Brac Pack 25 A Cold Winters Day

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Brac Pack 25

A Cold Winter's Day

Malcolm Lakeland has watched most of his sons find their mates.

He never thought a day would come when he would find one of his

own. Leaving the rec center on a cold winter’s day, Malcolm hears

a baby crying in the bed of his truck. When he also finds a half-

frozen man, who happens to be his mate, Malcolm hurries them


Luke is on the run. The leader of his tribe wants him dead and

wants his son, Cole. Luke has no idea why Shanta is gunning for

him, but he finds refuge in the arms of the largest bear he’s ever

laid eyes on.

As the two discover their love for one another, the leader of the

wood elves shimmers in and kidnaps Luke, leaving a devastated

Malcolm to find him. Can Malcolm find Luke in time, or will the

leader finally get his hands on Cole?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 36,470 words

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Brac Pack 25

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-384-X

First E-book Publication: February 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Brac Pack 25


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Malcolm Lakeland sat on his horse, surveying the land as he

watched the sun set off in the distance. It was such a beautiful sight.
One he would never tire of seeing. The red and orange hues painted
the sky to make it appear a masterpiece.

He loved the land he owned now. It had such a breathtaking view

every day, no matter what time of day it was, but he really loved the
end of the day when he knew it was finally time to rest and take in
everything he worked so hard for. He was glad that his family had
settled in Brac Village. Not a day had gone by that he wasn’t grateful
for what he had.

He just wished his wife could have seen this. Clarisse loved to

watch the sunsets with him. She loved doing everything with
Malcolm. That was one of the things he loved most about her. She
was so easygoing.

Malcolm rubbed his sternum from the empty ache inside as he

began to work his way back down to his small ranch. His grey stallion
moved at a slow pace, knowing Malcolm all too well by now.

Malcolm was in no hurry.

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His horse, Lover Lost, was getting up in years, but he was still just

as good in spirit as he was the day his wife had given him the stallion
right before she passed away.

Malcolm cleared his throat, feeling a lump form. That happened

anytime he thought of Clarisse. She had been a sweet gal, a loving
mother, and a wonderful person. He missed her terribly.

“Come on, boy, let’s head home.” Malcolm steered the horse

toward the barn, feeling older than he truly was. His boys’ words had
been playing through his mind lately. Many of them asked him to take
a lover to warm his bed, but Malcolm had refused.

He knew it was high time for him to move on and find someone to

at least share his bed with, but no one had piqued Malcolm’s interest.
What he never told his boys was that their mother hadn’t been his
mate. It didn’t matter to him. From the first moment he had laid eyes
on Clarisse, he had fallen in love with her. That was good enough for

Dismounting, Malcolm removed the saddle and blanket and then

brushed Lover Lost’s coat until it shined before putting him into a
stall and giving him some oats. He ran his hand over the stallion’s
head before heading into the house. He could smell the stew cooking
as he reached the front porch.

It was his favorite.
“Something smells good,” Malcolm said as he stepped into the

kitchen, inhaling deeply.

“Like you don’t know what it is.” Steven, his youngest cub’s

mate, laughed. “You’d know the smell of beef stew a mile away.”

That he did. Malcolm could also smell the buttery biscuits baking

in the oven as well. “We have honey?”

“Yep. I put a lock on the pantry so D would stop trying to throw

everything away,” Steven said as he pointed with his spoon to the
lock on the pantry door. “It’s driving him crazy. He swears we’re all
going to die from eating what’s in there.”

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Malcolm shook his head. D was a strange fellow. He’d never met

a vampire who was health conscious with other people. The guy was
squirrelly as hell, but as far as Malcolm was concerned, D was family.

He just wished he’d never introduced the guy to coffee.
Malcolm rubbed his stomach once more at the smell of the stew

cooking before turning to leave. He needed to wash up before supper.
“Let me know when dinner is ready. I’m going to go wash up.”

“Will do,” Steven said and then shouted, “Maverick called.”
Malcolm walked back into the kitchen, his hands on his hips as he

narrowed his eyes at the mate. “You could have told me that before I
walked out.”

Steven shrugged, a mischievous gleam prancing in his eyes. He

had been around Malcolm’s cubs far too long. The playfulness was
rubbing off on Steven. “It was more entertaining to watch you walk
back in.”

Malcolm ran his hand over his stubbled chin and then waved a

hand at Steven. “You want to tell me what the alpha wanted, son?”

Steven began to grab plates from the cupboard as he answered,

“He said he needed volunteers at the rec center tomorrow. They’re
hosting their annual basketball competition, and he needs a few
chaperones for the kids.”

“I’ll send Chance and Chauncey.”
Steven snorted as he set the dishes on the table. “He needs

chaperones, not more kids. Besides, he asked for you specifically.”

Malcolm had never been to the rec center. There was no need. He

had a ranch that kept him pretty busy, so volunteering—as much as
he’d like to—wasn’t possible most of the time. But this was Maverick
asking for a favor, something he rarely did. “Tell him I’ll be there.”

“I’ll call him just as soon as I’m done setting the table.”
Malcolm jogged up the steps, heading for his bedroom and a nice

hot shower. He sat on the chair and yanked his boots off and then slid
his jeans from his body, tossing them on the bed. He pulled his shirt
over his head as he headed into the bathroom, throwing it in the

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hamper. Once he regulated his shower, Malcolm tossed his socks and
underwear aside.

He groaned when he stepped under the spray and felt the heat

pounding his sore shoulders. He’d been mending fences half the day
in the cold ass weather, and he could feel hard knots where his
muscles should be. It had been a very long day, and all he wanted was
to sit down to a nice dinner and then go to bed.

As the water ran over his body, unthawing him, Malcolm curled

his fingers around his cock, squeezing it tightly in his grip, and then
began to stroke it slowly. He gave in to his fantasy as the steam
swirled around him, creating a veil where no one knew his thoughts or
saw his desires.

He imagined a guy on his knees in front of him, licking at the

head of his cock, his tongue gliding over Malcolm’s fingers as he
jerked his cock harder. It had been so long ago that it felt like another
lifetime since he had been with another man.

It was before his wife, and only once, but it had fed his bisexual

hunger. Malcolm had never let his sons know, not that he was
ashamed that he craved a man’s touch here and there. Malcolm had
grown up in a different time, a time when two men together called for
a lynching. A part of that way of life, a life so long ago, still clung to

Which was odd considering all of his sons were gay.
But Malcolm was a very private man. He was taught to keep his

bedroom business to himself. If any of his sons would ask, he
wouldn’t deny it, but they never did.

His thoughts scattered as he arched his back, cum shooting from

his cock and washing down the drain as he became boneless, leaning
his head against the tiled wall. Jerking off only went so far. It relieved
the tension, somewhat, but that lonely, achy feeling always followed
close behind, reminding him that he was still alone.

Malcolm sighed as he released his soft shaft and washed his hair

and body. There was no sense in dwelling on it. He’d gone this long

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without seeking anyone out, so he might as well keep it that way. He
had a ranch to run and boys to look after. He didn’t have time for

With nothing more than a towel around his waist, Malcolm

stepped into his bedroom. As he reached through the drawer where
his jeans were stored, he heard D shouting at the top of his lungs.
Malcolm shot across the room and out into the hallway.

The vampire was standing there waving his arms around, his face

flushed. “I don’t care. Send him away!”

“What’s going on?” Malcolm asked the frazzled vampire.
“He’s back!”
Malcolm sighed heavily as he walked back into his bedroom.

Once he was dressed, he walked back out into the hallway and
motioned for D to come into his bedroom. “Have a seat.”

D sat down in the chair, clasping his hands between his knees as

he stared up at Malcolm.

“I normally try and stay out of everyone’s business, but I would

really like to know why you refuse your mate.”

D slumped back in the chair as he bit his lower lip, making his

fangs very pronounced. “Because shifters and vampires are enemies,”
he replied quietly.

Malcolm shook his head. He had heard D say that before, but he

didn’t think the guy was serious. “D, you live in a house full of
shifters. Tell me where the logic behind your thinking is.”

D shot forward. “You guys are different. You’re bears.”
“Tater’s a vampire.”
“He wasn’t born a vampire.”
“Josh over in the Brac pack is a vampire mated to a timber wolf.”
“Again, he wasn’t born a vampire.”
Malcolm leaned against his dresser as he crossed his arms over his

chest. “Who taught you that vampires and shifters are enemies?”

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D shrugged. “My father. He said that if a real vampire mates a

shifter that he’ll starve and die. He said that shifters lure vampires in
and then drain them of their blood!”

Malcolm could see he had his work cut out for him. D had been

subjected to years of prejudice. “He’s your mate, D. Why would you
think Sloane would hurt you? The man calls for you every day, shows
up here trying to talk to you, and no man on earth could fake a look
that says you’re the center of his universe. You have to see that.”
Malcolm knelt in front of D, placing his hand on the man’s knee.
“Give him a chance.”

When D’s bottom lip trembled and a tear slid from his eye,

Malcolm pulled D into an embrace, holding him. “It’s not too late.
You haven’t lost him.”

“That’s not why I’m crying.”
Malcolm leaned back, seeing the bloodred tears fall freely from

D’s dark eyes. “Then why?”

“I called my brothers to take care of him!” D wailed as he covered

his face. “What have I done?”

Yeah, that could be a problem.
“Did they say when they were coming?” Malcolm needed to call

the alpha and warn him. This didn’t bode well for his family. A hit
had basically been called on the alpha’s cousin. That was grounds for
being asked to leave Brac Village.

And that was the nicest thing the alpha could do.
Malcolm didn’t want to think of the other things the alpha had a

right to do to Malcolm’s family. He knew Maverick protected his
family vehemently. There was no grey area for the man. Malcolm felt
the same way about his cubs and their mates.

If someone had called a hit on one of his, he would kill them. It

was that simple. “Can you call them?”

D shook his head as he wiped at his eyes with the palm of his

hand. “They’re on their way. They won’t answer. What am I going to

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That was a damn good question. “How long before they get


“A week at the most. My coven is pretty far from here. I only

came this way because I had big dreams of having a life outside the
stringent rules of my father. And now I’ve killed my mate!” D cried.
“What do I do? Tell me, Pa. I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Stay in the house. And for god’s sake, don’t talk to Sloane until I

can get this cleared up.” D might not be his biological son, but the
Lakelands didn’t run off of blood bonds alone. Family was whoever
resided under his roof. And that included D. Malcolm was going to
fix this.

“I’m meeting with Maverick tomorrow. Let me talk to him. Keep

trying to get into contact with your brothers.” Malcolm rested his
hand on the back of D’s neck, making the vampire look him in the
eyes. “You hear me?”

“Yes, sir.” D wiped his nose, sniffling as he rose from the chair.

He looked like he was about to fall apart again.

Malcolm walked downstairs to join his family for dinner. Instead

of it being a relaxing time, he knew he had to tell his sons. They had a
right to know.

“So we may be kicked out of here?” Chance asked.
“It’s a possibility. Maverick is a fair and just man, but when it

comes to his family, he doesn’t mess around.”

“How’s D?” Curtis asked from his right.
It said a lot about his family that none of them blamed the

vampire. Even Curtis, who had lived with Maverick’s pack for years,
was worried about D. Malcolm couldn’t be any prouder of his family.
“He’s taking it pretty hard since I explained to him that he had been
lied to his whole life.”

“That’s fucked up,” Chauncey said. “I wish one of you would

have filled my head with bullshit. I’d be kicking your ass right about

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“You were adopted,” Chance countered. “Sorry, Pa was too nice

to tell you.”

Chauncey picked up a biscuit and tossed it at Chance’s head.

“And he just so happened to have six other sons that looked like me?”

“Okay, you were cloned.” Chance chuckled as he ducked. “I’m

just saying.”

“Boys,” Malcolm warned. He had to chastise them, but he was

glad to see that they weren’t going apeshit with worry. It wouldn’t do
any of them any good to worry about what hadn’t happened yet.

“We’ll figure it out,” Riley said as he grabbed another biscuit.

“We’re family. It involves all of us.”

And that was exactly what Malcolm wanted to hear. “I’ll talk to

Maverick tomorrow.”

Maybe being around a room full of kids would lessen the news.

Malcolm enjoyed the rest of his meal with his sons and their mates,
leaving tomorrow to tomorrow.

“I need some of you boys to take over my chores while I’m

helping with the kids. Lover Lost needs new shoes, and the vet will be
by to check on Mimbsy.”

“I can take your chores,” Riley said as he grabbed two more


“Thanks,” Malcolm replied as he looked around the table, smiling

to himself at his family. It was expanding with the mates showing up,
and he loved it. He just hoped the rest of his boys found their mates.

All of his sons deserved to be happy.

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A Cold Winter’s Day


Chapter Two

Luke wrapped the blanket tighter around his son as he hurried

through the woods. His legs felt as though they were going to give out
and he was so hungry that he felt faint, but he had to keep going.

Cole’s life depended on him to keep moving.
It was freezing cold, and he had run with the clothes on his back.

There were only two bottles left in Cole’s diaper bag and maybe three
diapers. He had sacrificed his jacket to keep his son warm as he
hurried through the woods.

Luke was so cold that he couldn’t even feel his toes any longer.

He’d sacrifice every body part on him to keep those cruel bastards
from taking his son. Cole was as sweet as the day was long, and he
didn’t deserve what Shanta wanted to do to him.

It wasn’t right, even if it would help the greater good.
If only he knew what the greater good was. Shanta hadn’t said

why he wanted to get his hands on Cole. He had just ordered Luke to
bring him to his hut.

Not gonna happen.
There was no way he was going to allow the leader to get his

grubby hands on his son. Luke tripped, righting himself at the last
second as he continued on. He couldn’t feel his feet any longer, and
his arms felt as though they were weighted down. He’d give anything
to have a warm bath to soak in and a hot drink to unchill his insides.

His feet crunched over the frozen leaves as he wandered, having

no clue where he was or where he was heading. He just knew he had
to keep his son safe. Cole wasn’t but five months old, and he was
already in jeopardy of losing his life in the name of science.

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His mother had died at birth, leaving Luke to raise Cole on his

own. They had no other family, just the wood elf tribe. And that had
turned out to be a nightmare. He thought of the leader, Shanta, and
felt rage boiling up inside of him. How could a man who was
supposed to keep his tribe safe demand the life of a five-month-old?

Luke wanted to run back there and slice Shanta’s throat. The fey

elder had forced Luke to grab his son and run out into the bitter cold,
run for his life, for his son’s life. He knew that he would die as well
because there was no way he would allow anyone to take his son from

Over my dead body!
Luke slowed some, feeling exhausted and weary. His entire body

ached, and he still had no clue where he was heading. He had traveled
a great distance, but he knew he was still in the woods belonging to
the timber wolves. He wasn’t sure how friendly they were or if they
would even help, so he kept moving.

Cole let out a small cry, making Luke’s heart hurt for his son. He

knew Cole was cold and hungry, but if he stopped now, they risked
being caught.

It was a risk Luke wasn’t willing to take.
He broke through the woods, finding himself on the edge of a

large parking lot. Luke looked around, wondering where he should go
from here. There were many cars here, cars that he could probably use
to get away faster, but Luke had one minor problem. He didn’t know
how to drive.

He felt tears brimming in his eyes when Cole began to cry. Luke

didn’t know what to do. His son needed someplace warm, someplace
safe, and Luke didn’t have either for him at the moment.

Despair filled him as he stared at the multitudes of vehicles all

around him. He just wanted to rest for five minutes. That was all he
wanted, and to get Cole someplace warm. Spotting a large truck on
the edge closest to him, Luke opened the tailgate and climbed in.

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There was some sort of black cover on the bed of the truck,
concealing him and Cole from anyone walking this way.

As he shut the tailgate, Luke glanced around, praying that

whoever owned this vehicle didn’t send him back to his tribe. He
knew from talk around his village that Brac Village housed many
different shifters and demons as well. Maybe he would blend in.

He just prayed he wasn’t in a demon’s truck. Luke already had too

many problems to deal with. As Cole cried, Luke curled up into a
ball, tucking his son in the crook of his body, trying his best to warm
the young babe as he tried to figure out what to do next.

* * * *

Malcolm walked out of the rec center, feeling sore in places he

hadn’t known existed. How long had it been since he played
basketball? Forever. He prided himself on knowing how to have fun
with the kids, but they had so much energy that he felt old as dirt.

He climbed into his truck, grimacing at the pain shooting through

his body. He was looking forward to a hot bath and a cold pack. They
had run him up and down those courts for hours. Maverick had made
him the referee, but after the competition had ended, the other boys
challenged him to a game.

Just because he was tall and built like a damn quarterback didn’t

mean he could run with the young ones. His damn knees hurt!
Malcolm steered the truck toward home, wondering why Maverick
had asked him to join them today. It was an odd request, one he
wasn’t going to turn down, but one of his sons would have done just

Why him?
And he hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to the alpha about D’s

brothers the whole time he had been there. The games had kept him
busy, and toward the end, Maverick had to leave.

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Once he worked out all of the kinks in his body, he was going to

drive over to the alpha’s home and have a long talk with him about
D’s brothers. He had to make it known to the alpha that what the
vampire had done wasn’t intentional. He had been raised to believe
that shifters and vampires couldn’t mate—even though the squirrelly
guy lived under the same roof with Tater and Olsen.

Malcolm pushed the problem from his mind for the moment.

There wasn’t anything he could do about it for the time being, and he
was more concerned with the damn crimp in his back. A hot bath
should cure all his ills.

He knew shifting into his bear form would knock them out, but

Malcolm did love his hot baths on cold winter days. There was just
something about them.

As he pulled into the drive, Malcolm could have sworn he heard a

cub crying. It was low, barely audible, and gone within seconds.

The truck came to a stop in front of the house as Malcolm listened

closely, but didn’t hear the noise repeat itself. He shrugged. Maybe he
was more tired than he thought. He climbed out of the truck and
slammed the door, then stilled.

There it was again.
Only this time the crying was louder, with a higher pitch.

Malcolm listened intently as he followed the sound to the back of his
truck. He wasn’t sure what was in the bed of his truck, but whatever it
was, it wasn’t supposed to be there.

His claws came out as he rose to his full height, preparing for a

fight as he let the tailgate down. What he saw stunned him. Rubbing
his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things, Malcolm looked again.

They were still there.
A man lay in the bed of his truck, curled around a crying infant.

The stranger made no move toward Malcolm. He almost looked

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Without thought, Malcolm reached in and scooped the guy into

his arms, making sure the babe was secure in the man’s arms before
he rushed up the front steps and shouldered the front door open.

“Someone get up here now!” he bellowed as he climbed the steps

two at a time. Malcolm headed straight into his bedroom. The man in
his arms was freezing cold. He worried that the cub was frozen as
well. He gently laid the man down and began to cover him with heavy
blankets, and then he gently pried the screaming babe from the man’s

“Shit!” Malcolm quickly grabbed a blanket from the back of his

lounge chair and wrapped the cub, turning the blanket into a cocoon
as he tried to warm the young child. The cub’s lips were blue, just like
the stranger’s.

“What’s going on?” Riley asked as he burst into the bedroom. He

skidded to a halt, his eyes wide as he took in the scene before him.
“Who the hell are they?”

Malcolm rubbed his hands over the cocoon, trying his best to

warm the cub’s entire body as quickly as he could. He knew that if the
blood rushed back to the babe’s heart too fast, the cub was at risk for
a heart attack. “I don’t know, but we need to get some warm milk into
the cub. He’s freezing.”

Riley nodded as he shot out of Malcolm’s room. Malcolm paced

his bedroom as he tried desperately to quiet the screaming infant. The
cub was his first priority. He was too young to fend for himself. It was
up to Malcolm to make sure he warmed up and was fed.

“This is all we had.” Riley came back into the bedroom. “It’s

cow’s milk, but it’s warm.”

Malcolm stared at the rubber glove filled with cow’s milk. His son

had been very inventive. He’d give him that. “Thanks.”

Malcolm lifted the rubber glove to his mouth and nicked one of

the fingers with his canine. He placed the index finger of the glove to
the cub’s mouth, watching him latch onto it instantly. The whelp

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drank greedily, taking in air through his nose as he drained the glove
in no time flat.

“Go get him some more.”
Riley nodded and headed back out the bedroom. The cub had

quieted down, sucking his fist as he lay in Malcolm’s massive arms.

“Who are you, babe?” he asked the whelp as he cooed at him.
The small guy was handsome. At least Malcolm hoped he was a

boy. It would be odd calling a little girl handsome. He sat in the chair
in his bedroom and unwrapped the babe, checking his diaper.

“Okay, so you are a boy.” Boys he knew about. Boys he had

raised. If the cub had been a girl, Malcolm wouldn’t have had a clue
of what to do. He guessed all babies needed the same care, food,
diapers, and warmth, but he knew handling a little girl would have
been different.

Once he had the young cub wrapped tightly back in his blanket,

Malcolm glanced over at the man sleeping in his bed. It hadn’t slipped
his notice that whoever the guy was, he was Malcolm’s mate.

Which meant the babe he was holding was now his son. Malcolm

felt a rush of protectiveness spring to the surface as he rocked the
infant in his arms. He wasn’t sure what the man’s story was, but
whatever trouble he was in was now the Lakelands’ problem. And it
could only be trouble for a man to be out in the bitter cold with a
small child.

Malcolm brushed back the raven-black curls from the baby’s face,

seeing his skin return to a normal shade of pink as his lips returned to
a rosy red. And that was when he noticed tiny little elf ears.

His eyes snapped up as he stood, staring at his mate as he crossed

the room. Malcolm pushed back the man’s midnight-black hair to see
that he, too, had pointy ears.

His mate was an elf.
“Here you go,” Riley said as he entered his bedroom. “Did you

find out who they are?”

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Malcolm stared down at the unconscious man and took in his

handsome features. He noticed his hair wasn’t all black. There were
streaks of brown through it. His face was gentle and symmetrical. His
black lashes rested on high cheekbones, and his mate had an aquiline
nose, with a slight cleft in his chin.

He was gorgeous.
“I’m not sure who these two are.” Malcolm answered Riley with

the truth. Well, most of it anyway. He left the part out about the man
being his mate. He wasn’t sure why, but even with his son, Malcolm
felt a deep need to protect his mate. At least until he found out what
kind of trouble they were in. “He was in the bed of my truck,

Riley handed him the glove as he took a step closer. “He’s fey.”
Malcolm suppressed the growl that was vibrating in his chest. He

didn’t want anyone near his mate. Not now. Not until he was awake
and talking. “Go keep your brothers busy while I take care of this.”

Riley stared at him quizzically, but gave Malcolm a nod, leaving

him with his mate and new son. He took the chair once more, giving
the cub the index finger of the glove to suckle as he rocked him,
watching his mate sleep.

Malcolm wondered if his mate was warm enough, if he needed

another blanket, and why fate had given him a male mate. He knew he
was bisexual, but Malcolm had never really pictured his mate as being
a man.

He had never pictured having a mate, period.
Although his seven sons were grown now, and could take care of

themselves, he thought he would be mated to a female. Not that he
was objecting. The guy was simply stunning. But Malcolm had been
with a man just that once.

He wasn’t sure how to handle this situation. It had been thrust

upon him by fate, and fate was a fickle bitch. He stared down into the
cub’s blue eyes and knew that even if it hadn’t been expected, he
would rise to the occasion.

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It had been many years since he had a cub to raise, but Malcolm

was actually looking forward to it. “Who has your daddy running?”
Malcolm asked the infant as the cub sucked the finger of the glove. A
smile broke on the babe’s face as he stared up at Malcolm, making
him look like a small angel.

That one simple dimpled smile stole Malcolm’s heart. He briefly

wondered if the cub’s father would do the same. And did the man
have a warm, welcoming smile to match the baby’s? Malcolm
swallowed hard at the thought. He’d never be able to resist.

“Whoever it is, he isn’t getting anywhere near you or your father.”

Malcolm would kill anyone foolish enough to come near the two. He
would kill anyone foolish enough to mess with any of his cubs, even
though the other seven were grown now with mates of their own.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’re a Lakeland now. You have

seven older brothers who will kill to protect you, and all of their
mates. And you have a very fierce papa bear as well.”

The baby grinned again, his small fist waving around before it

grabbed onto Malcolm’s pinky. He looked in awe at the size
difference. His finger looked like a tree stump compared to the cub’s.

Malcolm’s heart melted on the spot.
He knew for a fact that he would protect these two with his very

own life.

“You have five seconds to give me my son before I spill your guts

on the floor.”

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Chapter Three

Luke was on his hands and knees, his weight pressing into the

mattress as he watched the biggest man he had ever laid eyes on
cradle Cole in his arms. The man was being gentle with his son, but
Luke trusted no one.

Not when he had a psychotic tribe leader after him and his son.
“Give him to me,” he said with a viciousness he had never heard

in his own voice before. It surprised him that he had said it with
conviction, but Luke made sure his face remained a mask of fury,
even though he wanted to look shocked.

“I’m not harming him,” the man replied, as if trying to calm a

madman. And that was exactly what Luke felt like at the moment as
he watched Cole smile up at the large and burly man.

“I want my son!”
“I’m giving him to you, but calm down before you scare the cub,”

the man warned gently.

This must be a shifter.
Luke was slightly relieved that he wasn’t in the presence of a

demon or vampire. He could handle a shifter. Maybe. From the man’s
sheer size, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure.

He quickly glanced down at the bracelet around his wrist before

snapping his eyes back up at Cole. If he wasn’t wearing this damn
piece of metal, he would be able to shimmer out of the room. But
Shanta had made sure he couldn’t go anywhere if it wasn’t on foot.

The urge to slice the tribe leader’s throat was strong once again as

he watched the large shifter rise slowly from the chair and cross the

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room. Luke crawled backward, keeping his eyes trained on the man.
“Set him on the bed.”

The man did as Luke demanded, gently laying Cole on the warm

comforter. When the guy backed away, Luke leapt forward and
grabbed his son, almost crushing him to his chest. “Are you going to
let us walk out of here unharmed?”

“No,” the man answered. Luke could feel his anger tipping over

the edge as rage knifed him through his heart. “I’m not going to let
you walk out of here, period. It’s too cold for you and the cub. You
both need warmth and food, maybe some rest. Besides, you need
protection from whoever is after you.”

Luke growled as he slid from the bed, standing with Cole secured

in his arms. “I don’t need anyone’s help. No one is after us.”

He couldn’t trust anyone. For all he knew, this guy had already

called Shanta. He had to get out of here before the tribe leader showed
up. There was no way he was going to let anyone take Cole away
from him.

The only person Luke had ever loved and trusted had died giving

birth to Cole. The wood elf tribe had changed since the war. It had
become every man for himself. What once was a very proud and
noble race only consisted of cutthroat, backstabbing liars now. Luke
longed for the race he had been raised in, but he knew in his heart that
they were no more.

If the leader of his own tribe was willing to kill him to get to Cole,

then what did he have coming from this stranger? Luke wanted to
trust someone, yearned to stop running, but it was Cole’s life on the

He wasn’t taking any chances.
“So you’ll stop me if I try to leave?”
Luke held Cole close as he stared at the man before him. He had a

lot of fucking nerve. The guy didn’t even know Luke and Cole, yet
here he stood ready to fight to keep them here.

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It didn’t make any sense to him.
Who would do something like that?
“Why?” he asked cautiously. No one helped someone for nothing.

There had to be something this guy was after. In all the years Luke
had been alive, he’d never gotten anything for free. Even his son’s
mother had demanded from him.

“Because I’m a hell of a guy,” the man replied as a smile tugged

at his lips.

Was he serious? Luke saw the sincerity in the man’s gentle grey

eyes, but he couldn’t let go of the fear. His son was counting on him
for protection, and Luke wasn’t going to fail him.

“I need to leave,” he said with force behind his words. He

couldn’t chance it.

“Then you’ll be leaving the cub here.”
“You can’t have him!”
“I won’t have my son out in the cold with no place to go,” the

stranger said calmly. His eyes had gone from a gentle grey to a
smoldering, angry gunmetal-grey in the blink of an eye.

“Are you fucking nuts? He’s my son,” Luke replied, getting the

feeling that this big, burly man wasn’t playing with all of his marbles.
Did he really think Cole was his son? As Luke’s eyes battled with the
stranger’s, he could see that the man wholeheartedly believed his

This worried Luke.
“If you calm down, you’ll figure out that I’m telling the truth.”
How was he supposed to calm down when this stranger was

laying claim to Cole? It didn’t make any sense to him. There could be
no logical explanation. Savannah had been Cole’s mother, not this

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m calm. Now can I


The man took a step toward Luke, which made him take a step

back. As the stranger crept closer, the sheer size of him was becoming

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very apparent to Luke. He knew there was no way he could defend
himself against the giant if the man became violent.

“Smell me.”
Luke took two more steps backward, with a fear so tangible that

he could feel it race through his entire body. The shifter stopped in
front of Luke, but didn’t make any attempt at touching him or taking
Cole from his arms.

He swallowed hard when he realized he only came to the man’s

expansive shoulders. He was huge! Luke stood there, staring at the
shifter’s chest, afraid to make one false move. The man could crush
him with one hand. Of that, Luke had no doubt.

“Smell me, hon.”
Luke’s head snapped up at the endearment. Had anyone ever used

one toward him before? Not since his nai, his mother. It made his
resolve waver as the grey eyes, which had looked like the stranger
was going to crush him, turned gentle once more.

Luke inhaled deeply, smelling leather and earth. It was a smell

that made his head spin as he leaned just a bit closer, taking in the
scent of his…mate.

Luke’s back slammed into the wall as his body began to shake.

This couldn’t be. Only one other of his race had mated a shifter, and
the tribe had said that Carter had lost his mind, that the wolf wasn’t
truly his mate.

Wood elves didn’t believe in mating outside of their race. It was

against their laws. Carter had been banished for his betrayal. Luke
inwardly snorted. Like he wasn’t already on Shanta’s shit list. What
was one more offense?

When his mate reached out, taking Cole from his arms, Luke

watched in detached fear. The man was so huge, so massive that he
feared Cole would be crushed. He knew the guy had already held his
son, but watching the man cuddle Cole up close was terrifying.

“He’s my son,” Luke whispered desperately as tears clogged his


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“Our son,” the man corrected him. “What’s his name?”
Luke reached out, touching his son’s arm as he glanced up at his

mate. “Cole.”

“That’s a nice strong name. What’s yours?”
Luke bit his bottom lip as he glanced back down at Cole. He

prayed his mate was truly this kind. He had seen mates who thought
they owned the other. It wasn’t a pretty sight. He knew he had no
choice but to trust this man. He had no one else to turn to for help.

The man smiled as he bounced Cole in his arms, making Luke

fear that his mate was going to drop the small babe. “I’m Malcolm,
but everyone calls me Pa.”

Luke smiled for the first time in months. “I think that would be a

little odd for me to call you. Don’t you think?”

Malcolm grinned as he reached out and pulled Luke closer.

“Might be.”

“Have you handled babies before?” The man looked like a natural,

but Luke needed to know the extent of his mate’s experience.

“I have seven fully grown cubs. I think I might know a thing or


Good god, his mate had been busy. And for some reason, the

thought of Malcolm being with anyone else made Luke jealous as
hell. He didn’t want to think of anyone touching his big, burly man.
Which was stupid considering Malcolm was holding Cole.

“Do they live here?”
Malcolm smiled at him as he nodded. “All seven, and four of

them have mates.”

Luke could feel his stomach clench at the thought of seven large

shifters under one roof. Eight when he counted Malcolm. “What kind
of a shifter are you?”

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He didn’t like the wide smile on Malcolm’s face or the twinkle in

his eye as he led Luke over to the bed and sat him down, handing him

“I’m a bear shifter.”

* * * *

Malcolm smiled at Luke, but inside he was a quivering mess. He

wasn’t sure what he should say or do now that his mate was awake.
This was all so new to him. He had been alone for so long that he
wasn’t sure he was even saying the right words.

“Are you hungry?”
“A little,” Luke confessed, his face flushing.
He walked to the door and bellowed down for one of his sons to

bring him a plate of food. He didn’t want to subject Luke to his cubs
just yet. They were going to flip over this, and Malcolm wanted his
mate to get comfortable with his surroundings first.

“Do you have Cole’s diaper bag? I need to feed him.”
Malcolm had been in such a hurry to get Luke inside that he

hadn’t noticed a diaper bag in the bed of his truck. “He’s been fed, but
I’ll go get his bag once your food is brought up.” There was no way
he was leaving his mate to his sons.

Especially the twins.
Chauncey and Chance would have his mate running from here

screaming. They weren’t bad cubs, just a little over-the-top. Malcolm
shook his head. Who was he kidding? They were way over-the-top.
Those two stayed in trouble.

And as much as he loved his boys, if they came near Luke with

their antics, he was going to make them sleep in the barn for a damn

Riley was the one to bring the plate of food up. It was actually a

large bowl filled with the stew that they had had the night before.
Malcolm knew for a fact that Luke wasn’t going to eat all of that.

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“Here you go, Pa.”
Malcolm took the bowl, watching Riley and Luke eye each other

curiously, cautiously. As if they were sizing each other up.

“Thanks,” Malcolm said as he pushed his eldest son from the

room. This wasn’t a time for a pissing contest. He needed to tend to
his mate. “There’s a diaper bag in the bed of my truck. Mind getting
it, Riley?”

Riley watched Luke for a moment longer before he shook his

head. “I’ll be right back with it.”

Malcolm knew he would. Riley was the serious one, questioning

everything and trusting nothing. His son was born with a book in his
hand and a curious mind, but he was ever the skeptic. Riley’s smiles
were far and few, which saddened Malcolm. He was the only son that
didn’t have a mischievous streak in him.

Malcolm took Cole from Luke’s arms as he handed him the bowl

of stew. “It’s pretty good. My son Roman is mated to Steven. Steven
is the cook around here.” He was babbling. Malcolm closed his lips as
he sat with Cole in his chair, watching Luke devour the stew. He was
hungrier than he admitted.

“This is really good,” Luke said as he scooped the last of it with

the spoon.

Malcolm had never seen anyone eat so fast—and he was a bear

shifter! “There’s plenty more.” Had his skinny mate really eaten the
entire bowl? Malcolm was impressed.

“I’m fine.” Luke set the bowl on the nightstand as he looked

around the room. “Is this your bedroom?”

“Yes. It’s the largest bedroom in the house.” He waved a hand

down his body. “You can see why I needed it.”

Luke’s eyes snapped away, but not before Malcolm saw the lust

gleaming in them. He smiled. It had been so long since he’d had sex,
but Malcolm remembered the mechanics. Honestly, though? He was a
bit nervous because it had been so long.

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He knew nothing was going to happen anytime soon, but the

thought of laying Luke out like a banquet appealed to him on so many
different levels. His mate was skittish right now, fearing for his life
and that of his son’s, but Malcolm couldn’t stop the images from
barraging his mind.

And damn if they weren’t the hottest images his mind could

conjure up.

Malcolm cleared his throat, trying to get his thoughts back on

track and out of the gutter. He wanted to ask Luke why he was
running, but he knew he had to gain the man’s trust first. Luke was
somewhat relaxed now, but Malcolm could see the underlying current
of jitters in his mate’s chocolate-brown eyes.

He didn’t want to give the guy any reason to bolt. That was the

last thing Malcolm wanted. Riley walked into the room, a colorful
diaper bag hanging from his hand. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

Luke nodded as he stood, his hand reaching out to grab it.

Malcolm growled when Riley snatched the bag back from Luke’s
outstretched hand, his eyes narrowing to tiny slits.

“Mind telling me why you have a gun in there?”

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Chapter Four

“You looked in my bag?” Luke asked as he cut his eyes over to

Malcolm. He had grabbed the gun from his cabinet when he had
grabbed Cole’s diaper bag. He wasn’t sure what Shanta was going to
do, but Luke had fully intended to protect his son.

“We don’t know you. Of course I looked,” Riley spat with venom.

Malcolm stood, handing Cole to Luke as his presence seemed to grow
by leaps and bounds in the bedroom. Luke took a step back, fear
gripping him as Malcolm walked over to the man standing there with
Cole’s diaper bag.

“Son, I love you with all my heart. But if you ever talk to him that

way again, I’ll take you out back and teach you a lesson in manners.”
The threat was spoken low, slow, and leaving no room for doubt that
Malcolm would do just that.

Luke swallowed, his eyes darting between the two men. They

looked so much alike that there was no way this man wasn’t one of
Malcolm’s sons. Which confused Luke. Why would he threaten his
own son for the way he spoke to Luke, who he’d just met?

“Yes, sir,” the man said as he turned and walked out.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
Malcolm turned, the blaze in his eyes still evident. “Yes, I should

have. No one is going to talk to you like that.”

“But we just met.” Luke stated the obvious.
“And we’re mates. They will respect you or they’ll find out what

it means to have their asses kicked by a real bear.”

God, the man was hot as hell when he was fierce. Luke glanced

away, feeling as though he were the luckiest man on the planet.

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But still…
“They’re your sons. You should explain things to them first. He

didn’t know.”

“True, but Riley knows better. He was raised with manners. He

should have asked me before confronting you.”

Luke wanted to argue, but he could see that Malcolm was

standing firm. He didn’t agree, but it wasn’t his house or his place.
Hell, he had just arrived. Luke knew nothing about Malcolm. As Luke
glanced down at the floor, he saw the bracelet on his wrist. It was a
reminder that he was still being hunted.

“Did you call my tribe?”
Luke looked back up to see the look of confusion on Malcolm’s

face, his grey eyes darting over Luke’s face. “Why would I call

Luke shrugged as he walked back over to the bed and laid Cole

down, surrounding the baby with pillows, making sure he didn’t roll
off the high bed. “You found an unconscious elf in the bed of your
truck. It would have been the logical thing to do.” It would have been
the first thing he would have done.

“You’re a Lakeland. We take care of our own. I didn’t call


Relief flooded Luke as he peeked over his shoulder. Malcolm

stood there looking strong, confident, and handsome as hell. “Thank

“I’m not going to pry out of you why you ran, but I would like to

know what I’m up against.”

And the man had a right to know. But Luke could feel the

exhaustion finally kick in. He may have passed out in Malcolm’s
truck, but his body didn’t feel as though it had gotten enough rest. He
climbed up into the bed, curling around Cole as he closed his eyes.

“I’ll explain everything to you tomorrow.”

* * * *

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“It’s a baby, jackass,” Chance said as he and Chauncey stared

down at Cole.

“What’s a baby doing here?” Chauncey asked.
“The stork was drunk and dropped him off here instead of at the

vampire coven.” Sometimes Chance wondered if they truly shared the
same gene pool.

“You’re a real smart-ass, ain’t ya?” Chauncey snapped as he

squatted down in front of Cole.

“I don’t think you two should be cursing in front of him,” Bryce

said as he walked into the living room. “Pa will whup both of you if
he catches you cursing in front of a cub.”

Chauncey snorted as he waved a hand at Cole. “I highly doubt the

kid can talk, let alone repeat what we say.” Chauncey looked over his
shoulder at Chance. “Can he?”

“You are such a boy genius,” Chance grumbled and then curled

his lip. “What is that smell?”

“I think it’s the cub,” Bryce said as he took a step back, his face

crinkled in disgust. “Or someone opened a landfill close to us.”

“The cub did that?” Chauncey asked as he screwed his face up

and stood, taking a step back. “I’m not cleaning that up.”

“It’s not like he threw up.” Bryce chuckled.
“No, but it smells like it,” Chauncey complained as he waved a

hand in front of his face. “Where’s his ma or pa?”

“Cub only has a pa. He’s upstairs with our pa,” Chance related.

“So I guess it’s up to us to change him.”

“I’ll give you a hundred bucks if you do it,” Chauncey said as he

began to back out of the room, waving his hands frantically in front of
him. “I don’t know shit about diapers.”

“Stop cursing, damn it,” Bryce snapped. “It can’t be that hard.”
“There’s his bag,” Chance said as he pointed over to the diaper

bag his pa had given him when he left Chance in charge of Cole. “Go
for it.”

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Bryce knelt down in front of Cole, stripping his pants off and

unsnapping his onesie. He peeled back the tabs on the cloth diaper
liner and then coughed. “I need something to put the soiled diaper in.”

“On it,” Chauncey said as he bolted from the room. He returned a

moment later with the large kitchen trash can in one hand and rubber
gloves in the other.

“Thanks.” Bryce reached up for the gloves but Chauncey pulled

them away.

“These are for me.” He slid them on and then held the can toward

Bryce. “Go for it.”

Bryce grumbled as he pulled the diaper back. “Oh my god!”
“He’s so little. How did he—” Chance took a step back.
“I’m gonna be sick.” Chauncey belched.
“I need something to clean him up with,” Bryce choked out.

Chance had never seen so much—He was going to be sick right along
with Chauncey. He opened his mouth wide, gagging as he fanned the
air in front of his face.

“It’s all the way up his back,” Bryce cried. “We need to clean him


“Bring him in here,” Chauncey said as he dropped the trash can

and ran into the kitchen. Bryce picked Cole up, letting the cloth diaper
fall into the trash as he rushed Cole into the kitchen. Chauncey had
the sink filled with water. “Put him in here.”

Bryce rushed across the kitchen and sat the cub in the water.

“Why are we putting him in the sink?”

“Because he’s not old enough to stand in the damn shower,”

Chauncey said as he splashed water over Cole. The cub smiled as his
small fists slapped the water, his toothless smile making Chance melt
on the spot.

“What in the hell is that smell?” Curtis, Chauncey’s mate,

complained as he walked into the kitchen. “Whatever you’re cooking,
I don’t want any.”

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“We’re not cooking anything, honey bunny. We’re bathing a


Curtis walked over to the sink, his eyes wide as he stared at Cole

and then the three brothers. “Why is there a baby in the sink?”

“Because he can’t wipe his own ass?” Chance asked as he grabbed

a clean kitchen washcloth. He dunked it into the water and then ran it
over Cole’s back, cleaning the stench from the cub. This was just
gross, but the cub was cute. That made up for him washing crap from
someone’s back.

“Have any of you ever changed a diaper?” Curtis asked as he

smiled at Cole.

“Not on a baby.”
Everyone turned to Bryce, but the guy just shrugged.
“Give him here,” Curtis said as he grabbed Cole and a dry hand

towel, wrapping it around Cole’s bottom.

“His bottom lip is shaking,” Chance pointed out. “He’s cold.”
“Then let’s get him dressed.” Curtis walked back into the living

room and laid Cole out on the sofa, digging through his diaper bag
and grabbing another cloth diaper. “He only has two diapers left.
Someone is going to have to go buy some.”

“I can do that,” Bryce volunteered.
“Make sure they’re the cloth kind, the ones with the built-in

plastic liner on the outside. That seems to be all that are in here.”
Curtis shrugged. “His pa must be into that all-natural thing.”

Chance frowned at the odd piece of cloth Curtis was putting on

the baby. “They have different types of diapers?”

“Oh yeah.” Curtis chuckled.
Who knew?
The three brothers watched as Curtis gave Diaper Changing 101

lessons. Once Cole was powdered and had a clean diaper on, Curtis

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dug through the colorful bag again. “He doesn’t have a change of

“Here,” Chauncey said as he pulled his shirt off. “Give him this.”
Curtis stared at the size three X shirt and then shook his head,

wrapping Cole in the tent. “All done.” He passed Cole to Chance.
“I’m going to head over to my dads’ and see if Heaven or Gabby has
any extra clothes for him. I’ll grab some toys and other stuff. Can you
guys handle watching him while I’m gone?”

Chance rolled his eyes. “How hard can it be to watch a cub?”

They ate, they pooped, and they slept. What was so complicated about

“I’ll hurry,” Curtis said as he grabbed his coat. Chauncey

followed behind Curtis, giving his brother a devilish grin before he
bolted from the house.

“What’s that smell?”

* * * *

“Are you sure he’s safe?” Luke got up once more, heading for the


“He has seven brothers that would kill Satan to keep him safe.

Relax,” Malcolm said as he sat on the side of the bed. “I’m more
concerned with you at the moment. Cole is safe.”

“Have they ever taken care of a baby before?” Luke asked as he

paced the bedroom, his eyes continuously flickering toward the door.

Not a day in their lives, but Malcolm was pretty confident his

boys wouldn’t screw this up. Malcolm prayed he was right or he was
going to be missing a few sons.

He sat there and watched Luke pace, unsure of what to say. He’d

never been one to flirt or engage in conversation with someone who
was destined to be his.

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Hell, Clarisse had flirted with him, pursued him. Malcolm didn’t

know the first thing about winning a mate over. He sat there tongue-
tied and feeling inept. He hadn’t felt this way since courting his wife.

Malcolm knew how to run a ranch with confidence. He knew how

to keep seven large sons in check. He even knew how to be gentle
around cubs. What he didn’t know was how to woo a man. The one
and only time he’d been with a man was before Clarisse, and the guy
had approached Malcolm.

Malcolm knew he was in trouble from the way he had bitten

Riley’s head clear off for speaking to Luke disrespectfully—
something he needed to apologize to his son about. He knew Riley
was only looking out for his family, and Malcolm could have handled
that better.

Now he sat here grasping for words.
Luke stopped pacing and dropped down on the bed next to

Malcolm, concern and utter hopelessness etched on his face. He was
biting his thumbnail as he sat there staring at the far wall.

The silence felt awkward.
“Are you sure he’s—”
“Cole’s fine,” Malcolm reassured Luke as he grabbed Luke’s

hand in his. His fingers played over Luke’s, and he enjoyed how soft
his mate’s hands truly felt. His fingers were long, lithe, and smooth.
Luke’s fingernails were sculpted to perfection and clean as a whistle.

Malcolm’s fingernails were clean, but they weren’t manicured like

Luke’s. There seemed to be so many differences between them.
Malcolm was large, burly, and hairy. Luke was tall, slim, and elegant.

As his sausage-like fingers grazed over Luke’s slender ones, he

could feel his heart beating in his stomach. His fingers flexed when he
felt Luke move an inch closer, his eyes cast down toward their joined

Malcolm cleared his throat, but couldn’t find any words worth

saying. This courting thing was just as hard now as it had been back

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then. His fingers traced over Luke’s nails, running along his cuticles
as he kept his eyes attached to his hands.

Finally Malcolm braved a small glance. Luke sat there with his

bottom lip sucked between his teeth, his cheeks red as roses. When he
spotted the nervousness dancing in Luke’s eyes, Malcolm breathed a
sigh of relief. He wasn’t the only one feeling awkward at the moment,
and for some strange reason, it made him relax.

“Come here,” Malcolm said as he tugged on Luke’s hand,

bringing his mate closer. He could feel his confidence returning,
chasing away his shyness as he wrapped one large arm around Luke’s
waist and pulled the slimmer man into his lap.

Luke was jumpy as hell, but Malcolm was there to ease him into

this. Knowing his mate was looking to him to make the first move
gave Malcolm all the confidence he needed. He tucked a knuckle
under Luke’s jaw, making his mate raise his head to look at him.

“You’re safe here, Luke.”
His mate nodded as his eyes dropped to Malcolm’s lips. He had

no problem giving his mate their first kiss. Malcolm cupped the back
of Luke’s head, noticing how soft his mate’s hair was as he pulled
Luke toward him.

As their lips touched for the first time, Malcolm knew he would

never get enough of this man. Luke’s lips were soft, supple, as he
opened wide for Malcolm’s exploration. He was gentle, making sure
he didn’t bruise Luke’s tender lips.

His other hand massaged Luke’s back, slowly working its way

down. Malcolm was itching to feel his mate’s flared mounds. His
cock was in full agreement. It had been so long that Malcolm had to
concentrate hard to make sure he didn’t come so soon.

It wasn’t easy. Luke was every bit as soft as he had looked,

making Malcolm’s head spin as he pulled Luke even closer. He tilted
his head, giving him a better angle to taste Luke’s sweet lips.

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“Pa,” Chance shouted as he burst into the room with Cole in his

arms. Malcolm pulled out of the kiss, ready to skin his son’s hide until
he saw how wide Chance’s eyes were. It was almost comical.

A slow grin formed on Chance’s face and then fell as he nodded

his head toward the hallway. “Someone’s here.”

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Chapter Five

D stood on the front porch, wringing his hands together as he

stared at his three brothers. He was glad to see them, but not so glad
when he remembered why he had called them.

But he couldn’t blame them since he had called them to come take

care of Sloane, something he wished he could take back. He knew it
was too late for that as his brothers stood there scowling at him.

That was one of the reasons he had left home. His brothers never

supported him in anything he did, so he wasn’t sure why he had called
them in the first place. It had been panic, pure and simple.

Even if he told them he didn’t need their help, he had already told

them about Sloane, so no matter what he said, they were going to go
after his mate.

That was something D couldn’t let happen, but he couldn’t figure

out how to stop them.

He had thought long and hard about what Pa had said to him, and

D had to admit, Sloane had been nothing but careful and kind with
him. Why hadn’t he seen the situation with Sloane for what it truly
was instead of listening to his father? He had steered D wrong, and
now D had pretty much called a hit on his mate’s head.

Damn, did he feel stupid.
It was probably his most moronic move to date.
And he’d had a lot.
“Where is he, Dudley?”
D crossed his arms over his chest, his legs spread out a little

further in a battle stance as he glared at all three of his brothers. He
knew the look wouldn’t intimidate them, but he had to let them know

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that he meant business. He didn’t want Sloane harmed, and he had to
convince them of this.

“I’ve changed my mind.”
The eldest brother, Raven, stared at him in disbelief, his mouth

opening and closing before his lip curled back into a nasty snarl. “You
want to be mated to a filthy shifter?”

D bristled at his brother’s term for his mate. Sloane wasn’t a filthy

shifter! D’s father had not only poisoned his mind, but his brothers’ as
well. He knew they wouldn’t be swayed into thinking anything but
hateful thoughts about shifters. Look how long it had taken D to come
to terms with the error of his thinking. And he was the easygoing one.
Well, Daniel, the second youngest, wasn’t as vengeful as the other
two, but he knew Daniel was only here because he never went
anywhere without Raven and Remus. “Yes.”

Remus, the second eldest brother, pulled his face back in a mask

of rage as he took a step closer to D. Swallowing hard, D prayed his
brother wasn’t about to knock him on his ass. It would be the first
time Remus had ever laid a hand on him, but from the expression on
his face, he was truly pissed.

It was a real possibility at the moment.
Raven and Remus looked as though they wanted to throttle D.

Daniel just looked at him curiously. D didn’t care. He wanted to be
with Sloane. No matter what they thought of him.

Let them do their worst.
He just prayed he was breathing afterward.
“What’s going on here?” Pa asked as he walked out onto the front

porch, his brows pulled down into an angry frown.

D had never been happier in his life to hear the bear’s voice or see

the pissed-off look on Pa’s face.

“Are you Sloane?” Raven asked as he pulled D from the top step.
D yelped, trying his best to get back on the front porch. As crazy

as it was, he felt safer with Pa than he did with his own flesh and

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“No, but if you don’t let him go, I’m going to come down there

and get him.”

“Try it, shifter,” Raven challenged as he bared his fangs.
D covered his face when he saw the entire Lakeland clan walk out

onto the porch. What a fucking circus this was turning into. He didn’t
want this. The family had been too nice to him for this to happen. And
he didn’t want his brothers hurt either.

This was one big clusterfuck that he wished he could sweep under

the rug and forget about. All D wanted right now was to crawl under a
rock somewhere. He had caused this. He was the one to call his
brothers and tell them he was destined to be mated to a psycho shifter
who wanted him dead.

Gah, how had he screwed this up so badly? His anger mounted

toward his father for raising him with such prejudice against anyone
who wasn’t a vampire. It was his father’s poison gathering here right

He felt Raven’s fingers slowly uncurl from his arm. D looked at

his brother to see the concern swimming in the dark depths of his
eyes. “Are you safe here, Dudley?”

D nodded as he walked back up the steps. “I’m safe. They’re bear

shifters. They’ve been very good to me.”

“But they’re shifters, Dudley. You know what Father said about

shifters,” Remus reminded him incredulously.

Yeah, Dudley knew exactly what their father thought of the filthy

beasts. He had reminded them on a regular basis to steer clear of the
savages. But D had a different opinion of them, and he wasn’t going
to allow his brothers to cause any trouble.

“Dad lied.”
“Take that back!” Raven shouted angrily.
“No, I won’t. It’s true. They aren’t raving maniacs that kill

indiscriminately. They’re kind people that took me in when they
didn’t have to.”

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“We’ll see about that. I’ll find Sloane, and when I do, he’ll learn

that vampires and shifters don’t mate,” Remus threatened.

D laid a hand over his mouth as his brothers walked away. He

knew there was no stopping them. He had to warn Sloane.

What an effing mess.
Sloane was going to hate him for this.

* * * *

Luke watched from the front window with Cole tucked securely in

his arms. He hadn’t a clue what was going on, but he was grateful that
it wasn’t his tribe out there. His heart had stopped beating when
Chance had come in the room announcing visitors.

Luke had been prepared to take Cole and run, but Chance had

stopped him, telling him it was vampires at the door. He could see the
questioning in Chance’s eyes, but Luke had only given him a nod as
he followed the bear down the creaking steps.

He was afraid to confess that his tribe was after him. Luke didn’t

want to be kicked out in the cold with nowhere to go. Cole was warm
and safe, and he planned on keeping it that way. But the guilt of
putting this nice family in harm’s way ate at him.

As he watched the vampires turn and leave, Luke knew he

couldn’t stay here. Seeing how the bears had defended D tore at his
conscience. This only drove home the fact that he needed to get out of
here. Shanta wouldn’t have left so easily. No, Shanta would be out
there right now fighting the bears for a chance to get at Cole.

The elder leader had turned cold and cruel. What was once a great

man was now broken from battle, only caring for himself. He claimed
he needed Cole to save their race, but Luke knew there was more to it
than that.

There had to be for Shanta to demand Cole. No man should be

separated from his child, and only a sadistic person would demand
such a thing.

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The calculating way Shanta had stared at Cole had made his blood

run cold. Shanta wanted his son for far worse. Luke just knew it. The
man could burn in the pits of hell for all he cared. No one was getting
his son. He didn’t care if his entire race died out. His son was that
important to him.

Luke kissed his son’s forehead and then rested his cheek on

Cole’s bouncing black curls. He would die to protect his son, and he
had a feeling that was exactly what was going to happen. If only he
could get the bracelet off, he could shimmer out of here and take his
son as far away from Shanta as possible.

But that would mean leaving his mate behind. As much as Luke

wanted his mate, he wanted his son even more. His eyes followed
Malcolm’s every move as he walked back into the house with D.

“I need to call Maverick,” Malcolm said wearily as he left Luke

standing there. It was a solemn sight to see such a strong man look so
defeated. Luke wanted to go after those vampires and beat them
bloody for making his mate look that way.

“Give him here,” Chance said as he reached for Cole. “Go see to

my pa.”

Luke hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave Cole’s sight for

a second.

“He’ll be safe. Go.”
Luke reluctantly released his son into Chance’s care as he hurried

to the kitchen. He saw Malcolm on the phone, his voice low as he
leaned his back against the wall. Luke wasn’t sure what he should do,
so he walked over to his mate and leaned into him.

Malcolm wrapped one strong arm around him as he continued to

talk on the phone. Luke wasn’t sure if he was helping Malcolm at all,
but the big, burly man wouldn’t release him.

“He was scared, Maverick. He made a moronic move, but it

wasn’t done intentionally.”

Luke pushed closer when he saw Malcolm wince. “I know he

called his brothers to take care of Sloane, but—”

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Malcolm stopped talking and just listened, nodding his head here

and there. Luke couldn’t hear what Maverick was saying, but by
Malcolm’s expression, it wasn’t an invitation to tea.

“He’s one of mine, Maverick. I can’t do that.” Malcolm nodded

again. “I understand.”

Luke clung to Malcolm as his mate hung up the phone. “Is it that


Malcolm looked like he had aged ten years just from that one

phone call. Worry lines formed at his eyes, and his face held a deep
scowl. “Maverick isn’t too happy about one of his kin being

“But you explained to him that D hadn’t meant to, right?”
Malcolm shook his head, his grey eyes softening as he looked

down at Luke. “Some things require more than a sorry, I didn’t mean
to set vampires on your cousin
. He wants me to bring D to him.”

Luke had heard of Maverick, the timber wolf alpha who had

granted the wood elves five hundred acres, but Shanta had cursed the
alpha as well. The leader of his tribe had described Maverick as
barbaric and ruthless. He said the only reason they were given land
was because Carter was now the pack’s whore.

Would D face that same fate?
“You can’t take D to him. He doesn’t deserve the punishment

Maverick will place upon him for a misunderstanding.” Luke had to
convince Malcolm to keep D safe. He had heard horrific things about
vampires as well, but from what he had seen in D, Luke was starting
to think he had been misled.

What other lies had Shanta told?
Luke starting questioning everything he had ever been taught by

the leader. Now that he thought about it, Shanta was the one who had
become barbaric and ruthless that last decade or so. Luke had heard
stories about how Shanta had killed innocent men, but Luke had
refused to believe it.

Now he wasn’t so sure.

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“He’s family, Luke. I wouldn’t sooner turn him over than I would

one of my own cubs. Maverick agreed on my point, but he said until
this is resolved, we’re on our own.”

Luke jumped when the phone rang. After the past few days of

fighting to get away from his tribe, of running through countless acres
to get away, of finding his mate, Luke was jumpy as hell. He wasn’t
sure what to expect anymore.

His nerves felt raw and exposed as he stood there.
“Lakelands,” Malcolm answered the phone. His expression turned

tense as he let out a long breath. “Hang on a minute.”

Luke watched Malcolm walk from the kitchen, only to return a

few seconds later with D trailing behind him. Malcolm pointed to the

D’s eyes turned misty as he bit his bottom lip, his hand shaking as

he picked the phone up. “Hello?”

Luke felt a growl starting in his chest as he watched D wince and

then turn even paler than his complexion already boasted. “But I—”

He nodded as he ran his hand over his head, his eyes downcast.

“I’m sorry, Sloane. I didn’t know.”

Luke watched as D slammed the phone down and ran from the

room, heading up the stairs. Sobs followed in his wake. Luke glanced
at Malcolm and then took off after the vampire. He saw him head into
the last room, so Luke followed.

D was lying on his bed, curled up with his knees tucked in as his

entire body shook. Luke wasn’t sure what to say to the man, but he
couldn’t leave him wallowing in despair. It wasn’t right. No being
should feel like that.

The vampire turned over, bloodred tears running unchecked down

his cheeks as he looked at Luke like he was a ghost. Already his eyes
were swollen and red. That might be the blood he was crying, though,
but Luke doubted that.

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“He said he releases me from his claim on me.” D sniffled, wiping

his nose along his arm. “H–He said that since I want him dead, then
he is, to me.” Fresh tears fell from D’s dark-colored eyes as he turned
back over, giving Luke his back.

Damn, that was pretty harsh.
But how would Luke feel if he found out that Malcolm had called

in his relatives to take care of Luke? How would he feel if he had
feared the unknown so much that he had tried to have Malcolm dealt

There was no easy answer.
Luke patted D’s shoulder before closing the door behind him. He

already knew that anything he said wouldn’t hold any comfort for D
right now. The man was bathing in a wealth of misery only Sloane
could pull him out of.

Luke thought of what the alpha had said. What if his tribe showed

up now? They would have no backing. Luke felt as though he had
brought a world of trouble to his mate’s doorstep, and Malcolm
Lakeland didn’t deserve that.

Luke walked downstairs, seeking out Cole so he could take his

son and leave. He would rather be out there on his own than put his
mate in harm’s way. He wasn’t going to allow his fight to become

He grabbed Cole from Chance and gathered the diaper bag.

Chance watched as Luke headed toward the front door, feeling like
his entire world was falling down around him.

Luke heard Chance shout, but he was too busy concentrating on

where he could find refuge for him and Cole without putting anyone
in danger. The Lakelands had enough on their plate already without
him adding to it.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Malcolm’s voice boomed

across the yard, sending a chill that rivaled the weather’s down
Luke’s spine.

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Luke kept walking.
Malcolm’s footsteps could be heard from behind Luke, and then

the bear was in his face. “I told you that you were safe here. Get our
son back into the house.”

Luke tried to step around Malcolm, but the man was proving to be

a force of nature. He stood there unmoving, refusing to allow Luke to
pass. “I have an entire tribe after me, Malcolm. As strong as you are,
as strong as your sons are, not even the eight of you can fight an
entire tribe of elves.”

Although Luke would love to see Shanta fall from power. The

man was a rank bastard that deserved to have his title stripped. Luke
prayed he was there when Shanta finally fell.

“You’re family, Luke,” Malcolm said as he wrapped his thick

arms around Luke and picked him up, crushing him to the bear’s chest
with Cole tucked between them.

“Put me down!”
“Not on your life.” Malcolm walked back toward the house,

carrying Luke and son up the steps and back into the warmth of his
home. “Give Cole to Chance.”

“No,” Luke argued as he tried to wiggle free. It was a useless task,

but Luke was determined to take the threat away from the bears.

“Fine,” Malcolm growled as he set Luke down and plucked Cole

from his arms.

“Give him back!” Luke shouted as Malcolm handed his son to


“Not until we talk, mate!”
Luke could see Chance’s eyes grow round as he took a step back,

refusing to give Cole back to him. A few more of the Lakeland men
gathered into the living room, all wearing a stunned look as Malcolm
tossed Luke over his shoulder and proceeded to carry him upstairs.

Luke kicked his legs, clawing at Malcolm’s back as he tried to get

the massive mountain to release him. It did no good. Malcolm carried

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Luke into his bedroom and slammed the door shut before he dropped
Luke onto the bed.

“You are my mate, and I will die to protect you. Get that through

your thick skull.”

And that was exactly what Luke was trying to prevent. “You will

if I stay here, Malcolm. You have to let me go.” His words were soft,
pleading as he stared up into the prettiest grey eyes he had ever seen.

Malcolm leaned forward, his lips a mere inch from Luke’s as his

eyes turned a stormy grey. “I won’t let you go, Luke. Fate gave you to
me to protect, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

And Luke had a feeling that every last one of the Lakelands was

going to pay for Malcolm’s conviction.

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Chapter Six

Chance winced when he heard the door slam upstairs. That

couldn’t be good. His pa had a nasty temper, although he rarely
showed it. That was how he had kept seven bear shifters in line as
they grew up.

They all feared seeing it, feeling it, or being anywhere around it

when his pa’s anger reared its ugly head.

“Did he say mate?” Riley asked as he stared at the steps.
“Yeah, he did,” Chance said in stunned disbelief. “Pa has a mate,

and he’s a man.” The words still wouldn’t sink into his brain. Since
when was his pa gay? He had had a wife. His pa had raised seven

And he was gay?
Why wasn’t he told about this?
What fucking universe did they live in again?
“Hot damn!” Chauncey whooped as he picked Curtis up and spun

him around. “He won’t be lonely anymore.”

There was that.
“That means Cole is our brother,” Bryce pointed out. “No diaper


“You can’t call that!” Curtis protested. “Everyone has to help.”
“Says you,” Chauncey stated as he set his mate onto his feet.

Curtis glared up at Chauncey as he slapped him on the chest.

“Go get the baby stuff out of my car before I call no sex.”
Chauncey paled as he ran from the house.
“Pa has a mate,” Chance said as he stared at the ceiling. Things

were definitely about to get crazy around the Lakeland household.

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Crazier than it already was.

* * * *

Malcolm continued to stare into Luke’s chocolate-brown eyes. He

had to calm his temper. Seeing Luke leave with Cole had set his teeth
on edge. Worry, concern, and downright anger wrapped around him
as he saw his mate walk out the front door. He didn’t even want to
think about the heart-wrenching desperation.

He never wanted to feel that way again.
The only thing Malcolm wanted to do was protect Luke and Cole.

Well, there were other things Malcolm wanted to do to Luke. His eyes
dropped to the small pout of Luke’s lips just an inch away from his.

All he had to do was lean a little closer, and Luke would be


Neither of them moved.
He forgot about tribes, and Maverick, about his sons downstairs,

and the problems just outside his front door. All he could think about
at the moment was Luke. How good he smelled or how stunningly
handsome he was. Malcolm wanted to find out how good Luke would
feel as his mate cried out his name.

He wanted to hear his name fall from Luke’s kiss-swollen lips as

he came for him. His cock began to fill in his pants as their eyes
continued to stare at the other. Malcolm could tell Luke was waiting
for him to make the first move.

Was it that easy?
With tortured ease, Malcolm closed the distance, ghosting his lips

over Luke’s at first, and then his tongue battled to gain entrance. Luke
whimpered as he fell back onto the bed, Malcolm following him

Their limbs entwined as Malcolm cupped his mate’s face, his lips

and tongue exploring every inch of Luke’s mouth. He reached

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between them, almost tearing Luke’s pants as he tried to get them

He needed skin, wanted skin, had to have it now.
Slow down, damn it, slow down.
Malcolm slowed his pace, fearing that he would hurt Luke in his

fevered rush to feel naked flesh against him. It had been so long since
he had felt another body in his bed that he was praying for the
patience Luke deserved.

“Are you going to claim me, Malcolm?”
Malcolm growled as he finally unsnapped Luke’s pants. His

fingers were too large and getting in his way. For once, they were a
hindrance. He pulled back, staring down at Luke’s disheveled hair
and kiss-swollen lips.

God, Luke was sexy as hell.
Malcolm ran his hands over Luke’s chest before reaching the hem

of his shirt. He pulled it up and over his mate’s head, taking in the
small hue of his mate’s light brown nipples. He ran his calloused
thumbs over the small peaks, watching them pull tight and pebble.

It amazed him how well Luke’s body reacted to his touch. It

stroked his ego in ways only Luke was capable of doing. Luke’s
tousled hair covered one eye, sending Malcolm’s desires into

“Yes, Luke. I’m going to claim you.”
His mate’s eyes turned an even darker brown as arousal so strong

that Malcolm could almost taste it danced in the depths of Luke’s
brown orbs. “You know everyone in my tribe is out to get their hands
on Cole. I won’t let them.”

“And neither will I,” Malcolm said before pulling Luke free of his

pants. His heart caught in his throat, making it dry and thick as he
stared at his mate’s length. Malcolm blinked a few times, the
realization kicking in that he was about to fuck a man.

The one and only time he’d been with another man wasn’t much

of a memory. The guy had given Malcolm a blow job. That was it.

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This was a whole different ball game now.
Without an ego attached to his claim, Malcolm knew he was much

larger when it came to cocks.

Much, much larger.
Would he hurt Luke?
Malcolm pushed the worry to the back of his mind as he leaned

forward and sucked in one perfect nipple. He groaned at the
knowledge that Luke tasted better than he had imagined. His skin was
paler than Malcolm’s, a contrast that was truly breathtaking to him.

“Take it off,” Luke whispered as he tugged at Malcolm’s shirt.
Malcolm leaned back, pulling his shirt over his head, showing

Luke every cut of muscle he possessed. He had never even considered
his body before, but now that his mate lay there looking at him in
reverence, Malcolm was pleased that he was so well-defined.
Working on the ranch kept him in shape along with his long runs in
his bear form. He was grateful that he had stayed in shape.

Luke’s warm hands skimmed over his pectorals and abdomen, his

fingers playing over Malcolm’s six-pack. He could feel Luke’s
fingertips etching over every defined line. He knelt there, allowing his
mate to explore his body. Luke had every right to explore Malcolm’s
body. The slim man was his mate and vice versa. Although he prayed
Luke didn’t study his body all night. He had other plans for Luke and
Malcolm knew he wouldn’t have the patience to wait much longer.

“Pants,” Luke panted as his eyes lowered to stare at Malcolm’s

groin, his tongue sliding out to lick his bottom lip. The sight of hunger
in Luke’s eyes and seeing the pink appendage wetting his lower lip
made Malcolm’s cock even harder, almost to the point of pain as he
scooted from the bed and stripped naked.

Malcolm quickly crawled back onto the bed, not wanting Luke to

worry over his size. That was the last thing he wanted. The moment
was too perfect to ruin. He knew there was nothing to worry about.
He realized this. Fate wouldn’t give him a mate he would hurt.
Malcolm relaxed at this knowledge.

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Pulling Luke into his arms, Malcolm kissed his mate’s neck and

laved his ears. He inhaled his mate’s savory and wild scent as he
nibbled his way over to Luke’s other ear. His eyes snapped up when
he saw Luke’s ears moving.

Did elves do that?
Apparently so.
He groaned at the way they wiggled, his lips kissing one tip, and

then the other, his hands skimming up Luke’s sides and down his
back, feeling his calluses lightly scrape his mate’s smooth flesh. The
man seemed so tiny in his arms, even though Luke was tall. But being
the size Malcolm was, it made Luke seem small, fragile.

His fingers roamed over Luke’s flared cheeks, squeezing them

gently as his tongue traced his mate’s collarbone. Luke groaned,
tilting his head to the side.

His hands roamed over Luke’s body, getting familiar with what

was now his. He could discover every nook and cranny and still not
tire of seeing such perfection.

Malcolm was a bit surprised when Luke pushed on his chest,

knocking Malcolm onto his back. “What was that for?” Had he done
something wrong? Had he hurt Luke with his weight without realizing

“Watch,” Luke said as he slid down Malcolm’s body.
Oh, he was watching, all right. Malcolm couldn’t seem to take his

eyes off of Luke as Luke’s fingers raked through the hair in the center
of Malcolm’s body. The sensation wrapped around Malcolm’s spine,
making his whole body shiver.

Just from that one intimate touch.
“You liked that?”
Malcolm nodded as Luke leaned forward and captured his cock

between those supple lips. He sucked air in between his teeth as Luke
opened wider, trying to take the full length of Malcolm into his

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Luke was making his head spin out of control. He wanted to tell

the man to stop, that he was too large for what Luke was trying to do,
but he couldn’t find a brain cell to utter the word for him.

Malcolm fisted his hands in the sheets as he tried to stop his

impending orgasm, but it was a battle he was quickly losing as Luke’s
mouth licked, sucked, and hummed over his cock.

Malcolm lifted his arms, cupping Luke’s face as he watched his

mate suck his cock. It was an erotic sight, a sight he had fantasized
about for many years. There was just never a face to put with the act.
Now there was and it was perfect. It was Luke’s.

Spreading his legs wider apart, Malcolm directed Luke’s head,

showing his mate exactly what he liked and wanted. Luke followed
Malcolm’s lead, his tongue lapping at Malcolm’s heavy sac, sucking
in one side and then the other.

He gently pulled at Luke, his mate coming back up to suck

Malcolm’s cock back into his mouth, the moist heat engulfing him.
Malcolm moaned, his eyes hooding as he enjoyed what his mate was

“Go slow, hon. We have all night.” He wasn’t sure if they did,

because he was very close, but Malcolm wasn’t going to rush through
anything. He was older than Luke, and had a lifetime of patience to
share with the man.

Luke nodded as he worked Malcolm’s cock into his mouth, his

tongue running up and down the heavy vein on the side of his shaft.
Malcolm ran his thumbs over Luke’s face, spellbound at what Luke
was doing to him.

Malcolm moaned when he felt his balls pull close to the base of

his erection, his body sizzling with his approaching orgasm. “I’m
about to come, Luke.”

Luke nodded, but didn’t release his cock. Malcolm growled as he

fucked his mate’s mouth, driving his length into the back of Luke’s
throat as his seed erupted from his cock, his body jerking as Luke
sucked him vigorously.

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Malcolm lay there trying to catch his breath as Luke suckled for a

moment longer, and then his softening cock slipped from between his
mate’s swollen lips.

Luke lifted his head, his eyes shining with merriment as his

tongue ran across his lips. “More please.”

Malcolm growled as he pulled Luke up and then turned, placing

his mate underneath him. He lined his cock up, ready to claim the imp
when Luke’s eyes grew wide and he shoved at Malcolm’s chest.

Malcolm immediately pulled back as he tilted his head. “Did you

change your mind about being claimed?” It would devastate Malcolm,
but he wouldn’t force Luke to be claimed. He wanted his mate
willingly or not at all.

“No.” Luke shook his head. “First off, how in the hell are you

hard so fast? Secondly, lube, babe, and a good stretching wouldn’t
hurt. Well, not stretching would hurt, actually.”

Malcolm had never fucked a man before and knew he had a lot to

learn. He wasn’t so old that he wasn’t willing to have Luke teach him
what he needed to know. Thankfully he was a quick learner. Show
him once and Luke was going to be begging as he shouted Malcolm’s

Malcolm had no doubt about that.
He reached into his drawer and grabbed the well-used bottle of

lube. It was well used for masturbation, but that was it. He handed the
bottle to Luke, waiting for his mate to show him the ropes. It felt
strange not being in control, not knowing what he was doing.
Malcolm was a strong, capable man that took on any task and
excelled at it, yet here he knelt without a clue. He growled inwardly at
the lack of knowledge.

But he wouldn’t be clueless for long. Not after tonight.
Luke plucked the bottle from his hand and turned over onto his

hands and knees. “Since it seems you’re new at this, watch and learn,

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Malcolm leaned back and watched as Luke lubed his fingers and

then slowly inserted them into his ass. Malcolm’s jaw dropped as he
watched Luke’s ass suck each finger in, almost refusing to let it go.
His cock was throbbing at the sight. Luke’s long, lithe fingers were
shiny as one lone finger slid into his ass. Malcolm leaned forward,
nipping one cheek and then the other. Luke groaned as a second
finger pushed its way in. He was fascinated by the sight.

Malcolm ran his hands over Luke’s ass, watching his mate stretch


“Bear with me. It’s been a very long time.”
“Take your time, hon. I’m enjoying the show.” And he was. It was

erotic as hell and an image Malcolm would never thought to have
conjured in his mind. He ran the tips of his fingers over Luke’s as a
third finger joined the others. He could feel the lube on Luke’s hand
and used some to rim around the stretched muscle.

Malcolm ran his fingers over Luke’s stretched hole, letting one of

his fingers dip in alongside his mate’s fingers into the silkiness of his
mate’s body. He never imagined such a thing existed.

“Lube your hand if you’re going to play back there.” Luke

removed his fingers and tossed the bottle at Malcolm.

He grabbed the bottle in midair as he removed his finger and

squeezed a large amount onto his hand. His fingers were a lot larger
than Luke’s, and he didn’t want to bring his mate any pain.

Using two fingers, Malcolm sank them deep, feeling his cock jerk

in approval as he moved his wrist around. With just two fingers, he
stretched Luke wider than Luke had with all three of his fingers.

“More,” Luke begged as Malcolm added a third. He was amazed

that Luke’s body accommodated all three. The skin stretched around
the intrusion as he watched them glide in and out of Luke’s body. His
cock was iron hard, the flesh heated as it throbbed. He could imagine
what it was going to feel like to sink into that amazing hole.

“Now your cock,” Luke begged. “Please.”

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Malcolm lubed his cock and then wiped his hand off on the sheet.

He centered his cock to Luke’s hole, exhaling deeply as he worked his
way into Luke’s body. Even with the stretching, the fit was tight.

His eyes slammed closed as his body convulsed with

indescribable pleasure. When his shaft was buried deeply inside of
Luke, Malcolm stilled for a moment, taking in the feel of Luke’s body
wrapped around him. It was like nothing he had ever experienced
before. He slowly opened his eyes and stared down at his mate. Luke
looked good underneath him, his slim back smooth and creamy.

Leaning forward, Malcolm licked a long path down Luke’s spine

as he placed his hands on Luke’s hips and began to rock oh so slowly.
He wanted this to last for as long as it could, but he also feared that if
he moved too fast, he would hurt Luke.

Malcolm was built a lot thicker and stronger than his mate.
“Malcolm, move faster and harder. Believe me, I can take it.”

Luke whimpered.

Malcolm took Luke at his word as he began to move quicker,

pushing his cock deeper into Luke’s giving body. The maelstrom of
sensations shot through him as his body collided with Luke’s. His
bear was roaring, fighting to get free as Malcolm thrust harder inside
of Luke.

“Oh fuck,” he murmured as Luke’s hole milked his cock. It was

better than he had ever dreamed being with a man would be. It was
even better knowing that it was his mate he was fucking. The thought
had him speeding toward the edge, threatening to fall over as he
looked down and watched his heavy shaft work its way in and out of
Luke’s ass.

“Yes, gods, yes.” Luke’s voice became louder the harder Malcolm

fucked him. He growled, determined to give Luke a night to

His cock thickened as he pounded into his mate.

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Malcolm could feel the binding take place as his hips began to

snap harder, pushing Luke further up the bed. But his mate didn’t
protest the roughness. He begged for it, almost whined for it.

As Malcolm took Luke harder, his canines elongated, itching to

sink into the space where the neck ended and Luke’s shoulder began.
His bear roared once more, demanding that Malcolm bite Luke. He
didn’t need to bite Luke to claim him. He was a bear. There was no
need, but the urge was still there nonetheless. Malcolm withdrew and
then spun Luke onto his back, shoving his cock back into his mate as
he licked his way up Luke’s chest and then over his shoulder before
sinking his teeth deeply into Luke’s skin, feeling the tender flesh give
as he pulled Luke down onto his cock.

As he pulled his canines free, Malcolm gasped. Tiny, colorful

ribbons began to from, one pulling from Malcolm, the other from
Luke. They swirled around and then two small transparent forms in
the exact same image of him and Luke danced around one another,
melded together, and then split apart, Luke’s image entering Malcolm
as Malcolm’s image entered Luke.

Never in his life had he ever seen anything like that before. Luke

grabbed Malcolm, pulling him down for a kiss as he slammed his ass
onto Malcolm’s cock, Luke’s head falling back as he shouted out his

The smell of Luke’s seed pulled Malcolm from his stunned state

as he drove his cock hard into Luke’s ass, his release once again
shattering through him. Malcolm roared, his hips snapping quickly
until the last of his seed was inside Luke.

Good fucking god, he felt like a new man as he fell to his side,

taking Luke with him as pure satiation washed over him and pulled
him into a deep sleep, his cock still locked inside his mate’s body.

* * * *

“Um, that was gross,” Bryce said as he stared at the ceiling.

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Chance shuddered as he thought of his pa upstairs having sex.

Gross, gross, double gross. That was his pa.

“Looks like we got ourselves a new pa.” Chauncey snickered as

he bounced Cole on his knee.

“What’s that smell?”
Chance rolled his eyes and then jumped from the table, taking off

out of the kitchen, shouting over his shoulder before disappearing.
“Your turn.”

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Chapter Seven

Luke sat at the kitchen table staring at the men around him.

Malcolm’s sons were almost as big as Malcolm was. Luke felt small
as hell compared to these men. He was six one and had a nicely
shaped body, not muscular like the bears, but not puny either.

But he sure as shit felt puny as Chauncey reached in front of him

to grab a biscuit. Luke watched as the rather large arm pulled back,
veins and bicep showing off proudly. It was like watching a mountain
slide to his left, right in front of his very eyes.

“So, you’re our new pa?” Chance asked as he shoved a forkful of

mashed potatoes into his mouth, staring at Luke curiously.

“I…” Was he? Luke glanced around the table, seeing so many sets

of eyes on him that he wanted to sink down onto the floor and hide
under the table. He wasn’t normally like this. Luke could hold his
own, but in a house full of bears, he knew when he was outmuscled.

“Leave him alone, son,” Malcolm warned.
“I was just asking,” Chance mumbled under his breath as he

stabbed at his food.

Luke wasn’t sure if this was how they normally were, tension so

thick it could be cut with a knife, but he didn’t like it. He could tell he
was the reason behind it.

“If you want me to be,” Luke answered Chance as he fed Cole a

small spoonful of mashed potatoes. His son chewed on it for a
moment and then let it fall from his mouth. He wasn’t used to eating
table food. Luke was still strictly bottle-feeding him, but Malcolm had
said that Cole was old enough to try different foods, just as long as he
was given them one at a time in case of allergies.

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Luke wasn’t too sure about the table food. Cole looked to be

playing with it more than he was actually eating it. Cole had been fed
from a wet nurse in his tribe, but he seriously doubted there was one
around here.

“Depends,” Chauncey said. “You know anything about raising


A low growl rumbled in Malcolm’s chest as he glared at

Chauncey. “He doesn’t need to know. You’re full grown. But I can
change that if you keep it up.”

Luke’s eyes shot up, locking onto Malcolm’s. He could see a high

level of tension in those light grey eyes. He needed to lighten the
mood before Malcolm actually maimed one of his sons.

“I can hang with the best of them,” Luke admitted to Chauncey.

“Do you know anything about wood elves?”

Chauncey grinned as he nodded. “That’s a no-brainer. They live

in the woods.”

Luke chuckled as he shook his head. He was going to like

Chauncey. He could just tell.

“Boy Wonder over there thinks he’s the smartest man alive,”

Chance said as he chuckled.

“I am,” Chauncey defended with feigned indignity. “Smarter and

prettier than you.”

“We’re twins, dumbass.”
“Chance!” Malcolm bellowed. “Watch your language around the


“Sorry, Pa.”
Luke was getting aggravated. It seemed Malcolm had a stick up

his rear and for no apparent reason. His sons were just trying to get to
know Luke. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with his mate, but he
was getting tired of the snapping. Malcolm was acting the part of an
angry bear, and Luke was just about to kick him in his ass if he didn’t
lighten up.

“So, Pa claimed you, huh?” Chauncey teased.

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“Boy, I will slap your ass out of that chair if you utter one more

word about my sex life.”

Chance quickly pointed to Cole. “Language, Pa.”
Malcolm looked vexed as he glared at Chance.
“Yeah, and damn if he doesn’t know how to make the windows

rattle,” Luke said innocently, trying his best to hide his smile. When
Chauncey’s laughter filled the room, his big hand slamming down
onto the table as he roared, Luke began to laugh and couldn’t stop.

Soon the entire room was laughing. Luke glanced over at

Malcolm to see a smile tugging at his lips. He reached over and
grabbed Malcolm’s hand, giving it a light squeeze as he winked at
him. “They’re your sons. They don’t care that I’m a man, only that
you’re happy,” he whispered.

* * * *

Malcolm wasn’t sure why he was being so uptight. He was on the

defense and was biting everyone’s heads off and that wasn’t like him.
He was normally an easygoing guy, laid-back.

He was gay, big deal. So were his sons. But Malcolm knew it was

easier to accept other people for who they were than your own self.
Nobody liked the spotlight on them when their secrets came running
out of the closet.

And boy, was he out of the closet now.
Luke stood and leaned over, smashing his lips against Malcolm’s

as he chuckled.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Chauncey whooped. “Tear

that face up, grrr.”

Malcolm grinned as he cupped Luke’s face and explored his

mouth, right there at the kitchen table. Even Cole had his small fists in
the air, mashed potatoes squeezing through his tiny fingers as he
grinned at them.

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The tension drained from Malcolm as Luke broke the kiss, his

eyes turning a darker brown as he licked his lips.

Great, now he was sitting at the table with a hard-on.
Luke took a seat as everyone began to talk, the tension gone and

his family having a good time. Malcolm looked at Luke and knew he
couldn’t live a day without him. The man was beautiful all the way
through. He had taken Malcolm to task in the gentlest of ways and
eased away his worries with just one kiss.

He had never met anyone like Luke, and he knew he never would.

His mate was one of a kind—in his eyes at least. His heart swelled
and his body ached every time he glanced Luke’s way.

There was no way he could ever allow Luke to walk away, not

when he had woven himself around Malcolm’s heart in such a short
period of time.

Malcolm stood, grabbing Luke’s hand as he walked away from

the table. “Chance, you have Cole.”

“You got it, Pa.”
Malcolm led his mate into the living room where a roaring fire

was burning in the fireplace. He led Luke over to the hearth and then
sat down on the rug, pulling his mate onto his lap. Luke came
willingly, a sparkle of pleasure waving in his eyes. He smiled shyly at
Malcolm as he sat down on his lap, straddling him.

“What does my papa bear want?”
Malcolm chuckled at the endearment.
He liked it.
“A wood elf,” he replied as he rubbed his hands up and down

Luke’s arms. Malcolm leaned his back against a chair as he pulled his
long legs up and planted his feet on the floor. Luke looked perfect
perched on his lap.

Simply perfect.
“You have me, Malcolm,” Luke replied as his fingers caressed

Malcolm’s chest. “All of me.”

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Malcolm wanted to believe Luke. He truly did. But there was one

last bit of hesitation in Luke’s eyes that made him hold back. His
worst fear was that he would wake up and Luke would be gone,
taking Cole with him in some moronic move to spare Malcolm the
trouble when his tribe showed up.

And Malcolm had no doubt that Luke’s tribe would come after


“Promise me, Luke,” Malcolm said as he grazed Luke’s face with

his fingertips.

“Anything,” Luke replied as he leaned into Malcolm’s hand.
“Promise me that you will never run from me.”
Luke stiffened as his eyes slowly lowered.
That was what he thought. Malcolm was more hurt by Luke’s

admission than anything he could ever think of. Hadn’t he promised
to protect the elf and his son? Hadn’t he shown the man what he had
to offer?

Apparently it wasn’t good enough. Apparently Luke didn’t think

Malcolm could protect him. He sat there hurt beyond words that Luke
would steal away in the night and leave him all alone. Didn’t the man
know how much Malcolm loved him already? Hadn’t he shown him?

Malcolm deserved better than that.
Cole deserved better than that.
Luke surely deserved to have a life worth living.
“It’s not you,” Luke confessed to Malcolm’s chest. “When it

comes to Cole, I fear no one can protect him, not even me.”

Having sons of his own, Malcolm could relate. “But you have to

stop running sometime and take a stand. You have an entire bear
family backing you up, and we’re not chopped liver.”

Luke smiled as he glanced up at Malcolm through his lashes,

making Malcolm’s heart beat faster. “No, you’re not. I just can’t stand
the thought of you or one of your family members being hurt because
of me.”

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Malcolm growled as he grabbed Luke’s upper arms, holding them

tight. “You are my family. You have to understand that. Stop thinking
so damn hard about this and just accept the help we’re offering you. I
swear to god, if you leave this house I’ll hunt you down and tie you to
my bed!”

Luke swallowed as he glanced up at Malcolm, fear evident in his

eyes. That was the last thing Malcolm wanted to see, but he had to
make Luke see that he was in the safest place he could be.

Even if a legion of elves stormed his ranch, Malcolm would kill

every last one of them to protect his mate. Why couldn’t Luke see

He had to see the truth.
“We’ll protect you.”
Malcolm looked up to see his sons standing in the entranceway to

the living room, grim faces on all seven of them. His chest swelled
with pride as he glanced at each one of them. Even Chauncey had his
game face on.

“You will?” Luke asked as his fingers curled into Malcolm’s shirt.
“You’re damn straight,” Chauncey said as he bounced Cole on his

hip. “Let someone come here messing with you or Cole. I’ll eat their
fucking asses.”

Malcolm grinned as Luke stared at Chauncey like he wasn’t right

in the head. “Um, I don’t think you’ll have to go that far, but thanks.”

“Get lost, boys. You’re interrupting our intimate time together,”

Malcolm said as his hand ran up and down Luke’s back. He winked at
his boys, nodding his head in thanks as they scattered.

“You did a good job raising them,” Luke said as he laid his head

on Malcolm’s shoulder. Malcolm wrapped his arms around his mate
as he sat there, praying he was right and he could protect them.

Because god help anyone stupid enough to mess with the


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* * * *

Luke hummed as he made the bed. Last night had been the best

night of his life. His new family accepted him, and Malcolm had
shown Luke how well-versed he was when it came to sex. His ass was
still sore.

He reached over and grabbed a pillow when he felt someone

behind him. He turned and dropped the pillow. Luke stood paralyzed
in Malcolm’s bedroom as he stared into the darkest and coldest eyes
he had ever seen, eyes that had once held such happiness and wisdom.

He couldn’t move.
He couldn’t breathe.
“Just hand him over and you can be the whore for all the bears. I

don’t care what happens to you, Luke. The only thing I’m after is the

His child.
His son.
Luke opened his mouth and then closed it, words refusing to form

as raw terror gripped him. He knew Malcolm wouldn’t be able to
protect him, but he prayed the bears would fight to keep Cole safe.

“Never.” His lips finally moved.
Shanta growled as he backhanded Luke so hard that blood shot

from his mouth. Luke’s ears rang and his head exploded in pain, but
he still wasn’t going to give up Cole.

He’d die before that happened.
“Your choice, Luke. We can do this the easy way or we can

torture you until you scream for mercy.”

Luke gasped as two more elves shimmered into the room,

apologetic looks pulling at their faces. Luke didn’t want apologies. He
wanted those scum bastards to stand up to Shanta and refuse to do his
dirty work.

But Luke knew that wasn’t going to happen.

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He knew everyone in his tribe feared Shanta. The man had proved

what he would do if one of them disobeyed him. Luke had heard the
stories, and now he wholeheartedly believed them.

Shanta was as evil as they came.
“You won’t get my son.”
Shanta chuckled as he stepped closer to Luke, his expression one

of malice as he clucked his tongue. “So you choose to do this the hard
way, Luke?”

Luke stood tall as he steeled himself. He knew what was

coming—or he had a pretty good idea. Shanta was going to use him
as a bargaining chip with the bears to get Cole. He could see it in the
bastard’s cold eyes.

“You’re not getting him.”
Luke flew sideways as Shanta damn near broke his jaw. He

wouldn’t doubt it if the leader had succeeded. Never in his life had he
felt so much pain. His eyes watered as excruciating pain shot through
him as he tried to speak. But Luke refused to cry out. He wasn’t going
to let Shanta know how badly he was hurt.

“Very well.”
Luke felt a deep, dark hopelessness surround him as Shanta

grabbed him by the neck and shimmered from the Lakelands’ house.

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Chapter Eight

Maverick paced his office as he tried to decipher his dream. He

had seen an elf, the same elf that he knew to be Malcolm’s mate. The
same elf that made Maverick send Malcolm to the rec center that day
so that fate could intervene.

Only this time the elf was laid out as if dead.
Maverick knew his dreams were significant, that they weren’t just

ordinary dreams.

This dream meant something, but he couldn’t figure out what.

Wasn’t the elf at the Lakelands’? Hadn’t Malcolm found his mate that
day at the rec center?

As his fist flew into the desk, Maverick growled. No matter what

qualms he had with the bears, he wasn’t about to let an innocent man

The part that puzzled him the most was the vision of the child.

Maverick had no idea why a child would be tied to all of this, but if a
child was in danger, he was going to find the one responsible and cut
the one from throat to navel.

Maverick picked up his phone and dialed. He stared at the far wall

as he felt rage unlike anything he had felt in a very long time well up
inside. He was going to find answers and the one responsible for
hurting the elf and child.

And when he did, the son of a bitch was going to bleed.

* * * *

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Surprisingly, Malcolm hadn’t shifted and reduced his house to

rubble. He just stood there in a fog-ridden daze as he stared at the
speckles of blood on his carpet.

Yes, his heart no longer beat. But that was okay. It was okay

because Luke wasn’t there to tell him otherwise.

No, Luke wasn’t there, but the scent of his blood was.
He knew Luke hadn’t run because Cole was downstairs with his


So that meant the tribe leader had taken him.
Malcolm continued to stare at the blood as if it would float from

the carpet to form Luke’s body, showing him that his mate wasn’t
really gone.

But it didn’t.
And there he stood.
“Pa.” Bryce called his name quietly from the doorway, as if afraid

to approach him. “Pa, we have to go get Luke back.”

Malcolm knew this.
But he couldn’t move.
“Pa, Maverick is here. He’s downstairs.”
Malcolm stared at the speckles of blood, feeling like his life was

over. Had they killed Luke? Was he dead? Was his heart ever going
to beat again?

“We need to go.” Maverick’s voice resounded through the room,

but Malcolm couldn’t make his feet move. He was afraid.

Afraid of finding his mate and seeing that he was too late to save


Malcolm’s head snapped up as his entire body came to life. He

roared so loud that his throat felt like it was bleeding as his mind
snapped back to the here and now.

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“That’s right,” Maverick said as he approached Malcolm, his face

stern as he raked Malcolm with a sneer. “Keep that rage. Use it
against the one who has stolen what belongs to you.”

Malcolm stormed from his bedroom, only one thing on his mind.

Luke. He had to get his mate back even if it cost him his own life. He
needed to know that Luke would forever be safe. He started to shift,
but Maverick stopped him.

“Save your strength for the battle ahead.”
When his sons tried to follow him, Maverick shook his head, his

eyes burning with malice. “Stay and protect the child. I have sentries
guarding the house.”

His sons looked like they wanted to argue, but nodded instead.

Malcolm rushed past everyone as he ran from the house, ready to kill
the bastard who had taken Luke right out of his own home.

“Do you know who did this?” Maverick asked as they climbed

into the truck.

Yeah, he knew. “Luke was running from the leader of his elf tribe.


Maverick cursed as he pulled his cell phone out. “Hawk, I’m

going after Shanta. He stole a mate and is trying to kidnap a child.”
Maverick hung up as he pulled the SUV from Malcolm’s driveway.

The alpha turned toward Malcolm, his tone was stoically dry.

“This changes nothing between us, bear. But no one steals a mate and
threatens a child from my pack.”

Malcolm caught the meaning. Maverick still considered him pack,

even though they were on the outs right now. Malcolm had to admire
the wolf for that. There weren’t too many men who would do that.

Malcolm sat there quietly as he tried to figure out why Shanta

wanted Cole so badly. The cub was an innocent child, so why pursue
him to the point of kidnapping his father? None of it made any sense
to him.

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Luke had said that Cole was the key to the elves’ salvation. But

what did that mean? How? What were the elves suffering through that
would make grown men chase down a child? Malcolm knew he
would die to protect Luke and Cole, but he wanted answers to the
reason he had to feel this way in the first place.

What was so special about Cole other than being a Lakeland?
Malcolm was becoming frustrated when no answers came to

mind. They were running out of time, and he couldn’t help but feel
like Luke was slipping away from him. It was some deep internal
niggling, but the feeling wouldn’t go away.

“He’s going to die, bear.”
Malcolm’s head snapped up as he glared at Maverick, but the

alpha didn’t have anything but sympathy in his eyes.

“I dreamt about it.”
Malcolm didn’t want to hear any more. He refused to listen, and

he refused to believe that. He wasn’t going to lose Luke when he had
just found him. No, fate had already taken one love from him, and
Malcolm refused to believe the bitch would be that cruel to take

He had to hang on to the belief that he would find Luke and that

his mate would still be breathing. No other option was available in his

He wouldn’t accept any other option.
Malcolm damn near jumped from the moving SUV as they pulled

into wood elf territory. He wanted his mate back, and Malcolm wasn’t
taking no for an answer. He meant business, and he would kill anyone
that stood in his way.

He pulled up to his full height, grabbing the first man he saw and

shaking him senseless. “Where is Luke?”

The man pointed to a small single-story hut with a thatched roof.

This was too easy. Malcolm wasn’t getting a good feeling about this.
Where was Shanta? Why wasn’t he met with more resistance?

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He cut his eyes over to Maverick, the alpha wearing the same

quizzical look that Malcolm felt. Malcolm released the man and ran
toward the building, but Maverick stopped him before he rushed in.

“It could be a trap.”
It could be, but Malcolm didn’t care. He wanted Luke back in his

arms, crying out his name and looking at him like he was Luke’s
entire world. Malcolm wanted to hear his mate call him papa bear and
take him to task when he was acting like an ass.

He just wanted Luke back.
Malcolm yanked his arm free before he stepped through the

opening. He cocked his head when he saw Luke lying on a bed,
unconscious. He didn’t look harmed. Malcolm closed the distance,
reaching for his mate and pulling Luke up into his arms.

He growled when he saw the bruises on Luke’s face.
Malcolm vowed to make Shanta pay for marring Luke’s beautiful


“Malcolm?” Luke asked, but it came out more like ma-cum.
“He’s drugged,” Malcolm said to Maverick.
The alpha’s eyes darted around the room as a dark and foreboding

shadow crossed his face. “This was too easy.”

Malcolm agreed as he scooped Luke up into his arms and carried

him outside. There was no one in sight now. Everyone had scattered,
hiding somewhere. But where was Shanta?

“I don’t like this,” Kota, Maverick’s beta, said as he opened the

back door to the vehicle. “Everyone ran as soon as you two entered
the hut.”

“Get down!” Maverick shouted.
Everyone dropped to their knees, Malcolm placing Luke between

his body and the SUV as the hut exploded. Debris shot sky-high until
it rained down onto the ground, some pieces hitting the truck.

“I’ll kill him,” Malcolm shouted as he realized just how close he

had been to losing his life, losing Luke.

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Maverick’s head snapped around, his canines fully extended. “The


* * * *

Malcolm held Luke close as the truck raced home. He could tell

that Luke was still loopy from whatever drug Shanta had
administered, but he wasn’t harmed, save for the bruising on his
cheek and jaw.

That still made his blood pressure go apeshit every time he looked

down at Luke. Now that he had his mate back in his arms, Malcolm’s
worries were with Cole. He was just a cub, unable to defend himself.
He prayed his sons were all right and defending the innocent babe.

This had to have been a trap.
Shanta must have used kidnapping Luke as a way to distract them

so he could go after Cole. Malcolm seethed as he thought about his
mate being used as a pawn.

“We’re almost there,” Maverick said through clenched teeth as he

pressed the gas pedal harder, going faster.

But it wasn’t fast enough for Malcolm.
Luke’s head lolled on Malcolm’s arm as he slept. Malcolm was

glad he was asleep. No parent wanted to deal with the horror of not
knowing if his child was in danger. It was best that Luke slept through
the ride.

The man wouldn’t have been sane right now if he were awake.
Brushing the hair from Luke’s eyes, Malcolm stared down at his

mate, burning Luke’s features into his memory. He wasn’t sure why
he was doing it. Malcolm could never forget anything about the man
lying in his arms.

The man was as unforgettable as the sun.
Malcolm never thought he would find his mate. He didn’t even

think he had one. But never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he

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would be fighting just to keep him. Malcolm ran the tips of his fingers
over Luke’s soft skin as he prayed for all of this to end.

His fingers gently traced the bruises, his heart hurting to see them

mar Luke’s gorgeous face. They were already turning an angry shade
of purple and green, looking so out of place on Luke’s pale skin.

He just wanted a life with Luke and his family that didn’t involve

running, fighting, or jumping at every knock on the door. His nerves
were so frayed that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold it

The stress was getting to him.
And Malcolm knew he didn’t do well when plagued by stress.
No one really did.
“Cole,” Luke whispered as he tried to raise his head from

Malcolm’s arm. “He’s going after Cole.”

Malcolm kissed his mate’s forehead, wishing he could take

Luke’s pain away. But nothing was going to remove that agonizing
misery when Luke found out that Shanta had indeed set them up and
had gone after the cub.

Sighing, Malcolm leaned back against the seat, resting his head

and knowing that nothing he said to Luke right now would matter. His
mate was still drugged, and they were still some way from his home.

As the miles ticked by, Malcolm wondered why fate would send

him someone with so much baggage. He had lived a simple life, albeit
strange at times because of the paranormal world, but simple enough.

Being mated to Luke was anything but simple.
The elf should be a stockholder in Samsonite. But then again, so

should D. Maybe his purpose was to help those in desperate need?
Malcolm had always had an open-door policy when it came to those
who needed his help.

He had never turned anyone away.
And now his biggest challenge to date came from his mate.

Wasn’t that a kick in the pants? Malcolm knew the person he was
helping now was the most important person in his life.

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Looking out the back window, Malcolm realized that he must

have dozed off because they were only a mile from the ranch. Night
had fallen, creating shadows everywhere, shadows that could hold any
sort of predatory being.

Shadows Malcolm had never truly given thought to before now.
As they drew closer to the ranch, Malcolm slid Luke from his lap

and gently laid him on the seat. He needed to be prepared for
whatever was waiting for them. His bear was fighting to get free,
fighting to defend Malcolm’s mate and the cub.

He was also worried to death about his boys. They were large,

strong, and capable of taking care of themselves, but Malcolm wasn’t
so sure when it came to an entire tribe of elves.

They weren’t that good.
As the SUV pulled down the dirt road to Malcolm’s ranch, he

could see fighting in the front yard and on the side of the house. The
illuminating light of the moon bathed the battle in an eerie red glow.

Maverick slammed the brakes and jumped out, shifting into the

largest wolf Malcolm had ever seen as he joined the battle.

“Stay here and guard your mate,” Kota yelled over his shoulder

before he, too, jumped from the truck and was gone.

Malcolm pulled Luke from the truck, ignoring the beta as he

carried his mate into the house and into the living room, settling him
on the couch. He had never cowered away from a fight, and he wasn’t
going to start now.

His anger exploded when he saw Riley wounded and unconscious

on the floor of the living room. He laid Luke on the couch and
covered his mate and then knelt down beside his son, checking his
pulse. Riley was in his bear form, a splatter of blood on his side.

Malcolm checked the area where the bloodstain was, but whatever

had caused it was healing now, leaving behind a small, angry red line.
Riley was just resting as his wound healed. Malcolm sighed in relief
as he stood, staring down at his eldest.

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Even though his son would be fine, it angered him that Riley had

been hurt in the first place. He shifted and bolted from the house,
attacking the first elf he saw. But every time Malcolm tried to get a
grip on the bastard, he shimmered away, only to appear behind him,

They were losing. Malcolm could see that much, and he was

going to die defending his mate and his cubs.

If it would keep Luke and his cubs safe, Malcolm was prepared.
Although he really wanted to stay alive.
He had just found Luke, and he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon.
As Malcolm fought to pin the elf down, reinforcements showed

up. Ahm, a blue shadow elf that was enemy to the wood elves, and his
dozen or so blue men dressed in some sort of leather armor began to
battle the wood elves, taking them down one by one.

Malcolm spotted Shanta and went after the bastard, but before he

could reach him, Shanta shimmered out and didn’t return. Malcolm
pushed to his hind legs, standing large as he roared.

He was going to come face-to-face with that evil son of a bitch

sooner or later, and when he did, there weren’t going to be enough
pieces left to identify him.

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Chapter Nine

Luke could feel hot, steaming water run down his chest as he

heard someone dip the cloth back into the water. He lay there
enjoying the feeling of his relaxed muscles as his eyes stayed closed.

It felt wonderful.
There was someone behind him, in the water with him, giving him

the softest yet hardest pillow he’d ever felt. The wall of muscles
afforded him the luxury of peacefulness as he began to drift back off
to sleep.

Until he remembered what had happened to him. Luke shot up,

the water splashing everywhere as his eyes flew open. “Cole!”

“He’s safe, Luke,” Malcolm said from behind him, wrapping his

arms around Luke and bringing him back down. “He’s with his

“But Shanta—” Luke cried out as he struggled to get out of the


“He didn’t get anywhere near Cole. I told you his brothers would

protect him.”

Luke looked over his shoulder, seeing Malcolm smiling at him.

That smile only reminded Luke just how utterly handsome Malcolm
truly was. He hesitated a moment longer and then lay back, trusting
that Malcolm wouldn’t lie to him about his son.

He settled back onto Malcolm’s chest as he looked down his

body. Malcolm was so much larger than him, taking up a lot more
room in the garden tub than Luke. “What happened?”

Luke tried to remember, but after Shanta had assaulted him and

then kidnapped him, things were a little fuzzy. But he did remember

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the leader saying something about getting his hands on Cole. He had
fought with the leader until he felt a tiny prick in his neck, and then
everything went black.

“He drugged you.”
Luke could hear the pain and anger in Malcolm’s deep voice.

Luke’s head leaned back as he stared into Malcolm’s light grey eyes,
which held a hint of fear in them. He didn’t ever want to see that look
in his mate’s eyes again.

Luke groaned when he felt Malcolm’s hands run the course of his

stomach, his fingers lingering and playing with Luke’s navel. He
turned his head back around, and that was when he noticed the

They were placed in various spots, flickering romantically as soft

jazz music played in the background.

How in the hell had he missed that?
“Were you planning to woo an unconscious man?” Luke teased.
Malcolm’s chuckle made his chest vibrate, sending ripples of

pleasure through Luke. His cock was lengthening as it started to rise
from the water.

“No, I was going to wait until you were conscious, although I was

starting to get impatient. I just might have wooed my sleeping mate.”

Luke grinned as he smacked Malcolm’s bare thigh. “You would


Malcolm chuckled once more as his hands wandered up Luke’s

body until they reached his nipples. Large, brawny fingers pinched his
sensitive nipples, tweaking them until Luke was panting. He could
feel Malcolm’s long length beneath him, and it was growing thicker
by the second.

Luke rubbed his ass up and down Malcolm’s cock, wanting his

bear to know exactly what was on his mind. He needed to feel his
mate inside of him, reminding him that he was safe and in the arms of
the one who would protect him with his life.

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He needed the security, the safety, and the knowledge more than

he needed to breathe at this very moment.

The music flowed around Luke as Malcolm’s lips caressed his

neck. Goose bumps rose on his skin as his mate’s hands explored his
body, his nails gently scraping Luke’s skin. He hissed as Malcolm
sank his teeth into Luke’s shoulder, claiming him once more.

Luke wiggled around until he had Malcolm’s cock in his hand,

and then slowly sank down onto the hard shaft. His hole burned from
not being stretched, but the hot water eased most of his pain.

Malcolm wrapped his arms around Luke’s body as he began to

thrust in an upward momentum, making Luke’s body bounce in the
water, his cries blending in with the music. Luke placed his hands on
Malcolm’s knees, feeling the hairs on his bear’s chest gently scraping
his back.

His body shivered at the contact.
Malcolm released Luke’s neck, laving at his skin. “Your body is

so sweet.” Malcolm’s voice rumbled at Luke’s ear, sending a shock
wave of lust radiating throughout his body.

Luke impaled his ass harder, feeling the full length of Malcolm all

the way to his toes. He was filled to capacity, his hole stretched wide
as Malcolm took over, driving his cock hard into Luke’s body.

He was tumbling, falling, spiraling out of control. Luke’s head

swam as he dug his nails into Malcolm’s thighs, trying his best to
hold on to his sanity.

“I have you, Luke. I’ll always have you.”
As Malcolm’s words echoed through the bathroom, Luke cried

out, his cock exploding as his body convulsed. His head swam as his
mind tried its hardest to think again. Malcolm filled him with his
presence, his strength, and his tenderness. He knew he would die
without the man in his life.

There was no life without Malcolm.
His bear rocked into him at a faster pace, his hips pushing up into

Luke as he growled and then shouted Luke’s name, hot jets of cum

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bathing his ass as Malcolm bit into his shoulder once more,
whimpering as he held on to Luke like his life depended on it.

Luke protested with a groan when Malcolm pulled his cock free

after what felt like forever. His giant picked up the floating towel and
began to gently bathe him. Luke leaned forward as he felt his back
being washed, loving the fact that Malcolm’s cock always became
swollen to the point that he had to wait for it to go down before he
could pull free.

It was a feeling he would never tire of.
He closed his eyes and thanked fate once more for leading him to

Malcolm’s truck on that cold winter’s day.

* * * *

Luke smiled as he grabbed Cole from Chauncey’s arms, seeing

that his son was here, whole, and safe. “Thank you for keeping him
safe from Shanta.”

“I’m smart like that.” Chauncey winked as he rubbed his hand

over Cole’s head. “Besides, he’s my brother. No one messes with one
of my brothers.”

Luke glanced over his shoulder to see Malcolm leaning against

the doorframe, smiling at him. The man had a way of making Luke
weak in the knees, and they just had sex! How was he growing
aroused so soon?

Luke lowered his eyelashes as he smiled softly at his mate,

sauntering past him with an extra hitch in his hips as he took Cole into
the kitchen. He could hear Malcolm following close behind him.

“Malcolm, could you get me a bottle from the refrigerator?”
“Malcolm? Who’s Malcolm?” Chauncey asked as he walked in

behind them.

Was he serious? “Um…your dad.” Luke cocked his head, looking

between Malcolm and Chauncey. There was no way Chauncey didn’t
know his own father’s name. Was there?

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Malcolm rolled his eyes as he handed the bottle to Luke.

“Chauncey considers himself a real comedian.”

“That I am,” Chauncey said with pride.
“Why don’t you laugh as you’re getting your damn chores done?”
Chauncey’s eyes grew wide as he backed away toward the kitchen

door. “I’ll go entertain the cows.”

“Yeah, you do that,” Malcolm said as he turned back toward

Luke, a twinkle in his eyes. “You have to be real firm with them or
they will piss around all day.”

Luke wasn’t real sure how firm he could be with men larger than

him. Maybe he would leave that up to Malcolm. After all, handling
one small infant was proving to be a full-time job. Luke took a seat at
the table as he fed Cole.

“I need to get some things done around here as well. Will you be

okay by yourself?”

Luke smiled at Malcolm’s concern. “I’ll manage.”
“Steven took the day off from the diner to sit with you,” Malcolm

said and then held up his hands as Luke started to argue. “Just in case
someone else decides to shimmer in.”

Malcolm had a point, but Luke didn’t like the fact that he needed

a babysitter. He cursed Shanta once more as he stared down at the
bracelet on his wrist. The cold metal only reminded him that he was
still Shanta’s prisoner. If he could only get this damn thing off then he
wouldn’t need anyone sitting with him.

Malcolm leaned down and kissed Luke, and then laid a gentle one

on Cole’s head before walking out of the kitchen door.

“Pa never kisses my forehead,” Chance grumbled as he took a seat

at the table.

Luke quirked a brow as he studied the bear. “Do you want him


“Hell, no. That would be weird.”

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Luke smiled at his…son. Wow. That was going to take some

getting used to. He was now the father of not only Cole, but seven
burly men.

That was a bit mind-blowing to Luke.
He sat there wondering if he was up for the task. These men were

grown, not really needing a second father to raise them. Luke glanced
up from feeding Cole to see that snow had started falling.

Luke loved snow.
It was so pure yet bitterly cold, a contrast in his eyes. He stood,

walking over to the window to watch as the snow fell all around. He
knew for a fact that these parts hardly ever saw snow, yet this season
it fell in record.

“I’ll be damned,” Chance said as he joined Luke at the window.

“Whatever the reason the snow is falling, I like this winter.”

So did Luke.
He walked into the living room where the fire was crackling,

reminding him of when he sat in Malcolm’s lap, inhaling his mate’s
scent and praying he never left his mate’s arms. Even though
Malcolm had only been gone no more than half an hour, he missed
the giant already.

Luke sat Cole in the corner of the couch, stuffing pillows around

him as he began to clean. It was the least he could do to earn his keep
around here.

“I’m making lunch. Do you want some?” Steven asked as he

walked into the living room.

“I’m not really hungry, but thanks,” Luke replied as he picked up

an empty cup and a few magazines. He wasn’t sure where anything
went. He stared at the items in his hand and then tossed the magazines
on the coffee table.

Picking Cole up, Luke went in search of the laundry room. He

found D in there, a blanket draped over him as he snored. What in the
hell was the vampire doing in the laundry room? Luke glanced
around, wondering why D would be in there.

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He peeled the blanket back just enough to confirm that it was the

vampire. It disturbed him to see the bloodred streaks staining D’s face
as he slept. No man should be in that much misery. Luke quickly
tossed the heavy blanket back over D’s head.

He took Cole into the kitchen, spotting Steven at the stove.

“Would you mind watching him for a moment?”

Steven shook his head. “Not at all.”
Luke placed Cole in the high chair that Curtis had given him. “I’ll

be right back.” Luke headed back into the laundry room and tucked
the blanket around D, securing it as he carried the smaller man

Kicking D’s bedroom door open, Luke closed it behind him with

his shoulder and then placed the small bundle on the bed. He knew it
wasn’t safe for D to be out of his room during the day. He had black-
out curtains in his bedroom, but the rest of the house was lit from the
morning light.

Luke made sure the curtains were sufficiently closed before he

crept out of the room. As he entered the kitchen, he froze. Luke didn’t
see Cole or Steven anywhere. Panic began to set in as he snapped his
head around, his eyes darting everywhere as he prayed no one had
shimmered in and taken the two.

Walking briskly through the house, Luke found Steven and Cole

napping on one of the beds upstairs. He hated feeling like he couldn’t
even relax for a moment here. His guard was constantly up, and his
nerves were so close to the surface that Luke just knew he was going
to have a nervous breakdown before all of this was over.

He prayed it would be over because he couldn’t handle months or

even years of this stress.

He sighed as he wandered back downstairs, wondering why

Steven was so tired first thing in the morning. Some babysitter he
turned out to be. Luke chuckled at the man. It wasn’t like he needed a
sitter in the first place.

As long as Cole was safe, Luke was fine.

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With nothing else to do, Luke grabbed a blanket from one of the

couches and wrapped it around his shoulders as he ventured outside.

It was cold, bitterly so, but the crisp, cool air felt good as it

entered his lungs. Luke spotted a barn and headed toward it. He’d
never been inside a barn before. As he walked inside, he spotted Riley
right away.

He had one of the horse’s legs up, doing something to its foot.


Riley looked over his shoulder, giving Luke a tight smile as he

went back to his task. That smile felt colder than the temperature
outside. Luke didn’t understand what he had done to the eldest son to
deserve such a chilly reception, so he turned around and walked out of
the barn.

He knew when he wasn’t welcome, and Riley’s eyes all but

shouted for him to fuck off. Luke didn’t know where all that
animosity was coming from. What had he done to the guy? Maybe it
was because he had brought so much trouble to the ranch?

He didn’t mean to.
Hell, he had tried to walk away so Shanta wouldn’t bother these

nice people. It was Malcolm who insisted he stay. Maybe Riley
blamed him for that as well? Luke wasn’t sure what to think as he
walked over to the wooden fence that housed a large number of

He stared off into the distance as he thought about the rest of the

Lakeland men. Did they resent him as well? The twins didn’t act like
it. But Luke had learned that smiles could be faked and laughter
didn’t always reach the eyes.

Some men kept their anger to themselves while secretly harboring

ill feelings. Luke started to feel lost. The home he had thought to
make for him and Cole suddenly seemed strange and foreign to him.

He didn’t like being somewhere he wasn’t wanted, but he knew if

he tried to leave, Malcolm would only stop him.

So what was he to do?

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“What are you doing out here?”
Luke looked to his left to see Malcolm riding toward him, looking

even bigger and mightier sitting atop his horse. It seemed anything his
bear did turned him on. The guy could be pulling potatoes from the
ground and Luke would think his mate sexy as sin.

He pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders, giving his mate

his best smile.

Even if he didn’t feel like smiling on the inside.

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Chapter Ten

Malcolm could tell something was bothering Luke. His mate’s

eyes seemed a bit misty as he faked his smile. He knew that
everything was strange and new to his mate. It had to be hell to have
to start over in a place that wasn’t familiar.

Malcolm had tried his best to make Luke feel as welcome as he

could, but he knew only time would help ease his mate into his new

He reached his hand out to Luke. “Come on, let’s go for a ride.”
Luke’s eyes widened as he stood there looking up at Malcolm

with his beautiful chocolate-brown eyes. “You want me to ride that
large horse?”

He chuckled as he grabbed Luke’s hand and helped him up. Once

Malcolm had Luke situated in front of him, he clicked his tongue for
Lover Lost to start moving. “You warm?”

Luke nodded as he pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders.

“With the blanket and your body heat, I’m toasty.”

Malcolm tightened his arms around Luke as he guided Lover Lost

around the land he owned. It was a majestic sight, especially now
with the blanket of snow covering the ground. Malcolm felt
contentment settle deep inside of him with his mate sitting so close. It
was a quiet and peaceful moment, an intimacy where words weren’t
needed. He never thought he would find someone to share this kind of
beauty with, and Luke seemed to be that perfect someone.

Lover Lost rode slowly, allowing Malcolm and Luke to take

pleasure in their time alone. Their house was a busy one, so time
alone together was rare. Malcolm rested his chin on Luke’s shoulder,

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sighing in contentment. His mate smelled wonderful, like the wild of
the land. The only thing better than his smell was feeling Luke nestled
in his arms. The man fit perfectly.

“Do you regret claiming me?” Luke asked in a whisper, his voice

breaking the silence that Malcolm was enjoying so much.

Malcolm guided his horse around some boulders as he pondered

Luke’s question. Why would he ask something like that? “No,” he
answered honestly. “I’ve been alone for a very long time, Luke. I
never thought I would even have a mate. You’re a blessing to an old

Luke glanced up at him, his brows pulled together. “You’re not


Malcolm grinned down at his mate, kissing his rosy-red cheek.

“You’d be surprised.”

Luke turned back around as he sighed. He pressed his back further

into Malcolm, the feeling making Malcolm smile.

They rode on, but with the temperature so cold, Malcolm worried

about his mate. Luke seemed content lying in his arms, not giving one
complaint to the cold. He guided his horse through the meadow,
appreciating the trees that looked like snow had covered every branch.
But nothing would ever look as good as Luke looked right now
cuddled up next to him.

“Are your sons mad because I’m your mate?” Luke asked after

what felt like hours of peaceful silence.

Malcolm glanced down at his mate, wondering where he would

get an idea like that. Had one of his boys said something to Luke?
Was that why Luke was asking him these strange questions?

If one of his sons had said something rude to his mate, he was

going to skin his hide.

“They’re gay. I don’t think you being a man factors into anything,

Luke.” He wanted to ask his mate why the question, but he knew
Luke wouldn’t tell him. He wasn’t the type to rat on anyone.

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Luke fell silent, which made Malcolm think harder. He wanted to

know which son had said something. A question like that didn’t just
come out of the blue. Malcolm let it go for now, refusing to spoil the
scenic view or his romantic ride with Luke.

“Look,” Malcolm said as he pointed to a twelve-point buck. The

stag stood there watching them as Malcolm brought his horse to a
stop. They stood there watching as the buck gave them one last look
and then tromped away into the woods.

“It’s so beautiful here,” Luke commented. “Thank you.”
Malcolm had a feeling his mate was thanking him for more than

just the ride. He kissed the side of his head as he headed back toward
the house. His mate needed to get warm. Even with the blanket
wrapped around him, he had to be getting cold.

“Are we going home?” Luke asked as he tilted his head back,

staring up at Malcolm from under those dark lashes. If it weren’t so
cold outside, Malcolm would take his mate somewhere private and
show him just how much Luke affected his body.

“Yep,” he answered as he tapped Luke’s nose with the tip of his

gloved finger. “It’s getting colder out, and I have to finish up.” And
he needed to get his runaway libido back under control. His cock was
pulsing in his jeans, ready to explore Luke’s tempting body.

Since his mate had shown up, Malcolm’s body stayed in a

perpetual state of readiness. He was in a constant state of arousal
around his elf. Just one look from Luke’s sultry brown eyes, and he
was ready to fuck him for days.

He might be the oldest of the bears, but Malcolm was quite sure

he could give his sons a run for their money. Malcolm stayed so hot
around Luke that the snow should have been melting all around him
and the air should have been as humid as the summer.

His jeans became tight, uncomfortable as they neared the house.

He needed to get Luke away from him if he was ever going to finish
his work.

“I’ll be back in time for supper.”

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Luke looked like he wanted to pout until a snowball hit his mate’s

leg. Malcolm growled as he glanced around, spotting Chauncey and
Chance snickering from the side of the house.

“I think they’ve declared war,” Luke whispered. “Payback?”
Malcolm liked the way his mate had a gleam of mischievousness

in his devilishly handsome brown eyes. “I like the way you think,” he
whispered. And he did. Luke was going to fit in just fine.

Dismounting, Malcolm pulled Luke from the saddle and handed

his horse over to Riley, who was standing there scowling for some
odd reason. He would figure his eldest boy out later. He had twin cubs
to torture.

Luke grabbed Malcolm’s hand, pulling him to the back of the

house where they made at least six snowballs each. Luke draped the
blanket over his arm, tucking the snowballs into the crook of it as they
crept around to where the twins were hiding, building their own
arsenal of the cold missiles.

“Now,” Malcolm whispered as he and Luke began their assault.
“Hey!” Chance shouted as he and Chauncey took off, tossing

snowballs over their shoulders as they rounded the house.

Luke laughed as he hurled his, making Malcolm’s smile grow as

wide as the sun. His mate was simply gorgeous when he was
barraging the twins. His eyes seemed to sparkle like fine diamonds.

“We give,” Chauncey shouted as they ran up onto the porch.
Malcolm grabbed Luke, steering him toward the door, wanting his

mate inside where he could get warm. As he opened the screen door,
he threw his last snowball, whacking Chauncey in the head.

Malcolm snickered as he pushed Luke inside. That’ll teach his

cubs. No one got one past papa bear. His hand on the small of Luke’s
back, Malcolm guided his mate over to the roaring fire and then sat
him on the floor.

“Now I have to finish my work. Stay here and get warm.” He

leaned down, kissing Luke before straightening and heading outside

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with yet another hard-on. He could see Luke staring at his groin, his
eyes a smoldering dark brown as a smile tugged at his lips.

This was so not helping.
Malcolm chuckled as he walked past the scowling twins on the

porch and headed back toward the barn. Sore losers.

As he entered the heated barn, he noticed Riley working in one of

the stalls, a deep frown pulling his brows down. He knew Riley
wasn’t the most happy-go-lucky cub, but he’d never seen him this

“Something bothering you, son?”
Riley didn’t say a word as he continued to work. That wasn’t like

him. They had worked side by side, running this ranch since they
settled here. There really wasn’t much they didn’t talk about.

Malcolm stepped closer, resting his arm on one of the stalls as he

watched Riley violently pull the hay from the stall. His moves were
manic, jerky, and if he didn’t know any better, his son was trying to
work out what to say in his head.

He just rested there, waiting for his son to start talking. When

Riley still didn’t say a word after a few more minutes, Malcolm
stepped between his eldest cub and the wheelbarrow. “Speak your
piece, son. Nothing good comes from holding it inside.”

Riley stopped working, keeping his back to Malcolm as he spoke.

“Ever since he showed up, you’ve been acting different.”

“And that he would be who, Luke?” Malcolm was a bit surprised

at Riley’s venomous tone. He’d never heard him speak with such
unkindness before. It wasn’t like him, and Malcolm couldn’t figure
out if Luke was the sole reason behind his anger. His mate had been
nothing but sweet and kind toward his sons.

He just didn’t get it.
Riley stood there steaming as he turned around, glaring at

Malcolm. He could tell his son had a burr in his ass, but he wasn’t
about to let him think he could disrespect Malcolm. “Stand down or
you and I will have some heavy problems, son.”

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Riley dropped the pitchfork, his eyes blazing. “He steals into the

back of your truck with a baby and is carrying a gun in a diaper bag.
How do you know he didn’t steal that cub? How do you know his
tribe isn’t after him because he kidnapped the little boy? What do you
really know about him, Pa?”

Riley spoke his piece. When his lips thinned and no other words

were spat, Malcolm knew Riley was finished with his tirade.

“Because he’s my mate, son. You’ll understand what that means

when you find yours. I trust Luke. I trust what he tells me.”

“Why?” Riley shot at him. “Just because he’s your mate doesn’t

mean he wouldn’t lie to you! You’re a fool for believing every word
he tells you!”

Malcolm had Riley pinned to the floor in seconds, his son’s eyes

wide as he stared up at Malcolm’s grim face. Their eyes stayed locked
as Malcolm reined in his anger. He knew Riley was feeling jealous,
and as the oldest, he felt compelled to look out for his family. But
Malcolm was not going to tolerate his son speaking to him in that

Narrowing his eyes, Malcolm spoke with a calmness that belied

the raging storm inside of him. His bear was close to the surface,
ready to teach his son some respect. Now Malcolm knew where
Luke’s insecure questions from earlier had come from.

He tried hard not to strangle the boy for whatever he might have

said or done to make Luke feel the way he had. This was his chance at
happiness, and after everything he had gone through in his life, he
deserved a piece of it.

Even if things were straining around his home, Malcolm was

going to enjoy what little bit of happiness fate had given him.

“Listen to me, Riley Lakeland, and listen close. I love you with

every breath I take, but I won’t have you talking to me like a whelp. If
you can’t speak your mind respectfully, then you and I have really big

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Riley’s eyes shimmered with tears Malcolm knew he was fighting

not to release. He leaned back, holding his hand out. Riley took it as
Malcolm pulled him to his feet. Riley dusted himself off, and
Malcolm knew he was also taking that time to compose himself.

“I worry about you, Pa.”
And that was the root of the problem.
“Son, do you honestly think anyone could lead me around by my

nose and I would follow blindly?”

Riley shrugged as he cleared his throat. “Luke seems to be.”
Malcolm sighed as he cupped his hand behind Riley’s neck and

pulled him close. “I love all of my boys, and I love my mate and new
son, but no one pulls one over on me.”

Riley nodded his head into Malcolm’s chest, reminding him of

when his son was a cub. In some ways, he still was. Riley had never
been in love and wouldn’t understand what Malcolm was feeling until
he found his mate.

He prayed Riley found his mate soon.
His eldest deserved to feel what Malcolm was feeling inside. To

know the joy of having your other half there at your side and knowing
no one else in the world would ever take their place.

Riley deserved to be loved.
“You’ll figure it all out one day, Riley.”
Riley kicked at the hay as he shoved his hands into his front

pockets, looking, for all the world, lost. Malcolm hated to see him that

Yes, he knew he was changing with Luke in his life, but he didn’t

think it was for the worst. Luke made him feel like a young man
again. He made Malcolm smile on the inside. He knew Riley didn’t
have a problem with him being happy.

His son had a problem letting him go.
Sharing him.
“Supper will be ready soon. Why don’t you go on inside? I’ll

finish up here.”

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Riley nodded, walking from the barn like a kicked puppy.

Malcolm hated to see him like that. Everyone was finding their mates,
yet he was still without.

Malcolm walked to the barn door, the twins still goofing off on

the front porch. “Get your asses in here,” he bellowed.

The two came running.
“Finish Riley’s chores.”
“But, Pa,” Chauncey whined until he saw the set of Malcolm’s

jaw. “On it.”

Malcolm smiled as he walked from the barn. Those two were born

with trouble stamped on their foreheads.

Grabbing the reins, Malcolm climbed up onto Lover Lost’s back

and headed back to his own work. He tipped his Stetson back, his
gaze roaming as he thought about Riley. His son was having a hard
time with accepting the fact that no one was out to hurt his pa.

He got that.
But he also knew that sometimes kids had a hard time accepting

the new parent, even when they were grown. Riley had always felt
compelled to look out for Malcolm, even though he could take care of

Now it was Luke’s job, and letting go sometimes was the hardest

thing to do.

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Chapter Eleven

“I brought you some coffee,” Pa said as he entered D’s bedroom.
He looked up at Pa, wondering if the man had lost his mind. Since

when did Pa voluntarily bring him coffee? He was more likely to take
it from D.

“No thank you,” he replied from his bed.
D was curled up, blankets wrapped around him to his shoulders,

cocooning in his pain, keeping it from spilling out and taunting him.
His heart was shattered and a big, gaping, bloodsucking hole sat in the
center of his chest, eating away at him, reminding him of what he had

His mate was dead to him, gone, forever lost.
And Pa was offering him coffee.
How ironic.
“You can’t hide in here forever, D.”
“Wanna bet?” D said as he glanced down at the floor, fresh tears

prickling at his eyes. “I have no reason to come out. My mate has
disowned me. Why would I want to live?”

Pa set the pot on D’s dresser as he crossed the room and sat on his

bed. D didn’t want any company or soothing words.

He wanted his mate.
The pain was so consuming that D was surprised it hadn’t killed

him. How could anyone hurt this bad and still be alive? It wasn’t
possible. His entire body ached to be held by Sloane, a man that
declared his death to D.

What was the point?

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“I’ll leave the coffee here for you. Christian sent over some blood.

You should drink some. You’re getting too thin.”

D could hear the worry in the bear’s voice, but he didn’t care.

Sloane didn’t want him. His mate did not want him. D turned over,
staring at the wall as hopeless despair filled him anew. He hated
himself for what he had done and wished by all that was good that he
could take it back. But he knew that some things couldn’t be forgiven.

Placing a hit on his mate’s head was at the top of that list.
“You should shower as well,” Pa said, trying to use levity. D

appreciated it, but it was lost on him. He’d never smile again.

He had no reason.
Pa got up from the bed, patting D’s arm as he left him to his

wallowing misery. D deserved his misery and so much more for what
he had done. He lay there as the tears blinded him, running down in
rivulets to drip onto his bed.

His body shook as he cried, holding his midsection and praying

the pain would end soon. His life was over because he had been
scared of the unknown.

And now he was mateless.

* * * *

Luke grabbed Malcolm’s hand as he walked with his mate to the

alpha’s front door. He had never seen Malcolm looked so determined
before. His thick eyebrows were pulled down into a deep frown, and
his lips were so thin that they were almost transparent.

He had to run to keep up. Malcolm’s strides were long, fast, and

making Luke pant as he ran alongside him. He had insisted on coming
along with his mate. There was no way in hell he was going to allow
Malcolm to face the alpha’s wrath alone.

As worried as he was about leaving Cole, the bears had promised

to look after his son. It was a small reassurance when the leader of his

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tribe was out to get his hands on Cole, but Luke couldn’t let Malcolm
come here by himself.

The front door flew open even before they climbed the steps.

Maverick stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, anger
filling his grey eyes. “Did you bring the vampire to me?”

Malcolm kept climbing the steps as he shook his head. “No.”
The alpha snarled but stepped back, allowing them entrance into

his home. It was huge! Luke knew for a fact that he would get totally
lost in this place. He hurried next to Malcolm as they walked down a
long hallway and entered what looked to be an office.

He jumped when the door slammed behind him.
There was another man in the office, sitting stiffly on the leather

sofa, scowling at Malcolm and Luke. He wondered if this was D’s
mate. The man was handsome as hell. Even his angry look didn’t
detract from his gorgeous face.

But Luke only had eyes for one strong, tall bear.
“Then tell me why you are here,” Maverick snapped as he took a

seat behind a large mahogany desk, waving at two chairs that sat in
front of it. Malcolm released Luke’s hand and took a seat, Luke
following his lead.

“I came to talk to you about D,” Malcolm started.
“You mean my traitorous ex-mate?” the man on the sofa spat.
So he was D’s mate. Luke’s heart went out to the guy. It had to be

hard to swallow the fact that your mate wanted you dead. Luke
couldn’t even wrap his head around that. He’d die a thousand deaths
if Malcolm had done what the vampire had called his brothers to do.

“He was scared.”
Sloane laughed bitterly as he sat there. Luke could see the raw

pain radiating from Sloane’s eyes. “I did nothing to warrant it. I’ve
been nothing but patient and kind to him. He’s the one that ran from
me every time I tried to get close. He’s the one who called his
brothers to come deal with me because he was too afraid to confront
me. Being afraid is one thing. I could have handled my mate being

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afraid. We could have dealt with that. Wanting me dead defies all

“It was a mistake,” Malcolm argued.
“Then why isn’t he here telling me this?”
Malcolm growled low as he rose from his chair, making Sloane,

as well as Maverick, stand. “Because he’s in his room right now
starving himself to death. He’s so fucking thin that his skin is
transparent. He won’t eat, bathe, or come out of his bedroom. He’s
trying to die!”

Luke held back the tears as Sloane’s anger turned to concern. His

eyes grew wide. Luke just knew Sloane was going to go running to D,
but then the angry expression was back, his lips curling up. “Good.”

“You son of a bitch!” Malcolm shouted as he leapt for Sloane,

shifting into his bear form. Luke screamed as Sloane shifted into his
wolf form, both snarling and snapping.

“Stop them!” Luke shouted at the alpha.
Maverick shook his head as he glanced at Luke. “They need to

work this out. They’re both angry because they both love D. Sloane
may not act like he cares, but he does. He’s suffering, so he’s using
Malcolm as an outlet.”

Luke gaped at Maverick. “He’s using my mate to vent his anger?

Hell, no!” Luke ran between the two as they circled each other,
determined to stop this crazy shit.

“Luke.” Maverick called his name.
“No,” he shouted over his shoulder. “I won’t have Malcolm hurt

because of D’s fuckup. The little bastard can die for all I care.
Malcolm is the most important man in my life, and I won’t have him
pay because he loves that little shit like a son.”

Sloane shifted, his hands fisted at his sides as he howled. “Don’t

talk about my mate that way, or I’ll fucking kill you!”

Malcolm roared as he leapt, but Luke held on to him. “Just go

with it,” he whispered into Malcolm’s ear.

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Luke spun around, glaring at Sloane. “What do you care? You

told him you were dead to him. So why do you care if he dies? Let the
bastard dwindle away. It’ll be one less problem we have to deal

Sloane howled again, his nostrils flaring as he looked at Luke with

such hate that he should be dead. And then he started to laugh. The
laughter was bitter and didn’t reach his eyes. They remained pain
filled and angry. “I see what you are doing, and it won’t work. I’m a
timber wolf. I heard what you just whispered to your mate. You come
in here with some sob story about Dudley dying. Nice try. For all I
know, he’s at home laughing over his betrayal. Fuck all of you.”
Sloane all but sneered the words as he stormed from the office,
slamming the door behind him.

Well, he had to give it a try.
“Give me the truth,” Maverick said as he sat back down.
Luke swallowed as he turned toward the alpha. Now that the

drama scene had ended, the man looked menacingly evil sitting
behind his desk. Luke scooted into the leather chair as Malcolm stood
beside him, still in his bear form.

“What Malcolm said was true. D was lied to his whole life, told

by his father that shifters were barbaric and would rather kill him than
mate with him. He was in fear of his life.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense. He lives with shifters,”

Maverick pointed out.

“Have you met D? The man doesn’t have a logical bone in his

body. Malcolm tells me that he threw all the food away because he
watched a program on television that said it was all bad for
consumption. D has a strange way of thinking, but he always has
good intentions.”

“Good intentions?” Maverick scoffed. “Wanting my annoying

cousin dead was good intentions? He may be a pain in my ever-loving
ass, but he’s still family.”

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“Didn’t you want him dead?” Luke pointed out, and wished he

had kept his mouth shut when Maverick narrowed his eyes. “I’m just
saying, Malcolm has told me a lot, and it seems Sloane has been on
more than one hit list.”

Maverick sat back, studying Luke. And then he smiled, which

made Luke’s balls unclench. “That I did. Tell me about his brothers.”

Luke wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t know much about D’s

brothers. From what he had witnessed, they cared about him and were
only trying to look out for their youngest brother. “They are just as
blind to the truth. Their father filled their heads with hate. They are
only trying to protect D.”

Maverick nodded as Malcolm shifted. He growled when he saw

his mate’s naked state. “Put some damn clothes on! Those are my
goodies,” Luke snarled.

Maverick chuckled as he stood. “I’ll go see Tank about some

clothes for your mate.”

As the alpha walked out of the office, Malcolm grabbed Luke

from the seat. “You had me fooled for a minute there. I thought you
really wanted D dead.”

Luke grinned as he hugged Malcolm, feeling his mate’s cock

poking him in his belly. “I was just trying to get Sloane to see that he
really does care what happens to his mate. It almost worked.” And
Luke was saddened to see that Sloane wasn’t going to forgive the

D fucked up, majorly, but he prayed he and Sloane could work

things out. It was such a shame to see two fated people so damn

Maverick walked back into the office, handing Malcolm some

clothes, and then he grabbed Luke’s wrist. Luke panicked, not
knowing why the alpha had grabbed him…until Maverick held up a

Luke’s eyes widened as the alpha unlocked the bracelet from his

wrist. “How?”

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“A little gift from Ahm.”
Now Luke was even more confused. “You know Ahm?” The

shadow elf was legendary in his tribe. Ahm was responsible for the
slaughter of so many. And Maverick knew him? He yanked his wrist
free, glaring up at the alpha. If Maverick had a key, that meant he had
to be cozy with Ahm. “Do you know how many of my people he has
killed in cold blood?”

“And did anyone ever tell you why?”
Could there possibly be a reason why a man killed so many

innocent elves? Their lives had changed forever because of Ahm.
Shanta had turned cruel and uncaring because of the war between the
wood elves and the shadow elves. “Enlighten me.”

Maverick grinned as he leaned back against his desk. “I like you.”
“Do you know someone named Teaky?”
“Yes, he disappeared without a trace. We assumed he was another

casualty of war.” That was what Shanta had told everyone. Was it
another of his lies?

“Teaky raped and murdered Ahm’s sister. That’s what started the

war. Ahm was looking for the one responsible.”

Luke gasped as he stood there. His head began to spin as the truth

finally came out. Shanta had told them that Ahm wanted to rule the
wood elves, that that was what the war had been about. Shanta swore
he was only trying to protect this people. “Did Shanta know this?”

Maverick growled, standing straighter. “Shanta knew that and so

much more. He even called a hit on my head, as well as three other

Luke felt sick. How deep did Shanta’s betrayal go? His head

snapped up as he stared into the wolf’s eyes. “He is after my son,
Cole. He is trying to kill me in order to take my son. Do you know

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Maverick shook his head as he glanced over at Malcolm, an

apologetic look in his eyes. Luke had a feeling that the alpha didn’t
look that way too often. “No, but you have my pack’s full support.
We won’t let anyone near Cole.” Maverick turned toward Malcolm,
stretching his hand out.

Malcolm shook it as he pulled Luke into his side. “Thanks.”
Luke walked out of there feeling like a free man. He no longer

had the bracelet around his wrist, confining him. He wanted to shout
for joy as he flipped his middle finger toward the sky.

“What was that for?” Malcolm asked as he climbed into the truck.
“That was for Shanta. That was for that stupid bracelet, too.”
“I don’t understand what happened back there. Why did Maverick

need a key to take it off?”

“That bracelet is a curse!” And it was. If Luke never saw it again

in his life, he’d be a happy man. “It enslaves elves, takes away their
power to shimmer.”

Malcolm backed the truck from the driveway. “I wish you had

told me.”

Luke shook his head as they drove home. “Even if I had, there

was nothing anyone could have done about it if they didn’t have a

Malcolm leaned over and kissed Luke before pulling onto the

main road, making Luke even happier as they rode home.

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Chapter Twelve

Malcolm rolled his eyes as he chuckled. Luke shimmered from

one side of the room to the other, laughing as he appeared. “I’m

It was strange seeing his mate in one spot and then gone. It was

like watching a Star Trek movie where the crew members stepped
onto the transporter, their bodies fading out. But he was happy that
Luke was happy.

He had no idea that the delicately carved bracelet Luke had worn

was actually a shackle. His mate hadn’t said a word about it to him. “I

His chuckle turned into a groan when Luke shimmered onto the

bed, straddling his lap and running his lithe fingers through
Malcolm’s curly chest hairs. “So, do you want to shimmer

Malcolm could think of only one place he wanted to be right now,

and they didn’t need to go anywhere for that. “Inside of you.”

Luke yelped when Malcolm shot forward, pinning the elf beneath

him, and then flipped him over. The only thing the two were wearing
was underwear, something that could be easily disposed of.

“If you shimmer out of this house without telling me where you

are going”—Malcolm ran one large hand over his mate’s small, flared
cheek—“Papa bear is going to spank this.” He squeezed Luke’s ass
cheek gently, massaging it afterward.

Luke moaned as he raised his ass higher, trying to follow

Malcolm’s hand with his butt. “I promise.”

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Malcolm laced a finger into the waistband, pulling Luke’s

underwear down to reveal one pale globe. His cock thickened at the
sight as he leaned down and dragged his tongue along his mate’s
heady skin.

One taste wasn’t going to be enough.
Malcolm pulled the underwear down and off, tossing them aside

as he kicked his free. He separated Luke’s cheeks, seeing the pink
puckered hole staring up at him. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue
over his mate’s tight entrance, letting the tip of his tongue invade.

“Papa bear,” Luke groaned as he wiggled his ass around. “Don’t


Malcolm had no intentions of stopping. He’d never given a blow

job in his life, but he was about to learn real fast. He wanted his mate
to enjoy just as much pleasure as he gave. Malcolm pushed Luke to
his knees, separating the elf’s legs to accommodate him. “Hold still.”

Luke’s head nodded rapidly as he knelt there on the bed. He could

see his mate’s arms shaking. Malcolm dipped his head once more,
letting his tongue slide over his mate’s wrinkled sac. His mate’s skin
was salty and sweet as he nipped one inner thigh and then the other.

His hand snaked forward, his fingers trailing up and down Luke’s

hard cock as his tongue twirled around his mate’s balls and then up,
back toward his mate’s hole again.

His tongue delved into the tight star as he groaned, licking and

nipping. Malcolm placed his hands on Luke’s hips, bringing him back
as his tongue sank deeper into perfection. A finger joined in the play,
Malcolm licking all around it.

“Pa–papa bear,” Luke stuttered.
Malcolm slipped another finger in as his tongue continued to

bathe his mate’s hole. His mate tasted like the sweetest nectar, the
most fragrant honey. Malcolm couldn’t get enough. When a third
finger fit with no resistance, Malcolm pulled free and leaned back,
lining his cock up and plunging deeply into his mate’s welcoming

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He shivered at the tightness around his cock.
Luke’s body had to be made just for him. His own personal


Laying his hand between Luke’s shoulder blades, Malcolm

pressed the elf’s shoulders into the mattress as he grabbed his hips,
pulling so far back that only the head remained, and then slammed

Luke cried out, pushing his ass back to meet Malcolm’s forward

thrusts. Malcolm lifted Luke higher, taking away his ability to move
as he jetted into him. The feel of his mate wrapped around his cock
was exquisite.

Malcolm could feel the tingling claw up his spine as it wrapped

around his hips. He pulled free before he came and flipped Luke over,
swallowing his mate’s cock. Luke’s legs fell apart as he fucked
Malcolm’s mouth with quick bursts.

Trying his best to keep his canines from hurting his mate,

Malcolm laved his tongue around Luke’s cock as he felt his mate’s
cum hit the back of his throat. Luke shouted, his hips snapping rapidly
as Malcolm swallowed his seed.

Malcolm reared back and plunged back into Luke’s soft body as

his cock exploded, bright lights swimming in his eyes as every muscle
in his body convulsed.

He dropped forward, onto his arms, as he cupped his calloused

hands around Luke’s face. “I love you, Luke.”

Luke stared up at him, his chocolate-brown eyes swimming with

tears. “I love you, too, papa bear.”

Malcolm chuckled at the term. He would perish the day Luke

stopped calling him that. He pulled his mate close, his cock still
buried deep as he dozed off to sleep.

* * * *

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Luke bent at the waist as he pulled Cole’s clothes from the dryer.

Folding them nice and neat, he laid the tiny items in the basket. Luke
couldn’t believe the stuff Curtis had brought here for Cole.

There were three trash bags full of clothes, a high chair,

Jumperoo, toys, car seat, and a crib. Cole wanted for nothing now.
Hell, he had more clothes now than he did when they lived with
Luke’s tribe.

He was grateful to Curtis for bringing the items and he was

grateful to whoever had donated them. It was a blessing. Running
with nothing more than the clothes on his back and a diaper bag
hadn’t been the smartest move, but when faced with the real
possibility of losing his son, Luke hadn’t cared.

He smiled as he thought about Cole. The baby was a true gift to

him. Curtis was upstairs right now with Cole so Luke could get some
cleaning done. The bears weren’t that messy, but he liked to earn his
keep around here.

Malcolm had turned the small adjoining room that was off of their

bedroom into a nursery. The room had been used as a storage space,
but cleaning the room out hadn’t been that difficult. Luke loved how
he and his son were so accepted into the Lakelands’ home—except
for Riley, but Luke tried not to let that bother him.

His hand stilled when a dark and ominous feeling washed over

him. Luke stood up straight, wondering why he was feeling this way.
But no matter how much he tried to shake the feeling, it only became
stronger, making his guts tighten with panic.

Shimmering out of the laundry room, Luke appeared in Cole’s

nursery. No one was there. Curtis should have been in here with Cole.
Luke ran from the room, checking the entire house, but his son and
Curtis were nowhere to be found.

His heart ceased to beat in his chest as his breathing became

labored. Luke crumpled to his knees as he cried out.

Cole was gone.

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Luke’s anguish turned to rage, mounting and building, coursing

through his veins until all he saw was Shanta’s head on a fucking
platter. He never in his life wanted someone dead, until now.

“What’s wrong?” Malcolm asked as he rushed into the living


Luke slowly raised his head, hot, wet tears streaming down his

face. “Cole is gone,” he growled between clenched teeth and then
shimmered to his tribe.

* * * *

Malcolm stood there gaping for half a second before murderous

thoughts began to plague him. He shouted for his sons, telling them to
gather their mates. He wanted the ones who couldn’t defend
themselves to go to the Den while he and his boys went in search of
Luke and Cole.

Shanta was going to pay for messing with the Lakelands.
“Curtis is missing,” Chauncey shouted as he ran down the steps.

“He was in the nursery with Cole. Now he’s gone. They are both

Malcolm cursed as Chauncey shot out of the front door. He ran

after his son, trying to stop him, but Malcolm knew that was a
fruitless task. Chauncey had shifted and was heading into the woods.

“Call Maverick,” he shouted to Riley.
Olsen came downstairs with Steven, Alex, Tater, and D. The two

vampires shrank back at the morning light, but within seconds Carter
was there. He shimmered the mates out.

“Maverick is sending Carter for the mates and he and some of his

men are on their way,” Riley said as he ran back into the living room.

Malcolm looked at his oldest, seeing the sincerity in his grey eyes.

“It’s not that I don’t like Luke. It’s just that…” He trailed off once

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Malcolm walked over to Riley and cupped his face, tilting his

son’s head back so he could look him in the eyes. “No one will ever
take me from any of you. I may be mated now, but things between
you and I haven’t changed. You’re still my number one on the ranch
and will always be my number one son.”

“How touching,” Chance said as he walked past them. “Now if

Riley is over his fucking insecurities, can we go get our pa and
brother back? Not to mention Curtis.”

Malcolm knew Chance had a bond with Chauncey’s mate. He and

his twin were as close as twin brothers could be. But Chance had
killed for Curtis. A bond like that was forged when blood was spilled.

Malcolm walked away, feeling a blinding emptiness so deep, his

soul bled from it. He wanted Luke back in his arms, in his home.
Maverick pulled up, as well as another truck. Malcolm, along with his
sons, climbed in.

Not a word was said as they raced to the land Maverick had given

the wood elves when they were on the run from the shadow elves.
How ironic that it was the same elves out to kill his mate and use his
son for something unknown.

Malcolm sat back, deep in thought as they drove at a breakneck

speed to rescue those that they loved.

The truck stopped about a mile from the tribe’s land.
“We’re going to shift and go in on foot. Watch out for exploding

huts,” Maverick said as he and his men climbed from the truck.

“Exploding huts?” Chance quirked a brow as he, too, exited the

vehicle. “This sounds like fun.”

* * * *

Luke held on to his sanity by a thin string as he secretly searched

the village. He shimmered in and out when he knew no one was
looking. Cole and Curtis could be anywhere, but he prayed Shanta
was egotistical enough to bring them here.

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If he hadn’t, Luke wasn’t sure where to find them.
He would search for the two until the end of time if he had to.

There was no way in hell he was giving up. He couldn’t. Losing Cole
was like losing a part of his soul. That little boy was a part of him that
Luke refused to let go of.

Luke could feel the heated tears behind his eyes as he continued to

search. Just when he had thought his life had taken a turn for the
worst, fate had sent him Malcolm. Luke had thought that things were
going to change, that Malcolm’s strong presence in his life was some
sort of sign.

But here he was, searching for his son that the rank leader bastard

had taken.

Luke had never really been a fighter. All his life he had tried to

solve his problems by working them out. His mother had taught him
that words were more powerful than fists. But today he was going to
use more than his fists. He was going to fight Shanta to the bitter end
to get Cole back into his arms where he belonged.

“You won’t find him.”
Luke spun around to see Shanta standing behind him. He stood

tall and proud, refusing to react to the leader’s statement. “What do
you want with him?” he asked as he moved a step away. He wasn’t
going to allow the vile man anywhere near him. Luke wasn’t going to
be tricked into wearing another bracelet.

Shanta gave a tight shrug as he leaned back against the wall. Luke

wanted to jam his fist into the smug bastard’s face. “At his last exam,
it was discovered that he has a very rare blood type. We have been
trying to find a cure for the drug Liquid Wrath.”

Luke had no idea that Shanta had been trying to find a cure. Had

his humanity returned? “What does Cole have to do with any of it?”

“Think,” Shanta almost shouted as he stood. “Use your damn

brain and open your eyes. Your son’s blood is the cure. Do you know
how many people can be saved?”

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Luke gaped at Shanta. His son’s blood was the cure? Anger filled

him at the thought of Cole being someone’s experiment. Had all the
children’s blood of their tribe been tested? He started feeling guilty—
guilt that he wouldn’t allow Cole to be used that way. His son’s blood
might save the lives of many, but Luke wasn’t willing to let Cole be
hooked up to a damn IV and drained.

He started to look at Shanta in a whole new light. Maybe he

wasn’t as bad as Luke thought he was, just desperate to save many.

And then Shanta opened his mouth.
“Do you know how much money I could make selling that cure?

We would be rich, you and me, ruling the paranormal community

“Are you serious?” Luke shouted. “You want to use my son as a

damn cash cow? You have to be out of your fucking mind!” His anger
mounted as he stood there, imagining his hands wrapped around
Shanta’s neck. “I won’t allow it.”

“How will you stop me? You have no idea where Cole is.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Curtis groaned as he rubbed his head. His vision was blurred, and

his head was pounding loudly in his ears.

“It’s about time you woke up.”
Curtis rolled from the bed he had been lying on, hitting the floor

hard. He shot straight to his feet, ready to take on whoever was there.
He was disoriented, feeling a bit woozy, and his stomach rolled as the
need to vomit hit him hard, but Curtis managed to fight all of it off.

To his surprise, the guy looked as harmless as a damn kitten. It

was a grown man. He could tell by the shadow of a beard on the guy’s
chin, but the innocence in the man’s eyes made him relax, slightly.

Looks could sometimes be deceiving.
“Who are you?”
“That’s not important. The important thing is to get you and the

child out of here before Shanta returns. Not all of us agree with what
that madman is doing.”

Curtis wasn’t too sure if he could trust the guy, but what choice

did he have? He didn’t know where he was or what he was dealing
with. “If you betray me, I have an entire pack of wolves that will hunt
you down and gut you.” Not to mention Chauncey.

Curtis knew for a fact that his mate was looking for him at this

very moment.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, but I’m honestly not

lying to you.” The man hurried to the door, opening it slowly as he
stuck his head out. He waved for Curtis to follow him as he ran from
the room.

Curtis took a deep breath, praying he wasn’t walking into a trap.

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* * * *

Malcolm walked into the hut, his heart breaking as he saw Luke

kneeling next to Shanta’s bloody body. A knife was in his hand as he
was looking at the man as if nothing was real.

His mate shook his head, his hand shaking as he laid the knife on

the ground. “He wouldn’t tell me where Cole was. He wanted to drain
my son, use him for financial gain.”

Malcolm approached slowly, kicking the knife away from Luke

before he squatted down next to his mate. “Are you hurt, Luke?”

Luke looked up at Malcolm, his chocolate-brown eyes filled with

anguish. “He wasn’t going to tell me where my son was,” his mate
repeated. “He tried to kill me with that knife.” Luke pointed to the
bloody piece of metal that Malcolm had kicked across the room. “I
couldn’t let him kill me. Who would look after Cole if I was dead?”

Malcolm knew his mate was in shock. He knew for a fact that

Luke had never killed a man before. His mate was too sweet, too kind
to have ever killed anyone. He reached out slowly and pulled Luke
into his arms, holding him.

“We need to find Curtis and Cole,” Malcolm reminded him.
Malcolm stood, pulling Luke to his feet as they walked out of the

hut. He wasn’t sure how he was going to find his son or son-in-law,
but Malcolm was never going to give up. He would search until his
dying day for Cole and Curtis.

And he knew Chauncey would as well.
Speaking of Chauncey. His son came running out of the woods,

growling as he entered the village. One of the elves ran toward
Malcolm, his eyes wide when Chauncey began to charge after him.

“I’m not trying to harm you!” the man shouted as he neared

Malcolm. “Call him off!”

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“Chauncey,” Malcolm shouted. It was the only way to get his

son’s attention. Chauncey came to a halt next to him, his eyes filled
with fear and rage.

“What is it?” he asked the man standing before him. Malcolm had

no patience at the moment.

“I know where Shanta took the baby and man.”
This gained everyone’s attention as the man scooted closer. A few

of the people in Luke’s tribe sneered at the man standing there, but
Malcolm and Maverick surrounded him, giving him their protection.
“Tell me.”

The man wrung his hands, glancing at everyone around him

before lowering his voice. “You have to promise to take me with you.
I’m betraying my people, and they won’t be too happy with me.”

“Tell me!” Luke shouted as he grabbed the man by his collar and

shook him violently. “Tell me where my son is!”

Malcolm knew how Luke felt, but they needed the information

more than Luke needed to strangle the guy.

“You have our word,” Maverick said as he glared at the men

standing around them. The alpha’s glare wasn’t anything to sneeze at.
It even made Malcolm shiver as he stood there waiting for the man to

“Shanta has a place not too far from here that he uses for…other

things. If you take me with you, I’ll show you where it is.”

Without hesitation, Maverick led the man to his truck, helping

him into the backseat. Malcolm followed, pulling Luke into his lap as
the man told them where to go. The second SUV followed close
behind as they drove past the speed limit.

Malcolm prayed along the way that Cole and Curtis were

unharmed. Not only would he lose his mind, but Luke would be
devastated. Not to mention Chauncey. He wasn’t sure what his son
would do if he lost his mate. Chauncey and Curtis were as close as
Malcolm had seen two people. They lived and breathed for one

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another. Chauncey sat in the backseat with Malcolm, not saying one
single word as he stared out of the window.

Malcolm wasn’t sure if he had ever seen Chauncey this quiet.

Except for the time when he first discovered Curtis was his mate. It
was eerie, but he knew how his son felt.

“There.” The man pointed to an access road.
Maverick made the turn, gunning the SUV down the road, a grim

expression on his face. Malcolm set Luke aside, ready to take on
whoever got in his way. That was his son and son-in-law in that
building, and nothing was going to stop him from getting them back.

The SUV came to a skidding stop when Malcolm, along with

Maverick, saw Curtis walking down the road, a bundle wrapped in his

Malcolm jumped from the truck along with Chauncey as they

raced toward Curtis. His smile was wide when he saw Chauncey.
Malcolm grabbed the bundle from Curtis, peeking inside to see Cole
smiling up at him. “Were either of you hurt?”

Curtis shook his head as Chauncey grabbed him and damn near

crushed Curtis to his chest. “No. We had help.”

“Who?” Malcolm asked as his mate and the others joined them.

Malcolm laid Cole in Luke’s arms, watching the tears fall from
Luke’s eyes. He pulled his mate and son close, looking to Curtis for
an answer.

“Some elf. I wanted him to leave with us, but he fears Shanta will

kill him if he does. He’s already risking his life by helping me and
Cole escape.”

“Shanta is dead,” Luke said in a bitter tone.
“Really?” Curtis asked as he looked back at the building. “Then I

need to go tell Garrett.”

An idea formed in Malcolm’s mind as he stood there looking at

Curtis. He turned toward the alpha, seeing a knowing look in
Maverick’s eyes. How the hell did the guy do that?

“You have my full support.”

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Malcolm nodded as he led Luke back to the truck. Chauncey,

along with some of Maverick’s men, went after Garrett.

“Full support of what?” Luke asked as he climbed into the warm


Malcolm chuckled as he hugged his mate to his side. “I was

thinking about using my ranch as sort of a place where people could
find refuge and help them get back onto their feet.”

“But didn’t you tell me that Brac Village already had a resource


Malcolm shrugged. “It would be good for my sons to have some

help, and it couldn’t hurt to give someone a place to feel safe. I can
talk with Taylor, make some sort of arrangement. If they need short-
term help, they can go see him, but if they need something a little
more lengthy, why not?”

Malcolm absolutely loved when Luke smiled like that. It made his

eyes sparkle and his face light up like a sunrise.

Malcolm rolled the window down when he saw Carter shimmer in

where Maverick was standing. This couldn’t be good.

“We have a bit of a situation at home. D has chained himself to

Sloane’s bed, refusing to leave…and his brothers are there, fighting
the wolves to get into the house.”

Maverick ran his hand over his face as he cursed. He looked over

at Malcolm. “Can you handle getting everyone home?”

Malcolm growled.
“Yeah, okay.” Maverick turned, grabbing Carter as he and his

men shimmered out.

“Looks like D is putting up a fight to keep his mate,” Luke said as

he climbed into the front passenger’s seat as Malcolm took the wheel.

“Yeah, but I think he’s going about it the wrong way.”
Boy, was he ever going about it the wrong way. Malcolm just

prayed D knew what he was doing. He knew Maverick wasn’t going
to kill the squirrelly man, but he wasn’t too sure about Sloane.

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* * * *

Luke had Cole strapped to his chest on one of those baby-carrying

things, refusing to let his son out of his sight as he showed Garrett and
Abe—the man who had told where Cole and Curtis were being held—
to a room.

He wasn’t thrilled to have either of them there after what had

happened, but he knew they had tried to help. That counted for

“Dinner is at six. Get some rest. Starting tomorrow Malcolm will

show you what needs to be done around here.”

“Who’s Malcolm?” Garrett asked.
Luke really wished his mate would stop telling everyone to call

him Pa. It was getting confusing. “Pa, now go rest.”

Luke left the two as he walked downstairs. He was tired as hell,

feeling as though he hadn’t slept in years. The stress had gotten to
him even though Shanta was dead, because he still couldn’t relax for
some reason.

Luke rolled his shoulders as he sat down on the couch and picked

up one of the magazines. He wasn’t that worldly, not like Carter had
been. Luke had never gone traveling to see the world. He had been
more of a homebody, so a lot of things were quite new to him.

The wood elves lived very simple lives, no microwaves or

televisions. They had chosen to embrace the old ways, which suited
Luke just fine, but learning to run a washer and dryer had been fun as

He was probably the only guy on the planet to thoroughly enjoy

doing laundry.

Hearing a soft snore, Luke looked down to see Cole’s little arms

and legs dangling from the baby carrier, sound asleep. He curled up
onto the couch to take a nap with his son when Riley walked into the
living room.

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Maybe taking a nap in his bedroom would have been a better idea.
“No, stay,” Riley said when Luke pushed up from the couch and

made to leave. “We need to talk.”

Luke wasn’t too sure about that. Riley had been nothing but cold

to him since Luke first got here. Anything the man had to say to him
couldn’t be good. He covered a yawn, focusing on the man standing
before him.

Riley took a seat on the opposite sofa, setting his drink on the

coffee table as he turned and faced Luke. “I’ve been a prick to you.”

No shit.
Anyone with one workable eye could see that.
“It wasn’t you and I’m sorry I took it out on you,” Riley

continued. “You see, me and my pa have worked this ranch side by
side since coming here, and well…”

Luke picked up where Riley trailed off. “You were afraid I’d

change that.”

Riley nodded, his cheeks turning a scarlet red. “I know, it sounds


“No,” Luke said as he shook his head. “It sounds reasonable.

You’re close to Malcolm. It’s totally understandable. But you have to
know, Riley”—Luke laid his hand on Riley’s arm, making the man
look at him—“that I would never do anything to jeopardize your
relationship with your father.”

Riley grabbed his drink from the coffee table, taking a long

swallow as if nervous for some reason. It must be hard to admit being
wrong, especially a large man like Riley, who always wore such a
stern and serious look on his face.

It had to have killed his pride.
Luke smiled at Riley, patting him on his knee. “We cool?”
Riley chuckled as he nodded. “You’ve been hanging around the

twins way too much.”

Maybe so, but they were fun as hell to be around. He was still

trying to get to know the triplets, and Roman, the youngest, stayed

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gone most of the time working. But the twins always managed to
make Luke laugh.

“I guess I have.”
Luke curled up onto the couch, wrapping his arms around his

sleeping son as he laid his head onto one of the decorative couch
pillows. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m long overdue for a nap with
my youngest son.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Luke’s eyes snapped open as he glanced up at the clock. He’d

only been asleep for half an hour, but he had come awake with the
feeling that someone was watching him. The feeling was unnerving.

He glanced around as he lay there, his arms wrapped tightly

around his son, who was still asleep. No one was there. Luke sat up,
holding on to Cole as he yawned. It had to be everything that had
taken place in the past couple of days.

His nerves were shot, and it would take a while for them to settle.
Taking Cole to the nursery, Luke pulled him from his baby carrier

and placed him in his crib. His son didn’t wake up. He knew how the
little guy felt. Luke was still exhausted. Luke grabbed a diaper and
changed his son, careful not to wake him.

He was used to using cloth diapers. These disposable ones were

the bomb. Luke rolled his eyes. Maybe he had been hanging around
the twins a little too often. He smiled to himself as he turned to throw
the soiled diaper away. There, standing in the doorway of the nursery,
was Garrett.

“You shouldn’t be in here. This is a private room.”
The man made no move toward Luke, but he didn’t say anything

either. Ice-cold chills raced up Luke’s spine as he stood there waiting
for the man to say something, anything.

“Please leave,” he said, more demanding, putting force behind his


Garrett still didn’t say anything. He cocked his head, studying


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Luke glanced at the changing table. He had slipped the gun in the

top drawer, behind the stack of new diapers. For some reason, he
knew he was going to need it. It ate away at him to think of killing
someone else.

Once in his lifetime was enough for him.
But he would do whatever he had to do to protect his sleeping son.

“Why are you here?” He tried a different approach.

“Shanta was such a fool.”
Luke couldn’t agree more. The leader had become greedy, cold,

and cruel. Luke didn’t believe in killing, but if anyone deserved it, it
was Shanta. “We agree on that.”

Garrett looked past Luke to where Cole lay sleeping. Once again

the chills hit him hard. He didn’t like the way the man was staring at
his son, almost curiously.

“He never listened to me.”
Luke was confused. Was Garrett talking about Cole? “Who?” He

took a step closer to the crib, placing his body between Cole’s and

“Shanta. I told him he needed not only Cole’s blood, but yours as

well. It wouldn’t work without the combination. But he insisted that
the baby’s blood was sufficient enough. Fool. Now look at him. Had
he listened to me, the plan would have worked.” Garrett stood there
and explained things as if he were talking about the weather, cool,

Luke’s heart was pounding so hard that he thought it was going to

burst from his chest. Was this never going to end? He was sick and
tired of being sick and tired. Luke just wanted a quiet life, spending it
with his family in peace.

This shit was really starting to wear thin.
Luke glanced once more at the changing table. He could take Cole

and shimmer away, but that would only mean Garrett would still be
somewhere, waiting for the opportunity to strike again.

Luke wanted his son safe.

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He debated on leaving Cole’s side to get to the gun, but that

would mean Garrett would have a chance to get to Cole. Luke wasn’t
willing to take that chance.

“If you both go with me quietly, I promise not to harm either of


“So you played the scared employee?” Luke asked, using the

question as a stall tactic, praying someone would intervene if he kept
Garrett talking.

“Of course, how else was I supposed to get near you?” Garrett

asked as if Luke should have known the answer.

“But Curtis had left you. How did you know he would be back?”
Garrett shrugged. “I didn’t. It was sheer luck that he came back

for me. I was going to show up here, acting as though I had nowhere
to go. That young man saved me the trouble. What a sweet boy he is.”

What rotten luck for Luke.
“Now, I’m finished talking. Let’s get moving. The cure awaits,

and so do the millions I’ll make off of the cure.”

Luke had no choice. If he was going to save his son, he had to act

now. He lunged, grabbing onto Garrett as he shimmered out. But he
didn’t shimmer without a plan.

“You stupid fool,” Garrett snapped as he pushed Luke off of him.

“Now we only have to go back to retrieve the baby.”

“I don’t think so,” Maverick said as he stood.
Luke grabbed Garrett before he could shimmer away. The man

struggled, throwing punches at Luke as he tried to yank his arm free.

Maverick was around his desk and snapping the bracelet in place

in no time flat. Who kept an elf bracelet in their desk? Luke didn’t
care. Garrett wasn’t going to shimmer any damn where anytime soon.

“Go,” Maverick said as he jerked his head to the side. “I have this.

You and your son are safe now.”

Luke nodded as he shimmered out, appearing back in the nursery.

He immediately checked on Cole. His son was still sound asleep.

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“Dinner is ready,” Malcolm said as he walked into the nursery,

smiling at Luke with that sexy-as-sin smile. Luke could finally smile
back. That feeling of foreboding was finally gone. He knew the alpha
would take care of Garrett so the bastard couldn’t cause any more

“Great, I’m starved.”
Malcolm walked over to the crib, grabbing Cole. Luke hadn’t

even noticed that his son had woken up. He walked with his mate
from the nursery, closing the door tightly behind him.

* * * *

Malcolm pulled the blankets back and crawled into bed, settling

down next to his mate. Luke’s warm body was inviting, making
Malcolm hard in all the right places. “So, are you going to tell me
where you were when I came to get you for dinner the first time?”

Luke curled his lips in as he blushed. “Caught that, did ya?”
Malcolm growled low.
Luke lay there, explaining to him about Garrett and what had

transpired. Malcolm could feel his rage spiking higher and higher. It
didn’t sway him from wanting to help those in need of a safe place to
stay, but it sure made him want to kill the bastard who had tried to
take his son and mate…again.

“So it’s finally over?” Malcolm asked as he pulled Luke close.
“Yeah, it’s finally over. I can settle into my new life without

worrying about anyone else coming after us. That is, as long as no one
knows about mine and Cole’s blood.” Luke finished his sentence as
he climbed up on top of Malcolm, settling over his groin.

“And what are you going to do up there?” Malcolm asked as the

heat and hunger in Luke’s eyes had his cock coming to life.

“You’re going to fuck me while I ride this thick cock of yours,”

Luke said as he rocked back and forth over Malcolm’s shaft.

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Malcolm ran his hands over the flat planes of Luke’s stomach, his

fingers stroking soft flesh. He wanted nothing more than to fill his
mate with his cock. He watched in amazement as Luke’s shaft grew,
jutting out in front of him.

He would never tire of that sight.
Wild hunger invaded Malcolm as he flipped Luke over, his tongue

bathing his mate’s chest, sucking one sensitive nipple between his
lips. He groaned as he inserted his large, beefy thigh between Luke’s
legs, letting his mate ride his thigh, taking his own pleasure as
Malcolm sampled his body.

He could feel Luke’s balls smashing into his leg, small drops of

pre-cum flowing onto his skin. Malcolm felt weak and powerless
when it came to Luke in the throes of passion. Nothing mattered at the
moment except making Luke scream his name.

“Papa bear,” Luke cried out as his body shuddered.
Malcolm reached behind Luke, caressing his mounds as he teased

the nipple with his teeth before licking across Luke’s flat sternum and
taking the other peaked nipple into his mouth. Malcolm’s cock was
hard as steel as he sucked and teased his mate’s chest.

His hand slid down, teasing the skin between Malcolm’s thigh and

Luke’s body. His mate sucked in a deep breath as he tried to impale
his ass on Malcolm’s exploring finger.

Growling low, Malcolm took Luke’s lips in a searing kiss, his

tongue exploring his mate’s heated mouth as his finger slid into
Luke’s hole.

“Yes,” Luke hissed into Malcolm’s mouth.
Malcolm broke the kiss as he pressed his lips to Luke’s ear. “Do

you want my cock buried deep inside of you, Luke? Do you want to
feel me fucking you? Sweet Luke, I want you so badly.”

“Then take me.” Luke’s breath was ragged as he fought to

breathe. Malcolm could see the struggle as he leaned back, staring
into the most beautiful chocolate-brown eyes. Every time he looked

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into Luke’s eyes he was sucker punched in the gut with desire. It was
a need so strong that it clawed at his very insides.

Malcolm pulled the bottle of lube from under the pillow, coating

his fingers, and then stroked his fingers around his mate’s tight
entrance. “Open up for me,” he murmured as he slid both fingers in.

“Sweet, sweet Luke,” Malcolm groaned as he scissored his

fingers, stretching his mate, feeling the silkiness of his body. He
almost felt dizzy, desperate as he added a third finger. He wanted
inside his mate so badly that his teeth ached.

His cock was throbbing painfully, pulsing out a beat that matched

the rhythm of his heart as he patiently relaxed his mate’s puckered

When Malcolm felt like he was going to tumble over the edge

without being inside his mate, he pulled his fingers free. Taking
Luke’s lips once more, Malcolm entered him. The need to take Luke
quickly ripped through him, but Malcolm managed to take him

Luke’s fingers entwined in Malcolm’s hair as he whimpered into

Malcolm’s mouth. He knew how Luke felt. The feeling of their bodies
joining together felt like an ocean wave crashing into him and pulling
him under.

The feeling was intense, making Malcolm wish he didn’t ever

have to leave Luke’s side again. Luke’s kiss was filled with a sweet
ecstasy that was driving Malcolm nuts. He pushed his cock all the
way in, bottoming out and then pulled back, chuckling into Luke’s
mouth as his mate’s ass chased his cock.

“You know I owe you a spanking?” Malcolm asked as he began to

nibble at Luke’s jaw.

“F–For what?” Luke asked as he tilted his head to the side.
“For leaving without telling me.”
Luke groaned as Malcolm picked up his pace, sliding in and out of

his mate’s ass with a rhythm that was driving them both closer to the

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“Not fair,” Luke replied as he wrapped his legs around Malcolm’s

waist. “I had no choice.”

Malcolm reached down and pinched Luke’s nipples as he shoved

his cock deep into his mate’s ass. “I’m still going to spank you.”

“Promise?” Luke asked as his nails dug into Malcolm’s back.
Pleasure raced up Malcolm’s spine as his balls drew close to his

body. He slid his hand under Luke’s soft ass and lifted it higher,
delving deeper as he felt the all-too-familiar tingle race up his spine.

Luke began to stroke his cock, small moans falling from his lips

as Malcolm began to hammer into his body.

His mate was the first to cry out as ropes of pearly white cum

splashed between them. Malcolm bit into his mate’s neck as Luke’s
orgasm triggered his. His body exploded as he licked the wound
closed, nuzzling into Luke’s neck and trying his best to get his
breathing back under control.

Luke spooned in front of Malcolm as he let out a content sigh.

Malcolm lay there awake long after Luke had fallen asleep. He ran his
hand over his mate’s silky hair, thankful for that cold winter’s day
when he heard a baby crying.

It had brought him his mate, someone he wasn’t expecting but

would never let go of now that he finally had him in his arms.

* * * *

Luke stood there laughing as Abe ran from Lover Lost. The elf

had been there for a week now, but he was still scared of the horses.
How was he going to work a ranch if he jumped every time a cow

“He’ll get the hang of it,” Malcolm said as he wrapped his arms

around Luke.

“I sure hope so. We have enough mates doing housework. If he

doesn’t learn to get along with the animals, I’m not sure what we

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could give him to do.” Luke liked having Abe around. The man was
funny as hell and nice to be around, even if he was terrified of the
animals. “He’s just not used to being around them.”

Malcolm grinned as he pulled Luke toward his truck. He knew

that look. Malcolm was up to something.

“Now it’s your turn to learn something new.”
Luke tried to dig his feet in, but Malcolm was too strong, pulling

him along as he pushed Luke into the driver’s seat. “This isn’t one of
your better ideas,” he squeaked as his mate climbed into the
passenger’s side.

“I taught seven boys how to drive. I think I know what I’m


Luke sure hoped so.
He sat there and listened as his mate taught him what was what.

“Now put your seat belt on and turn the key.”

Luke followed the instructions, jumping when the truck came to

life. He was scared out of his mind, but was determined to learn how
to drive.

How hard could it be?
“Now press on the brakes as you shift it into drive.”
Okay, he could do this. The truck was huge, but it was just a

truck. He had seen other people drive with ease, and Luke wanted the
same. He smashed the brake down as he pushed the gear into drive.
His foot trembled on the brake, but he wasn’t going to move until
Malcolm told him to.

“Now ease your foot off of the brake.”
Luke let his foot go, his eyes wide as the truck began to move

forward. He slammed his foot down, panic gripping him as he tried to
stop the truck.

Unfortunately he pushed the gas pedal instead.
“Brakes, Luke, brakes,” Malcolm shouted as Luke tried his best to

steer the truck. He was panicking, forgetting which was the brake as

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he barreled toward the barn. Luke saw Riley shout as he grabbed
Lover Lost and took off, Abe running close behind him.

This was bad.
Really bad.
Right before he hit the barn, Malcolm pushed his leg past Luke

and smashed it into the brakes, stopping the truck within inches of the
building. “Get out.”

Luke swallowed as he turned the key, cutting the motor.
“You have to put it in park first, Luke,” Malcolm said calmly, but

Luke could see his mate’s jaw ticking. He tried to push the gear into
park, but it wouldn’t let him.

“Get out.”
Luke jumped from the driver’s seat, slamming the truck door as

he glared back at his mate. It wasn’t his fault he sucked at driving.
He’d rather shimmer where he needed to go. It was a lot safer.

And less of a headache.
And Luke didn’t nearly destroy buildings.
“You suck.” Chauncey laughed as he stood on the porch, grinning

from ear to ear. “Can you drive me into town?” He hooted with

Luke flipped him off as he headed back toward the house. He

stomped into the living room, plopping down on the couch with his
arms over his chest. It had looked so damn easy. Why had the truck
grown a mind of its own and taken off?

“You’ll get it,” Malcolm said as he walked through the door. “I’ll

just have Chauncey teach you. My heart can’t take another round of
you almost getting hurt.”

Luke didn’t want to hear it. Malcolm had yelled at him, and he

wasn’t going to be easily swayed. It was his first time. His bear
should have had more patience with him.

“You gonna stay mad at me?” Malcolm asked as he dropped down

next to Luke.


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Luke glanced at his mate, seeing Malcolm’s soft grey eyes filled

with laughter. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t stay mad at his mate.
His papa bear was everything to him, and he wasn’t going to let his
driving lesson take that away.

“You better be lucky I love you so much.” And he did, with every

fiber in him. Malcolm was everything Luke could hope for in a mate
and so much more. He chuckled when Malcolm pulled him onto his
lap, laying kisses all over his face.

The man had a way of making Luke feel like the center of his


* * * *

D sat on the side of his bed, his chin resting in the palms of his

hands as his elbows rested on his knees.

His plan to chain himself to Sloane’s bed hadn’t quite worked out

the way he had planned. The wolf had him free and out of his room in
two seconds flat.

Once he explained to his brothers that he wouldn’t be mated to a

wolf and that he was going back to the Lakelands, they left, not too
happy with him, but finally leaving him be.

Carter shimmered him back here, to his lonely and cold room.
D heaved a heavy sigh as he thought about his strong and

handsome mate. He wasn’t giving up. He wanted to be mated to the

And not even Sloane was going to stand in his way.


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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 20: Steven’s Journey

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 21: Alex’s Secret

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 22: Tater’s Bear

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 23: Curtis’s Dads

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 24:

A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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Lynn Hagen Brac Pack 5 Stormy Eyes
Brac Pack 28 Take my hand Lynn Hagen
Brac Pack 03 Sunshines Savior
Lynn Hagen Brac Pack 7 Keata s Promise
Brac Pack 24 A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas
Brac Pack 02 Hawks Pretty Baby
Brac Pack 11 Mark s Not Gay
Brac Pack 07 Keatas Promise
Brac Pack 10 Lewis s Dream
Brac Pack 19 Dagons Ride
Brac Pack 21 Alexs Secret
Brac Pack 26 His Imperfect Mate
Lynn Hagen Brac Pack 4 Remi s Pup
Brac Pack 14 Nicolas s Wolf
Brac Pack 05 Stormy Eyes
Lynn Hagen Riley s Downfall (Brac Pack 30)
Lynn Hagen Brac Pack 1 Maverick s Mate
Brac Pack 20 Steven s Journey
Brac Pack 06 Olivers Heart

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