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There is a tendency towards

isolationism here. These individuals
will go to their place of employment
and work hard, but then will be in a
rush to return to their pad to restore
themselves for the next day. Music
and books will be important.

ur anuS

The contrasting zodiac

entities come together through
humanitarianism. These people
have the potential to do a lot of
good for humanity, as the sharpness
of the planet will ignite action from
the somewhat complacent attitude
of the Twelfth House.


Here is Neptune in its own

place, bringing a genuine, meaningful
faith, perhaps dedication to a cause,
an esoteric subject, or to animals
or the sick. A talent for poetry, dance,
ice-skating, or singing is very possible
and should be developed.


This tends to make individuals

extremely secretive, with an inability
to open up and talk when things
go wrong. Sometimes there are
deep-rooted psychological problems
that are difficult to resolve and from
which there is no attempt to move on.


At times these individuals feel

frustrated or inferior. Care is needed
to avoid escapist drugs when this
happens. The Chiron energy will,
however, stimulate the imagination
which should be given concrete
and creative form.


Here are private people, who

are at their best working behind-
the-scenes. They need peace and
quiet – in whatever form suits them
as individuals – and their own space;
this is especially important to them
if they are creative.


even if these individuals are

extrovert they must recognize the
need to refresh their spirit. A discipline
such as yoga will be restorative, as
will going on retreats or taking up
an engrossing hobby.


Conflict can occur

between the logic of Mercury and
the emotional and spiritual content
of the Twelfth House. However, the
two can come together if there is a
love of poetry and literature, or
indeed a talent for writing.


Secrecy is common, especially

if these individuals are involved in
love affairs. Sometimes there is
inhibition and shyness – often in
respect of their own creative work
– designs, fashion, and so on.


Here is secretiveness and

difficulty in unburdening problems;
as a result, anger and stress will tend
to build up. If there is indication of
a naturally sympathetic nature,
these people do well in the
caring professions.


Here is a sense of vocation

that can be directed towards religion,
or perhaps dedication to the study
of music, dance, or a sport – any
subject that needs hours of regular
practice. There is a very philosophical
attitude to life.

twelfth house: the house of pisces And neptune

Yoga helps in revitalizing one’s
spirits, especially if you have
the placing of the Moon in
the Twelfth House.


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Pytania i odp Finanse Przedsiebiorstw(1), WZR UG, III semestr, Finanse przedsiębiorstw - dr Julia Ko
US companies2, prezentacje
Companeros part 1
Uchwa-a nr 264, od Łukasza
szkoła unit 5 companion

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