, but I'm a sick fuck and I love the fact that my girl isn't too proud
to beg.

"Ugh, God, yes! Yes! Please!"

I pull my fingers from her pussy and wipe her wetness all over her nipple, coating

it before I suck it back into my mouth. I watch for her reaction because I know that
she likes it when I get dirty. She scrunches her eyes shut and moans so I make sure
to work that shit over.

"Fuck! Yes! Edward, yes!" She screams and tightens her grip on my hair.

I think back to last year on the night I asked her to be my wife. Not only was it my

Gotcha Day, it was also the day that Bella gave me what I now call the 2 Live Crew
pass because she lets me be as nasty as I wanna be in the bedroom. Well, to an
extent. The b-hymen ban is still in effect.

My dick is straining to get wet, but I want a quick sample of my baby doll's

delicacy. I kiss down her torso and suck on each of the fingers that Bella's been
using to spread herself with. Her eyes are on mine as I take my time licking, sucking
and releasing each one with a pop.

"Lean back, baby."

She leans back on her elbows and I place her long sexy legs over my shoulders

and get to eating my Bella pie. Top to bottom I lick and lap and taste her flesh. Her
thighs are trembling and squeezing me tight. And her hand is pushing my face
further in as she grinds against my mouth making sure that she has me where she
wants me.

I bite down on that clit and she squirms and mewls. I reintroduce my fingers

pushing them deep inside of her while I continue to flick that clit with my tongue. I
am feeling a little brave today and there is a good possibility that I may get punched
in the face, but I think I am going to go for it as I lower my pinky near her back
entrance. I am definitely a sick fuck because I am doing it all slow and playing the
Jaws theme song in my head as I approach. On second thought, maybe I should be
humming the Mission Impossible theme song instead.

I suck as hard as I can on her little nub and rear my fingers back, waiting until my

girl is close, which she is. Here she goes, lip bite, shaky thighs yet still managing to

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squeeze the life out of my head and a new possible bald spot near my neck. So I go
for it shoving my fingers forward, all three of them.


Her knees come out of nowhere as she jumps back and locks down on my temples

like a goddamn vice. While that reaction was unexpected, the rest of her body is
thrashing and writhing and reaping the benefits of what is commonly called 'The
which will now be referred to as the 'Triple E'. The Enhanced Edward
Experience. Yeah, she looks like it's that good.

Once she is back in control of her body, Bella quirks an eyebrow at me and it

makes me think that I may be wrong so I need to distract her. I stand and lift her
legs over my shoulders and slowly ease my cock inside of her.

She tightens her grip on my hair and grabs the other side too, pulling me down for

another kiss. If I were a gentleman, I would have wiped my mouth, but I am not. I
have a sneaking suspicion that tasting herself on my lips turns her on. Either that or
I watch too much porn where that shit is acceptable. My girl is sucking and licking
on my Adams apple and throat because she knows just what to do to get me going as
I start slamming into her.

"So fucking good," she whispers against my ear.

"Yeah? You like takin' that cock, Bella?"

"Agh, fuck! Yes! Give it to me!" She moans loudly so I pick up the pace, thrusting

into her like a fucking machine over and over again.

After several minutes, my knees are starting to hurt as they bang against the

metal of the dryer. I think a little position change is in order as I pull out of her and
back up.

"Turn around, baby doll."

Lickety-split she hops off that dryer and bends over it. She's on her tippy toes as

she lies across the top. I place each of her hands at the top corners and kiss down
her neck.

"You are gonna want to hold on tight, Bella." I whisper in her ear as I grab my dick

to line up and enter her.

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I kiss and lick down her spine and give a loud smack to that ass.

"Love that ass." I say as I bite the soft flesh gently.

"Yeah, well keep your fingers away from it." She says looking back at me with that

same accusing brow.

Maybe the Triple E wasn't all it was cracked up to be…

I tear into her again and I can tell that she's close because she is clutching the shit

out of the dryer and arching her back to meet me grind for grind. She feels fucking
fantastic as she constricts her inner walls around my shaft. I throw my head back,
close my eyes and focus on the sounds of skin slapping skin, and my baby girl's
moans and groans.

Panting now that we are both so close my Bella is begging and pleading.

"Harder, baby! Fuck! Faster!" She gasps as she pushes back against my pelvis,

grinding that sweet little pussy against me.

"Come on, baby doll, let me hear you!" I tell her as I reach under her to grab one

of her tits in one hand as the fingers on my other hand go around and play with her
pretty clit.

Each thrust is harder and harder, the dryer is no longer balanced and the front is

coming off the ground each time my pelvis meets her ass. Our orgasms are closing
in. I pinch her nipple and her clit simultaneously and can instantly feel my Bella
tightening around me a split second before my own release. She's just fucking
milking my cock as she grinds back into me one more time before she comes apart.
We are both a sweaty mess as we stay bent over the dryer trying to catch our

"Love you, baby doll." I say honestly through staggered breaths as I kiss just

beneath her ear.

"Love you too, baby." She replies panting while palming my cheek.

"Hello!" Emmett's voice booms throughout the house. "Where you at, E?"

"Party's over!" Bella jokes as she tries to lift and steady herself.

Shit he's early. I grab Bella's shirt and throw it to her as she sprints across the

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hall shutting the bedroom door behind her. I am having a hell of a time trying to pull
my shorts up my legs as I can hear him coming down the stairs. I just about have my
shorts on when he comes around the corner.

"Jesus, Edward!" He shrieks, but he doesn't cover his eyes, he does however cover

little baby Liam's eyes, who he is toting on his chest like the kid in the Hangover.
They are even rocking matching mini-Aviator glasses.

Emmett proposed to Rosalie about 6 months after Bella and I got together, only a

month or so after the fight as a matter of fact. They had a lavish wedding the
summer I proposed to Bella and welcomed little Liam McCarty the following spring.

"You knew we were coming!" He says in this new voice he talks in when he is

pretending he isn't scolding you.

"And you're early." I mimic in his same stupid sing-song voice.

"Uh, no. This is what grown-ups call 'punctual'."

I want to roll my eyes, but I get it. I'll probably be the same way once Bella and I

start having kids.

"Yo!" Tyler yells from the front door.

"Down here." Em calls back.

The stairs creak under his weight as he jogs down them. He is wearing a

wife-beater and Adidas pants.

"Why are you wearing Tanya's tank-top?" Emmett asks him.

"Oh you got jokes Zack Galifianakis?"

With Tyler distracting Em, I slip into the bathroom to wash up as Bella puts her

hair back in her signature messy bun. As I meticulously scrub my hands, I think back
to that first night again. Standing in this spot with puke down the front of her shirt, I
remember everything. The blush on her cheeks, the way she bit her lip, right down
to the feel of her tiny fingers brushing mine as I gave her the shirt. My little vomit
scented angel.

"Hi guys!" Bella says as she comes out of my bedroom looking like she wasn't

fucked six ways to Sunday on a dryer not five minutes prior as I follow behind her

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with my, I just hit that, face.

"Hi Bella!" Ty says as he plays with little Liam's cheeks.

"Hey Bells! Rose said you would watch him while we do all the heavy lifting." He

says as he starts unsnapping buttons and pulling levers on the contraption he has
Liam hanging in.

"Yes I will take my little boyfriend, come here little guy!" She says as she pulls the

baby into her arms.

My Bella is a fuckin' natural. That baby melts into her all cooing and smiling. I

gotta get in on the action so I step over to tickle his fat feet.

"Ugh! This kid stinks! Did you hand him off knowing he had a loaf in his diaper?" I

ask Em incredulously.

"I don't smell anything." He says, but I know he is lying because something died in

that boy's pants.

"Did you take an Emmett, Liam? Did you take a big, steaming Emmett in your

diapers? Huh?" I ask in yet another ridiculous voice that I must have picked up from
Em and Rose.

"Where is his diaper bag? I'll change him." Bella says as she takes Little Liam

Rotten-ass up the stairs.

"It's on the kitchen counter. And don't forget to wipe his Edward!" He says

snickering like the 12 year old he is before pointing at me then pointing at his butt.

"Let's do this, Ladies!" Ty says as he makes his way into my room. "Tan and I got a

hot date tonight."

Em and I know better than to touch that. Who knows what a 'hot date' between

those two may include so we start grabbing boxes. I fucking hate moving. We look
like the Three Stooges trying to figure out how to angle the furniture to get it out of
my room and up the stairs. I swear we are seconds from drawing a fucking diagram
when Jas shows up and guides us through it.

"Everything loaded up?" Bella asks as she rocks a sleeping Liam on her shoulder

kissing the top of his head sporadically.

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"Yep. We are getting ready to head over to the house. You have anything else that

needs to go over?"

I ask.

"Uh, yeah. That box over there. That can just go on the kitchen counter when you

get there." She says pointing to a box of her work stuff.

Six months after graduation, Alice and Tanya took Bella out for margaritas to

cheer her up. She was having a terrible time finding work in the publishing field
and/or work in general other than her gig at the library; at that point she wasn't
terribly picky. Tanya was still working through her business plan. She was in the
process of lining up investors to back her. One of which is my mom, but I'd rather
stab myself in the face than think about my mom being a sex toy financier.

Alice had just come back from New York and was flying high on a costume line

she did for some fashion house. As the story goes, about three margaritas in, Alice is
talking about a French movie she wants to design costumes for from the dresses
down to the lingerie. No matter how drunk she is Tanya is always in business mode.
Tanya begs Alice to do a line of lingerie for her so she can break into the market as a
niche while capitalizing on Alice's name and notoriety. So they start throwing out
ideas. Costumes like a sexy librarian, maid, school teacher, secretary, dominatrix,
bank teller, who the fuck knows. Anyway, I guess my baby doll was near tears when
she made the off-handed remark that they should include a role playing manual with
each costume. One margarita later my baby was employed as a writer and I got to
act out a shit ton of fantasies night after night for months. Talk about a rough day at
the office. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

"More costumes?" I ask with a smirk.

"You betcha!" She says as she puts Liam in his carrier so Em can take him over to

the house.

"Are you sad to leave?" I ask her as I look around the place one last time thinking

about all the crazy things we did here over the past few years.

"Yes and no. I mean, this place holds so many memories for us, but I can't say that

I am not excited to get into a place of our own, you know?"

I nod because I feel the exact same way.

"Although, I am happy that we finally got to finish what we started in the laundry

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room." She says wrapping her arms around my neck.

I lean down and kiss her. It starts off slow and sweet but gradually deepens until

we are moaning in each other's mouths and getting all handsy. I grab her ass and lift
her as she wraps her legs around my waist when Em walks through the door.

"Seriously you two, there is a baby RIGHT THERE! What is wrong with you guys?"

We are unfortunately used to getting caught by now so this doesn't even register

on the shame scale.

"See you at home, baby doll." I say kissing her forehead and heading out the door.

"Love you!" She yells before I hit the door.

"Love you more!" I shout back because I know this is true.

Tyler rides with me on the way over and I tell him about the drug bust. We have a

good laugh and reminisce about how crazy shit got that night, and when we refer to
crazy, we mean our girls. Truth be told, Bella scares the shit out of me. It literally
frightens me to know that she is capable of that level of crazy. Heidi is damn lucky I
got a hold of Bella and should be grateful that she got out of there with only a bald
spot and a busted dome.

"Man, what ever happened to Lauren? I felt bad because she got the worst of it

between Bella and then Tan. Girl got tore up!" He says as he rolls down the window
to let his arm rest on the side of the car.

"I don't know. I think that after graduation she went home to Port Townsend. Last

I heard she was tending bar and raising her kid or some shit like that." I say shaking
my head feeling bad for that poor kid to have that hot mess of a mom.

"What about Heidi, man? That girl right there, she's the real slim shady!" Ty says

shaking his head.

I nod as I completely agree. "I don't know, I think she is taking some time off to

back-pack through Europe or some shit like that."

I hate myself for lying because my mom told me that that's the cover lie her family

is using and that Heidi is in a hardcore rehab facility. Her family set up an
intervention once they finally realized the severity of her addiction. I should feel
sorry for her but I don't. Hell, I still remember when Jane confronted my mom at the

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Country Club a couple days after the fight. Dad and I were left completely
dumbstruck at how swiftly mom took care of things.

"How could you allow your hillbilly girlfriend attack my daughter?" Jane screeches

as she comes at me with her finger in my face. I start to say something but mom
raises her hand to silence me.

"Well, Jane," mom says, setting her drink down, "I suppose it's the same reason

your sweet little Heidi overdosed on my bathroom floor; it was out of his control."
Mom quickly rebukes.

"How dare you…" Jane starts to say in a huff.

"I would remember, Jane," mom continues, interrupting what was sure to be a

tirade from her, "Loose lips, sink ships so if you want Heidi's 'problem' to stay out of
the topics for discussion at Bunco night you should kindly, shut the fuck up." Mom
finishes with a smile.

Jane stands there with her mouth agape and then narrows her eyes before

spinning and marching out.

"God, what a bitch," Mom says as she takes another sip of wine.

Things got weird at the Country Club for a while, especially after Aro went

marching into my father's office the morning after the fight threatening to press
charges against me for beating the shit out of his kid. I think back to the day that, as
dad put it, Aro went on a rampage.

I am nervous as I make my way to the coffee shop that dad insisted I meet him at

via text message. I didn't bother to tell him anything about the fight because I know
once he sees me he will know something happened. Oddly, Dad doesn't say anything
immediately when he sees my injuries. He just smiles slightly before ordering our
coffees. As we sit down he cocks his brow at me.

"Looks like you had an interesting night, son," Dad says as he takes a sip of his


"Umm, yeah, it was, umm," I stumble with what to say.

"Aro paid me a visit this morning, threatening to press charges against you." He

starts to say as he takes another sip of his coffee.

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"Dad, I can explain," I say nervously.

"Please do."

I spend the next thirty minutes giving him a run down on what transpired the

night before. He nods and then explains to me that he is not proud of what I did, but
understands because Alec had it coming especially after he found out about the
incident at the hospital. He then tells me that Mike didn't just throw Alec out of the
room that day he harassed Bella at the hospital. He filed a complaint against him as
well. I got to hand it to Mike; he really does have Bella's best interest at heart.

"I simply told Aro that if he wanted to press charges against you to go right ahead

because I was about to escort Bella to the police station to file charges against Alec
as well as a restraining order."

"Do you think he will actually go through with pressing charges?" I ask as the

consequences of my actions suddenly become very real especially where medical
school is concerned.

"Well, yes, but don't worry. Aro is a smart man. He knows if he files Bella will file

and it will look worse for him because of Alec's track record and the complaints
against him already."

"Son, trust me. I am not letting Aro bully me. No way in hell." He takes another sip

of his coffee and smiles against the lid, "Just promise me you won't go all Elin Woods
on his prick kid at the Father's Day Golf tourney. No beating him about the head and
neck with your club."

I shake my head and laugh because the thought is appealing.

"Which reminds me, I set a tee time for us tomorrow at 2 pm. I don't want to have

to carry your ass throughout the tourney." He says with a straight face twisting the
cardboard around his cup. "It was all fun and games until Aro burst into my office
like a fucking lunatic. Now I think we need to make an example of them both."

I grin at the thought of that day as I park the truck and jump out to unload our

shit. My old man and I drank scotch and smoked cigars to celebrate our seven stoke
victory. Aro threw his putter into the water in frustration and motherfucked Alec all
over the course. Victory is sweet.

"Felix put a ring on it last night." Ty informs me as we are carrying the bookcase

to the living room and drawing my attention back to what we're doing.

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"Oh yeah? He and Maggie are making it official?" Em says as he burps little Liam.

"Yep. New Year's Eve. I'm the best man and I think we should do New Orleans for

his bachelor party." Ty subtly suggests wagging his eyebrows.

"The Big Easy. Yeah, I could go for that." Jasper drawls as he follows behind us

with a big ass box of books.

We set the bookcase down and shake out our arms.

"I need to start gettin' in shape, man. I gotta look good." Ty says as he stretches.

"Why? Are you goin' on Say Yes to the Dress or something?" I ask with a laugh.

"Shit…" He says drawing out the word. "More like Say Yes to this Fly Ass Tux!"

The guys and I finish moving all of our stuff into the house and they stick around

for some beer and pizza.

When they finally leave, I find Bella in our kitchen, unpacking the dishes and

loading them into the dishwasher. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around
her waist.

"Happy to be home, baby doll?" I ask between kissing down her neck.

"Yeah." She says as she tilts her head giving me more room to play.

"You know, I put the bed together. I even put the sheet with the elastic on."

"Oh yeah? How about that!"

"You know, future Mrs. Cullen, we have almost 2000 square feet to break in here."

"Do we now?" She teases as she grinds her ass against me.

"Where do you wanna start, my Bella?"

She turns around to face me and kisses me lightly before she answers.

"How about we start… in our room."

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A/N: We will catch up with the rest of the gang next chapter and finally

find out what makes Tanya uncomfortable.

A few special shout outs:

**Thank you to Edmazing for rec'ing IYR for the poll this week on The

Lemonade Stand

**Thank you to ALL of the readers who voted this fic into the top 5. It is

such an honor to even be on the poll. There are some really fantastic stories
and authors up this week, please go check them all out!

**Thank you to Sweetjessx3 for being my 2000th reviewer!

And as always, thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, fav'd,

followed, rec'd, pimped and lurked this fic!

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Chapter 23 - Into the Mystic

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight - I just like to get

weird with her characters.

A/N…Much love and thanks to my beta LovinRob for all of her

encouragement and hard work on this story! Without her OCD and her
cock/pussy thesaurus, this fic would be a hot mess of past and present tense
and the word erection
used repeatedly…

Many thanks to AmandaC3 for creating the marvelous banner for this

story and the Togaward bonus banner. I wouldn't believe it was possible –
but she made Rob hotter by wrapping him in pink bed sheets…

Chapter 23 – Into the Mystic

"Okay, now I want you to inhale deeply. I'm going to pull on the exhale." Maggie

says as I brace myself for the pain that I know is coming. "Breathe in… and out."

Motherfucker! I hate the necessary evil of the Brazilian wax. It's like you are being

punished for not wanting to be all National Geographic in the nether-regions. I need
a distraction from the pain.

"So I hear congratulations are in order." I mention casually as she repositions my

legs so she can slather the hot wax on the other side of my inner thigh.

Maggie gives a shy smile as she nods. She and Felix are too stinking cute. Tanya

set them up a few years ago when Maggie first moved here from Spokane. I think
that initially T was going to set him up with Angela, however she was already dating
Ben. Leave it to Tanya to make a friend while getting her hoo-ha landscaped.
Maggie is a classic beauty with big blue eyes and shoulder length auburn hair. She
is a few inches taller than me, but next to Felix she looks pint-sized. She is sweet
and bubbly and the absolute center of his universe.

Almost so quietly I barely hear it, she sighs as she smoothes out the next strip on

my skin. "He is amazing, Bella."

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"How did he propose?" I ask as I tense up for the next round of rip, rip, pluck.

"Breathe in… and out."

I suck in my teeth as Maggie the little Polly Pocket of Pain tries to stifle a small

giggle before launching into the tale of her engagement.

"Well you know how he can just get so nervous and stuff sometimes. So, he put

together this really great slideshow of pictures of me as I grew up and then of us
together over the past couple of years. At the end of the slideshow it said, 'grow old
with me'. He was on bended knee and it was just so wonderful. It was so sweet and
then I realized that I didn't have copies of any of the pictures." She recounts as she
spreads more wax, her voice trembling slightly.

"He, uh, went to Spokane for a weekend last month. He asked my dad for his

blessing in person and then went to my grandma, each of my aunts, all of my
brothers and my best friends asking for pictures that he could use." She looks up at
me, her eyes watering with emotion, "In person, Bella. He went just so far out of his
comfort zone for me and, uh…" She starts, and then stops as she is overcome with

"It just makes everything that much more special, you know." She explains before

clearing her throat so she can get back to business. "Ready? Breathe in… and out."

I feel my eyes watering slightly, though it is not from the fact that she is ripping

my pubes from my skin savagely. The thought of Felix enduring something that
makes him so uncomfortable to give her something so special just makes my heart
ache in the best way.

"Okay, now roll over on your side and hold your cheek up for me." She instructs as

she pats me on the thigh.

Tender moment over.

As I assume the humiliating position of lying on my side and holding my butt

cheek up so she can smear hot wax all around my rear entrance, I go to my happy
place. I think back to Edward's proposal and how perfect it was for us. I remember
the nervous smile on his face and the slight tremor in his voice as he knelt before me
promising to love me forever. I turn my palm face up and look at the small

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inscription on the back of my ring as another constant reminder that I am in his life
and in his heart forever. In an elegant cursive script, my ring is inscribed with the
one word that Edward associates with life-long love and happiness. Gotcha.

"Okay, I am going to do two strips in quick succession since it is a relatively small

area. Ready. Inhale deep and… exhale.


"Alright, looks good down there. You are all set." Maggie says as she thoroughly

inspects my newly hairless anus for possible strays.

"Thanks, Mags." I mutter trying to pretend that she didn't just give my entire

under-carriage a painful once over.

"No problem. Get dressed and meet me over at the counter and we will start your

manicure and pedicure."

Two hours later, I exit the Fierce Salon and Spa feeling like a whole new woman.

The girls and I are regulars at the spa now that Tanya is business partners with the
owners, James and Victoria. Those two are something else though. James is blonde,
built and brilliant. He is always impeccably dressed from head-to-toe. The only thing
that is keener than his fashion sense is his business sense. He and Victoria are two
sides of the same coin. She too is fashion forward and fabulous in every sense of the
word. She runs the day-to-day operations and works three days a week as a stylist
specializing in color. Fierce is her baby and James is her pet - literally.

I take my time driving home. The girls are setting up for my low-key

shower/bachelorette party. Much to Tanya and Esme's disappointment, I put my foot
down on male strippers. No dicks shall slang in my house, other than Edward's.

The girls are taking the fact that our entire wedding is very low-key in stride. I

think Alice is taking it the worst, but she was fucking psychotic during the planning
and execution of Rose and Emmett's wedding. For all intents and purposes, she is
our wedding planner with Esme as her dutiful assistant. For the most part she's kept
the crazy pretty well reined in, with the exception of the dress debacle. Perhaps
suggesting that we go see what David's Bridal had to offer for dresses was the
absolute wrong thing to say, especially to a fashion designer. Yeah, hissy fit, bitch fit
and 'having a cow' are all understatements when describing how nuclear Alice went
on me that day. Needless to say, she made beautiful, yet simple dresses for each of
us, mine especially. Edward will love it.

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As I step out of my car I see Esme at the door smiling and waving at me. Most

people are not as fortunate in the mother-in-law department as I am. Once you get
past her fondness for copious amounts of booze and over-sharing, she is simply one
of the most amazing women I know. She and I do quite a bit together nowadays,
including taking a cooking class. I do it to learn how to cook; she does it to learn
how to cook with wine. Everyone wins.

Opening the door, she excitedly pulls me in for one of her signature hugs before

grabbing my hands and opening them wide to look me up and down. "Bella you look
absolutely radiant! Isn't Maggie just the best?"

I nod as she releases one of my hands and leads me into our dining room which is

full of food and fresh hot-pink peony arrangements. The table and hutch are draped
in beautiful black linens with complimenting modern dishes. The hutch also has six
large apothecary jars atop of it filled to the rims with assorted dark pink candies. It
appears the girls do not grasp the concept of "low-key".

"Come into the kitchen and try the signature drink." Esme demands as she once

again drags me by the hand leading me to my friends who are all standing around
my island deep in discussion.

"Do you think she will show today?" Rose asks disinterested as she sips her

bottled water.

Tanya shrugs. "Depends. Are they are speaking this week?"

Ahh, they must be talking about Leah. Jake and Leah are one of those couples. The

couple that is absolutely horrible for and to each other, but will never leave each
other for the simple fact that they've been together since high school. Jake is now a
fisherman and therefore gone for long periods of time which does not help the
situation. Leah desperately wants to marry him, though I can't understand why since
she seems to hate him most of the time. She doesn't seem to trust him much either
and is constantly calling or texting, basically questioning his whereabouts. Edward
thinks that she is crazy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Jake is a bit of a dog
which may be the reason for the distrust. I am not saying he is a cheater, but if
given the opportunity, I could totally see him going for it.

"Bella! You're here!" Alice beams excitedly as she jumps up to pour me a drink

from the pitcher. "Try this, its strawberry sangria."

Little Liam's cries fill the room through the baby monitor. Rose jumps up like her

ass is on fire and rushes to the little prince. The little guy continues to fuss as she

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brings him back into the kitchen.

"Is someone hungry? Yes, he is." Rose says in a sing-song voice as she kisses his

fat little fingers.

In a matter of seconds, Rose whips out her boob and continues the conversation.

"I swear it is unbearable being around them anymore."

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Tanya cringing and looking all around the

room. She shifts uncomfortably as I tap her leg and give her a 'what the fuck' look.

"Jeez, Tanya, get over it already!" Rose exclaims out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry; your areola is staring at me and giving me the stink eye like I owe it

money or something." Tanya defends incredulously.

"Maybe you should stop staring at my areola!" Rose snaps back.

"Fine, then maybe you should cover that shit up. If I wanted to take a trip to Silver

Dollar City, I'd head down to Branson, Missouri and get dinner and a show as well."

Rose huffs and rolls her eyes before turning to address me. "Tanya hates it when I

breastfeed Liam."

"Wrong! I don't hate it. I am uncomfortable watching it. I mean, I get it, the breast

is best, I totally believe the hype. It's just not for me – it fucking weirds me out."

"It's natural, T! That's what boobs are made for. What could possibly weird you

out about it?" Rose challenges with her signature bitch brow.

Squaring her shoulders, Tanya is all business as she answers. "Well for starters,

watching my sweet little pumpkin head, Liam get to first base with mommy, well, it
just skeeves me out."

Rose's mouth is agape, but it's Alice that comments. "Um how fast do you round

the bases because I think it would technically be second base, wouldn't it?"

I smile as Tanya scoffs at Alice's comment while Esme is standing with her hand to

her mouth, trying to contain what I am sure would be an interesting perspective on
the whole thing.

"And secondly dolls, these are jewels," Tanya continues, gathering her boobs in

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her hands, "not tools."

She punctuates her point with a curt head nod and we all crack up at her insanity.

Although she is laughing with us, I don't miss the wistful look on Esme's face as she
watches little Liam feed. I need to look away or she will be a grandma way sooner
than Edward and I would like.

Karen and a very pregnant Jessica arrive and the girls run out to unload their car

while Karen hugs me tightly. She looks fantastic with a new hair color and a hint of
make-up. Apparently she is hitting the dating scene again, which shocks the shit out
of me, that and the fact that Forks actually has a dating scene. Esme immediately
accosts her and drags her to the kitchen to grab a drink and get acquainted.

I take that moment to catch up with Jess for a bit. We chat all about her

pregnancy. She is seven months along and having a boy, Michael Newton III. I think
they are going to call him Trip since he is the third. They are moving into the old
Gerandy house next month so she is feeling both overwhelmed and excited with all
of the life changes ahead.

Maggie shows up next and is showing off her new rock and filling the gals in on

the details of Felix's proposal. As the girls ooh and ahh over the big guy's sweet
gesture, I notice Alice practically bouncing at the prospect of another wedding
planning opportunity.

I have to hand it to my girls; they certainly know how to throw a great party,

especially Alice. I am sure by her standards; this soiree is a low-key affair, especially
in comparison to Rose's over-the-top baby and bridal showers. I have to wonder how
the girls were able to keep her under control, envisioning everything from duct tape
over her mouth to her being hog-tied in the closet.

"Time for presents!" Alice beams, ushering everyone into the living room.

As I see the gift table, I realize that this is one area they all refused to do in

moderation. Rose's gift consists of luxurious sheets and oversize towels for our room
and guest room. Alice gifts us with several pieces of glassware to decorate and
accessorize the house. Maggie's gift, clearly the most practical of the group,
includes kitchen staples, utensils, and place settings. And I am in complete shock
when I see that the Newton's are put in charge of stocking our bar. Karen went a bit
crazy with the barware at Crate & Barrel and seems to have bought every booze
related glass under the sun. I have to laugh though when I see that Jessica's gift is
literally a basket of booze.

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"Yeah, I went two towns over to buy all this booze in my condition. Could you

imagine what old Mrs. Cope would say if she saw me buying all of this as pregnant
as I am?" Jess says with an eye-roll.

"That bitch would have a field day." Karen blurts out before covering her lips with

her eyes wide. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that aloud."

We all giggle because honestly the woman never curses. Esme and Carlisle bought

us every single small appliance known to man, including the espresso machine that
Edward insists that he needs to make it through medical school. He will be ecstatic.
Of course leave it to Tanya to take it to the next level. She and Tyler's presents
include all of our cooking and baking essentials, pots and pans.

"That shit is from Tyler." She explains as she waves a dismissive hand at our new

All-Clad set and reaches under the gift table. "This is from me."

She presents me with a basket completely filled with her new toy line which will

go live next month. The beautiful wicker basket contains several dildos and vibes of
assorted lengths, girths, speeds and colors. It also includes a few restraints,
blindfolds and assorted floggers from her new line of BDSM toys aptly named "Miss
V' for Victoria. Esme bounces and claps on her chair like Tanya just presented me
the Congressional Medal of Honor and not a huge basket of sex toys. I can't even
make eye contact with Karen.

Tanya begins her presentation showing and describing each toy and passing them

around the room. Naturally, her favorite is the molding of her man's dong, aptly
named The Chocolate Thunder. Next, she holds up a set of molded hands with long
fingers which are adjustable. She calls this one Dr. Feelgood. I swear Esme does
spirit fingers before she jumps up and snatches them up to show Karen and to brag
that these are Carlisle's hands. Tan tosses the next large dildo to Rose. This one has
a handle at the end for easier use alone or as a couple and is titled The Battering
. Rose holds it in her hand like actors hold the Oscar statue, insanely proud of
her husband's manhood.

For the record, Tanya did approach us to see if we were interested in mass

producing The Kraken, but I couldn't allow it. I told her to go ahead and use the
name, but that beast is all mine and I refuse to share it with the masses. What can I
say, I am selfish…

I notice Jessica eyeballing the BDSM toys just a beat too long. I smile and wonder

which room in the old Gerandy house she is going to turn into the 'adult' playroom.
Tanya finishes her shameless self-promotion by telling all the girls that they each get

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to go home with a basket like mine. I swear the girls jump up screaming and
hugging like the women on Oprah do during her Favorite Things show. Even Karen
is excited which kind of freaks me the fuck out.

I am relatively tipsy when the night comes to a close. The girls clean up and head

out as I am shouting my love and thanks to them as they pull away. Our neighbors
are going to just love us. Edward comes home a short while later as I polish off the
rest of the sangria.

"Baby doll? Where you at?"

"In the kitchen."

I see him approaching, but he gets sidetracked by the gigantic basket o' fun. I go

to put my glass in the dishwasher when I feel him reach around and grab my
breasts, but it's not him grabbing my tits, its Dr. Feelgood. He starts alternately
bouncing each up and down and humming a creepy little ditty.

"Do you like that baby?" He coos in my ear.

"Can't say that I am enjoying my future father-in-law's fake hands fondling me…"

The Dr. Feelgood hands are off of me and in the trash seconds later.

"Ugh, fuckin' gross, why didn't you tell me?" He scoffs completely repulsed.

"That's disgusting!"

"Oh please, tell me all about it. I saw your mom position the fingers in several

interesting ways to show Karen just what these hands are capable of. You don't
think I didn't want to puke in my mouth?"

Waving his hands in surrender, Edward nods as we head back to the living room

to check out our loot. I snort at the excited squeal he makes when he sees the
espresso machine. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me down into one of the
club chairs while peppering my lips and throat with kisses. His hand then makes its
way under my shirt and inches up my side. I abruptly stand as we agreed no more
nookie until the wedding night. Sure, we've failed miserably in this endeavor, but I
need to at least try.

"Edward…" I scold him as he continues his kissing assault on my belly button.

"Babe, it's not me, it's her." He defends and points to my lady-bits.

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"Oh really…"

Nodding profusely he starts talking directly to the little lady downstairs. "You

want this? Oh, you need this? What's that you say? You are Kraken lackin' and you
want me to remedy that?"

I give an epic eye roll and shake my head, though I do agree that even though it

has only been a day, she is indeed Kraken lackin'.

"What the lady wants, the lady gets." He concedes with a shrug of his shoulders

and the unzipping of my pencil skirt.

And with that, Edward whisks me to the bedroom to give us both our fill.


"We wish you all the happiness in the world. Cheers!" Carlisle finishes as we all

clink glasses at our rehearsal dinner.

Charlie stands up next and clears his throat as Carlo and Gino run around topping

off everyone's glass for the next round of toasts.

"Ugh, I'm not big on speeches and public displays of affection. But, I just want to

say that I am really happy for you, baby girl. You got a good guy who's just as crazy
about you as you are him. And Edward. Well son, you must have a horseshoe up your
ass because you got real lucky. Take care of each other, be good to one another, and
never take the other for granted. So, yeah, to Edward and Bella." He grumbles
embarrassed as he raises his glass to toast us.

Our friends take turns giving speeches and toasts and sage words of drunken

wisdom. Our rehearsal dinner could not be more perfect.

As we drive back to Carlisle and Esme's house, Edward has his hand on my thigh

rubbing gently. We are staying at his parent's house tonight in separate rooms. The
hair stylists are coming at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow even though the
ceremony starts in the evening. We are getting married in his parent's backyard
with the lake as a backdrop. Once we arrive, Carlisle and Esme go straight to bed.

"Get some sleep you two." Carlisle calls over his shoulder as he hugs his wife

tightly to his side.

Once his parents are out of sight, Edward has me pressed up against the doorway

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in the powder room off of the foyer, kissing me deeply. Pulling my body tightly
against his, I can feel his erection straining against my stomach and it takes
everything in me not to hop up on the sink and let him slide right in. Our breathing
is uneven and our hands are everywhere they shouldn't be. He leans his forehead
against mine so we can catch our breath.

Staring deeply into my eyes, he licks his lips. "You have no idea how badly I want

you right now."

The words 'have me' are on the tip of my tongue, but then I remember that we are

three days into our sex ban. It's actually a record for us.

"Then I better go." I say before kissing him gently on the lips and high-tailing it up

the stairs.

Shutting the door behind me, I exhale deeply noting how close I came to ravaging

my fiancé in his parent's bathroom. I kick off my shoes and unzip my suitcase in the
hopes that my nightly routine will be enough of a distraction to keep me from
running to Edward's room like a mad woman. I throw on my pajamas and begin to
brush my teeth. The glint of my ring catches my eye. I smile as I turn my hand over
to read his inscription. Oh fuck it, I grab a twenty from my wallet and make tracks
down the hallway. I can't get to his room fast enough.

I knock softly and he answers right away. His dress shirt is unbuttoned and his

feet are bare as he quickly ushers me into his room. He goes to speak but I am not
here to talk. I grab the back of his head and place my mouth on his sucking his
lower lip into mine and running my tongue over it. He moans into my mouth and
runs his hands up and down my body as I walk him backward towards the bench at
the end of the bed. I push him slightly and he sits on the edge as his lips attack my
neck and chest.

"I get one more night with Bella Swan, huh?" He murmurs against my stomach as

he pulls my nightgown up over my body. "One more night with my girl."

"Mmm, I'm always gonna be your girl, Edward." I say, biting my lip to keep from

moaning as he ghosts his lips and fingertips over my breasts.

I lean my head back and close my eyes as he works my body into a fine frenzy. I

can feel him shaking his head against my chest.

"Tomorrow you'll be my wife." He whispers as he pushes my tits together and runs

his tongue over each of my nipples. "Mrs. Bella Cullen."

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I feel his grip tighten and I smile because I know how a little part of him gets off

on the possessive aspect of me taking his name. His kisses turn into nips and bites
and languid licks as my Edward is this close to losing his last bit of composure. I
fucking love it

I feel his fingers pulling at the sides of my panties and drawing them down my

legs. I look down and our eyes meet. He gives me his signature knowing smirk. The
one that sets me on fire and makes me want to surrender to his will. He leans back
and adjusts himself over his pants. The outline of his cock through his dress pants is
all I need to see as I drop to my knees. I make quick work of his belt and fly; Edward
lifts his ass and pushes his pants down his legs. I go for it, taking every inch of him
into my mouth while palming the base of his cock. In an instant his hands are in my
hair and a deep groan rumbles through his chest.

I lose my ever-loving mind slurping and humming all over his length. I love the

encouragement he gives with his random 'oh Gods', his cries of 'fuck yes' as I flatten
my tongue and run it up and down his shaft before placing him fully in my mouth
once more. He twitches in my mouth slightly as I graze him gently with my teeth and
I can't help but smile. Over the years I am proud to say that I have perfected this
shit. I can get my man off in five minutes flat if he's sober. Seven minutes if he's
drunk. The trick is in the tongue and teeth. As I trace the veins of his shaft with my
tongue, I feel him pulling me up to stand.

He lifts my leg and places it next to him on the bench, placing small kisses up my

inner thigh. Within seconds, my folds are spread and his tongue is working my pussy
like only he can. I whimper and moan as I push his face in deeper as he flicks his
tongue over and sucks hard on my clit. His hair feels soft in my hands as I clutch it
tightly when he starts squeezing my ass cheeks and pulling me to him further.

My hips are grinding and rolling over his face on their own accord. Once he adds

his fingers to the mix I am barely able to stand. My legs are trembling and I swear
my knees are gonna give. I can feel the rumble of his laugh vibrate against my
tender flesh. He fucking loves that he can ruin me. His eyes are on mine as he slides
his fingers inside of me teasing and massaging my inner walls until he finds his spot.
He prods faster and harder until my entire body jerks and sputters and obscenities
fall from my lips.

Edward pulls me forward to straddle his lap. I practically collapse onto him as my

knees are still wobbly. I am so amped up I want to just impale myself on his cock.
But he has something else in mind.

"Slow baby. I want to take my time with you tonight. Give it to me slow." He

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speaks softly against my lips gently tracing my face and jaw with his fingertips as
my opening hovers over the head of his cock.

His eyes are pleading as he rubs his tip back and forth over my slit, teasing me

into tender submission. So I give him what he wants, sinking down his length at an
agonizingly slow pace as he fills and stretches me. Rolling my hips and grinding
hard each time I bottom out. He grips my hip guiding me up and down as he
watches his dick disappears in and out of me with rapt fascination.

We continue this leisurely pace for several minutes with gentle touches and soft

moans and murmurs of appreciation. Now normally, I like slow. No, I love slow. But
I don't want slow. Not tonight at least. I want him to have me. Claim me. His lips
and tongue and fingertips are busy worshipping my tits as I lean forward to kiss and
lick the shell of his ear.

"I want more, baby." I whisper as I quicken my pace ever so slightly.

"More?" He asks with his brow puckered in confusion.

I drag my nails down his back to make my intentions clear. Our skin slaps

together as he drives his pelvis up to meet me for the first time. His eyes darken and
I realize that he's caught on to what I need. He holds me tighter as he pulls me
further down his length. Our kisses become a hot mess of tangled tongues, lip
smacks and moans as his fingers roughly roam over my chest and collarbone.
Running his hands down my torso once more, he grips my thighs preventing me
from moving over his dick. Desperate for friction, I try to gyrate on the base of his
cock which is fully sheathed inside of me when he slaps my ass loudly.

"Get on the bed, baby doll." He commands as he lifts me off of his length.

Maneuvering around him, I slink backwards onto the bed until my back meets the

headboard. With his dick in his hand, he stalks towards me with dark eyes and his
jaw tight. Inwardly I squeal because I know he is about to put it on me.

"Spread your legs, Isabella."

I can't comply fast enough as he kneels between my legs stroking himself roughly.

I see the vein in his forehead bulging slightly and I know we are t-minus thirty
seconds from my dirty boy joining the party. Hmm… Perhaps a little encouragement
is in order because I can't resist a dirty talking, hard fucking Edward Cullen.

He scoots my body down the bed and bends my knees, tilting my pelvis. I put my

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hands above my head and smile knowingly before biting my lip. I am assuming the
position. It's one of his favorites and the smug as fuck smile on his face confirms it
as he runs his palm up my torso and squeezes one of my tits before continuing up
my arm to hold my hands in place. He runs his tongue up the front of my throat to
my chin and slides his tongue across my bottom lip before speaking gruffly against

"You still want more, baby doll?"

He punctuates his question with a smack of his fingertips against my clit causing

me to audibly whimper as I nod and begin to beg.

"Yes. Yes, please. More!"

His lips are hovering over my jaw and his hot breath fans over my face as he

works my clit over with his fingers.

"Tell me what you need, my Bella. I'll fucking give you anything."

The growl in his voice lets me know that he's here at the tipping point with me.

That fine line between making love and all out fucking. The head of his cock is
resting at and teasing my entrance with his hips cocked and poised to strike. I'll
happily take whatever he is willing to give, but truthfully, I want nothing more than
for him to slam into me wildly. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him into me
all the while trying to squeeze the shit out of his cock with my inner walls. Hopefully
he will get the hint. I hear him grunt the minute his balls slam against my ass.

"Ahh FUCK!" He shouts.

He tightens his grip on my hands and reaches around for a handful of my ass with

his free hand. He thrusts into me harder this time and I swear my eyes roll to the
back of my head like a goddamn slot machine. Fucking jackpot! I can't help myself, I
moan his name aloud.

There is nothing, I repeat, nothing hotter on the face of this earth than watching

Edward Cullen lose his shit. His voice is low and gritty as the dirty words roll off of
his tongue and I swear they make my nipples pucker and my walls clench.

"Fuck you feel good, Bella! Nice and tight around my cock. You like taking that

cock, don't you baby doll?"

I am a shaking, panting mess as I nod frantically as he increases his furious pace.

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"You want it harder, don't you baby? You like it when I tear it up!"

He doesn't give me the chance to answer a resounding 'yes' because his lips are

on mine and taking in my moans and cries for 'more' as his hips slam into me
harder. I think he's probably trying to prevent Y-ella from waking up the entire
household. I can laugh about that shit now, but when Chocolate Thunder spilled the
beans on my nickname, I was beyond mortified. Who knows what crazy shit the guys
overheard me saying, or yelling, I guess, over the years.

"Close baby. So close." He warns as he nips my earlobe.

I am just about there. His thrusts become uneven and jerky and I take full

advantage as his pelvic bone grinds against my clit.

"Come on, baby" Edward snarls in my ear as both of his hands intertwine with

mine above my head, locking them in a vice tight grip. "Give it to me!"

Two more deep thrusts are all it takes to bring everything crashing down around

us, literally as one of the frames on the wall above us falls down narrowly missing
our joined hands. My entire body stiffens under his as he empties and twitches
within me. A deep groan and a whispered declaration of 'I love you' escapes from
behind his clenched teeth and I swear it reverberates through my entire being.
Panting and sweaty, our eyes meet briefly before we begin to laugh hysterically.

"Pay up, baby doll." He demands with his smug grin back in place.

Huffing I search around the floor and find the twenty dollar bill I brought. I slap it

into his hand with an eye roll.

"Told you that you couldn't resist this." He taunts as he crudely grabs his junk.

I start putting my pajamas back on to make the 200 foot walk of shame back to the

guest room.

"So are you excited for tomorrow?"

I nod, smiling brilliantly and blushing like an idiot.

He leans over and kisses my cheek. "Me too."

Throwing on his boxers, he walks me to his door. "I'll meet you at the altar, my


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"Yeah, I'll be the liar in white." I say with a snort and a smirk since it is obvious

that my fiancé just had his wicked, wicked way with me.

He smiles his crooked grin as I kiss him quickly and tip-toe quietly back to my



I expect the morning of my wedding to be pure chaos, but it's not, it's actually

quite pleasant. Victoria is successful in making my hair and make-up look natural
but glamorous. As far as I can tell she is a goddamn miracle worker for the way she
conceals the circles under my eyes. Now no one will be the wiser of my late night
activities with my fiancé, although I have a sneaking suspicion that Esme is on to

"Shit!" Rose shouts as she stuffs tissues into her bra. "I forgot my nursing pads; I

am going to leak all over my dress."

"I'm sorry, what?" Tanya asks with a disbelieving look. "They leak?"

I am pretty sure if there were a jukebox in the room it would skip bringing the

music to a screeching halt.

Rose looks at her like she has a third tit. "Uh yeah. They leak. You should see them

sometimes in the shower; I look like that one Katy Perry video where she squirts
icing everywhere."

Truthfully, I think we all could have done without the shower visual, but when I

see the look on Tanya's face, it is more than fucking worth it.

"Ugh, I am going to vomit. Tell me again why you subject yourself to that."

And so it begins, the breast is best discussion. I tune out and look in the mirror as

I notice my mom and Esme proudly beaming behind me. I smile back through the
reflection. My dad is at my side in an instant looking slightly verklempt.

"It's showtime ladies… and Charlie!" Alice yells over the noise. "Rose, are your

boobs under control or do you need a couple of bra cups?"

My poor dad cringes and may or may not swallow back some vomit.

"I think I'm good just as long as Liam keeps it together." Rose says inspecting her

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chest making sure that her tits are even with the stuffing.

"You look beautiful baby girl!" My mom whispers in my ear as Phil and Carlisle

come to escort her and Esme down the aisle.

"Ya' ready kid?" Charlie says as we link arms, waiting on our cue from Alice.

I can only nod as I am overcome with emotion. The French doors open and Charlie

and I step forward. I see him in an instant. He smiles my favorite smile at me. It is
the smile from the quad where he set my entire body on fire with a look. It's the
smile from the night at my dorm where he made his intentions clear that I was who
he wanted. And it is the exact same smile from the night that he asked me to be his

Charlie gives me away and I swear I see his mustache twitch and his eyes tear up.

Edward mouths the word 'beautiful' to me as he looks me up and down in my one of
a kind Alice Brandon strapless mermaid cut gown. I can feel the blush creep up my
cheeks. Standing in front of our friends and family, Edward and I exchange rings
and vows and seal them with a kiss.

The rest of the night is pure and utter chaos as we pose for picture after picture,

cut the cake, and toss the bouquet and garter. It isn't until Edward pulls me onto the
makeshift dance-floor under the stars for our first dance as husband and wife that I
finally feel like I can breathe.

Our wedding song starts playing in the background as Edward pulls me close.

"I think I forgot to tell you earlier – Happy Gotcha Day." I say into his ear as our

hands intertwine over his heart.

"Mmm. Thank you Mrs. Cullen."

My heart practically beats out of my chest when he says my new name. I love it.

"Are you happy, baby?" I ask quietly meeting his eyes.

"Immensely so," he replies confidently. "Now I have everything I could ever want

or need."

I giggle as he nuzzles my neck with his nose. "Is that so? And here I was under the

impression that you've had me all along."

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He smiles his dazzling smile and kisses me lightly on the lips before speaking

against them. "You're my wife and my life… And you'll always be… my Bella."

A/N: And that's all she wrote, dolls! I think I have one more story in me, so

if you are interested, make sure to put me on author alert.

Special Thanks:

Lovin Rob - You are a saint for putting up with my brand of crazy. Thank

you, thank you, thank you for all of the encouragement, the hand-holding,
the pimpage, the laughs and the ungodly amount of hours you spent making
this story fit for public viewing. I will never be able to find the words to truly
express my gratitude for all that you've done – just know that I love and
appreciate you more than you know.

Mr. Lay – In the event that you ever actually do read this fic – thank you

for always being so supportive. Whether it was making dinner so I could do
review replies or doing the night-time routine so I could finish a chapter – it
never went unnoticed. Your quiet encouragement means the world me.

The Reviewers – I think I say some variation of this in my review replies

but in all seriousness – I am so grateful for all of your kind words, thoughts
and feedback. I've made some wonderful friends through the review/reply
process. You guys made this so much fun for me, so thank you!


Alphabet Weekends by the-glory-days – I still love every minute of this

story – sweet, funny and S-E-X-Y.

Burn by Compass54 – this is a new WIP and it has me hooked – check it


As always, thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, fav'd, followed,

rec'd, pimped, tweeted and lurked this fic!

Stay classy, fandom! LayAtHomeMom – OUT!

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Chapter 24 - Back That Azz Up

Rating M

WARNING – Awkward anal sex ahead. If that's not your bag, just walk away


A special thank you to my beta LovinRob, pre-reader Carrie ZM and

favorite fiction enthusiast Heather Maven for encouraging me to make my
ass-pirations of writing an anal lemon a reality.

*Bows grandly*

Alright – let's get weird.

Chapter 24 – Back That Azz Up

"I'm sorry. What?" Tanya shrieks as she leans forward across our booth and tilts

her head towards me. "Say that in my good ear."

I give her my best McKayla Maroney not impressed face and cross my arms over

my chest.

"You're finally going to do it? " She mimics my position and shakes her head with a

smirk. "You're actually gonna let him drop anchor in your anal bay?" She smiles at
her clever quip. "You're gonna let him finally cruise your Hershey highway?"

With a nod and an eye roll, I signal for her to bring it as I know she has at least

one more ridiculous euphemism up her sleeve.

"Okay, last one I swear. Are you really letting him pump your rump?"

"Will you lower your voice?" I say through my teeth as I watch the older

gentleman across from us as he pats his choking wife on the back.

"Fine," She complies in a whisper, "but why am I being made privy to this


I explain to her that on my 29th birthday, I put together a list of things I'd like to

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do before I turn the big 3-0. All items on the list are complete except for one. Clearly
I am a procrastinator, leaving this pain in the ass task until the very end. Tanya is
practically vibrating with giddiness as she demands to see the list.

"Hmm. Learn to crochet. Do a stain-glass project. Finish a scrapbook?" She shakes

her head in disgust. "My grandma called and said she wants her senior center
syllabus back."

Thankfully, she reads through the rest of the list silently until she gets to the last

item and murmurs it aloud. "Number 30 - Do something I said I'd never ever do."

My aversion to anal is legendary amongst my husband and our friends. It is

common knowledge that his dick is not to be any less than a taints length away from
my rear entrance, but a wild, drunken night in Mexico has me looking at things a
little differently. She hands me back my list and begins stirring the ice in her

"So I suppose you have some questions for me then? Like what to expect or how to


I stare at her curiously for a moment. "Prepare?"

"Well yeah," She mocks loudly. "Are you wearing a butt plug or have you been

stretching yourself with a vibe or dildo? You know, we are doing a new jeweled butt
plug line. Esme wants to call it BejAssle Butt Plugs."

"Sshhh! Will you quiet down! No. Absolutely not." I whisper-yell completely

mortified. "He uses his fingers back there now and again, but that's it. I am just, I
don't know, nervous. I, um, I want some advice on things like lube and maybe some
relaxation techniques."

In typical Tanya fashion, she crinkles her eyes and smirks at my embarrassment.

"I'm sure over the years we've had this discussion, but humor me. What exactly are
you afraid of again?"

I look at her like she has three tits and horns growing out of her skull. "Are you

serious?" I ask incredulously while trying to keep my shriek to a dull roar. "How
about shitting on him? Literally shitting on my husband? Or how about getting
hemorrhoids from it, hmm? Or I don't know, taking a giant cock up my ass?"

The teenage server walks up behind me as I reveal my deepest anal sex related

fears and I am certain she heard the tail end of my concerns. Her face is as red as

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mine as she asks what else she can get for us.

"Just the check please." Tanya says completely composed as the young girl pulls

the leather billfold from her apron and places it on the table.

"For starters, you can't get hemorrhoids from ass fucking. You are a doctor's wife,

for fucks sake. How do you not know that shit?" She explains as she stuffs her cash
into the server book. "Secondly, finish your drink; we are going on a field trip."


We hop in her car and Tanya schools me on the anal basics. She covers everything

from breathing techniques to positions that maximize ease and comfort. She
explains this shit so thoroughly; I try to recall if she wrote her master thesis on it. I
tune her out when she starts talking about the stretching and butt plugs again. The
chances of any type of BejAssled butt plug getting near my backside is slim to none
and slim just left town. I defer to Meatloaf on the matter. I will do anything for love,
but I won't do that.

"You know, Ty and I like to do it on our sides so he can use our bullet on me."

Tanya says dreamily like she's talking about a romantic vacation to Paris.

I am having a flashback of walking in on them getting busy in our dorm room and

I cringe. I can't tell if I am in awe of or terrified for Tanya's anus. I mean, if she
takes her own advice, she'd have to use at least 2 regular size butt plugs to stretch
her backdoor in preparation to do the tush-push with what Chocolate Thunder is
working with. I inwardly salute her hardworking orifices.

While I fully expect her to drive me to a seedy adult store or to her office so we

can raid the sample sex toy storeroom, I am pleasantly surprised when we pull into a
Walgreens instead. Anonymity is still a must for me as I pull my oversized glasses
onto my face as we walk through the automatic doors. Of course Tanya demands
that I remove said glasses immediately as she shoves a basket into my chest and
motions for me to follow her.

I unconsciously hum the Mission Impossible theme song as we amble through the

store while Tanya snickers at my ridiculousness. While all the normal consumers
peruse everyday convenience items, I am being led to the lube aisle for another
lesson in all things anal by my own personal ass fucking authority.

"Okay, I myself am an Astro-Glide gal." She tosses a bottle of lube into my basket

and turns to the great wall o' condoms behind us.

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"Good to know." I say as I pick up every bottle with the Astro-Glide logo on it and

throw it into the basket.

"Bella, you don't need six bottles of lube. One will suffice." She explains as she

gently tries to pull the basket from my hands.

"Oh yeah, well what if I have sensitive skin? Hmm?" I retort as I pull the basket

back roughly. "Or what if he likes a nice strawberry scent as he's putting it in the
poop chute?" My voice is a bit loud, so I lower it considerably as I whisper my
rationale. "I just want to cover my bases, T."

"Okay Sybil, can I talk to Bella now?"

I shrug my shoulders. I am not crazy; I just want to be extremely prepared as I

grab all four giant Trojan variety packs that the store has to offer.

"Alright, T. What's the next stop, the laxative aisle? Or should I just go with an


I hear Tanya as she giggles behind me, but I don't bother to see what she finds so

funny. That is until I turn around only to be face-to-face with one of the LPN's from
Edward's office, Mary and her daughter Tia.

"Hey… you…" I practically yell.

I try to move my basket behind my back, but it is too late. The look on Mary's face

is priceless as she eyes the basket full of prophylactics and assorted lubes. She must
think that Edward and I are throwing some kind of wild oil wrestling orgy.

"Uh. Hi!" Mary replies in an equally high-pitched voice as she pushes her

daughter towards the pharmacy far, far away from the crazy lady who is the good
doctor's wife by day and sexual deviant by night. "Just picking up a script. Tell
Edward I said 'hello'."

I wave awkwardly and exit the aisle silently cursing my friend for making me take

off the glasses. I find said friend two aisles over, cackling, snorting and holding her
privates. I give her the finger and tell her that I hope she pisses her pants. Once she
is able to compose herself, we walk to the check-out, but not before Tanya throws a
box of chocolate covered cherries into my basket and gives me a wink.

"A dessert before he gets to sample the real chocolate covered cherry, doll."

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I light candles throughout the bedroom and set the lube and condoms on the

nightstand. I place the bottles in a straight line and make sure each label is facing
forward, just like Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Enemy. As I toss the plastic
wrap box in the closet, I give myself a final once over in the mirror on the door. My
hair is tousled and teased and my lingerie leaves very little to the imagination.
Although I am terribly nervous, I know I am ready.

At ten to eight I hear the hum of the garage door. Showtime. I grab a chocolate

covered cherry from the bowl on the nightstand and make my way downstairs to
welcome my husband home properly.

"Baby doll, where you at?" He yells as he walks through the door.

"Right here," I answer in a sing-song voice as I pour and down a double shot of

liquid courage. I turn to meet his gaze. "Welcome home."

Even after so many years of marriage, the sight of him still does things to me. His

tie is loosened, hair in disarray and he is smiling the smug crooked smirk that only
adds to his sexual swagger. His mouth is on mine instantly, teasing and tasting my
tequila laced tongue. His hands slide down my body until they each rest on my ass.

"I've got a surprise for you," I say against his mouth before I trace the chocolate

covered cherry over his bottom lip. "Come upstairs."

I don't need to tell him twice as he practically sprints to the bedroom with me and

the Patrón bottle in tow. I open the door to our candlelit sanctuary.


He looks puzzled and rubs the back of his neck. "Why does our bedroom look like

Dexter's kill room?"

I survey the room. While the atmosphere is romantic, the bed is covered in plastic

sheeting. He's right; the only things I am missing are the duct tape and a rubber

"Merely a precaution," I explain as I let my hands drift over his chest and begin

unbuttoning his shirt. "Tonight we are going to try something new. Something I've
never done before. Something I suspect you've wanted to do for awhile."

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"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asks as he runs a finger over the tops of my breasts

while I fiddle with his belt.

Moment of truth time. I take his finger and place it against my mouth. "You've had

me here." He smiles as I drag his finger down the length of my body and right
between my legs. "And you've had me here."

As I pull his hand around to my backside, I see the realization in his eyes. "And if

you want to, you can have me here, too." I whisper as he starts roughly gripping my
ass cheek.

He hesitates for a few moments, probably waiting for me to tell him that I am

fucking with him. "What changed your mind?"

A flood of memories overtakes me. Edward and I as we dance and drink and kiss

in a club. Our sweat soaked bodies against the netting of the bed as we fuck like
animals. The dirty words that roll off his tongue as his dick pounds me from the
front and his fingers fuck me in the back.
My answer comes in the form of a breathy


He slams his mouth onto mine as he kisses me deeply, lustfully until I am

practically breathless. It is the most deliciously painful yet pleasuring kiss, and I am
starving for more when he stops abruptly and leads me to sit on my hope chest at
the end of our bed.

Still panting from his kiss, I pull his pants and boxers down to release the Kraken

and wrap my lips around him. I receive a rough grunt in thanks while he winds his
fingers in my hair, setting a slow pace as he pushes his length into my waiting
mouth. His eyes are on mine as he watches me stroke him while alternating between
sucking him deeply and working up his shaft with my tongue. Lightly scraping my
fingernails up and down his thighs earns me a shiver and a tightening of his grip in
my hair. I moan around him and trace the tip of my tongue under and around the
head of his cock and give his slit a quick swipe.

Within seconds, he removes his cock with a groan and pulls my hair down and my

face up for yet another lust infused kiss and his first of many commands. "Take your
clothes off, baby doll."

I begin unhooking the eyes of the corset as he steps around the bed to remove the

plastic wrap. "Care to tell me what the plastic is for?" He inquires amusedly as he

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unwraps the pillows as well.

I am slightly embarrassed as I recall strutting to the check-out of the Home Depot

with the industrial sized box of plastic sheeting thinking I was a goddamn genius.
"In case of an emergency, you know a code brown."

"A code brown…" He shakes his head and smiles at my idiocy.

"Yes, and by the way, code brown is my safeword as well. If I should say that word

you need to pull out and get far, far away."

He inspects the selection of lube and condoms with the same smirk he uses when

he is trying not to laugh at me. "Quite a lube selection you have here – but I think I
just prefer using butter."

I want to absolutely vomit thinking about getting butter butt-banged Last Tango in

Paris style when I remember a certain situation that I need to make him aware of.
"Uh, yeah…" I drag out the last word. "About that. I ran into Mary when I bought
those and I think she may have seen the contents of my basket. It may get weird
when you see her on Monday so... sorry about that."

My corset falls to the ground as I watch his shoulders shake with laughter. He

holds up the chocolate covered cherries to compliment Tanya's contribution. "Nice

I shimmy out of my panties and climb onto the bed on all fours. I can feel the heat

of his gaze on me as he takes a long swig from the Patrón bottle while I make my
way to the top of the bed slowly.

"Lie on your back, Isabella." He orders me in a low and husky voice as the rest of

his clothes hit the floor. "And spread those legs."

I comply quickly, excited by his tone and blunt directives. His fingertips trace up

my ankle and leg followed immediately by the cold liquor soaked tip of his tongue.

Hitching my knees over his shoulders, he slides his hands under my ass and

squeezes gently. I close my eyes as I feel his mouth as it nears my center. He lingers
there for a few seconds before he murmurs the word 'beautiful' and swipes his flat
tongue over my clit. And just like a match head, my entire body ignites with a single

His hands hold me in place as his mouth taunts and teases and snarls against me.

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Ours is a familiar dance, perfected by years of practice. Everything is well rehearsed
from the arch of my back, to the expected gasp he receives when he pulls at my clit
with his teeth. And although it is my hands roaming and plucking and pulling at my
chest, my body is fully under Edward's command.

"Oh, God… yes!" I bellow as the tip of his tongue slips inside of me curling and

turning as it goes.

I writhe and moan against him as he alternates between lapping and sucking and

flicking at my hypersensitive bundle of nerves.

He drags his tongue up and down one more time over my core before he smiles

against me. I feel his hands travel up the backs of my trembling thighs and he
pushes my knees towards my chest. I hold my breath as his mouth lowers further
down between my legs. My eyes are shut tightly as I think back to the steamy night
in Mexico when his tongue and fingers made their acquaintance with that particular
area of my anatomy. I remember the foreign but fantastic sensation and desperately
hope that it is as good in reality as it is in my drunken hazy memories.

I cover my face as the realization hits that my husband's tongue was inching close

to no man's land and I do the unthinkable. I laugh. I laugh hard and embarrassingly
loud. His head pops up from between my legs, his expression is amused.

"I can't," I shake my head. "I'm sorry, I just can't. I must have been beyond drunk

to let that happen before."

His smile grows as he nods and climbs up my body. He gently places his lips

against my neck and whispers. "How about we work up to that one, huh? I think we
have enough to tackle tonight."

Weaving my fingers through his hair, I pull him in for another long languid kiss as

his fingers slip down my torso and between my folds. Unconsciously I grind against
his hand, giving me the friction I am so desperately seeking. The intensity of the kiss
grows as his fingers pump roughly inside of me. He groans against my mouth when
my hand grips his length to stroke it in time with his fingers. His mouth is at my ear
in an instant, grunting out his next instruction.

"Get on your knees for me, love."

As if on autopilot, I roll over instantly and lean forward on my elbows, arching my

spine. I peek at him over my shoulder and watch as he admires the presentation of
my new position which he seems to enjoy, immensely so. The bed dips as he reaches

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over to the nightstand and I blow out a deep breath. It's go time. He must notice the
slight trembling because he immediately begins placing closed mouth kisses up my
spine. He brushes my hair over my shoulder and tilts my face towards his.

"We're going to go slow. I need for you to relax, okay?" he advises as he kissing

me tenderly on top of my shoulder, "Let me make you feel good, Bella."

And with that, he traces a line of kisses down my back. Rubbing the head of his

cock up and down my over my clit and then my slit before he slowly slips it inside. I
shut my eyes as I receive him and bask in the first stroke as my vaginal walls stretch
and tighten around him. A small whimper escapes my lips as I feel him flush against
my backside. He holds it there, unmoving. I then hear the click of the lube cap and
the sound of the liquid as it gushes out over his fingers.

Slowly, deftly and delicately, he rubs and circles the lube over my puckered hole. I

shudder slightly as he adds a little more pressure with each measured pass. His hips
flex and he begins lightly thrusting in time with the circling of his fingers. I am so
caught up in his teasing thrusts that I tense when he pushes his finger forward. He
continues his small tight circles until he edges his finger all the way inside of me.
The discomfort is slight but bearable and although it still feels like an intrusion, the
smallest pleasurable sensation begins to grow as his finger starts mimicking the
intensity of his thrusts.

He groans deeply behind me, so I steal a glance at what he is seeing back there.

His eyes are on where we are joined as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip. I turn
away and hum softly when I feel him work another finger into the mix. I suck my lips
into my mouth, trying not to yelp. Just like before, he enters so slowly that the
pressure rises infinitesimally with each pass until the second finger settles deep

He alternates between the two, one in, one out and continues this delicious

rhythm until my entire body is sweating and quivering in anticipation of my release.
He grumbles and swears under his breath and slaps his hand against my ass.

"Do you like how that feels baby doll? Huh?"

"Oh God. Edward. Please." I beg for more. "So good, baby. Give it to me harder!"

I grind into him as he pounds into me fast and hard setting a quick, rough pace.

My muscles tighten around him and I whimper as I dangle dangerously close to
falling over the edge. Sensing how close I am he thrusts a few more times and exits
both holes with a throaty moan. The bed dips once more as he reaches for the

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"Lie on your back for me baby." He rasps in a gravelly voice as he grabs two

pillows from above me. "I need to see you."

As soon as I turn over, he lifts my hips and places the pillows beneath my ass.

Hovering over me, he brushes a hair out of my eyes and kisses me reverently. I
watch as he rolls the condom down his shaft and we both chuckle when he fumbles a
bit with it. He captures my lips once more and places his forehead against mine.
Breathing deeply and stroking himself against me lightly, his eyes burn into mine as
he searches my face for any signs of backing out.

"You sure you want to do this, baby?" He asks anxiously as he traces my jaw line

with his thumb.

"Absolutely." I say with confidence and smile at the relief that washes over his

face. He kisses me once, twice, three times before he raises off of my body and
prepares to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on my breathing just as Tanya suggested. I try not

to focus on the sound coming from the latex as he massages the slick lubricant over
his condom covered cock. And I attempt not to tense as his fingers generously
spread some more of the slippery liquid over my back entrance. I hear him exhale
deeply as he places his tip against my virgin opening and wince as he begins
pushing forward slowly. Each movement is deliberate and measured. I don't know if
I classify what I am feeling as pain, more like a building pressure with a heaping
helping of discomfort. Reading my body, Edward circles his thumb firmly over my
clit and palms my breast, distracting me from the foreign stretching sensation I am

"Agh, fuck!" He hisses as his dick gets about three-fourths of the way in. "So

fuckin' tight, baby doll."

I gasp and my eyes pop open as he unexpectedly dips two fingers into my pussy.

His eyes are focused, staring intensely at where he is entering me. His mouth parts
slowly as his hips come to a halt once his cock is fully sheathed inside of me. I fist
the sheets and bite back a whine as the feeling of fullness washes over me. Licking
his lips, I can tell both he and his cock are savoring the sensation. I suck in the air
through my teeth when he pulls his fingers out of my body causing him to notice my
eyes on him.

"You okay?" He asks with this hand ready to pull out if need be.

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I nod frantically and give him my best attempt at a grin, considering I have a huge

dick in my ass and all.

He smiles in relief and leans forward to kiss me.

"So no code brown?" He jokes as our lips are about to meet.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Not yet."

He kisses me firmly, latching onto my mouth greedily, teasing my tongue with his.

A fitting distraction as I am sure he is desperate to move, so I decide to help him out
a bit as I grab his ass and pull him deeper.

Big mistake. "Ow! Shit!" I shout, releasing his ass.

His eyes grow wide and I realize what I just screamed. I shake my head and

clarify. "Not literal shit. Just, ah. Just give me a moment."

Play through the pain. Play through the pain. Play through the pain. I chant over

and over in my head.

His eyes are assessing me and I can tell he is considering jumping ship so to speak

so I give him the most serene smile I can manage. He pecks small kisses up my jaw
until he reaches my ear, sucking my lobe into his mouth and breathing deeply
through his nose. A small growl rumbles in his chest as his new positioning shifts
him ever so slightly inside of me.

"Close your eyes, love," he murmurs against my jaw and runs his fingertips across

my collarbone, down my chest to roll my nipple between his fingers, "I'm gonna go
real slow, baby," he assures me as his hand scratches lightly up and down my ribs
and stomach before letting his hand wander further south as he inhales and exhales
deeply, "And I'm going to make you cum so hard, Bella. "

I whimper at his promise and the fact that his thumb and fingers are back rubbing

over my tender flesh with a new vigor. His index and middle finger are slamming
into me, curling and searching for that spot that makes me scream. My breathing
hitches embarrassingly as this man works my pussy over like it's his job. He has me
wet to the point of audible squelching and sopping.

"Fuck, yes!" I cry as my thighs tremble and shake as I near my climax again.

He starts pumping his hips slowly in and out, pulling out further with each

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tentative stroke. It burns so bad. I open my eyes and watch him as he grunts softly
with each thrust. His jaw is tight; every muscle is flexed in concentration on my
comfort and pleasure. I feel a bit guilty that our tryst is a bit like a reverse mullet, a
party in the front and all business in the back. Edward should be allowed to party,

He must feel the weight of my stare because he instantly locks eyes with me. His

green eyes are smoldering with warring emotions. I can tell he wants to be tender
and gentle, but I know that deep down, he'd love to let loose on my ass. Although
he'd never admit it aloud, especially to me, since I am essentially the card-carrying
Anti-Ass Sex Association founder and president.

"Edward," I say softly so I don't alarm him but he stops immediately, "Pull out for

a second."

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asks concerned, kneeling between my legs.

I shake my head and reposition myself raising my legs upward and wrapping my

elbows around my knees, spreading myself crudely. As if my posturing isn't
invitation enough, I add a bit of incentive.

"Have me. Have me the way you want to, Edward."

He only hesitates slightly before he smiles like the kid who got the Golden Ticket

and cocks a brow as if to ask if I was sure about this. He leans forward and kisses
my lips hungrily before stopping abruptly to growl into my mouth.

"I fuckin' love you, Bella Cullen."

Before I can respond, he is hovering over me with his cock in hand and poised to

enter. He slips in with ease, and while the burn and discomfort still ebbs, it's worth
it to see my husband's eyes close and hear his moan of pleasure. He grabs the back
of my knees so I can use my hands on myself. I reach down and spread my lips and
dip my finger in a bit before pulling it out and circling my clit.

"That's a good girl, Bella." He grits out as he bites his lip watching me. "Rub that

pretty little pussy for me."

His pace quickens and his short strokes are now jerky thrusts with a bit of a

swivel at the end. My eyes desperately want to roll to the back of my head, but I
don't want to miss this. Grunting and mumbling curses through clenched teeth,
Edward is seconds from cumming. I'm so close and try everything in my instant

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orgasm arsenal to take me over the edge – I want it so fucking bad.

He must sense my dilemma because he instantly takes action releasing my legs

and batting my hands away from my lady bits. Before I can get my bearings, he has
three fingers pumping inside of me knuckle deep, and his thumb pressed firmly
underneath the hood of my clit. Yahtzee. His magic fingers instantly set off my
climax which has me screaming and panting his name and clawing at his arms and
shoulders like a mad woman.

On the brink of his own explosive orgasm, he drives his hips into my body a few

more times wildly with my lower back taking quite the beating from his ball sack.
Stiffening inside of me, I can feel his telltale jerks and tremors deep within. He
hisses in pleasure as my entire body quivers and shakes around him. After a few
more thrusts he collapses on my chest as we try to get our breathing back to normal
and come down from each of our respective releases. I mindlessly comb my fingers
through his hair, silently mourning the loss of my b-hymen as he places small kisses
over my chest and collarbone.

Rolling off of me, he leans up on his elbows and rests his head in his hand. His

face is serene and sated with just a hint of something else there as well or possibly a
combination of things. Reverence? Gratitude? Maybe even a smidge of mirth…
Whatever it is, it makes my heart swell and I know that this was so worth it. He
takes my hand in his and kisses it gently and mouths the words thank you, beautiful
to me. I smile and nod and curl up beside him. We lay there in silence for quite a
while when he finally speaks.

"So, was it… everything you thought it would be?" He asks watching my face for a


Because I am unsure of how I feel about it, I turn the question around on him.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

The smug smirk returns as he rubs gentle circles into the curve of my backside.

"Believe me, baby doll. I loved every second of tapping that ass."

Eloquent. So fucking eloquent. He wags his brows and gestures with his hand that

it's my turn to answer his question.

"Well, let's see. Did it hurt as bad as I expected? No. Am I relieved I didn't have a

code brown? Yes," he nods in agreement as I continue, "It was far more pleasurable
than I expected, but don't expect for me to offer that up on any given day. Like,

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"Good! I am glad you said that because from here on out, for birthdays and

Christmas, in lieu of Starbucks gift-cards, I think I want anal instead."

I snort, roll my eyes and shrug. "Yeah, sure."

Excitedly he sits up to look at me in shock and awe with a cheesy grin like a kid

who just found out he's going to Disneyland. "Really?"

I roll over. "No."

He creeps up behind me and chuckles against my neck before nuzzling it gently.

Nuzzling gives way to passionate kisses and roaming hands. Hard and ready, he is
all set to enter me again; however his dick is lookin' for love in all the wrong places.

"Nice try," I say as I try to squirm away from his butthole surfer.

He laughs against my cheek. "Come on, B. Just the tip, I swear."

I shake my head. "Wrong hole, fool!"

A/N: I thought about entering this into the Let's Do Anal (LDA) Contest,

however even when I changed the character names, removed the Kraken,
the Chocolate Thunders and the baby dolls – you guys would still know it was
me and the contest is anonymous. Make sure to go check out the LDA
entries at the Lets Do Anal BlogSpot. There are some great entries from
some fantastic authors including my beta/boo, Lovin Rob and my galentine,

Lay Recs:

The Other Way by Honeybee Meadows – This is a story about love - all

kinds of beautiful love and devotion. Unique in every sense of the word – this
fic is SO beautifully written – the imagery is just as stimulating as the sexy
times. And dolls, there are lots o' sexy times. It is an E/B eventually – them
coming together (pun intended) is half the magic. I love this story – truly,
madly, deeply. Don't miss this lavender high.

Tip of the Spear by Robsmyyummy Cabanaboy - 1,2,3,4 I adore Marine

Corp... Edward. TOTS is only12 Chapters in and holy hotness - this story has
EVERYTHING! Love, loss, sweet, funny and sexy as hell. Run, don't walk

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folks, it's a must read.

Carrie ZM Recs:

Deviant by Planetblue – Rated 'F' for fucking awesome – snark, smut and

the sexiest mustache in fanfiction.

Stolen by Rochelle Allison – Dude, its Rochelle Allison. She's like Sting and

the Police because every little thing she does is magic... Now go read it...

Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, followed, fav'd, rec'd,

tweeted, voted for and lurked this fic. You guys make this so much fun!

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