Brac Pack 11 Mark's Not Gay

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Brac Pack 11

Mark’s Not Gay

Mark Forest decides to sell his tattoo shop after he inherits his

granddad’s auto shop. When he glides down the highway on his

motorcycle to visit his friends after his granddad’s funeral, he finds

himself in a small town filled with shape-shifters.

Caden McQueen is only ninety years old and the youngest of the

timber wolves, but he holds his own as a sentry who guards the

mates residing in Alpha Maverick’s home. Little does he know that

Tangee’s very straight friend who blows into town for a few days

will turn out to be his mate.

After Caden chases his fleeing mate into the city, he’s attacked by

rogue vampires and left for dead. Even so, his biggest problem

may be how to get a guy so deep in the closet that he doesn’t

even know he’s gay to come out.

Note: Each book in Lynn Hagen's Brac Pack collection features a

different romantic couple. Each title stands alone and can be read

in any order. However, we recommend reading the series in

sequential order.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 27,765 words

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Brac Pack 11

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-383-2

First E-book Publication: May 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Mark’s Not Gay by Lynn Hagen
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Brac Pack 11


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Mark sat the gun down and backed away. He stared at the man’s

chest for a moment as his thoughts drifted to his granddad. Charles
Forester was dead. Mark couldn’t get the thought out of his mind.
With the passing of the elderly man, he was the last Forester.

Mark’s chest tightened at the thought of being alone now. No

family but himself. Not even his good friends Loco and Tangee were
around anymore. He had given the kid a job even though Mark hadn’t
needed the help, but he knew Tangee’s family struggled financially.
The kid never made it to work on time and usually had to leave early
when his little sister or mother needed him. Still, like everyone else in
Mark’s life, Tangee was no longer around.

He looked around, knowing that this would be the last time. The

last time he held that gun in his hand. His fingers curled in at the loss.
What choice did he have? What was in store for him next? The empty
place in his chest tugged at him. He walked down the road of life
alone. Why? He wasn’t sure.

Maybe the fear of losing someone stopped him from reaching out.

They always left, every last one of them. His parents had died when
he was twelve. They stopped at one of those corner stores on their

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way home and stumbled on a robbery in progress, the assailant killing
them both. Charlie had raised him, and now he was gone, too.

He had opened up when the slim man ran into his shop a few

years ago with bullies chasing him down. He hired Tangee, giving
him a safe place to be after school. Now Tangee was a grown man
and with his boyfriend Loco as Mark stood here wondering where his
path was leading him next.

“Looks good. Shame you’re closing up.”
Mark blinked a few times, forgetting the customer in his chair was

even there. “Yeah, can’t run the tattoo place and an auto shop. I’ll
give you the business card of the guy who taught me. He’s good, and
his prices are fair. Tell him I sent you, and he’ll give you a discount.”

“I will, thanks. The neighborhood won’t be the same without you

here. You’re a landmark.”

The side of Mark’s mouth pulled up in a grin as he refused the

man’s money. “On me. You’re my last.”

“Thanks.” The customer shoved the money back into his pocket

and looked around the shop. “It’s a real shame.”

Mark gave him the card then locked the door behind him. He

turned and looked around his tattoo shop. It had been open for a solid
decade, and business had always been good, but his gut told him it
was time to move on. Charlie had left him his custom auto shop, but
even though his granddad taught him everything he knew about
motors, Mark wasn’t so sure he even wanted to run that.

“Maybe I need a vacation.” He spoke out loud as he thought about

Loco and Tangee. Maybe he would take Loco up on his open offer to
come visit anytime. A few days in the country should do him some

* * * *

Mark steered his motorcycle to the off ramp that told him he was

now entering Brac Village. He had finally settled Charlie’s will and

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decided to take Loco up on his offer. He throttled down as he hit the
town limits. His eyes scanned the area until he saw the small diner on
the end of a row of businesses. Swinging into a spot in front, he let the
engine idle as he pulled his helmet off.

It was hot out, and sweat ran down his temples. Once the stifling

helmet came off, the air made his skin prickle. He lifted his hand and
wiped it down his face then across his denim-clad thigh. Mark leaned
his head back, trying his best to catch a breeze to ease the perspiration
soaking his body. He could us a nice cool shower right about now.

Bringing his head back down, Mark cut off the bike then swung

his leg over the hog. He sat the helmet on the seat then pulled his
leather off, carrying it inside with him.

The air was much cooler inside. His skin tightened as the sweat

began to dry.

Mark took a seat at the counter, straddling the stool as he laid his

leather on the one next to him. Looking around, he noticed a few
people at booths eating. The place seemed kinda slow, but it was only
four in the afternoon, too early for dinner.

He grinned when a slim tattoo-covered dude pushed his way from

what he assumed was the kitchen carrying a tray, oblivious to him
sitting there. He watched Tangee carry it over to a table with four
people occupying it.

“What can I get you?”
Mark turned around to see a guy with multicolored hair standing

there. “I’ll have an iced tea.”

The guy nodded and walked over to a cooler behind the counter

and pulled out a pitcher. Mark looked back over at Tangee as he
nodded at the people talking to him. Life seemed to be agreeing with
the guy out here. The bags under his eyes were gone, and he had a
healthy glow to his skin.

Mark’s eyes darted to the door when a large silver-haired man

came strolling through. The man’s eyes lit up as soon as he spotted

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“What in the hell are you doing here?” Loco laughed as he came

across the diner.

Mark stood, giving Loco a man hug.
“I came to see your ugly mug, of course.” He chuckled as he

patted Loco’s back and then pulled away.

“Mark!” Tangee ran across the room and hugged Mark tightly.

Loco gave off a low growl that Mark ignored. That’s all the silver-
haired man did when he visited the city a few months ago while
dating Tangee. Mark was used to it. “Why didn’t you tell me you
were sitting here?”

“You were busy,” he replied.
“Never too busy for an old friend.” Tangee leaned up and kissed

Loco before mock punching Mark in his arm. “Tell me next time as
soon as you get here.” He huffed before running back to the table he
had been waiting on.

“Brat.” Mark grinned as he took his seat back at the counter. Loco

joined him.

“You Tangee friend?”
Mark turned to his right to see a very pretty young woman sitting

there. “Yes, and who are you?” he asked in a husky voice. She was

“Keata.” The woman extended her hand, and Mark shook it,

holding on to it a little longer than politeness dictated.

“Let him go, Mark.” Loco nudged him and nodded at the multi-

colored hair guy as he growled and came quickly to stand in front of

“Hey, no harm intended. I didn’t know…” Mark turned to Loco.


Loco had a devilish gleam in his eyes, and he nodded. “Yeah,


Mark turned to look at the pretty young…man. “Sorry, little


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“It okay.”
“Relax, Cody. Mark’s not gay, and he didn’t know.” Loco grunted

at the glaring man standing behind the counter. Mark rolled his
shoulders, readying himself for a fight if that’s the way things were
heading. He didn’t come here to start any trouble, but he wasn’t
taking shit from anyone. It was an honest mistake that he just
apologized for, and if that wasn’t good enough, tough shit.

“This is the infamous Mark?” Cody quirked a brow at him.
“I don’t know about infamous, but the name’s Mark.” He held his

hand out.

Cody shook it, “Nice to meet you, Mark. Name’s Cody, and this is

my ma—boyfriend, Keata.”

“I don’t poach, and I’m not gay, so you can stand down.” Mark

glanced back at Keata. He never would have guessed him to be a man.
He was way off on that one. He scratched his jaw as he turned back
around, accepting the tea as it was handed to him.

“How long you planning on staying?” Loco asked him as he drank

down the cool drink.

His shoulders lifted in a shrug as he downed the drink. That hit the

spot. He sat the glass down, wiping the moisture from his top lip. “For
a few days.”

“Well, come on. Let’s get you settled in.” Loco stood and walked

over to Tangee, leaning in to whisper something in his ear.

Mark stood, grabbing his leather as he nodded at Cody. “Nice

meeting you.”

“Yeah, you, too.”
Mark had a feeling he and this guy weren’t going to get along.

Best to stay away from him while he was here. He didn’t want to
bring bullshit to Loco’s hometown.

“See you at the house, Tang,” Mark called out.
“Okay, Mark,” Tangee yelled back as Mark followed Loco out.

He glanced back to see Cody watching him. His lip lifted in a sneer

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Lynn Hagen

before he could stop it. Turning around, he opened the door and
headed toward his bike.

* * * *

Mark followed behind Loco’s truck on his motorcycle. The

country scene passed him by, and he inhaled the fresh air, loving the
fact he wasn’t in the city right now with the exhaust fumes, loud
noises, and traffic jams. This was peaceful. A guy could get used to

His jaw tightened when Loco pulled onto a gravel drive. The

house was huge, a mansion. He knew Loco had money. The guy
never needed for anything when he came to visit almost daily a while
ago when he was courting Tangee, but this…well, damn. Why was
Tangee working in a diner if Loco was loaded?

He pushed his kickstand down, swinging his leg from over his

bike, laying his helmet on the seat. A nice hog sat at the end of the
drive amongst a row of trucks and SUVs. How many vehicles did this
guy own? “Nice place you got.”

“This estate isn’t mine.” Loco smiled as he led him up the front

steps. “Belongs to Maverick, we all just live here and drive him

Mark felt better. Loco was cool and down-to-earth. If he had

owned all this, it would have made their friendship a little
uncomfortable. Mark liked the place instantly, not because it was a
mansion, but because of the rock music blaring from one of the
rooms. “Sounds like a party.”

“Nah, that’s just the mates doing their usual.”
Mark followed Loco into what his friend had referred to as the

den. Now, this room was jumping. A big screen television sat up on
one wall, video games racing across the screen, pool table, card table,
and even a bar. Seems Tangee did all right for himself. Mark was
happy for his friend.

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He chuckled as a little dude ran up to him, his blonde curls

bouncing off of his shoulders. “Whose mate is he?”

Mark caught the slight nod Loco gave to a large guy standing at

the pool table. The man by the pool table moved across the room to
stand next to the little dude.

“Come on, pretty baby. You can beat me at pool.” The guy shook

Mark’s hand. “I’m Hawk, Loco’s boss, if you will.”

“Mark. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is my pretty baby, Johnny.” Hawk introduced his

boyfriend. Mark shook his hand as well. Looking around the place, he
noticed there wasn’t a female in sight. No problem. He didn’t have a
hang-up about gay men. As long as they didn’t take it upon
themselves to get frisky with him, it was all good.

Loco introduced him to everyone in the room, and they all seemed

nice enough. He even had a controller shoved in his hand, trying his
best to learn the game. He was actually having fun.

“Who’s your friend?”
Mark turned to see the biggest man he had ever laid eyes on.

Damn, the man nearly touched the archway into the den. As tough as
Mark considered himself, he wouldn’t want to tangle with this guy if
he didn’t have to.

“Maverick, this is my friend, Mark. The one I told you about.”

Loco introduced them.

“Nice to meet you, Mark. Thank you for saving Tangee.”

Maverick shook his hand, his eyes were sharp and assessing. The tall
man gave Mark the willies. It was as if he could see right through
him. Maverick bent over, pulling a toddler into his arms, one Mark
knew to be a girl.

“Say hi to Mark, Melonee,” Maverick encouraged her.
The little one shook his index finger. “I know you, beautiful.”

Mark smiled at her.

“You know her?” Maverick asked.

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“Yeah, Tangee brought her to the shop sometimes. Cute as a

button.” Mark extended his arms, and Maverick reluctantly handed
her over.

“Hi, Uncle Mark.” She wrapped her little arms around his neck

then started patting his cheeks. “Did you bring me some?”

“Sorry, honey, all out of candy.” Mark sat her on her feet, and she

ran off to make a menace of herself with the other men.

“Enjoy your stay.” Maverick dipped his head slightly at Mark, and

then left.

“Grab your saddlebag, and I’ll show you to a guestroom, let you

get settled in.” Loco led him upstairs.

Mark wasn’t really impressed with the grandeur of the place. He

wasn’t a materialistic guy, and fancy things didn’t float his boat. But
what guy wouldn’t be envious of that den? He hitched the saddlebag
higher onto his shoulder as he followed Loco, his eyes scanning his
surroundings and taking everything in.

Loco led him into a large bedroom. Mark looked around. It was

nice and comfortable looking. He sat his bag on the bed, smiling at
Loco. “Things have been kinda boring without you two around,” he

“You’re welcome to move to this town, out of the city, although I

don’t know how much of a tattoo artist is in demand around here.”

Mark began digging through his bag. “Don’t own the shop


“What the hell happened?” Loco looked stunned at the news. He

walked over and sat on the bed to listen.

“Granddad passed away and left me his garage. I work on

motorcycles and trucks now, custom work. Always liked inking better
though.” Mark pulled a pair of jeans and a fresh white shirt from his
bag, tossing them onto the bed. Mark dug a little deeper into his bag
and found a pair of socks.

“Then what did you give up your shop for?” Loco asked as he

leaned back on one elbow, threading his fingers together.

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Mark smiled. “Can’t run both. I have to be where I work. I don’t

trust anyone to run something for me.” Mark grabbed his clothes from
the bed. “Mind if I take a shower?”

“Nah, go ahead. I have to go get Tangee anyway. Make yourself

at home. No one will bother you if you wander around. You’re kinda
a hero around here for saving Tangee.”

Mark stopped in midstride and turned, frowning at Loco’s words.

“Wasn’t doing it to gain fame. Did it because a friend was in need.”

“And that is why you are welcome here.” Loco smiled as he left

Mark to his shower.

Mark scrubbed the towel over his brown tendrils and then pulled

his jeans and T-shirt on. He sat on the bed and pulled his boots on,
raising one leg at a time to tie them.

After getting dressed, he jogged down the stairs. He headed into

the chaos. “So who is who here?” he asked all the short men that were
jumping around. He had been introduced to some of them, but it
seemed more had cropped up.

Johnny ran up to him. “You already know me.”
Mark smiled down at the exuberant man. “Yes, I remember you.”
Johnny began to point at the people in the room. “That’s Drew

over there.” Johnny leaned in closer. “He used to do drugs. Not
anymore, though.” He straightened and pointed at a pair of men.
“That’s Blair and Oliver.” Lowering his voice, he said, “Their daddy
used to molest them. Not anymore, though.”

Mark had a feeling he was about to get all the dirty laundry.
“That’s Kyoshi. His cousin Keata is at the diner with his mate,


“I met him.”
Johnny leaned in. “They were kidnapped from Japan. They were

gonna be used for sex, but Storm saved them.”

Yep, all the dirty underwear was being shown.

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“That’s Cecil. His old boyfriend used to beat him up.” Johnny

turned. “And that’s Lewis. He’s a detective, used to drink a lot. Not
anymore, though.”

Well, now that he knew everyone’s skeletons. “And what’s your

story, Johnny?”

“My mother did drugs, the courts gave me to my brother, and he

beat me up a lot. Not anymore, though. Hawk loves me now. He does
this thing—”

“What have I told you, pretty baby?” Hawk chuckled when

Johnny licked his hand to uncover his mouth.

“Sorry you got the sordid details introduction.” Hawk smiled at


“Not a biggie. Everyone has issues.”
Johnny beamed up at him. “What’s your story?”
Mark thought about it. “I guess I’m a boring guy, really don’t

have one.”

“We could make one up for you.” Johnny giggled. “Hey, Drew.

This is Mark. He’s running from the coppers. He robbed a bank
’cause his mamma is poor.” Johnny winked at him.

Mark liked the man instantly. “I had a shoot ’em out with them,

too.” Mark pointed his fingers as guns and popped his lips for sound

“Oh, yeah, that’s real good.” Johnny agreed. “I like the way you

go along with me even though it’s all made up. You’re fun.” Johnny
smiled up at Mark.

“What’s his story?” Mark pointed over to a guy who looked like

he breathed pain.

“That’s Evan. He is Lewis’s mate. Those two didn’t like each

other when they first met. They tried to beat each other up.” Johnny
pulled Mark further into the room. “Want something to drink? We
don’t have alcohol on account of Lewis, but we have juice.”

Mark chuckled. “I don’t drink anyway. Juice is good.”

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Johnny got the blender going, tossing in bananas and strawberries,

ice cubes, and a little orange juice.

“You’re pretty good at that.” Mark was impressed. For some

reason Johnny reminded him of a small child who needed to be
watched around sharp objects.

“Me and Keata love smoothies. George showed me how to make

them.” Johnny’s little pink tongue stuck out as he concentrated on the

“And who is George?” Just how many people lived there?
“He’s another mate. The cook at the diner. He used to live in

Wyoming, but they kicked him out for being gay.” Johnny’s eyes
went from the clock to him. “You gay?”

“No, but I don’t have a problem with gay people.”
This seemed to perplex the man. He scrunched his face up as if

trying to figure out a problem. “How can you be a mate if you aren’t

Mark had figured out Loco and Tangee’s secret a while ago. He

knew they were some kind of shifter creatures, and he had even seen
Tangee’s small canines come out when he became agitated, though he
never commented on them. Something warned him against revealing
his knowledge to the men. Some instinct told him it wouldn’t be

“Who says I’m a mate?”
Johnny looked even more bewildered. “If you aren’t a mate, why

are you here?”

Mark grinned, so innocent. “Just visiting my friends Loco and


“Oh, okay then.” He leaned forward, going back into whisper

mode. “Don’t tell anyone I told you about the mates then. Okay?”

Mark zipped his lips. “Not a word.”
Johnny giggled. “I like you. You’re funny.”

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Chapter Two

Mark walked the halls, sleep eluding him. His growling stomach

leading him from his bedroom and on a hunt for food. He found the
kitchen and made himself a sandwich, Loco did say to make himself
at home. Mark began to think of the things he needed to get done as
he put the finishing touches on his sandwich.

A call to the shop today was in order. Mark hated to leave it to the

head mechanic, Leo. Although the guy had worked for his grandfather
for forty years, Mark still liked to keep an eye on things.

A ride out seemed like the right thing to do after the funeral. He

was going to miss his granddad. He was the coolest around. Charlie
showed Mark everything he knew about how to get around, over, and
through an engine. There wasn’t much on a bike or truck he couldn’t

“I wasn’t aware we had a guest.”
Mark glanced up his engrossed thoughts. He hadn’t heard anyone

approach. There was a guy standing there with shoulder-length sandy
blond hair and big brown eyes. He was two inches shorter than Mark
and was long and lean. “Mark Forester.” He inclined his head.

The man crossed the room and shook his hand. “Caden


“I’m Loco and Tangee’s friend. Just visiting.” Mark bit into his

sandwich, wiping it with the paper towel as he chewed.

“Ah, the man who saved Tangee.”
Mark rolled his eyes as he swallowed his food. “Does everyone

know about that?”

Caden chuckled. “Not much is unknown around here.”

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“Yeah, I got the extended version of introductions from Johnny.”
Caden winced. “Sorry about that. Johnny gets a little excited when

meeting new people. He’s come a long way from his former self. He’s
a good man though.”

Mark waved his hand at Caden in a dismissive gesture. “I figured

as much. No big deal.” He wondered what Caden’s story was, who his
mate was. Why the hell did that thought bother him?

“How long are you here for?” Caden asked.
Mark tossed out his food, no longer interested in eating, an uneasy

feeling creeping inside of him. He’d never been drawn to a man
before, so why was he experiencing unfamiliar feelings right now? “A
few days. I have to head back to the city, start working at my shop.”
Mark shifted to his other leg, studying the man closely. There was
something about him that made Mark want to pull him in his arms.

He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out what was

going on inside of him. There was some kind of pull making him take
a step toward Caden.

Mark stopped himself and stepped back.
“Oh, what kind of shop?” Caden slid into a seat at the table,

watching Mark as if his every word were gospel. This isn’t right was
screaming inside of Mark’s head.

“Auto. Trucks and motorcycles. I do specialty work.” Mark slid

into the chair across from him. He really did like that someone was
interested in his life even if that someone was screwing with his brain

Isolating himself from everyone around him did get lonely at

times, but the fear of them walking away, leaving him, made him
keep his distance. Except for Tangee, Mark had let him in, and the
guy ended up leaving as predicted. Not that Mark had ever been
sexually interested in the guy.

Never a guy—until now.
“We have a bunch of them out front that could probably use a


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Mark threw his hands up, laughing. “Hey, I’m on vacation. No

trying to put me to work.”

Caden lowered his head, clearly blushing. “Sorry.”
“No big deal, dude. Just trying to relax a few days before all the

craziness begins.” Why did it bother Mark that Caden felt bad? “I’m
gonna head up to my room. It was nice meeting you, Caden.”

He needed space to breath, to think. Mark slid his chair in under

the table and left the man behind that made him feel things he’d never
experienced before.

* * * *

“You, too, Mark.” Caden turned, watching as his mate walked


The man was a god.
He was big, strong, and muscular. Caden rested his chin on his

hand, thinking about those big, dreamy grass-green eyes. What did his
mate like? What was his life like? He seemed like a real easygoing
person, a real nice guy.

Caden didn’t like the fact that his mate lived in the city and owned

his own business there. How would he live here if he had to go that
far to work? He shivered at the thought of those big tattooed arms
wrapped around him.

He heard a noise behind him, and seconds later Johnny walked

into the kitchen. “And what are you doing up so late, Mr. Stone?”

Johnny rolled his eyes. “Hawk sent me down for something to

drink ’cause sex makes him thirsty.”

Caden shook his head as he laughed. “I don’t think he wants you

telling people that.”

“Probably not. You meet Loco and Tangee’s friend?”
“I met Mark. He seems like a nice guy.” Sexy as hell, too.

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“Too bad he isn’t gay. Says he doesn’t have a problem with gay

people though.” Johnny grabbed the carton of orange juice and
walked back upstairs.

Not gay? How could that be? Caden sat there feeling devastated.

Mark wasn’t gay? He had to be. Fate wouldn’t do that to him, would
it? His heart felt like it was being ripped right out of his chest.

Not gay.
Not gay.
Not gay.
It kept circling around in his head, mocking him. Maybe Johnny

had heard him wrong?

Caden was dying to run upstairs, find which room Mark was

sleeping in, and beg him to tell him that he was. He wrung his hands
in front of him. This wasn’t happening. It just couldn’t be.

Standing, Caden slowly walked up the steps, warring inside on

what he should do. His world was crumbling around him. He needed
to talk to his Alpha. Maverick would have the answers. Running back
down the stairs, Caden ran the halls until he came to stand in front of
the door he needed. He knocked, waiting for Maverick to answer.

“Is there a problem, Caden?” Maverick asked as he opened his

bedroom door.

Tears prickled his eyes. This couldn’t be. “Can…can I talk to

you?” Caden was the youngest of them all at only ninety. He was a
pup in comparison to the other warriors. He felt lost, and he needed
guidance. Guidance only the Alpha could give him.

“Come on in, pup.” Maverick widened his door, allowing Caden

to slip through. His mate, Cecil, was sitting up in bed, watching them.
“Can I talk to you alone?” Caden loved Cecil, but the guy did have a
big mouth. With the confusion he was feeling inside, he didn’t want
to be on display.

Maverick nodded and pointed toward the door. “Go into my

office. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

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Caden nodded, smiling at Cecil before running down the hall. He

paced back and forth until Maverick joined him.

“Now, what has you so upset?” Maverick guided him over to his

couch and sat him down. Caden twisted his fingers together in his lap
as he tried to gather his thoughts. If Maverick couldn’t help him, he
didn’t know what he would do.

“Mark is my mate, but he’s not gay. Why?” Caden began in a

panic, his voice hitching up to a higher note than normal.

“Calm down, Caden. Are you sure?”
Caden nodded his head in quick bursts. “Uh-huh. I’m sure. I feel

the pull toward him. Johnny said he isn’t gay. That can’t be…can it?”

Maverick sighed. “Our little warrior had finally mated.” Maverick

reached over and pulled Caden’s hand into his. “If he is buried so
deep in the closet, he wouldn’t know it.”

Caden tilted his head to the side, confused at the Alpha’s words.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that Mark hasn’t acknowledged to himself that he is

gay,” Maverick said softly.

Caden knew he was the warrior all the others looked out for.

Jasper may have been feminine, but he was strong, tough, and could
handle himself, but they looked at Caden as if he was a baby, and that
irritated him. He was grown and out in the world on his own. Well,
almost. He did have all the other warriors around him. He appreciated
Maverick’s fatherly ways, but why couldn’t he speak to Caden like he
did the other Sentries?

Caden jumped up as a thought occurred to him, and he started

wringing his hands again. “But, Alpha, he’s leaving in a few days.
What should I do? Follow him to the city?”

“No.” Maverick visibly shuddered. Once again, Caden became

irritated. Gunnar and Murdock had told him once that he was too
trusting, too naïve. He was really tired of being treated that way. He
was a warrior. Caden knew with his age he wasn’t at the maturity
level the others warriors were, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t handle

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himself. Now wasn’t the time to bring all of that up, though, at least
not with the Alpha.

“You will not go to the city. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir.” Caden sighed in resignation at having to follow the

command of his Alpha. He was still worried. “But what do I do,

* * * *

Maverick didn’t have an easy answer. How do you force a man

out of the closet?

You don’t.
He has to come out willingly. Caden was about to travel a rough

road. Maverick felt for his young warrior. This was going to hurt like
a son of a bitch. Caden was young, coming from his old pack to
Maverick’s only sixty years ago. The wolf had been caught kissing
another boy, and the other boy’s father went ape shit. Caden’s mother
snuck him out in the middle of the night, bringing him straight to
Maverick. He was still a virgin, for Christ’s sake.

“There’s nothing you can do right now, not until he acknowledges

it. Spend time with him, get to know him, and let him get to know
you. Take it slow, Caden. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Okay, Alpha, if you think that will work.”
Maverick rubbed his hand over Caden’s blond hair. “I can’t

guarantee anything, Caden. Just don’t push him.”

Maverick smiled sadly as Caden padded from his office. If he

could pull out a magic wand and fast forward the pup through the pain
he was about to endure, then he would.

Unfortunately, no such wand existed.
“Is everything okay?” Cecil asked as Maverick crawled back into


“Mark is Caden’s mate.”
Cecil’s jaw dropped. “But Mark isn’t gay.”

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“And there lies the problem.”

* * * *

Mark decided to get some work done on his bike while the

weather held. The thing had been making noises on his ride here, and
the weather station was calling for a storm later that afternoon.

“Can I help you?”
Mark looked up to see Caden standing there, his hands behind his

back, shifting from foot to foot nervously.

“Sure, hand me that wrench over there.” He pointed to the grass

on the other side of his bike where his tools were strewn about.

“This?” Caden picked up the tool and held it for Mark’s approval.
Mark nodded, taking the tool from Caden. He had been up half the

night trying to figure out his feelings for this man. The guy seemed
sweet, innocent, and excitable. Like a little puppy. Well, he was a
wolf after all, a young one if Mark was any judge. It was just the way
Caden acted around him that made Mark think that way.

“Maverick says you can take your bike around back and store it

with his in the horse’s barn so it doesn’t get wet.” Caden pointed in
the direction behind the house.

Mark smiled and inclined his head. “Tell him I said thanks.”
Caden sat on the grass close to Mark, crossing his legs and

picking at the blades. “So, how old are you?”

“Thirty-three, you?”
“Ninety.” Caden slapped a hand over his mouth, his face turning a

beet red. “I mean, twenty,” he said after his hand lowered.

“It’s okay, Caden.” Mark smiled at the wolf. Ninety? Was that old

or young for them? It sounded pretty damn old to Mark, but Caden
looked younger than the rest of the men in the house.

“You know, don’t you?” Caden whispered.
“Figured it out a while ago with Tangee.” Mark volunteered as he

pulled the spark plugs out. He wiped them down as he studied the

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wolf sitting next to him. If he was gay, and that was a big if, Mark
would have to say Caden was a very handsome man. He was slim and
tall, his features soft.

“Are you mad?” Caden bit his lip and looked away.
Mark wiped his hands on a shop rag and reached out, tucking his

index finger under Caden’s chin, tugging at it until he turned his head
back around. For some reason, Mark didn’t like the fact that Caden
was so nervous around him. “Why would I be mad?” he asked in a
gentle voice.

“I don’t know. You seem to handle it pretty well.” Caden twisted

the green blades between his fingers as Mark released his chin.

“So, is ninety old or young for you guys?” Mark rested his hand

on his legs, his hands dangling loosely between his legs as he watched
the wolf. He had been instantly attracted to Caden and still couldn’t
figure out why after tossing possibilities all night.

“We live to be a thousand, so…” He shrugged, once again


“So you’re a baby.” Mark finished the sentence.
“Am not!” Caden pouted.
Mark raised a brow as Caden blushed for the third time. He was

really starting to like that color on Caden’s cheeks. Mark was
surprised by that thought. Where the hell had that come from?

“We’re mature at the age of eighteen and are ready to mate at the

age of thirty. I’m not a baby,” Caden mumbled.

“So who’s your mate?” This question had been eating away at

Mark. Why? He hadn’t the foggiest. All he knew was he was drawn to
the pup. He wanted to find him as soon as he woke up, and that scared
the shit out of him.

He glanced up when Caden hadn’t answered him. “Caden?”
“Will you take me for a ride?” Caden asked.
Avoidance. Mark wanted to know but let it go for now. “I usually

don’t ride guys on my bike.” He watched as Caden’s face fell. “Just a

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quick one,” he added on after feeling a twist in his heart at the look of

The pup beamed up at him. “Do I need a helmet? Maverick has

one. I could borrow his.”

“Go get it.” He watched Caden race into the house, and Mark

chuckled. The man really was excitable.

Mark finished replacing the spark plugs with new ones as he

thought about Caden. He was a nice looking guy. Those big brown
eyes focused on Mark every time he spoke.

He grinned when he saw Caden racing from the house with a

burgundy helmet clutched to his chest, his cheeks pink from running.

“That was fast. Did you run the whole way?” he asked as he

tightened the last spark plug.

“Uh-huh. I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”
Mark cleared his throat, that uneasy feeling surging through him

once again. “Let me clean this up and we can go.”

“I can help. What do you want me to do?” Caden sat the helmet

down and looked at Mark expectantly.

Mark watched as Caden followed his exact instructions, having

the area cleaned in no time.

“Ready?” He saw Caden’s hands shake as he put his helmet on,

chalking it up to nerves about riding. There was no way Caden was
reacting to him like that.

“Climb on back.” Mark’s eyes closed as Caden climbed on and

circled his arms around Mark’s waist. It felt too right. What the hell
was wrong with him? “Have you ever ridden on a bike before?”

“No, sir.”
Mark growled.
Fuck if those words didn’t make his cock hard. Knock it off! He

took a few moments, explaining to Caden how a passenger rode and
getting his libido back under control, and then he started the bike. It
roared to life. The sound was music to his ears. Mark rode out onto
the paved road, Caden holding his waist tight. There was a hard bulge

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behind him. Mark excused it as the thrill of the ride and not anything
sexual toward him.

Why did that feel disappointing?
They took the back roads, Caden laughing excitedly as Mark went

over a bump, sending them inches into the air. He got a warm feeling
from Caden’s laugh, and he wanted to hear it again. Mark shook his
head. Those thoughts should not be there.

Mark pulled over when Caden tapped his abdomen. The pup

pulled his helmet off. “I, uh, gotta go.”

Mark chuckled. “Bushes right over there.” He pointed behind the

smaller man.

Caden grabbed his shoulders, climbing off, and handing his

helmet to Mark.

He looked to the sky as the wolf tended to his business. The rain

was coming faster than predicted. They would have to cut their ride
short. Although he had said a quick one, Mark and Caden had
explored the back roads for hours. He enjoyed the man’s company.
The guy listened to him and rode like he had been on the back of a
bike for years. It was rare Mark enjoyed someone’s company this

Caden made his way back over then just stood there looking up at

Mark under those thick blond lashes. With no thought behind the
action, Mark cupped Caden’s face, pulling the pup closer as he
slanted his head, laying a soft kiss onto such sweet lips. Caden
whimpered, fisting Mark’s leather as he leaned in.

Caden opened, allowing Mark’s tongue to explore the deep

recesses of his mouth. A cry of protest left Caden’s throat as Mark
pulled away.

“Why can’t I stop thinking about doing that?” Mark whispered

against Caden’s lips.

“Again, please,” Caden begged and tugged at Mark’s leather.

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Mark pulled him closer, devouring Caden’s soft lips. He pulled

Caden up to straddle his lap, his cock throbbing in a rhythmic chant,
begging to be freed.

Mark reached down and unsnapped his jeans, relieving the

pressure by releasing his shaft. He guided Caden’s hand down to wrap
around his cock. Mark moaned. Caden had such soft hands.

Mark leaned back, staring into Caden’s eyes as the breeze played

with the pup’s hair, making it dance around his head. Mark was
mesmerized by the sight.

Caden was the one to take Mark’s lips this time. He kissed Mark

deeper, little keening sounds coming from the back of Caden’s throat
as he stroked Mark’s cock.

“Harder, pup,” Mark commanded in a gentle tone.
“Yes, sir.” Caden groaned as he did what he was told.
Mark’s head fell back, the feeling buzzing through his body as he

climbed closer to release. Caden was nibbling his neck, squeezing his
hand and spreading Mark’s pre-come with his thumb. Mark was there,
and hot jets of semen splashed over Caden’s hand as Mark shouted
his name.

Mark slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the pup. Caden

was looking up at him in awe. A smile pulled at Mark’s mouth as he
cupped Caden’s jaw and kissed him.

Mark pulled out of the kiss and jerked Caden’s pants open,

pushing to the back of his mind that another man’s cock was in his
hand as he thrust until Caden clawed his body, screaming his own
pleasure. Mark felt powerful as he watched Caden come for him.
Mark couldn’t believe what he’d just done but couldn’t find an ounce
of regret in the act.

They sat there, enjoying the afterglow, softly kissing one another

until fat drops splattered their faces. “Better be getting back.” Mark
helped Caden stuff himself back in his pants, straightening out his
own disarray. Mark pulled a clean shop rag from his saddlebag and

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cleaned both their hands and then handed Caden his helmet, started
the bike, and drove them back to the Den.

* * * *

Caden was in heaven. His mate had accepted him. Maverick had

told him to go slow, but it seemed Mark was easier to convince than
they thought. Mark was the one to make the first move.

The ride was wonderful, and the sex even better. It wasn’t full

penetration, but Caden was giddy nonetheless. He hummed in his
mind while in wolf form as he patrolled the surrounding forest. A
rabbit appeared in front of him. Caden gave into the temptation and
chased it around, happiness coursing through him.

Maybe Mark would relocate his shop here. They were lacking a

mechanic in their small town. Anyone who needed work done had to
go to the city. Mark would have customers out the wazoo if he moved
here. Caden giggled again to himself. It would allow Caden to spend
all his free time with him, too.

Caden padded into the kitchen once his shift was over, still in wolf

form, and then up the stairs into his room. No sense in hiding who he
was, Mark knew. He may not have seen Caden’s wolf yet, but he
knew their secret. Shifting, Caden showered then dressed, happy as a

He ran down to Mark’s room. Blair had to tell him which one it

was because Caden had forgotten to ask Mark earlier. His mind had
been on other things, more interesting things. He giggled at the
thought of being in those big tattooed arms again.

No one answered when he knocked the second time. Praying his

mate wouldn’t be mad for intruding, Caden let himself in.

He stood there, stock still. This couldn’t be the right room. It

looked as though no one occupied it. Running from the room, Caden
searched all the empty rooms in the house, which were quite a few.


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He ran out to the barn, swung the doors open, and let out a cry.
Mark’s bike was gone.
His mate had left him.

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Chapter Three

Mark sat behind his desk in the auto shop, waiting on a call from

his bank. Yesterday with Caden had changed something in him. He
wasn’t one to beat something over the head until it bled, and his body
wanted Caden, so Mark would follow. The whole man-on-man thing
would be strange at first, but Caden made him feel things nobody else

He had made up his mind last night. He was going to get a loan,

sell this place to Leo’s grandson, who had been biting at the chomp to
purchase it, and then he’d move his auto business to the small town
where Caden lived.

When he’d held that cock in his hand yesterday, not one ounce of

disgust surfaced, and that right there told him where he needed to be.

He wanted Caden.
Mark craved the smaller man. The only thing that bugged him was

the fact that one day Caden’s mate would claim him, and Mark would
be left standing out in the cold. Until that day came, he would enjoy
the pup.

On his way out of town, Mark had scouted the area. No mechanic

shop in sight. There was a prime building for lease, right next to the
post office. It would be perfect. He knew he would have to work on
cars with the town being so small. No more specialty work. But as
long as he got to see Caden every day, it was worth the hassle.

The loan was a sure thing. His credit was outstanding. Mark’s

portfolio wasn’t a large one, but it was enough. The thing would be
buying all new tools, installing a lift, and setting it up to the way he

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would want it. Excitement began to build in him. He wished the bank
would call already. He wanted to get back to Caden.

Mark looked up from the loan paperwork Mrs. Hunter had

dropped off for him to sign when Maverick walked into his office.

“Where is he?” the extremely large man growled.
“Who?” What the hell was he talking about?
“I had forbidden him to come to the city, and you took him away

in the middle of the night?” Maverick’s palms came slamming down
on the desk, and the pen holder toppled over as the desk groaned a
protest under the powerful weight. Mark leaned back. He may be able
to handle his own, but this six-foot-nine man with his canines
extended was nobody to play with.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Mark stood,

defending himself against the rage pulling at the other man’s face. He
hadn’t done shit wrong, so what the hell was Maverick talking about?

Maverick straightened, cocking his head to the side. “You didn’t

take Caden away with you?”

“No, why would I?” Mark set the pen down that he had been

holding and stared at the imposing figure in front of him.

Five more large men crowded his office, Loco pushing to the front

and snarling at him. “I trusted you in my home, and this is how you
repay my kindness? Kidnapping our pup?” He pointed an accusing
finger at Mark.

“I didn’t kidnap a damn thing. Will someone tell me what’s going

on?” Mark shouted at Loco, pissed that these men were accusing him
of something, and he had no damn clue what it was.

“Why did you leave in the middle of the night?” Maverick

questioned him calmly. Mark didn’t trust that tone of voice. It was a
little too calm.

Mark picked up the papers he had been signing and shoved them

toward the group of men. “This is why. I took out a fucking loan so I
could start a shop in your town and be near Caden. I had to square the
paperwork away to sell this place.”

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“And that couldn’t have waited until morning?” Maverick

growled, looking down at the paperwork in Mark’s hand, but made no
attempt to take it.

Mark cleared his throat, feeling slightly embarrassed at his next

words. “I was kinda excited to start my new life with the pup. Got a
little gung ho.”

This seemed to calm the large man down. His canines retracted,

and he visibly relaxed. “Caden’s missing. He must have discovered
you gone and followed.”

“But he doesn’t know where my shop is. Why would he do that?”

Mark began to panic. The thought of his baby out here searching the
city terrified him. Caden was so young, so innocent. His baby? Mark
surprised himself with that thought. He liked it though.

“You know what we are?” Maverick asked.
Mark nodded as he thought of where they might start to look for

Caden. “When Tangee got upset, his little canines used to show. He
didn’t think I saw them. No big deal.”

“Then you should know that you are Caden’s mate.”
Mark’s jaw dropped in utter shock. “I asked him. He wouldn’t tell

me who. Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

“He’s young. He came to me afraid of losing you. Caden came

from his mother’s arms right into my care. You’re his first in

Mark had a feeling Caden was untried. It showed in his kiss and

his clumsy handling of Mark’s cock. That drew him closer to the
young man. Young? Guy was ninety years old, and that made Mark
feel as though he were still wet behind the ears.

“We have to find him, Maverick. If anything happens to him—”

Mark closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He had to calm down
and think with a level head. But there was one thing for sure, and that
was the fact that he would rip this city apart if harm came to

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Mark’s heart was lighter at this knowledge. There wouldn’t be a

someday that Caden would be claimed and taken away from him. He
was Mark’s.

“I agree. Caden is entrusted with patrol duty, but he has the other

warriors to help him out if he gets in over his head. They have been
showing him the ropes as he slowly matures into the Sentry he was
born to be. In the city, he has no one,” Maverick explained to Mark.
“How many shops are in this city?” Maverick grabbed the phonebook.
The warriors and Mark searched and counted every shop listed. There
were ten damn shops that Caden could wander into.

Maverick’s head lifted as he looked Mark straight in the eyes.
Mark could tell Maverick was done explaining and ready to go

look for Caden. The large man had a look that said he meant business.
“I have eight men with me. If we pair up, we can take two shops each.
We’ll find him.” He handed out two addresses to each pair, making
the warriors check their phones to ensure they were on. “Call if you
find him. You’re with me, Mark.”

Mark followed Maverick out of his office, instructing Leo to call

him if Caden showed up asking for him. He gave Leo his mate’s
description then headed out with Maverick.

He climbed into the truck and slammed the door, worried shitless

that something was going to happen to Caden before they could find
him. Mark stared out of the window, his eyes scanning as he searched
for his mate. “Why didn’t we all just pick a place and go? Ten places,
ten of us.”

Maverick sighed. “Because wolves have a tendency to shift first,

ask questions later. In order for that not to happen, another wolf has to
be with them.”

“You guys can shift?”
“Yes. Didn’t you know that?”
Mark looked over at Maverick. “No, I just knew you were wolves.

That’s the extent of my knowledge. Well, Caden did tell me you guys
lived to be a thousand.”

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“True. I’m three hundred and sixty-nine. Still young, but Caden is

a baby in comparison.”

Mark laughed. “I said the same thing, and he had a fit. Said he

wasn’t a baby.” God, he wanted his mate. He wanted to see that
nervous smile. Mark wanted to hear Caden cry out his name again,

“We’ll find him. The problem is…will the vampires find him


He whipped his head back around. “No fucking way! Vampires?”
Maverick nodded. “There’s a coven in the city, but some rogue

ones moved in as well, just as we have rogue wolves. Some have
attacked our town. If one of them finds Caden, they’ll drain him.”

Mark’s stomach lurched, and bile rose up his throat. “We have to

find him.”

* * * *

Caden was so damn lost. He had rushed out so fast last night. He

had shifted into wolf form and ran to the city, planning to beg Mark to
come home. The problem was when he shifted back to human form,
he was naked. No clothes, no phone, and no cash.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. He really was a baby, like Mark had

claimed. Thank goodness it had still been dark out. Caden had stolen
into someone’s back yard, grabbed a pair of lounging pants from a
poolside, and quickly put them on. He didn’t have a shirt, shoes, or
coat. It was midsummer, so he wouldn’t need a coat, but his feet hurt
from endless hours of walking barefoot on the hard pavement.

“Looks like a lost pup, boys.”
Caden stiffened. If these people knew he was a wolf, then they

could be only one thing.

Caden walked faster. He knew defeating a vamp was hard work,

and there seemed to be more than one. This was not his lucky day. He

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yelped when one of them jumped on his back, biting into him. Caden
swung around, trying to dislodge the creature.

“Don’t let him get away,” one of them yelled. They dragged him

into an alley, all three holding Caden down as their sharp teeth tore
flesh from his body. Caden cried out in immense pain. He lay on his
belly as they attempted to tear his back apart.

Caden shifted, pain racking his body as he fought the vampires,

his jaws snapping and claws scratching at anything they came in
contact with. Two of the vamps fled, getting the blood they came for,
but the third seemed to have a hard on for Caden.

“I’m not so easy to defeat,” he taunted as he circled the injured


Caden bided his time, not letting the vampire drain the last of his

energy until the very last second.

The moment came, the creature obviously tired of the waiting

game. He attacked, leaving his throat exposed. Caden took advantage
of that, clamping his jaws down hard as he thrashed his head about,
tearing the vampire’s skin from bone. Caden was relentless, not
letting go until the vampire lay dead at his feet. He stood still for a
moment when a wave of nausea rolled over him. As bad as he felt,
Caden knew he had to move on.

Limping away, Caden stayed close to the shadows. The edges of

his vision blurred, signaling to him the need to pass out. He couldn’t.
Dog catchers were in the city, and no one would ever think to look for
him at the pound. He had to keep moving. The blood was warm as it
trickled down his flank and sides. Bile rose in his throat. He was
becoming light-headed. All he wanted was Mark, to see him one more
time, kiss him once more.

Caden stumbled into a building, his strength threatening to leave

him. Why had Mark run from him? Caden could feel the need to cry
at the thought of Mark never wanting to see him again.

Caden pushed away from the building only to stumble again.

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He lay down, no longer able to go on. Without Mark, there was no

reason to.

* * * *

“Wait! I thought I saw something. Go back,” Mark shouted as he

craned his neck out of the window.

Maverick shifted the gears of the truck into reverse, slowly

backing up.

“There.” Mark pointed toward a small alcove. “Is that a wolf?”
“Fuck, that’s Caden.” Maverick slammed the truck into park, both

he and Mark running from the truck. “Damn it, vamps got him!”
Maverick lifted the small wolf into his arms, and Caden whined

“It’s okay, baby. We got you.” Mark soothed his mate’s damp fur,

the anger encompassing him when he drew his hand back and saw the
blood. “What do we do?” he asked around the lump in his throat.

“Get him home and call the wolf physician.”
“Call him, damn it.” Mark growled as he climbed into the

extended cab with his pup. He felt so helpless knowing absolutely
nothing about injured wolves.

Maverick was on the phone, telling someone to meet them at the

Den. Next, he called Kota, telling him to let the others know that
Caden was found and injured, and they should meet him back home.

Maverick raced the highway, going over a hundred miles an hour

to get Caden to the doctor.

The wolf was bleeding out in the backseat. Mark cradled Caden’s

head in his lap, pushing aside the fact that he was mated to a wolf.
The only thing on his mind right now was getting Caden the help he
needed and saving his life.

Maverick skidded to a stop in front of the house, and Mark

jumped out of the back seat to pull his pup out and carry him into the

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They got Caden into a downstairs room and pressed towels to his

wounds to stop the bleeding until the doctor arrived. Ten minutes
later, they were ushered out as the doctor went to work.

Mark was going out of his mind. His mate was so slim, so fragile.

The loss of blood could stop his heart or stroke him out. Any number
of things. Never before in his life had he an urge to drink, but right
now he could drink a brewery dry.

He paced Maverick’s office while the Alpha, as Mark learned he

was, called someone named Prince Christian, leader of the vampires.
This was all so fucking bizarre. Mark’s mind wanted to freak out
about all of this, but his heart was too busy worrying about Caden.

“But Tank’s mate was bitten,” Maverick argued.
“A human. Boring blood, predictable DNA,” Christian informed


“Glad to know I’m boring and predictable,” George muttered

from the sofa. Maverick held up a hand to silence him.

Maverick had the call on speaker phone so everyone in the room

could hear. “He craves bloodier meat and is always thirsty. Common
among bitten humans. But Caden is wolf, and his DNA is more
complex. I can’t give you one answer when the effect is different for
every shifter. I have heard some die within twenty-four hours, while
others go feral.”

Mark punched the wall. He would not lose his mate. The thought

was inconceivable. He’d just accepted his new life and was anxious to
get it started. There was no way he was going to go it alone after
finding Caden. His fear of losing yet another person he cared about
was threatening to drive Mark mad.

This just couldn’t be happening.
“I assume that is his mate I hear beating the plaster?” Christian


“Fuck you, you bloodsucker!” Mark yelled, his fear of what could

happen to his mate transferring to the vampire.

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“I won’t take offense. He may be all right. Some wolves have no

symptoms at all. I am truly sorry, Alpha, that I can’t be of any more
help. And to his mate, I truly do apologize rogues attacked him. This
will be dealt with. I do not take rogues in my territory lightly.”

Maverick thanked him and hung up.
“What’s feral?” Mark asked.
“For us, Caden would crave bloodlust. Kill indiscriminately for no

other reason than the taste of blood. There would be no reasoning
with him, no talking him down. Some remain in wolf form, savagely
tearing throats out.”

“Sounds like summer camp,” Mark tried to joke while he wanted

to scream the injustice of it all.

“You love him?” Maverick leaned back in his chair.
Mark scrubbed his face before dropping his arms onto his knees.

“I don’t know. All I know is that when I’m around Caden, my heart’s
lighter, and I want to laugh all the time. Sounds so damn mushy.”

“We’ve all been there. Still are,” Maverick assured him.
“I’ve only known the guy a day. When I went back to the city, I

looked at other guys, you know, to see if it was about being gay. But
none of them interested me, not even the women. My vision has
narrowed to one man that yaps around me like an excited little pup
that makes me want to wrap him in cotton and protect him from the
world…and I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud.” Mark groaned.

Hawk chuckled. “Look at me. Do I look like the kind of guy that

melts when my mate smiles?”

Mark looked over at Hawk. “No, you look like you eat kittens for


“Exactly, so don’t be ashamed of the way you feel about Caden,

and fuck anybody who thinks you weak.”

“As the wise once told me, they can all eat weenies.” George


“I’m not ashamed. I just never was one to express feelings, you

know. Girly stuff,” Mark corrected him.

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“There’s nothing girly about telling your mate you love him and

showing how much he means to you,” Maverick defended.

“I just hope I get the chance to.” Mark leaned back, looking up at

the ceiling as an overwhelming feeling of loss rode him. Everyone fell
silent, waiting for the doctor to finish.

Maverick placed his forearms on his desk. “I really thought you

would fight this, give Caden a hard road to travel before you claimed
him.” Maverick chuckled. “I told him you were buried deep in the

Mark furrowed his brow in thought. He tossed that around, as

well, but came up with another conclusion. “I don’t think I was. I
really think it’s just Caden.”

“Whatever it is, I’m glad he didn’t have an emotional battle with

convincing you.” Maverick sat back as he pinched the bridge of his

It was well past midnight when the doctor emerged from the room

and met the group in the den. “I’ve stopped the bleeding, and his wolf
form seems to be fighting, not giving up. He’s young. That’s in his
favor. All you can do is wait now. The next few hours will let you
know what’s going to happen to him.”

Maverick thanked the doctor, showing him out. Mark slipped into

the bedroom, climbing onto the bed, rubbing his hand up and down
his mate’s fur. “You really are beautiful, pup.” He stroked him,
careful of his wounds.

Caden whimpered.
“I’m right here. Not going anywhere,” Mark assured him, and this

seemed to relax the wolf.

Mark stayed with his mate the whole time, stepping into the

bathroom briefly to shower, then lying naked in the bed and covering
them both with a sheet. He studied Caden’s muzzle, his eyes, ears,
and the blond color of his fur. Mark lifted a paw, studying how small
they were.

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Mark held his breath as Caden finally opened his eyes. Well, his

mate didn’t die, but would he be feral? The wolf just watched him
awhile, fear evident in his chocolate brown eyes. “It’s okay. You can
shift,” Mark soothed him.

“You came back,” Caden said in a soft and frightened tone.
“Pup, I wasn’t going anywhere. I only went to the city to sell the

shop. I wanted to open one here, to be with you.”

Caden began to cry. “I’m sorry.” His body shook as he curled up

next to Mark.

Mark pulled him close, running his hands through Caden’s hair.

“You’re safe, and that’s all that matters. We’ll talk about your
punishment later.”

Caden wiped his eyes, “Y–yes, sir.” He hiccupped, cuddling

closer into Mark’s arms. “Is Maverick mad at me?”

“I wouldn’t say either of us was thrilled to find you almost dead

on a city street.”

Caden’s eyes widened. “You looked for me?”
“Of course I did. You’re my mate. You think I would have left

you out there all alone?” Mark ran his knuckles down Caden’s cheek,
happy his mate had survived the ordeal intact.

“You know?”
Mark growled. “Don’t ever hide secrets from me again,


“Yes, sir.”
“How do you feel?”
“Good. I’m healed. A little stiff, but no lasting damage.”
Mark rolled Caden under him, kissing him softly as he shifted his

leg between his pup’s. He held both Caden’s wrists in his hand above
his mate’s head. “Don’t move them.”

“Yes, sir.”
Mark smiled. He kissed his way down Caden’s soft skin until his

mate’s cock nudged him in the chin. No time like the present to learn

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something new. Caden whimpered, thrusting his hips up. “Hold still.”
Mark nipped his hip.

Holding Caden’s cock in his hand, Mark studied it. It looked like

a cock, felt like one, too. Mark wasn’t sure what he was expecting,
but nothing came to mind. No repulsion or hesitation. This was
Caden, his mate. It felt natural and right.

Clear liquid seeped out from the tiny eye. Mark stuck his tongue

out and tasted it.

Not bad.
He licked around the head as he saw his mate fighting not to

move. Mark reached down, cupping Caden’s balls and rolling them
around in his hand. They were firm and smooth. He let his fingers
trial over the wrinkled pattern, getting acquainted with his mate’s

Mark licked a trail from tip to base then back up again, Caden’s

pleasure radiating outward as he moaned. Mark wetted his thumb then
slowly pushed inside his mate’s tight star, the muscle squeezing
around his digit. He slowly pumped it as he sucked Caden’s hard

“I want…”
“Hush, pup,” Mark growled as he took the tip back into his mouth.

Caden whimpered. Mark pulled the cock from between his lips,
chuckling. “What do you want?”

“I want you to fuck me,” Caden whined, his legs trembling from

obeying Mark’s command.

“Have no doubt about that. You will be.” Mark sucked him in,

careful not to choke. Caden bucked, crying out for Mark to do
something, anything, to relieve the pressure. He slid his thumb free,
kissing the head of Caden’s cock, before rising. Mark crawled up the
smaller man’s body. “Got any lube?”

“Don’t know, not my room.” Caden panted, his eyes locked onto


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Mark checked the drawer. Bingo. He wondered briefly if

Maverick stocked it in all the rooms.

Squirting some onto his fingers, Mark laid the bottle on the bed. It

couldn’t be any different than preparing a female for anal sex. He slid
a finger in, being as gentle as he could be, knowing his mate was new
at this. Caden’s muscles resisted at first, a reflex that was common.
“Relax, baby, let me in.” Mark ran his finger over the soft flesh inside
of Caden’s hot sheath.

“Like that?” Mark chuckled.
“God, yes.”
Mark wasn’t going to tell him that Maverick had pulled him aside

and given him a few pointers on man love. As embarrassing as it was,
Mark paid attention to everything the Alpha had told him, especially
about the prostate.

Mark added a second then a third finger, stretching his mate until

he felt Caden was ready. Caden whimpered, his ass trying to follow
Mark’s fingers as he scooted down the bed.

He tapped Caden’s hip. “Behave.”
“But it felt good,” Caden complained.
“I have something that will feel even better.” Mark wiggled his

eyebrows, getting a laugh out of his mate.

God, it was so good to hear him laugh again. Maverick had also

informed him that condoms weren’t a necessity. Shifters couldn’t
catch human diseases. This would be the first time he had sex without
one since his girlfriend in high school.

Mark lubed his cock thoroughly, tossed the bottle aside, and then

pushed his mate’s legs back. “Tell me if you need me to stop.”

* * * *

Caden nodded, digging his fingers into Mark’s large and tattooed

biceps. They felt powerful under his hands, still amazed this god was

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his. He felt a pinch, then a burning sensation, and then more pinching.
Caden breathed through it, just as the mates instructed him. He wasn’t
that naïve. He knew it would hurt the first time. Embarrassed but
determined, he had asked their advice.

Caden wasn’t stupid enough to think he would be topping Mark.

The man was pure Alpha. He wouldn’t have been comfortable doing
it either. The mates were more than happy to explain things to him.
Cecil got way too graphic, and Johnny was too sketchy. The guy
couldn’t explain his way out of a paper bag. Blair…well, Mark’s teeth
were too blunt, and he wasn’t sure he wanted his mate to bite him. He
would never understand Blair’s need for being bitten by his mate, but
Caden wasn’t one to judge. He had listened to it all, and saw that they
all agreed on a few pointers. Breathe your way through it and push
down. That’s what Caden did, and some of the pain eased.

The mates had also told Caden that they were treated like a piece

of fragile glass, and if he wanted it harder, he would have to tell his

Caden had asked Maverick about the claiming, worried that it

wouldn’t work if Mark topped him. The Alpha said as long as he bit
Mark, it would work. When Caden asked about George and the whole
“Tank has to top him” thing, Maverick had confided in Caden that he
had told Tank that because of a dream he had.

When Caden tried to get Maverick to explain, the Alpha had

refused, telling Caden he didn’t need to know any more details of
another mated pair then he already revealed.

The mates also told Caden that they were
“You okay, baby?” Mark was taking it slow, and Caden nodded.

Mark pushed in slowly until he was all the way in. Caden’s whole
body shivered as Mark’s lips traced a sensual path to ecstasy.

Caden was shocked at his own eager response to the touch of

Mark’s lips.

Caden felt transported on a soft and wispy cloud, praying Mark

never left his side again.

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Chapter Four

He had to move. Please let Caden tell him he could move. Sweat

broke out on his body, and his muscles quivered with tightly held
tension, his hips begging to thrust.

Mark laid his forehead against Caden’s, smiling down at him as

he concentrated on his mate’s comfort.

“I’m okay.” Caden bit his bottom lip and smiled shyly as his eyes


Mark took Caden’s mouth in a slow and drugging kiss as he began

to move inside of his pup. Mark pulled Caden’s right leg up, holding
it to his mate’s chest as he snapped his hips.

“Harder. I won’t break, promise,” Caden begged.
Mark took him at his word. He slammed into Caden’s ass. Mark

liked the fact that Caden, unlike a woman, wouldn’t complain about
him being too rough.

He let loose, watching his mate’s face just in case he was being

too rough. Caden only showed glassy-eyed bliss. Mark grabbed
Caden under his other knee, pushing it back with the other one as he
hammered away.

Shit, this was heaven.
Mark felt like he couldn’t get enough of Caden’s soft body under

his. Their lips met, and Caden’s tongue sent shivers of desire racing
through Mark.

He wasn’t sure what attracted him to Caden, but he was hooked

now. Just one encounter and he knew he’d be coming back for more.

Mark was about to lose control from the sensual way Caden was

moaning and pulling at Mark’s arms and shoulders. Mark’s fingers

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glided through Caden’s hair, his fingers massaging his mate’s scalp as
his cock made love to Caden’s body.

Mark inhaled Caden’s scent as his lips explored every inch of

Caden’s neck and chest.

“Mark. I feel like I’m sitting on a star, staring down at you.”

Caden arched his back, groaning as he turned his head to the side.

Mark’s lips parted as his mouth met Caden’s. He was drawn to a

height of passion he had never known before.

He softly bit Caden’s bottom lip, tugging on it as Caden stared up

at him adoringly. Mark smiled and released it, trailing his tongue
along the stinging lip.

“Do you accept me as your mate, Caden?” Maverick had also

given Mark the words to recite. He prayed the Alpha knew what he
was talking about.

“Yes, Mark.” Caden grabbed Mark’s shoulders, hiking his hips


Mark leaned forward, allowing Caden to bite him, feeling a

passion rising in him like the hottest fire, clouding his brain as he
grabbed Caden’s hair, holding his mate’s head to his neck.

Caden sucked at his neck, his hands everywhere. Mark hammered

hard into Caden’s ass as he roared his release. He felt something
inside of him pull away then flutter back inside of him, and a part of
Caden was with it. He could feel it. He was afraid it wouldn’t work
with him being human.

“I feel it, Mark. I feel you with me.” Caden dug his nails into

Mark’s forearms.

“Me, too, baby.” Mark ran his lips over Caden’s. Caden shivered

and then stiffened, yelling into Mark’s mouth as he came.

Fuck if this wasn’t some hot ass sex. Mark looked down,

breathing heavily as he saw Caden’s spunk between them. He ran his
fingers through it, tasting it.

“You look so hot doing that.” Caden panted, easing his nails from

Mark’s flesh.

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Caden opened his mouth when Mark ran his fingers through it

again, this time offering it to his mate. “Salty,” Caden commented
like a connoisseur.

“But good.” Mark chuckled at the playful way Caden was


“Do you regret this?” Caden asked as he lowered his eyes. “I

know you aren’t gay and that only the pull brought you to my bed. Do
you hate me for it?”

Mark could feel the tension making Caden rigid. After what they

just shared, he wasn’t going to allow it. He answered his mate
honestly. “Not one second, love. I don’t hate you, baby. Just a little
confused. “Mark kissed him, and then he pulled free, both groaning as
Mark’s soft cock left Caden’s body.

Mark pulled away from Caden and got up, going to the bathroom

and bringing back a hot towel. He cleaned Caden up, tossing the
towel at the bathroom door.

“Scoot over.” Mark crawled in behind him, spooning the smaller

man. Mark tucked Caden’s head under his chin as he ran the palm of
his hand up and down Caden’s chest and abdomen.

“You’re opening a shop here?”
“Yep, found a place too, right next to the post office.”
Caden cuddled closer. “I know the building you’re talking about.

Great location. You’re going to clean up around here.”

“Not looking to become rich, just want to do what I like.” Mark

thought about something else Maverick had told him. Now that he
was mated to Caden, he would live to be a thousand years old. Fuck,
man. That’s a really long time. What would he see over the next ten
centuries? What events of history would he witness? He had no
family anymore. His granddad had been the last. Could he fully open
up to Caden now that he knew the smaller man wasn’t going to leave?

It was just him now. Well, him and Caden. Mark chuckled. His

granddad would have kicked his ass if he told him about mating
Caden. Charlie was an old-fashioned man and didn’t believe the same

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sex should be together. His granddad complained many times that the
body parts didn’t fit, especially for women. If his granddad only knew
how well his and Caden’s bodies fit together. Mark pulled Caden tight
to him for a quick hug.

“What’s so funny?” Caden asked as he turned in Mark’s arms.
“Just thinking how lucky I am to have you and how shocked the

people I know would be.”

“You don’t have to tell them. I understand how the world works,

how some people would treat you if they knew. I don’t want you to
lose any friends.”

“Do you think I’m ashamed of you?” Mark was amazed Caden’s

thoughts went there. “I would never hide you.” There was no one in
his life worth hurting his mate over. “I said the people I knew, not
friends. I’ve only known you for a full day and would choose you
over anyone in my life. What does that tell you?”

“Don’t sound so shocked. You’ll hurt my feelings.” Mark laughed

as he pulled them out of bed. “Come on, mate. Time to face the

“But I don’t wanna,” Caden cried.
“You are adorable when you whine.” Mark pushed his mate to the

bathroom, getting him under the shower. “Everyone will be relieved
to see that you’ve made it through the attack and haven’t gone feral.”

“Yeah, then they’ll kick my ass.” Caden pouted.
“Stop cursing. It doesn’t sound right coming from you.”
Caden crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine, I hope you like your

meat well-done because that’s what I’ll be when the warriors are done
with me.”

Mark grabbed Caden’s ass. “As long as this is still intact.”
“If it feels like magic being with you every time, I’ll make sure it


* * * *

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“Well, at least you survived the attack.” Maverick gestured for

Caden to have a seat. They were in the den, the entire pack sitting
there to witness his shame. Mark sat next to him, laying his hand on
Caden’s thigh. He gave a light squeeze, telling Caden all would be

“Yes, sir.”
“I could have sworn I told a certain wolf not to go to the city.”

Maverick walked around the den, hands behind his back. “What
punishment do you think you deserve for disobeying me and nearly
getting yourself killed?”

“I–I don’t know, sir.” Caden was terrified. Would his Alpha make

him leave his pack? Would he take Mark away from him? He had
never disobeyed Maverick before, but he remembered what his Alpha
had done to his assistant. When Lonny tried to kill Cecil, Maverick’s
mate, the Alpha had killed Lonny. Was that the price when angering
the Alpha? Caden shivered. “Just please don’t kill me.”

Maverick crossed the room and stood in front of Caden, his eyes

softening. “Do you think we would have fought so hard to keep you
alive only to turn around and kill you?” Maverick knelt down in front
of Caden, his voice tender. “There was a reason I forbid you to go.
You’re not old enough yet to be on your own.”

“I’m not a baby.” Caden pouted and crossed his arms over his

chest, getting ticked off that everyone looked at him like that.

“That may be, but I think I’ll leave the punishment in your mate’s

hands. I trust you won’t have a repeat now that he’s here.” Maverick
winked up at Mark. Standing, he ushered everyone into the dining
room for dinner.

“What’s my punishment?” Caden looked up at his mate. At least

he wasn’t being kicked out of the pack. He could handle anything
else. It’s not like he purposefully sought out the vampires. All he had
wanted was his mate.

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* * * *

“We’ll discuss it after dinner, in private.” Mark led Caden down

the hallway, caressing the nape of his neck. They would discuss it
after dinner because Mark had to think of something.

It wasn’t as though he dealt out punishment on a regular basis.

What did you do to someone who was only running behind him?
Mark felt like he was just as much at fault in this. He hadn’t left a
note, hadn’t explained what he was doing. He was just as
irresponsible as Caden had acted.

* * * *

“So, I heard this thing people do around here called cow tipping.

We’re gonna go out and try it.” Cecil stared at each mate. He had
excluded Lewis and George. Being older, they would have protested
and more than likely tattled.

“Cow tipping?” Caden asked, “Doesn’t sound right. You mates

know you shouldn’t be out running around at night.” Caden narrowed
his eyes on Cecil, who was going to ignore the look.

“Are you one of us now or not?” Cecil put his hands on his hips.

He was bored to tears, hadn’t gotten out in so long he could tell you
how many new hairs had grown on his eyebrows.

Caden puffed his chest out, jamming his thumb into it. “Even

though I’m a mate now, I’m still a Sentry. I have to be responsible
and tell you I disapprove. Even though your idea sounds intriguing,
my butt’s still sore from the spanking Mark gave me.”

“Did you like it?” Blair nudged him.

* * * *

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The only thing Caden could do was blush. He had liked it, a little

too much. It surprised him that he came from the punishment. Maybe
if he followed the mates, Mark would spank him again.

Eight silhouetted figures crept by the front of the house, running

down the gravel drive. They made it a mile down the road, hopping
over the first fence they came to.

“Now, the guys that were at the diner said cows sleep standing up,

and that if you nudge them, they fall over.” Cecil pushed his shoulder
into the cow, but nothing happened.

“Maybe you aren’t big enough.” Drew joined him, pushing with

his hands.

“It doesn’t seem to be working.” Caden stated the obvious. If he

snuck out and went against everything he’d been taught, at least the
damn tipping should work. What was he doing out here? He knew
better. Why had he crumbled under peer pressure as soon as he was
mated? Did he want to be accepted as a mate that badly?

“Let me try.” Caden helped Drew and Cecil. If he was gonna get

into trouble, it better be worth it.

The only thing that happened was the cow reorienting its footing.
“They were full of cow manure.” Johnny pouted.
“It was worth a try. We just debunked that myth.” Cecil laughed

as they stood around the cow. The creature moved out of their way
and walked a few feet away.

“So we’re going to get chewed out for nothing?” Caden asked in a

peeved voice.

“We got out of the house.” Cecil held his finger up as he pointed

this fact out.

“Who’s out there?” a gruff voice shouted, a flashlight beam

dancing across the dark pasture.

“What do we do?” Johnny panicked, running around in circles.
“Run!” Caden yelled. They all shot across the field, the opposite

direction from the way they came. They had to stop twice when Keata

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“You don’t have boobies. You shouldn’t be falling,” Johnny

shouted over his shoulder.

They made it to a big red barn, where Tangee found a small

access door. He held it open as the mates scrambled through it. All
eight mates huddled by the door, peeking out to see if they had been

“What the hell?”
They turned at Oliver’s question, and a collective gasp sounded

through the barn. Three. Caden counted three naked bodies swinging
slightly from individual nooses. He stepped closer, a chill racing
down his spine at the pasty white complexion each held. Their lips
were an odd shade of blue.

Caden couldn’t look at the eyes. He knew that if he did, they

would haunt him for the rest of his life. His eyes darted past the
hanging corpses. A table was set up with shiny knives of all sizes laid

What the hell was going on here?
The whimpering of some of the mates barely registered, and the

smell was nauseating. Caden lifted his foot, looking down to see
blood was clinging to his boot. Looking further down past the heel, he
saw a pool of the thick, sticky blood. These men had been drained.

“We have to get out of here now.” Caden made for the door, only

to stop in his tracks, tilting his head.

His wolf hearing was superb, and he held his hand up to stop all

movement. “Someone’s coming.” He looked around quickly, trying to
find a place that would house all eight of them safely.

The loft.
Caden pointed up, removing his boots so he wouldn’t leave

bloody tracks behind and give away their position. The taller mates
shoved the shorter ones up the rickety ladder.

“No one can make a sound,” Blair warned them in a hushed tone.

They all nodded, crawling to the back, hay sticking into their hands
and knees.

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Caden shoved his boots back on then peered over the side,

watching as a man came through the small access door. He was
holding a lantern in one hand and a shotgun in the other. These mates
were human. Most of them, anyway, and none would survive a blast.

He held his breath, feeling some of the mates smashed against him

shaking uncontrollably. He was a Sentry. It was his job to get them
out safely. If he had to, he would shift and lead the human away,
allowing the mates a chance at escape.

“I know you’re here. I saw you come in,” the man taunted in a

cold and menacing voice.

Shit, they were so screwed. Blair slapped a hand over Johnny’s

mouth as Oliver covered Keata’s. Should he shift now and attack the
human so the mates could get away, or should he wait until the man
got closer and attack as he became vulnerable on the ladder?

All his training and all his fighting skills fled at the thought of one

of the mates getting hurt or killed. He was the Sentry, and he was the
one who had to protect them at all costs, even his own life. What the
fuck should he do?

Caden felt so helpless, like the baby everyone claimed he was.

The choice was taken out of his hands when the human walked under
the loft, firing a round through the floor, barely missing Drew’s head.

Simultaneously, Drew slapped a hand over his mouth as he

covered his eyes.

Shit, Caden had no choice.
He shifted, jumped from the loft and attacked. The shotgun went

off, missing Caden by a hair’s breath as he sunk his canines into the
man’s arm. He didn’t have to say anything, didn’t have to shout up to
anyone, but the taller mates damn near threw the shorter ones down
the ladder, pushing them through the access door.

Oliver stayed, wrestling with the man as Caden snapped his head

back and forth. Caden kept his canines sunk into the arm that held the
shotgun. The thought of this large man getting his arm free and
shooting Oliver wasn’t something Caden was going to let happen.

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It had only been three days since Caden had healed, and his

muscles were protesting at being used so rigorously soon afterward.
His strength was leaving him. He had to get Oliver to safety.

The guy raised his foot and kicked Caden, eliciting a yelp from

him. Renewing his attack, Caden held on for dear life. Oliver was
trying his best to punch the guy in the face repeatedly. The man
wasn’t a small human. He resembled one of those big mountain men.

A fat, meaty hand wrapped around Oliver’s throat, lifting him into

the air. Oliver was kicking as he scratched and clawed for breath.
There was only one way Caden could think to free the other mate.
Caden released the arm he was ripping at and sank his canine’s right
into the man’s family jewels.

The human screamed, dropping Oliver to punch Caden in the

head. The man gave a hell of a fight to free his groin, but Caden was
determined to take him down. He thrashed his head back and forth,
back and forth, applying pressure until his jaws almost locked into

Caden became frustrated when Oliver wouldn’t leave. Instead, the

mate jumped onto the man’s back, trying his best to get his arm
around the man’s thick neck.

Lewis burst through the door, gun raised, as he called for

everyone to freeze. Maverick grabbed the shotgun from the man’s
tight fist, grabbing Caden’s scruff, telling him it was okay. He could
release the man now.

Caden whimpered, and Maverick understood.
“Get down, Oliver. Caden isn’t going to let him go until he sees

you’re safe.” When Oliver jumped down, circling around to let Caden
know he was at a safe distance, Caden released the man.

“What the hell is going on here, Oliver?” Lewis asked as he

trained the gun on the man that had crumbled to his knees, holding his
bloody crotch.

“Don’t know. We found theses bodies hanging, and that guy shot

at us. He tried to kill Drew.” Oliver panted, bent over with his hands

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placed on his knees, gulping down air. Caden could see Oliver
slightly shaking and knew the mate was trying to be brave.

“I think I found my three missing men.” Detective Lewis Keating

circled around the bodies.

Oliver and Caden walked through the access door and out into the

fresh air as flashing lights surrounded them. They made their way
over to Mark and Micah. Caden was ushered away quickly in his wolf
form. “You have a lot of explaining to do, mate.” Mark growled as he
opened the passenger door of Maverick’s truck.

* * * *

Caden sat on his bed, his head lowered, as Mark paced back and

forth, trying to calm down before dealing with him. Maverick had
already raised the roof. People three states over probably heard him.

Drew’s eyes had dirt, small particles of hay, and splinters in them.

The wolf physician had treated him. Remi swore the fat fucker was
going to get his. The man couldn’t be calmed until the doctor cleared
Drew, saying he wouldn’t lose the use of his eye.

Caden had stepped down from his Sentry duties. The way he had

frozen tonight only served to let him know he wasn’t ready for the
position. Maverick and Mark both tried to talk him out of it, but it had
been very clear to him that he wasn’t Sentry material. Not yet. He still
had more maturing to do. If he was a Sentry worth holding the title,
he wouldn’t have gone off with the mates to prove he was one of
them. He would have resisted the pressure.

“I can’t tell you enough how fucking scared I was when the other

mates came crashing through the front door yelling about how you
and Oliver were being held by a man with a shotgun.” Mark fisted his
hands at his sides. Caden didn’t like the look in his mate’s eyes. Was
Mark going to spank him but not in a good way? His nerves were
tightly wound, fretting over what the man was going to do to him.

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“And, to top it all off, the mates come in all scratched up. Seems

two tigers were clawing them up trying to get to you and Oliver. They
were so shaken up, none of the warriors could calm them down. And
the icing on the cake? The man was really a shifter, a rogue shifter
that was sadistic enough to torture those poor humans before killing
them. According to Lewis, it was a fucking random act. Do you know
what could have happen to all of you?” Mark’s voice had deepened
into a growling whisper. Caden had no excuse for what they did, so he
just sat there quietly.

It was amazing that, in one week, Caden had gone from being a

respected Sentry to being mated to a human who proclaimed he
wasn’t gay. He had been treated as though he was a baby, and he
damn near got killed twice. What the hell was next week going to be
like? On second thought, scratch that. He didn’t want to know.

There really wasn’t much Caden could say. All he could do was

sit there and take it. They already had one grey wolf among them,
Jason, who had come to replace Jasper. Now Maverick would have to
replace him, all because they went cow tipping. He didn’t even get to
tip one over, either.

“Get ready for bed. I’m too angry for this right now.”
Caden’s mouth went dry as Mark shed his clothes then crooked

his finger. “Come here.” Caden crawled over to his mate, his heart
racing out of control. The large cock between his mate’s legs was red
and angry, engorged and throbbing. Caden licked his lips then looked
up into Mark’s eyes. He wanted that huge cock between his lips.

Caden’s legs slid over the end of the bed. With shaky hands, he

removed his clothing. What was Mark going to do? He didn’t think a
spanking was forthcoming. His mate was too angry for that.

He flinched when Mark grabbed his forearms, tossing him on the

side of the bed, belly down. His knees were thrust up onto the
mattress. Caden’s knees were pushed all the way up to his elbows,

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exposing his most intimate hidings. Whatever Mark had planned,
Caden hoped he flew to the stars as before.

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Chapter Five

“You’ve been a very naughty pup.” Mark ran his hands down

Caden’s back then over his two tight and rounded mounds. Raising
both hands, Mark let them fly. Smack, smack. The creamy white flesh
reddened beautifully.

“I’m sorry,” Caden cried out, not with tears but with a voice that

was begging for more. Mark’s senses came alive with that throaty cry.

“Not good enough. Twice now you’ve put yourself in harm’s

way.” Smack.

Mark reached into the side drawer, his hands touching the things

he had brought with him. He wondered if Caden would allow him to
use them. A glance at his pup told him his mate was hot and ready for
just about anything right now.

“Raise your hands above your head.” Mark walked around to the

other side of the bed then ran his fingers over the soft flesh of his
mate’s wrists before strapping the leather cuffs on. Caden looked up
at him with questioning eyes.

“If you want me to stop, say so now, baby.”
“I’m nervous.”
“I won’t hurt you. I promise.” Mark kissed each bound wrist

before guiding his mate to the middle of the bed and laid him on his
stomach, securing his wrists to the headboard. “You look beautiful.”

Caden looked over his shoulder. His eyes, filled with curiosity and

a little apprehension, followed every move Mark made.

Mark walked to the end of the bed, salivating at the flare of

Caden’s ass when his mate wiggled around straining to see what he
was doing.

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Mark ran his fingers down Caden’s legs, his thumbs caressing his

mate’s ankles before securing them as well. Mark walked around to
the head of the bed, pulling Caden’s head up by tucking a knuckle
under his chin. “Are you ready?”

“Yes…sir.” Caden added the last word on quickly. Mark’s lip

twitched in a smile when Caden’s legs pulled up and then his nostrils
flared. Mark’s cock jerked just hearing the words of the subservient
tone and seeing the fire in his mate’s eyes.

Mark released his chin and ran a finger down his mate’s spine,

watching the body shiver under his touch. His eyes closed
momentarily at the thought that Caden was his and not going
anywhere. He wouldn’t be leaving him, moving away, or dying of old
age, at least not anytime soon. Caden was his.

Reaching back into the side drawer, Mark grabbed the lube and a

toy. He stood at the side of the bed as he parted his mate’s cheeks,
drizzling the slick over Caden’s puckered hole. Mark leaned over,
nipping the soft skin of Caden’s soft buttocks as he inserted the toy.

Caden looked over his shoulder, biting his bottom lip as their eyes

met. “Relax, pup.”

His mate nodded then laid his cheek on the pillow. Caden was so

obedient. Mark pushed the toy in a little further then pulled it back
until only the tip of the vibrator remained. His thumb skimmed over
the end of it, turning the circular wheel until the toy hummed to life.

“Mark,” Caden moaned as his hips began to thrust back then push

into the mattress. Mark took his left hand and pulled the globes apart
once again to get a full view of the device bringing his mate such
pleasure. The toy glided in and out, humming for Caden. Mark angled
it around until he knew he’d hit his mark. Caden pulled against his
restraints as he tried to get to his knees.

“Lay still, or I remove it,” Mark warned.
Caden whimpered but did as he was told. Mark pushed the toy in

and out at a faster rate, twisting it around as he pumped the vibrator
back and forth. Caden humped the bed stiffly, trying his best to obey.

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Mark gave him slight leeway, allowing his mate the friction to help
bring his pending orgasm closer.

Mark’s thumb turned the dial higher, feeling the toy hum faster

and vibrate in his hand harder. He released Caden’s cheeks and
brought his hand down to the sac between Caden’s legs. Mark ran his
fingers over Caden’s balls, rubbing them back and forth to bring the
pup closer.

Caden gasped for breath as incoherent words left his lips, his body

stiffening then rapidly pumping into the bed as he shook. Caden fell
silent, his face peaceful and his eyes unfocused. Mark removed the
toy, turning it off before grabbing the base of his own cock to stop the
eruption threatening to detonate at the pure bliss radiating from
Caden’s face.

“Lift your head, baby.”
Caden’s eyes cracked open, and he obeyed. Mark tapped his cock

at his mate’s lips, his mate opening and taking him in. His fingers
tightened around the base. His seed wasn’t going to go down Caden’s
throat. He wanted it buried deep inside his mate’s ass.

Caden sucked the nerves around the head, twirling his tongue to

lap up the pre-come that was leaking heavily from Mark’s cock. For a
newbie, Caden was sucking him down expertly. Mark ran his free
hand through his mate’s hair, the sandy blond strands running freely
through his fingers. “Good boy.”

Caden whimpered and applied a tight seal around his

ministrations. Mark damn near lost it even while his fingers tightened
around the base. Soon nothing would help, but he wanted to enjoy his
mate giving him pleasure just a moment longer. Caden looked up at
him with his lips still wrapped around Mark’s cock, lust and need
burning in his eyes. Mark took a deep breath and did the hardest thing
ever. He pulled away.

Caden’s lips tried to follow, but Mark bent to kiss the swollen

beauties before situating himself in the V of his mate’s legs. Mark

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massaged Caden’s skin, seeing the pink hole now stretched and red.
He dipped down, stiffening his tongue before pushing it in.

“Mark, please.” Caden whined.
Mark opened him up, pushing his tongue deeper and thrusting a

few times before pulling back, lapping at the tender entrance.

“What does my baby want?” he asked as he licked around the

circumference and down to his mate’s sac.

“Fuck me, sir. Fuck me into unconsciousness.”
He rose up, leaning over Caden and grabbing his shaft, lining it up

to give his mate what he wanted. “Will you put yourself at risk
again?” Mark pushed just the head in, waited a moment, and then
pulled back out.

“No, sir, I swear. Never. Now please fuck my ass.” Caden’s head

reared back, his pelvis coming off of the bed as he tried to push
Mark’s cock back in. The pup was seeking him. His ass was begging
to be fucked.

Mark rimmed the stretched flesh with the head of his cock, teasing

his mate but at the same time driving him insane. His control was
slowly crumbling. The need to take what was his demanded he quit
playing around and give Caden what he was pleading for.

Caden pulled at the restraints again, trying desperately to free his

hands. Mark took pity on his mate and on his own burning need,
sinking deep. Mark wrapped his body around his mate as he pulled
back then thrust forward, picking up the rhythm until he felt the
familiar sign of his orgasm approaching. Seeing the soft leather that
bound his mate drove him to the edge even faster.

Caden bucked as much as he could and cried out, trying his best to

impale his ass harder onto Mark’s cock. Mark hitched his hips and
drove in deeper, his mate’s ass greeting his cock on every thrust.
“Good boy. Ass so tight.” Mark kissed the back of Caden’s neck as he
thrust harder. His cock was so hard it made Mark fuck Caden harder.
Caden pulled his arms frantically as he writhed under Mark.

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Mark pulled his cock until just the head remained and then fucked

Caden’s ass in quick bursts, teasing his mate and himself.

“Shove it in hard, sir.”
Mark slammed his cock in, feeling like Caden’s body was created

just for him. It molded to his so damn perfectly. Mark slid his hands
under Caden’s chest, swiveling his hips as he laid his cheek on
Caden’s back. This man called to Mark’s baser instincts, making
Mark wanted to give him all that he was. Can a man make a man want
to be a better person?

He wanted to be whatever a man should be for Caden.
Mark stiffened as he roared out his release. He shot to the

heavens, taking Caden with him when he heard his mate cry out his
name as he thrust into the mattress. “Never put yourself in harm’s
way again,” Mark commanded low in his ear.

His mate nodded. “I swear to you.” Mark shifted to his side,

removing his weight off of his mate as he reached up and released the
restraints. The ankles could wait. Mark wanted to hold his pup at the
moment, feel him safely in his arms. Caden didn’t move when Mark
began to stroke his hair, massaging his scalp with the tips of his

After ten minutes had passed, Mark reluctantly got up and

removed the ankle restraints, placing them in the side drawer as he
laid the vibrator on the stand to be cleansed and put back in its hiding

He grabbed a warm towel, cleaning Caden as his mate slept. Then

Mark crawled under the shower, wondering how he managed to be
not gay but had a male mate. The two ideas circled around in his
head, and all he could do was chuckle. For not being gay, he would
kill anyone that came between him and Caden.

* * * *

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Mark woke Caden up. Caden’s body was aching and still felt like

putty. Caden yawned then smiled shyly at his mate in remembrance of
what happened earlier. “Hi,” was all he could manage, feeling like a
virgin all over again. That was the best, most exciting thing to ever
happen to him, and the fact that Mark had done it made his skin tingle
to do it all over again.

“Hey, pup.” His mate ran his hands over Caden’s back. “How do

you feel?”

Caden felt his face and the tips of his ears heat up. Could he tell

Mark that he loved what was done to him and wanted it again? Could
he find the courage to confess how the feeling of the leather on his
wrists had changed something inside of him? “Good.” No, the
courage fled when his lips parted to answer his mate. His wrists felt
bare, empty, without the bondage holding them.

Mark brushed the hair from his forehead, smiling down at him.

Caden’s lips fixed themselves to confess how much he wanted that
again but the words wouldn’t leave his throat. “I…”

“I know. I could see it in your eyes.” Mark pulled the side of his

mouth up in a sexy grin. Caden melted all over again. He leaned into
the caress when Mark cupped the side of his face, his mate’s thumb
running back and forth over his cheek.

“I want…” He must sound like a simpleton. He cursed his tied

tongue and the lack of bravery to confess to his mate his deepest
desires. It was his mate, for crying out loud. Things like this should be
easy to talk about, so why was it so hard?

“To try it again?” Mark finished for him. Caden blushed and

nodded as the thumb continued to caress him. Caden’s eyes darted up
to those gorgeous grass-green eyes that were sparkling with
amusement then back down to stare at his mate’s denim-clad thighs.

“We will. I’m nowhere near finished exploring with you.”
The words sent Caden’s heart racing. Mark understood his desires

without trampling over the words to express them. He whimpered
when Mark’s hand moved away from his face but sucked in a breath

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when the fingers of his mate’s caressed his wrists. “You looked good
in my cuffs.”

“I…” Damn it. Why couldn’t he string a full sentence together?
Mark chuckled, amused at Caden’s temporary speech impediment.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be trying it again very soon.”

Caden rolled out of bed and padded to the bathroom, looking over

his shoulder and smiling at Mark. He took a quick shower and then
joined Mark in the bedroom.

“Are you hungry?” Mark asked as he stood.
“Yes.” Caden opened the dresser, grabbing some clothing and

putting them on. He turned toward Mark, walking into his mate’s
arms, feeling so right. Mark’s strong arms circled around him, holding
him close as they stood there.

“I’m sorry about last night.” Caden rubbed his face over Mark’s

chest, never wanting to leave his mate’s arms.

“You had me going out my mind, baby.”
“I never want to disappoint you again. I couldn’t stand the way

you looked at me with disapproval.”

Mark laid his head on the top of Caden’s. “I don’t know what I

would do if tomorrow came and my Caden wasn’t in it.” Mark lifted
Caden’s chin, kissing him softly on the lips, and then looked him in
the eyes. “And I don’t want to find out.”

“You won’t.”

* * * *

Mark opened the boxes of equipment that had been delivered

while his lift was being set up. This place had been perfect. The
square footage gave him room to work on a few cars at a time.
Grabbing his clipboard, Mark checked off the things that had arrived
from his list of things ordered.

The strange thing about being here was the sense of family the

shifters gave him. Instead of isolating himself as he usually did with

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the fear of losing them, he found himself opening up. They weren’t
going anywhere—not for a long time, just like his mate.

The longevity the shifters had helped to ease his fears. That fear

had been instilled in him ever since the night he received the news of
his parents’ killing. It was a grip that took hold every time someone
tried to befriend him. What made Tangee different was anybody’s
guess. Maybe it was the lost look in the kid’s eyes. Mark had been
feeling the same at the time.

He pushed the floor jack out of his way as he continued to check

off the items on his list.

The lift was a thing of beauty. It wasn’t high tech or brand new,

but it was his. The whole place was. His granddad’s garage had felt
like he was taking over for someone else, but here, everything was
built from scratch, like watching his baby being born.

Caden sat in his office, going over appointments that were already

being called in. His mate was turning out to be a very good assistant.
The guy didn’t know a battery from a water pump, but he was
excellent at scheduling.

Mark thought about the desperate need he had seen in his mate’s

eyes last night. Playing Dom had always turned him on, but playing it
with Caden kept him in a perpetual state of hardness. Mark pushed the
thought aside before he dropped everything and tossed his mate over
his desk.

There was too much to do right now.
They had put out flyers stating they would be open in a week.

Mark hoped everything would arrive by then, but he’d had to special
order a few parts for the first customer on his list. Signs were made up
for oil changes at a cheap rate.

Shocks and struts installations were announced in the flyers as on

sale the first week.

They used different angles to offer the poor community a chance

to have their repairs done without taking out a second mortgage to
pay for it.

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Caden even came up with the idea for a sale. Buy three tires and

get the fourth free. Mark was proud of the way Caden got into the
swing of things. He made it clear to his mate that they were partners
and not owner and employee. This made Caden happy as hell, which
in turn made Mark happy.

Mark may not be working on customizing vehicles, but it made

him feel good knowing he was helping out the community and not
gouging them. Having Caden helping made it all the more better.

“How’s everything coming together?” Loco asked as he entered

the garage.

“Good. Everything seems to be coming together.” Mark was

stacking brake fluid and antifreeze on a shelf. Next, he hooked
different-sized belts on the wall next to the shelf.

Loco peered into his office. “How’s Caden working out?”
Mark smiled. “My mate is doing a good job. He’s already got me

booked for the next month.” He could hear the pride in his voice at
Caden’s competence.

“Well, we did need a mechanic here. Maverick wants me to get all

of our trucks in for oil changes and anything else that they might

Mark tilted his head toward the office. “Go see Caden. Have him

set it up. But I warn you it won’t be right away.”

“Ah, come on. We don’t get special treatment?” Loco pouted.
Mark chuckled. “Not when I have appointments already booked.

Should have said something before he started taking them.”

Loco watched the men work on installing the lift. “You know I’m

only giving you a hard time.”

“Figured as much. You come here to harass me or just hang out?”

Mark set the last can of PB Blaster on his workbench.

They walked to the front of the garage and people watched for a

moment. Mark was glad for the small break. “Tangee is over at the
diner. I just had breakfast,” Loco answered then turned to Mark.
“Listen, I wanted to apologize for accusing you of taking our pup.”

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“No apology needed. You were looking out for him. I’m grateful.”
Loco glanced sideways at him. “We take care of ours. We’re a

tight-knit family, and you’re one of us now.”

“I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Mark held his hand over his


Mark laughed. “That might be, but you just claimed me.” He

batted his eyes at Loco.

“Shut the fuck up.” Loco chuckled.
“You claimed my mate?” Caden asked as he joined them.
“Only as family, Caden.” The three watched as a young man

approached the garage.

“This must be the guy applying for the mechanic job. I’m

supposed to meet with him this morning.” Mark watched the tall, thin
young man approached them.

“He looks awful young to be working as a mechanic. He’s human,


Mark turned to Loco. “Can any of you wolves work on an


“Point taken. Just watch him,” Loco advised.
Mark shook the young man’s hand. “You must be Billy.”
“Yes, sir.” The kid had a firm grip. Mark was impressed. The

voice was a bit shaky, but Mark chalked that up to nerves.

“What’s your experience?”
The young man looked from Mark to Loco then over to Caden.

Seeming a bit uncomfortable, he shifted from foot to foot. “My daddy
taught me how to work on cars. I’ve done everything from changing
oil to replacing alternators and brakes. I’m real good, sir, if you can
just give me a chance to show you.”

The guy did seem desperate when he called. Mark liked the way

he wanted to prove himself. “Tell you what.” Mark rubbed his chin,
giving the effect of hard consideration. “I’ll give you two weeks to
prove to me you know what you’re doing. Deal?”

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“Thank you, sir. When do I start?” Billy had a gleam in his eye,

his thankfulness showing on his face. Mark could practically see the
excitement racing through the man’s body.

“Monday at six sharp. Don’t be late.” If the guy was anything like

Tangee, he wouldn’t be here until ten. Mark smiled, thinking of the
days when the young man worked two jobs and couldn’t get to either
on time. That kid would forget his head if it wasn’t attached.

“Yes, Mr. Forester.” A smile broke across Billy’s young face.
“Yes, Mark. See you Monday.”
Mark smiled as Billy ran back the way he came.
“Seems like a nice boy. Think he’ll work out?” Loco watched the

redheaded kid until he was out of sight.

“Nerves will make him screw up the first week, and by the second

I’ll see what he knows.” Mark liked Billy. He seemed way too eager.

Maybe he was trying to help support his family. He’d give him

more than two weeks if he proved to know what he was doing. If not,
maybe he could just clean up and keep the place clutter free. Mark
had a soft spot for gangly kids trying to help their families. He’d
given Tangee a thousand chances, and the guy never could make it to
work on time, but he was eager to help and make a few bucks.

“Well, I’m heading next door to pick up some stuff Maverick

ordered for Cecil and Melonee. Catch you later.”

Mark waved Loco off, returning to the garage.
“I need help.” Caden stuck his head out of the office.
Mark smiled, kissing his mate on his head as he stood behind him.

“What’s up?”

Caden covered the mouthpiece. “Mrs. Cross says her engines

ticking like a bomb and wants to know if it’s safe to drive.”

“Sounds like she needs oil. Tell her to bring it on down now and

I’ll take a look at it.”

Caden nodded, conveying the message. When he hung up, he told

Mark she would be right in.

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As he stood behind his mate, Mark ran the pads of his thumbs

over Caden’s neck. His mate moaned and leaned his head back
against Mark’s stomach. “Sorry, pup, wasn’t trying to tease you.” He
tilted Caden’s head back to kiss him then left his mate to grab the
items he would need and sat them on the bench.

His first customer arrived ten minutes later, thanking him for

seeing her. “I’m not really set up to work on anything yet, but I’ll
have a look.”

“I would appreciate it. It’s all I have to get back and forth to work,

I can’t have anything happening to it, and those city mechanics charge
you an arm and a leg just to look.” The woman followed Mark around
to the front of her car.

“Looking’s free, ma’am.” Mark popped the hood and started

pulling dipsticks.

The older woman smiled. “You are a nice young man. Thank


After topping off her fluids, Mark had to add three quarts of oil.

“There’s a reason to pay attention to the check engine light. I put a
sticker on your windshield, tells when to come see me again. I didn’t
get a chance to change the filter, but if you make an appointment, I
can take care of that.”

“I’ll do that, thank you. How much do I owe you?” The older

woman began to rummage through her purse.

“Nothing. I’m not officially opened, and you were just low on oil.

The bomb should stop ticking now.” He grinned.

“I’ll make you my famous fried chicken and bring you dinner

when you open. Sound fair?”

“Make a dinner for two, and we’ll call it even.”
“Deal. Thank you…?”
“Mark.” Mark pointed to the sign above the garage that said

Mark’s Garage.

“Okay, Mark. See you next week.”

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Mark heard her mumbling about what a nice boy he was as she

got into her car.

“Looks like you made a friend,” Caden commented as he wrapped

his arms around Mark’s waist.

“Guess I did. Now back to work, pup,” Mark teased as he walked

Caden backwards, locking the office door and pulling the blinds

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Chapter Six

Caden knocked on Maverick’s office door.
“Come on in, Caden.”
“I’m not trying to snitch on anyone.” Caden took a seat on the

leather sofa, running his hands over his knees nervously.

Maverick sat back and sighed. “What’s my mate done now?”
Caden shook his head. “Nothing…yet. They’re getting restless.”
Maverick thought about the advice the mate, George, had given

him a while back. If the mate’s wanted to get out, go with them. He
ran his hands through his hair, trying to think of somewhere they
could go and have some fun.

“Tell all the mated couples to be at the front door in twenty

minutes. Hell, tell the single warriors they’re welcome to come as

Caden stood. “Where are we going?”
Maverick grinned. “You’ll see.”
Pushing away from his desk, Maverick walked to the den to

assure himself that the mates hadn’t taken off yet. Cecil sat by himself
with his head resting back, counting something on the ceiling.

“Out of my mind,” Cecil whined.
Maverick leaned over and kissed his mate. “Go get your shoes.

We’re heading out.”

Cecil didn’t need to be told twice. He ran down the hall to do as

he was told.

Ten minutes later, the foyer was filled with warriors and mates as

Maverick instructed everyone to follow him.

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They all climbed into assorted vehicles and followed the one

Maverick was driving. After thirty minutes of “Where are we going”
Maverick was ready to turn the SUV around and head home,
forgetting about their plans.

The Alpha pulled into the lot and cut the motor, hearing the

excited voices as everyone pilled out.

Drew and Johnny were jumping around the parking lot, high

fiving each other. “Rollerblading!”

“Are you out of your mind?” Tank asked as he stared with an

open mouth at the building.

“Would you rather go chasing them down?” Maverick listened to

the other warriors grumble Tank’s complaint as they made their way

The place was loud and filled with a lot of young kids with music

blaring from speakers, some younger generation’s pop music.
Maverick remembered the days before recorded music when
everything was played live. God, he felt old.

Girls, scantily dressed, rolled by, hanging onto young men. It

looked like they were the oldest men here, and it felt like they just
entered a high school instead of a rink. Maverick had thought it would
be fun to skate around considering he’d never done it before. He
hoped he’d made the right decision. The people in the rink made it
look pretty simple. How hard could it be?

“I’m going to put Melonee in the roller nest.” Tangee walked his

little sister to the toddler room to play while the adults had their fun.
Gunnar appointed himself her guardian, standing watch by the door.
The other warriors cursed him for yelling shotgun on Melonee first.

As the mates went to the rental counter, Maverick pulled the

Sentries aside. “Stop bitching. They’re always running out because
they want to have some fun, so give your mate’s some fun.”

“Fine,” Hawk bit out as he went to find Johnny.

* * * *

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Mark sat on the bench, staring at the Rollerblade then down at his

feet, shaking his head. “If god wanted me to have wheels, he would
have attached them when I was born.”

“I thought you were hatched,” Caden teased as he secured his


“Think you’re funny, do ya?”
“Come in. It’ll be fun.” Caden got to his knees, unlacing his

mate’s boots and pulling them off. He tucked them under the bench as
he held his hand out for the skate.

“I think we’ll all need that damn wolf physician by the time we

leave.” Mark pushed his feet back and forth, feeling the rollers move
under his feet. “You are aware I’ve never done this before?”

“Just follow my lead.” Caden hadn’t either, but it didn’t look too


Johnny rolled by Caden and Mark, him and Drew competing

around the rink like pros. Caden looked up when he heard someone
yell. Maverick was lying flat on his back.

“That’s what he gets.” Mark laughed. “Make us put these damn

things on.”

They clung to the wall until Caden felt he had the hang of it.

“Shit!” Caden went down when Mark pulled him as he fell.

Micah rolled by. “Baby losers.” He chuckled as he kept going.
“Show off,” Caden yelled after him. “Get up, Mark. We can’t let

them best us.”

“Tell my sore ass that.” Mark turned to his knees pushing himself

up, grabbing onto Caden then pulling them back down.

“Mark!” Caden cried.
“I’m trying, pup.” Once again, he pulled himself up, grabbing the

ledge this time. He growled when an elderly couple rolled on by.

“Okay, baby steps.” Caden coached him away from the wall.

Mark threw his hands out but thankfully stayed upright. After a few
near falls, he started to get the hang of it, as Caden knew he would.

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George and his mate, Tank, were hugging each other, trying not to

fall as skaters whizzed by them.

“Got it?” Caden asked as Mark began to move his feet further

away from each other.

“I think so,” Mark said. “You’re skating like you know what

you’re doing.” Holding his hand, Caden pulled his mate further into
the crowd.

“Damn it!” Maverick yelled when once again as he landed on his


Oliver twirled by them, spinning in a circle as he jammed to the

pop music. Micah was right behind him, skating like an expert. Caden
was glad he had said something. The mates seemed to be having a lot
of fun. It was the warriors—except for Micah and Remi, who seemed
to know what they were doing—that stayed on the floor more than on
their blades.

Remi and Drew rolled by, dancing like they were in a disco club

with all the moves from that era. They squatted, kicking one foot out,
then stood and spun around. Keata and Johnny held onto each other as
they spun in a circle, making a couple people fall when they were too
late to avoid the pair.

“Ready to go?” Mark taunted Maverick, who was pushing himself

from the floor as Mark and Caden rolled by. Mark was skating
steadier now.

The Alpha just growled as he held onto his mate for dear life.

Poor Cecil looked like he was about to collapse under the weight.

After a few hours, the group as a whole was skating better. All

except for Maverick, who swore his blades were possessed and out to
kill him.

* * * *

“Watch me.” Caden let Mark’s hand go, kicking his leg out and

doing some funky moves. Mark chuckled as his mate got his groove

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on. He liked seeing Caden so carefree. His mouth dropped open when
Hawk passed them with Johnny on his shoulders, yelling for Hawk to
put him down. The man was going to get a nosebleed that high up.

Blair and Kota were doing something close to the funky chicken

as they skated by looking as though they were having the time of their

Finally, they extracted Melonee from the nest, her little hands

rubbing at her eyes as she yawned. She had made friends with all the
small tykes. They were all waving goodbye to her as Loco carried her

Piling back into the vehicles, they headed home.
Caden was curled up in Mark’s lap as Remi drove. “I’m


“Did you have fun, pup?” Mark asked as he rubbed his hands over

Caden’s legs.

“Lots. Thank you for not giving up.”
“Not a problem.” Mark didn’t think he would, but he had enjoyed

himself. He was thankful none of his bones were broken.

As he headed to his bedroom, Maverick grumbled that he would

rather chase the mates than be possessed again.

“I guess I’ll go run his bathwater…and maybe put some Epson

salt in it.” Cecil snickered as he went after his mate.

* * * *

Mark sat on the sofa the next evening watching Caden and Cody

shoot pool. Keata sat at the juice bar reading one of his comic books.

He thought about the things he had waiting upstairs for his

submissive mate once he was done playing pool. The image of those
leather restraints danced in his head as he watched Caden’s ass twitch
back and forth while taking his shot. If his mate kept presenting such
a tempting sight, the game wouldn’t be finished.

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“You know that was a scratch.” Cody laughed as he cuffed Caden

on the back of his head.

Mark was across the room in a flash. Their chests collided as

Mark knocked Cody into the wall and his fist connected with the
shifter’s jaw.

Cody shook it off and growled, his canines extending as he

pushed off of the wall and got in a gut shot before Mark could swing
around and avoid it.

“Stop!” Caden and Keata were screaming, but it fell on deaf ears.
Mark swung his right arm up, catching Cody under his jaw, and

the warrior grunted before connecting a right jab to Mark’s ear.

Buzzing rang through his head as Mark kicked his booted foot

out, catching Cody in his kneecap. The shifter stumbled back,
momentarily stunned. Mark took the opening to land a blow to his
solar plexus before Cody recovered and slammed a kidney shot into
his side with a well-placed fist.

The warriors swarmed into the den, pulling the fighting pair apart.
“What the hell is going on here?” Maverick shouted.
“Touch my mate again, and I’ll kill you!” Mark threatened loudly.
Maverick’s head snapped to Cody. “You hit his mate?”
Cody had the decency to look shamed. “I cuffed him like we

always do.”

Mark growled, lunging forward and knocking Cody on his jaw

before the Sentries could stop him.

Cody tried to retaliate, but Tank and Gunnar held onto him.
“Caden is no longer just one of the guys.” Maverick pinched the

bridge of his nose, his head shaking back and forth before looking
back at Cody. “He’s mated. I wouldn’t have done a thing to Mark if
he’d killed you.”

Cody snorted. “He’s human. What could he have done? The only

reason he got a few off is because I stayed in human form.”

“You think because I’m human I won’t wipe your sorry ass across

the floor?” Mark snapped angrily. He lunged again, but Kota and

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Hawk stopped him. Mark was immobilized with the two holding him
back. “Let me cuff Keata on the back of the head and see how well
you take it,” he shouted.

Cody shifted, fighting to get at Mark.
Mark stood his ground, not letting the fact that Cody just changed

into a wolf right in front of him affect his anger. Sure, he’d seen
Caden in his wolf form, but to actually see the change take place was
some wicked looking shit. He wasn’t frightened. Fascinated would be
a better description.

Mark shouted for the two to release him when Caden shifted and

took a stance in front of him. There was no way he was allowing his
mate to fight Cody. That was his job, whatever form Cody was in, he
was going to beat Cody to a bloody pulp for touching his pup.

“Damn it!” Maverick barked out angrily as he shifted as well.
Okay, now Mark was a bit intimidated. The wolf was the size of a

fricken’ horse. What the hell was going on here? Where wolves
supposed to be that damn huge?

Cody snapped and growled but backed away. Mark gave him

points for common sense. He still didn’t like him, though.

“Crap, who pissed my mate off?” Cecil huffed as he came into the

den. His hand went to his hips as he glared at everyone in the room.
Mark pointed at Cody.

“He did.”
“Which wolf is he?”
“Cody,” Mark sneered.
“I’m not going to be too pissed at you, Cody, considering we’re

friends, but you try and calm him down after he’s shifted and see how
you like it.” Cecil admonished the wolf.

Keata ran over to Cody, wrapping his arms around the snarling

wolf. Cody whimpered and licked Keata’s face.

“That’s exactly how I feel about Caden. Think about that before

you want to cuff him again. No one will be able to stop me next
time.” Mark reached down and ran his hand through Caden’s fur. He

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pulled gently on his mate’s scruff until Caden turned and followed
him from the den and up to their room.

He closed the door after Caden padded in. His temper was still

running hot, but he needed to calm down. He would never allow
himself to take it out on his mate. Cody was a damn ass.

“Are you okay?” Caden asked hesitantly as he shifted back to

human form.

“Don’t ever do that again, love. I can defend myself.” Mark

cupped the side of Caden’s face as he placed a soft kiss on his mate’s

“It was instinctual.” Caden defended.
“Calm down, baby. I’m not mad at you.” Mark walked Caden

backwards as he kissed him. Caden stopped when they reached the
bed. “Wanna play?” he asked with a devilish tone. His mate gulped
then nodded.

“Get on the bed on your hands and knees.”
Caden turned then climbed up, situating his head at the top of the

bed. Mark took a moment to look at the beautiful male waiting for his
next instructions. His mate’s cock was bouncing up and down,
pulsing as pre-come glistened on the head. Never in his life did he
think he would enjoy the sight of another man’s dick, but seeing
Caden’s hard and aching for him made his own flare to life.

Mark stepped to the bed, running a fingertip from Caden’s

shoulder to hip. He bent, licking a path from hip to knee, nipping the
tender flesh before standing again. “Do you know what this is?” he
asked as he bent at the knees and pulled something from under the

“No,” Caden whispered.
“It’s called a spreader bar.” Mark watched the confused look cross

his mate’s face.

He smiled as he placed the bar between Caden’s knees and

attached the cuffs to Caden’s legs, locking the bar in place. The metal

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shone brightly between Caden’s sun-kissed legs. “Do you see now
what its purpose it for?”

Caden nodded as he tried to close his legs, the bar making it

impossible to do so. Next, Mark pulled the leather restraints from the
drawer, his fingers caressing the buttery leather. Caden’s shoulders
lowered to the bed as Mark restrained his hands behind him.

Mark lifted Caden and turned him until his knees were at the edge

of the bed. “Good boy, that’s better.” He tapped Caden’s ass with his
hand before rubbing the smooth skin. “You are such a good sub.”
Mark kissed each cheek.

“Thank you, sir.” Caden moaned, pushing his ass back the best he


Mark rimmed the small hole with his tongue, circling around the

puckered hole until he felt it relax then slid both thumbs in and gently
pulled the muscle open. He growled low as he tongue-fucked his
mate. Mark wasn’t sure why he had a thing for thumbing. It just had
always turned him on, and doing it to Caden made it even sweeter.

Caden mewled as he rocked back onto Mark’s tongue. His mate’s

musky scent was driving his lust higher as he stretched the muscle
open further. Mark pulled back, kissing and sucking his way down to
his mate’s tightly drawn balls. Caden was close already.

Caden cried out, and his puckered hole pulsed as he shot his seed

onto the mattress. Mark knelt there, mesmerized that Caden had
followed his instructions and came without so much as a touch to his
shaft. He kissed the pulsing, stretched muscle before lubing his cock
and pushing in. Seeing an erotic sight like that took his control
straight to the edge.

Mark ran his thumbs around the stretched hole as his cock slid in

and out. He growled when his knees bumped against the bar.

“Do you like this, pup?” Mark asked as he watched his cock

stretch Caden’s ass wider.

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“Yes, sir. I love it.” Caden’s head fell back onto his shoulders as

he moaned.

Mark reached forward and grabbed a handful of Caden’s beautiful

hair as he tugged it, driving his cock deeper.

“Fuck me, sir,” Caden cried out, his muscle milking Mark’s cock

as his mate came again.

Mark felt the tight ass clamp down on his dick, and he was

shouting his mate’s name within seconds as he thrust hard and deep.
He gasped and panted to still his racing heart. His cock pulsed once
more before Mark pulled free and stumbled to the bathroom for a wet

He removed the bondage then wiped the seeping seed from his

mate’s ass, tossing the towel toward the bathroom then gathered
Caden in his arms.

“So good,” he murmured as he drifted to sleep, Caden tucked

tightly to his body.

* * * *

Mark pushed back from the table, unable to eat another bite. If he

didn’t get the garage opened soon and get to moving around, George
would put twenty pounds on him. He played with the back of Caden’s
neck as his mate cleared his second plate. The wolf could put it away.

The doorbell rang, but no one looked as though they were going to

move. “I’ll get it.” Mark wiped his mouth then tossed the napkin on
his plate, scooting his chair back and kissing his mate on his head
before walking to the front door.

“Can I help you?” A scrawny little kid was standing there,

clutching his backpack with white knuckles. His eyes were studying
Mark’s boots.

“Are you Mark Forester?” he asked Mark’s shoes as he balanced

his weight from foot to foot.

“Yeah, how do I know you?”

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“You don’t. I’m, uh, Curtis…Curtis Forester.”
Mark was standing there confused as hell. The kid didn’t look any

older than fourteen, maybe fifteen. “Are we related?” He thought his
granddad was the last of his lineage. Maybe he had a cousin out there

The kid shoved his hand into his front pocket, producing a

crumpled piece of paper, and he handed it over to Mark, strangling his
backpack again. Mark unwrinkled the paper. It was a birth
certificate…naming him as the father.

Mark’s eye’s snapped over to the kid. He did have the same color

hair as Mark. “Look at me.”

The kid glanced up. Same eye color, too. Grass green, as Caden

put it. Mark looked back down at the paper. The mother was
Cassandra Pointer. She had been his girlfriend all through high
school. She had disappeared right after he turned eighteen. Her
parents slammed the door in his face when he went to her house to
find out where she was.

From the birth date, his son was fifteen. That made the timeline

correct. “Come in, and wait right here.” The kid nodded, looking
around nervously. Mark walked back to the dining room. “I need to
use your office, Maverick.”

The Alpha waved him off, fussing at the five-year-old to eat her

vegetables. Walking back to the foyer in a daze, Mark saw Curtis was
standing right where he had left him. “Follow me.”

The kid scuttled across the floor, running to keep up with Mark.

He showed Curtis into Maverick’s office, taking a seat in one of the
leather chairs that sat in front of the desk. He didn’t want to sit behind
it and seem imposing. Mark waved his hand at the leather sofa,
gesturing for Curtis to have a seat.

“Says here you’re fifteen. Did you get here on your own?”
Curtis nodded.

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“Does your mom know where you’re at?” He reminded Mark of

himself when he was that age, all limbs before he came into his own
and filled out. His son was tall, like him. “Curtis?”

The kid shook his head, studying the nails he was picking at.
“I think you should call her and let her know where you’re at. She

must be worried sick about you.”

The kid just shrugged. Mark sighed. “Use the phone on the desk.

Call her then let me talk with her.” Mark’s head was in a whirl. He
had a son. He never thought he would have kids. He’d never found
the right woman to settle down with, and now that he was with Caden,

Curtis stood, going over to the desk and picking up the receiver.

His son dialed a 404 area code. Mark would have to find out where
that was.

“Mom?” Curtis winced. He was probably getting his ear chewed

off right now. “No, I’m okay. I’m sorry about not telling you.” He
listened for a moment. “I–I found my dad.” Curtis held the phone out
to Mark then walked back over to the sofa, his head hanging down.

“Mark, how are you?” The voice on the other end was older, but

one Mark remembered well from his youth.

“Good, you?”
“I’m doing okay.”
Awkward silence.
“Why didn’t you tell me about him?” That was the question that

he kept coming back to. He had missed out on fifteen years of his
son’s life. He was trying his best not to be angry.

“I wanted to, but when my parents found out, they shipped me off

to a boarding school in Switzerland and kept me there until after he
was born. I came back to the States two years later, but you had
moved. I tried to find you.” Sandy sighed on the other side of the
phone. “If you tell me where you’re at, then I’ll come get him. You

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don’t have to be bothered. I wasn’t looking to send him to you.

“No, it’s okay.” Mark looked up at his son. “He can stay.” Mark

gave her the address and phone number. “When do you want him

“I’m going to catch a plane out there. I want to be close to him

while he gets to know you.”

“Not a problem.” Mark gave Sandy his address and phone


“I’ll see you as soon as I can catch a flight. And, Mark, I really am


“Me, too.” Mark hung up, staring across the room at the fifteen-

year-old. “So, you’re fifteen?” Mark hadn’t a clue what to say. He
needed time to think, process this.

“I turn sixteen in two weeks,” the kid volunteered.
“Sounds old. Did you have a good life…son?”
Curtis nodded. “Mom did her best. I didn’t have a lot, but we’re

happy. She got married. The guy’s okay. A little nerdy.”

“I thought your mom’s parents were well off.”
Curtis’s face turned dark. “Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t help

her because she wouldn’t give me up. I made her poor, but she was

Mark’s heart went out to his son. No child should carry the burden

of idiot adults. “You didn’t make her poor. Her parents are fools,
always have been.”

“They let her keep me while she was in school, but they said once

she got back to the States she had to give me up. It wasn’t socially
acceptable to be an unwed mother. When she refused, they cut her
funding. She still had two more years to finish school, but since she
was poor, she couldn’t.” His son’s breath hitched, but he cleared his
throat a few times before looking up. Mark knew this must be as
awkward to Curtis as much as it was to him.


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Curtis smiled for the first time and parroted Mark. “Idiots.”
“Come on. I have some people to introduce you to.”

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Chapter Seven

Mark cleared his throat, all eyes swinging his way as he stood in

the dining room entrance with his arm around Curtis’s shoulder.
Caden looked at him questioningly.

“Everyone, this is my…son, Curtis.”
“Son?” Maverick asked.
“Yeah, son. I just found out about him. Is it okay if he stays here

for the summer?” If it wasn’t, he would be finding his own place.

“Your son is welcome anytime he wants to visit.” Maverick

smiled at Curtis. The kid looked like he was going to run at any
moment, but Mark held him firmly at his side.

Mark walked him over to where he had been sitting, grabbed an

extra chair for Curtis to sit in, and turned to his mate. “Caden, this is

“Hey, buddy. Welcome to our home.”
Mark breathed as sigh of relief. He thought Caden would throw a

fit, get angry and storm from the room. He hadn’t expected Caden to
take it so well, not when he was struggling with it himself.

“Will you need an adjoining room, or will young Curtis want one

of his own?” Maverick asked Mark but was looking at his son.

Mark turned to Curtis. “Your choice.”
“I can sleep on my own.”
“Then that’s settled. Cecil will show you to your room to put your

bag away.” Maverick nodded at his mate to help the young man out.

Curtis looked up at Mark, uneasiness in his eyes.

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“It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere. Cecil’s cool, and he’ll bring

you right back.” Mark squeezed his shoulder, reassuring the nervous
young man.

Curtis nodded, reaching down to grab his backpack, scooting his

chair back, then followed Maverick’s mate. As soon as his son was
out of earshot, the questions were fired at him from everyone in the

Mark held his hand up, looking only at his mate. “I didn’t know.

He just showed up on the front doorstep with his birth certificate. I
dated his mom in high school. She never told me she was pregnant. I
talked to her, assured her Curtis was fine. Are you mad at me?”

Caden widened his eyes, looking at Mark as if he was daft. “Why

would I be mad? You didn’t know about him. It’s not like you were
hiding him from me. No, I like him, seems like a nice kid.”

Mark kissed Caden, happy that his mate understood. Now all he

had to do was explain to Curtis about Caden. Would he be disgusted
with his father? Would Curtis want to leave once he found out his dad
was gay? Too much shit was happening in such a short span of time.
Mark needed to think, clear his head. Once Curtis was settled in for
the night, he needed to take a ride.

“Take all the time you need. I know it’s a lot to take in.” Caden

cuddled up next to Mark. He gazed in wonderment at his mate,
knowing what he was thinking, being so damn understanding. He
didn’t deserve Caden.

Mark looked up as Curtis and Cecil came back and saw his son

studying Caden lying against him. Mark just watched as his son
walked back over, pulled his chair to the other side of him, opposite
his mate, and took his seat. He smiled up at Mark, and then looked
around him to Caden.

“I’m going to take these two upstairs.” Mark stood, his arm still

around his mate as his son followed.

“What room did Cecil put you in?”
“I don’t remember, but he said yours was right across the hall.”

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Mark led them to his room. “Go on in yours, I’ll be right with


Curtis nodded, staring at Caden once more before closing the door

behind him.

Mark led his mate into their room. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.

No leaving the house with Cecil, got it?” He cupped Caden’s face.
“Thanks for being so understanding.” Kissing Caden softly on his
lips, Mark led him over to the bed. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Take your time. Just remember, he’s probably waited his whole

life to meet you, and he has built up an image in his head of who you
are. Go gentle with him.”

“Yes, Mother.” Mark chuckled as he kissed Caden again.
“I’ll give you mother.” Caden mock punched Mark in his arm.
“Be back, baby.” Mark walked across the hall, blew out a breath

then knocked. His son cracked the door, looking up at him hesitantly,
then stepped back to allow Mark entrance. He looked around the
room. They would have to take a trip to the mall to get things a
fifteen-year-old would want in his room. Curtis would need more
clothes, too, if he was staying the summer.

Taking a seat in one of the cushioned chairs, Mark was at a loss of

what to talk about.

“Is he, uh, your boyfriend?”
Great topic for an ice breaker, Mark thought. Might as well get it

out of the way first. “Yes.”

“Oh.” Curtis sat on his bed, looking down at his hands. “Is he mad

that I showed up?”

“Not in the least. He likes you.”
Curtis looked at Mark from under his eyelashes. “And you? Do

you like me?”

“I really don’t know you, but I like what I’ve seen so far.”

* * * *

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Curtis chewed on this. He had waited his whole life to meet his

father, was impressed with what he saw. The guy was huge, with
tattoos everywhere. His dad was being understanding, didn’t turn him
away. It was true, he didn’t know him. Curtis hoped he could change
that. It shocked him that his dad was gay, having had a baby and all.
Would Caden be jealous, be mean to him? He was so nervous he
didn’t know what to say to the man.

“What do you do for a living?” That was a good question. Not too


“I own my own auto shop. Ran my own tattoo shop, but I sold it

and moved here to be with Caden.”

Curtis nodded. “Can…can I call you Dad?”
Curtis watched as his father grinned. His dad was handsome. “I’d

be more than honored if you did. You know I didn’t purposely stay
out of your life?”

“I know. Mom explained it to me.”
“How did you find me?”
Curtis smiled, proud of how he did it. “We had this junior

detective club at school, and it taught us how to people search on the
web. I dug through records until I found that you owned a garage in
the city, and some guy named Leo gave me this address.”

“I’ll have to thank him. Leo worked for my grandfather until my

granddad passed. Leo’s a nice guy.”

“I wish I could have met your grandfather.”
“Me, too. He would have liked you.”
Awkward silence again.
“I don’t care if you’re gay. I, uh…”
“What is it, son?”
Curtis closed his eyes. He had waited his whole life to hear that

word from his real father. Terrance was an okay stepdad, and he was
nice, but he wasn’t Curtis’s real father. “I think I do, too.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m trying to understand what you’re saying. Can

you be a little more specific?”

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Curtis cleared his throat, his heart hammering behind his chest. He

hadn’t even told his mom this. “I think I like, uh, you know, guys.”
He had struggled with it for the past year. David, a guy in his junior
detective’s club, had kissed him one night when they were up in his
room studying. He felt ashamed for liking it. “David kissed me

“You liked it?”
Curtis nodded. “Mom doesn’t even know.”
“Not my place to tell her. Just kissing?”
“Yes. Nothing happened, just a kiss.” Curtis’s stomach was in

knots. Although his dad was gay, he felt like he would be judged.

“You have a few years to figure it out, son. No need to rush


Curtis smiled. His dad was real cool, understanding. He liked him

and wanted to be around him. He was everything he had dreamed a
dad should be. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Just so you know, since you’ll figure it out anyway, there’s no

females in this house except little Melonee, Tangee’s little sister.
There are a lot of couples here.”

Curtis nodded. So maybe he wouldn’t be judged by everyone.

That was a relief. He still didn’t know what to think. His sexuality had
baffled him, but it would be easier to figure out with a house full of
understanding people. It may have just been curiosity. He wasn’t sure

“I’m going to head to bed. Would you like to come to the shop

with me tomorrow?” Mark stood and stretched.

Curtis’s felt his face lit up. He nodded. He was happy his dad

wanted him around.

“I’ll wake you up in the morning.” Mark walked over, kissing

Curtis on his forehead before heading toward the door. “Do me a
favor. If a guy name Cecil tries to talk you into going anywhere with
him…run.” With that, Mark left him to settle in for the night.

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Curtis held his fingers over the kissed area, his heart light and his

chest bursting with joy. He was going to be the best son ever and
make his dad proud of him.

* * * *

Mark and Caden, along with Curtis, met Sandy and her husband at

the airport. It had been years since he’d seen her, but she didn’t look
as though she had aged that much.

“Mark.” Sandy hugged him, and then turned to Curtis. “You have

a lot of explaining to do, young man.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Curtis and Terrance grabbed the luggage as they

stood there.

“This is Caden.” Mark introduced his mate. “He’s my partner.”
Sandy’s eyes widened slightly but smiled warmly at Caden. “It’s

nice to meet you, Caden.”

“Likewise.” Caden smiled at Sandy as they walked toward the


“I never would have thought.” Sandy shook her head as she

smiled. “He’s a nice-looking man, Mark.”

“Thanks.” Mark was still unsure if he was pissed at Sandy or not.

Although he had relocated when he opened the tattoo shop, and
hadn’t left a forwarding address, he felt she should have tried harder
to find him.

He set that feeling aside. This was about Curtis. It still felt too

surreal to believe, and he was going to concentrate on bonding with
the young man. If there was friction between him and Sandy, that may
make Curtis uncomfortable, and that was the last thing he wanted to

“A friend of mine has agreed to lease his apartment out to you

while you’re here.” Lewis, the detective, still had the keys to his
apartment, and Maverick thought it best that Curtis’s mom and

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stepdad not stay at the Den. It was going to be hard enough keeping
the secret from his son.

Something Mark didn’t like but understood.
He drove them back to Brac Village, giving the couple a tour of

the house Curtis wanted to stay at. With Sandy and Terrance’s
approval, Mark took the couple over to the apartment.

* * * *

Caden chuckled as he watched Curtis follow Mark around the

shop as if he were studying his every move. He could see idolization
in Curtis’s eyes. His mom seemed to have raised him well.

His mate was patient, and he explained things to Curtis as he

moved around. Mark almost seemed just as excited to show his son
the trade. Caden knew they would be all right. Curtis seemed to be
adjusting. He had been here a week, following his dad around like a

He even came to Caden one day this week, asking him questions

about what he did here. Curtis confessed to being worried that he
wouldn’t like the young man for monopolizing his dad’s time. Caden
assured him it was fine, encouraged Curtis to get to know his father,
and he promised Curtis things would settle into a routine. Curtis
seemed to accept that, and he started talking Caden’s ear off every
chance he got.

“Is Mr. Forester here?”
Caden looked over his shoulder. Billy had shown up ten minutes

early for work. “Call him Mark. He’s in the shop with his son. Go on

Caden watched as Billy was introduced to Curtis, and he saw the

spark in Curtis’s eyes when he met the redheaded kid. Billy seemed to
smile a little longer than normal at Curtis.

Caden chuckled when Mark glared at Billy, obviously catching

the look as well. When Billy filled out his employment forms, he had

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written down that he was sixteen, which was an age in human males
when their curiosity in sex was at its strongest. He would have to
warn Mark to give them their space while still keeping an eye on

“I think that kid has his eye on our son,” Mark grumbled as he

walked into the office.

Caden would never get enough of hearing the word “our.” Curtis

accepted it, even started calling Caden dad as well. It was strange at
first, but he got used to the idea. “Puppy love. A crush. They’ll be

“I don’t like it. Curtis is too young,” Mark grumbled as he looked

out of the office window at the pair.

Caden laughed. “Listen to you, falling into that dad role pretty

well, I see.”

“I’m keeping my eye on him. I won’t let him pressure Curtis.”

Mark glared at Billy when the young mechanic looked over at him.
Billy hurriedly looked away, taking a few steps away from Curtis.
Curtis didn’t seem to notice. He stepped closer to the redhead, looking
at him as though he was golden. This father stuff was more
complicated than either of them thought, and Caden mentally

“They do make a cute couple,” Caden teased.
Mark growled.
Caden threw his hands up. “I’m just teasing.”
“Not a couple.”
“Just don’t crowd him. That will push him away,” Caden warned.
Mark grumbled as he went back out into the shop, sliding between

the two.

* * * *

Mark thought about his son and the mechanic. He didn’t like the

idea. His son was too young to know what he wanted right now. He

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planned on making sure Curtis stayed a virgin for as long as possible.
Crap, he did sound like an overbearing parent. He wasn’t even a
virgin at fifteen. It wasn’t easy knowing Curtis would do what he
wanted regardless of Mark’s wishes. He would probably have some
influence, but the ultimate decision would be Curtis’s.

“Can Billy come to dinner?”
“No.” Mark watched his son’s face fall. He knew he was being

unreasonable, taking a deep breath. “He can come but keep him in the

“I will.”
Mark would have the warriors and mates keep an eye on them and

make sure they didn’t sneak off into a room anywhere.

Sandy had come by everyday to see how Mark and Curtis were

getting along but left the two to bond. The Den had even invited her
and Terrance over a few nights for dinner.

Everyone seemed to get along great, which eased Mark’s worry

about Sandy not approving of the Den and taking Curtis home with
her before Mark and Curtis had their time together. She was only
staying another week. Mark hoped in that time he could convince her
that Curtis was safe here so he could remain for the summer.

* * * *

Curtis watched his dad walk out of the den, and he knew he was

just being protective. It made him feel warm inside that his dad even
cared what he did. He liked Billy. The boy was funny, had a nice
smile, and he was hot. Even though he was questioning his sexual
preference, he wasn’t blind.

“Hey.” Blair bounced on the couch next to him, grabbing the

remote and turning the television on. Curtis would never tell the guy
he had been attracted to him when he first got here. Besides, Blair was
too old, and he had Kota.

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“Too bad you can’t stay past the summer.” Blair set the remote

down, kicking back.

Curtis had thought about that. He didn’t want to leave. He liked it

here. He didn’t want to leave either of his dads. He and Mark were
just getting to know each other, and Caden seemed to want him
around. “Yeah, too bad.”

Blair smiled at him. Curtis blurted out, “I met someone.”
Blair cut the television off, turning around to face him. “Oh yeah,


“Billy, my dad’s mechanic.” Curtis blushed as he confessed.
“Really, do you like him?”
It was easy to talk to Blair. He may be older, but he seemed to

love to talk to Curtis. “I’m not sure yet. He seems nice.”

“Just promise me you won’t move to fast.” Blair’s innocence was

taken forcefully at a young age, which made him a big advocate of
keeping your virginity until you were positive you were ready. Curtis
knew this. Caden had told him all about it. Maybe that’s why the guy
was so easy to talk to.

Curtis rubbed his hands down his jeans, staring up at the good-

looking man. “What if I’m ready?” He wasn’t sure if he was, but
wanted advice.

Blair watched him for a moment. “Then I have one word for you.

Condom. Never, ever, ever have sex without one.”

“Do you have any?” It wouldn’t hurt to have one just in case.
Blair shook his head vehemently. “Oh, hell no. You are not

having either of your dads skinning my neck. And your mom doesn’t
look like she is someone to mess with. Ask one of them.”

“Okay.” Curtis left Blair in search of either one.

* * * *

“Harder, Mark,” Caden pleaded as Mark rammed into his ass.

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“You like that, baby?” Mark dug his fingers into Caden’s hips,

pounding his cock deeply into his tight hole.

“God, yes,” Caden whimpered. “Gotta bite.”
Mark slipped out, flipping Caden over, and then slammed back in.

He leaned forward, his mate biting into his neck as his fingernails bit
into his shoulders. Mark fucked him harder, Caden scooting up along
the bed with the force.

Caden released him, and Mark tossed his legs over his shoulders

as Caden arched his back, allowing Mark to go deeper. “Fuck, you
feel so damn good.” Mark growled.

“You, too,” Caden breathed as he grabbed his cock, pumping until

he shouted Mark’s name.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me.” Mark thrust a few more times,

stiffened, then grunted out his own release. “It just keeps getting
better and better.” Mark kissed his mate, pulled free, and then rolled
over, taking Caden with him.

“I’m sticky,” Caden said as he kissed Mark’s chest, licking at the

tattoos that littered him. Mark shivered under the tongue. He knew
how much his tattoos turned Caden on. The thought crossed his mind
to get his kit out and put Caden’s name somewhere on him. Normally
he had a rule about names, but since he and Caden were going to be
together for a very long time, he could ignore it.

Mark patted his ass. “Go shower while I change the sheets.”
Mark could tell he didn’t want to move, but Caden climbed out of

bed and headed to the bathroom.

Mark tossed the soiled sheets aside, making the bed as a knock

sounded on his door. Grabbing a pair of boxers, he slid them on.

“Can I talk to you, Dad?” Curtis called through the door.
“Sure, come on in.” Mark grabbed some clothes, tossed them on

the sink in the bathroom for Caden.

“What’s up?” he asked when he came back in the room.
“I need condoms.” Curtis stepped back when rage darkened

Mark’s face. Turning, he ran to his room.

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“Who was that?” Caden asked as he stepped out of the bathroom

towel drying his hair.

“Our son. He wants condoms.” Mark growled.
“Settle down, caveman. Would you rather he experiment without


Mark threw his hands up in the air. “I would rather he not

experiment at all.” His brain rebelled against the idea of his fifteen-
year-old son having sex.

“Not gonna happen, so go in there and talk to him, give him what

he needs before he goes behind your back and contracts something.”
Caden placed his hands on his hips, tapping his foot as he waited for
Mark to get his butt moving.

The thought horrified Mark. It would be just his luck his son

caught something his first time. Running his hands over his head,
Mark walked across the hall.

Curtis looked up when Mark entered the room, Caden following

close behind. “I’m sorry,” his son blurted out.

“Don’t be. That was a very grown-up choice you made. I don’t

like it, but it’s smart, shows you’re using your head.” Mark felt Caden
slip his hand into his. With a light squeeze of encouragement from
Caden, he went on. “I don’t have any, so I’ll have to go to the
drugstore. I’d rather you had them and waited then need them and not
have them.” Did his son just understand him? Mark just confused the
hell out of himself.

“Just promise us you’ll always use them,” Caden added.
“I will.”
“And tell us when you decide you’re ready?” Mark tacked on.
“I will. I’m not sure if I am, but I’ll let you know when I decide.”
It was the best Mark could hope for. How the hell did parents

survive this stage in their children’s lives? He was ready to pull a
shotgun out and shoot anything that moved near Curtis.

* * * *

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A week later, Curtis knocked on Mark’s door.
“What’s up?”
“You said to tell you?”
Mark’s heart was beating out of his chest. He had to be adult

about this, not freak out. “Did you?”

“No. Well, we didn’t go all the way.” Curtis rubbed the back of

his neck. “Well, that’s all. Just wanted to let you know.”

Mark nodded. “Okay, thanks.” Fuck, were Curtis and Caden in

competition to see who could turn him gray first?

“Our little boy is growing up so fast.” Caden stood next to Mark.
Mark growled.

* * * *

After taking Sandy and Terrance to the airport, having her

approval for Curtis to stay the summer, they all headed back to the
shop. There was a lot to get done.

Mark just finished working on a car and walked into Caden’s

office. Curtis’s back was turned, but his shoulders were shaking.
Mark could tell his son was crying. What the hell?

“You okay, son?” Mark wasn’t sure if he should stay by the door

or go to his son and give him a hug. He would let Curtis dictate how
he handled this.

Curtis turned around, wiping away the fat tears that were rolling

down his cheeks. “I t–told him I wasn’t ready.”

The hackles on the back of Mark’s next rose.
“He got mad, and he said if I loved him I would do it.” Curtis

wrapped his arms around his midsection, looking lost.

“Did he?” Mark took a step forward.
“No, he didn’t force me. But now he won’t talk to me.” Curtis

wiped at his eyes.

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“Hang on.” Mark turned to leave the office, ready to kill one

redheaded mechanic.

“Wait! What are you going to do?” Curtis jumped up from behind

Caden’s desk, his hands outstretched as if he could grab Mark from
across the room.

“Have a talk with that kid.” Mark growled.
“Please don’t.” Curtis pleaded with his eyes.
Mark’s head rolled back, resting on his shoulders as he stared at

the ceiling. At least his son didn’t give in to pressure. He was proud
of him, and he knew if he talked with the man right now, he would
probably wring his neck. “I won’t. Wait right here.”

Mark walked into the shop. “Clock out and go home. See you


Billy look from under the hood surprised. The guy was actually a

good mechanic, but if he had to choose between his son and the
redhead, the mechanic would lose. “But…”

Billy dropped the wrench, scrambling to get his time card into the

slot and took off out of the bay door.

“Bravo, caveman.” Caden kissed him on the cheek. “It’s typical

teenage behavior. Can’t fault him for trying.”

“I can when it’s our son. He can pull those bullshit lines on

someone else.” Mark knew his mate was right, but when your own
child was involved, the words fell on deaf ears.

“Can I come out now, Dad?” Curtis peeked his head from the

office door, scanning the garage for what Mark assumed would be
Billy. He could see the apprehension. He knew that Billy had broken
his son’s heart, and it pissed him off.

“Come on,” Caden called to him. “Why don’t you go see what

Keata is doing at the diner? I need to talk with your father.”

Curtis stuck his hands in his back pockets as he made his way

down the street, looking for all the world like his best friend had just

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died. Mark felt for the young man. He knew what a first crush could
do to your heart when they treated you like that.

“You have to accept that he will get his heart broken. As much as

you want to prevent that, it will happen.” Caden told him after they
watched their son go into the diner.

“When did you become the child shrink?” Mark asked as he held

his mate in his arms.

“I just remember being that age, what it felt like with my first kiss,

and the emotions that went through me.”

“Hush. I was your first,” Mark said as he pulled Caden into his


“That you were, caveman.”






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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 8: George’s Turn

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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Brac Pack 02 Hawks Pretty Baby
Kim Dare Pack Discipline 1 Mark of an Alpha, The
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Brac Pack 07 Keatas Promise
Brac Pack 10 Lewis s Dream
Brac Pack 19 Dagons Ride
Brac Pack 21 Alexs Secret
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