the houses
ur anuS
here conflict occurs
between the need for a conventional
family life and personal freedom
and self expression. Within the
family unit, those with this placing
tend to be “different”, with others
making allowances for them.
an over-idealistic attitude
towards home and family life is
common, with individuals often
deluding themselves as to what is
going on. Love and affection will
be present, and possibly problems
with alcohol or drugs.
Frustration during childhood
and youth is common here. perhaps
parents have stopped these individuals
from doing what they really want,
and thereby blocked potential
talent. Intuition is increased
and used to overcome
parental conflicts.
With chiron
placed here, there is a
tendency to be intense
and brooding, along
with a nervous
disposition. self-
confidence needs
to be built, perhaps
through sports such
as swimming
or yachting.
these individuals are very
family oriented, and need its
support and security. above average
closeness to the mother, or perhaps
specific problems concerning her,
are likely. a strong desire
for parenthood.
the strength of the Moon is
considerably increased from this
house, accenting all the characteristics
of its sign, expressed through
reactions and emotions. a love
of, or work with, children is a
special characteristic.
the influence of the
Mercury sign will be related to home
and family. an individual here will
worry too much about the children
(if cancer or Virgo), stimulate them
mentally (if Gemini or sagittarius),
and so on.
a relaxed attitude towards
home and family, peace, and harmony
will be desired, and children may be
spoilt to achieve this. these individuals
will be keen to make their homes
beautiful and very comfortable.
here, energy will be spent
on dIY home improvements.
partnerships may be rushed into
through an enthusiasm for family life.
parents will expect their children to
be fun-loving and noisy, and lively
arguments will often occur.
as parents, these lively
souls will do much to further their
children’s education, and the
home will be full of books and
intellectually stimulating games.
enthusiasm for family participation
in sport and exercise is likely.
this placing very often
shows that the father was either
particularly strict or absent.
the childhood might have
lacked warmth and
comforts, with
importance paid
to discipline and
following rules instead.
fourth house: the house of cancer and the moon
Yachting is a way to
build confidence
for those with
Chiron in the
Fourth House.