Brac Pack 20 Steven's Journey

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Brac Pack 20


Steven’s Journey

Steven Barlett is on the run from David, his ex-boyfriend, who
thinks settling their differences requires a fist. But Steven takes a

secret with him, and David is willing to kill to keep it quiet.

Roman Lakeland, the youngest of seven and the foreman on the
construction crew that is helping to expand Brac Village, has

finally found his mate, Steven, who is living in a shelter for the

Roman takes Steven home, showing him a life Steven never
dreamed was possible. Roman's family takes to Steven, and their

lives finally feel complete. But when someone on his crew
threatens his mate’s life, Roman is out for blood.

Can Roman show Steven how to be his own man? Can he even
keep Steven alive? And can the Lakelands and the Brac Pack stop
the evil that Steven's ex, David, has unleashed?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 37,001 words


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Brac Pack 20

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-712-9

First E-book Publication: August 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Brac Pack 20


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Steven climbed into the back of the SUV, wondering what he had

just gotten himself into. He thought life couldn’t get any worse after
his parents died, but he had been wrong.

“I have to go.” Steven reached for the door handle, ready to jump

out and diffuse the situation. “If I go with him, he’ll leave your
friends alone.”

Taylor, the person he had called to get him out of this abusive

situation, reached out and grabbed his arm. “Not in this lifetime. They
can handle their own, trust me.”

Steven became silent as he looked over the seat to the street

behind him. “Are you sure? I don’t want to cause any trouble.” David
could be a real prick and Steven didn’t want these kinds people to
have to face him.

“No trouble. You’re not the one who is causing trouble.” Steven

glanced back to see the three large men that had come with Taylor,
arguing with his boyfriend. David jerked his arms around, his face
turning a deep scarlet. Fuck, he looked so damned pissed. Steven was
surprised when David walked into the building without a fight and the
three men turned toward the truck. That wasn’t like David. Steven sat
back as he wondered how had he let his life get so out of hand?

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One of the large men slid into the driver’s seat as another one

opened the passenger door and got in. The last one climbed into the
back and sat next to Taylor. Steven scooted over to the far door,
fisting his hands in his lap as he prayed for the courage to go through
with this.

“You’ve already met Dagon.” Taylor pointed to the man in the

backseat. Steven leaned forward and nodded toward the muscle-
bound man. “That’s Tryck and Law.” Taylor pointed to the two sitting
up front.

Steven gave them a weak smile, unsure that he could do this. He

was leaving everything familiar behind and going into the unknown.
It was scary as hell to him. Maybe he should get out and do this
another day. “You’re safe. They won’t hurt you.” Taylor spoke in a
gentle voice.

Steven nodded. Drawing a deep breath, he turned away from the

vehicle’s occupants and looked out of the window. He watched as his
apartment building and everything he had known slowly faded away
as the SUV pulled from the curb. His fingers gripped the door where
the window ended and the door began, feeling as though his stomach
was tied in knots.

Had he really just left David? Was he crazy? Steven knew he had

to get out of that abusive relationship, but what had he gotten into

He’d met Taylor in the restroom of a buffet-style restaurant,

crying his eyes out in a booth after David had struck him for the first
time in their four years. Taylor had heard him and given Steven his
phone number, telling him to call if he ever needed anything, even if
it was only someone to talk to.

When David struck him this time, Steven had called. Now he sat

in the back of a stranger’s vehicle, going into the unknown. Steven
only hoped his life got better from this moment on.

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Steven’s Journey


The driver, Tryck, exited the highway and drove through a small

town, parking outside a diner. His eyes drank everything in as Taylor
got out, waving for Steven to join him.

Steven climbed out, closing the back door, and then stood there

feeling unsure about everything. He shoved his hands in his back
pockets as he took in the sights all around him.

There had to be something in the water around here because not

only were the men who came to rescue him large, but so were the men
standing across the street talking. Again, what the hell had he gotten
himself into?

Taylor took him into the diner where they ordered some food.

Steven sat quietly as they ate, his eyes taking everything in. Once they
were finished, Taylor paid the bill, and then they walked across the

Steven became fascinated and a bit intrigued when Taylor

approached the tallest man he had ever seen. He wore jeans, a leather
jacket, and biker boots. The tall man had long black hair down to his
waist in one long braid, tied off with a leather thong. Steven stood
there in awe as his head craned back to stare up at the man.

Taylor touched Steven’s elbow as he guided him toward the

gathered men. “Maverick, this is Steven.”

The giant turned and smiled down at him. Maverick’s eyes

softened as he spoke in a very deep voice. “Hello, Steven.”

In an odd contradiction to the power he saw standing in front of

him, Steven’s body began to relax as the kindest eyes he had ever
seen gazed down at him.

Steven gave him a closed-mouth smile before speaking. “Hi.”
Taylor pointed to the two buildings under construction and then

singled out the one to his right as he explained to Steven what the
building was being built for and that Steven would be staying the
night there. He told Steven of his desire to be a counselor and how he
was Taylor’s first case.

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“I feel honored.” Steven softly chuckled. “Is it all right for me to

stay here?”

“That’s what Maverick”—Taylor pointed to the giant—“is

discussing with the crew now. I’m pretty sure it will be. If not, we
have plenty of room at the Den for you until it is.”

Steven stared at Tate’s Resource Center and then back at Taylor,

his head tilting to the side as he brushed a hand through his shoulder-
length black hair. “Why are you doing all of this for me?” Nobody
had ever gone out of their way to help him before. Steven could tell
right away that Taylor was a kind and caring guy, but he wasn’t too
sure about the rest of these men.

Dagon stepped up behind Taylor, wrapping his strong arms

around his boyfriend’s shoulders as Taylor answered Steven.
“Because no one should live in fear. I believe everyone should live a
satisfying, if not fulfilling, life.”

Steven watched Dagon lean forward and kiss Taylor. He could see

the pride on Dagon’s face for his lover. Steven looked around, feeling
strange watching the couple cuddle. He noticed one of the
construction crew workers staring at him from inside the resource
center. The worker was doing something with the large window, but
his eyes weren’t on the job at hand.

A faint grin touched the man’s lips before Steven averted his eyes.

Now was not the time to ogle the gorgeous man. He was already in
one mess. Although Steven no longer loved David, and hadn’t for
awhile now, that didn’t mean he was on the prowl for another man.

When he glanced back up, the worker was still watching him.

Steven had to admit, he was intrigued.

Steven walked into the resource center with Taylor, looking

around at the bare place. Even with the dust and sparseness, it was
better than sleeping under the same roof as David. A park bench
would have been better than wondering if his ex was going to get
pissed at something he did or said and strike him again.

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Steven’s Journey


Steven noticed the worker still watching him. It was unnerving

and exciting at the same time.

Steven stayed busy for the next few hours helping put things away

that a dozen people had brought to the center.

“My name is Drew.” One of the men, who had brought some

things in, introduced himself.

“Steven.” He shook his hand. “Who are all these people?”
“Family. We’re pitching in to make sure you’re comfortable for

the night.”

Steven was floored at all the support Taylor was getting from his

family. He’d never had that before. Steven’s parents had him late in
life and died of old age. He had been an only child, never knowing
what a large family felt like.

“Thanks.” Steven grabbed some blankets from Taylor, placing

them on one of the cots. He glanced over to see the construction
worker still watching him. Those gunmetal-grey eyes seemed to
follow every move he made.

Steven felt a shiver of some new feeling run down his spine at the

attention the worker was paying him. The man was buff with a capital
B. His skin was tanned, his shoulders were broad, and he had very
impressive muscles. They weren’t bulky, more like chiseled. The man
winked at him, making Steven blush like a damn teenager.

Steven smiled at him and then turned around to finish his

conversation with Drew. As he talked, his eyes kept glancing over at
the worker. He saw one of the large men that had come with everyone
else walk over and start talking with the worker. Steven was twenty-
five years old and needed to stop acting like he was some
prepubescent teen. But for the first time in his life, he wanted to flirt.

Steven said good-bye to Drew and then proceeded to make a cot

up to sleep on. He didn’t fancy sleeping alone in this strange place,
but as long as he was safe, he didn’t care.

“I’m Remi.” One of the family members walked over and

introduced himself.

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“Steven.” He reached out and clasped Remi’s large hand. Steven

glanced back at the worker. The man was staring at them with a slight
frown on his face. Steven wondered why that bothered him so much.

“No one will bother you while you are here,” Remi was saying as

he looked over at the worker and then back at Steven. “I’ll be here for
the night if you need anything.”

Steven nodded his appreciation. “Thanks.”
Remi glared at the worker before walking out of the resource

center. Steven sat behind the makeshift desk as he watched the
construction guy start to gather his tools. He’d never been the
assertive type, so introducing himself was out of the question.

“Name’s Roman.” The nice-looking stranger nodded at him from

across the room.

Steven felt like his tongue had doubled in size, making it

impossible to respond. David was okay-looking, but Roman was
closer to god status in his eyes. But Steven had learned a long time
ago that looks weren’t everything. “Steven,” he finally said bashfully
as he looked over some pamphlets lying on the desk. He tucked his
feet under the chair, wondering if the hunk was going to say anything
else to him.

“You need anything?” Roman asked as he fastened the tool belt

around his waist and then picked up an extension cord, winding it up.

“A job,” Steven blurted out. He groaned inwardly. It might be

true, but he was sure this guy didn’t want to hear about what was
wrong in his life right now.

“I could always use some help. I have a crew, but we’re always

shorthanded.” The side of Roman’s mouth tugged in an attempt at a
smile as he laid the rolled up cord on top of a pile of tools. “Pay’s not
much, but I’m sure it would help.”

Steven would take it. It was a step up from being David’s

punching bag. That pay was crappy and the perks…well, there
weren’t any. “When can I start?”

Roman gave a soft chuckle. “In the morning if you’d like.”

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Steven’s Journey


He stared into Roman’s tempting grey eyes as they bored into his.

“I have an appointment tomorrow around ten. Is that okay?” Steven
asked as he straightened the pamphlets out and then started looking
through them again. He wasn’t really reading them, just giving his
nervous hands something to do.

“That’s fine. I’ll see you bright and early.” Roman smiled at him

before walking out of the building. Man, what was he getting himself
into with all this flirting? This was a job. That’s what he would
concentrate on. Steven didn’t want another relationship right now. He
knew he was getting ahead of things. Roman offered him a job, not a

Steven pushed away from the desk, heading to the back and

crawling onto the cot he had made up. Tomorrow would be the first
day of the rest of his life. He hoped it was better than the last one.

* * * *

Steven rolled over and looked up at Taylor. “What time is it?” he

asked as he scrubbed his eyes and yawned. He had to struggle to
make his eyes open. Whatever time it was, it was way too early.

“Six.” Taylor handed him a steamy cup of coffee. Oh man, that’s

what he was talking about. The aroma had him turning over and
sitting up, greedy to have that first sip of the day.

“Thanks.” Steven grabbed it, taking an appreciative sip. His

fingers brushed across his face as he pulled the stray hairs from off of
his forehead. He planted his feet on the floor as he stood and

Steven pulled a shirt over his head and tucked his feet into his

sneakers as he scratched his chest and followed Taylor to the front.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Dagon already standing in
the front area and Roman walking through the front door. Fuck, he
knew he looked like crap right now. His hair needed to find a comb,
and he probably had dried drool patterns on the side of his mouth.

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Steven leaned against the makeshift desk, turning to face the men

when his eyes locked with Roman’s. He could see kindness and
something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on in the construction
worker’s grey eyes.

“I just wanted to let you know we’re nearing completion,” Roman

said as he walked across the room and stood by Dagon. How did the
guy manage to look so good first thing in the morning? Steven had a
ritual he went through to look half as good as Roman.

“I’ll let Maverick know,” Dagon replied. Steven couldn’t look

away. That broad chest was seductively calling his eyes to dance over

“The name’s Roman.” The worker stretched his arm out to Dagon.

Steven watched them shake hands and wished it was his instead.

“Dagon,” he said as he shook Roman’s hand. “Can I have a word

with you?”

“Sure.” Roman walked outside with Dagon.
Steven sat his cup of coffee down, running his hand through his

tousled hair as he let out a slow breath. Roman was playing havoc
with his nerves.

“I warned you.” Some woman walked from the back room with

the biggest fucking knife Steven had ever seen. She had it raised,
going after Taylor. Steven pushed away from the desk, ready to help
Taylor kick her damn ass, or at least try, when Taylor raised his hands
and all the furniture flew across the room and blocked the doorway
she had been coming out of.

This couldn’t be happening. There was no way he was seeing this.

Steven shouted at the same time Taylor did. Steven fell on his ass and
crab-crawled backward until he was backed into a corner and then
balled up. What the hell was going on around here? His eyes took in
the scene, but his brain refused to process it.

Roman and Dagon ran through the front door, Roman heading

straight for him as Dagon ran to Taylor. “Cachorro?” Dagon said as
he approached Taylor.

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Steven’s Journey


Steven tried to see what was going on, but Roman was standing in

front of him in a protective manner. Roman knelt down, but his view
was still blocked.

“What’s wrong?”
“My mom,” Taylor yelled. “She appeared in the doorway and

started to come after me with the biggest damn knife I had ever seen.”

He heard Dagon’s voice shout. “Get Steven out of here. Take him

to wherever you are staying and keep him safe.”

Roman nodded and turned, pulling Steven to his feet as they raced

from the shelter. He was finding it hard to breathe. Had Taylor really
levitated the furniture in the room and used it to block the doorway?

“Get in the truck, tiger,” Roman said as he let Steven’s hand go.

He wasn’t going to question a damn thing. He hopped in and slammed
the door, snapping his seatbelt into place.

“Did I really see that?” he asked as the truck roared to life, and

Roman reversed out of the parking space, taking them away from the

“You did.” Roman drove down a country road, his jaw clenched

tight as his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel so
hard. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”

Steven shook his head as his fingers curled around the seatbelt.

“I’m not hurt. Please explain to me what I just saw.”

Roman turned onto a dirt road, driving up to a large white

farmhouse. He parked the truck and then cut the motor. Steven
watched as Roman jumped out and walked around to his side of the
truck and opened the door. “I’ll explain as soon as I get you inside.”

Steven pressed the release button and his seatbelt wound back up,

freeing him to slide from the seat. He followed Roman up a set of
steps that led to a porch and then passed a porch swing as Roman led
him through the screen door and into a living room.

They didn’t stop there. Roman walked through a kitchen, as if

searching, before leading Steven out of a back door. Steven ran to

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keep up as they approached a corral. “Pa,” Roman shouted as Steven
joined him at this side.

Seven large men headed their way. He went back to his theory

that something had to be in the water. He’d never seen such a
collection of mountainous men in his entire life. Steven took a step
back the closer they came to him and Roman.

“Don’t fear them, tiger. They are my brothers and father. You’re

safe.” Roman reached down and grabbed his hand, his callused thumb
caressing the back of Steven’s hand. Steven would take the small
gesture of comfort right now. His world was turning upside

“What’s going on, Roman?” an older version of Roman asked as

he approached on a horse.

“This is Steven.” Roman nodded at him. “Something happened at

the resource center, and I needed to bring him here.”

The man Roman called Pa nodded. They had the same grey eyes,

only the father’s were lighter, whereas Roman’s were gunmetal and

“Take him in the house. We’re heading your way,” Roman’s

father said from the saddle. Roman grabbed Steven’s hand and took
him back through the kitchen door.

He finally had a chance to look around. The place was huge. What

did he expect? So were the men. It was as if Roman were the runt of
the litter. And that was saying something since Roman appeared to be
at least six two. The rest of the men that followed them into the living
room reminded Steven of those muscled wrestlers he had seen on
television. Only these men looked a like a hairy bunch. Roman
seemed to be the only one without hair protruding from under his

“What’s going on, son?” Roman’s dad asked as the other men

took a seat.

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Steven’s Journey


“I’m not sure. This is the man Taylor brought to the resource

center. Some strange things took place, and one of the Timber wol—
men told me to bring him here.”

“Strange?” Steven snorted. “That wasn’t strange. That was

downright bizarre.”

Steven curled his lips in when all six of Roman’s brothers looked

at him strangely. “He sure is cute.” One of them winked at him.
Steven took a step to his left, blocking his view behind Roman’s back
from the speaking brother.

“Mine,” Roman snapped at the brother who spoke. Mine? Oh, this

was just peachy. Steven knew this wasn’t good when Roman’s
father’s eyes widened and stared at Steven like he had just realized he
was standing there.

“Is he?” the father asked.
“Yes,” Roman answered.
“Hot damn.” The speaking brother whooped.
“Shut up, Chauncey,” Roman snapped at the vocal brother.
Steven rubbed his arms nervously, wondering if he hadn’t jumped

from the frying pan into the fire.

“Don’t worry, son, you’re safe here.” Roman’s father tried to

reassure him. Steven didn’t want to disappoint the man. He was being
hospitable after all, so he mustered his best smile and gave it to him.

“Thank you.”
“Go get him settled in, Roman. The rest of you get back to work.”

The father waved the brothers toward the kitchen door as Steven
followed Roman upstairs. The inside of the house sure looked bigger
than the outside.

“I’m not trying to put you out. I know you have work to do,”

Steven said as Roman led him to the last room on the left.

“You’re not. This is the guest room. You can stay in here.”

Roman ushered him in and showed him around. “There are fresh
towels in the bathroom and plenty of closet space for your clothes.”

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“Well, I guess I won’t be using the closet then.” Steven laughed

nervously. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he didn’t know Steven ran with
the clothes on his back. He didn’t care. As long as he got away from
that jackass, that’s all that mattered.

“Sorry about that.” Roman shoved his hands into his front

pockets, heat stealing into his face. It looked adorable on a man so
large and self-assured.

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.” Steven struggled to find something

to change the subject. “So those are your brothers and father?”

Roman nodded. “Yep. I’m the youngest of them all. They’re

farmers, but I chose to work construction. I like building things with
my hands.” He pulled one of his hands out of his pocket and held it up
as if to prove a point.

“I was an only child. It must be nice to have a large family.”
Roman rolled his eyes as he snorted. “Most of the time. Lack of

privacy is a big issue around here though. If you’re going to be
staying here, you better get used to it.”

Steven wasn’t sure if he could get used to that. He grew up an

only child and then when he turned twenty he had met David and
moved in with him. Enduring a four-year relationship with that
asshole. He’d never been on his own, but always had privacy. “Am I
going to be staying here?”

“Yes,” Roman answered quickly and then looked around the

room. “I better get back to work. My father owned the construction
company I work for but decided he liked farming better, so he gave it
to me.”

“But I thought you were the foreman.”
Roman nodded as he headed toward the bedroom door. “I am. I’m

also the proprietor.”

Steven didn’t know too much about construction. Heck, he didn’t

know anything about it, but he was sure the same person shouldn’t
have both titles.

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Steven’s Journey


“Supper is at six. If you’re hungry, just let Pa know. My brothers

come on strong, but they’re harmless.”

Harmless? They looked as harmless as a lion setting his sights on

prey. Steven wasn’t too sure he wanted to stay here if Roman wasn’t
going to be here. “Can I come with you?”

Roman shook his head as he walked down the creaking stairs.

“It’s not safe. I know you have questions about what happened back
in town. I’ll answer them when I get home.”

Steven left the subject alone. He didn’t want to upset Roman and

get taken back to that dark and lonely shelter. He may be intimidated
by Roman’s brothers, but staying here was better than the resource
center. He’d never stayed alone and didn’t like it very much.

“I’ll be back at the end of the work day. Just make yourself

comfortable,” Roman said before walking out the front door. Well,
hell’s bells. What was he going to do now?

“I’m Chauncey,” one of the brothers said from behind Steven.

Steven bit his lip and looked away, nervous.

“Steven,” he said to the furniture as he looked around. There were

three large sofas and two armchairs sitting in the living room. It really
was a nicely decorated room complete with a huge river rock fireplace
against one wall. Bookshelves sat on either side of the fireplace with a
wide-screen television situated above the mantle.

“Make yourself at home, Steven.” Chauncey picked up the remote

and handed it to him. “Since this is your first day here, Pa doesn’t
expect you to work the farm.”

That was good news considering he hadn’t a damn clue how to

work one. This was the complete opposite from what Steven had
grown up with and knew. He was a city boy. This farm life may prove
to be too hard.

“Are you hungry?” Chauncey asked from behind him.
Steven shook his head. He was too nervous to eat. Taking a seat

on the edge of one of the couches, he raised the remote and turned the

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television on. He flipped through the channels as Chauncey left to go
back outside.

Steven settled back, wondering what his new life was going to

bring him. This was his new life. He would never again be with
David, which was a plus, and he now found himself living in a small

Things were changing, and Steven was ready for it. He was a big-

time people pleaser but was wary of this family. They could crush
him if they got pissed and became hands-on like David had decided to

Steven pushed his ex to the back of his mind. He had fallen out of

love with the jerk over a year ago. That was the reason David became
hands-on. Steven had told him he was leaving, and David told him he
was staying.

Damn it. Forget about him. Steven pulled a throw pillow over his

chest as he watched the cooking channel. It was his favorite thing to
watch. He fancied himself a pretty good cook and loved to create new

Maybe the diner would take on another cook. That would be nice,

and it would put funds in Steven’s pockets. Something he sorely
needed. Roman had offered to hire him, but Steven didn’t think he
would get anything done being around the stud all day.

Tossing the pillow aside and hitting the off button on the remote,

Steven went to search the kitchen. He could show his appreciation by
having dinner ready when the men came in from working.

He rummaged around the pantry, noticing a shitload of sweets. He

got a few ideas about dessert from what was stocked in there. Steven
began to pull things out, setting them on the table as he went about
making dinner for the eight large men who lived there.

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Steven’s Journey


Chapter Two

Roman rushed to his truck after the crew went home for the night.

He couldn’t wait to get to know his mate. Tossing his tool belt on the
passenger floor, he started his truck and began to pull away.

The ride home seemed to take longer than normal as he finally

pulled into the driveway. The twins, Chauncey and Chance, were
sitting on the porch swing talking as he shut the truck door and
walked up onto the porch. “Where’s Steven?”

“Look at little bro,” Chauncey teased. “Ready to run inside and

claim his mate.”

“Shut up,” Roman grunted as he leaned against the porch rail.

“Where is he?”

“That little mate of yours is full of surprises.” Chance’s grey eyes

sparkled with amusement. All the Lakeland brothers had black hair
and grey eyes, a family trait that was strong in all of them.

The twins were good guys, but they liked to play around a little

too much. Roman may be the youngest cub, but he was more mature
then these two boneheads. “What does that mean?”

“He sure makes a pretty wife.” Chauncey laughed as he ran off the

porch, dodging Roman’s cuffing hand.

“If you don’t claim him, I’m gonna marry him,” Chauncey teased

from the front yard.

“Not if you want to reproduce,” Roman threatened.
“Fat chance. I’m gay, dumbass.” Chauncey ran around to the back

of the house so Roman shot through the front door, trying to beat his
brother to Steven. He followed the wonderful aroma into the kitchen
to see his mate in an apron and humming as he set the table.

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Damn if that wasn’t a gorgeous sight. Steven had black hair to his

shoulders, just like the Lakeland family, but his eyes were a mossy
green. His slim figure and pale skin made Roman want to whine and
beg to take his mate upstairs and have his wicked way with him.

He knew he had to be patient. First of all, Steven was human and

didn’t have a clue he was in a house full of bear-shifters. Second, his
mate was a victim of some jackass knocking him around according to
the Timber wolf, Dagon. If he ever ran into Steven’s abuser, he hoped
he was behind the wheel of his truck.

His eyes narrowed when Chauncey walked through the back door

and over to his mate, leaning close to Steven, a shit-eating grin on his
face. “Smells good, Steven,” he said in what Roman assumed was his
sexy voice. His brother needed to go back upstairs and practice in
front of the mirror for a few more years. It sucked.

“Chauncey.” Pa’s warning voice floated into the kitchen before

his father appeared. “You want your ass kicked?”

Chauncey grunted as he moved away from Steven. “I didn’t mean

no harm. I was just teasing Roman.”

“Roman won’t mean no harm when he skins your ass for getting

to close to his unclaimed mate,” Pa said quietly to the playful bear.

Roman ignored them as he moved closer to Steven. His mate

smelled better than the sweetest berries. Roman wanted to lick him
from head to toe and then repeat the process a few hundred more
times. He may be the smallest of the litter, but he felt like a giant next
to Steven.

“It’s almost ready.” Steven smiled up at him, and Roman got a

raging hard-on. That smile was going to be his undoing.

“You cooked?” he asked in surprise.
“Yep. I hope you like roast and veggies. I made fruit salad for

dessert.” Steven beamed at him as he opened the oven and pulled the
roast out.

Roman was lost in that smile. He grabbed the pan to help his mate

and realized too late that he had just grabbed a hot pan. The pan hit

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the top of the stove as he ran to the sink and stuck his reddened
fingers under cold water. His mate was at his side in seconds. “Oh my
god! Are you all right?”

“Do that again. I missed it the first time.” Chauncey roared with

laughter from the other side of the kitchen. Roman shot him a
narrowed look before turning back to Steven.

“I’ll be okay. It didn’t hurt,” he reassured Steven, who wore a

worried look as he pulled Roman’s hands from under the running
water to examine them.

“I got a paper cut earlier. Can you look at it for me, Steven?”

Chauncey said from the other side of the table. Roman looked over in
time to see his pa cuff his brother in the back of his head.

When Steven’s fingers touched his, Roman’s world tilted

sideways. They were the softest hands he’d ever felt. His mate’s
hands looked delicate and slender. He whimpered when Steven let
them go. “Do you have a first aid kit around here?”

“He’ll be fine,” Pa answered for him. “He’s tougher than that.”
Steven looked at Roman from under his lashes, a smile tugging at

his lips. “He looks like it.”

Roman felt his face heat at his mate’s words. Damn if he wasn’t

standing here making a fool of himself. He felt his family’s eyes on
him but ignored them to play the wounded so his mate would touch
him again. “They really hurt. Can you spread some burn cream on

Chauncey groaned from across the room, his eyes rolling as

Roman passed him to get the medical kit. “Jealous?” he asked when
he got close enough to whisper.

“You’re damn right I am.”
Roman grinned from ear to ear as he retrieved the medical kit and

took it to his mate. He was in heaven as Steven sat down and opened
the small packet of burn cream and began to gently apply it to his
fingers. He didn’t need it. Shifters could heal quickly from something
like this, but he wasn’t passing up the opportunity.

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“There,” Steven said as he let Roman’s hand go. “Don’t grab any

more pans fresh from the oven,” his mate warned.

“I won’t.” Roman stood, sticking his tongue out at Chauncey

when Steven had his back turned. It was a childish move, but he and
his brothers were extremely close and loved to tease one another. He
knew none of them would touch Steven, but they sure as hell would
torture Roman into thinking they were being too friendly.

“You boys wash up while dinner is put on the table.” Pa waved

them out of the kitchen. Roman didn’t want to go but did as his father
commanded. He rushed to get cleaned up and then damn near broke
his neck as he and Chauncey raced down the flight of stairs to the
kitchen. The set of triplets, Bryce, Olsen, and Gavin, had surrounded
Steven, asking him a thousand and one different questions.

Roman grabbed Steven by his wrist, pulling him away from his

curious brothers. He introduced Steven to them, but gave each one of
them a peeved look before sitting his mate down next to him. Pa came
into the kitchen with Chance close behind him.

“Where’s Riley?” Roman asked as they started to pass the food


His pa grabbed the delicious-looking biscuits. “He’ll be in shortly.

Bella’s close to foaling.”

“What’s foaling?” Steven asked as he scooped up a forkful of

potatoes to eat. There wasn’t enough food on his mate’s plate. Roman
grabbed the bowl of garlic mashed potatoes and placed a heapful onto
Steven’s plate.

“It’s when a horse is about to give birth,” his pa answered as

Steven stared wide-eyed at his plate. Roman added two more biscuits
and smiled at Steven, proud that he was helping his mate put some
weight on his thin frame.

“Hot damn, Steven.” Chauncey smacked the table with his hand.

“This is good as hell.” He pointed to his roast with his fork. “You’re

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All his brothers chimed in their agreement, making Steven sit up

straight and smile proudly. Roman was love-struck by his mate’s
sparkling green eyes. He nudged Steven’s leg with his under the table,
winking at the little imp.

* * * *

Roman crept out of his room after everyone had gone to sleep. He

walked down to Steven’s door, listening for a moment. When he
didn’t hear any movement, he shifted and curled up on the floor
outside of Steven’s door.

This was not only Roman’s mate, but his first time being in love,

and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. He sniffed at the few inches
under Steven’s door, inhaling his mate’s sweet scent.

“He’ll be all right,” his pa said as he walked from his bedroom.

Roman was embarrassed that he was busted. He father walked down
the hall, kneeling at Roman’s side. He ran his hand over Roman’s
head, giving him the grounding he needed with his emotions so out of

“He’ll accept you. Just go slow. I’m proud of you, son. You got

yourself a fine-looking mate.” His father scratched his head as he
stood. “Just don’t scare the hell out of him in the morning. Shift
before he wakes up.”

Roman snorted as he laid his head on his paws. He whined at his


“There’s no easy answer, Roman. Just remember that you have

your family here for you. If anyone tries to hurt him, they’ll have
eight angry bears to deal with.”

Roman grunted his approval as his father walked back to his

room. He may be the youngest, but he was a full-grown bear. If
anyone tried to get near his mate, he would eat them.

Roman sniffed at his mate’s scent again, filling his lungs with

Steven as he dozed off to sleep.

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* * * *

Roman woke to someone screaming and a door slamming. He

blinked his eyes open and realized he was still in his bear form. Shit.
That scream came from Steven. Doors swung open as his brothers ran
into the hallway and toward Steven’s room.

“You dumbass. If you wanted to give him a heart attack, why

didn’t you just stand on your hind legs and roar at him,” Chance said
as he shook his head.

Roman shifted, brushing past them as he walked into his bedroom

and grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on. He zipped them and
then walked back down to Steven’s room. Everyone was still in the
hall as he knocked on Steven’s door. “Tiger, it’s Roman.”

“Tiger?” Gavin asked with a look of amusement on his face. “I

like that.”

Roman grunted at his brother as he waited for Steven to answer

the door. It slowly opened as Steven peeked out and into the hall.
“There was a bear in front of my door.” He frowned, his eyes
searching the hall with drawn brows.

“Can we talk?” Roman asked as Steven backed up, opening the

door to allow him entrance.

Roman puckered his lips as he frowned at his brothers, who were

moving closer to Steven’s door. “Go away,” he whispered irritably.

They shrugged but didn’t move. Roman closed the door in their

faces as he turned to his mate. “I can explain.”

“Either you have extremely large pets or you’re a shifter,” Steven

stated matter-of-factly as he sat on the bed.

Roman was stunned. “You’re not supposed to know about


“Why not? One of the guys I went to school with shifted in front

of me in high school. Thankfully we were in the locker room alone.
He said he was new at it and sometimes it just happened. Of course I

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questioned the logic behind him attending school with a bunch of
humans, but he said it was rare it happened and he had to go there
because his parents…”

Roman stared at Steven as he rattled on. He could tell his mate

was prattling on from nervousness. “Steven, it’s all right.” Roman
reached out and grabbed his hands. “No one here would hurt you.”

Roman grunted when someone knocked on Steven’s door.

“They’re people here to see Steven. One of the Timber wolves and
some human.”

“Timber wolves?” Steven grew pale as he looked up at Roman.

This was turning out to be a fucking fantastic morning, Roman
thought aggravatingly to himself.

“Yes. This town is full of shifters and humans.” Roman stood,

walking his mate to the door as they passed his brothers and headed
downstairs. He father was standing in the kitchen with a shotgun
cradled in his arms. Roman tilted his head as he stared at him.

“I wasn’t sure who they were since I haven’t met them before. It

doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”

“Let me talk to them.” Steven laid his hands on Roman’s chest.

He nodded, unsure of what to do. Roman and his brothers gathered
around the living room window and the screen door as Steven went
outside to talk to his visitors.

Roman’s chest puffed with pride when Steven said he wanted to

stay here instead of the shelter. At least he hadn’t scared his mate into

“He’s loyal,” Chauncey commented with a speck of pride in his

voice. “He may just fit in around here after all.”

“He wants to work with me,” Roman said off-handedly. He knew

his mate wanted to make his own money. He wasn’t going to fight
him on it, but Steven didn’t have to worry about earning his keep
around here.

They stepped back when Steven opened the screen door. “Did you

mean it?” Roman asked.

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“Mean what?” Steven asked. There was a faint glint of humor in

his eyes. The twins began to laugh.

“He’s got a sense of humor. Welcome to our family, Steven.” Pa

chuckled, patting Steven on his shoulder. The twins whooped and
picked Steven up, bouncing him in the air. Roman grunted as he
grabbed his mate from his brothers’ manhandling.

“Do you want to finish our talk?”
Steven shook his head, his face flushed as he grinned at everyone.

“We can talk on our way into work.”

“Right.” Roman ran upstairs and finished getting dressed before

meeting his mate at the front door.

“Don’t work him too hard,” each of the triplets warned. “We’d

really appreciate it if he wasn’t too worn out to cook dinner.”

Steven’s face lit up. “You really like my cooking?”
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Chauncey’s laughter floated up

from his throat, the resounding boom filled the living room. “Get it?”
He laughed.

Steven’s gentle laugh rippled through the air. “I got it, but you can

have it back.”

Roman roared with laughter as the rest of his family chuckled.

“Come on, tiger. Time to go to work.”

* * * *

“Would you like to get a tour before we start?” Roman asked as

they exited the truck. Steven nodded as he met Roman on the

“Sure.” He followed behind Roman, watching that nicely shaped

butt as they walked into the bike shop. His fingers itched to reach out
and grab something on Roman. Anything would do right now. Hell,
he’d settle for an elbow at this point. The scent of the bear was
making him wish for things he prayed he could have.

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“Wow, this is amazing.” Steven walked into a large open area,

taking in the exposed walls of the bike shop. The floor had a white
film of dust over it, leaving his footprints behind wherever he stepped.

“It’ll be amazing once it’s complete,” Roman said as he led

Steven to a back room. “This will be the Santiago brothers’ offices.”
He pointed to three empty rooms. “Once we get the wiring finished
and the interior walls put up.”

Steven had never seen something built from scratch. He didn’t

care what Roman said. It was amazing to him now. He jumped when
Roman’s hand touched his back. “Sorry.” His nerves had him jumpy.
It wasn’t the fact that Roman was a bear-shifter. It was the fact that he
had never been attracted to someone this strongly before. Not even
asswipe David.

“Don’t apologize.” Roman smiled at him and then pointed a few

things out, talking about what needed to be done to complete the
project, but all Steven could think about was that touch. He wanted
Roman’s hands to touch him again.

They walked from room to room, Roman acting as a tour guide,

explaining what had been done versus what still needed to be done.
Steven soaked it all up. It wasn’t what Roman was saying that had
him mesmerized. It was the deep timbre of his voice that held a
hypnotic tone to it. Steven could listen to Roman talk all day and
never tire of it.

Steven caught the casual hand on his arm or the subtle looks

Roman was giving him. His heart felt like it was beating a thousand
beats a minute with those touches and looks. He wasn’t a pro at
flirting, but it sure felt like Roman was.

What would it be like to be in this strong man’s arms while being

loved by him? David had been a large man as well. Steven had a thing
for large men. Big strong men that made him feel protected. But
David had abused the trust Steven had given him. Would Roman?

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“There are other projects in the works that Maverick wants to get

done here. New buildings he wants up and cottages he wants built.
There’s plenty of work to be done.”

This thrilled Steven. He liked the idea of working side by side

with Roman. He still didn’t think he would get much done staring at
the hunk all day. “You must really love what you do.”

Roman nodded as he walked Steven back to the main room up

front. “I do. There’s nothing like standing back and looking at
something you had a hand in creating. It’s a wonderful feeling, a
sense of accomplishment.”

Steven never had that feeling before. Not on a large scale as

building something. He always felt accomplished when he paid a bill
on time. Did that count?

“Hey, cuz.” A short, cocky man walked through the front door.

Steven immediately recognized the man. Oh hell no. There was no
way the world was this small. He could feel his throat closing up as
his hands began to shake.

“Morning. I need you to start on the back offices this morning.

The wiring needs to be completed so the rest of the crew can get the
drywall up.” Roman continued talking, but Steven kept his eyes
trained on his shoes.

Maybe the cousin hadn’t recognized him. It was a one in a million

chance that he hadn’t, but Steven’s luck was never in his favor. Inch
by slow inch, Steven took small steps until he eventually ended up
behind Roman.

His palms became sweaty as he listened to them talk. Steven

desperately wanted to grab Roman’s shirt, needing something to help
him feel safe.

Roman reached behind him and grabbed Steven’s hand, giving it a

light squeeze as he continued to talk. Steven grabbed onto that large
hand with both of his, thankful for the anchor. Were the two men
really cousins? He hoped not.

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“I’ll be away at lunch time. I have some things to take care of,”

Roman said. This made Steven glance up at Roman’s back. Where did
he have to go? How long would he be gone? Steven didn’t like this bit
of news.

He really did feel safe in Roman’s presence. It was as if he was

enveloped in a security blanket with Roman’s presence.

“I can handle the crew while you’re out.” The cocky man snorted

as he set his tool belt down.

“I’ll be up at Maverick’s for a good portion of the morning

discussing his ideas for the cottages he wants built.” Roman ran his
thumb over the backs of Steven’s clinging hands. Why couldn’t the
guy go start his work so Steven could get the hell out of there?

“Make sure you tell one of the Santiago brothers that we need to

discuss with them about the repair shop they want in the back.”

Roman nodded. “I planned on taking care of that while I was out

there.” Roman began to walk toward the front door, pulling Steven
along with him. As they walked, Roman kept Steven at an angle so
the cousin couldn’t get a good look at him.

Steven was thankful Roman caught the hint. He was trying to start

over. He didn’t need this bullshit.

They walked until they reached the other side of the resource

center. Roman pulled him to the side of the building, looking back at
the street before his gunmetal-grey eyes finally settled on Steven.
“Okay, what’s going on?”

Steven’s stomach was clenched tight. He felt like he was going to

vomit. His nerves were frazzled. He leaned back, exhaling with
agitation. “I know him.” He waved his hand toward the bike shop.

“How do you know my cousin?” Roman’s extraordinary grey eyes

burned and glowed. So they were related, just great. Steven wasn’t
sure what he should do. None of this was making much sense to him.
If they were cousins, did this mean he couldn’t trust Roman?

Steven lifted his chin, meeting Roman’s gaze straight on. He

spoke with a bravado he didn’t feel inside. “He hangs around David.”

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Roman tilted his head, studying Steven for a moment before he

asked. “And who is David?”

“He’s the man I’m running from.”

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Chapter Three

Roman thought about Steven’s words as he walked around

Maverick’s backyard. When he felt his mate cringing behind him,
Roman’s protective instincts reared and he knew he had to get Steven
alone to find out what was wrong.

His cousin Dommy had always stayed in trouble. It was well

known that Dommy started half that trouble. He believed Steven
when he told Roman that Dommy hung around his ex. Roman had
first thought that maybe his cousin and Steven had been lovers and
that was why Steven was hiding behind him.

It pissed him off to think his cousin had slept with his mate, even

if it was before Roman knew Steven existed. He didn’t share with
anyone. Not past lovers and definitely not his mate.

It turned out that they weren’t, which was a big relief to Roman.

He was going to have a long talk with his cousin when he got back to
the bike shop. He had seen recognition in Dommy’s eyes when he
spotted Steven. If he said anything to this David guy, Roman was
going to beat his ass this side of Sunday. Family or not.

He made sure Dommy had plenty of work to do before he left. He

didn’t want him anywhere near Steven. His mate promised not to go
anywhere near the bike shop and said he would stay with Taylor.
Roman didn’t like it, wanted to bring Steven with him, but his mate
insisted that Taylor needed help getting the center ready for its

“I was thinking about having six cottages built,” Maverick said as

they walked along the property.

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“There’s plenty of room for what you’re asking. I don’t see a

problem with building them,” Roman said. His mind wasn’t fully on
the conversation. He wanted to get back to town and check on Steven.

“My family has grown, and some of them want a home of their

own. I feel better knowing that they are close-by,” Maverick

“I can understand that. Shifters do tend to stick together.”
Maverick nodded. “I’d kill anyone who ever tried to harm any of

them. It’s not only my job to take care of my pack, but I truly care
about each and every one of them as well. I want the cottages to have
a homey feel. Something my pack can enjoy living in for many years
to come.”

“You just have the blueprints drawn up and I’ll make sure they get

that added touch,” Roman said as they walked back toward the house.

“I’m glad I hired you. I like what I’ve seen so far.”
Roman chuckled. “Thanks.”
Maverick stopped before they reached the back door. “How is

your family doing?”

Roman shrugged. “They’re fine. They enjoy being farmers.

Although half the time I want to strangle the crap out of them. ”

Maverick laughed. “I know how you feel. Living with so many

different personalities has its moments.”

“Now that I can relate to. My cousin Dommy is working on these

projects with me. He’s has a rep for being a troublemaker, but I’ll
make sure I keep him out of trouble.”

Maverick grinned evilly. “If not, you can always hand him over to

your brothers. They look like they could whip him into shape.”

“I wish. We’ve been trying to make him grow up for years. It’s

kinda hard to keep an eye on him when he lives so far away. He
rented an apartment while he’s here working, but he won’t come to
the house, no matter how much we try to convince him otherwise. It’s
too bad his parents died. His pa wouldn’t have let him behave that

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Maverick walked away from the back door and took a seat at one

of the picnic tables. “I know you’ve only been here a few years, but
I’m glad you’re here. I haven’t told anyone except my Beta and
Commander. I wanted you guys to feel at home. Your dad asked me
to keep your shifter status quiet.”

“We’re doing a good job of blending in, but I think Dommy might

be trouble. I normally wouldn’t say anything about my family, but
you’ve been very kind to us.” It had been kept quiet for so many
centuries about the different types of shifters in the world. Now when
he ran across a different breed, it always amazed Roman. He still felt
strange sitting next to a Timber wolf. They had moved from a bear-
dominant community when his mother passed away, his father
wanting to escape the memories.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about him. We have a whole

community to keep an eye on your cousin.”

“I’ll kick his ass myself if he starts any shit.” Roman shook his

head. “I can’t understand how someone so irresponsible carries our
family name.”

Maverick grew serious. “You know my pack as well your family

will protect you and your mate. You may not be Timber wolf, but we
have your back.”

“I appreciate that.” Packs were important in the shifter world.

They helped protect a shifter and his mate. Roman had his family and
Dommy, but he had a feeling Dommy wasn’t much help. His brothers
would kill anyone who came near Steven, of that he had no doubt. But
Dommy was an instigator and a shit-starter. Half the time Roman
wanted to walk away and leave his cousin in the trouble he had gotten
himself into. But he was family. That’s why he hired him for this job.
Roman just hoped he hadn’t made a huge mistake.

“Just remember that you have shifters all around you that will help

if you need it.” Maverick stood and stretched. “I have to head over to
the Eastern Pack. My daughter needs to see her mother.”

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“Your daughter? I thought this whole pack was gay?” Roman

stood as he stared at the Alpha.

“We are. It’s a long story. She pretty much adopted me and my

mate, Cecil, as her fathers, although her brother and his mate live
here. Her mom was in a car accident seven years ago, but even with
her therapy, she hasn’t fully recovered. They don’t think Olivia ever
will. She asked me if Melonee could live here. How could I say no?
The little brat has me and the entire pack wrapped around her pinky.”

Roman smiled at the Alpha. Although most shifters craved cubs,

he wasn’t one of them. He would spoil his mate rotten instead.
Maverick’s offering of his pack meant a lot to Roman. He felt better
knowing a whole community had the Lakelands’ back.

“Speaking of the brat.” Maverick chuckled as a brown-haired doll

came running out of the kitchen door. Maverick stooped down as
Melonee jumped on his back. “Are you ready to go see your mom?”

Melonee nodded. “Cecil is waiting in the truck.”
“Call me if you have any questions.” Maverick turned to Roman.

“And if you have any problems as well.”

“I’m Melonee.” The girl held her hand out. “I think my dad has

forgotten his manners in his old age.”

“Roman.” He chuckled as he shook her small hand.
“I’ll give you old.” Maverick huffed as he walked around the side

of the house. Roman walked next to them as they made their way to
the driveway.

“Let me know when you get the blueprints. I can have my crew

out here to get things started.” Roman waved to Maverick and
Melonee as he climbed into his truck. He watched Melonee jump
down from Maverick’s back as she got into the backseat. The Alpha
leaned into the passenger side window and kissed his mate before
walking around to the driver’s side.

Roman was dying to get back to Steven. He wanted to tell Steven

they were mates and claim him. Steven deserved to be loved. He was
so short, with stunning green eyes. His shiny black hair lay on his thin

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shoulders, making his face light up every time he looked at Roman.
His cock stayed hard around the little imp. He thought he was going
to throw Steven over the bench seat this morning when he smelled his
mate’s arousal in the truck. It took everything in him to keep his
hands on the steering wheel.

Maverick had warned him and his family about rogue vampires

and wolves. Roman knew about vampires. Christian’s coven was
close to the city. Dommy had gotten into beefs with a few of the
vampires. Roman swore his cousin had a death wish. He turned the air
conditioner on as he drove back to town. It was supposed to be a
scorcher today.

Roman wondered how Steven’s counseling appointment was

going. He didn’t like the fact that his mate was confiding in someone
else, but he wasn’t a professional to help Steven make sense of what
had happened to him. He itched to go to the city and beat the hell out
of David. To show the man what it felt like to be helpless.

Roman parked his truck in front of the bike shop and shut the

motor off. He decided to get lunch for him and Steven. His mate
should be done with his appointment soon. Roman wasn’t sure what
his mate liked to eat.

He crossed the street and grabbed the diner door, stepping into the

air-conditioned diner. It was half full with customers who were eating
and chatting away. Roman stepped up to the counter and took a seat.
“Hey, Keata.” He smiled at the man behind the counter working the
smoothie machine.

“Hi, Roman.” He smiled back as he made a vanilla smoothie.

Keata handed the drink over to the waiter, Tangee, who had a tattoo
of flames around his neck, before he walked over to Roman.

“What can I get you?”
Roman was always taken aback at Keata’s feminine beauty. The

only thing was, Keata was a man. “I need two lunch specials to go.”

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“Roger that.” Keata smiled as he walked over to the window and

called out Roman’s order to the cook. Keata never wrote anything
down. The man had an amazing memory.

“Where’s Cody?” Roman asked as he accepted a glass of iced tea

from Keata.

“He and Frank are in office ordering more food.”
The cook, George, brought his and Steven’s lunch out in

Styrofoam containers. “Two lunch orders to go.” He placed them on
the counter. “How’s it hangin’, Roman?” the cowboy asked as he
leaned against the counter.

“Limp and left.” He chuckled.
“Sounds personal.” He smiled. “Ordering for two now, I see.

Who’s the lucky person?”

Roman grabbed his wallet and pulled out what he owed.

“Someone special.” He thanked George and Keata as he walked out
of the diner. It was a beautiful and sunny day. The heat index was
rising from this morning. Roman wiped his forehead off with the back
of his hand as he walked over to the resource center.

The central air hadn’t been set up yet, but it was a few degrees

cooler in there. “Has Steven made it back yet?” Roman asked Taylor
as he set the lunches on the makeshift desk.

“Thomas called and said Steven was ready to be picked up. Your

cousin was over here, so he volunteered to go get him,” Taylor said as
he stocked information pamphlets into clear holders on a table by the
large window.

After what happened this morning, he didn’t want Dommy

anywhere near Steven. Roman quickly walked from the center to his
truck, pissed off beyond words that his cousin was anywhere near

He jumped into his truck and drove to the recreation center that

sat on the edge of town. Roman snarled when he saw Steven standing
in the parking lot, backing away from Dommy as he shook his head.

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Roman slammed on the brakes and jumped out, stalking toward

his cousin. “What the fuck is going on here?” he demanded.

Dommy spun around, smiling at Roman. He knew that damn

smile. It never led to anything he wanted to hear. “I was just trying to
give Steven a ride back to the resource center.”

Roman glanced over at his mate. Steven looked scared as hell and

ready to bolt. He would deal with Dommy later. “Come on, Steven,
I’ll take you back.”

Steven shot across the parking lot, his feet moving quickly as he

reached Roman’s truck and jumped into the passenger side.

Roman turned back to his cousin, his lip pulled back into a snarl.

“Stay the fuck away from him.”

Dommy’s eyes were flat, cold, and passionless as he continued to

smile. “Why? He gave himself so freely to me before. I know him
from the city. David used to share Steven. He didn’t complain at the
time. I don’t know why he’s acting so stuck—”

Roman wrapped a hand around Dommy’s throat, cutting off

anything else his cousin might say to him. “I don’t give a fuck what
happened before. Stay the hell away from him. Are we clear?”

Dommy nodded, narrowing his eyes at Roman as his hand left his

cousins throat. “What the hell is wrong with you? I’m your fucking
family and you are choosing some whore over me?”

Roman had to get away from Dommy before he really did kill

him. “Watch your mouth.” He pointed at the man before he walked
toward his truck. “Or I’ll forget we’re related and kill you.”

Roman slammed his truck door closed, staring at the rec center for

a moment as he tried to calm himself down. There was no way Steven
slept with Dommy, was there? It tore at his heart to think of Steven
lying underneath his cousin. The image sickened him.

Roman tore out of the driveway, getting back onto the main road,

as he headed back to the resource center. It ate at him what Dommy
had said. Truthfully, Roman really didn’t know Steven that well.
Could it be true?

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“Thank you for coming to get me.” Steven worried his hands in

his lap. Roman could feel Steven stealing glances at him.

“Did you and Dommy sleep together?” He ground the words out

between his teeth.

“No!” Steven threw his hands up at Roman. “I never slept with

him. I swear.”

Roman could hear the fear and tears in Steven’s voice. Was it an

act? Roman wasn’t sure what he should believe. He decided to trust
his mate. Steven was, after all, the man he was going to spend the rest
of his life with. He hoped Steven wasn’t bullshitting him. It would kill
him if he was.

Roman blew out a heavy breath. “I’m sorry. Dommy said you two

slept together, and it made me lose my mind.”

“But why? We’re just friends, I think. Why would it bother you?

It’s not true, but I don’t understand why you care so much.” Steven
slouched down in his seat, looking, for all the world, defeated.

How did he tell this human that they were mates without sounding

like he needed a rubber room? “I can explain it to you when we get
home. I’ll need more than five minutes,” Roman said as he pulled in
front of the resource center. He wanted to kill Dommy for putting
doubts in his head about Steven. One look at the black-haired beauty
would tell anyone that Steven wasn’t worldly. Sure, he had gotten into
a bit of a mess with his ex-boyfriend, but that didn’t make him a

The word echoed in his brain, making him pissed all over again.

Why couldn’t Dommy grow up?

“Thank you for the ride.” Steven reached for the door. Roman

unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over the center console, stopping
Steven from jumping out.

“Wait.” He gently curled his fingers around Steven’s arm. “Are

we cool?”

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Steven turned his gorgeous green eyes up at Roman, a look of

longing reflecting in the depth of them. “I’m confused as hell. I don’t
know what to think right now.”

Roman could understand that. It must be frightening as hell to run

from an abuser to people you didn’t even know. Now he was asking
Steven to deal with his confession without any explanation. Roman
didn’t want to start their relationship off with tension between them.
“I never asked. How did your appointment go today?”

Steven sat back slowly, his face changed from hesitation to a

smile. Roman’s cock perked right up at such a beautiful sight.

“Better than I expected. I thought I would have to look at ink blots

or something. I like Thomas.”

Roman chuckled. “It’s just counseling. They save the ink blots for

the really insane.” He could see Steven relaxing. “Did it help?”

“The counseling? Yeah, I think it did. Although David has only

struck me twice, I—” Steven’s eyes widened as he curled his lips in
and looked out of the truck window.

“You can talk to me, Steven. I promise not to repeat anything or

judge you.” He wanted to pull Steven into his lap and comfort him,
but he knew Steven wouldn’t welcome that right now.

Steven bit his bottom lip, glancing down at the seat. ”I’d like to,

Roman. But I’ve been burned once.”

Roman could fully understand where Steven was coming from.

“Just remember the offer is always open.” He patted Steven’s arm.
“Come on, I bought us some lunch.”

Steven jumped down from the truck, closing the door as he met

Roman on the other side. “I can’t take it from you. I don’t have any
money to pay you back.” Steven lowered his head as he shoved his
hands into his pockets and kicked the toe of his shoe on the sidewalk.

Roman tugged at Steven’s arm until his mate removed his hand

from his pocket. He grabbed Steven’s hand, pulling him toward the
resource center. “I don’t want to have any more talks about money. If

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I buy or do something for you, it’s because I want to, not because I’m
looking to get paid back. Now wait right here.”

“I don’t feel right letting you do stuff for me,” Steven grumbled as

Roman walked into the resource center and grabbed their Styrofoam

“Is Steven with you?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah, I’m talking him over to the gazebo for lunch.” Roman shot

back out of the door, seeing that Steven had stayed put. He held the
plastic bag up. “Hungry?”

“Starved,” Steven said, rubbing his flat belly.
Roman laughed, pointing over to the gazebo. “Then let’s go eat.”

He grabbed Steven’s hand again as they walked over to the park. The
humidity was high, but there was a nice breeze blowing by that

Roman sat the containers on the bench and then pulled them out

of the bag. “I wasn’t sure what you ate, so I got two specials. I think it
was burgers and fries.” Roman cursed when he realized they didn’t
have anything to drink. “I’m going to run over to the diner for sodas.
What would you like?”

Steven sat on the bench, looking at the lunches with hunger in his

eyes. “Anything is fine.”

Roman ran across the street, making quick work of getting the

drinks before crossing back over to join Steven. “Coke’s okay?”

“Yep.” Steven held his hand out, Roman handing him his drink

and a straw. Steven had set everything up, including opening the
ketchup packets and giving Roman a large pile of ketchup to dip his
fries in.

“Thanks.” He nodded at his food as he took a seat on the wooden

bench. He took a sip of his soda, watching his mate closely.

“Thanks for buying.” Steven held his burger up before taking a

seat on the gazebo floor. He crossed his legs, setting the container of
food next to him on the floor. Roman slid down as well, popping his
straw into the top of his drink.

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“So do you want to tell me why you care so much?” Steven asked

before taking a bite of his burger.

Roman wasn’t ready for the question. He chewed his food, trying

to think of a way out of this conversation until he could figure out a
gentle way of telling Steven that they were mates. Roman stared up at
the trees, watching the breeze dance through the leaves as he
contemplated his next move.

“We’re mates.” Roman moved his cup around in a circle, listening

to the ice and drink slosh around as his eyes went from the trees to his

“I’m not sure I follow.” Steven set his burger down.
Roman wasn’t sure how he should proceed. His mate’s expression

made him want to laugh, but this was serious, and he needed to keep
the chuckles at bay right now. “In the shifter world, as in the wild, we
have one mate that is chosen for us by fate. You are my mate.”

Steven’s green eyes looked Roman up and down. “How do I know

you’re not trying to get into my pants with that line?”

Roman felt his claws protruding from the anger he felt at that

question. Didn’t his mate know how serious shifters took mating?
Okay, maybe not, but it still made him feel upset. Steven stared at
Roman's clawed hands for a moment. The skin under his eye began to
twitch, and then his eyes rolled back as he fell to the floor.

Roman stared at his mate in disbelief. Did he really just faint? He

pulled himself to his knees, hovering over Steven. “Steven?” he
tapped his cheek a few times in hopes that his green-eyed beauty
would awaken.

Roman began to worry when Steven lay there unmoving. Maybe

showing his claws was a bit much, but his temper had overtaken him
quickly at Steven’s mistrust.

“Steven.” Roman picked his mate up from the floor and held him

in his lap. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Steven’s eyelids

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“Come on, tiger. Come back to me.” Roman ran the knuckle of his

index finger down the side of Steven’s face. “Show me those green

“What happened?” Steven looked up at him in confusion. It was

an adorable look for his mate. Roman cupped Steven’s face, smiling
down at him.

“You fainted.”
“Too much ketchup on your fries?”
Steven’s brows pulled together as he licked his lips. Roman

groaned at the act. Now was not the time to have sexual fantasies of
where he would love Steven to lick.

“No.” He shook his head. “Your, your hand grew. No.” Steven

rubbed his eyes. “It was your nails.”

Roman moved his arms aside as Steven laid his hands on Roman’s

chest and pushed himself up. “We’re mates?”

Roman knew he should have waited to explain all of this at home.

This was going to be a long afternoon.

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Chapter Four

Steven sat at the dinner table, stabbing his macaroni and cheese as

he stole glances at Roman. How could they be mates? He wasn’t sure
he was ready for a big commitment like that. Roman had explained to
him after he’d come around that it was a bond that couldn’t be broken
and it was for life.

Although he had seen were-creatures shift, he had never been told

anything about mates. And those claws? That was some creepy stuff.

Roman openly watched Steven, giving him a tight smile every

time their eyes met. Steven opted to sit opposite him instead of sitting
next to him. To be honest, the idea of Roman being a shifter didn’t
freak him out as much as the lifetime commitment he wanted.

Steven sat next to Chauncey. The man may be large, but he was

friendly and funny, and wasn’t trying to get a commitment out of
Steven. He picked his glass of iced tea up, watching Roman from over
the rim as he took a sip.

“How’d it go in town today, Steven?” Mr. Lakeland asked.
Steven nodded as he swallowed and set his cup down. “It went

real well. My counseling went fine.”

“That’s good to hear. I don’t believe in all that psychobabble, but

if it works for you, then good.”

Chauncey looked down at Steven, his eyes darting all over

Steven’s head. “Your head don’t look any smaller for being shrunk.”
He howled as his hand hit the table. “I crack myself up.”

“Then you’re the only one,” his dad said and then chuckled.

“Okay, it was funny.”

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Steven smiled as he chewed his food. The more he got to know

the Lakelands, the more he liked them. They were down to earth and
comical at times.

“If I had a tomato, I’d throw it at you,” Bryce added with a lift to

his eyebrow.

Steven laughed as he set his fork down. It was funny to see such

large men tease each other. From what he learned, the brothers were
very close. “Only if you want me to kick your ass.”

“Boys,” Mr. Lakeland warned.
“Sorry, Pa,” Chauncey and Bryce said.
“This is a very good dinner, Mr. Lakeland,” Steven

complimented. He hadn’t gotten back in time to cook, but Mr.
Lakeland’s culinary skills were excellent.

“Call me Pa. Mr. Lakeland was my father,” Mr. Lakeland said.
Steven liked that. It made him feel like he had a father again.

Although no one could replace his real father, Mr. Lakeland reminded
Steven of his dad. He had wished he had siblings growing up. Maybe
he could get to know the Lakeland men a little better. They did treat
him as one of theirs.

“How’s work coming along?” Pa asked Roman.
This made Steven look across the table at the bear. “It’s coming

along.” Roman smiled.

“That’s good to hear,” Pa said as he stood. “Now for dessert.”
Steven noticed these men loved their sweets. It seemed there were

more sweets served than food. Pa laid a large plate of sticky buns and
an apple pie on the table. “Steven gets his first before you boys
devour it.”

Chauncey reached over and laid a bun on Steven’s plate. He

wasn’t even finished with his food yet, but it looked like the brothers
couldn’t wait. Steven held his hand up when Chauncey grabbed the
pie. “I don’t like apples.”

The entire table stared at him like he was an alien. “How the hell

did that happen?” Bryce asked.

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Steven stole a glance at Roman. “I don’t know. I just never

acquired the taste.”

Roman winked at him as he grabbed the apple pie. “I’d love


The men around the table began to clear the dishes when they had

eaten all the sticky buns and devoured the pie. Steven grabbed his
plate, but Chauncey took it from him. “Why don’t you go relax on the
porch? It’s beautiful out here at night. It’s something you have to see
for yourself.”

“Okay.” Steven let Chauncey take his plate as he walked through

the house, opening the screen door, walking out into the night. He
inhaled the country air, listening to the crickets chirp as he sat on the
swing. Steven removed his shoes and then kicked his toe out, making
the swing go into action, starting a slow back-and-forth motion.

He tossed his arm onto the back of the swing, laying his head

against the chain as he stared out into the darkening night. It was
beautiful here. If he had to start his life over, this town was the perfect

Steven heard the screen door open and knew who it was. Roman

crossed in front of him, taking a seat next to him on the swing. They
swung in silence. Steven had a thousand questions, but none of them
would leave his lips.

“It’s a gorgeous night.”
“Yeah, it is.” Steven curled his legs under him as Roman kept the

swing going. He wrapped his arms around his waist, looking at the
trucks in the drive, the driving mower parked by the barn, and
anything else his eyes landed on, ignoring the handsome man next to
him. The news that Roman was his mate was messing with his head.
How could they be mates?

“I didn’t mean to scare you earlier,” Roman said quietly from

beside him.

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Steven had all afternoon and evening to think about it. It’s not that

he wouldn’t mind being mates with Roman. The man was a hunk after
all, and he did have a great personality. But for life?

“If you’re worried that I’ll hurt you, that won’t happen.” Roman

leaned forward, placing his arms on his knees as his hands dangled in
between. Steven could see the wheels in Roman’s head turning.

“How can you guarantee that?”
“Because I won’t,” Roman stated firmly
Steven glanced down at his hands. He wasn’t sure what to say to

that. Mates? “You’re not going to change into a bear, are you?”

“No. I wouldn’t want to scare you again.”
“Thanks.” This was the craziest conversation Steven had ever had.

“Fainting isn’t my favorite pastime.”

“You did it like a pro, if that helps.” Roman turned his head,

smiling at Steven.

“Gee, thanks. Did I drool?”
Roman chuckled. “Nah, but your mouth was hanging open.”
Steven laughed quietly. “I bet that was a pretty sight.”
“Stunning.” Huskiness lingered in his tone. Steven looked away.

Roman was flirting with him again. At least now he knew why. He
was human and Roman…wasn’t. His thoughts compressed, making
his head hurt. He reached up, massaging his temples.

“Hey.” Roman removed Steven’s hands, pulling Steven close to

him and laying his head on Roman’s lap. His fingers began to
massage Steven’s temples, making his skin prickle with pleasure.
Steven shuddered. “Relax, tiger.”

Steven closed his eyes, letting Roman’s fingers soothe away his

worries. “Can a human and a bear be together?”

“Most definitely.”
“But doesn’t that go against nature?”
“I’m human. So I would say no.”
“I’m human, Steven. Focus on that.”

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Steven quieted down. He mulled Roman’s words over. He was

human right now and his hands felt wonderful. David never did
anything like this for him. If Roman kept this up, he was going to
spoil Steven. Roman’s fingers traced the side of Steven’s face before
going back to his temples.

Steven rolled to his side and then onto his belly, looking up at

Roman. “I find it hard to trust people now.”

Roman’s hands lingered in the air, his brows rising then lowering

as he nodded. “I expect you would after what’s happened to you.”

“I still can’t understand what I did wrong to make David act that

way.” Steven couldn’t understand why he was telling Roman this. He
had discussed it with Thomas, but the counselor’s answers didn’t
make him feel like he was any closer to figuring it out. “I lied.”

Roman sat back and rubbed his hand across his chin. “About


“The counseling didn’t help,” Steven confessed as he sat up and

tucked his legs under him once again. His fingers played along the
chain, wondering what Roman thought of him now. “I tried, but it just
doesn’t make sense to me. None of it does.”

“Are you talking about what David did?”
“Yes.” Steven laid his left elbow in the swing, rubbing his index

and middle finger across his forehead, trying to figure out what he had
done so wrong to deserve what had happened to him. He listened to
the leaves rustle in the trees as he tried to make sense of everything.

Roman’s hand cupped the back of his neck, his other hand

grabbing him around the waist as he pulled Steven into the crook of
his arm. His hand lay on Steven’s head, making it rest against his
body. “There is no logical reason, tiger. You’d have to be in David’s
head to know what he was thinking. I can tell you that it wasn’t
anything that you did. You can’t control his actions.”

Steven didn’t object to what Roman had done. “I keep thinking

that if I had kept quiet or just agreed with him, it wouldn’t have

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“And I decided that I wanted you next to me. That was my

decision, not yours. No matter what you said, I was going to pull you
closer. It’s not a good analogy, but I’m hoping you get the point.”

“So you’re saying no matter what I did, he was going to hit me

anyway? That doesn’t make sense.”

“It probably never will. Just keep telling yourself that it wasn’t

your fault, tiger. Because it wasn’t.” Roman emphasized his words,
driving home his message.

Steven rested against Roman, wondering if it would ever make

sense. “How do you trust again?”

“That’s a hard one. I guess you have to believe that not all people

are like that. You have to be willing to open yourself up again.”

“That’s scary, Roman.”
“I know, tiger.”

* * * *

Steven woke in a better mood after his talk with Roman last night

on the porch. He was feeling a lot better. It was odd to him how
Thomas had said the same thing. Well, he didn’t use those exact
words. But it didn’t sink in when the counselor had said them, but
when Roman had told him it wasn’t anything he did, Steven believed

He made his bed, excitement running through him to see Roman

this morning. Steven took a quick shower and dressed in a hurried
manner. He pushed the thought of Roman being his mate out of his
head as he slid his sneakers on and tied his laces.

Steven closed his bedroom door and headed down the steps. It

was Saturday, and he didn’t have to go into town.

“There he is,” Pa said as Steven entered the kitchen. “I thought

you were going to sleep half the day away.”

“It’s only six in the morning. That’s way too early.” Hell if he was

used to these early hours. David had lived the night life, so Steven

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was used to sleeping in until noon. He covered his mouth as he

“Lazy bones,” Chauncey teased him.
“Morning, tiger.” Roman saluted a cup of coffee at him. Steven

blushed and slid into the chair next to Roman.

“Good morning,” he said as he watched Roman pour some coffee

into a cup. Steven’s lips were already stretching out to take a sip of
the hot brew. Roman chuckled as Steven grabbed the mug and
brought it to his lips. His eyes rolled at the heavenly taste. There was
nothing like a fresh cup of coffee to start your day.

“Damn, if a cup of coffee makes him look like that,” Chauncey


Roman grunted. “Mine!”
“I’m not touching your mate. I’m just saying how—”
“That’s enough, Chauncey,” Pa warned.
“Yes, Pa.”
Steven ignored them as he felt his body kick into gear with his

first jolt of caffeine. Now that he had even more time to mull things
over, he was starting to like the idea of being Roman’s mate.

He pulled his legs up in the chair as he sipped at the best coffee he

had ever tasted. It wasn’t the first time he drank coffee at the
Lakelands’, but it tasted fresh every time he had a cup. It wasn’t the
instant, generic stuff he had grown used to. This had a full body taste,
and the aroma was simply spellbinding.

“I have to go meet Maverick today. Do you want to tag along?”

Roman asked as he poured some more coffee into Steven’s cup.

“But it’s Saturday. Doesn’t anyone around here take a day off?”

Steven protested as he took another sip.

“I’ll rest when I’m six feet under,” Roman said.
“Well, there’s a morbid thought,” Steven grumbled before taking

another drink.

“I like him.” Olsen chuckled. “He’s funny.”

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“I’ll go with you,” Steven said as he finished his coffee. “But I

can’t be gone all day. I have a nice dinner I want to cook today.
Which reminds me, we need to go to the grocery store if I’m going to
be cooking for you big fellas,” he said as he lowered his legs and took
his coffee mug to the sink. He rinsed it out and set it in the
dishwasher. When he turned back around, the entire table was staring
at him. “What?”

“That’s the most I’ve heard you talk in one sentence.” Chauncey

spoke up.

Steven blushed as he looked at the men around him. “Do you want

me to stop?”

Pa shook his head, waving his hand at the table. “Don’t pay any

attention to them. Chatter away, I like it.”

Steven looked from Pa to Roman. He was starting to feel more

comfortable around here and the real him was opening up. They
would just have to get used to it if he was going to be a permanent
fixture around here.

* * * *

“Come on, tiger.” Roman stood and took his cup to the sink,

rinsing it out. He grabbed Steven’s hand, pulling him through the
house. If his brothers kept opening their big mouths, Roman was
going to hide all the sweets in the pantry.

He pulled Steven out onto the porch, spun him around, and then

cupped his mate’s face as he brushed a gentle kiss across Steven’s
lips. He waited, hovering over Steven’s mouth. If his mate pulled
back…Steven raised on his tiptoes, reclaiming Roman’s lips as he
threw his arms around Roman’s neck.

Hell yeah. Roman hauled Steven against him, forcing Steven’s

lips open with his thrusting tongue. Steven whimpered as his lips
parted, allowing Roman to taste Steven for the first time.

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“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Tear that face up.” Chauncey

whooped from the screen door. He was wearing a big ass grin on his
intruding face.

Raising his mouth from his mate’s, Steven gazed at him. The

excited light was vivid in Steven’s mossy-green eyes. And when his
mate smiled at him, Roman melted at his feet into a helpless puddle.
“I just kissed a bear.”

“I just kissed a human,” Roman teased his mate back.
“I didn’t catch that. Do it again,” Olsen whined at the door as he

shoved Chauncey out of the way.

“Free show’s over, boys.” Roman ran his thumb over Steven’s

bottom lip, unable to break the eye contact they had together.

“Get the hell away from that door!” Pa yelled from somewhere


Olsen grumbled, “Damn, just when it was getting good.”
“Now,” Pa shouted again.
Steven began to giggle as the men moved away from the door. “I

think we should kiss in private next time.” His body moved closer to
Roman’s, rubbing up against him like a cat.

Roman’s cock was so hard it was painful. “Not on your life. I like

letting everyone know you’re mine.”

“Am I?” Steven batted his eyes at Roman.
Roman grunted as he backed Steven toward the swing. “Mine and

only mine. I don’t share, Steven.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question,” Steven stated with a little

more backbone. Roman had a feeling the true Steven was coming out,
and he liked it.

He nipped his mate’s bottom lip as he licked the sting away. “Yes,

you are mine.”

“Ask me.”
His mate had fire in him. A little attitude was thrown in with

Steven’s words. Roman was getting rock hard, his erection pressing
against his zipper at Steven’s boldness.

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“Will you be mine?”
Steven tilted his head, tapping his finger against his chin. “Let me

think about it.”

“Why you little…”
Steven squealed and ran across the porch, taking off toward the

truck as laughter floated behind him. Roman laughed, ready to chase
his mate when he saw Chauncey and Olsen in the window, giving him
wide-ass grins and thumbs-up.

He smiled at them and then shot after his mate, Steven jumping

into the truck as Roman climbed into the driver’s side. He snagged
Steven’s hand once he started the motor, driving them to Maverick’s

“Holy mother of mangos. Maverick lives here?” Steven stared at

the house in awe as Roman rounded the corner and the tires crunched
on the gravel driveway.

“Don’t let the fancy house fool you. The men here are very nice.”

Roman pulled into an open spot and parked his truck. He led Steven
to the front door and rang the bell. Roman noticed a security camera
turn in their direction.

The door swung open, George stood there smiling at them with a

large cowboy hat on his head. “Come on in, Roman.”

Roman led his mate in, hearing loud noises coming from one of

the rooms. “Hi, I’m George.” The man introduced himself to Roman's

“Steven.” He shook George’s hand.
“Let me go get Maverick for you. You’re welcome to wait in the

den if you’d like.” George pointed to the noisy room.

Roman decided to wait in the foyer. There was too much noise

coming from that room, and he wasn’t sure if taking his mate in there
was wise.

A human walked out, smiling at both of them. “Hi, I’m Curtis.”
“Steven,” his mate offered. “We’re waiting on Maverick.”

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“Roman.” Roman clipped the word, noticing how Curtis was

stealing glances at his mate. Steven tugged at his hand, but Roman
ignored him. Steven was his, and he didn’t appreciate the human
appraising his mate.

“Glad you could make it,” Maverick said as he walked down the

hallway. He looked from Roman to Curtis, his face studying them
both. “Why don’t you go find your dads, Curtis?”

Roman was thankful the human obeyed. He didn’t want to make

enemies here, but he would if his mate kept getting ogled. He was
very aware how gorgeous Steven was. He just didn’t want anyone
else noticing it.

“He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Maverick said. “He just learned

about…us. I think he was more curious than encroaching.”

Roman nodded, wrapping an arm around Steven’s shoulders as he

led them to an office. “I had the blueprints drawn up. I wanted you to
have a look at them.”

Roman released Steven once they were inside the office. “That

was pretty fast.”

Maverick shrugged. “I’m not a patient person. Not when it comes

to doing things for my family.”

Roman moved to Steven’s side when a large man with long blond

hair sauntered into the office.

“Roman, this is Kota. He’s my Beta.”
“Beta?” Steven looked at all three men.
Shit. Roman hadn’t explained to Steven about this entire

household being Timber wolves. Granted, Steven knew the
paranormal existed, but he could have given his mate the heads-up.
He was too busy thinking about that hot ass kiss on the front porch.

Roman turned to Steven. “Remember I told you that I was a bear

and that the town had shifters?”

Steven nodded.
“Well, these men are Timber wolves.”
Roman caught Steven as his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

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“Well, that was interesting,” Maverick said from behind his desk.

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Chapter Five

Steven sat on the front porch, feeling like a real wuss. Why the

hell did he have to faint every time he learned about the weird things
going on around him? He didn’t feel very manly at the moment.

“Stop beating yourself up,” Roman said as he pushed open the

screen door with his shoulder, bringing out two glasses of iced tea. He
handed one to Steven as he took a seat on the swing. “It happens.”

“I don’t see you fainting,” Steven said as he accepted the glass.

Steven ran a hand through his long black hair, taking a deep breath. It
was hot out, his hair sticking to his sweaty skin. The Lakelands didn’t
have any air-conditioning, so Steven sat out on the porch in a half
attempt at catching a stray breeze.

“No, I’ve never fainted, but there’s nothing wrong with it.”
Steven could hear the humor that Roman was trying hard to hide.

“Of course you never fainted, look at you.” Steven waved a hand at

Roman leaned forward and set his glass on the porch next to the

swing. He sat back, twining his fingers together and resting them on
those amazing abs. “What about me?”

Steven was such a goner. Roman’s grey eyes seemed to see into

his soul. He was very masculine. Roman had broad shoulders, the
kind that looked like they could shoulder the world. He was tanned,
with nice biceps and a chest that looked like it was made for Steven to
cuddle against. His upper body tapered down into a narrow waist that
screamed for Steven to wrap his legs around. Roman had powerful
thighs, the kind that could hold him up as Steven ground his balls into

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them. His brow slowly rose as his heart rate picked up. “You’re very
handsome.” He blushed at his own words.

Roman crooked his finger at Steven, a seductive smile pulling at

his lips. Steven was nervous as a virgin, which was ridiculous. He
wasn’t a virgin, not by far, but Roman was so manly, so imposing,
that Steven hesitated for a moment before setting his glass down and
scooting closer.

Roman shook his head, crooking his finger again. Steven gulped

and scooted an inch closer.

“Closer, tiger.” Roman turned sideways, spreading his legs apart.

Steven’s eyes zeroed in on Roman’s bulge in his pants. It was
enormous, gigantic, colossal...he was in big trouble. Roman held his
hand out and Steven nervously placed his fingers on Roman’s palm.
His fingers curled around Steven’s, giving a slight tug.

Steven got to his knees, crawling up Roman’s body until he was

sitting in between Roman’s thighs. His cock grew as Roman licked
his lips. “I want another one of those sweet kisses.”

Steven nodded, closing his eyes as he leaned forward. His eyes

shot open as Roman cupped his face and took his mouth in what could
only be described as the best kiss of his life. His eyes closed again,
moaning as Roman showed him what a true kiss was all about.
Steven’s head spun as he opened his mouth and Roman’s tongue
thrust in. He squirmed in Roman’s lap, his fingers curling into a fist
around the fabric of Roman’s shirt.

Roman broke the kiss, licking the length of Steven’s bottom lip.

“You taste so damn sweet.”

“T–thank you.” Okay, so that was the only thing that came to

mind. He could handle this. Steven prayed it didn’t become too
intense and he passed out. That would be the mother of all
embarrassing moments.

Roman chuckled against Steven’s mouth. “You’re welcome.”

Roman’s hands skimmed down Steven’s back to cup his bottom. His
large hands kneaded Steven’s butt, making his hole pulse with

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anticipation. Steven’s breathing became ragged as Roman kissed him
down his neck and behind his ear. “I want you, tiger.”

“M–me, too.” Steven’s head fell back, his chest rising and falling

quickly as Roman’s warm lips descended to his collarbone. Steven’s
skin drew tight from Roman’s scent overpowering his senses.

His hands clung to the man’s shirt, his fingers clenching and

unclenching as Roman masterfully seduced him. When Roman pulled
Steven closer, making their cocks touch, Steven forgot they were on
someone’s porch. “Touch me, Roman, please.”

He panted as Roman reached between them with one hand and,

with a flick of his wrist, Steven’s jeans were unsnapped. Steven licked
his lips, his throat going dry as Roman slowly lowered his zipper as if
he were waiting for Steven to change his mind.

“I’m…I’m not going to stop you.”
Roman took Steven’s lips in a crushing kiss as he pulled Steven’s

cock free, his thumb gliding over the head of Steven’s weeping shaft.
Roman pressed a fingernail into the slit, making Steven cry out with

Roman groaned. “Damn, tiger.”
Steven bit his bottom lip and whimpered, clenching his ass as he

pushed his cock further into Roman’s hand. “Make me come,

Roman whispered into the shell of his ear. “With pleasure. I’ll

take care of all your needs, tiger.”

Steven gasped when Roman squeezed his cock and began a fast-

paced stroke. He was burning up with desire. Every time he rocked
forward, his cock pulsed in Roman’s hand. Steven leaned in, rubbing
his forehead into Roman’s shoulder as the foreman stroked him faster.

“I’m…I’m close,” Steven warned. He nipped Roman’s shirt,

feeling the pressure in his balls build.

“Close is good. Now come for me, love.” Roman rubbed the

bundle of nerves under the head of Steven’s cock just so, making
Steven cry out once again as his body exploded. He bit Roman’s

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shoulder as his body pulsed out his orgasm. He shuddered in Roman’s
arms, feeling Roman rubbing his back with his free hand while cooing
in Steven’s ear. His body slowly began to relax, his muscles

Roman nipped his ear, kissing away the sting as his mouth finally

found Steven’s. “Did that feel good?”

“Mhmm.” Steven nodded as he broke the kiss and buried his face

into Roman’s neck. Once his head cleared, Steven was fully aware of
where they were and what he had just done. He stiffened in Roman’s
arms, feeling like a wanton slut. Is that how Roman would look at him

“Relax, tiger.” Roman continued to kiss him down his neck.


Steven slumped against his chest. He’d worry about what Roman

thought later, for now he would enjoy the sated buzz he was basking

“Come upstairs with me.” Roman nuzzled his face in the crook of

Steven’s neck. He nodded, and then Roman stood, placing Steven on
his feet.

Roman carefully readjusted Steven’s clothing before taking his

hand and guiding him into the house. The six brothers were sitting in
the living room either talking or watching television, but Steven could
see them all trying to hide their smiles. He glanced at the living room
window and saw that, where he and Roman had been sitting, was very
visible. Oh god, they had seen.

“Night, fellas.” Chauncey snickered.
Steven could feel a full-body blush heating his skin as Roman

nodded to his brothers, a smile tugging at his lips. Damn, he wasn’t
going to be sitting through breakfast quietly tomorrow. Chauncey and
Chance were going to tease him to no end. Steven glanced at the
stairs, excitement and apprehension filling him at what Roman was
taking him up there to do.

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Steven still couldn’t believe someone like Roman wanted to be

with him. It was like walking in a dream up those creaking steps.

Steven could feel his nerves getting the better of him the closer

they walked to Roman’s room. This hot ass man was going to fuck
him. A powerful tremor shook his body at the thought.

“You all right, tiger?” Roman asked as he opened his bedroom


Steven was more than all right. His blood was pumping faster, his

heart was pounding in his ears, and his palms were starting to sweat.
Yeah, he was all right. “Yes.”

“I won’t force you to do anything. This is your choice,” Roman

said as he closed the door behind them.

“You’re not forcing me.” Steven glanced around the room. Should

he get undressed or wait for Roman to make the first move?

“I’m glad to hear that, tiger.” Roman pressed his chest into

Steven’s back. He could feel Roman’s large cock pushing into his
lower back. Steven had an urge to bend over and grab his ankles,
letting Roman do whatever he pleased.

Roman brushed Steven’s hair aside, kissing his neck as he curled

his fingers under Steven’s shirt. Steven shuddered as Roman’s lips
left his skin and his shirt was pulled over his head. Roman tossed the
shirt aside and then ghosted his fingers over Steven’s nipples.

Steven’s head fell back onto Roman’s broad chest. His hands

reached behind him to rest on Roman’s hips.

“You like your nipples played with.” Roman nipped his ear.
“Yesss,” Steven hissed. He had no clue that they were so

sensitive. It wasn’t like David ever took the time to explore his body.
It was always a quick fuck and then his ex would roll over and snore.
Roman was already proving to be a different kind of lover. A lover
that Steven was becoming quickly addicted to, and the man was only
playing with his nipples!

Steven groaned when Roman’s hands left his chest and began to

unsnap his jeans. He quickly kicked his shoes off, curling his toes as

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Roman unzipped him and slid his jeans and underwear down. “Pick
your feet up.”

Steven did as Roman asked. He stood there naked as Roman

removed his jeans, underwear, and socks. Roman tossed his clothes
aside and stood. Steven wasn’t sure why, but having Roman stand
behind him fully clothed, the fabric of his clothes rubbing against his
bare skin, thrilled Steven. It felt erotic and forbidden for some reason
and it was driving him mad.

“You’re beautiful, tiger.” Roman’s hands skimmed down Steven’s

sides, his nails lightly scraping Steven’s skin. Goose bumps broke out
over his body. Roman circled around him, taking Steven’s hands and
guiding him to his bed. “Lie down.”

Steven crawled onto the bed and then turned onto his back,

watching Roman. He had an urge to cover his groin, but Roman
reached down and spread his legs wider. “You have a pretty cock.”

Steven could feel his body shaking as Roman knelt before him

and took the tip of his cock into his mouth. “Oh hell.” Steven gasped
for air, his fingers curling into the blanket as Roman swirled his
tongue around the head of his dick.

Roman pushed Steven’s legs back, using one hand to play with

Steven’s hole as he took Steven’s cock further into his mouth.
Euphoria, that’s what Steven was feeling. No one had ever taken their
time to show him so much pleasure. Good god, he had officially lost
his mind.

Steven watched as Roman grabbed a bottle of lube from the side

drawer and then snapped the lid open, squirting some onto his fingers
before tossing the bottle aside. He knew what was coming, and his
body ached for it. He moaned when Roman inserted a finger into his

Roman used his other hand to roll Steven’s sac around his hand as

he stared at Steven. “There’s something you should know before I
take you,” Roman said as his eyes raked over Steven’s naked form.

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“N–now you say something?” Please don’t let him change his


Roman chuckled, torturing Steven with such a handsome smile.

Roman inserted another finger before he continued. “If I take you,
we’ll be bonded for life. That’s what a mate is. You are the other half
of who I am.”

“How do you know this?” Steven asked as Roman’s finger

scraped over his sweet spot, making his hips jump as he whimpered.

“Were-creatures know who their mate is right away. We feel a

pull toward that person, a need so deep that we cannot just walk away.
You are my other half, Steven.” The sensual timbre of Roman’s voice
sank into his being as he inserted a third finger.

“I won’t be hurt again, Roman.” Steven panted as his fingers

curled tighter into the sheet. “I won’t be someone’s outlet for their

Roman’s eyes grew to slits as his lips thinned. “I would never lay

a hand on you, and I would kill anyone dumb enough to try,” he
proclaimed with conviction.

Steven rolled his hips, impaling his body onto Roman’s fingers.

“Then make love to me.”

Roman’s nostrils flared, his jaw clenched as he removed his

fingers and quickly got out of his clothes. He crawled onto the bed,
pushing Steven closer to the headboard as he lined his cock up. “Are
you sure this is what you want. There is no going back.”

“All I know is that you make me happy.” Steven cried out as

Roman entered him.

“Steven,” Roman groaned as he held still, his entire body

shivered. Steven looked up at Roman in awe. Tight, tanned muscles
hovered above him. This was a man he could see himself spending the
rest of his life with. Roman looked down at him with those gorgeous
grey eyes, making every part of Steven melt.

Roman’s hips began to move, sending Steven into a whirl of

emotions. His hole stretched to amazing lengths as Roman took him.

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Steven reached up, clawing at Roman as his lover, his mate, thrust
into him. His thighs shook as Roman pounded into his ass. Steven’s
cock bounced around as his head fell back and his lips parted. Those
powerful muscles drove Roman’s cock deeper.

Roman dropped to his hands, kissing Steven as if he were his next

breath. Steven wrapped his legs around Roman’s waist, wanting to
feel his shaft go deeper into his ass. Roman filled him to the point that
Steven could feel every nerve Roman’s cock glided over.

“Oh, tiger. You feel so damn good,” Roman said as he broke the

kiss. Steven ran his hands through Roman’s silky black hair as he
tilted his ass even higher. The bed started banging against the wall as
Roman hammered into him. He could see trickles of sweat peeking
out from Roman’s hairline.

The electricity shot through him, clawing its way up Steven’s

spine as his balls drew tight to his body. Steven shouted as his cock
exploded. Brilliant lights shattered behind his eyelids as he cried out.
Roman stiffened and then roared as he filled Steven with his seed. He
could feel Roman’s cock pulsing in his ass as he came back down to
earth. His body jerked from the sensitivity as Roman slowly traced his
hands over Steven’s thighs and belly.

Never in his life had he felt anything so damn good. Roman

looked as though he was barely holding his sanity together by a

Steven’s back hit the bed, his skin covered in a glistening sheen of

sweat as Roman’s breath was coming out raggedly. Steven knew for a
fact that Roman’s cock grew thicker as it pulsed in his ass.

Steven couldn’t string two words together right now, let alone use

his thought process to ask him why. His body buzzed all over, and
Steven planned on enjoying it.

Roman laid butterfly kisses all over his face as he spooned behind

Steven, pulling him close while they were still connected. He yawned,
too tired from such explosive sex.

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“Sleep, tiger. We’re mated now. No one is ever going to hurt you

again,” he heard Roman’s deep-as-whiskey voice whisper to him as
he dozed off to sleep.

* * * *

Steven squirmed around in the kitchen chair as he tried to eat his

breakfast. Roman had taken him two more times last night and now it
looked like his ass was crying in protest of sitting on a hard wooden
chair. Roman smiled as he remembered how Steven gave himself so
freely last night.

Chauncey snickered as he got up from the table, coming right

back in with a small throw pillow. “This might help.” He handed it to

The Lakeland men had learned quickly this morning, as did

Roman, that he was very possessive. It had shocked him when Bryce
patted Steven’s shoulder, and Roman nearly took his arm off. Roman
had heard that bears went through a mating heat, but damn. He felt
achy and aggressive as hell. It was all he could do to sit at the table
calmly while six men sat around his mate.

Family or not, he was ready to growl out his possessiveness.
“I think I would be best if Steven stayed here today while you go

check on your jobsites,” Pa said as he took a sip of coffee. “If anyone
gets near your mate, you’re gonna probably try and kill them.”

Steven’s head whipped up at his father’s words. Roman knew this

was true. He didn’t feel so aggressive when his father was around
Steven. Maybe it would be a good idea. Roman took a deep breath as
he finished off his pancakes. It was Sunday, a day of rest, but he
wanted to go check on the almost-complete bike shop and resource

“Would it be okay to use our winter home?” he asked his father as

he picked his coffee mug up. It would be a good day to get away.
Maybe when he was done at the jobsites, he would take Steven for a

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long country drive. They still owned the home they moved from. It
hadn’t been sold, so Roman didn’t see a problem driving a few hours
this morning to get away with his mate.

“No, it needs to be aired out. Go ahead,” Pa answered as he

cleared his plate from the table.

Roman leaned back and dropped his arm over the back of

Steven’s chair, feeling a little better now that he had an agenda for the
day. His mood became lighter as he grabbed his breakfast dishes and
took them to the sink. Once he rinsed them off, he stuffed them into
the full dishwasher.

Roman noticed the stiff way Steven was sitting and wondered if it

was because of their love playing last night. A smile tugged at his lips
when he thought of having Steven in his arms again.

It had been fun, exciting, and downright heaven to be with his

mate. Roman grabbed a paper towel and wiped his mouth clean,
tossing the used towel into the trash can. First things first, he had to
go check his buildings.

“I won’t be long.” He bent at the waist and placed a quick kiss on

Steven’s lips. His brothers chuckled as Roman straightened and
headed for the front door. He may be in mating heat, and the thought
of leaving Steven behind wasn’t sitting well with him.

He wanted to ask his mate if he wouldn’t mind riding along, but

Pa was right about his temper right now, and he didn’t want Steven to
feel crowded. They had been spending a lot of time together. Couples
needed breathing room. He didn’t, but Steven was human. Surely his
mate did.

“Wait,” Steven called out as Roman stepped onto the porch. He

turned around, seeing the strain on his mate’s face. Roman’s
protective instincts kicked in, looking around for any danger. When
he saw none, he looked back at Steven.

“What’s wrong, tiger?”
Steven glanced down at his shoes. Roman had noticed the poor

state they were in. He was going to have to take his baby shopping.

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The resource center had donated clothes to Steven, which Roman was
thankful for, but he could take care of his mate. Maybe on their drive
today they could stop somewhere to get him some new clothes.

Steven looked back up at Roman, tears glistening in his eyes.

“Why are you leaving me?”

Roman’s head snapped back. What on earth was Steven talking

about? “I’m not leaving you, tiger. As a matter of fact, I was thinking
about asking you if you wanted to ride along.”

Steven’s brows pulled together in confusion. “But you just asked

Pa if you could use your winter house.”

The light blinked on over Roman’s head. He wanted to laugh, but

Steven’s distraught look tempered the act. “I want to use it for us.”

“Oh.” Now Steven looked even more distraught. Roman

wondered if he would ever figure humans out. They were a
complicated bunch.

“Why are you still looking like you’re gonna cry?” he asked


Steven stiffened, his eyes narrowing as he looked up at Roman. “I

am not about to cry.”

Whoa, his mate looked pissed off. Roman’s cock started to fill in.

He loved a challenge, especially when it was his mate. It was hot as
hell. “Tell me what’s wrong, Steven.”

“Never mind,” Steven bit out. Roman was turned on big time.
“Tell me, Steven,” he warned.
“Or what, you gonna hit me?”
Roman was floored. Never in his life had he become so angry so

quickly. Had he not promised his mate he would never touch him in
anger? Roman was so mad he could chew nails. Maybe he did need
some time to himself. He needed to cool off before he said something
he would regret. He knew it was a reflex after what Steven had been
through. But the shit still hurt like hell.

“Is that what you think? You think I would lay a hand on you just

because we’re having a disagreement?”

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Steven looked as though he had lost some of his wind. His

shoulders sagged as he shrugged. “Would you?”

Roman clenched his jaw as he spun around on the porch. “If that’s

what you think of me.” He stormed over to his truck, climbing in and
slamming the door closed. The motor roared to life as Roman put it in
gear and tore out of the drive. He wasn’t a monster and didn’t like
Steven looking at him like one.

Roman realized that his anger was stemming from that fact. He

never wanted his mate to look at him with fear, and Steven had.

So much for a nice drive in the country.

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Chapter Six

Steven stood on the porch feeling seven kinds of stupid. He knew

that what David had done to him wasn’t how most men acted. His
father had been proof of that. Steven also realized that he was taking
his past experience out on Roman. He became instantly defensive
when Roman asked him about his tears. David had ridiculed him for
being soft. It was a trigger he was going to have to work on.

“Just let him cool off,” Olsen said as he walked out onto the

porch. “A man’s got his pride, ya know. And calling your mate an
abuser tested his.”

“Do you guys always listen to other people’s conversations?”

Steven snipped.

“It is my house, ya know. The last I checked, I was allowed to

stand where I wanted to.”

“That doesn’t mean you have the right to eavesdrop!”
“I wouldn’t be eavesdropping if you weren’t acting like a

complete idiot!”

“Fuck you.”
“Oh, that’s original.”
Steven dropped down on the swing, placing his head in his hands.

“I see what you are trying to do, but it isn’t helping. I’m not going to
use you to vent my anger.”

“I had to try.” Olsen leaned against the porch railing.
Steven scrubbed his face before looking up at Olsen. “I think I

need to stay in therapy. What David did affected me more than I

“I could kill him for you.”

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Steven’s mouth dropped. “You can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you won’t be any better than him if you do,” Steven

pointed out. “Besides, killing him isn’t going to solve my issues.”

“You’re afraid of being left behind. I could tell by your

conversation. And to answer your question, no, I wasn’t trying to
listen. I was coming to see if you wanted to go for a ride.”

“A ride?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“I don’t have abandonment issues.”
“You could have fooled me.”
“I’m afraid of making him mad and my mate raising his fists in

anger. Just because I’ve never lived on my own doesn’t mean I fear

Olsen squatted down, staring Steven directly in the eye. “Let me

clue you in on something. A shifter waits his whole life to find his
mate. There isn’t anything on earth we wouldn’t do for our mates.
Roman would sooner strike you as he would cut off his left arm.”

“Believe me, you lucked out. At least you’re not mated to a

fucking vampire.”

“Vampire?” Steven squeaked.
“Out of all that, you only caught the word vampire?”
“T–there are vampires?”
“All around us.”
The edges of Steven’s vision blurred as he slumped over on the

swing. His last thoughts were that he needed to get a new perspective
on life.

* * * *

Roman pulled over to the side of the road, turning his truck

around. He couldn’t leave things the way they were with his mate.

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Steven feared being hit, and Roman should have been a little more
understanding. He felt like a rat bastard.

They were going to enjoy their Sunday drive, if Steven would

forgive him. Roman steered the truck onto the dirt road that led up the
drive. As he pulled the truck to a stop, he saw all the boys standing
out on the front porch. Roman got out of his truck, closing the door as
he walked across the yard. What the heck was going on?

His brothers scrambled away from Roman as he climbed the steps

and saw his mate passed out on the swing. “What the fuck happened!”
Roman’s canines punched through his gums as he roared, dropping to
his knees in front of the swing.

He checked Steven’s pulse, relieved that it was good and strong.

He studied his mate, watching as a stray breeze played with an
overlong piece of hair on Steven’s face. Roman brushed it aside,
feeling like the world’s biggest heel.

Had he done this to his mate? Had Steven passed out because

Roman had become angry? Guilt swamped him as his tiger moaned.

Steven slowly opened his eyes, looking around at everyone staring

at him. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. “Not again.”

Roman’s canines receded as he tugged at Steven’s arm. “Look at

me, tiger.”

“Hell no.”
Roman rocked back on his heels, laying his arms over his knees.

He looked at the floor of the porch, noticing the grey could use
another paint job.

“Are they gone?” Steven whispered.
“Nope, we’re still here.” Chauncey chuckled. “I wanted to make

sure you were okay before your mate has a damn heart attack.”

Steven groaned and rolled over, giving his back to everyone.

Roman reached up and ran his hand over Steven’s back. “There’s
nothing to be embarrassed about.”

He heard his brothers snicker. Roman looked over his shoulder as

his eyes lowered to slits. “Don’t you boys have anything else to do?”

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“You take the F out of fun,” Olsen grumbled as the six walked

into the house.

“We’re alone now,” Roman said as he tugged at Steven’s belt

loop, trying to get his mate to turn back over. Roman let out a light
sigh when Steven wouldn’t budge.

He stood and grabbed Steven’s legs, lifting them and then taking a

seat. He lowered his mate’s legs onto his as he leaned back and gazed
at his self-conscious man. “We all have self-defense mechanisms that
kick in when in a stressful situation. Your brain copes with things by
shutting down.”

“So not helping here,” Steven mumbled as he shifted around until

he was lying on his back and staring at Roman with those gorgeous
green eyes.

“I didn’t mean to yell earlier, and I’m sorry you passed out from

it.” Roman caught Steven’s hand in his and began to sooth his thumb
over the smooth skin. He’d have to remember in the future to keep his
tone even when he was angry with Steven. Hopefully over time his
mate’s trigger to arguments would disappear.

“What?” Steven propped his upper body up by his elbow. “No, I

didn’t pass out because of that.”

Roman’s thumb stopped midglide. If Steven didn’t have an

adverse reaction to their argument, then what in the hell happened to
him? “Then why did you faint?” If one of the brothers had done
something to his mate, there was going to be a shitload of trouble in
the Lakelands’ home.

“Olsen,” Steven groaned as he waved a hand at the door. “He told

me there were vampires all around us.”

Roman’s blood pressure shot through the roof. One of these days

he was going to kick all of their asses. They had no right to scare his

“I’m gathering from these revelations that there are all sorts of

were-creatures in the world.”

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Roman kicked his foot out, and the swing began a back-and-forth

motion as he looked over the lawn. “There are.”

“At least now I’m prepared for it.” Steven lowered his body back

down to rest on the swing. “Is there anything else I should know?”

“Use your imagination.”
Steven stared at him for a moment and then shook his head. “I

don’t even want to know.” He laid his arm back over his eyes.

Roman reached over and tugged on Steven’s shirt. “At least now

you’re prepared for it. Isn’t that what you just said?”

“You can’t toss my words back at me at a time like this. That’s

not fair.”

Roman smiled as Steven pouted. His mate looked vexed as he lay

there. “Why don’t you come sit on my lap, tiger?” Roman patted his
thighs. Last night seemed so long ago. He wanted to connect with his
mate, even if it was just sitting on the porch.

“You just want to fool around.”
“What’s wrong with that?” He could feel the mating heat creep up

his loins. Roman needed release but had to keep in mind that his mate
was human.

Steven blushed as he pushed himself up and then crawled over to

Roman. His mate looked hot as hell on his hands and knees. Roman
wanted to stop him in his tracks and slide behind him. Too bad they
were on the porch.

Roman curled his hands in Steven’s shirt as his mate situated his

legs around Roman’s thighs. “That’s more like it.” Roman circled his
arms around Steven, holding him as his mate laid his head on
Roman’s chest. He noticed dark clouds moving in and cursed. There
went their Sunday drive.

Roman’s hand wandered up and down Steven’s back as he

watched the breeze pick up, becoming stronger as the leaves in the
trees rustled around more fiercely. It felt good on his skin. The
approaching storm was cooling everything off. Roman tilted his head
back, enjoying the breeze.

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“I think it’s about to storm,” Steven said as he lifted his head up,

looking around.

“Then we can take this inside.” Roman watched as lightning

streaked across the sky, thunderous booms following. “Come on,
tiger.” Roman helped his mate unravel his legs as Roman stood.
“Let’s get inside.”

Steven followed close behind as Roman led him through the

screen door. His brothers were lounging in the living room, watching
some sports channel.

“Go get those horses into the barn before the storm hits,” Pa

bellowed as he walked into the living room. “And check on Bella.
She’s soft in the croup so she’s close to giving birth.”

Roman watched as his brothers shot out of the house. Pa shook his

head. “I try to go easy on them on Sundays, but with the storm
coming and my baby Bella close…” Pa shook his head again and
tossed his Stetson on his head before heading out the front door. “You
stay here with Steven,” he said to Roman before heading out.

“I didn’t understand a word he just said,” Steven said as he stared

at the front door.

“One of the horses is close to giving birth. It’s the foaling he

explained to you.”

Steven cocked his head and stared up at Roman. “Then why didn’t

he just say that?”

Roman ran his hand over Steven’s hair as he chuckled. “He did.”
Steven’s eyes closed as he leaned into Roman’s touch. Roman

watched in awe. He’d never had anyone react to his touch like that.
He was falling hard for Steven. Just because a shifter found his mate,
it wasn’t instant love. But Roman felt his chest tightening at the look
on his green-eyed beauty’s face.

“Let’s go upstairs.” Roman walked toward the steps, feeling his

heart beat out of control as Steven followed him. He didn’t think he
would ever get enough of Steven’s luscious body. It was pale and
smooth, almost hairless. Steven was a treat to look at and a

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masterpiece to undress. Roman’s anticipation of having his mate once
again was making him practically run up the stairs.

Roman threw his bedroom door open and pulled Steven inside.

His cock was so hard it was painful. He pulled Steven over to the
chair situated in over in the corner and took a seat. “Strip for me,

He didn’t think his shy mate would, although he was hopeful.

Steven didn’t seem too knowledgeable with sex, which was puzzling
to Roman. His mate had just gotten out of a relationship. Shouldn’t he
have more experience?

Roman growled low as Steven kicked his shoes off and then

stripped his socks off. He was slightly disappointed when Steven
began to take his shirt off. So much for a strip show.

His mouth hit his chest when Steven wiggled his ass as he

shimmied his shirt off. He tossed it at Roman as he sashayed around
the room, grabbing the pole on the four-poster bed. Holy fuck, he was
doing it. Roman quickly pulled his boots off, unbuckled his belt, and
then unsnapped his jeans. He slid them off as he watched Steven grab
the pole and rock his hips back and forth.

His cock smacked his stomach as he tossed his jeans aside and

pulled his T-shirt off. Roman palmed his cock as he watched Steven
seductively lower his pants. His mouth watered when Steven bent
over to take his jeans off and his little pink prize winked at him. He
was two seconds away from jumping out of the chair. It took
everything in him to stay seated. Roman didn’t care how clumsy
Steven’s moves were, this was absolutely priceless.

Steven threw one leg up onto the bed and began to hump the

bedpost. He slid up and down as his head fell back, his lips parting as
if he were lost in the erotic dance. Pre-cum slid down the side of his
cock as Roman watched Steven, feeling as though he were in a trance.

Steven bent over and placed his palms on the floor, doing a full

split and then rolled over to present his ass to Roman. “Shit, tiger. Get

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your ass over here.” Roman grabbed the base of his cock just as the
sound of thunder boomed outside.

Steven slowly sashayed back over to him, climbing onto Roman’s

lap with one wicked ass smile on his face. “How’d I do?”

He loved the fire in Steven’s eyes. It told Roman that his mate

was just as turned on as he was. “Perfect, baby.”

Steven blushed as he leaned forward and took Roman’s lips in a

kiss that made him moan and grab his mate around his waist. He
loved when Steven was assertive. Steven jumped from his lap, walked
with a twist to his hips as he grabbed the lube from the drawer and
then climbed back onto Roman’s lap.

Roman watched in utter astonishment as Steven lubed his fingers

and then leaned forward, stretching his own hole. He tightened his
grip on his cock before he lost his load. Never in his life had anyone
held his attention, his complete fascination as Steven did.

Roman sat back, letting Steven have his way as his eyes followed

every move his mate made. He licked his lips as his breath became
ragged. What would Steven do next? He couldn’t wait to find out.

Steven looked up at Roman from under his lashes. His eyes were

seductive, but Roman saw a hint of fear in them. What did his mate
fear? Rejection? There was no way in hell Roman was going to reject
a goddamn thing Steven was doing right now. “Please don’t stop,” he
groaned as Steven ran his lubed hand over Roman’s heavily engorged

The fear left Steven’s eyes as he lifted his bottom, waiting for

Roman to offer his shaft. He nudged it forward and watched with
amazement as Steven slowly impaled himself. Roman’s head fell
back as a loud moan escaped his lips. Steven’s tight anus was driving
him wild.

“Fuck me, tiger,” he begged.
Steven placed his hands on Roman’s chest as he began to bounce

up and down. His mate’s hardened cock was slapping Roman’s and
making his own thicken at the sight.

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“That’s it, baby, ride me.” Roman placed his hands on Steven’s

hips, luxuriating in the feel on his mate’s body taking pleasure from
his. Roman’s hands slid down to cup Steven under his thighs, helping
his mate.

“Jack me off,” Steven cried as his nails dug into Roman’s flesh.

Roman quickly grabbed Steven’s cock and began a frenzied stroke,
feeling the silken skin glide over the hardened shaft. Steven’s started
gasping for air as his face twisted up.

“Roman!” he shouted as ropes of seed shot onto Roman’s chest.

Steven’s sphincter muscle clamped down, milking his cock almost
painfully. Roman’s head fell back as he shouted to the ceiling.
Thunder clapped outside as hard sheets of rain began to hit the roof.

He blinked his eyes, wondering if this was all a dream, because

Steven was too real to be true. There was no way that fate had chosen
someone so delicate, yet, so strong. They locked eyes, both fighting to
breathe as Steven grabbed Roman’s neck and cried out once again.

Roman’s fingers dug into Steven’s hips as his cock began to

swell, his heart racing out of control. He hauled Steven to his chest as
the euphoric wave ebbed. Roman petted Steven’s hair and back,
murmuring love words to his mate.

“I’m cramping up,” Steven grunted.
Roman blew out a breath, trying to steady his heart as he lifted

from the chair with his mate wrapped around his waist and climbed
onto the bed, holding Steven close.

* * * *

Prince Christian watched from the balcony as the shifter made his

way to the back of his club. He’d seen this man here before. If he
wasn’t mistaken, which he rarely was, this shifter’s name was
Dommy, and he was nothing but trouble.

Christian’s eyes followed the shifter as he made his way over to

Christo, his second in command. He wondered what the man was up

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to. Christian knew his cousin, Roman. And knew Roman was a
peaceful man.

He leaned forward slightly as he watched Dommy’s face grow

angry, flailing his arms around animatedly as he spoke to Christo.

Christian sat back, wondering why the bear shifter was conversing

with his second. Christo looked bored as Dommy jabbed his finger at
him. Christian smiled. If Dommy wasn’t careful, his second would
use him as a snack.

He straightened out his silk shirt as yet another female approached

him. “May I be of service to you, prince?”

She was very tempting. Very. Her large breasts and long legs

would tempt any man. The only thing stopping him was the simple
fact that Christian knew who his mate was, both of them, and was
already feeling impatient because he had to hold back from claiming

He knew they needed time, knew what had happened to them.

Soon though, very soon he would no longer be able to stay away from
them. “Maybe some other time, my sweet.” Christian hadn’t gotten to
his age by being impatient. He would soon have his mates.

She pouted but backed away, spinning around and walking back

down the staircase. Christian’s eyes locked once again on the shifter.
He was talking to another vampire now. Christian cleared his mind
and opened himself up, listening in on the conversation.

“I don’t see why you won’t do it. I can pay you,” Dommy said


“Money doesn’t interest me. I have plenty of it. Find me a virgin

male who is pure of heart, and I may consider your offer.” Nija
smirked at the shifter. Christian knew the vampire was asking for a
rare find. Smart move.

“What? Where the fuck am I supposed to find someone like that?”

Dommy shouted.

Nija flashed his fangs, making the shifter back away. “I don’t give

a shit. Until you give me what I want, go fuck yourself.”

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Christian stood, leaning on the rail as he watched Dommy

approach yet another of his young ones. This time he heard the
conversation in its entirety.

“Can you convert a human for me?”
It was an impossible request. The only one who could convert

anyone to a vampire was an elder. Christian would never understand
how vampires of his race could go rogue. It hurt his heart every time
he had to kill one of those bastards.

He ran his hand along the rail as he approached the steps. This

conversation had gone on too long. His young ones were messing
with the shifter’s head now. If he didn’t get Dommy out of his club,
he would leave in pieces. Although it would be a good riddance, he
actually liked Roman. Christian shook his head. Was he getting soft in
his old age? Although he looked quite young, he felt old for his two
thousand years.

“What should I do with him?” Christo asked as he appeared next

to Christian.

Christian stepped around Christo, walking through the bodies

writhing on the dance floor as he neared the shifter. He walked
slowly, his eyes locked onto his prey. Dommy was making an ass of
himself, going from one young one to another, trying his best to
solicit help from whoever would listen.

“Is there a problem here?” Christian asked as he walked around


The shifter’s eyes widened as he shook his head, backing away.

“No, Prince Christian. I was enjoying your club.”

He hated liars. Christian slid his hands into his slacks, eyeing

Dommy with malice. “As long as you behave.” Christian said it as a
warning, making sure the shifter understood him.

Dommy’s eyes turned cold as he shrugged and backed away.

“There’s no problem here.”

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Christian smiled at the shifter, making sure his fangs were bared.

“I never said there was.” So the man had a guilty conscious. He didn’t
know who Dommy was plotting against, but he wasn’t going to allow
anyone in his coven to be a pawn.

Christian sent out a mental message to his coven, warning them

not to have any dealings with this bear shifter. The crowd moved
away from Dommy, all turning their backs on him.

“I think your time here has ended.”
Dommy scowled as he pushed his way through the crowd,

slamming the front door open as he stormed off into the night.

Christian ran his tongue over his sharp fangs, wondering if maybe

he shouldn’t have dealt with the shifter and rid the world of another
bad seed.

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Chapter Seven

“What the fuck is going on, Dommy?” Roman shouted at his

cousin, his voice echoing in the empty bike shop. He was pissed
beyond belief. Family was supposed to have each other’s back, not
fuck them over.

“I don’t know what the hell that freak ass vampire told you. I was

there to find a hookup, not that it’s any of your business.”

Roman raked his hands through his hair. How’d he end up with

such a shit for a cousin? He was tired of cleaning up his messes. This
had to stop. It was getting old, fast. He had gone too far this time.
Involving the prince? Was Dommy out of his mind?

“Why would he lie?” Maverick asked as he walked around the

circumference of the shop. “Who were you plotting against?”

Roman crossed his arms over his chest, waiting to hear the lie his

cousin was sure to tell. The Alpha had brought three shifters with
him, and they weren’t looking very friendly.

Roman knew the Alpha could have come alone. He was more than

capable of handling this situation. Bringing muscle told Roman how
serious this was. Roman feared that this was one mess he wouldn’t be
able to bail Dommy out of and maybe it was time he let Dommy clean
up his own mess, running to the city every time his cousin called for
help was wearing on him.

“I told you, I was looking for a hookup at the club.”
Roman could see the sweat starting to trickle down Dommy’s

face. He felt bad for him, but his cousin had gotten into this mess, just
one more in a long line of messes. There was nothing he could do
about it, not if he wanted to stay in Brac Village. Roman had to think

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of his mate. Steven needed a pack and Roman’s family to protect him.
He couldn’t risk angering the Alpha.

The three shifters moved closer to Dommy as his cousin stood

there standing proud. Too bad it wasn’t for something good. Roman
knew this wasn’t going to end well. “If I have to ask once more, you
won’t like the consequences.” Maverick’s voice brooked no
argument, it was low and menacing.

“Are you just going to stand there, Roman?” Dommy asked him

with fear in his eyes. His cousin finally understood the situation.
Roman had seen that fear before, when Dommy knew he had gone too

He shook his head. “I’m sorry, cuz, but I have a mate to look


Dommy’s face twisted as he shouted, “You’re choosing a whore

over me?”

Roman was across the room in mere seconds, grabbing his cousin

by his shirt and lifting him off of his feet. “I warned you not to call
him that,” he snarled.

Dommy kicked out, trying to nail Roman in the nuts. Roman

swung his body around, throwing his cousin across the room. Dommy
quickly got to his feet, running at Roman, his body bent, ready to
knock Roman off of his feet.

Roman spun, bringing his elbow down between Dommy’s

shoulder blades, knocking him to the floor. “Cut it out,” he shouted.
“You’re only making this worse.”

“Fuck you, traitor.” Dommy got back to his feet, throwing a

punch that missed Roman by a hair. Roman punched Dommy in his
solar plexus, knocking the air from his cousin’s lungs in a whoosh. He
grabbed his jaw, bringing his face mere inches from Dommy’s. “You
better stop this shit now.”

Roman let him go, turning to face the Alpha. Maverick moved

quicker than the speed of sound, knocking Dommy into the wall and
grabbing the silver knife from his clenched hand. The Alpha threw it

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to one of the shifters standing by. “You are no longer welcome here.
Get your shit and be gone within the hour or a hunt will be called
down on your head.”

Dommy’s eyes were full of such hatred. Roman wondered why he

had never seen it before. He watched his cousin bend over and grab
his tool belt, snatching it from the ground as he brushed past Roman,
knocking into his shoulder as he walked out.

“Roman.” Maverick turned to look at him.
“No. He did this to himself.” Roman placed his hands on his hips,

wondering where Dommy had gone wrong. He had loving parents
who raised him. Hell if he could figure out how the guy turned out to
be such a bad seed.

“Warn your family. I’m sorry, but I don’t trust him.”
Roman nodded, walking out of the building to go check on his

mate next door. He spotted Steven sitting in a chair next to the new
desk that had arrived, smiling as he helped Taylor. His anger
immediately drained. Steven was worth anything he had to go
through. His mate was kind, loving, with a compassionate heart.

“Hey, tiger,” he said softly as he kissed the top of Steven’s head.

“How’s everything going over here?”

“Good. We helped someone set up financing today with Mark’s

Garage.” Steven beamed proudly at him. “Okay, Taylor helped set it
up, I just answered the phone.”

“But you did it so professionally.” Blair, one of the mates,


Roman ran his hand over Steven’s head, leaning down to lay his

lips on the jet-black hair. He rested them there a moment before
kissing him again.

“Is everything okay?” Steven looked up and over his shoulder at


“It is now.” Roman tapped Steven on his nose before walking

back outside. He pulled his cell out, calling the house to warn them
about Dommy.

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“How did Dommy turn out to be such a shit,” Olsen said from his

end. “But don’t worry, you two are safe here. No one will get past

Roman wasn’t worried about him. He wanted to make sure

Dommy didn’t get near Steven. He had a feeling he knew who his
cousin was plotting against. It angered him to no end that his cousin
may be plotting against Steven. Who else did he have on his radar? It
seemed he had a hard-on for his mate since spotting him.

“Come on, tiger. Let’s go home.” Roman stepped aside as Steven

stood from his chair. He wrapped an arm around his mate’s shoulder
as they said good night to Blair and Taylor. It was a nice evening out
and would have been perfect for a drive if he wasn’t worried that his
asshole cousin would pull some shit.

Roman made sure Steven was secure before pulling away from

the resource center. He drove them home, parking his truck next to
the others and cut the motor. “We need to talk.”

Steven unbuckled his belt and turned around. “Okay.”
Roman let out a slow sigh. “Dommy was banned from town.”
“What? Why?”
Roman smiled. Even though Dommy meant Steven harm, he was

still concerned. “He attacked me and tried to kill me with a silver

Steven’s face paled as he stared at Roman. Tears glistened in his

eyes as he leapt across the console and held Roman tightly.

“I’m okay, tiger.” He rubbed his hands over Steven’s back. “Let’s

get you inside. I just wanted you to know so you could watch your

Steven nodded as he released Roman, wiping at his eyes. “I will.

He wasn’t very nice when he hung around David. He always acted
like David was his boyfriend instead.”

Roman hesitated, wondering if he should ask. “Did David ever

share you? Pass you around?”

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Steven’s head hung as he worried his hands in his lap. Roman’s

heart stopped beating, waiting for his mate to answer him.

“He tried to.” Steven spoke softly. “We argued about it. He said if

I loved him I would participate. I refused. That’s not something I
want to try.” Steven looked up at Roman, pleading with his eyes for
Roman to understand. He got the message.

“Just so you know, tiger. I don’t share. Never have, and never

will.” He chucked a knuckle under Steven’s chin before squeezing his
hand. “Let’s get inside.”

Roman exited the truck, Chauncey riding up next to them on one

of the ranch horses. “I hear I may get to kick some ass,” he grunted,
making the horse back up a little.

“You heard correctly,” Roman said as Steven joined him at his

side. Roman snaked his arm around his mate’s waist, pulling him

“I saddled a horse if you want to take your mate for a ride.”

Chauncey winked as he turned the horse to walk back toward the

“Would you like that?” Roman looked down at Steven.
“I’ve never been on one.”
“Then we’re about to change that.” Roman led Steven toward the

corral. A beautiful quarter horse was saddled and waiting. Roman
grabbed the headstall, giving the horse a rub before grabbing the horn
and swinging his leg over. He held his hand out for Steven, his mate
looking at him warily before placing his hand into Roman’s and
allowing himself to be swung up into the saddle to sit in front of

He grabbed the reins, guiding the horse behind Chauncey. It had

been awhile since he had ridden, but it still felt the same, like
freedom. The only thing that topped this was when he was in his bear
form, running through the forest.

“Are you sure this is safe?” Steven asked as he sat stiffly in

Roman’s arms.

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Roman chuckled, kissing Steven’s temple. “It is.”
They road for about an hour before returning the horse to the barn.

Roman thanked Chauncey and then took his mate inside.

Steven ran upstairs to take a shower as Roman walked into the

kitchen. Pa was in there sitting at the table, reading a book as he
sipped on a cup of coffee.

“I hear we have problems,” Pa said as he sat his book aside.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” Roman grabbed a mug and poured a cup

of the brew. He sat at the table, staring into the black liquid.

“You mean nothing we can’t handle,” Pa corrected him. “Since

when is Dommy just your problem, cub?”

“I’m not trying to get the family invol—” Roman stopped

midsentence when Steven shouted from upstairs. He took off, Pa
following close behind. He met two of his brothers on the steps as he
raced upstairs.

Steven was standing in the middle of the room partially naked,

having only his jeans on and pointing toward the bathroom with a
shaky finger and wide eyes. Roman carefully approached the
bathroom, taking measured steps as he peeked past the door.

When he didn’t see anything, he looked back over his shoulder at


“S–spider.” Steven soured his face as his whole body spasmed. “I

hate those things.”

Olson and Bryce snickered as Pa chuckled. Roman crossed the

room and smacked Steven on his bottom. “You scared the hell out of

“You? Think of how I felt when that thing tried to attack me.”

Steven shuddered again. “Did you kill it?”

Roman rolled his eyes and walked back into the bathroom,

spotting a teeny-tiny spider sitting in the tub. He scooped it up on is
hand and took it into the bedroom, opening a window before tossing it
out. “All gone.”

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“My hero.” Steven batted his eyelashes before disappearing into

the bathroom. Roman stood by the window, staring at the bathroom
door for a moment. Oh yeah, he liked when his mate let his true self
come out.

“We’ll leave you boys be.” Pa ushered Olsen and Bryce out.
Roman locked the door, stripping down before opening the

bathroom door. His mate was already in the shower. He pulled the
curtain aside, standing there breathless as he stared at a wet Steven.
His hair was clinging to his skin, fanned out over his shoulders. Water
droplets clung to his eyelashes as he turned to stare up at Roman.

Roman stepped into the shower, lifting Steven up by his waist as

his mate wrapped his legs around him. Roman dipped his head,
drinking the water from his mate’s neck, licking a path up to meet
Steven’s lips.

Steven opened for him, his fingers tracing Roman’s jaw as he

panted into Roman’s mouth. His mate’s head fell back as Roman’s
mouth explored his tantalizing skin. Their cocks kissed as Roman
indulged in the intoxicating taste of Steven’s flesh.

Steven’s hands fisted Roman’s hair, pulling their mouths together

as he lapped at his mate’s lips, probing further until his mate opened
his mouth, allowing Roman’s tongue to sweep into his warm and
sweet mouth, tasting life.

Steven’s body began to move in a seductive rhythm, tempting any

restraint Roman may have had. His fingers traced Steven’s spine until
he touched his mate’s starburst, sliding a finger in as Steven

Another finger joined the first, causing Roman to shudder at the

tight grip. Steven owned him, heart and soul, his mate owned him.
Roman removed his fingers, lining his cock up as he sank into the
softest flesh he had ever touched.

Steven wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck, impaling his

body on Roman’s shaft. “That’s it, baby, take from me.” Roman
turned, pressing his back into the shower wall as his canines

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descended. The water fell on them, trailing down Steven’s back as
Roman took him.

Steven opened his eyes, the green shimmering in the low light as

he arched his back and cried out, hot semen bathing them. Roman lost
himself to his mate in that moment, swearing to always keep him safe
as his seed surged inside his mate’s hot channel. Roman’s head hit the
shower stall, his eyes closing as his breath became ragged. Steven laid
his head on Roman’s chest, breathing heavily.

Roman turned them, allowing the shower to wash away the seed

that Steven had painted them with. He grabbed a sponge, washing his
mate the best he could. Finally he set Steven on his feet. They got out,
towel drying one another before heading into the bedroom.

* * * *

Steven stared at his cell phone. It was the one luxury he allowed

himself to have. And thank goodness he had. It had helped him
escaped the life he no longer wanted to be a part of. The only
downside to having it was that people he no longer wished to talk to
still had the phone number.

Steven’s heart started pounding when David’s number displayed.
He hit the silence button, wondering why, after two weeks of

nothing, his ex was calling him now. Steven looked around, paranoid
that David could somehow see him. Roman was out at Maverick’s,
starting the project of building the cottages.

“What’s wrong?” Taylor asked.
Steven heard the beep indicating he had a text message. He wasn’t

sure what he should do. Sliding the phone to his lap, he opened the

Call me. I’m sorry. Can we work this out?

Steven snorted as another message came in. Curious, he opened it.

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I love you.

Steven’s jaw clenched. David had never told him he loved him

before, why now? It angered him that his ex would stoop to this in
order to try and get him back. It was over. Why couldn’t David take
the hint and move on?

He wasn’t going to lie to himself. There were feelings he had to

work through. He wasn’t with David for four years without
developing some kind of feelings for the guy. They just weren’t
healthy for him.

David wasn’t healthy for him.
He had told himself that he was over the jerk, that he hadn’t loved

him for the past year, but something lingered, and Steven needed to
work that out.

“Nothing,” Steven said to Taylor as he slipped the phone into his

pocket. He walked out of the resource center, stopping just outside the
door. It hurt. It hurt a lot when David started treating him like the
scum under his shoe. It hadn’t always been like that. David hadn’t
always been like that. Steven looked around feeling lost.

He palmed his phone, hitting Roman’s speed dial number. He

listened to it ring as he pressed his back to the building and slid down,
pulling his knees to his chest.

“Hey, tiger.” Roman’s deep, rich voice came over the phone.

Steven closed his eyes, wishing his mate was standing in front of him
instead of just talking to him over the phone.

“Hi.” Steven laid his forehead into the palm of his hand. He could

feel tears prickle the back of his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Steven?” Roman asked with alarm in his voice.
“David texted me.” Steven was so confused. Just because he ran

from him, it didn’t mean his feelings for the man had immediately just
stopped. He’d never go back to David. Steven just needed to hear the
voice of the man that he knew loved him.

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“And what did he say?” Roman asked hesitantly.
“That he missed and loved me.” Steven bounced his head on the

wall behind him. Sure, it was easy to say to hell with David and move
on, but in reality, in the real world, feelings never worked the way
you wanted them to.

“Did you answer him?”
Steven could hear the pain in Roman’s voice. He wanted to take

that away, but he wasn’t going to hide anything from Roman, even if
it was painful. He knew it would hurt worse if he didn’t tell Roman
about it and his mate discovered the texts.

“Do you want me to come get you?”
“No,” he lied. He wanted to feel Roman’s arms around him more

than anything right now but he wasn’t going to ask him to leave work
just because he was dealing with conflicting feelings right now.
Steven knew it would pass. It had just been a shock to see those words
on his phone. “I just needed to hear your voice.”

“You know I love you, tiger, right?”
Steven grabbed his shirt, wiping at the tears as he sniffed and

nodded. “Yes. I love you, too.” The tears felt hot as they continued to
fall, making him feel as though he was drowning. Why did David
have to text him? His life was going so well. The bastard always
found a way to screw things up. He knew where Steven was most
vulnerable and used it to his advantage.

Steven was finally feeling free, and his head was finally clearing,
“Why do you love me? Is it because we’re mates?” Steven asked

as he laid his forehead on his knee and ran his hand back and forth
over his head. He walked away from what was hurting, only for it to
find him.

“That’s part of it, but not all of it,” Roman said softly. “You make

me smile, laugh, and I want to be a better man for you. The rest of my
life was meant to be spent with you. I look at you, Steven, and know I

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couldn’t take another breath if I ever lost you. I don’t want to hurt
you. I want to restore you.”

A sob broke from Steven’s throat. How did he end up with

someone like Roman? He didn’t deserve him, didn’t deserve the love
Roman so freely gave.

“I know it hurts, tiger. I wish I could heal you, but all I can offer is

my love.”

Steven’s head snapped up when Roman knelt in front of him,

caressing his hair and then kneading the back of his neck. Steven
dropped his phone and scrambled into his mate’s arms, clinging to
him so tightly, his nails dug into Roman’s back.

“You are healing me, just by loving me.” Steven noticed Roman’s

truck parked in front of the resource center and wondered how he
hadn’t heard it.

Roman kissed his head as he ran his hands over Steven’s back. “I

know you still have some feeling for him. It hurts, but I accept that.
You’re human and need time.”

Steven felt like he was betraying their bond by feeling this way.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, tiger. If you walked away with nothing but hatred in

your heart, there would be no chance for us.”

Steven wiped his eyes, pulling back slightly to look up at Roman.

“That doesn’t make sense.”

Roman swiped at Steven’s tears with his thumbs. “It means you

have a big heart, capable of loving unconditionally. You’ll mend, give
it time.” Roman leaned down and kissed Steven. It was the softest and
most tender kiss Steven had ever had.

“I don’t want to go back.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Roman stood, pulling Steven up with him

as he grabbed Steven’s phone from the ground. He walked over to his
truck and opened the passenger door, setting Steven on the seat. “I
wouldn’t give you up without a fight.” He brushed the hair that blew
in Steven’s face, and then inserted his body between Steven’s legs.

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He ran his hands over Roman’s chest, staring up into those

amazing grey eyes. “I love you.”

Roman dipped his head and sipped at Steven’s lips. “I love you,

too, tiger.” Steven looked past Roman at the clouds drifting by,
wondering if his life will ever make sense. He knew his mate made
him happy, the happiest he had ever been. There was no way he
would ever give that up. Not for David, not for his insecurities, and
not for anything else in the world.

“I have to get back. Do you want to come with me?” Roman

asked as he held Steven tight in his arms.

“You wouldn’t mind?”
Roman leaned back, looking down at Steven with all the love he

felt shining in his eyes. “You’re always welcome wherever I am.
Packs support mated couples and would do anything for them,” he
said quietly.

Steven turned in the seat, buckling himself in and feeling like a

true idiot. How could he ever be confused about Roman?

“There are a lot of people who live there. You may feel

overwhelmed,” Roman warned as he started the truck. “Just keep in
mind that they are a nice pack. None of them would do anything to
make you uncomfortable.”

“Except Cecil. From my understanding, don’t agree to anything he

may plan.”

Steven thought that odd advice but nodded anyway. Who was

Cecil, and why did he have to steer clear of him?

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Chapter Eight

Steven sat stiffly on the couch as an elf shimmered into the room

and took a seat next to him. He was not going to faint, he was not
going to faint.

“I’m Carter.” The elf stuck his hand out as he smiled at Steven.
Steven shoved his arm at the creature, praying he got it back in

one piece. Roman said everyone here was nice. He had to keep that in
mind or he was going to run screaming from the room.

“You look like I’m about to feast on your entrails.” Carter laughed

manically as he rubbed his hands together. Either this elf was joking,
or Roman had a shitty ass way of getting rid of him.

Steven’s eyes darted around, seeing no one around who might

help him. If anyone would. What the hell had his mate gotten him

“I’m fine,” he squeaked as he scooted a few inches away from the


“Chill, I haven’t snacked on a human in a very long time.” Carter

smacked his lips as he leaned in closer. Steven just knew he was
going to faint. There was no two ways about it.

“Leave him alone.” Another man walked into the room, laughing

as he situated himself between Steven and Carter. “I’m Josh.”

Steven blinked up at the man with fangs. Oh, shit. This wasn’t

happening. Where was Roman? This could not be happening. Where
in the hell had Taylor brought him? What kind of town was this?

“Carter likes to mess with people,” Josh said as he leaned forward

and grabbed the remote. Steven made sure he didn’t make any sudden

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moves. There was no way he was spooking an elf and a vampire. His
heart beat a thousand miles a minute, and he prayed the vampire
couldn’t scent the blood running through his veins. It was chicken
blood because he was scared shitless, but it was blood nonetheless.

“We have video games, or we can shoot pool, or I can take you to

go raid the fridge,” Josh offered. Steven was not going off anywhere
with a vampire. He’d seen the movies, no fucking way.

“I think you’re scaring him.” Carter leaned around Josh and

looked Steven up and down. “Yep, he’s paler than you.”

Josh turned his head, his eyes raking over Steven. “Nah, I think he

was already pale.”

Steven was going to faint. He could feel it. He swallowed, staring

straight ahead and refusing to make eye contact. Couldn’t vampires
hypnotize you if they looked into your eyes?

Just then, Curtis walked in. Steven remembered him from before.

Was he even human? He sat down on the other side of Steven,
making him scoot closer to the vampire. This was so not good.

“I remember you, Steven, right?”
Steven nodded, wondering if he was ever going to get off of this

ride. It was like being in a funhouse, but instead of ghouls and
goblins, there were elves and vampires. He wanted out of this

“I think I need to go find Roman.” Steven jumped up, hurrying

out of the den and through the mansion. He wasn’t sure where he was
going. All he knew was that he had to put distance between him and
those men.

“Are you lost?”
Steven spun around to see a man with blond curls to his shoulders.

Was he human? “I’m trying to find Roman.” His voice cracked,
sounding desperate as hell.

“I don’t know who Roman is, but if you tell me, I can try to help.

I’m Johnny.” The man stuck his hand out.

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Steven eyed it for a moment before shaking hands. “Steven.

Roman is one of the men building the new cottages.”

“Oh, okay. Follow me.” Johnny led him down a hallway and then

into a kitchen. He crossed the room and then opened the back door.
“He’s out there.”

Steven stepped through the door, relief flooding him as he spotted

Roman. Instead of disturbing his mate while he worked, Steven opted
to sit on one of the picnic tables. There was a flurry in the backyard as
someone in a Bobcat cleared the areas where the cottages were going
to be built. A truck pulled into the backyard with the words “lumber
supply” on the side.

Steven watched in awe as supplies were delivered. He hadn’t

noticed anyone sitting on the table next to him. He was too busy
watching Roman’s muscles flex as his T-shirt became wet with
perspiration. Damn was he hot. Figuratively speaking.

“I’m Heaven.” The man smiled at him.
“Steven.” He glanced up to see a very handsome and…pregnant

man sitting next to him. What the hell? He couldn’t help it. Steven
openly stared at the swollen belly. There was no way he was fat. The
rest of his body was very slim. How can a man be pregnant? Steven
felt the edges of his vision blur as he tried his best not to pass out.

“It’s a long story.” Heaven sighed as he watched the workers.
Steven nodded, not really sure he even wanted to know. Things

were very strange around this place. He felt like he had swallowed the
red pill and now he found he was in a strange world, maybe not the
Matrix, but just as bizarre. Things were never what they seemed.

“One of those cottages is mine,” Heaven said as he leaned back

and rubbed his hips. Steven watched the motion, praying that this man
wasn’t going to give birth right here on the picnic table.

“Uh, are you okay?” He scooted over an inch.
Heaven laughed as he sat back. “I’m fine. I seem to be carrying

this one in my hips. It hurts like hell.”

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Maybe he should just go home to the bears. That seemed the

sanest place to be right now. Steven knew for a fact there were only
bears at the Lakelands’. He wasn’t so sure about this place. Steven
spotted Johnny following a few of the workers around, jabbering
away. “Excuse me.” Steven quickly walked toward the one person
who seemed to be human around this place.

“Hey, Johnny,” Steven called out.
Johnny glanced over at him and smiled. “What’s up, Steven?”
Steven sidestepped a man carrying large bags in his hands before

joining Johnny at his side. “Can anyone here give me a ride home?”
He didn’t want to disturb Roman. He’d already pulled his mate away
once today.

“Sure. Let me go find someone for you.” Johnny ran across the

yard, disappearing into the house. Steven wanted to follow, but he
didn’t want to run into any more bizarre people in there.

Steven noticed a few of the workers stealing glances at him. He

shrugged it off. Most of his life men came onto him. David had told
him on more than one occasion how gorgeous he was.

Steven never thought so, but the looks he had always gotten

begged to differ. He wasn’t a shallow man and could care less what
he looked like. It was how he was treated that mattered to him. Steven
tucked some black strands of hair behind his ear as he waited for
Johnny to return.

Roman must have hired some extra men because he didn’t

recognize some of them from the crew his mate used on the bike shop
and shelter. He jumped when a set of hands slid around his hips.
“Hey, tiger.” Roman nipped his ear.

“Hi.” He laid his hands on Roman’s chest as he looked around.

“I’ve never seen a house built from scratch before.”

“It takes a lot, but we should have the first one built in two weeks

with all the help here.” Roman’s fingers twined with Steven’s.

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“Actually, I asked Johnny to find me a ride home if you don’t

mind. I’d rather be around your family. I met a vampire, someone
who just appeared right in front of me, and a pregnant man. I’d rather
go home where it’s a little saner.”

Roman grunted in his ear. “I’ll take you.” He released Steven as

he pulled him toward the side of the house.

Steven pulled his hand away. “No. I’ve already made you leave

once. I can manage. You have a job to run.” He noticed one of the
workers watching them but averted his eyes when the worker saw
Steven looking at him. “I think you should stay.”

Just then Johnny walked through the backyard with a very large

man. He smiled at Roman and Steven. “This is my mate, Hawk. He
said he would take you home.”

Steven saw Roman assessing Hawk. They did the man-stare thing,

and then Roman nodded. “He’s my mate.” Roman made it perfectly
clear to Hawk.

“And Johnny is mine.” Hawk smiled at Steven and then headed

for the parking lot.

“Are you sure he’s safe?” Steven whispered to Roman.
Both Johnny and Roman chuckled. “He’s mated,” Roman stated

as he placed his hands on Steven’s hips. “He has no interest in anyone
but Johnny.”

Steven felt much better when Johnny informed him that he would

be riding with them. Roman walked them to Hawk’s truck. Steven
glanced behind them as he walked, seeing the worker still staring at
him. He quickly turned his head and looked at where he was going.

Roman pulled Steven close for a kiss before releasing him. Steven

licked his bottom lip as Roman smiled down at him. “There’s more
where that came from when I finish up here. See you at home.”
Roman patted his ass before walking backwards. “See you at home,
tiger,” Roman repeated as he winked at him and then turned around,
walking away.

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“That was hot.” Johnny giggled as he waited for Steven to crawl

into the backseat of the cab. He felt his face heat as he climbed in.

“Get in, pretty baby.” Hawk chuckled from the driver’s side. “I’ll

show you what hot is as soon as we get back home.”

Now it was Johnny’s turn to have his cheeks pinked. “Can you do

that thing where you—”

“Johnny,” Hawk warned as he smiled. “No telling our business.”
Steven sat in the back with a smile. It wasn’t too often he had seen

partners this comfortable with each other. Where he was from, the
couples he had been exposed to argued a lot, mostly over money or
cheating. It was a real shit-glamour life. Even though these people
weren’t human—he wasn’t sure about this particular couple—they
seemed to have a sense of wanting things to work, not jumping down
each other’s throat at the first sign of discord.

They seemed genuinely content with each other, like best friends.
Steven got out of the truck when they dropped him off, waving at

the couple as he walked up to the house. Chauncey and Chance were
hanging around the porch. “Do you guys ever work?” Every time he
saw them, they were either watching television or getting into some
kind of trouble.

“Working right now, pipsqueak,” Chauncey teased. “Working on

doing not a damn thing.” He slapped his thigh as he laughed.

Steven shook his head as he sat on the swing. He liked the

Lakelands. They were really nice people. He had witnessed so much
acceptance and togetherness on the farm and in this community, that
it made him question the people he had surrounded himself with back
in the city.

It was like night and day.
“Seriously, though. Chauncey pissed Pa off, so he told us to get

away from him before he was minus a son,” Chance answered from
beside him.

“Then why did he make you leave?”

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Chance glared at Chauncey. “Because we’re twins. Every time he

looked at me, he said I reminded him of shit-for-brains over there.”
Chance pointed to his twin, who was perched on the rail. He was
surprised it didn’t give under the large bear’s weight.

Again it amazed him how large the Lakeland men were. Their

mother probably needed a set of tongs and a hammer to deliver them.

Steven laughed as he flopped down next to Chance. “There’s

nothing to do. Roman doesn’t want me working with him because of
Dommy. He’s afraid he won’t be able to keep a close eye on me, and
they closed the resource center to do some final touches on it.” Steven
tucked a few stray hairs behind his ear as he leaned forward and
rested his elbows on his knees. “Any suggestions?”

“Wrong question,” Chance warned as Chauncey whooped.
“I wanted to go into town. Ya see, there’s this hot little number

I’ve been after for a while. I was thinking you could lure him in and

“Whoa.” Steven held his hands in front of him. “I’m not luring


Chauncey threw his head back and laughed, slapping his knee. “I

had you going, didn’t I?”

“I told you wrong question.” Chance chuckled. “Never give him

enough rope. He’ll hang you with his crazy ideas.”

“Then you decide what we can do around here,” Steven said to the

twin sitting on the swing with him. These two may be twins, but
Chance was different. They both had a great sense of humor, but this
twin was more subtle about it. He wasn’t loud and outgoing like
Chauncey was, but still, he was always in league with his brother.
When you saw one, you saw his mirror image right behind him.

Steven wondered about their mate. Would they have the same

one? Did twins share in that aspect? He hoped not. The poor guy
would probably run away as fast as he could, screaming at the top of
his lungs if he had to deal with both of them as mates. It would be

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funny to see though. These two would probably fall all over
themselves to please the guy. He could just tell.

“Pa wants us to take the truck in for service at Mark’s Garage,”

Chance said as he stood and stretched. “Guess we could get that out
of the way.”

Steven joined the two brothers on their ride into town. They

dropped the truck off and then did a little shopping. They ordered feed
at the local grocery store for the animals back on the farm. Steven
walked between the two, looking at the town as they strolled along.

Steven suddenly found himself being lifted from the ground,

someone grabbing him from behind. He squealed as he fought to get
free. Why the hell were Chauncey and Chance just standing there?

His question was soon answered when he heard the familiar

laughter in his ear. “Calm down, sweetheart.”

“Damn it, Roman. You almost gave me a heart attack.” Steven

kicked his leg back, giving his mate a good swift one in his knee. The
twins stood there roaring with laughter as Roman grunted and set
Steven on his feet, rubbing his bruised skin.

Roman grabbed Steven’s hand and kissed the back of his

knuckles. “What are you guys up to?”

“We’re just hanging out until Mark’s done with our truck,”

Chance informed Roman as Steven pressed into his mate’s side.
Steven gloried in having his strong mate standing next to him. It
seemed that every time he was in Roman’s presence, he felt at ease,

Roman tugged on Steven’s hand, pulling closer to whisper in his

ear. “I wanted to take you to dinner. I don’t like you cooking for
everyone each night.”

Steven liked it. It gave him a sense of purpose, and he thoroughly

enjoyed using his skills in the kitchen. He gave a hesitant nod as he
followed Roman.

“We’re hungry, too.” The twins complained as they tagged along.

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They entered the diner and took a seat at one of the booths. Steven

scooted into the booth as Roman sat on his side. Roman didn’t argue
with his brothers. He seemed happy that they were with him.

They ordered their food as Chauncey and Chance began chatting


Steven sat there and listened to them talk about how Bella gave

birth this morning and that the new foal was named Mimbsy. “Why
didn’t you tell me?” Steven asked as the waiter brought their food. He
bit into his fried chicken and then licked his fingers. Man, this was
some really good food.

Steven sat there and listened to the twins tell tales of growing up

and the pranks they used to play on Roman.

“Used to?” Roman snorted. “When did it become past tense?”
Steven laughed as he excused himself to go the bathroom. Before

he had a chance to get a foot near the urinal, he was shoved hard into
the wall. “Someone wants you back.”

The foul breath wisped across his face, stinging his nostrils.

Steven tried to turn his head, to see who it was. The voice was
unfamiliar to him. The attacker pinned his hands behind his back,
making his face smash into the bathroom wall as the attacker pressed
his face into the side of Steven’s.

“Tell David to go to hell.” Steven struggled, but the sweaty hands

had him firmly in their grasp. Steven kept his head down, fighting to
breathe normally. The rancid breath was making him gag.

“It’s not David,” the man sang in a taunting and maniacal voice. If

it wasn’t David who wanted him back, then who would be doing this?
The thumping in his heart got louder as pain shot through his arm, the
attacker twisting it higher. “You’re going to walk out of here quietly
and come with me.”

Steven tried once again to regain his freedom. He twisted his

arms, only to bring more pain to his already strained limbs. “If you
hadn’t noticed, I came here with three very large men.”

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The man snarled and snapped at Steven’s face, his decaying

breath making bile rise in the back of Steven’s throat. He panted
heavily as he planted his feet onto the wall and tried to use his body
weight to shove but the man seemed to be one step ahead. He
slammed Steven back into the wall.

Steven heard the bathroom door open, a loud intake of breath, and

then the door opened again. Whoever it was wasn’t getting involved.
He just hoped they alerted someone, anyone, of what was taking place
in the men’s room.

“Who are you?” Steven was going for stall tactics. If he kept the

guy talking, Roman would notice he was taking too long and come in
here. Then again, if the guy tried to take him out of the diner, the
Lakeland brothers would stop them.

“Shut up.” The man yanked Steven’s arm up higher, making him

cry out in pain. “I ask the questions, give the orders.”

“Like hell.”
Steven let out a relieved breath when he heard the deep timbre of

Roman’s voice. He tried to yank his arms free, but instead, got a knife
pressed to his throat. So this was how the man was going to get him
out of here.

“Back off, bear.” Steven could hear the uncertainty in the

stranger’s voice. The realization that he had three angry bears
blocking the doorway. Roman looked angry enough to tear the man to
pieces without a second thought. Chauncey and Chance looked just as

“Let him go,” Roman demanded as he took a step closer.
“We’re walking out of here, and there’s nothing you can do to

stop me.”

Steven gulped when he felt the blade tightened at his throat. He

felt something warm trickle down his neck at the same time Roman’s
eyes widened with fear. “It’s a pity you’re making me waste even a

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“What the hell are you rattling about?” Chauncey asked with a

clenched jaw. Steven had never seen the playful bear this angry. As a
matter of fact, he’d never seen him angry before this. It was a
sobering sight to see not only his mate, but all three men looking at
his attacker like he was about to meet death.

“I just want out of here.” The stranger yanked Steven’s hair, his

grubby fingers digging into Steven’s scalp. “I only want the mated
human. I have no beef with you guys.”

“Are you fucking serious, dumbass?” Chauncey bellowed. “You

have my brother-in-law at knifepoint. Do you really think we’re going
to just let you walk out of here with him?”

Steven watched Roman. His mate wasn’t saying anything. His

look was calculating, though. As if he were working the scenario out
in his mind and trying to come up with the best possible way to get
Steven out of this situation.

The opportunity came when the man took the knife from Steven’s

throat and pointed it at Chauncey. “You better.”

“Down,” Roman shouted, and Steven dropped to the floor. He

screamed when he hit the floor, his hair still tangled in the man’s tight
grip. His whole body jerked back when Roman attacked and knocked
the man back into the wall.

“My hair!” Steven grabbed the strands that were being pulled

from his scalp. He held onto the base, trying to stop the searing pain.
Chauncey was at his side in seconds, biting the man’s hand as the
pressure was released. The stranger had let his hair go. Chance pulled
him from the floor as Chauncey stood and helped Roman take the
bastard down.

Steven stood there shaking as he got his first look at the man who

had threatened him at knifepoint. He was shocked when he saw it was
the man from Maverick’s, the worker who kept watching him from

“Why?” Steven shouted as he rubbed his scalp with one hand and

laid the other over the stinging in his neck.

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“Why else?” the man spat from the floor.
“What’s he talking about, Steven?” Roman asked as he hauled the

guy to his feet, Chauncey laying a large hand on the attacker’s

“He’s talking about David.” Steven felt his inside shaking apart.

He had held the secret for so long that it felt like a weight was being
lifted from his shoulder as the words poured from him.

“Shut the hell up!” the man growled. “You better not or you’re


Steven watched as Roman swung around and slammed the man

into the wall. “Talk to him again and you’ll go through the wall next

“I’m dead anyway.” Steven let the angry words out. “If you know

David, then you know I’m speaking the truth. Whether I tell or not,
I’m a walking dead man.”

“Lies. He lies,” the man shouted, only to be shoved into the wall


“Shut the fuck up, asshole,” Chauncey grunted. “The only one

lying around here is your sorry ass.”

“Talk to me, babe,” Roman coaxed him with a gentle voice.

“What’s going on?”

Steven rubbed his arms as he looked at the man being pinned to

the wall and then at each man in the room, his eyes settling on his
mate. “I’m not only running from David because he hit me.”

“Tell me.”
“He’s a dealer of Liquid Wrath, and apparently I’m at the top of

his hit list now.”

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Chapter Nine

Maverick gathered his Sentries and Detective Lewis Keating into

the library as the Lakeland brothers and Roman’s mate, Steven, joined
them. Roman had called him asking for a meeting over something
very important.

The Alpha had agreed. All of his warriors were sitting there

waiting to find out what this was about. And so was Maverick.

He could see how nervous Steven was. The human stayed close to

his mate’s side as he sat forward onto the edge of the couch. He took
a deep breath and then began.

“My name is Steven Barlett.” He introduced himself to the room.

“I’m Roman Lakeland’s mate.”

Maverick had filled his Sentries in on the Lakelands, only Kota

and Hawk knowing about the bears. Most were shocked. The rest just
shrugged. With all the mythical creatures living under one roof, it
didn’t faze them.

“I used to live with this man named David. About a year ago I

caught him selling drugs. Of course I was furious, demanding he stop.
Then one night I overheard a conversation he was having with a man
name Dommy.”

Maverick noticed how Steven looked hesitantly at Roman for a

second and then continued. “What it all boils down to is this.” Steven
stood and began to pace the library as he spoke. “It’s what it says, a
liquid. You inject it. The only thing is, it’s made for paranormal
creatures. From my understanding, it masks your scent and gets you
high. The only problem with the drug is that it makes the user become

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aggressive. My ex must have started using because he’d never hit me
before. Granted, he was an asshole, but he was never hands-on.”

The Alpha noticed that Steven was starting to ramble. He didn’t

like what he was hearing, but Steven needed to finish. “Calm down,
take a deep breath.”

Steven glanced up at Maverick and nodded, doing what he

suggested. After a moment, he continued. “From what I’ve heard, the
main component is human blood, and a mated human is an even
bigger catch. There’s something in a mated human’s blood that
enhances the drug better than an unmated human, but they don’t care
which one they get.”

“Holy shit,” Gunnar cursed.
“Is that why humans have been coming up missing?” Hawk asked


“It would explain it.”
“The downside to the drug is that it’s lethal to humans.” Steven

quickly crossed the room and sat down next to his mate. “I watched a
man die while injecting it,” he whispered.

Roman wrapped his arms around his mate, pulling him close as he

began to talk softly to him. Although Timber wolves had superior
hearing, Maverick ignored their private conversation.

“Wait, wait, wait.” Lewis stood as he walked to the center of the

room. “Do you remember a while back when the mates had taken off
and discovered those three bodies in the barn?”

The room nodded. Maverick’s mind was starting to put the pieces

together as Lewis spoke. “Bear with me here. What if those humans
had been drained for this Liquid Wrath? What if they were the first
victims for this drug?”

“That makes more sense than a homicidal shifter doing it for

pleasure,” Maverick said. “How long has this drug been out? Do you

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“A very long time,” Steven answered. “I heard David on the

phone saying that it went through an experimental stage for about a
year before the first success.”

“That would match the time those three humans were killed.”

Lewis scratched his jaw as he mumbled to no one in particular. “They
were the first donors.”

“David is after him now,” Roman told the room. “He hid someone

on my crew to take him.”

“No.” Steven shook his head. “He said it wasn’t David.”
Maverick growled at the same time the Lakeland family did.

“Dommy,” they all said at once.

“That would make sense.” Steven nodded. “No one touched me

when I was with David, and Dommy has always had a crush on my
ex. He would be killing two birds with one stone. If I’m out of the
picture, then he can have David all to himself. And if he drains me…”
Steven shuddered, burying his face in Roman’s neck. His mate rubbed
his back as he looked over at Maverick.

“He’s not going to get near you to do that,” the Alpha reassured

his guests. He turned to his men. “I want everyone on alert. There are
humans under our roof, in town, and living in the surrounding farms.
We need to get our hands on this drug and find some time type of
antidote or something to counteract the masking.”

“There’s one more thing.” Steven spoke up. “The man who

attacked me had a smell of decay on his breath. I’ve noticed that
before when people have come to the house looking for David to

“Do you know what it is?” Maverick asked.
“No, but it seems to correlate with withdrawal. The people don’t

think rationally and start sweating like crazy.”

“And I can’t report any of this.” Lewis looked pissed. “How do I

explain to my captain that there’s a drug out that’s killing humans and
making shifters high?”

“Is David a shifter?” Maverick asked Steven.

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“He says he’s hiding from someone called Jackson and that he

can’t be found.”

Remi snorted. “More like he’s hiding from the Alpha Zeus’s

soldiers because he was one of Jackson’s followers.”

“Is that the reason you knew about shifters?” Roman asked

Steven, his face growing dark with anger.

“No. I was honest when I said I knew that guy in school. I was

just too scared to say anything for fear of David finding out it was me
that snitched. I’m sorry,” Steven said to Roman and then to Maverick.

“Take your mate home. Keep him safe. We’re going to find

Dommy and then pay David a visit.”

* * * *

Steven crawled into bed after a long, hot shower. Roman cleaned

the bathroom up as he watched his mate’s head hit the pillow. It had
been one long, exhausting day for his baby. He wished he had his
cousin in front of him now. First the proposition to the vampires, and
then hiring someone to drain his mate. None of them knew just how
screwed up their cousin really was.

If he got his hands on Dommy right now, he’d kill him with his

bare hands.

Roman tossed the towels in the hamper as he walked naked from

the bathroom and snuggled in behind the man that owned his heart. “I
love you.”

Steven turned until he faced Roman. “I love you, too.”
Roman scooted down the mattress until he was eye level with

Steven’s cock. He pressed his hands on Steven’s thighs, spreading
them apart as he rolled over between his mate’s legs. “When I saw
that knife at your throat.” Roman lapped at Steven’s balls as his mate
moaned and pulled his legs back.

“Please don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Steven groaned.

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Roman ran his tongue around the puckered hole, stiffening his

tongue as he pushed in. His mate whimpered and rolled his hips,
begging without words for Roman to do something, anything to take
him over the edge.

Roman grabbed Steven’s shaft, angling it toward his mouth as he

lifted his face. He took the tip between his lips, sucking the head in
and letting his tongue roll around the mushroomed head. It dipped
into the tiny eye, drawing the sweet nectar out as Steven grabbed
fistfuls of hair.

He flattened his tongue, running it up and down, up and down the

swollen shaft, playing with the large vein and the bundle of nerves
just below the head. Steven’s hips began to dance to the rhythm of his
mate’s licking, rocking in and out, in and out. Feeding Roman his
cock and then taking it away.

His thumb massaged the skin between balls and anus, slipping

into the tight entrance on its third turn down. Steven’s feet planted
firmly on the bed, his body pressing down onto the digit that was
invading him.

Roman pushed his thumb in to the first knuckle as he pulled

Steven’s cock to the back of his throat. Working the muscles to make
them ripple, giving his mate the ultimate pleasure any one man could
take while getting a blowjob.

Steven’s hands came into view, grabbing his own thighs, digging

into the flesh roughly enough to make his knuckles turn white. Roman
watched in fascination as he made a tight seal around Steven’s cock
and began to move his head up and down.

Steven rolled his hips again, bearing down on Roman’s thumb as

his cock pulsed in Roman’s mouth. His mate was close. Roman
moved his thumb in and out of Steven’s ass as he pulled back and
worshipped the head of his mate’s cock.

Roman suckled in a rapid motion, making his mate cry out as hot

spunk shot to the back of his throat. Steven’s hips were bucking, his

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fingers clawing at his own skin, while Roman drank his seed, every
last drop.

Roman slowly let the softening flesh leave his mouth as he

climbed up behind Steven and grabbed the lube from the side drawer.
He poured a generous amount into his hands, tossing this tube aside,
and then lathering his cock with the gel.

When Steven attempted to roll to his hands and knees, Roman

stopped him. “Stay on your side, tiger.” Steven looked over his
shoulder, his pretty green eyes glazed from his recent orgasm as he

Roman grabbed his cock, rubbing it up and down Steven’s crease,

giving his mate, as much as himself, a teasing foreplay of pleasure.
Even though Steven had just come in a heated rush down Roman’s
throat, his mate’s ass was chasing Roman’s cock, begging him to slide
it into his ass.

Roman had mercy on them both and nudged the tip against the

tight star rocking his hips to make Steven’s body open and accept the
invasion. His mate’s body welcomed his, stretching as the head of
Roman’s shaft eased in.

Roman rocked again, pressing harder this time, letting his cock

slide in a little further. Steven’s head rolled back and forth on
Roman’s arm that was tucked under his head, giving his lovely little
mate the look of a seductive imp.

His hand left the base of his cock and landed on Steven’s hip as he

pushed deeper into the warmness of his mate’s body. Roman
shuddered as he leaned over Steven and attached his lips to one of
those gloriously brown nipples. He kissed it, sucked it, nipped it, and
plucked it with his teeth as he fucked Steven’s ass.

Steven reached down and placed his hand under his knee, bringing

his leg up, giving Roman room to pound his creamy, pale flesh. As
Roman’s lips teased his mate’s peaked nipple, he reached down and
grabbed Steven’s cock.

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Roman was pleased to find that it had come back to life, hard as

steel in his rough palm. Roman slid in and out of the tightened muscle
of his ass as he stroked Steven’s cock with his still-slicked hand.

Steven groaned as he bit his bottom lip, his eyes finding Roman’s

and stared at him with such love that Roman nearly came. His cock
pulsed out a beat at the heated look as Roman released Steven’s
nipple and took Steven’s mouth in a searing kiss.

His cock was so hard it was beginning to become painful. Roman

moved faster, feeling Steven’s golden mounds bounce against his
groin as he slammed into him. Steven whimpered into his mouth as
Roman took him harder.

The arm that was under Steven’s head wound around, playing

with his mate’s long black hair as Roman ran his tongue along
Steven’s bottom lip. They were both panting into each other’s mouth
as Roman shifted a little, changing the angle.

Steven smashed his lips to Roman’s as he cried out, hot seed

erupting and hitting the mattress. Roman growled into Steven’s mouth
as he stiffened and lost himself, his orgasm ripping through him like a
freight train out of control.

He thrust deep as his spunk bathed his mate’s hot channel. Roman

heard a whimper leave his lips as his body jerked. He buried his face
in Steven’s neck, gasping for air as his body floated back down from
the heights it had rocketed to.

“I love you,” Roman proclaimed into Steven’s neck. His mate’s

body slumped against his as Steven yawned.

“I love you, too.” Steven grabbed Roman’s arm and wrapped it

around his body as they both drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

Taylor smiled when his best friend Tater walked into the resource

center. He hadn’t seen the guy since he escaped his mom’s house and
ran to the big red barn. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

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Tater’s smile was wide as he crossed the room and bumped

shoulders with Taylor. “I heard you opened a helping center.” Tater
grabbed the brown metallic folding chair and twisted it around,
straddling it. “That’s why I came here. I need help.”

Taylor sat up straight as he took a seat. Anything his best friend

needed, he could have. “Talk to me.”

Tater laughed as he laid his arms over the back of the chair. “You

wish it was me.” He winked. “Big ole Tater running for help.” He
teased. “Nah, it’s my uncle’s stepson. Alex is all screwed up in the
head like someone forgot to take his brain out of the blender before it
got all minced up. From your sign out front, I was hoping you had the
resources to help him. He’s driving my mom and dad batty with his
strange ways.”

“Why isn’t your uncle helping him? Is he staying with you?”
Tater snorted as he grabbed the back of the chair and leaned back.

“My uncle ain’t the most patient man in the world. He’s says that
Alex is old enough to figure things out on his own now, and that he
shouldn’t be running behind him like a mamma chasing her whelp.”

Taylor ran through the possible resources he could offer Alex.

“How old is he?” he asked as he grabbed his binder with the numbers
to various organizations that may be able to help.

Taylor watched Steven and Roman walk through the door as he

flipped through the pages.

“He’s twenty-four. My uncle said that’s long enough to take care

of someone.”

Taylor nodded as Steven took a seat next to him. “Steven, this is

my good friend Tater.” He introduced the two as his eyes scanned the
different resources. Taylor cursed when he remembered that he had
failed to ask the most important question.

Thomas, one of the counselors over at the rec center, was helping

Taylor learn the ins and outs of helping those in need, and had even
helped him sign up for online classes for courses to help him better
understand the dynamics of other people’s lives.

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He set the binder aside. “What exactly is wrong with him?”
Tater made an irritated noise in the back of his throat. “What

ain’t? You know I don’t judge people normally, but this guy is off his
rocker. He mumbles a lot, walks in circles as he works problems out
in his head—according to him—and, well hell. You just got to talk to
him to see what I mean.”

“Bring him in any time and I’d be glad to talk to him.” Taylor ran

through his head the different mental health resources he had listed.
Maverick had been great compiling the different lists for him.
Something he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to do on his own.

Tater smiled widely at him. “I knew I could count on you.”

* * * *

Steven watched as Tater left the resource center with a big smile

on his face. “What was that about?” he asked as looked at the binder
on the desk.

“It seems Tater’s uncle has a stepson that has mental issues,”

Taylor said as he scanned the book in front of him.

“I’ll be back.” Steven got up from his seat, Taylor nodding at him

absently. Roman stepped aside as his hand went to the small of
Steven’s back. They had discussed him working this morning as they
were getting dressed, and Steven finally told Roman his desire to be a

Roman liked the idea. He said that he would feel better if he

worked at the diner where one of the Timber wolves was part owner.
That way Steven would be protected. Now the only thing they he had
to do was find out if the diner was hiring.

Roman escorted him across the street, both keeping an eye out for

anyone suspicious. It sucked living this way. Steven had grown used
to it living with David and all the shady characters that used to come
over, but he thought living here would change that.

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He stepped into the air-conditioned diner, thankful for the chill his

skin immediately soaked up. Keata, as he learned the mate’s name
was, stood behind the counter talking casually with a customer as
Cody, the man he had to talk to, watched his mate closely.

Steven wondered for a brief second if that was how Roman looked

at him when he was unaware. He hoped so because not only was
Cody watching Keata with intent eyes, they were filled with a love
Steven could only dream of Roman feeling for him.

He glanced at the bathroom, a shudder running through him. “If

you don’t want to be here, we can go.” Roman leaned in and
whispered for just his ears.

“I won’t be afraid of life.” Steven steeled his shoulders and

walked over to the counter.

After a long discussion with Cody, Frank—the other owner—and

George, the cook, Steven walked out of there feeling giddy. He’d
gotten the job. George had been in his corner the whole time, citing
that he was exhausted and could use the help. Between cooking for
the diner and then cooking for the pack, he needed help.

Steven was more than ready to lend a helping hand. He jumped

out of the truck as soon as Roman had parked it, running up the front
steps and bursting into the living room. “I got the job!”

The twins and triplets called out their congratulations, Chauncey

patting Steven on his back. “That don’t mean we are gonna go back to
fending for ourselves.”

“I would never dream of it.” Steven beamed at everyone in the

room. He felt accomplished, and the sense of finally pulling his own
weight made him giggle with joy.

“You’re not working my poor mate to death,” Roman grunted as

he walked into the house. “You did just fine before he came along.”

“Hush.” Chauncey elbowed his brother as he glared at him. “We

may have gotten along before he came along, but that don’t mean he
ain’t better at it than us.”

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“I’ll still feed you guys, until another one of you are mated and

your mate can take over the task.”

“Now that sounds fair.” Chauncey chucked Roman on his

shoulder. “See, a little compromise.”

Steven could see the irritation on Roman’s face and laughed.

Roman wasn’t going to compromise. It was written all over his face.
He wouldn’t worry about that right now. Steven was too busy
enjoying the glow of success at getting a dream job.

He floated into the kitchen, looking through the pantry for

something to cook. Cody and Frank, even George, were anxious to try
out some of his recipes. Steven hated the fact that he had left his
collection of unique dishes in a book back at David’s. Now he would
have to start all over again.

Roman came into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he

watched Steven gather things for a nice supper. “We should get
internet service here. You already have cable, and it would help me
out a great deal with my cooking.”

Steven grabbed a large wrapped package from the fridge where he

had placed them last night, pulling it apart to reveal quite a few pork
chops. That would be good for dinner.

“Pa’s firing up the grill. He says it gets too hot in here with the

oven going.” Roman took the meat in his hands. “I’ll take these out to
him if you want to work on side dishes.”

Steven nodded as he began his task of getting everything else

together for dinner. The brothers had gone back outside to finish
doing whatever farmers did as he set the pot of water on the stove for
the macaroni. A nice cold macaroni salad would go good with the
pork chops.

Steven’s leaned over the sink, opening the window for fresh air.

He knew Pa liked to keep them closed to keep the heat out, but there
was a nice breeze today that would help.

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His hands stilled when he noticed movement on the side of the

truck. He knew instantly that it wasn’t one of the Lakeland brothers,
but close.

Was he really that stupid? Did he really come here in hopes of

kidnapping him? He knew Dommy was off his rocker, but he never
took him for an idiot.

The box of uncooked pasta hit the floor, the noodles scattering

everywhere when Dommy raised a gun and pointed it over toward the
side of the house. Steven could only get a small sound to escape the
back of his throat when he saw who Dommy was aiming at.


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Chapter Ten

Roman stared at his father for a second as the sound of a shotgun

echoed. His heart dropped into his stomach as he raced toward the
house, praying his mate was safe. As he reached the back door,
Steven came flying through it and ran right into Roman.

Roman let out a cry as he checked his mate for injury and pulled

him close when he saw none.

“Chauncey!” Steven shouted. “Dommy shot Chauncey!” His mate

was clawing at him as he grew hysterical.

“Get in the house and stay in the kitchen.” Steven nodded rapidly

as his wide eyes still held fear in them. Roman cupped his face,
bringing his lips close to his mate’s. “It’ll be okay. I need you to be
safe while we take care of this.”

“Okay.” Steven leaned into Roman, giving him a quick kiss

before running back into the house. Roman spun on his heels and took
off in the direction the sound had come from. When he rounded the
corner, his rage tore through his body.

Chauncey was lying on the ground unmoving. No! Roman shot

across the yard, uncaring that his cousin was out there somewhere
with a shotgun probably trained on him. He had to get to his older

Roman dropped to his knees when he reached the twin’s side,

pushing him over onto his back. Roman’s head fell back as tears
stained his face, letting out the largest gush of air. The shot had only
grazed Chauncey’s shoulder.

“You bastard,” Chance shouted as he shifted. He charged straight

for their cousin as Pa shifted as well, heading the other twin off.

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Dommy straightened from the position on the side of the truck and

tried to run. He spun around and aimed the gun at Chance. Pa roared
and attacked Dommy like a parent protecting its cub, and that’s
exactly what his father was doing.

The triplets and Riley came racing to the house on horseback,

jumping from the saddle and shifting. The horses raced over to the
barn as the bears finished Dommy off.

“Hey, trouble, wake up.” Roman tapped the side of his brother’s

face. “It’s just a flesh wound, stop acting like a big baby.” His voice
was strained as he tried to wake the big man.

Chance came barreling over to them, nudging Chauncey with his

snout and whimpering. He pushed his twin with his paw, trying to get
him to move.

Roman noticed the terrified look on Steven’s face as he descended

the front steps. He held his fisted hands to his chest as he approached

“It’s Chance. He won’t hurt you.” Roman held his hand out,

waiting for his mate to come closer. He watched his mate glance at
Chance before hurrying to his side. Roman wrapped his arms around
Steven’s waist as his mate stood there shaking and staring at
Chauncey’s prone body.

“Is he…”
“No,” Roman answered him as he reached out and rubbed the fur

over Chance’s head, trying his best to reassure the twin. “He’s just out
cold. I felt a lump on his head. He must have hit it when he fell.”

Steven knelt beside the unconscious twin as he reached a tentative

hand out. He felt around Chauncey’s neck and then let the air leave
his lungs as he confirmed for himself that the bear was okay.

“Where the hell did my brother go wrong with him,” Pa shouted

angrily from a few yards away. “The dumb son of a bitch did this on
purpose, almost like a suicidal mission.” His father’s voice caught in
his throat as he stomped by them.

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“He didn’t want to be an addict anymore,” Steven whispered from

his side. “I’ve seen what the drug can do. He took the only way out he
felt he could.”

Roman gritted his teeth as he listened to his mate’s words. “It was

a coward’s way out,” he snarled. Dommy had always had issues, but
he could have reached out to anyone of them for help. They would
have helped him.

Roman moved closer to his brother as Chauncey groaned. Chance

shifted, kneeling next to his twin. Roman could see the blush creep
across Steven’s cheek as his naked brother dropped to his knees
beside Chauncey.

“Get your ass up,” Chance scolded his twin in a tear-stained voice.

Roman could hear the relief and a bit of fear in Chance’s shaky tone.
They helped the big man up as his eyes opened. Chauncey reached for
the back of his head as they walked him up the porch and into the

“I got him,” Chance said to Roman and Steven as he helped

Chauncey into a chair. Roman took Steven to the living room and
then checked to see where everyone was at.

He knew his father was having a hard time with this. He was out

at the grill, flipping chops and staring off into the distance. His
brothers had taken Dommy to where his parents were buried.

No one was going to recover from this any time soon. Hell,

Roman was having a hard time accepting what had just happened.

“He’s not suffering anymore from the drugs.” Steven gave him a

wavering smile as he worried his hands in his lap. He knew his mate
was trying to comfort him. Roman sat down next to him and pulled
Steven onto his lap and just held onto him.

* * * *

Steven stared at the modern kitchen. It was nice as hell. The stove

was humungous and the refrigerator was enormous. George didn’t

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coddle him either. He had jumped in feet first, starting out with the
busy breakfast crowd.

The two seemed in sync as they worked around the kitchen. “I

sure as hell appreciate you workin’ here,” George said as he tossed a
plate up onto the pick-up window. “Leaves me more time to spend
with my mate.”

Steven glanced out into the dining area to see some of the people

he knew from the resource center. There was Drew, Kyoshi, Blair,
and Oliver, all four sitting at one table while four large men sat at the
one behind them.

He guessed them to be the men’s mates. Steven quickly forgot

about them as breakfast turned into lunch and then blended into
dinner. He was exhausted by the time the dinner rush quieted down.

His feet were killing him, but for the first time in a very long time,

Steven felt happy and accomplished. He was no longer defined as
David’s little bitch. Something he had always hated. He wasn’t even
defined as Roman Lakeland’s mate. Everyone knew him as Steven,
the cook at the diner, and Steven wouldn’t have it any other way.

He smiled from ear to ear when he spotted Roman walking

through the door. His mate’s eyes lit up when he spotted Steven
across the diner. Roman’s straight white teeth and raven-black hair
made his heart leap out of his chest.

His mate was simply gorgeous.
His grey eyes danced with delight as he stared at Steven. “I

missed you.” Roman leaned across the counter, and Steven felt
powerless to stop his body from meeting him halfway. Their lips
touched, and Steven’s body instantly recognized the smell, touch, and
taste of his mate. His cock began to thicken as Roman cupped his jaw,
running his thumb over Steven’s skin as he took what was his right
there in the diner.

Steven’s head swam at Roman’s touch. He was ready to go, ready

to lie in this strong man’s arms once again. Steven heard himself

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whimper as Roman pulled away. Roman gave him a knowing grin,
running his finger over Steven’s pouting bottom lip.

“Take it home.” Cody chuckled. “We can clean up. Go.”
Steven was around the counter and at Roman’s side in seconds.

His mate’s hands ran up his arms, staring down into his eyes. “Hi.”

Steven felt that goofy grin coming. The one that told him how

deeply in love he really was. “Hi.” Roman grabbed his hand and
waved with the other one to everyone left in the diner.

“Night, guys,” George called out as they left his work world

behind and joined Roman in a world Steven could only describe as a
fantasy where Roman was his king.

“Feel like a drive?” Roman asked as he opened Steven’s door. He

nodded as he settled, and Roman closed him into the cab of the truck.

“Good.” Roman leaned over and kissed him once more, and then

closed his door. He pulled from his parking spot, heading out of town.
Steven didn’t ask where they were going. He only cared that he was
with the man of his dreams.

Roman parked the truck along the soft shoulder of the road.

“Come on, sweetheart.”

Steven followed his mate until they came to a clearing. He gasped

as he saw a large blanket spread out and a horse tied to a low branch.
“Get naked.”

Steven stared at Roman for a moment and then ditched his

clothes, wondering why he was in the middle of a field buck naked.
Roman did the same, and then mounted the horse, holding his hand
out for Steven.

“What are you up to?” Steven laughed as he grabbed his mate’s

hand and was helped up into the saddle.

“A little teasing.” Roman bit his ear as he urged the horse to go.

Steven held on to the horn as Roman wrapped his arms around him.
His fully erect cock was sending little sparks of fireworks through
Steven as the horse moved.

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“Lean forward.” Roman dug into the saddlebag as Steven did as

he was told. For the second time in twenty minutes, he gasped.
Roman’s wet fingers played with his hole as they traveled through the

“This may get a little tricky.” Roman laughed as he placed his

hand on Steven’s back, pushing him forward just a bit more. The horn
of the saddle cut into his stomach as Roman’s cock slid into Steven's

Steven’s fingers dug into the leather of the saddle, whimpering as

Roman’s cock plunged in and out of him. Never in his life would
have dreamt of something like this. He was almost lying flat as
Roman pulled his legs up to lie on either side of him.

“I got you, baby. You aren’t going to fall.” Roman’s fingers dug

into his hips as Steven mewled. “Fuck, sweetheart. Look at you.”
Roman groaned as he pulled Steven down onto his shaft.

Steven couldn’t understand, but the smell of leather and horse was

driving him mad. Roman had the reins in his hands while curling his
fingers into Steven’s skin, fucking him into oblivion. They ended
back at the blanket, Steven protesting when Roman pulled free.

His mate chuckled as he helped Steven down and then laid him

across the blanket. “I’m afraid to come while riding. I’ve never tried it
before, and I don’t need either of us falling.”

He flipped Steven onto his hands and knees and then plunged

back in. Steven clawed the blanket as Roman grabbed his sides and
rocked in and out of his ass.

“Roman, please. Don’t be gentle, don’t be gentle,” Steven begged

as he felt the need to be overtaken, mastered. Roman blanketed his
body as he plowed into Steven, giving him exactly what he had asked
for. He could feel Roman’s sweat hitting his body and his muscles
straining all around him as Roman made him explode.

“Come for me, baby.” Roman growled loudly as he, too, came.

Steven’s ass cheeks were sore as hell from the pounding he had

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begged for but felt like a sated fool lying on the blanket with a shitty
ass grin on his face.

Roman collapsed beside him, his chest heaving as he tried to catch

his breath. “You were out to kill me, weren’t you?” He chuckled.

They both jumped when a hand landed on Roman’s arm. Steven

rolled out of the way as Roman shifted.

* * * *

Roman cursed when he saw Chauncey and Chance lying belly

down behind the tree. His brother laid a finger over lips and nodded
toward Roman’s truck. Roman reached out and pulled Steven to his
side, tucking him under his bear form and standing over him in a
protective manner.

Chance slid over, grabbing Steven’s clothes and tossing them to

his mate. “There’s a wolf sniffing around your truck,” Chance
whispered. “It won’t take him but a minute before he finds you and

“It’s David. I know it is.” Steven’s hips rose in the air as he slid

his jeans into place. Roman growled at his brothers when they both
stared at Steven’s softened cock.

“What? I was just seeing if that was his natural black hair on his

head.” Chauncey grinned at Roman. “The only way to tell is to check
out his pubic.”

Roman pulled his lip back in a snarl and advanced toward his

brother. Chance shushed them and pointed, reaching a hand out for
Steven who was stuffing his feet in his shoes. “How the hell did you
guys know about this?” Steven asked suspiciously as he slid over to

Yeah, Roman wanted to know the same thing. Chauncey shifted

as he and his brother took off toward his truck. Chance grabbed
Steven and got him onto the horse, taking off at breakneck speed
toward the farm.

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Roman watched them until they were out of sight before

concentrating fully on the wolf. He rounded the truck on the left as
Chauncey came around on the right. He roared when no one was

They both turned around and took off toward the other twin and

Roman’s mate. Somehow the wolf saw Chance leave with Steven and
was now hot on their trail. Roman ran as fast as he could but knew he
wouldn’t catch up to them until either the wolf stopped them or they
made it back home.

After a mile, Roman spotted the horse running toward him. And it

was empty. His blood chilled at the sight. He put on a burst of speed
past the horse and toward his mate. They finally spotted Steven
running toward them, but Chance and the wolf were nowhere in sight.

Roman shifted midrun and caught his mate as he collapsed in his

arms. “David,” he panted. He took a gulp of air and then continued.
“David knocked us off the horse. Chance changed into a bear and is
fighting him. I ran to get you guys.”

Chauncey tore away from them, running at top speed toward his

twin. By the time Roman and Steven caught up to them, Chance was
lying injured and the wolf was gone. Chauncey roared and dug his
paw at the ground. Roman grabbed Chance from the ground as they
ran back to the truck.

“I’m sorry,” Steven kept saying over and over again until they

reached the truck and Chauncey jumped in the bed, shifting, and then
holding his arms out for his twin.

Roman handed him over and then jumped into the driver’s seat,

speeding out of there. Roman delivered his brothers home and told
Steven to stay with his pa. There was no way David was going to get
away with this.

As he walked out onto the porch, two large SUVs pulled up.

Maverick got out of one of them, followed by six of his men. “Ride
with me.”

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Roman nodded, jumping into the passenger side as Chauncey got

into the other vehicle. He pulled the slip of paper out that Steven had
written the address on, along with a few places his ex frequented.

Roman felt better knowing the triplets, Riley, and his pa were at

home with his mate. They made it to the city and David’s house,
driving up slowly. The vehicles pulled over as the lights were cut.

They climbed out, scanning the area as they entered the building

and went up the stairwell. Maverick shoved his shoulder into the
apartment door, making it spring open and slam into the wall.

David, or he assumed so, was standing naked at the kitchen sink,

running his arm under the water as blood rain down the drain. “You
fucking bitch!” Chauncey shouted as he rushed David. “That’s my
fucking twin.” He raged as he landed one punch after another.

Maverick stepped in after Chauncey got at least a dozen hits in.

“Your days of dealing are over.” Maverick tossed some clothes at the
wolf-shifter, his face pulled back in disgust.

Once David was dressed, he charged the Alpha. Maverick

sidestepped him, all watching as David hit the floor. “Are you really
that dumb?” Hawk stood over David, death stretched across his face.

David rolled, his hand swiping under the couch and pulling back

with a handgun in his hand. Hawk was on him in seconds, smacking
the gun from his hand as David shifted. Chauncey shifted as well,
attacking David until he was no longer moving.

“Clear this place out. I want those drugs,” Maverick said as

everyone began to box and bag everything.

* * * *

Steven loaded the dishwasher, needing something to occupy his

mind until his mate and Chauncey returned. He was worried sick
about them. Chance was up in his room, healing in his bear form, Pa
saying that he was going to recover just fine. Steven heard a growl
and then was lifted high into the air.

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“Damn it, Roman. You’re going to get enough of scaring me!”

Steven squealed.

Roman laughed as he swung him around. “I’ll never get enough of

anything where you’re concerned.”

Steven turned as soon as Roman set him down, hugging him in a

death grip. He didn’t have to say anything. Roman knew how scared
he had been. Steven felt a hand run through his hair as he listened to
his mate’s heartbeat under his ear.

It was a sound he would never tire of hearing. “I don’t want to


“Okay,” Roman said softly. “I have something for you.”
Steven already had what he wanted right there in his arms. After

the long journey he had taken to get here, he didn’t plan on letting go
anytime soon. From his parents’ house to a life no one should lead, to
the man he loved, Steven knew he was finally home.

He looked up when Roman twisted sideways and picked

something up from the kitchen table. Steven shouted with joy as he
grabbed his cookbook from Roman’s hand. “I thought I’d never see
this thing again.”

“I remember you saying something about it, so I grabbed it for

you.” Roman smiled proudly at him.

“Thanks.” Steven hugged Roman tighter. How could life get any

more perfect than it was? He had a loving mate, a great home, and
friends who would be there for him no matter what.

Steven’s new journey through life was only beginning, but with

Roman at his side, he knew he would enjoy every step.






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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

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Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 8: George’s Turn

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 11: Mark’s Not Gay

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 12: Nutter Nero

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 13: Heaven’s Hell

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 14: Nicholas’s Wolf

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 15: Murphy’s Madness

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 16: Montana’s Vamp

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 17: Carter’s Tryck

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 18: Joshua’s Law
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride

Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 1: Jasper

Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 2: Avanti

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 1: Hondo

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 2: Snooke

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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