diet, as the expansion influence of
Jupiter plays havoc with the figure,
resulting in a lot of weight gain.
there is an ability to work
hard in a disciplined way with this
permutation, but this quality can
turn into an obsessional need, with
the individual neglecting family life
in the pursuit of riches.
ur anuS
uranus will contribute
originality and innovation, and these
qualities will be incorporated into the
working life. scope for freedom of
expression is necessary if life’s routines
are not to become a bore. regular,
sensible eating habits are advisable.
a tendency to hypochondria
often mars the sense of wellbeing.
Medically prescribed drugs can have
a negative effect, and homeopathic
remedies are a useful alternative.
recreational drugs and smoking
are particular dangers.
routine is important –
especially if pluto is in Virgo. Being
too hard on the self, as far as work
patterns are concerned, can lead to
stress and overworking. Bowel
complaints are common.
these individuals can be
obsessive over even minor inhibitions.
a rational and logical attitude will
enable the individual to avoid stress and
self-doubt which may otherwise occur.
Whatever the sun sign, here
is dedication to work and the need
for a predictable routine. health
indications emphasized according
to the sun sign; vulnerability to
stress and worry.
diet is of above average
importance and, if the Moon sign
is sympathetic, vegetarianism could
appeal. relaxation techniques are
advisable to counter stress, nervous
tension, or digestive upsets.
the planet’s influence is
increased in this, its own house.
a lively and sharp mind, and
critical acumen will be pronounced.
considerable attention to detail and
a strong tendency to worry.
there will be lack of
motivation to exercise and generally
a laid-back attitude to routine work
is common. a certain predilection
for sweet, rich food can cause
weight gain and a loss of
physical attractiveness.
here, Mars will invigorate the
nervous system and encourage a
lively mind that particularly enjoys
verbal battles. hasty decision-making
can cause premature action. stress
should be worked off with exercise.
there will be breadth of vision
and optimism. It is important that
these individuals really watch their
A predilection for rich
foods is a common trait
for individuals who have
Venus or Jupiter in the
Sixth House.
sixth house: the house oF virgo and Mercury