Czasowniki złożone

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Stosowanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych

Czasowniki złożone

Zadanie I.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. The journalist is in ___________________ heavy criticism from his superiors.
2. A: Why don't we go out tonight?

B: Do you know what's _______the cinema?

3. It is ________________________ to you to choose the paint for your bedroom.
4. The media blew their affair ____________________________ of all proportion.
5. We had our house broken __________ when we went away for the weekend.
6. You must not leave the room until the session is ________________________ .
7. The doctor tried to break__________________ the crowd but it was impossible.
8. According to our correspondent in Khaar, a measles epidemic broke _________ .
9. The secretary broke ___________________ the meeting, although I asked her

not to disturb us.

10. These tips will help break ________ a relationship that makes you feel unhappy.
11. A patent war broke _______________ between two companies over software

they use for on-line transactions.

I2. The accused broke ___________ in hysterics as he blurted out his fears of

imprisonment, but finally he confessed.

13. I would like you to break_____________the figures by gender and profession.
14. None of the policemen wanted to break the news of the accident______________

the boy's mother.

I5. A: These shoes are uncomfortable.

B: You will have to break them_______________________________ , Madam.

Zadanie 2.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. The school breaks ___________________________ for Easter on Monday.

2. Our company has brought ______new software for taking exams via the Internet.
3. The magazine article brought ________ the more unpleasant side to the actor's


4. Your promotion definitely calls _________________________________ a drink.
5. The leader of the opposition called___________the Prime Minister's resignation.
6. Environmental activists called ________ MPs to reduce the permissible level of

the emission of carbon dioxide.

7. The match was called______________________________ due to bad weather.
8. An Internet browser calls ____________ all websites that contain a key word you

enter in the search bar.

9. Dudek was called___________________for the football match against the USA.

10. Ten doctors were called __________________________to assist in the surgery.
11. The mayor brought _________________________major changes in the public

transport system.

12. Going out without a hat in winter may bring ________________________ the flu.
13. Mark sprinkled some cold water on Sarah's face to bring her ________________ .
14. The manager hopes that the new deal will bring ______________ a substantial

amount of money.

I5. Helen brought ______________ several new proposals at yesterday's meeting.

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Zadanie 3.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. Some people should have taken a test on what it means to bring ________ a child

before they became parents.

2. The coup d'etat started by the military brought __________________ the dictator.
3. Despite initial problems we decided to carry____________________ the project,

which turned out to be a good decision.

4. The players got so carried_________ by their success that they lost

a goal in just five minutes.

5. Although it had financial problems, the charity carried ____________ the scheme

by persuading celebrities to donate some money.

6. The results of the survey carried ______________________ among our patients

show that you are the best doctor on the team.

7. George thought that he would fail as King Lear, but he carried__________ the part


8. When I was cleaning the attic I came _____ some old photographs of my mother.
9. I wonder how you came_________ this antique vase. You didn't steal it, did you?

I0. When Sarah came ____________her father's fortune, all th#young men wanted

to marry her.

11. Readers are still waiting for his novel to come___________________________ .
12. Unless you use this washing powder, these stubborn stains will not come _____ .
13. You definitely came __________ well in this photograph. Have you ever thought

about becoming a model?

I4. The film was not as good as we thought. It simply did not come ______________

___________ our expectations.

I5. This pen came _______ to me from my grandfather, who was a famous novelist.

Zadanie 4.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Sandra came ___________the pills and she found it difficult to keep balance.
2. We expected to come ________________________________ many objections

from the principal, but fortunately she accepted our proposals.

3. Ben came __________________ a most outrageous interpretation of the poem.

4. If you have problems with sleeping, why don't you cut ______________ caffeine?

5.I couldn't finish the presentation because she kept cutting __________________ .

6. A motorcycle cut ______________ on us and I had to brake to avoid an accident.

7.I had to cut ____________________ meat because the kitten didn't want to eat it.

8. Several passages were cut _________from the book to make it easier for young


9. Mike is not assertive enough -I am afraid he is not cut ________ to be a manager.

10. Having seen her essay do you still believe she is cut _____________ university?
11. She had her water supply cut_________________ for failing to pay bills on time.
12. After my two-week absence at school I had an enormous amount of reading to

catch___________________________________ .

13. Some trends in fashion will never catch __________ . I am sure nobody will wear

a Vivianne Westwood outfit.

14. The new vaccine means doing _______________ diseases such as hepatitis C.
15. I could do_______________________________________a snack; I'm hungry.

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Zadanie 5.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. Make sure you do ________________________ your bedroom before you invite

your friends.

2. Do _________________________________ your cardigan, or you will be cold.
3. I would never have expected that you would do me _______________________

especially now that we have financial problems.

4. My parents bought a new dishwasher, so I will have to do_______________a new

bike this year.

5. On seeing a police car drawing ____ by the side of the road, the robbers ran away.
6. Our team drew ____________________ a new plan which is more practical than

the previous one.

7. I tried to behave informally to draw her ______________________________ .
8. When the days began to draw ______________________ I let my children play

outdoors until 9 p.m.

9. The children fell ___________________ a nasty trick the nanny played on them.

I0. It comes as a surprise that they fell __________________ each other; they were

such good friends.

II. Her report falls _____________________________ mine so it will not be difficult

to find a solution that will satisfy both of us.

12. The beams that supported the roof were not solid enough and it fell____________.
13. Their plans fell _____________________________ due to lack of agreement.
14. The gang fell _____________________ an old man and they stole his wallet.
15. You should save money to have some to fall _____________ when you grow old.

Zadanie 6.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Employees who fell___________________with their work were not promoted.
2. Be careful with these manuscripts. They are so old that they may fall _____ easily.
3. Which category does this paper fall _________________________________?
4. She is a good scholar but she is not a good teacher: she can't get her meaning

to students.

5. I think I know what you are getting _______________________ : you want to say

that you're in love with me, don't you?

6. My son prefers staying at home to playing with his friends because he doesn't get


7. News from Iraq really gets me __________________ . I wish the war would stop.
8. He knocked his friend unconscious, but got__________________a reprimand.
9. We should really get ________________to business. There's not much time left.

10. Judging by his marks, my son is getting _________________ well at university.
11. One day you will get __________________the shock of losing your best friend.
I2.I phoned the office five times and I got ______________________ to her at last.

13. At first he refused to accept our suggestions, but eventually we managed to bring

him _____________ to our point of view.

14. I've had this novel for a long time, but I never got ________________ reading it.
15. On Sundays my family get _________________________________ very late.

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Zadanie 7.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Although she was told not to talk about it to anyone, Sarah gave ______the secret.
2. Despite the fact that the situation was hopeless, the hijackers refused to give ___ .
3. Their water supplies will have given____, so they should be back any minute now.
4. This bread must be stale; it gives _________________________ a terrible smell.
5. The leash snapped into two when the dog went ____________________ the cat.
6. A: Would you mind if I smoked in here?

B: No, not at all, go______________________________________________.

7.I went ______________________________ the flu and was unable to go to work.

8. He promised that he would never leave us alone, but he went ________________

____________________ his promise.

9. Our neighbour, who is fond of farming, went ____________________ the biggest

pumpkin contest, and he won.

10. When his alarm clock went _________________ , Jon smashed it against a wall.
11. lam afraid you will have to buy another loaf of bread. This one has gone _______ .
12. To make sure there are no mistakes in the contract, let's go ________ it together,

shall we?

13. Some actors wanted to go __________________ the text before going on stage.
14. If I were you, I would choose a different top. This one does not go ____________

Your trousers.

I5. I couldn't hold _______________________ laughing any longer and I burst out

to the astonishment of other people in the room.

Zadanie 8.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. The defenders of the city held _______________________even though backup

from a neighbouring kingdom didn't arrive.

2. Our professor doesn't hold _______ the idea of introducing tuition fees in Poland.
3. The performance was held ___________by the late arrival of the leading actor.
4. The recent peace talks hold_________ hope for a final resolution of the conflict.
5. Three armed men held __________________________a van with money in it.
6. In order to keep _______________________ the development of the language,

I recommend reading British newspapers.

7. The Bennetts decided to install special blinds to keep ___________mosquitoes.
8. It is not enough to get a good mark. It is more important to keep _______the good


9. Keep _________________________________________________ the grass!

I0. Marion is so bossy: she lays_____________________________ strict rules and

expects us to follow them obediently.

11. Helen grows so fast that I had to let _________________________ her skirts.
12. We enjoyed the garden party but I wonder why they didn't let us______________

the house.

13. Being forced to let_________________ his trousers, Bob decided to go on a diet.
14. Freddie let _____________________ that he was thinking of moving to Kraków.
15. I will never trust Jane again. She has let me ________________ so many times.

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Zadanie 9.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Gary wonders who would look___________________ him when he grows old.
2. When I look ____________________ my youth I can see how many things have

changed in our country.

3. Her attitude belies a common belief that the rich look ____________ on the poor.
4. Students look___________________ to their teachers for academic excellence.
5.I am really looking______________________________meeting you in London.

6. The causes of the accident are being looked_______________________ by an

independent commission.

7. When you go shopping look ____________________________ leather sandals.

I've been thinking of buying ones for a long time.

8. If you don't know what this word means, look it________________ in a dictionary.
9. They were making ________________________port when their boat capsized.

10. Joe and Sally are always having quarrels, but they always make _____ in the end.
11. He made_______________ some story about catching the wrong train to explain

his lateness.

I2. You won't make ____________________ lost time by working all night. You'll be

too ti red to work tomorrow.

13. So thick was the fog that I wasn't able to make _______________ the road sign.
14. Since the star was underage, they made the cheque ___________ to her parents.
15. Before he went to jail he made _____________________his property to his son.

Zadanie I0.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. You have baen thinking about it for two hours. It's time you made______________

your mind at last.

2.I feel sad when great writers pass_____________________________________.

3. In order to gain his interviewee's confidence, the reporter passed himself

_____________________ as a local resident.

4. When Steven got hit by a ball on the head, he passed __________________ .
5. Before she died, my aunt, who was a great cook, passed _______________some

fantastic recipes to me.

6.I wouldn't have lent you the money if I had known that you were not going

to pay it__________________ .

7. Helen paid____ her business partner and went on to run a restaurant on her own.
8. This time the judge let the man _______ but she promised that one day he would

pay _______ all his crimes.

9. This dilapidated building should have been pulled ____________ a long time ago.

10. Pull yourself ________________! Losing a boyfriend is not the end of the world.
11. The car had been making strange noises and we pulled ____________ to check

what was going _________________________ .

12. The taxi pulled__ in front of our house and an extremely beautiful woman got out.
13. We didn't expect to succeed in the race but we managed to pull it__________ .
I4. So far she managed to put________________________ $300 for a new car.

I5.I bought this box so that you have enough storage to put your toys __________ .

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Zadanie II.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. She has put her poor performance _____________________ to a long break.
2. I have put _________________a ten-point plan to make the distribution of books

to the elderly more effective.

3. The President's visit has been put ____________________ until he gets better.
4. The fact that there were no single room put me ___________staying in that hotel.
5. If you have nowhere to stay, I can put you ____________________ for the night.
6. As a volunteer you will have to put ___________ a lot of effort without expecting

any payment.

7. I will not put _____________________ your constant complaints, so get to work.
8. All the campers should make sure that they put _______ fires before moving on.
9. Guess who I ran ________________ the other day. Your husband.

I0. Although the performance received good press, the director ran himself

__________ after the premiere.

II.I couldn't get in touch with you because the battery in my mobile ran __________ .

12. The old lady was run ______________by a bus when she was crossing the road.
13. When running____________________a new car you shouldn't drive very fast.
14. We seem to have run __________________petrol. Let's look for a filling station.
15. Henry kept buying _____________ credit until he ran________________a huge

debt and had his property taken_________________ by the bank.

Zadanie I2.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. He was a convincing liar, but fortunately I saw _______________ him eventually.
2. Three friends came to see the soldier ________________ at the railway station.
3. The secretary saw the intruder _____________________ of the room and we

proceeded with the debate.

4. To circumvent the ban on smoking, Irish pub owners set ____________ash trays


5. The ship set ___________at the crack of dawn, and she should be in Cairo now.
6. Grandma sold a lot of her home-made marmalade but she set some of it

_________________for her grandchildren.

7. The reconstruction of Iraq will be set ____________________by political unrest.
8. A true friend will always stand_______________ you, no matter what happens.
9. Do you know what the abbreviation OED stands_________________________?

10. The ground troops were standing _____ in case the enemy attacked once again.
11. Go ahead and take a day off. I will stand ____________________________ you.
12. This essay definitely stands ___________________ from the rest because it is

most convincingly argued.

13. She has been waiting for her boyfriend for two hours. It seems that he has stood

her _______________ once again.

14. Trades unions stand __________________________________workers' rights.
15. Mark was too weak to stand ___________________________________bullies.

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Zadanie I3.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Don't you think that Mark's mother and sister look alike? Yes, the girl definitely

takes ______________________ the mother.

2. If you do not take ______ your offensive remarks, I will have to ask you to leave.
3. You needn't take ______ everything I am telling you. I will distribute a handout.
4. My father does not take________________________ lodgers, but my aunt does.
5. After she gave birth to a baby girl she had her clothes taken _________________ .
6. It was only after the plane took ______________ that her mother began to cry.
7. He is amazing at taking ____________________________ famous politicians.

8.I have too much work now and I am afraid I will not be able to take _____________

more responsibilities.

9. Since they were understaffed, they decided to take _______ two new employees.

10. When his wife divorced him, he took _________________________ drinking.
11. Michael took_______________________________ golf when he became rich.
I2.I was completely taken ______________ by his promises and I let him use my car.

I didn't know he wanted to steal it.

I3. Her father was taken ______________ by her decision to run away with the circus

and abandon her career as a lawyer.

14. The factory turns___________________ more cars a day than any other factory.
15. Eventually it turned _________________that he was Barbara's long-lost brother.

Zadanie I4.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami lub partykułami. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

I. All the proposals were turned _______________ because they meant additional

subsidies from the council.

2. The children were so tired after the expedition that they turned_______________

the minute they came back home.

3. The Johnsons were turned ______________ of their flat because their rent was


4. Ben's friends were turned_________ at the entrance to the restaurant because

they were wearing trainers.

5. The lecturer was terribly embarrassed when nobody turned ________ for his talk.
6. The effect of initial shock will wear ____________________________ gradually.
7. I'll just take a shower and go to bed. I am completely worn _________________ .
8. Don't expect me to help you. You have to work this problem _______ on your own.
9. After Mark declined our invitation, it dawned _________ me that he didn't want to

have anything to do with us.

10. Helen prides herself_____________ knowing more about cats than anyone else.
11. Hercomputer was playing ___________________ again and she couldn't work.
12. Before you sit down to write your essay, you should read _______________ your


I3. Mark walked ___________________________Helen even though they seemed

such a happy couple.

I4. The head teacher decided to sit _______________________classes run by her

younger colleagues.

I5. Many listeners tune _____________________________ to BBC Radio stations.


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