the houses, aspects, and returns
here is a need for intellectual
growth and mind expansion.
the acceptance of challenge and a
need to move on in all spheres of life
is important. these individuals
are optimistic, positive in outlook,
and generally enthusiastic.
these individuals’ minds seem
to work intuitively here, and with
forever broadening intellectual
horizons. an understanding of
different cultures is possible, and
both intellectual and geographical
journeys will be undertaken.
here is an eternal student
on a quest for knowledge. the mind
will need constant challenges, and
questions will be asked and the
answers assiduously sought out.
however, the powers of concentration
are not particularly brilliant.
this is where we find the lover
of long‑distance travel, with living
and working abroad, or emigrating,
being distinct possibilities. Love
affairs often occur when travelling.
there is motivation to study,
undermined by laziness.
this placing leads to an
energetic and adventurous spirit
that will engage in extensive travel.
there is intelligence, but hastiness
in speech and a hurried approach
to study does not bode well for
examination results.
Jupiter will exert its best
influence in this permutation.
there is considerable intellectual
potential, which will be expressed
through the influence of the
Jupiter sign. communication
skills are good and people with
this configuration are often able
to speak several languages.
here we have the
serious thinkers of the zodiac,
who will concentrate on, and
attempt to alleviate, important
world issues and suffering. travel
is not usually enjoyed, since
these individuals may have a fear
of flying or be reluctant to journey
far from home.
ur anuS
this placing adds brilliance
to the mind. original ideas will
happily be passed on to others for
development, while these individuals
take upon themselves the challenge
of further invention.
dreams and wishes are
ruled by the ninth house, and when
neptune is there it will bring these
fantasies to the conscious mind.
this means that it will be all too
easy to drift up to cloud nine at
almost any eventuality.
here is a mind that works
compulsively, with a strong desire to
study in‑depth and to accept mental
challenges. these are often more
complicated than assumed at first,
resulting in a considerable build‑up
of stress, frustration, and anger.
the chiron influence will
encourage these individuals to
seek out new, fascinating, and
daring challenges, which they
will blithely work their way
through to a satisfactory
conclusion. extreme
opinions will need
to be modified.
ninth house: the house of sagittarius and jupiter
Interest in travel,
different cultures, and
foreign languages
are common themes
of the Ninth House.